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Should we agree that spiritual beliefs are an important part of the healing process?
What would spirituality mean in such a context? How might they affect the outcome
of treatment?
In this essay I intend to examine the relationship between spiritual beliefs and the healing process.
What exactly does physical health mean in relation to spirituality? The relevence or irrelevance of
spirituality, in matters of health has been of interest to many. I wish at beginning of this essay to
define what I beleive a spiritually healthy person to be.
A spiritually healthy person is one who knows and understands as Plato did (Grube. 1980.
p141)that every part of the universe mirrors every other part and that there exists a link between
the soul of man and the world soul. This understanding would lead to a healthy relationship
between man and the environment in which he lives. This spiritual understanding is fundamental to
health and also to the welfare of the planet as a whole. I will go onto explain why the work of the
physicist David Bohm is of particular relevence in the field of holism and health.
It is extraordinary the symbiosis that exists between this belief expressed by Plato (Grube. 1980.
p141) and that of this theoretical physicist, Bohm who was born in 1917. In the 1930’s he became
interested in quantum physics-the physics of the sub atomic realm. In 1943 he received his
doctorate and then began his most important work on plasmas (a plasma is a gas which contains a
high density of electrons and positive ions). He was astonished to discover that once electrons
were in the plasma, they stopped behaving like individuals and began behaving as if they were part
of a much larger whole. He remarked that he had the impression that the sea of electrons was in
some sense alive. He became professor of physics at Princeton University, where he studied
electrons in metals. Once again he established that individual electrons produced highly organised
effects. (D. Bohm and F. Peat. Science, order and creativity; p88).It may seemat first that the
above information has little bearing on human health but I will attempt to demonstrate that it
does. Human health is linked inexorably to the planet in which we live and have our being , an
awareness of this is an important aspect of health .Spiritual health involves a relationship with
water,sun and soil and the realisation that these elements are in some sense alive.Bohm’s legacy is
to help us achieve this fundamental undestanding.
He believed that sub –atomic structures are not simple, nor are they structureless, but highly
dynamic entities. These entities follow a precise path, which is determined not just by conventional
forces, but also by a more subtle force. This force guides the motion of particles by providing
‘active’ information about the environment as a whole. He calls this’ force quantum potential’. It
pervades all space. This force could in certain cultures be what is generally referred to as spirit, or
what Plato described as world soul.The finding that the unified field is not merely a super dense
field of incessantly fluctuating energies but also a cosmic information field recalls the ancient
concept of akasha. Originally signifying ‘radiation’or brilliance in Indian philosophy ,akasha was
considered the most fundamental of the five elements.Akasha embraces the properties of all five
elements,air, fire, water and earth, it is the womb from which everything we perceive with our
senses has emerged and into which everything will eventually descend.Entanglement of everything
that exists in the universe is neccasary for evolution to take place.[Laszlo. E.1990]
In 1959, Bohm discovered with the help of a young physicist Aharov,that in certain circumstances
electrons are able to ‘feel’ the presence of a nearby magnetic field even though they maybe
travelling in space where the strength is zero. A flowing stream may be good analogy for what is
being described here; on this stream, one may see ever changing patterns of waves emerging.
These waves have no independent existance, rather they are abstracted from the flowing
movement arising and vanishing within the flow. A transitory existence maybe possessed by an
abstract form such as a ripple which would imply a relative independence rather than absolute
independence. (D. Bohm. p98.)In examining this further; consider the wave in the sea, it has it’s
own identity i.e... It is a wave but it’s existence is dependent on the sea. It is of the sea, it is water
but for a short period it is more than water.[Laszlo.E.1990]
David Bohm’s vision of the world as a unified theory of mind and matter, of ‘unbroken wholeness’
received further support from a group of scientists, brought together by Edgar Mitchell. Scientists
around the world for example Kunio Yasue a quantum physicist, had carried out mathematical
formulations to help understand micro processes in the brain, his equations showed that brain
processes occurred at the quantum level and that the dendritic networks in the brain were
operating in tandem with quantum coherence. The equations developed in quantum physics
precisely described this cooperative interaction, (C. D. Laughlin.; 375-400). Mari Jibu, of the
department of anaesthesiology at Okayama University in Japan, had also theorised that the
quantum messaging of the brain must take place through vibrational fields, along the microtubules
of the cells. These microtubules had signalling mechanisms which were thought to be associated
with the transfer of electrons. (M. Jibu. Biosystems1994; 32:95-209) The puzzle that had
confronted philosophers for centuries was beginning to fit together through the work of various
countries and cultures. The brain they realised was in fact a vast dynamic cobweb of energy
exchange, with a basic substructure containing matter.Philosophers throughout history, in every
century had wrestled with this problem. The link between mind and matter was beginning to
formulate, microtubules and the membranes of dendrites represent the internet of the body. Every
neuron of the body could log on at the same time and speak to every other neuron simultaneously
via the quantum processes within.(M.Jibu.See above) Photons can penetrate the core of the
microtubule and communicate with other microtubules throughout the body causing collective
cooperation of subatomic particles in microtubules throughout the brain. (D. Zohar. The Quantum
Self. (London: Flamingo1991); 70.
It would appear that our thoughts, our emotions and our identity are a result of sub atomic
particles vibrating with one another in a dynamic force field as described above. It is extremely
useful to examine the microtubules closely because, they hold the key to our spirituality.This is
because the quantum cohesion that takes place within the microtubules makes it the place where
we resonate with the rest of the world and through which we link up to the world soul. Our soul
and the world soul unite at this point. It seems likely that it is here that psychic connections may
take place and the key to near death experiences may lie. Penrose tells us that cytoskeletons are
affected by anaesthetics and are probably the key to unconscious states. (Penrose. D. p26. ) During
the near death experience for example people have reported seeing bright lights and visions. This
may well be connected to subatomic vibrations within the microtubules. (Penrose.D.p26) Death
approaches, and the electrons and protons prepare to reenter the cosmos as explained so clearly
by David Bohm. He asks us to imagine an insoluble droplet of ink, dropped into a viscous fluid such
as glycerine and stirred, the ink droplet will eventually be transformed into a thread that extends
over the whole fluid. This is similar to what happens when sub atomic particles from within the
microtubules of our brains are enfolded into the cosmos at the time of death, at this point they are
absorbed and distributed as light is within a hologram. When the dead body disintegrates sub
atomic particles are absorbed into the whole as ripples in a river are reabsorbed into the water
mass or as the ink is absorbed into the glycerine. (Bohm. p222)
The scientist David Penrose from Oxford University states that his research reveals that micro
tubules are the scaffolding of the cell.They maintain both its structure and its shape, these
microscopic hexagonal lattices are composed of fine filaments of protein, called tubules which form
tiny, hollow cylinders of indefinite length. Thirteen strands of tubules wrap around the hollow core
in a spiral; all the microtubules in a cell radiate outwards from the cell membrane, like a cartwheel.
(Penrose. R.; p. 367) It is worthy of note that mammalian microtubules are interesting from a
mathematical point of view and also in relation to Bohm and the implicit order. They are grouped
together in clusters of 13. 13 is a fibboccini number. These numbers occur frequently in biological
systems e. g. sun flower heads and palm tree trunks, Fibbocini numbers may provide advantages for
microtubules in their capacity for transmitting information and for processing that information.
(Penrose. R. P222). Sub atomic particles operate in the brain within the microtubules (see above).
These sub atomic particles behave sometimes as waves and sometimes as particles, these
subatomic particles are involved in thought processes.
Bohm maintains that the process of human thought cannot be separated into thought and the
action of thinking. He believes that this fundamental error in human understanding is the
beginning of something more pernicious. i e. the fragmentation of that which is whole into that
which is seperate.
We are creatures that are in constant interaction with all the other creatures on the planet through
the microtubules.We are all connected,one to another. It is this concept of wholeness that he
states clearly and decisively below. He cites;
‘The world of nature is studied in physics, and that of society is studied in sociology, and that of the
mind in psychology, so the function is given attention in linguistics.-Such notions would only be
appropriate if these differences actually existed or were clearly separated then and only then
would this would be appropriate and either constant or slowly changing in there nature. This sort of
specialisation is not in fact appropriate. ’ D. Bohm. p. 40-41
Bohm explains that classical physics implies a certain basic descriptive order and measure, within
which certain structures are possible. This, he states, changed with the theory of relativity as it
introduced new notions concerning the notion of time. If we went faster than the speed of light
then the electro magnetic field which holds our atoms together would disintegrate. Relativity
theory also implies notions of structure-in which the idea of a rigid body can no longer play a key
role. The object is more like a pattern of movement than the solid separate thing that exists
autononomously and permanently.
We, as human beings therefore need to dispose of the idea of seperateness and realise the
interconnection of all things. We are not seperate autominous beings but part of a whole living
planet .This realisation is what lies at the core of spiritual health.The planet may be perceived as
alive and in a state of constant change and movement. The universe must be regarded as an
undivided and unbroken whole. (Bohm. p. 161) The theory of relativity proved that we are in a
world that is radically different from that of Galileo and Newton (Bohm. p161).This is an order of
undivided wholeness. The concept of undivided wholeness is important when we consider
health.Health is to be aware of the nature of the world in which we live. Spiritual health involves
awareness of the unity of the planet and our place within it.
The implication of this from a spiritual point of view is immense. It implies awareness of a
connection between all creatures and all species. Our notions of personal individuality need to be
reassessed and a new understanding of ourselves as aspects of something much larger,i.e. the living
planet. The bee, for example works not for the good of itself but for the good of the hive as a
whole. The hive is the universe of the bee, and it’s every waking moment is involved in what is best
for that hive and its inhabitants. We must see ourselves as part of the whole as indeed they do, all
nature is indeed akin. When we are in need of treatment then it is beneficial to realise that the
treatment comes from the universe itself, it is in effect a gift from the universe. If our treatment is a
success, then this success is partly if not wholly due to our comprehension of the sacred
understanding of the interconnectedness of nature. This understanding provides us with profound
knowledge such knowledge will inevitably contribute to any treatment we may have.
The work of Bohm caught the attention of J. Krishnamati who wrote in’ freedom from the
known’ that man has through out the ages been seeking something beyond himself; a timeless
state, something that cannot be disturbed by circumstances. (Krishnamati. p12.)
Bohm’s deep concern from his youth was to give people this holistic understanding of life. The
fragmentation of heart and mind leads to hatred, cynicism, irrationality and war.He thought that
once people understood the holistic nature of the universe they would change- people would act
for the welfare of the whole. This belief sustained him through a life time of profound enquiry.
This compassion had a cosmic scope, remarkable things happened when Bohm turned his
compassionate enquiry to the processes of nature. He felt a sharing experience of natural
phenomena. Whatever part of nature he studied, he saw it as an integral part of the whole. He
used the metaphor of the hologram, where information is enfolded. Implicate order meant for him,
infinite hierarchy. The implicate order has its ground in the holomovement and involves a state of u
flux. of enfoldment and unenfoldment with laws which are only vaguely known, (Bohm. D. p. 235)
at the heart of which lies a systemof independently existing but interacting particles. (Bohm. D.
Dr Edward Bach asserted that his interaction with his flowers were a result of energy exchange
and vibrations, vital energy exchanges within the plants themselves.( Barnard. p188). The Bach
remedies might be seen as bringing the sheer force of nature into our lives our emotions and even
our perceptions, by interactions taking place within the quantum field. In the ‘secret life of plants’,
we learn that plants are affected by wavelengths of the electro magnetic spectrum, from earth,
moon, planets and a variety of hand made devices( Tomkins. P. p162). It appears that something
very profound had in fact been discovered, much of that which could not be explained, can now be
explained by quantum physics. Ideas about clairvoyance, auras now appear to have a scientific basis
thanks to the quantum work done by Bohm.Laszlo, in the ‘creative cosmos’states that the universe
is not a vacuum, but rather a plenium. There is no such thing as empty space.What we think of as
empty space is packed with a bewildering variety of fields, all interdependent upon each other. At
any point in the universe including our own bodiesthere are an incalcuable number of gravitational
and magnetic fields.[Laslo.]
A personal experience following my husband’s sudden death bewildered me until I read the work
of David Bohm. This experience involved visual distortions. It would seemthat what I believed to
be firm structures moved around, shifting, disappearing. This would occur particularly when I was
listening to music that we both loved objects blurred. One day I was in a book shop and this
movement was so powerful I had to leave the shop. I, being the rationalist thought that there must
be a scientific explanation otherwise I would have to conclude that I was in fact going mad. I read
around the subject and through Krishnamati found David Bohm. I understand now that what I was
experiencing was quantum cohesion. During our lifetime together, our protons and electrons had
permeated each other so that we were in fact not separate beings but one unified field. Protons
and, electrons would create waves, similar to the ripple effect that occurs when we throw stones
into a stream. This causes a response in the surrounding water, so the sound of the music that he
and I both loved caused vibrations to occur within the microtubules of my brain and the result was
distorted vision. The living and the dead are united through quantum cohesion. This is what David
Bohm has taught me and why his work has affected me so profoundly.
Quantum theory breaks down the theory of a systemof independently existing particles that
happen to interact. It proves mathematically that particles are connected. What we call empty
space contains an immense background of energy. Matter, as we know it, is a small ‘quantisised’
wave like excitation, similar to tiny ripples on a vast sea. (Bohm. p242)If we think about this
analogue we can realise that as in the sea, the ripple will have a knock on effect. The ripple will
travel for some distance, as it travels-it will affect the water around it. The surrounding water will
be disturbed by the ripple. This is how the quantum field operates, sometimes electrons and
protons behave like waves and sometimes like particles. They have the capacity for both
depending on the situation.
A very strange but interesting experiment took place in Wainfleet, Arizona which may or may not
be pertinent to our present discussion. The experimenter was a Canadian engineer, Eugene Canby.
He broadcast Bach’s (Johaann Sebastion) to a field of wheat and produced a crop that was 66%
greater than average and with larger and heavier seeds. The wheat furthermore was grown in
inferior soil and it did just as well as wheat grown on very rich soil. It seemed to Canby that Bach’s
musical genius could be detected at some level by plants. (Tomkins and Bird. p14)
The word ‘holistic’ relates to the philosophical idea that the whole is greater than the sum of its
parts (Oxford2006) Holistic medicine is concerned with treating the whole person, which is
considered greater than the sum of its parts. In relativity and quantum theory, notions implying the
undivided wholeness of the universe would provide a much more orderly way of considering the
general nature of reality(Bohm’80. p13)Man’s general world view is crucial for the overall view of
the human mind itself. How is thought itself separate from the process of thinking? Thought and
thinking are in fact a seamless whole. Plato said that all of nature is akin (Grube. p122) Plotonious
believed that the movement and organisation of the universe depended on the presence of a
controlling soul, a divine intelligence which we call God.
I stated earlier that Plato believed that every part of the universe mirrors every other part. (Grube
G. M. A. p144)Plato again stated that there is a clear link between the world soul and the soul of
men (Grube. p145) This fundamental realisation is health. This understanding, if it were indeed
universal would cause a much healthier relationship between man and his environment. I believe
we would then be spiritual, since this would be a spiritual understanding. We would possess a
spiritual awareness of our fundamental existence. Each and every one of us is a part of the universe
and the meaning of our existence is somehow linked to the meaning of the universe as a whole.
Once again, this realisation is fundamental to health, everything in existence is part of something
larger. Bohm asks us to consider the fact that mankind has always searched for wholeness. The
word health in English, is based on an Anglo Saxon word ‘hale' meaning health, to be healthy is to
be whole. This is roughly equivalent to the word ‘shalom in Hebrew, indicating that man has always
understood that wholeness and integrity is an absolute necessity for a healthy life. (Bohm. D. 80. P.
In the words of Marcus Aurelius;
‘Whether the universe is a concourse of atoms, or nature is a system’ let it first be established, that
I am part of that whole which is governed by nature: next I am intimately related to the parts which
are of the same kind as myself. ’
These words by Aurelius are a definition of health.
The word soul could be exchanged for the word energy. We would have world energy and man’s
energy. Soul, for Plato is the cause of all change and movement in the world. It is prior to matter
and to the body. It is the beginning of all things, it is energy. Nature is the totality of all living things;
we are all part of something that is greater than mankind. We share with all other forms of life the
essential qualities of nature. Aristotle compared the universe to a living organism, in which each
part had its proper form and function, so that each worked together to make a single whole. This
whole could move only if there was force acting upon it, force was thus thought of as a cause of
motion. If we return to the quotation above from Marcus Aurelius we may infer that’ the parts
which are of the same kind as myself’ are in fact protons and electrons. The main players in what
we now call the quantum world.’
A world of undivided wholeness: this world is fundamentally different from that of either Galileo or
Newton`. (Bohm. D. 80p. 158.)
A paradigm shift is taking place in science. This shift appears to be taking us from a matter based
`God denying science’ to one that is able to integrate both God, science and spirituality. This new
scientific paradigmrests on solid mathematical evidence. Metaphorically, wholeness could be
described by calling attention to a pattern in a carpet. It makes no sense to say that different parts
of the pattern e. g. Flowers and trees are separate objects in interaction. In the quantum world to
say that an observed object is separate from the observer has no meaning because both are part of
an undivided wholeness in which the observing instrument is not separable from what is being
observed.’ (Bohm. D. 8o. p. 169) When, I observe a tree or a rose I am not separate from it. The
tree, the rose and I are part of an undivided wholeness, which extends through the entire universe.
I am simply one aspect of this implicit order. This awareness of wholeness, the impossibility of
separateness from nature and the cosmos as a whole has deep and profound spiritual significance.
When I damage nature or any part of the cosmos I am damaging myself. It is as if I were to hurt my
own body. The universe is me, I am the universe. There is no division. The question of the self, the
individual and his mortality is dependent upon his relationship with the universe.
Holistic medicine, for example Reiki is a Buddhist based practice. It involves an exchange of energy
between the person who is receiving the treatment and the practitioner who is providing it. The
profound interconnectedness with all life that is found both in shamanic and natural healing is at
the heart of what Bohm calls the interconnectedness of all things. It is this interconnectedness
which infuses all things, that is perceived by all who are truly holistic practioners. These people
possess a deep connectedness with the earth and all that it contains, many say they have a
companionship with the earth. Quatum cohesion as explained above reveals that earth and matter
are essentially the same thing, and so are our physical bodies. It would seemessential for the
survival of the planet and that of course includes homo sapiens that more people become aware of
this connection. If we continue destroying the planet by cutting down trees, polluting the soil and
air at the present rate, there will be nothing left. People’s awareness of our inter connectedness is
not an option. It is, it seems to me the most essential thing in the world.
We have the capacity to change. The human being is the most adaptable creature on the planet.
We will either alter our value system or perish. We have a capacity for both compassion and vision,
the overriding question is do we have the moral imperative to do what must be done. There must
be a change, a paradigm shift away from that which is convenient to make a shift from an ego
centred world view to an eco centred worldview. A planetary consciousness can evolve from the
work of David Bohm and others. He has taught us that we are all one, that unity is the truth and we
must know this truth and indeed feel it.
The development of Western medicine has led us away from connection with nature. A moral
ecology is required. Many people now look after there bodies and eat what they consider good for
them.Yoga practice invites us to be conscious of our bodies through the breathing and the postures
(asanas) we connect the mind with the body so they become one seemless whole (Ivenger.B.K.S.)
for many people yoga becomes a religious practice.Many of the postures contain organic links to
trees snakes plants and animals and have been faithfully practised in the Indian subcontinent for
two thousand of years.
What we need to do is to think in the same way about the planet, to connect in a spiritual way
with it.Natural approaches to health and well being show an inherent respect for nature and its
healing power. Many ancient healing methods have survived.In Tibetan medicine it is
acknowledged that the transformation of your senses is manifest in the creation of a network of
energy pathways that lead from the senses through the body to the brain allowing you to
experience the spiritual universe more clearly. The ancient Tibetans call this the mind tree. The
roots of this tree reside within the brain and it’s branches , leaves, fruits and flowers are the senses
as they undergo transformation.(Hansard.2001.p.54)All flowers and plants are sacred spiritual
entities because they contain energy pathways. These old traditions relied on the link between man
and nature. Bohm has shown us that this link does indeed exist. On the quantum level we are all
Religion has lost its hold over human beings. It has taken us away from our links with nature our
everyday minds are addicted to the comfort of familiar routines. This especially so in the west,
where people have lost their link to the cosmos itself, our connection to it has been severed. We
have come almost to the point of destroying it. We can see everyday the destructions of the
rainforests, the pollution of the oceans and the results of global warming. It is almost as if as a
species we want to destroy the earth which is our home. The situation that we now face is critical.
We need to restore our spiritual connection to our planet as a matter of urgency. Bohm believes
that nature has a religious significance within our psyche. (Bohm. p92).
I think that may have been true in the past and is true in parts of the east, particularly India but
here in the west it has gone for the majority of people. Is it possible for us as a society to find it
again? This is the question and it is the most important question of the 21st century. Traditional
religion and to a lesser degree philosophy, is lost. Spirituality is bleeding, but I do believe that
Bohm is the man to lead us forward. I have attempted in this essay to explain his fundamental
scientific discoveries as clearly as I amable, since I am not a physicist and certainly not a genius as
David Bohm undoubtedly was.
Nevertheless, I feel that we are all capable of grasping his basic doctrines and discoveries and of
making them the basic tenants by which most of us are able to live our lives. If we were to do that
then the planet would be safe from the greed of mankind and we would once again have a deep
and grounded spirituality.
If we are to live in communion with each other and the planet as a whole, we have to find out what
are the blocks in particular? What is it in particular that is causing us as a species to be so
destructive to the world and planet on which we live? Is it simply money? Is that what is behind it
or do we as a species have an inherent urge to destroy, to pillage and to plunder? This thought is
disturbing but, it may possibly be true. If that is indeed the case then there is no hope for the
planet or for us. We are doomed.
Bohm however does not believe this to be the case he thinks we can change and indeed will do so,
because we have an inherent connection to both the planet and the cosmos. The link is through
cosmic cohesion and this is what will ultimately save us. There is, he says no place where the body
ends. We cannot for example say where an oxygen molecule enters the body it is alive and at what
point it becomes carbon dioxide and dies. There is no sharp end to the body (Bohm. p90 On
Ancient traditions and religions have known intuitively and for millienia what quatum physics is
now proving. All living things are interconnected and the whole of creation is interdependent.In
prehistoric times, people felt that everything was endowed with a spirit-animism and they were in
some way part of that. They sensed this interconnectedness with all but as life moved into the cities
this appears to have been weakened and eventually lost altogether. In those earlier times even art
was seen as connected in some way with nature. Now, it is connected with technology.Evolution
involves the interplay of creativity and habit at the human cosmic and biological level. Our habits
are having a disastrous effect on the ecology of the earth and human society itself (Sheldrake. R.
It is not too late, we can change and regain our spiritual connection to the earth then we will
restore both our own health and at the same time the health of the planet. We can reclaim that
which we have lost and this is what we must hope for: remembering that we are all interconnected.
Lazlo.EThe creative cosmos.Routledge1990
Barnard. The healing flowers of Edward Bach. Ashgrove Press. Bath.
Bohm. D. and Peake. F Science, order and creativity.Bantom books. New York. p187.
Bohm. D Wholeness and the Implicit order. Routledge. 1980
Bohm. D On dialogue. Routledge. 1996
Grube. G. M. A. Plato’s thought. Athlone. 1980
Jibu. M. Quantum optical coherence in cytoskeletal
microtubules:implication for brain function;Biosystems.
Krishnamati. J. Freedom from the known. Gollanz. 1969.
Laughlin. C. D. Archetypes, neurogenesis and the quantum sea. Journal of
scientific exploration. 1996;10;375-4.
Penrose. D. Shadows of the mind. Oxford;1995.
Tomkins. Peter. Bird. Christina. The secret life of plants. Harper Perrenial 1989.
Zohar. D. The quantum self. London flamingo. 1991:70

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  • 1. MOLLIE LORD STUDENT NUMBER: 28000892 1 Should we agree that spiritual beliefs are an important part of the healing process? What would spirituality mean in such a context? How might they affect the outcome of treatment? THE HOLISTIC APPROACH TO HEALING- FINAL DRAFT MABP:0220 In this essay I intend to examine the relationship between spiritual beliefs and the healing process. What exactly does physical health mean in relation to spirituality? The relevence or irrelevance of spirituality, in matters of health has been of interest to many. I wish at beginning of this essay to define what I beleive a spiritually healthy person to be. A spiritually healthy person is one who knows and understands as Plato did (Grube. 1980. p141)that every part of the universe mirrors every other part and that there exists a link between the soul of man and the world soul. This understanding would lead to a healthy relationship between man and the environment in which he lives. This spiritual understanding is fundamental to health and also to the welfare of the planet as a whole. I will go onto explain why the work of the physicist David Bohm is of particular relevence in the field of holism and health. It is extraordinary the symbiosis that exists between this belief expressed by Plato (Grube. 1980. p141) and that of this theoretical physicist, Bohm who was born in 1917. In the 1930’s he became interested in quantum physics-the physics of the sub atomic realm. In 1943 he received his doctorate and then began his most important work on plasmas (a plasma is a gas which contains a high density of electrons and positive ions). He was astonished to discover that once electrons were in the plasma, they stopped behaving like individuals and began behaving as if they were part of a much larger whole. He remarked that he had the impression that the sea of electrons was in some sense alive. He became professor of physics at Princeton University, where he studied electrons in metals. Once again he established that individual electrons produced highly organised effects. (D. Bohm and F. Peat. Science, order and creativity; p88).It may seemat first that the above information has little bearing on human health but I will attempt to demonstrate that it does. Human health is linked inexorably to the planet in which we live and have our being , an awareness of this is an important aspect of health .Spiritual health involves a relationship with water,sun and soil and the realisation that these elements are in some sense alive.Bohm’s legacy is to help us achieve this fundamental undestanding. He believed that sub –atomic structures are not simple, nor are they structureless, but highly dynamic entities. These entities follow a precise path, which is determined not just by conventional forces, but also by a more subtle force. This force guides the motion of particles by providing ‘active’ information about the environment as a whole. He calls this’ force quantum potential’. It pervades all space. This force could in certain cultures be what is generally referred to as spirit, or what Plato described as world soul.The finding that the unified field is not merely a super dense field of incessantly fluctuating energies but also a cosmic information field recalls the ancient
  • 2. MOLLIE LORD STUDENT NUMBER: 28000892 2 concept of akasha. Originally signifying ‘radiation’or brilliance in Indian philosophy ,akasha was considered the most fundamental of the five elements.Akasha embraces the properties of all five elements,air, fire, water and earth, it is the womb from which everything we perceive with our senses has emerged and into which everything will eventually descend.Entanglement of everything that exists in the universe is neccasary for evolution to take place.[Laszlo. E.1990] In 1959, Bohm discovered with the help of a young physicist Aharov,that in certain circumstances electrons are able to ‘feel’ the presence of a nearby magnetic field even though they maybe travelling in space where the strength is zero. A flowing stream may be good analogy for what is being described here; on this stream, one may see ever changing patterns of waves emerging. These waves have no independent existance, rather they are abstracted from the flowing movement arising and vanishing within the flow. A transitory existence maybe possessed by an abstract form such as a ripple which would imply a relative independence rather than absolute independence. (D. Bohm. p98.)In examining this further; consider the wave in the sea, it has it’s own identity i.e... It is a wave but it’s existence is dependent on the sea. It is of the sea, it is water but for a short period it is more than water.[Laszlo.E.1990] David Bohm’s vision of the world as a unified theory of mind and matter, of ‘unbroken wholeness’ received further support from a group of scientists, brought together by Edgar Mitchell. Scientists around the world for example Kunio Yasue a quantum physicist, had carried out mathematical formulations to help understand micro processes in the brain, his equations showed that brain processes occurred at the quantum level and that the dendritic networks in the brain were operating in tandem with quantum coherence. The equations developed in quantum physics precisely described this cooperative interaction, (C. D. Laughlin.; 375-400). Mari Jibu, of the department of anaesthesiology at Okayama University in Japan, had also theorised that the quantum messaging of the brain must take place through vibrational fields, along the microtubules of the cells. These microtubules had signalling mechanisms which were thought to be associated with the transfer of electrons. (M. Jibu. Biosystems1994; 32:95-209) The puzzle that had confronted philosophers for centuries was beginning to fit together through the work of various countries and cultures. The brain they realised was in fact a vast dynamic cobweb of energy exchange, with a basic substructure containing matter.Philosophers throughout history, in every century had wrestled with this problem. The link between mind and matter was beginning to formulate, microtubules and the membranes of dendrites represent the internet of the body. Every neuron of the body could log on at the same time and speak to every other neuron simultaneously via the quantum processes within.(M.Jibu.See above) Photons can penetrate the core of the microtubule and communicate with other microtubules throughout the body causing collective cooperation of subatomic particles in microtubules throughout the brain. (D. Zohar. The Quantum Self. (London: Flamingo1991); 70. It would appear that our thoughts, our emotions and our identity are a result of sub atomic particles vibrating with one another in a dynamic force field as described above. It is extremely useful to examine the microtubules closely because, they hold the key to our spirituality.This is because the quantum cohesion that takes place within the microtubules makes it the place where we resonate with the rest of the world and through which we link up to the world soul. Our soul and the world soul unite at this point. It seems likely that it is here that psychic connections may
  • 3. MOLLIE LORD STUDENT NUMBER: 28000892 3 take place and the key to near death experiences may lie. Penrose tells us that cytoskeletons are affected by anaesthetics and are probably the key to unconscious states. (Penrose. D. p26. ) During the near death experience for example people have reported seeing bright lights and visions. This may well be connected to subatomic vibrations within the microtubules. (Penrose.D.p26) Death approaches, and the electrons and protons prepare to reenter the cosmos as explained so clearly by David Bohm. He asks us to imagine an insoluble droplet of ink, dropped into a viscous fluid such as glycerine and stirred, the ink droplet will eventually be transformed into a thread that extends over the whole fluid. This is similar to what happens when sub atomic particles from within the microtubules of our brains are enfolded into the cosmos at the time of death, at this point they are absorbed and distributed as light is within a hologram. When the dead body disintegrates sub atomic particles are absorbed into the whole as ripples in a river are reabsorbed into the water mass or as the ink is absorbed into the glycerine. (Bohm. p222) The scientist David Penrose from Oxford University states that his research reveals that micro tubules are the scaffolding of the cell.They maintain both its structure and its shape, these microscopic hexagonal lattices are composed of fine filaments of protein, called tubules which form tiny, hollow cylinders of indefinite length. Thirteen strands of tubules wrap around the hollow core in a spiral; all the microtubules in a cell radiate outwards from the cell membrane, like a cartwheel. (Penrose. R.; p. 367) It is worthy of note that mammalian microtubules are interesting from a mathematical point of view and also in relation to Bohm and the implicit order. They are grouped together in clusters of 13. 13 is a fibboccini number. These numbers occur frequently in biological systems e. g. sun flower heads and palm tree trunks, Fibbocini numbers may provide advantages for microtubules in their capacity for transmitting information and for processing that information. (Penrose. R. P222). Sub atomic particles operate in the brain within the microtubules (see above). These sub atomic particles behave sometimes as waves and sometimes as particles, these subatomic particles are involved in thought processes. Bohm maintains that the process of human thought cannot be separated into thought and the action of thinking. He believes that this fundamental error in human understanding is the beginning of something more pernicious. i e. the fragmentation of that which is whole into that which is seperate. We are creatures that are in constant interaction with all the other creatures on the planet through the microtubules.We are all connected,one to another. It is this concept of wholeness that he states clearly and decisively below. He cites; ‘The world of nature is studied in physics, and that of society is studied in sociology, and that of the mind in psychology, so the function is given attention in linguistics.-Such notions would only be appropriate if these differences actually existed or were clearly separated then and only then would this would be appropriate and either constant or slowly changing in there nature. This sort of specialisation is not in fact appropriate. ’ D. Bohm. p. 40-41 Bohm explains that classical physics implies a certain basic descriptive order and measure, within which certain structures are possible. This, he states, changed with the theory of relativity as it
  • 4. MOLLIE LORD STUDENT NUMBER: 28000892 4 introduced new notions concerning the notion of time. If we went faster than the speed of light then the electro magnetic field which holds our atoms together would disintegrate. Relativity theory also implies notions of structure-in which the idea of a rigid body can no longer play a key role. The object is more like a pattern of movement than the solid separate thing that exists autononomously and permanently. We, as human beings therefore need to dispose of the idea of seperateness and realise the interconnection of all things. We are not seperate autominous beings but part of a whole living planet .This realisation is what lies at the core of spiritual health.The planet may be perceived as alive and in a state of constant change and movement. The universe must be regarded as an undivided and unbroken whole. (Bohm. p. 161) The theory of relativity proved that we are in a world that is radically different from that of Galileo and Newton (Bohm. p161).This is an order of undivided wholeness. The concept of undivided wholeness is important when we consider health.Health is to be aware of the nature of the world in which we live. Spiritual health involves awareness of the unity of the planet and our place within it. The implication of this from a spiritual point of view is immense. It implies awareness of a connection between all creatures and all species. Our notions of personal individuality need to be reassessed and a new understanding of ourselves as aspects of something much larger,i.e. the living planet. The bee, for example works not for the good of itself but for the good of the hive as a whole. The hive is the universe of the bee, and it’s every waking moment is involved in what is best for that hive and its inhabitants. We must see ourselves as part of the whole as indeed they do, all nature is indeed akin. When we are in need of treatment then it is beneficial to realise that the treatment comes from the universe itself, it is in effect a gift from the universe. If our treatment is a success, then this success is partly if not wholly due to our comprehension of the sacred understanding of the interconnectedness of nature. This understanding provides us with profound knowledge such knowledge will inevitably contribute to any treatment we may have. The work of Bohm caught the attention of J. Krishnamati who wrote in’ freedom from the known’ that man has through out the ages been seeking something beyond himself; a timeless state, something that cannot be disturbed by circumstances. (Krishnamati. p12.) Bohm’s deep concern from his youth was to give people this holistic understanding of life. The fragmentation of heart and mind leads to hatred, cynicism, irrationality and war.He thought that once people understood the holistic nature of the universe they would change- people would act for the welfare of the whole. This belief sustained him through a life time of profound enquiry. This compassion had a cosmic scope, remarkable things happened when Bohm turned his compassionate enquiry to the processes of nature. He felt a sharing experience of natural phenomena. Whatever part of nature he studied, he saw it as an integral part of the whole. He used the metaphor of the hologram, where information is enfolded. Implicate order meant for him, infinite hierarchy. The implicate order has its ground in the holomovement and involves a state of u flux. of enfoldment and unenfoldment with laws which are only vaguely known, (Bohm. D. p. 235)
  • 5. MOLLIE LORD STUDENT NUMBER: 28000892 5 at the heart of which lies a systemof independently existing but interacting particles. (Bohm. D. p237) Dr Edward Bach asserted that his interaction with his flowers were a result of energy exchange and vibrations, vital energy exchanges within the plants themselves.( Barnard. p188). The Bach remedies might be seen as bringing the sheer force of nature into our lives our emotions and even our perceptions, by interactions taking place within the quantum field. In the ‘secret life of plants’, we learn that plants are affected by wavelengths of the electro magnetic spectrum, from earth, moon, planets and a variety of hand made devices( Tomkins. P. p162). It appears that something very profound had in fact been discovered, much of that which could not be explained, can now be explained by quantum physics. Ideas about clairvoyance, auras now appear to have a scientific basis thanks to the quantum work done by Bohm.Laszlo, in the ‘creative cosmos’states that the universe is not a vacuum, but rather a plenium. There is no such thing as empty space.What we think of as empty space is packed with a bewildering variety of fields, all interdependent upon each other. At any point in the universe including our own bodiesthere are an incalcuable number of gravitational and magnetic fields.[Laslo.] A personal experience following my husband’s sudden death bewildered me until I read the work of David Bohm. This experience involved visual distortions. It would seemthat what I believed to be firm structures moved around, shifting, disappearing. This would occur particularly when I was listening to music that we both loved objects blurred. One day I was in a book shop and this movement was so powerful I had to leave the shop. I, being the rationalist thought that there must be a scientific explanation otherwise I would have to conclude that I was in fact going mad. I read around the subject and through Krishnamati found David Bohm. I understand now that what I was experiencing was quantum cohesion. During our lifetime together, our protons and electrons had permeated each other so that we were in fact not separate beings but one unified field. Protons and, electrons would create waves, similar to the ripple effect that occurs when we throw stones into a stream. This causes a response in the surrounding water, so the sound of the music that he and I both loved caused vibrations to occur within the microtubules of my brain and the result was distorted vision. The living and the dead are united through quantum cohesion. This is what David Bohm has taught me and why his work has affected me so profoundly. Quantum theory breaks down the theory of a systemof independently existing particles that happen to interact. It proves mathematically that particles are connected. What we call empty space contains an immense background of energy. Matter, as we know it, is a small ‘quantisised’ wave like excitation, similar to tiny ripples on a vast sea. (Bohm. p242)If we think about this analogue we can realise that as in the sea, the ripple will have a knock on effect. The ripple will travel for some distance, as it travels-it will affect the water around it. The surrounding water will be disturbed by the ripple. This is how the quantum field operates, sometimes electrons and protons behave like waves and sometimes like particles. They have the capacity for both depending on the situation.
  • 6. MOLLIE LORD STUDENT NUMBER: 28000892 6 A very strange but interesting experiment took place in Wainfleet, Arizona which may or may not be pertinent to our present discussion. The experimenter was a Canadian engineer, Eugene Canby. He broadcast Bach’s (Johaann Sebastion) to a field of wheat and produced a crop that was 66% greater than average and with larger and heavier seeds. The wheat furthermore was grown in inferior soil and it did just as well as wheat grown on very rich soil. It seemed to Canby that Bach’s musical genius could be detected at some level by plants. (Tomkins and Bird. p14) The word ‘holistic’ relates to the philosophical idea that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts (Oxford2006) Holistic medicine is concerned with treating the whole person, which is considered greater than the sum of its parts. In relativity and quantum theory, notions implying the undivided wholeness of the universe would provide a much more orderly way of considering the general nature of reality(Bohm’80. p13)Man’s general world view is crucial for the overall view of the human mind itself. How is thought itself separate from the process of thinking? Thought and thinking are in fact a seamless whole. Plato said that all of nature is akin (Grube. p122) Plotonious believed that the movement and organisation of the universe depended on the presence of a controlling soul, a divine intelligence which we call God. I stated earlier that Plato believed that every part of the universe mirrors every other part. (Grube G. M. A. p144)Plato again stated that there is a clear link between the world soul and the soul of men (Grube. p145) This fundamental realisation is health. This understanding, if it were indeed universal would cause a much healthier relationship between man and his environment. I believe we would then be spiritual, since this would be a spiritual understanding. We would possess a spiritual awareness of our fundamental existence. Each and every one of us is a part of the universe and the meaning of our existence is somehow linked to the meaning of the universe as a whole. Once again, this realisation is fundamental to health, everything in existence is part of something larger. Bohm asks us to consider the fact that mankind has always searched for wholeness. The word health in English, is based on an Anglo Saxon word ‘hale' meaning health, to be healthy is to be whole. This is roughly equivalent to the word ‘shalom in Hebrew, indicating that man has always understood that wholeness and integrity is an absolute necessity for a healthy life. (Bohm. D. 80. P. 4) In the words of Marcus Aurelius; ‘Whether the universe is a concourse of atoms, or nature is a system’ let it first be established, that I am part of that whole which is governed by nature: next I am intimately related to the parts which are of the same kind as myself. ’ These words by Aurelius are a definition of health. The word soul could be exchanged for the word energy. We would have world energy and man’s energy. Soul, for Plato is the cause of all change and movement in the world. It is prior to matter and to the body. It is the beginning of all things, it is energy. Nature is the totality of all living things; we are all part of something that is greater than mankind. We share with all other forms of life the essential qualities of nature. Aristotle compared the universe to a living organism, in which each
  • 7. MOLLIE LORD STUDENT NUMBER: 28000892 7 part had its proper form and function, so that each worked together to make a single whole. This whole could move only if there was force acting upon it, force was thus thought of as a cause of motion. If we return to the quotation above from Marcus Aurelius we may infer that’ the parts which are of the same kind as myself’ are in fact protons and electrons. The main players in what we now call the quantum world.’ A world of undivided wholeness: this world is fundamentally different from that of either Galileo or Newton`. (Bohm. D. 80p. 158.) A paradigm shift is taking place in science. This shift appears to be taking us from a matter based `God denying science’ to one that is able to integrate both God, science and spirituality. This new scientific paradigmrests on solid mathematical evidence. Metaphorically, wholeness could be described by calling attention to a pattern in a carpet. It makes no sense to say that different parts of the pattern e. g. Flowers and trees are separate objects in interaction. In the quantum world to say that an observed object is separate from the observer has no meaning because both are part of an undivided wholeness in which the observing instrument is not separable from what is being observed.’ (Bohm. D. 8o. p. 169) When, I observe a tree or a rose I am not separate from it. The tree, the rose and I are part of an undivided wholeness, which extends through the entire universe. I am simply one aspect of this implicit order. This awareness of wholeness, the impossibility of separateness from nature and the cosmos as a whole has deep and profound spiritual significance. When I damage nature or any part of the cosmos I am damaging myself. It is as if I were to hurt my own body. The universe is me, I am the universe. There is no division. The question of the self, the individual and his mortality is dependent upon his relationship with the universe. Holistic medicine, for example Reiki is a Buddhist based practice. It involves an exchange of energy between the person who is receiving the treatment and the practitioner who is providing it. The profound interconnectedness with all life that is found both in shamanic and natural healing is at the heart of what Bohm calls the interconnectedness of all things. It is this interconnectedness which infuses all things, that is perceived by all who are truly holistic practioners. These people possess a deep connectedness with the earth and all that it contains, many say they have a companionship with the earth. Quatum cohesion as explained above reveals that earth and matter are essentially the same thing, and so are our physical bodies. It would seemessential for the survival of the planet and that of course includes homo sapiens that more people become aware of this connection. If we continue destroying the planet by cutting down trees, polluting the soil and air at the present rate, there will be nothing left. People’s awareness of our inter connectedness is not an option. It is, it seems to me the most essential thing in the world. We have the capacity to change. The human being is the most adaptable creature on the planet. We will either alter our value system or perish. We have a capacity for both compassion and vision, the overriding question is do we have the moral imperative to do what must be done. There must be a change, a paradigm shift away from that which is convenient to make a shift from an ego centred world view to an eco centred worldview. A planetary consciousness can evolve from the
  • 8. MOLLIE LORD STUDENT NUMBER: 28000892 8 work of David Bohm and others. He has taught us that we are all one, that unity is the truth and we must know this truth and indeed feel it. The development of Western medicine has led us away from connection with nature. A moral ecology is required. Many people now look after there bodies and eat what they consider good for them.Yoga practice invites us to be conscious of our bodies through the breathing and the postures (asanas) we connect the mind with the body so they become one seemless whole (Ivenger.B.K.S.) for many people yoga becomes a religious practice.Many of the postures contain organic links to trees snakes plants and animals and have been faithfully practised in the Indian subcontinent for two thousand of years. What we need to do is to think in the same way about the planet, to connect in a spiritual way with it.Natural approaches to health and well being show an inherent respect for nature and its healing power. Many ancient healing methods have survived.In Tibetan medicine it is acknowledged that the transformation of your senses is manifest in the creation of a network of energy pathways that lead from the senses through the body to the brain allowing you to experience the spiritual universe more clearly. The ancient Tibetans call this the mind tree. The roots of this tree reside within the brain and it’s branches , leaves, fruits and flowers are the senses as they undergo transformation.(Hansard.2001.p.54)All flowers and plants are sacred spiritual entities because they contain energy pathways. These old traditions relied on the link between man and nature. Bohm has shown us that this link does indeed exist. On the quantum level we are all connected. Religion has lost its hold over human beings. It has taken us away from our links with nature our everyday minds are addicted to the comfort of familiar routines. This especially so in the west, where people have lost their link to the cosmos itself, our connection to it has been severed. We have come almost to the point of destroying it. We can see everyday the destructions of the rainforests, the pollution of the oceans and the results of global warming. It is almost as if as a species we want to destroy the earth which is our home. The situation that we now face is critical. We need to restore our spiritual connection to our planet as a matter of urgency. Bohm believes that nature has a religious significance within our psyche. (Bohm. p92). I think that may have been true in the past and is true in parts of the east, particularly India but here in the west it has gone for the majority of people. Is it possible for us as a society to find it again? This is the question and it is the most important question of the 21st century. Traditional religion and to a lesser degree philosophy, is lost. Spirituality is bleeding, but I do believe that Bohm is the man to lead us forward. I have attempted in this essay to explain his fundamental scientific discoveries as clearly as I amable, since I am not a physicist and certainly not a genius as David Bohm undoubtedly was. Nevertheless, I feel that we are all capable of grasping his basic doctrines and discoveries and of making them the basic tenants by which most of us are able to live our lives. If we were to do that then the planet would be safe from the greed of mankind and we would once again have a deep and grounded spirituality.
  • 9. MOLLIE LORD STUDENT NUMBER: 28000892 9 If we are to live in communion with each other and the planet as a whole, we have to find out what are the blocks in particular? What is it in particular that is causing us as a species to be so destructive to the world and planet on which we live? Is it simply money? Is that what is behind it or do we as a species have an inherent urge to destroy, to pillage and to plunder? This thought is disturbing but, it may possibly be true. If that is indeed the case then there is no hope for the planet or for us. We are doomed. Bohm however does not believe this to be the case he thinks we can change and indeed will do so, because we have an inherent connection to both the planet and the cosmos. The link is through cosmic cohesion and this is what will ultimately save us. There is, he says no place where the body ends. We cannot for example say where an oxygen molecule enters the body it is alive and at what point it becomes carbon dioxide and dies. There is no sharp end to the body (Bohm. p90 On dialogue). Ancient traditions and religions have known intuitively and for millienia what quatum physics is now proving. All living things are interconnected and the whole of creation is interdependent.In prehistoric times, people felt that everything was endowed with a spirit-animism and they were in some way part of that. They sensed this interconnectedness with all but as life moved into the cities this appears to have been weakened and eventually lost altogether. In those earlier times even art was seen as connected in some way with nature. Now, it is connected with technology.Evolution involves the interplay of creativity and habit at the human cosmic and biological level. Our habits are having a disastrous effect on the ecology of the earth and human society itself (Sheldrake. R. 2009) It is not too late, we can change and regain our spiritual connection to the earth then we will restore both our own health and at the same time the health of the planet. We can reclaim that which we have lost and this is what we must hope for: remembering that we are all interconnected.
  • 10. MOLLIE LORD STUDENT NUMBER: 28000892 10 REFERENCES Lazlo.EThe creative cosmos.Routledge1990 Barnard. The healing flowers of Edward Bach. Ashgrove Press. Bath. 1995. Bohm. D. and Peake. F Science, order and creativity.Bantom books. New York. p187. Bohm. D Wholeness and the Implicit order. Routledge. 1980 Bohm. D On dialogue. Routledge. 1996 Grube. G. M. A. Plato’s thought. Athlone. 1980 Jibu. M. Quantum optical coherence in cytoskeletal microtubules:implication for brain function;Biosystems. 1994;32;95-209 Krishnamati. J. Freedom from the known. Gollanz. 1969. Laughlin. C. D. Archetypes, neurogenesis and the quantum sea. Journal of scientific exploration. 1996;10;375-4. Penrose. D. Shadows of the mind. Oxford;1995. Tomkins. Peter. Bird. Christina. The secret life of plants. Harper Perrenial 1989. Zohar. D. The quantum self. London flamingo. 1991:70
  • 11. MOLLIE LORD STUDENT NUMBER: 28000892 11