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Exposure   Engagement   of mouth
The hypothesis

  Engaged        Connected   Influential

                                           Evidence that
A definition and      Proof that higher    the Guardian and
quantitative          media engagement =   Observer are highly
measure of media      higher advertising   engaging and
engagement for        engagement /         deliver ‘engageable’
national newspapers   effectiveness        audiences for
Connected              Influential

            of mouth
•	 A framework for
   identifying influencers
•	 Establishing GNM role
   in the process
•	 Adding to industry
Consumers rely on others opinions

                    “Individuals are in a state of information
                    anxiety so they turn to their friends and
                    say ‘tell me what I should do’”
                    Steve Barton, Head of WOM UK

How we’ve proved this

                                                     y rep
                                               telephon resentative
                                                         e survey

 D esk rese

                                        Network audit
                   Expert in
Theme identification
Desk research
Influential people are connected to
both people and information
Influential people are connected to
both people and information

           Influential people:
           •	Greater   access to new information
           •	More   receptive to new information
           •	Greater   ability to share information
           •	And   in a more persuasive manner
Theme exploration
Expert interviews

                                       Steve Ba
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   Je ssica Gr ontagious                     t, WOMU
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De puty ed

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                                                                   edia Pro positions,
                                                         Head of M                  r, Wildfire
                                                                        er, Directo
                                                             Ivan Palm               earch fell
                                                                      an saray, Res
                                                           Ayodele M

              Digita Anna Raff
              PearsoMarketin erty
                      n / Pe g Direc
                            nguin    t
Influential people

•	 The importance of Weak Ties in the flow of information   WEAK TIES

•	 The ability to contextualise and make ideas relevant     BRIDGING CAPITAL

•	 The willingness to modify ones’ opinions                 STATUS BARGAIN
Social networks

   Strong Ties
   Weak Ties
‘Strong Ties help us get by,
                                               Weak Ties help us to get on’
                                               Ayodele Mansaray,
Strong and Weak Ties                           Social Researcher

  glue                                                          Social

                                                Weak Ties
         Strong Ties          Colleague, friend of a friend, extended family,
   Close friends and family   person met through hobby, activity or online
Weak Ties
The foundation of word of mouth

‘Diversity can give amplification.’
Ayodele Mansaray, Social Researcher

                                      ‘… if you target Weak Ties you get
                                      the power of amplification.’
                                      Ivan Palmer, Wildfire
Influential people

•	 The importance of Weak Ties in the flow of information   WEAK TIES

•	 The ability to contextualise and make ideas relevant     BRIDGING CAPITAL

•	 The willingness to modify ones’ opinions                 STATUS BARGAIN
Influencers possess Bridging Capital
                                 ‘They help you see why it’s
                                 important that you watch this
                                 movie, or buy that type of health
   •	 Contextualise
                                 Steve Barton, WOM UK
   •	 Package

   •	 Make relevant

                      ‘We partnered with Mercury Music for a
                      Penguin Classics campaign because it seems
                      like a beautiful arrangement. So you get
                      Razorlight selecting The Great Gatsby as their
                      favourite read.’
                      Anna Rafferty, Pearson / Penguin Group
Bridging Capital
Social Capital + Cultural Capital

                               •	 Size and diversity of
                     Social       network
                     Capital   •	 Ability to spread


                    Cultural   •	 Accumulated knowledge
                    Capital    •	 Ability to influence others
Influential people

•	 The importance of Weak Ties in the flow of information   WEAK TIES

•	 The ability to contextualise and make ideas relevant     BRIDGING CAPITAL

•	 The willingness to modify ones’ opinions                 STATUS BARGAIN
Status Bargain
A willingness to modify opinion is key
Status Bargain
A modification of opinion on the     ‘It’s the person who is able to assimilate
basis that it will be improved and   more information and see how different
the individual will benefit from     points of view can fit together.’
the increased understanding.         Ivan Palmer, Wildfire

                                     ‘If a person is able to take on a new
                                     recommendation, that’s the person you feel
                                     has actually thought about what they are
                                     saying, rather than someone who says, ‘I
                                     only like books by Dan Brown.’
                                     Anna Rafferty, Pearson / Penguin Group
The core of influence

              Weak Ties

          Status    Bridging
          Bargain    Capital
Identifying influencers

 Ahead in Adoption   Not the classic early adopters but ahead
                     of the mainstream
        Connected    The range and frequency of contact is important

         Traveller   Getting out there, accumulating
                     knowledge and experience
Information Hungry   Constantly seeking out and
                     exchanging information
             Vocal   Keen to discuss thoughts and
                     exchange experiences
  Exposed to Media   Voracious consumers of mass media
Identifying influencers                     ‘All of these are strong indicators’
                                            Ivan Palmer, Wildfire

 Ahead in Adoption   Not the classic early adopters but ahead
                     of the mainstream
        Connected    The range and frequency of contact is important

         Traveller   Getting out there, accumulating
                     knowledge and experience
Information Hungry   Constantly seeking out and
                     exchanging information
             Vocal   Keen to discuss thoughts and
                     exchange experiences
  Exposed to Media   Voracious consumers of mass media
How we’ve proved this

 D esk rese

                   Expert in
How we’ve proved this

                                                     y rep
                                               telephon resentative
                                                         e survey

 D esk rese

                                        Network audit
                   Expert in
Testing our thinking
Network audit

            GNM    Non-GNM
Testing our thinking
Network audit

            GNM    Non-GNM
Testing our thinking
Network audit

             350 INTERVIEWS

            GNM      Non-GNM
              10 NETWORKS
Testing ACTIVE
A measure of influence

                  SELF         3
             A      4     Non-GNM
              C     3           4
              T      2          4
               I     4           3
               V      5          2
                E     3
Quantification of concepts
Nationally representative survey

•	 BMRB                                   •	 Composition of personal network

•	 TGI re contact                         •	 Frequency and method of contact

•	 1,359 20 minute telephone interviews   •	 The sharing of information and
   •		1,159 nationally representative        experiences
   •		200 GNM boost – weighted back to    •	 Sources of advice and support
     main sample
                                          •	 Levels of digital interaction
•	 Fused to TGI
The core of influence

              Weak Ties

          Status    Bridging
          Bargain    Capital
Weak Ties are vital
They enhance the transfer of information
Weak Ties are vital
They enhance the transfer of information

       Darryl Perry
       35, film producer, London
       GNM consumer
       •	 Music and film

       •	 Important to pass on
           recommendations and advice
       •	 Lots of Weak Ties

       •	 A cosmopolitan social network

       •	 People he doesn’t know so well
           provide new and useful ideas
       Weak Ties; ACTIVE (Connected; Traveller)
Weak Ties are vital
They enhance the transfer of information

                                                  ‘My friend Bjorn and I are
                                                  pretty well connected through
       Darryl Perry
                                                  the work we do with
       35, film producer, London
                                                  magazines, and organisations
       GNM consumer
                                                  like the ICA.’
       •	 Music and film

       •	 Important to pass on
                                                            ‘Darryl is a bit of tastemaker,
           recommendations and advice
                                                            he’s always coming up with
       •	 Lots of Weak Ties                                 things you haven’t heard of,
       •	 A cosmopolitan social network                     and generally, he’s pretty spot
                                                            on. I’d usually trust him when
       •	 People he doesn’t know so well
                                                            it comes to a tip on a film to
           provide new and useful ideas                     watch or CD to buy.’
       Weak Ties; ACTIVE (Connected; Traveller)
Weak Ties are vital
They enhance the transfer of information

 Amy Thomas
 21, student, Newcastle
 GNM consumer
 •	 Highlighted by many,
     particularly Weak Ties, as a
     reliable source of information
 •	 Vague contacts agreed she was
     experienced and trustworthy
 Weak Ties; ACTIVE (Connected; Information Hungry)
Weak Ties are vital
They enhance the transfer of information

                                                     ‘People trust me because they know
                                                     I’m always trying to find out about
                                                     stuff. I’ve got two young kids, and I
                                                     found that when I became a mum I
                                                     started needing to do more research
 Amy Thomas                                          into things.’
 21, student, Newcastle
 GNM consumer
                                                                  ‘Amy is well worth listening to.
 •	 Highlighted by many,
                                                                  If you hear about something
     particularly Weak Ties, as a
                                                                  that she thinks is good it’s
     reliable source of information
                                                                  probably worth your while to
 •	 Vague contacts agreed she was                                 give it a try. She’s very smart
     experienced and trustworthy                                  when it comes to a bargain.’
 Weak Ties; ACTIVE (Connected; Information Hungry)
Weak Ties are vital
They enhance the transfer of information

                      Becky Chapman
                      29, charity worker, Brighton
                      GNM consumer
                      •	 Influential within her network

                      •	 Fashion, shopping, music
                          and travel
                      Weak Ties; ACTIVE (Connected; Traveller; Vocal)
Weak Ties are vital
      They enhance the transfer of information
‘I’m going to Ethiopia with                Becky Chapman
work in a couple of weeks, so              29, charity worker, Brighton
I’ve been reading up on that.              GNM consumer
It’s a really interesting place,
and I’ve been speaking to a                •	 Influential within her network
few of my friends about it.’               •	 Fashion, shopping, music
                                               and travel
                                           Weak Ties; ACTIVE (Connected; Traveller; Vocal)

    ‘I need to get some new
    clothes and I’ll take Becky      ‘It’s important to me that I show
    shopping with me instead         Becky something I’ve bought,
    of my girlfriend. It’s easier,   even after the purchase, as I like
    quicker, she knows which shops   to get her approval.’
    to go into and what suits me.’
A key indicator of Weak Ties

                                     Ahead in Adoption
                                     Index   160                   3+ (6) Weak Ties monthly
                                             140                   <3 (6) Weak Ties monthly

                  Exposed to Media                         Connected




                            Vocal                          Traveller

Index 100 = average adult             Information Hungry
A key indicator of Weak Ties

                                     Ahead in Adoption
                                     Index   160                   3+ (6) Weak Ties monthly
                                             140                   <3 (6) Weak Ties monthly
                                             120                   GNM
                  Exposed to Media                         Connected




                            Vocal                          Traveller

Index 100 = average adult             Information Hungry
GNM readers have more Weak Ties
Key for spreading word of mouth
Average no. of Weak Tie groups (of 6)                    Above average range of Weak Ties - Index
                                                         3+ (6) Weak Tie groups monthly
in contact with monthly

                                    GNM                                                   GNM
                                    Qual news exc. GNM                                    Qual news exc. GNM
                                    Non GNM                                               Non GNM


         2.9                  2.9         2.9



Index = average adult
Strong Ties help us get by
Weak Ties help us to get on
                                                  Strong vs Weak Ties - which help most?                                         Strong Ties
                                                                                                                                 Weak Ties



                              Emotional support                                 Achieving goals                  Career advice

Question: In terms of getting on in life, which, if any, of these groups of people do you feel have helped the
most with …?
Strong ties = Immediate family, close friends
Weak ties = Extended family, other friends, colleagues, professionals in same field, people met through
hobbies/interests, people not met face to face, eg online
Face to face dominates
                                                          Method of contact by tie strength                                                 Strong Ties
92%                          90%
           88%                  86%                                                                                                         Weak Ties

                                                            57%                                  55%
                                                                      49%                  49%

                                                                                                          27%                    26%

 Face to face                  Telephone                    Text (SMS)                    Email/instant   Post / letter   Social networks
                                                                                           messenger                         or blogs
Question: And which of the following best describes the type of contact you have with…?
The Internet facilitates Weak Ties
                                                          Method of contact by tie strength                                                 Strong Ties
92%                          90%
           88%                  86%                                                                                                         Weak Ties

                                                            57%                                                                                    59%
                                                                      49%                  49%

                                                                                                          27%                    26%

 Face to face                  Telephone                    Text (SMS)                    Email/instant   Post / letter   Social networks   Internet AT ALL
                                                                                           messenger                         or blogs
Question: And which of the following best describes the type of contact you have with…?
We share more with Strong Ties
Weak Ties ensure cross-network sharing
                                                                         Strong Ties
                                                                         Weak Ties

Shared any experience past 6 months


Shared any experience 3+ times past 6 months


Question: Thinking about when you have experienced a good/bad service or product in the
last 6 months, how many times, if any, have you shared that experience with…?
We share more with Strong Ties
Weak Ties ensure cross-network sharing
                                                                         Strong Ties
                                                                         Weak Ties

Shared any experience past 6 months                                                             % Who have shared experiences
                                                                                                  Positive     Negative
                                                                                                   93%           85%

Shared any experience 3+ times past 6 months
                                                                                                Average no. of group types (of 4)
                                       59%                                                      shared experiences with
                                                                                                  Positive     Negative
                                                                                                   2.3           2.5
Question: Thinking about when you have experienced a good/bad service or product in the
last 6 months, how many times, if any, have you shared that experience with…?
Who influences purchase decisions?
                                           Sources of advice for new product/service purchase         Strong Ties

                       Strong Ties                                                              77%   Weak Ties

                         Weak Ties                                                       51%

Question: Thinking about when you are considering purchasing a new product or service,
which of the following would you go to for advice?
Who influences purchase decisions?
                                             Sources of advice for new product/service purchase                       Strong Ties

                         Strong Ties                                                                            77%   Weak Ties

                           Weak Ties                                                               51%

    Someone you consider                                                                                        78%
knowledgeable in that field
   Close friends and family                                                                                     77%

                     Internet at all                                                                      61%

  Online review/rating sites                                                                             58%

      Other internet sources                                                                 38%

                         Colleagues                                                        34%

  A wider group of contacts                                                    22%

Extended friends and family                                                    22%

  Question: Thinking about when you are considering purchasing a new product or service,
  which of the following would you go to for advice?
The core of influence

              Weak Ties

          Status    Bridging
          Bargain    Capital
Influencers possess Bridging Capital
It facilitates information sharing
Influencers possess Bridging Capital
It facilitates information sharing

                     Bruce Haggerty
                     44, small business owner, Glasgow
                     GNM consumer
                     •	 Well-connected
                     •	 Knows a diverse range of people
                     •	 Wide media palette
                     •	 Adept at making obscure ideas
                         interesting to others
                     •	 Film and music

                     Bridging Capital; ACTIVE (Information Hungry;
                     Connected; Vocal; Exposed to Media)
Influencers possess Bridging Capital
    It facilitates information sharing
      ‘I might not convince absolutely
      everybody, but I do like to discuss
      movies and music with people,
      particularly new stuff that I’m
      finding exciting. It’s good to be able   Bruce Haggerty
      to switch people on to new things.’      44, small business owner, Glasgow
                                               GNM consumer
                                               •	 Well-connected
‘He’s a sharp guy, if you’re going
                                               •	 Knows a diverse range of people
somewhere on holiday he’s probably been
there, or at least knows some essential fact   •	 Wide media palette
about the place. I don’t see that much of      •	 Adept at making obscure ideas
him, but it’s always interesting when I do.”       interesting to others
                                               •	 Film and music

                                               Bridging Capital; ACTIVE (Information Hungry;
                                               Connected; Vocal; Exposed to Media)
Influencers possess Bridging Capital
       It facilitates information sharing

Maureen Pearson
55, social worker, London
GNM consumer
•	 Information hungry and
    exposed to media
•	 Vocal, particularly on current affairs
•	 Open to new experiences,
    especially travel
Bridging Capital; ACTIVE (Traveller; Information Hungry;
Vocal; Exposed to Media)
Influencers possess Bridging Capital
       It facilitates information sharing
                                                           ‘Dave and I often cut out articles
                                                           we’ve found in the Guardian for each
                                                           other and leave them in the office
                                                           for everyone else to see. People
                                                           come up to me to find out what I
                                                           think about the articles.’
Maureen Pearson
55, social worker, London                                                    ‘She’s always got something
GNM consumer                                                                 interesting to say about the
•	 Information hungry and                                                    news or what’s going on in the
    exposed to media                                                         world. My friend told me she’s
•	 Vocal, particularly on current affairs                                    also got lots of new ideas when
                                                                             it comes to places to visit that
•	 Open to new experiences,
                                                                             are out of the ordinary.’
    especially travel
Bridging Capital; ACTIVE (Traveller; Information Hungry;
Vocal; Exposed to Media)
Influencers possess Bridging Capital
       It facilitates information sharing

Walter Connors
23, management trainee, Leeds
GNM consumer
•	 Referenced by other influencers as
    a source of great recommendations
•	 Increases the influence of others
Bridging Capital; ACTIVE (Ahead in Adoption;
Information Hungry)
Influencers possess Bridging Capital
       It facilitates information sharing
                                                               ‘I’m really interested in music
                                                               and movies… and art too. I know
                                                               a lot of people who do that kind
Walter Connors                                                 of stuff for a living so I tend to
23, management trainee, Leeds                                  be the one amongst my friends
GNM consumer                                                   who says ‘hey, let’s check this
                                                               or that out’.’
•	 Referenced by other influencers as
    a source of great recommendations
•	 Increases the influence of others           ‘Walter’s always off to see some
Bridging Capital; ACTIVE (Ahead in Adoption;   new band or watch some new
Information Hungry)
                                               film. I’ve gone along with him
                                               a few times when it’s sounded
                                               like it might be good and he’s
                                               generally right.’
Influencers possess Bridging Capital
It facilitates information sharing

   John McClure
   55, lecturer, Leeds
   GNM consumer
   •	 Music, science and technology
   •	 Uses the Guardian to find new ‘nuggets’
   •	 Researches ‘nuggets’ online
   •	 A social hub; maintains links between
       all school friends
   Bridging Capital; ACTIVE (Ahead in Adoption; Connected;
   Information Hungry; Vocal)
Influencers possess Bridging Capital
     It facilitates information sharing
‘I suppose I am the focal point of information,                       ‘John is
particularly when it comes to music and                               extremely
technology. They come to me for advice on                             reliable on
technology, because they know I do my research!’                      technology. I’d
                                                                      make a beeline
                                                                      to his door if
            John McClure                                              I was thinking
            55, lecturer, Leeds                                       about buying
            GNM consumer                                              a new digital
            •	 Music, science and technology                          camera, hi-fi or
            •	 Uses the Guardian to find new ‘nuggets’                what have you.’
            •	 Researches ‘nuggets’ online
            •	 A social hub; maintains links between
                all school friends
            Bridging Capital; ACTIVE (Ahead in Adoption; Connected;
            Information Hungry; Vocal)
Influencers possess Bridging Capital
It facilitates information sharing
GNM outperforms on ACTIVE
Possess qualities indicative of influence
                                     Ahead in Adoption                Average
                                         145   Index                  GNM
                                                                      Qual news exc GNM
                                                                      Non GNM

                  Exposed to Media       115              Connected



                            Vocal                         Traveller

                                     Information Hungry
Index 100 = average adult
More likely to possess Bridging Capital
The ability to contextualise is vital
Bridging Capital - Index               GNM
                                       Qual news exc GNM
      134                              Non GNM


                            115                                               115


                                  93                                                        94
               Bridging Capital              Social Capital              Cultural Capital

Index 100 = average adult
The core of influence

              Weak Ties

          Status    Bridging
          Bargain    Capital
Status Bargain
The basis of credibility
Status Bargain
The basis of credibility

                 Jamie Biggs
                 25, trainee solicitor, Manchester
                 GNM consumer
                 •	 Shares ideas
                 •	 Feels it’s just as important to take
                     information onboard
                 •	 Driven by personal reputation
                 •	 Willing to incorporate others
                     opinions into his own
                 Status Bargain
Status Bargain
     The basis of credibility
‘It is important that my
colleagues respect me for
my mind so I’ve made an
effort to raise interesting       Jamie Biggs
topics of conversation.’          25, trainee solicitor, Manchester
                                  GNM consumer
                                  •	 Shares ideas
                                  •	 Feels it’s just as important to take
     ‘He’s good to talk to, and
                                      information onboard
     he’s a good listener. It
     always feels like a fairly   •	 Driven by personal reputation
     mutual exchange.’            •	 Willing to incorporate others
                                      opinions into his own
                                  Status Bargain
Status Bargain
The basis of credibility

                   Mark Claydon
                   26, IT manager, Birmingham
                   GNM consumer
                   •	 Keen to develop his
                       understanding by taking
                       on new ideas from other
                       people and sources
                   •	 A broad social circle
                   Status Bargain; Weak Ties
Status Bargain
The basis of credibility

‘If I’m deciding which          Mark Claydon
film to go and see (and         26, IT manager, Birmingham
probably even if I wasn’t)      GNM consumer
I would check out the
                                •	 Keen to develop his
Guardian online. Even if I
                                    understanding by taking
disagree with what they’re
                                    on new ideas from other
saying it’s nice to have a
                                    people and sources
different point of view.’
                                •	 A broad social circle
                                Status Bargain; Weak Ties

 ‘He’s going out with a medical student, so he knows
 lots of doctors, and consequently so do I. He also
 knows people from film, theatre and photography. I
 suppose if we all worked in the same area then less
 different information would arise.’
A greater propensity to Status Bargain
Able to make more informed recommendations
Status Bargain - Index                                                                                                          GNM
                                                                                                                                Qual news exc GNM
                                                                                                                                Non GNM



Index 100 = average adult
Agree – ‘I like to read and hear about ideas that I disagree with’; Disagree – ‘I try to avoid getting into debates with
others’; Disagree - ‘I am less likely to change my mind about things than other people’
Status Bargain vs ACTIVE
                                               Ahead in adoption               Status Bargain
                                                    115   Index                Do not Status Bargain


                            Exposed to media       100




                                 Vocal                             Traveller

Index 100 = average adult                           hungry
Status Bargain = Greater influence
   Opinions valued more by others

                  63%                       listen to those who listen
                                            to opinions of others

‘I trust people more if I know that they           ‘Yes she is vocal, but she doesn’t just talk
listen to what other people think, because         – she listens to what other people have
they are more discerning.                          to say. You always know that she’s really
                                                   thought about it’
As opposed to following something                  Non-GNM consumer on GNM consumer
because they think it’s cool and having a
preconceived idea, they’re more likely to
have integrity.’
GNM consumer
The core of influence

              Weak Ties

          Status    Bridging
          Bargain    Capital
Connected and influential

              Weak Ties

          Status    Bridging
          Bargain    Capital
Guardian News & Media
Driving and facilitating word of mouth

‘I’d be willing to bet that they        ‘I think the role of the Guardian in
[Guardian readers] probably dig a bit   pushing word of mouth is probably
deeper for information, that they’re    quite important… it’s readers come
more connected than the average         from more diverse backgrounds and
person. They’re probably greater        they have more diverse networks –
influencers.’                           it’s not about sheer numbers.’
Steve Barton, WOM UK                    Jessica Greenwood, Contagious

 ‘I really like the Guardian.           ‘The Guardian is all about being able to listen,
 Even if I don’t specifically agree     to digest, take on another point of view and
 with what they’re saying it’s          to change your side if you wish to, because
 important to have your thinking        actually there is no shame in changing your
 challenged, and it feels like what     mind. Things like Comment is Free really
 they’re [the Guardian] about.’         encourage this kind of consideration.’
 GNM consumer                           Anna Rafferty, Penguin / Pearson Group
Identifying influential people

  Influential people      Who are they?
                        What are they like?

                                              How to reach them
                                                All other TGI

                        Who communicate
                         with and how?
                        How connected and
 Your target audience      influential?
Influential people

  Engaged       Connected   Influential

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The Guardian's Word of Mouth Database

  • 1.
  • 2. Word Exposure Engagement of mouth
  • 3. The hypothesis Engaged Connected Influential
  • 4. Engagement Evidence that A definition and Proof that higher the Guardian and quantitative media engagement = Observer are highly measure of media higher advertising engaging and engagement for engagement / deliver ‘engageable’ national newspapers effectiveness audiences for advertisers
  • 5. Connected Influential Word of mouth
  • 6. • A framework for identifying influencers • Establishing GNM role in the process • Adding to industry understanding
  • 7.
  • 8. Consumers rely on others opinions Header Text “Individuals are in a state of information anxiety so they turn to their friends and say ‘tell me what I should do’” Steve Barton, Head of WOM UK Source:
  • 9. How we’ve proved this Nationall y rep telephon resentative e survey arch D esk rese Network audit Expert in terviews
  • 11. Influential people are connected to both people and information
  • 12. Influential people are connected to both people and information Influential people: • Greater access to new information • More receptive to new information • Greater ability to share information • And in a more persuasive manner
  • 13. Theme exploration Expert interviews Steve Ba d rton eenwoo Presiden Je ssica Gr ontagious t, WOMU K itor, C De puty ed isholm, Fraser Ch Royal Mail edia Pro positions, Head of M r, Wildfire er, Directo Ivan Palm earch fell ow an saray, Res Ayodele M Digita Anna Raff l PearsoMarketin erty n / Pe g Direc nguin t Grouor, p
  • 14. Influential people • The importance of Weak Ties in the flow of information WEAK TIES • The ability to contextualise and make ideas relevant BRIDGING CAPITAL • The willingness to modify ones’ opinions STATUS BARGAIN
  • 15. Social networks Strong Ties Weak Ties
  • 16. ‘Strong Ties help us get by, Weak Ties help us to get on’ Ayodele Mansaray, Strong and Weak Ties Social Researcher Social glue Social oil Weak Ties Strong Ties Colleague, friend of a friend, extended family, Close friends and family person met through hobby, activity or online
  • 17. Weak Ties The foundation of word of mouth ‘Diversity can give amplification.’ Ayodele Mansaray, Social Researcher ‘… if you target Weak Ties you get the power of amplification.’ Ivan Palmer, Wildfire
  • 18. Influential people • The importance of Weak Ties in the flow of information WEAK TIES • The ability to contextualise and make ideas relevant BRIDGING CAPITAL • The willingness to modify ones’ opinions STATUS BARGAIN
  • 19. Influencers possess Bridging Capital ‘They help you see why it’s important that you watch this movie, or buy that type of health insurance…’ • Contextualise Steve Barton, WOM UK • Package • Make relevant ‘We partnered with Mercury Music for a Penguin Classics campaign because it seems like a beautiful arrangement. So you get Razorlight selecting The Great Gatsby as their favourite read.’ Anna Rafferty, Pearson / Penguin Group
  • 20. Bridging Capital Social Capital + Cultural Capital • Size and diversity of Social network Capital • Ability to spread messages Bridging Capital Cultural • Accumulated knowledge Capital • Ability to influence others
  • 21. Influential people • The importance of Weak Ties in the flow of information WEAK TIES • The ability to contextualise and make ideas relevant BRIDGING CAPITAL • The willingness to modify ones’ opinions STATUS BARGAIN
  • 22. Status Bargain A willingness to modify opinion is key Status Bargain A modification of opinion on the ‘It’s the person who is able to assimilate basis that it will be improved and more information and see how different the individual will benefit from points of view can fit together.’ the increased understanding. Ivan Palmer, Wildfire ‘If a person is able to take on a new recommendation, that’s the person you feel has actually thought about what they are saying, rather than someone who says, ‘I only like books by Dan Brown.’ Anna Rafferty, Pearson / Penguin Group
  • 23. The core of influence Weak Ties Status Bridging Bargain Capital
  • 24. Identifying influencers Ahead in Adoption Not the classic early adopters but ahead of the mainstream Connected The range and frequency of contact is important Traveller Getting out there, accumulating knowledge and experience Information Hungry Constantly seeking out and exchanging information Vocal Keen to discuss thoughts and exchange experiences Exposed to Media Voracious consumers of mass media
  • 25. Identifying influencers ‘All of these are strong indicators’ Ivan Palmer, Wildfire Ahead in Adoption Not the classic early adopters but ahead of the mainstream Connected The range and frequency of contact is important Traveller Getting out there, accumulating knowledge and experience Information Hungry Constantly seeking out and exchanging information Vocal Keen to discuss thoughts and exchange experiences Exposed to Media Voracious consumers of mass media
  • 26. How we’ve proved this arch D esk rese Expert in terviews
  • 27. How we’ve proved this Nationall y rep telephon resentative e survey arch D esk rese Network audit Expert in terviews
  • 28. Testing our thinking Network audit GNM Non-GNM
  • 29. Testing our thinking Network audit GNM Non-GNM
  • 30. Testing our thinking Network audit 350 INTERVIEWS GNM Non-GNM 10 NETWORKS
  • 31. Testing ACTIVE A measure of influence A CONTACT SELF 3 GNM A 4 Non-GNM 2 C 3 4 T 2 4 I 4 3 V 5 2 E 3
  • 32. Quantification of concepts Nationally representative survey • BMRB • Composition of personal network • TGI re contact • Frequency and method of contact • 1,359 20 minute telephone interviews • The sharing of information and • 1,159 nationally representative experiences • 200 GNM boost – weighted back to • Sources of advice and support main sample • Levels of digital interaction • Fused to TGI
  • 33. The core of influence Weak Ties Status Bridging Bargain Capital
  • 34. Weak Ties are vital They enhance the transfer of information
  • 35. Weak Ties are vital They enhance the transfer of information Darryl Perry 35, film producer, London GNM consumer • Music and film • Important to pass on recommendations and advice • Lots of Weak Ties • A cosmopolitan social network • People he doesn’t know so well provide new and useful ideas Weak Ties; ACTIVE (Connected; Traveller)
  • 36. Weak Ties are vital They enhance the transfer of information ‘My friend Bjorn and I are pretty well connected through Darryl Perry the work we do with 35, film producer, London magazines, and organisations GNM consumer like the ICA.’ • Music and film • Important to pass on ‘Darryl is a bit of tastemaker, recommendations and advice he’s always coming up with • Lots of Weak Ties things you haven’t heard of, • A cosmopolitan social network and generally, he’s pretty spot on. I’d usually trust him when • People he doesn’t know so well it comes to a tip on a film to provide new and useful ideas watch or CD to buy.’ Weak Ties; ACTIVE (Connected; Traveller)
  • 37. Weak Ties are vital They enhance the transfer of information Amy Thomas 21, student, Newcastle GNM consumer • Highlighted by many, particularly Weak Ties, as a reliable source of information • Vague contacts agreed she was experienced and trustworthy Weak Ties; ACTIVE (Connected; Information Hungry)
  • 38. Weak Ties are vital They enhance the transfer of information ‘People trust me because they know I’m always trying to find out about stuff. I’ve got two young kids, and I found that when I became a mum I started needing to do more research Amy Thomas into things.’ 21, student, Newcastle GNM consumer ‘Amy is well worth listening to. • Highlighted by many, If you hear about something particularly Weak Ties, as a that she thinks is good it’s reliable source of information probably worth your while to • Vague contacts agreed she was give it a try. She’s very smart experienced and trustworthy when it comes to a bargain.’ Weak Ties; ACTIVE (Connected; Information Hungry)
  • 39. Weak Ties are vital They enhance the transfer of information Becky Chapman 29, charity worker, Brighton GNM consumer • Influential within her network • Fashion, shopping, music and travel Weak Ties; ACTIVE (Connected; Traveller; Vocal)
  • 40. Weak Ties are vital They enhance the transfer of information Text ‘I’m going to Ethiopia with Becky Chapman work in a couple of weeks, so 29, charity worker, Brighton I’ve been reading up on that. GNM consumer It’s a really interesting place, and I’ve been speaking to a • Influential within her network few of my friends about it.’ • Fashion, shopping, music and travel Weak Ties; ACTIVE (Connected; Traveller; Vocal) ‘I need to get some new clothes and I’ll take Becky ‘It’s important to me that I show shopping with me instead Becky something I’ve bought, of my girlfriend. It’s easier, even after the purchase, as I like quicker, she knows which shops to get her approval.’ to go into and what suits me.’
  • 41. ACTIVE A key indicator of Weak Ties Ahead in Adoption Index 160 3+ (6) Weak Ties monthly 140 <3 (6) Weak Ties monthly 120 100 Exposed to Media Connected 80 60 40 20 Vocal Traveller Index 100 = average adult Information Hungry
  • 42. ACTIVE A key indicator of Weak Ties Ahead in Adoption Index 160 3+ (6) Weak Ties monthly 140 <3 (6) Weak Ties monthly 120 GNM 100 Exposed to Media Connected 80 60 40 20 Vocal Traveller Index 100 = average adult Information Hungry
  • 43. GNM readers have more Weak Ties Key for spreading word of mouth Average no. of Weak Tie groups (of 6) Above average range of Weak Ties - Index 3+ (6) Weak Tie groups monthly in contact with monthly GNM GNM 120 Qual news exc. GNM Qual news exc. GNM Non GNM Non GNM Average 3.2 2.9 2.9 2.9 102 96 Index = average adult
  • 44. Strong Ties help us get by Weak Ties help us to get on Strong vs Weak Ties - which help most? Strong Ties 96% Weak Ties 86% 76% 70% 60% 56% Emotional support Achieving goals Career advice Question: In terms of getting on in life, which, if any, of these groups of people do you feel have helped the most with …? Strong ties = Immediate family, close friends Weak ties = Extended family, other friends, colleagues, professionals in same field, people met through hobbies/interests, people not met face to face, eg online
  • 45. Face to face dominates Method of contact by tie strength Strong Ties 92% 90% 88% 86% Weak Ties 57% 55% 49% 49% 35% 27% 26% 19% Face to face Telephone Text (SMS) Email/instant Post / letter Social networks messenger or blogs Question: And which of the following best describes the type of contact you have with…?
  • 46. The Internet facilitates Weak Ties Method of contact by tie strength Strong Ties 92% 90% 88% 86% Weak Ties 57% 59% 55% 51% 49% 49% 35% 27% 26% 19% Face to face Telephone Text (SMS) Email/instant Post / letter Social networks Internet AT ALL messenger or blogs Question: And which of the following best describes the type of contact you have with…?
  • 47. We share more with Strong Ties Weak Ties ensure cross-network sharing Strong Ties Weak Ties Shared any experience past 6 months 93% 79% Shared any experience 3+ times past 6 months 59% 40% Question: Thinking about when you have experienced a good/bad service or product in the last 6 months, how many times, if any, have you shared that experience with…?
  • 48. We share more with Strong Ties Weak Ties ensure cross-network sharing Strong Ties Weak Ties Shared any experience past 6 months % Who have shared experiences 93% Positive Negative 79% 93% 85% Shared any experience 3+ times past 6 months Average no. of group types (of 4) 59% shared experiences with 40% Positive Negative 2.3 2.5 Question: Thinking about when you have experienced a good/bad service or product in the last 6 months, how many times, if any, have you shared that experience with…?
  • 49. Who influences purchase decisions? Sources of advice for new product/service purchase Strong Ties Strong Ties 77% Weak Ties Weak Ties 51% Question: Thinking about when you are considering purchasing a new product or service, which of the following would you go to for advice?
  • 50. Who influences purchase decisions? Sources of advice for new product/service purchase Strong Ties Strong Ties 77% Weak Ties Weak Ties 51% Someone you consider 78% knowledgeable in that field Close friends and family 77% Internet at all 61% Online review/rating sites 58% Other internet sources 38% Colleagues 34% A wider group of contacts 22% Extended friends and family 22% Question: Thinking about when you are considering purchasing a new product or service, which of the following would you go to for advice?
  • 51. The core of influence Weak Ties Status Bridging Bargain Capital
  • 52. Influencers possess Bridging Capital It facilitates information sharing
  • 53. Influencers possess Bridging Capital It facilitates information sharing Bruce Haggerty 44, small business owner, Glasgow GNM consumer • Well-connected • Knows a diverse range of people • Wide media palette • Adept at making obscure ideas interesting to others • Film and music Bridging Capital; ACTIVE (Information Hungry; Connected; Vocal; Exposed to Media)
  • 54. Influencers possess Bridging Capital It facilitates information sharing ‘I might not convince absolutely everybody, but I do like to discuss movies and music with people, particularly new stuff that I’m finding exciting. It’s good to be able Bruce Haggerty to switch people on to new things.’ 44, small business owner, Glasgow GNM consumer • Well-connected ‘He’s a sharp guy, if you’re going • Knows a diverse range of people somewhere on holiday he’s probably been there, or at least knows some essential fact • Wide media palette about the place. I don’t see that much of • Adept at making obscure ideas him, but it’s always interesting when I do.” interesting to others • Film and music Bridging Capital; ACTIVE (Information Hungry; Connected; Vocal; Exposed to Media)
  • 55. Influencers possess Bridging Capital It facilitates information sharing Maureen Pearson 55, social worker, London GNM consumer • Information hungry and exposed to media • Vocal, particularly on current affairs • Open to new experiences, especially travel Bridging Capital; ACTIVE (Traveller; Information Hungry; Vocal; Exposed to Media) Source:
  • 56. Influencers possess Bridging Capital It facilitates information sharing ‘Dave and I often cut out articles we’ve found in the Guardian for each other and leave them in the office for everyone else to see. People come up to me to find out what I think about the articles.’ Maureen Pearson 55, social worker, London ‘She’s always got something GNM consumer interesting to say about the • Information hungry and news or what’s going on in the exposed to media world. My friend told me she’s • Vocal, particularly on current affairs also got lots of new ideas when it comes to places to visit that • Open to new experiences, are out of the ordinary.’ especially travel Bridging Capital; ACTIVE (Traveller; Information Hungry; Vocal; Exposed to Media) Source:
  • 57. Influencers possess Bridging Capital It facilitates information sharing Walter Connors 23, management trainee, Leeds GNM consumer • Referenced by other influencers as a source of great recommendations • Increases the influence of others Bridging Capital; ACTIVE (Ahead in Adoption; Information Hungry)
  • 58. Influencers possess Bridging Capital It facilitates information sharing ‘I’m really interested in music and movies… and art too. I know a lot of people who do that kind Walter Connors of stuff for a living so I tend to 23, management trainee, Leeds be the one amongst my friends GNM consumer who says ‘hey, let’s check this or that out’.’ • Referenced by other influencers as a source of great recommendations • Increases the influence of others ‘Walter’s always off to see some Bridging Capital; ACTIVE (Ahead in Adoption; new band or watch some new Information Hungry) film. I’ve gone along with him a few times when it’s sounded like it might be good and he’s generally right.’
  • 59. Influencers possess Bridging Capital It facilitates information sharing John McClure 55, lecturer, Leeds GNM consumer • Music, science and technology • Uses the Guardian to find new ‘nuggets’ • Researches ‘nuggets’ online • A social hub; maintains links between all school friends Bridging Capital; ACTIVE (Ahead in Adoption; Connected; Information Hungry; Vocal)
  • 60. Influencers possess Bridging Capital It facilitates information sharing Text ‘I suppose I am the focal point of information, ‘John is particularly when it comes to music and extremely technology. They come to me for advice on reliable on technology, because they know I do my research!’ technology. I’d make a beeline to his door if John McClure I was thinking 55, lecturer, Leeds about buying GNM consumer a new digital • Music, science and technology camera, hi-fi or • Uses the Guardian to find new ‘nuggets’ what have you.’ • Researches ‘nuggets’ online • A social hub; maintains links between all school friends Bridging Capital; ACTIVE (Ahead in Adoption; Connected; Information Hungry; Vocal)
  • 61. Influencers possess Bridging Capital It facilitates information sharing
  • 62. GNM outperforms on ACTIVE Possess qualities indicative of influence Ahead in Adoption Average 145 Index GNM Qual news exc GNM 130 Non GNM Exposed to Media 115 Connected 100 85 Vocal Traveller Information Hungry Index 100 = average adult
  • 63. More likely to possess Bridging Capital The ability to contextualise is vital Bridging Capital - Index GNM Qual news exc GNM 134 Non GNM 129 115 115 114 106 97 93 94 Bridging Capital Social Capital Cultural Capital Index 100 = average adult
  • 64. The core of influence Weak Ties Status Bridging Bargain Capital
  • 65. Status Bargain The basis of credibility
  • 66. Status Bargain The basis of credibility Jamie Biggs 25, trainee solicitor, Manchester GNM consumer • Shares ideas • Feels it’s just as important to take information onboard • Driven by personal reputation • Willing to incorporate others opinions into his own Status Bargain
  • 67. Status Bargain The basis of credibility Text ‘It is important that my colleagues respect me for my mind so I’ve made an effort to raise interesting Jamie Biggs topics of conversation.’ 25, trainee solicitor, Manchester GNM consumer • Shares ideas • Feels it’s just as important to take ‘He’s good to talk to, and information onboard he’s a good listener. It always feels like a fairly • Driven by personal reputation mutual exchange.’ • Willing to incorporate others opinions into his own Status Bargain
  • 68. Status Bargain The basis of credibility Mark Claydon 26, IT manager, Birmingham GNM consumer • Keen to develop his understanding by taking on new ideas from other people and sources • A broad social circle Status Bargain; Weak Ties
  • 69. Status Bargain The basis of credibility ‘If I’m deciding which Mark Claydon film to go and see (and 26, IT manager, Birmingham probably even if I wasn’t) GNM consumer I would check out the • Keen to develop his Guardian online. Even if I understanding by taking disagree with what they’re on new ideas from other saying it’s nice to have a people and sources different point of view.’ • A broad social circle Status Bargain; Weak Ties ‘He’s going out with a medical student, so he knows lots of doctors, and consequently so do I. He also knows people from film, theatre and photography. I suppose if we all worked in the same area then less different information would arise.’
  • 70. A greater propensity to Status Bargain Able to make more informed recommendations Status Bargain - Index GNM Qual news exc GNM Non GNM 136 108 93 Index 100 = average adult Agree – ‘I like to read and hear about ideas that I disagree with’; Disagree – ‘I try to avoid getting into debates with others’; Disagree - ‘I am less likely to change my mind about things than other people’
  • 71. Status Bargain vs ACTIVE Ahead in adoption Status Bargain 115 Index Do not Status Bargain 110 105 Exposed to media 100 Connected 95 90 85 Vocal Traveller Information Index 100 = average adult hungry
  • 72. Status Bargain = Greater influence Opinions valued more by others 63% listen to those who listen to opinions of others ‘I trust people more if I know that they ‘Yes she is vocal, but she doesn’t just talk listen to what other people think, because – she listens to what other people have they are more discerning. to say. You always know that she’s really thought about it’ As opposed to following something Non-GNM consumer on GNM consumer because they think it’s cool and having a preconceived idea, they’re more likely to have integrity.’ GNM consumer
  • 73. The core of influence Weak Ties Status Bridging Bargain Capital
  • 74. Connected and influential Weak Ties Status Bridging Bargain Capital
  • 75. Guardian News & Media Driving and facilitating word of mouth ‘I’d be willing to bet that they ‘I think the role of the Guardian in [Guardian readers] probably dig a bit pushing word of mouth is probably deeper for information, that they’re quite important… it’s readers come more connected than the average from more diverse backgrounds and person. They’re probably greater they have more diverse networks – influencers.’ it’s not about sheer numbers.’ Steve Barton, WOM UK Jessica Greenwood, Contagious ‘I really like the Guardian. ‘The Guardian is all about being able to listen, Even if I don’t specifically agree to digest, take on another point of view and with what they’re saying it’s to change your side if you wish to, because important to have your thinking actually there is no shame in changing your challenged, and it feels like what mind. Things like Comment is Free really they’re [the Guardian] about.’ encourage this kind of consideration.’ GNM consumer Anna Rafferty, Penguin / Pearson Group
  • 76. Identifying influential people Influential people Who are they? What are they like? How to reach them All other TGI information Who communicate with and how? How connected and Your target audience influential?
  • 77. Influential people Engaged Connected Influential