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• Europe is the world's second’s-smallest
  continent by surface area
• 10,180,000 square kilometres (3,930,000
  sq mi)
2% of the Earth's surface and about 6.8% of its
                   land area
• 50 states
• Russia is the largest by both area and population
  (although the country has territory in both
  Europe and Asia)
• Vatican City is the smallest
• Third-most populous continent after Asia and
• Population of 733 million or about 11% of the
  world’s population
• Among the continents, Europe has a relatively
  high population density, second only to Asia. The
  most densely populated country in Europe is the
  Netherlands, ranking third in the world
• Europe, in particular Ancient Greece, is the
  birthplace of Western Culture.
• It played a predominant role in global affairs
  from the 16th century onwards, especially
  after the beginning of Colonialism
• the economy of Europe is currently the largest
  on Earth and it is the richest region as
  measured by assets under management with
  over $32.7 trillion.
• In 2009 Europe remained the wealthiest
  region. Its $37.1 trillion in assets under
  management represented one-third of the
  world’s wealth.
• Between the 16th and 20th centuries,
  European nations controlled at various times
  the Americas, most of Africa, Ocenia, and
  large portions of Asia.
Guide for Oral Presentation
• At a glance – geography, demographics,
  population, etc…
• Recent History
• Political System/Elections
• Political Parties
• Branches of Government: Executive,
  Legislative and Judiciary
• Current Issues and Trends
 United Kingdom of Great
Britain and Northern Ireland
      (United Kingdom)
• UK’s four constituent
countries: England, Northern
Ireland, Scotland and Wales.
• England, Scotland and Wales together with
  the province of Northern Ireland, form the
  country officially known as "The United
  Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern
  Ireland" or simply the United Kingdom.
• Northern Ireland is a self-governing
  jurisdiction within the United Kingdom with its
  own parliament and prime minister.
• The Kingdom of Great Britain resulted from the
  political union of the kingdoms of England and
  Scotland with the Acts of Union 1707 under
  Queen Anne.
• In 1801, under a new Act of Union, this kingdom
  merged with the Kingdom of Ireland to create the
  United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland.
• After the Irish War of Independence, most of
  Ireland seceded from the Union, which then
  became the United Kingdom of Great Britain and
  Northern Ireland
• Location – North West Europe
• Area - 229,848 km (88,744.8 sq mi)
• Area rank - 9 in the world
• Largest in the European island
• Capital - London
• Population - 60,003,000 (mid-2009 est.)
• 3rd most populous island in the world
• Ethnic groups: British, Cornish, English,
  Scottish, Welsh
Capital cities of Great Britain
• England: London
• Scotland: Edinburgh
• Wales: Cardiff
Other largest cities by urban area population:
Birmingham, Bristol, Glasgow, Leeds, Liverpool,
Manchester, Newcastle, Nottingham and
Government and Politics of
 United Kingdom
• The United Kingdom         is a unitary
  state governed under a constitutional
  monarchy and a parliamentary system, with
  its seat of government in the capital
  city of London

• The Monarch is the head of state

• The Prime Minister is the head of government
The British (unwritten) Constitution:
          Its Main Principles
• 1. Constitutional Monarchy
• 2. The Supremacy of
• 3. The Unitary State
• 4. The Flexible Constitution
• The British Constitution is not written in any single
  document (“uncodified or unwritten constitution”)

• Sources: 1. written--statutes, court, judgments, treaties;
  2. unwritten: parliamentary constitutional conventions,
  royal prerogatives

• The bedrock of the British constitution has traditionally
  been the doctrine of parliamentary sovereignty,
  according to which the statutes passed by Parliament are
  the UK's supreme and final source of law.

The Monarchy in Britain:
  What Powers do they have???

•to be consulted, to
  encourage and to
      warn the
Her Majesty Queen
                                                 Elizabeth II
                                            (reigned since 1953)

• The Queen is Head of State of the UK and 15 other Commonwealth
• The elder daughter of King George VI and Queen Elizabeth
• Born in 1926 and became Queen at the age of 25, and has reigned
  through more than five decades of enormous social change and
• The Queen is married to Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh and has four
  children and eight grandchildren.
-Had 8 PMs
served under her
-Head of the
British state
-Act as unifying
national symbol
Pledge of Loyalty to the Queen

"I swear by Almighty God that I will
be faithful and bear true allegiance
  to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth,
her heirs and successors, according
      to law. So help me God."
Government of UK
• The UK has a parliamentary
  government based on the Westminster

                            The Houses of
                            Parliament are
                            situated within
                            the Palace of
                            Westminster, in
• Legislative Power is vested in both the
  government and the two chambers (2-house
  system) of the Parliament of the United Kingdom:
1. House of Commons (elected)
2. House of Lords (appointed)

               Note: Any bill passed
              requires Royal Assent
                 to become law.
Parliament’s Role
• Examining and challenging the work of
  the government (scrutiny)
• Debating and passing all laws
• Enabling the government to raise taxes
 Note: The UK is one of 27 member states of the
 European Union and is subject to European Union
 (EU) legislation.
• A bill (a proposal of a new law) must pass through the Houses and
  then is sent to the Queen for Royal Assent

                      What is Royal Assent?
   • the final step required for a parliamentary bill to become law.

    • Once a bill is presented to the Sovereign or the Sovereign's
             representative, he or she has three formal options:
Firstly, the Sovereign may grant the Royal Assent, thereby making the
                          bill an Act of Parliament.
   Secondly, the Sovereign may withhold the Royal Assent, thereby
                                vetoing the bill.
  Finally, the Sovereign may reserve the Royal Assent, that is to say,
                defer a decision on the bill until a later time.
HOUSE OF COMMONS                        HOUSE OF LORDS
• Democratically elected house,       • Public do not elect the Lords.
makes laws and checks the work          Appointed by the Queen on the
                                        recommendation of the Prime
of Government                           Minister or of the House of Lords
•   650 Members of Parliament (MPs)     Appointments Commission.
Propose new laws, and scrutinize      • A forum of expertise, making laws
government policies by asking           and providing scrutiny of
ministers questions about current
issues either in the Commons          • 830 Members, and there are three
                                        different types: life Peers, bishops
Chamber or in Committees                and elected hereditary Peers.
Committee Work

• Much of the work of the House of Commons and the House
  of Lords takes place in committees, made up of around 10 to
  50 MPs or Lords.
• These committees examine issues in detail, from
  government policy and proposed new laws, to wider topics
  like the economy.
Committee Calendar
• This calendar provides advance information
  about all public committee meetings,
  publication dates of reports and debates on
  select committee reports in Westminster Hall.
UK’s head of government:

            • How is he chosen?
 -a member of parliament who can obtain the
confidence of a majority in the House of Commons,
Executive power is
 exercised by the
prime minister and
Powers and Functions of the PM
•   1. Chairs the cabinet
•   2. Acts as the national leader
•   3. Acts as diplomat
•   4. Speaking for the gov’t in the Parliament
•   5. Party leader-it is the leadership of the party
    that makes him/her the PM
• 1. Appoint and dismiss cabinet members
• 2. Dissolution of Parliament (terminate the
  gov’t)—(upon recommendation to the
  monarch, then call for a general elections)
• 3. Summon, chair & summarize cabinet
David Cameron
                                         Prime Minister
                                               since May 11, 2010

•   David William Donald Cameron
•   Born 9 October 1966
•   Leader of the Conservative Party
•   Represents Witney as its MP
•   Studied Philosophy, Politics and Economics at Oxford gaining
    a first class honours degree
Youngest British PM

• In the 2010 general election held on 6 May, the Conservatives won
  307 seats.
• After five days of intense negotiations, Cameron formed
  a coalition with the Liberal Democrats. (the first coalition
  government since WW2)
• The 43-year-old Cameron became the youngest British Prime
UK Elections: HC vs. HL
• General elections to     The House of
  choose MP´s are
  held every five years.   Lords is made up
  Voting is not            of hereditary
  compulsory and is        and life peers,
  from the age of 18.
                           two archbishops
• The House of
  Commons has 650          and 24 bishops
  constituencies,          of the Church of
  elected and paid         England.
  Members of
HC and HL: Compare and contrasted
House of Commons        House of Lords
-legislation            -the other “crown in the
-sustaining the         parliament”
government              -may delay a bill passed by
-controlled finance     the HC (“power of
                        amendment & delay”)
                        -”the poodle of the
                        Conservative party”
• General elections are called by the
  monarch when the prime minister so
 advises. The Parliament Acts 1911 and
1949 require that a new election must be
 called within five years of the previous
            general elections.
British Elections
• Qualifications: age, citizenship, duly registered
• British election campaigns are short (PM is
  free choose to the date of elections w/n the 5
  yr period)
• Britain is divided into 650 constituencies: 1
  constituency=1 MP
• First-past-the-post majoritarian electoral
  system: the candidate with the most votes in
  the constituency wins
Features of the British Party System
• 1. They are programmatic-platform-based;
  policy oriented vs. personality
• 2. They are disciplined-vote along party line
• 3. They are centralized-decisions about a
  party’s policies, election strategies & political
  tactics are decided at the center (HQ)

•   Major Political Parties:
•   Conservative Party
•   Labour Party
•   Liberal Democrats

•  a centre-right political party in the United Kingdom that
  adheres to the philosophies of conservatism and British
• largest party in the United Kingdom:

    -being the largest single party in the House of
    Commons with 304 MPs,
    -the largest party in local government with 9,391 councilors,
    -the largest British party in the European Parliament with 25

    It governs in coalition with the Liberal Democrats,
    with party leader David Cameron as Prime Minister.
Known Conservative PMs

Sir Winston Churchill,        Margaret Thatcher,[Prime
twice Prime Minister of the   Minister of the United
United Kingdom.               Kingdom (1979–1990).
Known Conservative PMs

John Major, Prime Minister   David Cameron, Prime
of the United Kingdom        Minister of the United
UK Labour Party
• a centre-left political party
• Having won 258 seats in the 2010
  general election, the party currently
  forms the Official Opposition in
  theParliament of the United Kingdom.
• a member of the Socialist
  International and Party of European
• The current leader of the party is Ed
  Miliband MP.
Known Labour PMs

Ramsay MacDonald: First Labour     Tony Blair: Labour Prime
Prime Minister, 1924 and 1929–31   Minister, 1997–2007
Known Labour PMs

 Gordon Brown: Labour Prime
     Minister, 2007–2010
Leader of the OPPOSITION

Edward Samuel Miliband (born 24 December
1969) is a British Labour Party politician, currently
the Leader of the Labour Party and Leader of the
Harriet Harman

  Deputy Leader of the Opposition
Shadow Deputy Prime Minister of the
         United Kingdom
• a social liberal political party which supports
  constitutional and electoral reform,
  progressive taxation, wealth taxation,
  environmentalism, human rights laws, cultural
  liberalism, European integration, banking
  reform and civil liberties
Nick Clegg: Leader from 2007 to present, and current
               Deputy Prime Minister
• a senior group of opposition spokespeople in
  the Westminster system of government who together
  under the leadership of the Leader of the
  Opposition form an alternative cabinet to the
  government's, whose members shadow or mark each
  individual member of the Cabinet.
• Members of a shadow cabinet are often but not always
  appointed to a Cabinet post if and when their party
  gets into government. It is the Shadow Cabinet's
  responsibility to pass criticism on the current
  government and its respective legislation, as well as
  offering alternative policies
• The Shadow Cabinet is made up of frontbench MPs
    and Members of the Lords from the second largest
            party, or official Opposition party.
  • The Opposition party appoints an MP to 'shadow'
   each of the members of the Cabinet. In this way the
   Opposition can make sure that it looks at every part
        of the Government and can question them
• It also means that the Opposition has MPs and Lords
    that are ready to take specific jobs in the Cabinet if
    they win at the next General Election. In the House
   of Lords the term "spokesperson" is used instead of
• The Judiciary is independent (doctrine of separation of
  powers) of the executive and the legislature, the
  highest national court being the Supreme Court of the
• The Judiciary is not a single body. Each of the separate
  legal systems in England and Wales, Northern Ireland
  and Scotland have their own judiciary.
• The judges of the Supreme Court of the UK, the Special
  Immigration Appeals, Employment Tribunals,
  Employment Appeal Tribunal and the UK tribunals
  systems do have a UK-wide jurisdiction.
Role of the UK Supreme Court
• is the final court of appeal for all United Kingdom
  civil cases, and criminal cases from England, Wales
  and Northern Ireland
• hears appeals on arguable points of law of general
  public importance
• concentrates on cases of the greatest public and
  constitutional importance
• maintains and develops the role of the highest court
  in the United Kingdom as a leader in the common
  law world
• The Supreme Court hears appeals from the following
  courts in each jurisdiction:
England and Wales
• The Court of Appeal, Civil Division
• The Court of Appeal, Criminal Division
• (in some limited cases) the High Court
• The Court of Session
Northern Ireland
• The Court of Appeal in Northern Ireland
• (in some limited cases) the High Court
The Supreme Court and Europe
• The Supreme Court is the highest court of appeal in the United
  Kingdom. However, The Court must give effect to directly applicable
  European Union law, and interpret domestic law so far as possible
  consistently with European Union law. It must also give effect to the
  rights contained in the European Convention on Human Rights.
• Under the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (article
  267), The Court must refer to the European Court of Justice (ECJ) in
  Luxembourg any question of European Union law, where the answer is
  not clear and is necessary for it to give judgment.
• In giving effect to rights contained in the European Convention on
  Human Rights, The Court must take account of any decision of the
  European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg. No national court
  should “without strong reason dilute or weaken the effect of the
  Strasbourg case law”
• An individual contending that his Convention rights have not been
  respected by a decision of a United Kingdom court (including The
  Supreme Court) against which he has no domestic recourse may bring
  a claim against the United Kingdom before the European Court of
  Human Rights.
Assignment for Wednesday
Please choose one current issue (this year 2012) confronting the UK
and briefly discuss the salient points. Please write in a piece of
recycled paper. To be submitted.

•   Poverty/Housing
•   Environment
•   Politics and Governance
•   Economics


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  • 2. • Europe is the world's second’s-smallest continent by surface area • 10,180,000 square kilometres (3,930,000 sq mi)
  • 3. 2% of the Earth's surface and about 6.8% of its land area
  • 4. • 50 states • Russia is the largest by both area and population (although the country has territory in both Europe and Asia) • Vatican City is the smallest
  • 5. • Third-most populous continent after Asia and Africa • Population of 733 million or about 11% of the world’s population • Among the continents, Europe has a relatively high population density, second only to Asia. The most densely populated country in Europe is the Netherlands, ranking third in the world
  • 6. • Europe, in particular Ancient Greece, is the birthplace of Western Culture. • It played a predominant role in global affairs from the 16th century onwards, especially after the beginning of Colonialism
  • 7. • the economy of Europe is currently the largest on Earth and it is the richest region as measured by assets under management with over $32.7 trillion. • In 2009 Europe remained the wealthiest region. Its $37.1 trillion in assets under management represented one-third of the world’s wealth.
  • 8. • Between the 16th and 20th centuries, European nations controlled at various times the Americas, most of Africa, Ocenia, and large portions of Asia.
  • 9. Guide for Oral Presentation • At a glance – geography, demographics, population, etc… • Recent History • Political System/Elections • Political Parties • Branches of Government: Executive, Legislative and Judiciary • Current Issues and Trends
  • 11. OFFICIAL NAME: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (United Kingdom)
  • 12.
  • 13. • UK’s four constituent countries: England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.
  • 14. • England, Scotland and Wales together with the province of Northern Ireland, form the country officially known as "The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland" or simply the United Kingdom. • Northern Ireland is a self-governing jurisdiction within the United Kingdom with its own parliament and prime minister.
  • 15. • The Kingdom of Great Britain resulted from the political union of the kingdoms of England and Scotland with the Acts of Union 1707 under Queen Anne. • In 1801, under a new Act of Union, this kingdom merged with the Kingdom of Ireland to create the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. • After the Irish War of Independence, most of Ireland seceded from the Union, which then became the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
  • 16. Geography • Location – North West Europe 2 • Area - 229,848 km (88,744.8 sq mi) th • Area rank - 9 in the world • Largest in the European island • Capital - London • Population - 60,003,000 (mid-2009 est.) • 3rd most populous island in the world • Ethnic groups: British, Cornish, English, Scottish, Welsh
  • 17. Capital cities of Great Britain • England: London • Scotland: Edinburgh • Wales: Cardiff Other largest cities by urban area population: Birmingham, Bristol, Glasgow, Leeds, Liverpool, Manchester, Newcastle, Nottingham and Sheffield.
  • 18. Government and Politics of the United Kingdom
  • 19. • The United Kingdom is a unitary state governed under a constitutional monarchy and a parliamentary system, with its seat of government in the capital city of London • The Monarch is the head of state • The Prime Minister is the head of government
  • 20. The British (unwritten) Constitution: Its Main Principles • 1. Constitutional Monarchy • 2. The Supremacy of Parliament • 3. The Unitary State • 4. The Flexible Constitution
  • 21. • The British Constitution is not written in any single document (“uncodified or unwritten constitution”) • Sources: 1. written--statutes, court, judgments, treaties; 2. unwritten: parliamentary constitutional conventions, royal prerogatives • The bedrock of the British constitution has traditionally been the doctrine of parliamentary sovereignty, according to which the statutes passed by Parliament are the UK's supreme and final source of law. Source:
  • 23. The Monarchy in Britain: What Powers do they have??? •to be consulted, to encourage and to warn the government
  • 24. Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II (reigned since 1953) • The Queen is Head of State of the UK and 15 other Commonwealth realms. • The elder daughter of King George VI and Queen Elizabeth • Born in 1926 and became Queen at the age of 25, and has reigned through more than five decades of enormous social change and development. • The Queen is married to Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh and has four children and eight grandchildren.
  • 25. -Had 8 PMs served under her -Head of the British state -Act as unifying national symbol
  • 26. Pledge of Loyalty to the Queen "I swear by Almighty God that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth, her heirs and successors, according to law. So help me God."
  • 27. Government of UK • The UK has a parliamentary government based on the Westminster system The Houses of Parliament are situated within the Palace of Westminster, in London.
  • 28. Legislative • Legislative Power is vested in both the government and the two chambers (2-house system) of the Parliament of the United Kingdom: 1. House of Commons (elected) 2. House of Lords (appointed) Note: Any bill passed requires Royal Assent to become law.
  • 29. Parliament’s Role • Examining and challenging the work of the government (scrutiny) • Debating and passing all laws (legislation) • Enabling the government to raise taxes ************* Note: The UK is one of 27 member states of the European Union and is subject to European Union (EU) legislation.
  • 30. Law-making • A bill (a proposal of a new law) must pass through the Houses and then is sent to the Queen for Royal Assent What is Royal Assent? • the final step required for a parliamentary bill to become law. • Once a bill is presented to the Sovereign or the Sovereign's representative, he or she has three formal options: Firstly, the Sovereign may grant the Royal Assent, thereby making the bill an Act of Parliament. Secondly, the Sovereign may withhold the Royal Assent, thereby vetoing the bill. Finally, the Sovereign may reserve the Royal Assent, that is to say, defer a decision on the bill until a later time.
  • 31. HOUSE OF COMMONS HOUSE OF LORDS • Democratically elected house, • Public do not elect the Lords. makes laws and checks the work Appointed by the Queen on the recommendation of the Prime of Government Minister or of the House of Lords • 650 Members of Parliament (MPs) Appointments Commission. Propose new laws, and scrutinize • A forum of expertise, making laws government policies by asking and providing scrutiny of Government ministers questions about current issues either in the Commons • 830 Members, and there are three different types: life Peers, bishops Chamber or in Committees and elected hereditary Peers.
  • 32. Committee Work • Much of the work of the House of Commons and the House of Lords takes place in committees, made up of around 10 to 50 MPs or Lords. • These committees examine issues in detail, from government policy and proposed new laws, to wider topics like the economy.
  • 33. Committee Calendar • This calendar provides advance information about all public committee meetings, publication dates of reports and debates on select committee reports in Westminster Hall.
  • 34. UK’s head of government: PRIME MINISTER • How is he chosen? -a member of parliament who can obtain the confidence of a majority in the House of Commons,
  • 35. Executive power is exercised by the prime minister and cabinet
  • 36. Powers and Functions of the PM • 1. Chairs the cabinet • 2. Acts as the national leader • 3. Acts as diplomat • 4. Speaking for the gov’t in the Parliament • 5. Party leader-it is the leadership of the party that makes him/her the PM
  • 37. POWERS OF PM • 1. Appoint and dismiss cabinet members • 2. Dissolution of Parliament (terminate the gov’t)—(upon recommendation to the monarch, then call for a general elections) • 3. Summon, chair & summarize cabinet meetings
  • 38. David Cameron Prime Minister since May 11, 2010 • David William Donald Cameron • Born 9 October 1966 • Leader of the Conservative Party • Represents Witney as its MP • Studied Philosophy, Politics and Economics at Oxford gaining a first class honours degree
  • 39. Youngest British PM • In the 2010 general election held on 6 May, the Conservatives won 307 seats. • After five days of intense negotiations, Cameron formed a coalition with the Liberal Democrats. (the first coalition government since WW2) • The 43-year-old Cameron became the youngest British Prime Minister
  • 40. UK Elections: HC vs. HL • General elections to The House of choose MP´s are held every five years. Lords is made up Voting is not of hereditary compulsory and is and life peers, from the age of 18. two archbishops • The House of Commons has 650 and 24 bishops constituencies, of the Church of elected and paid England. Members of Parliament.
  • 41. HC and HL: Compare and contrasted House of Commons House of Lords -legislation -the other “crown in the -sustaining the parliament” government -may delay a bill passed by -controlled finance the HC (“power of amendment & delay”) -”the poodle of the Conservative party”
  • 42. • General elections are called by the monarch when the prime minister so advises. The Parliament Acts 1911 and 1949 require that a new election must be called within five years of the previous general elections.
  • 43. British Elections • Qualifications: age, citizenship, duly registered • British election campaigns are short (PM is free choose to the date of elections w/n the 5 yr period) • Britain is divided into 650 constituencies: 1 constituency=1 MP • First-past-the-post majoritarian electoral system: the candidate with the most votes in the constituency wins
  • 44. Features of the British Party System • 1. They are programmatic-platform-based; policy oriented vs. personality • 2. They are disciplined-vote along party line • 3. They are centralized-decisions about a party’s policies, election strategies & political tactics are decided at the center (HQ)
  • 45. THE PARTY SYSTEM • Major Political Parties: • Conservative Party • Labour Party • Liberal Democrats
  • 46. The CONSERVATIVE and UNIONIST PARTY • a centre-right political party in the United Kingdom that adheres to the philosophies of conservatism and British unionism. • largest party in the United Kingdom: -being the largest single party in the House of Commons with 304 MPs, -the largest party in local government with 9,391 councilors, -the largest British party in the European Parliament with 25 MEPs. It governs in coalition with the Liberal Democrats, with party leader David Cameron as Prime Minister.
  • 47. Known Conservative PMs Sir Winston Churchill, Margaret Thatcher,[Prime twice Prime Minister of the Minister of the United United Kingdom. Kingdom (1979–1990).
  • 48. Known Conservative PMs John Major, Prime Minister David Cameron, Prime of the United Kingdom Minister of the United Kingdom(2010-present). 1990–1997
  • 49. UK Labour Party • a centre-left political party • Having won 258 seats in the 2010 general election, the party currently forms the Official Opposition in theParliament of the United Kingdom. • a member of the Socialist International and Party of European Socialists • The current leader of the party is Ed Miliband MP.
  • 50. Known Labour PMs Ramsay MacDonald: First Labour Tony Blair: Labour Prime Prime Minister, 1924 and 1929–31 Minister, 1997–2007
  • 51. Known Labour PMs Gordon Brown: Labour Prime Minister, 2007–2010
  • 52. Leader of the OPPOSITION Edward Samuel Miliband (born 24 December 1969) is a British Labour Party politician, currently the Leader of the Labour Party and Leader of the Opposition.
  • 53. Harriet Harman Deputy Leader of the Opposition Shadow Deputy Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
  • 54. The LIBERAL DEMOCRATS • a social liberal political party which supports constitutional and electoral reform, progressive taxation, wealth taxation, environmentalism, human rights laws, cultural liberalism, European integration, banking reform and civil liberties
  • 55. Nick Clegg: Leader from 2007 to present, and current Deputy Prime Minister
  • 56. “SHADOW CABINET” • a senior group of opposition spokespeople in the Westminster system of government who together under the leadership of the Leader of the Opposition form an alternative cabinet to the government's, whose members shadow or mark each individual member of the Cabinet. • Members of a shadow cabinet are often but not always appointed to a Cabinet post if and when their party gets into government. It is the Shadow Cabinet's responsibility to pass criticism on the current government and its respective legislation, as well as offering alternative policies
  • 57. • The Shadow Cabinet is made up of frontbench MPs and Members of the Lords from the second largest party, or official Opposition party. • The Opposition party appoints an MP to 'shadow' each of the members of the Cabinet. In this way the Opposition can make sure that it looks at every part of the Government and can question them thoroughly. • It also means that the Opposition has MPs and Lords that are ready to take specific jobs in the Cabinet if they win at the next General Election. In the House of Lords the term "spokesperson" is used instead of "shadow".
  • 58. Judiciary • The Judiciary is independent (doctrine of separation of powers) of the executive and the legislature, the highest national court being the Supreme Court of the UK • The Judiciary is not a single body. Each of the separate legal systems in England and Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland have their own judiciary. • The judges of the Supreme Court of the UK, the Special Immigration Appeals, Employment Tribunals, Employment Appeal Tribunal and the UK tribunals systems do have a UK-wide jurisdiction.
  • 59. Role of the UK Supreme Court • is the final court of appeal for all United Kingdom civil cases, and criminal cases from England, Wales and Northern Ireland • hears appeals on arguable points of law of general public importance • concentrates on cases of the greatest public and constitutional importance • maintains and develops the role of the highest court in the United Kingdom as a leader in the common law world
  • 60. • The Supreme Court hears appeals from the following courts in each jurisdiction: England and Wales • The Court of Appeal, Civil Division • The Court of Appeal, Criminal Division • (in some limited cases) the High Court Scotland • The Court of Session Northern Ireland • The Court of Appeal in Northern Ireland • (in some limited cases) the High Court
  • 61. The Supreme Court and Europe • The Supreme Court is the highest court of appeal in the United Kingdom. However, The Court must give effect to directly applicable European Union law, and interpret domestic law so far as possible consistently with European Union law. It must also give effect to the rights contained in the European Convention on Human Rights. • Under the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (article 267), The Court must refer to the European Court of Justice (ECJ) in Luxembourg any question of European Union law, where the answer is not clear and is necessary for it to give judgment. • In giving effect to rights contained in the European Convention on Human Rights, The Court must take account of any decision of the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg. No national court should “without strong reason dilute or weaken the effect of the Strasbourg case law” • An individual contending that his Convention rights have not been respected by a decision of a United Kingdom court (including The Supreme Court) against which he has no domestic recourse may bring a claim against the United Kingdom before the European Court of Human Rights.
  • 62. Assignment for Wednesday Please choose one current issue (this year 2012) confronting the UK and briefly discuss the salient points. Please write in a piece of recycled paper. To be submitted. • Poverty/Housing • Environment • Politics and Governance • Economics Sources: • • •

Editor's Notes

  1. A satellite image of the British Isles, with Great Britain on the right (east) and Ireland on the left (west). Only Northern Ireland is part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The remainder of Ireland is an independent country.
  2. -Great Britain as we know it today only exists since 1707 when England, Wales and Scotland were really united. In 1801 Ireland joined the union but in 1921 part of Ireland voted for independence and only Northern Ireland (north-eastern part) stayed within the United Kingdom.- Northern Ireland is the only part of the UK that shares a land border with another sovereign state—theRepublic of Ireland
  3. Constitutional conventions of the UK--While the United Kingdom does not have a written constitution that is a single document, the collection of legal instruments that have developed into a body of law known as constitutional law has existed for hundreds of years.As part of this uncodified British constitution, constitutional conventions play a key role. They are rules that are observed by the various constituted parts though they are not written in any document having legal authority; there are often underlying enforcing principles that are themselves not formal and codified. Nonetheless it is very unlikely that there would be a departure of such conventions without good reason, even if an underlying enforcing principle has been overtaken by history, as these conventions also acquire the force of custom.Royal prerogatives--The royal prerogative is a body of customary authority, privilege, and immunity, recognized in common law and, sometimes, in civil law jurisdictions possessing a monarchy, as belonging to thesovereign alone.[1] It is the means by which some of the executive powers of government, possessed by and vested in a monarch with regard to the process of governance of the state, are carried out. Individual prerogatives can be abolished by Parliament, although in the United Kingdom special procedure applies.
  4. Members of Parliament are required to swear an oath of loyalty to the queen, not to the people who elected them and not to a constitution. Those who have refused have been barred from taking their seats in the legislature. Bishops of the Church of England also swear their allegiance to the monarch, rather than to their god or their church. Police officers and soldiers likewise swear loyalty to the Queen, not to the government or their country.
  5. The Westminster system is a democratic parliamentary system of government modelled after the politics of the United Kingdom. This term comes from the Palace of Westminster, the seat of the Parliament of the United Kingdom.
  6. Prime Minister--usually the current leader of the largest political party in that chamber. The Government is formed by the party which has the majority in the Parliament and the Queen appoints its leader as the Prime Minister. The Prime Minister appoints a team of main ministers as the Cabinet (about 20 people).The prime minister and cabinet are formally appointed by the monarch to form Her Majesty's Government, though the prime minister chooses the cabinet and, by convention, the Queen respects the prime minister's choices.
  7. 650 constituencies electing a single member of parliament by simple plurality. 
  8.  During the 2010 general election these three parties won 622 out of 650 seats available in the House of Commons 
  9. Leader of the Opposition and Leader of the Labour Party:Ed Miliband MPShadow Deputy Prime Minister, Party Chair and Shadow Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport:Harriet Harman
  10. The European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR; French: Cour européenne des droits de l’homme) in Strasbourg is a supra-national court established by the European Convention on Human Rights and hears complaints that a contracting state has violated the human rights enshrined in the Convention and its protocols. Complaints can be brought by individuals or other contracting states, and the Court can also issue advisory opinions. The Convention was adopted under the auspices of the Council of Europe and all of its 47 member states are parties to the Convention. The court is not part of the European Union.