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Diet and Fitness
Every question in Diet And Fitness.
Why do you humans taste so great?
Hoe to reduce tummy
Have you ever taken Litramine ? ( weight loss supplement)
I cannot think of a clever team name for the 5K Run or Dye run! Please help! Thanks in advance
This past week my calves have been killing from my heels, are there any good stretches to make me
less sore
What to do when meat is not for you?
How long can you stay on a high protein and very low carb diet without harm to your health???
I would like some tips, personal, facts, I don't care. But I'd like a little help :)
Did my boyfriend get fat?
What's the perfect body muscle type on a guy? Could you post any links to give me an idea please.
Why is shop bought glucose syrup thick and home made recipes are thin and watery?
I have one dumbell and want to work out my biceps, what excercises do you recommend and how
many reps / sets
How to properly land when jumping off a roof?
HR :did you know if you say to yourself:"I fill my heart with gratitude"that your heart rate will go
totally smooth after 5 minutes?
I have the measurements of 36-30-38. I don't know what is a good ratio. I am 5'9 but I also refuse to
step on a scale.
what foods contain glycerin
Why do people think that being slightly overweight is fine?
How can I eat more calories without feeling full? Most day I eat under 1000 calories because I don't
like to feel full.
Which were the main diet of our ancestors?
Do you feel awkward when you're speaking about your weight? Why?
I'm a 5'8 teen. I'm 149 pounds and need to lose 15 in a month to fit into my bikini. How can I do so?
People believe "KRILL"omega 3 is the best. Does anyone think about that Krill is also the vacuum of
ocean ?
I have sweetened (if necessary) with small amounts of org.Maple syrup for decades. How about you?
who is the african american guy in the back seat on the drive time commercial?
i just wanna know if my butt is small or big!!! here's my pic
What is the name of a well known Fitness Instructor?
Which companies has made millions of profit on weight lose?
original garcinia cambogia results
Is your stomach as flat as you would like it to be
Who inspires you most to get healthy?
Bulk ?
Can you wear a jeans and a sport coat with a button up shirt with front pockets?
Are you satisfied with your waist-line?
How are we supposed to drink from 2-5 liters of water per day ? I'm not a bloody cactus X/
Did you know that "any" wheat products cause belly fat ? ( I am including sprouted wheat).
What are the advantage of Lemond Fitness?
My guy friend left out of town without seeing me but he's texting good or bad
Is gym suitable for aged person?
Which is the basic tips for women fitness?
So, I have a thigh gap, and I hate it. What are some ways to get rid of it? Thanks!
I'm a very active 14 year old girl.I've been starving myself but I'm not seeing results.I know its
unhealthy so any weight loss tips?
I want to lose 45 lbs. in 5-6 months. How many miles a day would I need to run to hit my goal? Read
Description for more info.
Are you jealous that I can eat whatever I want and not get fat?
How many calories are there in the average baby?
Do you need to learn how to eat properly?
Why do I find meat and chicken extremely repulsive all of a sudden?
Will running on flat ground slim my calves down and tone them up as i really want slim but toned
Why do some guys consider girls who work out to be gross or manly? I love it
Who likes race day when it comes to obstacle races? Why?
Are proteins from Soy(bean/s) any good for men who work out ?
Are you tired of being overweight or obese?
Is it possible to get fit in 5 weeks?its for a competition .im 22, 138 lbs and 5'9 ft .i will have a strict
diet and train 6 days a week
Is it just me or are you really hot?
If as a child your 130 Ibs and you gain 60 Ibs now your 190 will your head grow into that new
heavier body as you age to keep proportion?
Why are there so many sugar haters on AB?
How can i slim down my face.
How does this technology address the question of when such measures should be used on patients?
does a bananashake burn belly fat I only use fatfree milk and bout 2 bananas and I dont put a lot of
will i lose anymore weight?
To what extent can squats help increase the size of your backside
I'm thirteen and still have round chubby cheeks even though I'm pretty skinny how can I lose the
chubby cheeks?
what did you eat today? I ate: lunch-pbj sandwich and banana dinner-2 hot pockets and a coke
I'm 15 years old and im 5.7ft and i weigh 191lbs. I want to lose weight by gaining muscle. Will i get
loose skin / stretch marks?
Easy writings
Why isn't there a plateau point with situps?
how to get hard abs? some say i have to get my body fat to 8-10% & some say i must eat a ton of
proteins. what's the right way?
Is Shelly the only girl you know who hasn't lost her chapstick?
Have you ever dreamed you were kissing someone and woke up kissing whatever was next to you?
Pillow, dog , person, your kid? It is so crazy!
Are you passionate a bout fitness?
Is "crossfit" workout regime any good for ectmomorph people, and muscle increase ?
Why are Trix are only for kids?
Can you get a full toned body look by doing full body cardio workouts.. example below in description
I keep hearing that you don't need to work out but just eat healthy to have a great body is this true?
Why was Turkey named after a Giant Chicken .... Some people have a Fowl sense of humour....
Geezzz :)))
Should you always cut the fat off of your meat at dinner?
Does sugar detox really work for weight loss?
After Workout, Take Energy Drink or Powder - Is it Right for health?
Is time ravaging your body?
Are there any waist trimmer exercise belts that actually work, that make a difference in flattening
abs? What's the best one?
Does Walmart take snap card for diet items like protein shake mix?
am i scrawny? i am a 14 year old guy im 4 foot 10 i weigh 86 pounds and i can bench 55 pounds.
I went to local weightwatchers meeting and paid £12.95 by cheque,then went home that night to
get a membership its saying I have to pay!
Do people realize what they're consuming when they eat an average meal?
what puts you off eating/drinking?
Weight plateaus due to ghrelin and leptin, the hormones that are the body's nightmare in that they
manufacture too much glucose(sugar) which puts on weight irreversibly.
Did you know 1 serving of yellow string beans have Total Omega-3 fatty acids 39.6mg Total Omega-6
fatty acids 25.3mg ?
Did you know peaches have Omega-6 fatty acids ?
purp/wwidow/bwidow/Og/sour asap pls thank u for now
what reason can I give my doctor to get anbolic steroids.
Am i too thin? If my vital statistic is.. Chest 28 waist 21 1/2 hips 29?
When building muscle is it better to hit the gym once and lift your very limit or multiple times but
lifting light?
Why am I craving high carbohydrate and high-fat foods?
Who has a good exercise routine
What is life??
How does one achieve 1% body fat like Curtis Granderson?
I run 50 to 80 miles every week. I bought me some royal blue Lycra split side running shorts. What
should I wear with them?
Am I fat? I am 5' 6", 160 pounds, and at least 36D in bra size.
Aren't you eating too much manna from heaven?
if I'm 12 and 5'7 will I reach 6'0? my dad is 5'9 and my mom is 5'2 but my uncles are 6'2-6'3
Can you name a negative food?
How to Lose Weight and Look Gorgeous?
Do you walk firm, or do you walk like jello?
If your body is supposed to be your temple, do you think Buda is a bad example for people?
Is cabbage soup diet effective ? What do you eat for breakfast ?
Anybody lose weight from eating yogurt? Does it really speed up the metabolism substantially?
Am I Fat???? I have pics of me on these links and
is walking an hour a day and drinking water enough to help me lose weight? does it matter if the
water is ice cold or warm?
can doing squats give you a box gap?
I'm 13, and I want to diet. How should I?
How can I motivate my husband to work out and get in shape? He is too skinny.
Effective diet &exercise plans?
Is being in shape even worth it?
If the government and food agencies controls what harmful things that are allowed to be put into the
foods sold for human consumption ~~~
If I eating right;high protein,1200 cal/day;lift weights about 45mins faithfully every other day;what
kind of toning results can I expect?
How many pounds do you have to lose/gain to make you happy?
Name of the fitness instructor in this video please?
Is it wrong to hate a specific race?
Is this a good daily plan to lose weight and be fit?
guys help!! i overeat 2 days in a row
Crossfitters, what advice would you give to a newbie?
If you were turned into a giant (~40 ft) how would you survive?
Do you feel better or worse when you eat a lot of food
Are you afraid of the fitness monster?
Which diets work best when not followed?
Should I jack off to this women name Zuzana Light on YouTube?
Can anyone help me with proper body building supplement with affordable price? is there any best
place to find it in bangalore?
how much do i look like i weigh? pictures included
Steak or chicken
Strong arms or a strong back; what's more important?
How can I possibly do 3000 situps and 1000 crunches, eat 2 1/2 small meals and still gain 1/2 a
my father who is a doctor says that i should not body build too much ( as i am developing )...!! but i
asked him what about taylor lautner?
Hydrogenated oils, parabens, sodium nitrates, BPA, the list goes on.... How do you keep up with all
of the things that are bad for you?
Would you rather feel sore or sorry tomorrow?
You are too old to enjoy _________.
does miracle-gro really grows your nails.. i just watched a vid. on youtube... there you go
Can you cross and uncross your legs without difficulty?
I'm a 21/yo guy, girls I need to know if I am unbearably and disgustingly fat (pics)? Be honest!
Has anyone done a scientific study of health effects on Catholics of eating fish on fridays?
Is Smoking Marijuana harmful?i expect true and honest answers,if yes,what are the bad effects?
how to get rid of ibs-irritable bowel syndrome.... :(
how much do i look like i weight? pic included. am 5ft 4inches
Do you eat whole food or processed food most of the time?
Why do I not feel like doing an insane number of situps with weights at 8:00AM just to maintain my
weight? Definite proof of no God.
Guys what is the difference between fat chubby and average?
what would happen if you put fruit loops in the dvd player
can you explain if its best to do the right thing or to look at others to do the right thing?
how long will it take to see a difference?
does anyone here have abs,if you do please inform me on how you got them : )
What does a pencil thin individual feel like when they've eaten everything on the buffet? Do they
actually feel fat and bloated?
is this method of losing weight real or all BS?
How do you calculate Calorie needs?
How long would a female with a metabolism of 1320 have to work out to burn 1lb. of fat? Using the
Just Dance 4?
what weight do i look?
Tips on losing belly fat?? And any tricks to STAYING motivated?
Power Foods for your Brain! Do you think that Healthy foods for Your Heart have an equal effect as
Healthy foods for your Brain?As strong
When you're overweight or obese which is 2/3 of the populace how can you feel well? Your body isn't
How to get a flat stomach in 1-2 months?
Is it possible to get a wider waist after I start working at my prelum?
What is the one thing you can do today, to give yourself better health?
Some refer to the set point theory as an internal "thermostat" that regulates body fat.
my name is tarun,i am reading in 8th class,i wish to be a have a nice body..cause i am so thin,,and i
dont want to plz plz help me..
Does a fat gene actually exist that makes some people never gain weight no matter how much they
eat? If so what percentage of the population has that gene?
Are humans carnivores, omnivores, or herbivores?
Can someone justify with research why a vegan diet is better than a meat eaters diet?
5'6" and a 12 yo boy. tall short or average
How much ( usaually ) 5 pounds of powdered protein last? How much servings can be made ?
Why do you still need to take in a lot of calories when you're trying to lose weight?
Why doesn't my stomach growl when I'm hungry anymore. I just find myself past that first stage of
hunger when I'm low on blood sugar.
Apart from running from the police, how else do you keep fit?
Which fitness plans suit your needs?
How much holiday weight did you gain?
Best weight loss tips? Ways to stay motivated? I know what i need to do Just having trouble staying
How do you lose 20 pounds in 2-3 weeks?
In your experience, what food or drink causes you to lose weight?
How did you lose your potbelly?
How i reduce my extra fat?
What's a good way of acquiring votes daily? I'm in a fitness magazine contest, where anyone can
vote for me 5 times per day.
Why am i so fat at this age??
How much muscle can I build in one year just by lifting dumbells, doing pushups, and pullups
Quick Measurements ... How does this sound? 25yrs old very thin and lean bt height is 5'6 with wgt 50k .i have 2 dumbels
each me hw cn i build up bdy
Nature is in perfect sync with our bodies except for weight control. There it's ridiculously out of
sync. Why the hell is that? We gain such a disproportionate amount of weight compared to the
amount of food we eat, even with killer workouts. This business of having to eat certain foods that'll
keep you thin is nonsense. Everything puts on weight, even salads without dressing.
Anyone know if there is any truth in the claim that green coffee beans can burn fat and make you
How do I find a doctor that prescribes Phentermine for Weight loss in Modesto CA area
Need help running 3 miles in 18 minutes!
If your body is not getting as much calories as it used to, is it normal to excessively crave food?
Which coconut milk brand is healthier, So Delicious Coconut Milk or Native Forest Coconut Milk?
What's the best way to encourage and help my husband lose weight?
How often do you have to exercise/ work out a day? Do you watch what you eat?
How much weight do you gain by drinking diet soda?
I have been sick for a full
Has anyone had a mommy makeover after having children? If so was it expensive?
How do I start a Paleolithic diet?
How do you feel about your weight?
How do you Lose Belly Fat for Women?
How can I gain weight ? Should I eat more peanut butter ,?
Does anyone have the DP (Diversified Products) booklet for dumbbell exercises?
hi, i jog 2 miles a day... everyday ... is this not enough ? should i be doing more than that i do it
within 15 mins
Celebrity WeightLoss Secrets: How they Lost 30-200 Pounds!
Can exercising too much be harmful since your heart rate goes up when you're under a lot of
What physical problems are your biggest running challenges?
How to stick to a healthy diet and resist "naughty" foods?
According to this 'Body Shape Calculator', what is yours?
Is it true that a low level of aerobic fitness is associated with a shorter life span?
Do you think it's bad to be 40% body fat?
Can body-weight workout build muscle
Should I be worried about getting captured because i'm so weak? btw i can only lift 30 pounds, and i
have no idea how to defend myself
I tend to only gain weight from my tummy, I tried a lot of exercises but I can't get rid of that little
belly blob. Any suggestions?
No snacking between meals? WHY?
Do you know of any good Whey Protein Isolate without soy (no soy lecithin)?
How do people on a healthy diet satisfy a sweet tooth?
Will weight watchers work for me since I'm deployed?
If I'm not sore after my workout, am I not doing enough?
Why is this so confusing
Do you find yourself not repeating food choices anymore and basically just enjoying breakfast?
How does eating too much affect someone besides getting fat?
How long will it take me to get the weight off?
Am I too skinny?
Do you find as I do that working out is a zero sum game?
what is the lethal dose of potassium?
I want to start toning my full body up? Read desc please
What's your opinion on my new workout schedule? I'd also like some suggested workouts, please and
thank you.
Are there any over-the-counter appetite suppressants that really work? I don't mean fat blockers, I
mean suppressants (Dexatrim, etc)
How much can one REALISTICALLY expect to lose by using Slim Fast? I'd like to hear from people
that actually tried it, not from the ads.
Gym form duo does it work?
Getting abs and bigger biceps?
Does Muscle Milk really work?
What is your favorite fast food , Burger King or ?
What is the best way for a person to Firm/Tone thier Butt. (BTW im 18, Male, and Gay
am i fat? picture! im 14 years old, 5'6, 130-140lbs, and my measurements are 34B-26-39.
Would like 2 lose a couple lbs. They say abs are made in the kitchen, but healthy food is so
expensive.On a tight budget..any suggestions??
If you are trying to lose fat and build muscle is it better to avoid carbs, fat, or both?
What do you guys think about my new diet plan?
The Perfect Figure.
i am on a diet,i dnt like the result,if i stopped workin out will my wt. drop faster ?or should i keep
working out to burn the fat?
Would it be weird to ask my neighbor if I can walk their dogs?
How can I make my metabolism work as fast as it did before I was 30 years old?
What one thing would you get rid of to combat obesity?
Has ever died from a caffeine overdose
Would you rather skinny or curvy?
I have a tiny bit of cellulite left, how can I get rid of it on the back of my legs? I workout daily but it
just won't disappear!
Tell me what you eat regularly and I tell you what kind of person you are and/or why you are
overweight. believe this?
Do you use bottled water to make your hot drinks? Why?
Where does Tortilla Bread come from?
Cellulite - why care so much?
Is it really safe to buy fitness equipment online?
Hey genius, whatz up??
Where to buy steroids online? I want to make my body fit and smart. I am looking for online steroid
company where I can buy steroids.
What are some good ( muscle ) weight gainers, that contain little or on trans fats , and natural
proteins and perhaps some aminoacids?
Am i Fat?
Do you consider yourself to be "in shape"?
Who hates drugs?
is Water only fasting how benefits your muscles?
How Do I Build My Body? I am 20 years old, slim, 55kg. I have never been insecure about my
weight.I want to be bodybuilder,
can a 13 year old boy get a six pack or abs
Who has flabby arms?
how to transfer belly fat to others part of body?
What names can u call "fat people"?
Am I fat? I'm 5'9 and 194 pounds When I stand I can't see my toes If you think I'm fat, list some
traits I might have. Please and than
Who is physically weaker, Me or Weak Girl and who would win an arm wrestling match, I don't think
either of us has won yet.
. Okay so im 5'2 1/2 150 lbs 34DD or (38 bust) 27 1/2 waist and 39 hips. Overweight?or Healthy?
I want to Become a ZIN (Zumba Instructor Network) Member, but honestly don't have the money.
where i can buy the Cheap Nike Shoes and high quality
Are their any good energy nutritional supplements that are healthy if your like working out?
How do you lose how wide you are?
What's creatine for exactly? I already take whey protein, I also don't wanna get big, just more toned
while staying flexible.
Why is it wrong to eat frozen carrot?
Is just taking whey protein for working out good enough? or should I invest in creatine and other
What kind of professional can help me with workout and proper eating questions? My doctor? or..
How can you build lean muscle at the same time as reducing fat percentage?
Will the world be better off when the United States is no longer the most powerful country? Will
website and or youtube videos for 16 year old boy? i really want to get fit.
Website/ youtube videos of full workouts and routines plus how many times a week i should do
them? I want to get stronger
What are some good chest muscles exercise for man ? If You have some informative link, please do
whats the most effective way to burn 1000 calories?
Do you often eat something & wish you hadn't? (is so how often)
why do sum girls dress so sexy at the gym making it hard to workout!! lol
should dieting be referred to as making a healthier life choice instead?
Look over your right shoulder. Now look over your left shoulder. Wasn't that a great work out?
Have you googled you name?
What minerals are necessary to consume in order for the human body to be healthy?
How many of you are sticking to your New Years fitness resolution?
Is it ok to workout one daybefore a exam?
how do you get from 30 push ups to 40 push ups? Dont wanna here go to the gym or do 7 sets I am
only trying to increase by 10. NO BULLSHIT!
im a freshman in high school, 15 years old, and i weigh 278 pounds, im sick of living this way
anymore. i tried suicide cuz of my size. HELP
Hi My name is Michael i started theInsanity program I weight81.2kg and i am 5"12 by the end of the
60days will i realy get skinny and buff?
Do you have fitness or exercising DVD's, like Jane Fonda, Tracy Austin, etc? Aren't they a waste of
your money?
Do I need to lose weight? (Pic Included)
What should my diet be?
Was it a dream of visitation?...
How long have you had me "figured out"?
Are there ANY positives to a diet soda?
Where is Dr. Isadore Rosenfeld? I miss him on Fox Sunday morning Housecall.
What workout and Diet could I use to look like an MMA Fighter in 4 months?
would like suggestions for a healthy mini lunch or snack for an 10yr old at 3pm w/ at 10am and
w/dinner at 7pm.
Are you felxible?
Since the bmi test isn't so accurate, what do you consider overweight or obese?
Is there a way to use the nutritional information label to calculate the number of exchanges in a
food? How would I go about doing it?
Will eating healthy and exercising help a person to lose weight?
What is a sure sign that it's time to go on a diet?
Anything sagging?
Does this seem reasonable: a female who is 5 ft 2 in and 115 lbs should eat no more than 1500
calories a day to maintain current weight.
Would you rather have a bone skinny girl, or one with meat on her?
Why did i stoped losing weight? (PLZ)
Why did i stoped losing weight?
How can I lose fifteen pounds before daylight?
Question for the personal trainers, can you give me a list what I can eat, and what to do to get back
on shape in shortest amount of time
Any safe natural advice for getting rid of my fat belly?
6 pack help!
What weight loss home remedy do you use that works?
Why are my Upper ABS BIGGER than my lower .? weird! im 14 years old girl 5'4
Am I doing the right things to loose weight?
Can I get a ripped body without supplement ? (Ony By doing weightlifting and cardio)...
survival mode ?
Do you prefer to work out at home/outside or at the gym?
Do the substances we consume into our bodies assist in making us who we are: the way we feel and
in turn the way we act?
When you were working out, did you think of me?
Have you tried the all you can eat diet?
What are your thoughts on P90X?
what is a good site to find specific types of workouts?
What is an exercise routine, for ordinary people, that will result in favorable weight loss?
do you like autumn?
Ok, so I would like to loose some weight but i have no time to work out because i am always
babysitting. Any thoughts?
Do you think its possible for a person to walk 6 miles in 1hr13mins.?
Does anyone know Mike Tyson training routine when he was in his prime?
Does this birthday suit make my butt look fat?
How can i thicken my wrists.Im 16,play basketball,work out,have strong shoulders n biceps but thin
wrists.I want strong forearms.Any ideas?
is it bad that i eat A LOT.? Im 16, play baskteball, weigh about 130. I eat anything, junk food, home
food, fast food and am always hungry.
During Exercise, is the amount you sweat proportional to the number of calories you burn?
What is your BMI (body mass index)?
What is Paleo?
Is honey and cinamon as good as they say for you?
What fad diet is next?
i am 12 years old, 5'2, and weigh 118. how can i drop 10 pounds ASAP? im a little chubby on
waist,and chuby on thighs nd rear end.:(
Losing Weight
The best way to fight obesity.....Creat a law where everybody has to walk around in their
underwear!what do you think??
yoda or yoga?
Any good Tips to get a 6 pac? im half way there already but am struggling to get the lower to abs!
any good foods or exercises?
how to work my lower abs!!!!!
What is a major part of your unhealthy diet?
Can you gain muscle mass without sacrificing speed/flexibility?
Can you bulk up (muscle) without losing speed?
Americans are very health and diet conscious. So why are we so fat? We are fatter than all previous
generations and childhood obesity .
i want to increase my vertical FAST and end my final year of high school basketball with a bang.
what are some things i could do?
What do you guys think about whey protein?
pool party coming up need help
Are you a HealthNut? Why or Why not?
What physiological changes does one undergo when becoming fit that enable one to continue
strenuous activity for a longer period?
How much weight can you lose in 2 weeks of cardio aerobics?
Do you think saturated fat is bad for you? Because I don't.
Yes , I am 18 and i weigh 192 & i'm 5'5 , can I lose 40-50 pounds in 4 months?
How fat is she? I don't want to date someone that's too fat.
Can I take syntha 6 before a workout? Where can I get it for cheap? Vitamin Shoppe?
Am i fat now?
What is the best way to loose that little bit of belly fat? I hate the way it sticks out, even though I am
average weight! Any exercises?
I just got off a 7 days liquid fast and have bad diarrhea and was wondering if that was normal the
first few days?
How to get good abs?
How do you do rope skipping? What skills do you have?
What are the exercises for waist?
Is sit-ups before going to bed good for digestion ?
How many hours should a young man spend on gym everyday?
Tell me about your Atkins diet experience (if any)
Crazy question women. Would you be able to carry someone that weighs around 160lbs easily and
how could you do it if you could?
How much do you think I weigh from these pictures?
How much do you think I weigh from these pictures?
Help, Question is in description.
does turkesterone really work?
Taking energy supliment for daily gym workout is good or bad?
40-31-38 measurements?
who loves to swim
whos looking to stay cool this summer and is looking for awesome pools
How can you fight caffeine addiction?
Are you aware of your "Specific appetites"? (not sex)
Am I fat??? I'm 5'6 and weigh 135 pounds. I'm a girl.
im 12 years old and i weigh 6 stone i wish to loose wight within my house please don't tell me 'im to
young for this thing but i dont care
Im hungry, what can I eat that taste's good, that is low in calories and will make me feel full and
Embarrassed to go shirtless
whats the best diet and workout.
am i big? fit? fat?
How do i look?
What is a good way to loose that annoying belly fat and get super skinny? I am underweight, but I
still LOOK fat, and my stomach sticks out!
I'm a 14 year old boy and want to get in shape. but i'm not interested in sports and just want to keep
my body attractive .
wat is a good comback wen someone calls u bulimic but u really r not!? help!
is 5'7'' and average hight for a girl or is it fairly tall? i've stoped growing and was wondering if this is
tall for someone at any age
is it healthy for a 13yr old girl to weigh 118lbs when she is 5'3ft
In You're Opinion, Other than Dieting, Exercise, & Healthy Eating, What Do you Think is The
Quickest Way To Lose Weight?
Does yoga help with strength training for men?
Can I get fit by eating like a pig and watching TV all day?
can i get fit without doing exercise?
What is the best way to get rid off love handles for a comparatively slim girl?
Is This Necessarily A Bad Thing?
Does counting calories for loosing weight work?
Which ab machines do you like and what diet tips can you share with someone who want a flat
What are some good foods to have on hand for after workouts, that can be eaten quickly?
I am 16, male. My blood group is 'A Neg'. I am 5'11'', 58 kg. What suggestions and advice can u give
me regarding it?
How to cure spots on skin that looks like ink blotches?
What do you hate more... diets or exercise?
What are some good supplements/protein shakes for beginners?
I heard that Madonna (USpop singer) bought a Coconut Water company: is this a true fact?
If you were on a diet, or bassically a lifestyle change and you screwed up by eating junk....
do you think i'm too skinny ?
do you think my legs are too skinny ?
whom of the 2 came first. Noah and Moses. In de bible.
I'm a 14 year old girl, 5' 6 and 113 pounds. Am i to skinny?
Poll: which is more ethical: eating vegan or dumpster diving?
What can I do to decrease cholesterol without having to take medication?
What is the abstract noun of load, sit and empty?
If I eat 1400 cals per day and burn off 200 per day, will I lose weight?
Are you physically fit, yet still have big breasts/butt?
how do u take the almandra quema grasa a day? 1 time a day oir 3 times a day???
How can i improve my Vertical jump?
At what age do you stop eating strawberry flavored pop tarts ? Can you continue if you switch to
cinnamon ?
How does the NFL measure the vertical jump section of the combine? and how can i work on to
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i dance 6 hrs a week (4 days) doing ballet, jazz, and pointe. i feel fat, but i think i have developed
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Let's hear it girls - what do you do to stay slim?
I like to drink coffee very much, but I don't like to drink constant coffee any more. What should I do?
Am i really going to see a difference if i do 30 sit ups & 30 of the bicycle situps a few times a week?
What do you think is the best way to incorporate a little bit of yoga into a workout routine?
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is walking up and down a home stair case continuously a good exercise?
If i do running 8 km/day for a month, will i loose weight? with a diet ofcourse. I have a really small
belly what is hiding my lower abs..
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Will it be very hard to loose weight if i have pizza sometimes during the process?
Do you have tips on how to make a TASTY salad? I'm trying 2 loose weight.
I do the tredmill and I go 4 walks. Whats the best way 2 incorporate yoga into my routine 2 loose
how long does it take for your body to get use to exercising? I've been back at it for 2 to 3 weeks
now and i'm still in pain sometimes.
Is lean quizeene pizza healthy for you when your trying to loose weight, or is it just as fattening as
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How to gain weight and muscle? Im 5'7 and I can't get any weight on my bones. I weight lift and im
cut. Just need to get bigger.
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im 30 years old, 1.65m tall and weigh 71kg. does this mean i am fat? i gym regurlary
What do ladies talk about in a women's locker room? We hear so much about guys talking; what
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what change would you like to make to your lifestyle in order to improve your health?
Which matters most for weight loss: speed or distance?
What will happen if I stop eating?
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Ways of losing fat around the stomach area, groin, and thighs? just things you can do 30 minutes at
Can little red stretch marks mean youre losing weight?
Cold drink after a meal,, I heard that this is bad if so why? they said a hot drink is much better
Eating fruit on a empty stomach, I heard that this is the best way to absorb the nutrients the best
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Am i a good looking guy?
what is the best exercise to lift your butt?
Can I run 3 miles under 28 minutes in a month if my cardio is bad ?
Have you ever participated in a Triathlon?
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How much should a 15 year old be able to benchpress?
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What would you change about me?
I can't eat enough calories?
i eat a paleo diet (protein, veg, no grains/bread/other carbs but fruit, no sugar, no dairy either) and
train under the biosig method. why?!
I have big thighs. What food is recommended to be away from?
what is that thing called that was on telly about the abdominal pad it,
what are good exercises for me?
How do I get thinner?
I'd like to know what the rationale is for eating vegan, never drinking soda and being conscious of
every crumb of food that goes in your
Has anyone used any of the HCG diets and has it worked?
What are ideal measurements for short women?
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Worried about my body (pictures included!)
I don't really like veggies and fruit that much.So I limit myself to about 5 in each group. How about
you ?
is it alright for a 19 year olds to fatten themselves up because they want to be overweight
How hard is it to get six pack abs and at what age does one stop trying q:)
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Do Dates make people Gain Weight??
DMZ Xtreme: I am about to begin my first cycle of DMZ extreme.
How to lose 30 kg!!...about 66lb..?
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Am I strong for my size and weight?
What is my body type based on my measurements?
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If I am on diet and my weight is constant say at 75,and for a fortnight I stop dating how many days
will it taketo reflect this in my weight
I'm 5'9 and 123 pounds. My measurements are 38, 25, 32 I'm only 17 and feel like I'm not 'sexy'.
What can I do to change that?
Is this true for you ? To truly live healthy and permanently lose weight is living in a healthy diet, and
not some silly crash diet.
How much muscularity do women actually find attractive?
How to number up without lifting weights or using accelerator explosive?

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Diet and Fitness Sitemap - Page 1

  • 1. Diet and Fitness Sitemap - Page 1 Diet and Fitness Sitemap - Page 1 | Answerbag Home / Sitemap / Diet and Fitness Every question in Diet And Fitness. Why do you humans taste so great? Hoe to reduce tummy Have you ever taken Litramine ? ( weight loss supplement) I cannot think of a clever team name for the 5K Run or Dye run! Please help! Thanks in advance This past week my calves have been killing from my heels, are there any good stretches to make me less sore What to do when meat is not for you? How long can you stay on a high protein and very low carb diet without harm to your health??? I would like some tips, personal, facts, I don't care. But I'd like a little help :) Did my boyfriend get fat? What's the perfect body muscle type on a guy? Could you post any links to give me an idea please. Why is shop bought glucose syrup thick and home made recipes are thin and watery? I have one dumbell and want to work out my biceps, what excercises do you recommend and how many reps / sets How to properly land when jumping off a roof? HR :did you know if you say to yourself:"I fill my heart with gratitude"that your heart rate will go totally smooth after 5 minutes? I have the measurements of 36-30-38. I don't know what is a good ratio. I am 5'9 but I also refuse to step on a scale. what foods contain glycerin
  • 2. Why do people think that being slightly overweight is fine? How can I eat more calories without feeling full? Most day I eat under 1000 calories because I don't like to feel full. Which were the main diet of our ancestors? Do you feel awkward when you're speaking about your weight? Why? I'm a 5'8 teen. I'm 149 pounds and need to lose 15 in a month to fit into my bikini. How can I do so? People believe "KRILL"omega 3 is the best. Does anyone think about that Krill is also the vacuum of ocean ? I have sweetened (if necessary) with small amounts of org.Maple syrup for decades. How about you? who is the african american guy in the back seat on the drive time commercial? i just wanna know if my butt is small or big!!! here's my pic What is the name of a well known Fitness Instructor? Which companies has made millions of profit on weight lose? original garcinia cambogia results Is your stomach as flat as you would like it to be Who inspires you most to get healthy? Bulk ? Can you wear a jeans and a sport coat with a button up shirt with front pockets? Are you satisfied with your waist-line? How are we supposed to drink from 2-5 liters of water per day ? I'm not a bloody cactus X/ Did you know that "any" wheat products cause belly fat ? ( I am including sprouted wheat). What are the advantage of Lemond Fitness? My guy friend left out of town without seeing me but he's texting good or bad Is gym suitable for aged person? Which is the basic tips for women fitness? So, I have a thigh gap, and I hate it. What are some ways to get rid of it? Thanks!
  • 3. I'm a very active 14 year old girl.I've been starving myself but I'm not seeing results.I know its unhealthy so any weight loss tips? I want to lose 45 lbs. in 5-6 months. How many miles a day would I need to run to hit my goal? Read Description for more info. Are you jealous that I can eat whatever I want and not get fat? How many calories are there in the average baby? Do you need to learn how to eat properly? Why do I find meat and chicken extremely repulsive all of a sudden? Will running on flat ground slim my calves down and tone them up as i really want slim but toned calves?? Why do some guys consider girls who work out to be gross or manly? I love it Who likes race day when it comes to obstacle races? Why? Are proteins from Soy(bean/s) any good for men who work out ? Are you tired of being overweight or obese? Is it possible to get fit in 5 weeks?its for a competition .im 22, 138 lbs and 5'9 ft .i will have a strict diet and train 6 days a week Is it just me or are you really hot? If as a child your 130 Ibs and you gain 60 Ibs now your 190 will your head grow into that new heavier body as you age to keep proportion? Why are there so many sugar haters on AB? How can i slim down my face. How does this technology address the question of when such measures should be used on patients? does a bananashake burn belly fat I only use fatfree milk and bout 2 bananas and I dont put a lot of sugar will i lose anymore weight? To what extent can squats help increase the size of your backside I'm thirteen and still have round chubby cheeks even though I'm pretty skinny how can I lose the chubby cheeks? what did you eat today? I ate: lunch-pbj sandwich and banana dinner-2 hot pockets and a coke
  • 4. I'm 15 years old and im 5.7ft and i weigh 191lbs. I want to lose weight by gaining muscle. Will i get loose skin / stretch marks? Easy writings Why isn't there a plateau point with situps? how to get hard abs? some say i have to get my body fat to 8-10% & some say i must eat a ton of proteins. what's the right way? Is Shelly the only girl you know who hasn't lost her chapstick? Have you ever dreamed you were kissing someone and woke up kissing whatever was next to you? Pillow, dog , person, your kid? It is so crazy! Are you passionate a bout fitness? Is "crossfit" workout regime any good for ectmomorph people, and muscle increase ? Why are Trix are only for kids? Can you get a full toned body look by doing full body cardio workouts.. example below in description I keep hearing that you don't need to work out but just eat healthy to have a great body is this true? Why was Turkey named after a Giant Chicken .... Some people have a Fowl sense of humour.... Geezzz :))) Should you always cut the fat off of your meat at dinner? Does sugar detox really work for weight loss? After Workout, Take Energy Drink or Powder - Is it Right for health? Is time ravaging your body? Are there any waist trimmer exercise belts that actually work, that make a difference in flattening abs? What's the best one? Does Walmart take snap card for diet items like protein shake mix? am i scrawny? i am a 14 year old guy im 4 foot 10 i weigh 86 pounds and i can bench 55 pounds. I went to local weightwatchers meeting and paid £12.95 by cheque,then went home that night to get a membership its saying I have to pay! Do people realize what they're consuming when they eat an average meal? what puts you off eating/drinking? Weight plateaus due to ghrelin and leptin, the hormones that are the body's nightmare in that they
  • 5. manufacture too much glucose(sugar) which puts on weight irreversibly. Did you know 1 serving of yellow string beans have Total Omega-3 fatty acids 39.6mg Total Omega-6 fatty acids 25.3mg ? Did you know peaches have Omega-6 fatty acids ? purp/wwidow/bwidow/Og/sour asap pls thank u for now what reason can I give my doctor to get anbolic steroids. Am i too thin? If my vital statistic is.. Chest 28 waist 21 1/2 hips 29? When building muscle is it better to hit the gym once and lift your very limit or multiple times but lifting light? Why am I craving high carbohydrate and high-fat foods? Who has a good exercise routine What is life?? How does one achieve 1% body fat like Curtis Granderson? I run 50 to 80 miles every week. I bought me some royal blue Lycra split side running shorts. What should I wear with them? Am I fat? I am 5' 6", 160 pounds, and at least 36D in bra size. Aren't you eating too much manna from heaven? if I'm 12 and 5'7 will I reach 6'0? my dad is 5'9 and my mom is 5'2 but my uncles are 6'2-6'3 Can you name a negative food? How to Lose Weight and Look Gorgeous? Do you walk firm, or do you walk like jello? If your body is supposed to be your temple, do you think Buda is a bad example for people? Is cabbage soup diet effective ? What do you eat for breakfast ? Anybody lose weight from eating yogurt? Does it really speed up the metabolism substantially? Am I Fat???? I have pics of me on these links and is walking an hour a day and drinking water enough to help me lose weight? does it matter if the water is ice cold or warm?
  • 6. can doing squats give you a box gap? I'm 13, and I want to diet. How should I? How can I motivate my husband to work out and get in shape? He is too skinny. Effective diet &exercise plans? Is being in shape even worth it? If the government and food agencies controls what harmful things that are allowed to be put into the foods sold for human consumption ~~~ If I eating right;high protein,1200 cal/day;lift weights about 45mins faithfully every other day;what kind of toning results can I expect? How many pounds do you have to lose/gain to make you happy? Name of the fitness instructor in this video please? Is it wrong to hate a specific race? Is this a good daily plan to lose weight and be fit? guys help!! i overeat 2 days in a row Crossfitters, what advice would you give to a newbie? If you were turned into a giant (~40 ft) how would you survive? Do you feel better or worse when you eat a lot of food Are you afraid of the fitness monster? Which diets work best when not followed? Should I jack off to this women name Zuzana Light on YouTube? Can anyone help me with proper body building supplement with affordable price? is there any best place to find it in bangalore? how much do i look like i weigh? pictures included Steak or chicken Strong arms or a strong back; what's more important? How can I possibly do 3000 situps and 1000 crunches, eat 2 1/2 small meals and still gain 1/2 a pound?
  • 7. my father who is a doctor says that i should not body build too much ( as i am developing )...!! but i asked him what about taylor lautner? Hydrogenated oils, parabens, sodium nitrates, BPA, the list goes on.... How do you keep up with all of the things that are bad for you? Would you rather feel sore or sorry tomorrow? You are too old to enjoy _________. does miracle-gro really grows your nails.. i just watched a vid. on youtube... there you go Can you cross and uncross your legs without difficulty? I'm a 21/yo guy, girls I need to know if I am unbearably and disgustingly fat (pics)? Be honest! Has anyone done a scientific study of health effects on Catholics of eating fish on fridays? Is Smoking Marijuana harmful?i expect true and honest answers,if yes,what are the bad effects? how to get rid of ibs-irritable bowel syndrome.... :( how much do i look like i weight? pic included. am 5ft 4inches Do you eat whole food or processed food most of the time? Why do I not feel like doing an insane number of situps with weights at 8:00AM just to maintain my weight? Definite proof of no God. Guys what is the difference between fat chubby and average? what would happen if you put fruit loops in the dvd player can you explain if its best to do the right thing or to look at others to do the right thing? how long will it take to see a difference? does anyone here have abs,if you do please inform me on how you got them : ) What does a pencil thin individual feel like when they've eaten everything on the buffet? Do they actually feel fat and bloated? is this method of losing weight real or all BS? How do you calculate Calorie needs? How long would a female with a metabolism of 1320 have to work out to burn 1lb. of fat? Using the Just Dance 4?
  • 8. what weight do i look? Tips on losing belly fat?? And any tricks to STAYING motivated? Power Foods for your Brain! Do you think that Healthy foods for Your Heart have an equal effect as Healthy foods for your Brain?As strong When you're overweight or obese which is 2/3 of the populace how can you feel well? Your body isn't toned. How to get a flat stomach in 1-2 months? Is it possible to get a wider waist after I start working at my prelum? What is the one thing you can do today, to give yourself better health? Some refer to the set point theory as an internal "thermostat" that regulates body fat. my name is tarun,i am reading in 8th class,i wish to be a have a nice body..cause i am so thin,,and i dont want to plz plz help me.. Does a fat gene actually exist that makes some people never gain weight no matter how much they eat? If so what percentage of the population has that gene? Are humans carnivores, omnivores, or herbivores? Can someone justify with research why a vegan diet is better than a meat eaters diet? 5'6" and a 12 yo boy. tall short or average How much ( usaually ) 5 pounds of powdered protein last? How much servings can be made ? Why do you still need to take in a lot of calories when you're trying to lose weight? Why doesn't my stomach growl when I'm hungry anymore. I just find myself past that first stage of hunger when I'm low on blood sugar. Apart from running from the police, how else do you keep fit? Which fitness plans suit your needs? How much holiday weight did you gain? Best weight loss tips? Ways to stay motivated? I know what i need to do Just having trouble staying motivated. How do you lose 20 pounds in 2-3 weeks? Penis? In your experience, what food or drink causes you to lose weight?
  • 9. How did you lose your potbelly? How i reduce my extra fat? What's a good way of acquiring votes daily? I'm in a fitness magazine contest, where anyone can vote for me 5 times per day. Why am i so fat at this age?? How much muscle can I build in one year just by lifting dumbells, doing pushups, and pullups everyday? Quick Measurements ... How does this sound? 25yrs old very thin and lean bt height is 5'6 with wgt 50k .i have 2 dumbels each me hw cn i build up bdy Nature is in perfect sync with our bodies except for weight control. There it's ridiculously out of sync. Why the hell is that? We gain such a disproportionate amount of weight compared to the amount of food we eat, even with killer workouts. This business of having to eat certain foods that'll keep you thin is nonsense. Everything puts on weight, even salads without dressing. Anyone know if there is any truth in the claim that green coffee beans can burn fat and make you thin? How do I find a doctor that prescribes Phentermine for Weight loss in Modesto CA area Need help running 3 miles in 18 minutes! If your body is not getting as much calories as it used to, is it normal to excessively crave food? Which coconut milk brand is healthier, So Delicious Coconut Milk or Native Forest Coconut Milk? What's the best way to encourage and help my husband lose weight? How often do you have to exercise/ work out a day? Do you watch what you eat? How much weight do you gain by drinking diet soda? I have been sick for a full Has anyone had a mommy makeover after having children? If so was it expensive? How do I start a Paleolithic diet? How do you feel about your weight? How do you Lose Belly Fat for Women? How can I gain weight ? Should I eat more peanut butter ,?
  • 10. Does anyone have the DP (Diversified Products) booklet for dumbbell exercises? hi, i jog 2 miles a day... everyday ... is this not enough ? should i be doing more than that i do it within 15 mins Celebrity WeightLoss Secrets: How they Lost 30-200 Pounds! Can exercising too much be harmful since your heart rate goes up when you're under a lot of exertion? What physical problems are your biggest running challenges? How to stick to a healthy diet and resist "naughty" foods? According to this 'Body Shape Calculator', what is yours? Is it true that a low level of aerobic fitness is associated with a shorter life span? Do you think it's bad to be 40% body fat? Can body-weight workout build muscle Should I be worried about getting captured because i'm so weak? btw i can only lift 30 pounds, and i have no idea how to defend myself I tend to only gain weight from my tummy, I tried a lot of exercises but I can't get rid of that little belly blob. Any suggestions? No snacking between meals? WHY? Do you know of any good Whey Protein Isolate without soy (no soy lecithin)? How do people on a healthy diet satisfy a sweet tooth? Will weight watchers work for me since I'm deployed? If I'm not sore after my workout, am I not doing enough? Why is this so confusing Do you find yourself not repeating food choices anymore and basically just enjoying breakfast? How does eating too much affect someone besides getting fat? How long will it take me to get the weight off? Am I too skinny? Do you find as I do that working out is a zero sum game?
  • 11. what is the lethal dose of potassium? I want to start toning my full body up? Read desc please What's your opinion on my new workout schedule? I'd also like some suggested workouts, please and thank you. Are there any over-the-counter appetite suppressants that really work? I don't mean fat blockers, I mean suppressants (Dexatrim, etc) How much can one REALISTICALLY expect to lose by using Slim Fast? I'd like to hear from people that actually tried it, not from the ads. Gym form duo does it work? Getting abs and bigger biceps? Does Muscle Milk really work? What is your favorite fast food , Burger King or ? What is the best way for a person to Firm/Tone thier Butt. (BTW im 18, Male, and Gay am i fat? picture! im 14 years old, 5'6, 130-140lbs, and my measurements are 34B-26-39. Would like 2 lose a couple lbs. They say abs are made in the kitchen, but healthy food is so expensive.On a tight budget..any suggestions?? If you are trying to lose fat and build muscle is it better to avoid carbs, fat, or both? What do you guys think about my new diet plan? The Perfect Figure. i am on a diet,i dnt like the result,if i stopped workin out will my wt. drop faster ?or should i keep working out to burn the fat? Would it be weird to ask my neighbor if I can walk their dogs? How can I make my metabolism work as fast as it did before I was 30 years old? What one thing would you get rid of to combat obesity? Has ever died from a caffeine overdose Would you rather skinny or curvy? I have a tiny bit of cellulite left, how can I get rid of it on the back of my legs? I workout daily but it just won't disappear! Tell me what you eat regularly and I tell you what kind of person you are and/or why you are
  • 12. overweight. believe this? Do you use bottled water to make your hot drinks? Why? Where does Tortilla Bread come from? Cellulite - why care so much? Is it really safe to buy fitness equipment online? Hey genius, whatz up?? Where to buy steroids online? I want to make my body fit and smart. I am looking for online steroid company where I can buy steroids. What are some good ( muscle ) weight gainers, that contain little or on trans fats , and natural proteins and perhaps some aminoacids? Am i Fat? Do you consider yourself to be "in shape"? Who hates drugs? is Water only fasting how benefits your muscles? How Do I Build My Body? I am 20 years old, slim, 55kg. I have never been insecure about my weight.I want to be bodybuilder, can a 13 year old boy get a six pack or abs Who has flabby arms? how to transfer belly fat to others part of body? What names can u call "fat people"? Am I fat? I'm 5'9 and 194 pounds When I stand I can't see my toes If you think I'm fat, list some traits I might have. Please and than Who is physically weaker, Me or Weak Girl and who would win an arm wrestling match, I don't think either of us has won yet. . Okay so im 5'2 1/2 150 lbs 34DD or (38 bust) 27 1/2 waist and 39 hips. Overweight?or Healthy? I want to Become a ZIN (Zumba Instructor Network) Member, but honestly don't have the money. where i can buy the Cheap Nike Shoes and high quality Are their any good energy nutritional supplements that are healthy if your like working out?
  • 13. How do you lose how wide you are? What's creatine for exactly? I already take whey protein, I also don't wanna get big, just more toned while staying flexible. Why is it wrong to eat frozen carrot? Is just taking whey protein for working out good enough? or should I invest in creatine and other supplements? What kind of professional can help me with workout and proper eating questions? My doctor? or.. How can you build lean muscle at the same time as reducing fat percentage? Will the world be better off when the United States is no longer the most powerful country? Will Americans? website and or youtube videos for 16 year old boy? i really want to get fit. Website/ youtube videos of full workouts and routines plus how many times a week i should do them? I want to get stronger What are some good chest muscles exercise for man ? If You have some informative link, please do share whats the most effective way to burn 1000 calories? Do you often eat something & wish you hadn't? (is so how often) why do sum girls dress so sexy at the gym making it hard to workout!! lol should dieting be referred to as making a healthier life choice instead? HELP!!!! PLEASEEEE Look over your right shoulder. Now look over your left shoulder. Wasn't that a great work out? Have you googled you name? What minerals are necessary to consume in order for the human body to be healthy? How many of you are sticking to your New Years fitness resolution? Is it ok to workout one daybefore a exam? how do you get from 30 push ups to 40 push ups? Dont wanna here go to the gym or do 7 sets I am only trying to increase by 10. NO BULLSHIT! im a freshman in high school, 15 years old, and i weigh 278 pounds, im sick of living this way anymore. i tried suicide cuz of my size. HELP
  • 14. Hi My name is Michael i started theInsanity program I weight81.2kg and i am 5"12 by the end of the 60days will i realy get skinny and buff? Do you have fitness or exercising DVD's, like Jane Fonda, Tracy Austin, etc? Aren't they a waste of your money? Do I need to lose weight? (Pic Included) What should my diet be? Was it a dream of visitation?... How long have you had me "figured out"? Are there ANY positives to a diet soda? Where is Dr. Isadore Rosenfeld? I miss him on Fox Sunday morning Housecall. What workout and Diet could I use to look like an MMA Fighter in 4 months? would like suggestions for a healthy mini lunch or snack for an 10yr old at 3pm w/ at 10am and w/dinner at 7pm. Are you felxible? Since the bmi test isn't so accurate, what do you consider overweight or obese? Is there a way to use the nutritional information label to calculate the number of exchanges in a food? How would I go about doing it? Will eating healthy and exercising help a person to lose weight? What is a sure sign that it's time to go on a diet? Anything sagging? Does this seem reasonable: a female who is 5 ft 2 in and 115 lbs should eat no more than 1500 calories a day to maintain current weight. Would you rather have a bone skinny girl, or one with meat on her? Why did i stoped losing weight? (PLZ) Why did i stoped losing weight? How can I lose fifteen pounds before daylight? Question for the personal trainers, can you give me a list what I can eat, and what to do to get back on shape in shortest amount of time Any safe natural advice for getting rid of my fat belly?
  • 15. 6 pack help! What weight loss home remedy do you use that works? Why are my Upper ABS BIGGER than my lower .? weird! im 14 years old girl 5'4 Am I doing the right things to loose weight? Can I get a ripped body without supplement ? (Ony By doing weightlifting and cardio)... survival mode ? Do you prefer to work out at home/outside or at the gym? Do the substances we consume into our bodies assist in making us who we are: the way we feel and in turn the way we act? When you were working out, did you think of me? Have you tried the all you can eat diet? What are your thoughts on P90X? what is a good site to find specific types of workouts? What is an exercise routine, for ordinary people, that will result in favorable weight loss? do you like autumn? Ok, so I would like to loose some weight but i have no time to work out because i am always babysitting. Any thoughts? Do you think its possible for a person to walk 6 miles in 1hr13mins.? Does anyone know Mike Tyson training routine when he was in his prime? Does this birthday suit make my butt look fat? How can i thicken my wrists.Im 16,play basketball,work out,have strong shoulders n biceps but thin wrists.I want strong forearms.Any ideas? is it bad that i eat A LOT.? Im 16, play baskteball, weigh about 130. I eat anything, junk food, home food, fast food and am always hungry. During Exercise, is the amount you sweat proportional to the number of calories you burn? What is your BMI (body mass index)? What is Paleo?
  • 16. Is honey and cinamon as good as they say for you? What fad diet is next? i am 12 years old, 5'2, and weigh 118. how can i drop 10 pounds ASAP? im a little chubby on waist,and chuby on thighs nd rear end.:( Losing Weight The best way to fight obesity.....Creat a law where everybody has to walk around in their underwear!what do you think?? yoda or yoga? Any good Tips to get a 6 pac? im half way there already but am struggling to get the lower to abs! any good foods or exercises? how to work my lower abs!!!!! What is a major part of your unhealthy diet? Can you gain muscle mass without sacrificing speed/flexibility? Can you bulk up (muscle) without losing speed? Americans are very health and diet conscious. So why are we so fat? We are fatter than all previous generations and childhood obesity . i want to increase my vertical FAST and end my final year of high school basketball with a bang. what are some things i could do? What do you guys think about whey protein? pool party coming up need help Are you a HealthNut? Why or Why not? What physiological changes does one undergo when becoming fit that enable one to continue strenuous activity for a longer period? How much weight can you lose in 2 weeks of cardio aerobics? Do you think saturated fat is bad for you? Because I don't. Yes , I am 18 and i weigh 192 & i'm 5'5 , can I lose 40-50 pounds in 4 months? How fat is she? I don't want to date someone that's too fat. Can I take syntha 6 before a workout? Where can I get it for cheap? Vitamin Shoppe? Am i fat now?
  • 17. What is the best way to loose that little bit of belly fat? I hate the way it sticks out, even though I am average weight! Any exercises? I just got off a 7 days liquid fast and have bad diarrhea and was wondering if that was normal the first few days? How to get good abs? How do you do rope skipping? What skills do you have? What are the exercises for waist? Is sit-ups before going to bed good for digestion ? How many hours should a young man spend on gym everyday? Tell me about your Atkins diet experience (if any) Crazy question women. Would you be able to carry someone that weighs around 160lbs easily and how could you do it if you could? How much do you think I weigh from these pictures? How much do you think I weigh from these pictures? Help, Question is in description. does turkesterone really work? Taking energy supliment for daily gym workout is good or bad? 40-31-38 measurements? who loves to swim whos looking to stay cool this summer and is looking for awesome pools How can you fight caffeine addiction? Are you aware of your "Specific appetites"? (not sex) Am I fat??? I'm 5'6 and weigh 135 pounds. I'm a girl. im 12 years old and i weigh 6 stone i wish to loose wight within my house please don't tell me 'im to young for this thing but i dont care Im hungry, what can I eat that taste's good, that is low in calories and will make me feel full and happy?
  • 18. Embarrassed to go shirtless whats the best diet and workout. am i big? fit? fat? How do i look? What is a good way to loose that annoying belly fat and get super skinny? I am underweight, but I still LOOK fat, and my stomach sticks out! I'm a 14 year old boy and want to get in shape. but i'm not interested in sports and just want to keep my body attractive . wat is a good comback wen someone calls u bulimic but u really r not!? help! is 5'7'' and average hight for a girl or is it fairly tall? i've stoped growing and was wondering if this is tall for someone at any age is it healthy for a 13yr old girl to weigh 118lbs when she is 5'3ft In You're Opinion, Other than Dieting, Exercise, & Healthy Eating, What Do you Think is The Quickest Way To Lose Weight? Does yoga help with strength training for men? Can I get fit by eating like a pig and watching TV all day? can i get fit without doing exercise? What is the best way to get rid off love handles for a comparatively slim girl? Is This Necessarily A Bad Thing? Does counting calories for loosing weight work? Which ab machines do you like and what diet tips can you share with someone who want a flat stomach? What are some good foods to have on hand for after workouts, that can be eaten quickly? I am 16, male. My blood group is 'A Neg'. I am 5'11'', 58 kg. What suggestions and advice can u give me regarding it? How to cure spots on skin that looks like ink blotches? What do you hate more... diets or exercise? What are some good supplements/protein shakes for beginners? I heard that Madonna (USpop singer) bought a Coconut Water company: is this a true fact?
  • 19. If you were on a diet, or bassically a lifestyle change and you screwed up by eating junk.... do you think i'm too skinny ? do you think my legs are too skinny ? whom of the 2 came first. Noah and Moses. In de bible. I'm a 14 year old girl, 5' 6 and 113 pounds. Am i to skinny? Poll: which is more ethical: eating vegan or dumpster diving? What can I do to decrease cholesterol without having to take medication? What is the abstract noun of load, sit and empty? If I eat 1400 cals per day and burn off 200 per day, will I lose weight? Are you physically fit, yet still have big breasts/butt? how do u take the almandra quema grasa a day? 1 time a day oir 3 times a day??? How can i improve my Vertical jump? At what age do you stop eating strawberry flavored pop tarts ? Can you continue if you switch to cinnamon ? How does the NFL measure the vertical jump section of the combine? and how can i work on to improve my verticle jump? Are black people more athletic than white people? Have you tried or know anyone who has tried the 4-hour body or slow-carb diet? Results? Why can't I lose much weight in my stomach? How can I tan my body when no ones home? I had 2200 net calories today. Is that abnormal? How to tan alone. When people aren't around? How to gain weight and achieve physical fitness? How to make my arms evenly strong? Im right handed so that arm should be stronger, but ever since I broke my right collar bone the left arm Do diets make you look younger?
  • 20. did u ever feel like u hit a point w/ food where u realized you really were gonna loose weight? i feel that way. i wanna loose 10 pounds How can I make my cheeks less chubby? how to get a good figure naturally ?to increase my bust size and butt size? my figure measures 32b (bust), 27 (waist ),33 (buttock). 12 yr old dancer, 2 weeks left of classes until summer break. i dont wanna fall behind in the summer. what do you recommend? i dance 6 hrs a week (4 days) doing ballet, jazz, and pointe. i feel fat, but i think i have developed muscles out, not in. what to do??? Let's hear it girls - what do you do to stay slim? I like to drink coffee very much, but I don't like to drink constant coffee any more. What should I do? Am i really going to see a difference if i do 30 sit ups & 30 of the bicycle situps a few times a week? What do you think is the best way to incorporate a little bit of yoga into a workout routine? I'm starting to go up hill routes around my house when i go for my walks outside. Are hills good for your abs? is walking up and down a home stair case continuously a good exercise? If i do running 8 km/day for a month, will i loose weight? with a diet ofcourse. I have a really small belly what is hiding my lower abs.. who is the actor in weight watchers for men if i'm eating pizza sometimes while trying to loose weight, will it be very hard to loose the weight? Will it be very hard to loose weight if i have pizza sometimes during the process? Do you have tips on how to make a TASTY salad? I'm trying 2 loose weight. I do the tredmill and I go 4 walks. Whats the best way 2 incorporate yoga into my routine 2 loose weight? how long does it take for your body to get use to exercising? I've been back at it for 2 to 3 weeks now and i'm still in pain sometimes. Is lean quizeene pizza healthy for you when your trying to loose weight, or is it just as fattening as regular ? What is your favorite workout routine? How to gain weight and muscle? Im 5'7 and I can't get any weight on my bones. I weight lift and im cut. Just need to get bigger.
  • 21. whats the diff. between fat ond obease im 30 years old, 1.65m tall and weigh 71kg. does this mean i am fat? i gym regurlary What do ladies talk about in a women's locker room? We hear so much about guys talking; what about the ladies? Are energy drinks and vitamin drinks affects our liver? how to get a six pack in three months what change would you like to make to your lifestyle in order to improve your health? Which matters most for weight loss: speed or distance? What will happen if I stop eating? Custom built personal training how does it help? Ways of losing fat around the stomach area, groin, and thighs? just things you can do 30 minutes at home. Can little red stretch marks mean youre losing weight? Cold drink after a meal,, I heard that this is bad if so why? they said a hot drink is much better Eating fruit on a empty stomach, I heard that this is the best way to absorb the nutrients the best does kyle leons muscle maximizer acually work? Am i a good looking guy? what is the best exercise to lift your butt? Can I run 3 miles under 28 minutes in a month if my cardio is bad ? Have you ever participated in a Triathlon? Have you exercised today? How many hours a week do you exercise? are big legs unattractive? How much should a 15 year old be able to benchpress? How long does it take for a broken bone to heal? Are there any parkour training facilities near Troy, Michigan? What would you change about me? I can't eat enough calories?
  • 22. i eat a paleo diet (protein, veg, no grains/bread/other carbs but fruit, no sugar, no dairy either) and train under the biosig method. why?! I have big thighs. What food is recommended to be away from? what is that thing called that was on telly about the abdominal pad it, what are good exercises for me? How do I get thinner? I'd like to know what the rationale is for eating vegan, never drinking soda and being conscious of every crumb of food that goes in your Has anyone used any of the HCG diets and has it worked? What are ideal measurements for short women? Powerlite elliptical trainer or orbitrek elliptical trainer? Worried about my body (pictures included!) I don't really like veggies and fruit that much.So I limit myself to about 5 in each group. How about you ? is it alright for a 19 year olds to fatten themselves up because they want to be overweight How hard is it to get six pack abs and at what age does one stop trying q:) is it normal to have strain on back when using the abcoaster? What is Lean Muscle X... for more info,click here? What type of protein shake should i start? Are girls stronger than boys? Do Dates make people Gain Weight?? DMZ Xtreme: I am about to begin my first cycle of DMZ extreme. How to lose 30 kg!!...about 66lb..? Do you like my breasts? Am I strong for my size and weight? What is my body type based on my measurements? how to die '
  • 23. If I am on diet and my weight is constant say at 75,and for a fortnight I stop dating how many days will it taketo reflect this in my weight I'm 5'9 and 123 pounds. My measurements are 38, 25, 32 I'm only 17 and feel like I'm not 'sexy'. What can I do to change that? Is this true for you ? To truly live healthy and permanently lose weight is living in a healthy diet, and not some silly crash diet. How much muscularity do women actually find attractive? How to number up without lifting weights or using accelerator explosive?