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History of Missions
Dr. Robert Patton
Missionary to Suriname,
South America
Radio ministry
 Advantages
 Pre-evangelism
 Building churches & strengthening
 It can go where people cannot go
 Problem with small groups - tape
recordings may be a solution
Clarence Jones & HCJB
 He endured ridicule, even in his home
church. He had a Salvation Army
background, was converted & went to
Moody Bible Institute, graduating
 He was an expert trombonist working with
evangelist Paul Rader. Initially rebuffed in
South America (Venezuela, Colombia,
Panama & Cuba), he was depressed.
Clarence Jones & HCJB staff
Clarence Jones & HCJB
 Then missionaries Larsons came and helped
him start in Ecuador, getting a 25 year
contract, though with many difficulties. It
ended up being an ideal place to broadcast.
Starting December 25, 1931 with 250 watts,
but donations fell off, their bank & Chicago
Gospel Tabernacle went bankrupt.
 They were careful to cooperate with the
government and support patriotism and
educational programs. They were positive,
not directly attacking the Roman Catholics.
Clarence Jones & HCJB
 They gradually increased to 10,000 watts,
(supported by R.G. LeTourneau) and could be
heard across continents.
 Jones demanded top quality for the
 They had two disastrous accidents – the
second killed their only son
 The ministry has expanded to two
hospitals, mobile clinics, a printing
press, etc. as well as two sister
broadcasting stations – Panama and
 Now is HCJB global, with emphasis on
internet & helping others set up radio
John Broger and the Far East
Broadcasting Company:
 John Broger started a station after being in the
military in the far east during World War II. After
many problems, in 1948 they were able to set up a
broadcast in Manila, and received permission for
unlimited power. Finances were a great problem.
 However, they have had great success in receiving
letters and other indications of impact.
 By 1970 21 stations 1000-250,000 watts
broadcasting 1400 programs per week
Broger & FEBC; using portable
machine in barrios of Philippines
FEBC – three murdered by
Muslim extremists 1992
Trans World Radio
 Trans World Radio - 5,000,000 watts power,
can reach 80% of the world. They have 6
major broadcasting locations and broadcast in
80 languages.
 Paul Freed started the ministry in 1954,
joined by his father, who turned down the
presidency of Western Canada Bible Institute
He trained, then worked for Youth for Christ
and felt a burden for Spain. When Morocco
nationalized the radio, they relocated in
Monte Carlo with God supplying the money in
miraculous ways.
TWR in some of its locations
Trans World Radio
 Then after a heart attack, he opened a
second station in Bonaire, and now has
4 additional stations - Cyprus, Sri
Lanka. Swaziland, and Guam.
Joy Ridderhof and Gospel
 Joy Ridderhof and Gospel recordings -
while sick after initial missionary work,
she caught the vision of making simple
recordings in different languages which
could be played on simple recorders -
distributing more than 4000 languages
with 40 full time volunteers.
Joy Ridderhof
 There are now 5944 languages
recorded with a total staff of over 100
Gospel Recordings
 Mission aviation fellowship = best
expertise and equipment in jungle
 Later JAARS, (Wycliffe), NTM, SIM, AIM
have had their own programs. Some
are using helicopters to avoid having to
build airstrips.
 Betty Green - first pilot. She was trained in
WWII flying B-17 bombers after joining the
WASP. She was invited to join Jim Truxton to
form MAF.
 She was the first pilot first in Mexico, and
then in multiple other locations including
Peru, flying across the Andes. She went to
Nigeria and Sudan and two years in Irian
Jaya. She was an expert flier and also ended
up being a rep for MAF
Betty Greene, MAF first pilot
 Nate Saint - Trained in WWII, he was also an
expert repairman. He was inventive but also
daring. After a crash, he became more
cautious. He also developed an alternate fuel
system which was later patented, and also
the bucket drop.
 He died with 4 others at the hands of Auca
Nate Saint’s plane displayed at
MAF Twin Otter
Papua New Guinea
 JAARS developed after Cam Townsend
was injured along with his family in a
plane by an inexperienced Mexican
pilot. They had an exceptional flight
record. One fatality was made when a
mechanic tied a nut without tightening
it with a wrench, and 7 persons died
the next day.
 Even more risk in the arctic with low
temperatures, high winds, etc.
 Often used to reach the Eskimos scattered
broadly in the arctic
 Gleason Ledyard - his own pilot - Eskimo
Gospel Crusade. Very successful in
evangelism and also rescue. The
challenges are even greater in the cold
 Mark Poole - missionary doctor to the Congo,
was able to fly his own Piper cub donated by a
church, and greatly expand his ministry.
 Clair McCombs - many schools developed -
MBI, Piedmont, LeTourneau college,
McCombs was an expert pilot for years after
WWII, got saved, went to GRSBM, and was
asked to start a program in pilot training,
which he did. He has been joined by his wife,
also now an expert pilot.
Clair McCombs
 Third world is demanding and taking
leadership positions in the churches and also
in cross-cultural evangelization.
 Revolutions and oil have resulted in changes
 One of the keys has been Theology by
 The biggest increases are through
Pentecostal and charismatic movements.
 Many martyrs - especially as missionaries were
lumped together with all others as imperialists.
Hopevale - 12 missionaries were lined up after
being found and shot by Japanese, including 2
doctors – Panay, Philippine Islands, dec. 1943.
 The Boxer Rebellion killed many
 Many problems came with leftist revolutionaries
being opposed by those who did not espouse
Marxist philosophy and were targeted.
Dr. Chestnut
 Built hospital with her own funds. Once
used her own skin for a graft done under
local anesthetic for a coolie who had an
amputation. She escaped a mob, returned
to rescue 4 missionaries, and helped a
young child with cloth from her own dress
before she was killed.
John & Betty Stam
 Much turmoil in China between
communists and Chang Kai-Shek
 CIM director Hoste asked for 200
volunteers. Betty went to China, loved
John, but John finished school, and re-
met Betty who came to Shanghai for
health reasons. They were married
next year and studied the language
John & Betty Stam
 John was extremely adept and became
fluent quickly in Chinese
 The couple went to a small town in the
interior of China
 The country was overrun by Communist
bandits. They seized both and held
them for ransom
John & Betty Stam
John and Betty Stam
 While held, the bandits talked about killing
their 3 month old baby. When a prisoner
protested, he was hacked to pieces. Betty
hid the baby in a sleeping bag with money.
When led to execution, a man protested.
They found a Bible in his home, and he was
executed as well.
John and Betty Stam
 John and Betty Stam were executed by the
communists publicly. - with a great
outpouring of support for missions
 The baby was hidden & brought by a
Christian evangelist to another missionary
family and was raised by family in the USA
Missionary Martyrs
 Other famous martyrs were John Birch,
evangelist who preached and rescued many
during Japan’s invasion – from Hangchow.
 Eric Liddell, great Olympic champion, grew up
in China and returned after his Olympic
victory. He evacuated his family but died later
of a brain tumor when in a concentration
camp. He gave a powerful witness in the
Eric Liddell, missionary and
Olympic champion
Missionary Martyrs
 Graham Staines, 58, director of Leprosy work
in Orissa, India was murdered; burned to
death with two sons while he slept while
returning from a camp meeting. Graham
was popular and a humble man who had
served the lepers 35 years.
 His wife publically forgave his murderers.
The perpetrator was arrested 4 years later.
Ferment was because the Christians
abandoned old tribal customs
Graham Staines
Paul Carlson
 Born in 1928, got training as MD, married with 2
children, wife a nurse. 1961 CMS asked for MDs
for Congo and went where the political situation
was volatile – stayed 5 months, felt the call to
permanent missions
 He left medical practice, came as missionary to
Ubangi Providence. Communists came, and Paul
moved his family to CAR. When he returned to
close the hospital, the Simbas captured him. He
was tortured 3 months, and then killed during a
rescue operation when helping another missionary
over a wall
Dr. Paul Carlson
Dr. Paul Carlson
Other martyrs – Simbas
 Hector McMillan gunned down and two
boys shot. They were rescued, had to
leave Hector’s body behind. His wife had
come to peace reading about Adoniram
Judson’s mourning Ann’s death. The two
boys faked death – one had prayed
“Father, forgive them for they know not
what they do – 12 years old.
Other martyrs – Simbas
 Jay Tucker, Assemblies of God 25 years,
tortured and killed. They took 45 minutes
torturing him, then dumped his body in the
river for the crocodiles. But a convert used
a tradition that someone’s blood in the river
will carry the truth – and the majority of
the tribe was saved
Other martyrs
 Betty Olson - Vietnam... Initially other were
killed in a leprosarium by the communists.
 She had a difficult childhood as a MK raised in
Africa, and then sent to boarding school. Her
mother died of cancer when she was 17. Her
father remarried, and she took training as a
missionary nurse.
 She went to Africa to work with her father and
step-mother, but relationships were so difficult
that she was asked to leave. She became
depressed age 29
Other martyrs – Betty Olson
 She escaped, but 6 years later was captured
during the Tet offensive. She and two men
were on a death march, malnurished with
malaria, leaches, etc. One died. She was
tortured and eventually killed. She suffered
terribly and died of dysentery and malnutrition,
but came out of a deep depression and
resentment of her parents, and lived a selfless
life her last years.
Other martyrs – Betty Olson
 Benge, who survived,
gave a strong testimony
of her witness – he had
survived 5 years in prison
marches. Benge said she
was the most selfless
person he ever met –
giving her meager food to
indigeous Christians and
coaxing him out of
Nationals as martyrs
 Chang Sen, blind evangelist, gave
himself over when 50 Christians would
have died – body cremated because
they were afraid he would rise from the
Terrorism & martyrdom
 Terrorism viewed missionaries as enemies.
Often they were considered CIA spies. Some
Catholics were murdered by right wing
groups. In Guatemala, 9 priests were killed
in 9 months
 Both left wing and right wing terrorists were
 Wycliffe decided not to yield to kidnapping
Terrorism & martyrdom
 Chet Bitterman, struggling linguist, was
singled out in Columbia when they did not
find the head of mission. He had been there
2 years with his wife and two children. His
wife’s parents were missionaries in Columbia.
He was held 48 days, and then found shot in
the chest.
 Wycliffe was deluged with 200 volunteers to
take his place.
Chet Bitterman
William Donald McClure
 Old time missionary – evangelist, “doctor”
without training, vet, agriculturalist, set up
very successful broadbased ministries
 Church planter, opposition from witch
doctors – some were saved
 He was shot to death by guerillas after Haile
Selassie was deposed after 50 years in
3rd world national missionaries
have increased dramatically
 Some organizations support strictly national
missionaries, who are often doing an
outstanding job:
 Some organizations support national
organizations, which support national
 There are some organizations which would
not be in our direction - Liberation Theology
Groups are working together
with national missionaries
 Luis Bush started an evangelistic church
with 1000 members, 7 daughter
 Later started Partners International to
help fund national missionaries
Pandita Ramabai
 Educated about 1860, she began to advocate
women’s rights. Went to England, saved via
Zr. Geraldine, baptized Anglican
 She continued to allow caste rules and to
read Hindu scriptures along with the Bible
 She worked with women, started Mukti
Mission Revival broke out & spread
 Translated the Bible into her native tongue
Pandita Ramabai
Other Indian evangelists
 V.S. Azariah – Indian evangelists in his own
country and elsewhere in Asia. He was trained
in the YMCA and made the first Anglican bishop
 Watson came 5 days, had one convert who
followed him, memorized John and converted
many. His son translated the Bible, and started
mailing NT to every home
Other Indian converts
 Imad-ud-din, Muslim convert converted
and became a famous author, translator
and preacher
 Narayan Vaman Tilak given a NT by a
stranger, converted, baptized and
ordained Presbyterian. Great poet and
wrote many hymns
K P Yohannan
 Initially shy, came under the influence
of Verwer of OM. Started Gospel for
Asia, has thousands of native
evangelists and many churches and
continues to be effective now
K P Yohannan
William Wade Harris
 Born in Liberia 1860 of the Grebo tribe. He
was arrested when he tried to make Liberia
a British protectorate. He had been trained
as a Methodist, and then Episcopal. First
tried westernizing, later became a
wandering prophet.
 He confronted demonic power. Natives left
their fetishes and he “baptized them”
William Wade Harris
 He claimed to have a vision of the angel
Gabriel while in prison. He walked barefoot
with a simple garment, white turban, Bible,
gourd for baptizing, and a rattle. He and his
lady assistants would sing, come into the
village, and ask those to give up witchcraft.
They claimed that those who did not had
their fetishes burned anyway.
William Wade Harris
 He never condemned polygamy, and was
accompanies by 3 women in his travels. His
native church associated with various
protestant and catholic churches. The
church was free of witchcraft.
 He died a poor man, never left the church.
He had another follow him, and several
splits off the church, which was one of the
four recognized churches in Ivory Coast
Prophet William Wade Harris
Semisi Nau 1866-1927
 Polynesian son of a Methodist
missionary; college in Tonga, lost ¾
children; worked under John Goldie
 He and another waited 3 months on a
coral reef to come ashore. Eventually
allowed ashore, he had a power
encounter – the Christian god had more
Semisi Nau
 Replaced by an Australian missionary,
he went elsewhere; replaced there by
native missionary. He was involved in
persecution of the Wesleyans by the
free church and jailed
 Did see some volunteer as missionaries
when he returned home; eventually
pastored there till his death age 70
Semisi Nau
John Sung 1901-1944
 Father minister, mother converted, he
was saved at 9 and soon preaching.
Offered a scholarship, he graduated Phi
Beta Kappa from Ohio Wesleyan, got
PhD in chemistry at Ohio State. He then
went to Union Seminary, very liberal.
 He went through doubts, then regained
his faith and sang songs of the faith
John Sung
 He was confined to a psychiatric hospital but
witnessed there & read the Bible 40 times
 He returned to China in 1927, turning down offers
to teach science, and preached with 14,000
conversions in 6 months and started training others
 He was a great prayer warrior, praying 2-3 hours
per day.
 He was a fiery preacher emphasizing repentance
 He married, had 5 children; died of intestinal
Tuberculosis at age 42
Dr. John Sung
Elka of the WaiWai
 Elka felt he was getting messages from the
spirits. He became a very well known
 When missionaries came, he helped as
translator. He eventually left his witchcraft.
 He began witnessing to other tribes, first
closer, then farther, and was a true
missionary. The tribe began reaching out to
surrounding tribes

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History of missions lesson 15 missionary martyrs, nationals, radio

  • 1. Missions History of Missions Dr. Robert Patton Missionary to Suriname, South America
  • 2. Radio ministry  Advantages  Pre-evangelism  Building churches & strengthening believers  It can go where people cannot go  Problem with small groups - tape recordings may be a solution
  • 3. Clarence Jones & HCJB  He endured ridicule, even in his home church. He had a Salvation Army background, was converted & went to Moody Bible Institute, graduating valedictorian.  He was an expert trombonist working with evangelist Paul Rader. Initially rebuffed in South America (Venezuela, Colombia, Panama & Cuba), he was depressed.
  • 4. Clarence Jones & HCJB staff 1946
  • 5. Clarence Jones & HCJB  Then missionaries Larsons came and helped him start in Ecuador, getting a 25 year contract, though with many difficulties. It ended up being an ideal place to broadcast. Starting December 25, 1931 with 250 watts, but donations fell off, their bank & Chicago Gospel Tabernacle went bankrupt.  They were careful to cooperate with the government and support patriotism and educational programs. They were positive, not directly attacking the Roman Catholics.
  • 6. Clarence Jones & HCJB  They gradually increased to 10,000 watts, (supported by R.G. LeTourneau) and could be heard across continents.  Jones demanded top quality for the broadcasts.  They had two disastrous accidents – the second killed their only son
  • 7. HCJB  The ministry has expanded to two hospitals, mobile clinics, a printing press, etc. as well as two sister broadcasting stations – Panama and Texas  Now is HCJB global, with emphasis on internet & helping others set up radio stations
  • 9. John Broger and the Far East Broadcasting Company:  John Broger started a station after being in the military in the far east during World War II. After many problems, in 1948 they were able to set up a broadcast in Manila, and received permission for unlimited power. Finances were a great problem.  However, they have had great success in receiving letters and other indications of impact.  By 1970 21 stations 1000-250,000 watts broadcasting 1400 programs per week
  • 10. Broger & FEBC; using portable machine in barrios of Philippines
  • 11. FEBC – three murdered by Muslim extremists 1992
  • 12. Trans World Radio  Trans World Radio - 5,000,000 watts power, can reach 80% of the world. They have 6 major broadcasting locations and broadcast in 80 languages.  Paul Freed started the ministry in 1954, joined by his father, who turned down the presidency of Western Canada Bible Institute He trained, then worked for Youth for Christ and felt a burden for Spain. When Morocco nationalized the radio, they relocated in Monte Carlo with God supplying the money in miraculous ways.
  • 13. TWR in some of its locations
  • 14. Trans World Radio  Then after a heart attack, he opened a second station in Bonaire, and now has 4 additional stations - Cyprus, Sri Lanka. Swaziland, and Guam.
  • 15. Joy Ridderhof and Gospel recordings  Joy Ridderhof and Gospel recordings - while sick after initial missionary work, she caught the vision of making simple recordings in different languages which could be played on simple recorders - distributing more than 4000 languages with 40 full time volunteers.
  • 16. Joy Ridderhof  There are now 5944 languages recorded with a total staff of over 100
  • 18. Aviation  Mission aviation fellowship = best expertise and equipment in jungle flights.  Later JAARS, (Wycliffe), NTM, SIM, AIM have had their own programs. Some are using helicopters to avoid having to build airstrips.
  • 19. Aviation  Betty Green - first pilot. She was trained in WWII flying B-17 bombers after joining the WASP. She was invited to join Jim Truxton to form MAF.  She was the first pilot first in Mexico, and then in multiple other locations including Peru, flying across the Andes. She went to Nigeria and Sudan and two years in Irian Jaya. She was an expert flier and also ended up being a rep for MAF
  • 20. Betty Greene, MAF first pilot
  • 21. Aviation  Nate Saint - Trained in WWII, he was also an expert repairman. He was inventive but also daring. After a crash, he became more cautious. He also developed an alternate fuel system which was later patented, and also the bucket drop.  He died with 4 others at the hands of Auca Indians
  • 22. Nate Saint’s plane displayed at MAF
  • 23. MAF Twin Otter Papua New Guinea
  • 24. Aviation  JAARS developed after Cam Townsend was injured along with his family in a plane by an inexperienced Mexican pilot. They had an exceptional flight record. One fatality was made when a mechanic tied a nut without tightening it with a wrench, and 7 persons died the next day.
  • 25. Aviation  Even more risk in the arctic with low temperatures, high winds, etc.  Often used to reach the Eskimos scattered broadly in the arctic  Gleason Ledyard - his own pilot - Eskimo Gospel Crusade. Very successful in evangelism and also rescue. The challenges are even greater in the cold
  • 26. Aviation  Mark Poole - missionary doctor to the Congo, was able to fly his own Piper cub donated by a church, and greatly expand his ministry.  Clair McCombs - many schools developed - MBI, Piedmont, LeTourneau college, McCombs was an expert pilot for years after WWII, got saved, went to GRSBM, and was asked to start a program in pilot training, which he did. He has been joined by his wife, also now an expert pilot.
  • 28. Nationalization  Third world is demanding and taking leadership positions in the churches and also in cross-cultural evangelization.  Revolutions and oil have resulted in changes  One of the keys has been Theology by Extension.  The biggest increases are through Pentecostal and charismatic movements.
  • 29. Nationalization  Many martyrs - especially as missionaries were lumped together with all others as imperialists. Hopevale - 12 missionaries were lined up after being found and shot by Japanese, including 2 doctors – Panay, Philippine Islands, dec. 1943.  The Boxer Rebellion killed many  Many problems came with leftist revolutionaries being opposed by those who did not espouse Marxist philosophy and were targeted.
  • 30. Dr. Chestnut  Built hospital with her own funds. Once used her own skin for a graft done under local anesthetic for a coolie who had an amputation. She escaped a mob, returned to rescue 4 missionaries, and helped a young child with cloth from her own dress before she was killed.
  • 31. John & Betty Stam  Much turmoil in China between communists and Chang Kai-Shek  CIM director Hoste asked for 200 volunteers. Betty went to China, loved John, but John finished school, and re- met Betty who came to Shanghai for health reasons. They were married next year and studied the language
  • 32. John & Betty Stam  John was extremely adept and became fluent quickly in Chinese  The couple went to a small town in the interior of China  The country was overrun by Communist bandits. They seized both and held them for ransom
  • 33. John & Betty Stam
  • 34. John and Betty Stam  While held, the bandits talked about killing their 3 month old baby. When a prisoner protested, he was hacked to pieces. Betty hid the baby in a sleeping bag with money. When led to execution, a man protested. They found a Bible in his home, and he was executed as well.
  • 35. John and Betty Stam  John and Betty Stam were executed by the communists publicly. - with a great outpouring of support for missions following.  The baby was hidden & brought by a Christian evangelist to another missionary family and was raised by family in the USA
  • 36. Missionary Martyrs  Other famous martyrs were John Birch, evangelist who preached and rescued many during Japan’s invasion – from Hangchow.  Eric Liddell, great Olympic champion, grew up in China and returned after his Olympic victory. He evacuated his family but died later of a brain tumor when in a concentration camp. He gave a powerful witness in the camp.
  • 37. Eric Liddell, missionary and Olympic champion
  • 38. Missionary Martyrs  Graham Staines, 58, director of Leprosy work in Orissa, India was murdered; burned to death with two sons while he slept while returning from a camp meeting. Graham was popular and a humble man who had served the lepers 35 years.  His wife publically forgave his murderers. The perpetrator was arrested 4 years later. Ferment was because the Christians abandoned old tribal customs
  • 40. Paul Carlson  Born in 1928, got training as MD, married with 2 children, wife a nurse. 1961 CMS asked for MDs for Congo and went where the political situation was volatile – stayed 5 months, felt the call to permanent missions  He left medical practice, came as missionary to Ubangi Providence. Communists came, and Paul moved his family to CAR. When he returned to close the hospital, the Simbas captured him. He was tortured 3 months, and then killed during a rescue operation when helping another missionary over a wall
  • 43. Other martyrs – Simbas  Hector McMillan gunned down and two boys shot. They were rescued, had to leave Hector’s body behind. His wife had come to peace reading about Adoniram Judson’s mourning Ann’s death. The two boys faked death – one had prayed “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do – 12 years old.
  • 44. Other martyrs – Simbas  Jay Tucker, Assemblies of God 25 years, tortured and killed. They took 45 minutes torturing him, then dumped his body in the river for the crocodiles. But a convert used a tradition that someone’s blood in the river will carry the truth – and the majority of the tribe was saved
  • 45. Other martyrs  Betty Olson - Vietnam... Initially other were killed in a leprosarium by the communists.  She had a difficult childhood as a MK raised in Africa, and then sent to boarding school. Her mother died of cancer when she was 17. Her father remarried, and she took training as a missionary nurse.  She went to Africa to work with her father and step-mother, but relationships were so difficult that she was asked to leave. She became depressed age 29
  • 46. Other martyrs – Betty Olson  She escaped, but 6 years later was captured during the Tet offensive. She and two men were on a death march, malnurished with malaria, leaches, etc. One died. She was tortured and eventually killed. She suffered terribly and died of dysentery and malnutrition, but came out of a deep depression and resentment of her parents, and lived a selfless life her last years.
  • 47. Other martyrs – Betty Olson  Benge, who survived, gave a strong testimony of her witness – he had survived 5 years in prison marches. Benge said she was the most selfless person he ever met – giving her meager food to indigeous Christians and coaxing him out of meningitis.
  • 48. Nationals as martyrs  Chang Sen, blind evangelist, gave himself over when 50 Christians would have died – body cremated because they were afraid he would rise from the dead
  • 49. Terrorism & martyrdom  Terrorism viewed missionaries as enemies. Often they were considered CIA spies. Some Catholics were murdered by right wing groups. In Guatemala, 9 priests were killed in 9 months  Both left wing and right wing terrorists were active  Wycliffe decided not to yield to kidnapping demands
  • 50. Terrorism & martyrdom  Chet Bitterman, struggling linguist, was singled out in Columbia when they did not find the head of mission. He had been there 2 years with his wife and two children. His wife’s parents were missionaries in Columbia. He was held 48 days, and then found shot in the chest.  Wycliffe was deluged with 200 volunteers to take his place.
  • 52. William Donald McClure  Old time missionary – evangelist, “doctor” without training, vet, agriculturalist, set up very successful broadbased ministries  Church planter, opposition from witch doctors – some were saved  He was shot to death by guerillas after Haile Selassie was deposed after 50 years in Ethiopia
  • 53. 3rd world national missionaries have increased dramatically  Some organizations support strictly national missionaries, who are often doing an outstanding job:  Some organizations support national organizations, which support national evangelists  There are some organizations which would not be in our direction - Liberation Theology
  • 54. Groups are working together with national missionaries  Luis Bush started an evangelistic church with 1000 members, 7 daughter churches.  Later started Partners International to help fund national missionaries
  • 55. Pandita Ramabai  Educated about 1860, she began to advocate women’s rights. Went to England, saved via Zr. Geraldine, baptized Anglican  She continued to allow caste rules and to read Hindu scriptures along with the Bible  She worked with women, started Mukti Mission Revival broke out & spread  Translated the Bible into her native tongue
  • 57. Other Indian evangelists  V.S. Azariah – Indian evangelists in his own country and elsewhere in Asia. He was trained in the YMCA and made the first Anglican bishop  Watson came 5 days, had one convert who followed him, memorized John and converted many. His son translated the Bible, and started mailing NT to every home
  • 58. Other Indian converts  Imad-ud-din, Muslim convert converted and became a famous author, translator and preacher  Narayan Vaman Tilak given a NT by a stranger, converted, baptized and ordained Presbyterian. Great poet and wrote many hymns
  • 59. K P Yohannan  Initially shy, came under the influence of Verwer of OM. Started Gospel for Asia, has thousands of native evangelists and many churches and continues to be effective now
  • 61. William Wade Harris  Born in Liberia 1860 of the Grebo tribe. He was arrested when he tried to make Liberia a British protectorate. He had been trained as a Methodist, and then Episcopal. First tried westernizing, later became a wandering prophet.  He confronted demonic power. Natives left their fetishes and he “baptized them”
  • 62. William Wade Harris  He claimed to have a vision of the angel Gabriel while in prison. He walked barefoot with a simple garment, white turban, Bible, gourd for baptizing, and a rattle. He and his lady assistants would sing, come into the village, and ask those to give up witchcraft. They claimed that those who did not had their fetishes burned anyway.
  • 63. William Wade Harris  He never condemned polygamy, and was accompanies by 3 women in his travels. His native church associated with various protestant and catholic churches. The church was free of witchcraft.  He died a poor man, never left the church. He had another follow him, and several splits off the church, which was one of the four recognized churches in Ivory Coast
  • 65. Semisi Nau 1866-1927  Polynesian son of a Methodist missionary; college in Tonga, lost ¾ children; worked under John Goldie  He and another waited 3 months on a coral reef to come ashore. Eventually allowed ashore, he had a power encounter – the Christian god had more power.
  • 66. Semisi Nau  Replaced by an Australian missionary, he went elsewhere; replaced there by native missionary. He was involved in persecution of the Wesleyans by the free church and jailed  Did see some volunteer as missionaries when he returned home; eventually pastored there till his death age 70
  • 68. John Sung 1901-1944  Father minister, mother converted, he was saved at 9 and soon preaching. Offered a scholarship, he graduated Phi Beta Kappa from Ohio Wesleyan, got PhD in chemistry at Ohio State. He then went to Union Seminary, very liberal.  He went through doubts, then regained his faith and sang songs of the faith
  • 69. John Sung  He was confined to a psychiatric hospital but witnessed there & read the Bible 40 times  He returned to China in 1927, turning down offers to teach science, and preached with 14,000 conversions in 6 months and started training others  He was a great prayer warrior, praying 2-3 hours per day.  He was a fiery preacher emphasizing repentance  He married, had 5 children; died of intestinal Tuberculosis at age 42
  • 71. Elka of the WaiWai  Elka felt he was getting messages from the spirits. He became a very well known witchdoctor.  When missionaries came, he helped as translator. He eventually left his witchcraft.  He began witnessing to other tribes, first closer, then farther, and was a true missionary. The tribe began reaching out to surrounding tribes
  • 72. Elka

Editor's Notes

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