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Health Promotion Plan Essay
Often in practice, we as nurses deal with a variety of diseases and treatments and often have to react
to the illness that the patient presents with upon our interaction. While this is an essential piece of
our practice, we also have a duty to our patients to be proactive in preventing specific health–related
consequences based on their risk factors and to promote their health and well being. Health
promotion as it relates to nursing is about us empowering our patients to increase their control over
their lives and well beings and includes: focusing on their health not just illness, empowering our
patients, recognizing that health involves many dimensions and is also effected by factors outside of
their control (Whitehead et al. 2008) more content...
The main concern that JB as well as this author identified as needing to be addressed to ensure
JB's health and well being for her and her children was the prevention of diabetes mellitus. JB's
genogram revealed that she had numerous family members on her mother's side that suffered
from the consequences of developing type 2 diabetes mellitus. Her maternal grandmother and
four out of five of her grandmother's children, including JB's mother, acquired type 2 diabetes
mellitus. JB was terrified during the interview because she also had a history of gestation
diabetes with her last son and was not eating as nutritionous as she wanted to and did not exercise
regularly despite having available resources. This author can understand her fear for developing
diabetes as the literature indicates that it is the sixth leading cause of death and is cited as a
global epidemic (Castro et al. 2008). The author also understand her risk for developing type 2
diabetes, like many of her maternal relatives, because it is closely linked to obesity and sedentary
lifestyle which are factors the patient has at this time (Shulze & Hu 2005). This author will not just
solely focus on her risk factors but on promoting her prevention of diabetes and well being in the
future through the development of a
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Health Promotion Goals
Health Promotion Goals
The focus of Health promotion is to attain impartiality in health. Health promotion action goal is to
reduce variances in current health status and to safeguard equal opportunities and resources. This
possibly allows all people to attain their full health. Therefore, it consists of a safe foundation in a
supportive environment to gain information and life skills as well as opportunities to make healthy
selections. As a result, the possibility of fullest health cannot be achieved by people, they are able to
take control of those things which can regulate their health. This must apply similarly to both women
and men.
Primary prevention
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander patients adapting the risk factors with changes are vital to
protective health approach. However, Aboriginal and Torres strait Islanders are probably smoke
more and to have hypertension, obesity, hyperlipidaemia, diabetes and renal disease than other
A complete risk assessment is essential to prevent cardiovascular disease. In order, to simplify the
approximation of risk, changes have been made to complete risk assessment tools in Aboriginal and
Torres Strait Islander people. They are from thirty–five years of age who are not known to be at
elevated risk more content...
Routine screening such as dipstick testing for proteinuria and fasting blood glucose for
fifteen–eighteen years old is required. This is due to high occurrence of diabetes and renal disease
and the effect of these diseases on cardiovascular disease risk. To identify and cure atrial fibrillation,
screening should also contain assessment of pulse and a follow–up with abnormalities. Therefore,
screening offers an excellent chance to encourage a healthy diet, physical activity and smoking
prevention as well as control over drinking alcohol and weight
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Essay on Health Promotion
"Health is defined as a state of physical, mental and social well being and not merely the absence
of disease or infirmity" (WHO). Like wise health promotion is the process of increasing the
functional capacity of all people hence promote the sense of well–being. In order to accomplish this
goal all health care professionals have to work hard by submitting themselves to their patients and
community as a whole. Thus globalize health promotion should be the ultimate mission for all health
care team, especially for nurses. Nurses are the first level health care team therefore nurses should
play as a role model to all human beings. They should hold various positions in order to achieve
optimum results. In this evolving health more content...
The impacts of health promotion are healthy population and healthy environments. People need to
commit themselves in strengthening their learning skills and to change their necessary life styles in
order to improve their health.
The Purpose of Health Promotion in Nursing Practice: Health promotion is utmost important to
optimize and or to ensure a globalize good quality health. It is a multifactor approach and moreover
the health care costs can be reduced to a great extent. Thus today's bad economic condition can be
changed greatly. This enables every individual to function effectively and appropriately. It is
necessary to explore concepts of health by interactions between physical, social, psychological and
spiritual aspects of life.(Edelman 2010). To prevent further progression of diseases and various
opportunistic infections nurses should implement multiple health education strategies and teaching
styles. While assessing the patients and their families, present health status, their education,
economy, supportive systems, learning skills and its strategies all have to be taken in to
consideration. Furthermore implementing primary, secondary and tertiary preventive measures to
promote health of all populations in every country thus globalize health promotion is achievable. By
considering various aspects of health promotion, evaluating the effectiveness of assessments
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Health Promotion
Levels of Health Promotion
Health promotion is essential in keeping society and individuals healthy. Health promotion
empowers communities and individuals for healthy living through education. The primary goal of
health promotion is prevention. Nurses are key in health promotion and will be seen in diverse
settings as health promotion evolves the nursing profession. There are three levels to health
promotion that are utilized to optimize health.
Definition of Health Promotion
The World Organization (WHO) defines health promotion as "the process of enabling people to
increase control over the health and its detriments, and thereby improve their health". Health
promotion is an efficient way to preserve health and wellness. more content...
The focus of the primary level is to have the client avoid or reduce high risk behaviors. The article
by Prokhorov et al. (2010) demonstrates primary promotion. The team utilized an interactive
computer program to reach high school students for smoking prevention. Cigarette smoking is the
foremost avert reason for morbidity, mortality as well as decrease in life expectancy.
Secondary Prevention
Secondary promotion relates to early diagnosis. The client is partaking in risky behavior and the
goal is to have early screening to reduce or halt the progression of the disease. Chou, Cottrell,
Wasson, Raham, Guise, (2013) demonstrate secondary promotion as they reviewed the screening
process for hepatitis C virus. Early identification could lead to improved clinical outcomes and
reduce the possibility of transmission.
Tertiary Promotion
Tertiary promotion focuses on helping the client manage the disease, avoid further physical
deterioration and to have the best quality of life possible. Lo Re, Teal, Localio, Amorosa, Kaplan,
Gross, (2011) examine adherence to treatment for hepatitis C virus and virolgic outcomes. When
clients adhere to the treatment for hepatitis the clients have a better chance of stopping the
progression of disease. Treatment for hepatitis C virus can be complex and suboptimal adherence can
reduce the response of the treatment.
Health promotion is key to prevention and progression of diseases and
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Essay on Health Promotion
Health promotion and teaching are important tools for nursing. By promoting health and health
teaching, nurses can help lay the foundation for a healthier future.
Major Concepts and Definitions
BeliefВ–a statement of sense, declared or implied, that is intellectually and/or emotionally accepted
as true by a person or group.
AttitudeВ–a relatively constant feeling, predisposition, or a set of beliefs that is directed toward an
object, a person, or a situation.
ValueВ–a preference that is shared and transmitted within a community.
Behavioral diagnosisВ–the delineation of the specific health actions that are most likely to effect a
health outcome.
Health Belief ModelВ–a paradigm used to predict and explain health more content...
The goal of nursing is to educate man to help reduce the susceptibility or severity of any illness or
disease resulting from interaction from the environment. This encompasses disease prevention and
aiding in restoration of health. It is the nurse's responsibility to assist each client to perceive
themselves at their optimal level of functioning. Since behavior is regulated by its consequences (but
only as those consequences are interpreted and understood by man) (Edleman & Mandle, 1998), it is
nursing's practice to assist man by working with beliefs, attitudes, values and environment to help
achieve positive outcomes and efficacy expectation. Nursing is also responsible to assist man to
realize outcome expectations. Health Health is man perceiving oneself at his or her optimal level of
functioning. Health can be achieved even in a diseased state by assisting clients to achieve the
highest perceived state of health as possible. Health is a direct result of environmental factors and
health teaching and promotion. It is important to incorporate the teaching process and recognize the
different domains of learning in order to achieve the most effective, positive behavioral changes.
Since man is in constant interaction with his environment, and each client has different beliefs,
cultures and values, health promotion and teaching are important for man to achieve his or her
optimal level of functioning. This is
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Health Promotion
Throughout this assignment the author will demonstrate knowledge of health promotion and its link
in addressing health needs. The role of the nurse in delivering health promotion at primary,
secondary and tertiary levels will be discussed and how national policy influences that delivery on
the chosen topic of smoking. Barriers to health promotion will also be discussed and how these
barriers could be overcome.
To define health promotion, health should first be defined. There are many definitions of health, one
of which is the Western Medical Model, which describes health as in the "absence of disease and
illness" (Seedhouse, 2004, p1). Irvine, (2010, p2) describes it as "a challenging concept to define as
it means different more content...
It is important for nurses to assess at which stage a patient is within this process as they may well
not be ready for smoking cessation advice but health promotion can still be delivered in the form of
motivating the patient to see the benefits to change (Murphy & Bennett, 2002, p43). Part of
the nurse training programme is dedicated to educating student nurses on the importance of
delivering health promotion but Pender, Murdaugh and Parsons (2002, p3) explain that there still
remains a lack of knowledge in this area. They maintain that up to date theories on health
promotion, which is evidence based, is not being delivered by nurses at primary, secondary and
tertiary levels and advocate more emphasis should be placed on this part of health care. Warne
& McAndrew (2010, p47) concur that, although health promotion theory is included within the
training, nurses are viewing health promotion as just behaviour change and lifestyle choices and
offering health education whereas, the wider view of supporting, empowering and non judgmental
health promotion needs to be adopted. Tod (2003 p56) explains that, as nurses are the largest body
of health care professionals, they are the best placed to assess, deliver and follow up with smoking
cessation. The Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) state in their Standards of Conduct that the
role of the nurse is "to work
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Health Promotion
Running head: Health Promotion
Health Promotion
Sandra Hendrickson
Grand Canyon University
Professional Dynamics
NRS 429V
Nichelle Bogan
October 11, 2009
Competencies of ASN Versus BSN
Health Promotion is defined in the in the American Journal of Health Promotion (AJHP) as the art
and science that helps people discover their core passions and optimal health. Supporting them in
their lifestyle changes that move them toward a state of optimal health. The optimal health being the
balance of physical, emotional, social, spiritual, and intellectual health.
(AJHP Sept/Oct 2009)
Purpose:The purpose of health promotion in nursing is increase the knowledge of not
only our patients but of the more content...
When breast cancer is detected and early treatment is impletemented, the survival rate greatly
increases. Tertiary Tertiary care is the care of the patient once the disease is established. In the
Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) there is the standard of treatments such as Lasix, Morphine, and
Digoxin. Closely monitoring intake and output and daily weights for effectiveness of treatment. The
Pacing & Clinical Electrophysiology article "Development of Implantable Devices for
Continuous Ambulatory Monitoring of Central Hemodynamic Values in Heart Failure Patients."
Long–term management of the CHF patient is an increasing burden on hospitals. The suggestion
was made that an implantable hemodynamic sensors may allow for hemodynamic changes in CHF
patients and be used in the deciding in the best treatment modalities. There are risk factors
associated, such as infection and cost. The results were inclusive and will be studied more. Don't be
surprised to see more on the Implantable Hemodynamic Monitoring (IHM) Device in the future for a
more focused assessment of the CHF patient.
In a world, where we have gone from the focus of prevention of disease and infections, to a world
where the focus is on health promotion. We have come such a long way, but we still have a long
way to go. There is so much cultural diversity, that it is hard to meet all the needs. Thank goodness
for the laws that are made to
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Essay on Health Promotion
The aim of this case based study, is to Promote Health and behaviour changes within the work
place, in order to sustain a healthier life style. This essay seeks to illustrate the impact of smoking
on a patient that has CHD, (Coronary Heart Disease) and explore the psychological approach to
altering the patients perceptions of health promotion, and interventions that are used to facilitate a
better quality of health. The author will also examine public health legislation on current health and
social care provisions, and evaluate the role of models of health within diverse promotions in
practice. There are numerous definitions of the word health, and health promotion, which can be
defined by the (WHO) world health organisation (1984) more content...
There are also general socio–economic, cultural, and environmental conditions to be considered
when taking a holistic approach to health promotion, since having only
met this patient, it would be incorrect to fit him into a one patient fits all category, not being aware
of his personal, social, and physical environment to which he lives within. This would be defined as
making a professional judgement and a normative need, which could differ from those of the
patient's perception of needs. This essay will revolve around Mr H, A 68– year– old retired
gentleman, who presented on the unit with shortness of breath from this general practitioner for
further tests. He was clearly struggling to breathe and maintain his oxygen levels within his
body. On admission and taking his history, it was obvious that Mr H was clearly overweight at 112
kg, and further more was a smoker of approximately 40 cigarettes a day, for the past 40 yrs and was
a regular drinker of 5 pints of alcohol a night, what's more he also suffered from CHD, so had to
give up
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Health Promotion
Health Promotion
Health promotion is defined as the provision of information and/or education to individuals, families
and communities that encourage family unity, community commitment, and traditional spiritually
that makes positive contributions to their health status (Definition of wellness.Com). It is our job as
providers to promote health by any means necessary to improve community wellness.
The purpose of health promotion in nursing practice is to deliver health information to individuals
and the community. The goal is to enlighten the community of all available services to prevent
illness. Many people, families, and/or the community are not aware of all the benefits/information
available to them. Health promotion more content...
Health promotion consists of three levels, primary, secondary and tertiary. Although all are levels of
health promotion they differ depending on the extent of illness. The first level is the primary level.
This level involves people who are still healthy. At this level the susceptibility of contacting disease
is reduced through nutritional encouragement, hydration, exercise, and immunizations. Primary level
is designed to keep the healthy free from disease.
The next level is the secondary level, where the healthy are not so healthy and requires a little more
aggressive measures. This level includes people from early stages of disease to seriously ill. People
at this level may need medication intervention and even minor surgical interventions to return to or
maintain a healthy state. This level may require the nurse to provide a more aggressive approach
with education and health promotion.
The last level is the tertiary. When a person reaches this level they are considered critical. There is
a major cause of concern due to the person's poor health. Whether their illness is chronic or
transmissible the concern remains the same. These people may have a lack of education of their
disease. The infected person needs to know if their disease is contagious and what are the steps
needed to prevent transmission of the disease. If the illness is chronic the person needs education on
maintaining a quality of life with this chronic illness. The goals
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Health Promotion Essays

  • 1. Health Promotion Plan Essay Often in practice, we as nurses deal with a variety of diseases and treatments and often have to react to the illness that the patient presents with upon our interaction. While this is an essential piece of our practice, we also have a duty to our patients to be proactive in preventing specific health–related consequences based on their risk factors and to promote their health and well being. Health promotion as it relates to nursing is about us empowering our patients to increase their control over their lives and well beings and includes: focusing on their health not just illness, empowering our patients, recognizing that health involves many dimensions and is also effected by factors outside of their control (Whitehead et al. 2008) more content... The main concern that JB as well as this author identified as needing to be addressed to ensure JB's health and well being for her and her children was the prevention of diabetes mellitus. JB's genogram revealed that she had numerous family members on her mother's side that suffered from the consequences of developing type 2 diabetes mellitus. Her maternal grandmother and four out of five of her grandmother's children, including JB's mother, acquired type 2 diabetes mellitus. JB was terrified during the interview because she also had a history of gestation diabetes with her last son and was not eating as nutritionous as she wanted to and did not exercise regularly despite having available resources. This author can understand her fear for developing diabetes as the literature indicates that it is the sixth leading cause of death and is cited as a global epidemic (Castro et al. 2008). The author also understand her risk for developing type 2 diabetes, like many of her maternal relatives, because it is closely linked to obesity and sedentary lifestyle which are factors the patient has at this time (Shulze & Hu 2005). This author will not just solely focus on her risk factors but on promoting her prevention of diabetes and well being in the future through the development of a Get more content on
  • 2. Health Promotion Goals Health Promotion Goals The focus of Health promotion is to attain impartiality in health. Health promotion action goal is to reduce variances in current health status and to safeguard equal opportunities and resources. This possibly allows all people to attain their full health. Therefore, it consists of a safe foundation in a supportive environment to gain information and life skills as well as opportunities to make healthy selections. As a result, the possibility of fullest health cannot be achieved by people, they are able to take control of those things which can regulate their health. This must apply similarly to both women and men. Primary prevention Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander patients adapting the risk factors with changes are vital to protective health approach. However, Aboriginal and Torres strait Islanders are probably smoke more and to have hypertension, obesity, hyperlipidaemia, diabetes and renal disease than other Australians. A complete risk assessment is essential to prevent cardiovascular disease. In order, to simplify the approximation of risk, changes have been made to complete risk assessment tools in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. They are from thirty–five years of age who are not known to be at elevated risk more content... Routine screening such as dipstick testing for proteinuria and fasting blood glucose for fifteen–eighteen years old is required. This is due to high occurrence of diabetes and renal disease and the effect of these diseases on cardiovascular disease risk. To identify and cure atrial fibrillation, screening should also contain assessment of pulse and a follow–up with abnormalities. Therefore, screening offers an excellent chance to encourage a healthy diet, physical activity and smoking prevention as well as control over drinking alcohol and weight Get more content on
  • 3. Essay on Health Promotion "Health is defined as a state of physical, mental and social well being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity" (WHO). Like wise health promotion is the process of increasing the functional capacity of all people hence promote the sense of well–being. In order to accomplish this goal all health care professionals have to work hard by submitting themselves to their patients and community as a whole. Thus globalize health promotion should be the ultimate mission for all health care team, especially for nurses. Nurses are the first level health care team therefore nurses should play as a role model to all human beings. They should hold various positions in order to achieve optimum results. In this evolving health more content... The impacts of health promotion are healthy population and healthy environments. People need to commit themselves in strengthening their learning skills and to change their necessary life styles in order to improve their health. The Purpose of Health Promotion in Nursing Practice: Health promotion is utmost important to optimize and or to ensure a globalize good quality health. It is a multifactor approach and moreover the health care costs can be reduced to a great extent. Thus today's bad economic condition can be changed greatly. This enables every individual to function effectively and appropriately. It is necessary to explore concepts of health by interactions between physical, social, psychological and spiritual aspects of life.(Edelman 2010). To prevent further progression of diseases and various opportunistic infections nurses should implement multiple health education strategies and teaching styles. While assessing the patients and their families, present health status, their education, economy, supportive systems, learning skills and its strategies all have to be taken in to consideration. Furthermore implementing primary, secondary and tertiary preventive measures to promote health of all populations in every country thus globalize health promotion is achievable. By considering various aspects of health promotion, evaluating the effectiveness of assessments Get more content on
  • 4. Health Promotion Levels of Health Promotion Health promotion is essential in keeping society and individuals healthy. Health promotion empowers communities and individuals for healthy living through education. The primary goal of health promotion is prevention. Nurses are key in health promotion and will be seen in diverse settings as health promotion evolves the nursing profession. There are three levels to health promotion that are utilized to optimize health. Definition of Health Promotion The World Organization (WHO) defines health promotion as "the process of enabling people to increase control over the health and its detriments, and thereby improve their health". Health promotion is an efficient way to preserve health and wellness. more content... The focus of the primary level is to have the client avoid or reduce high risk behaviors. The article by Prokhorov et al. (2010) demonstrates primary promotion. The team utilized an interactive computer program to reach high school students for smoking prevention. Cigarette smoking is the foremost avert reason for morbidity, mortality as well as decrease in life expectancy. Secondary Prevention Secondary promotion relates to early diagnosis. The client is partaking in risky behavior and the goal is to have early screening to reduce or halt the progression of the disease. Chou, Cottrell, Wasson, Raham, Guise, (2013) demonstrate secondary promotion as they reviewed the screening process for hepatitis C virus. Early identification could lead to improved clinical outcomes and reduce the possibility of transmission. Tertiary Promotion Tertiary promotion focuses on helping the client manage the disease, avoid further physical deterioration and to have the best quality of life possible. Lo Re, Teal, Localio, Amorosa, Kaplan, Gross, (2011) examine adherence to treatment for hepatitis C virus and virolgic outcomes. When clients adhere to the treatment for hepatitis the clients have a better chance of stopping the progression of disease. Treatment for hepatitis C virus can be complex and suboptimal adherence can reduce the response of the treatment. Health promotion is key to prevention and progression of diseases and Get more content on
  • 5. Essay on Health Promotion Health promotion and teaching are important tools for nursing. By promoting health and health teaching, nurses can help lay the foundation for a healthier future. Major Concepts and Definitions BeliefВ–a statement of sense, declared or implied, that is intellectually and/or emotionally accepted as true by a person or group. AttitudeВ–a relatively constant feeling, predisposition, or a set of beliefs that is directed toward an object, a person, or a situation. ValueВ–a preference that is shared and transmitted within a community. Behavioral diagnosisВ–the delineation of the specific health actions that are most likely to effect a health outcome. Health Belief ModelВ–a paradigm used to predict and explain health more content... The goal of nursing is to educate man to help reduce the susceptibility or severity of any illness or disease resulting from interaction from the environment. This encompasses disease prevention and aiding in restoration of health. It is the nurse's responsibility to assist each client to perceive themselves at their optimal level of functioning. Since behavior is regulated by its consequences (but only as those consequences are interpreted and understood by man) (Edleman & Mandle, 1998), it is nursing's practice to assist man by working with beliefs, attitudes, values and environment to help achieve positive outcomes and efficacy expectation. Nursing is also responsible to assist man to realize outcome expectations. Health Health is man perceiving oneself at his or her optimal level of functioning. Health can be achieved even in a diseased state by assisting clients to achieve the highest perceived state of health as possible. Health is a direct result of environmental factors and health teaching and promotion. It is important to incorporate the teaching process and recognize the different domains of learning in order to achieve the most effective, positive behavioral changes. Since man is in constant interaction with his environment, and each client has different beliefs, cultures and values, health promotion and teaching are important for man to achieve his or her optimal level of functioning. This is Get more content on
  • 6. Health Promotion Throughout this assignment the author will demonstrate knowledge of health promotion and its link in addressing health needs. The role of the nurse in delivering health promotion at primary, secondary and tertiary levels will be discussed and how national policy influences that delivery on the chosen topic of smoking. Barriers to health promotion will also be discussed and how these barriers could be overcome. To define health promotion, health should first be defined. There are many definitions of health, one of which is the Western Medical Model, which describes health as in the "absence of disease and illness" (Seedhouse, 2004, p1). Irvine, (2010, p2) describes it as "a challenging concept to define as it means different more content... It is important for nurses to assess at which stage a patient is within this process as they may well not be ready for smoking cessation advice but health promotion can still be delivered in the form of motivating the patient to see the benefits to change (Murphy & Bennett, 2002, p43). Part of the nurse training programme is dedicated to educating student nurses on the importance of delivering health promotion but Pender, Murdaugh and Parsons (2002, p3) explain that there still remains a lack of knowledge in this area. They maintain that up to date theories on health promotion, which is evidence based, is not being delivered by nurses at primary, secondary and tertiary levels and advocate more emphasis should be placed on this part of health care. Warne & McAndrew (2010, p47) concur that, although health promotion theory is included within the training, nurses are viewing health promotion as just behaviour change and lifestyle choices and offering health education whereas, the wider view of supporting, empowering and non judgmental health promotion needs to be adopted. Tod (2003 p56) explains that, as nurses are the largest body of health care professionals, they are the best placed to assess, deliver and follow up with smoking cessation. The Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) state in their Standards of Conduct that the role of the nurse is "to work Get more content on
  • 7. Health Promotion Running head: Health Promotion Health Promotion Sandra Hendrickson Grand Canyon University Professional Dynamics NRS 429V Nichelle Bogan October 11, 2009 Competencies of ASN Versus BSN Introduction: Health Promotion is defined in the in the American Journal of Health Promotion (AJHP) as the art and science that helps people discover their core passions and optimal health. Supporting them in their lifestyle changes that move them toward a state of optimal health. The optimal health being the balance of physical, emotional, social, spiritual, and intellectual health. (AJHP Sept/Oct 2009) Purpose:The purpose of health promotion in nursing is increase the knowledge of not only our patients but of the more content... When breast cancer is detected and early treatment is impletemented, the survival rate greatly increases. Tertiary Tertiary care is the care of the patient once the disease is established. In the Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) there is the standard of treatments such as Lasix, Morphine, and Digoxin. Closely monitoring intake and output and daily weights for effectiveness of treatment. The Pacing & Clinical Electrophysiology article "Development of Implantable Devices for Continuous Ambulatory Monitoring of Central Hemodynamic Values in Heart Failure Patients." Long–term management of the CHF patient is an increasing burden on hospitals. The suggestion was made that an implantable hemodynamic sensors may allow for hemodynamic changes in CHF patients and be used in the deciding in the best treatment modalities. There are risk factors associated, such as infection and cost. The results were inclusive and will be studied more. Don't be surprised to see more on the Implantable Hemodynamic Monitoring (IHM) Device in the future for a more focused assessment of the CHF patient. Conclusions In a world, where we have gone from the focus of prevention of disease and infections, to a world where the focus is on health promotion. We have come such a long way, but we still have a long way to go. There is so much cultural diversity, that it is hard to meet all the needs. Thank goodness for the laws that are made to
  • 8. Get more content on
  • 9. Essay on Health Promotion The aim of this case based study, is to Promote Health and behaviour changes within the work place, in order to sustain a healthier life style. This essay seeks to illustrate the impact of smoking on a patient that has CHD, (Coronary Heart Disease) and explore the psychological approach to altering the patients perceptions of health promotion, and interventions that are used to facilitate a better quality of health. The author will also examine public health legislation on current health and social care provisions, and evaluate the role of models of health within diverse promotions in practice. There are numerous definitions of the word health, and health promotion, which can be defined by the (WHO) world health organisation (1984) more content... There are also general socio–economic, cultural, and environmental conditions to be considered when taking a holistic approach to health promotion, since having only met this patient, it would be incorrect to fit him into a one patient fits all category, not being aware of his personal, social, and physical environment to which he lives within. This would be defined as making a professional judgement and a normative need, which could differ from those of the patient's perception of needs. This essay will revolve around Mr H, A 68– year– old retired gentleman, who presented on the unit with shortness of breath from this general practitioner for further tests. He was clearly struggling to breathe and maintain his oxygen levels within his body. On admission and taking his history, it was obvious that Mr H was clearly overweight at 112 kg, and further more was a smoker of approximately 40 cigarettes a day, for the past 40 yrs and was a regular drinker of 5 pints of alcohol a night, what's more he also suffered from CHD, so had to give up Get more content on
  • 10. Health Promotion Health Promotion Health promotion is defined as the provision of information and/or education to individuals, families and communities that encourage family unity, community commitment, and traditional spiritually that makes positive contributions to their health status (Definition of wellness.Com). It is our job as providers to promote health by any means necessary to improve community wellness. The purpose of health promotion in nursing practice is to deliver health information to individuals and the community. The goal is to enlighten the community of all available services to prevent illness. Many people, families, and/or the community are not aware of all the benefits/information available to them. Health promotion more content... Health promotion consists of three levels, primary, secondary and tertiary. Although all are levels of health promotion they differ depending on the extent of illness. The first level is the primary level. This level involves people who are still healthy. At this level the susceptibility of contacting disease is reduced through nutritional encouragement, hydration, exercise, and immunizations. Primary level is designed to keep the healthy free from disease. The next level is the secondary level, where the healthy are not so healthy and requires a little more aggressive measures. This level includes people from early stages of disease to seriously ill. People at this level may need medication intervention and even minor surgical interventions to return to or maintain a healthy state. This level may require the nurse to provide a more aggressive approach with education and health promotion. The last level is the tertiary. When a person reaches this level they are considered critical. There is a major cause of concern due to the person's poor health. Whether their illness is chronic or transmissible the concern remains the same. These people may have a lack of education of their disease. The infected person needs to know if their disease is contagious and what are the steps needed to prevent transmission of the disease. If the illness is chronic the person needs education on maintaining a quality of life with this chronic illness. The goals Get more content on