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Eclampsia and HELLP
Definitions of hypertensive disorders in
• Hypertension in pregnancy: A condition characterized by
diastolic Bp > 90mmHg on two consecutive readings after 20
weeks gestation
• Pre-eclampsia: “A disorder associated with pregnancy consisting
of hypertension, proteinuria (2+) and new-onset dependent
oedema, most commonly after 20 weeks of gestation”.
•Mild to moderate pre-eclampsia: as above, no further symptoms
Definitions of hypertensive disorders in
• Severe pre-eclampsia: A condition characterized by blood
pressure > 90mmHg, proteinuria 3+ or more and one or
more signs and symptoms
• Eclampsia: A condition characterized by Bp > 90 mmHg,
proteinuria 2+ or more, convulsions, other signs and
symptoms of severe preeclampsia.
“pre eclampsia complicated with seizures”
 Pre-eclampsia: 6-8% of pregnancies
 Eclampsia: 0.05-0.2%
Mortality and morbidity
Maternal: 8-36% most frequently related to seizure activity
Foetal: 13-30% most frequently related to iatrogenic prematurity
Exact pathophysiology unknown
Possible causes-
o Dysfunction of the uteroplacental bed leading to
vasoconstriction, platelet aggregation and hypercoagulability
o Vasospasm, micro thrombi, implantation problems,
hypertension etc
Visual disturbance
Focal neurology, fits, anxiety, amnesia
Abdominal pain
SOBOE- shortness of breath on exhaustion
Decreased urine output
Risk factors
Low socioeconomic class
Multiple foetuses, or hydatid
Maternal age <20 or >35yrs
Gestational or pre-gestational DM
Renal disease
Family history- four times the risk
Tachycardia and tachypnoea
Crepitations or wheeze on auscultation
Neurological deficit
Petechiae, intracranial haemorrhage
Generalised oedema
Small uterus for dates
- Systolic > 140mmHg
or 30mm above pre-pregnancy
- Diastolic > 90 mmHg
or 15mm above pre-pregnancy
Two abnormal measurements, on two occasions, more than
6 hours apart
Measuring blood pressure:
The woman should be resting and lying at 45-degree angle
The blood pressure cuff should be of appropriate size
Cuff should be placed at level of heart
Multiple readings should be used to confirm diagnosis
Manual sphygmomanometers are preferable to automated
Use a stethoscope
Liver functional tests – liver enzymes (ALT/AST)↑
Urinalysis- proteinuria greater than 2+
Blood tests- Platelets ↓, bilirubin ↑
Haemolysis (burst red blood cells on blood slide, serum
Check patella reflexes
Foetal US
 Coagulation profile
 Bedside clotting test (Draw about 2 mls of venous blood in a
syringe and keep warm at 37 C (in a closed fist). Check every 2
minutes if clot has formed.
◦ Coagulopathy if clot formation takes more than 7-10 minutes
 Check for clonus (Move the pts foot upwards rapidly, this may
be followed by beating of the foot if clonus is present)
 CT head
ABC, for seizures
Hypertension alone- not true pre-eclampsia but need follow-up
Hypertension and proteinuria- pre-eclampsia must be ruled out
Severe pre-eclampsia-as if eclampsia, careful BP control, MgSO4,
Permanent neuro damage
Renal insufficiency
HELLP syndrome
25% of eclamptics will be so in future pregnancies
Increased risk of essential hypertension
Eclampsia & severe preeclampsia
Differential diagnosis
Epilepsy Cerebral malaria Meningitis
History of epilepsy Fever Headache
No elevated Bp Blood slide positive Fever
No proteinuria No proteinuria Stiff neck
No elevated Bp Positive lumbar puncture
No proteinuria
No elevated Bp
Principles of management
 Stabilise mother and then deliver the fetus
◦Treat and prevent fits
◦Treat blood pressure
◦Attention to fluid balance
◦Be ware of and prevent complications
Fitting or unconscious patient
 Call for help
 Position in left lateral tilt
 Airway : open , maintain airway, suction if necessary
 Recovery position
- Circulation: pulse, Bp, IV access
- Give magnesium sulphate1 litre Ringer’s lactate or
normal saline in 12 hours
Prevention of convulsions
Magnesium sulphate halves the risk of eclampsia in
women with severe pre-eclampsia
Used in the same diose as in eclampsia
There is commitment to delivery in severe preeclampsia
oMagnesium is the drug of choice
oSuperior to any other drug preparation in preventing/ reducing
the risk of recurrence of convulsions
o20% 0r 50% concentration available
o20% preferred for IV route (more dilute but greater volume)
o50% preferred for IM route (less dilute and smaller volume)
Magnesium sulphate dosage
Loading dose
IV 4g 20% solution slowly over 15 minutes
10g 50% IM (5g in each buttock with 1 ml 2% Lignocaine)
soon after loading dose
Maintenance dose
5g IM 4 hourly
NB: IV maintenance dose of 1g 20% per hour/ 24 hours should only be applied if IV pump is
available to avoid toxicity and complications
Route Dose If you only have 50% solution
available: vial containing 5 g in 10
ml (1g/2ml)
20% solution: to make 10 ml of 20 ml
solution, add 4ml of 50 % solution to
6ml of NS (normal saline)
IM 5g 10ml and 1 ml of 2% lignocaine Not applicable
IV 4g 8ml + 12mls NS 20ml
2g 4ml + 6mls NS 10 ml
 If unable to give IV, give loading dose IM only
 If convulsions recur, give an additional 2-4g IV over 10-15
◦Give lower dose (2g) if patient is small and/or weight is
less than 70 kgs
 If dilution is required for IV route use normal saline NOT
Magnesium sulphate toxicity
• Do not give the next dose of MgSO4 if:
◦Absent knee jerk
◦Urine output is less than 100mls in the last 4 hours
◦Respiratory rate is < 16 breaths per minute
•If respiratory rate is < 16 breaths/minute STOP magnesium
and give calcium gluconate (10%) 1 g IV over minutes
Treating high blood pressure
A. None-severe hypertension: Bp 140-159/90-109 mmHg
◦Increased risk of haemorrhagic stroke
◦Goal: Lower levels of SBP 140-150/ DBP 90-100
◦Safe drugs: Methyldopa, nifedipine, labetolol and other
adrenoceptor blockers (metopronolol, pindilol, propranolol)
Treating high blood pressures cont.
B. Severe hypertension: BP >/= 160/110 mmHg
◦Increased risk of intracerebral haemorrhage
◦Goal: Lower to levels of SBP 140-150/ DBP 90-100 at a rate of
10-20 mmHg every 10-20 mins
◦Safe drugs: Hydralazine, nifedipine, labetolol
◦NB: Avoid precipitous fall in Bp
 Give Nifedipine orally
 Atenolol may cause fetal growth restrictions
 ACE 1 and 2 inhibitors are contraindicated
 Avoid Labetolol in severe asthmatic women
 Diazoxide, Ketanserin, Nimodipine and MgSO4 should not be used
to reduce Bp
 Sodium Nitroprusside is not recommended for routine use, may
cause risk of fetal cyanide toxicity and maternal paradoxical
Nursing management
Fluid management in severe preeclampsia/eclampsia
 Fluid restriction: Keep them dry
 Capillaries are “leaky” therefore control fluid input to
reduce the risk of pulmonary edema
 Restrict IV fluids to 1mg/kg/hr or 80 mls/hour
 Monitor appropriately via use of appropriate monitoring
chart and catheterize if necessary
Assess pregnancy and assess the cervix
Vaginal delivery or C/S?
Vaginal delivery
◦If no maternal or fetal distress, no obstetric contraindication and
cervix is favourable.
◦Delivery should occur within 12 hours after onset of fits.
◦Pain relief during labour can be provided by opiods or by use of
lumbar epidural analgesia (platelet count >/= 100million
Caesarean section cont.
◦ If repeated fits, fetal distress , unfavourable cervix and other obstetric indication.
◦ Stabilize patient first!
 Regional anaesthesia (spinal) is preferred for C/S in preeclampsia
◦ Risk of haematoma in the absence of coagulation abnormalities is very low
(platelets >/= 100 million/l
◦ Hypotension is less common in healthy women
Caesarean section cont.
General anaesthesia is indicated:
◦Pulmonary oedema
◦Other cerebral oedema, reduced levels of consciousness
MgSO4 may potentiate non-depolarizing muscle relaxants
Caesarean section cont.
Measures should be taken to ablate the potentially fatal hypertensive
response to intubation in women with eclampsia by using drugs such as:
Alfentil / Fentanyl
IV Lignocaine
After delivery
•Continue with MgSO4 for 24 hours after delivery or after last fit.
•Monitor until diuresis occurs.
•MgSO4 does not reverse or prevent the progression of the
disease and is not used as an anti-hypertensive
•Up to 44% of eclampsia occurs in the postpartum period.
•Do not be in a hurry to discharge home
1. Pedal oedema is a common symptom in normal
2. There is no evidence that:
◦Low salt intake will reduce pedal oedema or treat
◦The use of furosemide or low dose dopamine for management
of oliguria in a woman with normal renal function is beneficial.
3. MgSO4 is excreted in breast milk but is safe for breast fed
What is HELLP?
Possible pathophysiology
CAUSALAGENTS : Increase in volume., Fetal presence / decidual cell?,
Vasospasm?, Deficient vascular repair?, Idiopathic?
Vasculo-endothelial Disorder
Platelet Agregation/Consumption
Fibrin Activation/Consumption
Selective organic Isquemia/insuficiency
Variable Manifestations
Differential diagnosis
Erythrocytic morphology
Platelet disorders
Renal compromise
Hepatic disorders
Immunologic disorders
Genetic disorders
Signs & symptoms
oExcessive body weight increase .
oPulse pressure increase.
oSystole pressure > 140 mmHg, but diastole pressure < 90 mmHg.
oOphthalmic disorders
- Minor alterations
- Cortical blindness (amaurosis)
- Retinal detachment
- Vitreous hemorrhage.
Elevation of Biomarkers:
-Maternal alfa-fetal protein
-Serum Haptoglobin
The presence of these disorders in an hypertensive woman
with epigastric and/or right hypochondrial pain, nausea,
vomiting; as well as hemolysis, will help in making the
right diagnosis.
1. Anticipate the diagnosis
2. Evaluate the maternal condition
3. Evaluate the fetal condition
4. Control the hypertension
5. Prophylaxis of convulsions with MgSO4
6. Water and electrolyte balance
7. Hemotherapy
8. Management of labor and delivery
9. Optimize perinatal care
10.Intensive postpartum treatment of the patient
11.Be alert for multiple organ failure
12.Advise on future pregnancy
Evaluating fetal well-being
Determine the gestational age.
Evaluate fetal well-being: Non-stress test, Tolerance to
contracction test and/or biophysical profile.
Use corticosteroids between 24 and 34 weeks to improve
fetal pulmonary maturity/neonatal pulmonary function as
well as maternal and perinatal results.
Controlling the hypertension
 80-85% of patients with HELLP need control of their BP to
avoid significant maternal and perinatal morbidity and
Treat systolic BP when>150mmHg and avoid placental
hypoperfusion maintaining the diastolic BP not less than 80-
90 mmHg.
Hypertensive medications
Hydralazine: Bolus of 5-10 mg IV every 20-40 min. If uneffective
or unavailable, use labetalol, nifedipine o sodium nitroprussiate.
Labetalol: Initial bolus of 20 mg IV, with increases in dosage until
a satisfactory BP is obtained or up to maximum dose of 300 mg.
Nifedipine oral (not sublingual) at usual dosage.
Hypertensive medications
Sodium Nitroprussiate
◦fast acting hypotensive agent (venous and arterial)
◦can be used in an hypertinsive crisis when all other hypotensive
drugs have failed
◦Loading dose: 0,25 μg/kg/min, increasing upto 10 μg/kg/min.
◦Above this dose there is a greater risk of cyanide intoxication of the
◦When using, remember it’s photosensitivty and severe rebound
Preventing convulsions
Initial bolus of 4-6g IV, followed by a continous infusion at 1,5-4g/h,
individualized according to the patient.
Continue 48 hours or more postpartum until clinical and laboratory
signs of improvement are obtained.
If contraindications of MgSO4 exist, use Phenytoin.
Loading dose: 15 mg/kg at 40 mg/min with continous monitoring of
the cardiac function and BP every 5 minutes.
The therapeutic range is 10-20 μg/ml.
Management of labour and delivery
When considering termination of gestation in a patient with
HELLP, determine:
◦Gestational age.
◦Maternal and fetal conditions.
◦Fetal presentation.
◦Cervical maturity
Optimizing perinatal care
 The main risk for the fetus in pregnancies with HELLP is it´s
 The use of corticosteroids decreases the morbidity associated
with pulmonary immaturity in preterm babies.
 Delivery should be in a center with capability of treating these
children with a major risk of cardiopulmonary instability.
Advising on future pregnancies
 The risk of recurrence of
preeclampsia and /or eclampsia is
42-43% and for HELLP syndrome 19-
 The risk of recurrence of preterm
delivery is high, about 61%.1
HELLP Syndrome and its management still poses a problem
in modern obstetrics
Precise diagnosis and early treatment with non-mineral
corticosteroides such as Dexamethasone may help achieve
favorable maternal and perinatal results.

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  • 2. Definitions of hypertensive disorders in pregnancy • Hypertension in pregnancy: A condition characterized by diastolic Bp > 90mmHg on two consecutive readings after 20 weeks gestation • Pre-eclampsia: “A disorder associated with pregnancy consisting of hypertension, proteinuria (2+) and new-onset dependent oedema, most commonly after 20 weeks of gestation”. •Mild to moderate pre-eclampsia: as above, no further symptoms
  • 3. Definitions of hypertensive disorders in pregnancy • Severe pre-eclampsia: A condition characterized by blood pressure > 90mmHg, proteinuria 3+ or more and one or more signs and symptoms • Eclampsia: A condition characterized by Bp > 90 mmHg, proteinuria 2+ or more, convulsions, other signs and symptoms of severe preeclampsia. “pre eclampsia complicated with seizures”
  • 4. Epidemiology Incidence  Pre-eclampsia: 6-8% of pregnancies  Eclampsia: 0.05-0.2% Mortality and morbidity Maternal: 8-36% most frequently related to seizure activity Foetal: 13-30% most frequently related to iatrogenic prematurity
  • 5. Aetiology Exact pathophysiology unknown Possible causes- o Dysfunction of the uteroplacental bed leading to vasoconstriction, platelet aggregation and hypercoagulability o Vasospasm, micro thrombi, implantation problems, hypertension etc
  • 6. Symptoms Headache Oedema Visual disturbance Focal neurology, fits, anxiety, amnesia Abdominal pain SOBOE- shortness of breath on exhaustion Decreased urine output None
  • 7. Risk factors Low socioeconomic class Multiple foetuses, or hydatid Maternal age <20 or >35yrs Primipara Gestational or pre-gestational DM Renal disease Family history- four times the risk
  • 8. Signs Hypertension Tachycardia and tachypnoea Crepitations or wheeze on auscultation Neurological deficit Hyperreflexia Petechiae, intracranial haemorrhage Generalised oedema Small uterus for dates
  • 9. Diagnosis Hypertension - Systolic > 140mmHg or 30mm above pre-pregnancy - Diastolic > 90 mmHg or 15mm above pre-pregnancy Two abnormal measurements, on two occasions, more than 6 hours apart
  • 10. Diagnosis Measuring blood pressure: The woman should be resting and lying at 45-degree angle The blood pressure cuff should be of appropriate size Cuff should be placed at level of heart Multiple readings should be used to confirm diagnosis Manual sphygmomanometers are preferable to automated ones Use a stethoscope
  • 11. Investigations Liver functional tests – liver enzymes (ALT/AST)↑ Urinalysis- proteinuria greater than 2+ Blood tests- Platelets ↓, bilirubin ↑ Haemolysis (burst red blood cells on blood slide, serum haemolytic) Check patella reflexes Foetal US
  • 12. Investigations  Coagulation profile  Bedside clotting test (Draw about 2 mls of venous blood in a syringe and keep warm at 37 C (in a closed fist). Check every 2 minutes if clot has formed. ◦ Coagulopathy if clot formation takes more than 7-10 minutes  Check for clonus (Move the pts foot upwards rapidly, this may be followed by beating of the foot if clonus is present)  CT head
  • 13. Treatment ABC, for seizures Hypertension alone- not true pre-eclampsia but need follow-up Hypertension and proteinuria- pre-eclampsia must be ruled out Severe pre-eclampsia-as if eclampsia, careful BP control, MgSO4, delivery.
  • 14. Complications/prognosis Permanent neuro damage Renal insufficiency Abruption HELLP syndrome Death 25% of eclamptics will be so in future pregnancies Increased risk of essential hypertension
  • 15. Eclampsia & severe preeclampsia
  • 16. Differential diagnosis Epilepsy Cerebral malaria Meningitis History of epilepsy Fever Headache No elevated Bp Blood slide positive Fever No proteinuria No proteinuria Stiff neck No elevated Bp Positive lumbar puncture No proteinuria No elevated Bp
  • 17. Principles of management  Stabilise mother and then deliver the fetus ◦Treat and prevent fits ◦Treat blood pressure ◦Attention to fluid balance ◦Be ware of and prevent complications
  • 18. Management Fitting or unconscious patient  Call for help  Position in left lateral tilt  Airway : open , maintain airway, suction if necessary  Recovery position - Circulation: pulse, Bp, IV access - Give magnesium sulphate1 litre Ringer’s lactate or normal saline in 12 hours
  • 19. Management Prevention of convulsions Magnesium sulphate halves the risk of eclampsia in women with severe pre-eclampsia Used in the same diose as in eclampsia There is commitment to delivery in severe preeclampsia
  • 20. Management oMagnesium is the drug of choice oSuperior to any other drug preparation in preventing/ reducing the risk of recurrence of convulsions o20% 0r 50% concentration available o20% preferred for IV route (more dilute but greater volume) o50% preferred for IM route (less dilute and smaller volume)
  • 21. Management Magnesium sulphate dosage Loading dose IV 4g 20% solution slowly over 15 minutes And 10g 50% IM (5g in each buttock with 1 ml 2% Lignocaine) soon after loading dose Then Maintenance dose 5g IM 4 hourly
  • 22. Management NB: IV maintenance dose of 1g 20% per hour/ 24 hours should only be applied if IV pump is available to avoid toxicity and complications Route Dose If you only have 50% solution available: vial containing 5 g in 10 ml (1g/2ml) 20% solution: to make 10 ml of 20 ml solution, add 4ml of 50 % solution to 6ml of NS (normal saline) IM 5g 10ml and 1 ml of 2% lignocaine Not applicable IV 4g 8ml + 12mls NS 20ml 2g 4ml + 6mls NS 10 ml
  • 23. Management  If unable to give IV, give loading dose IM only  If convulsions recur, give an additional 2-4g IV over 10-15 minutes ◦Give lower dose (2g) if patient is small and/or weight is less than 70 kgs  If dilution is required for IV route use normal saline NOT Lignocaine
  • 24. Management Magnesium sulphate toxicity • Do not give the next dose of MgSO4 if: ◦Absent knee jerk ◦Urine output is less than 100mls in the last 4 hours ◦Respiratory rate is < 16 breaths per minute •If respiratory rate is < 16 breaths/minute STOP magnesium and give calcium gluconate (10%) 1 g IV over minutes
  • 25. Management Treating high blood pressure A. None-severe hypertension: Bp 140-159/90-109 mmHg ◦Increased risk of haemorrhagic stroke ◦Goal: Lower levels of SBP 140-150/ DBP 90-100 ◦Safe drugs: Methyldopa, nifedipine, labetolol and other adrenoceptor blockers (metopronolol, pindilol, propranolol)
  • 26. Management Treating high blood pressures cont. B. Severe hypertension: BP >/= 160/110 mmHg ◦Increased risk of intracerebral haemorrhage ◦Goal: Lower to levels of SBP 140-150/ DBP 90-100 at a rate of 10-20 mmHg every 10-20 mins ◦Safe drugs: Hydralazine, nifedipine, labetolol ◦NB: Avoid precipitous fall in Bp
  • 27. Management Considerations  Give Nifedipine orally  Atenolol may cause fetal growth restrictions  ACE 1 and 2 inhibitors are contraindicated  Avoid Labetolol in severe asthmatic women  Diazoxide, Ketanserin, Nimodipine and MgSO4 should not be used to reduce Bp  Sodium Nitroprusside is not recommended for routine use, may cause risk of fetal cyanide toxicity and maternal paradoxical bradycardia
  • 28. Nursing management Fluid management in severe preeclampsia/eclampsia  Fluid restriction: Keep them dry  Capillaries are “leaky” therefore control fluid input to reduce the risk of pulmonary edema  Restrict IV fluids to 1mg/kg/hr or 80 mls/hour  Monitor appropriately via use of appropriate monitoring chart and catheterize if necessary
  • 29. Delivery Assess pregnancy and assess the cervix Vaginal delivery or C/S? Vaginal delivery ◦If no maternal or fetal distress, no obstetric contraindication and cervix is favourable. ◦Delivery should occur within 12 hours after onset of fits. ◦Pain relief during labour can be provided by opiods or by use of lumbar epidural analgesia (platelet count >/= 100million
  • 30. Delivery Caesarean section cont. ◦ If repeated fits, fetal distress , unfavourable cervix and other obstetric indication. ◦ Stabilize patient first!  Regional anaesthesia (spinal) is preferred for C/S in preeclampsia ◦ Risk of haematoma in the absence of coagulation abnormalities is very low (platelets >/= 100 million/l ◦ Hypotension is less common in healthy women
  • 31. Delivery Caesarean section cont. General anaesthesia is indicated: ◦Coagulopathy ◦Pulmonary oedema ◦Eclampsia ◦Other cerebral oedema, reduced levels of consciousness MgSO4 may potentiate non-depolarizing muscle relaxants
  • 32. Delivery Caesarean section cont. Measures should be taken to ablate the potentially fatal hypertensive response to intubation in women with eclampsia by using drugs such as: Alfentil / Fentanyl MgSO4 IV Lignocaine Esmolol
  • 33. After delivery •Continue with MgSO4 for 24 hours after delivery or after last fit. •Monitor until diuresis occurs. •MgSO4 does not reverse or prevent the progression of the disease and is not used as an anti-hypertensive •Up to 44% of eclampsia occurs in the postpartum period. •Do not be in a hurry to discharge home
  • 34. NB: 1. Pedal oedema is a common symptom in normal pregnancy 2. There is no evidence that: ◦Low salt intake will reduce pedal oedema or treat preeclampsia ◦The use of furosemide or low dose dopamine for management of oliguria in a woman with normal renal function is beneficial. 3. MgSO4 is excreted in breast milk but is safe for breast fed infants.
  • 38. Possible pathophysiology CAUSALAGENTS : Increase in volume., Fetal presence / decidual cell?, Vasospasm?, Deficient vascular repair?, Idiopathic? ↓ Vasculo-endothelial Disorder ↓ Platelet Agregation/Consumption ↓ Fibrin Activation/Consumption ↓ Selective organic Isquemia/insuficiency ↓ Variable Manifestations
  • 39. Differential diagnosis Erythrocytic morphology Platelet disorders Renal compromise Hepatic disorders Immunologic disorders Genetic disorders
  • 40. Signs & symptoms oExcessive body weight increase . oPulse pressure increase. oSystole pressure > 140 mmHg, but diastole pressure < 90 mmHg. oOphthalmic disorders - Minor alterations - Cortical blindness (amaurosis) - Retinal detachment - Vitreous hemorrhage.
  • 41. Elevation of Biomarkers: -HCG -Maternal alfa-fetal protein -Serum Haptoglobin
  • 42. The presence of these disorders in an hypertensive woman with epigastric and/or right hypochondrial pain, nausea, vomiting; as well as hemolysis, will help in making the right diagnosis.
  • 43. Management 1. Anticipate the diagnosis 2. Evaluate the maternal condition 3. Evaluate the fetal condition 4. Control the hypertension 5. Prophylaxis of convulsions with MgSO4 6. Water and electrolyte balance 7. Hemotherapy 8. Management of labor and delivery 9. Optimize perinatal care 10.Intensive postpartum treatment of the patient 11.Be alert for multiple organ failure 12.Advise on future pregnancy
  • 44. Evaluating fetal well-being Determine the gestational age. Evaluate fetal well-being: Non-stress test, Tolerance to contracction test and/or biophysical profile. Use corticosteroids between 24 and 34 weeks to improve fetal pulmonary maturity/neonatal pulmonary function as well as maternal and perinatal results.
  • 45. Controlling the hypertension  80-85% of patients with HELLP need control of their BP to avoid significant maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality. Treat systolic BP when>150mmHg and avoid placental hypoperfusion maintaining the diastolic BP not less than 80- 90 mmHg.
  • 46. Hypertensive medications Hydralazine: Bolus of 5-10 mg IV every 20-40 min. If uneffective or unavailable, use labetalol, nifedipine o sodium nitroprussiate. Labetalol: Initial bolus of 20 mg IV, with increases in dosage until a satisfactory BP is obtained or up to maximum dose of 300 mg. Nifedipine oral (not sublingual) at usual dosage.
  • 47. Hypertensive medications Sodium Nitroprussiate ◦fast acting hypotensive agent (venous and arterial) ◦can be used in an hypertinsive crisis when all other hypotensive drugs have failed ◦Loading dose: 0,25 μg/kg/min, increasing upto 10 μg/kg/min. ◦Above this dose there is a greater risk of cyanide intoxication of the fetus. ◦When using, remember it’s photosensitivty and severe rebound effect.
  • 48. Preventing convulsions MgSO4 Initial bolus of 4-6g IV, followed by a continous infusion at 1,5-4g/h, individualized according to the patient. Continue 48 hours or more postpartum until clinical and laboratory signs of improvement are obtained. If contraindications of MgSO4 exist, use Phenytoin. Loading dose: 15 mg/kg at 40 mg/min with continous monitoring of the cardiac function and BP every 5 minutes. The therapeutic range is 10-20 μg/ml.
  • 49. Management of labour and delivery When considering termination of gestation in a patient with HELLP, determine: ◦Gestational age. ◦Maternal and fetal conditions. ◦Fetal presentation. ◦Cervical maturity
  • 50. Optimizing perinatal care  The main risk for the fetus in pregnancies with HELLP is it´s prematurity.  The use of corticosteroids decreases the morbidity associated with pulmonary immaturity in preterm babies.  Delivery should be in a center with capability of treating these children with a major risk of cardiopulmonary instability.
  • 51. Advising on future pregnancies  The risk of recurrence of preeclampsia and /or eclampsia is 42-43% and for HELLP syndrome 19- 27%.  The risk of recurrence of preterm delivery is high, about 61%.1
  • 52. Conclusion HELLP Syndrome and its management still poses a problem in modern obstetrics Precise diagnosis and early treatment with non-mineral corticosteroides such as Dexamethasone may help achieve favorable maternal and perinatal results.