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                                                                 S o c ia l A ff a irs
asdf Growing Together
    Youth and the Work of the United Nations
E c o n o m i c     &

                                                                 S o c ia l A ff a irs
asdf Growing Together
    Youth and the Work of the United Nations
2005 | Diego Goldberg | Pixel Press | UNFPA
The United Nations has long recognized the            With activities ranging from data collection and     This brochure is a welcome example of how
importance of investing in youth. In 1995, the        analysis to direct country support to Governments,   the United Nations system and the young
United Nations General Assembly adopted the           civil society and other stakeholders, the United     people it serves are growing together. By
World Programme of Action for Youth to guide          Nations system is well-positioned to provide         taking stock of UN system activities related to
national and international action to create an        comprehensive, specialized assistance in             youth development, the brochure provides a
environment in which young people can flourish        support of global youth development. Particular      chance to assess how effectively the United
and develop their potential to the fullest. Since     attention is being given by many UN system           Nations system is responding to this important
then, opportunities for young people to benefit       offices to areas such as health, education and       development challenge, and it helps to identify
from development have expanded around the             employment, and the special circumstances of         any gaps that may exist in our approach. It is
world. Nonetheless, youth continue to face many       girls and young women—areas which present            intended as a source of information to assist
constraints and challenges that hinder their          persistent challenges to youth development in        all stakeholders and to ensure that the United
smooth transition to adulthood.                       many parts of the world.                             Nations truly delivers as one in the area of youth
                                                                                                           development, in an effective and forward-looking
Although the United Nations Programme on Youth        Now is the time to make strategic investments        fashion. Only by working together to advance
of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs      in youth. Investments which target the large         the implementation of the World Programme of
is the only part of the United Nations Secretariat    numbers of young people today will not only          Action for Youth as a comprehensive strategy
with the explicit mandate to address youth issues,    improve the wellbeing of a large generation          to promote youth development will we be able
this brochure shows how the United Nations            of young people, but will also produce long-         to make a lasting difference in the lives of the
system, as a whole, supports youth development        lasting benefits for the social and economic         youth of today and tomorrow.
with a diverse range of programmes and activities.    development of countries and regions. Indeed,
As the brochure demonstrates, the work of the         our ability to achieve several of the Millennium
various parts of the United Nations system relating   Development Goals is directly linked to our                                     SHA Zukang
to youth is complementary and covers all 15           progress in improving young people’s health,                                    (Under-Secretary-General for
                                                                                                                                      Economic and Social Affairs)
priority areas of the World Programme of Action.      education and socio-economic opportunities.

  4    Preface

  8    List of Acronyms

  10   Introduction

  14   Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA)      34   Economic Commission for Europe (ECE)

       14   United Nations Programme on Youth (UNPY)         38   Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC)

       18   Division for the Advancement of Women (DAW)      40   Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP)

       20   Division for Sustainable Development (DSD)       42   Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA)

       24   Population Division (UNPD)                       44   International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)

       26   Statistics Division (UNSD)                       46   International Labour Organization (ILO)

       30   Global Alliance for ICT and Development (GAID)   50   Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS)

  32   Economic Commission for Africa (ECA)                  54   United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF)
58   United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM)                          78    United Nations Millennium Campaign

60   United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)                                 80    United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)

     60    Bureau for Crisis Prevention and Recovery (BCPR)                      82    United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)

     62    Human Development Report Office (HDRO)                                86    United Nations Volunteers (UNV)

64   United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)   90    The World Bank

68   United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)                                 94    World Food Programme (WFP)

72   United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-HABITAT)                     96    World Health Organization (WHO)

76   United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)                  100   Youth Employment Network (YEN)

 ADF-V   Fifth African Development Forum                             ESCAP   Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific

 AIDS    Acquired immune deficiency syndrome                         ESID    Emerging Social Issues Division

 AISI    African Information Society Initiative                      FGM     Female genital mutilation

 BCPR    Bureau for Crisis Prevention and Recovery                   GAID    Global Alliance for ICT and Development

 CAH     Department of Child and Adolescent Health and Development   GGP     Generations and Gender Programme

 CIS     Commonwealth of Independent States                          GGS     Generations and Gender Survey

 CSD     Commission on Sustainable Development                       GPI     Global Partnership Initiative on Urban Youth Development

 CSW     Commission on the Status of Women                           HDRO    Human Development Report Office

 DAW     Division for the Advancement of Women                       HIV     Human immunodeficiency virus

 DESA    Department of Economic and Social Affairs                   IBRD    International Bank for Reconstruction and Development

 DSD     Division for Sustainable Development                        ICPD    International Conference on Population and Development

 DSPD    Division for Social Policy and Development                  ICT     Information and Communication Technologies

 ECA     Economic Commission for Africa                              IDA     International Development Association

 ECE     Economic Commission for Europe                              IFAD    International Fund for Agricultural Development

 ECLAC   Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean     ILO     International Labour Organization
J8           Junior 8 Summit                                                    UNIDO    United Nations Industrial Development Organization
MDGs         Millennium Development Goals                                       UNIFEM   United Nations Development Fund for Women
MRU          Mano River Union                                                   UNFPA    United Nations Population Fund
NAP          National action plans on youth employment                          UNODC    United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime
NGO          Non-governmental organization                                      UNDP     United Nations Population Division
PAHO         Pan American Health Organization                                   UNPY     United Nations Programme on Youth
PATH         Poverty Alleviation through Tourism and Heritage                   UNSD     United Nations Statistics Division
SRH          Sexual and reproductive health                                     UNV      United Nations Volunteers
UNAIDS       Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS                         VIP      Violence and Injury Prevention
UNDP         United Nations Development Programme                               VOY      Voices of Youth
UNEP         United Nations Environment Programme                               WFP      World Food Programme
UNESCO       United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization   WHO      World Health Organization
UNGASS       United Nations General Assembly Special Session                    WPAY     World Programme of Action for Youth
UN-HABITAT   United Nations Human Settlement Programme                          YAP      Youth Advisory Panel
UNICEF       United Nations Children’s Fund                                     YEN      Youth Employment Network

                                                                                YEP      Youth Employment Programme

    HOW DID A UNITED NATIONS                               Year, with the theme “Participation, Development          and action in the area of youth development (see
    YOUTH DEVELOPMENT                                      and Peace”. The Year drew international attention         the table). Recognizing the major changes that
                                                           to the important role that young people play in the       were occurring in national and international devel-
    AGENDA EMERGE?                                         world, and in particular, to their potential contribu-    opment environments at the end of the twentieth
    Although there are small variations in the group       tion to development and to the goals of the United        century and to align the Programme of Action bet-
    considered as youth in the agencies, funds, offices    Nations Charter.                                          ter to new challenges in the twenty-first century,
    and programmes of the United Nations system,                                                                     the General Assembly added five additional prior-
    “youth” is often defined by the United Nations as      International debate and discussions reached a high       ity areas in 2005. These five areas (Globalization,
    those aged 15-24 years old. This age group makes       point in 1995 when, on the tenth anniversary of           Information and Communication Technology, HIV/
    up nearly one fifth of the world’s population. Youth   International Youth Year, the United Nations adopted      AIDS, Armed Conflict and Intergenerational issues)
    are frequently referred to as representing the         the World Programme of Action for Youth to the Year       were elaborated in a supplement to the WPAY,
    future, but their sheer numbers, complemented by       2000 and Beyond. The adoption of the Programme            which was adopted at the sixty-second session of
    their imagination, ideals and energy, make young       of Action, which provides a framework to guide pub-       the General Assembly in 2007.
    people a major force in the world today.               lic, private and international action on youth develop-
                                                           ment, was evidence of the commitment of the inter-        For each priority area, the WPAY outlines the nature
    The imagination, ideals and energies of young          national community to young people and of a resolve       of the challenges young people face and presents
    women and men are vital for the continuing             to address the challenges to youth development in a       proposals for action to improve the well-being of
    development of the societies in which they live.       comprehensive and collaborative manner.                   young people. The WPAY also outlines the means
    The Member States of the United Nations first                                                                    of implementation of the Programme of Action.
    acknowledged this officially in 1965 when they         THE WORLD PROGRAMME OF
    endorsed the Declaration on the Promotion among        ACTION FOR YOUTH TO THE YEAR
    Youth of the Ideals of Peace, Mutual Respect and       2000 AND BEYOND: A GUIDE FOR
    Understanding between Peoples.
                                                           ACTION ON YOUTH DEVELOPMENT
    Two decades later, the United Nations General          The World Programme of Action for Youth (WPAY)
    Assembly observed 1985 as International Youth          initially identified 10 priority areas to guide policy

                                                 The 15 priority areas of the WPAY are clearly           sought their specific inputs on their work. UN system
     PRIORITY AREAS OF THE WORLD                 interrelated. They also cut across areas in which       offices whose work covers aspects of youth devel-
      PROGRAMME OF ACTION FOR                    organizations of the United Nations system              opment were invited to contribute to the brochure.
                YOUTH                            specialize and provide technical advisory and           Responses received were reviewed and supple-
                                                 other services to Governments. They therefore           mented where necessary with information readily

 1   Education                                   form an appropriate foundation for a coordinated        available in public sources, such as websites and
 2   Employment                                  collaborative effort from the United Nations system.    publications. The summaries were then shared with
 3   Hunger and poverty                          United Nations system offices have, by focusing on      UN system offices for their preview, corrections and
                                                 independent areas of expertise, addressed many of       amendments. The brochure is therefore the result of
 4   Health
                                                 the issues, goals and objectives of the WPAY.           a collaborative effort across offices.
 5   Environment
 6   Drug abuse                                  Despite the broad coverage of areas, lack of
 7   Juvenile delinquency                        information on the specific activities and
                                                 programmes that each part of the UN system
 8   Leisure-time activities
                                                 engages in hampers youth development work. It is
 9   Girls and young women                       vital that this information becomes widely available,
10   Youth participation in society              not only within the UN system, but also to others
      and in decision-making                     working in the area of youth development. This
11   Globalization                               brochure responds to this need.
12   Information and communications technology
                                                 SOURCES OF INFORMATION
14   Armed conflict
                                                 PRESENTED IN THIS BROCHURE
15   Intergenerational issues                    The brochure summarizes responses of United
                                                 Nations offices and agencies to questionnaires that
Summaries of United Nations system activities
United Nations Programme on Youth (UNPY)
Department of Economic and Social Affairs                                                                                                                                                                    1

                                              The United Nations Programme on Youth is the         REPORTING ON YOUTH DEVELOPMENT
                                              focal point within the United Nations Secretariat
                                              on issues related to youth. It is the only part of   The Programme on Youth conducts research            about key developments in the area of youth
                                              the Secretariat that is mandated exclusively to      and analysis on youth and provides information      and, especially, on progress made in the 15
                                              deal with youth issues. The Programme is part        to Governments, youth, civil society and other      priority areas of the WPAY. The Programme
                                              of the Division for Social Policy and Development    parts of the United Nations system on issues        services the Commission on Social Development
                                              (DSPD) of the Department of Economic and Social      and activities relating to youth development.       and the Third Committee of the General
                                                                                                   It publishes the biannual World Youth Report,       Assembly, providing draft texts for consideration
                                              Affairs (DESA). The Programme on Youth is, in
                                                                                                   which presents analytical discussions on selected   of these bodies and assisting with negotiations of
                                              particular, responsible for monitoring progress
                                                                                                   topics related to youth development. Taking a       resolutions on youth.
                                              and constraints in addressing the objectives
                                                                                                   regional approach, the 2007 Report, for example,
                                              of the World Programme of Action for Youth.
                                                                                                   examined the opportunities and challenges that      To promote information sharing on activities within
                                              The Programme is also charged with playing a
                                                                                                   youth face during their transition to adulthood.    and outside the UN system on youth issues, the
                                              lead role in inter-agency consultations on youth
                                                                                                   Through Reports of the Secretary-General and        Programme on Youth also produces Youth Flash,
                                              development. The compilation and production
                                                                                                   other documentation for the General Assembly        an electronic newsletter. Youth Flash includes
                                              of this brochure by the UN Programme on Youth
                                                                                                   and the Commission on Social Development, the       an in-depth feature on a topical youth issue and
                                              is intended to support and foster the inter-
                                                                                                   Youth Programme also contributes to informing       provides an overview of youth-related activities
                                              agency dialogue.
                                                                                                   Governments and the international community         organized by the entire UN system.

International Youth Day is commemorated every
year on 12 August. The Programme on Youth
selects a theme for the day in consultation with
youth organizations, the Department of Public
Information and other UN system offices and
agencies. It also organizes a commemoration of
the Day at United Nations Headquarters in New
York. The Programme encourages youth around
the world to organize activities to raise awareness
about the situation of youth in their country. Youth
are encouraged to send in a description of their
planned activities to The most crea-
tive activities are featured on the Programme’s web-
site to provide a sense of how International Youth
Day is being commemorated around the world and
to encourage other youth to take action.

                                                       UN DPI Photo
United Nations Programme on Youth (UNPY)
Department of Economic and Social Affairs                                                                                                                                                                       1

                                                 PARTNERSHIPS AND COLLABORA-                           TECHNICAL COOPERATION                              Africa; and enhancing capacity to deal effec-
                                                                                                                                                          tively with issues related to illicit small arms
                                                 TION WITH CIVIL SOCIETY AND                           The Programme collaborates closely with the
                                                                                                                                                          and violence.
                                                 YOUTH ORGANIZATIONS                                   Technical Cooperation Unit of the Division for
                                                                                                       Social Policy and Development. The Unit works      ENSURING YOUTH PARTICIPATION
                                                 A major part of the work of the UN Programme
                                                                                                       directly with Governments and other stakehold-
                                                 on Youth involves working with civil society,                                                            An important dimension of the Programme
                                                                                                       ers to translate international agreements—
                                                 especially youth-led organizations that are working                                                      on Youth’s work relates to strengthening the
                                                                                                       such as the World Programme of Action for
                                                 with young people, particularly at the grassroots                                                        participation of youth in decision-making
                                                                                                       Youth—into practical strategies and projects at
                                                 level, to address various areas of the World                                                             processes at all levels in order to increase
                                                                                                       the regional and national levels. The Technical
                                                 Programme of Action for Youth. The Programme                                                             their contribution to national and international
                                                                                                       Cooperation Unit draws on the expertise of the
                                                 on Youth cooperates with and assists these                                                               development. The Programme provides advisory
                                                                                                       Programme on Youth and, in turn, feeds experi-
                                                 youth-led organizations. It arranges consultative                                                        services to other United Nations system offices
                                                                                                       ences gained from the field into the Programme’s
                                                 meetings, briefings and other discussions with                                                           and other stakeholders on how to ensure active
                                                                                                       work in support of the intergovernmental policy
                                                 them to guide their work, and it also gathers their                                                      youth engagement in their initiatives.
                                                                                                       development process. Cooperation is often
                                                 inputs and feeds them into intergovernmental
                                                                                                       initiated at the request of a Government or UN
                                                 discussions. Young people, both as individual                                                            Through publications, advocacy and the provision
                                                                                                       counterpart, and technical cooperation advis-
                                                 experts and as representatives of organizations,                                                         of advisory services, the Programme on Youth
                                                                                                       ers work closely with other parts of the UN sys-
                                                 are also involved in Expert Group Meetings and                                                           facilitates the inclusion of youth representatives
                                                                                                       tem. In 2007/2008, activities of the technical
                                                 other substantive discussions organized by the                                                           in Member States’ official delegations to the
                                                                                                       cooperation unit that relate to youth included
                                                 Programme on Youth.                                                                                      General Assembly and other intergovernmental
                                                                                                       providing support for the implementation of
                                                                                                       the Convention on the Rights of Young People       bodies. Youth delegates frequently deliver
                                                                                                       in Iberoamerica; working to integrate youth        official statements on behalf of the youth in their
                                                                                                       concerns into poverty reduction strategies in      countries, and some negotiate actively on the

text of resolutions. The Programme provides              KEY PUBLICATIONS
information, advisory and orientation services to
                                                       • World Youth Reports 2003, 2005 and 2007
youth delegates before and during their stay in
                                                       • Guide to the Implementation of the World
New York to facilitate their effective participation     Programme of Action for Youth
at UN meetings.                                        • Making commitments matter: a toolkit for
                                                         young people to evaluate national youth policy
Various activities of the Programme aim to             • A brief guide to youth delegates to the United
support and encourage youth initiatives and their        Nations General Assembly
meaningful engagement in the development               • Various Reports of the Secretary-General
dialogue. The Programme supports and                     related to youth issues
encourages youth to plan and carry out projects
in support of youth development. A toolkit,              Contact:
Making commitments matter, for example,                  United Nations Programme on Youth
guides youth organizations on how to evaluate            Division for Social Policy and Development
their Governments’ efforts to implement the              Department of Economic and Social Affairs
WPAY. The website of the Programme on Youth              2 UN Plaza, DC2-1336
provides a wealth of information to support              New York, NY 10017, USA
youth participation and it also provides an              Fax: +1 212 963 3062
opportunity for youth to provide feedback to
the Programme.                                           E-mail:
Division for the Advancement of Women (DAW)
Department of Economic and Social Affairs                                                                                                                                                                      1

                                              The Division for the Advancement of Women           RATIONALE FOR YOUTH-                                    YOUTH AND THE COMMISSION
                                              (DAW) of the Department of Economic and
                                                                                                  RELATED WORK                                            ON THE STATUS OF WOMEN
                                              Social Affairs focuses on promoting gender
                                              equality and the empowerment of women and           DAW examines issues that affect young women             A major area of DAW’s work is to provide
                                              girls of all ages. The Division supports the        and girls in the context of the 12 critical areas of    substantive support to the Commission
                                              implementation of the Beijing Platform for          concern of the Beijing Platform for Action as well as   on the Status of Women (CSW) and other
                                              Action adopted at the Fourth World Conference       emerging issues, many of which coincide with the        intergovernmental bodies working to advance
                                              on Women in 1995, which seeks to promote            priority areas of the World Programme of Action for     the global policy agenda on gender equality.
                                              and protect the full enjoyment of all human         Youth. Among the areas addressed are education,         In this context, DAW covers issues related
                                              rights and the fundamental freedoms of all          employment, poverty and hunger, health, care-           to the improvement of the situation of young
                                              women throughout their life cycle. DAW also         giving, environment, sport, participation in            women and girls. The annual sessions of the
                                              supports the implementation of the Convention       decision-making, information and communication          Commission on the Status of Women provide
                                              on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination   technology, HIV/AIDS, and armed conflict.               space for young women and girls to participate
                                              against Women and its Optional Protocol. The                                                                actively in informing global policymaking on
                                              Division strives to promote the mainstreaming of    RESEARCH AND ANALYSIS                                   gender equality and the empowerment of women
                                              a gender perspective both within and outside the                                                            and girls. At its fifty-first session in 2007, the
                                                                                                  DAW conducts research and develops policy
                                              United Nations system.                                                                                      Commission on the Status of Women addressed
                                                                                                  options to promote gender equality and
                                                                                                  women’s empowerment. The Division has a                 “The elimination of all forms of discrimination
                                                                                                  publications programme, which includes                  and violence against the girl child” as its
                                                                                                  resources for Governments, civil society and            priority theme. Over 200 girls participated in the
                                                                                                  other stakeholders to enhance work on gender            session and were involved in official interactive
                                                                                                  equality, women’s human rights and the                  meetings of the Commission, such as the High-
                                                                                                  empowerment of women.                                   level Roundtable on the priority theme, and

                                                     KEY PUBLICATIONS
                                                   • Women 2000 and Beyond: Women, Gender
                                                     Equality and Sport (2007)
                                                   • Women 2000 and Beyond: Gender Equality and
                                                     Empowerment of Women through ICT (2005)
                                                   • Women 2000 and Beyond: Women and Water
other CSW-related events and activities. The       • World Survey on the Role of Women in
2007 Commission’s agreed conclusions on the          Development (1999, 2004)
priority theme include recommendations for
the development of programmes and projects           Contact:
aimed at young women and girls affected by           Division for the Advancement of Women
poverty, armed conflict, HIV/AIDS, violence and      Department of Economic and Social Affairs
discrimination.                                      2 UN Plaza, DC2-12th floor
                                                     New York, NY 10017, USA
In preparation for the annual sessions of the        Tel: +1 212 963 8535 | Fax: +1 212 963 3463
Commission on the Status of Women, the
Division for the Advancement of Women holds
an online discussion of the priority theme to be
considered by the Commission. The discussions
are open to all and give girls and young women
a platform from which to share their views on
issues affecting them.
Division for Sustainable Development (DSD)
Department of Economic and Social Affairs                                                                                                                                                                       20

                                              The Division for Sustainable Development (DSD)       RATIONALE FOR YOUTH-                                   Groups Programme within the Division for
                                              of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs                                                            Sustainable Development works actively to
                                                                                                   RELATED WORK
                                              promotes sustainable development by providing                                                               ensure the involvement of youth in protecting
                                              technical cooperation and capacity-building at       The Division’s focus on youth is based on              the environment and promoting economic and
                                              the international, regional and national levels.     chapter 25 of Agenda 21, which was adopted             social development.
                                              The Division is the substantive secretariat to the   at the Earth Summit held in Rio de Janeiro
                                              UN Commission on Sustainable Development             in 1992. Agenda 21 identified Children and
                                                                                                                                                          COLLABORATION WITH YOUTH FOR
                                              (CSD). Besides supporting the CSD, the Division      Youth as one of the nine major groups of civil
                                              is also the secretariat for the Mauritius Strategy   society whose participation in implementing            SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT
                                              for the Further Implementation of the Programme      the Agenda is a prerequisite for sustainable           The Major Groups Programme is responsible
                                              of Action for the Sustainable Development            development. In particular, Chapter 25 states          for engaging and liaising with youth and for
                                              of Small Island Developing States, which             that the involvement of youth in environment           enhancing their participation in the work of
                                              includes provisions for youth involvement in its     and development decision-making and in the             the CSD and its intersessional processes. It
                                              implementation. In addition, it is the secretariat   implementation of programmes related to the            disseminates CSD-related information to youth
                                              for the Ten-year Framework for Changing              environment is critical to the long-term success       networks and publishes on its website annual
                                              Unsustainable Consumption and Production             of Agenda 21. The chapter notes also that it           guidelines to support the participation of youth
                                              Patterns—an area of increasing relevance for         is imperative that youth from all parts of the         and other civil society groups in CSD. The
                                              young people.                                        world participate actively in all relevant levels      Division also supports children and youth in their
                                                                                                   of decision-making processes because these             efforts to influence the integration of sustainable
                                                                                                   affect their lives today and have implications         development into education at all levels.
                                                                                                   for their futures. In addition to their intellectual
                                                                                                   contribution and their ability to mobilize
                                                                                                   support, youth bring unique perspectives that
                                                                                                   need to be taken into account. The Major

YOUTH IN THE COMMISSION ON                             society and Government officials is now integrated     in the Partnerships Fair and the Learning
                                                       throughout the various official sessions of the CSD,   Centre, which are both part of the CSD official
                                                       including thematic discussions, expert panels and      programme. The Partnerships Fair provides a
Since the creation of the Commission on                interactive discussions with Ministers during the      venue for registered Partnerships for Sustainable
Sustainable Development in 1992, youth                 High-level Segment. Youth and other major groups       Development to showcase progress, launch new
have played an important role as partners              contribute their expertise to technical discussions    partnerships, network with existing and potential
in sustainable development and in informing            on thematic issue areas and offer solutions for        partners, create synergies between partnerships
the Commission’s decision-making processes.            ensuring sustainable development.                      and learn from each other’s experiences. The
Youth continue to infuse the CSD with new                                                                     Learning Centre provides teaching and training
ideas and information, and present challenges                                                                 at a practical level on topics of relevance to the
                                                       THE CSD YOUTH CAUCUS
that enrich the intergovernmental debate. Youth                                                               specific themes being considered by the CSD,
and other major groups participate in interactive      As part of the preparatory work leading up to          as well as on selective cross-cutting themes of
dialogues, develop coordinated statements              the CSD meetings, the Division for Sustainable         sustainable development.
through thematic caucus groups, and lobby              Development collaborates closely with the CSD
for particular initiatives that they feel should be    Youth Caucus to facilitate the engagement of
                                                                                                              SUPPORT FOR YOUTH FROM
supported. They also contribute significantly          youth during CSD meetings. The Youth Caucus
to the registered Partnerships for Sustainable         is a group of representatives of youth-led             DEVELOPING COUNTRIES
Development in the context of the CSD.                 NGOs who work together to influence decision-          The Division for Sustainable Development
                                                       making at the CSD. Youth prepare official              receives extrabudgetary funds from donors
The CSD continues to explore innovative formats        papers addressing the thematic areas on the            to support the participation of youth from
for the participation of youth and other major         CSD agenda and are invited to contribute to            developing countries and countries with
groups of civil society. Substantive exchange          the many side events that take place during            economies in transition at CSD. These limited
between representatives of the major groups of civil   CSD sessions. Young people also participate            funds are allocated to representatives identified
Division for Sustainable Development (DSD)
Department of Economic and Social Affairs                                                                                                     22

                                                 in close consultation with the young people who       KEY PUBLICATIONS
                                                 coordinate the CSD Youth Caucus. The Division
                                                                                                     • Sustainable development needs
                                                 also has access to limited financial resources to
                                                                                                       you (brochure)
                                                 support youth-related work, including research
                                                 and publications.                                     Contact:
                                                                                                       Major Groups Programme
                                                                                                       Division for Sustainable Development
                                                                                                       Department of Economic and
                                                                                                       Social Affairs
                                                                                                       2 UN Plaza, DC2-2210
                                                                                                       New York, NY 10017, USA
                                                                                                       Tel: +1 212 963 8497 | Fax: +1 917 367 2341

2005 | Diego Goldberg | Pixel Press | UNFPA
Population Division (UNPD)
Department of Economic and Social Affairs                                                                                                                                                                               2

                                              The work programme of the Population Division           RATIONALE FOR YOUTH-                                     means to protect themselves, the risk of contracting
                                              (UNPD) of the Department of Economic and                                                                         a sexually transmitted disease is often higher among
                                                                                                      RELATED WORK
                                              Social Affairs is aimed at enabling the international                                                            young people than among older adults.
                                              community to understand better and address              Globally, there are nearly 1.2 billion people aged 15
                                              effectively current and foreseeable population          to 24. The number of young people has never been         The Population Division also studies the implications
                                              issues as well as the population dimensions of          higher and is expected to remain near its current        of demographic trends for development. In this
                                              development at the national and international           level until 2050. Demographically, young people are      regard, the role of young people in the labour force
                                              levels. The Division produces and disseminates          the focus of special attention because they have         and their access to education and training is par-
                                              demographic estimates and projections at the            clearly differentiated demographic behaviours. In        ticularly relevant. Recent analysis of the age and sex
                                              national, regional and global levels, and analyses      most societies, entry into marriage or cohabitation      structure of the urban and rural population for all
                                              demographic data by age, sex and selected               starts when people are young, and fertility is highest   regions of the world has confirmed that young
                                              socio-economic characteristics, including youth,        among women aged 20 to 24. Migration rates also          adults, particularly men, tend to be more urbanized
                                              conventionally defined as the population aged           tend to peak, for both men and women, over the age       than the rest of the population, indicating that the
                                              15 to 24.                                               range of 15 to 24. In societies unaffected by en-        young are more willing and able to take advantage
                                                                                                      demic violence, mortality over the age range 15-24       of the opportunities that cities offer.
                                                                                                      tends to be the lowest over the life course, but young
                                                                                                      people, particularly men, are at greater risk of dying
                                                                                                                                                               ESTIMATES AND PROJECTIONS
                                                                                                      because of external causes (accidents, suicide and
                                                                                                      violence) than people at older ages. In high-fertility   BY AGE AND SEx
                                                                                                      countries, an early start of childbearing exposes        The United Nations Population Division produces
                                                                                                      young women to higher risks of maternal death over       and publishes the World Population Prospects every
                                                                                                      their lifetime, though risks of maternal death are       two years. This publication presents the official
                                                                                                      generally lower among women aged 18-24 years             United Nations population estimates and projec-
                                                                                                      than among those in other age groups. Because the        tions for the world, major areas, regions and 228
                                                                                                      onset of sexual activity usually occurs when people      countries or areas (see reference below). Population
                                                                                                      are young, and when they lack the knowledge and          data classified by age group and sex permits the

analysis of trends in the young population for every   1950 and 2005 in the World Mortality Report, the        KEY PUBLICATIONS
country in the world. These data are widely used by    latest of which is 2007 (a CD-ROM version is also
international organizations, national Governments      available). The report includes estimates of life      • World Population Prospects: The 2006 Revision.
and researchers. They are also used for the calcula-   expectancy at birth and at age 15. A wall chart          Available in print or online, at
tion of indicators to measure progress in attaining    entitled World Mortality 2007 presents estimates
internationally agreed development goals, including    of the survival probability from birth to age 15 and   • World Fertility Patterns 2007 (wall chart)
the Millennium Development Goals.                      from age 15 to age 60. It also contains information    • World Mortality 2007 (wall chart)
                                                       on maternal mortality and HIV prevalence.                Contact:
                                                                                                                Ms. Hania Zlotnik, Director
The Population Division produces the estimates         MIGRATION                                                United Nations Population Division
of adolescent birth rate, a target under Goal 5        The Population Division compiles and analyses data       Department of Economic and Social Affairs
focusing on the reduction of maternal mortality, as    on international migrant stocks and flows. The           2 UN Plaza, DC2-19th floor
established by the Millennium Development Goals.       Division has developed a database containing data        New York, NY 10017, USA
Adolescent birth rates have been published in the      on the number of foreign-born persons or foreigners      Tel: +1 212 963 3179 | Fax: +1 212 963 2147
wall chart entitled World Fertility Patterns 2007. A   enumerated in the population censuses carried out
report on Adolescent Reproductive Behaviour is in                                                               Website:
                                                       since 1960 or obtained from population registers.
preparation. The Division also collects and analyses   The database includes information classified by age
information on the views of Governments concern-       and sex, which is being used to estimate the number
ing adolescent fertility and on the policies or pro-   of international migrants in each country of the
grammes they have adopted to ensure that women         world, classified by age and sex. The estimates will
do not become pregnant at too young an age.            permit a global assessment of the participation of
                                                       youth in international migration. The development of
MORTALITY                                              the database has benefited from the financial sup-
The Population Division prepares and publishes         port of UNICEF and the UNDP South-South Unit as
data on the levels and trends of mortality between     well as from the collaboration of the World Bank.
Statistics Division (UNSD)
Department of Economic and Social Affairs                                                                                                                                                                                   2

                                              The United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD)           RATIONALE FOR COLLECTING,                                  data are collected, on a regular basis, through
                                              of the Department of Economic and Social                                                                           questionnaires sent to national statistical offices.
                                                                                                      COLLATING AND DISSEMINATING
                                              Affairs is mandated, among other functions,                                                                        Questionnaires collect data classified by age and sex
                                              to compile and disseminate global statistical           STATISTICS ON YOUTH                                        on variables related to population estimates, popula-
                                              information, develop standards and norms for            Age is an inherent attribute of individuals and rep-       tion count, migration, economic characteristics of the
                                              statistical activities and support countries’ efforts   resents one of the most basic types of demographic         population and household characteristics. Information
                                              to strengthen their national statistical systems.       information collected about individuals in censuses        on marital status, in particular, is classified by five-
                                              Through these activities, the Division promotes         and surveys, as well as through administrative record      year age groups including 15-19 and 20-24 years.
                                              the development and availability of statistics and      systems (such as vital registration). Through its vari-    With respect to education characteristics, all data are
                                              indicators needed to identify and address issues        ous activities, UNSD promotes the collection, com-         available by age. For example, population 10 years of
                                              of relevance to youth at national, regional and         pilation and dissemination of basic socio-economic         age and over by literacy; population 15 years and over
                                              global levels.                                          and demographic data cross-classified by five-year         by education attainment; population 5 to 24 years age
                                                                                                      age groups and by sex, thereby permitting the calcu-       by school attendance.
                                                                                                      lation of statistics and indicators relevant to the age-
                                                                                                      group 15-24 years. The Division also sets principles       2010 WORLD CENSUS PROGRAMME
                                                                                                      and methods for population and housing censuses,           ON POPULATION AND HOUSING
                                                                                                      provides technical assistance, and collects, compiles
                                                                                                      and disseminates census data worldwide.                    The United Nations Statistics Division plays a pivotal
                                                                                                                                                                 role in coordinating the World Census Programme on
                                                                                                      DATA COLLECTION AND                                        Population and Housing. UNSD encourages coun-
                                                                                                                                                                 tries or areas to conduct censuses during the 2005-
                                                                                                      DISSEMINATION                                              2014 decade, and to disseminate the results. In this
                                                                                                      UNSD directly collects, collates and disseminates          way the Division is encouraging countries or areas to
                                                                                                      national population data and vital statistics. The         produce relevant information pertaining to youth.

The population census is among the main sources of        and manuals on various census-related topics.      by activity status and educational attainment;
demographic data, such as information on fertility,       With regard to the 2010 round of censuses,         currently active population by activity status,
mortality and migration. This information is valuable     UNSD revised and updated the publication           main industry and main occupation; main sta-
for taking stock of the current size and age-sex com-     “Principles and recommendations for popula-        tus in employment; population with and without
position of the population, including the relative size   tion and housing censuses”, which provides         disability by sex; population 5 years of age and
and composition of the youth population. It also helps    revised and updated concepts, definitions and      over by disability status and current or usual
to gauge future trends in population dynamics,            classifications as well as a set of recommend-     activity status.
including those likely to affect the future size and      ed tabulations which, in most cases, have age
composition of the youth population. This information     as a critical cross-classifying variable.          TRAINING WORKSHOPS
also provides the context within which all other social
                                                          Some of the tabulations from which information     An integral part of the 2010 World Census
and/or economic data can be placed. In addition,
                                                          specific to youth can be extracted include those   Programme is the provision of technically
censuses collect a variety of other relevant informa-
                                                          on: native and foreign-born population; popula-    sound advice that builds upon the existing
tion on such areas as literacy, educational attainment,
                                                          tion by place of usual residence; population by    strengths of national statistical offices while
participation in the labour force, housing and house-
hold structure, which can be cross-tabulated by age       country of birth; economically active population   considering ways to strengthen overall national
and sex to provide information on the situation of        by main occupation; head or other reference        statistical capacity in conducting censuses and
youth in various areas of policy concern.                 member of household; population (by single         intercensal national surveys. For example in
                                                          years); population by marital status; female       2007/2008, the Division conducted a series
DEVELOPMENT AND                                           population 10 years of age and over by number      of regional workshops on census management
                                                          of children ever born alive including children     and cartography as well as on data capture and
                                                          living or dead; household deaths by age; popu-     processing. This training programme continues,
METHODOLOGIES                                             lation 5 to 29 years (youth are a subset of this   covering various aspects of census implemen-
The Division has continued to play an impor-              population) by school attendance; population       tation, throughout the period of the 2010 round
tant role in publishing technical handbooks               10 years of age and over by literacy; population   of censuses. Training workshops help in build-
Statistics Division (UNSD)
Department of Economic and Social Affairs                                                                                                                  2

                                               ing national capacity in planning and managing          KEY PUBLICATIONS
                                               census processes. They enable Governments to
                                                                                                     • Principles and recommendations for population and
                                               hone their ability to collect accurate data on all
                                                                                                       housing censuses
                                               demographic groups, including youth.                  • Millennium Development Goals Report
                                                                                                       (yearly publication)
                                               MONITORING THE MILLENNIUM                             • 2005 Demographic Yearbook
                                               DEVELOPMENT GOALS
                                               Most of the data collected through censuses
                                               and national sample surveys are used to pro-            Demographic and Social Statistics Branch
                                               duce the relevant MDG indicators that facilitate        United Nations Statistics Division
                                                                                                       Department of Economic and Social Affairs
                                               the study and monitoring of the situation of youth.
                                                                                                       2 UN Plaza, DC2-15th floor
                                               For example, the Millennium Development Goals
                                                                                                       New York, NY 10017, USA
                                               Report, which is coordinated by UNSD, provides
                                                                                                       Fax: +1 212 963 9851
                                               indicators by age, such as number of people living
                                               with HIV, youth unemployment and literacy rates.
2005 | Diego Goldberg | Pixel Press | UNFPA
Global Alliance for ICT and Development (GAID)
Department of Economic and Social Affairs                                                                                                                                                                   30

                                              The Global Alliance for ICT and Development       RATIONALE FOR YOUTH-                                initiatives and created a space to foster youth-adult
                                              (GAID) is part of the United Nations Department                                                       cooperation to encourage an intergenerational
                                                                                                RELATED WORK
                                              of Economic and Social Affairs. The Global                                                            transfer of skills and resources. Young people
                                              Alliance promotes and advocates for the use of    While the areas of education, entrepreneurship,     shared ideas and learned from peers who have
                                              information and communication technologies as     health and governance are the four focus areas      successfully used ICT as a tool in promoting their
                                              a tool for development.                           of GAID’s work on ICT and development, youth        own economic and social advancement as well
                                                                                                and gender are seen as cross-cutting issues and     as that of their communities. Some 30 partners,
                                                                                                therefore feature prominently in the work of the    including the International Telecommunication
                                                                                                Global Alliance.                                    Union, UNESCO, ILO, WHO, UNFPA, UN-HABITAT,
                                                                                                                                                    the UN Programme on Youth, Intel, Microsoft
                                                                                                GLOBAL FORUM ON YOUTH AND ICT                       and civil society organizations contributed to the
                                                                                                                                                    organization of the Forum.
                                                                                                GAID’s work on youth has been catalysed through a
                                                                                                Global Forum on Youth and ICT, which the Alliance
                                                                                                organized in September 2007 on the theme “Youth     ENGAGING YOUTH—
                                                                                                as agents of change”. The Forum was attended by     THE GLOBAL YOUTH COALITION
                                                                                                more than 500 participants and engaged young        As a follow-up to the Forum, GAID established a
                                                                                                people in debates and discussions with their        Global Youth Coalition to support the agenda of
                                                                                                peers, policymakers and technology leaders in       the United Nations on harnessing information and
                                                                                                exploring ways to empower the community and         communication technologies for the achievement of
                                                                                                to participate more fully in society through the    the Millennium Development Goals. The coalition is
                                                                                                appropriate and responsible use of ICT. The Forum   intended to serve as an information hub on Youth
                                                                                                also provided a platform to showcase youth-led      and ICTs by hosting a matrix of best practices and

ICT policies from the world’s regions. The Global       • Serving as a platform for dialogue among youth         Contact:
Youth Coalition enables youth around the world to       on information society issues.
                                                                                                                 Secretariat of the Global Alliance for ICT
exchange knowledge and experiences on ICT and           • Encouraging the exchange of ideas and practices         and Development
youth issues and to spearhead youth-led initiatives     among youth.                                             Department of Economic and Social Affairs
and programmes. It also allows youth to communicate                                                              1 UN Plaza, DC1-1464
with other organizations and stakeholders working on    • Organizing global and regional youth forums.
                                                                                                                 New York, NY 10017, USA
the MDG agenda for youth and ICT.                       • Helping to create centres of excellence for youth in   Tel: +1 212 963 5796 | Fax: +1 212 963 2812
                                                        order to develop and implement more focused work
The Youth Coalition supports the work of the Global     programmes in the four focus areas (education,           E-mail:
Alliance by:                                            health, governance and entrepreneurship).                Website:
                                                        • Identifying and mobilizing the resources necessary
• Establishing an active online community engaged
                                                        to carry out the Coalition’s work effectively.
in policy discussions, online collaboration, research
and advocacy.
                                                        The Coalition is composed of youth networks
• Conveying GAID’s goals and objectives to youth        from around the world and is coordinated by a
around the world, especially in the developing          Committee of GAID E-leaders for Youth and ICT,
world.                                                  an executive body composed of 10-12 youth
• Bringing youth perspectives and needs relevant        representatives from each region and of successful
to ICT for development to the attention of the          youth leaders from various fields. The Committee
Global Alliance.                                        provides project advice and acts as a repository of
                                                        efforts and best practices.
• Informing the Alliance of significant regional
developments and initiatives.
Economic Commission for Africa (ECA)
Economic Commission for Africa (ECA)                                                                                                                                                                       32

                                         The United Nations Economic Commission for         RATIONALE FOR YOUTH-                                   ECA prepares reports and country-level analyses
                                         Africa (ECA) promotes regional integration and                                                            on pressing youth issues and began publishing
                                                                                            RELATED WORK
                                         focuses attention on Africa’s special needs,                                                              a biennial African Youth Report in 2008. The first
                                         particularly within the context of achieving the   The Commission’s work on youth must be seen in         issue of the African Youth Report analyses trends
                                         Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). In this       the context of the size of the youth population in     in education, youth employment, HIV/AIDS and
                                         regard, ECA places emphasis on supporting          the region: young people aged between 15 and 24        the health situation of young Africans, as well
                                         efforts to eradicate poverty, placing African      years alone account for about 20 per cent of the       as their participation in political decision-making
                                         countries on the path of growth and sustainable    population. Africa’s youth often face considerable     processes. The Report also reviews policies and
                                         development, reversing the marginalization         hurdles to participating in economic, social and       strategies to address these issues.
                                         of Africa in the globalization process, and        political spheres of life. Inadequate access to edu-
                                         accelerating the empowerment of women.             cation and training, poor health and vulnerability
                                                                                                                                                   PROMOTING DIALOGUE AND
                                                                                            to HIV/AIDS, lack of decent jobs, frequent armed
                                                                                            conflicts and few opportunities to contribute to       DECISION-MAKING ON YOUTH
                                                                                            decision-making processes are among the major          In November 2006, ECA and the African Union,
                                                                                            obstacles to youth development in the region.          together with the United Nations system, the
                                                                                                                                                   African Development Bank and the Organisation
                                                                                            RESEARCH AND ANALYSIS                                  Internationale de la Francophonie, organized the
                                                                                            A major part of ECA’s work on youth is conduct-        Fifth African Development Forum (ADF-V) on
                                                                                            ing research and analysing trends and policies in      “Youth and leadership in the 21st century”. ADF-V
                                                                                            WPAY priority areas, notably in the areas of educa-    brought together almost 300 youth representatives
                                                                                            tion, employment, health and HIV/AIDS, girls and       from all five subregions of the continent, various
                                                                                            young women, and the participation of youth in         Heads of State and Ministers of Youth, experts from
                                                                                            society and decision-making. ECA also supports         Ministries of Youth, NGOs and civil society, and
                                                                                            country efforts to gain knowledge in these areas.      regional and international organizations to arrive at

a Consensus Statement that highlighted key actions      the Year of African Youth through a website and       KEY PUBLICATIONS
to be taken by Governments and partners to              knowledge management initiative.
                                                                                                             • African Youth Report 2008
strengthen youth participation and empowerment.
The Forum also launched the African Youth Charter,      YOUTH AND ICT                                          Contact:
an initiative of the African Union Commission, to                                                              Human and Social Development Section
promote youth development in the region.                ECA places particular attention to information
                                                                                                               African Centre for Gender
                                                        and communication technologies (ICT) and how
                                                                                                               and Social Development
                                                        they can contribute to youth development and to
THE POST-ADF-V STEERING                                                                                        United Nations Economic
                                                        overcoming the challenges facing young people in
COMMITTEE                                                                                                      Commission for Africa (ECA)
                                                        Africa. Young people are often the leading innova-
                                                                                                               P.O. Box 3005
ECA serves as the Secretariat of the Post-ADF-V         tors in the use and spread of information and com-     Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Steering Committee, which follows up on the imple-      munications technologies. ECA’s activities in this     Tel: +251 11 544 3144 | Fax: +251 11 551 2785
mentation of the ADF-V recommendations. The             area are guided by the African Information Society
Committee consists of the African Union and United      Initiative (AISI), a regional framework adopted by     E-mail:
Nations agencies working in the area of youth,          African countries in 1996 aimed at harnessing the      Website:
including UNICEF, UNFPA, ILO, UNDP and the              potentials of ICT for socio-economic development.
International Organization for Migration. In addition
to supporting the popularization, ratification and      ECA builds the capacities of youth groups for the
implementation of the African Youth Charter, the        implementation of AISI through meetings, forums,
Committee is also working with the African Union to     workshops and online information and knowledge
implement activities for the Year of African Youth      sharing. A continental Africa Youth Network in the
2008. In particular, ECA is providing technical sup-    Information Society has also been launched to
port to the development of documents and planning       coordinate activities at subregional and national
to help promote both the African Youth Charter and      levels (
Economic Commission for Europe (ECE)
Economic Commission for Europe (ECE)                                                                                                                                                                              3

                                         The United Nations Economic Commission               RATIONALE FOR YOUTH-                                       GENERATIONS AND
                                         for Europe (ECE) strives to foster sustainable
                                                                                              RELATED WORK                                               GENDER PROGRAMME
                                         economic growth among its 56 Member States
                                         located in the European Union (EU), non-EU           ECE recognizes that young people represent an              ECE is coordinating the Generations and Gender
                                         Western and Eastern Europe, South-East Europe,       asset upon which the future of any society depends.        Programme (GGP) of data collection and research.
                                         Central Asia and North America. All these            The ECE region is home to about 179 million youth,         GGP is a system of national Generations and
                                         countries dialogue and cooperate under the aegis     representing approximately 15 per cent of the total        Gender Surveys (GGS) and contextual databases,
                                         of ECE on economic and sectoral issues. To this      population. In many countries of the ECE region,           which aims at improving the knowledge base for
                                         end, ECE provides a forum for analysis, policy       young people are facing an erosion of their oppor-         policymaking in UNECE countries. The surveys con-
                                         advice and assistance to Governments. Through        tunities to gain education, employable skills, and a       ducted in this programme cover the age range from
                                         the development of conventions, norms and            decent job and income. It is estimated that 18 mil-        18 to 79 years. Many of the issues studied, however,
                                         standards, ECE aims to harmonize action and          lion young people in the countries in transition and       are specifically relevant for young people, such as
                                         facilitate exchanges between Member States.          emerging market economies are neither at school            the processes of family formation and home-leaving
                                         This process results in consumer guarantees of       nor in employment. Concerned with this situation,          and a broad range of their determinants, including
                                         safety and quality, helps protect the environment,   ECE launched a youth entrepreneurship programme            education, the labour market, housing, intergen-
                                         and facilitates trade and the greater integration    in the early 2000s which led to two Regional Youth         erational relationships and contraception. The GGP
                                         of member countries at the regional level and        Forums in 2002 and 2003. Currently, ECE’s key              contextual database, which includes age-specific
                                         also with the global economy. The key areas of       engagement on youth is in the area of road safety ini-     data on population processes and employment, is
                                         expertise of the ECE are economic cooperation        tiatives, in recognition of the fact that road accidents   a comparative collection of around 200 variables on
                                         and integration, energy, environment, housing        are the leading cause of death for youth. In addition,     the national and regional level for each participating
                                         and land management, population, statistics,         ECE focuses on improving knowledge for policymak-          country. These data serve to complement the micro-
                                         timber and forests, trade and transport.             ing on issues that directly affect youth.                  level data collected in the GGS.

POLICY DISCUSSION                                       ROAD SAFETY                                              electronically to share their ideas and experiences.
                                                                                                                 A number of young delegates have also taken steps
ECE organized the conference “How generations and       The First United Nations Global Road Safety Week in      to implement the Declaration. For example, the
gender shape demographic change” in May 2008.           April 2007 was organized at the Palais des Nations
                                                                                                                 Canadian delegates set up a national youth com-
The event discussed the research findings from the      in Geneva jointly by ECE, WHO and the four other
                                                                                                                 mittee for future work on road safety. The Zambian
Generations and Gender Programme and the policy         United Nations regional commissions. Targeted at
                                                                                                                 delegate submitted the Declaration to all relevant
actions of Governments in the related areas. One        young people, including young drivers, the Week
                                                                                                                 ministries (health, community development and
panel session of the conference was specifically        commenced with a World Youth Assembly, which
                                                                                                                 transport). In Algeria, the Declaration was printed in
devoted to the better integration of young people in    was attended by over 400 young people from more
                                                                                                                 national newspapers, and in Belize, the Ministry of
society and addressed various facets of transition to   than 100 countries. The Assembly culminated in
                                                                                                                 Education agreed to include road safety in primary
adulthood. The keynote paper and the summary of         the adoption of a Youth Declaration for Road Safety,
                                                                                                                 and secondary school curricula.
this youth-related session are included in the con-     which describes the views of young people on what
ference proceedings, which are available at: www.       they, their parents, teachers, Government leaders
                                                        and others can do to improve road safety. At the close   The full Global Road Safety Week focused on young                                                                                               road users, including drivers. Young people are
                                                        of the Assembly, the Declaration was presented to the
                                                        President of the United Nations General Assembly.        over-represented in road accidents, which are the
                                                                                                                 leading cause of death for people aged between 10-
                                                        The Youth Assembly also provided the opportunity         24 years. The objectives of the Week were to give a
                                                        to showcase the results of a youth essay competition     voice to youth on the road safety issue, contribute
                                                        launched by UNICEF on road safety. The momen-            to a shift in attitudes and behaviour towards road
                                                        tum that was generated by the Assembly resulted,         safety among young people, encourage and sup-
                                                        among other things, in an international network of       port a cadre of national leaders for road safety and
                                                        young people who are motivated to address the            launch the Youth Declaration for Road Safety. The
                                                        issue in their countries and are communicating           slogan for the Week was “Road safety is no acci-
Growing together: Youth and the Work of the United Nations
Growing together: Youth and the Work of the United Nations
Growing together: Youth and the Work of the United Nations
Growing together: Youth and the Work of the United Nations
Growing together: Youth and the Work of the United Nations
Growing together: Youth and the Work of the United Nations
Growing together: Youth and the Work of the United Nations
Growing together: Youth and the Work of the United Nations
Growing together: Youth and the Work of the United Nations
Growing together: Youth and the Work of the United Nations
Growing together: Youth and the Work of the United Nations
Growing together: Youth and the Work of the United Nations
Growing together: Youth and the Work of the United Nations
Growing together: Youth and the Work of the United Nations
Growing together: Youth and the Work of the United Nations
Growing together: Youth and the Work of the United Nations
Growing together: Youth and the Work of the United Nations
Growing together: Youth and the Work of the United Nations
Growing together: Youth and the Work of the United Nations
Growing together: Youth and the Work of the United Nations
Growing together: Youth and the Work of the United Nations
Growing together: Youth and the Work of the United Nations
Growing together: Youth and the Work of the United Nations
Growing together: Youth and the Work of the United Nations
Growing together: Youth and the Work of the United Nations
Growing together: Youth and the Work of the United Nations
Growing together: Youth and the Work of the United Nations
Growing together: Youth and the Work of the United Nations
Growing together: Youth and the Work of the United Nations
Growing together: Youth and the Work of the United Nations
Growing together: Youth and the Work of the United Nations
Growing together: Youth and the Work of the United Nations
Growing together: Youth and the Work of the United Nations
Growing together: Youth and the Work of the United Nations
Growing together: Youth and the Work of the United Nations
Growing together: Youth and the Work of the United Nations
Growing together: Youth and the Work of the United Nations
Growing together: Youth and the Work of the United Nations
Growing together: Youth and the Work of the United Nations
Growing together: Youth and the Work of the United Nations
Growing together: Youth and the Work of the United Nations
Growing together: Youth and the Work of the United Nations
Growing together: Youth and the Work of the United Nations
Growing together: Youth and the Work of the United Nations
Growing together: Youth and the Work of the United Nations
Growing together: Youth and the Work of the United Nations
Growing together: Youth and the Work of the United Nations
Growing together: Youth and the Work of the United Nations
Growing together: Youth and the Work of the United Nations
Growing together: Youth and the Work of the United Nations
Growing together: Youth and the Work of the United Nations
Growing together: Youth and the Work of the United Nations
Growing together: Youth and the Work of the United Nations
Growing together: Youth and the Work of the United Nations
Growing together: Youth and the Work of the United Nations
Growing together: Youth and the Work of the United Nations
Growing together: Youth and the Work of the United Nations
Growing together: Youth and the Work of the United Nations
Growing together: Youth and the Work of the United Nations
Growing together: Youth and the Work of the United Nations
Growing together: Youth and the Work of the United Nations
Growing together: Youth and the Work of the United Nations
Growing together: Youth and the Work of the United Nations
Growing together: Youth and the Work of the United Nations
Growing together: Youth and the Work of the United Nations
Growing together: Youth and the Work of the United Nations
Growing together: Youth and the Work of the United Nations

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Growing together: Youth and the Work of the United Nations

  • 1. E c o n o m i c & S o c ia l A ff a irs asdf Growing Together Youth and the Work of the United Nations
  • 2. E c o n o m i c & S o c ia l A ff a irs asdf Growing Together Youth and the Work of the United Nations
  • 3. 2005 | Diego Goldberg | Pixel Press | UNFPA PREFACE
  • 4. The United Nations has long recognized the With activities ranging from data collection and This brochure is a welcome example of how importance of investing in youth. In 1995, the analysis to direct country support to Governments, the United Nations system and the young United Nations General Assembly adopted the civil society and other stakeholders, the United people it serves are growing together. By World Programme of Action for Youth to guide Nations system is well-positioned to provide taking stock of UN system activities related to national and international action to create an comprehensive, specialized assistance in youth development, the brochure provides a environment in which young people can flourish support of global youth development. Particular chance to assess how effectively the United and develop their potential to the fullest. Since attention is being given by many UN system Nations system is responding to this important then, opportunities for young people to benefit offices to areas such as health, education and development challenge, and it helps to identify from development have expanded around the employment, and the special circumstances of any gaps that may exist in our approach. It is world. Nonetheless, youth continue to face many girls and young women—areas which present intended as a source of information to assist constraints and challenges that hinder their persistent challenges to youth development in all stakeholders and to ensure that the United smooth transition to adulthood. many parts of the world. Nations truly delivers as one in the area of youth development, in an effective and forward-looking Although the United Nations Programme on Youth Now is the time to make strategic investments fashion. Only by working together to advance of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs in youth. Investments which target the large the implementation of the World Programme of is the only part of the United Nations Secretariat numbers of young people today will not only Action for Youth as a comprehensive strategy with the explicit mandate to address youth issues, improve the wellbeing of a large generation to promote youth development will we be able this brochure shows how the United Nations of young people, but will also produce long- to make a lasting difference in the lives of the system, as a whole, supports youth development lasting benefits for the social and economic youth of today and tomorrow. with a diverse range of programmes and activities. development of countries and regions. Indeed, As the brochure demonstrates, the work of the our ability to achieve several of the Millennium various parts of the United Nations system relating Development Goals is directly linked to our SHA Zukang to youth is complementary and covers all 15 progress in improving young people’s health, (Under-Secretary-General for Economic and Social Affairs) priority areas of the World Programme of Action. education and socio-economic opportunities.
  • 5. TABLE OF CONTENTS 4 Preface 8 List of Acronyms 10 Introduction 14 Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA) 34 Economic Commission for Europe (ECE) 14 United Nations Programme on Youth (UNPY) 38 Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) 18 Division for the Advancement of Women (DAW) 40 Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) 20 Division for Sustainable Development (DSD) 42 Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) 24 Population Division (UNPD) 44 International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) 26 Statistics Division (UNSD) 46 International Labour Organization (ILO) 30 Global Alliance for ICT and Development (GAID) 50 Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) 32 Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) 54 United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF)
  • 6. 58 United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM) 78 United Nations Millennium Campaign 60 United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) 80 United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) 60 Bureau for Crisis Prevention and Recovery (BCPR) 82 United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) 62 Human Development Report Office (HDRO) 86 United Nations Volunteers (UNV) 64 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) 90 The World Bank 68 United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) 94 World Food Programme (WFP) 72 United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-HABITAT) 96 World Health Organization (WHO) 76 United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) 100 Youth Employment Network (YEN)
  • 7. LIST OF ACRONYMS ADF-V Fifth African Development Forum ESCAP Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific AIDS Acquired immune deficiency syndrome ESID Emerging Social Issues Division AISI African Information Society Initiative FGM Female genital mutilation BCPR Bureau for Crisis Prevention and Recovery GAID Global Alliance for ICT and Development CAH Department of Child and Adolescent Health and Development GGP Generations and Gender Programme CIS Commonwealth of Independent States GGS Generations and Gender Survey CSD Commission on Sustainable Development GPI Global Partnership Initiative on Urban Youth Development CSW Commission on the Status of Women HDRO Human Development Report Office DAW Division for the Advancement of Women HIV Human immunodeficiency virus DESA Department of Economic and Social Affairs IBRD International Bank for Reconstruction and Development DSD Division for Sustainable Development ICPD International Conference on Population and Development DSPD Division for Social Policy and Development ICT Information and Communication Technologies ECA Economic Commission for Africa IDA International Development Association ECE Economic Commission for Europe IFAD International Fund for Agricultural Development ECLAC Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean ILO International Labour Organization
  • 8. J8 Junior 8 Summit UNIDO United Nations Industrial Development Organization MDGs Millennium Development Goals UNIFEM United Nations Development Fund for Women MRU Mano River Union UNFPA United Nations Population Fund NAP National action plans on youth employment UNODC United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime NGO Non-governmental organization UNDP United Nations Population Division PAHO Pan American Health Organization UNPY United Nations Programme on Youth PATH Poverty Alleviation through Tourism and Heritage UNSD United Nations Statistics Division SRH Sexual and reproductive health UNV United Nations Volunteers UNAIDS Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS VIP Violence and Injury Prevention UNDP United Nations Development Programme VOY Voices of Youth UNEP United Nations Environment Programme WFP World Food Programme UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization WHO World Health Organization UNGASS United Nations General Assembly Special Session WPAY World Programme of Action for Youth UN-HABITAT United Nations Human Settlement Programme YAP Youth Advisory Panel UNICEF United Nations Children’s Fund YEN Youth Employment Network YEP Youth Employment Programme
  • 9. INTRODUCTION 10 HOW DID A UNITED NATIONS Year, with the theme “Participation, Development and action in the area of youth development (see YOUTH DEVELOPMENT and Peace”. The Year drew international attention the table). Recognizing the major changes that to the important role that young people play in the were occurring in national and international devel- AGENDA EMERGE? world, and in particular, to their potential contribu- opment environments at the end of the twentieth Although there are small variations in the group tion to development and to the goals of the United century and to align the Programme of Action bet- considered as youth in the agencies, funds, offices Nations Charter. ter to new challenges in the twenty-first century, and programmes of the United Nations system, the General Assembly added five additional prior- “youth” is often defined by the United Nations as International debate and discussions reached a high ity areas in 2005. These five areas (Globalization, those aged 15-24 years old. This age group makes point in 1995 when, on the tenth anniversary of Information and Communication Technology, HIV/ up nearly one fifth of the world’s population. Youth International Youth Year, the United Nations adopted AIDS, Armed Conflict and Intergenerational issues) are frequently referred to as representing the the World Programme of Action for Youth to the Year were elaborated in a supplement to the WPAY, future, but their sheer numbers, complemented by 2000 and Beyond. The adoption of the Programme which was adopted at the sixty-second session of their imagination, ideals and energy, make young of Action, which provides a framework to guide pub- the General Assembly in 2007. people a major force in the world today. lic, private and international action on youth develop- ment, was evidence of the commitment of the inter- For each priority area, the WPAY outlines the nature The imagination, ideals and energies of young national community to young people and of a resolve of the challenges young people face and presents women and men are vital for the continuing to address the challenges to youth development in a proposals for action to improve the well-being of development of the societies in which they live. comprehensive and collaborative manner. young people. The WPAY also outlines the means The Member States of the United Nations first of implementation of the Programme of Action. acknowledged this officially in 1965 when they THE WORLD PROGRAMME OF endorsed the Declaration on the Promotion among ACTION FOR YOUTH TO THE YEAR Youth of the Ideals of Peace, Mutual Respect and 2000 AND BEYOND: A GUIDE FOR Understanding between Peoples. ACTION ON YOUTH DEVELOPMENT Two decades later, the United Nations General The World Programme of Action for Youth (WPAY) Assembly observed 1985 as International Youth initially identified 10 priority areas to guide policy
  • 10. 11 The 15 priority areas of the WPAY are clearly sought their specific inputs on their work. UN system PRIORITY AREAS OF THE WORLD interrelated. They also cut across areas in which offices whose work covers aspects of youth devel- PROGRAMME OF ACTION FOR organizations of the United Nations system opment were invited to contribute to the brochure. YOUTH specialize and provide technical advisory and Responses received were reviewed and supple- other services to Governments. They therefore mented where necessary with information readily asdf 1 Education form an appropriate foundation for a coordinated available in public sources, such as websites and 2 Employment collaborative effort from the United Nations system. publications. The summaries were then shared with 3 Hunger and poverty United Nations system offices have, by focusing on UN system offices for their preview, corrections and independent areas of expertise, addressed many of amendments. The brochure is therefore the result of 4 Health the issues, goals and objectives of the WPAY. a collaborative effort across offices. 5 Environment 6 Drug abuse Despite the broad coverage of areas, lack of 7 Juvenile delinquency information on the specific activities and programmes that each part of the UN system 8 Leisure-time activities engages in hampers youth development work. It is 9 Girls and young women vital that this information becomes widely available, 10 Youth participation in society not only within the UN system, but also to others and in decision-making working in the area of youth development. This 11 Globalization brochure responds to this need. 12 Information and communications technology 13 HIV/AIDS SOURCES OF INFORMATION 14 Armed conflict PRESENTED IN THIS BROCHURE 15 Intergenerational issues The brochure summarizes responses of United Nations offices and agencies to questionnaires that
  • 11. Summaries of United Nations system activities 12
  • 12. 13
  • 13. United Nations Programme on Youth (UNPY) (DESA) Department of Economic and Social Affairs 1 The United Nations Programme on Youth is the REPORTING ON YOUTH DEVELOPMENT focal point within the United Nations Secretariat on issues related to youth. It is the only part of The Programme on Youth conducts research about key developments in the area of youth the Secretariat that is mandated exclusively to and analysis on youth and provides information and, especially, on progress made in the 15 deal with youth issues. The Programme is part to Governments, youth, civil society and other priority areas of the WPAY. The Programme of the Division for Social Policy and Development parts of the United Nations system on issues services the Commission on Social Development (DSPD) of the Department of Economic and Social and activities relating to youth development. and the Third Committee of the General It publishes the biannual World Youth Report, Assembly, providing draft texts for consideration Affairs (DESA). The Programme on Youth is, in which presents analytical discussions on selected of these bodies and assisting with negotiations of particular, responsible for monitoring progress topics related to youth development. Taking a resolutions on youth. and constraints in addressing the objectives regional approach, the 2007 Report, for example, of the World Programme of Action for Youth. examined the opportunities and challenges that To promote information sharing on activities within The Programme is also charged with playing a youth face during their transition to adulthood. and outside the UN system on youth issues, the lead role in inter-agency consultations on youth Through Reports of the Secretary-General and Programme on Youth also produces Youth Flash, development. The compilation and production other documentation for the General Assembly an electronic newsletter. Youth Flash includes of this brochure by the UN Programme on Youth and the Commission on Social Development, the an in-depth feature on a topical youth issue and is intended to support and foster the inter- Youth Programme also contributes to informing provides an overview of youth-related activities agency dialogue. Governments and the international community organized by the entire UN system.
  • 14. 1 INTERNATIONAL YOUTH DAY International Youth Day is commemorated every year on 12 August. The Programme on Youth selects a theme for the day in consultation with youth organizations, the Department of Public Information and other UN system offices and agencies. It also organizes a commemoration of the Day at United Nations Headquarters in New York. The Programme encourages youth around the world to organize activities to raise awareness about the situation of youth in their country. Youth are encouraged to send in a description of their planned activities to The most crea- tive activities are featured on the Programme’s web- site to provide a sense of how International Youth Day is being commemorated around the world and to encourage other youth to take action. UN DPI Photo
  • 15. United Nations Programme on Youth (UNPY) (DESA) Department of Economic and Social Affairs 1 PARTNERSHIPS AND COLLABORA- TECHNICAL COOPERATION Africa; and enhancing capacity to deal effec- tively with issues related to illicit small arms TION WITH CIVIL SOCIETY AND The Programme collaborates closely with the and violence. YOUTH ORGANIZATIONS Technical Cooperation Unit of the Division for Social Policy and Development. The Unit works ENSURING YOUTH PARTICIPATION A major part of the work of the UN Programme directly with Governments and other stakehold- on Youth involves working with civil society, An important dimension of the Programme ers to translate international agreements— especially youth-led organizations that are working on Youth’s work relates to strengthening the such as the World Programme of Action for with young people, particularly at the grassroots participation of youth in decision-making Youth—into practical strategies and projects at level, to address various areas of the World processes at all levels in order to increase the regional and national levels. The Technical Programme of Action for Youth. The Programme their contribution to national and international Cooperation Unit draws on the expertise of the on Youth cooperates with and assists these development. The Programme provides advisory Programme on Youth and, in turn, feeds experi- youth-led organizations. It arranges consultative services to other United Nations system offices ences gained from the field into the Programme’s meetings, briefings and other discussions with and other stakeholders on how to ensure active work in support of the intergovernmental policy them to guide their work, and it also gathers their youth engagement in their initiatives. development process. Cooperation is often inputs and feeds them into intergovernmental initiated at the request of a Government or UN discussions. Young people, both as individual Through publications, advocacy and the provision counterpart, and technical cooperation advis- experts and as representatives of organizations, of advisory services, the Programme on Youth ers work closely with other parts of the UN sys- are also involved in Expert Group Meetings and facilitates the inclusion of youth representatives tem. In 2007/2008, activities of the technical other substantive discussions organized by the in Member States’ official delegations to the cooperation unit that relate to youth included Programme on Youth. General Assembly and other intergovernmental providing support for the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of Young People bodies. Youth delegates frequently deliver in Iberoamerica; working to integrate youth official statements on behalf of the youth in their concerns into poverty reduction strategies in countries, and some negotiate actively on the
  • 16. 1 text of resolutions. The Programme provides KEY PUBLICATIONS information, advisory and orientation services to • World Youth Reports 2003, 2005 and 2007 youth delegates before and during their stay in • Guide to the Implementation of the World New York to facilitate their effective participation Programme of Action for Youth at UN meetings. • Making commitments matter: a toolkit for young people to evaluate national youth policy Various activities of the Programme aim to • A brief guide to youth delegates to the United support and encourage youth initiatives and their Nations General Assembly meaningful engagement in the development • Various Reports of the Secretary-General dialogue. The Programme supports and related to youth issues encourages youth to plan and carry out projects in support of youth development. A toolkit, Contact: Making commitments matter, for example, United Nations Programme on Youth guides youth organizations on how to evaluate Division for Social Policy and Development their Governments’ efforts to implement the Department of Economic and Social Affairs WPAY. The website of the Programme on Youth 2 UN Plaza, DC2-1336 provides a wealth of information to support New York, NY 10017, USA youth participation and it also provides an Fax: +1 212 963 3062 opportunity for youth to provide feedback to the Programme. E-mail: Website:
  • 17. Division for the Advancement of Women (DAW) (DESA) Department of Economic and Social Affairs 1 The Division for the Advancement of Women RATIONALE FOR YOUTH- YOUTH AND THE COMMISSION (DAW) of the Department of Economic and RELATED WORK ON THE STATUS OF WOMEN Social Affairs focuses on promoting gender equality and the empowerment of women and DAW examines issues that affect young women A major area of DAW’s work is to provide girls of all ages. The Division supports the and girls in the context of the 12 critical areas of substantive support to the Commission implementation of the Beijing Platform for concern of the Beijing Platform for Action as well as on the Status of Women (CSW) and other Action adopted at the Fourth World Conference emerging issues, many of which coincide with the intergovernmental bodies working to advance on Women in 1995, which seeks to promote priority areas of the World Programme of Action for the global policy agenda on gender equality. and protect the full enjoyment of all human Youth. Among the areas addressed are education, In this context, DAW covers issues related rights and the fundamental freedoms of all employment, poverty and hunger, health, care- to the improvement of the situation of young women throughout their life cycle. DAW also giving, environment, sport, participation in women and girls. The annual sessions of the supports the implementation of the Convention decision-making, information and communication Commission on the Status of Women provide on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination technology, HIV/AIDS, and armed conflict. space for young women and girls to participate against Women and its Optional Protocol. The actively in informing global policymaking on Division strives to promote the mainstreaming of RESEARCH AND ANALYSIS gender equality and the empowerment of women a gender perspective both within and outside the and girls. At its fifty-first session in 2007, the DAW conducts research and develops policy United Nations system. Commission on the Status of Women addressed options to promote gender equality and women’s empowerment. The Division has a “The elimination of all forms of discrimination publications programme, which includes and violence against the girl child” as its resources for Governments, civil society and priority theme. Over 200 girls participated in the other stakeholders to enhance work on gender session and were involved in official interactive equality, women’s human rights and the meetings of the Commission, such as the High- empowerment of women. level Roundtable on the priority theme, and
  • 18. 1 KEY PUBLICATIONS • Women 2000 and Beyond: Women, Gender Equality and Sport (2007) • Women 2000 and Beyond: Gender Equality and Empowerment of Women through ICT (2005) • Women 2000 and Beyond: Women and Water (2005) other CSW-related events and activities. The • World Survey on the Role of Women in 2007 Commission’s agreed conclusions on the Development (1999, 2004) priority theme include recommendations for the development of programmes and projects Contact: aimed at young women and girls affected by Division for the Advancement of Women poverty, armed conflict, HIV/AIDS, violence and Department of Economic and Social Affairs discrimination. 2 UN Plaza, DC2-12th floor New York, NY 10017, USA In preparation for the annual sessions of the Tel: +1 212 963 8535 | Fax: +1 212 963 3463 Commission on the Status of Women, the E-mail: Division for the Advancement of Women holds Website: an online discussion of the priority theme to be considered by the Commission. The discussions are open to all and give girls and young women a platform from which to share their views on issues affecting them.
  • 19. Division for Sustainable Development (DSD) (DESA) Department of Economic and Social Affairs 20 The Division for Sustainable Development (DSD) RATIONALE FOR YOUTH- Groups Programme within the Division for of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs Sustainable Development works actively to RELATED WORK promotes sustainable development by providing ensure the involvement of youth in protecting technical cooperation and capacity-building at The Division’s focus on youth is based on the environment and promoting economic and the international, regional and national levels. chapter 25 of Agenda 21, which was adopted social development. The Division is the substantive secretariat to the at the Earth Summit held in Rio de Janeiro UN Commission on Sustainable Development in 1992. Agenda 21 identified Children and COLLABORATION WITH YOUTH FOR (CSD). Besides supporting the CSD, the Division Youth as one of the nine major groups of civil is also the secretariat for the Mauritius Strategy society whose participation in implementing SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT for the Further Implementation of the Programme the Agenda is a prerequisite for sustainable The Major Groups Programme is responsible of Action for the Sustainable Development development. In particular, Chapter 25 states for engaging and liaising with youth and for of Small Island Developing States, which that the involvement of youth in environment enhancing their participation in the work of includes provisions for youth involvement in its and development decision-making and in the the CSD and its intersessional processes. It implementation. In addition, it is the secretariat implementation of programmes related to the disseminates CSD-related information to youth for the Ten-year Framework for Changing environment is critical to the long-term success networks and publishes on its website annual Unsustainable Consumption and Production of Agenda 21. The chapter notes also that it guidelines to support the participation of youth Patterns—an area of increasing relevance for is imperative that youth from all parts of the and other civil society groups in CSD. The young people. world participate actively in all relevant levels Division also supports children and youth in their of decision-making processes because these efforts to influence the integration of sustainable affect their lives today and have implications development into education at all levels. for their futures. In addition to their intellectual contribution and their ability to mobilize support, youth bring unique perspectives that need to be taken into account. The Major
  • 20. 21 YOUTH IN THE COMMISSION ON society and Government officials is now integrated in the Partnerships Fair and the Learning throughout the various official sessions of the CSD, Centre, which are both part of the CSD official SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT including thematic discussions, expert panels and programme. The Partnerships Fair provides a Since the creation of the Commission on interactive discussions with Ministers during the venue for registered Partnerships for Sustainable Sustainable Development in 1992, youth High-level Segment. Youth and other major groups Development to showcase progress, launch new have played an important role as partners contribute their expertise to technical discussions partnerships, network with existing and potential in sustainable development and in informing on thematic issue areas and offer solutions for partners, create synergies between partnerships the Commission’s decision-making processes. ensuring sustainable development. and learn from each other’s experiences. The Youth continue to infuse the CSD with new Learning Centre provides teaching and training ideas and information, and present challenges at a practical level on topics of relevance to the THE CSD YOUTH CAUCUS that enrich the intergovernmental debate. Youth specific themes being considered by the CSD, and other major groups participate in interactive As part of the preparatory work leading up to as well as on selective cross-cutting themes of dialogues, develop coordinated statements the CSD meetings, the Division for Sustainable sustainable development. through thematic caucus groups, and lobby Development collaborates closely with the CSD for particular initiatives that they feel should be Youth Caucus to facilitate the engagement of SUPPORT FOR YOUTH FROM supported. They also contribute significantly youth during CSD meetings. The Youth Caucus to the registered Partnerships for Sustainable is a group of representatives of youth-led DEVELOPING COUNTRIES Development in the context of the CSD. NGOs who work together to influence decision- The Division for Sustainable Development making at the CSD. Youth prepare official receives extrabudgetary funds from donors The CSD continues to explore innovative formats papers addressing the thematic areas on the to support the participation of youth from for the participation of youth and other major CSD agenda and are invited to contribute to developing countries and countries with groups of civil society. Substantive exchange the many side events that take place during economies in transition at CSD. These limited between representatives of the major groups of civil CSD sessions. Young people also participate funds are allocated to representatives identified
  • 21. Division for Sustainable Development (DSD) (DESA) Department of Economic and Social Affairs 22 in close consultation with the young people who KEY PUBLICATIONS coordinate the CSD Youth Caucus. The Division • Sustainable development needs also has access to limited financial resources to you (brochure) support youth-related work, including research and publications. Contact: Major Groups Programme Division for Sustainable Development Department of Economic and Social Affairs 2 UN Plaza, DC2-2210 New York, NY 10017, USA Tel: +1 212 963 8497 | Fax: +1 917 367 2341 E-mail: Website:
  • 22. 2005 | Diego Goldberg | Pixel Press | UNFPA 23
  • 23. Population Division (UNPD) (DESA) Department of Economic and Social Affairs 2 The work programme of the Population Division RATIONALE FOR YOUTH- means to protect themselves, the risk of contracting (UNPD) of the Department of Economic and a sexually transmitted disease is often higher among RELATED WORK Social Affairs is aimed at enabling the international young people than among older adults. community to understand better and address Globally, there are nearly 1.2 billion people aged 15 effectively current and foreseeable population to 24. The number of young people has never been The Population Division also studies the implications issues as well as the population dimensions of higher and is expected to remain near its current of demographic trends for development. In this development at the national and international level until 2050. Demographically, young people are regard, the role of young people in the labour force levels. The Division produces and disseminates the focus of special attention because they have and their access to education and training is par- demographic estimates and projections at the clearly differentiated demographic behaviours. In ticularly relevant. Recent analysis of the age and sex national, regional and global levels, and analyses most societies, entry into marriage or cohabitation structure of the urban and rural population for all demographic data by age, sex and selected starts when people are young, and fertility is highest regions of the world has confirmed that young socio-economic characteristics, including youth, among women aged 20 to 24. Migration rates also adults, particularly men, tend to be more urbanized conventionally defined as the population aged tend to peak, for both men and women, over the age than the rest of the population, indicating that the 15 to 24. range of 15 to 24. In societies unaffected by en- young are more willing and able to take advantage demic violence, mortality over the age range 15-24 of the opportunities that cities offer. tends to be the lowest over the life course, but young people, particularly men, are at greater risk of dying ESTIMATES AND PROJECTIONS because of external causes (accidents, suicide and violence) than people at older ages. In high-fertility BY AGE AND SEx countries, an early start of childbearing exposes The United Nations Population Division produces young women to higher risks of maternal death over and publishes the World Population Prospects every their lifetime, though risks of maternal death are two years. This publication presents the official generally lower among women aged 18-24 years United Nations population estimates and projec- than among those in other age groups. Because the tions for the world, major areas, regions and 228 onset of sexual activity usually occurs when people countries or areas (see reference below). Population are young, and when they lack the knowledge and data classified by age group and sex permits the
  • 24. 2 analysis of trends in the young population for every 1950 and 2005 in the World Mortality Report, the KEY PUBLICATIONS country in the world. These data are widely used by latest of which is 2007 (a CD-ROM version is also international organizations, national Governments available). The report includes estimates of life • World Population Prospects: The 2006 Revision. and researchers. They are also used for the calcula- expectancy at birth and at age 15. A wall chart Available in print or online, at tion of indicators to measure progress in attaining entitled World Mortality 2007 presents estimates internationally agreed development goals, including of the survival probability from birth to age 15 and • World Fertility Patterns 2007 (wall chart) the Millennium Development Goals. from age 15 to age 60. It also contains information • World Mortality 2007 (wall chart) on maternal mortality and HIV prevalence. Contact: ADOLESCENT FERTILITY Ms. Hania Zlotnik, Director The Population Division produces the estimates MIGRATION United Nations Population Division of adolescent birth rate, a target under Goal 5 The Population Division compiles and analyses data Department of Economic and Social Affairs focusing on the reduction of maternal mortality, as on international migrant stocks and flows. The 2 UN Plaza, DC2-19th floor established by the Millennium Development Goals. Division has developed a database containing data New York, NY 10017, USA Adolescent birth rates have been published in the on the number of foreign-born persons or foreigners Tel: +1 212 963 3179 | Fax: +1 212 963 2147 wall chart entitled World Fertility Patterns 2007. A enumerated in the population censuses carried out report on Adolescent Reproductive Behaviour is in Website: since 1960 or obtained from population registers. preparation. The Division also collects and analyses The database includes information classified by age information on the views of Governments concern- and sex, which is being used to estimate the number ing adolescent fertility and on the policies or pro- of international migrants in each country of the grammes they have adopted to ensure that women world, classified by age and sex. The estimates will do not become pregnant at too young an age. permit a global assessment of the participation of youth in international migration. The development of MORTALITY the database has benefited from the financial sup- The Population Division prepares and publishes port of UNICEF and the UNDP South-South Unit as data on the levels and trends of mortality between well as from the collaboration of the World Bank.
  • 25. Statistics Division (UNSD) (DESA) Department of Economic and Social Affairs 2 The United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) RATIONALE FOR COLLECTING, data are collected, on a regular basis, through of the Department of Economic and Social questionnaires sent to national statistical offices. COLLATING AND DISSEMINATING Affairs is mandated, among other functions, Questionnaires collect data classified by age and sex to compile and disseminate global statistical STATISTICS ON YOUTH on variables related to population estimates, popula- information, develop standards and norms for Age is an inherent attribute of individuals and rep- tion count, migration, economic characteristics of the statistical activities and support countries’ efforts resents one of the most basic types of demographic population and household characteristics. Information to strengthen their national statistical systems. information collected about individuals in censuses on marital status, in particular, is classified by five- Through these activities, the Division promotes and surveys, as well as through administrative record year age groups including 15-19 and 20-24 years. the development and availability of statistics and systems (such as vital registration). Through its vari- With respect to education characteristics, all data are indicators needed to identify and address issues ous activities, UNSD promotes the collection, com- available by age. For example, population 10 years of of relevance to youth at national, regional and pilation and dissemination of basic socio-economic age and over by literacy; population 15 years and over global levels. and demographic data cross-classified by five-year by education attainment; population 5 to 24 years age age groups and by sex, thereby permitting the calcu- by school attendance. lation of statistics and indicators relevant to the age- group 15-24 years. The Division also sets principles 2010 WORLD CENSUS PROGRAMME and methods for population and housing censuses, ON POPULATION AND HOUSING provides technical assistance, and collects, compiles and disseminates census data worldwide. The United Nations Statistics Division plays a pivotal role in coordinating the World Census Programme on DATA COLLECTION AND Population and Housing. UNSD encourages coun- tries or areas to conduct censuses during the 2005- DISSEMINATION 2014 decade, and to disseminate the results. In this UNSD directly collects, collates and disseminates way the Division is encouraging countries or areas to national population data and vital statistics. The produce relevant information pertaining to youth.
  • 26. 2 The population census is among the main sources of and manuals on various census-related topics. by activity status and educational attainment; demographic data, such as information on fertility, With regard to the 2010 round of censuses, currently active population by activity status, mortality and migration. This information is valuable UNSD revised and updated the publication main industry and main occupation; main sta- for taking stock of the current size and age-sex com- “Principles and recommendations for popula- tus in employment; population with and without position of the population, including the relative size tion and housing censuses”, which provides disability by sex; population 5 years of age and and composition of the youth population. It also helps revised and updated concepts, definitions and over by disability status and current or usual to gauge future trends in population dynamics, classifications as well as a set of recommend- activity status. including those likely to affect the future size and ed tabulations which, in most cases, have age composition of the youth population. This information as a critical cross-classifying variable. TRAINING WORKSHOPS also provides the context within which all other social Some of the tabulations from which information An integral part of the 2010 World Census and/or economic data can be placed. In addition, specific to youth can be extracted include those Programme is the provision of technically censuses collect a variety of other relevant informa- on: native and foreign-born population; popula- sound advice that builds upon the existing tion on such areas as literacy, educational attainment, tion by place of usual residence; population by strengths of national statistical offices while participation in the labour force, housing and house- hold structure, which can be cross-tabulated by age country of birth; economically active population considering ways to strengthen overall national and sex to provide information on the situation of by main occupation; head or other reference statistical capacity in conducting censuses and youth in various areas of policy concern. member of household; population (by single intercensal national surveys. For example in years); population by marital status; female 2007/2008, the Division conducted a series DEVELOPMENT AND population 10 years of age and over by number of regional workshops on census management of children ever born alive including children and cartography as well as on data capture and DISSEMINATION OF APPROPRIATE living or dead; household deaths by age; popu- processing. This training programme continues, METHODOLOGIES lation 5 to 29 years (youth are a subset of this covering various aspects of census implemen- The Division has continued to play an impor- population) by school attendance; population tation, throughout the period of the 2010 round tant role in publishing technical handbooks 10 years of age and over by literacy; population of censuses. Training workshops help in build-
  • 27. Statistics Division (UNSD) (DESA) Department of Economic and Social Affairs 2 ing national capacity in planning and managing KEY PUBLICATIONS census processes. They enable Governments to • Principles and recommendations for population and hone their ability to collect accurate data on all housing censuses demographic groups, including youth. • Millennium Development Goals Report (yearly publication) MONITORING THE MILLENNIUM • 2005 Demographic Yearbook DEVELOPMENT GOALS Contact: Most of the data collected through censuses and national sample surveys are used to pro- Demographic and Social Statistics Branch duce the relevant MDG indicators that facilitate United Nations Statistics Division Department of Economic and Social Affairs the study and monitoring of the situation of youth. 2 UN Plaza, DC2-15th floor For example, the Millennium Development Goals New York, NY 10017, USA Report, which is coordinated by UNSD, provides Fax: +1 212 963 9851 indicators by age, such as number of people living with HIV, youth unemployment and literacy rates. E-mail: Website:
  • 28. 2005 | Diego Goldberg | Pixel Press | UNFPA 2
  • 29. Global Alliance for ICT and Development (GAID) (DESA) Department of Economic and Social Affairs 30 The Global Alliance for ICT and Development RATIONALE FOR YOUTH- initiatives and created a space to foster youth-adult (GAID) is part of the United Nations Department cooperation to encourage an intergenerational RELATED WORK of Economic and Social Affairs. The Global transfer of skills and resources. Young people Alliance promotes and advocates for the use of While the areas of education, entrepreneurship, shared ideas and learned from peers who have information and communication technologies as health and governance are the four focus areas successfully used ICT as a tool in promoting their a tool for development. of GAID’s work on ICT and development, youth own economic and social advancement as well and gender are seen as cross-cutting issues and as that of their communities. Some 30 partners, therefore feature prominently in the work of the including the International Telecommunication Global Alliance. Union, UNESCO, ILO, WHO, UNFPA, UN-HABITAT, the UN Programme on Youth, Intel, Microsoft GLOBAL FORUM ON YOUTH AND ICT and civil society organizations contributed to the organization of the Forum. GAID’s work on youth has been catalysed through a Global Forum on Youth and ICT, which the Alliance organized in September 2007 on the theme “Youth ENGAGING YOUTH— as agents of change”. The Forum was attended by THE GLOBAL YOUTH COALITION more than 500 participants and engaged young As a follow-up to the Forum, GAID established a people in debates and discussions with their Global Youth Coalition to support the agenda of peers, policymakers and technology leaders in the United Nations on harnessing information and exploring ways to empower the community and communication technologies for the achievement of to participate more fully in society through the the Millennium Development Goals. The coalition is appropriate and responsible use of ICT. The Forum intended to serve as an information hub on Youth also provided a platform to showcase youth-led and ICTs by hosting a matrix of best practices and
  • 30. 31 ICT policies from the world’s regions. The Global • Serving as a platform for dialogue among youth Contact: Youth Coalition enables youth around the world to on information society issues. Secretariat of the Global Alliance for ICT exchange knowledge and experiences on ICT and • Encouraging the exchange of ideas and practices and Development youth issues and to spearhead youth-led initiatives among youth. Department of Economic and Social Affairs and programmes. It also allows youth to communicate 1 UN Plaza, DC1-1464 with other organizations and stakeholders working on • Organizing global and regional youth forums. New York, NY 10017, USA the MDG agenda for youth and ICT. • Helping to create centres of excellence for youth in Tel: +1 212 963 5796 | Fax: +1 212 963 2812 order to develop and implement more focused work The Youth Coalition supports the work of the Global programmes in the four focus areas (education, E-mail: Alliance by: health, governance and entrepreneurship). Website: • Identifying and mobilizing the resources necessary • Establishing an active online community engaged to carry out the Coalition’s work effectively. in policy discussions, online collaboration, research and advocacy. The Coalition is composed of youth networks • Conveying GAID’s goals and objectives to youth from around the world and is coordinated by a around the world, especially in the developing Committee of GAID E-leaders for Youth and ICT, world. an executive body composed of 10-12 youth • Bringing youth perspectives and needs relevant representatives from each region and of successful to ICT for development to the attention of the youth leaders from various fields. The Committee Global Alliance. provides project advice and acts as a repository of efforts and best practices. • Informing the Alliance of significant regional developments and initiatives.
  • 31. Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) 32 The United Nations Economic Commission for RATIONALE FOR YOUTH- ECA prepares reports and country-level analyses Africa (ECA) promotes regional integration and on pressing youth issues and began publishing RELATED WORK focuses attention on Africa’s special needs, a biennial African Youth Report in 2008. The first particularly within the context of achieving the The Commission’s work on youth must be seen in issue of the African Youth Report analyses trends Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). In this the context of the size of the youth population in in education, youth employment, HIV/AIDS and regard, ECA places emphasis on supporting the region: young people aged between 15 and 24 the health situation of young Africans, as well efforts to eradicate poverty, placing African years alone account for about 20 per cent of the as their participation in political decision-making countries on the path of growth and sustainable population. Africa’s youth often face considerable processes. The Report also reviews policies and development, reversing the marginalization hurdles to participating in economic, social and strategies to address these issues. of Africa in the globalization process, and political spheres of life. Inadequate access to edu- accelerating the empowerment of women. cation and training, poor health and vulnerability PROMOTING DIALOGUE AND to HIV/AIDS, lack of decent jobs, frequent armed conflicts and few opportunities to contribute to DECISION-MAKING ON YOUTH decision-making processes are among the major In November 2006, ECA and the African Union, obstacles to youth development in the region. together with the United Nations system, the African Development Bank and the Organisation RESEARCH AND ANALYSIS Internationale de la Francophonie, organized the A major part of ECA’s work on youth is conduct- Fifth African Development Forum (ADF-V) on ing research and analysing trends and policies in “Youth and leadership in the 21st century”. ADF-V WPAY priority areas, notably in the areas of educa- brought together almost 300 youth representatives tion, employment, health and HIV/AIDS, girls and from all five subregions of the continent, various young women, and the participation of youth in Heads of State and Ministers of Youth, experts from society and decision-making. ECA also supports Ministries of Youth, NGOs and civil society, and country efforts to gain knowledge in these areas. regional and international organizations to arrive at
  • 32. 33 a Consensus Statement that highlighted key actions the Year of African Youth through a website and KEY PUBLICATIONS to be taken by Governments and partners to knowledge management initiative. • African Youth Report 2008 strengthen youth participation and empowerment. The Forum also launched the African Youth Charter, YOUTH AND ICT Contact: an initiative of the African Union Commission, to Human and Social Development Section promote youth development in the region. ECA places particular attention to information African Centre for Gender and communication technologies (ICT) and how and Social Development they can contribute to youth development and to THE POST-ADF-V STEERING United Nations Economic overcoming the challenges facing young people in COMMITTEE Commission for Africa (ECA) Africa. Young people are often the leading innova- P.O. Box 3005 ECA serves as the Secretariat of the Post-ADF-V tors in the use and spread of information and com- Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Steering Committee, which follows up on the imple- munications technologies. ECA’s activities in this Tel: +251 11 544 3144 | Fax: +251 11 551 2785 mentation of the ADF-V recommendations. The area are guided by the African Information Society Committee consists of the African Union and United Initiative (AISI), a regional framework adopted by E-mail: Nations agencies working in the area of youth, African countries in 1996 aimed at harnessing the Website: including UNICEF, UNFPA, ILO, UNDP and the potentials of ICT for socio-economic development. International Organization for Migration. In addition to supporting the popularization, ratification and ECA builds the capacities of youth groups for the implementation of the African Youth Charter, the implementation of AISI through meetings, forums, Committee is also working with the African Union to workshops and online information and knowledge implement activities for the Year of African Youth sharing. A continental Africa Youth Network in the 2008. In particular, ECA is providing technical sup- Information Society has also been launched to port to the development of documents and planning coordinate activities at subregional and national to help promote both the African Youth Charter and levels (
  • 33. Economic Commission for Europe (ECE) Economic Commission for Europe (ECE) 3 The United Nations Economic Commission RATIONALE FOR YOUTH- GENERATIONS AND for Europe (ECE) strives to foster sustainable RELATED WORK GENDER PROGRAMME economic growth among its 56 Member States located in the European Union (EU), non-EU ECE recognizes that young people represent an ECE is coordinating the Generations and Gender Western and Eastern Europe, South-East Europe, asset upon which the future of any society depends. Programme (GGP) of data collection and research. Central Asia and North America. All these The ECE region is home to about 179 million youth, GGP is a system of national Generations and countries dialogue and cooperate under the aegis representing approximately 15 per cent of the total Gender Surveys (GGS) and contextual databases, of ECE on economic and sectoral issues. To this population. In many countries of the ECE region, which aims at improving the knowledge base for end, ECE provides a forum for analysis, policy young people are facing an erosion of their oppor- policymaking in UNECE countries. The surveys con- advice and assistance to Governments. Through tunities to gain education, employable skills, and a ducted in this programme cover the age range from the development of conventions, norms and decent job and income. It is estimated that 18 mil- 18 to 79 years. Many of the issues studied, however, standards, ECE aims to harmonize action and lion young people in the countries in transition and are specifically relevant for young people, such as facilitate exchanges between Member States. emerging market economies are neither at school the processes of family formation and home-leaving This process results in consumer guarantees of nor in employment. Concerned with this situation, and a broad range of their determinants, including safety and quality, helps protect the environment, ECE launched a youth entrepreneurship programme education, the labour market, housing, intergen- and facilitates trade and the greater integration in the early 2000s which led to two Regional Youth erational relationships and contraception. The GGP of member countries at the regional level and Forums in 2002 and 2003. Currently, ECE’s key contextual database, which includes age-specific also with the global economy. The key areas of engagement on youth is in the area of road safety ini- data on population processes and employment, is expertise of the ECE are economic cooperation tiatives, in recognition of the fact that road accidents a comparative collection of around 200 variables on and integration, energy, environment, housing are the leading cause of death for youth. In addition, the national and regional level for each participating and land management, population, statistics, ECE focuses on improving knowledge for policymak- country. These data serve to complement the micro- timber and forests, trade and transport. ing on issues that directly affect youth. level data collected in the GGS.
  • 34. 3 POLICY DISCUSSION ROAD SAFETY electronically to share their ideas and experiences. A number of young delegates have also taken steps ECE organized the conference “How generations and The First United Nations Global Road Safety Week in to implement the Declaration. For example, the gender shape demographic change” in May 2008. April 2007 was organized at the Palais des Nations Canadian delegates set up a national youth com- The event discussed the research findings from the in Geneva jointly by ECE, WHO and the four other mittee for future work on road safety. The Zambian Generations and Gender Programme and the policy United Nations regional commissions. Targeted at delegate submitted the Declaration to all relevant actions of Governments in the related areas. One young people, including young drivers, the Week ministries (health, community development and panel session of the conference was specifically commenced with a World Youth Assembly, which transport). In Algeria, the Declaration was printed in devoted to the better integration of young people in was attended by over 400 young people from more national newspapers, and in Belize, the Ministry of society and addressed various facets of transition to than 100 countries. The Assembly culminated in Education agreed to include road safety in primary adulthood. The keynote paper and the summary of the adoption of a Youth Declaration for Road Safety, and secondary school curricula. this youth-related session are included in the con- which describes the views of young people on what ference proceedings, which are available at: www. they, their parents, teachers, Government leaders and others can do to improve road safety. At the close The full Global Road Safety Week focused on young road users, including drivers. Young people are of the Assembly, the Declaration was presented to the President of the United Nations General Assembly. over-represented in road accidents, which are the leading cause of death for people aged between 10- The Youth Assembly also provided the opportunity 24 years. The objectives of the Week were to give a to showcase the results of a youth essay competition voice to youth on the road safety issue, contribute launched by UNICEF on road safety. The momen- to a shift in attitudes and behaviour towards road tum that was generated by the Assembly resulted, safety among young people, encourage and sup- among other things, in an international network of port a cadre of national leaders for road safety and young people who are motivated to address the launch the Youth Declaration for Road Safety. The issue in their countries and are communicating slogan for the Week was “Road safety is no acci-