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How Airlines Can Deliver a
Personalized Customer Experience
During Operational Disruptions
By distilling and applying meaning from the digital data that
surrounds people, processes, organizations and devices, airlines
can create “personas” that reveal how and where customers want
to engage, and customize offers that secure customer loyalty and
elevate brand reputation.
Executive Summary
Your flight has been canceled, you’re stranded at
the airport, and the corrective action offered by
the airline does not suit your purpose. Sounds all
too familiar, right?
Welcome to the 21st century world of airline
travel. With increased air traffic, airports are
hard-pressed to overcome complex operational
challenges, from flight scheduling and terminal
operations, to passenger communication and
retail and maintenance planning. As a result, what
the industry once called a “disruption” is now the
new normal.1
In a continuous attempt to preserve brand equity,
passenger airlines are trying to institute the best
possible service recovery measures, keeping in
mind the expectations of their tech-savvy cus-
tomers, who have a plethora of information, often
more than the airport itself, at their fingertips.
Simultaneously, they are fighting to retain custom-
ers, who today are often afforded greater air travel
options and alternate modes of transport.
Add to this the move by some airlines to offer
a personalized experience rather than mere
transport, and it becomes clear that competi-
tion in the travel industry has become more
intense than ever before. Every dimension of the
traveler’s journey is being questioned, including
the experience during “non-normal” operations,
such as delays.
In response, airlines must look to personalize
the customer experience during disruptions.
Because customers cannot be fully understood
when categorized in traditional ways, based on
geographic location, intent and psychographics,
airlines should create segmentations based on
“personas” — a complex combination of factors,
based on event, time and behavior – in order to
drive intended outcomes.
cognizant 20-20 insights | november 2015
• Cognizant 20-20 Insights
Interest Gap
Airlines currently approach
disruption-handling using
standard operating
procedures, with no
imminent solution to
resolving traveler pain.
Action Gap
No operational process
exists for delivering
messages during
Content Gap
There appears to
be no clear direction
on the type of content
that could be personalized
via algorithmic and heuristic
approaches during
non-normal operations.
2cognizant 20-20 insights
This white paper examines how passenger airlines
can leverage non-discrete and bounded customer
during airline disruptions. Doing so involves what
we call Code HaloTM
a discipline in which
meaning is made and applied from the metadata
generated by the connected and online behaviors
of people, processes, organizations and devices.
We also present recommendations based on
primary research that we conducted through a
survey of 200 consumers to understand their
behavior during airline disruptions.3
Current State of Airline Industry
To fully grasp the challenges facing passenger
airlines today, it is necessary to understand the
business landscape. All airlines today have well-
established standard operating procedures for
handling customers during disruptions, including
e-mail notifications, rebooking options, refunds
and special offers, such as coupons and vouchers
to be used during periods of latency.
Although airlines curently offer some form of mar-
keting-related personalization, such as custom-
ized food and beverage services or product and
service recommendations, such personalization
is completely missing from the service recovery
experience. Airlines currently have large stores of
customer data from which they could design algo-
rithmic- and heuristic-based personalized service
recovery experiences; however, they are hindered
by aging systems, a lack of omnichannel capabili-
ties and an inability to seamlessly coordinate the
activities of multiple partners in the value chain.
Software and service providers are starting to
move in the direction of personalized disruption
handling. For instance, online reservations
systems provider Amadeus recently partnered
with TAM Airlines to launch Personal Disruption
which provides personalized re-
accommodation options to passengers. While this
is a step in the right direction, the application
only provides rebooking of primary and ancillary
products based on the customer’s history and
fails to address the entire service disruption
A Three-Phased Approach
A cohesive and holistic approach to personalized
disruption-handling will require airlines to close
three gaps that exist today (see Figure 1).
The Non-Normal Operations Chasm
Figure 1
cognizant 20-20 insights 3
Airlines can bridge the content gap and the action
gap by taking a three-phased approach (see
Figure 2).
Phase 1: Define Code Halos
For every interaction a customer has with an
airline, an immense amount of data is generated,
whether it is explicitly captured or derived from
travelers’ online activities. This swirl of data (which
we call a Code Halo) can be used to create a series
of customer personas. Using this metadata (which
is based on an analysis of the airline’s customer
database, blended with an empirical understand-
ing of traveler behavior) airlines can devise a per-
sonalized disruption treatment experience. Such
metadata would include the following:
•	Current Trip Data
>> Age: Customer response to non-normal op-
erations differs according to their age. Our
research reveals that travelers aged 18 to 24
are 34% more prone to requesting compen-
sation and refunds than other age groups.
>> Gender: Men and women vary in their pre-
ferred treatment, both during and after a
disruption. In our survey, women were about
10% more likely to ask for refunds and com-
pensation following a disruption.
>> Nationality and ethnicity: Passengers’ coun-
try of origin and ethnic background can also
help airlines predict their emotional state and
behavior. For instance, we correlated four di-
mensions of national cultures developed by
social psychologist Geert Hofstede (individu-
alism, masculinity, uncertainty avoidance,
long-term orientation)5
with the elements of
situational response to disruptions. We con-
cluded that travelers with nationalities that
are highly individualistic, assertive/competi-
tive and tolerant of ambiguity/uncertainty
— and that value past- and present-related
virtues, such as national pride and tradition)
— are likely to be more vocal about request-
ing remedial measures such as service cor-
rections, compensation, refunds, etc. Travel-
ers from cultures that are more collectivist,
modest/caring, intolerant of uncertainty and
geared toward future-focused virtues, such
as persistence and adapting to changing
circumstances, are likely to be less adamant
about remedial measures. For example, a
customer from the U.S. would be far more
insistent on receiving these services than a
customer from India (see Figure 3).
Closing the Passenger Insight Gap
Country Comparison
The Hofstede Model scores countries across
several dimensions in order to visualize
culture differences and anticipate their
impact. The following is an example of how
India scores on four dimensions vs. the U.S.
Code Halos
Insights &
1 32
Individualism Masculinity Uncertainty
■ U.S.
■ India
Figure 2
Source: The Hofstede Centre
Figure 3
cognizant 20-20 insights 4
>> Travel purpose: Three common types of
travel include business, leisure and fam-
ily gatherings. While our study reveals little
variation in behavior across these three
categories in terms of refund requests,
travelers to family gatherings are somewhat
more likely to ask for an explanation of the
delay from the airline, and are much more
likely to request compensation (see Figure 4).
Airlines must understand travelers’ propensi-
ty for irritability based on their travel purpose
in order to deliver the most relevant experi-
ence when flights are delayed.
Irritability Index
Airline-Associated Travelers Demand Monetary Remediation
Ask for a refund Ask for an explaination
from the airline
Ask for compensation
■ Business
■ Leisure
■ Travel for family gatherings
Accept non-monetary
Reject offer/ask for
other treatment
■ Associated with airline/travel group
■ Not associated with airline/travel group
Source: Cognizant Primary Research
Figure 4
Source: Cognizant Primary Research
Figure 5
>> Association with airline or travel group:
People who are associated with an airline
or travel-related group are more inclined to
request compensation, refunds and explana-
tions than other traveler types (see Figure
5). In our study, 72% of people associated
with an airline or travel group reacted nega-
tively to “soft” forms of compensation and
instead asked for monetary types of refunds.
>> Activity on social networking: Customers
express mixed feelings about sharing their
travel disruption experience on social chan-
nels. However, as all age groups become in-
creasingly focused on using social channels
for interaction and content consumption, this
is an important attribute for airlines to track.
>> Channel of service: More than half of re-
spondents said they would want to receive
service from airline staff during a disruption
(see Figure 6, next page). Although this find-
ing appears contrary to the trend toward self-
service technologies, we believe it is related
to the risk-averse attitude of customers dur-
ing a disruption, as they are focused on avoid-
ing further difficulties and don’t want to leave
resolution to chance.
>> Smart device usage: As consumers increas-
ingly use mobile devices to check trip status
cognizant 20-20 insights 5
and obtain real-time flight information, air-
lines should push disruption-related notifica-
tions to these channels in the form of SMS
and Whatsapp messages.
•	Historical Data
>> Previous acceptance of flight re-booking:
By analyzing past response to rebooking an
alternate flight, airlines can target offers to
those customers who are most likely to ac-
cept such an offer.
>> Previous acceptance of alternative offers:
Because a high correlation exists between
customers who accept alternate offers (i.e.,
vouchers, transfers, etc.) and those who ap-
plaud the service recovery experience, air-
lines can use customers’ offer acceptance
history to target and improve their net pro-
moter score.
>> Previous acceptance of compensation: Our
research shows that customers with a strong
inclination toward asking for compensation,
and a tendency to not accept rebooking or
alternate offers, also tend to be neutral or
skeptical in terms of their level of brand ad-
vocacy. Airlines should consider such behav-
ioral tendencies when devising experiences
for each customer type.
>> Previous refund-seeking behavior: Our
study also reveals that customers with
strong refund-seeking behavior are net de-
fectors for an airline. Such customers must
be identified and given special treatment.
Phase 2: Develop Personas
By aggregating behaviors and time- and event-
based attributes, airlines can develop customer
personas. The following are typical clusters that
airlines can develop:
•	Behavior-based: These clusters are based on
the behavior of customers toward offers made
by airlines during a disruption, in the form of
coupons, hotel stays, discounted next trips, etc.
>> Refund seeker.
>> Explanation finder.
>> Compensation hunter.
>> Apology acceptor.
>> Agreeable type (supersedes all
other clusters).
•	Reaction-based. These clusters are based on
post-service-recovery reactions:
>> Applauders.
>> Stay neutrals.
>> Skeptics.
Preferred Service Channel
■ Airline staff
■ Self service
■ Assisted service
■ Not sure
Source: Cognizant Primary Research
Figure 6
Our study also reveals that
customers with strong refund-
seeking behavior are net defectors
for an airline. Such customers must
be identified and given special
cognizant 20-20 insights 6
To develop accurate and useful traveler personas,
airlines should combine these two clusters, using
the matrix defined in Figure 7.
Phase 3: Developing Insights and Executing the
Operational Roll-Out
To achieve the envisioned operational excellence,
airlines should consider implementing a five-lay-
ered protocol:
1.	 A personalization engine informed by Code
Halo thinking that is capable of handling the
attributes highlighted throughout this white
paper, as well as their combinations and inter-
sections. Such an engine would help correlate
and ascribe meaning to passenger behavior
and events, in time to develop a compelling
recommendation for delivering an exceptional
customer experience. For example, an offer
could be sent to the mobile device of a business
traveler who is likely to desire an apology in the
event of a disruption and applaud the service
recovery experience if properly executed. Only
a robust implementation of both predictive
modeling and situational analysis can help an
airline bridge the action and content gaps and
move toward algorithmic-based personalization.
2.	A channel of handling. With today’s blurring
of the physical and digital world, airlines need
to enable an omnichannel approach for posting
and sending notifications and information. This
>> Social network channels for communica-
tion and real-time flight information. Few
airlines today use social media as both a
channel for customer notifications and real-
time flight status. Given that this is a free
and much-used channel for communication,
airlines need to quickly develop a mature ca-
pability on this front.
>> Enablement of personalized social mes-
saging channels, such as Facebook Messen-
ger and Whatsapp. By sending notifications
and sharing the right information at the right
time on the right device, airlines can greatly
diminish customer anxiety. Approximately
90% of travelers today say they know about
a disruption only when they have arrived at
the airport, which is the greatest cause of
3.	Resolving information asymmetry. With the
speed of information dissemination today, it
is important for airlines to understand that
asymmetry of information can quickly dilute
brand value. For example, when a customer
incorrectly believes that her flight has
been disrupted, she will develop a negative
perception of the experience. If airlines can col-
lectively inform passengers that a disruption
has occurred (say multiple airlines are facing
disruptions because of an airport operational
problem), travelers will be far less aggravated.
4.	Enabling staff. Even as self-service prolifer-
ates, the majority of travelers still want disrup-
tion-handling to be carried out by the airline’s
staff, according to our research. Also, because
travelers increasingly want information on-the-
it is important to arm staff and contact
centers with the ability to enable context-spe-
cific and personalized information and service
during disruptions.
5.	Predictive customer handling. Airlines such
as British Airways use predictive disruption
identification models, such as possible can-
cellation or disruption scenarios, to interact
with customers upfront before the disruption
occurs. This resonates with our finding that
many customers want to hear of disruptions or
possibilities on an a priori basis.
Making Sense of Personas
A cross-tabulation of personas enables a better understanding of them. For example,
‘applauders’ might seek explanations but not refunds.
Figure 7
Offer Acceptance
Applauding – √ – √
Neutral √ √ √ √
Skeptical √ √ √ √
cognizant 20-20 insights 7
Looking Ahead
Delivering a “segment of one” flight-disruption-
handling experience can boost customer loyalty
and increase brand value. However, successfully
completing such an intitiative requires a mindset
shift. A complex set of attributes, tasks and
values are required to bring about the necessary
changes in systems, business strategy and
attitudes. Making the transition to the Code Halo
paradigm for service recovery treatment requires
the following:
•	Looking beyond day-to-day customer data.
Airlines must utilize data from social networks,
rich customer profiles, historical customer
behavior data and other sources. To do this,
they need to be adept at asking customers for
relevant data at various touchpoints across the
service purchase and servicing value chain.
For example, British Airways is now asking
passengers to specify if they are traveling for
leisure, business or to visit family and friends,
and it specifies upfront that this data will be
used to personalize offers.7
•	Clearly understanding offer acceptance/
rejection behaviors. There is no one-size-fits-
all customer response to offers made during
delays, cancellations, etc.; rather, behavior is
dependent on situations and events that are
unique to an individual passenger or journey.
•	Predictively modeling personas and events.
Once these models are devised, airlines can
assign the best and most relevant personalized
treatment to offer to customer segments.
Note: Code Halo is a trademark of Cognizant
Technology Solutions.
1	 “Survey: Disruption in the Travel Industry Is the New Normal,” Tnooz, Aug. 18, 2014,
2	 For more on Code Halos, please see our white paper, “Code Rules: A Playbook for Managing at the
Crossroads,”, or our recently
published book, Code Halos: How the Digital Lives of People, Things and Organizations Are Changing the
Rules of Business, Wiley, April 2014,
3	 Cognizant conducted an online survey of 200 business and leisure travelers from the U.S., UK, Middle
East and India in August 2015.
4	 “Amadeus Is Partnering with Brazil’s Tam Airlines,” Business Travel News, Nov. 25, 2014,
5	 Geert Hofstede, “Dimensions of National Cultures,”,
6	 Think with Google website,
7	 British Airways Web site,
About Cognizant
Cognizant (NASDAQ: CTSH) is a leading provider of information technology, consulting, and business
process outsourcing services, dedicated to helping the world’s leading companies build stronger busi-
nesses. Headquartered in Teaneck, New Jersey (U.S.), Cognizant combines a passion for client satisfac-
tion, technology innovation, deep industry and business process expertise, and a global, collaborative
workforce that embodies the future of work. With over 100 development and delivery centers worldwide
and approximately 218,000 employees as of June 30, 2015, Cognizant is a member of the NASDAQ-100,
the S&P 500, the Forbes Global 2000, and the Fortune 500 and is ranked among the top performing and
fastest growing companies in the world. Visit us online at or follow us on Twitter: Cognizant.
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About the Authors
Shuvajyoti Bardhan is a Consulting Manager within Cognizant Business Consulting’s Travel and Hospital-
ity Practice, with experience handling complex IT consulting projects for airline companies. Shuvajyoti
earned an M.B.A. from IIM Kolkata. He can be reached at
Sudipto Ghosh is a Senior Consultant with Cognizant Business Consulting’s Travel and Hospitality
Practice. He has 10-plus years in the IT consulting business across multiple roles in engagements with
Cognizant’s airline customers. He holds a post-graduate diploma in International Business from IIFT,
Kolkata. Sudipto can be reached at
Vikas Gupta is a Business Analyst with Cognizant Business Consulting’s Travel and Hospitality Practice.
He has more than nine years of consulting experience in engagements across the travel industry. He
specializes in front-, middle- and back-office travel solutions, with a current focus on consulting in GDS’s
API/XM- based products. He can be reached at
About Cognizant Travel & Hospitality
A leader in travel and hospitality consulting, Cognizant has developed the Cognizant Travel Ribbon®
as a tool to assist airlines and other industry players in broadening their thinking about when and
how to engage with customers. Cognizant defines the Travel Ribbon by eight essential stages of the
overall travel experience, including: 1) Inspiration, 2) Planning, 3) Booking, 4) Purchase, 5) Pre-trip, 6)
Departure, 7) In-flight and 8) Post-trip. Learn more at:

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How Airlines Can Deliver a Personalized Customer Experience During Operational Disruptions

  • 1. How Airlines Can Deliver a Personalized Customer Experience During Operational Disruptions By distilling and applying meaning from the digital data that surrounds people, processes, organizations and devices, airlines can create “personas” that reveal how and where customers want to engage, and customize offers that secure customer loyalty and elevate brand reputation. Executive Summary Your flight has been canceled, you’re stranded at the airport, and the corrective action offered by the airline does not suit your purpose. Sounds all too familiar, right? Welcome to the 21st century world of airline travel. With increased air traffic, airports are hard-pressed to overcome complex operational challenges, from flight scheduling and terminal operations, to passenger communication and retail and maintenance planning. As a result, what the industry once called a “disruption” is now the new normal.1 In a continuous attempt to preserve brand equity, passenger airlines are trying to institute the best possible service recovery measures, keeping in mind the expectations of their tech-savvy cus- tomers, who have a plethora of information, often more than the airport itself, at their fingertips. Simultaneously, they are fighting to retain custom- ers, who today are often afforded greater air travel options and alternate modes of transport. Add to this the move by some airlines to offer a personalized experience rather than mere transport, and it becomes clear that competi- tion in the travel industry has become more intense than ever before. Every dimension of the traveler’s journey is being questioned, including the experience during “non-normal” operations, such as delays. In response, airlines must look to personalize the customer experience during disruptions. Because customers cannot be fully understood when categorized in traditional ways, based on geographic location, intent and psychographics, airlines should create segmentations based on “personas” — a complex combination of factors, based on event, time and behavior – in order to drive intended outcomes. cognizant 20-20 insights | november 2015 • Cognizant 20-20 Insights
  • 2. Interest Gap Airlines currently approach disruption-handling using standard operating procedures, with no imminent solution to resolving traveler pain. Action Gap No operational process exists for delivering customized/personalized messages during disruption-handling. Content Gap There appears to be no clear direction on the type of content that could be personalized via algorithmic and heuristic approaches during non-normal operations. 2cognizant 20-20 insights This white paper examines how passenger airlines can leverage non-discrete and bounded customer personastodeliveramorepersonalizedexperience during airline disruptions. Doing so involves what we call Code HaloTM thinking,2 a discipline in which meaning is made and applied from the metadata generated by the connected and online behaviors of people, processes, organizations and devices. We also present recommendations based on primary research that we conducted through a survey of 200 consumers to understand their behavior during airline disruptions.3 Current State of Airline Industry Competition To fully grasp the challenges facing passenger airlines today, it is necessary to understand the business landscape. All airlines today have well- established standard operating procedures for handling customers during disruptions, including e-mail notifications, rebooking options, refunds and special offers, such as coupons and vouchers to be used during periods of latency. Although airlines curently offer some form of mar- keting-related personalization, such as custom- ized food and beverage services or product and service recommendations, such personalization is completely missing from the service recovery experience. Airlines currently have large stores of customer data from which they could design algo- rithmic- and heuristic-based personalized service recovery experiences; however, they are hindered by aging systems, a lack of omnichannel capabili- ties and an inability to seamlessly coordinate the activities of multiple partners in the value chain. Software and service providers are starting to move in the direction of personalized disruption handling. For instance, online reservations systems provider Amadeus recently partnered with TAM Airlines to launch Personal Disruption Companion,4 which provides personalized re- accommodation options to passengers. While this is a step in the right direction, the application only provides rebooking of primary and ancillary products based on the customer’s history and fails to address the entire service disruption experience. A Three-Phased Approach A cohesive and holistic approach to personalized disruption-handling will require airlines to close three gaps that exist today (see Figure 1). The Non-Normal Operations Chasm Figure 1
  • 3. cognizant 20-20 insights 3 Airlines can bridge the content gap and the action gap by taking a three-phased approach (see Figure 2). Phase 1: Define Code Halos For every interaction a customer has with an airline, an immense amount of data is generated, whether it is explicitly captured or derived from travelers’ online activities. This swirl of data (which we call a Code Halo) can be used to create a series of customer personas. Using this metadata (which is based on an analysis of the airline’s customer database, blended with an empirical understand- ing of traveler behavior) airlines can devise a per- sonalized disruption treatment experience. Such metadata would include the following: • Current Trip Data >> Age: Customer response to non-normal op- erations differs according to their age. Our research reveals that travelers aged 18 to 24 are 34% more prone to requesting compen- sation and refunds than other age groups. >> Gender: Men and women vary in their pre- ferred treatment, both during and after a disruption. In our survey, women were about 10% more likely to ask for refunds and com- pensation following a disruption. >> Nationality and ethnicity: Passengers’ coun- try of origin and ethnic background can also help airlines predict their emotional state and behavior. For instance, we correlated four di- mensions of national cultures developed by social psychologist Geert Hofstede (individu- alism, masculinity, uncertainty avoidance, long-term orientation)5 with the elements of situational response to disruptions. We con- cluded that travelers with nationalities that are highly individualistic, assertive/competi- tive and tolerant of ambiguity/uncertainty — and that value past- and present-related virtues, such as national pride and tradition) — are likely to be more vocal about request- ing remedial measures such as service cor- rections, compensation, refunds, etc. Travel- ers from cultures that are more collectivist, modest/caring, intolerant of uncertainty and geared toward future-focused virtues, such as persistence and adapting to changing circumstances, are likely to be less adamant about remedial measures. For example, a customer from the U.S. would be far more insistent on receiving these services than a customer from India (see Figure 3). Closing the Passenger Insight Gap Country Comparison The Hofstede Model scores countries across several dimensions in order to visualize culture differences and anticipate their impact. The following is an example of how India scores on four dimensions vs. the U.S. Define Code Halos Develop Personas Develop Insights & Execute Operational Rollout 1 32 Reaction-basedRefund-based Individualism Masculinity Uncertainty Avoidance Long-Term Orientation ■ U.S. ■ India 0 20 40 60 80 100 Figure 2 Source: The Hofstede Centre Figure 3
  • 4. cognizant 20-20 insights 4 >> Travel purpose: Three common types of travel include business, leisure and fam- ily gatherings. While our study reveals little variation in behavior across these three categories in terms of refund requests, travelers to family gatherings are somewhat more likely to ask for an explanation of the delay from the airline, and are much more likely to request compensation (see Figure 4). Airlines must understand travelers’ propensi- ty for irritability based on their travel purpose in order to deliver the most relevant experi- ence when flights are delayed. Irritability Index Airline-Associated Travelers Demand Monetary Remediation Ask for a refund Ask for an explaination from the airline Ask for compensation ■ Business ■ Leisure ■ Travel for family gatherings 0 20 40 60 80 Accept non-monetary remediation Reject offer/ask for other treatment ■ Associated with airline/travel group ■ Not associated with airline/travel group 0 20 40 60 80 16 50 42 6 Source: Cognizant Primary Research Figure 4 Source: Cognizant Primary Research Figure 5 >> Association with airline or travel group: People who are associated with an airline or travel-related group are more inclined to request compensation, refunds and explana- tions than other traveler types (see Figure 5). In our study, 72% of people associated with an airline or travel group reacted nega- tively to “soft” forms of compensation and instead asked for monetary types of refunds. >> Activity on social networking: Customers express mixed feelings about sharing their travel disruption experience on social chan- nels. However, as all age groups become in- creasingly focused on using social channels for interaction and content consumption, this is an important attribute for airlines to track. >> Channel of service: More than half of re- spondents said they would want to receive service from airline staff during a disruption (see Figure 6, next page). Although this find- ing appears contrary to the trend toward self- service technologies, we believe it is related to the risk-averse attitude of customers dur- ing a disruption, as they are focused on avoid- ing further difficulties and don’t want to leave resolution to chance. >> Smart device usage: As consumers increas- ingly use mobile devices to check trip status
  • 5. cognizant 20-20 insights 5 and obtain real-time flight information, air- lines should push disruption-related notifica- tions to these channels in the form of SMS and Whatsapp messages. • Historical Data >> Previous acceptance of flight re-booking: By analyzing past response to rebooking an alternate flight, airlines can target offers to those customers who are most likely to ac- cept such an offer. >> Previous acceptance of alternative offers: Because a high correlation exists between customers who accept alternate offers (i.e., vouchers, transfers, etc.) and those who ap- plaud the service recovery experience, air- lines can use customers’ offer acceptance history to target and improve their net pro- moter score. >> Previous acceptance of compensation: Our research shows that customers with a strong inclination toward asking for compensation, and a tendency to not accept rebooking or alternate offers, also tend to be neutral or skeptical in terms of their level of brand ad- vocacy. Airlines should consider such behav- ioral tendencies when devising experiences for each customer type. >> Previous refund-seeking behavior: Our study also reveals that customers with strong refund-seeking behavior are net de- fectors for an airline. Such customers must be identified and given special treatment. Phase 2: Develop Personas By aggregating behaviors and time- and event- based attributes, airlines can develop customer personas. The following are typical clusters that airlines can develop: • Behavior-based: These clusters are based on the behavior of customers toward offers made by airlines during a disruption, in the form of coupons, hotel stays, discounted next trips, etc. >> Refund seeker. >> Explanation finder. >> Compensation hunter. >> Apology acceptor. >> Agreeable type (supersedes all other clusters). • Reaction-based. These clusters are based on post-service-recovery reactions: >> Applauders. >> Stay neutrals. >> Skeptics. Preferred Service Channel ■ Airline staff ■ Self service ■ Assisted service ■ Not sure 52% 29% 4% 15% Source: Cognizant Primary Research Figure 6 Our study also reveals that customers with strong refund- seeking behavior are net defectors for an airline. Such customers must be identified and given special treatment.
  • 6. cognizant 20-20 insights 6 To develop accurate and useful traveler personas, airlines should combine these two clusters, using the matrix defined in Figure 7. Phase 3: Developing Insights and Executing the Operational Roll-Out To achieve the envisioned operational excellence, airlines should consider implementing a five-lay- ered protocol: 1. A personalization engine informed by Code Halo thinking that is capable of handling the attributes highlighted throughout this white paper, as well as their combinations and inter- sections. Such an engine would help correlate and ascribe meaning to passenger behavior and events, in time to develop a compelling recommendation for delivering an exceptional customer experience. For example, an offer could be sent to the mobile device of a business traveler who is likely to desire an apology in the event of a disruption and applaud the service recovery experience if properly executed. Only a robust implementation of both predictive modeling and situational analysis can help an airline bridge the action and content gaps and move toward algorithmic-based personalization. 2. A channel of handling. With today’s blurring of the physical and digital world, airlines need to enable an omnichannel approach for posting and sending notifications and information. This requires: >> Social network channels for communica- tion and real-time flight information. Few airlines today use social media as both a channel for customer notifications and real- time flight status. Given that this is a free and much-used channel for communication, airlines need to quickly develop a mature ca- pability on this front. >> Enablement of personalized social mes- saging channels, such as Facebook Messen- ger and Whatsapp. By sending notifications and sharing the right information at the right time on the right device, airlines can greatly diminish customer anxiety. Approximately 90% of travelers today say they know about a disruption only when they have arrived at the airport, which is the greatest cause of dissatisfaction. 3. Resolving information asymmetry. With the speed of information dissemination today, it is important for airlines to understand that asymmetry of information can quickly dilute brand value. For example, when a customer incorrectly believes that her flight has been disrupted, she will develop a negative perception of the experience. If airlines can col- lectively inform passengers that a disruption has occurred (say multiple airlines are facing disruptions because of an airport operational problem), travelers will be far less aggravated. 4. Enabling staff. Even as self-service prolifer- ates, the majority of travelers still want disrup- tion-handling to be carried out by the airline’s staff, according to our research. Also, because travelers increasingly want information on-the- go,6 it is important to arm staff and contact centers with the ability to enable context-spe- cific and personalized information and service during disruptions. 5. Predictive customer handling. Airlines such as British Airways use predictive disruption identification models, such as possible can- cellation or disruption scenarios, to interact with customers upfront before the disruption occurs. This resonates with our finding that many customers want to hear of disruptions or possibilities on an a priori basis. Making Sense of Personas A cross-tabulation of personas enables a better understanding of them. For example, ‘applauders’ might seek explanations but not refunds. Figure 7 Offer Acceptance Reactions Refund Seeker Explanation Seeker Compensation Hunter Apology Acceptor Applauding – √ – √ Neutral √ √ √ √ Skeptical √ √ √ √
  • 7. cognizant 20-20 insights 7 Looking Ahead Delivering a “segment of one” flight-disruption- handling experience can boost customer loyalty and increase brand value. However, successfully completing such an intitiative requires a mindset shift. A complex set of attributes, tasks and values are required to bring about the necessary changes in systems, business strategy and attitudes. Making the transition to the Code Halo paradigm for service recovery treatment requires the following: • Looking beyond day-to-day customer data. Airlines must utilize data from social networks, rich customer profiles, historical customer behavior data and other sources. To do this, they need to be adept at asking customers for relevant data at various touchpoints across the service purchase and servicing value chain. For example, British Airways is now asking passengers to specify if they are traveling for leisure, business or to visit family and friends, and it specifies upfront that this data will be used to personalize offers.7 • Clearly understanding offer acceptance/ rejection behaviors. There is no one-size-fits- all customer response to offers made during delays, cancellations, etc.; rather, behavior is dependent on situations and events that are unique to an individual passenger or journey. • Predictively modeling personas and events. Once these models are devised, airlines can assign the best and most relevant personalized treatment to offer to customer segments. Note: Code Halo is a trademark of Cognizant Technology Solutions. Footnotes 1 “Survey: Disruption in the Travel Industry Is the New Normal,” Tnooz, Aug. 18, 2014, 2 For more on Code Halos, please see our white paper, “Code Rules: A Playbook for Managing at the Crossroads,”, or our recently published book, Code Halos: How the Digital Lives of People, Things and Organizations Are Changing the Rules of Business, Wiley, April 2014, html. 3 Cognizant conducted an online survey of 200 business and leisure travelers from the U.S., UK, Middle East and India in August 2015. 4 “Amadeus Is Partnering with Brazil’s Tam Airlines,” Business Travel News, Nov. 25, 2014, launch-a-mobile-tool-that-handles-flight-disruptions/?ib=Airlines&a=trans. 5 Geert Hofstede, “Dimensions of National Cultures,”, 6 Think with Google website, 7 British Airways Web site,
  • 8. About Cognizant Cognizant (NASDAQ: CTSH) is a leading provider of information technology, consulting, and business process outsourcing services, dedicated to helping the world’s leading companies build stronger busi- nesses. Headquartered in Teaneck, New Jersey (U.S.), Cognizant combines a passion for client satisfac- tion, technology innovation, deep industry and business process expertise, and a global, collaborative workforce that embodies the future of work. With over 100 development and delivery centers worldwide and approximately 218,000 employees as of June 30, 2015, Cognizant is a member of the NASDAQ-100, the S&P 500, the Forbes Global 2000, and the Fortune 500 and is ranked among the top performing and fastest growing companies in the world. Visit us online at or follow us on Twitter: Cognizant. World Headquarters 500 Frank W. Burr Blvd. Teaneck, NJ 07666 USA Phone: +1 201 801 0233 Fax: +1 201 801 0243 Toll Free: +1 888 937 3277 Email: European Headquarters 1 Kingdom Street Paddington Central London W2 6BD Phone: +44 (0) 20 7297 7600 Fax: +44 (0) 20 7121 0102 Email: India Operations Headquarters #5/535, Old Mahabalipuram Road Okkiyam Pettai, Thoraipakkam Chennai, 600 096 India Phone: +91 (0) 44 4209 6000 Fax: +91 (0) 44 4209 6060 Email: ­­© Copyright 2015, Cognizant. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the express written permission from Cognizant. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. All other trademarks mentioned herein are the property of their respective owners. TL Codex 1603 About the Authors Shuvajyoti Bardhan is a Consulting Manager within Cognizant Business Consulting’s Travel and Hospital- ity Practice, with experience handling complex IT consulting projects for airline companies. Shuvajyoti earned an M.B.A. from IIM Kolkata. He can be reached at Sudipto Ghosh is a Senior Consultant with Cognizant Business Consulting’s Travel and Hospitality Practice. He has 10-plus years in the IT consulting business across multiple roles in engagements with Cognizant’s airline customers. He holds a post-graduate diploma in International Business from IIFT, Kolkata. Sudipto can be reached at Vikas Gupta is a Business Analyst with Cognizant Business Consulting’s Travel and Hospitality Practice. He has more than nine years of consulting experience in engagements across the travel industry. He specializes in front-, middle- and back-office travel solutions, with a current focus on consulting in GDS’s API/XM- based products. He can be reached at About Cognizant Travel & Hospitality A leader in travel and hospitality consulting, Cognizant has developed the Cognizant Travel Ribbon® as a tool to assist airlines and other industry players in broadening their thinking about when and how to engage with customers. Cognizant defines the Travel Ribbon by eight essential stages of the overall travel experience, including: 1) Inspiration, 2) Planning, 3) Booking, 4) Purchase, 5) Pre-trip, 6) Departure, 7) In-flight and 8) Post-trip. Learn more at: own-the-travel-ribbon-for-ultimate-customer-engagement.pdf.