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* Reads bits-at-a-time where the number of bits is between 1 and 32.
* Updated for version 2.0 to extend This class
* can be used together with <code>BitOutputStream</code> to facilitate
* reading and writing data several bits-at-a-time. BitInputStream objects
* that are constructed from a File support <code>reset()</code>. However,
* if constructed from an <code>InputStream</code> an object cannot be reset.
* <P>
* Any exceptions generated are rethrown as <code>RuntimeException</code> objects
* so client code does not have to catch or rethrow them. (Unless the extension
* of <code>InputStream</code> requires throwing as another type of exception, e.g.,
* as with method <code>read</code>.
* <P>
* @author Owen Astrachan
* @version 1.0, July 2000
* @version 2.0, October 2004

public class BitInputStream extends InputStream
  private InputStream myInput;
  private int       myBitCount;
  private int       myBuffer;
  private File       myFile;

  private static final int bmask[] = {
     0x00, 0x01, 0x03, 0x07, 0x0f, 0x1f, 0x3f, 0x7f, 0xff,

  private static final int BITS_PER_BYTE = 8;
   * Construct a bit-at-a-time input stream from a file whose
   * name is supplied.
   * @param filename is the name of the file that will be read.
   * @throws RuntimeException if filename cannot be opened.
  public BitInputStream(String filename)
     this(new File(filename));

   * Construct a bit-at-a-time input stream from <code>file</code>.
   * @param file is the File that is the source of the input
   * @throws RuntimeExceptoin if file cannot be opened.
  public BitInputStream(File file)
     myFile = file;
try {
    } catch (IOException e) {
       throw new RuntimeException("could not open file for reading bits "+e);


 * Open a bit-at-a-time stream that reads from supplied InputStream. If this
 * constructor is used the BitInputStream is not reset-able.
 * @param in is the stream from which bits are read.
public BitInputStream(InputStream in){
   myInput = in;
   myFile = null;

 * Return true if the stream has been initialized from a File and
 * is thus reset-able. If constructed from an InputStream it is not reset-able.
 * @return true if stream can be reset (it has been constructed appropriately from a File).
public boolean markSupported(){
   return myFile != null;

* Reset stream to beginning. The implementation creates a new
* stream.
* @throws IOException if not reset-able (e.g., constructed from InputStream).

public void reset() throws IOException
  if (! markSupported()){
     throw new IOException("not resettable");
     myInput = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(myFile));
  catch (FileNotFoundException fnf){
     System.err.println("error opening " + myFile.getName() + " " + fnf);
  myBuffer = myBitCount = 0;

* Closes the input stream.
* @throws RuntimeException if the close fails

public void close()
    if (myInput != null) {
        catch ( ioe){
          throw new RuntimeException("error closing bit stream " + ioe);

    * Returns the number of bits requested as rightmost bits in
    * returned value, returns -1 if not enough bits available to
    * satisfy the request.
    * @param howManyBits is the number of bits to read and return
    * @return the value read, only rightmost <code>howManyBits</code>
    * are valid, returns -1 if not enough bits left

    public int readBits(int howManyBits) throws IOException
      int retval = 0;
      if (myInput == null){
         return -1;

        while (howManyBits > myBitCount){
          retval |= ( myBuffer << (howManyBits - myBitCount) );
          howManyBits -= myBitCount;
            if ( (myBuffer = == -1) {
               return -1;
          catch (IOException ioe) {
            throw new IOException("bitreading trouble "+ioe);
          myBitCount = BITS_PER_BYTE;

        if (howManyBits > 0){
           retval |= myBuffer >> (myBitCount - howManyBits);
           myBuffer &= bmask[myBitCount - howManyBits];
           myBitCount -= howManyBits;
        return retval;

     * Required by classes extending InputStream, returns
     * the next byte from this stream as an int value.
     * @return the next byte from this stream
    public int read() throws IOException {
       return readBits(8);

* Write bits-at-a-time where the number of bits is between 1 and 32
* Client programs must call <code>flush</code> or
* <code>close</code> when finished writing or not all bits will be written.
* This class is intended to be used with <code>BitInputStream</code> to
* facilitate reading and writing data in a bits-at-a-time manner.
* <P>
* Updated for version 2.0 to extend
* <P>
* Any exceptions generated are rethrown as <code>RuntimeException</code> objects
* so client code does not have to catch or rethrow them.
* <P>
* @author Owen Astrachan
* @version 1.0, July 2000
* @version 2.0, October 2004


public class BitOutputStream extends OutputStream

  private OutputStream myOutput;
  private int     myBuffer;
  private int     myBitsToGo;

  private static final int bmask[] = {
     0x00, 0x01, 0x03, 0x07, 0x0f, 0x1f, 0x3f, 0x7f, 0xff,

  private static final int BITS_PER_BYTE = 8;

   * Required by OutputStream subclasses, write the low
   * 8-bits to the underlying outputstream
  public void write(int b) throws IOException {

   * Create a stream that writes-through to the <code>OutputStream</code> object
   * passed as a parameter.
   * @param out is the output stream to which bits are written
  public BitOutputStream(OutputStream out){
     myOutput = out;
private void initialize(){
   myBuffer = 0;
   myBitsToGo = BITS_PER_BYTE;
 * Construct a bit-at-a-time output stream with specified file
 * name.
 * @param filename is the name of the file being written
 * @throws RuntimeException if opening file fails for either FileNotFound
 * or for Security exceptoins
public BitOutputStream(String filename)
      myOutput = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(filename));
   catch (FileNotFoundException fnf){
      throw new RuntimeException("could not create " + filename + " " + fnf);
   catch(SecurityException se){
      throw new RuntimeException("security exception on write " + se);

 * Flushes bits not yet written, must be called by client
 * programs if <code>close</code> isn't called.
 * @throws RuntimeException if there's a problem writing bits
public void flush()
   if (myBitsToGo != BITS_PER_BYTE) {
        write( (myBuffer << myBitsToGo) );
      catch ( ioe){
        throw new RuntimeException("error writing bits on flush " + ioe);
      myBuffer = 0;
      myBitsToGo = BITS_PER_BYTE;

    catch ( ioe){
      throw new RuntimeException("error on flush " + ioe);

* Releases system resources associated with file and
* flushes bits not yet written. Either this function
* or flush must be called or not all bits will be written
* @throws RuntimeException if close fails
    public void close()
       catch (IOException ioe){
          throw new RuntimeException("error closing BitOutputStream " + ioe);

    * Write specified number of bits from value to a file.
    * @param howManyBits is number of bits to write (1-32)
    * @param value is source of bits, rightmost bits are written
    * @throws RuntimeException if there's an I/O problem writing bits

    public void writeBits(int howManyBits, int value)
      value &= bmask[howManyBits]; // only right most bits valid

        while (howManyBits >= myBitsToGo){
         myBuffer = (myBuffer << myBitsToGo) |
                (value >> (howManyBits - myBitsToGo));
         catch ( ioe){
            throw new RuntimeException("error writing bits " + ioe);

            value &= bmask[howManyBits - myBitsToGo];
            howManyBits -= myBitsToGo;
            myBitsToGo = BITS_PER_BYTE;
            myBuffer = 0;

        if (howManyBits > 0) {
           myBuffer = (myBuffer << howManyBits) | value;
           myBitsToGo -= howManyBits;


import javax.swing.JFileChooser;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
import javax.swing.ProgressMonitorInputStream;

public class Diff
  protected static JFileChooser ourChooser = new JFileChooser(".");

  public Diff(){


  public static void showMessage(String message){
    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, message,"Diff Output",
  public static boolean doDiffer(File[] files){
    try {
      ProgressMonitorInputStream stream1 =
          new ProgressMonitorInputStream(
                "reading "+files[0].getName(),
                new FileInputStream(files[0]));
      ProgressMonitorInputStream stream2 =
          new ProgressMonitorInputStream(
                "reading "+files[1].getName(),
                new FileInputStream(files[1]));
      BitInputStream b1 = new BitInputStream(stream1);
      BitInputStream b2 = new BitInputStream(stream2);
      while (true) {
          int x = b1.readBits(8);
          int y = b2.readBits(8);
          if (x == -1) return y == -1;
          if (y == -1) return false;
          if (x != y) return false;
      // never reached

      } catch (IOException e) {
         JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"trouble reading","Diff Error",
         return false;

  public static void main(String[] args){
    ourChooser.setDialogTitle("Diff: choose two files");
    int retval = ourChooser.showOpenDialog(null);
    if (retval == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION){
          File[] files = ourChooser.getSelectedFiles();
if (files.length != 2){
               JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"Choose Two Files",
                     "Diff Error",JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
            else {
               if (doDiffer(files)){
                   showMessage("Files are the same");
               else {
                   showMessage("Files DIFFER somewhere");

* Main/launch program for Huff assignment. A better
* comment than this is warranted.
public class Huff {

    public static void main(String[] args){
      HuffViewer sv = new HuffViewer("Duke Compsci Huffing");
      IHuffProcessor proc = new SimpleHuffProcessor();

import javax.swing.JFileChooser;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;

import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.channels.FileChannel;

public class HuffMark {
  protected static JFileChooser ourOpenChooser = new JFileChooser(System
  static {

  private double myTotalCompressTime;
  private long myTotalUncompressedBytes;
  private long myTotalCompressedBytes;

  private IHuffProcessor myHuffer;
  private static String SUFFIX = ".hf";
  private static boolean FAST_READER = true;

  public void compress(File f) throws IOException{

      if (f.getName().endsWith(SUFFIX)) return; // don't read .hf files!
      if (f.isDirectory()) return; // don't read directories

      double start = System.currentTimeMillis();
      File outFile = new File(getCompressedName(f));
      FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(outFile);
      System.out.println("compressing to: "+outFile.getCanonicalPath());
      myHuffer.compress(getFastByteReader(f), out,true);
      double end = System.currentTimeMillis();
      double time = (end-start)/1000.0;

      myTotalUncompressedBytes += f.length();
      myTotalCompressedBytes += outFile.length();
      myTotalCompressTime += time;

      System.out.printf("%s fromt %d tot %d int %.3fn",f.getName(),f.length(),outFile.length(),time);


  public void doMark() throws IOException{
    if (myHuffer == null){
       myHuffer = new SimpleHuffProcessor();
    int action = ourOpenChooser.showOpenDialog(null);
    if (action == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION){
       File dir = ourOpenChooser.getSelectedFile();
       File[] list = dir.listFiles();
       for(File f : list){
      System.out.printf("total bytes read: %dn",myTotalUncompressedBytes);
      System.out.printf("total compressed bytes %dn", myTotalCompressedBytes);
      System.out.printf("total percent compression %.3fn",100.0* (1.0 -
      System.out.printf("compression time: %.3fn",myTotalCompressTime);

    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException{
      HuffMark hf = new HuffMark();

    private String getCompressedName(File f){
      String name = f.getName();
      String path = null;
      try {
         path = f.getCanonicalPath();
      } catch (IOException e) {
         System.err.println("trouble with file canonicalizing "+f);
         return null;
      int pos = path.lastIndexOf(name);
      String newName = path.substring(0, pos) + name + SUFFIX;
      return newName;

    private InputStream getFastByteReader(File f) throws FileNotFoundException{

      if (!FAST_READER){
         return new FileInputStream(f);

      ByteBuffer buffer = null;
      try {
        FileChannel channel = new FileInputStream(f).getChannel();
        buffer =, 0, channel.size());
        byte[] barray = new byte[buffer.limit()];

       if (barray.length != channel.size()){
          System.err.println(String.format("Reading %s error: lengths differ %d
       return new ByteArrayInputStream(barray);
    } catch (IOException e) {
    return null;


import javax.swing.*;

import java.awt.BorderLayout;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.channels.FileChannel;

* The GUI/View for Huffman coding assignment. Clients communicate
* with this view by attaching a model and then using the menu choices/options that
* are part of the GUI. Thus client code that fails to call <code>setModel</code> will
* almost certainly not work and generate null pointer problems because the view/GUI will
* not have an associated model.
* <P>
* @author Owen Astrachan
public class HuffViewer extends JFrame {

  private static String HUFF_SUFFIX = ".hf";
  private static String UNHUFF_SUFFIX = ".unhf";
  private static boolean FAST_READER = true;

  protected JTextArea myOutput;
  protected IHuffProcessor myModel;
  protected String myTitle;
  protected JTextField myMessage;
  protected File myFile;
  private boolean myForce;

  protected static JFileChooser ourChooser =
    new JFileChooser(System.getProperties().getProperty("user.dir"));

  public HuffViewer(String title) {

      JPanel panel = (JPanel) getContentPane();
      panel.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
      myTitle = title;
      myForce = false;

      panel.add(makeOutput(), BorderLayout.CENTER);
      panel.add(makeMessage(), BorderLayout.SOUTH);

      setSize(400, 400);
 * Associates this view with the given model. The GUI/View will
 * attach itself to the model so that communication between the view
 * and the model as well as <em>vice versa</em> is supported.
 * @param model is the model for this view
public void setModel(IHuffProcessor model) {
   myModel = model;

protected JPanel makeMessage() {
  JPanel p = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());
  myMessage = new JTextField(30);
  p.add(myMessage, BorderLayout.CENTER);
  return p;

protected JPanel makeOutput() {
  JPanel p = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());
  myOutput = new JTextArea(10,40);
  p.add(new JScrollPane(myOutput), BorderLayout.CENTER);
  return p;


protected File doRead() {

    int retval = ourChooser.showOpenDialog(null);
    if (retval != JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) {
       return null;

    myFile = ourChooser.getSelectedFile();
    ProgressMonitorInputStream temp = null;
    if (FAST_READER){
       temp = getMonitorableStream(getFastByteReader(myFile),"counting/reading bits ...");
    else {
       temp = getMonitorableStream(myFile,"counting/reading bits ...");
    final ProgressMonitorInputStream pmis = temp;
    final ProgressMonitor progress = pmis.getProgressMonitor();
    try {

      Thread fileReaderThread = new Thread() {
        public void run() {
          try {
             int saved = myModel.preprocessCompress(pmis);
             HuffViewer.this.showMessage("saved: "+saved+" bits");
          } catch (IOException e) {
HuffViewer.this.showError("reading exception");
          if (progress.isCanceled()) {
             HuffViewer.this.showError("reading cancelled");
    } catch (Exception e) {
       // TODO Auto-generated catch block
    File ret = myFile;
    myFile = null;
    return ret;

protected JMenu makeOptionsMenu() {
  JMenu menu = new JMenu("Options");

    JCheckBoxMenuItem force = new JCheckBoxMenuItem(new AbstractAction(
          "Force Compression") {
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ev) {
          myForce = !myForce;
    return menu;


protected JMenu makeFileMenu() {
  JMenu fileMenu = new JMenu("File");

    fileMenu.add(new AbstractAction("Open/Count") {
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ev) {

    fileMenu.add(new AbstractAction("Compress") {
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ev) {

    fileMenu.add(new AbstractAction("Uncompress") {
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ev) {

    fileMenu.add(new AbstractAction("Quit") {
       public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ev) {
    return fileMenu;

protected void makeMenus() {
  JMenuBar bar = new JMenuBar();

private void doDecode() {
  File file = null;
  try {
     int retval = ourChooser.showOpenDialog(null);
     if (retval != JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) {
     file = ourChooser.getSelectedFile();
     String name = file.getName();
     String uname = name;
     if (name.endsWith(HUFF_SUFFIX)) {
        uname = name.substring(0,name.length() - HUFF_SUFFIX.length()) + UNHUFF_SUFFIX;
     else {
        uname = name + UNHUFF_SUFFIX;
     String newName = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(this,
           "Name of uncompressed file", uname);
     if (newName == null) {
     String path = file.getCanonicalPath();

      int pos = path.lastIndexOf(name);
      newName = path.substring(0, pos) + newName;
      final File newFile = new File(newName);
      ProgressMonitorInputStream temp = null;
      if (FAST_READER){
         temp = getMonitorableStream(getFastByteReader(file),"uncompressing bits ...");
      else {
         temp = getMonitorableStream(file, "uncompressing bits...");
      final ProgressMonitorInputStream stream = temp;

      final ProgressMonitor progress = stream.getProgressMonitor();
      final OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(newFile);
      Thread fileReaderThread = new Thread() {
         public void run() {
           try {
              myModel.uncompress(stream, out);
           } catch (IOException e) {
              HuffViewer.this.showError("reading exception");
if (progress.isCanceled()) {
             HuffViewer.this.showError("reading cancelled");
    } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
       showError("could not open " + file.getName());
    } catch (IOException e) {
       showError("IOException, uncompression halted from viewer");

private void doSave() {
  myFile = doRead();
  if (myFile == null){
  String name = myFile.getName();
  showMessage("compressing "+name);
  String newName = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(this,
        "Name of compressed file", name + HUFF_SUFFIX);
  if (newName == null) {
  String path = null;
  try {
     path = myFile.getCanonicalPath();
  } catch (IOException e) {
     showError("trouble with file canonicalizing");
  int pos = path.lastIndexOf(name);
  newName = path.substring(0, pos) + newName;
  final File file = new File(newName);
  try {
     final FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(file);
     ProgressMonitorInputStream temp = null;
     if (FAST_READER){
        temp = getMonitorableStream(getFastByteReader(myFile),"compressing bits...");
     else {
        temp = getMonitorableStream(myFile,"compressing bits ...");
     final ProgressMonitorInputStream pmis = temp;
     final ProgressMonitor progress = pmis.getProgressMonitor();
     Thread fileWriterThread = new Thread() {
        public void run() {
          try {
             myModel.compress(pmis, out,myForce);
          } catch (IOException e) {
             HuffViewer.this.showError("compression exception");
          if (progress.isCanceled()) {
HuffViewer.this.showError("compression cancelled");
    } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
       showError("could not open " + file.getName());
    myFile = null;

private void cleanUp(File f) {
  if (!f.delete()) {
     showError("trouble deleting " + f.getName());
  } else {
     // do something here?

private ProgressMonitorInputStream getMonitorableStream(InputStream stream, String message) {

      final ProgressMonitorInputStream pmis = new ProgressMonitorInputStream(
           this, message, stream);

      ProgressMonitor progress = pmis.getProgressMonitor();

      return pmis;

private ProgressMonitorInputStream getMonitorableStream(File file,
    String message) {
  try {
    FileInputStream stream = new FileInputStream(file);
    if (stream == null){
        System.out.println("null on "+file.getCanonicalPath());
    final ProgressMonitorInputStream pmis = new ProgressMonitorInputStream(
          this, message, stream);

      ProgressMonitor progress = pmis.getProgressMonitor();

       return pmis;
    } catch (IOException e) {
       showError("could not open " + file.getName());
       return null;
     * To be called by model/client code to display strings in the GUI. Each object
     * in parameter elements will be displayed as a string in this view.
     * @param elements is source of objects that will be displayed, each object's
     * <code>toString</code> method wil be called to display.
    public void update(Collection elements) {
       for(Object o : elements){

     * Display a text message in the view (e.g., in the small text area
     * at the bottom of the GUI), thus a modeless message the user can ignore.
     * @param s is the message displayed
    public void showMessage(String s) {

     * Show a modal-dialog indicating an error; the user must dismiss the
     * displayed dialog.
     * @param s is the error-message displayed
    public void showError(String s) {
       JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, s, "Huff info",
    private ByteArrayInputStream getFastByteReader(File f){
       ByteBuffer buffer = null;
        try {
          FileChannel channel = new FileInputStream(f).getChannel();
          buffer =, 0, channel.size());
          byte[] barray = new byte[buffer.limit()];

       if (barray.length != channel.size()){
          showError(String.format("Reading %s error: lengths differ %d
       return new ByteArrayInputStream(barray);
    } catch (IOException e) {
    return null;


* Global constants used in Huff/Unhuff. Clients needing these
* values should implement this interface or access the
* values directly, e.g., as <code>IHuffConstants.BITS_PER_WORD</code>. However,
* implementing the interface is preferred in which case
* the values can be accessed simply as <code>BITS_PER_WORD</code>, for example.
* <P>
* @author Owen Astrachan
public interface IHuffConstants {
   * The standard number of bits per chunk/word when huffing.
  public static final int BITS_PER_WORD = 8;

    * The size of the alphabet given the number of bits per chunk, this
    * should be 2^BITS_PER_WORD.
    public static final int ALPH_SIZE = (1 << BITS_PER_WORD);

    * The standard number of bits needed to represent/store
    * an int, this is 32 in Java and nearly all other languages.
    public static final int BITS_PER_INT = 32;

    * The value of the PSEUDO_EOF character. This is one-more
    * than the maximum value of a legal BITS_PER_WORD-bit character.

    public static final int PSEUDO_EOF = ALPH_SIZE;

    * Isolate the magic number in one place.
    public static final int MAGIC_NUMBER = 1234567873;

* The interface for the model that can be attached
* to a HuffViewer. Most of the work done in huffing
* (and unhuffing) will be via a class that implements
* this interface. The interface may need to be extended
* depending on the design of the huffman program.
* <P>
* @author Owen Astrachan


public interface IHuffProcessor extends IHuffConstants {

  * Make sure this model communicates with some view.
  * @param viewer is the view for communicating.
  public void setViewer(HuffViewer viewer);

  * Preprocess data so that compression is possible ---
  * count characters/create tree/store state so that
  * a subsequent call to compress will work. The InputStream
  * is <em>not</em> a BitInputStream, so wrap it int one as needed.
  * @param in is the stream which could be subsequently compressed
  * @return number of bits saved by compression or some other measure

  public int preprocessCompress(InputStream in) throws IOException;

   * Compresses input to output, where the same InputStream has
   * previously been pre-processed via <code>preprocessCompress</code>
   * storing state used by this call.
   * @param in is the stream being compressed (not a BitInputStream)
   * @param out is bound to a file/stream to which bits are written
   * for the compressed file (not a BitOutputStream)
   * @return the number of bits written

  public int compress(InputStream in, OutputStream out, boolean force) throws IOException;
    * Uncompress a previously compressed stream in, writing the
    * uncompressed bits/data to out.
    * @param in is the previously compressed data (not a BitInputStream)
    * @param out is the uncompressed file/stream
    * @return the number of bits written to the uncompressed file/stream
    public int uncompress(InputStream in, OutputStream out) throws IOException;



import java.util.ArrayList;

public class SimpleHuffProcessor implements IHuffProcessor {

    private HuffViewer myViewer;

    public int compress(InputStream in, OutputStream out, boolean force) throws IOException {
      myViewer.showError("compress is not implemented");
      return 0;

    public int preprocessCompress(InputStream in) throws IOException {
      myViewer.showError("preprocessCompress is not implemented");
      return 0;

    public void setViewer(HuffViewer viewer) {
      myViewer = viewer;

    public int uncompress(InputStream in, OutputStream out) throws IOException {
      myViewer.showError("uncompress is not implemented");
      return 0;

    private void showMessage(ArrayList<String> list){


* Utility binary-tree (Huffman tree) node for Huffman coding.
* This is a simple, standard binary-tree node implementing
* the comparable interface based on weight.
* @author Owen Astrachan
* @version 1.0 July 2000
* @version 2.0 Jan 2006
public class TreeNode implements Comparable<TreeNode> {

  public int myValue;
  public int myWeight;
  public TreeNode myLeft;
  public TreeNode myRight;

  * construct leaf node (null children)
  * @param value
  *       is the value stored in the node (e.g., character)
  * @param weight
  *       is used for comparison (e.g., count of # occurrences)

  public TreeNode(int value, int weight) {
    myValue = value;
    myWeight = weight;

  * construct internal node (with children)
  * @param value
  *       is stored as value of node
  * @param weight
  *       is weight of node
  * @param ltree
  *       is left subtree
  * @param rtree
  *       is right subtree
public TreeNode(int value, int weight, TreeNode ltree, TreeNode rtree) {
      this(value, weight);
      myLeft = ltree;
      myRight = rtree;

    * Return value based on comparing this TreeNode to another.
    * @return -1 if this < o, +1 if this > o, and 0 if this == 0

    public int compareTo(TreeNode rhs) {

        return myWeight - rhs.myWeight;

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H U F F M A N Algorithm

  • 1. import*; /** * Reads bits-at-a-time where the number of bits is between 1 and 32. * Updated for version 2.0 to extend This class * can be used together with <code>BitOutputStream</code> to facilitate * reading and writing data several bits-at-a-time. BitInputStream objects * that are constructed from a File support <code>reset()</code>. However, * if constructed from an <code>InputStream</code> an object cannot be reset. * <P> * Any exceptions generated are rethrown as <code>RuntimeException</code> objects * so client code does not have to catch or rethrow them. (Unless the extension * of <code>InputStream</code> requires throwing as another type of exception, e.g., * as with method <code>read</code>. * <P> * @author Owen Astrachan * @version 1.0, July 2000 * @version 2.0, October 2004 */ public class BitInputStream extends InputStream { private InputStream myInput; private int myBitCount; private int myBuffer; private File myFile; private static final int bmask[] = { 0x00, 0x01, 0x03, 0x07, 0x0f, 0x1f, 0x3f, 0x7f, 0xff, 0x1ff,0x3ff,0x7ff,0xfff,0x1fff,0x3fff,0x7fff,0xffff, 0x1ffff,0x3ffff,0x7ffff,0xfffff,0x1fffff,0x3fffff, 0x7fffff,0xffffff,0x1ffffff,0x3ffffff,0x7ffffff, 0xfffffff,0x1fffffff,0x3fffffff,0x7fffffff,0xffffffff }; private static final int BITS_PER_BYTE = 8; /** * Construct a bit-at-a-time input stream from a file whose * name is supplied. * @param filename is the name of the file that will be read. * @throws RuntimeException if filename cannot be opened. */ public BitInputStream(String filename) { this(new File(filename)); } /** * Construct a bit-at-a-time input stream from <code>file</code>. * @param file is the File that is the source of the input * @throws RuntimeExceptoin if file cannot be opened. */ public BitInputStream(File file) { myFile = file;
  • 2. try { reset(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException("could not open file for reading bits "+e); } } /** * Open a bit-at-a-time stream that reads from supplied InputStream. If this * constructor is used the BitInputStream is not reset-able. * @param in is the stream from which bits are read. */ public BitInputStream(InputStream in){ myInput = in; myFile = null; } /** * Return true if the stream has been initialized from a File and * is thus reset-able. If constructed from an InputStream it is not reset-able. * @return true if stream can be reset (it has been constructed appropriately from a File). */ public boolean markSupported(){ return myFile != null; } /** * Reset stream to beginning. The implementation creates a new * stream. * @throws IOException if not reset-able (e.g., constructed from InputStream). */ public void reset() throws IOException { if (! markSupported()){ throw new IOException("not resettable"); } try{ close(); myInput = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(myFile)); } catch (FileNotFoundException fnf){ System.err.println("error opening " + myFile.getName() + " " + fnf); } myBuffer = myBitCount = 0; } /** * Closes the input stream. * @throws RuntimeException if the close fails */ public void close() { try{ if (myInput != null) {
  • 3. myInput.close(); } } catch ( ioe){ throw new RuntimeException("error closing bit stream " + ioe); } } /** * Returns the number of bits requested as rightmost bits in * returned value, returns -1 if not enough bits available to * satisfy the request. * * @param howManyBits is the number of bits to read and return * @return the value read, only rightmost <code>howManyBits</code> * are valid, returns -1 if not enough bits left */ public int readBits(int howManyBits) throws IOException { int retval = 0; if (myInput == null){ return -1; } while (howManyBits > myBitCount){ retval |= ( myBuffer << (howManyBits - myBitCount) ); howManyBits -= myBitCount; try{ if ( (myBuffer = == -1) { return -1; } } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new IOException("bitreading trouble "+ioe); } myBitCount = BITS_PER_BYTE; } if (howManyBits > 0){ retval |= myBuffer >> (myBitCount - howManyBits); myBuffer &= bmask[myBitCount - howManyBits]; myBitCount -= howManyBits; } return retval; } /** * Required by classes extending InputStream, returns * the next byte from this stream as an int value. * @return the next byte from this stream */ public int read() throws IOException { return readBits(8); } }
  • 4. /** * Write bits-at-a-time where the number of bits is between 1 and 32 * Client programs must call <code>flush</code> or * <code>close</code> when finished writing or not all bits will be written. * This class is intended to be used with <code>BitInputStream</code> to * facilitate reading and writing data in a bits-at-a-time manner. * <P> * Updated for version 2.0 to extend * <P> * Any exceptions generated are rethrown as <code>RuntimeException</code> objects * so client code does not have to catch or rethrow them. * <P> * @author Owen Astrachan * @version 1.0, July 2000 * @version 2.0, October 2004 */ import*; public class BitOutputStream extends OutputStream { private OutputStream myOutput; private int myBuffer; private int myBitsToGo; private static final int bmask[] = { 0x00, 0x01, 0x03, 0x07, 0x0f, 0x1f, 0x3f, 0x7f, 0xff, 0x1ff,0x3ff,0x7ff,0xfff,0x1fff,0x3fff,0x7fff,0xffff, 0x1ffff,0x3ffff,0x7ffff,0xfffff,0x1fffff,0x3fffff, 0x7fffff,0xffffff,0x1ffffff,0x3ffffff,0x7ffffff, 0xfffffff,0x1fffffff,0x3fffffff,0x7fffffff,0xffffffff }; private static final int BITS_PER_BYTE = 8; /** * Required by OutputStream subclasses, write the low * 8-bits to the underlying outputstream */ public void write(int b) throws IOException { myOutput.write(b); } /** * Create a stream that writes-through to the <code>OutputStream</code> object * passed as a parameter. * @param out is the output stream to which bits are written */ public BitOutputStream(OutputStream out){ myOutput = out; initialize(); }
  • 5. private void initialize(){ myBuffer = 0; myBitsToGo = BITS_PER_BYTE; } /** * Construct a bit-at-a-time output stream with specified file * name. * @param filename is the name of the file being written * @throws RuntimeException if opening file fails for either FileNotFound * or for Security exceptoins */ public BitOutputStream(String filename) { try{ myOutput = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(filename)); } catch (FileNotFoundException fnf){ throw new RuntimeException("could not create " + filename + " " + fnf); } catch(SecurityException se){ throw new RuntimeException("security exception on write " + se); } initialize(); } /** * Flushes bits not yet written, must be called by client * programs if <code>close</code> isn't called. * @throws RuntimeException if there's a problem writing bits */ public void flush() { if (myBitsToGo != BITS_PER_BYTE) { try{ write( (myBuffer << myBitsToGo) ); } catch ( ioe){ throw new RuntimeException("error writing bits on flush " + ioe); } myBuffer = 0; myBitsToGo = BITS_PER_BYTE; } try{ myOutput.flush(); } catch ( ioe){ throw new RuntimeException("error on flush " + ioe); } } /** * Releases system resources associated with file and * flushes bits not yet written. Either this function * or flush must be called or not all bits will be written * @throws RuntimeException if close fails
  • 6. */ public void close() { flush(); try{ myOutput.close(); } catch (IOException ioe){ throw new RuntimeException("error closing BitOutputStream " + ioe); } } /** * Write specified number of bits from value to a file. * @param howManyBits is number of bits to write (1-32) * @param value is source of bits, rightmost bits are written * @throws RuntimeException if there's an I/O problem writing bits */ public void writeBits(int howManyBits, int value) { value &= bmask[howManyBits]; // only right most bits valid while (howManyBits >= myBitsToGo){ myBuffer = (myBuffer << myBitsToGo) | (value >> (howManyBits - myBitsToGo)); try{ write(myBuffer); } catch ( ioe){ throw new RuntimeException("error writing bits " + ioe); } value &= bmask[howManyBits - myBitsToGo]; howManyBits -= myBitsToGo; myBitsToGo = BITS_PER_BYTE; myBuffer = 0; } if (howManyBits > 0) { myBuffer = (myBuffer << howManyBits) | value; myBitsToGo -= howManyBits; } } }
  • 7. import*; import javax.swing.JFileChooser; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import javax.swing.ProgressMonitorInputStream; public class Diff { protected static JFileChooser ourChooser = new JFileChooser("."); public Diff(){ } public static void showMessage(String message){ JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, message,"Diff Output", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); } public static boolean doDiffer(File[] files){ try { ProgressMonitorInputStream stream1 = new ProgressMonitorInputStream( null, "reading "+files[0].getName(), new FileInputStream(files[0])); ProgressMonitorInputStream stream2 = new ProgressMonitorInputStream( null, "reading "+files[1].getName(), new FileInputStream(files[1])); BitInputStream b1 = new BitInputStream(stream1); BitInputStream b2 = new BitInputStream(stream2); while (true) { int x = b1.readBits(8); int y = b2.readBits(8); if (x == -1) return y == -1; if (y == -1) return false; if (x != y) return false; } // never reached } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"trouble reading","Diff Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); return false; } } public static void main(String[] args){ ourChooser.setMultiSelectionEnabled(true); ourChooser.setDialogTitle("Diff: choose two files"); int retval = ourChooser.showOpenDialog(null); if (retval == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION){ File[] files = ourChooser.getSelectedFiles();
  • 8. if (files.length != 2){ JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"Choose Two Files", "Diff Error",JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } else { if (doDiffer(files)){ showMessage("Files are the same"); } else { showMessage("Files DIFFER somewhere"); } } } System.exit(0); } } /** * Main/launch program for Huff assignment. A better * comment than this is warranted. * @author YOU THE STUDENT * */ public class Huff { public static void main(String[] args){ HuffViewer sv = new HuffViewer("Duke Compsci Huffing"); IHuffProcessor proc = new SimpleHuffProcessor(); sv.setModel(proc); } }
  • 9. import javax.swing.JFileChooser; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import*; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.channels.FileChannel; public class HuffMark { protected static JFileChooser ourOpenChooser = new JFileChooser(System .getProperties().getProperty("user.dir")); static { ourOpenChooser.setFileSelectionMode(JFileChooser.DIRECTORIES_ONLY); } private double myTotalCompressTime; private long myTotalUncompressedBytes; private long myTotalCompressedBytes; private IHuffProcessor myHuffer; private static String SUFFIX = ".hf"; private static boolean FAST_READER = true; public void compress(File f) throws IOException{ if (f.getName().endsWith(SUFFIX)) return; // don't read .hf files! if (f.isDirectory()) return; // don't read directories double start = System.currentTimeMillis(); myHuffer.preprocessCompress(getFastByteReader(f)); File outFile = new File(getCompressedName(f)); FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(outFile); System.out.println("compressing to: "+outFile.getCanonicalPath()); myHuffer.compress(getFastByteReader(f), out,true); double end = System.currentTimeMillis(); double time = (end-start)/1000.0; myTotalUncompressedBytes += f.length(); myTotalCompressedBytes += outFile.length(); myTotalCompressTime += time; System.out.printf("%s fromt %d tot %d int %.3fn",f.getName(),f.length(),outFile.length(),time); } public void doMark() throws IOException{ if (myHuffer == null){ myHuffer = new SimpleHuffProcessor(); } int action = ourOpenChooser.showOpenDialog(null); if (action == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION){ File dir = ourOpenChooser.getSelectedFile(); File[] list = dir.listFiles(); for(File f : list){
  • 10. compress(f); } System.out.println("--------"); System.out.printf("total bytes read: %dn",myTotalUncompressedBytes); System.out.printf("total compressed bytes %dn", myTotalCompressedBytes); System.out.printf("total percent compression %.3fn",100.0* (1.0 - 1.0*myTotalCompressedBytes/myTotalUncompressedBytes)); System.out.printf("compression time: %.3fn",myTotalCompressTime); } } public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException{ HuffMark hf = new HuffMark(); hf.doMark(); } private String getCompressedName(File f){ String name = f.getName(); String path = null; try { path = f.getCanonicalPath(); } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("trouble with file canonicalizing "+f); return null; } int pos = path.lastIndexOf(name); String newName = path.substring(0, pos) + name + SUFFIX; return newName; } private InputStream getFastByteReader(File f) throws FileNotFoundException{ if (!FAST_READER){ return new FileInputStream(f); } ByteBuffer buffer = null; try { FileChannel channel = new FileInputStream(f).getChannel(); buffer =, 0, channel.size()); byte[] barray = new byte[buffer.limit()]; if (barray.length != channel.size()){ System.err.println(String.format("Reading %s error: lengths differ %d %ldn",f.getName(),barray.length,channel.size())); } buffer.get(barray); return new ByteArrayInputStream(barray); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } }
  • 11. import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.BorderLayout; import java.awt.event.*; import java.util.*; import*; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.channels.FileChannel; /** * The GUI/View for Huffman coding assignment. Clients communicate * with this view by attaching a model and then using the menu choices/options that * are part of the GUI. Thus client code that fails to call <code>setModel</code> will * almost certainly not work and generate null pointer problems because the view/GUI will * not have an associated model. * <P> * @author Owen Astrachan * */ public class HuffViewer extends JFrame { private static String HUFF_SUFFIX = ".hf"; private static String UNHUFF_SUFFIX = ".unhf"; private static boolean FAST_READER = true; protected JTextArea myOutput; protected IHuffProcessor myModel; protected String myTitle; protected JTextField myMessage; protected File myFile; private boolean myForce; protected static JFileChooser ourChooser = new JFileChooser(System.getProperties().getProperty("user.dir")); public HuffViewer(String title) { setDefaultCloseOperation(EXIT_ON_CLOSE); JPanel panel = (JPanel) getContentPane(); panel.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); setTitle(title); myTitle = title; myForce = false; panel.add(makeOutput(), BorderLayout.CENTER); panel.add(makeMessage(), BorderLayout.SOUTH); makeMenus(); pack(); setSize(400, 400); setVisible(true); }
  • 12. /** * Associates this view with the given model. The GUI/View will * attach itself to the model so that communication between the view * and the model as well as <em>vice versa</em> is supported. * @param model is the model for this view */ public void setModel(IHuffProcessor model) { myModel = model; myModel.setViewer(this); } protected JPanel makeMessage() { JPanel p = new JPanel(new BorderLayout()); myMessage = new JTextField(30); p.setBorder(BorderFactory.createTitledBorder("message")); p.add(myMessage, BorderLayout.CENTER); return p; } protected JPanel makeOutput() { JPanel p = new JPanel(new BorderLayout()); myOutput = new JTextArea(10,40); p.setBorder(BorderFactory.createTitledBorder("output")); p.add(new JScrollPane(myOutput), BorderLayout.CENTER); return p; } protected File doRead() { int retval = ourChooser.showOpenDialog(null); if (retval != JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) { return null; } showMessage("reading/initializing"); myFile = ourChooser.getSelectedFile(); ProgressMonitorInputStream temp = null; if (FAST_READER){ temp = getMonitorableStream(getFastByteReader(myFile),"counting/reading bits ..."); } else { temp = getMonitorableStream(myFile,"counting/reading bits ..."); } final ProgressMonitorInputStream pmis = temp; final ProgressMonitor progress = pmis.getProgressMonitor(); try { Thread fileReaderThread = new Thread() { public void run() { try { int saved = myModel.preprocessCompress(pmis); HuffViewer.this.showMessage("saved: "+saved+" bits"); } catch (IOException e) {
  • 13. HuffViewer.this.showError("reading exception"); e.printStackTrace(); } if (progress.isCanceled()) { HuffViewer.this.showError("reading cancelled"); } } }; fileReaderThread.start(); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } File ret = myFile; myFile = null; return ret; } protected JMenu makeOptionsMenu() { JMenu menu = new JMenu("Options"); JCheckBoxMenuItem force = new JCheckBoxMenuItem(new AbstractAction( "Force Compression") { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ev) { myForce = !myForce; } }); menu.add(force); return menu; } protected JMenu makeFileMenu() { JMenu fileMenu = new JMenu("File"); fileMenu.add(new AbstractAction("Open/Count") { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ev) { doRead(); } }); fileMenu.add(new AbstractAction("Compress") { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ev) { doSave(); } }); fileMenu.add(new AbstractAction("Uncompress") { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ev) { doDecode(); } }); fileMenu.add(new AbstractAction("Quit") { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ev) { System.exit(0); }
  • 14. }); return fileMenu; } protected void makeMenus() { JMenuBar bar = new JMenuBar(); bar.add(makeFileMenu()); bar.add(makeOptionsMenu()); setJMenuBar(bar); } private void doDecode() { File file = null; showMessage("uncompressing"); try { int retval = ourChooser.showOpenDialog(null); if (retval != JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) { return; } file = ourChooser.getSelectedFile(); String name = file.getName(); String uname = name; if (name.endsWith(HUFF_SUFFIX)) { uname = name.substring(0,name.length() - HUFF_SUFFIX.length()) + UNHUFF_SUFFIX; } else { uname = name + UNHUFF_SUFFIX; } String newName = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(this, "Name of uncompressed file", uname); if (newName == null) { return; } String path = file.getCanonicalPath(); int pos = path.lastIndexOf(name); newName = path.substring(0, pos) + newName; final File newFile = new File(newName); ProgressMonitorInputStream temp = null; if (FAST_READER){ temp = getMonitorableStream(getFastByteReader(file),"uncompressing bits ..."); } else { temp = getMonitorableStream(file, "uncompressing bits..."); } final ProgressMonitorInputStream stream = temp; final ProgressMonitor progress = stream.getProgressMonitor(); final OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(newFile); Thread fileReaderThread = new Thread() { public void run() { try { myModel.uncompress(stream, out); } catch (IOException e) { HuffViewer.this.showError("reading exception"); e.printStackTrace(); }
  • 15. if (progress.isCanceled()) { HuffViewer.this.showError("reading cancelled"); } } }; fileReaderThread.start(); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { showError("could not open " + file.getName()); e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { showError("IOException, uncompression halted from viewer"); e.printStackTrace(); } } private void doSave() { myFile = doRead(); if (myFile == null){ return; } String name = myFile.getName(); showMessage("compressing "+name); String newName = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(this, "Name of compressed file", name + HUFF_SUFFIX); if (newName == null) { return; } String path = null; try { path = myFile.getCanonicalPath(); } catch (IOException e) { showError("trouble with file canonicalizing"); return; } int pos = path.lastIndexOf(name); newName = path.substring(0, pos) + newName; final File file = new File(newName); try { final FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(file); ProgressMonitorInputStream temp = null; if (FAST_READER){ temp = getMonitorableStream(getFastByteReader(myFile),"compressing bits..."); } else { temp = getMonitorableStream(myFile,"compressing bits ..."); } final ProgressMonitorInputStream pmis = temp; final ProgressMonitor progress = pmis.getProgressMonitor(); Thread fileWriterThread = new Thread() { public void run() { try { myModel.compress(pmis, out,myForce); } catch (IOException e) { HuffViewer.this.showError("compression exception"); e.printStackTrace(); } if (progress.isCanceled()) {
  • 16. HuffViewer.this.showError("compression cancelled"); cleanUp(file); } } }; fileWriterThread.start(); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { showError("could not open " + file.getName()); e.printStackTrace(); } myFile = null; } private void cleanUp(File f) { if (!f.delete()) { showError("trouble deleting " + f.getName()); } else { // do something here? } } private ProgressMonitorInputStream getMonitorableStream(InputStream stream, String message) { final ProgressMonitorInputStream pmis = new ProgressMonitorInputStream( this, message, stream); ProgressMonitor progress = pmis.getProgressMonitor(); progress.setMillisToDecideToPopup(1); progress.setMillisToPopup(1); return pmis; } private ProgressMonitorInputStream getMonitorableStream(File file, String message) { try { FileInputStream stream = new FileInputStream(file); if (stream == null){ System.out.println("null on "+file.getCanonicalPath()); } final ProgressMonitorInputStream pmis = new ProgressMonitorInputStream( this, message, stream); ProgressMonitor progress = pmis.getProgressMonitor(); progress.setMillisToDecideToPopup(1); progress.setMillisToPopup(1); return pmis; } catch (IOException e) { showError("could not open " + file.getName()); e.printStackTrace(); return null; } }
  • 17. /** * To be called by model/client code to display strings in the GUI. Each object * in parameter elements will be displayed as a string in this view. * @param elements is source of objects that will be displayed, each object's * <code>toString</code> method wil be called to display. */ public void update(Collection elements) { showMessage(""); myOutput.setText(""); for(Object o : elements){ myOutput.append(o+"n"); } } /** * Display a text message in the view (e.g., in the small text area * at the bottom of the GUI), thus a modeless message the user can ignore. * @param s is the message displayed */ public void showMessage(String s) { myMessage.setText(s); } /** * Show a modal-dialog indicating an error; the user must dismiss the * displayed dialog. * @param s is the error-message displayed */ public void showError(String s) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, s, "Huff info", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); } private ByteArrayInputStream getFastByteReader(File f){ ByteBuffer buffer = null; try { FileChannel channel = new FileInputStream(f).getChannel(); buffer =, 0, channel.size()); byte[] barray = new byte[buffer.limit()]; if (barray.length != channel.size()){ showError(String.format("Reading %s error: lengths differ %d %ldn",f.getName(),barray.length,channel.size())); } buffer.get(barray); return new ByteArrayInputStream(barray); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } }
  • 18. /** * Global constants used in Huff/Unhuff. Clients needing these * values should implement this interface or access the * values directly, e.g., as <code>IHuffConstants.BITS_PER_WORD</code>. However, * implementing the interface is preferred in which case * the values can be accessed simply as <code>BITS_PER_WORD</code>, for example. * <P> * @author Owen Astrachan */ public interface IHuffConstants { /** * The standard number of bits per chunk/word when huffing. */ public static final int BITS_PER_WORD = 8; /** * The size of the alphabet given the number of bits per chunk, this * should be 2^BITS_PER_WORD. */ public static final int ALPH_SIZE = (1 << BITS_PER_WORD); /** * The standard number of bits needed to represent/store * an int, this is 32 in Java and nearly all other languages. */ public static final int BITS_PER_INT = 32; /** * The value of the PSEUDO_EOF character. This is one-more * than the maximum value of a legal BITS_PER_WORD-bit character. */ public static final int PSEUDO_EOF = ALPH_SIZE; /** * Isolate the magic number in one place. */ public static final int MAGIC_NUMBER = 1234567873; }
  • 19. /** * The interface for the model that can be attached * to a HuffViewer. Most of the work done in huffing * (and unhuffing) will be via a class that implements * this interface. The interface may need to be extended * depending on the design of the huffman program. * <P> * @author Owen Astrachan * */ import; import; import; import; public interface IHuffProcessor extends IHuffConstants { /** * Make sure this model communicates with some view. * @param viewer is the view for communicating. */ public void setViewer(HuffViewer viewer); /** * Preprocess data so that compression is possible --- * count characters/create tree/store state so that * a subsequent call to compress will work. The InputStream * is <em>not</em> a BitInputStream, so wrap it int one as needed. * @param in is the stream which could be subsequently compressed * @return number of bits saved by compression or some other measure */ public int preprocessCompress(InputStream in) throws IOException; /** * Compresses input to output, where the same InputStream has * previously been pre-processed via <code>preprocessCompress</code> * storing state used by this call. * @param in is the stream being compressed (not a BitInputStream) * @param out is bound to a file/stream to which bits are written * for the compressed file (not a BitOutputStream) * @return the number of bits written */ public int compress(InputStream in, OutputStream out, boolean force) throws IOException;
  • 20. /** * Uncompress a previously compressed stream in, writing the * uncompressed bits/data to out. * @param in is the previously compressed data (not a BitInputStream) * @param out is the uncompressed file/stream * @return the number of bits written to the uncompressed file/stream */ public int uncompress(InputStream in, OutputStream out) throws IOException; } SimpleHuffProcessor...> import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; public class SimpleHuffProcessor implements IHuffProcessor { private HuffViewer myViewer; public int compress(InputStream in, OutputStream out, boolean force) throws IOException { myViewer.showError("compress is not implemented"); return 0; } public int preprocessCompress(InputStream in) throws IOException { myViewer.showError("preprocessCompress is not implemented"); return 0; } public void setViewer(HuffViewer viewer) { myViewer = viewer; } public int uncompress(InputStream in, OutputStream out) throws IOException { myViewer.showError("uncompress is not implemented"); return 0; } private void showMessage(ArrayList<String> list){ myViewer.update(list); } }
  • 21. /** * Utility binary-tree (Huffman tree) node for Huffman coding. * This is a simple, standard binary-tree node implementing * the comparable interface based on weight. * * @author Owen Astrachan * @version 1.0 July 2000 * @version 2.0 Jan 2006 */ public class TreeNode implements Comparable<TreeNode> { public int myValue; public int myWeight; public TreeNode myLeft; public TreeNode myRight; /** * construct leaf node (null children) * * @param value * is the value stored in the node (e.g., character) * @param weight * is used for comparison (e.g., count of # occurrences) */ public TreeNode(int value, int weight) { myValue = value; myWeight = weight; } /** * construct internal node (with children) * * @param value * is stored as value of node * @param weight * is weight of node * @param ltree * is left subtree * @param rtree * is right subtree */
  • 22. public TreeNode(int value, int weight, TreeNode ltree, TreeNode rtree) { this(value, weight); myLeft = ltree; myRight = rtree; } /** * Return value based on comparing this TreeNode to another. * @return -1 if this < o, +1 if this > o, and 0 if this == 0 */ public int compareTo(TreeNode rhs) { return myWeight - rhs.myWeight; } }