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           CHI        E
                 EF L DITOR
                 Cha BRARIA
                               :                     August 2008                             07’08 Annual Publication                    HML Club
                     ng S
                          hu J N 07’08
      B M
          EMB :       PHO
             ERS          TO
                        CAL GRAPH
                           VIN    Y
                               TEO :

The Gryphon
Soars to New Heights

“I am very positive that the next echelon of
leaders, headed by Hui Hao will re-define new
boundaries for the HML Club and bring it to
greater heights.”
                                          Continued on Page 3

HML ANNUAL CAMP 2007 - AQUILA!                                        Hullett Memorial Library’s 85 Years of Excellence
“From shooting hoops from a long distance,
moving through a challenging obstacle course
with various handicaps, using their bare hands
to fish out specific item from an ice bucket and
even contorting their limbs to support each
other, we saw each and every librarian grin
and grimace as they pushed themselves and
their teams to perform as best as they could!”
                                          Continued on Page 8
                                                                      Blazing access to high-end information technology   Wealth of knowledge & learning

OPEN HOUSE 2008                                                      Before a new rein of  f
“To my surprise, there was a parent who went                           leadership arrives,
on complimenting on the library, but all for a
                                                                       the gryphon must
question, which was ‘The library is so cosy, but
that’s why everyone wants to come. So are                            look back on its past
there enough books to go around?’”                                   achievements for the
                                         Continued on Page 17          betterment of the
                                                                      present towards the

                                                                A HML Publication of 2008
     EPO    7            E                                                                                                       PAGE   2

 Congregation and sharing of knowledge amidst a friendly environment                                             Books Galore!

ABOUT US                                                         VISION
The Hullett Memorial Library has made a                          The Hullett Memorial Library aims to
conscious effort to constantly upgrade its                       develop an information and technology rich
facilities and services in order to remain                       teaching and learning environment that                  The Hullett
relevant in this information age. Our                            encourages active real world research.                   Memorial
foremost concern is to create a warm and                                                                              Library aims to
information rich environment where                               MISSION
                                                                 The Library exists to link staff and students
                                                                                                                         develop an
students and staff of Raffles Institution can
                                                                 with recorded knowledge in an appropriate           information and
partake in a variety of activities both
pleasant and conducive to life-long learning                     time, place and way, enabling them to                technology rich
with the aid of up-to-date resources and                         achieve excellence in teaching, learning and           teaching and
advanced information technology.                                 research.                                                 learning
                                                                                                                    environment that
                                                                 Teaching                                           encourages active
 • A collection of about 60,000 books,
including Fiction, non-Fiction and                               Work in partnership with teaching staff to               real world
Reference                                                        promote innovative use of information                     research.
 • More than 70 magazine titles including                        resources in school enhance teaching and
                                                                 learning.                                             - HML Vision
PC Magazine, Runner's World, Newsweek,
Time and National Geographic.
 • Info-educational DVDs, VCDs, LDs,                             Learning
audio CDs, CD-ROM (PC), and video                                Teach students and staff to become
tapes.                                                           information literate as a basis for life long
                                                                 learning and real world problem solving.
 • Project Corner with 12 PCs for group
project work.
 • SurfPOOL with 10 PCs for individual                           Research
information searches                                             Increase knowledge base available to
 • Notebooks with 20 PCs for mobile researc                      researchers for the development of new
                                                                 knowledge, by using IT to improve access to
 • A Library Activities Room and a Creative
                                                                 information world wide.
Studio for teaching, lectures or meetings
 • Private study carrels

                                                                  A HML Publication of 2008
H L REPORT 07’08: CHIEF LIBRARIAN MESSAGE                                                   PAGE
                                                                                            PA E   3

 Chang Shu Jian’s
 Outgoing Message:
It has been a very exciting, and at the same time, challenging year for
me in 07’08 and I would like to take this opportunity to thank Mrs Yap,
Mdm Ho, Ms Many, the exco 07’08 and all the librarians for giving me
this enriching experience to be the Chief Librarian.

I am very positive that the next echelon of leaders, headed by Hui Hao
will re-define new boundaries for the HML Club and bring it to greater
                                                                          Chief Librarian 07’08

 Ang Hui Hao’s
 Incoming Message:
I am greatly honored and happy to be appointed to be the Chief
Librarian of HML club for 08’09 and I would like to thank Mrs. Yap as
well as HML EXCO 07’08 for the help they have given towards me
these past few years.

I am looking forward to a prosperous year ahead. I certainly hope that
the HML Club can make great strides and achieve many things that will
benefit the rest of the school community.

                                                                          Chief Librarian 08’09

                                            A HML Publication of 2008
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                 To Greater Heights...!

                                  Chief Librarian
                                   Ang Hui Hao

            Secretary                                        Secretary
       Jonathan Ang Sixian                                Ang Zhi Jie Dyon

       Programmes Manager                                Programmes Manager
         Tay Hui Chiang                                    Ong Chuan Kai

                             A HML Publication of 2008
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Annual General Meeting 07’08
                                             WRITTEN BY: GAN YU NENG
The Annual General Meeting 2007               changed him. He also mentioned the        Committee of 2006/2007 would
was held on the 20th of August. As            necessity of adapting to different        hand over their duties to that of
with previous years, this handover-           expectations and higher standards as      2007/2008. In the previous year, the
cum-awards ceremony was held in               times changed and technology              post and associated duties of the
the AVT, although this time on a              advanced, relating this to how the        Deputy Chief Librarian were split
Monday as opposed to the traditional          Hullett Memorial Library underwent        into two; this year, these two halves
Wednesday. For our Guest-of-                  many changes while he was Chief           were again merged as Deputy Chief
H o n o u r, w e i n v i t e d D e p u t y    Librarian.                                Librarians Muhammad Sadikin and
Headmaster for Development Mr.                    The Chief Librarian of                Daniel Goh handed over their
Kenneth Kwok, himself a former                2006/2007, Li Yiyang, then stood up       combined portfolio to the new
librarian; and we                                                                                            Deputy Chief
also managed to                                                                                               Librarian Law
i nv i t e a s o u r                                                                                          Kang Jie. The
special gust Mr.                                                                                              handover of
Ronald Wong,                                                                                                  duties culm-
Chief Librarian                                                                                               inated in the
in the year                                                                                                   handing over of
2002/2003.                                                                                                    chair manship
      The event                                                                                               of the Hullett
began with an                                                                                                 Memorial
opening address                                                                                               Library Club,
by Mr. Kenneth                                                                                                in which Li
Kwok, who                                                                                                     Yiyang handed
spoke about the                                                                                               over his rank
expectations on                                                                                               and respon-
the Hullett                                                                                                   sibilities to
M e m o r i a l                                                                                               Chang Shu
Library, as well                                                                                              J
as the librarians                                                                                             It was time for
who continually                                                                                               the new Chief
service it. Mr.                                                                                              Librarian to
Kwok compared the HML with other              to make his own address. His speech       take the stage. Chief Librarian of
libraries, and also mentioned in his          was an overview of the past year, and     2007/2008 Chang Shu Jian made his
speech the library’s role in the school       in it, he mentioned many events that      inaugural address, setting goals and
and his own impressions of it.                were organized for the librarians,        expectations for the upcoming year.
      Following that, Mr. Ronald              such as the CIP activities on the         From the start he set a firm tone,
Wong stepped forward to give an               LCM days, and also talked about the       promising to maintain the library and
insightful speech on the nature of            everyday issues of the library, such as   calling for the support of the
change, preluded by the parable of            shelf-reading and attendance.             members of the library club.
the Boulder of Eden. He touched                     The speeches thus concluded, it          As the AVT applauded the new
upon his days as a librarian in Raffles        was time for the annual handover          Executive Committee, Chang Shu
Institution, and how they had                 ceremony, where the Executive

                                                    A HML Publication of 2008
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Annual General Meeting 07’08
                                                  WRITTEN BY: GAN YU NENG
Jian led the librarians in taking the              librarians were unable to work due to                  The Annual General Meeting
librarians’ pledge.                                classes or other commitments.                    2007 ended with a small reception
     After heralding in the new                         Finally, tokens of appreciation             o u t s i d e t h e AV T, w i t h f o o d
leadership, the new members of the                 were given out to all Secondary 4                generously provided by parent
Hullett Memorial Library Club were                 librarians, especially the graduating            volunteers. The librarians ended the
officially invested. Pupils from                    Executive Committee – Graduating                 day with the traditional photo-taking
Secondary 1, 2 and 3 proudly came                  C h i e f L i b r a r i a n L i Yi ya n g,       sessions and other light-hearted
to the front of the AVT to receive                 Graduating Deputy Chief Librarians               activities in the library.
their HML collar pins from Ms.                     Muhammad Sadikin and Daniel
Many and Mdm. Ho.                                  Goh, Graduating Prog rammes
     Commendable librarians from                   M a n a g e r G a n Yu N e n g, a n d
each level were also awarded with                  Graduating Welfare Manager Cham
tokens of appreciation for their                   Bao Rong.
willingness to go beyond the standard                   Mrs. Cheryl Yap, the Head of
call of duty, and for their tireless               Information Technology and overall
service to the library and – through it            teacher in charge of the Hullett
– the school community.                            Memorial Library, made a closing
     Fo l l o w i n g t h a t , t o k e n s o f    speech that rounded up the ceremony
appreciation were also given out to                and set the tone for the year ahead. A
long-serving parent volunteers Mrs.                short multimedia presentation by
Kathleen Lee, Mdm. Ng Mee Ling,                    fo r m e r l i b r a r i a n C a l v i n Te o,
and Mrs. Laurel Teo. These parents                 comprising photographs and videos
donated their own valuable time to                 from many past events over the last
helping to maintain the library,                   four years, concluded the formal
especially in the hour s when                      ceremony.

    Sadikin posing...                                                                                         Bao Rong going bonkers?

                                                          A HML Publication of 2008
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Annual Camp 2007:
                                  WRITTEN BY: CAMP COMMITTEE
Introduction                             the participants was well taken care of    quiet aisles between the shelves as the
     The Hullett Memorial Library        and no one was injured.                    library was specially closed for the
Club’s Annual Camp for the year               Dog and Bone helped the team          afternoon, as we worked hard to
2007 was held for 3D2N from the          members to bond together as they           rearrange the massive 48,000 book
2nd November to the 4th November.        had to listen for the question or          collection in the library.
It had the theme of Aquila which         puzzle given and solve it together to
means Eagle in latin and our main        obtain the identity of the person who          Written by: Law Kang Jie
objective in using this theme was to     was suppose to run out and get the
let the young eagles (Secondary 1s)      “bone”. Teamwork was shown and             Flag-making
rise in the face of many challenges      the participants also enjoyed a lot of          The purpose of the flag-making
and forge new friendships and bonds      fun in solving the puzzles and rushing     activity was not only to provide a
along the way. The camp’s other          out in a mad scramble to escort the        medium for everyone to display their
major purpose was to tidy the messy      bone back to their starting line           creative strengths and find out about
shelves up to prepare for the new year   without getting caught.                    other’s creative talents, but also to get
ahead.                                                                              a common identity between all the
     Originally, the camp was not            Written by: Yan Xiao Dong              members in each team. This activity
planned to be held so early before                                                   saw 4 very different flags, some
the holidays had even started.                                                         display-ing the co-mmon values the
However, due to unforeseen                                                             teams wanted to encompass and
circumstances like the Overseas                                                        show through-out the course of the
Immersion Programme which                                                              camp.
many members of the EXCO                                                                 One problem which could be
were involved in, the only choice                                                      rectified would be to have more
was to squeeze the camp in                                                             time to make the flags because
directly after school has officially                                                    some teams did not have enough
ended for the year. Fortunately, the                                                   time to complete their flags in the
camp was still very successful, due                                                    given time, and therefore some
largely to the EXCO’s diligence in                                                     members had to sacrifice their
planning for the camp which                                                           bathing time to complete the flag.
started as early as term 3.                                                         The issue is much less the sacrificing
                                         Shelf-reading                              of bathing time, but rather more of
Icebreakers                                   After a brief round of ice-
                                                                                    team members not being able to work
    Ice Breakers was generally a         breaker activities, we began to
                                                                                    together to complete the flag.
success as the team members had          embark on the most important duty a
definitely bonded together and at the     librarian must do – housekeeping!
                                                                                        Written by: Rohan Puthran
same time had a great deal of fun as          As the library was in a state of
a whole as library club members.         neglect after a long and intense term      School Games
    Whacko and Guardian Whacko           of studying, everyone chipped in to             After an interesting dinner
was generally well-liked by the teams    restore the shelves to its proper state,   bought from the Dining Hall,
and it was instrumental in getting to    while enjoying the task thoroughly         librarians split up into their respective
know each others’ name. Safety of        with the lively interaction among          groups and proceeded for School
                                         librarians. Chatter filled the usually-     Games played at various stations. It

                                               A HML Publication of 2008
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Annual Camp 2007:
                                   WRITTEN BY: CAMP COMMITTEE
was held over 2 halves, with a half-            After that, we proceeded with the   “lights and sounds” show held only
time game.                                 second half of the School Games,         during specific time slots.
     In the first half, librarians had to   where teams were pitted against one           Fortunately, we gave the journey
brave through unknown concoctions          another in terms of their physical       from the school to the Singapore City
of food, master the Morse Code,            ability and how they worked together     Gallery venue a full one hour’s time
brainstorm for innovative solutions to     as a team. From shooting hoops from      in our schedule. So even though some
pass a roll of masking tape with           a long distance, moving through a        teams were delayed on the way in the
speed, count the number of lockers in      challenging obstacle course with         MRT journey, everything was still on
the Junior Block and answer a set of       various handicaps, using their bare      schedule as we arrived there at 9.50
trivia questions. These activities         hands to fish out specific item from       a.m.
mainly tested their intellectual skills,   an ice bucket and even contorting             Upon arriving, all of us had a
but more importantly, how they             their limbs to support each other, we    great deal of fun as we sat down and
communicate with each other. Be it         saw each and every librarian grin and    participated in the exclusive and
cheering each other on, or gulping         grimace as they pushed themselves        interactive game show hosted by
down spicy and bitter juices at the        and their teams to perform as best as    Gurmit Singh at the Singapore City
same time, the librarians enjoyed          they could!                              Gallery. Then, we toured around all
                                                                                    the interesting exhibitions several
                                                         Written by: Law Kang       times in order to fill in a special quiz
                                                         Jie                        sheet set by the EXCO. This quiz
                                                                                    sheet had two purposes. One was of
                                                         Excursion                  course to made sure the members of
                                                          This trip to the          the club had benefitted from this trip
                                                          Singapore City Gallery    by learning things and the other was
                                                          was made possible only    to use the quiz as the precursor to the
                                                          after several rounds of   Amazing Race to determine which
                                                          deliberation among the    team got to start the race first.
                                                          EXCO. We hesitated
                                                          because we knew some          Written by: Chang Shu Jian
                                                          of the Secondary 1s
                                                         had already been to this   Amazing Race
themselves thoroughly.                     place before but in the end, we still         Ideas for the Amazing Race had
     In the half-time break, the
                                           felt that this was a really good         already surfaced as early as in the
librarians began to play the “War of
                                           opportunity to expose the club to our    middle of term 3 but we only started
Omok”, basing it on a mini-game
                                           valuable national heritage in a fun      working on it at the start of term 4
found in the popular MapleStory
                                           and interesting manner.                  due to the excess of time we had
computer game. In the dark Raffles               We recced the Singapore City        during the DMP period. We usually
Square, we played the game with
                                           Gallery multiple times before the        discuss the venues we will be receeing
lightsticks, trying to outwit the other
                                           camp and made some special               for the Amazing Race beforehand
team. The glowing lightsticks in the
                                           arrangements in the timing of the        and then, actually visiting them in
dark environment brought about an
                                           camp’s events so as to ensure that we    our receeing trips. We made around 4
interesting effect.                        would be able to catch the special       or 5 trips in total and several rounds
                                                                                    of discussions and deliberations were

                                                 A HML Publication of 2008
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Annual Camp 2007:
                                   WRITTEN BY: CAMP COMMITTEE
made before actually settling on the       stations to wait for hours before the      am pretty sure that the other end
confirmed list of venues to include in      first team arrived.                         would feel it too.
the Amazing Race. Due to Sethu’s                Rohan was the first station                  Next up was the station at the
inability to attend any of these           master and he laid in ambush for the       Cavanagh Bridge and I was the
receeing trips because of his other        camp participants at the top floor of       station master. The location of the
commitments, we finally decided to          Vivocity. Each team was given a set of     Cavanagh Bridge was pretty remote
make a painful decision which was to       close-up pictures and they would have      and honestly speaking, I would not
remove him from the camp                   to go around Vivocity taking shots of      have known how to reach there
committee.                                 the exact same pictures. Teams then        without the help of a map. However,
     Although planning for the             have to show each and every photo to       thankfully, all the teams still managed
Amazing Race started very early, it        the station master before they are         to make it to the station without
had many minor hiccups in its              given their next clue. This station was    delaying the schedule of the whole
execution which could have been            extremely meaningful because it            race.
better if not for unforeseen               exposed the teams to many famous                 At this station, teams were given
circumstances. As the school term          brand names of shops and widened           a hard puzzle to crack whose main
began to draw towards its end,             their general knowledge as well as         motive was not to test the thinking
m e m b e r s o f t h e E XC O h a d       their street-smartness.                    skills of the teams, rather it was to
increasing external commitments to              The next clue led the teams to        test their observation skills. The
fulfill and as such, the actual logistics   the passageway next to the Esplanade       problem mainly involved finding out
of the Amazing race including the          Carpark located at the City Hall           the conversion rate of CWT to the
materials, instructions, clues of the      MRT station. In this interesting           modern unit of KG. Yiyang’s team,
various stations were only settled in a    station (no pun intended), Kang Jie        who was in the lead at that time,
mere number of days before the             was the station master. Teams have to
camp. And this led to the not-so-          number their members and then,
smooth-and-could-have-been-better          draw from a lottery box. This allows
execution of the Amazing Race.             them to randomly pick a body part
Nonetheless, it was still a fantastic      for each of their members. With
experience for many of the members         these various body parts which
especially the Secondary 1s as can be      include the 5th finger, the nose, the
seen from the generally positive           knee, the ankle, the elbow, the lower
feedback given.                            back, the shoulder and the heel, team
     While the rest of the club were       members are supposed to use them to
having their full 45-min lunch after       transport a ball across the passage.
the Singapore City Gallery excursion,           This was certainly no easy feat
members of the EXCO had to wolf            and teams who were unlucky had an
down their lunches so as to leave          especially tough time. Imagine a nose
early to their various stations for the    paired to the heel of a foot! Woot!
Amazing Race. However, this was            But this was certainly one of the most
largely unnecessary because the            entertaining stations in the entire race
briefing of the Amazing Race itself         and the entire process required a lot
took longer than expected and this         of teamwork and concentration. If a
led to EXCO members at their               team member giggled on one end, I

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Annual Camp 2007:
                                  WRITTEN BY: CAMP COMMITTEE
resorted to asking the many tourists      even with little communication and I      bowl of Ice Kachang while reciting
around the area with no avail. But        believe it would help greatly in the      10 shop names in Suntec. Many
actually the conversion rate was          day-to-day tasks of being a librarian.    teams probably appreciated the
simply written in small print on a             The following station was a          inclusion of such a detour station but
notice found at one end of the bridge.    detour and Xiao Dong was the              it also caused some teams to become
In the end, only Bao Rong’s team          station master at the Suntec food         lax and rest for longer than was
managed to clear the station without      court. The clue to Xiao Dong’s            needed.
the use of any hints and I commend        station was “Opposite Techno                    After the detour, it was back to
their good effort and teamwork even       Moon” which if properly decoded,          Rohan with his station at the Youth
though two members of the team            would give Suntec. However, the           Park. His station involved having the
(Hui Chiang and Si Kai) were having       process in which this clue had to be      teams play a very special “board
foot injuries at that time.               decoded was extremely unusual and         game” on the concrete squares
     The next station was something       it was no surprise that many teams        marked out at the Youth Park.
all librarians should excel in doing.     gave up half-way and would rather         However, there was an unforeseen
Book-finding! Hui Hao was the              pay a forfeit with their points.          event held on the exact same spot on
station master at the Esplanade           Surprisingly though, Bao Rong’s           the day itself so Rohan had to step
library and the task was for the teams    team had a really special way of          aside to a corner and play this game
to find specific books under the            thinking out of the box and managed       instead with paper and pen.
difficult criteria he set, all under the   to guess the clue correctly.                    This special “board game” is the
strictly quiet environment                     Xiao Dong’s station was basically    unique creation of the EXCO and it
requirements of a library. This           one to let the teams take a breather as   was invented during the last receeing
helped train teams to work together       all they really had to do was finish a     trip when we were desperate to
                                                                                    include a station at Youth Park but
                                                                                     had no ideas for it. It is a mentally
                                                                                     challenging game and required
                                                                                     teams to think it through before
                                                                                     playing the game or else they would
                                                                                     have to end up forfeiting many of
                                                                                     their hard-earned points. Due to its
                                                                                     complexity, I shall not explain in
                                                                                     detail how this game was actually
                                                                                          Yiyang’s team who was still in
                                                                                     the lead at that time spent a very
                                                                                     long amount of time thinking before
                                                                                     devising an almost foolproof strategy
                                                                                     which wwould allow them to
                                                                                     complete this station with the least
                                                                                     number of points lost. Daniel’s team
                                                                                     was second at that time and I am
                                                                                     pretty sure they were quite happy to
                                                                                     be second. Because after watching

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Annual Camp 2007:
                                          WRITTEN BY: CAMP COMMITTEE
Yiyang’s team play through the game,              teams were angry at me for wasting               of course expected to “flag” to the
they already realized the strategy                their time and delaying their progress           finish. (pun intended)
required for clearing this game and               onward. Therefore, I changed plans                    So upon arriving at Junction 8,
managed to clear it too almost                    slightly by allowing them to take the            teams had to located Xiao Dong and
instantaneously, helping them to                  MRT to Ang Mo Kio which was a                    stick their flags into the soil to mark
greatly close the wide gap between                much shorter journey than taking the             the end of the race. However, despite
the first and second place.                        bus.                                             Yiyang’s team still being in the lead at
      The next station master is once                   Next was Hui Hao with his                  that time, they eventually lost to
again back to Kang Jie and his                    station at the Ang Mo Kio Town                   Daniel’s team. This was because in
station was at the Paragon shopping               Gardens East. This station once                  their urgency to finish the race, they
c e n t r e. H i s s t a t i o n i nv o l v e d   again trains teams on their                      actually broke their flag into two,
unscrambling a list of brand names                observation skills and drives home the           making it especially hard for them to
which could be found in the vicinity              theme of the camp by allowing team               poke it into the ground. In contrast,
correctly. This station’s purpose is              members to acquire good observation              Daniel’s group, upon hearing the task
slightly similar to the first station at           skills as an eagle (Aquila) would have.          required, almost instantaneously
Vivocity and it once again enriched               In this station, teams would have to             managed to let their stick sink into
the teams with a wealth of general                identify and describe the nutmeg tree            the ground which was an amazing
knowledge and street-smartness by                 as well as the rubber tree. But little do        feat that other teams could never
actively engaging them in observing               teams know that there are actually               match up to.
and interacting with the world                    n o t i c e b o a r d s n e a r by g i v i n g        So the results of the race which
around them.                                      information on these trees in the                promptly ended exactly on the dot as
      Following that, we had a                    park, thus allowing teams to have an             planned are as follows:
roadblock station at Toa Payoh Bus                ensured victory should they manage                    1) Daniel’s Team
Interchange of which I was the                    to find them.                                          2) Yiyang’s Team
station master. The clue at the                         Because of my allowing teams to                 3) Sethu’s Team
roadblock was a maths puzzle                      take the MRT instead of the bus,                      4) Bao rong’s Team
carefully hidden in a series of                   teams managed to find Hui Hao
anagrams and teams would have to                  significantly faster than expected.                     All in all, to sum up this
send in individual members to solve               However, Bao Rong’s team turned                  wonderful and fruitful Amazing Race
them. Upon failing two attempts,                  out taking the wrong staircase out of            Aquila, I must say that on top of all
teams were then deducted of their                 the MRT station as a result and                  the hiccups, misunderstandings and
points and would then be allowed to               ended up walking rounds through the              arguments that have happened, it has
cooperate with each other to solve the            park before back-tracking and finally             been a very fun and enjoyable
problem.                                          finding Hui Hao.                                  experience for the whole club and
      The answer to this clue was                       To end it off, the last station was        that every single of the EXCO can
supposed to have been 88 which                    back at Junction 8 with Xiao Dong                feel the immense satisfaction obtained
would then be the bus number of the               being the station master. Throughout             for every blood, sweat and tear that
bus teams were supposed to take to                the entire race, teams were carrying             they had given for the sake of
get to the next station. However, due             their flags made at the start of the              organizing this year’s Amazing Race.
to negligence on my part, the correct             camp with them as they race through
answer to the puzzle when solved did              Singapore and at the finish, they were                Written by: Chang Shu Jian
not turn out to be 88. As a result,

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Annual Camp 2007:
                                   WRITTEN BY: CAMP COMMITTEE

Birthday Bash
     The birthday bash was                                                                        “The activities
split into two parts, the main                                                                      held were
breakfast and the auction. For                                                                   meaningful and
the main breakfast, Mrs. Yap                                                                       helped us in
bought Bee Hoon, Nasi                                                                            building rapport
Lemak and muffins for                                                                              between fellow
everyone and everyone ate
while chatting with each
other and talking about the
memories they shared                                                                               - Chuan Kai
throughout the camp.
     For this year’s birthday
bash, we decided to use an auction system        it in the HML workroom with newspapers          “I now crave for
that would allow the four different teams to     being spread out on the floor near the
                                                                                                   more HML
use all the points they had accumulated          Information Counter. Lunch and dinner
                                                 were spent at the hawker centre next to
throughout the entire camp to bid for some
food and mystery items including potato          URA center and S11 at Junction 8. The
chips, snacks and even tissue paper etc. This    next day’s breakfast would be in school and         - Simon
meant that the points took an added              after that would be the birthday bash. We
significance and the points will not only         also bought buns for supper on the first two
determine the best group and will actually       nights. As a treat, Mrs. Yap also decided to     “The camp was
turn into some sort of reward system. The        order Pelican Pizza on the second night to
                                                                                                  very fun… The
auction, which took place after the main         go along with the others.
                                                                                                 activities planned
breakfast, was a success with many of the             We decided to start buying all the
groups bidding enthusiastically for many of      snacks two weeks before the start of the          also helped us
the items and none of them went home             camp and the bread, buns and spreads on           bond together
empty handed and they could enjoy the            the Monday of the week of the camp. We           and know each
snacks in the comfort of their own home.         decided to buy snacks and 1.5 liter bottled     other better than
                                                 drinks including Jelly Beans, Potato Chips            we did
    Written by: Ang Hui Hao                      and Prawn Crackers for the snacks and              previously.”
                                                 Sprite, Vanilla Coke and Pepsi for the
Logistics                                        drinks.
     For the entire camp, there was a total of        The entire expenditure of the camp
                                                                                                   - Hui Chiang
five main meals, first day’s dinner, second        was $266.65 and most of it was spent on
day’s breakfast, lunch and dinner and lastly     food and drinks and not materials for the
the third day’s breakfast. We decided to         camp as most of the materials for the             “I enjoyed
cater food for the first day’s dinner from the    various activities were easily accessible and    Amazing Race
dining hall. For the second day, we bought       did not require us to buy them.                   the most!”
bread for breakfast and spreads for
breakfast and for the first time ever we had          Written by: Ang Hui Hao
                                                                                                    - Chai Xun

                                                 A HML Publication of 2008
        O    7           L                                                                                         PAGE   13

Raffles Trail
                                        WRITTEN BY: ROHAN PUTHRAN
Planning for the Raffles Trail began            and all of the Sec1s (including their            During the later half of the
more than one month ago as we                  PSL(s) clambered over each other,        Raffles Trail, classes began to come in
consolidated ideas on how we would             trying to load their pockets with as     twos or threes and there was simply
make this experience a unique and              many sweets as they can. Therefore,      no way to let all of them sit down and
memorable one for the Secondary                we decided to change the method in       watch the videos. Hence, we decided
Ones. In the end, we decided to hold           which we distributed these sweets by     to have Yiyang and Calvin help us by
it in the library, around the Hullett’s        having a QnA session as we went          giving the excess classes a tour
table (sofa area), but concerns about          along. And people who answered the       around the library while we rushed
keeping the noise level down in the            questions correctly (or incorrectly at   through the presentation with the
library soon arose. We then thought            times) would then get the sweets.        current classes. This might seem like
of having it in the LAR but were                       1Q was the first class to come    an ideal solution at first but the
afraid of the possible jam given the           and their enthusiasm was                 situation still got out of hand because
narrow corridor. Then, we thought of           unbelievable. 6 members from 1Q          at one point, there were around 5
the classroom which would be ideal             immediately signed up with us.           classes in the library. Therefore, to
because the noise will not become a            However, for later classes, there was    our regret, we had to rush through
problem. However, upon thinking                barely any excitement left in the        the presentation with quite a number
through, holding the Raffles Trail in           Sec1s (possibly because they had         of classes, leaving them befounded at
any other venue would defeat the               already visited too many Raffles Trail    what the entire club was about.
purpose we had in asking them to               stations) and at most, only one or two           Finally, at the end of the day,
come to the library. Therefore, after          signed up. Amidst one of these           we counted through the sign-up
much deliberation, the library was             classes, there was suddenly a            sheets and discovered that there were
still chosen as the final venue to hold         technical failure and the video          around 24 people who wanted to join
the inaugural Raffles Trail 2008.               stopped playing. So we tried to          the HML club. This was pretty much
        On the day itself, our                 engage the Sec1s by telling them         an unprecedented record and we
presentation mainly comprised of a             lame jokes. To our disbelief, this was   were very excited about these results.
p o we r p o i n t a n d s o m e v i d e o s   much more effective than the playing     However, upon calling them up to
documenting the activities we had in           the video and many signed up             have them attend the training session
the past few years. However, due to            straight away. Thereafter, we switched   the following week, we realized that a
technical failures, we ended up not            to this “lame-joke” tactic and           third of them were no longer
being able to play the music directly          successfully brought about a greater     interested. Thankfully, the initiative to
from the computer and we had to                number of signups.                       join the club was spread virally
replace some ipod music to make up                                                       through word-of-mouth among the
for it. Also, due to some                                                                Sec1s and we ended up with a
miscommunication within the                                                              situation where 1 or 2 newcomer
EXCO, Jonathan ended up buying                                                           will join every other day. And we
13 packs of sweets when the original                                                     certainly ended up having more
agreement was 4. Therefore, we laid                                                      recruits than we expected.
out the sweets beside the sign-up                                                               All in all, Raffles Trail 2008
sheet in a bid to get Sec1s to sign up                                                   was an unparalleled success and we
as well as to clear away our massive                                                     look forward in triumphing the
stock of sweets. However, the                                                            challenges which would lay ahead
situation soon grew out of control                                                       for the rest of the year.

                                                     A HML Publication of 2008
       O    7           L                                                                                              PAGE   14

Library Club Members Day
                                          WRITTEN BY: ANG ZHI JIE DYON
 Thursday, 13th of March was the                 The whacker had to be fast and quick               Next up was the library
day that Hullet Memorial Library                 while the players had to remember             Housekeeping! The Librarians were
Club held its 1st annual Library Club            e a ch o t h e r n a m e s t o p ro t e c t   split up into groups of 4-5 and were
Members day of the year. Based on                themselves. However, some of the sec          assigned tasks(Redesigning signs,
the consent for ms, 36 fellow                    ones were left out from the game as           Earth Day quiz/crossword) and after
librarians were expected to turn up              no one remembered to call out their           that we converged as one and helped
on the day itself. However, not all              names. This is sad but I am sure it           out Ms Many and Madam Ho in
showed up on that day, which was                 was just in a moment of forgetfulness,        stacking up old magazines and
quite sad.
        Starting very early in the
morning, attendance was taken at the
loan counter which than shifted to
the library activities room. As they
sign their names and fill out their
duty days, the librarians were given
name tags to write out their names in
marker, in preparation for the ice-
breaker, Name Tag Grab! Due to the
lack of time(caused by waiting and
c a l l i n g u p o n a b s e n t e e s ) , we
proceeded to kick-start LCM Day
with the ice-breakers!
        The first game we played was a
new introduction to the LCM Day
scene, Name Tag Grab! Librarians                 we librarians are very closely bonded         arranging new ones. This really
were given random name tags to                   and we definitely can remember each            displayed our group cooperation as
paste on their fellow librarians back.           other names!                                  we assisted each other in stacking
Then, librarians had to go around                     The last and final game was               according to the publishing date and
finding their own names while                     Polar Bear! This was the game which           tying up the bundles of thick
preventing people from finding their              many of the sec one librarians                magazines, gazettes. Towards the end
names on their backs! Sounds                     commented highly on. It was started           of the housekeeping period, the
confusing? Mrs. Yap helpfully                    with quite a bit of mishaps, which the        planning committee left to set up
explained some of the instructions               librarians sportingly pointed on.             their station games.
and we started grabbing! After a                 However, problems were quickly                     Shu Jian stayed behind to give
exciting game of subtlety and                    resolved and we all had fun playing           each group a clue in an envelope and
fun(while getting to know each other‘s           the game! We had to use our brains            each team went to decipher the clues
names), the winner of the game was               to guess who was the evil Polar Bears         and headed to their respective
Sean!                                            and we had to trust each others               stations. The LCM Day’s station
        The next game was the                    judgement, which is very important            games were based on the theme
recurring, Whacko!, the essential                in library club life. We had a lot of         “Sweetopia”. There were altogether 6
game for us librarians to solidify our           fun in this game and we all                   games, maintained by someone from
knowledge of each others names.                  thoroughly enjoyed it.                        the planning committee. As the heavy

                                                        A HML Publication of 2008
       O    7           L                                                                                      PAGE   15

Library Club Members Day
                                    WRITTEN BY: ANG ZHI JIE DYON
rain poured outside, librarians ran        ok, we also had a great backup plan,      librarians and understood each other
around trying to complete their            although many of the sec ones were        better. We all relished our food and
station games which had sweet              looking forward to the book outing        goodies as the LCM Day came to a
rewards if they manage to complete         but too bad for the rain. We all          close. Then came the last event of the
them properly. I am happy to say           gathered at the library activities room   day. Cleaning up! But that was
many enjoyed the games as they were        and had a cosy time watching              reserved for the committee! After
carefully selected to foster and instill   Amazing Grace which was about             cleaning up and shifting things back
group bonding and cooperation              black slavery and white protestors.       to where they belong, we had a final
between librarians. After the station      The movie had a lot of depth and it       d e b r i e f by M r s Ya p f o r t h e
games we proceeded to the school           touched everyone in the room. It also     committee and we listened to the
canteen to have our lunch. We              gave us a deeper understanding of         feedback and commented on it. We
initially planned to have lunch            early America’s tensions. Due to the      were pleased with the overall good
outside of school but it was raining       air-con, we all had a relaxed time,       response and we plan to make the
cats and dogs and we had to have a         unperturbed by the rain. When the         next LCM Day more fun-filled than
change of plans, much to the dismay        movie was over, we had a brief games      ever, with new things introduced.
of many librarians who were                session as the food was being             Hopefully it will not rain on HML
anticipating going out as a club to        prepared.                                 Club’s parade again!
have a meal together. We had fun                We had a mini-welcome cum                  We love book outings! (:
talking together and we joked around       party session at the gallery, where the
as the rain poured outside. That           groups exchanged their hard-earned
clearly did not dampen our sprits and      coupons for prizes as their just
no one was a wet blanket and sulk          rewards for showing teamwork. Mrs
throughout the lunch.                      Yap also provided some delicious
     We then had a session of book         curry puffs and muffins for the club.
shelving/reading at the reference          We conversed with our fellow
section. We worked hand in hand,
each librarian was assigned a shelf
and we quickly got the job done,
though some were slacking while
the others were working hard. That
was quickly solved with a few stern
glares and scolding and they were
up and shelving books like the rest
of the librarians.
     We had a great plan. To go out
together to Kinokuniya to have a
book outing! Mrs Yap planned to
allow us each to choose a non-
fiction and fiction book to add to
the library’s collection of books.
However, the rain stopped our great
plan, much to everyone‘s dismay. Its

                                                 A HML Publication of 2008
       O    7           L                                                                                                 PAGE   16

RI Community Day @ H.W.A.
                                WRITTEN BY: JONATHAN ANG SIXIAN
On 20th of March 2008, the Hullett         a briefing on
Memorial Library Club participated         t h e H WA
in the first ever RI Community Day, a       services and
part of the Raffles Institution 185         facilities. On
celebrations. A total of 15 librarians     the way to the
and 3 math club members were               H WA g y m ,
supposed to join us for our activities     we noticed
that day. Unfortunately, some of           pictures of
them were not able to be present that      old librarians
day due to various reasons.                on the walls.
Fortunately, a few other students                    Inside,
decided to join us at the last minute,     M r Ke l v i n
supplementing our loss of manpower.        Lim gave us a
        After the launch ceremony, we      short demo
proceeded to the Raffles square to          on assembling                                    background. During this period of
wait for our buses. Though we were         and de-assembling wheelchairs. Then              time, scaffolding was assembled to
among the first to leave the hall, our      he gave us a chance to try our hand              paint the portions of the wall that
bus came the latest in the 8.30 group.     at assembling and de-assembling our              were too high for us to reach. After
Halfway through the wait, it started       own wheelchairs. As it turned out, the           the assembly of the scaffold, some
raining. We fled to the shelter of the      wheelchair which was assigned to the             news reporters interviewed various
library, while Shu Jian called Mrs Yap     first team was made in America and                people. After about an hour and a
to confirm whether he should bring          therefore could be de-assembled                  half, we were given a break to go and
the ladder along to HWA.                   easier. However, the wheelchair that             eat and rest. During the break, the
        Finally, after a 15 minute wait,   was given to the second team was a               other group was brought in to help
the buses arrived. We ran through the      common wheelchair and therefore                  paint the wall.
rain to get to our bus, then waited        could only be de-assembled after a                      When the break was over, we
onboard the bus for the rest of the        longer period of time.                           came back to HWA and let the other
people arrived. HWA was located at                   After the wheelchair                   group take their break. Then, we
Whampoa; hence we faced a rather           demonstration, we had another                    continued to paint the wall.
long drive. On board the bus, Shu          demonstration of how wheelchair-                        U n f o r t u n a t e l y, w e w e r e
Jian gave us a briefing on how we           bound patients transferred from their            dismissed before the wall was
were to split up and paint different       wheelchairs to the therapy beds. In              completed. Fortunately, after the
sections of the wall. Copies of the        a l l , t h e d e m o n s t r at i o n s we re   event, we were given an image of the
wall design were also passed down          extremely educational.                           completed wall, so we had a solid
the seats for students who had not                   S u b s e q u e n t l y, w e w e r e   idea of what we had given to the
seen the design yet.                       transferred to help paint the wall.              community during RI community
        When we got to HWA, it was         The teachers and the VIP had                     day.
still drizzling. Nevertheless, the         already painted a fair portion of the
teachers and the VIP had already           wall, and headmaster, senior deputy
started painting the wall. Due to the      headmaster and the VIP had already
overcrowding of the wall area, most        left. We were left to help paint the rest
of us were ushered inside to be given      of the unpainted flowers and

                                                  A HML Publication of 2008
       O    7           L                                                                                              PAGE   17

RI Open House
                                     WRITTEN BY: WONG ZHE HERNG
To me, I think that open house was          got used to what I had to say. I           something very ironic. A couple of
actually quite fun and interesting.         actually felt quite good giving out the    kids say the animal abuse poster and
Though the open house was very              tours. Slowly, I was not shy at all.       started to ‘play’ or more like shake
busy (at times), I feel that I have         Instead of ‘stoning’ about in the loan     the soft toys like, well, toys. There
learned a lot from the open house.          counter, I anticipated the next visitor.   were some people who expected
     The open house was very busy           I must say I learned a lot from that       more, but I guess they had high
but I feel that the librarians have         experience.                                expectations. Luckily there was no
handled this occasion very well. I               Other than that, there were the       violence or horsing around from the
remember the open house last year.          nerve-wrecking questions. Some             primary students. Other than these,
That day, when I was led around the         parents were very quiet, but there         the whole thing went very well.
library when I was a primary 6              were also some parents that asked a
student, I must say I was very              lot of questions. I’m sure everyone
impressed. What’s more, I wasn’t very       had some difficulties, but everyone
outspoken at that time. Now, things         answered them to their best ability.
have changed. That day, I was               There were some that I did not know
actually feeling a bit nervous but I        how to answer, I admit, but all I can
anticipated giving tours. Then, my          say is that I tried. To my surprise,
first visitor came. When I started           there was a parent who went on
talking, I could not believe that I was     complimenting on the library, but all
actually giving the tour. Everything        for a question, which was “The
actually went very smoothly except          library is so cosy, but that’s why
for a couple of hesitations, other than     everyone wants to come. So are there
that, I was quite pleased with my           enough books to go around?”
performance. After that, things could            Lastly, there were some primary
only get better. I did not remember         students who were more interested in
the notes well, but after giving tours, I   playing and games. There was

    Look at Nicholas’s finger......                                                              Lofty Aspirations =p

                                                  A HML Publication of 2008
“It has been a
Final Words                                                                                pleasure working with
                                                                                           the pupil librarians, in
                                                                                             particular the HML
                                                                                            EXCO 07’08 as they
                                                                                               have shown good
                                                                                           leadership qualities in
                                                                                              running the HML
                                                                                              Club. Shu Jian has
                                                                                                  shown great
                                                                                               responsibility and
                                                                                              commitment in his
                                                                                               role as the Chief
                                                                                             Librarian 07’08. On
                                                                                              Behalf of the staff
                                                                                           and school, I wish the
                                                                                           Sec4 graduating pupil
I guess it’s time to say goodbye!
                                                                                            librarians all the very
                                                                                              best in their future

                                                                                             - Mrs. Cheryl Yap

                    FR O M :
                                                      HML CLUB 07’08
            HML CLU
                    B 0 7 ’0 8
Sp ec ia l th
              an ks go es
 M s M an y,              ou t to M rs
                M dm H o &               Y ap ,
                             C al vi n T eo
                                                  August 2008   07’08 Annual Publication

                                                                HERE’S WISHING:
                                                                A Prosperous Year Ahead
                                                                For HML CLUB 08’09!!!

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HML Club Annual Report 2007-2008

  • 1. Presenting..................... ANNUAL REPORT CHI E EF L DITOR I Cha BRARIA : August 2008 07’08 Annual Publication HML Club ng S hu J N 07’08 ian W CLU RITERS B M EMB : PHO ERS TO CAL GRAPH VIN Y TEO : The Gryphon Soars to New Heights WINGS OUTSTRETCHED CHIEF LIBRARIAN’S MESSAGE “I am very positive that the next echelon of leaders, headed by Hui Hao will re-define new boundaries for the HML Club and bring it to greater heights.” Continued on Page 3 HML ANNUAL CAMP 2007 - AQUILA! Hullett Memorial Library’s 85 Years of Excellence “From shooting hoops from a long distance, moving through a challenging obstacle course with various handicaps, using their bare hands to fish out specific item from an ice bucket and even contorting their limbs to support each other, we saw each and every librarian grin and grimace as they pushed themselves and their teams to perform as best as they could!” Continued on Page 8 Blazing access to high-end information technology Wealth of knowledge & learning OPEN HOUSE 2008 Before a new rein of f “To my surprise, there was a parent who went leadership arrives, on complimenting on the library, but all for a the gryphon must question, which was ‘The library is so cosy, but that’s why everyone wants to come. So are look back on its past there enough books to go around?’” achievements for the Continued on Page 17 betterment of the present towards the future A HML Publication of 2008
  • 2. HML REPORT 07’08: A LITTLE ABOUT US EPO 7 E PAGE 2 Congregation and sharing of knowledge amidst a friendly environment Books Galore! ABOUT US VISION The Hullett Memorial Library has made a The Hullett Memorial Library aims to conscious effort to constantly upgrade its develop an information and technology rich facilities and services in order to remain teaching and learning environment that The Hullett relevant in this information age. Our encourages active real world research. Memorial foremost concern is to create a warm and Library aims to information rich environment where MISSION The Library exists to link staff and students develop an students and staff of Raffles Institution can with recorded knowledge in an appropriate information and partake in a variety of activities both pleasant and conducive to life-long learning time, place and way, enabling them to technology rich with the aid of up-to-date resources and achieve excellence in teaching, learning and teaching and advanced information technology. research. learning OBJECTIVES environment that FACILITIES Teaching encourages active • A collection of about 60,000 books, including Fiction, non-Fiction and Work in partnership with teaching staff to real world Reference promote innovative use of information research. • More than 70 magazine titles including resources in school enhance teaching and learning. - HML Vision PC Magazine, Runner's World, Newsweek, Time and National Geographic. • Info-educational DVDs, VCDs, LDs, Learning audio CDs, CD-ROM (PC), and video Teach students and staff to become tapes. information literate as a basis for life long learning and real world problem solving. • Project Corner with 12 PCs for group project work. • SurfPOOL with 10 PCs for individual Research information searches Increase knowledge base available to • Notebooks with 20 PCs for mobile researc researchers for the development of new knowledge, by using IT to improve access to • A Library Activities Room and a Creative information world wide. Studio for teaching, lectures or meetings • Private study carrels A HML Publication of 2008
  • 3. HML H L REPORT 07’08: CHIEF LIBRARIAN MESSAGE PAGE PA E 3 Chang Shu Jian’s Outgoing Message: It has been a very exciting, and at the same time, challenging year for me in 07’08 and I would like to take this opportunity to thank Mrs Yap, Mdm Ho, Ms Many, the exco 07’08 and all the librarians for giving me this enriching experience to be the Chief Librarian. I am very positive that the next echelon of leaders, headed by Hui Hao will re-define new boundaries for the HML Club and bring it to greater heights. Chief Librarian 07’08 Ang Hui Hao’s Incoming Message: I am greatly honored and happy to be appointed to be the Chief Librarian of HML club for 08’09 and I would like to thank Mrs. Yap as well as HML EXCO 07’08 for the help they have given towards me these past few years. I am looking forward to a prosperous year ahead. I certainly hope that the HML Club can make great strides and achieve many things that will benefit the rest of the school community. Chief Librarian 08’09 A HML Publication of 2008
  • 4. HML REPORT 07’08: EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE EPO 7 T PAGE 4 To Greater Heights...! Chief Librarian Ang Hui Hao Secretary Secretary Jonathan Ang Sixian Ang Zhi Jie Dyon Programmes Manager Programmes Manager Tay Hui Chiang Ong Chuan Kai A HML Publication of 2008
  • 5. HML REPORT 07’08: SPECIAL COVERAGE O 7 L PAGE 5 Annual General Meeting 07’08 WRITTEN BY: GAN YU NENG The Annual General Meeting 2007 changed him. He also mentioned the Committee of 2006/2007 would was held on the 20th of August. As necessity of adapting to different hand over their duties to that of with previous years, this handover- expectations and higher standards as 2007/2008. In the previous year, the cum-awards ceremony was held in times changed and technology post and associated duties of the the AVT, although this time on a advanced, relating this to how the Deputy Chief Librarian were split Monday as opposed to the traditional Hullett Memorial Library underwent into two; this year, these two halves Wednesday. For our Guest-of- many changes while he was Chief were again merged as Deputy Chief H o n o u r, w e i n v i t e d D e p u t y Librarian. Librarians Muhammad Sadikin and Headmaster for Development Mr. The Chief Librarian of Daniel Goh handed over their Kenneth Kwok, himself a former 2006/2007, Li Yiyang, then stood up combined portfolio to the new librarian; and we Deputy Chief also managed to Librarian Law i nv i t e a s o u r Kang Jie. The special gust Mr. handover of Ronald Wong, duties culm- Chief Librarian inated in the in the year handing over of 2002/2003. chair manship The event of the Hullett began with an Memorial opening address Library Club, by Mr. Kenneth in which Li Kwok, who Yiyang handed spoke about the over his rank expectations on and respon- the Hullett sibilities to M e m o r i a l Chang Shu Library, as well J Jian. as the librarians It was time for who continually the new Chief service it. Mr. Librarian to Kwok compared the HML with other to make his own address. His speech take the stage. Chief Librarian of libraries, and also mentioned in his was an overview of the past year, and 2007/2008 Chang Shu Jian made his speech the library’s role in the school in it, he mentioned many events that inaugural address, setting goals and and his own impressions of it. were organized for the librarians, expectations for the upcoming year. Following that, Mr. Ronald such as the CIP activities on the From the start he set a firm tone, Wong stepped forward to give an LCM days, and also talked about the promising to maintain the library and insightful speech on the nature of everyday issues of the library, such as calling for the support of the change, preluded by the parable of shelf-reading and attendance. members of the library club. the Boulder of Eden. He touched The speeches thus concluded, it As the AVT applauded the new upon his days as a librarian in Raffles was time for the annual handover Executive Committee, Chang Shu Institution, and how they had ceremony, where the Executive A HML Publication of 2008
  • 6. HML REPORT 07’08: SPECIAL COVERAGE O 7 L PAGE 6 Annual General Meeting 07’08 WRITTEN BY: GAN YU NENG Jian led the librarians in taking the librarians were unable to work due to The Annual General Meeting librarians’ pledge. classes or other commitments. 2007 ended with a small reception After heralding in the new Finally, tokens of appreciation o u t s i d e t h e AV T, w i t h f o o d leadership, the new members of the were given out to all Secondary 4 generously provided by parent Hullett Memorial Library Club were librarians, especially the graduating volunteers. The librarians ended the officially invested. Pupils from Executive Committee – Graduating day with the traditional photo-taking Secondary 1, 2 and 3 proudly came C h i e f L i b r a r i a n L i Yi ya n g, sessions and other light-hearted to the front of the AVT to receive Graduating Deputy Chief Librarians activities in the library. their HML collar pins from Ms. Muhammad Sadikin and Daniel Many and Mdm. Ho. Goh, Graduating Prog rammes Commendable librarians from M a n a g e r G a n Yu N e n g, a n d each level were also awarded with Graduating Welfare Manager Cham tokens of appreciation for their Bao Rong. willingness to go beyond the standard Mrs. Cheryl Yap, the Head of call of duty, and for their tireless Information Technology and overall service to the library and – through it teacher in charge of the Hullett – the school community. Memorial Library, made a closing Fo l l o w i n g t h a t , t o k e n s o f speech that rounded up the ceremony appreciation were also given out to and set the tone for the year ahead. A long-serving parent volunteers Mrs. short multimedia presentation by Kathleen Lee, Mdm. Ng Mee Ling, fo r m e r l i b r a r i a n C a l v i n Te o, and Mrs. Laurel Teo. These parents comprising photographs and videos donated their own valuable time to from many past events over the last helping to maintain the library, four years, concluded the formal especially in the hour s when ceremony. Sadikin posing... Bao Rong going bonkers? A HML Publication of 2008
  • 7. HML REPORT 07’08: SPECIAL COVERAGE O 7 L PAGE 7 Annual Camp 2007: WRITTEN BY: CAMP COMMITTEE Introduction the participants was well taken care of quiet aisles between the shelves as the The Hullett Memorial Library and no one was injured. library was specially closed for the Club’s Annual Camp for the year Dog and Bone helped the team afternoon, as we worked hard to 2007 was held for 3D2N from the members to bond together as they rearrange the massive 48,000 book 2nd November to the 4th November. had to listen for the question or collection in the library. It had the theme of Aquila which puzzle given and solve it together to means Eagle in latin and our main obtain the identity of the person who Written by: Law Kang Jie objective in using this theme was to was suppose to run out and get the let the young eagles (Secondary 1s) “bone”. Teamwork was shown and Flag-making rise in the face of many challenges the participants also enjoyed a lot of The purpose of the flag-making and forge new friendships and bonds fun in solving the puzzles and rushing activity was not only to provide a along the way. The camp’s other out in a mad scramble to escort the medium for everyone to display their major purpose was to tidy the messy bone back to their starting line creative strengths and find out about shelves up to prepare for the new year without getting caught. other’s creative talents, but also to get ahead. a common identity between all the Originally, the camp was not Written by: Yan Xiao Dong members in each team. This activity planned to be held so early before saw 4 very different flags, some the holidays had even started. display-ing the co-mmon values the However, due to unforeseen teams wanted to encompass and circumstances like the Overseas show through-out the course of the Immersion Programme which camp. many members of the EXCO One problem which could be were involved in, the only choice rectified would be to have more was to squeeze the camp in time to make the flags because directly after school has officially some teams did not have enough ended for the year. Fortunately, the time to complete their flags in the camp was still very successful, due given time, and therefore some largely to the EXCO’s diligence in members had to sacrifice their planning for the camp which bathing time to complete the flag. started as early as term 3. The issue is much less the sacrificing Shelf-reading of bathing time, but rather more of Icebreakers After a brief round of ice- team members not being able to work Ice Breakers was generally a breaker activities, we began to together to complete the flag. success as the team members had embark on the most important duty a definitely bonded together and at the librarian must do – housekeeping! Written by: Rohan Puthran same time had a great deal of fun as As the library was in a state of a whole as library club members. neglect after a long and intense term School Games Whacko and Guardian Whacko of studying, everyone chipped in to After an interesting dinner was generally well-liked by the teams restore the shelves to its proper state, bought from the Dining Hall, and it was instrumental in getting to while enjoying the task thoroughly librarians split up into their respective know each others’ name. Safety of with the lively interaction among groups and proceeded for School librarians. Chatter filled the usually- Games played at various stations. It A HML Publication of 2008
  • 8. HML REPORT 07’08: SPECIAL COVERAGE O 7 L PAGE 8 Annual Camp 2007: WRITTEN BY: CAMP COMMITTEE was held over 2 halves, with a half- After that, we proceeded with the “lights and sounds” show held only time game. second half of the School Games, during specific time slots. In the first half, librarians had to where teams were pitted against one Fortunately, we gave the journey brave through unknown concoctions another in terms of their physical from the school to the Singapore City of food, master the Morse Code, ability and how they worked together Gallery venue a full one hour’s time brainstorm for innovative solutions to as a team. From shooting hoops from in our schedule. So even though some pass a roll of masking tape with a long distance, moving through a teams were delayed on the way in the speed, count the number of lockers in challenging obstacle course with MRT journey, everything was still on the Junior Block and answer a set of various handicaps, using their bare schedule as we arrived there at 9.50 trivia questions. These activities hands to fish out specific item from a.m. mainly tested their intellectual skills, an ice bucket and even contorting Upon arriving, all of us had a but more importantly, how they their limbs to support each other, we great deal of fun as we sat down and communicate with each other. Be it saw each and every librarian grin and participated in the exclusive and cheering each other on, or gulping grimace as they pushed themselves interactive game show hosted by down spicy and bitter juices at the and their teams to perform as best as Gurmit Singh at the Singapore City same time, the librarians enjoyed they could! Gallery. Then, we toured around all the interesting exhibitions several Written by: Law Kang times in order to fill in a special quiz Jie sheet set by the EXCO. This quiz sheet had two purposes. One was of Excursion course to made sure the members of This trip to the the club had benefitted from this trip Singapore City Gallery by learning things and the other was was made possible only to use the quiz as the precursor to the after several rounds of Amazing Race to determine which deliberation among the team got to start the race first. EXCO. We hesitated because we knew some Written by: Chang Shu Jian of the Secondary 1s had already been to this Amazing Race themselves thoroughly. place before but in the end, we still Ideas for the Amazing Race had In the half-time break, the felt that this was a really good already surfaced as early as in the librarians began to play the “War of opportunity to expose the club to our middle of term 3 but we only started Omok”, basing it on a mini-game valuable national heritage in a fun working on it at the start of term 4 found in the popular MapleStory and interesting manner. due to the excess of time we had computer game. In the dark Raffles We recced the Singapore City during the DMP period. We usually Square, we played the game with Gallery multiple times before the discuss the venues we will be receeing lightsticks, trying to outwit the other camp and made some special for the Amazing Race beforehand team. The glowing lightsticks in the arrangements in the timing of the and then, actually visiting them in dark environment brought about an camp’s events so as to ensure that we our receeing trips. We made around 4 interesting effect. would be able to catch the special or 5 trips in total and several rounds of discussions and deliberations were A HML Publication of 2008
  • 9. HML REPORT 07’08: SPECIAL COVERAGE O 7 L PAGE 9 Annual Camp 2007: WRITTEN BY: CAMP COMMITTEE made before actually settling on the stations to wait for hours before the am pretty sure that the other end confirmed list of venues to include in first team arrived. would feel it too. the Amazing Race. Due to Sethu’s Rohan was the first station Next up was the station at the inability to attend any of these master and he laid in ambush for the Cavanagh Bridge and I was the receeing trips because of his other camp participants at the top floor of station master. The location of the commitments, we finally decided to Vivocity. Each team was given a set of Cavanagh Bridge was pretty remote make a painful decision which was to close-up pictures and they would have and honestly speaking, I would not remove him from the camp to go around Vivocity taking shots of have known how to reach there committee. the exact same pictures. Teams then without the help of a map. However, Although planning for the have to show each and every photo to thankfully, all the teams still managed Amazing Race started very early, it the station master before they are to make it to the station without had many minor hiccups in its given their next clue. This station was delaying the schedule of the whole execution which could have been extremely meaningful because it race. better if not for unforeseen exposed the teams to many famous At this station, teams were given circumstances. As the school term brand names of shops and widened a hard puzzle to crack whose main began to draw towards its end, their general knowledge as well as motive was not to test the thinking m e m b e r s o f t h e E XC O h a d their street-smartness. skills of the teams, rather it was to increasing external commitments to The next clue led the teams to test their observation skills. The fulfill and as such, the actual logistics the passageway next to the Esplanade problem mainly involved finding out of the Amazing race including the Carpark located at the City Hall the conversion rate of CWT to the materials, instructions, clues of the MRT station. In this interesting modern unit of KG. Yiyang’s team, various stations were only settled in a station (no pun intended), Kang Jie who was in the lead at that time, mere number of days before the was the station master. Teams have to camp. And this led to the not-so- number their members and then, smooth-and-could-have-been-better draw from a lottery box. This allows execution of the Amazing Race. them to randomly pick a body part Nonetheless, it was still a fantastic for each of their members. With experience for many of the members these various body parts which especially the Secondary 1s as can be include the 5th finger, the nose, the seen from the generally positive knee, the ankle, the elbow, the lower feedback given. back, the shoulder and the heel, team While the rest of the club were members are supposed to use them to having their full 45-min lunch after transport a ball across the passage. the Singapore City Gallery excursion, This was certainly no easy feat members of the EXCO had to wolf and teams who were unlucky had an down their lunches so as to leave especially tough time. Imagine a nose early to their various stations for the paired to the heel of a foot! Woot! Amazing Race. However, this was But this was certainly one of the most largely unnecessary because the entertaining stations in the entire race briefing of the Amazing Race itself and the entire process required a lot took longer than expected and this of teamwork and concentration. If a led to EXCO members at their team member giggled on one end, I A HML Publication of 2008
  • 10. HML REPORT 07’08: SPECIAL COVERAGE O 7 L PAGE 10 Annual Camp 2007: WRITTEN BY: CAMP COMMITTEE resorted to asking the many tourists even with little communication and I bowl of Ice Kachang while reciting around the area with no avail. But believe it would help greatly in the 10 shop names in Suntec. Many actually the conversion rate was day-to-day tasks of being a librarian. teams probably appreciated the simply written in small print on a The following station was a inclusion of such a detour station but notice found at one end of the bridge. detour and Xiao Dong was the it also caused some teams to become In the end, only Bao Rong’s team station master at the Suntec food lax and rest for longer than was managed to clear the station without court. The clue to Xiao Dong’s needed. the use of any hints and I commend station was “Opposite Techno After the detour, it was back to their good effort and teamwork even Moon” which if properly decoded, Rohan with his station at the Youth though two members of the team would give Suntec. However, the Park. His station involved having the (Hui Chiang and Si Kai) were having process in which this clue had to be teams play a very special “board foot injuries at that time. decoded was extremely unusual and game” on the concrete squares The next station was something it was no surprise that many teams marked out at the Youth Park. all librarians should excel in doing. gave up half-way and would rather However, there was an unforeseen Book-finding! Hui Hao was the pay a forfeit with their points. event held on the exact same spot on station master at the Esplanade Surprisingly though, Bao Rong’s the day itself so Rohan had to step library and the task was for the teams team had a really special way of aside to a corner and play this game to find specific books under the thinking out of the box and managed instead with paper and pen. difficult criteria he set, all under the to guess the clue correctly. This special “board game” is the strictly quiet environment Xiao Dong’s station was basically unique creation of the EXCO and it requirements of a library. This one to let the teams take a breather as was invented during the last receeing helped train teams to work together all they really had to do was finish a trip when we were desperate to include a station at Youth Park but had no ideas for it. It is a mentally challenging game and required teams to think it through before playing the game or else they would have to end up forfeiting many of their hard-earned points. Due to its complexity, I shall not explain in detail how this game was actually played. Yiyang’s team who was still in the lead at that time spent a very long amount of time thinking before devising an almost foolproof strategy which wwould allow them to complete this station with the least number of points lost. Daniel’s team was second at that time and I am pretty sure they were quite happy to be second. Because after watching A HML Publication of 2008
  • 11. HML REPORT 07’08: SPECIAL COVERAGE O 7 L PAGE 11 Annual Camp 2007: WRITTEN BY: CAMP COMMITTEE Yiyang’s team play through the game, teams were angry at me for wasting of course expected to “flag” to the they already realized the strategy their time and delaying their progress finish. (pun intended) required for clearing this game and onward. Therefore, I changed plans So upon arriving at Junction 8, managed to clear it too almost slightly by allowing them to take the teams had to located Xiao Dong and instantaneously, helping them to MRT to Ang Mo Kio which was a stick their flags into the soil to mark greatly close the wide gap between much shorter journey than taking the the end of the race. However, despite the first and second place. bus. Yiyang’s team still being in the lead at The next station master is once Next was Hui Hao with his that time, they eventually lost to again back to Kang Jie and his station at the Ang Mo Kio Town Daniel’s team. This was because in station was at the Paragon shopping Gardens East. This station once their urgency to finish the race, they c e n t r e. H i s s t a t i o n i nv o l v e d again trains teams on their actually broke their flag into two, unscrambling a list of brand names observation skills and drives home the making it especially hard for them to which could be found in the vicinity theme of the camp by allowing team poke it into the ground. In contrast, correctly. This station’s purpose is members to acquire good observation Daniel’s group, upon hearing the task slightly similar to the first station at skills as an eagle (Aquila) would have. required, almost instantaneously Vivocity and it once again enriched In this station, teams would have to managed to let their stick sink into the teams with a wealth of general identify and describe the nutmeg tree the ground which was an amazing knowledge and street-smartness by as well as the rubber tree. But little do feat that other teams could never actively engaging them in observing teams know that there are actually match up to. and interacting with the world n o t i c e b o a r d s n e a r by g i v i n g So the results of the race which around them. information on these trees in the promptly ended exactly on the dot as Following that, we had a park, thus allowing teams to have an planned are as follows: roadblock station at Toa Payoh Bus ensured victory should they manage 1) Daniel’s Team Interchange of which I was the to find them. 2) Yiyang’s Team station master. The clue at the Because of my allowing teams to 3) Sethu’s Team roadblock was a maths puzzle take the MRT instead of the bus, 4) Bao rong’s Team carefully hidden in a series of teams managed to find Hui Hao anagrams and teams would have to significantly faster than expected. All in all, to sum up this send in individual members to solve However, Bao Rong’s team turned wonderful and fruitful Amazing Race them. Upon failing two attempts, out taking the wrong staircase out of Aquila, I must say that on top of all teams were then deducted of their the MRT station as a result and the hiccups, misunderstandings and points and would then be allowed to ended up walking rounds through the arguments that have happened, it has cooperate with each other to solve the park before back-tracking and finally been a very fun and enjoyable problem. finding Hui Hao. experience for the whole club and The answer to this clue was To end it off, the last station was that every single of the EXCO can supposed to have been 88 which back at Junction 8 with Xiao Dong feel the immense satisfaction obtained would then be the bus number of the being the station master. Throughout for every blood, sweat and tear that bus teams were supposed to take to the entire race, teams were carrying they had given for the sake of get to the next station. However, due their flags made at the start of the organizing this year’s Amazing Race. to negligence on my part, the correct camp with them as they race through answer to the puzzle when solved did Singapore and at the finish, they were Written by: Chang Shu Jian not turn out to be 88. As a result, A HML Publication of 2008
  • 12. HML REPORT 07’08: SPECIAL COVERAGE O 7 L PAGE 12 Annual Camp 2007: WRITTEN BY: CAMP COMMITTEE Birthday Bash The birthday bash was “The activities split into two parts, the main held were breakfast and the auction. For meaningful and the main breakfast, Mrs. Yap helped us in bought Bee Hoon, Nasi building rapport Lemak and muffins for between fellow everyone and everyone ate librarians.” while chatting with each other and talking about the memories they shared - Chuan Kai throughout the camp. For this year’s birthday bash, we decided to use an auction system it in the HML workroom with newspapers “I now crave for that would allow the four different teams to being spread out on the floor near the more HML use all the points they had accumulated Information Counter. Lunch and dinner were spent at the hawker centre next to camps.” throughout the entire camp to bid for some food and mystery items including potato URA center and S11 at Junction 8. The chips, snacks and even tissue paper etc. This next day’s breakfast would be in school and - Simon meant that the points took an added after that would be the birthday bash. We significance and the points will not only also bought buns for supper on the first two determine the best group and will actually nights. As a treat, Mrs. Yap also decided to “The camp was turn into some sort of reward system. The order Pelican Pizza on the second night to very fun… The auction, which took place after the main go along with the others. activities planned breakfast, was a success with many of the We decided to start buying all the groups bidding enthusiastically for many of snacks two weeks before the start of the also helped us the items and none of them went home camp and the bread, buns and spreads on bond together empty handed and they could enjoy the the Monday of the week of the camp. We and know each snacks in the comfort of their own home. decided to buy snacks and 1.5 liter bottled other better than drinks including Jelly Beans, Potato Chips we did Written by: Ang Hui Hao and Prawn Crackers for the snacks and previously.” Sprite, Vanilla Coke and Pepsi for the Logistics drinks. For the entire camp, there was a total of The entire expenditure of the camp - Hui Chiang five main meals, first day’s dinner, second was $266.65 and most of it was spent on day’s breakfast, lunch and dinner and lastly food and drinks and not materials for the the third day’s breakfast. We decided to camp as most of the materials for the “I enjoyed cater food for the first day’s dinner from the various activities were easily accessible and Amazing Race dining hall. For the second day, we bought did not require us to buy them. the most!” bread for breakfast and spreads for breakfast and for the first time ever we had Written by: Ang Hui Hao - Chai Xun A HML Publication of 2008
  • 13. HML REPORT 07’08: SPECIAL COVERAGE O 7 L PAGE 13 Raffles Trail WRITTEN BY: ROHAN PUTHRAN Planning for the Raffles Trail began and all of the Sec1s (including their During the later half of the more than one month ago as we PSL(s) clambered over each other, Raffles Trail, classes began to come in consolidated ideas on how we would trying to load their pockets with as twos or threes and there was simply make this experience a unique and many sweets as they can. Therefore, no way to let all of them sit down and memorable one for the Secondary we decided to change the method in watch the videos. Hence, we decided Ones. In the end, we decided to hold which we distributed these sweets by to have Yiyang and Calvin help us by it in the library, around the Hullett’s having a QnA session as we went giving the excess classes a tour table (sofa area), but concerns about along. And people who answered the around the library while we rushed keeping the noise level down in the questions correctly (or incorrectly at through the presentation with the library soon arose. We then thought times) would then get the sweets. current classes. This might seem like of having it in the LAR but were 1Q was the first class to come an ideal solution at first but the afraid of the possible jam given the and their enthusiasm was situation still got out of hand because narrow corridor. Then, we thought of unbelievable. 6 members from 1Q at one point, there were around 5 the classroom which would be ideal immediately signed up with us. classes in the library. Therefore, to because the noise will not become a However, for later classes, there was our regret, we had to rush through problem. However, upon thinking barely any excitement left in the the presentation with quite a number through, holding the Raffles Trail in Sec1s (possibly because they had of classes, leaving them befounded at any other venue would defeat the already visited too many Raffles Trail what the entire club was about. purpose we had in asking them to stations) and at most, only one or two Finally, at the end of the day, come to the library. Therefore, after signed up. Amidst one of these we counted through the sign-up much deliberation, the library was classes, there was suddenly a sheets and discovered that there were still chosen as the final venue to hold technical failure and the video around 24 people who wanted to join the inaugural Raffles Trail 2008. stopped playing. So we tried to the HML club. This was pretty much On the day itself, our engage the Sec1s by telling them an unprecedented record and we presentation mainly comprised of a lame jokes. To our disbelief, this was were very excited about these results. p o we r p o i n t a n d s o m e v i d e o s much more effective than the playing However, upon calling them up to documenting the activities we had in the video and many signed up have them attend the training session the past few years. However, due to straight away. Thereafter, we switched the following week, we realized that a technical failures, we ended up not to this “lame-joke” tactic and third of them were no longer being able to play the music directly successfully brought about a greater interested. Thankfully, the initiative to from the computer and we had to number of signups. join the club was spread virally replace some ipod music to make up through word-of-mouth among the for it. Also, due to some Sec1s and we ended up with a miscommunication within the situation where 1 or 2 newcomer EXCO, Jonathan ended up buying will join every other day. And we 13 packs of sweets when the original certainly ended up having more agreement was 4. Therefore, we laid recruits than we expected. out the sweets beside the sign-up All in all, Raffles Trail 2008 sheet in a bid to get Sec1s to sign up was an unparalleled success and we as well as to clear away our massive look forward in triumphing the stock of sweets. However, the challenges which would lay ahead situation soon grew out of control for the rest of the year. A HML Publication of 2008
  • 14. HML REPORT 07’08: SPECIAL COVERAGE O 7 L PAGE 14 Library Club Members Day WRITTEN BY: ANG ZHI JIE DYON Thursday, 13th of March was the The whacker had to be fast and quick Next up was the library day that Hullet Memorial Library while the players had to remember Housekeeping! The Librarians were Club held its 1st annual Library Club e a ch o t h e r n a m e s t o p ro t e c t split up into groups of 4-5 and were Members day of the year. Based on themselves. However, some of the sec assigned tasks(Redesigning signs, the consent for ms, 36 fellow ones were left out from the game as Earth Day quiz/crossword) and after librarians were expected to turn up no one remembered to call out their that we converged as one and helped on the day itself. However, not all names. This is sad but I am sure it out Ms Many and Madam Ho in showed up on that day, which was was just in a moment of forgetfulness, stacking up old magazines and quite sad. Starting very early in the morning, attendance was taken at the loan counter which than shifted to the library activities room. As they sign their names and fill out their duty days, the librarians were given name tags to write out their names in marker, in preparation for the ice- breaker, Name Tag Grab! Due to the lack of time(caused by waiting and c a l l i n g u p o n a b s e n t e e s ) , we proceeded to kick-start LCM Day with the ice-breakers! The first game we played was a new introduction to the LCM Day scene, Name Tag Grab! Librarians we librarians are very closely bonded arranging new ones. This really were given random name tags to and we definitely can remember each displayed our group cooperation as paste on their fellow librarians back. other names! we assisted each other in stacking Then, librarians had to go around The last and final game was according to the publishing date and finding their own names while Polar Bear! This was the game which tying up the bundles of thick preventing people from finding their many of the sec one librarians magazines, gazettes. Towards the end names on their backs! Sounds commented highly on. It was started of the housekeeping period, the confusing? Mrs. Yap helpfully with quite a bit of mishaps, which the planning committee left to set up explained some of the instructions librarians sportingly pointed on. their station games. and we started grabbing! After a However, problems were quickly Shu Jian stayed behind to give exciting game of subtlety and resolved and we all had fun playing each group a clue in an envelope and fun(while getting to know each other‘s the game! We had to use our brains each team went to decipher the clues names), the winner of the game was to guess who was the evil Polar Bears and headed to their respective Sean! and we had to trust each others stations. The LCM Day’s station The next game was the judgement, which is very important games were based on the theme recurring, Whacko!, the essential in library club life. We had a lot of “Sweetopia”. There were altogether 6 game for us librarians to solidify our fun in this game and we all games, maintained by someone from knowledge of each others names. thoroughly enjoyed it. the planning committee. As the heavy A HML Publication of 2008
  • 15. HML REPORT 07’08: SPECIAL COVERAGE O 7 L PAGE 15 Library Club Members Day WRITTEN BY: ANG ZHI JIE DYON rain poured outside, librarians ran ok, we also had a great backup plan, librarians and understood each other around trying to complete their although many of the sec ones were better. We all relished our food and station games which had sweet looking forward to the book outing goodies as the LCM Day came to a rewards if they manage to complete but too bad for the rain. We all close. Then came the last event of the them properly. I am happy to say gathered at the library activities room day. Cleaning up! But that was many enjoyed the games as they were and had a cosy time watching reserved for the committee! After carefully selected to foster and instill Amazing Grace which was about cleaning up and shifting things back group bonding and cooperation black slavery and white protestors. to where they belong, we had a final between librarians. After the station The movie had a lot of depth and it d e b r i e f by M r s Ya p f o r t h e games we proceeded to the school touched everyone in the room. It also committee and we listened to the canteen to have our lunch. We gave us a deeper understanding of feedback and commented on it. We initially planned to have lunch early America’s tensions. Due to the were pleased with the overall good outside of school but it was raining air-con, we all had a relaxed time, response and we plan to make the cats and dogs and we had to have a unperturbed by the rain. When the next LCM Day more fun-filled than change of plans, much to the dismay movie was over, we had a brief games ever, with new things introduced. of many librarians who were session as the food was being Hopefully it will not rain on HML anticipating going out as a club to prepared. Club’s parade again! have a meal together. We had fun We had a mini-welcome cum We love book outings! (: talking together and we joked around party session at the gallery, where the as the rain poured outside. That groups exchanged their hard-earned clearly did not dampen our sprits and coupons for prizes as their just no one was a wet blanket and sulk rewards for showing teamwork. Mrs throughout the lunch. Yap also provided some delicious We then had a session of book curry puffs and muffins for the club. shelving/reading at the reference We conversed with our fellow section. We worked hand in hand, each librarian was assigned a shelf and we quickly got the job done, though some were slacking while the others were working hard. That was quickly solved with a few stern glares and scolding and they were up and shelving books like the rest of the librarians. We had a great plan. To go out together to Kinokuniya to have a book outing! Mrs Yap planned to allow us each to choose a non- fiction and fiction book to add to the library’s collection of books. However, the rain stopped our great plan, much to everyone‘s dismay. Its A HML Publication of 2008
  • 16. HML REPORT 07’08: SPECIAL COVERAGE O 7 L PAGE 16 RI Community Day @ H.W.A. WRITTEN BY: JONATHAN ANG SIXIAN On 20th of March 2008, the Hullett a briefing on Memorial Library Club participated t h e H WA in the first ever RI Community Day, a services and part of the Raffles Institution 185 facilities. On celebrations. A total of 15 librarians the way to the and 3 math club members were H WA g y m , supposed to join us for our activities we noticed that day. Unfortunately, some of pictures of them were not able to be present that old librarians day due to various reasons. on the walls. Fortunately, a few other students Inside, decided to join us at the last minute, M r Ke l v i n supplementing our loss of manpower. Lim gave us a After the launch ceremony, we short demo proceeded to the Raffles square to on assembling background. During this period of wait for our buses. Though we were and de-assembling wheelchairs. Then time, scaffolding was assembled to among the first to leave the hall, our he gave us a chance to try our hand paint the portions of the wall that bus came the latest in the 8.30 group. at assembling and de-assembling our were too high for us to reach. After Halfway through the wait, it started own wheelchairs. As it turned out, the the assembly of the scaffold, some raining. We fled to the shelter of the wheelchair which was assigned to the news reporters interviewed various library, while Shu Jian called Mrs Yap first team was made in America and people. After about an hour and a to confirm whether he should bring therefore could be de-assembled half, we were given a break to go and the ladder along to HWA. easier. However, the wheelchair that eat and rest. During the break, the Finally, after a 15 minute wait, was given to the second team was a other group was brought in to help the buses arrived. We ran through the common wheelchair and therefore paint the wall. rain to get to our bus, then waited could only be de-assembled after a When the break was over, we onboard the bus for the rest of the longer period of time. came back to HWA and let the other people arrived. HWA was located at After the wheelchair group take their break. Then, we Whampoa; hence we faced a rather demonstration, we had another continued to paint the wall. long drive. On board the bus, Shu demonstration of how wheelchair- U n f o r t u n a t e l y, w e w e r e Jian gave us a briefing on how we bound patients transferred from their dismissed before the wall was were to split up and paint different wheelchairs to the therapy beds. In completed. Fortunately, after the sections of the wall. Copies of the a l l , t h e d e m o n s t r at i o n s we re event, we were given an image of the wall design were also passed down extremely educational. completed wall, so we had a solid the seats for students who had not S u b s e q u e n t l y, w e w e r e idea of what we had given to the seen the design yet. transferred to help paint the wall. community during RI community When we got to HWA, it was The teachers and the VIP had day. still drizzling. Nevertheless, the already painted a fair portion of the teachers and the VIP had already wall, and headmaster, senior deputy started painting the wall. Due to the headmaster and the VIP had already overcrowding of the wall area, most left. We were left to help paint the rest of us were ushered inside to be given of the unpainted flowers and A HML Publication of 2008
  • 17. HML REPORT 07’08: SPECIAL COVERAGE O 7 L PAGE 17 RI Open House WRITTEN BY: WONG ZHE HERNG To me, I think that open house was got used to what I had to say. I something very ironic. A couple of actually quite fun and interesting. actually felt quite good giving out the kids say the animal abuse poster and Though the open house was very tours. Slowly, I was not shy at all. started to ‘play’ or more like shake busy (at times), I feel that I have Instead of ‘stoning’ about in the loan the soft toys like, well, toys. There learned a lot from the open house. counter, I anticipated the next visitor. were some people who expected The open house was very busy I must say I learned a lot from that more, but I guess they had high but I feel that the librarians have experience. expectations. Luckily there was no handled this occasion very well. I Other than that, there were the violence or horsing around from the remember the open house last year. nerve-wrecking questions. Some primary students. Other than these, That day, when I was led around the parents were very quiet, but there the whole thing went very well. library when I was a primary 6 were also some parents that asked a student, I must say I was very lot of questions. I’m sure everyone impressed. What’s more, I wasn’t very had some difficulties, but everyone outspoken at that time. Now, things answered them to their best ability. have changed. That day, I was There were some that I did not know actually feeling a bit nervous but I how to answer, I admit, but all I can anticipated giving tours. Then, my say is that I tried. To my surprise, first visitor came. When I started there was a parent who went on talking, I could not believe that I was complimenting on the library, but all actually giving the tour. Everything for a question, which was “The actually went very smoothly except library is so cosy, but that’s why for a couple of hesitations, other than everyone wants to come. So are there that, I was quite pleased with my enough books to go around?” performance. After that, things could Lastly, there were some primary only get better. I did not remember students who were more interested in the notes well, but after giving tours, I playing and games. There was Look at Nicholas’s finger...... Lofty Aspirations =p A HML Publication of 2008
  • 18. “It has been a Final Words pleasure working with the pupil librarians, in particular the HML EXCO 07’08 as they have shown good leadership qualities in running the HML Club. Shu Jian has shown great responsibility and commitment in his role as the Chief Librarian 07’08. On Behalf of the staff and school, I wish the Sec4 graduating pupil I guess it’s time to say goodbye! librarians all the very best in their future endeavours.” - Mrs. Cheryl Yap FR O M : HML CLUB 07’08 HML CLU B 0 7 ’0 8 Sp ec ia l th an ks go es M s M an y, ou t to M rs M dm H o & Y ap , C al vi n T eo August 2008 07’08 Annual Publication HERE’S WISHING: A Prosperous Year Ahead For HML CLUB 08’09!!!