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                                                                                                                              May 2012

 In this issue of Youth Flash, you will find the following:

          Feature Article:
      UN WOMEN Australia’s Youth Delegates tell us about her work on issues concerning rural women in Australia and
      participation in CSW!
          News from UN offices
          Youth in Action

                                                                       Committee. I then served on the executive of the YUNWA
Feature Article:                                                       Canberra Committee as Engagement Manager in 2010 and 2011.

                                                                       I have been interested in the area of gender equality for some
UN WOMEN Australia’s Youth                                             time. Studying social policy, government and international
Delegates tells us about her work in                                   relations in my undergraduate degree at the University of
preparing for and attending the                                        Sydney inspired my interest in the rights of women and the
                                                                       importance of ensuring that opportunities are available equally
Commission on the Status of Women                                      for women as they are for men. I strongly believe that women
(CSW)                                                                  should have the right to make choices about their life – to have a
                                                                       career; to have a family; to have either or both; to follow a
by Lauren Burke, 2012 Australian youth delegate to CSW                 religion or not; to choose a partner. Most importantly, whether
                                                                       we are talking about developed or developing countries, women
I was very lucky to be selected as UN Women Australia’s Youth          must be supported, and institutional structures need to allow, for
Delegate to the 56th Session of the Commission on the Status of        women to make genuine choices.
Women (CSW56), held at the UN Headquarters in New York for
two weeks from February 27th 2012.                                     This year’s Youth Delegate role was also especially relevant to
                                                                       me, as the priority theme of CSW56 was “the empowerment of
This was the second time that UN Women Australia has included a        rural women and their role in poverty and hunger eradication,
young woman, with the specific task of representing young              development and current challenges”, and I grew up in a rural
Australian women, in their CSW delegation. The process for             area of Australia. I am very aware of the fact that women, young
selection included a written application in which prospective          women and girls in rural areas often face additional and different
delegates discussed their vision for the role of Youth Delegate, and   challenges to their metropolitan counterparts, and these must be
how they hoped to represent, consult and engage with young             recognised and addressed in order to ensure access to
Australian women before and after CSW56.                               opportunity and wellbeing.

I first became involved with UN Women Australia when I was             Prior to heading to New York, I conducted consultations with
involved in the establishment of the Young UN Women Australia          young women throughout Australia to give me a better
(YUNWA) Canberra Committee, a voluntary organisation initiated         understanding of their key issues of concern, and to inform my
by UN Women Australia to provide a vehicle for young women in          representations at CSW56. I was particularly keen to consult
Australia to become more involved in the fundraising and               with young women in rural areas given the CSW56 priority
advocacy efforts for the UN Women Australia National                   theme. I set up an online survey to better enable young women
Youth Flash Newsletter                                                                                                       May 2012

in rural areas to contribute to the consultation and I also travelled   of backgrounds, from different communities, from all corners of
to some rural centres to talk to young women in those areas             the globe - working for the betterment of women in their
directly.                                                               communities. This includes in ways that may be considered
                                                                        small and localised, but that are significant for the women that
The young Australian women in Australia that I spoke to raised          are the beneficiaries. I will also seek to pursue some of the key
three key issues. Firstly, there was significant concern about the      issues raised by the young women I spoke to in Australia, such
continuing incidence of domestic violence. Young women in rural         as the need for positive image and diet messages in the media,
areas were particularly concerned about the difficulties in their       and the need to equip more young women with the skills and
trying to access sensitive, culturally appropriate and ‘private’        support they need to recognise, address and overcome situations
services when some towns are so small. Secondly, young women            of domestic violence.
throughout Australia continue to feel significant pressure from the
media in regards to body image, and many remain confused by the         CSW56 was an incredibly inspiring opportunity for me to meet
mixed messages regarding dieting, exercise and general health.          and network with a huge number (approximately 4500!) non-
Finally, young women from rural Australia emphasised the need to        governmental delegates, as well as government officials from
ensure that services such as technology, communication or               Member States who are working to promote gender equality, to
education are not only available but affordable for rural               learn about the situation for women in other areas of the world,
communities.                                                            and the successes and challenges that have been experienced. I
                                                                        am very grateful to have had the opportunity to attend CSW and
                                                                        see how the important this forum is for women from all over the
                                                                        world to meet, collaborate, discuss issues facing women at a
                                                                        global perspective, and learn from the experiences of others. I
                                                                        was truly inspired by so many individuals at CSW, and I have
                                                                        great hopes for the future given the dedication, motivation and
                                                                        genuine will demonstrated to further the global effort to improve
                                                                        the livelihoods of women everywhere.

                                                                        News from UN Offices
                                                                        Inter-Agency Network on Youth
                                                                        The Inter-Agency Network on Youth Development is delighted
                                                                        to inform you of its newest member: UNRWA –the United
                                                                        Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees and
I was able to share the concerns of young Australian women with         Works.
other CSW delegates from throughout the world while I was in
New York. In particular, the Young Women’s Caucus provided an           UNRWA provides assistance, protection and advocacy for
excellent forum to discuss these matters with other young women,        some 5 million registered Palestine refugees in Jordan, Lebanon,
and use the views I had collected to contribute to the drafting of      Syria and the occupied Palestinian territory, pending a solution
the Young Women’s Caucus oral statement read in the formal              to their plight.
session of CSW and the drafting of the Agreed Conclusions.
                                                                        UNRWA recently held a youth conference (19-20 March 2012)
Now that I am back in Australia, I am planning to talk to as many       which you can read more about below.
young women as I can about my experience at CSW56. It is very
important as we work towards progressing gender equality that we        UN Permanent Forum on
remember that there is a world of women out there who can share
stories, learn from one another and empower others. As a first step,    Indigenous Issues kicks off!
I plan to give feedback to all of the women who participated in my
consultations about how I represented their contributions and what      The UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues has kicked off
I learnt from others.                                                   for its eleventh session in UN headquarters, New York, running
                                                                        from 7-18 May. Check out the website for more information on
 I also want to share some of the amazing and inspirational stories I   what the forum does as well as how you can attend side events
heard about women - including many young women, from all sorts          in NY.                                                                                                                  2
Youth Flash Newsletter                                                                                                       May 2012       The 2nd Subregional Forum for Youth Participation in Policy-
enth.aspx                                                              Making or East and North-East Asia

                                                                       Dates: 22-24 August 2012
UN Commission on Population and                                        Venue: University of Nottingham, Ningbo, China (UNNC)
Development                                                            Organizers: UN ESCAP Subregional Office for East and North-
                                                                       East Asia, in collaboration with the Model UN Association of
The UN Commission on Population and Development took place             UNNC
in New York from 23-27 April for its 45th session under the theme
‘Adolescence and Youth’.                                               Purpose:
                                                                       - Sharing experiences and reviewing good practice of existing
Find more information and statements here:                             collaboration between youth organizations and policy-making                 bodies.
                                                                       - Identifying ways to channel youths’ perspectives to policy-
                                                                       making by bringing policy makers and representatives of youth
UNRWA                                                                  organizations together and discuss strategies for effective
Engaging Youth: Palestine Refugee Youth in a                           We are looking for:
Changing Middle East                                                   Up to 40 youths (26 years old and younger) representing youth
                                                                       organizations in the 6 member States of North-East Asia
On March 19-20 2012, UNRWA convened a conference funded by             (China, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Japan,
the EU and hosted in Brussels by the Government of Belgium.            Mongolia, Republic of Korea and Russian Federation).
“Engaging Youth: Palestine Refugee Youth in a Changing Middle
East” saw world leaders and opinion makers, civil society and          For more information:
Palestinian refugee youth come together to discuss their concerns      http://northeast-
in a frank, open manner. The youth seized the space, making clear
that they were more than equal partners in the discussions. There
was consensus among host and donor countries, private partners,        International Labour Organization -
NGOs and UN agencies on the need to work with and for youth.
The event provided new clarity to UNRWA’s programming vision.          ILO
At the conference’s close, Commissioner-General Filippo Grandi
unveiled an agenda of ten commitments. Many of these build on          Youth Employment Forum from 23-25 May 2012,
work that the Agency is already doing; others will enhance             ILO headquarters, 23-25 May, Geneva,
UNRWA’s ability to incorporate youth views.                            Switzerland

To learn more about UNRWA’s work on youth and the ‘ten                 The Forum will gather around 150 young people from around
commitments’ see below links or contact Liaison Officer, Amira         the world, who are engaged in promoting decent work for youth.
Hassan, email:                                         This will provide a platform for young people to share their
                                                                       experiences and views on the current employment situation, as                       well to discuss successful initiatives that create more and better                                  jobs for youth. The discussions will focus on the youth
                                                                       employment crisis, youth transition to decent work and
ESCAP – Economic Social                                                partnerships for more and better jobs for young people. There
                                                                       will also be a marketplace setup where innovative youth
Commission for Asia and the Pacific                                    employment initiatives and good practices are shared and
ESCAP Subregional Office for East and North-East Asia will be
organizing its second Subregional Youth Forum in China this year.      Leading up to the Forum, 46 national youth employment events
It is part of the Office's 3-year project to bring youths in direct    are being organized to discuss the youth employment challenge
dialogues with governmental policy-makers so that youth voices         at country level. The outcome of these results will also be
are better reflected in national policies. Eligible young people (26   discussed at the Forum in Geneva.
years and younger) based in the 6 countries of North-East Asia are
encouraged to apply before 25 May 2012.                                More information on the Youth Forum:
Call for Application - Deadline 25 May 2012                            employment-forum/lang--en/index.htm                                                                                                                  3
Youth Flash Newsletter                                                                                                            May 2012

                                                                            employment stakeholders can come to find or exchange
More information on the national events:                                    innovative ideas, expertise, advice and partnership.
employment/WCMS_176020/lang--en/index.htm                                   YEN Manager Susana Puerto Gonzalez says, “We (at YEN) face
                                                                            continuous requests to broker partnerships, to facilitate
Youth Employment – Good Practices                                           information exchange, to provide expertise, and to encourage
                                                                            youth participation. The Marketplace is our answer to these
The ILO Youth Employment Programme has launched a call for                  requests and a fun interactive way of exchanging with young
nominations of good practices that have proven effective in                 people, youth development practitioners, and policymakers.”
promoting decent work for young people. All nominations will be
evaluated based on 6 specific criteria: (i) relevance, (ii) efficiency,     One of the website’s features is the What’s Working?
(iii) coherence, (iv) novelty, (v) sustainability and (vi) replicability.   competition, where members can submit a successful youth
The persons in charge of the top good practice from each region             employment project for a chance to get their project published
(Africa, Americas, Arab States, Asia, Europe) will be invited to the        and win a cash prize! The deadline to enter is May 25, 2012.
ILO Youth Employment Forum taking place in Geneva,
Switzerland, from 23 to 25 May 2012. To participate in this call for        The website also features an online mentorship program for
nominations, you are kindly requested to complete, by 11 May                young entrepreneurs, a live webinar series, and a Trading Center
2012 before 12.00 Pm GMT (a second phase will be launched as of             where opportunities are posted daily.
12 May 2012), an online registration form that can be found on the
Good Practices on Youth Employment platform. For further                    Visit the website at:
information please visit:
Upcoming Deadline for What’s Working?
Competition                                                                 YOUTHSTART UNCDF

Given the need for more effective youth employment                          YouthStart, a UN Capital Development Fund (UNCDF)
interventions, the Youth Employment Network (YEN) and the                   programme funded by The MasterCard Foundation aims to reach
ILO's Youth Employment Programme (YEP) have partnered up to                 200,000 youth in Sub-Saharan Africa with demand-driven
create the What's Working? competition to find out what                     financial services and non-financial services, in particular
approaches are working, and share them among the youth                      savings and financial education, by 2014. To date, US$7.2
employment community. The competition is hosted on YEN’s new                million have been awarded to 10 Financial Service Providers
website, the Marketplace.                                                   (FSPs) in 7 different countries, of which US$1.3 have been
                                                                            disbursed, to design, deliver and scale up demand-driven youth
The What’s Working? competition highlights success stories.                 financial services and youth-centric programmes in partnership
Organizations who have had positive results from their youth                with Youth Serving Organizations.
employment projects can submit an entry. The winning projects
will have their project published on the Marketplace and receive a          During the first quarter of 2012, the 10 FSPs participating in
monetary award.                                                             YouthStart, launched their pilot tests, reached more than 7,000
                                                                            youth with savings accounts, and provided financial education to
The competition is free to enter. Just fill out the online entry form       more than 2,500. To ensure the financial services offered by the
and get your friends and supporters to vote for you! The deadline           FSPs participating in the programme are protective of the rights
to enter is May 20th, and voting closes on May 24th at noon.                of Youth, UNCDF sponsored a training on Youth Client
                                                                            Protection Principles delivered by Reach Global. Finally,
Feel free to visit and explore the website at                               UNCDF published its paper “Policy opportunities and To see the competition page, go to               constraints to access Youth financial services” and released it at                        the Child and Youth Finance International Summit in
                                                                            Amsterdam, where the UN Secretary General released a
Youth Employment Network                                                    statement in support to programmes like YouthStart.
                                                                            More      information     please   visit    our    website      at
The Youth Employment Network launches The
Marketplace website

The Youth Employment Network (YEN) has launched a new                       UNAIDS
website. The Marketplace is an online space where youth                                                                                                                       4
Youth Flash Newsletter                                                                                                        May 2012

Young people present first-ever ‘crowdsourced’                        Debi will begin by working with YUNGA on its biodiversity,
recommendations for AIDS response in UN history                       forests and oceans initiatives as well as other key activities
                                                                      related to nutrition and hunger.
New youth-led recommendations to shape UNAIDS Secretariat’s
work on HIV and young people                                          See more at: or
                                                                      join YUNGA Facebook at:
On April 24th, youth leaders from around the world presented a set    Un/100000379705546
of youth-defined recommendations that will guide the UNAIDS
Secretariat’s work on HIV and young people through 2015. Based        UN Department of Public
on the voices and views of more than 5000 young people from 79
countries, the recommendations resulted from CrowdOutAIDS, an         Information - DPI
innovative youth-led policy project initiated by UNAIDS.
                                                                      In June, the UN will bring the world together in Rio de Janeiro,
Leveraging crowdsourcing technology and new media tools, the          Brazil, to discuss and decide how to accelerate action for a
five-month project enabled young people to fully participate in the   healthier, more equitable and more prosperous world for all. The
development of strategic recommendations for the UNAIDS               “Rio+20: The Future We Want” platform invites people around
Secretariat’s youth agenda.                                           the world to take part in a global conversation to share their
                                                                      hopes, aspirations and ideas on ways to build a future that
The full set of recommendations are presented in Strategy             promotes prosperity and improves people’s lives without further
recommendations for collaborating with a new generation of            degrading our planet’s natural environment. It is up to all of us
leaders in the AIDS response—the first-ever “crowdsourced”            to build our future, so join the global conversation and tell us
AIDS-related document in UN history. The recommendations,             what future you want! The contributions will be compiled and
together with an internal organizational assessment on HIV and        turned into a multimedia exhibition to be shown at Rio, on the
young people, will inform the UNAIDS Secretariat’s New                Internet and then around the world. #futurewewant
Generation Leadership Strategy.
Contact person: Mikaela Hildebrand,  

CrowdOutAIDS                                                          Youth in Action
Strategy recommendations for collaborating with a new generation
of leaders in the AIDS response
World Health Organization - WHO                                       The World Federation of United Nations Associations
                                                                      (WFUNA) will be holding a youth seminar for their youth
On April 25, the Lancet published a series of reports on the health   network on 8-11 August in New York, New York. All youth
of the largest generation of young people in history. Four reports    members of United Nations Associations (UNAs) affiliated to
analyse the importance of adolescent health from a life-course        WFUNA are invited to apply. This youth seminar will train
perspective; examine how social determinants influence adolescent     youth on how to implement a youth project on the MDGs in
health; present evidence from prevention trials, and present          their communities, and requires a draft one-page overview on
available data from multi-country datasets on 25 suggested core       the project in their application. The training includes sessions on
indicators. Among the authors, leading academicians and               project management, fundraising and proposal writing, and a
practitioners in the field of adolescent health are WHO and           communications strategy for in-country projects.
UNICEF staff
Contact person: Jane Ferguson, WHO                  Information and details on the application process are available
                                                                      at, with a participation fee of USD
Food and Agricultural Organization -
FAO                                                                   For questions on the youth seminar, write to
                                                            , or
FAO is pleased to announce Debi Nova has been appointed as
Ambassador of Youth and United Nations Global Alliance                Women's Business Group
(YUNGA) and joins fellow musicians Anggun, Fanny Lu, Lea
Salonga and other celebrities in supporting the United Nations and    Foundation
partners to educate, inspire and promote action of children and
young people in undertaking social and environmental initiatives.     A GANAR Suriname combats youth unemployment                                                                                                                  5
Youth Flash Newsletter                                                                                                          May 2012

Supported by Partners of the Americas, the Women’s Business               It is an unparallel overseas summer opportunity which cultivates
Group Foundation in Suriname started in January 2012, the A               Global Citizenship and provides Service Learning experience for
GANAR Suriname program.                                                   excellent youth from all round the world. There will first be a 3-
                                                                          day Global Development Youth Summit at Xian followed by a
A Ganar, which means “ to win”, combats the serious problem of            3-week Service Learning at multi-cities.
youth unemployment, by utilizing soccer and other team sports to
help youth, ages 16-24, find jobs, learn entrepreneurial skills, or re-   The event initiator and main sponsor organization Education
enter the formal education system.                                        Association for China Tomorrow (EACT), a US 501 (C) (3)
The core of this program is the application of sport lessons to           non-profit organization, primarily planned to endorse the US
personal skill development essential to employment training. To           Presidential "100,000 Strong" Initiative and the 2011 IYF was
win on the sports field, one needs to understand, practice, and           officially included in "UN's International Year of Youth"
promote                 the                core                values     (August 12, 2010 to August 11, 2011). Generous rewards and
of respect, teamwork, discipline, communication, focus              on    grants are provided!
results, and continued self-improvement.
These skills form the foundation of the A GANAR methodology, as           For more detailed information, please visit EACT website at
“employability skills” that are learned on the field and in the  and also feel free to email to Program Manager
classroom.                                                                Amanda Ding at
In Suriname sixty youth are being trained in the A GANAR 2012
Contact: drs.Lilian M. Wiebers:
MultiKulti Youth Radio - youth voice
has a choice!                                                             A new study released by the YPARD highlights the
                                                                          skills and competencies required by the new
In Macedonia, the Center for Intercultural Dialogue (CID) in              young professional in agricultural development
Kumanovo is running a youth radio that is created by multicultural
group of youngsters. It is called MultiКулти Youth Radio. It is           YPARD - the Young Professionals’ Platform in Agricultural
first bilingual youth radio in Macedonia and one of the kind in           Research for Development (YPARD) is a network of young
Kumanovo.                                                                 professionals active in agricultural development, worldwide. A
                                                                          recent study has examined the employability of young people in
MultiКулти Youth Radio is part of the MultiКулти Youth center             the agricultural sector.
in Kumanovo, Macedonia that is run by CID. One of the main
focuses of CID is to work with intercultural issues. The youth radio      A revised set of skills is needed by young graduates to address
is an effective way to bring youngsters from different background         new challenges in agriculture. YPARD has contributed to the
together and have their own say. Youth radio project is very              debate on change in formal higher agricultural education with
strongly addressing intercultural issue, but doing it through music       the study “Working towards a new generation of Young
– through something energetic and engaging.                               Professionals in ARD”. This study focused on tertiary level
                                                                          education, asking young professionals to identify those
The radio officially started in January 2012. The content is being        competencies that they were not adequately provided adequately
kept fresh for the listeners – with program of 24 hours a day, 7          during their education. This study differs from previous studies,
days a week something new is provided by every visit.                     by focusing on the perspective of young professionals
Connect      and     enjoy    with      MultiКулти Youth        Radio
(                                             UNIDO
2012 US-China International Youth                                         Article: Jobs for Tunisian youth: "We must have a
                                                                          vocation and take risks"
The 2012 US-China International Youth Festival (2nd IYF) will
take place at Xian, Beijing and multiple other cities in China
between July 1 and 30, 2012.                                                                                                                     6

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“Action for adolescent health: Towards a common agenda” (WHO) 1997
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UN Focal Point on Youth, Division for Social Policy and Development
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UN Focal Point on Youth, Division for Social Policy and Development
“Broadening the Horizon Balancing protection and risk for adolescents” (WHO) ...
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UN Focal Point on Youth, Division for Social Policy and Development
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“Action for adolescent health: Towards a common agenda” (WHO) 1997
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“Sexually Transmitted Infections among adolescents- The need for adequate he...
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Youth Flash, May 2012

  • 1. Youth Flash UN Home | UN DESA DSPD - Youth May 2012 In this issue of Youth Flash, you will find the following: Feature Article: UN WOMEN Australia’s Youth Delegates tell us about her work on issues concerning rural women in Australia and participation in CSW! News from UN offices Youth in Action Publications Committee. I then served on the executive of the YUNWA Feature Article: Canberra Committee as Engagement Manager in 2010 and 2011. I have been interested in the area of gender equality for some UN WOMEN Australia’s Youth time. Studying social policy, government and international Delegates tells us about her work in relations in my undergraduate degree at the University of preparing for and attending the Sydney inspired my interest in the rights of women and the importance of ensuring that opportunities are available equally Commission on the Status of Women for women as they are for men. I strongly believe that women (CSW) should have the right to make choices about their life – to have a career; to have a family; to have either or both; to follow a by Lauren Burke, 2012 Australian youth delegate to CSW religion or not; to choose a partner. Most importantly, whether we are talking about developed or developing countries, women I was very lucky to be selected as UN Women Australia’s Youth must be supported, and institutional structures need to allow, for Delegate to the 56th Session of the Commission on the Status of women to make genuine choices. Women (CSW56), held at the UN Headquarters in New York for two weeks from February 27th 2012. This year’s Youth Delegate role was also especially relevant to me, as the priority theme of CSW56 was “the empowerment of This was the second time that UN Women Australia has included a rural women and their role in poverty and hunger eradication, young woman, with the specific task of representing young development and current challenges”, and I grew up in a rural Australian women, in their CSW delegation. The process for area of Australia. I am very aware of the fact that women, young selection included a written application in which prospective women and girls in rural areas often face additional and different delegates discussed their vision for the role of Youth Delegate, and challenges to their metropolitan counterparts, and these must be how they hoped to represent, consult and engage with young recognised and addressed in order to ensure access to Australian women before and after CSW56. opportunity and wellbeing. I first became involved with UN Women Australia when I was Prior to heading to New York, I conducted consultations with involved in the establishment of the Young UN Women Australia young women throughout Australia to give me a better (YUNWA) Canberra Committee, a voluntary organisation initiated understanding of their key issues of concern, and to inform my by UN Women Australia to provide a vehicle for young women in representations at CSW56. I was particularly keen to consult Australia to become more involved in the fundraising and with young women in rural areas given the CSW56 priority advocacy efforts for the UN Women Australia National theme. I set up an online survey to better enable young women
  • 2. Youth Flash Newsletter May 2012 in rural areas to contribute to the consultation and I also travelled of backgrounds, from different communities, from all corners of to some rural centres to talk to young women in those areas the globe - working for the betterment of women in their directly. communities. This includes in ways that may be considered small and localised, but that are significant for the women that The young Australian women in Australia that I spoke to raised are the beneficiaries. I will also seek to pursue some of the key three key issues. Firstly, there was significant concern about the issues raised by the young women I spoke to in Australia, such continuing incidence of domestic violence. Young women in rural as the need for positive image and diet messages in the media, areas were particularly concerned about the difficulties in their and the need to equip more young women with the skills and trying to access sensitive, culturally appropriate and ‘private’ support they need to recognise, address and overcome situations services when some towns are so small. Secondly, young women of domestic violence. throughout Australia continue to feel significant pressure from the media in regards to body image, and many remain confused by the CSW56 was an incredibly inspiring opportunity for me to meet mixed messages regarding dieting, exercise and general health. and network with a huge number (approximately 4500!) non- Finally, young women from rural Australia emphasised the need to governmental delegates, as well as government officials from ensure that services such as technology, communication or Member States who are working to promote gender equality, to education are not only available but affordable for rural learn about the situation for women in other areas of the world, communities. and the successes and challenges that have been experienced. I am very grateful to have had the opportunity to attend CSW and see how the important this forum is for women from all over the world to meet, collaborate, discuss issues facing women at a global perspective, and learn from the experiences of others. I was truly inspired by so many individuals at CSW, and I have great hopes for the future given the dedication, motivation and genuine will demonstrated to further the global effort to improve the livelihoods of women everywhere. News from UN Offices Inter-Agency Network on Youth Development The Inter-Agency Network on Youth Development is delighted to inform you of its newest member: UNRWA –the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees and I was able to share the concerns of young Australian women with Works. other CSW delegates from throughout the world while I was in New York. In particular, the Young Women’s Caucus provided an UNRWA provides assistance, protection and advocacy for excellent forum to discuss these matters with other young women, some 5 million registered Palestine refugees in Jordan, Lebanon, and use the views I had collected to contribute to the drafting of Syria and the occupied Palestinian territory, pending a solution the Young Women’s Caucus oral statement read in the formal to their plight. session of CSW and the drafting of the Agreed Conclusions. UNRWA recently held a youth conference (19-20 March 2012) Now that I am back in Australia, I am planning to talk to as many which you can read more about below. young women as I can about my experience at CSW56. It is very important as we work towards progressing gender equality that we UN Permanent Forum on remember that there is a world of women out there who can share stories, learn from one another and empower others. As a first step, Indigenous Issues kicks off! I plan to give feedback to all of the women who participated in my consultations about how I represented their contributions and what The UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues has kicked off I learnt from others. for its eleventh session in UN headquarters, New York, running from 7-18 May. Check out the website for more information on I also want to share some of the amazing and inspirational stories I what the forum does as well as how you can attend side events heard about women - including many young women, from all sorts in NY. 2
  • 3. Youth Flash Newsletter May 2012 The 2nd Subregional Forum for Youth Participation in Policy- enth.aspx Making or East and North-East Asia Dates: 22-24 August 2012 UN Commission on Population and Venue: University of Nottingham, Ningbo, China (UNNC) Development Organizers: UN ESCAP Subregional Office for East and North- East Asia, in collaboration with the Model UN Association of The UN Commission on Population and Development took place UNNC in New York from 23-27 April for its 45th session under the theme ‘Adolescence and Youth’. Purpose: - Sharing experiences and reviewing good practice of existing Find more information and statements here: collaboration between youth organizations and policy-making bodies. - Identifying ways to channel youths’ perspectives to policy- making by bringing policy makers and representatives of youth UNRWA organizations together and discuss strategies for effective collaboration. Engaging Youth: Palestine Refugee Youth in a We are looking for: Changing Middle East Up to 40 youths (26 years old and younger) representing youth organizations in the 6 member States of North-East Asia On March 19-20 2012, UNRWA convened a conference funded by (China, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Japan, the EU and hosted in Brussels by the Government of Belgium. Mongolia, Republic of Korea and Russian Federation). “Engaging Youth: Palestine Refugee Youth in a Changing Middle East” saw world leaders and opinion makers, civil society and For more information: Palestinian refugee youth come together to discuss their concerns http://northeast- in a frank, open manner. The youth seized the space, making clear that they were more than equal partners in the discussions. There was consensus among host and donor countries, private partners, International Labour Organization - NGOs and UN agencies on the need to work with and for youth. The event provided new clarity to UNRWA’s programming vision. ILO At the conference’s close, Commissioner-General Filippo Grandi unveiled an agenda of ten commitments. Many of these build on Youth Employment Forum from 23-25 May 2012, work that the Agency is already doing; others will enhance ILO headquarters, 23-25 May, Geneva, UNRWA’s ability to incorporate youth views. Switzerland To learn more about UNRWA’s work on youth and the ‘ten The Forum will gather around 150 young people from around commitments’ see below links or contact Liaison Officer, Amira the world, who are engaged in promoting decent work for youth. Hassan, email: This will provide a platform for young people to share their experiences and views on the current employment situation, as well to discuss successful initiatives that create more and better jobs for youth. The discussions will focus on the youth employment crisis, youth transition to decent work and ESCAP – Economic Social partnerships for more and better jobs for young people. There will also be a marketplace setup where innovative youth Commission for Asia and the Pacific employment initiatives and good practices are shared and discussed. ESCAP Subregional Office for East and North-East Asia will be organizing its second Subregional Youth Forum in China this year. Leading up to the Forum, 46 national youth employment events It is part of the Office's 3-year project to bring youths in direct are being organized to discuss the youth employment challenge dialogues with governmental policy-makers so that youth voices at country level. The outcome of these results will also be are better reflected in national policies. Eligible young people (26 discussed at the Forum in Geneva. years and younger) based in the 6 countries of North-East Asia are encouraged to apply before 25 May 2012. More information on the Youth Forum: Call for Application - Deadline 25 May 2012 employment-forum/lang--en/index.htm 3
  • 4. Youth Flash Newsletter May 2012 employment stakeholders can come to find or exchange More information on the national events: innovative ideas, expertise, advice and partnership. employment/WCMS_176020/lang--en/index.htm YEN Manager Susana Puerto Gonzalez says, “We (at YEN) face continuous requests to broker partnerships, to facilitate Youth Employment – Good Practices information exchange, to provide expertise, and to encourage youth participation. The Marketplace is our answer to these The ILO Youth Employment Programme has launched a call for requests and a fun interactive way of exchanging with young nominations of good practices that have proven effective in people, youth development practitioners, and policymakers.” promoting decent work for young people. All nominations will be evaluated based on 6 specific criteria: (i) relevance, (ii) efficiency, One of the website’s features is the What’s Working? (iii) coherence, (iv) novelty, (v) sustainability and (vi) replicability. competition, where members can submit a successful youth The persons in charge of the top good practice from each region employment project for a chance to get their project published (Africa, Americas, Arab States, Asia, Europe) will be invited to the and win a cash prize! The deadline to enter is May 25, 2012. ILO Youth Employment Forum taking place in Geneva, Switzerland, from 23 to 25 May 2012. To participate in this call for The website also features an online mentorship program for nominations, you are kindly requested to complete, by 11 May young entrepreneurs, a live webinar series, and a Trading Center 2012 before 12.00 Pm GMT (a second phase will be launched as of where opportunities are posted daily. 12 May 2012), an online registration form that can be found on the Good Practices on Youth Employment platform. For further Visit the website at: information please visit: UNCDF Upcoming Deadline for What’s Working? Competition YOUTHSTART UNCDF Given the need for more effective youth employment YouthStart, a UN Capital Development Fund (UNCDF) interventions, the Youth Employment Network (YEN) and the programme funded by The MasterCard Foundation aims to reach ILO's Youth Employment Programme (YEP) have partnered up to 200,000 youth in Sub-Saharan Africa with demand-driven create the What's Working? competition to find out what financial services and non-financial services, in particular approaches are working, and share them among the youth savings and financial education, by 2014. To date, US$7.2 employment community. The competition is hosted on YEN’s new million have been awarded to 10 Financial Service Providers website, the Marketplace. (FSPs) in 7 different countries, of which US$1.3 have been disbursed, to design, deliver and scale up demand-driven youth The What’s Working? competition highlights success stories. financial services and youth-centric programmes in partnership Organizations who have had positive results from their youth with Youth Serving Organizations. employment projects can submit an entry. The winning projects will have their project published on the Marketplace and receive a During the first quarter of 2012, the 10 FSPs participating in monetary award. YouthStart, launched their pilot tests, reached more than 7,000 youth with savings accounts, and provided financial education to The competition is free to enter. Just fill out the online entry form more than 2,500. To ensure the financial services offered by the and get your friends and supporters to vote for you! The deadline FSPs participating in the programme are protective of the rights to enter is May 20th, and voting closes on May 24th at noon. of Youth, UNCDF sponsored a training on Youth Client Protection Principles delivered by Reach Global. Finally, Feel free to visit and explore the website at UNCDF published its paper “Policy opportunities and To see the competition page, go to constraints to access Youth financial services” and released it at the Child and Youth Finance International Summit in Amsterdam, where the UN Secretary General released a Youth Employment Network statement in support to programmes like YouthStart. More information please visit our website at The Youth Employment Network launches The Marketplace website The Youth Employment Network (YEN) has launched a new UNAIDS website. The Marketplace is an online space where youth 4
  • 5. Youth Flash Newsletter May 2012 Young people present first-ever ‘crowdsourced’ Debi will begin by working with YUNGA on its biodiversity, recommendations for AIDS response in UN history forests and oceans initiatives as well as other key activities related to nutrition and hunger. New youth-led recommendations to shape UNAIDS Secretariat’s work on HIV and young people See more at: or join YUNGA Facebook at: On April 24th, youth leaders from around the world presented a set Un/100000379705546 of youth-defined recommendations that will guide the UNAIDS Secretariat’s work on HIV and young people through 2015. Based UN Department of Public on the voices and views of more than 5000 young people from 79 countries, the recommendations resulted from CrowdOutAIDS, an Information - DPI innovative youth-led policy project initiated by UNAIDS. In June, the UN will bring the world together in Rio de Janeiro, Leveraging crowdsourcing technology and new media tools, the Brazil, to discuss and decide how to accelerate action for a five-month project enabled young people to fully participate in the healthier, more equitable and more prosperous world for all. The development of strategic recommendations for the UNAIDS “Rio+20: The Future We Want” platform invites people around Secretariat’s youth agenda. the world to take part in a global conversation to share their hopes, aspirations and ideas on ways to build a future that The full set of recommendations are presented in Strategy promotes prosperity and improves people’s lives without further recommendations for collaborating with a new generation of degrading our planet’s natural environment. It is up to all of us leaders in the AIDS response—the first-ever “crowdsourced” to build our future, so join the global conversation and tell us AIDS-related document in UN history. The recommendations, what future you want! The contributions will be compiled and together with an internal organizational assessment on HIV and turned into a multimedia exhibition to be shown at Rio, on the young people, will inform the UNAIDS Secretariat’s New Internet and then around the world. #futurewewant Generation Leadership Strategy. Contact person: Mikaela Hildebrand, Links CrowdOutAIDS Youth in Action Strategy recommendations for collaborating with a new generation of leaders in the AIDS response WFUNA World Health Organization - WHO The World Federation of United Nations Associations (WFUNA) will be holding a youth seminar for their youth On April 25, the Lancet published a series of reports on the health network on 8-11 August in New York, New York. All youth of the largest generation of young people in history. Four reports members of United Nations Associations (UNAs) affiliated to analyse the importance of adolescent health from a life-course WFUNA are invited to apply. This youth seminar will train perspective; examine how social determinants influence adolescent youth on how to implement a youth project on the MDGs in health; present evidence from prevention trials, and present their communities, and requires a draft one-page overview on available data from multi-country datasets on 25 suggested core the project in their application. The training includes sessions on indicators. Among the authors, leading academicians and project management, fundraising and proposal writing, and a practitioners in the field of adolescent health are WHO and communications strategy for in-country projects. UNICEF staff Contact person: Jane Ferguson, WHO Information and details on the application process are available at, with a participation fee of USD 120.00. Food and Agricultural Organization - FAO For questions on the youth seminar, write to, or FAO is pleased to announce Debi Nova has been appointed as Ambassador of Youth and United Nations Global Alliance Women's Business Group (YUNGA) and joins fellow musicians Anggun, Fanny Lu, Lea Salonga and other celebrities in supporting the United Nations and Foundation partners to educate, inspire and promote action of children and young people in undertaking social and environmental initiatives. A GANAR Suriname combats youth unemployment 5
  • 6. Youth Flash Newsletter May 2012 Supported by Partners of the Americas, the Women’s Business It is an unparallel overseas summer opportunity which cultivates Group Foundation in Suriname started in January 2012, the A Global Citizenship and provides Service Learning experience for GANAR Suriname program. excellent youth from all round the world. There will first be a 3- day Global Development Youth Summit at Xian followed by a A Ganar, which means “ to win”, combats the serious problem of 3-week Service Learning at multi-cities. youth unemployment, by utilizing soccer and other team sports to help youth, ages 16-24, find jobs, learn entrepreneurial skills, or re- The event initiator and main sponsor organization Education enter the formal education system. Association for China Tomorrow (EACT), a US 501 (C) (3) The core of this program is the application of sport lessons to non-profit organization, primarily planned to endorse the US personal skill development essential to employment training. To Presidential "100,000 Strong" Initiative and the 2011 IYF was win on the sports field, one needs to understand, practice, and officially included in "UN's International Year of Youth" promote the core values (August 12, 2010 to August 11, 2011). Generous rewards and of respect, teamwork, discipline, communication, focus on grants are provided! results, and continued self-improvement. These skills form the foundation of the A GANAR methodology, as For more detailed information, please visit EACT website at “employability skills” that are learned on the field and in the and also feel free to email to Program Manager classroom. Amanda Ding at In Suriname sixty youth are being trained in the A GANAR 2012 program. Publications Contact: drs.Lilian M. Wiebers: YPARD MultiKulti Youth Radio - youth voice has a choice! A new study released by the YPARD highlights the skills and competencies required by the new In Macedonia, the Center for Intercultural Dialogue (CID) in young professional in agricultural development Kumanovo is running a youth radio that is created by multicultural group of youngsters. It is called MultiКулти Youth Radio. It is YPARD - the Young Professionals’ Platform in Agricultural first bilingual youth radio in Macedonia and one of the kind in Research for Development (YPARD) is a network of young Kumanovo. professionals active in agricultural development, worldwide. A recent study has examined the employability of young people in MultiКулти Youth Radio is part of the MultiКулти Youth center the agricultural sector. in Kumanovo, Macedonia that is run by CID. One of the main focuses of CID is to work with intercultural issues. The youth radio A revised set of skills is needed by young graduates to address is an effective way to bring youngsters from different background new challenges in agriculture. YPARD has contributed to the together and have their own say. Youth radio project is very debate on change in formal higher agricultural education with strongly addressing intercultural issue, but doing it through music the study “Working towards a new generation of Young – through something energetic and engaging. Professionals in ARD”. This study focused on tertiary level education, asking young professionals to identify those The radio officially started in January 2012. The content is being competencies that they were not adequately provided adequately kept fresh for the listeners – with program of 24 hours a day, 7 during their education. This study differs from previous studies, days a week something new is provided by every visit. by focusing on the perspective of young professionals themselves. Connect and enjoy with MultiКулти Youth Radio ( UNIDO 2012 US-China International Youth Article: Jobs for Tunisian youth: "We must have a vocation and take risks" Festival The 2012 US-China International Youth Festival (2nd IYF) will have-vocation-and-take-risks take place at Xian, Beijing and multiple other cities in China between July 1 and 30, 2012. 6