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Getting Started with
                  Raspberry Pi
                   Otronicon: 18 January 2013

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Wednesday, January 30, 13
Getting Started with Raspberry Pi

                   Let’ get started!

                   This will be fun and you will learn a lot today.

                   Please follow instructions and only use the Raspberry Pi
                   when instructed to do so.

                   Your Raspbery Pi should be running the latest Raspbian OS
                   available here:

                   Okay... Let’s go!

Wednesday, January 30, 13
Getting Started with Raspberry Pi

                  Let’s Play!
                   For the first ten minutes today we will play. Go ahead and
                   right click on the Python Games icon on the desktop and
                   select open. Click OK on the audio dialog box.
                   When we are working on the desktop today we will be
                   opening files by right clicking. Opening files and programs can
                   be a little slow to start from the desktop environment.

                   Also, if you double click multiple times, you will open several
                   versions of the same program, so we’ll use the right click
                   method to open things as opposed to the wrong click
                   method today!

                   Select a game and play!

Wednesday, January 30, 13
Getting Started with Raspberry Pi

                  Shut down!
                   Shut down Python games by clicking on the close button (x)
                   in the upper right corner of the Python Game Launcher

                   From the lower left corner of the desktop, left click and
                   select logout from the pop up menu.

                   Click on the shutdown button in the LXDE window.

                   Don’t worry, we’ll be turning the Raspberry Pi back on in a
                   few minutes after we discuss how to use it and look at some
                   amazing examples!

Wednesday, January 30, 13
Getting Started with Raspberry Pi

                  Why buy a Pi?
                   The official Raspberry Pi Foundation

                   “The Raspberry Pi is a credit-card sized computer that plugs
                   into your TV and a keyboard. It’s a capable little PC which
                   can be used for many of the things that your desktop PC
                   does, like spreadsheets, word-processing and games. It also
                   plays high-definition video. We want to see it being used by
                   kids all over the world to learn programming.”

Wednesday, January 30, 13
Getting Started with Raspberry Pi

                  Eben Upton
                        The Raspberry Pi was built so that learning about
                        computers and programming could be fun! Eben Upton,
                        the inventor of the Raspberry Pi, used to have fun playing
                        on and tinkering with computers when he was younger.
                        Once he started teaching computing at the University of
                        Cambridge, he noticed that students were no longer
                        having fun coding with computers. They were just playing
                        games rather than making them. To improve the situation,
                        he got together with some friends, started the Raspberry
                        Pi Foundation, and got to work creating a wonderful little
                        computer that would be fun to program and play with!

Wednesday, January 30, 13
Getting Started with Raspberry Pi

                  Eben Upton
                  CNN Moneywatch featured Eben Upton and the Raspberry Pi:

                  $35 computer can get kids coding

                  Eben Upton, the man behind Raspberry Pi, hopes to bring
                  computer programming skills to a new generation.


Wednesday, January 30, 13
Getting Started with Raspberry Pi

                  How is it used?
                   The Raspberry Pi is used in a lot of ways!
                   It runs on a Linux Operating System so…
                   how it works depends on the linux build.

                   Some builds are very easy to use like Raspian “Wheezy” the
                   one you are using here today, while others are customized
                   for specific tasks. Some other examples are Raspbmc (a
                   media center distribution), Risc OS, or Plan 9 from Bell Labs.
                   This operational diversity is one of the benefits of the
                   Raspberry Pi. But to get started and to remain consistent, we
                   suggest using Raspbian Wheezy.


Wednesday, January 30, 13
Getting Started with Raspberry Pi

                  Look, up in the Sky!
                   1) Project Black Sky:

                   Project Black Sky is a science project done by a 13 year old
                   that took a Raspberry Pi up to 85,000 feet in a weather

                   “The Raspberry Pi performed flawlessly during the mission.
                   While other more expensive electronic devices in the capsule
                   failed (the Canon camera and the Spot GPS), the Raspberry Pi
                   never stopped functioning, even through extreme low
                   temperature and pressure, and a violent descent.”

Wednesday, January 30, 13
Getting Started with Raspberry Pi

         a SNES
                   2) Ted’s Super Nintendo Emulated System:

                   This project uses the Raspberry Pi to replace the main logic
                   and graphical components in a SNES. This is one of the more
                   sophisticated projects done on a Raspberry Pi.


Wednesday, January 30, 13
Getting Started with Raspberry Pi

                  ... as a Media Center
                   3) An XBMC is an open source, cross platform media center
                   originally designed to run on the Xbox. Many people are
                   buying Raspberry Pi’s to use as dedicated media centers.
                   There are many media center builds. We’ll demonstrate one

                   Play clip from “Push Pause Play” on openELEC RP.


                   Push Pause Play may be downloaded here:

Wednesday, January 30, 13
Getting Started with Raspberry Pi

         a Camera Controller
                  4) Lance R.Vick’s Raspberry Pi Camera Controller:

                     Lance made his camera rig at FamiLAB. Some of the
                     FamiLAB members helped him cut the bracket out of MDF
                     board on a CNC mill to make the camera mount. Other
                     FamiLAB members helped him build the gears for the rig on
                     their 3D printers! Lance uses an open source C library
                     called gphoto. He also uses Python code to bind the C code
                     into very useful software modules.


Wednesday, January 30, 13
Getting Started with Raspberry Pi

         a Server
                  5) Raspberry Pi as a web server:

                  “How to” by Jeremy Morgan

                  Solar Powered FTP!:

Wednesday, January 30, 13
Getting Started with Raspberry Pi

                  6) Minecraft Pi Edition:

                  Mojang and the Raspberry Pi foundation announced Minecraft
                   Pi Edition in November. It is due to be released soon!


                  Keep an eye on the main Raspberry Pi foundation blog and
                   forums to see what else is happening on the RP!


Wednesday, January 30, 13
Getting Started with Raspberry Pi
               Raspberry Pi Model B

                  The B model is the first RP to come off
                  of the production line. It has gone
                  through at least 3 major revisions in the
                  last year. Every revision has brought
                  major improvement yet not affected the
                  $35 price point.

Wednesday, January 30, 13
Getting Started with Raspberry Pi
               Raspberry Pi Model A

                  The A model is scheduled to start
                  shipping soon. Lacking an ethernet
                  connector and having only one usb port
                  allows the A model to ship at a price of
                  $25. This simplified version will also
                  require less power which will be
                  attractive for some projects.

                  Imagine having a “B” model to use a
                  developers machine, and using “A”
                  models to deploy in projects.

                  Many projects will not require wired
                  networks and a usb hub can provide
                  many alternatives.

Wednesday, January 30, 13
Getting Started with Raspberry Pi

                  Handling the RP
                  The Raspberry Pi was built to be used, but not abused. Every
                  Printed Circuit Board (PCB) should be handled with care.
                  Handle the RP only by the edges of the board itself.
                  Avoid touching or holding any of the components on the

                  Rough handling can cause solder points to fail and may result
                  in short circuits.

                  Experiment, but be careful with the GPIO pins as well. A great
                  reference is the Raspberry Pi Users Guide:


Wednesday, January 30, 13
Getting Started with Raspberry Pi

                  Order of operations:
                        Connections to the Raspberry Pi include power, video,
                        audio, network, usb and general purpose input and output
                        (GPIO). It is important to make your connections at start
                        up and shut down in a certain order.

Wednesday, January 30, 13
Getting Started with Raspberry Pi

                  Order of operations:
                        As a general rule regarding connectors, power to a system
                        should be the last thing to be connected and the first thing
                        to be disconnected after a shutdown.

                        If power is supplied before other connections are made,
                        bad things can sometimes happen.

Wednesday, January 30, 13
Getting Started with Raspberry Pi

                  Order of Operations:
                   Make connections in this order:

                   1) Operating System (SD card)
                   2) Audio Visual
                       Display and audio
                   3) USB peripherals
                       Mouse, keyboard, hub, etc.
                   4) Network
                   5) GPIO (optional)
                   6) Power

                   See the official Quick start guide here:

Wednesday, January 30, 13
Getting Started with Raspberry Pi

                  Power up!
                  Please plug the power cable back into your Raspberry Pi.

                  As your RP boots up, you will see a report streaming down
                  the monitor. Eventually the boot sequence will finish and you
                  will find yourself at the prompt! Don’t worry, this is a good
                  place to be. A very good place!

Wednesday, January 30, 13
Getting Started with Raspberry Pi

                  Let’s do an update.
                   Enter the following text into the terminal:

                   sudo apt-get update
                   Apt stands for Advanced Packaging Tool. It is used in
                   the terminal to manage, download and install
                   packaged files.

                   The Apt command you have just entered has updated
                   and synchronized all of your Raspbian packages.

Wednesday, January 30, 13
Getting Started with Raspberry Pi

                  Let’s find Joe.
                   Let’s search for and install a useful program:
                   Enter the following text into the terminal:

                   apt-cache search joe
                   When you hit your enter key, you will see a list of resources
                   pouring down your terminal. These are all of the resources
                   that include the string “joe” in the current Raspbian build on
                   the Raspberry Pi.
                   Apt-cache search explores a repository of known software
                   for the current Raspbian build of the RPs operating system. It
                   requires a live network connection to locate the remote

Wednesday, January 30, 13
Getting Started with Raspberry Pi

                  Let’s install Joe
                   If we see Joe, let’s get Joe. Joe is a programmer’s text
                   editor that has syntax highlighting for Python and C.
                   We’ll use Joe to make our first program on the
                   Raspberry Pi!

                   Enter the text:

                   sudo apt-get install joe

Wednesday, January 30, 13
Getting Started with Raspberry Pi

                  Let’s work with Joe
                   Once Joe is done installing, the prompt will show up in the
                   terminal. When it does, let’s type in the following line:

                   The command above “calls” up the program Joe, and opens a
                   new document. It also names the file If the file
                   had already existed, then Joe would have simply opened it.
                   But since we just installed Joe, this single line of code just
                   created and named a new file.

                   That’s pretty cool!

Wednesday, January 30, 13
Getting Started with Raspberry Pi

                  Let’s make code
                   This new file needs some content. Let’s type in the following
                   in Joe’s editor section:

                   print “hello world”
                   Next, type Ctrl+K to save the file and “X” to exit Joe.

Wednesday, January 30, 13
Getting Started with Raspberry Pi

                  Let’s run code
                   After we have used Joe to write our Python code, we’ll
                   simply use the built in interpreter to run the program.
                   Type the following into the terminal:

                   The program will run and return the string of text “Hello
                   world” to the terminal.
                   You have now written and run your first program on the
                   Raspberry Pi.

                   Nice work!

Wednesday, January 30, 13
Getting Started with Raspberry Pi

                  Utility time
                   Before we move to the desktop environment and get
                   deeper into coding, let’s learn a few more things about
                   the terminal.
                   Let’s look for devices! Enter the following:

                   Lsusb lists (usb devices detected) This command
                   shows all USB devices detected and gives pertinent
                   data for each. With this information, you can search
                   through “repositories” that contain software and
                   firmware updates related to the devices.

Wednesday, January 30, 13
Getting Started with Raspberry Pi

                  More utility time
                   Let’s have a look at which modules are running. Enter
                   the following:

                   Lsmod (lists modules) displays modules open in the linux
                   What’s a linux Kernel? The kernel is the central program
                   that manages the OS.
                   A Shell is another program that is used to allow the user to
                   communicate with the OS. The terminal that you are using
                   now is a shell.

Wednesday, January 30, 13
Getting Started with Raspberry Pi

                  One More Thing!
                   Before we go ahead and leave the terminal, we shall gather one more set of
                   resources and unpack them. Please enter:
                   Wait for the files to load.

                   tar xvfz game.tar.gz
                   This uncompresses the gzipped archive.
                   Next, enter:
                   cd game
                   and finally:
Wednesday, January 30, 13
Getting Started with Raspberry Pi

                   DId you see that? It’s a snake! Made out of the letter “o.”

                   Use your arrow keys to pick up as many digits as you can.

                   Play Snake for a few minutes and take a short break!

                   when you are done playing Snake, enter:


Wednesday, January 30, 13
Getting Started with Raspberry Pi

                   At this point we have reached the end of our terminal
                   session. We hope your fingers are not too tired, as we will be
                   hacking and mousing around the LXDE next.

                   So, for your last terminal command please type:

                   into the terminal and then quickly remove your hands from
                   the keyboard!

Wednesday, January 30, 13
Getting Started with Raspberry Pi

              Desktop Session
                            When the desktop environment loads, please do not open
                            any programs!

                   The Raspberry Pi can be very slow in the desktop
                   environment. Many linux applications run slow in this
                   environment, so in order for you to be able to operate
                   follow instructions!

                   Don’t click on any icons yet!

Wednesday, January 30, 13
Getting Started with Raspberry Pi


                   Scratch - Block based programming for kids.
                   IDLE and IDLE 3 - That’s right - 2 versions of Python!
                   Midori - Default web browser.
                   PiStore - The new place to get RP stuff.
                   Debian Reference - The manual that hackers read.
                   Wifi Config - A gui wifi set up program
                   LX Terminal - A windowed version of the terminal.
                   Python Games - A python game arcade.

Wednesday, January 30, 13
Getting Started with Raspberry Pi

                  Scratch Demo!
                   Let’s right click on the Scratch icon on the desktop!
                   The cat is named “Scratchy!” She’s a pretty cool cat.

                   Wait for it! The LXDE may take a few seconds to load
                   things on the RP processor.

                   When Scratch opens, click on the control button in
                   the upper left window (the block palette) to call up
                   the control blocks.

                   Announcement: There are FamiLAB
                   Scratch workshops every morning at 10:30
                   during Otronicon right here in this room!

Wednesday, January 30, 13
Getting Started with Raspberry Pi

                  Control Blocks
                   Drag the “When space key pressed” object to
                   the scripts window.

                   The Scripts window is the center window.

                   Place the block near the top.

Wednesday, January 30, 13
Getting Started with Raspberry Pi

                  Audio Blocks
                   Click on the sound button in the block palette to call
                   up the sound blocks.

                   Drag the “play sound meow” block onto
                   the stage below the command block. Drag the sound
                   block until it attaches like a puzzle piece to the
                   command block.

Wednesday, January 30, 13
Getting Started with Raspberry Pi

                  Motion Blocks
                   Click on the Motion button.

                   Drag either of the “Turn 15 degrees” blocks so
                   that it connects to the bottom of the sound block.

Wednesday, January 30, 13
Getting Started with Raspberry Pi

                  Spin Scratchy!
                   Click on the space bar!

Wednesday, January 30, 13
Getting Started with Raspberry Pi

                  Stop Scratchy!
                   Scratch is used to teach young students basic
                   programming structures.

                   It was developed at the Lifelong Kindergarten Group
                   at the MIT Media Lab.

                   Quit Scratch, and don’t save!
                   Q. Why quit Scratch? A. We have to get that cat out
                   of here before the giant snake comes back!

Wednesday, January 30, 13
Getting Started with Raspberry Pi

                   We are going to run some more code in python. We
                   have already completed the “Hello World” program
                   back in the terminal using Joe.

                   Now we are going to run python from the LXTerminal

                   Go ahead and open the LXTerminal by right clicking
                   on the desktop icon and selecting open.

Wednesday, January 30, 13
Getting Started with Raspberry Pi

                   At the prompt, type in:

                   (That’s a lower case L and S!)
                   and hit return.

                   “ls” lists the files and directories located within the
                   current directory level that you are accessing in the

                   We jsut used “ls” to get oriented in the terminal.

Wednesday, January 30, 13
Getting Started with Raspberry Pi

                   At the prompt enter

                   cd game
                   and hit return.

                   The CD command tells the terminal to change
                   directories and open the game directory.

                   Entering “ls” again will show us the contents of the
                   game directory.

Wednesday, January 30, 13
Getting Started with Raspberry Pi

                   In the game directory you should find along
                   with a few other python files.


                   and hit return.

                   You have invoked the python interpreter by typing
                   python. Typing lets the interpreter know which
                   file to load.

Wednesday, January 30, 13
Getting Started with Raspberry Pi

                   Use the arrow keys on your keyboard to guide the

                   The space bar will restart the game.

                   Play a few rounds and then exit Snake.

                   Enter Control + z to exit snake.

Wednesday, January 30, 13
Getting Started with Raspberry Pi

                  Hack it!
                    Let’s use Joe to open the .py file and look inside!

                    Type the following into the terminal:

                    Hit return.You should see the file
                    Use your arrow keys to navigate down until you find
                    the following text:

                    def snake(scr);
                    This is the code that defines the snake.

Wednesday, January 30, 13
Getting Started with Raspberry Pi

                  Yellow Snake!
                   A few lines below the def snake(scr);

                   change the line that reads:

                   curses.init_pair(1, curses.COLOR_RED,...


                   curses.init_pair(1, curses.COLOR_YELLOW,...

                   You may have to enter Shift + S to unlock the text file
                   in Joe. If so you will be prompted when you enter the

Wednesday, January 30, 13
Getting Started with Raspberry Pi

                  Longer tail!
                   Continue to scroll down the code with the arrow key.

                   Find the text for the tail:

                   # empty tail

                   tail = []
                   length = 10
                   Go ahead and change the length from 10 to a number
                   less than 30.

Wednesday, January 30, 13
Getting Started with Raspberry Pi

                  Save it and Exit!
                   Type the following into the terminal:

                   Ctrl + K                     and then    D
                   This will save the changes to the file.


                   Ctrl + K                     and then    Z
Wednesday, January 30, 13
Getting Started with Raspberry Pi

                  Save and Run it!
                   Re-run the script by entering:

                   Did it work?

Wednesday, January 30, 13
Getting Started with Raspberry Pi

                  Thank You!
                  We’ve been through a lot together. Scratchy asked me
                  to thank you for saving her from the large snake!

                  We’ll spend the rest of this session looking at the
                  examples and exploring the Raspberry Pi. Feel free to
                  play with python or explore the examples with us!

                  Don’t forget to come visit us at FamiLAB.

Wednesday, January 30, 13
                   Otronicon FamiLAB workshop schedule:
                   10:30 a.m. - Scratch: Game Programming for Kids

                   12:30 a.m. - Introduction to Soldering - Build a Game

                      3:00 p.m. - Getting Started with Raspberry Pi

                      5:00 p.m. - Introduction to Arduino

                   For information about workshops and more:

Wednesday, January 30, 13
Thank You!
                   Learn more about FamiLAB here:


Wednesday, January 30, 13

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Getting Started with Raspberry Pi v1.2

  • 1. Getting Started with Raspberry Pi Otronicon: 18 January 2013 Developed by Wednesday, January 30, 13
  • 2. Getting Started with Raspberry Pi Welcome! Let’ get started! This will be fun and you will learn a lot today. Please follow instructions and only use the Raspberry Pi when instructed to do so. Your Raspbery Pi should be running the latest Raspbian OS available here: Okay... Let’s go! Wednesday, January 30, 13
  • 3. Getting Started with Raspberry Pi Let’s Play! For the first ten minutes today we will play. Go ahead and right click on the Python Games icon on the desktop and select open. Click OK on the audio dialog box. When we are working on the desktop today we will be opening files by right clicking. Opening files and programs can be a little slow to start from the desktop environment. Also, if you double click multiple times, you will open several versions of the same program, so we’ll use the right click method to open things as opposed to the wrong click method today! Select a game and play! Wednesday, January 30, 13
  • 4. Getting Started with Raspberry Pi Shut down! Shut down Python games by clicking on the close button (x) in the upper right corner of the Python Game Launcher window. From the lower left corner of the desktop, left click and select logout from the pop up menu. Click on the shutdown button in the LXDE window. Don’t worry, we’ll be turning the Raspberry Pi back on in a few minutes after we discuss how to use it and look at some amazing examples! Wednesday, January 30, 13
  • 5. Getting Started with Raspberry Pi Why buy a Pi? The official Raspberry Pi Foundation description: “The Raspberry Pi is a credit-card sized computer that plugs into your TV and a keyboard. It’s a capable little PC which can be used for many of the things that your desktop PC does, like spreadsheets, word-processing and games. It also plays high-definition video. We want to see it being used by kids all over the world to learn programming.” Wednesday, January 30, 13
  • 6. Getting Started with Raspberry Pi Eben Upton The Raspberry Pi was built so that learning about computers and programming could be fun! Eben Upton, the inventor of the Raspberry Pi, used to have fun playing on and tinkering with computers when he was younger. Once he started teaching computing at the University of Cambridge, he noticed that students were no longer having fun coding with computers. They were just playing games rather than making them. To improve the situation, he got together with some friends, started the Raspberry Pi Foundation, and got to work creating a wonderful little computer that would be fun to program and play with! Wednesday, January 30, 13
  • 7. Getting Started with Raspberry Pi Eben Upton CNN Moneywatch featured Eben Upton and the Raspberry Pi: $35 computer can get kids coding Eben Upton, the man behind Raspberry Pi, hopes to bring computer programming skills to a new generation. t-raspberry-pi-kids-coding.cnnmoney/ Wednesday, January 30, 13
  • 8. Getting Started with Raspberry Pi How is it used? The Raspberry Pi is used in a lot of ways! It runs on a Linux Operating System so… how it works depends on the linux build. Some builds are very easy to use like Raspian “Wheezy” the one you are using here today, while others are customized for specific tasks. Some other examples are Raspbmc (a media center distribution), Risc OS, or Plan 9 from Bell Labs. This operational diversity is one of the benefits of the Raspberry Pi. But to get started and to remain consistent, we suggest using Raspbian Wheezy. Wednesday, January 30, 13
  • 9. Getting Started with Raspberry Pi Look, up in the Sky! 1) Project Black Sky: Project Black Sky is a science project done by a 13 year old that took a Raspberry Pi up to 85,000 feet in a weather ballon! “The Raspberry Pi performed flawlessly during the mission. While other more expensive electronic devices in the capsule failed (the Canon camera and the Spot GPS), the Raspberry Pi never stopped functioning, even through extreme low temperature and pressure, and a violent descent.” Wednesday, January 30, 13
  • 10. Getting Started with Raspberry Pi a SNES 2) Ted’s Super Nintendo Emulated System: This project uses the Raspberry Pi to replace the main logic and graphical components in a SNES. This is one of the more sophisticated projects done on a Raspberry Pi. Wednesday, January 30, 13
  • 11. Getting Started with Raspberry Pi ... as a Media Center 3) An XBMC is an open source, cross platform media center originally designed to run on the Xbox. Many people are buying Raspberry Pi’s to use as dedicated media centers. There are many media center builds. We’ll demonstrate one here: Play clip from “Push Pause Play” on openELEC RP. Push Pause Play may be downloaded here: Wednesday, January 30, 13
  • 12. Getting Started with Raspberry Pi a Camera Controller 4) Lance R.Vick’s Raspberry Pi Camera Controller: Lance made his camera rig at FamiLAB. Some of the FamiLAB members helped him cut the bracket out of MDF board on a CNC mill to make the camera mount. Other FamiLAB members helped him build the gears for the rig on their 3D printers! Lance uses an open source C library called gphoto. He also uses Python code to bind the C code into very useful software modules. Wednesday, January 30, 13
  • 13. Getting Started with Raspberry Pi a Server 5) Raspberry Pi as a web server: “How to” by Jeremy Morgan Solar Powered FTP!: Wednesday, January 30, 13
  • 14. Getting Started with Raspberry Pi ...Minecraft? 6) Minecraft Pi Edition: Mojang and the Raspberry Pi foundation announced Minecraft Pi Edition in November. It is due to be released soon! Keep an eye on the main Raspberry Pi foundation blog and forums to see what else is happening on the RP! Wednesday, January 30, 13
  • 15. Getting Started with Raspberry Pi Raspberry Pi Model B The B model is the first RP to come off of the production line. It has gone through at least 3 major revisions in the last year. Every revision has brought major improvement yet not affected the $35 price point. Wednesday, January 30, 13
  • 16. Getting Started with Raspberry Pi Raspberry Pi Model A The A model is scheduled to start shipping soon. Lacking an ethernet connector and having only one usb port allows the A model to ship at a price of $25. This simplified version will also require less power which will be attractive for some projects. Imagine having a “B” model to use a developers machine, and using “A” models to deploy in projects. Many projects will not require wired networks and a usb hub can provide many alternatives. Wednesday, January 30, 13
  • 17. Getting Started with Raspberry Pi Handling the RP The Raspberry Pi was built to be used, but not abused. Every Printed Circuit Board (PCB) should be handled with care. Handle the RP only by the edges of the board itself. Avoid touching or holding any of the components on the board. Rough handling can cause solder points to fail and may result in short circuits. Experiment, but be careful with the GPIO pins as well. A great reference is the Raspberry Pi Users Guide: Wednesday, January 30, 13
  • 18. Getting Started with Raspberry Pi Order of operations: Connections to the Raspberry Pi include power, video, audio, network, usb and general purpose input and output (GPIO). It is important to make your connections at start up and shut down in a certain order. Wednesday, January 30, 13
  • 19. Getting Started with Raspberry Pi Order of operations: Power: As a general rule regarding connectors, power to a system should be the last thing to be connected and the first thing to be disconnected after a shutdown. If power is supplied before other connections are made, bad things can sometimes happen. Wednesday, January 30, 13
  • 20. Getting Started with Raspberry Pi Order of Operations: Make connections in this order: 1) Operating System (SD card) 2) Audio Visual Display and audio 3) USB peripherals Mouse, keyboard, hub, etc. 4) Network 5) GPIO (optional) 6) Power See the official Quick start guide here: Wednesday, January 30, 13
  • 21. Getting Started with Raspberry Pi Power up! Please plug the power cable back into your Raspberry Pi. As your RP boots up, you will see a report streaming down the monitor. Eventually the boot sequence will finish and you will find yourself at the prompt! Don’t worry, this is a good place to be. A very good place! Wednesday, January 30, 13
  • 22. Getting Started with Raspberry Pi Let’s do an update. Enter the following text into the terminal: sudo apt-get update Apt stands for Advanced Packaging Tool. It is used in the terminal to manage, download and install packaged files. The Apt command you have just entered has updated and synchronized all of your Raspbian packages. Wednesday, January 30, 13
  • 23. Getting Started with Raspberry Pi Let’s find Joe. Let’s search for and install a useful program: Enter the following text into the terminal: apt-cache search joe When you hit your enter key, you will see a list of resources pouring down your terminal. These are all of the resources that include the string “joe” in the current Raspbian build on the Raspberry Pi. Apt-cache search explores a repository of known software for the current Raspbian build of the RPs operating system. It requires a live network connection to locate the remote files. Wednesday, January 30, 13
  • 24. Getting Started with Raspberry Pi Let’s install Joe If we see Joe, let’s get Joe. Joe is a programmer’s text editor that has syntax highlighting for Python and C. We’ll use Joe to make our first program on the Raspberry Pi! Enter the text: sudo apt-get install joe Wednesday, January 30, 13
  • 25. Getting Started with Raspberry Pi Let’s work with Joe Once Joe is done installing, the prompt will show up in the terminal. When it does, let’s type in the following line: joe The command above “calls” up the program Joe, and opens a new document. It also names the file If the file had already existed, then Joe would have simply opened it. But since we just installed Joe, this single line of code just created and named a new file. That’s pretty cool! Wednesday, January 30, 13
  • 26. Getting Started with Raspberry Pi Let’s make code This new file needs some content. Let’s type in the following in Joe’s editor section: print “hello world” Next, type Ctrl+K to save the file and “X” to exit Joe. Wednesday, January 30, 13
  • 27. Getting Started with Raspberry Pi Let’s run code After we have used Joe to write our Python code, we’ll simply use the built in interpreter to run the program. Type the following into the terminal: python The program will run and return the string of text “Hello world” to the terminal. You have now written and run your first program on the Raspberry Pi. Nice work! Wednesday, January 30, 13
  • 28. Getting Started with Raspberry Pi Utility time Before we move to the desktop environment and get deeper into coding, let’s learn a few more things about the terminal. Let’s look for devices! Enter the following: lsusb Lsusb lists (usb devices detected) This command shows all USB devices detected and gives pertinent data for each. With this information, you can search through “repositories” that contain software and firmware updates related to the devices. Wednesday, January 30, 13
  • 29. Getting Started with Raspberry Pi More utility time Let’s have a look at which modules are running. Enter the following: lsmod Lsmod (lists modules) displays modules open in the linux kernel. What’s a linux Kernel? The kernel is the central program that manages the OS. A Shell is another program that is used to allow the user to communicate with the OS. The terminal that you are using now is a shell. Wednesday, January 30, 13
  • 30. Getting Started with Raspberry Pi One More Thing! Before we go ahead and leave the terminal, we shall gather one more set of resources and unpack them. Please enter: wget Wait for the files to load. tar xvfz game.tar.gz This uncompresses the gzipped archive. Next, enter: cd game and finally: python Wednesday, January 30, 13
  • 31. Getting Started with Raspberry Pi Snake! DId you see that? It’s a snake! Made out of the letter “o.” Use your arrow keys to pick up as many digits as you can. Play Snake for a few minutes and take a short break! when you are done playing Snake, enter: Ctrl+Z Wednesday, January 30, 13
  • 32. Getting Started with Raspberry Pi Terminal At this point we have reached the end of our terminal session. We hope your fingers are not too tired, as we will be hacking and mousing around the LXDE next. So, for your last terminal command please type: startx into the terminal and then quickly remove your hands from the keyboard! Wednesday, January 30, 13
  • 33. Getting Started with Raspberry Pi Desktop Session When the desktop environment loads, please do not open any programs! The Raspberry Pi can be very slow in the desktop environment. Many linux applications run slow in this environment, so in order for you to be able to operate follow instructions! Don’t click on any icons yet! Wednesday, January 30, 13
  • 34. Getting Started with Raspberry Pi Shortcuts! Overview: Scratch - Block based programming for kids. IDLE and IDLE 3 - That’s right - 2 versions of Python! Midori - Default web browser. PiStore - The new place to get RP stuff. Debian Reference - The manual that hackers read. Wifi Config - A gui wifi set up program LX Terminal - A windowed version of the terminal. Python Games - A python game arcade. Wednesday, January 30, 13
  • 35. Getting Started with Raspberry Pi Scratch Demo! Let’s right click on the Scratch icon on the desktop! The cat is named “Scratchy!” She’s a pretty cool cat. Wait for it! The LXDE may take a few seconds to load things on the RP processor. When Scratch opens, click on the control button in the upper left window (the block palette) to call up the control blocks. Announcement: There are FamiLAB Scratch workshops every morning at 10:30 during Otronicon right here in this room! Wednesday, January 30, 13
  • 36. Getting Started with Raspberry Pi Control Blocks Drag the “When space key pressed” object to the scripts window. The Scripts window is the center window. Place the block near the top. Wednesday, January 30, 13
  • 37. Getting Started with Raspberry Pi Audio Blocks Click on the sound button in the block palette to call up the sound blocks. Drag the “play sound meow” block onto the stage below the command block. Drag the sound block until it attaches like a puzzle piece to the command block. Wednesday, January 30, 13
  • 38. Getting Started with Raspberry Pi Motion Blocks Click on the Motion button. Drag either of the “Turn 15 degrees” blocks so that it connects to the bottom of the sound block. Wednesday, January 30, 13
  • 39. Getting Started with Raspberry Pi Spin Scratchy! Click on the space bar! Wednesday, January 30, 13
  • 40. Getting Started with Raspberry Pi Stop Scratchy! Scratch is used to teach young students basic programming structures. It was developed at the Lifelong Kindergarten Group at the MIT Media Lab. Quit Scratch, and don’t save! Q. Why quit Scratch? A. We have to get that cat out of here before the giant snake comes back! Wednesday, January 30, 13
  • 41. Getting Started with Raspberry Pi LXTerminal We are going to run some more code in python. We have already completed the “Hello World” program back in the terminal using Joe. Now we are going to run python from the LXTerminal Go ahead and open the LXTerminal by right clicking on the desktop icon and selecting open. Wednesday, January 30, 13
  • 42. Getting Started with Raspberry Pi List At the prompt, type in: ls (That’s a lower case L and S!) and hit return. “ls” lists the files and directories located within the current directory level that you are accessing in the terminal. We jsut used “ls” to get oriented in the terminal. Wednesday, January 30, 13
  • 43. Getting Started with Raspberry Pi Navigate At the prompt enter cd game and hit return. The CD command tells the terminal to change directories and open the game directory. Entering “ls” again will show us the contents of the game directory. Wednesday, January 30, 13
  • 44. Getting Started with Raspberry Pi Interpreter In the game directory you should find along with a few other python files. Enter python and hit return. You have invoked the python interpreter by typing python. Typing lets the interpreter know which file to load. Wednesday, January 30, 13
  • 45. Getting Started with Raspberry Pi Snake! Use the arrow keys on your keyboard to guide the snake! The space bar will restart the game. Play a few rounds and then exit Snake. Enter Control + z to exit snake. Wednesday, January 30, 13
  • 46. Getting Started with Raspberry Pi Hack it! Let’s use Joe to open the .py file and look inside! Type the following into the terminal: joe Hit return.You should see the file Use your arrow keys to navigate down until you find the following text: def snake(scr); This is the code that defines the snake. Wednesday, January 30, 13
  • 47. Getting Started with Raspberry Pi Yellow Snake! A few lines below the def snake(scr); change the line that reads: curses.init_pair(1, curses.COLOR_RED,... to curses.init_pair(1, curses.COLOR_YELLOW,... You may have to enter Shift + S to unlock the text file in Joe. If so you will be prompted when you enter the text. Wednesday, January 30, 13
  • 48. Getting Started with Raspberry Pi Longer tail! Continue to scroll down the code with the arrow key. Find the text for the tail: # empty tail tail = [] length = 10 Go ahead and change the length from 10 to a number less than 30. Wednesday, January 30, 13
  • 49. Getting Started with Raspberry Pi Save it and Exit! Type the following into the terminal: Ctrl + K and then D This will save the changes to the file. Enter Ctrl + K and then Z Wednesday, January 30, 13
  • 50. Getting Started with Raspberry Pi Save and Run it! Re-run the script by entering: python Did it work? Wednesday, January 30, 13
  • 51. Getting Started with Raspberry Pi Thank You! We’ve been through a lot together. Scratchy asked me to thank you for saving her from the large snake! We’ll spend the rest of this session looking at the examples and exploring the Raspberry Pi. Feel free to play with python or explore the examples with us! Don’t forget to come visit us at FamiLAB. Wednesday, January 30, 13
  • 52. Workshops! Otronicon FamiLAB workshop schedule: 10:30 a.m. - Scratch: Game Programming for Kids 12:30 a.m. - Introduction to Soldering - Build a Game 3:00 p.m. - Getting Started with Raspberry Pi 5:00 p.m. - Introduction to Arduino For information about workshops and more: Wednesday, January 30, 13
  • 53. Thank You! Learn more about FamiLAB here: Wednesday, January 30, 13