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3/4/2014 1Guice - Evgeny Barabanov
• Background
– Testability
– Dependency injection pattern (DI)
– Factory pattern
• Guice basics
• Unit testing with Guice and Mockito
• Best practices
• Useful links
3/4/2014 2Guice - Evgeny Barabanov
class A {
int complexCalculation(){
//Some calculation
class B {
A a;
a = new A();
int doubleCalculation{
return a.complexCalulation() * 2;
Why it is difficult to unit test class B?
3/4/2014 3Guice - Evgeny Barabanov
class A {
int complexCalculation(){
//Some calculation
class B {
A a;
a = new A();
int doubleCalculation{
return a.complexCalulation() * 2;
Why it is difficult to unit test class B?
What if
computes wrong
3/4/2014 4Guice - Evgeny Barabanov
Why it is difficult to unit test class B?
- B implementation depends directly on actual A implementation,
therefore we cannot test B as standalone class.
class A {
int complexCalculation(){
//Some calculation
class B {
A a;
a = new A();
int doubleCalculation{
return a.complexCalulation() * 2;
What if
computes wrong
3/4/2014 5Guice - Evgeny Barabanov
The solution – Dependency injection
interface IA {
int complexCalculation();
class A implements IA {
int complexCalculation(){
//Some calculation
class B {
IA a;
B(IA _a){
a = _a;
int doubleCalculation{
return a.complexCalculation() * 2;
Hollywood principle: “Don’t call us, we’ll call you”
3/4/2014 6Guice - Evgeny Barabanov
The solution – Dependency injection
interface IA {
int complexCalculation();
class A implements IA {
int complexCalculation(){
//Some calculation
class B {
IA a;
B(IA _a){
a = _a;
int doubleCalculation{
return a.complexCalculation() * 2;
Hollywood principle: “Don’t call us, we’ll call you”
Now A implementation is absolutely decoupled from B implementation…
3/4/2014 7Guice - Evgeny Barabanov
…It makes the unit testing of B much easier:
class AStub implements IA {
int complexCalculation(){
return 1;
class BTest(){
void testCalc(){
B b = new B(new AStub());
assert(b.doubleCalculation() == 2)
Now a.complexCalculation() may return wrong result and we don’t care,
because we’re only testing the pure functionality of B.
3/4/2014 8Guice - Evgeny Barabanov
I’d like to order
a new computer
Sure! We’ll
ship it in few
3/4/2014 9Guice - Evgeny Barabanov
…There is a problem
3/4/2014 10Guice - Evgeny Barabanov
class HardDrive implements IHardDrive {
HardDrive(IDiscCase c, IDiscPlatter p, ISpindle s, IActuator a ...){
class GraphicCard implements IGraphicCard {
GraphicCard(IGraphicMemory m, IHeatSink hs, IFun f ...){
class Computer implements IComputer {
Computer(IHardDrive hd, IGraphicCard gc, ....){
3/4/2014 11Guice - Evgeny Barabanov
class Homer {
IComputer homersPC;
IDiscCase c = new DiscCase();
IDiscPlatter p = new DiscPlatter();
ISpindle s = new Spindle();
IActuator a = new Actuator();
IHardDrive hd = new HardDrive(c,p,s,a,...);
IGraphicMemory m = new GraphicMemory();
IHeatSink hs = new HeatSink();
IFun f = new Fun();
IGraphicCard gc = new GraphicCard(m, hs, f, ...);
//And finally!!!
homersPC = new Computer(hd, gc, ... );
The amount of “new” grows exponentially!!!
3/4/2014 12Guice - Evgeny Barabanov
The solution - Factory
I’d like to order
a new computer
Sure! We’ll ship it
in few hours! And
we will assemble it
for you!
3/4/2014 13Guice - Evgeny Barabanov
3/4/2014 14Guice - Evgeny Barabanov
class HardDriveFactory {
static IHardDrive GetHardDrive{
IDiscCase c = new DiscCase();
IDiscPlatter p = new DiscPlatter();
ISpindle s = new Spindle();
IActuator a = new Actuator();
return new HardDrive(c,p,s,a,...);
class GraphicCardFactory {
static IGraphicCard GetGraphicCard{
IGraphicMemory m = new GraphicMemory();
IHeatSink hs = new HeatSink();
IFun f = new Fun();
return new GraphicCard(m, hs, f, ...);
class ComputerFactory {
static IComputer GetComputer{
IHardDrive hd = HardDriveFactory.GetHardDrive();
IGraphicCard gc = GraphicCardFactory.GetGraphicCard();
return new Computer(hd, gc, ... );
class Homer {
IComputer homersPC;
homersPC = ComputerFactory.GetComputer();
3/4/2014 15Guice - Evgeny Barabanov
• Advantages:
– Single responsibility. There is a separate entity which is responsible for instantiation and
configuration of a concrete object.
– Decoupling. A factory class decouples the client and implementing class.
– Avoid code duplication. If, for example, we are changing the signature of A constructor, we don’t
have to go over all the classes which are using A, but just change it in A factory.
– Homer doesn’t have to assemble the computer by himself.
• Disadvantages:
– We still have tight coupling between Factory class and products.
– We still have testability issues with naive factory implementation (can be solved by using more
advanced factory techniques, like factory with reflection)
– We shall maintain additional classes
3/4/2014 16Guice - Evgeny Barabanov
The most powerful solution - Guice
Guice is a dependency injection framework, which
alleviates the need for factories and use of new in your
java code.
Your code will be easier to change, unit test and reuse in
other contexts.
Guice aims to make development and debugging easier
and faster, not harder and slower.
3/4/2014 17Guice - Evgeny Barabanov
With dependency injection, objects accept dependencies in their
constructors. To construct an object, you first build its
dependencies. But to build each dependency you
need its dependencies, and so on. So when you build an object, you
really need to build an object graph.
Building object graphs by hand (as you have seen) is labour
intensive, error prone, and makes testing difficult. Instead, Guice
can build the object graph for you. But first, Guice needs to be
configured to build the graph exactly as you want it.
Injector is Guice's object-graph builder. First we create the injector,
and then we can use that to build.
The most powerful solution - Guice
3/4/2014 18Guice - Evgeny Barabanov
Guice uses bindings to map types to their
3/4/2014 19Guice - Evgeny Barabanov
Explicit bindings
A module is a collection of bindings which is
passed to Injector on its creation.
In module we specify all the bindings we want
to be used in current context.
3/4/2014 20Guice - Evgeny Barabanov
Explicit bindings
Consider previous example with a computer (for simplicity let’s assume
that HardDrive and GraphicCard receive nothing in their constructors):
class HardDrive implements IHardDrive {
class GraphicCard implements IGraphicCard {
class Computer implements IComputer {
Computer(IHardDrive hd, IGraphicCard gc, ....){
3/4/2014 21Guice - Evgeny Barabanov
Explicit bindings
Now lets define a module which will bind the
interfaces to their implementations:
public class ComputerModule extends AbstractModule {
protected void configure() {
* This tells Guice that whenever it sees a dependency on a IHardDrive,
* it should satisfy the dependency using a HardDrive.
* Similarly, this binding tells Guice that when IGraphicCard is used in
* a dependency, that should be satisfied with a GraphicCard.
* Finally, this binding tells Guice that when IComputer is used in
* a dependency, that should be satisfied with a Computer.
3/4/2014 22Guice - Evgeny Barabanov
Explicit bindings
Once we defined a module and passed it to the injector,
Guice will be able to create all the dependencies for us.
class Homer {
static Injector injector = Guice.createInjector(new ComputerModule());
IComputer homersPC;
homerPC = injector.getInstance(IComputer.class);
3/4/2014 23Guice - Evgeny Barabanov
Implicit bindings
When the injector needs an instance of a type, it needs
a binding.
The bindings in a modules are called explicit bindings,
and the injector uses them whenever they're available.
If a type is needed but there isn't an explicit binding,
the injector will attempt to create a Just-In-Time
binding. These are also known as JIT bindings or
implicit bindings.
3/4/2014 24Guice - Evgeny Barabanov
Impicit bindings
Implicit binding is done by specifying @ImplementedBy
annotation on the interface. Thus, instead of creating a
module we can tell Guice what are default implicit
bindings for our interfaces:
public interface IGraphicCard {
public interface IHardDrive {
public interface IComputer {
3/4/2014 25Guice - Evgeny Barabanov
There are much more bindings, we have only
seen the basic ones.
You can find out more about bindings here.
3/4/2014 26Guice - Evgeny Barabanov
It’s not enough to tell Guice what are the
bindings. We also need to tell him what are
injected objects for each class.
There are several ways to do that, let’s look at
couple of them.
3/4/2014 27Guice - Evgeny Barabanov
Constructor injection
Constructor injection combines instantiation with injection. To use it, we
should annotate the constructor with the @Inject annotation. This
constructor should accept class dependencies as parameters. Most
constructors will then assign the parameters to fields (better final fields).
public class Computer implements IComputer{
final IHardDrive m_hd;
IGraphicCard m_gc;
public Computer(IHardDrive hd, IGraphicCard gc){
m_hd = hd;
m_gc = gc;
If your class has no @Inject-annotated constructor, Guice will use a
public, no-arguments constructor if it exists.
Constructor injection works nicely with unit testing. If your class accepts
all of its dependencies in a single constructor, you won't accidentally
forget to set a dependency
3/4/2014 28Guice - Evgeny Barabanov
Field injection
Guice injects fields with the @Inject annotation. This is the most concise
injection, but the least testable.
public class Homer {
private IComputer m_comp;
public class Main {
public static void main(String [] args)
Injector injector = Guice.createInjector();
Homer homer = injector.getInstance(Homer.class);
At the end of “main” method Homer will have an instance of Computer
with all its subcomponents.
3/4/2014 29Guice - Evgeny Barabanov
You can find out more about Injections here.
3/4/2014 30Guice - Evgeny Barabanov
Unit testing with Guice and Mockito
We want to unit test Computer, so we don’t want to be dependent on
GraphicCard and HardDrive implementations. The only thing we want
to test is a Computers functionality.
Guice provides us great ability to change binding.
All we need is just define two stubs (for GraphicCard and HardDrive),
define a new module which will bind interfaces to these stubs and
pass this module to the injector in test module.
But are we really want to maintain stub classes? Absolutely – NO.
Mockito provides us great ability to simulate classes behavior with its
Mocks, but as Mock is not a user defined class, we cannot bind
interface to the Mock.
So how can we combine and use both of these great frameworks?
3/4/2014 31Guice - Evgeny Barabanov
Unit testing with Guice and Mockito
The solution is @Provides methods:
@Provides method allows us to create an object when the object requires
additional code to be created, set up or configured . The method must be
defined within a module, and it must have an @Provides annotation. The
method's return type is the bound type. Whenever the injector needs an
instance of that type, it will invoke the method.
Guice does not allow exceptions to be thrown from Providers. Exceptions
thrown by @Provides methods will be wrapped in a ProvisionException. It is
bad practice to allow any kind of exception to be thrown -- runtime or
checked -- from an @Provides method.
3/4/2014 32Guice - Evgeny Barabanov
Unit testing with Guice and Mockito
Consider previous example with computer:
public class HardDrive implements IHardDrive {
public int CalculateSpeed() {
int result = 0;
//Complicated and long computation
return result;
public class GraphicCard implements IGraphicCard {
public int GetPerformanceRate() {
int result = 0;
//Complicated and long computation
return result;
public class Computer implements IComputer{
IHardDrive m_hd;
IGraphicCard m_gc;
public Computer(IHardDrive hd, IGraphicCard gc){
m_hd = hd;
m_gc = gc;
public int GetComputerPerformanceRate() {
return m_hd.CalculateSpeed()+m_gc.GetPerformanceRate();
3/4/2014 33Guice - Evgeny Barabanov
Unit testing with Guice and Mockito
We’d like to test GetComputerPerformanceRate method.
So lets do that!
First, we create a module which defines @Provides methods
for GraphicCard and HardDrive stubs:
public class ComputerTestsModule extends AbstractModule {
protected void configure() {
IHardDrive provideHardDrive(){
IHardDrive hd = mock(IHardDrive.class);
return hd;
IGraphicCard provideGraphicCard(){
IGraphicCard gc = mock(IGraphicCard.class);
return gc;
3/4/2014 34Guice - Evgeny Barabanov
Unit testing with Guice and Mockito
After we tell Guice to use our module instead of default binding
for HardDrive and GraphicCard creation, we can unit test the desired class:
public class ComputerTests extends TestCase {
static Injector injector = Guice.createInjector(new ComputerTestsModule());
IComputer cpForTest = injector.getInstance(IComputer.class);
public void testComputerPerformance(){
assertEquals(15, cpForTest.GetComputerPerformanceRate());
3/4/2014 35Guice - Evgeny Barabanov
Best practices
• Minimize mutability
• Inject only direct dependencies
• Avoid cyclic dependencies
• Avoid static state
• Use @Nullable
• Create fast and side-effects free modules
• Be careful about I/O in providers
• Avoid conditional logic in modules
• Keep constructors as hidden as possible
3/4/2014 36Guice - Evgeny Barabanov
Useful links
• Using Guice with Google AppEngine
3/4/2014 37Guice - Evgeny Barabanov

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Guice - dependency injection framework

  • 1. Guice 3/4/2014 1Guice - Evgeny Barabanov
  • 2. Agenda • Background – Testability – Dependency injection pattern (DI) – Factory pattern • Guice basics • Unit testing with Guice and Mockito • Best practices • Useful links 3/4/2014 2Guice - Evgeny Barabanov
  • 3. Testability class A { int complexCalculation(){ //Some calculation } } class B { A a; B(){ a = new A(); } int doubleCalculation{ return a.complexCalulation() * 2; } } Why it is difficult to unit test class B? 3/4/2014 3Guice - Evgeny Barabanov
  • 4. Testability class A { int complexCalculation(){ //Some calculation } } class B { A a; B(){ a = new A(); } int doubleCalculation{ return a.complexCalulation() * 2; } } Why it is difficult to unit test class B? What if a.complexCalculation computes wrong result? 3/4/2014 4Guice - Evgeny Barabanov
  • 5. Testability Why it is difficult to unit test class B? - B implementation depends directly on actual A implementation, therefore we cannot test B as standalone class. class A { int complexCalculation(){ //Some calculation } } class B { A a; B(){ a = new A(); } int doubleCalculation{ return a.complexCalulation() * 2; } } What if a.complexCalculation computes wrong result? 3/4/2014 5Guice - Evgeny Barabanov
  • 6. The solution – Dependency injection interface IA { int complexCalculation(); } class A implements IA { int complexCalculation(){ //Some calculation } } class B { IA a; B(IA _a){ a = _a; } int doubleCalculation{ return a.complexCalculation() * 2; } } Hollywood principle: “Don’t call us, we’ll call you” 3/4/2014 6Guice - Evgeny Barabanov
  • 7. The solution – Dependency injection interface IA { int complexCalculation(); } class A implements IA { int complexCalculation(){ //Some calculation } } class B { IA a; B(IA _a){ a = _a; } int doubleCalculation{ return a.complexCalculation() * 2; } } Hollywood principle: “Don’t call us, we’ll call you” Now A implementation is absolutely decoupled from B implementation… 3/4/2014 7Guice - Evgeny Barabanov
  • 8. …It makes the unit testing of B much easier: class AStub implements IA { int complexCalculation(){ return 1; } } class BTest(){ void testCalc(){ B b = new B(new AStub()); assert(b.doubleCalculation() == 2) } } Now a.complexCalculation() may return wrong result and we don’t care, because we’re only testing the pure functionality of B. 3/4/2014 8Guice - Evgeny Barabanov
  • 9. But… I’d like to order a new computer Sure! We’ll ship it in few hours! 3/4/2014 9Guice - Evgeny Barabanov
  • 10. …There is a problem WTF!!?? 3/4/2014 10Guice - Evgeny Barabanov
  • 11. class HardDrive implements IHardDrive { HardDrive(IDiscCase c, IDiscPlatter p, ISpindle s, IActuator a ...){ // } /// } class GraphicCard implements IGraphicCard { GraphicCard(IGraphicMemory m, IHeatSink hs, IFun f ...){ // } // } class Computer implements IComputer { Computer(IHardDrive hd, IGraphicCard gc, ....){ // } // } 3/4/2014 11Guice - Evgeny Barabanov
  • 12. class Homer { IComputer homersPC; Homer(){ IDiscCase c = new DiscCase(); IDiscPlatter p = new DiscPlatter(); ISpindle s = new Spindle(); IActuator a = new Actuator(); ... IHardDrive hd = new HardDrive(c,p,s,a,...); IGraphicMemory m = new GraphicMemory(); IHeatSink hs = new HeatSink(); IFun f = new Fun(); ... IGraphicCard gc = new GraphicCard(m, hs, f, ...); ... ... //And finally!!! homersPC = new Computer(hd, gc, ... ); } } The amount of “new” grows exponentially!!! 3/4/2014 12Guice - Evgeny Barabanov
  • 13. The solution - Factory I’d like to order a new computer Sure! We’ll ship it in few hours! And we will assemble it for you! 3/4/2014 13Guice - Evgeny Barabanov
  • 14. WOW!!! 3/4/2014 14Guice - Evgeny Barabanov
  • 15. class HardDriveFactory { static IHardDrive GetHardDrive{ IDiscCase c = new DiscCase(); IDiscPlatter p = new DiscPlatter(); ISpindle s = new Spindle(); IActuator a = new Actuator(); ... return new HardDrive(c,p,s,a,...); } } class GraphicCardFactory { static IGraphicCard GetGraphicCard{ IGraphicMemory m = new GraphicMemory(); IHeatSink hs = new HeatSink(); IFun f = new Fun(); ... return new GraphicCard(m, hs, f, ...); } } class ComputerFactory { static IComputer GetComputer{ IHardDrive hd = HardDriveFactory.GetHardDrive(); IGraphicCard gc = GraphicCardFactory.GetGraphicCard(); ... return new Computer(hd, gc, ... ); } } class Homer { IComputer homersPC; Homer(){ homersPC = ComputerFactory.GetComputer(); } } 3/4/2014 15Guice - Evgeny Barabanov
  • 16. Factory • Advantages: – Single responsibility. There is a separate entity which is responsible for instantiation and configuration of a concrete object. – Decoupling. A factory class decouples the client and implementing class. – Avoid code duplication. If, for example, we are changing the signature of A constructor, we don’t have to go over all the classes which are using A, but just change it in A factory. – Homer doesn’t have to assemble the computer by himself. • Disadvantages: – We still have tight coupling between Factory class and products. – We still have testability issues with naive factory implementation (can be solved by using more advanced factory techniques, like factory with reflection) – We shall maintain additional classes 3/4/2014 16Guice - Evgeny Barabanov
  • 17. The most powerful solution - Guice Guice is a dependency injection framework, which alleviates the need for factories and use of new in your java code. Your code will be easier to change, unit test and reuse in other contexts. Guice aims to make development and debugging easier and faster, not harder and slower. 3/4/2014 17Guice - Evgeny Barabanov
  • 18. With dependency injection, objects accept dependencies in their constructors. To construct an object, you first build its dependencies. But to build each dependency you need its dependencies, and so on. So when you build an object, you really need to build an object graph. Building object graphs by hand (as you have seen) is labour intensive, error prone, and makes testing difficult. Instead, Guice can build the object graph for you. But first, Guice needs to be configured to build the graph exactly as you want it. Injector is Guice's object-graph builder. First we create the injector, and then we can use that to build. The most powerful solution - Guice 3/4/2014 18Guice - Evgeny Barabanov
  • 19. Bindings Guice uses bindings to map types to their implementations. 3/4/2014 19Guice - Evgeny Barabanov
  • 20. Explicit bindings A module is a collection of bindings which is passed to Injector on its creation. In module we specify all the bindings we want to be used in current context. 3/4/2014 20Guice - Evgeny Barabanov
  • 21. Explicit bindings Consider previous example with a computer (for simplicity let’s assume that HardDrive and GraphicCard receive nothing in their constructors): class HardDrive implements IHardDrive { HardDrive(){ // } /// } class GraphicCard implements IGraphicCard { GraphicCard(){ // } // } class Computer implements IComputer { Computer(IHardDrive hd, IGraphicCard gc, ....){ // } // } 3/4/2014 21Guice - Evgeny Barabanov
  • 22. Explicit bindings Now lets define a module which will bind the interfaces to their implementations: public class ComputerModule extends AbstractModule { @Override protected void configure() { /* * This tells Guice that whenever it sees a dependency on a IHardDrive, * it should satisfy the dependency using a HardDrive. */ bind(IHardDrive.class).to(HardDrive.class); /* * Similarly, this binding tells Guice that when IGraphicCard is used in * a dependency, that should be satisfied with a GraphicCard. */ bind(IGraphicCard.class).to(GraphicCard.class); /* * Finally, this binding tells Guice that when IComputer is used in * a dependency, that should be satisfied with a Computer. */ bind(IComputer.class).to(Computer.class); } 3/4/2014 22Guice - Evgeny Barabanov
  • 23. Explicit bindings Once we defined a module and passed it to the injector, Guice will be able to create all the dependencies for us. class Homer { static Injector injector = Guice.createInjector(new ComputerModule()); IComputer homersPC; Homer(){ homerPC = injector.getInstance(IComputer.class); } } 3/4/2014 23Guice - Evgeny Barabanov
  • 24. Implicit bindings When the injector needs an instance of a type, it needs a binding. The bindings in a modules are called explicit bindings, and the injector uses them whenever they're available. If a type is needed but there isn't an explicit binding, the injector will attempt to create a Just-In-Time binding. These are also known as JIT bindings or implicit bindings. 3/4/2014 24Guice - Evgeny Barabanov
  • 25. Impicit bindings Implicit binding is done by specifying @ImplementedBy annotation on the interface. Thus, instead of creating a module we can tell Guice what are default implicit bindings for our interfaces: @ImplementedBy(GraphicCard.class) public interface IGraphicCard { // //... // } @ImplementedBy(HardDrive.class) public interface IHardDrive { // //... // } @ImplementedBy(Computer.class) public interface IComputer { // //... // } 3/4/2014 25Guice - Evgeny Barabanov
  • 26. Bindings There are much more bindings, we have only seen the basic ones. You can find out more about bindings here. 3/4/2014 26Guice - Evgeny Barabanov
  • 27. Injections It’s not enough to tell Guice what are the bindings. We also need to tell him what are injected objects for each class. There are several ways to do that, let’s look at couple of them. 3/4/2014 27Guice - Evgeny Barabanov
  • 28. Constructor injection Constructor injection combines instantiation with injection. To use it, we should annotate the constructor with the @Inject annotation. This constructor should accept class dependencies as parameters. Most constructors will then assign the parameters to fields (better final fields). public class Computer implements IComputer{ final IHardDrive m_hd; IGraphicCard m_gc; @Inject public Computer(IHardDrive hd, IGraphicCard gc){ m_hd = hd; m_gc = gc; } } If your class has no @Inject-annotated constructor, Guice will use a public, no-arguments constructor if it exists. Constructor injection works nicely with unit testing. If your class accepts all of its dependencies in a single constructor, you won't accidentally forget to set a dependency 3/4/2014 28Guice - Evgeny Barabanov
  • 29. Field injection Guice injects fields with the @Inject annotation. This is the most concise injection, but the least testable. public class Homer { @Inject private IComputer m_comp; } public class Main { public static void main(String [] args) { Injector injector = Guice.createInjector(); Homer homer = injector.getInstance(Homer.class); } } At the end of “main” method Homer will have an instance of Computer with all its subcomponents. 3/4/2014 29Guice - Evgeny Barabanov
  • 30. Injections You can find out more about Injections here. 3/4/2014 30Guice - Evgeny Barabanov
  • 31. Unit testing with Guice and Mockito We want to unit test Computer, so we don’t want to be dependent on GraphicCard and HardDrive implementations. The only thing we want to test is a Computers functionality. Guice provides us great ability to change binding. All we need is just define two stubs (for GraphicCard and HardDrive), define a new module which will bind interfaces to these stubs and pass this module to the injector in test module. But are we really want to maintain stub classes? Absolutely – NO. Mockito provides us great ability to simulate classes behavior with its Mocks, but as Mock is not a user defined class, we cannot bind interface to the Mock. So how can we combine and use both of these great frameworks? 3/4/2014 31Guice - Evgeny Barabanov
  • 32. Unit testing with Guice and Mockito The solution is @Provides methods: @Provides method allows us to create an object when the object requires additional code to be created, set up or configured . The method must be defined within a module, and it must have an @Provides annotation. The method's return type is the bound type. Whenever the injector needs an instance of that type, it will invoke the method. Guice does not allow exceptions to be thrown from Providers. Exceptions thrown by @Provides methods will be wrapped in a ProvisionException. It is bad practice to allow any kind of exception to be thrown -- runtime or checked -- from an @Provides method. 3/4/2014 32Guice - Evgeny Barabanov
  • 33. Unit testing with Guice and Mockito Consider previous example with computer: public class HardDrive implements IHardDrive { @Override public int CalculateSpeed() { int result = 0; //Complicated and long computation return result; } } public class GraphicCard implements IGraphicCard { @Override public int GetPerformanceRate() { int result = 0; //Complicated and long computation return result; } } public class Computer implements IComputer{ IHardDrive m_hd; IGraphicCard m_gc; @Inject public Computer(IHardDrive hd, IGraphicCard gc){ m_hd = hd; m_gc = gc; } @Override public int GetComputerPerformanceRate() { return m_hd.CalculateSpeed()+m_gc.GetPerformanceRate(); } } 3/4/2014 33Guice - Evgeny Barabanov
  • 34. Unit testing with Guice and Mockito We’d like to test GetComputerPerformanceRate method. So lets do that! First, we create a module which defines @Provides methods for GraphicCard and HardDrive stubs: public class ComputerTestsModule extends AbstractModule { @Override protected void configure() { } @Provides IHardDrive provideHardDrive(){ IHardDrive hd = mock(IHardDrive.class); when(hd.CalculateSpeed()).thenReturn(5); return hd; } @Provides IGraphicCard provideGraphicCard(){ IGraphicCard gc = mock(IGraphicCard.class); when(gc.GetPerformanceRate()).thenReturn(10); return gc; } } 3/4/2014 34Guice - Evgeny Barabanov
  • 35. Unit testing with Guice and Mockito After we tell Guice to use our module instead of default binding for HardDrive and GraphicCard creation, we can unit test the desired class: public class ComputerTests extends TestCase { static Injector injector = Guice.createInjector(new ComputerTestsModule()); IComputer cpForTest = injector.getInstance(IComputer.class); @Test public void testComputerPerformance(){ assertEquals(15, cpForTest.GetComputerPerformanceRate()); } } 3/4/2014 35Guice - Evgeny Barabanov
  • 36. Best practices • Minimize mutability • Inject only direct dependencies • Avoid cyclic dependencies • Avoid static state • Use @Nullable • Create fast and side-effects free modules • Be careful about I/O in providers • Avoid conditional logic in modules • Keep constructors as hidden as possible 3/4/2014 36Guice - Evgeny Barabanov
  • 37. Useful links • FAQ • Using Guice with Google AppEngine 3/4/2014 37Guice - Evgeny Barabanov