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Congratulations on your commitment to do whatever
is necessary to take your life to the next level! Your
advisor will provide you with the focus, training and
accountability you need in order to achieve your
goals and experience the level of fulfillment you truly
desire and deserve.
The purpose of our Balance Sheet is to give us an
idea of your company's financial condition. Without
knowing where we are starting, it's impossible to
know where we are actually going.
Budgeting allows you to create a spending plan for
your money, it ensures that you will always have
enough money for the things you need and the
things that are important to you. With tightening
this budget together, we will free up money for you
to start investing in your future while still living the
life you want.
As they say - 'Cash is King'
You may think you're running a successful business
and generating lots of revenues, but without cash,
you've got nothing!
This is what we are judged on every year. What's
great about this tool, is we can compare your
individual metrics over time.
Employer-sponsored retirement savings plans (401(k), Simple
IRA) are useful tools for generating tax-deferred compounded
growth. They're extremely beneficial for both employees and
you as the dentist. They present benefits like savings directly
deducted from your paycheck, tax breaks, and an added bonus
for keeping around your top employees with the option of
employer matching of contributions.
What do we offer all clients? A Free Tax Review!
Truth: Many clients pay nearly double the tax they should.
"To know where you need to go in any situation, you’ll need a map. And the
map must be up-to-date and accurately reflect the current landscape. To
understand where you have to go, you must first be able to locate where you
are on that map. To do that in business you must answer five critical questions.
What business are you really in? Why did you get into business in the first
place? Who are you and what is your core talent? Where are you in the
lifecycle of the industry, and the economy, and as a business owner? And
finally, what’s next? Today we will break ground on the path to your compelling
​As the business owner, your main point of reference to know
where you're going will be to first find yourself.
Need to know where you stand on your map of life?
1. Review the 8 Wheel Categories - think briefly what a satisfying life might look like for you in each area.
2. Next, draw a line across each segment that represents your satisfaction score for each area.
• Imagine the center of the wheel is 0 and the outer edge is 10
• Choose a value between 1 (very dissatisfied) and 10 (fully satisfied)
• Now draw a line and write the score alongside (see example above)
Download HERE
Balance is personal and unique to each individual - what may be satisfying or balanced for some may be stressful or boring
for others.
This exercise raises a awareness and allows you to plan a life that is more satisfying and closer to your definition of
balance. It also helps clarify priorities for goal-setting.
Balance must be assessed over time. A regular check-in (with this exercise) can highlight useful patterns and help you
learn even more about yourself.
Detailed Instructions:
Review the 8 categories on your Wheel of Life. The categories should together create a view of a balanced life for them. If
necessary they can split category segments to add in something that is missing, or re-label an area to make it more
meaningful for them. Examples of changes are:
Think about what success or satisfaction would feel like for each area.
Rank your level of satisfaction with each area of your life by drawing a line across each segment. Place a value between 1
(very dissatisfied) and 10 (fully satisfied) against each area to show how satisfied you currently are with each category in
your life. The new perimeter of the circle represents your Wheel of Life. - - - Is it a bumpy ride?
Now, looking at the wheel here are some great questions to ask yourself:
Are there any surprises for you?
How do you feel about your life as you look at your Wheel?
How do you currently spend time in these areas? How would you like to spend time in these areas?
What would make that a score of 10?
What would a score of 10 look like?
Which of these categories would you most like to improve?
How could you make space for these changes in your life?
What help and support might you need from others to make changes and be more satisfied with your life?
What change should you make first? And what change do you want to make first?
If there was one key action you could take that would begin to bring everything into balance, what would it be?
Taking action - the final step. To wrap-up the exercise, identify one action for each area, and then pick 1-3 total actions to
get started. You could choose the 3 areas you most want to work on and identify an action for each.
 As the business owner, your main point of reference to know
where you're going will be to first find yourself.
 What do you really want?
 What’s preventing you from having it?
 How do you change your life NOW?
Want to get a true understanding?
Make this as detailed as possible and keep coming back to this each
day to build on it. Once you can see an image inside your head it’s amazing how the universe
conspires with you to create it.
What’s holding you back at work or at home? What are you
afraid of from taking life by the horns and getting what you want?
Define your dream - make it as clear as possible.
o What do you want to do each day?
o How much vacation time will you get each year?
o Where do you want to live?
o At what age will you reach financial freedom to live life the way you want and working becomes optional?
Decide what you are going to do to get there. What business are you in? What business are
you really in? What business do you need to be in? Who are you helping and with what?
Design your entire business the way you’d want it to be in a perfect world. Map out the
processes and operations involved. How many new clients do you need each month? How many old
clients can you get back? How can you add value to your current clients to keep them happy?
Daily actions - Take the big picture then break it down into: - 2017 - Every month - Every week - Every day
Now you’ve got a daily action plan to get you there!
When you focus on your clients’ needs, you will most certainly
succeed. Here are 3 steps to “falling in love” with your client:
1. Forget about your product or service
2. Find out what your clients want/need
3. Focus on their needs
Who is your ideal patient? What do they do? How do they spend their week? What do
they do outside of work? How do they view the dentist?
How much do they make? How do they feel about their job? How do they feel about their
smile? What are their concerns in life? What aspects of their life or personality effect
how you market your product to them?
What’s their view of dentists? What happened in their past at the dentist that turned them away? How do they feel
about what happened in the past? What changes has that brought up them based on those things? What do they
ideally seek in their dentist? What is something they would see as a value added service to choose you over and
other dentist in the world?
What is it about your product that matters to this person? How does it solve a need, ease a pain, or
make them feel good? How does it better their life? Without your product or service, what would
they be missing out on in their lives?
The only limit to your impact is your imagination and commitment.
View: Sample Mindset Planning
Who is ______________________ ?
Personal Traits:
Professional Traits:
Your Achievements:
Your Mentors:
Your Vision
Business Goals
Personal & Family Goals
Practice Goals
Business Goals
Personal & Family Goals
Practice Goals
​There are only 3 ways to grow your practice
1. Get more patients
2. Increase what every patient is paying or increase your retention rate
3. Increase how often patients come to see you or get back the
patients you lost in the past
This method we will show you how to increase your business 33 - 135% by
improving on each one of these three pillars.
Fill out the form on how you will grow your business in these 3 pillars
Increase Number of
Increase Average
Transaction Value
Increase the Frequency of
This proven formula that I learned at Tony Robbins' Business Mastery event is
the same method I've used to exponentially grow my own business and have
the means to properly track it. I can tell you firsthand that working on these 3
simple areas of your business is the quickest and most efficient way to scale
your practice to the level you want it to be at.
Get Started Here
Now that you see where you can take your business, it's time to get there. The
first part of that is changing your state of mind. With the right state, we can do
anything we set our minds to.
Use this document to fill out what you're going to do in your business over the
next year. Dedicate yourself to these numbers and focus every day solely on
what you're doing to get there. Even by growing your clients 10%, your fees by
10%, and getting people to come in 10% more often, you see the dramatic
increase in the amount of money you're going to earn.
Once you've filled it out, pick a level you're going to commit yourself to - 10%,
20%, or 33%. Keep these with you every day. Share them with your spouse.
Post it in your office. Committing to these numbers and staying focused on
them each and every day is the only way you're really going to hit them.
# Patients Avg. Revenue Frequency Total % Increase
2016 5,000 $150 2 $1,500,000 ---
Increase 10% 5,500 $165 2.2 $1,996,500 33%
Increase 20% 6,000 $180 2.4 $2,592,000 73%
Increase 33% 6,650 $200 2.66 $3,528,956 135%
# Patients Avg. Revenue Frequency Total % Increase
2017 ---
Increase 10%
Increase 20%
Increase 33%
$ 0
0 $ 0.00 0.00 $ 0 33%
0 $ 0.00 0.00 $ 0 73%
0 $ 0.00 0.00 $ 0 135%
Ok, so we've got a better idea of finances in the office now. With that, we can
see how it will affect your life personally. Use this document to plan the new
direction of where you're headed.
4 Points of Evaluation
These guiding questions can be applied to general long-
term desires or very specific and time
sensitive needs and goals.
What are your desired goals?
Where are you now?
How will you get there?
How will you stay on track?
Decisions in one area can dramatically affect results in another. It pays to prepare for life’s
“consistent inconsistencies” - by taking into account as many concerns as possible and
treating them altogether as a business, your business plan for life can be flexible, pro-
and successfully maintained.
The desires of every client:
Restoring Order
What would give you a greater sense of control?
Financial Peace
What concerns you the most today financially?
Lifestyle Objectives (specific issues)
What would you like and why?
What would give you a greater sense of control?
1. What do you think is out of control?
2. In what areas do you need a more balanced pace?
3. What makes you feel overwhelmed?
4. What areas are too hectic?
Restoring Order Restoring Order Game Plan
Financial Peace
Financial Peace
What concerns you the most today financially?
Cash Flow Management – Manage your lifestyle and future in a realistic, balanced way
Investment Positioning –
Your investment strategies should seek to stay in harmony
with major market trends, with a focus on guarding against large long term loss.
Tax Planning – Due to the ever-changing tax code, you must focus on yearly tax planning as
part of your total financial package.
Estate Preservation – Proper estate planning is the capstone in developing your long-range
strategy, and helps you control and protect your legacy.
Financial Peace
Cash Flow Management – Bring realism and balance to spending and saving..
Major Planning Concerns:
Investment Positioning – Your investment strategies should seek to stay in harmony
with major market trends.
Major Planning Concerns:
Financial Peace
Tax Planning – Due to the ever-changing tax code, you must consider the importance of
incorporating yearly tax planning as part of your total financial package.
Major Planning Concerns:
Estate Preservation – Proper estate planning is the capstone in developing your long-range
Major Planning Concerns:
Financial Peace Game Plan
Lifestyle Goals
Addressing specific quality of life issues: What would you like today and why?
Tangible Goals (“I would like to have…”):
Conceptual Goals (“I would like my life to be…”):
Freedom Goals (“I would like to be able to…”):
Quantifying Your Lifestyle Freedoms
Freedom Capital = Money available after all obligations are met
Average annual Freedom Capital what’s left over no matter what that won’t affect your plan: $
_ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __
Potential Lifestyle Freedom: _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ __
Cost: $ ___________
Potential Lifestyle Freedom: _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ __
Cost: $ ___________
Potential Lifestyle Freedom: _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ __
Cost: $ ___________
Lifestyle Freedoms Game Plan
Restoring Order
Financial Peace
Lifestyle Goals (specific quality of life issues)
Action Priorities
Game Plan Priorities
The basic value proposition of Essentialism: only once you give yourself
permission to stop trying to do it all, to stop saying yes to everyone, can you
make your highest contribution towards the things that really matter.
Do you find yourself being stretched too thin? You're overworking yourself but
don't seem to be moving forward. Greg McKeon calls this "majoring in minor
activities" and we've found that the dentists sitting outside the top 4% are
masters of these minor activities. Unfortunately, things such as paying the bills,
running marketing ads or flyers, and running the daily tasks of your office will
never bring you the financial freedom you're looking for.
How much do you earn per hour? (Annual Salary ÷ 250 days ÷ 8 Hours)
How much time do you spend on minor tasks? What tasks are the main culprits?
How many of those minor tasks do you wish you could eliminate?
How much time would that free up for you per week? What would you do with your extra time?
How much do you think this would cost your per month?
At your hourly rate, you’d really save..
You have worked hard and busted your butt during all four phases of
The Four Percent Training!
You know hold the secrets to success and have empowered yourself to take
your business to the next level. In completing these exercises, you’re now
ready to work with our team of experts to help you become essential, profitable,
and live life on your terms!
Get Started Now.
Identity Dental Marketing
Dental Marketing Strategies For Proven Practice Growth
Whether you’re looking to attract new patients, have your team work well together, or you’re just looking to
improve your patients’ experience, we can help! Our customized dental marketing solutions paired with our
knowledgeable advertising consulting will prove to be your most valuable investment. Get started by requesting a
free marketing plan and consultation today.
Overwatch Dental CPA

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4% Dental Advising Program

  • 1.
  • 2. Congratulations on your commitment to do whatever is necessary to take your life to the next level! Your advisor will provide you with the focus, training and accountability you need in order to achieve your goals and experience the level of fulfillment you truly desire and deserve. here The purpose of our Balance Sheet is to give us an idea of your company's financial condition. Without knowing where we are starting, it's impossible to know where we are actually going. here here
  • 3. Budgeting allows you to create a spending plan for your money, it ensures that you will always have enough money for the things you need and the things that are important to you. With tightening this budget together, we will free up money for you to start investing in your future while still living the life you want. here As they say - 'Cash is King' ​ You may think you're running a successful business and generating lots of revenues, but without cash, you've got nothing! here
  • 4. This is what we are judged on every year. What's great about this tool, is we can compare your individual metrics over time. here Employer-sponsored retirement savings plans (401(k), Simple IRA) are useful tools for generating tax-deferred compounded growth. They're extremely beneficial for both employees and you as the dentist. They present benefits like savings directly deducted from your paycheck, tax breaks, and an added bonus for keeping around your top employees with the option of employer matching of contributions. here
  • 5. What do we offer all clients? A Free Tax Review! ​ Truth: Many clients pay nearly double the tax they should. here "To know where you need to go in any situation, you’ll need a map. And the map must be up-to-date and accurately reflect the current landscape. To understand where you have to go, you must first be able to locate where you are on that map. To do that in business you must answer five critical questions. What business are you really in? Why did you get into business in the first place? Who are you and what is your core talent? Where are you in the lifecycle of the industry, and the economy, and as a business owner? And finally, what’s next? Today we will break ground on the path to your compelling future." ​
  • 6. ​As the business owner, your main point of reference to know where you're going will be to first find yourself. Need to know where you stand on your map of life? 1. Review the 8 Wheel Categories - think briefly what a satisfying life might look like for you in each area. 2. Next, draw a line across each segment that represents your satisfaction score for each area. • Imagine the center of the wheel is 0 and the outer edge is 10 • Choose a value between 1 (very dissatisfied) and 10 (fully satisfied) • Now draw a line and write the score alongside (see example above) 8 9 7 2 4 5 8 6 Download HERE
  • 7. Balance is personal and unique to each individual - what may be satisfying or balanced for some may be stressful or boring for others. This exercise raises a awareness and allows you to plan a life that is more satisfying and closer to your definition of balance. It also helps clarify priorities for goal-setting. Balance must be assessed over time. A regular check-in (with this exercise) can highlight useful patterns and help you learn even more about yourself. Detailed Instructions: Review the 8 categories on your Wheel of Life. The categories should together create a view of a balanced life for them. If necessary they can split category segments to add in something that is missing, or re-label an area to make it more meaningful for them. Examples of changes are: Think about what success or satisfaction would feel like for each area. Rank your level of satisfaction with each area of your life by drawing a line across each segment. Place a value between 1 (very dissatisfied) and 10 (fully satisfied) against each area to show how satisfied you currently are with each category in your life. The new perimeter of the circle represents your Wheel of Life. - - - Is it a bumpy ride? Now, looking at the wheel here are some great questions to ask yourself: Are there any surprises for you? How do you feel about your life as you look at your Wheel? How do you currently spend time in these areas? How would you like to spend time in these areas? What would make that a score of 10? What would a score of 10 look like? Which of these categories would you most like to improve? How could you make space for these changes in your life? What help and support might you need from others to make changes and be more satisfied with your life? What change should you make first? And what change do you want to make first? If there was one key action you could take that would begin to bring everything into balance, what would it be? Taking action - the final step. To wrap-up the exercise, identify one action for each area, and then pick 1-3 total actions to get started. You could choose the 3 areas you most want to work on and identify an action for each. "  As the business owner, your main point of reference to know where you're going will be to first find yourself.
  • 8.
  • 9.  What do you really want?  What’s preventing you from having it?  How do you change your life NOW? Want to get a true understanding?
  • 10. Make this as detailed as possible and keep coming back to this each day to build on it. Once you can see an image inside your head it’s amazing how the universe conspires with you to create it. What’s holding you back at work or at home? What are you afraid of from taking life by the horns and getting what you want? Define your dream - make it as clear as possible. o What do you want to do each day? o How much vacation time will you get each year? o Where do you want to live? o At what age will you reach financial freedom to live life the way you want and working becomes optional? Decide what you are going to do to get there. What business are you in? What business are you really in? What business do you need to be in? Who are you helping and with what? Design your entire business the way you’d want it to be in a perfect world. Map out the processes and operations involved. How many new clients do you need each month? How many old clients can you get back? How can you add value to your current clients to keep them happy? Daily actions - Take the big picture then break it down into: - 2017 - Every month - Every week - Every day Now you’ve got a daily action plan to get you there!
  • 11. When you focus on your clients’ needs, you will most certainly succeed. Here are 3 steps to “falling in love” with your client: 1. Forget about your product or service 2. Find out what your clients want/need 3. Focus on their needs Who is your ideal patient? What do they do? How do they spend their week? What do they do outside of work? How do they view the dentist? How much do they make? How do they feel about their job? How do they feel about their smile? What are their concerns in life? What aspects of their life or personality effect how you market your product to them?
  • 12. What’s their view of dentists? What happened in their past at the dentist that turned them away? How do they feel about what happened in the past? What changes has that brought up them based on those things? What do they ideally seek in their dentist? What is something they would see as a value added service to choose you over and other dentist in the world? What is it about your product that matters to this person? How does it solve a need, ease a pain, or make them feel good? How does it better their life? Without your product or service, what would they be missing out on in their lives? The only limit to your impact is your imagination and commitment. View: Sample Mindset Planning
  • 13. Who is ______________________ ? Personal Traits: Professional Traits: Your Achievements: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Your Mentors: 1. 2. 3. Your Vision
  • 14. Business Goals 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Personal & Family Goals Practice Goals 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Business Goals 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Personal & Family Goals Practice Goals 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
  • 15. ​There are only 3 ways to grow your practice 1. Get more patients 2. Increase what every patient is paying or increase your retention rate 3. Increase how often patients come to see you or get back the patients you lost in the past This method we will show you how to increase your business 33 - 135% by improving on each one of these three pillars. Fill out the form on how you will grow your business in these 3 pillars Increase Number of Clients Increase Average Transaction Value Increase the Frequency of Repurchase
  • 16. This proven formula that I learned at Tony Robbins' Business Mastery event is the same method I've used to exponentially grow my own business and have the means to properly track it. I can tell you firsthand that working on these 3 simple areas of your business is the quickest and most efficient way to scale your practice to the level you want it to be at. ​ Get Started Here Now that you see where you can take your business, it's time to get there. The first part of that is changing your state of mind. With the right state, we can do anything we set our minds to. ​ Use this document to fill out what you're going to do in your business over the next year. Dedicate yourself to these numbers and focus every day solely on what you're doing to get there. Even by growing your clients 10%, your fees by 10%, and getting people to come in 10% more often, you see the dramatic increase in the amount of money you're going to earn. ​ Once you've filled it out, pick a level you're going to commit yourself to - 10%, 20%, or 33%. Keep these with you every day. Share them with your spouse. Post it in your office. Committing to these numbers and staying focused on them each and every day is the only way you're really going to hit them.
  • 17. # Patients Avg. Revenue Frequency Total % Increase 2016 5,000 $150 2 $1,500,000 --- Increase 10% 5,500 $165 2.2 $1,996,500 33% Increase 20% 6,000 $180 2.4 $2,592,000 73% Increase 33% 6,650 $200 2.66 $3,528,956 135% # Patients Avg. Revenue Frequency Total % Increase 2017 --- Increase 10% Increase 20% Increase 33% $ 0 0 $ 0.00 0.00 $ 0 33% 0 $ 0.00 0.00 $ 0 73% 0 $ 0.00 0.00 $ 0 135% Ok, so we've got a better idea of finances in the office now. With that, we can see how it will affect your life personally. Use this document to plan the new direction of where you're headed.
  • 18. Evaluation 4 Points of Evaluation These guiding questions can be applied to general long- term desires or very specific and time sensitive needs and goals. What are your desired goals? Where are you now? How will you get there? How will you stay on track? Decisions in one area can dramatically affect results in another. It pays to prepare for life’s “consistent inconsistencies” - by taking into account as many concerns as possible and treating them altogether as a business, your business plan for life can be flexible, pro- active, and successfully maintained. The desires of every client: Restoring Order What would give you a greater sense of control? Financial Peace What concerns you the most today financially? Evaluation Lifestyle Objectives (specific issues) What would you like and why?
  • 19. What would give you a greater sense of control? 1. What do you think is out of control? 2. In what areas do you need a more balanced pace? 3. What makes you feel overwhelmed? 4. What areas are too hectic? Restoring Order Restoring Order Game Plan GAME PLAN: ITEM DEADLINE WHY? GAME PLAN: ITEM DEADLINE WHY? GAME PLAN: ITEM DEADLINE WHY?
  • 20. Financial Peace Financial Peace What concerns you the most today financially? Cash Flow Management – Manage your lifestyle and future in a realistic, balanced way Investment Positioning – Your investment strategies should seek to stay in harmony with major market trends, with a focus on guarding against large long term loss. Tax Planning – Due to the ever-changing tax code, you must focus on yearly tax planning as part of your total financial package. Estate Preservation – Proper estate planning is the capstone in developing your long-range strategy, and helps you control and protect your legacy. Financial Peace Cash Flow Management – Bring realism and balance to spending and saving.. Major Planning Concerns: Investment Positioning – Your investment strategies should seek to stay in harmony with major market trends. Major Planning Concerns:
  • 21. Financial Peace Tax Planning – Due to the ever-changing tax code, you must consider the importance of incorporating yearly tax planning as part of your total financial package. Major Planning Concerns: Estate Preservation – Proper estate planning is the capstone in developing your long-range strategy. Major Planning Concerns: GAME PLAN: ITEM DEADLINE WHY? GAME PLAN: ITEM DEADLINE WHY? GAME PLAN: ITEM DEADLINE WHY? Financial Peace Game Plan
  • 22. Lifestyle Goals Addressing specific quality of life issues: What would you like today and why? Tangible Goals (“I would like to have…”): Conceptual Goals (“I would like my life to be…”): Freedom Goals (“I would like to be able to…”): Quantifying Your Lifestyle Freedoms Freedom Capital = Money available after all obligations are met Average annual Freedom Capital what’s left over no matter what that won’t affect your plan: $ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ Comments: Potential Lifestyle Freedom: _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ Cost: $ ___________ Comments: Potential Lifestyle Freedom: _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ Cost: $ ___________ Comments: Potential Lifestyle Freedom: _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ Cost: $ ___________ Comments:
  • 23. GAME PLAN: ITEM DEADLINE WHY? GAME PLAN: ITEM DEADLINE WHY? GAME PLAN: ITEM DEADLINE WHY? Lifestyle Freedoms Game Plan Restoring Order 1) 2) 3) Financial Peace 1) 2) 3) Lifestyle Goals (specific quality of life issues) 1) 2) 3) Action Priorities
  • 24. GAME PLAN: ITEM DEADLINE WHY? GAME PLAN: ITEM DEADLINE WHY? GAME PLAN: ITEM DEADLINE WHY? Game Plan Priorities The basic value proposition of Essentialism: only once you give yourself permission to stop trying to do it all, to stop saying yes to everyone, can you make your highest contribution towards the things that really matter. ​
  • 25. Do you find yourself being stretched too thin? You're overworking yourself but don't seem to be moving forward. Greg McKeon calls this "majoring in minor activities" and we've found that the dentists sitting outside the top 4% are masters of these minor activities. Unfortunately, things such as paying the bills, running marketing ads or flyers, and running the daily tasks of your office will never bring you the financial freedom you're looking for. How much do you earn per hour? (Annual Salary ÷ 250 days ÷ 8 Hours) How much time do you spend on minor tasks? What tasks are the main culprits? How many of those minor tasks do you wish you could eliminate? How much time would that free up for you per week? What would you do with your extra time? How much do you think this would cost your per month? At your hourly rate, you’d really save..
  • 26. You have worked hard and busted your butt during all four phases of The Four Percent Training! You know hold the secrets to success and have empowered yourself to take your business to the next level. In completing these exercises, you’re now ready to work with our team of experts to help you become essential, profitable, and live life on your terms! Get Started Now. Identity Dental Marketing Dental Marketing Strategies For Proven Practice Growth Whether you’re looking to attract new patients, have your team work well together, or you’re just looking to improve your patients’ experience, we can help! Our customized dental marketing solutions paired with our knowledgeable advertising consulting will prove to be your most valuable investment. Get started by requesting a free marketing plan and consultation today. Overwatch Dental CPA