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Sajid Imtiaz
ISBN: 978-969-23197-1-3
Title: Hamlet and Bakistan
Author: Sajid Imtiaz Sheikh
This book is dedicated to
Imtiazuddin Shaikh, Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf
and Foundation of Old Comprehensive
United Students (FOCUS)
 Foreword
 Hamlet and Bakistan
 About the Author
Writers have been trying to bridge the
communication gap between different
cultures and civilizations. They have been
quoting poets and philosophers for effective
Hamlet and Bakistan – New World Order is
true picture of contemporary Pakistan and
addressed to overseas Pakistanis. It portrays
chronic problems and their solutions for
sustainable progress of country. Sajid Imtiaz
creatively carved the title and contents.
This work has enhanced mental age and
collective consciousness of Pakistani nation.
More than one thousand persons have
enjoyed it. English knowing populace can
enjoy itanytime anywhere in the world.
Hamlet and Bakistan: For Hecuba! What’s
Hecuba to him, or he to Hecuba, that he
should weep for her? What would he do,
Had he the motive and the cue for passion
that I have? People find Allama Muhammad
Iqbal in persona of Imran Khan and are
joiningPakistan Tehreek Insaaf.
[09 December 2011]
Hamlet and Bakistan: To be, or not to be,
that is the question, Whether it’s nobler in
the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of
outrageous fortune, Or to take arms against
a sea of troubles, And by opposing them,
end them. Dr. Zulfiqar Mirza is first role
model politician. After visit from England,
dramatic change has come in his personality
and behavior. Daily 10 Minutes requests
development-oriented Pakistanis to stand by
Dr. Zulfiqar Mirza who did not say he is
[10 December 2011]
Hamlet and Bakistan: Nay, do not think I
flatter, For what advancement may I hope
from thee, That no revenue hast but thy
good spirits to feed and clothe thee? Why
should the poor be flattered? Pakistan
People Party has failed in providing food,
clothe and home to Pakistanis. Imran Khan
and Daniyal Aziz need to concentrate on
employment and energy to make Pakistan
truly a dynamic democracy.
[11 December 2011]
Hamlet and Bakistan: I’ll call thee Hamlet,
King, Father, royal Dane. O, answer me! Let
me not burst in ignorance, but tell why thy
canonized bones hearsed in death have
burst their cerements? People of Pakistan
are carefully watching Imran Khan, Dr.
Zulfiqar Mirza, Mian Nawaz Sharif and Syed
Munawar Hassan to provide them
employment and energy.
[12 December 2011]
Hamlet and Bakistan: I will tell you why, so
shall my anticipation prevent your discovery,
and your secrecy to the king and queen
moult no feather. Pakistanis know energy
resources and problems of country but feel
pity over inefficient tail-career technocrats
and leaders.
[13 December 2011]
Hamlet and Bakistan: Let me see. [He takes
the skull] Alas, poor Yorick! I knew him,
Horatio – a fellow of infinite jest, of most
excellent fancy. Dr. Zulfiqar Mirza and Afaq
Ahmad have shown the real face and figure
of Rehman Malik and Altaf Hussain
respectively. It is collective duty of Rehman
Malik and Altaf Hussain to clear mess from
beloved Pakistan.[14 December 2011]
Hamlet and Bakistan: You cannot, sir, take
from me anything that I will more willingly
part withal: except my life, except my life,
except my life. Dr. Zulfiqar Mirza is
committed to bring into light death of
Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto like Mian Nawaz
Sharif. They are ready to give their lives for
Daughter of The East. [15 December 2011]
Hamlet and Bakistan: What is a man, if his
chief good and market of his time be but to
sleep and feed? A beast, no more: Sure he
that made us with such large discourse,
looking before and after, gave us not that
capability and god-like reason to fust in us
unused. Pakistanis have to share vision and
targets to achieve millennium development
goals by 2015.[16 December 2011]
Hamlet and Bakistan: We shall know by this
fellow. The players cannot keep counsel,
they’ll tell all. Politics is a serious business.
So far leading political players are Imran
Khan and Dr. Zulfiqar Mirza. Poor people
have great expectations from them.
[18 December 2011]
Hamlet and Bakistan: For murder, though it
have no tongue, will speak with most
miraculous organs … The spirit that I have
seen may be a devil, and the devil hath
power it assume a pleasing shape. What to
speak of death of Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto,
murder of Shahbaz Taseer will have to come
out. Police knows that no abductor keeps a
kidnapped person for more than 100 days.
[20 December 2011]
Hamlet and Bakistan: Has this fellow no
feeling of his business that a sings in graves-
making? Home Minister Rehman Malik is
worried over security situation and monitors
performance of law enforcing agencies to
make beloved Pakistan a bed of roses. He
would disclose death reasons of Mohtarma
Benazir Bhutto on 27th December 2011 or
on eve of New Year 2012.
[21 December 2011]
Hamlet and Bakistan: Your wisdom should
show itself more richer to signify this to the
doctor. For, for me to put him to his
purgation, would perhaps plunge him into
more choler. Fourth death anniversary of
Benazir Bhutto is at hand; her friends and
foes have become melancholic because of
frustration in bringing into light assassins.
[24 December 2011]
Hamlet and Bakistan: ‘By and by’ is easily
said. Leave me, friends. It is now the very
witching time of night, when churchyards
yawn, and hell itself breathes out contagion
to this world: now could I drink hot blood,
and do such bitter business as the day would
quake to look on. Benazir Bhutto lovers
especially Dr. Zulfiqar Mirza and Abid Sher
Ali are passing though the turbulent times.
[30 December 2011]
Hamlet and Bakistan: Has this fellow no
feeling of his business that a sings in graves-
making? Home Minister Rehman Malik is
worried over security situation and monitors
performance of law enforcing agencies to
make beloved Pakistan a bed of roses. He
would never disclose death reasons of
Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto even in 2012.
[04 January 2012]
Hamlet and Bakistan: That I can keep your
counsel and not mine own. Besides, to be
demanded of a sponge, what replication
should be made by the son of a king?
Pakistanis have been fed up with promises
made by politicians. They see utter darkness
in coming days.
[11 January 2012]
Hamlet and Bakistan: Ha, ha! Are you
honest? People are doubting each other
about honesty and transparency. No one
knows how Benazir Bhutto died. No one
knows how Osama Ben Laden was killed. No
one knows who coined Memogate scandal.
[14 January 2012]
Hamlet and Bakistan: I dare not confess
that, lest I should compare with him in
excellence, but to know a man well were to
know himself. Pakistani politicians and spin
doctors are in perpetual habit of point
scoring. Chaudhry Nasar Ali Khan’s team is
more mature than Rehman Malik’s.
[25 January 2012]
Hamlet and Bakistan: We shall know by this
fellow. The players cannot keep counsel,
they’ll tell all. Politicians are smart to tame
Dr. Zulfiqar Mirza and Altaf Hussain.
Pakistani youth is expecting truth, nothing
except truth, from Mansur Ijaz.
[02 February 2012]
Hamlet and Bakistan: I am constant to my
purposes, they follow the king’s pleasure. If
his fitness speaks, mine is ready; now or
whensoever, provided I be so able as now.
Every literary man in Pakistan unconsciously
behaves likeHamlet instead of Adonis.
[03 February 2012]
Hamlet and Bakistan: That I can keep your
counsel and not mine own. Besides, to be
demanded of a sponge, what replication
should be made by the son of a king?
Pakistanis, especially media community,
carefully note promises of politicians and
they have found new light in shape of Imran
Khan. [04 February 2012]
Hamlet and Bakistan: Readers of www.daily- and Facebookers are
requested to collect pieces of Hamlet and
Bakistan and make a documentary for
international award. It can be presented as
research paper and young research scholar.
Hopefully Red Communications would take
notice of this opportunity.
[06 February 2012]
Hamlet and Bakistan: Here’s the
commission, read it at more leisure but wilt
thou hear now how I did proceed?
Memogate Scandal Investigation
Commission is an eye wash in eyes of judges
to keep away from death of Benazir Bhutto.
For judiciary with due respect, an old
principleand protocol i.e.FirstThingFirst.
[11 February 2012]
Hamlet and Bakistan: There’s another. Why
may not that be the skull of a lawyer?
Where be his quiddities now, his quillities,
his cases, his tenures, and his tricks? After
Dr. Babar Awan, senior lawyer Aitazaz Ahsan
has seen his fate. Both will plan something
new for Pakistan People’s Party.
[12 February 2012]
Hamlet and Bakistan: Ay, sir, that soaks up
the king’s countenance, his rewards, his
authorities. But such officers do the king
best service in the end, he keeps them like
an apple in the corner of his jaw, first
mouthed to be last swallowed. President
Asif Ali Zardari is a Sindhi and his best friend
no one knows except Benazir Bhutto.
[18 February 2012]
Hamlet and Bakistan: O God, God, how
weary, stale, flat, and unprofitable seem to
me all the uses of this world! Fie on’t, ah fie.
Subedar Rab Nawaz sans Naib Subedar was
rebuking God and government even in front
of lady constables in Islamabad.
[22 February 2012]
Hamlet and Bakistan: I’ll call thee Hamlet,
King, father and royal Dane. O, answer me!
Let me not burst in ignorance, but tell why
thy canonized bones hearsed in death have
burst their cerements? After four years,
government has pinpointed death of Benazir
Bhutto. For fair justice, there is no lover of
Benazir Bhutto in Pakistan.
[23 February 2012]
Hamlet and Bakistan: Haste me to know’t,
that I with wings as swift as meditation or
the thoughts of love, may sweep to my
revenge. Mysterious death of Benazir Bhutto
has put Hamlet-lovers in psychological
trouble in Pakistan.
[02 March 2012]
Hamlet and Bakistan: O all you host of
heaven! O earth! What else? And shall I
couple hell? O fie! Hold, hold, my heart, and
you my sinews, grow not instant old, but
bear me stiffly up … remember thee? Ay
thou poor ghost whiles memory holds a seat
in this distracted globe. Remember thee.
People of Pakistan have been conditioned to
mini budgets in garb and shape of price hike
of basic utilities.
[03 March 2012]
Hamlet and Bakistan: Be not too tame
neither, but let your own discretion be your
tutor, suit the action to the word, the word
to the action, with this special observance,
that you overstep not the modesty of
nature. Very few Pakistanis know targets of
Millennium Development Goals and MDGs
Clock made in 2007. Hopefully Prime
Minister’s Advisor Faisal Sakhi Butt will fix
MDGs Clock in model metropolis i.e.
[04 March 2012]
Hamlet and Bakistan: The time is out of
joint, O cursed spite, that ever I was born to
set it right! Nay come, let’s go together.
Unfavorable macro political economic
environment of country has made Hamlet in
action and he is searching likeminded
mainstream groups like Youth Parliament to
bringchange in country.
[05 March 2012]
Hamlet and Bakistan: Ah, ha! Come, some
music! Come, the recorders! For if the king
like not the comedy, why then, belike, he
likes it not, perdy. Come, some music. It has
been long to enjoy good symphony in
Pakistan. The song “Who Humsafar Tha” by
Quratul Aain Baloch has different meaning
to different people thus it is a masterpiece in
difficulttime. [07 March 2012]
Hamlet and Bakistan: A whole one, I. For
thou dost know, O Damon dear, this realm
dismantled was of Jove himself, and now
reigns here a very, very – peacock. In 15th
century, Bakistan was an integral part of
India when rulers were Moghals. Sheik
Network of Pakistan is gaining momentum in
the country in all circles instead of Haqqani
Network. [08 March 2012]
Hamlet and Bakistan: Hear you, sir, what is
the reason that you use me thus? I loved you
ever, but it is no matter, let Hercules himself
do what he may, the cat will mew, the dog
will have his day. Mostly Pakistanis
questioning President of Pakistan Asif Ali
Zardari for not distributing free plots to
them in Baluchistan and Khyber Pakhtunkwa
for buildingmini homes.[09 Mar 2012]
Hamlet and Bakistan: That skull had a
tongue in it, and could sing once! How the
knave jowls it to the ground, as if they were
Cain’s jaw bone, that did the first murder!
This might be the pate of a politician, which
this ass now o’er reaches; one that would
circumvent God, might it not? People have
been conditioned to most heinous sin i.e.
murder even murders of politicians. [11
March 2012]
Hamlet and Bakistan: How absolute the
knave is! We must speak by the card or
equivocation will undo us. Lord, Horatio, this
three years I have took note of it, the age is
grown so picked, that the toe of the peasant
comes so near the heel of the courtier he
galls his kibe….How long hast thou been
grave-maker? Op-Ed “Hamlet and Bakistan”
was first published three months back in
Daily 10 Minutes and Daily B-Rich, serious e-
papers of Pakistan.[13 March 2012]
Hamlet and Bakistan: Why, I will fight with
him upon this theme until my eyelids will no
longer wag. Imran Khan, Chairman Pakistan
Tehreek Insaaf, still has to decide his best
critical aide-de-camp to win the elections
through issue-based politics. [14 March
Hamlet and Bakistan: Sir, I will walk here in
the hall, if it pleases his majesty. It is the
breathing time of day with me. Let the foils
be brought, the gentleman willing, and the
king hold his purpose, I will win for him and I
can, if not I will gain nothing but my shame
and the odd hits. People are resolved to
form new provinces; Sareiki, Hazara and
Bahawalpur for better education and
economic development.
[17 March 2012]
Hamlet and Bakistan: O villainy! ho! let the
door be locked – treachery! seek it out.
Hamlet is resolutely solving problems to
make the country truly democratic. O local
government representatives! Where are
[19 March 2012]
Hamlet and Bakistan: O, I die, Horatio, the
potent poison quite over-crows my spirit, I
cannot live to hear the news from England,
but I do prophesy the election lights on
Fortinbras, he has my dying voice. So tell
him, with th’occurents more and less which
have solicited – the rest is silence. Problems
and progress go together in life. Best
political party in Pakistan is United National
Movement i.e. MQM in Urdu. Altaf Hussain
living in London is much needed back home
for free, fair and transparent general
elections to be held in 2013. [20 March
Hamlet and Bakistan: Yes, by Saint Patrick,
but there is, Horatio, and much offence too
– touching this vision here, it is an honest
ghost that let me tell you – for your desire to
know what is between us, O’ermaster’t as
you may. On 72nd Pakistan Day, is resolved for
white economy, polity and technology
amongst bottlenecks. [23 March 2012]
Hamlet and Bakistan: Give every man thy
ear, but few thy voice, take each man’s
censure, but reserve thy judgement.
Government of Pakistan neither listens nor
reacts in words of Amna Janjua. Imran Khan
has been judgmental about system,
government and politicians. Khawaja Khalil
Salar can become a leader if he carefully
studies flaws in Imran Khan’s character. [27
March 2012]
Hamlet and Bakistan: Hillo, ho, ho, boy!
Come, bird, come. Shakespeare lovers are
waiting for white crow as a sign of change
and creativity as they have been conditioned
to sit-ins and protests.[28 March 2012]
Hamlet and Bakistan: Indeed, indeed, sirs,
but this troubles me. Hold you the watch to-
night? There are score of important cases
listed with Supreme Court of Pakistan yet
192 million Pakistanis wait for some big glad
tiding.[3 April 2012]
Hamlet and Bakistan: O reform it
altogether, and let those that play your
clowns speak no more than is set down for
them, for there be of them that will
themselves laugh, to set on some quantity of
barren spectators to laugh too, though in
the mean time some necessary question of
the play be then to be considered. Khawaja
Khalil Salar has started a new save campaign
through Pakistan Solidarity Referendum. He
is strivingfor welfareof 98% Pakistanis.
[07 April 2012]
Hamlet and Bakistan: Your wisdom should
show itself more richer to signify this to the
doctor. For, for me to put him to his
purgation, would perhaps plunge him into
more choler. Pak-America government to
government relations are improving every
passing year that frustrate religious parties
[08 April 2012]
Hamlet and Bakistan: It is as easy as lying;
govern these ventages with your fingers and
thumb, give it breath with your mouth, and
it will discourse most eloquent music – look
you, these are the stops. Editors and anchors
have been suggesting innovative solutions to
government yet there is no eloquent music
from Islamabad.
[09 April 2012]
Hamlet and Bakistan: O, I could tell you –
but let it be; Horatio, I am dead, thou livest,
report me and my cause aright to the
unsatisfied. People in a hamlet in Dera Ghazi
Khan are facing nuclear toxic waste and
waitingfor eloquent music.
[10 April 2012]
Hamlet and Bakistan: Look here, upon this
picture, and on this the counterfeit
presentment of two brothers. See what a
grace was seated on this brow – Hyperion’s
curls, the front of Jove himself, an eye like
Mars to threaten and command, a station
like the herald Mercury, new-lighted on a
heaven–kissing hill a combination and a
form indeed, where every god did seem to
set his seal to give the world assurance of a
man. One-decade old photo of a Gemini
writer, Sheik Sajed Imtiaz, shows the shadow
of shadow of the first man i.e. Hamlet. [13
April 2012]
Hamlet and Bakistan: No, faith, not a jot,
but to follow him thither with modesty
enough, and likelihood to lead it; as thus –
Alexander died, Alexander was buried,
Alexander returneth to dust, the dust is
earth, of earth we make loam, and why of
that loam whereto he was converted might
they not stop a beer-barrel? Whenever
raining happens in Pakistan some groups do
firework to expel natural clemency and
mystic. It is a strange phenomenon for
Shakespeare lovers.[20 April 2012]
Hamlet and Bakistan: On him! on him! Look
you, how pale he glares! His form and cause
conjoined, preaching to stones, would make
them capable. Do not look upon me, lest
with this piteous action you convert my
stern effects, then what I have to do will
want true colour, tears perchance for blood.
What to speak of Giyari Avalanche incident,
lately a Boeing of Bhoja Air killed 127
passengers. Blood tears are in everyone’s
eyes. [21 April 2012]
Hamlet and Bakistan: Why, let the stricken
deer go weep, the hart ungalled play, for
some must watch while some must sleep,
thus runs the world away. Judiciary of
Pakistan is watching without sleep all
stakeholders yet requires more funds for
effective dispensation of justice and natural
economic system ensuring employment and
innovation. [24 April 2012]
Hamlet and Bakistan: O God! I could be
bounded in a nut-shell, and count myself a
king of infinite space; were it not that I have
bad dreams. Islamic political parties have
been striving for kingdom in Pakistan on
pattern of Saudi Arabia and UAE. Let us
strive for people-focused kingdom on
pattern of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
in Pakistan. [27 April 2012]
Hamlet and Bakistan: Slanders, sir; for the
satirical rogue says here that old men have
grey beards, that their faces are wrinkled,
their eyes purging thick amber and plum
tree gum, and that they have a plentiful lack
of wit, together with most weak hams-all
which, sir, though I most powerfully and
potently believe, yet I hold it not honesty to
have it thus set down, for yourself, sir, shall
grow old as I am…if like a crab you could go
backward. Anyone can find old people in
mausoleums of saints rebuking government
and God for miserablecondition.
[28 April 2012]
Hamlet and Bakistan: Words, words, words.
Newspapers and television channels are full
of words, statements and speeches but no
solution to chronic problems. Action and
only action people require.
[29 April 2012]
Hamlet and Bakistan: Sir, in my heart there
was a kind of fighting that would not let me
sleep – methought I lay worse than the
mutines in the bilboes. Rashly, and praised
be rashness for it …. Let us know our
indiscretion sometimes serves us well, when
our deep plots do pall, and that should learn
us there’s a divinity that shapes our ends,
rough-hew them how we will. Proactively all
seven pillars of state are striving for bright
future of people except former bureaucrat
and current home minister Rehman Malik.
[01 May 2012]
Hamlet and Bakistan: What a piece of work
is a man, how noble in reason, how infinite
in faculties, in form and moving, how
express and admirable in action, how like an
angel in apprehension, how like a god: the
beauty of the world; the paragon of animals;
and yet to me, what is this quintessence of
dust? Man delights not me, no, nor woman
neither, though by your smiling you seem
say so. Persistent dissatisfaction equally
innovates like necessity. Financially crunch
Daily 10 Minutes is equally endeavoring for
business athome and peace abroad.
[03 May 2012]
Hamlet and Bakistan: Observe my uncle – if
his occulted guilt do not itself unkennel in
one speech, it is a damned ghost that we
have seen, and my imaginations are as foul
as Vulcan’s stithy; give him heedful note, for
I mine eyes will rivet to his face, and after
we will both our judgements join in censure
of his seeming. Barrister Dr. Farooq Hasan
like Muhammad Rasheed Ahmed – father of
socialism – is carefully observing the wire
pullers who deliberately keep the poor poor.
[04 May 2012]
Hamlet and Bakistan: Then is doomsday
near. But your news is not true. Let me
question more in particular: what have you,
my good friends, deserved at the hands of
Fortune, that she sends you to prison
hither? Spin doctors and secretaries have
been manipulating information whereas
analysts and journalists clear the perception.
We cannot state that Jang Group is not state
within state.
[06 May 2012]
Hamlet and Bakistan: O wretched state! O
bosom black as death! O limed soul, that
struggling to be free, art more engaged;
help, angels! Make assay, bow stubborn
knees, and heart, with strings of steel, be
soft as sinews of the new-born babe – all
may be well. Pakistanis are looking for an
honest-yet-competent leader and votary of
Allama Muhammad Iqbal to be remained
creatively competitive in coming centuries.
In Punjab, Sharif Brothers are light whereas
Chaudhry Brothers a flare.[08 May 2012]
Hamlet and Bakistan: In heaven – send
thither to see, if your messenger find him
not there, seek him i’th’other place yourself.
But if indeed you find him not within this
month, you shall nose him as you go up the
stairs into the lobby. May is the most
beautiful month as Premier has been made
ineligible as parliamentarian for 5 years.
People are foreseeing next government
under dynamic leadership of Mian Shehbaz
Sharif.[10 May 2012]
Hamlet and Bakistan: Beggar that I am, I am
even poor in thanks, but I thank you – and
sure, dear friends, my thanks are too dear a
halfpenny: were you not sent for? Is it your
own inclining? Is it a free visitation? Come,
come, deal justly with me, come, come, nay
speak. People are astonished over
mysterious escape of Dr. Zulfiqar Mirza,
former home minister of Sindh. Let us wait
for his confessional autobiography.
[12 May 2012]
Hamlet and Bakistan: Or of a courtier, which
could say ‘Good morrow, sweet lord! How
dost thou, good lord?’ This might be my lord
such-a-one, that praised my lord such-a-
one’s horse, when a’ meant to beg it, might
it not? Advisors have been making and
destroying regimes and governments in the
world. Pakistani political and media advisors
are learning marketing-before-breakfast to
achievedesired results for the economy.
[15 May 2012]
Hamlet and Bakistan: Ay, sir, but ‘While the
grass grows’ – the proverb is something
musty. Living in and solving myraid of
problems is crux of life. Residents of
Islamabad are overjoyed on local
government elections. [26 May 2012]
Hamlet and Bakistan: It shall beso, madness
in great must not unwatched go. Former
ambassador and writer, Attaul Haq Qasmi
has declared himself a jack-ass instead of a
horse. Very few humans are alive today in
world. [28 May 2012]
Hamlet and Bakistan: If circumstances lead
me, I will find where truth is hid, though it
were hid indeed within the Center. Governor
State Bank of Pakistan, Anwar Yasin, has
alarmed over poor macro economic
situation whereas missile race is going on.
Pakistanis think and track truth and friends.
[30 May 2012]
Hamlet and Bakistan: Doubt truth to be a
liar/ But never doubt I love. Though fierce
criticism to federal budget 2012-13 yet tea-
lovers and tea companies are pleased with
substantial slash in general sales tax.
Opinion leaders would watch new price of
tea cup countrywide.
[06 June 2012]
Hamlet and Bakistan: Laertes, was your
father dear to you? Or are you like the
painting of a sorrow, a face without a heart?
At the burial of Mehdi Hasan, wealthy
journalists are enjoying CJP-Malik Riaz
tussle, not advocating for External Jury in all
courts of country.
[14 June 2012]
Hamlet and Bakistan: Why right, you are in
the right, and so without more circumstance
at all I hold it fit that we shake hands and
part, you, as your business and desire shall
point you, for every man hath business and
desire such as it is, and for my own poor
part, look you, I will go pray. People demand
for royal entitlements like landlords and are
consciously striving to become scholars,
poets, musicians, singers, marketers and
actors to uplift their life and lot. [20 June
Hamlet and Bakistan: Such an act that blurs
the grace and blush of modesty, calls virtue
hypocrite, takes off the rose from the fair
forehead of an innocent love and sets a
blister there, makes marriage vows as false
as dicers’ oaths. Custodians and protectors
of democracy are proactive for basic
entitlements. Everyone in country is
carefully watching fate of new premier Raja
Pervez Ashraf. Supreme Court of Pakistan is
grace and blush of democracy. [26 June
Hamlet and Bakistan: Neither a borrower
nor a lender be, for loan oft loses both itself
and friend, and borrowing dulls the edge of
husbandry. Youth is questioning about huge
foreign debts and supporting Supreme Court
and Pakistan Tehreek Insaaf to bring Swiss
money back home to achieve good
governance and millennium development
goals and targets.
[06 July 2012]
Hamlet and Bakistan: Make you a
wholesome answer – my wit’s diseased.
Corruption and development go together.
This dogma promoted by leading politicians
like Benazir Bhutto. Supreme Court, USAID,
and Imran Khan are endeavoring to invalid
the dogma.
[14 July 2012]
Hamlet and Bakistan: But orderly to end
where I begun, Our wills and fates do so
contrary run, That our devices still are
overthrown, Our thoughts are ours, their
ends none of our own. President Asif Ali
Zardari is endeavoring to bring seven tribal
agencies into mainstream to make Pakistan
a truly dynamic democracy in Asia. Let us
welcome a new province“Sheenwar”.
[20 July 2012]
Hamlet and Bakistan: What have you done,
my lord, with the dead body? Over three
thousand persons have been killed in drone
attacks. Medea Benjamin, 59-year American
writer is once again visiting Pakistan to end
drone attacks. Third millennia humans are
still learninghumanity.
[27 July 2012]
Hamlet and Bakistan: The single and
peculiar life is bound with all the strength
and armour of the mind to keep itself from
noyance, but much more that spirit upon
whose weal depends and rests the lives of
many. Traditional three pillars of state
alongwith media are purging themselves to
foster sustainable economic development
whereas people at hamlets waiting for
Millennium Development Goals Clock. World
finds the scribe best leadership option for
Pakistan.[01 August 2012]
Hamlet and Bakistan: Then thus she says,
your behaviour hath struck her into
amazement and admiration. Facebook is the
new name of internet and media. In fact,
Facebook is an index of our mind and a great
philosopher is behind the book. World is
anxiously waiting to admire innovators and
discoverers fromPakistan.
[08 August 2012]
Hamlet and Bakistan: O such a deed as from
the body of contraction plucks the very soul,
and sweet religion makes a rhapsody of
words; heaven’s face does glow, and this
solidity and compound mass with heated
visage, as against the doom, is thought-sick
at the act. Twin earthquakes in Iran took
over 150 human lives. Why human beings do
not design a device that shows ebb and flow
of earthquake pulses? O East and West, let’s
work together for Smart Intel Box.
[13 August 2012]
Hamlet and Bakistan: O Jephthah, judge of
Israel, what a treasure hadst thou. Pakistanis
have started believing themselves as citizens
of world like Socrates. They have started
getting income for watching advertisements
online. Soon TV channels and traditional
newspapers will offer viewers and readers
for communicated contents especially
advertisements. The day of prosperity is at
hand. [23 August 2012]
Hamlet and Bakistan: Not that I think you
did not love your father, but that I know love
is begun by time, and that I see in passages
of proof time qualifies the spark and fire of
it. Pakistanis know that seven spiritual
fathers are immortal and they are learning
about The 2045 Initiative by Dmitry Itskov
and start visiting
[30 August 2012]
Hamlet and Bakistan: Most necessary ‘tis
that we forget to pay ourselves what to
oursleves is debt. What to oursleves in
passion we propose, the passion ending,
doth the purpose lose. After a long time,
there is a best weekly television program “I
Will Wakeup” for civic sense. Still there
remains “Techful Pakistan”, another
television program to be produced and
[11 September 2012]
Hamlet and Bakistan: The violence of either
grief or joy their own enactures with
themselves destroy, where joy most revels,
grief doth most lament, grief joys, joy
grieves, on slender accident. Families of
missing persons are temperately criticizing
the state whereas representative
government of PPP is endeavoring to breed
pool of patriotic citizens for peace and
prosperity. Besides stagflation, missing
citizens is the hottest issue in next general
elections for political parties. [24 September
Hamlet and Bakistan: This world is not for
aye, nor ‘tis not strange that even our loves
should with our fortunes change: For ‘tis a
question left us yet to prove, whether love
lead fortune, or else fortune love. Before
1947, our leaders like Liaqat Ali Khan
developed love for America. At the end of
War on Terror, Pakistanis expect
comprehensive rehabilitation of Tribal Areas
through implementation of Prime Prosperity
Paradigm.[01 October 2012]
Hamlet and Bakistan: I have words to speak
in thine ear will make thee dumb, yet are
they much too light for the bore of the
matter. Champion of education and National
Peace Prize winner, 14-year old Malala
Yousafzai is in critical condition after having
shots from Taliban at Mingora. It is not
possible to educate groups or individuals,
worldwide and kindle light of knowledge and
[10 October 2012]
Hamlet and Bakistan: O, for two special
reasons, which may to you perhaps seem
unsinewed, but yet to me they’re strong.
Pakistan is a free market democratic
economy where political parties do not
introduce and promote young leaders.
Besides exclusive Governor of FATA, there is
need to revive National Reconstruction
[21 October 2012]
Hamlet and Bakistan: Thou know’st ‘tis
common, all that lives must die, passing
through nature to eternity. Lately English
writer Maryam Jamila and Urdu poetess
Samina Raja have departed in Lahore and
Islamabad respectively living behind their
memories and works. Hopefully Pakistanis
would start discovering and honouring self-
actualized ladies.
[01 November 2012]
Hamlet and Bakistan: Madam, I swear I use
no art at all. That he is mad ‘tis true, ‘tis
true, ‘tis pity, and pity ‘tis ‘tis true – a foolish
figure, but farewell it, for I will use no art.
Today no one is cognitively disturbed or
imbalance. Kashmiris question to the
democratic dominated world. Thus brevity is
the soul of wit.
[14 November 2012]
Hamlet and Bakistan: I dare not confess
that, lest I should compare with him in
excellence, but to know a man well were to
know himself. Courtney Powell has formed
social better business bureau for the new
age. PublikDemand and Codepink are signs
of secure consumerism. [04 December
Hamlet and Bakistan: O, ‘tis most sweet
when in one line two crafts directly meet. At
home, people are fed up with rhyme and
reason and wish for instant answer to
chronic problems.[12 December 2012]
Hamlet and Bakistan: Diseases desperate
grown by desperate appliance are relieved,
or not at all. Worldwide people are worried
about latestnuclear test of North Korea.
[12 February 2013]
About the Author
Sajid Imtiaz hails from
Islamabad and did graduation in Psychology
and Economics. In 1994, he served in College
of Army Education, Jhika Gali, Murree. He
has served in leading advertising agencies in
Islamabad and Peshawar. Forty-five years
old Sajid Imtiaz is editor-in-chief of Daily 10
Minutes, 1st Pakistani online e-paper with
balance sheet. He is communications expert
of CDKN and honorary member of Pakistan
Society of Criminology. Besides editing
books and reports, he has written one score
of film scripts. Sajid’s book “Internet Crimes
– 25 Factual Cases”is a trendsetter in world.

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Hamlet and Bakistan

  • 2. ISBN: 978-969-23197-1-3 Title: Hamlet and Bakistan Author: Sajid Imtiaz Sheikh OnlineEdition:2013 Dedication This book is dedicated to Imtiazuddin Shaikh, Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf and Foundation of Old Comprehensive United Students (FOCUS) Contents  Foreword  Hamlet and Bakistan  About the Author
  • 3. Foreword Writers have been trying to bridge the communication gap between different cultures and civilizations. They have been quoting poets and philosophers for effective communication. Hamlet and Bakistan – New World Order is true picture of contemporary Pakistan and addressed to overseas Pakistanis. It portrays chronic problems and their solutions for sustainable progress of country. Sajid Imtiaz creatively carved the title and contents. This work has enhanced mental age and collective consciousness of Pakistani nation. More than one thousand persons have enjoyed it. English knowing populace can enjoy itanytime anywhere in the world.
  • 4. Hamlet and Bakistan: For Hecuba! What’s Hecuba to him, or he to Hecuba, that he should weep for her? What would he do, Had he the motive and the cue for passion that I have? People find Allama Muhammad Iqbal in persona of Imran Khan and are joiningPakistan Tehreek Insaaf. [09 December 2011] Hamlet and Bakistan: To be, or not to be, that is the question, Whether it’s nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, Or to take arms against a sea of troubles, And by opposing them, end them. Dr. Zulfiqar Mirza is first role model politician. After visit from England, dramatic change has come in his personality and behavior. Daily 10 Minutes requests development-oriented Pakistanis to stand by Dr. Zulfiqar Mirza who did not say he is Rosulzada. [10 December 2011]
  • 5. Hamlet and Bakistan: Nay, do not think I flatter, For what advancement may I hope from thee, That no revenue hast but thy good spirits to feed and clothe thee? Why should the poor be flattered? Pakistan People Party has failed in providing food, clothe and home to Pakistanis. Imran Khan and Daniyal Aziz need to concentrate on employment and energy to make Pakistan truly a dynamic democracy. [11 December 2011] Hamlet and Bakistan: I’ll call thee Hamlet, King, Father, royal Dane. O, answer me! Let me not burst in ignorance, but tell why thy canonized bones hearsed in death have burst their cerements? People of Pakistan are carefully watching Imran Khan, Dr. Zulfiqar Mirza, Mian Nawaz Sharif and Syed Munawar Hassan to provide them employment and energy. [12 December 2011]
  • 6. Hamlet and Bakistan: I will tell you why, so shall my anticipation prevent your discovery, and your secrecy to the king and queen moult no feather. Pakistanis know energy resources and problems of country but feel pity over inefficient tail-career technocrats and leaders. [13 December 2011] Hamlet and Bakistan: Let me see. [He takes the skull] Alas, poor Yorick! I knew him, Horatio – a fellow of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy. Dr. Zulfiqar Mirza and Afaq Ahmad have shown the real face and figure of Rehman Malik and Altaf Hussain respectively. It is collective duty of Rehman Malik and Altaf Hussain to clear mess from beloved Pakistan.[14 December 2011]
  • 7. Hamlet and Bakistan: You cannot, sir, take from me anything that I will more willingly part withal: except my life, except my life, except my life. Dr. Zulfiqar Mirza is committed to bring into light death of Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto like Mian Nawaz Sharif. They are ready to give their lives for Daughter of The East. [15 December 2011] Hamlet and Bakistan: What is a man, if his chief good and market of his time be but to sleep and feed? A beast, no more: Sure he that made us with such large discourse, looking before and after, gave us not that capability and god-like reason to fust in us unused. Pakistanis have to share vision and targets to achieve millennium development goals by 2015.[16 December 2011]
  • 8. Hamlet and Bakistan: We shall know by this fellow. The players cannot keep counsel, they’ll tell all. Politics is a serious business. So far leading political players are Imran Khan and Dr. Zulfiqar Mirza. Poor people have great expectations from them. [18 December 2011] Hamlet and Bakistan: For murder, though it have no tongue, will speak with most miraculous organs … The spirit that I have seen may be a devil, and the devil hath power it assume a pleasing shape. What to speak of death of Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto, murder of Shahbaz Taseer will have to come out. Police knows that no abductor keeps a kidnapped person for more than 100 days. [20 December 2011]
  • 9. Hamlet and Bakistan: Has this fellow no feeling of his business that a sings in graves- making? Home Minister Rehman Malik is worried over security situation and monitors performance of law enforcing agencies to make beloved Pakistan a bed of roses. He would disclose death reasons of Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto on 27th December 2011 or on eve of New Year 2012. [21 December 2011] Hamlet and Bakistan: Your wisdom should show itself more richer to signify this to the doctor. For, for me to put him to his purgation, would perhaps plunge him into more choler. Fourth death anniversary of Benazir Bhutto is at hand; her friends and foes have become melancholic because of frustration in bringing into light assassins. [24 December 2011]
  • 10. Hamlet and Bakistan: ‘By and by’ is easily said. Leave me, friends. It is now the very witching time of night, when churchyards yawn, and hell itself breathes out contagion to this world: now could I drink hot blood, and do such bitter business as the day would quake to look on. Benazir Bhutto lovers especially Dr. Zulfiqar Mirza and Abid Sher Ali are passing though the turbulent times. [30 December 2011] Hamlet and Bakistan: Has this fellow no feeling of his business that a sings in graves- making? Home Minister Rehman Malik is worried over security situation and monitors performance of law enforcing agencies to make beloved Pakistan a bed of roses. He would never disclose death reasons of Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto even in 2012. [04 January 2012]
  • 11. Hamlet and Bakistan: That I can keep your counsel and not mine own. Besides, to be demanded of a sponge, what replication should be made by the son of a king? Pakistanis have been fed up with promises made by politicians. They see utter darkness in coming days. [11 January 2012] Hamlet and Bakistan: Ha, ha! Are you honest? People are doubting each other about honesty and transparency. No one knows how Benazir Bhutto died. No one knows how Osama Ben Laden was killed. No one knows who coined Memogate scandal. [14 January 2012]
  • 12. Hamlet and Bakistan: I dare not confess that, lest I should compare with him in excellence, but to know a man well were to know himself. Pakistani politicians and spin doctors are in perpetual habit of point scoring. Chaudhry Nasar Ali Khan’s team is more mature than Rehman Malik’s. [25 January 2012] Hamlet and Bakistan: We shall know by this fellow. The players cannot keep counsel, they’ll tell all. Politicians are smart to tame Dr. Zulfiqar Mirza and Altaf Hussain. Pakistani youth is expecting truth, nothing except truth, from Mansur Ijaz. [02 February 2012]
  • 13. Hamlet and Bakistan: I am constant to my purposes, they follow the king’s pleasure. If his fitness speaks, mine is ready; now or whensoever, provided I be so able as now. Every literary man in Pakistan unconsciously behaves likeHamlet instead of Adonis. [03 February 2012] Hamlet and Bakistan: That I can keep your counsel and not mine own. Besides, to be demanded of a sponge, what replication should be made by the son of a king? Pakistanis, especially media community, carefully note promises of politicians and they have found new light in shape of Imran Khan. [04 February 2012]
  • 14. Hamlet and Bakistan: Readers of www.daily- and Facebookers are requested to collect pieces of Hamlet and Bakistan and make a documentary for international award. It can be presented as research paper and young research scholar. Hopefully Red Communications would take notice of this opportunity. [06 February 2012] Hamlet and Bakistan: Here’s the commission, read it at more leisure but wilt thou hear now how I did proceed? Memogate Scandal Investigation Commission is an eye wash in eyes of judges to keep away from death of Benazir Bhutto. For judiciary with due respect, an old principleand protocol i.e.FirstThingFirst. [11 February 2012]
  • 15. Hamlet and Bakistan: There’s another. Why may not that be the skull of a lawyer? Where be his quiddities now, his quillities, his cases, his tenures, and his tricks? After Dr. Babar Awan, senior lawyer Aitazaz Ahsan has seen his fate. Both will plan something new for Pakistan People’s Party. [12 February 2012] Hamlet and Bakistan: Ay, sir, that soaks up the king’s countenance, his rewards, his authorities. But such officers do the king best service in the end, he keeps them like an apple in the corner of his jaw, first mouthed to be last swallowed. President Asif Ali Zardari is a Sindhi and his best friend no one knows except Benazir Bhutto. [18 February 2012]
  • 16. Hamlet and Bakistan: O God, God, how weary, stale, flat, and unprofitable seem to me all the uses of this world! Fie on’t, ah fie. Subedar Rab Nawaz sans Naib Subedar was rebuking God and government even in front of lady constables in Islamabad. [22 February 2012] Hamlet and Bakistan: I’ll call thee Hamlet, King, father and royal Dane. O, answer me! Let me not burst in ignorance, but tell why thy canonized bones hearsed in death have burst their cerements? After four years, government has pinpointed death of Benazir Bhutto. For fair justice, there is no lover of Benazir Bhutto in Pakistan. [23 February 2012]
  • 17. Hamlet and Bakistan: Haste me to know’t, that I with wings as swift as meditation or the thoughts of love, may sweep to my revenge. Mysterious death of Benazir Bhutto has put Hamlet-lovers in psychological trouble in Pakistan. [02 March 2012] Hamlet and Bakistan: O all you host of heaven! O earth! What else? And shall I couple hell? O fie! Hold, hold, my heart, and you my sinews, grow not instant old, but bear me stiffly up … remember thee? Ay thou poor ghost whiles memory holds a seat in this distracted globe. Remember thee. People of Pakistan have been conditioned to mini budgets in garb and shape of price hike of basic utilities. [03 March 2012]
  • 18. Hamlet and Bakistan: Be not too tame neither, but let your own discretion be your tutor, suit the action to the word, the word to the action, with this special observance, that you overstep not the modesty of nature. Very few Pakistanis know targets of Millennium Development Goals and MDGs Clock made in 2007. Hopefully Prime Minister’s Advisor Faisal Sakhi Butt will fix MDGs Clock in model metropolis i.e. Islamabad. [04 March 2012] Hamlet and Bakistan: The time is out of joint, O cursed spite, that ever I was born to set it right! Nay come, let’s go together. Unfavorable macro political economic environment of country has made Hamlet in action and he is searching likeminded mainstream groups like Youth Parliament to bringchange in country. [05 March 2012]
  • 19. Hamlet and Bakistan: Ah, ha! Come, some music! Come, the recorders! For if the king like not the comedy, why then, belike, he likes it not, perdy. Come, some music. It has been long to enjoy good symphony in Pakistan. The song “Who Humsafar Tha” by Quratul Aain Baloch has different meaning to different people thus it is a masterpiece in difficulttime. [07 March 2012] Hamlet and Bakistan: A whole one, I. For thou dost know, O Damon dear, this realm dismantled was of Jove himself, and now reigns here a very, very – peacock. In 15th century, Bakistan was an integral part of India when rulers were Moghals. Sheik Network of Pakistan is gaining momentum in the country in all circles instead of Haqqani Network. [08 March 2012]
  • 20. Hamlet and Bakistan: Hear you, sir, what is the reason that you use me thus? I loved you ever, but it is no matter, let Hercules himself do what he may, the cat will mew, the dog will have his day. Mostly Pakistanis questioning President of Pakistan Asif Ali Zardari for not distributing free plots to them in Baluchistan and Khyber Pakhtunkwa for buildingmini homes.[09 Mar 2012] Hamlet and Bakistan: That skull had a tongue in it, and could sing once! How the knave jowls it to the ground, as if they were Cain’s jaw bone, that did the first murder! This might be the pate of a politician, which this ass now o’er reaches; one that would circumvent God, might it not? People have been conditioned to most heinous sin i.e. murder even murders of politicians. [11 March 2012]
  • 21. Hamlet and Bakistan: How absolute the knave is! We must speak by the card or equivocation will undo us. Lord, Horatio, this three years I have took note of it, the age is grown so picked, that the toe of the peasant comes so near the heel of the courtier he galls his kibe….How long hast thou been grave-maker? Op-Ed “Hamlet and Bakistan” was first published three months back in Daily 10 Minutes and Daily B-Rich, serious e- papers of Pakistan.[13 March 2012] Hamlet and Bakistan: Why, I will fight with him upon this theme until my eyelids will no longer wag. Imran Khan, Chairman Pakistan Tehreek Insaaf, still has to decide his best critical aide-de-camp to win the elections through issue-based politics. [14 March 2012]
  • 22. Hamlet and Bakistan: Sir, I will walk here in the hall, if it pleases his majesty. It is the breathing time of day with me. Let the foils be brought, the gentleman willing, and the king hold his purpose, I will win for him and I can, if not I will gain nothing but my shame and the odd hits. People are resolved to form new provinces; Sareiki, Hazara and Bahawalpur for better education and economic development. [17 March 2012] Hamlet and Bakistan: O villainy! ho! let the door be locked – treachery! seek it out. Hamlet is resolutely solving problems to make the country truly democratic. O local government representatives! Where are you? [19 March 2012]
  • 23. Hamlet and Bakistan: O, I die, Horatio, the potent poison quite over-crows my spirit, I cannot live to hear the news from England, but I do prophesy the election lights on Fortinbras, he has my dying voice. So tell him, with th’occurents more and less which have solicited – the rest is silence. Problems and progress go together in life. Best political party in Pakistan is United National Movement i.e. MQM in Urdu. Altaf Hussain living in London is much needed back home for free, fair and transparent general elections to be held in 2013. [20 March 2012] Hamlet and Bakistan: Yes, by Saint Patrick, but there is, Horatio, and much offence too – touching this vision here, it is an honest ghost that let me tell you – for your desire to know what is between us, O’ermaster’t as you may. On 72nd Pakistan Day, is resolved for white economy, polity and technology amongst bottlenecks. [23 March 2012]
  • 24. Hamlet and Bakistan: Give every man thy ear, but few thy voice, take each man’s censure, but reserve thy judgement. Government of Pakistan neither listens nor reacts in words of Amna Janjua. Imran Khan has been judgmental about system, government and politicians. Khawaja Khalil Salar can become a leader if he carefully studies flaws in Imran Khan’s character. [27 March 2012] Hamlet and Bakistan: Hillo, ho, ho, boy! Come, bird, come. Shakespeare lovers are waiting for white crow as a sign of change and creativity as they have been conditioned to sit-ins and protests.[28 March 2012] Hamlet and Bakistan: Indeed, indeed, sirs, but this troubles me. Hold you the watch to- night? There are score of important cases listed with Supreme Court of Pakistan yet 192 million Pakistanis wait for some big glad tiding.[3 April 2012]
  • 25. Hamlet and Bakistan: O reform it altogether, and let those that play your clowns speak no more than is set down for them, for there be of them that will themselves laugh, to set on some quantity of barren spectators to laugh too, though in the mean time some necessary question of the play be then to be considered. Khawaja Khalil Salar has started a new save campaign through Pakistan Solidarity Referendum. He is strivingfor welfareof 98% Pakistanis. [07 April 2012] Hamlet and Bakistan: Your wisdom should show itself more richer to signify this to the doctor. For, for me to put him to his purgation, would perhaps plunge him into more choler. Pak-America government to government relations are improving every passing year that frustrate religious parties includingJamat-e-Islami. [08 April 2012]
  • 26. Hamlet and Bakistan: It is as easy as lying; govern these ventages with your fingers and thumb, give it breath with your mouth, and it will discourse most eloquent music – look you, these are the stops. Editors and anchors have been suggesting innovative solutions to government yet there is no eloquent music from Islamabad. [09 April 2012] Hamlet and Bakistan: O, I could tell you – but let it be; Horatio, I am dead, thou livest, report me and my cause aright to the unsatisfied. People in a hamlet in Dera Ghazi Khan are facing nuclear toxic waste and waitingfor eloquent music. [10 April 2012]
  • 27. Hamlet and Bakistan: Look here, upon this picture, and on this the counterfeit presentment of two brothers. See what a grace was seated on this brow – Hyperion’s curls, the front of Jove himself, an eye like Mars to threaten and command, a station like the herald Mercury, new-lighted on a heaven–kissing hill a combination and a form indeed, where every god did seem to set his seal to give the world assurance of a man. One-decade old photo of a Gemini writer, Sheik Sajed Imtiaz, shows the shadow of shadow of the first man i.e. Hamlet. [13 April 2012]
  • 28. Hamlet and Bakistan: No, faith, not a jot, but to follow him thither with modesty enough, and likelihood to lead it; as thus – Alexander died, Alexander was buried, Alexander returneth to dust, the dust is earth, of earth we make loam, and why of that loam whereto he was converted might they not stop a beer-barrel? Whenever raining happens in Pakistan some groups do firework to expel natural clemency and mystic. It is a strange phenomenon for Shakespeare lovers.[20 April 2012] Hamlet and Bakistan: On him! on him! Look you, how pale he glares! His form and cause conjoined, preaching to stones, would make them capable. Do not look upon me, lest with this piteous action you convert my stern effects, then what I have to do will want true colour, tears perchance for blood. What to speak of Giyari Avalanche incident, lately a Boeing of Bhoja Air killed 127 passengers. Blood tears are in everyone’s eyes. [21 April 2012]
  • 29. Hamlet and Bakistan: Why, let the stricken deer go weep, the hart ungalled play, for some must watch while some must sleep, thus runs the world away. Judiciary of Pakistan is watching without sleep all stakeholders yet requires more funds for effective dispensation of justice and natural economic system ensuring employment and innovation. [24 April 2012] Hamlet and Bakistan: O God! I could be bounded in a nut-shell, and count myself a king of infinite space; were it not that I have bad dreams. Islamic political parties have been striving for kingdom in Pakistan on pattern of Saudi Arabia and UAE. Let us strive for people-focused kingdom on pattern of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan in Pakistan. [27 April 2012]
  • 30. Hamlet and Bakistan: Slanders, sir; for the satirical rogue says here that old men have grey beards, that their faces are wrinkled, their eyes purging thick amber and plum tree gum, and that they have a plentiful lack of wit, together with most weak hams-all which, sir, though I most powerfully and potently believe, yet I hold it not honesty to have it thus set down, for yourself, sir, shall grow old as I am…if like a crab you could go backward. Anyone can find old people in mausoleums of saints rebuking government and God for miserablecondition. [28 April 2012] Hamlet and Bakistan: Words, words, words. Newspapers and television channels are full of words, statements and speeches but no solution to chronic problems. Action and only action people require. [29 April 2012]
  • 31. Hamlet and Bakistan: Sir, in my heart there was a kind of fighting that would not let me sleep – methought I lay worse than the mutines in the bilboes. Rashly, and praised be rashness for it …. Let us know our indiscretion sometimes serves us well, when our deep plots do pall, and that should learn us there’s a divinity that shapes our ends, rough-hew them how we will. Proactively all seven pillars of state are striving for bright future of people except former bureaucrat and current home minister Rehman Malik. [01 May 2012]
  • 32. Hamlet and Bakistan: What a piece of work is a man, how noble in reason, how infinite in faculties, in form and moving, how express and admirable in action, how like an angel in apprehension, how like a god: the beauty of the world; the paragon of animals; and yet to me, what is this quintessence of dust? Man delights not me, no, nor woman neither, though by your smiling you seem say so. Persistent dissatisfaction equally innovates like necessity. Financially crunch Daily 10 Minutes is equally endeavoring for business athome and peace abroad. [03 May 2012]
  • 33. Hamlet and Bakistan: Observe my uncle – if his occulted guilt do not itself unkennel in one speech, it is a damned ghost that we have seen, and my imaginations are as foul as Vulcan’s stithy; give him heedful note, for I mine eyes will rivet to his face, and after we will both our judgements join in censure of his seeming. Barrister Dr. Farooq Hasan like Muhammad Rasheed Ahmed – father of socialism – is carefully observing the wire pullers who deliberately keep the poor poor. [04 May 2012] Hamlet and Bakistan: Then is doomsday near. But your news is not true. Let me question more in particular: what have you, my good friends, deserved at the hands of Fortune, that she sends you to prison hither? Spin doctors and secretaries have been manipulating information whereas analysts and journalists clear the perception. We cannot state that Jang Group is not state within state. [06 May 2012]
  • 34. Hamlet and Bakistan: O wretched state! O bosom black as death! O limed soul, that struggling to be free, art more engaged; help, angels! Make assay, bow stubborn knees, and heart, with strings of steel, be soft as sinews of the new-born babe – all may be well. Pakistanis are looking for an honest-yet-competent leader and votary of Allama Muhammad Iqbal to be remained creatively competitive in coming centuries. In Punjab, Sharif Brothers are light whereas Chaudhry Brothers a flare.[08 May 2012] Hamlet and Bakistan: In heaven – send thither to see, if your messenger find him not there, seek him i’th’other place yourself. But if indeed you find him not within this month, you shall nose him as you go up the stairs into the lobby. May is the most beautiful month as Premier has been made ineligible as parliamentarian for 5 years. People are foreseeing next government under dynamic leadership of Mian Shehbaz Sharif.[10 May 2012]
  • 35. Hamlet and Bakistan: Beggar that I am, I am even poor in thanks, but I thank you – and sure, dear friends, my thanks are too dear a halfpenny: were you not sent for? Is it your own inclining? Is it a free visitation? Come, come, deal justly with me, come, come, nay speak. People are astonished over mysterious escape of Dr. Zulfiqar Mirza, former home minister of Sindh. Let us wait for his confessional autobiography. [12 May 2012] Hamlet and Bakistan: Or of a courtier, which could say ‘Good morrow, sweet lord! How dost thou, good lord?’ This might be my lord such-a-one, that praised my lord such-a- one’s horse, when a’ meant to beg it, might it not? Advisors have been making and destroying regimes and governments in the world. Pakistani political and media advisors are learning marketing-before-breakfast to achievedesired results for the economy. [15 May 2012]
  • 36. Hamlet and Bakistan: Ay, sir, but ‘While the grass grows’ – the proverb is something musty. Living in and solving myraid of problems is crux of life. Residents of Islamabad are overjoyed on local government elections. [26 May 2012] Hamlet and Bakistan: It shall beso, madness in great must not unwatched go. Former ambassador and writer, Attaul Haq Qasmi has declared himself a jack-ass instead of a horse. Very few humans are alive today in world. [28 May 2012] Hamlet and Bakistan: If circumstances lead me, I will find where truth is hid, though it were hid indeed within the Center. Governor State Bank of Pakistan, Anwar Yasin, has alarmed over poor macro economic situation whereas missile race is going on. Pakistanis think and track truth and friends. [30 May 2012]
  • 37. Hamlet and Bakistan: Doubt truth to be a liar/ But never doubt I love. Though fierce criticism to federal budget 2012-13 yet tea- lovers and tea companies are pleased with substantial slash in general sales tax. Opinion leaders would watch new price of tea cup countrywide. [06 June 2012] Hamlet and Bakistan: Laertes, was your father dear to you? Or are you like the painting of a sorrow, a face without a heart? At the burial of Mehdi Hasan, wealthy journalists are enjoying CJP-Malik Riaz tussle, not advocating for External Jury in all courts of country. [14 June 2012]
  • 38. Hamlet and Bakistan: Why right, you are in the right, and so without more circumstance at all I hold it fit that we shake hands and part, you, as your business and desire shall point you, for every man hath business and desire such as it is, and for my own poor part, look you, I will go pray. People demand for royal entitlements like landlords and are consciously striving to become scholars, poets, musicians, singers, marketers and actors to uplift their life and lot. [20 June 2012] Hamlet and Bakistan: Such an act that blurs the grace and blush of modesty, calls virtue hypocrite, takes off the rose from the fair forehead of an innocent love and sets a blister there, makes marriage vows as false as dicers’ oaths. Custodians and protectors of democracy are proactive for basic entitlements. Everyone in country is carefully watching fate of new premier Raja Pervez Ashraf. Supreme Court of Pakistan is grace and blush of democracy. [26 June 2012]
  • 39. Hamlet and Bakistan: Neither a borrower nor a lender be, for loan oft loses both itself and friend, and borrowing dulls the edge of husbandry. Youth is questioning about huge foreign debts and supporting Supreme Court and Pakistan Tehreek Insaaf to bring Swiss money back home to achieve good governance and millennium development goals and targets. [06 July 2012] Hamlet and Bakistan: Make you a wholesome answer – my wit’s diseased. Corruption and development go together. This dogma promoted by leading politicians like Benazir Bhutto. Supreme Court, USAID, and Imran Khan are endeavoring to invalid the dogma. [14 July 2012]
  • 40. Hamlet and Bakistan: But orderly to end where I begun, Our wills and fates do so contrary run, That our devices still are overthrown, Our thoughts are ours, their ends none of our own. President Asif Ali Zardari is endeavoring to bring seven tribal agencies into mainstream to make Pakistan a truly dynamic democracy in Asia. Let us welcome a new province“Sheenwar”. [20 July 2012] Hamlet and Bakistan: What have you done, my lord, with the dead body? Over three thousand persons have been killed in drone attacks. Medea Benjamin, 59-year American writer is once again visiting Pakistan to end drone attacks. Third millennia humans are still learninghumanity. [27 July 2012]
  • 41. Hamlet and Bakistan: The single and peculiar life is bound with all the strength and armour of the mind to keep itself from noyance, but much more that spirit upon whose weal depends and rests the lives of many. Traditional three pillars of state alongwith media are purging themselves to foster sustainable economic development whereas people at hamlets waiting for Millennium Development Goals Clock. World finds the scribe best leadership option for Pakistan.[01 August 2012] Hamlet and Bakistan: Then thus she says, your behaviour hath struck her into amazement and admiration. Facebook is the new name of internet and media. In fact, Facebook is an index of our mind and a great philosopher is behind the book. World is anxiously waiting to admire innovators and discoverers fromPakistan. [08 August 2012]
  • 42. Hamlet and Bakistan: O such a deed as from the body of contraction plucks the very soul, and sweet religion makes a rhapsody of words; heaven’s face does glow, and this solidity and compound mass with heated visage, as against the doom, is thought-sick at the act. Twin earthquakes in Iran took over 150 human lives. Why human beings do not design a device that shows ebb and flow of earthquake pulses? O East and West, let’s work together for Smart Intel Box. [13 August 2012] Hamlet and Bakistan: O Jephthah, judge of Israel, what a treasure hadst thou. Pakistanis have started believing themselves as citizens of world like Socrates. They have started getting income for watching advertisements online. Soon TV channels and traditional newspapers will offer viewers and readers for communicated contents especially advertisements. The day of prosperity is at hand. [23 August 2012]
  • 43. Hamlet and Bakistan: Not that I think you did not love your father, but that I know love is begun by time, and that I see in passages of proof time qualifies the spark and fire of it. Pakistanis know that seven spiritual fathers are immortal and they are learning about The 2045 Initiative by Dmitry Itskov and start visiting [30 August 2012] Hamlet and Bakistan: Most necessary ‘tis that we forget to pay ourselves what to oursleves is debt. What to oursleves in passion we propose, the passion ending, doth the purpose lose. After a long time, there is a best weekly television program “I Will Wakeup” for civic sense. Still there remains “Techful Pakistan”, another television program to be produced and aired. [11 September 2012]
  • 44. Hamlet and Bakistan: The violence of either grief or joy their own enactures with themselves destroy, where joy most revels, grief doth most lament, grief joys, joy grieves, on slender accident. Families of missing persons are temperately criticizing the state whereas representative government of PPP is endeavoring to breed pool of patriotic citizens for peace and prosperity. Besides stagflation, missing citizens is the hottest issue in next general elections for political parties. [24 September 2012] Hamlet and Bakistan: This world is not for aye, nor ‘tis not strange that even our loves should with our fortunes change: For ‘tis a question left us yet to prove, whether love lead fortune, or else fortune love. Before 1947, our leaders like Liaqat Ali Khan developed love for America. At the end of War on Terror, Pakistanis expect comprehensive rehabilitation of Tribal Areas through implementation of Prime Prosperity Paradigm.[01 October 2012]
  • 45. Hamlet and Bakistan: I have words to speak in thine ear will make thee dumb, yet are they much too light for the bore of the matter. Champion of education and National Peace Prize winner, 14-year old Malala Yousafzai is in critical condition after having shots from Taliban at Mingora. It is not possible to educate groups or individuals, worldwide and kindle light of knowledge and tolerance. [10 October 2012] Hamlet and Bakistan: O, for two special reasons, which may to you perhaps seem unsinewed, but yet to me they’re strong. Pakistan is a free market democratic economy where political parties do not introduce and promote young leaders. Besides exclusive Governor of FATA, there is need to revive National Reconstruction Bureau. [21 October 2012]
  • 46. Hamlet and Bakistan: Thou know’st ‘tis common, all that lives must die, passing through nature to eternity. Lately English writer Maryam Jamila and Urdu poetess Samina Raja have departed in Lahore and Islamabad respectively living behind their memories and works. Hopefully Pakistanis would start discovering and honouring self- actualized ladies. [01 November 2012] Hamlet and Bakistan: Madam, I swear I use no art at all. That he is mad ‘tis true, ‘tis true, ‘tis pity, and pity ‘tis ‘tis true – a foolish figure, but farewell it, for I will use no art. Today no one is cognitively disturbed or imbalance. Kashmiris question to the democratic dominated world. Thus brevity is the soul of wit. [14 November 2012]
  • 47. Hamlet and Bakistan: I dare not confess that, lest I should compare with him in excellence, but to know a man well were to know himself. Courtney Powell has formed social better business bureau for the new age. PublikDemand and Codepink are signs of secure consumerism. [04 December 2012] Hamlet and Bakistan: O, ‘tis most sweet when in one line two crafts directly meet. At home, people are fed up with rhyme and reason and wish for instant answer to chronic problems.[12 December 2012] Hamlet and Bakistan: Diseases desperate grown by desperate appliance are relieved, or not at all. Worldwide people are worried about latestnuclear test of North Korea. [12 February 2013]
  • 48. About the Author Sajid Imtiaz hails from Islamabad and did graduation in Psychology and Economics. In 1994, he served in College of Army Education, Jhika Gali, Murree. He has served in leading advertising agencies in Islamabad and Peshawar. Forty-five years old Sajid Imtiaz is editor-in-chief of Daily 10 Minutes, 1st Pakistani online e-paper with balance sheet. He is communications expert of CDKN and honorary member of Pakistan Society of Criminology. Besides editing books and reports, he has written one score of film scripts. Sajid’s book “Internet Crimes – 25 Factual Cases”is a trendsetter in world. Contact: