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Pivotal CRM Homebuilder Front
                                                      Office Integration with Oracle JD
                                                      Edwards EnterpriseOne HMS

                                                                                                                                                                          s o l u t i o n
                                                      Homebuilders benefit from a cost-effective, seamlessly
                                                      integrated front-office-to-back-office solution
Pivotal homebuilder Front office–                     the Pivotal CRM team offers business-integration solutions
enterpriseone integration Benefits
•	 Tight Integration - share data seamlessly
                                                      and implementation services, reducing the cost and complexity
   and streamline processes with tightly              traditionally associated with integration to oracle JD edwards
   integrated applications
                                                      enterpriseone hMs. With Pivotal CRM solutions, homebuilders

                                                                                                                                                                          s h e e t
•	 Productivity - improve efficiency and
   prevent errors by synchronizing key                can deploy best-in-class applications in the back and front office,
   information between the front and back
                                                      and optimize their cross-application business processes—quickly
•	 Ease of Use - benefit from a single point
                                                      and effectively.
   of data entry; automate processes to               Homebuilders have invested heavily in their            expertise of the Pivotal Professional Services
   simplify and coordinate your maintenance           EnterpriseOne Homebuilder Management                   team and Pervasive integration specialists,
   of communities, inventory home and lot             System to increase business-process efficiency.        homebuilders benefit from unrivaled, world-
   availability, sales and construction stages,
                                                      But these investments yield maximum value              class EnterpriseOne and Pivotal CRM
   and plan, elevation, and option assignments
                                                      only when they are integrated with a flexible,         integration expertise. This expertise can assist
•	 Flexibility and Scalability - leverage a           robust Customer Relationship Management                homebuilders in integrating other functional
   standards-based solution to reduce the cost        (CRM) system, providing a crystal-clear, 360-          areas, such as scheduling or home mortgage
   and complexity of integration
                                                      degree view of the homebuyer that can be used          operations. Pivotal CRM delivers industry
Feature/Function highlights                           to make informed business decisions, improve           best practices, a proven methodology for
•	 Geographic structures such as divisions,           efficiencies, add value to every customer touch,       implementation, preconfigured integration
   communities, and phases are maintained             and improve the overall homebuyer experience.          framework templates, and easy-to-use
   in EnterpriseOne and integrated with Pivotal       As the marketplace becomes more competitive            middleware technology to enable homebuilders
   CRM                                                and homebuyers become more discriminating,             to deploy a comprehensive integrated enterprise
•	 Existing EnterpriseOne address-book
                                                      homebuilders that embrace a customer-for-              that includes a complete, flexible Homebuilder
   contacts are integrated with Pivotal CRM;          life philosophy can optimize their processes           Front Office CRM system fully integrated with an
   new buyers, co-owners, lenders, and realtors       to present a unified face to prospects,                EnterpriseOne back office, at a low total cost of
   are passed back to the EnterpriseOne               homebuyers, and homeowners, who demand a               ownership.
   address book                                       consistent, personalized experience across all
•	 The EnterpriseOne product library—                 departments.                                           Fully integrated Applications
   including plans, elevations, options, and lot                                                             Designed to meet the needs of high-production
   inventory—is maintained in EnterpriseOne           The Pivotal CRM team has partnered with
                                                                                                             homebuilders, integration between Pivotal
   and integrated with Pivotal CRM                    Pervasive Software to rapidly connect
                                                                                                             Homebuilder Front Office and Oracle JD
                                                      EnterpriseOne and Pivotal Homebuilder
•	 The complete options list, including option                                                               Edwards EnterpriseOne offers support for the
                                                      Front Office, reducing the time, cost, and
   packages and wildcards, is brought into                                                                   entire homebuyer lifecycle. With this solution,
   Pivotal CRM for option selection.
                                                      risk associated with enterprise application
                                                                                                             complete end-to-end front-office and back-
                                                      integration. This partnership gives homebuilders
•	 Buyer-selected options, contracts,                                                                        office integration improves data flow and
                                                      the best of both worlds: EnterpriseOne, a stable,
   addendums, and changes are brought back                                                                   management access to shared data. Integrated
                                                      proven back-office homebuilder management
   into EnterpriseOne                                                                                        processes cut manual steps, redundant data
                                                      system, and Pivotal Homebuilder Front Office,
•	 Pivotal CRM tracks the history and                                                                        entry, and multiple user interfaces, dramatically
                                                      a flexible, enterprise-wide marketing, sales, and
   relationships between homebuyers, realtors,                                                               improving efficiencies.
                                                      customer care solution that tightly integrates
   lots, contracts, and options for the life of the   processes across functional departments and
   customer—and the home                                                                                     Any time information is maintained in more than
                                                      geographic markets. No single vendor can               one location, data synchronization problems
                                                      provide this today. Most homebuilders choose           can occur, and the administrator needs to
                                                      EnterpriseOne and Pivotal CRM independently            ensure that each system maintains the same
                                                      because they find each to be the best product          version of common data. For most companies,
                                                      to meet their business needs. Now Pivotal CRM          this means manually entering the same data in
                                                      efficiently links these critical information systems   both locations. With fully integrated applications,
                                                      together to build customers for life.                  however, Pivotal Homebuilder Front Office and
                                                                                                             EnterpriseOne can coexist and work together
                                                      The Pivotal CRM team has also partnered
                                                                                                             by transferring data bi-directionally between the
                                                      with Pervasive Software to deliver
                                                                                                             two systems, dramatically reducing the risk of
                                                      comprehensive integration services and
                                                                                                             lost data and lost opportunities.
                                                      a cost-effective integration solution for
                                                      homebuilders. Leveraging the combined

                                                                                                                                           Pivotal CRM | Solution Sheet
The transfer of data is typically done in a batch mode, with     always know exactly which lots and homes are available for
information visible in both systems upon completion of the       sale and their current phase in the construction process.
batch transfer—completely eliminating the need to log and
make updates in both applications, and mitigating costly data    Through this integration, homebuilders eliminate otherwise-
errors. Scheduling of the data synchronization is controlled     daunting duplicate data entry in their CRM system. More
by the homebuilder and can be automatically executed as          importantly, it allows them to segment and assign sales teams
frequently as desired, from every few minutes to hourly or       and specific representatives to sales releases. When it is time
daily. Integrated data is then immediately available to front-   to start selling, every release is optimally staffed, so sales
office and back-office users online, and is automatically        associates can sell better, sell more, and sell faster.

synchronized with disconnected mobile users.

Reflect Geographic Data in Pivotal homebuilder
Front office                                                     Make options for each Construction Phase
Construction planning forms the basis of what products           Available in the Front office
are available for sale at any given time. All of that critical   Administrators set up available options for each neighborhood
information is entered and stored in EnterpriseOne HMS,          in the backend. With integration between Pivotal CRM
available to the back-office on demand, but virtually out        and EnterpriseOne, these can be pushed live to the front
of sight to the people who want it most: the sales team.         office, so that the assignment of options to releases in each
Sharing information and updates from EnterpriseOne with          construction phase is accurately reflected in Pivotal CRM. This
Pivotal Homebuilder Front Office allows sales representatives    capability helps sales representatives work with customers to
to access every available release, lot, and inventory home       accurately build and select optimal preferences on the spot.
within each region, division, and neighborhood that they are     After a contract has been signed, buyer-selected options are
permitted to sell. Their jobs are made that much easier—they     brought back into EnterpriseOne.

                                                                                                           Pivotal CRM | Solution Sheet
Once a community is set up in EnterpriseOne and pulled             adjustments, deposits, and contingencies—are all reflected in
into Pivotal CRM, all related data, including pricing, is          EnterpriseOne, for consistency across the business.
available in the Pivotal CRM system. Only lots with a release
date in EnterpriseOne will be made available to the front-         Maintain a shared Address Book
office. As the release progresses, subsequent changes              Break down silos with a single system of detailed contact
to the price in EnterpriseOne are reflected in the Pivotal         records. Key demographic data on customers and their
CRM system. Pivotal CRM supports the wildcarding option            relationships with lenders or brokers can be shared
feature in EnterpriseOne, allowing for a minimum amount            throughout the company—in both the back and front office.
of data transformation to the CRM system. Accordingly,             Bi-directional capabilities streamline data entry and ensure
administrators only need to specify options once to make           information entered in EnterpriseOne or Pivotal CRM is
them available or wildcarded for all elevations, plans, and        always in synch and up to date. Back-office personnel have
releases in each neighborhood. This integration leads to           everything they need to get the home built and financed, and
increased productivity and lower costs.                            front-office staff can easily access customer information to
                                                                   personalize follow-up, conduct marketing, and ultimately help
Make inventory homes Available in Pivotal                          find the right home for their customers.
homebuilder Front office
Once geographic data and the option catalog are pulled into        The Integration Solution
Pivotal CRM, the sales team can easily access the status           The Pivotal CRM and Pervasive teams provide a platform for
and details of homesite inventory homes. The sales team can        integration that controls the most expensive and unpredictable
quickly identify and look up pre-planned inventory homes,          portion of any integration project: the cost of development.
and inventory homes that have been sold once but are again         Integration projects often start small but grow quickly as the
available for sale. With complete access to product plans/         need arises for custom coding and development to tackle the
elevations for lots, sales representatives can look up divisions   wide variety of situations an integration team often encounters
and see which plans are assigned to a neighborhood and             during the course of a project.
which lots are available for sale, speeding up the sales cycle.    A preconfigured solution provides a solid footing for a reliable,
When sales representatives are with customers, they can use        adaptable integration and also takes as much account
Pivotal Homebuilder Front Office to look up plans/elevations       as possible of customers’ specific requirements. The pre-
that are assigned to lots in EnterpriseOne. They can also look     packaged integration solution between Pivotal CRM and
up the status of lots. The Pivotal CRM application facilitates     EnterpriseOne includes:
the management of inventory homes by automatically                 •	 Integration processes built using the Pervasive
handling the listing of an inventory home and its configuration       Development Studio, running on the Pervasive Business
when a contract is cancelled and the construction has already         Integrator
                                                                   •	 Customizations to Pivotal Homebuilder Front Office
send Contact and Contract Details to                                  required to integrate with EnterpriseOne
enterpriseone                                                      •	 Configuration of forms and set-up processes
Once a contract is signed, the execution of the contract can       •	 The run-time environment and data repositories required to
be set in motion. Unique buyer information is transferred             support the integration
from Pivotal CRM directly to EnterpriseOne, kick-starting
                                                                   •	 Documentation
the construction process and instantly providing needed
information for accurate billing, releasing of purchase            •	 Professional services expertise from both the Pivotal CRM
orders, setting up building schedules, and assigning work             and Pervasive teams, executing a proven integration
to subcontractors. Through this integration, homebuilders             methodology
eliminate the need to re-enter information, which reduces          •	 Ongoing support
errors and administrative costs.

As customers select new options or put the finishing touches       Accelerated integration Methodology
on their plans, the systems are automatically updated to           The Pivotal CRM team believes customers should spend
reflect the changes.                                               time focused on their business, not on the business of
                                                                   technology. We understand the importance of leveraging data
Contract details are sent from Pivotal Homebuilder Front           in EnterpriseOne from Pivotal Homebuilder Front Office, and
Office to EnterpriseOne only after a homesite has been sold;       vice versa. We have partnered with Pervasive Software to
all quotes remain in Pivotal CRM. Cancellations, transfers,        employ an in-depth and flexible implementation methodology,
and updates to contract details—such as the realtor, lenders,      “PRIMe,” that powers the successful implementation of data-
                                                                   infrastructure projects and speeds customer achievement of
                                                                   value. The key to an on-time, on-budget implementation is

                                                                                                              Pivotal CRM | Solution Sheet
i. Discovery Phase                        ii. implementation Phase                      iii. Acceptance Phase
 Key Activities:                           Key Activities:                               Key Activities:
 Pre-project Assessment/Discovery          •	 Detailed Design Workshops                  •	 Client/User Acceptance Testing
 •	 Detailed Requirements Workshop         •	 Integration, Mappings, and UI              •	 Conference Room Pilot
 •	 Proposal/Project Plan Development      •	 Specifications Development                 •	 Training and Education (optional)
 •	 Customer Review and Acceptance         •	 Technical Implementation                   •	 Integration Rollout
                                              Documentation Development                  •	 Post-Project Review
                                           •	 Migration, Functional, and Technical
                                           •	 Design Review
                                           •	 Integration Configuration and
                                           •	 Data Migration of EnterpriseOne
                                              - Cutover Requirements and Strategy
                                              - Data Mapping Validation
                                              - Data Scrub and Population of Pivotal
                                           •	 User Profile Setup
                                              - Security Profiles
                                              - Validation
                                              - Employee Record Setup
                                           •	 Integration Functional and Performance
                                           •	 UI Testing
 Deliverables:                             Deliverables:                                 Deliverables:
 •	 Legal Documentation                    •	 Specification of Operational Design and    •	 Support Documentation
 •	 Project Plan and Proposal                 Customer Environment                       •	 Project Overview (De-brief ) Session
                                           •	 Business Process Flow Diagram              •	 Documentation of Best Practices,
                                           •	 Documentation of Functional                •	 Suggested Process Improvements, and
                                           •	 Requirements, Mappings, and UI                Other Intellectual Property
                                           •	 Milestone Deliverables and Reviews
                                           •	 Change Requests
                                           •	 Testing Results Report

understanding what needs to be done and using professional,             have been completed, that the customer can receive
experienced project management and integration specialists              world-class support, and that new best practices
to keep the project team focused on the goal: improving your            identified are implemented. Details of the scope of
business with tools that fit and optimize your processes.               documentation, knowledge transfer, and production
                                                                        rollout will be defined explicitly in the initial proposal.
PRIMe is a three-phase methodology consisting of the
following:                                                        Each of the PRIMe steps may include one or more substeps
                                                                  based on your needs. These are the components that make
  1. Discovery Phase: this phase is dedicated to                  PRIMe flexible enough to scale to many different types and
     understanding the customer’s requirements and defining       sizes of data infrastructure projects.
     the project objectives, with the goal of producing a
     project plan and proposal.                                   PRIMe, combined with best practices in CRM and integration
                                                                  to EnterpriseOne, forms the basis for data-integration
  2. Implementation Phase: Pervasive Professional Services
                                                                  excellence. Not only will homebuilders benefit from a
     team members assigned to the project review the
                                                                  complete and scalable integration solution, they will also
     approved design documents. Details are documented
                                                                  benefit from a proven methodology. Customers have found
     and clarified by working with the customer to resolve
                                                                  that by incorporating learning and best practices from initial
     unknowns and mitigate risks. As milestones are reached
                                                                  projects, later projects are done more quickly, and more work
     or scope changes are identified, they are reviewed with
                                                                  can be reused. This produces faster time-to-benefit from
     the customer.
                                                                  application integration by minimizing learning curves within
  3. Acceptance Phase: the acceptance phase consists of           the organization. The complete solution of technology and
     three steps, which ensure that the project deliverables

                                                                                                                  Pivotal CRM | Solution Sheet
methodology can help you move from current state to desired              About Pervasive software
                 state smoothly, while helping you become self-sufficient for             Pervasive Software is a global value leader in data
                 future initiatives.                                                      infrastructure software. The company’s award winning
                                                                                          products enable customers to manage, integrate, analyze,
                 About Pivotal CRM for homebuilders & Real                                and secure their critical data, providing the industry’s best
                 estate                                                                   combination of performance, reliability and cost. Pervasive’s
                 Tailored specifically for the high-production homebuilders               strength is evidenced by the size and diversity of its customer
                 industry, Pivotal Homebuilder Front Office is designed                   base, serving tens of thousands of customers in virtually every
                 to handle the complete marketing automation, lead                        industry market around the world. With headquarters in Austin,
                 management, sales automation, and customer care cycles                   Texas, Pervasive was founded in 1994 and sells its products
                 of volume homebuilders—from the first point of interest                  into more than 150 countries.
                 through the complete sales cycle to the handling of service
                 and warranty requests years after a home is purchased.
                 Built on an enterprise-class, Microsoft-based platform,
                 Pivotal Homebuilder Front Office offers industry-specific
                 functionality, while still providing the flexibility to support each
                 homebuilder’s unique business processes and operations.
                 For more information, please visit

take the Pivotal step with Pivotal CRM for homebuilders & Real estate
To learn more about how Pivotal CRM for Homebuilders & Real Estate can help your organization increase efficiencies and improve client service,
call us today at +1 877-PIVOTAL (+1 877-748-6825) or visit us at
Copyright © CDC Software 2007. All rights reserved. The CDC Software logo and Pivotal CRM logo are registered trademarks and/or trademarks of CDC Software.

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  • 1. Pivotal CRM Homebuilder Front Office Integration with Oracle JD Edwards EnterpriseOne HMS s o l u t i o n Homebuilders benefit from a cost-effective, seamlessly integrated front-office-to-back-office solution Pivotal homebuilder Front office– the Pivotal CRM team offers business-integration solutions enterpriseone integration Benefits • Tight Integration - share data seamlessly and implementation services, reducing the cost and complexity and streamline processes with tightly traditionally associated with integration to oracle JD edwards integrated applications enterpriseone hMs. With Pivotal CRM solutions, homebuilders s h e e t • Productivity - improve efficiency and prevent errors by synchronizing key can deploy best-in-class applications in the back and front office, information between the front and back office and optimize their cross-application business processes—quickly • Ease of Use - benefit from a single point and effectively. of data entry; automate processes to Homebuilders have invested heavily in their expertise of the Pivotal Professional Services simplify and coordinate your maintenance EnterpriseOne Homebuilder Management team and Pervasive integration specialists, of communities, inventory home and lot System to increase business-process efficiency. homebuilders benefit from unrivaled, world- availability, sales and construction stages, But these investments yield maximum value class EnterpriseOne and Pivotal CRM and plan, elevation, and option assignments only when they are integrated with a flexible, integration expertise. This expertise can assist • Flexibility and Scalability - leverage a robust Customer Relationship Management homebuilders in integrating other functional standards-based solution to reduce the cost (CRM) system, providing a crystal-clear, 360- areas, such as scheduling or home mortgage and complexity of integration degree view of the homebuyer that can be used operations. Pivotal CRM delivers industry Feature/Function highlights to make informed business decisions, improve best practices, a proven methodology for • Geographic structures such as divisions, efficiencies, add value to every customer touch, implementation, preconfigured integration communities, and phases are maintained and improve the overall homebuyer experience. framework templates, and easy-to-use in EnterpriseOne and integrated with Pivotal As the marketplace becomes more competitive middleware technology to enable homebuilders CRM and homebuyers become more discriminating, to deploy a comprehensive integrated enterprise • Existing EnterpriseOne address-book homebuilders that embrace a customer-for- that includes a complete, flexible Homebuilder contacts are integrated with Pivotal CRM; life philosophy can optimize their processes Front Office CRM system fully integrated with an new buyers, co-owners, lenders, and realtors to present a unified face to prospects, EnterpriseOne back office, at a low total cost of are passed back to the EnterpriseOne homebuyers, and homeowners, who demand a ownership. address book consistent, personalized experience across all • The EnterpriseOne product library— departments. Fully integrated Applications including plans, elevations, options, and lot Designed to meet the needs of high-production inventory—is maintained in EnterpriseOne The Pivotal CRM team has partnered with homebuilders, integration between Pivotal and integrated with Pivotal CRM Pervasive Software to rapidly connect Homebuilder Front Office and Oracle JD EnterpriseOne and Pivotal Homebuilder • The complete options list, including option Edwards EnterpriseOne offers support for the Front Office, reducing the time, cost, and packages and wildcards, is brought into entire homebuyer lifecycle. With this solution, Pivotal CRM for option selection. risk associated with enterprise application complete end-to-end front-office and back- integration. This partnership gives homebuilders • Buyer-selected options, contracts, office integration improves data flow and the best of both worlds: EnterpriseOne, a stable, addendums, and changes are brought back management access to shared data. Integrated proven back-office homebuilder management into EnterpriseOne processes cut manual steps, redundant data system, and Pivotal Homebuilder Front Office, • Pivotal CRM tracks the history and entry, and multiple user interfaces, dramatically a flexible, enterprise-wide marketing, sales, and relationships between homebuyers, realtors, improving efficiencies. customer care solution that tightly integrates lots, contracts, and options for the life of the processes across functional departments and customer—and the home Any time information is maintained in more than geographic markets. No single vendor can one location, data synchronization problems provide this today. Most homebuilders choose can occur, and the administrator needs to EnterpriseOne and Pivotal CRM independently ensure that each system maintains the same because they find each to be the best product version of common data. For most companies, to meet their business needs. Now Pivotal CRM this means manually entering the same data in efficiently links these critical information systems both locations. With fully integrated applications, together to build customers for life. however, Pivotal Homebuilder Front Office and EnterpriseOne can coexist and work together The Pivotal CRM team has also partnered by transferring data bi-directionally between the with Pervasive Software to deliver two systems, dramatically reducing the risk of comprehensive integration services and lost data and lost opportunities. a cost-effective integration solution for homebuilders. Leveraging the combined Pivotal CRM | Solution Sheet
  • 2. The transfer of data is typically done in a batch mode, with always know exactly which lots and homes are available for information visible in both systems upon completion of the sale and their current phase in the construction process. batch transfer—completely eliminating the need to log and make updates in both applications, and mitigating costly data Through this integration, homebuilders eliminate otherwise- errors. Scheduling of the data synchronization is controlled daunting duplicate data entry in their CRM system. More by the homebuilder and can be automatically executed as importantly, it allows them to segment and assign sales teams frequently as desired, from every few minutes to hourly or and specific representatives to sales releases. When it is time daily. Integrated data is then immediately available to front- to start selling, every release is optimally staffed, so sales office and back-office users online, and is automatically associates can sell better, sell more, and sell faster. synchronized with disconnected mobile users. Reflect Geographic Data in Pivotal homebuilder Front office Make options for each Construction Phase Construction planning forms the basis of what products Available in the Front office are available for sale at any given time. All of that critical Administrators set up available options for each neighborhood information is entered and stored in EnterpriseOne HMS, in the backend. With integration between Pivotal CRM available to the back-office on demand, but virtually out and EnterpriseOne, these can be pushed live to the front of sight to the people who want it most: the sales team. office, so that the assignment of options to releases in each Sharing information and updates from EnterpriseOne with construction phase is accurately reflected in Pivotal CRM. This Pivotal Homebuilder Front Office allows sales representatives capability helps sales representatives work with customers to to access every available release, lot, and inventory home accurately build and select optimal preferences on the spot. within each region, division, and neighborhood that they are After a contract has been signed, buyer-selected options are permitted to sell. Their jobs are made that much easier—they brought back into EnterpriseOne. Pivotal CRM | Solution Sheet
  • 3. Once a community is set up in EnterpriseOne and pulled adjustments, deposits, and contingencies—are all reflected in into Pivotal CRM, all related data, including pricing, is EnterpriseOne, for consistency across the business. available in the Pivotal CRM system. Only lots with a release date in EnterpriseOne will be made available to the front- Maintain a shared Address Book office. As the release progresses, subsequent changes Break down silos with a single system of detailed contact to the price in EnterpriseOne are reflected in the Pivotal records. Key demographic data on customers and their CRM system. Pivotal CRM supports the wildcarding option relationships with lenders or brokers can be shared feature in EnterpriseOne, allowing for a minimum amount throughout the company—in both the back and front office. of data transformation to the CRM system. Accordingly, Bi-directional capabilities streamline data entry and ensure administrators only need to specify options once to make information entered in EnterpriseOne or Pivotal CRM is them available or wildcarded for all elevations, plans, and always in synch and up to date. Back-office personnel have releases in each neighborhood. This integration leads to everything they need to get the home built and financed, and increased productivity and lower costs. front-office staff can easily access customer information to personalize follow-up, conduct marketing, and ultimately help Make inventory homes Available in Pivotal find the right home for their customers. homebuilder Front office Once geographic data and the option catalog are pulled into The Integration Solution Pivotal CRM, the sales team can easily access the status The Pivotal CRM and Pervasive teams provide a platform for and details of homesite inventory homes. The sales team can integration that controls the most expensive and unpredictable quickly identify and look up pre-planned inventory homes, portion of any integration project: the cost of development. and inventory homes that have been sold once but are again Integration projects often start small but grow quickly as the available for sale. With complete access to product plans/ need arises for custom coding and development to tackle the elevations for lots, sales representatives can look up divisions wide variety of situations an integration team often encounters and see which plans are assigned to a neighborhood and during the course of a project. which lots are available for sale, speeding up the sales cycle. A preconfigured solution provides a solid footing for a reliable, When sales representatives are with customers, they can use adaptable integration and also takes as much account Pivotal Homebuilder Front Office to look up plans/elevations as possible of customers’ specific requirements. The pre- that are assigned to lots in EnterpriseOne. They can also look packaged integration solution between Pivotal CRM and up the status of lots. The Pivotal CRM application facilitates EnterpriseOne includes: the management of inventory homes by automatically • Integration processes built using the Pervasive handling the listing of an inventory home and its configuration Development Studio, running on the Pervasive Business when a contract is cancelled and the construction has already Integrator begun. • Customizations to Pivotal Homebuilder Front Office send Contact and Contract Details to required to integrate with EnterpriseOne enterpriseone • Configuration of forms and set-up processes Once a contract is signed, the execution of the contract can • The run-time environment and data repositories required to be set in motion. Unique buyer information is transferred support the integration from Pivotal CRM directly to EnterpriseOne, kick-starting • Documentation the construction process and instantly providing needed information for accurate billing, releasing of purchase • Professional services expertise from both the Pivotal CRM orders, setting up building schedules, and assigning work and Pervasive teams, executing a proven integration to subcontractors. Through this integration, homebuilders methodology eliminate the need to re-enter information, which reduces • Ongoing support errors and administrative costs. As customers select new options or put the finishing touches Accelerated integration Methodology on their plans, the systems are automatically updated to The Pivotal CRM team believes customers should spend reflect the changes. time focused on their business, not on the business of technology. We understand the importance of leveraging data Contract details are sent from Pivotal Homebuilder Front in EnterpriseOne from Pivotal Homebuilder Front Office, and Office to EnterpriseOne only after a homesite has been sold; vice versa. We have partnered with Pervasive Software to all quotes remain in Pivotal CRM. Cancellations, transfers, employ an in-depth and flexible implementation methodology, and updates to contract details—such as the realtor, lenders, “PRIMe,” that powers the successful implementation of data- infrastructure projects and speeds customer achievement of value. The key to an on-time, on-budget implementation is Pivotal CRM | Solution Sheet
  • 4. i. Discovery Phase ii. implementation Phase iii. Acceptance Phase Key Activities: Key Activities: Key Activities: Pre-project Assessment/Discovery • Detailed Design Workshops • Client/User Acceptance Testing • Detailed Requirements Workshop • Integration, Mappings, and UI • Conference Room Pilot • Proposal/Project Plan Development • Specifications Development • Training and Education (optional) • Customer Review and Acceptance • Technical Implementation • Integration Rollout Documentation Development • Post-Project Review • Migration, Functional, and Technical Design • Design Review • Integration Configuration and Development • Data Migration of EnterpriseOne Records - Cutover Requirements and Strategy - Data Mapping Validation - Data Scrub and Population of Pivotal CRM • User Profile Setup - Security Profiles - Validation - Employee Record Setup • Integration Functional and Performance Testing • UI Testing Deliverables: Deliverables: Deliverables: • Legal Documentation • Specification of Operational Design and • Support Documentation • Project Plan and Proposal Customer Environment • Project Overview (De-brief ) Session • Business Process Flow Diagram • Documentation of Best Practices, • Documentation of Functional • Suggested Process Improvements, and • Requirements, Mappings, and UI Other Intellectual Property Specifications • Milestone Deliverables and Reviews • Change Requests • Testing Results Report understanding what needs to be done and using professional, have been completed, that the customer can receive experienced project management and integration specialists world-class support, and that new best practices to keep the project team focused on the goal: improving your identified are implemented. Details of the scope of business with tools that fit and optimize your processes. documentation, knowledge transfer, and production rollout will be defined explicitly in the initial proposal. PRIMe is a three-phase methodology consisting of the following: Each of the PRIMe steps may include one or more substeps based on your needs. These are the components that make 1. Discovery Phase: this phase is dedicated to PRIMe flexible enough to scale to many different types and understanding the customer’s requirements and defining sizes of data infrastructure projects. the project objectives, with the goal of producing a project plan and proposal. PRIMe, combined with best practices in CRM and integration to EnterpriseOne, forms the basis for data-integration 2. Implementation Phase: Pervasive Professional Services excellence. Not only will homebuilders benefit from a team members assigned to the project review the complete and scalable integration solution, they will also approved design documents. Details are documented benefit from a proven methodology. Customers have found and clarified by working with the customer to resolve that by incorporating learning and best practices from initial unknowns and mitigate risks. As milestones are reached projects, later projects are done more quickly, and more work or scope changes are identified, they are reviewed with can be reused. This produces faster time-to-benefit from the customer. application integration by minimizing learning curves within 3. Acceptance Phase: the acceptance phase consists of the organization. The complete solution of technology and three steps, which ensure that the project deliverables Pivotal CRM | Solution Sheet
  • 5. methodology can help you move from current state to desired About Pervasive software state smoothly, while helping you become self-sufficient for Pervasive Software is a global value leader in data future initiatives. infrastructure software. The company’s award winning products enable customers to manage, integrate, analyze, About Pivotal CRM for homebuilders & Real and secure their critical data, providing the industry’s best estate combination of performance, reliability and cost. Pervasive’s Tailored specifically for the high-production homebuilders strength is evidenced by the size and diversity of its customer industry, Pivotal Homebuilder Front Office is designed base, serving tens of thousands of customers in virtually every to handle the complete marketing automation, lead industry market around the world. With headquarters in Austin, management, sales automation, and customer care cycles Texas, Pervasive was founded in 1994 and sells its products of volume homebuilders—from the first point of interest into more than 150 countries. through the complete sales cycle to the handling of service and warranty requests years after a home is purchased. Built on an enterprise-class, Microsoft-based platform, Pivotal Homebuilder Front Office offers industry-specific functionality, while still providing the flexibility to support each homebuilder’s unique business processes and operations. For more information, please visit take the Pivotal step with Pivotal CRM for homebuilders & Real estate To learn more about how Pivotal CRM for Homebuilders & Real Estate can help your organization increase efficiencies and improve client service, call us today at +1 877-PIVOTAL (+1 877-748-6825) or visit us at Copyright © CDC Software 2007. All rights reserved. The CDC Software logo and Pivotal CRM logo are registered trademarks and/or trademarks of CDC Software.