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My High School Year Essay
There was a point in my time where I enjoyed school and took pleasure in attending school and that
was elementary. Those were the best school years of my life, having nothing to care about, the
school lunch was unbelievably amazing and we had recess. Middle school was manageable but was
also beginning to become tough because the classes were becoming difficult. As we approach the
beginning of our high school career, parents and teachers always tell us students that it's the best
four years of our life, which in my case I did not find high school fascinating or enjoyable. I found
high school to be very stressful, overwhelming and not easy, understanding that the next four
years of my life will be filled with obstacles and challenges that I will face. I knew that I would
have challenges with my courses, but I did not think I would have trouble with my emotions such
as feeling depressed, sad, or that I would cry every other day, but to some teachers or parents
thought it was normal for teenagers because we are going through different phases of our life. My
freshman year was probably the best year of my high school year but I did face many challenges. I
was immature, did not obey my teachers, always getting in some sort of trouble. I was carefree, fun,
outgoing and had decent memories whether they were good memories or bad memories. Towards
the middle of my freshman year I found out that I had Hyperthyroidism, and was quite confused and
did not understand what it meant. As I
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High School Legacy Essay
Throughout my high school career I have tried to impact the lives of those around me while also
learning from those around me as well. Over the four years I have attended my high school,I have
grown into a person who is now more attentive of the different people, opinions, and cultures that
surround me and this in turn has allowed me become more open–minded. This would be the legacy I
hope that I leave behind. When I graduate from school and consequently leave my community, I
hope that I have left a legacy of growth. That my experience can be an example of someone else
because it is my firm belief that the greatest legacy one can leave behind can be a legacy others can
learn from.
My freshman year of high school I enrolled in a first level
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My High School Experience Essay
When people start high school they're usually so excited. They can't wait to experience
everything that comes with being in high school, I mean who wouldn't? Everyone says that high
school is the best four years of your life. Now that I'm months away from graduating, I can't say
they were my best years but I can say they were my most educational years, of course I wouldn't
say that they weren't fun because they were. When I say educational, I mean I've learned so much
about myself and so much about life. I learned what the words family, love, betrayal, law and life
meant. All these events changed me, and I'm glad they happened because I wouldn't have learned all
these lessons. My personality hasn't changed; I'm still a carefree girl, more content...
My freshmen and sophomore year, I had my first real boyfriend. I was completely and totally in
love with this guy, he changed me in ways that I'm proud of and ways that I'm not proud of. I
revolved my world around him, which wasn't a good idea. After almost two years of dating, we
broke up and it literally shattered my world. During our relationship I became friends with his
friends and I even considered one of them my best friends, so when we broke up I didn't only
loose him, I lost all of them as well. It felt so awful to all of a sudden have everything, and then
just lose everything in a day. A couple of weeks later, I found out that my best friend was actually
dating my ex boyfriend. I couldn't believe that a person could betray someone like that, especially
after everything that she and I went through together. I'm not proud of the events that happened
after all of this, and I'm not proud of how I let them change me. The one thing that saved me was
my family; they saved me in ways I can't even explain. They gave me hope and a new life for me
that I am extremely grateful for. I've learned to be wiser when it comes to picking friends, and
choosing who to put my trust in. I also became a stronger person, I don't let people walk all over
me or I don't let people control my life anymore. The last event is the one that taught me the most
about how hard life is, and how life isn't always fair. My junior year was spent in Tijuana,
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My High School Career Essay
Through out my high school career I never took my education seriously. For most of the four
years it was a big blur. I'm not quite sure if it was because of me or if I found myself blaming my
surroundings or teachers for my lack of focus and strive to learn. A failure can mean different things
to everyone else. Maybe there's just different types or categories of failures. These failures are meant
to teach us something, or motivate us to simply not make these mistakes again.
I remember going into my freshman year of high school nervous but excited because I thought I'd
learn so many new things. Next thing you know I found myself dreading school. Was I being
lazy? Was it my lack of motivation? I still can't grasp why exactly I lost that excitement or that
yearning to go to school. I was raised to have the idea that school was a place to learn not socialize.
But at the age of 14, what teenagers don't want to socialize and that's what got a hold of me. I spent
too much time worrying about other things that didn't involve my education.
Once I became a junior in high school I had been too far in the process of skipping school, not
paying attention, and putting all my focus on other things. I'm not saying I didn't learn things
while or whenever I did go to because I learned a lot of things but not enough. I didn't reach my
full potential. I think this was the year I made friends who weren't as great of influence. So, at this
point my lack of focus on my education was because of
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Second semester can be harsh sometimes. Stressing myself for so many things coming my way
and I must find a method to try to get everything well and done. Being a student can be rough for
me and as I reflect back to first semester I do realize that I got to keep my head up and improve all
my weakness and retouch my strengths to make them stronger. I learned that I am a good student but
putting more effort in where I need more effort will make me greater.
My reading skills in my opinion are decent but of course I do have some weaknesses. I believe my
weakness is not reading enough. In the beginning of the year I felt like I can read all day with no
problem, then more things came up in my life and reading became so hard to do. If I more
Out of all the things the I do in my ALC class I feel like reading is my weakness and I can do way
better and prove that I can get higher scores in the reading area and in semester 2.
In the English category I can say that I'm improving and that I consider it one of my strengths by
looking through my papers and scores and that once I take the ACT my english portion of the test
will be very high and good. When I looked at the scores I got I was impressed with my english
abilities I thought it was a hard subject at first and to see growth in it makes me proud. When I
took the Explore test my score started with a 13 which is a bit low but as I transitioned to high school
it went up to 15. Sadly when I was in my sophomore year I went down but only by one so I don't
believe it's accurate. Then what really wowed me was the fact that when we took the diagnostic
ACT not long ago my last score of 14 went up to a 21! I felt like that was such big growth in the
English Category. The one time I had a big weakness in grammar in first semester was when we
took the final I got a D on the sentence patterns. I must confess I wasn't prepared and didn't study
as much as I should of. Looking at my writing I don't like to brag but I believe I'm gifted when it
comes to writing papers. On all my papers we did first semester I only got one C and the rest are
A's that is including the
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My Future Plans For High School
In a few months, I will make a huge decision that will help determine my future.
I have many plans for high school; such as what classes I will take and what clubs I will join. But
first I Have to take the entrance exams
I have been studying for the high school entrance exams since the beginning of summer. My mom
bought me three big texts books that will help with the High School Placement Test, Independent
School Entrance Exam, and Secondary School Admission Test. Recently I have started going to a
tutor that specializes in preparing students for the exams.
I am applying for schools. My first one is Charter School of Wilmington. It is my first choice
because it is two minutes from my house, so I would ride my bike. Also, it specializes in science
which is my favorite subject, they are attached to an art school, which I also like to do, they have
a good tennis team, and it is free. Archmere is my second choice. I like it there because it has a
large campus that has buildings that are spread out like a college. Tower Hill is my third choice
because it is next to my neighborhood. Also Tower Hill doesn't specialize in a specific subject it is
an all–around school with art, music, math, science, and many more subjects. Friends is my fourth
choice. I don't know much about Friends but i've heard it's a good school and will prepare for
college. Padua is my backup school in case I don't get accepted into any other school. I am
interested in Padu because I have only heard
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My Journey As A High School Student Essay
At around this time four years back, I was just beginning my journey as a high school student. I
had decided that I wanted to tryout for my schools ' dance team. I had previously danced with a
studio by the name of Barton and Williams School of Dance, since the age of three, so I was
excited to learn that I could be on a team at my school. I received all of the information that was
necessary regarding the tryout dates, along with the paperwork that would be needed. We had to
learn two combinations, as well as the actual tryout dance, within three days. On the day of the
judging portion of the tryouts, everyone received a number. The judges would throw us into
groups of three or four by randomly choosing our numbers. We needed to perform the two
combinations individually and the actual routine as a group. Once all of the groups were done,
we had to wait for a good two or three hours for the results. Everyone had been so nervous. Finally,
the judges entered the room and posted the list of the numbers of the people who had made the
cut onto the wall. I was so excited to see my number on the list and to be able to say that I had
made it. In the very beginning of the season, my team attended the National Dance Alliance camp,
or NDA camp. This camp consists of nothing but dance for four days and three nights. It is located
in Maryland, at Towson University, so we had to rent a bus in order to get there. About a month
before camp, the team hired a guest choreographer to teach
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High School Diploma Essay
I plan on Graduating, and obtaining my high school diploma On June 2018, I plan on
accomplishing my goals by by attending college. After High School I wish to attend Cal State San
Bernardino or Cal State San Marcos and enter into their Athletics Program. To get accepted to these
colleges I will maintain my grades and do whatever it takes to get into these colleges. Throughout my
journey in High School I have taken numerous honors and Ap classes. I have also been in
Extra–Curricular activities such as Cross–Country, Soccer and Track and Field. I have also been in
the Performing Arts Department all throughout high school and have performed in numerous
concerts for Choir. This October I will be taking the SAT so I have a better chance at
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I plan on becoming an Athletic Trainer and majoring in classes such as Exercise Physiology and
Nutrition. In order to Accomplish this goal I will work my way up by applying for financial aid,
working a part–time Job, and seeking other resources that can help me accomplish my dream such
as this one. First I would received my Bachelor's degree and then aim for the higher goal which is
to receive my Masters degree and become a certified trainer. After finishing my work incollege I
plan on looking for a job at other colleges, Universities or working with professional athletes with
Professional teams. As a small child I always dreamed of attending college because I wanted to
help my family live a better life financially. I had a really rough childhood because we struggled to
make ends meet living under one provider. I have three brothers and two sisters; so we all add up
to 8 including my parents and I. However, my parents did everything they could to make us happy
and have a childhood no matter what our situation was. Attending college is my main Goal in life
because my Mother was not able to receive her high school diploma and my father received his
High School Diploma but, did not end up finishing college. Both of my parents have had a Huge
impact on my life because they gave me advice; for example"Study so you won't have to go through
what we have to go through everyday" or
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My First Week Of High School Essays
First week of high school Fun, scaring, exciting are the feelings of my first week of school. This
is a brand new experience of my life having to leave my friends and teachers in middle school
behind. New school, new friends and new teachers are all part of this new school year. This one is
different though, it's the first week of high school. Most freshmen like me that enter the school are
scared. I think the first week of the school is the easiest since there would not be a lot of
homework and what you need to do is to listen to what you need for the class and know other
people well in the class. But I am wrong, as soon as you get seated on your assigned seat, new
teachers start to introduce themselves and start giving more content...
I think the pronunciation of Spanish is different from English and I have difficulties of speaking
Spanish properly. I also have an AVID (Advancement via Individual Determination) class for my
elective, AVID is acollege–readiness system designed to increase the number of students who enroll
in four–year colleges. The AVID system is a district wide and school wide approach featuring: a
college–preparatory elective course, rigorous curriculum, trained college tutors, and a site team
composed of the AVID Coordinator, subject
–area teachers, parents, and tutors. WICR – or writing,
inquiry, collaboration, and reading – forms the basis of the AVID curriculum. It gives students the
skills they need to succeed in college–preparatory classes, like Advanced Placement. I have Algebra
2 for my math class. Algebra is the branch of mathematics concerning the study of the of operations
and the things which can be constructed from them including terms, polynomials, equations and
structures. Algebra 2 is an extension of Algebra and Geometry and talks about deriving formulas
from another. WE didn't do anything in our P.E. class in the first week, since we did not have our
P.E. clothes so we had free time. In my biology class, I learned how to define life. An organism must
have 7 properties of life to be alive, including cellular organization, reproduction, metabolism,
homeostasis, heredity, responsiveness and growth and
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When Has High School Taught Me Essay
In school, I learned many ways the world has been changing, the people and the environment.
Something that I like about the schools I went to, gives the students a good environment to work and
learn in. The teachers gave all the students a chance to learn what they had to teach us. School has
given me the education to get me where I am now, high school. My schools have given helped teach
me a life lesson on how the world can give me a hard time or go on smoothly, but most importantly,
school has taught me to follow my dreams and never give up on what I think is right.
As school has given me a good place to study in, I like the places that are clean and safe rather
than messy and unsafe. Even if my middle school was a bit treacherous, I tried my best to ignore
it all and work hard by thinking about how I wanted to end up, to live in the same house with my
parents for the rest of my life, or to more content...
After each year of school, my teachers got better at teaching. I think it was because that they were
given the talent to know what each student understands and what the students don't understand.
Over the years of going to school, I hear students saying,"I want to have a "fun" teacher for this
period." The thing about most "fun" teachers is that they don't really teach a lot and they
concentrate on having fun with the students although I know that not all "fun" teachers are bad at
teaching. I would much rather have a smart teacher who has experience on actually teaching the
kids because school isn't a time to have fun, it's a time to learn what you don't know and
understanding what you already know even better. I know that the teachers give every kid to learn,
but it is the student's decision if they want to go to school for the actual purpose of going to school,
or go to school just to mess around with
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High School Graduation Essay
Through out life people go through so many hardships. Whether it be good or bad there is always
something that comes out of the situation. One of the most exciting but yet scariest events would be
graduation. For a lot of people, graduating from high school is a goal. It takes a lot of time and
effort to achieve that goal. In the long run, it opens a lot of opportunities for people to succeed.
Graduation is the end of high school, and the beginning to life. I can almost remember that day like
it was yesterday, I awoke like on any other school day. It was a gorgeous May morning, therays of
sun flittered through my miniblinds blinding me as if I hadn't seen light in days. I sluggishly
dragged my limp body out more content...
Once I was finished, I gathered up my cap and gown and my car keys and headed out the door. All
the graduates had to meet in the high school library an hour before the ceremonies started, and I
promised one of my best friends Tony that we would go together. I knocked on his back door and
let myself in like I always do. All of his family members were running throughout the house trying
to get ready. I asked his mom where Tony was and she proceeded to tell me that he was in the
bathroom getting ready. I tapped on the door and walked in. He was standing in front of the
mirror with his cap and gown on. He look me straight in the eyes and said," Can you believe that
we are about to graduate?" I replied," No, it really hasn't set in yet." Tony finished getting ready,
and then we left for the high school. The parking lot was filled with all the other seniors' cars.
Tony and I walked into the library ten minutes late like usual, and the principal had already started
giving instructions. I found my place in line and then was all ears. I couldn't help but look around
at all the others. Smiles were plastered on their faces as if they had heard a hilarious joke. Once the
principal concluded his speech, the whole senior class paraded down the hallway to the commons in
two uniform lines stopping just outside the gymnasium doors. We could hear the band warming up
and playing songs. All the people that were standing around me were bubbling
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Sample Of Admission Essay For High School
My whole life I have been invested in doing what I love, focusing on my true passions, as well as
finding new ones. I have been very involved in my high school, and have been lucky enough to be
a part of multiple clubs and activities. Without these activities, my high school experience and life
would be a lot different. I have been an active drama club member, a part of 'Bottlecappers,' a club
advocating anti–drug, alcohol, and bullying to younger students in my district, and many other
community service opportunities. I am lucky to have the opportunity to be in these activities, as they
have shaped me to be the young adult I am today.
Before I even entered high school, I obtained a love of theater and the performing arts. I have been
singing and acting since I was nine, as well as on and off dancing since three. Taking classes at a
local theater really introduced me to this interest of mine. When I entered high school, an injury kept
me from doing shows. But now I graduate with nine high school shows under my belt, as well as
being in multiple community theater productions. Being a part of these shows made me feel a
strong sense of belonging, and whether I was an ensemble or more content...
As I had mentioned earlier, I am part of an anti–drugs and alcohol club. I am extended the
opportunity to speak to young students about the risks they could encounter. The feeling that those
students may look up to us is very meaningful, and I feel it is a unique experience. I am lucky to
have the chance to save a student's life through this club. Another community activity I enjoy doing
is related to performing, but at senior citizen homes. Some of my friends and I often just like to get
together with some music and go sing for them. This is a rewarding experience, as seeing the senior
citizens smile, and making their day better, is truly a heartwarming experience every time I have the
chance to perform for
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Essay on How I Changed in High School
Everyone has heard or been told, "high school is what you make of it." High school is in fact what
you make of it, but it is also the time of great change in everybody. Entering grade nine you still feel
like a kid, your post–secondary and career choices are far from top priority. However, by grade
twelve we become more mature and grow into young adults. Personally looking back to my grade
nine self and comparing her to my grade twelve self of today, I am able to see changes in my
character, my athletics and my goals. There are many aspects within my personal character in which
have changed since entering grade nine. One of these aspects is my time management skills. When I
first started out in grade nine, I used to rush home and more content...
Over four years, I have made, as well as, lost friends. We all need to grow and mature and
sometimes others just do not want to follow that path with you and you end up growing apart.
Further changes can be seen in my athletics. Although this may seem a mute point to mention, my
sports are part of my life and today are part of my career choice. Therefore, my sports have
obviously impacted me. In grade nine, I was curling seven days a week on multiple teams and
different leagues. I joined the school team and ended the season winning Female MVP. In grade
nine I was aiming towards going to Provincials for curling while in grade twelve I now aim
towards placing higher than bronze in the 2010 Summer Games for archery. I do not have much
time for school sports with my archery outside of school taking off and I rarely get time to go shoot
some rocks. Archery is my main focus in sports right now. Along with my goals in sports changing,
my goals in post–secondary matters as well as career choices have changed. Today I am looking at
applying to either Canadore College or Brock University, where four years ago all I knew was that I
wanted to attend college and move out. Now I realize staying home would save me a lot of money.
As well, I am more open to looking at both university and college courses, like Brock, as their
program I wish to take is said to be excellent. In grade nine I was jobless and did not truly
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Descriptive Essay About High School
Panic, anxiety, lost, confused, this is what I felt as I arrived on campus. I am sixteen, a junior in
high school, and this was my first day attending a college course. My expectations of what the
campus, teachers, and people were like, was nothing compared to what I ended up experiencing.
On Tuesday, August 24th, I began the next step towards my future. I arrived at 12:20pm, my first
class was Introduction to Psychology with Professor Sample at 12:45pm. My palms were
sweating, my stomach was turning, my mind was racing. This is really happening, I kept thinking
to myself. Luckily, I had two common faces to embark on this journey with me. My best friend
since middle school, blonde, taller, Noelle Stevens. Along with an individual I have come to know
and be close with over the past year, Ocean Klein. As we were pulling into the parking lot, I noticed
many differences between Central Ohio Technical College (COTC) and Licking ValleyHigh School,
almost instantly.
My eyes were pealed to the huge and colorful building. They were nothing like my simple high
school building I attend. The very next item that drew my attention was, the way individuals were
dressed. Girls looked comfortable in the heat. At licking valley high school, the dress code is very
restrictive. Bottoms can be no shorter than four inches above the knee, shirts must cover shoulders
and bra straps, and there are to be no holes showing skin in tops and above the knee of bottoms. On
the other hand, at Central Ohio
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Life after high school Essay
Life After High School
I've just entered my senior year of high school. I know that this is a very important year. I have a
lot of decisions to make and not much time to make them. These decisions will either make or
break my life, and I want to make sure that I make them to the best of my ability because there is
no turning back. I need to make sure I definitely want to attend college. The decision is totally up to
me. There are many positives and negatives of attending college. Go over them, and then decide. I
know myself better then anyone else, and I won't let anyone else tell me what to do. I will make
sure if I am going to attend college that I have something in mind that I will want to do, to succeed in.
Choosing a major can be more content...
I knew I wanted to do this because I was very interested in sports my whole life. It wasn't an easy
decision in choosing a school, but I think I made the best choice based on my major right now. In
a short essay "College? What's in It for me?" by Steven M. Richardson, the author makes some very
good points about college. Richardson states that there are a lot of reasons to not attend college, but
furthermore states that attending college is your best bet at succeeding in life. Richardson states
"The biggest reason for not going, probably, is that college costs money" (169). On the other hand,
he states, "The decision to attend college is an investment in your future–a risk, certainly, but one
with a big payoff if it's the right decision for you" (171). These are the things I had to think about
along with millions of high school–students before making my decision on what I wanted to do with
my life. Choosing a college is only the first part of the decision making process. What I want to do
for the rest of your life is the question that the majority of high school students will ponder. As
Richardson states, choosing a college as well as choosing a major is definitely an investment. The
way you handle that investment is up to you. If you handle it correctly your investment will pay off
immensely in the end (171). This is why I chose Athletic Training as my major.
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Personal Essay: My Goals After High School
My goals for after high school, is to got to Greenville Tech. I have different ideas of what I want to
do for my career. I have a lot of plans after high school career–wise. My goal for sure, is to finish
college, but there is so much to study,
I am not quite sure what I want to do. I will be going to BONDS next year, and get my degree for
esthetics. I plan to do esthetics on the side after high school, and continue my job where I work now,
at Culver's of Greer. I love this job and until I know for sure what I will be doing, I plan to still work
there. My parents didn't go to college, but I want to prove to them that I can be responsible and
follow through with a large achievement. I would love to be an author, and I plan to take that at
Greenville Tech and afterwards, got to a four–year college, such as, North Greenville University.
Unless, my career with esthetics pays off. I also thought about being a lawyer. I want to make
enough money to be able to gain custody of my younger brother, more content...
My life after high school is going to require a lot of responsibility and patience, but I know that it
will be worth it to my education, and I can show my brothers and family, that if you want it bad
enough, you will do everything you can to achieve
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High School Admission Essay Sample
At my fifth birthday party my mother had a Mad Scientist come to entertain the kids at my party.
The mad scientist performed many fun experiments with dry ice, and my interest in science was
born that day. As a five year old, I begged my mother to enroll me in a summer science class, since
science fascinated me. Even though I was actually the only female in that summer class of 25
students it did not deter me from enrolling in science classes every summer since then.
Throughout my childhood, my interest in science also intertwined with my interest in the arts. In
middle school, I volunteered at the after school art program daily, helping other kids with art
assignments. At my eighth grade graduation, I received both the art awards my middle school
offered, for dedication to after school art programs. Did I mention that I was also a competitive
dancer for about seven years, proficient in ballet, jazz, tap and Indian classical dance. This is when I
began more content...
My mother always told the puzzling story of how the cardiac catheterization performed on him
before he passed away did not reveal any blockages or heart problems, and yet he passed away once
he was put on the heart lung machine as a precaution after the procedure. During the many meetings
my mother had with the hospital officials and doctors to figure out his cause of death, the probable
cause of death was attributed to the drug "Rezulin", the diabetes medication he was prescribed. That
incident, the unexpected shock, the trauma, and the aftermath of figuring out the cause of his death,
developed my interest in medicine and inspired me to study medical sciences. Even though both my
parents are engineers, once they became aware of my interest in the medical sciences, they
encouraged me to follow my developing
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Essay on My Senior Year of High School
Having spent twelve years of my school life in just one small red brick building, the years tend to
fade into each other. But the year I remember most clearly and significantly is my senior year of
high school, where I finally began to appreciate what this institution offered to any student who
stopped to look. Before, school had been a chore, many times I simply did not feel motivated toward
a subject enough to do the homework well, and seeing the same familiar faces around ever since I
was 5 years old grew very tiring soon enough. But I began to see things from a different angle once I
became a senior.
First of all, there are roughly only 800 students in my entire school, from kindergarten up to
upperclassmen and women, and more content...
Teachers came in a variety. Some were genuinely interested in what they were teaching us, and
some seemed even more bored than the students themselves. But for the most part, all the teachers
cared about each student as an individual, and would always greet you in the hall or ask how you
were doing. As I entered 12th grade, I began to notice a change in my classes– most of the time,
there was more emphasis on participating in discussions than just completing homework exactly to
the mark. For instance, my AP English class solely focused on debates over what we were reading,
to the extent where everyone, both students and teacher, had a particular view to express.
My school's philosophy on teaching was to turn out well–rounded individuals who did their work,
and everyone was treated equally. The only exceptions were that since my school was very
focused on athletics, kids who played a lot of sports seemed to be the most popular with teachers,
while the abilities of drama students and musicians seemed almost entirely overlooked. Also,
because of the small size of the school, once you gained a reputation it really stuck to you, so there
was definitely a difference between how the "slackers" and the "responsible" ones were treated by
In 12th grade, everything seemed to come together for the departing seniors, and I noticed a change
come over us. For once,
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Why I Want To Go To High School Essay
I have been thinking about high school since was young. I thought it was so far away and now I
am ready to graduate middle school and go to high school. This got me thinking about college. I
realize that I need to find a high school that will help me succeed and reach my goal of going to
college. I need a program that will help me find new things that will interest me. As an 8th grader
getting ready to go into high school I was looking at applications and, I came across Lake View High
School and I was intrigued. As I read on I was satisfied with what I read because I know that this
program will help me succeed in high school and college. Knowing that, I really want to be a part
of this school. Lake View is a HOME, which represents the four core values of: Honor, Ownership,
Mastery, and Education. At Lake View I will be contributing to these core values, but the one that I
will be concentrating on is Education. Education is something that I need before anything, before
college, before high school. Education has me thinking about what I want to be when I grow up,
what kind of professional. When someone asks me "What do you want to be when you grow up?" I
would want to have a response and more content...
I want to learn new things that interest me. I want to be able to realize my goals. I have recently
discovered my love for reading. I hope to be able to learn strategies that will help make me a
better reader as well as a better writer. If I contribute to the core value of education, I know I will
succeed at that skill with the new strategies that I will learn. With HOME, I have an opportunity
to contribute to all of the values: Honor, Ownership, Mastery, and Education. This school will give
me different aspects of education. I have many goals in life, in high school and college, so being
able to be part of Lake View HOME, I will be contributing to the core
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High School Sports Essay
High School Sports In high school many kids often choose not to participate in extra curricular
activities saying that there pointless or that only a certain type of person would do something
like play football, or join the chess club. While this type of thinking may get some people through
school and through life, can it really be looked at as being a healthy lifestyle? Today sports have
proven to be a healthy outlet for students, in dealing with stress in the classroom at home and
among their peers. The "dumb jock" stereotype we've all heard it used before and for some of us
have even been called it. However in recent surveys across the United States has found that
student–athletes grades are generally higher more content...
As far as athletes on the field a great many lessons are often learned there and one of the biggest
lessons is sportsmanship. For any sports played teamwork is often times essential for winning. It
also allows for a person to become more confident in their own abilities allowing them to become
more proud and not ashamed of what they can or cannot do. It allows players to build bonds
among their teammates and while this maybe be one of the main creators of the "jocks hang out
with jocks" stereotype it is only because athletes feel a connection to someone that is going
through the same time of training and emotions that sports tend to create. Sportsmanship teaches a
person the value of working together in groups and allows the player to learn how to adjust to
situations that he or she may not agree with. The work ethic sportsmanship creates is also carried
off the field as well into the school and more importantly the working environment, because we all
know that in our lifetimes we are going to have to work with someone that we do not like or agree
with. And having the ability to be able to work through a problem which sportsmanship can do
allows for an easier job experience. Athletes also tend to be generally much more healthier than
non–athletes, do to the type of training and experiences they are put through for their respective
sports. Athletes
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High School Sample Essay

  • 1. My High School Year Essay There was a point in my time where I enjoyed school and took pleasure in attending school and that was elementary. Those were the best school years of my life, having nothing to care about, the school lunch was unbelievably amazing and we had recess. Middle school was manageable but was also beginning to become tough because the classes were becoming difficult. As we approach the beginning of our high school career, parents and teachers always tell us students that it's the best four years of our life, which in my case I did not find high school fascinating or enjoyable. I found high school to be very stressful, overwhelming and not easy, understanding that the next four years of my life will be filled with obstacles and challenges that I will face. I knew that I would have challenges with my courses, but I did not think I would have trouble with my emotions such as feeling depressed, sad, or that I would cry every other day, but to some teachers or parents thought it was normal for teenagers because we are going through different phases of our life. My freshman year was probably the best year of my high school year but I did face many challenges. I was immature, did not obey my teachers, always getting in some sort of trouble. I was carefree, fun, outgoing and had decent memories whether they were good memories or bad memories. Towards the middle of my freshman year I found out that I had Hyperthyroidism, and was quite confused and did not understand what it meant. As I Get more content on
  • 2. High School Legacy Essay Throughout my high school career I have tried to impact the lives of those around me while also learning from those around me as well. Over the four years I have attended my high school,I have grown into a person who is now more attentive of the different people, opinions, and cultures that surround me and this in turn has allowed me become more open–minded. This would be the legacy I hope that I leave behind. When I graduate from school and consequently leave my community, I hope that I have left a legacy of growth. That my experience can be an example of someone else because it is my firm belief that the greatest legacy one can leave behind can be a legacy others can learn from. My freshman year of high school I enrolled in a first level Get more content on
  • 3. My High School Experience Essay When people start high school they're usually so excited. They can't wait to experience everything that comes with being in high school, I mean who wouldn't? Everyone says that high school is the best four years of your life. Now that I'm months away from graduating, I can't say they were my best years but I can say they were my most educational years, of course I wouldn't say that they weren't fun because they were. When I say educational, I mean I've learned so much about myself and so much about life. I learned what the words family, love, betrayal, law and life meant. All these events changed me, and I'm glad they happened because I wouldn't have learned all these lessons. My personality hasn't changed; I'm still a carefree girl, more content... My freshmen and sophomore year, I had my first real boyfriend. I was completely and totally in love with this guy, he changed me in ways that I'm proud of and ways that I'm not proud of. I revolved my world around him, which wasn't a good idea. After almost two years of dating, we broke up and it literally shattered my world. During our relationship I became friends with his friends and I even considered one of them my best friends, so when we broke up I didn't only loose him, I lost all of them as well. It felt so awful to all of a sudden have everything, and then just lose everything in a day. A couple of weeks later, I found out that my best friend was actually dating my ex boyfriend. I couldn't believe that a person could betray someone like that, especially after everything that she and I went through together. I'm not proud of the events that happened after all of this, and I'm not proud of how I let them change me. The one thing that saved me was my family; they saved me in ways I can't even explain. They gave me hope and a new life for me that I am extremely grateful for. I've learned to be wiser when it comes to picking friends, and choosing who to put my trust in. I also became a stronger person, I don't let people walk all over me or I don't let people control my life anymore. The last event is the one that taught me the most about how hard life is, and how life isn't always fair. My junior year was spent in Tijuana, Get more content on
  • 4. My High School Career Essay Through out my high school career I never took my education seriously. For most of the four years it was a big blur. I'm not quite sure if it was because of me or if I found myself blaming my surroundings or teachers for my lack of focus and strive to learn. A failure can mean different things to everyone else. Maybe there's just different types or categories of failures. These failures are meant to teach us something, or motivate us to simply not make these mistakes again. I remember going into my freshman year of high school nervous but excited because I thought I'd learn so many new things. Next thing you know I found myself dreading school. Was I being lazy? Was it my lack of motivation? I still can't grasp why exactly I lost that excitement or that yearning to go to school. I was raised to have the idea that school was a place to learn not socialize. But at the age of 14, what teenagers don't want to socialize and that's what got a hold of me. I spent too much time worrying about other things that didn't involve my education. Once I became a junior in high school I had been too far in the process of skipping school, not paying attention, and putting all my focus on other things. I'm not saying I didn't learn things while or whenever I did go to because I learned a lot of things but not enough. I didn't reach my full potential. I think this was the year I made friends who weren't as great of influence. So, at this point my lack of focus on my education was because of Get more content on
  • 5. Second semester can be harsh sometimes. Stressing myself for so many things coming my way and I must find a method to try to get everything well and done. Being a student can be rough for me and as I reflect back to first semester I do realize that I got to keep my head up and improve all my weakness and retouch my strengths to make them stronger. I learned that I am a good student but putting more effort in where I need more effort will make me greater. My reading skills in my opinion are decent but of course I do have some weaknesses. I believe my weakness is not reading enough. In the beginning of the year I felt like I can read all day with no problem, then more things came up in my life and reading became so hard to do. If I more content... Out of all the things the I do in my ALC class I feel like reading is my weakness and I can do way better and prove that I can get higher scores in the reading area and in semester 2. In the English category I can say that I'm improving and that I consider it one of my strengths by looking through my papers and scores and that once I take the ACT my english portion of the test will be very high and good. When I looked at the scores I got I was impressed with my english abilities I thought it was a hard subject at first and to see growth in it makes me proud. When I took the Explore test my score started with a 13 which is a bit low but as I transitioned to high school it went up to 15. Sadly when I was in my sophomore year I went down but only by one so I don't believe it's accurate. Then what really wowed me was the fact that when we took the diagnostic ACT not long ago my last score of 14 went up to a 21! I felt like that was such big growth in the English Category. The one time I had a big weakness in grammar in first semester was when we took the final I got a D on the sentence patterns. I must confess I wasn't prepared and didn't study as much as I should of. Looking at my writing I don't like to brag but I believe I'm gifted when it comes to writing papers. On all my papers we did first semester I only got one C and the rest are A's that is including the Get more content on
  • 6. My Future Plans For High School In a few months, I will make a huge decision that will help determine my future. I have many plans for high school; such as what classes I will take and what clubs I will join. But first I Have to take the entrance exams I have been studying for the high school entrance exams since the beginning of summer. My mom bought me three big texts books that will help with the High School Placement Test, Independent School Entrance Exam, and Secondary School Admission Test. Recently I have started going to a tutor that specializes in preparing students for the exams. I am applying for schools. My first one is Charter School of Wilmington. It is my first choice because it is two minutes from my house, so I would ride my bike. Also, it specializes in science which is my favorite subject, they are attached to an art school, which I also like to do, they have a good tennis team, and it is free. Archmere is my second choice. I like it there because it has a large campus that has buildings that are spread out like a college. Tower Hill is my third choice because it is next to my neighborhood. Also Tower Hill doesn't specialize in a specific subject it is an all–around school with art, music, math, science, and many more subjects. Friends is my fourth choice. I don't know much about Friends but i've heard it's a good school and will prepare for college. Padua is my backup school in case I don't get accepted into any other school. I am interested in Padu because I have only heard Get more content on
  • 7. My Journey As A High School Student Essay At around this time four years back, I was just beginning my journey as a high school student. I had decided that I wanted to tryout for my schools ' dance team. I had previously danced with a studio by the name of Barton and Williams School of Dance, since the age of three, so I was excited to learn that I could be on a team at my school. I received all of the information that was necessary regarding the tryout dates, along with the paperwork that would be needed. We had to learn two combinations, as well as the actual tryout dance, within three days. On the day of the judging portion of the tryouts, everyone received a number. The judges would throw us into groups of three or four by randomly choosing our numbers. We needed to perform the two combinations individually and the actual routine as a group. Once all of the groups were done, we had to wait for a good two or three hours for the results. Everyone had been so nervous. Finally, the judges entered the room and posted the list of the numbers of the people who had made the cut onto the wall. I was so excited to see my number on the list and to be able to say that I had made it. In the very beginning of the season, my team attended the National Dance Alliance camp, or NDA camp. This camp consists of nothing but dance for four days and three nights. It is located in Maryland, at Towson University, so we had to rent a bus in order to get there. About a month before camp, the team hired a guest choreographer to teach Get more content on
  • 8. High School Diploma Essay I plan on Graduating, and obtaining my high school diploma On June 2018, I plan on accomplishing my goals by by attending college. After High School I wish to attend Cal State San Bernardino or Cal State San Marcos and enter into their Athletics Program. To get accepted to these colleges I will maintain my grades and do whatever it takes to get into these colleges. Throughout my journey in High School I have taken numerous honors and Ap classes. I have also been in Extra–Curricular activities such as Cross–Country, Soccer and Track and Field. I have also been in the Performing Arts Department all throughout high school and have performed in numerous concerts for Choir. This October I will be taking the SAT so I have a better chance at more content... I plan on becoming an Athletic Trainer and majoring in classes such as Exercise Physiology and Nutrition. In order to Accomplish this goal I will work my way up by applying for financial aid, working a part–time Job, and seeking other resources that can help me accomplish my dream such as this one. First I would received my Bachelor's degree and then aim for the higher goal which is to receive my Masters degree and become a certified trainer. After finishing my work incollege I plan on looking for a job at other colleges, Universities or working with professional athletes with Professional teams. As a small child I always dreamed of attending college because I wanted to help my family live a better life financially. I had a really rough childhood because we struggled to make ends meet living under one provider. I have three brothers and two sisters; so we all add up to 8 including my parents and I. However, my parents did everything they could to make us happy and have a childhood no matter what our situation was. Attending college is my main Goal in life because my Mother was not able to receive her high school diploma and my father received his High School Diploma but, did not end up finishing college. Both of my parents have had a Huge impact on my life because they gave me advice; for example"Study so you won't have to go through what we have to go through everyday" or Get more content on
  • 9. My First Week Of High School Essays First week of high school Fun, scaring, exciting are the feelings of my first week of school. This is a brand new experience of my life having to leave my friends and teachers in middle school behind. New school, new friends and new teachers are all part of this new school year. This one is different though, it's the first week of high school. Most freshmen like me that enter the school are scared. I think the first week of the school is the easiest since there would not be a lot of homework and what you need to do is to listen to what you need for the class and know other people well in the class. But I am wrong, as soon as you get seated on your assigned seat, new teachers start to introduce themselves and start giving more content... I think the pronunciation of Spanish is different from English and I have difficulties of speaking Spanish properly. I also have an AVID (Advancement via Individual Determination) class for my elective, AVID is acollege–readiness system designed to increase the number of students who enroll in four–year colleges. The AVID system is a district wide and school wide approach featuring: a college–preparatory elective course, rigorous curriculum, trained college tutors, and a site team composed of the AVID Coordinator, subject –area teachers, parents, and tutors. WICR – or writing, inquiry, collaboration, and reading – forms the basis of the AVID curriculum. It gives students the skills they need to succeed in college–preparatory classes, like Advanced Placement. I have Algebra 2 for my math class. Algebra is the branch of mathematics concerning the study of the of operations and the things which can be constructed from them including terms, polynomials, equations and structures. Algebra 2 is an extension of Algebra and Geometry and talks about deriving formulas from another. WE didn't do anything in our P.E. class in the first week, since we did not have our P.E. clothes so we had free time. In my biology class, I learned how to define life. An organism must have 7 properties of life to be alive, including cellular organization, reproduction, metabolism, homeostasis, heredity, responsiveness and growth and Get more content on
  • 10. When Has High School Taught Me Essay In school, I learned many ways the world has been changing, the people and the environment. Something that I like about the schools I went to, gives the students a good environment to work and learn in. The teachers gave all the students a chance to learn what they had to teach us. School has given me the education to get me where I am now, high school. My schools have given helped teach me a life lesson on how the world can give me a hard time or go on smoothly, but most importantly, school has taught me to follow my dreams and never give up on what I think is right. As school has given me a good place to study in, I like the places that are clean and safe rather than messy and unsafe. Even if my middle school was a bit treacherous, I tried my best to ignore it all and work hard by thinking about how I wanted to end up, to live in the same house with my parents for the rest of my life, or to more content... After each year of school, my teachers got better at teaching. I think it was because that they were given the talent to know what each student understands and what the students don't understand. Over the years of going to school, I hear students saying,"I want to have a "fun" teacher for this period." The thing about most "fun" teachers is that they don't really teach a lot and they concentrate on having fun with the students although I know that not all "fun" teachers are bad at teaching. I would much rather have a smart teacher who has experience on actually teaching the kids because school isn't a time to have fun, it's a time to learn what you don't know and understanding what you already know even better. I know that the teachers give every kid to learn, but it is the student's decision if they want to go to school for the actual purpose of going to school, or go to school just to mess around with Get more content on
  • 11. High School Graduation Essay Graduation Through out life people go through so many hardships. Whether it be good or bad there is always something that comes out of the situation. One of the most exciting but yet scariest events would be graduation. For a lot of people, graduating from high school is a goal. It takes a lot of time and effort to achieve that goal. In the long run, it opens a lot of opportunities for people to succeed. Graduation is the end of high school, and the beginning to life. I can almost remember that day like it was yesterday, I awoke like on any other school day. It was a gorgeous May morning, therays of sun flittered through my miniblinds blinding me as if I hadn't seen light in days. I sluggishly dragged my limp body out more content... Once I was finished, I gathered up my cap and gown and my car keys and headed out the door. All the graduates had to meet in the high school library an hour before the ceremonies started, and I promised one of my best friends Tony that we would go together. I knocked on his back door and let myself in like I always do. All of his family members were running throughout the house trying to get ready. I asked his mom where Tony was and she proceeded to tell me that he was in the bathroom getting ready. I tapped on the door and walked in. He was standing in front of the mirror with his cap and gown on. He look me straight in the eyes and said," Can you believe that we are about to graduate?" I replied," No, it really hasn't set in yet." Tony finished getting ready, and then we left for the high school. The parking lot was filled with all the other seniors' cars. Tony and I walked into the library ten minutes late like usual, and the principal had already started giving instructions. I found my place in line and then was all ears. I couldn't help but look around at all the others. Smiles were plastered on their faces as if they had heard a hilarious joke. Once the principal concluded his speech, the whole senior class paraded down the hallway to the commons in two uniform lines stopping just outside the gymnasium doors. We could hear the band warming up and playing songs. All the people that were standing around me were bubbling Get more content on
  • 12. Sample Of Admission Essay For High School My whole life I have been invested in doing what I love, focusing on my true passions, as well as finding new ones. I have been very involved in my high school, and have been lucky enough to be a part of multiple clubs and activities. Without these activities, my high school experience and life would be a lot different. I have been an active drama club member, a part of 'Bottlecappers,' a club advocating anti–drug, alcohol, and bullying to younger students in my district, and many other community service opportunities. I am lucky to have the opportunity to be in these activities, as they have shaped me to be the young adult I am today. Before I even entered high school, I obtained a love of theater and the performing arts. I have been singing and acting since I was nine, as well as on and off dancing since three. Taking classes at a local theater really introduced me to this interest of mine. When I entered high school, an injury kept me from doing shows. But now I graduate with nine high school shows under my belt, as well as being in multiple community theater productions. Being a part of these shows made me feel a strong sense of belonging, and whether I was an ensemble or more content... As I had mentioned earlier, I am part of an anti–drugs and alcohol club. I am extended the opportunity to speak to young students about the risks they could encounter. The feeling that those students may look up to us is very meaningful, and I feel it is a unique experience. I am lucky to have the chance to save a student's life through this club. Another community activity I enjoy doing is related to performing, but at senior citizen homes. Some of my friends and I often just like to get together with some music and go sing for them. This is a rewarding experience, as seeing the senior citizens smile, and making their day better, is truly a heartwarming experience every time I have the chance to perform for Get more content on
  • 13. Essay on How I Changed in High School Everyone has heard or been told, "high school is what you make of it." High school is in fact what you make of it, but it is also the time of great change in everybody. Entering grade nine you still feel like a kid, your post–secondary and career choices are far from top priority. However, by grade twelve we become more mature and grow into young adults. Personally looking back to my grade nine self and comparing her to my grade twelve self of today, I am able to see changes in my character, my athletics and my goals. There are many aspects within my personal character in which have changed since entering grade nine. One of these aspects is my time management skills. When I first started out in grade nine, I used to rush home and more content... Over four years, I have made, as well as, lost friends. We all need to grow and mature and sometimes others just do not want to follow that path with you and you end up growing apart. Further changes can be seen in my athletics. Although this may seem a mute point to mention, my sports are part of my life and today are part of my career choice. Therefore, my sports have obviously impacted me. In grade nine, I was curling seven days a week on multiple teams and different leagues. I joined the school team and ended the season winning Female MVP. In grade nine I was aiming towards going to Provincials for curling while in grade twelve I now aim towards placing higher than bronze in the 2010 Summer Games for archery. I do not have much time for school sports with my archery outside of school taking off and I rarely get time to go shoot some rocks. Archery is my main focus in sports right now. Along with my goals in sports changing, my goals in post–secondary matters as well as career choices have changed. Today I am looking at applying to either Canadore College or Brock University, where four years ago all I knew was that I wanted to attend college and move out. Now I realize staying home would save me a lot of money. As well, I am more open to looking at both university and college courses, like Brock, as their program I wish to take is said to be excellent. In grade nine I was jobless and did not truly Get more content on
  • 14. Descriptive Essay About High School Panic, anxiety, lost, confused, this is what I felt as I arrived on campus. I am sixteen, a junior in high school, and this was my first day attending a college course. My expectations of what the campus, teachers, and people were like, was nothing compared to what I ended up experiencing. On Tuesday, August 24th, I began the next step towards my future. I arrived at 12:20pm, my first class was Introduction to Psychology with Professor Sample at 12:45pm. My palms were sweating, my stomach was turning, my mind was racing. This is really happening, I kept thinking to myself. Luckily, I had two common faces to embark on this journey with me. My best friend since middle school, blonde, taller, Noelle Stevens. Along with an individual I have come to know and be close with over the past year, Ocean Klein. As we were pulling into the parking lot, I noticed many differences between Central Ohio Technical College (COTC) and Licking ValleyHigh School, almost instantly. My eyes were pealed to the huge and colorful building. They were nothing like my simple high school building I attend. The very next item that drew my attention was, the way individuals were dressed. Girls looked comfortable in the heat. At licking valley high school, the dress code is very restrictive. Bottoms can be no shorter than four inches above the knee, shirts must cover shoulders and bra straps, and there are to be no holes showing skin in tops and above the knee of bottoms. On the other hand, at Central Ohio Get more content on
  • 15. Life after high school Essay Life After High School I've just entered my senior year of high school. I know that this is a very important year. I have a lot of decisions to make and not much time to make them. These decisions will either make or break my life, and I want to make sure that I make them to the best of my ability because there is no turning back. I need to make sure I definitely want to attend college. The decision is totally up to me. There are many positives and negatives of attending college. Go over them, and then decide. I know myself better then anyone else, and I won't let anyone else tell me what to do. I will make sure if I am going to attend college that I have something in mind that I will want to do, to succeed in. Choosing a major can be more content... I knew I wanted to do this because I was very interested in sports my whole life. It wasn't an easy decision in choosing a school, but I think I made the best choice based on my major right now. In a short essay "College? What's in It for me?" by Steven M. Richardson, the author makes some very good points about college. Richardson states that there are a lot of reasons to not attend college, but furthermore states that attending college is your best bet at succeeding in life. Richardson states "The biggest reason for not going, probably, is that college costs money" (169). On the other hand, he states, "The decision to attend college is an investment in your future–a risk, certainly, but one with a big payoff if it's the right decision for you" (171). These are the things I had to think about along with millions of high school–students before making my decision on what I wanted to do with my life. Choosing a college is only the first part of the decision making process. What I want to do for the rest of your life is the question that the majority of high school students will ponder. As Richardson states, choosing a college as well as choosing a major is definitely an investment. The way you handle that investment is up to you. If you handle it correctly your investment will pay off immensely in the end (171). This is why I chose Athletic Training as my major. Get more content on
  • 16. Personal Essay: My Goals After High School My goals for after high school, is to got to Greenville Tech. I have different ideas of what I want to do for my career. I have a lot of plans after high school career–wise. My goal for sure, is to finish college, but there is so much to study, I am not quite sure what I want to do. I will be going to BONDS next year, and get my degree for esthetics. I plan to do esthetics on the side after high school, and continue my job where I work now, at Culver's of Greer. I love this job and until I know for sure what I will be doing, I plan to still work there. My parents didn't go to college, but I want to prove to them that I can be responsible and follow through with a large achievement. I would love to be an author, and I plan to take that at Greenville Tech and afterwards, got to a four–year college, such as, North Greenville University. Unless, my career with esthetics pays off. I also thought about being a lawyer. I want to make enough money to be able to gain custody of my younger brother, more content... My life after high school is going to require a lot of responsibility and patience, but I know that it will be worth it to my education, and I can show my brothers and family, that if you want it bad enough, you will do everything you can to achieve Get more content on
  • 17. High School Admission Essay Sample At my fifth birthday party my mother had a Mad Scientist come to entertain the kids at my party. The mad scientist performed many fun experiments with dry ice, and my interest in science was born that day. As a five year old, I begged my mother to enroll me in a summer science class, since science fascinated me. Even though I was actually the only female in that summer class of 25 students it did not deter me from enrolling in science classes every summer since then. Throughout my childhood, my interest in science also intertwined with my interest in the arts. In middle school, I volunteered at the after school art program daily, helping other kids with art assignments. At my eighth grade graduation, I received both the art awards my middle school offered, for dedication to after school art programs. Did I mention that I was also a competitive dancer for about seven years, proficient in ballet, jazz, tap and Indian classical dance. This is when I began more content... My mother always told the puzzling story of how the cardiac catheterization performed on him before he passed away did not reveal any blockages or heart problems, and yet he passed away once he was put on the heart lung machine as a precaution after the procedure. During the many meetings my mother had with the hospital officials and doctors to figure out his cause of death, the probable cause of death was attributed to the drug "Rezulin", the diabetes medication he was prescribed. That incident, the unexpected shock, the trauma, and the aftermath of figuring out the cause of his death, developed my interest in medicine and inspired me to study medical sciences. Even though both my parents are engineers, once they became aware of my interest in the medical sciences, they encouraged me to follow my developing Get more content on
  • 18. Essay on My Senior Year of High School Having spent twelve years of my school life in just one small red brick building, the years tend to fade into each other. But the year I remember most clearly and significantly is my senior year of high school, where I finally began to appreciate what this institution offered to any student who stopped to look. Before, school had been a chore, many times I simply did not feel motivated toward a subject enough to do the homework well, and seeing the same familiar faces around ever since I was 5 years old grew very tiring soon enough. But I began to see things from a different angle once I became a senior. First of all, there are roughly only 800 students in my entire school, from kindergarten up to upperclassmen and women, and more content... Teachers came in a variety. Some were genuinely interested in what they were teaching us, and some seemed even more bored than the students themselves. But for the most part, all the teachers cared about each student as an individual, and would always greet you in the hall or ask how you were doing. As I entered 12th grade, I began to notice a change in my classes– most of the time, there was more emphasis on participating in discussions than just completing homework exactly to the mark. For instance, my AP English class solely focused on debates over what we were reading, to the extent where everyone, both students and teacher, had a particular view to express. My school's philosophy on teaching was to turn out well–rounded individuals who did their work, and everyone was treated equally. The only exceptions were that since my school was very focused on athletics, kids who played a lot of sports seemed to be the most popular with teachers, while the abilities of drama students and musicians seemed almost entirely overlooked. Also, because of the small size of the school, once you gained a reputation it really stuck to you, so there was definitely a difference between how the "slackers" and the "responsible" ones were treated by teachers. In 12th grade, everything seemed to come together for the departing seniors, and I noticed a change come over us. For once, Get more content on
  • 19. Why I Want To Go To High School Essay I have been thinking about high school since was young. I thought it was so far away and now I am ready to graduate middle school and go to high school. This got me thinking about college. I realize that I need to find a high school that will help me succeed and reach my goal of going to college. I need a program that will help me find new things that will interest me. As an 8th grader getting ready to go into high school I was looking at applications and, I came across Lake View High School and I was intrigued. As I read on I was satisfied with what I read because I know that this program will help me succeed in high school and college. Knowing that, I really want to be a part of this school. Lake View is a HOME, which represents the four core values of: Honor, Ownership, Mastery, and Education. At Lake View I will be contributing to these core values, but the one that I will be concentrating on is Education. Education is something that I need before anything, before college, before high school. Education has me thinking about what I want to be when I grow up, what kind of professional. When someone asks me "What do you want to be when you grow up?" I would want to have a response and more content... I want to learn new things that interest me. I want to be able to realize my goals. I have recently discovered my love for reading. I hope to be able to learn strategies that will help make me a better reader as well as a better writer. If I contribute to the core value of education, I know I will succeed at that skill with the new strategies that I will learn. With HOME, I have an opportunity to contribute to all of the values: Honor, Ownership, Mastery, and Education. This school will give me different aspects of education. I have many goals in life, in high school and college, so being able to be part of Lake View HOME, I will be contributing to the core Get more content on
  • 20. High School Sports Essay High School Sports In high school many kids often choose not to participate in extra curricular activities saying that there pointless or that only a certain type of person would do something like play football, or join the chess club. While this type of thinking may get some people through school and through life, can it really be looked at as being a healthy lifestyle? Today sports have proven to be a healthy outlet for students, in dealing with stress in the classroom at home and among their peers. The "dumb jock" stereotype we've all heard it used before and for some of us have even been called it. However in recent surveys across the United States has found that student–athletes grades are generally higher more content... As far as athletes on the field a great many lessons are often learned there and one of the biggest lessons is sportsmanship. For any sports played teamwork is often times essential for winning. It also allows for a person to become more confident in their own abilities allowing them to become more proud and not ashamed of what they can or cannot do. It allows players to build bonds among their teammates and while this maybe be one of the main creators of the "jocks hang out with jocks" stereotype it is only because athletes feel a connection to someone that is going through the same time of training and emotions that sports tend to create. Sportsmanship teaches a person the value of working together in groups and allows the player to learn how to adjust to situations that he or she may not agree with. The work ethic sportsmanship creates is also carried off the field as well into the school and more importantly the working environment, because we all know that in our lifetimes we are going to have to work with someone that we do not like or agree with. And having the ability to be able to work through a problem which sportsmanship can do allows for an easier job experience. Athletes also tend to be generally much more healthier than non–athletes, do to the type of training and experiences they are put through for their respective sports. Athletes Get more content on