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FW68 34
Name: ___________________________________ Class: _____________
Lecturer: ________________________________ Date: _____________
City of Glasgow College
School of Sport
HNC/D Coaching and Developing Sport
For this part of the coaching project you are required to plan, deliver and review
the five coaching sessions for beginners in your selected sport/s.
Each coaching session should be no less than 30 minutes and will be carried out
either with an external placement or an internal college group.
The five coaching session plans must include the following:
 Aims and Objectives
 Time Allocations
 Layout/Organisation
 Coaching Points
 Progression
You must provide evidence of mentor feedback on all of your sessions by an
appropriate mentor (see coaching evidence log) and have 1 session assessed by
your college assessor (see assessors checklist).
You must provide evidence that each of the 5 coaching sessions for beginners in
your selected sport/s have been reviewed (see review sheets).
This will be marked out of 60
NAME: __________________________________________________ DATE: __________________
Minimum Evidence Required Date
Name/Contact details/ Initial
Tutor/Mentor comments on overall performance
Session 1 23rd
Session 2 30th
Session 3 6th
Session 4 13th
Session 5 20th
Lecturers Signature: _________________________________________ Date: _____________________
Name: Michael O’Connell Session Aim: To introduce the Layup in Basketball
Session Objectives
 To establish the release of the basketball for the Layup
 To establish the stepping movement involved in the Layup
 To establish the jumping action for the Layup
 To provide a basic understanding of the rules of basketball
Date: 23r d
March 2016
Time Content/Practices Aim/Objective of Content/Drill &
Equipment Required
Coaching Points
1 Min
Introduction: Introduce my
name and safety procedures.
Ask about injuries
Tell everyone what skill they’ll
will be working on in the
Identify aims and objectives
Safety Procedures and Injuries
5 Mins
Warm up:
1. Light Jog around the
court – Shouting out
different actions to do.
2. Stretches – High Knees,
Arm Circles, Skipping
and Body Twists (All x2)
3. Dribbling Game –
Everyone apart from a
few players get a ball.
Aim – To get everyone warmed up and ready
for the session/activity. Increasing heart
rate and pulse raising exercise.
Equipment - Basketballs for Part 3
 During dribbling exercise remind players to
keep their heads up when dribbling to avoid
chasers and other players
The players without a
ball have to try and
steal the ball off of the
players with the ball. If
the game becomes too
hard or easy then
change the amount of
TIME Content/Practices Aim/Objective of Content/Drill &
Equipment Required
Coaching Points
20 Mins
Core Drills/Activities:
1. Standing Layup Two line
drill – Involves two lines
of players standing to
each side of the basket.
One line takes a
standing layup and the
other collects/rebounds
the ball after the shot
is taken and the players
swap lines. After each
player has had a few
shots the shooting line
is changed to the
rebounding side to let
players attempt it with
their other hand.
2. Driving Layup Two line
drill - Involves two lines
of players standing to
each side of the basket.
One line takes a driving
Aim – To introduce the Layup in
Basketball. To develop the players
ability of the Layup
Objectives – By introducing situations
where players will have to think quickly.
Allow players a better understanding of
the technique used for a Layup.
Involve quick thinking during the drill to
mimic a game situation.
Allow players to try new techniques and
ways to perform the Layup
Equipment – Cones, Basketballs,
Baskets, Markers, Bibs
Drill 1
 At the peak of your jump release the ball
towards the corner of the backboard square
 Keep arm extended when performing the
Drill 2
 Remember to leap off your inside foot
 At the peak of your jump release the ball
towards the corner of the backboard square
 Keep arm extended when performing the
layup and the other
collects/rebounds the
ball after the shot is
taken and the players
swap lines. After each
player has had a few
shots the shooting line
is changed to the
rebounding side to let
players attempt it with
their other hand.
Can be changed to Full
court Layup race which
involves two teams at
each side of the court
having to run to the
opposite basket and
score a Layup. If player
misses then they try
until they get it in. First
team to get all their
players to score wins.
3. Layup Race with a
defender – Similar to
drill one and two
except a defender will
be added in to add
pressure to the
attacker. Will involve
having four cones set
out and the attacker
Drill 2 Alternate/Motivator
 Remember to leap off your inside foot
 Bend knees for an extra spring to keep
defenders away
 Keep arm extended when performing the
 At the peak of your jump release the ball
towards the corner of the backboard square
Drill 3
 Remember to leap off your inside foot
 Keep the ball below your waist when you
are dribbling the ball and keep the ball low
when attempting the layup
 Keep your head up to look for space on the
 Extend arm fully towards the corner of the
square on the backboard
 Launch yourself off your forward leg and
thrust your arms upwards to gain more
 Bend knees for an extra spring to keep
defenders away
 At the peak of your jump release the ball
towards the corner of the backboard square
will be running against
the defender to run
around a cone in the
middle of the court and
run back and score a
Conditioned Game – Will be
focused on the Layup and
involve a coned off area next
to the basket which players
will be allowed to score Layups
and no defenders are allowed
in it. Layups will also be worth
two points and everywhere
else will be one point. Will be
a 5 vs 5 game and will be full
3 Mins
Cool Down: Light jog around
the area. Include arm
stretches, Leg stretches etc.
Adductor Stretch, Hamstring
Stretch, Bicep Stretch
Aim – Gradually to reduce the pulse. Aid
the removal of metabolic waste.
Prevent blood pooling.
1 Min
Conclusion/debrief: Go over
what participants have learned
on the session and get a Q & A.
Aim – Check level of understanding
through Q&A. Provide feedback to the
Coaching Session Review for Developing Stage Session 1 Criteria (D)
1. Outline the aim/objectives of your coaching
session Aim – To introduce the Layup in Basketball
 To establish the release of the basketball for the Layup
 To establish the stepping movement involved in the Layup
 To establish the jumping action for the Layup
 To provide a basic understanding of the rules of basketball
2. Were the aim/objectives met during the
coaching session?
Yes the aims and objectives were met because during the drills the class
showed an improvement of the Layup they performed from start to finish
and had gained more knowledge of basketball including the rules,
technique etc.
3. Evaluate what aspects were successful and
what aspects need improving in your
coaching session
Time keeping
Dress (appropriate)
Appropriate use of coaching aids
Area prepared for session/area cleared
Safety checks (participants/equipment)
Aim and objectives clearly defined
Appropriate warm up
My time keeping on the session could have been improved as I had used too
much time by the time I moved on to my cool down which meant it was
rushed and not completed properly
My dress code was professional as I wore my full tracksuit, polo shirt and
had a whistle and a stopwatch
My introduction was kept to the point and clearly stated my aims and
objectives. My health and safety points were mentioned during the start of
the warm up.
Warm up was useful as the last part was related to a game of basketball
Appropriate and accurate use of
Positioning and clear instructions throughout
Appropriate and accurate use of coaching
Progression and management of practices
Maximum participation
General class control
Keeps group motivated
Suitably challenging activities
Offers technically sound information
appropriate to the group
Provides individual and group feedback
Appropriate conditioned game and/or
Appropriate cool down/conclusion/debrief
to session/questioning
Time management and pace of delivery
and helped participants understand a pressured game situation
My demonstrations could have been explained better and I didn’t
demonstrate enough as I would usually only do 1 demonstrations and move
on which lead to some people not understanding the drill
My positioning was good as I was moving around group to group and was
also standing in a good position when demonstrating
Each drill progressed well on to the one after it and it got increasingly
more difficult every time
Due to a small class there wasn’t a lot of cues which meant there was a
good amount of participation in the session
Class control was kept good throughout the session until the explanation of
the game where people were talking and I didn’t notice because I was
facing the other way
The group were motivated as I included a small challenge with a Layup
race which meant they wanted to carry on with the session
My individual feedback was quite good as I was going from group to group
and telling people what they were doing right and wrong. However my
group feedback needed a bit of improvement as I didn’t really give any
Conditioned game was appropriate for the activity as the coned off areas
helped emphasise the layup
Cool Down and my debrief felt as though they were rushed as I didn’t carry
out stretches for long enough and the Q&A was also very quick
Time management could have been improved as drills were too long and
cool down was too short but the pace of delivery was good throughout the
4. What changes would you make to the
coaching plan?
Manage my timings better by following my guidelines and try to speed up
marking out the drills
Name: Michael O’Connell Session Aim: To introduce Dribbling in Basketball
Session Objectives
 To establish the hand position for dribbling
 To establish the correct height for the ball to be bounced
 To establish the correct position and footwork for the Dribble
Date: 30th
March 2016
Time Content/Practices Aim/Objective of Content/Drill &
Equipment Required
Coaching Points
1 Min
Introduction: Introduce my name
and safety procedures. Ask about
Tell everyone what skill they’ll
will be working on in the session
Identify aims and objectives
Safety Procedures and Injuries
5 Min
Warm up:
1. Numbers Game – Shout out
a number and players
have to get into groups of
that number
2. Stretches – High Knees,
Arm Circles, Skipping and
Body Twists (All x2)
3. Tig with added basketballs
– Each player dribbles
around the designated
area with a basketball and
chasers have to catch the
players. When a person is
Aim – To get everyone warmed up and
ready for the session/activity. Increasing
heart rate and pulse raising exercise.
Equipment - Basketballs for Part 3
 Dribbling Tig reinforces the idea to keep
your head up when dribbling. Remind
players to look where they’re going
caught they place the ball
behind them and another
player has to roll the ball
through their legs and
then they can carry on
TIME Content/Practices Aim/Objective of Content/Drill &
Equipment Required
Coaching Points
20 Mins
Core Drills/Activities:
1. Ball familiarity –
Everyone gets a ball and
finds a space in the
hall. Everyone gets
instructions to dribble
the ball and try and sit
down while dribbling
and keeping their head
up. Also get told to go
on tiptoes.
Aim – To get everyone thinking about
dribbling and to try new moves. Get a
better understanding of dribbling.
Involve quick thinking during the drill
to mimic a game situation
Objectives – By breaking down the
technique involved in dribbling to
make it easier to perform
Introducing pressured events to what
players would experience in game to
help make better decisions during the
Drill 1
 Keep feet shoulder width apart
 Keep your head up to look where your
 Bend your knees to keep balance
Drill 2
 Dribble/Bounce the ball with your
fingertips. Don’t let it touch your palm
 Keep the ball below your waist when
you are dribbling the ball
2. Dribble Course – Players
told to dribble in and
out of cones. Told to do
a crossover at each
3. Dribble course with a
Defender – Similar to
drill 2 except 2
defenders are on lines
now trying to stop the
dribbler from getting
past them. If defender
gets the ball then the
dribbler swaps with the
Conditioned Game – Will be
focused on dribbling and there
will be gates located around
the court in which teams have
to dribble through to gain
points. Teams have to go
through 5 gates to get 1 point.
If game gets to Easy/Hard then
change the number of gates
Allow players to try dribble moves
with little pressure
Equipment - Cones, Basketballs,
Baskets, Markers, Bibs
 Keep your head up to look where your
 Bend your knees to keep balance and
move forward on the balls of your feet
Drill 3
 Dribble/Bounce the ball with your
fingertips. Don’t let it touch your palm
 Keep the ball below your waist when
you are dribbling the ball
 Keep your head up to look where your
 Bend your knees to keep balance and
move forward on the balls of your feet
 Keep your body over the ball to help
shield the bell away from the defender
3 Mins
Cool Down: Light jog around the
area. Include arm stretches, Leg
stretches etc. Adductor Stretch,
Hamstring Stretch, Bicep Stretch
Aim - Gradually to reduce the pulse.
Aid the removal of metabolic waste.
Prevent blood pooling.
Conclusion/debrief: Go over what Aim - Check level of understanding
1 Min participants have learned on the
session and get a Q & A.
through Q&A. Provide feedback to the
Coaching Session Review for Developing Stage Session 2 Criteria (D)
1. Outline the aim/objectives of your coaching
Aim - To introduce Dribbling in Basketball
 To establish the hand position for dribbling
 To establish the correct height for the ball to be bounced
 To establish the correct position and footwork for the Dribble
2. Were the aim/objectives met during the
coaching session?
The aim was met during the session however some of the objectives were
not met due to by the end of the session participants were still using the
wrong hand position when they were dribbling and using two hands.
However I would say that everyone had the correct footwork and position
when they were dribbling
3. Evaluate what aspects were successful and
what aspects need improving in your
coaching session
Time keeping
Dress (appropriate)
Appropriate use of coaching aids
Area prepared for session/area cleared
Safety checks (participants/equipment)
My time keeping on the session was good as the schedule I had planned I
kept to and followed the times on it
My dress code was professional as I wore my full tracksuit, polo shirt and
had a whistle and a stopwatch
My introduction was kept to the point and clearly stated my aims and
objectives. My health and safety points were mentioned during the start of
the warm up
Aim and objectives clearly defined
Appropriate warm up
Appropriate and accurate use of
Positioning and clear instructions throughout
Appropriate and accurate use of coaching
Progression and management of practices
Maximum participation
General class control
Keeps group motivated
Suitably challenging activities
Offers technically sound information
appropriate to the group
Provides individual and group feedback
Appropriate conditioned game and/or
Appropriate cool down/conclusion/debrief
to session/questioning
Time management and pace of delivery
Warm up was useful as it involved a small game which can help in a real
game such as keeping your head up to look for space, pass etc.
My positioning could have been improved as I had to partner up with one of
the participants for around 2 minutes while his partner was away to the
toilet and I felt I didn’t get to see the rest of the class as much as I would
have liked to
Each drill progressed by difficulty level and gave the participants a
The class was quite big and there was some ques when it came to the 2nd
and 3rd drill which could have been worked on by adding an extra line
Class control could have been improved as during my explanations some
participants would either talk over me or not pay attention and not know
what to do.
The group were motivated as they wanted to beat the defenders on the
final drill and were excited and motivated to do so
My individual feedback was ok as some people improved their technique
when I gave them some advice but sometimes people wouldn’t listen and
their dribbling technique was poor
Conditioned game was appropriate for the activity as the gates helped
emphasise dribbling and helped improve it in a pressured situations
Cool Down and my debrief were appropriate and included the correct
muscles to stretch and included a short summary of the session
Time management was good as drills were kept to appropriate times and
the session overall was kept to the 30 minute mark
4. What changes would you make to the
coaching plan?
Maybe next time make the drills more challenging and also keep the class
focused and under control more by asking them questions about what I told
them about a certain technique so I know their paying attention.
Name: Michael O’Connell Session Aim: To introduce Shooting in Basketball
Session Objectives:
 To establish the arm movement and technique involved with the shot
 To establish the body position for shooting
 To establish the release of the ball when shooting
Date: 6th
April 2016
Time Content/Practices Aim/Objective of Content/Drill &
Equipment Required
Coaching Points
1 Min
Introduction: Introduce my name
and safety procedures. Ask about
Tell everyone what skill they’ll
will be working on in the session
Identify aims and objectives
Safety Procedures and Injuries
5 Mins
Warm up:
1. Light Jog around the court
– Shouting out different
actions to do.
2. Stretches – High Knees,
Arm Circles, Skipping and
Body Twists (All x2)
3. King of the Ring – Players
dribble inside a
designated area and try
and knock other player’s
balls outside the area
while trying to protect
Aim – To get everyone warmed up and
ready for the session/activity. Increasing
heart rate and pulse raising exercise.
Equipment - Basketballs for Part 3
 3r d
Drill helps players to realise to keep
their heads up when dribbling as they
need to watch out for defenders
their own. If the ball goes
out then the player does 3
star jumps and joins back
TIME Content/Practices Aim/Objective of Content/Drill &
Equipment Required
Coaching Points
20 Mins
Core Drills/Activities
1. Form Shooting – Players
stand around 2 feet away
from the basket and
practice their shooting
form and to get a better
understanding of the
technique used for
shooting and to help them
for the next drill
2. Two Line Shooting Drill -
Involves two lines of
players standing to each
side of the basket. One
line takes a jump shot
from one of the cones and
after the shot the other
collects/rebounds the ball
and the players swap
lines. After each player
has had a few shots the
shooting line is changed to
the rebounding side to let
players attempt it with
from a different angle.
Aim – To help players with their
technique of shooting. To introduce
shooting into basketball
Objectives – To provide a better
understanding of players own shooting
ability. To establish a realistic
shooting scenario. To allow players to
practice shooting and new skills with
little pressure
Equipment – Cones, Basketballs,
Baskets, Markers, Bibs
Drill 1
 To begin the shot, crouch down with your
knees apart and face the basket
 Aim for the ball to loop quite high and
focus on the shot to be continuous and try
to get into a rhythm
Drill 2
 To begin the shot, crouch down with your
knees apart and face the basket
 Aim for the ball to loop quite high and
focus on the shot to be continuous and try
to get into a rhythm
 Straighten legs when releasing the ball
and release the ball at the peak of your
Drill 3
 To begin the shot, crouch down with your
knees apart and face the basket
 Aim for the ball to loop quite high and
focus on the shot to be continuous and try
to get into a rhythm
 Straighten legs when releasing the ball
and release the ball at the peak of your
Each time a player gets a
shot in they move to the
next cone which will be
further away. If they miss
they stay at the same
3. Catch and Shoot – Similar
to drill 2 except one line
sits under the basket
which are defending and
one line stands just
behind the free throw line
which is the shooter line.
The defending line passes
the ball to the shooter
line and then the
defender runs towards the
shooter to add some
pressure to the shooter
whereas the shooter needs
to try and score with the
added pressure. Players
swap lines with each other
after each shot.
Conditioned Game – Focus on
shooting within a game by telling
attacker they can’t enter the
area close to the basket so they
have to take a jump shot. Only
defenders are allowed in their
own area and attackers have to
stay outside the area
 Use you weaker hand as a support for the
shot and this would help balance the ball
3 Mins
Cool Down: Light jog around the
area. Include arm stretches, Leg
stretches etc.
Adductor Stretch, Hamstring
Stretch, Bicep Stretch
Aim - Gradually to reduce the pulse.
Aid the removal of metabolic waste.
Prevent blood pooling.
1 Min
Conclusion/debrief: Go over what
participants have learned on the
session and get a Q & A.
Aim - Check level of understanding
through Q&A. Provide feedback to the
Coaching Session Review for Developing Stage Session 3 Criteria (D)
1. Outline the aim/objectives of your coaching
Aim - To introduce Shooting in Basketball
 To establish the arm movement and technique involved with the shot
 To establish the body position for shooting
 To establish the release of the ball when shooting
2. Were the aim/objectives met during the
coaching session?
The aim was met as the children did have a basic understanding of the
shooting technique however they sometimes didn’t understand the one
hand shooting motion and kept on using two hands
3. Evaluate what aspects were successful and
what aspects need improving in your
My time keeping was ok throughout the sessions as some the warm up was
kept to the correct time but during the drills some may have been shorter
coaching session
Time keeping
Dress (appropriate)
Appropriate use of coaching aids
Area prepared for session/area cleared
Safety checks (participants/equipment)
Aim and objectives clearly defined
Appropriate warm up
Appropriate and accurate use of
Positioning and clear instructions throughout
Appropriate and accurate use of coaching
Progression and management of practices
Maximum participation
General class control
Keeps group motivated
Suitably challenging activities
Offers technically sound information
appropriate to the group
Provides individual and group feedback
Appropriate conditioned game and/or
Appropriate cool down/conclusion/debrief
to session/questioning
Time management and pace of delivery
than expected
My dress code was professional as I wore my full tracksuit, polo shirt and
had a whistle and a stopwatch
My introduction was kept to the point and clearly stated my aims and
objectives. Health and safety points were also added and participant
injuries were also covered
Warm up was useful as it helped match what would happen in a real game
of basketball as someone might steal the ball and players need to learn to
shield the ball with their body to mirror a real game
My positioning was good as I was moving around group to group and
standing in between groups when explaining drills and demonstrations
Each drill progressed well on to the next one as it slowly developed the
participants ability of the shooting action in basketball
Due to a small class there wasn’t a lot of cues which meant there was a
good amount of participation in the session
Class control was kept under good control as the class payed attention to
when I was explaining and demonstrations drills
The group could have been more motivated as I didn’t include a small
game related drill between the drills and this meant the children weren’t
as motivated as they could have been
My individual feedback could have been improved as I focused more on the
group instead of the individuals completing the drills
Conditioned game was appropriate for the activity as the limited area gave
teams better opportunities to take a jump shot
Cool Down could have been improved as kept it short as I needed to talk to
the class in the debrief so may have rushed it
Time management could have improved as some drill times were a bit
4. What changes would you make to the
coaching plan?
Next time include a motivator drill to keep the class excited and ready to
carry on with the rest of the session. Also keep to times written on the
sheet and perform a full cool down
Name: Michael O’Connell Session Aim: To introduce Passing in Basketball
Session Objectives
 To establish the release point of the chest pass
 To establish the release point of the bounce pass
 To establish the flicking motion when passing
Date: 13th
April 2016
Time Content/Practices Aim/Objective of Content/Drill &
Equipment Required
Coaching Points
1 Min
Introduction: Introduce my name
and safety procedures. Ask about
Tell everyone what skill they’ll
will be working on in the session
Identify aims and objectives
Safety Procedures and Injuries
5 Mins
Warm up:
1. Numbers Game –
Shout out a number
and players have to
get into groups of
that number
2. Stretches – High
Knees, Arm Circles,
Skipping and Body
Twists (All x2)
3. Tig with added
basketballs – Each
player dribbles
around the
designated area
with a basketball
Aim – To get everyone warmed up and
ready for the session/activity. Increasing
heart rate and pulse raising exercise.
Equipment - Basketballs for Part 3
 3r d
Drill helps players to realise to keep
their heads up when dribbling as they
need to watch out for catchers
and chasers have to
catch the players.
When a person is
caught they place
the ball behind
them and another
player has to roll
the ball through
their legs and then
they can carry on
TIME Content/Practices Aim/Objective of Content/Drill &
Equipment Required
Coaching Points
20 Mins
Core Drills/Activities:
1. Partner Passing line
– Each player gets a
partner and lines up
on one of the cones
facing each other.
The players then
perform a chest
pass and bounce
pass to each other.
Add in a
competition to
complete most
passes in 1 minute
to motivate class
2. Passing Square –
Players get into
groups of 4 and
make a square.
Players then pass
Aims - To help players with their
technique of passing. To introduce
passing into basketball
Objectives – To establish the flicking
moving that is associated with passing.
To establish the arm movement and
power involved in the pass. To
establish the foot movement used for
Equipment – Cones, Basketballs,
Baskets, Markers, Bibs
Drill 1
 Keep eyes on passer when completing
the pass
 Make sure fingers are spread over the
ball to generate more power
 For bounce pass look to aim pass around
2/3 away from your partner when
passing and complete same arm
extension as the chest pass
Drill 2
 Keep eyes on passer when completing
the pass
 Make sure fingers are spread over the
ball to generate more power
 Extend arms fully and towards your
partner allowing to gain more distance
 For bounce pass look to aim pass around
2/3 away from your partner when
and move the ball
around the square
following their pass
when they perform
a pass. Add a
defender if drill is
becoming too
boring or easy
3. Three Man Moving
Passing Drill
– Players get into
groups of 3 and
then perform a
series of passing
while on the move.
The starting player
(Player 1) passes to
player on the right
(Player 2). Player 1
then runs behind
player 2 while at
the same time
player 2 passes to
3. Player 3 then
passes to player 1
and it begins again.
Essentially when a
player makes a pass
they follow it and
go behind the
player they passed
it to waiting to
passing and complete same arm
extension as the chest pass
Drill 3
 Keep eyes on passer when completing
the pass
 Make sure fingers are spread over the
ball to generate more power
 Extend arms fully and towards your
partner allowing to gain more distance
 Flick the wrists when completing the
pass and thumbs should be pointing
 For bounce pass look to aim pass around
2/3 away from your partner when
passing and complete same arm
extension as the chest pass
receive another
Conditioned Game – Game focused
on passing so players have to
make 5 passes before being
allowed to score a basket. Can’t
pass to the same person more
than once in a row.
3 Mins
Cool Down: Light jog around the
area. Include arm stretches, Leg
stretches etc.
Adductor Stretch, Hamstring
Stretch, Bicep Stretch
Aim - Gradually to reduce the pulse.
Aid the removal of metabolic waste.
Prevent blood pooling.
1 Min
Conclusion/debrief: Go over what
participants have learned on the
session and get a Q & A
Aim - Check level of understanding
through Q&A. Provide feedback to the
Name: Michael O’Connell Session Aim: To introduce Defensive Technique into Basketball
Session Objectives
 To establish the footwork involved when playing defence
 To establish the body movement involved when playing defence
 To introduce man-to-man defence and defensive stance
Date: 20th
April 2016
Time Content/Practices Aim/Objective of Content/Drill &
Equipment Required
Coaching Points
1 Min
Introduction: Introduce my name
and safety procedures. Ask about
Tell everyone what skill they’ll will
be working on in the session
Identify aims and objectives
Safety Procedures and Injuries
5 Mins
Warm up:
1. Numbers Game –
Shout out a number
and players have to
get into groups of
that number
2. Stretches – High
Knees, Arm Circles,
Skipping and Body
Twists (All x2)
Aim – To get everyone warmed up and
ready for the session/activity. Increasing
heart rate and pulse raising exercise.
Equipment - Basketballs for Part 3
 3r d
Drill helps players understand the
importance of keeping your head up
when playing basketball as you can look
for space and avoid defenders
3. Dribbling Game –
Everyone apart from
a few players get a
ball. The players
without a ball have
to try and steal the
ball off of the
players with the ball.
If the game becomes
too hard or easy then
change the amount
of catchers
TIME Content/Practices Aim/Objective of Content/Drill &
Equipment Required
Coaching Points
20 Mins
Core Drills/Activities:
1. Zig Zag slides –
Players get into
groups and stand on
each corner of the
court. The players
should be facing
their line and the
diagonally until they
reach a cone and
then swap direction
now going to the
opposite side line.
Players then sprint
back and the next
person goes.
2. Defensive Mirrors –
Players get into
Aim – To provide a basic introduction
into defence in Basketball. To
develop a players defensive technique
Objectives – By introducing situations
where players will have to think
quickly. Involve quick thinking during
the drill to mimic a game situation.
Allow players to understand what to
do on defence when playing
Equipment – Cones, Basketballs,
Baskets, Markers, Bibs
Drill 1
 Make sure a low stance is kept
throughout the drill
 Remember to keep light on your feet
when moving so you can change
direction easier
Drill 2
 Make sure a low stance is kept
throughout the drill
 Remember to keep light on your feet
when defending so you can change
direction easier
 Keep arms out wide to make yourself
seem bigger and to limit the attackers
Drill 3
 Make sure a low stance is kept
partners and then
everyone lines up on
the baseline. One
player is the attacker
and one is the
defender. The
defender needs to
try and stay in line
with the attacker
while the attacker is
trying to break away
from the defender by
going from side to
side. Players swap
roles after 15
seconds and then the
next pair go
3. One on One – Players
are put into pairs
and then they start
at the free throw
line with the
attacker starting
with the ball facing
the attacker. The
attacker’s goal is to
try and score a
basket while the
defender needs to
try and play up close
and tight defence on
the attacker and
force a poor shot.
Swap over after each
throughout the drill
 Remember to keep light on your feet
when defending so you can change
direction easier
 Keep arms out wide to make yourself
seem bigger and to limit the attackers
 Keep close to the attacker to add
pressure and force an error
shot and then the
next pair goes
Conditioned Game – Focus on the
defensive side of the game by
giving players a netball bib with a
position on it and the person on the
opposite team with the same
position is the person their marking
for the game. Also standard scoring
applies however when a team get a
defensive stop i.e. missed shot,
they are awarded a point.
3 Mins
Cool Down: Cool Down: Light jog
around the area. Include arm
stretches, Leg stretches etc.
Adductor Stretch, Hamstring
Stretch, Bicep Stretch
Aim - Gradually to reduce the pulse.
Aid the removal of metabolic waste.
Prevent blood pooling.
1 Min
Conclusion/debrief: Go over what
participants have learned on the
session and get a Q & A
Aim - Check level of understanding
through Q&A. Provide feedback to the
Coaching Session Review for Developing Stage Session 4 Criteria (D)
1. Outline the aim/objectives of your
coaching session
Aim: To introduce Passing in Basketball
Session Objectives
 To establish the release point of the chest pass
 To establish the release point of the bounce pass
 To establish the flicking motion when passing
2. Were the aim/objectives met during
the coaching session?
Yes all the aims and objectives were met as the children taking part had clearly
improved from the start and fully understood the each aspect of the bounce and
chest pass
3. Evaluate what aspects were
successful and what aspects need
improving in your coaching session
Time keeping
Dress (appropriate)
Appropriate use of coaching aids
Area prepared for session/area cleared
My time keeping was good as I kept to my 30 minute mark and every drill
was carried out correctly and to the time schedule
My dress code was professional as I wore my full tracksuit, polo shirt and
had a whistle and a stopwatch
My introduction included everything I should have such as aims, objectives,
safety and injuries
Safety checks (participants/equipment)
Aim and objectives clearly defined
Appropriate warm up
Appropriate and accurate use of
Positioning and clear instructions throughout
Appropriate and accurate use of coaching
Progression and management of practices
Maximum participation
General class control
Keeps group motivated
Suitably challenging activities
Offers technically sound information
appropriate to the group
Provides individual and group feedback
Appropriate conditioned game and/or
Appropriate cool down/conclusion/debrief
to session/questioning
Time management and pace of delivery
Warm up was good and included useful stretches which helped warm the
muscles that were going to be used during the game and drills.
My positioning was good throughout the session as I could clearly see the
whole class and explained drills with everyone sitting down and focused on
my explanations
Each drill moved on to a more challenging drill well and the class were
able to complete the drills while also challenging themselves
The class size was around 12 people which meant there wasn’t any cues as
the drills involved everyone in the group
Class control could have been improved as during explanations people
would talk over me or not pay attention. Also sometimes people would
shout out when I was speaking
The group were motivated during the 1st drill and this helped them with
the rest of the session as they wanted to carry out more drills
My individual feedback was good as everyone in the group was getting their
own feedback and this helped them improve their performance and
Conditioned game was appropriate for the activity as it emphasised passing
and helped people practice passing in a game situation
Cool Down was good and helped slowly relax the muscles that were used
during the session and the Q&A featured the right questions about the
Time management was good as the sessions warm up, drills and cool down
were all kept to the time schedule
4. What changes would you make to the
coaching plan?
The class control could be improved by making people sit out when they
aren’t listening and make the explanations clearer when demonstrating the
City of Glasgow College, School of Hair, Beauty and Sport
Coaching Session Review for Developing Stage Session 5 Criteria (D)
1. Outline the aim/objectives of your
coaching session
Aim - To introduce Defensive Technique into Basketball
 To establish the footwork involved when playing defence
 To establish the body movement involved when playing defence
 To introduce man-to-man defence and defensive stance
2. Were the aim/objectives met during
the coaching session?
The aim was met to introduce defence into basketball but the objectives were
quite difficult to achieve as the session may have been too hard for the ability
level and many players struggled to understand the footwork and defensive stance
3. Evaluate what aspects were
successful and what aspects need
improving in your coaching session
Time keeping
Dress (appropriate)
Appropriate use of coaching aids
Area prepared for session/area cleared
Safety checks (participants/equipment)
Aim and objectives clearly defined
Appropriate warm up
Appropriate and accurate use of
Positioning and clear instructions throughout
Appropriate and accurate use of coaching
Progression and management of practices
Maximum participation
General class control
Keeps group motivated
Suitably challenging activities
Offers technically sound information
appropriate to the group
Provides individual and group feedback
Appropriate conditioned game and/or
Appropriate cool down/conclusion/debrief
My time keeping was good as I kept to my 30 minute mark and every drill
was carried out correctly and to the time schedule
My dress code was professional as I wore my full tracksuit, polo shirt and
had a whistle and a stopwatch
My introduction included everything I should have such as aims, objectives,
safety and injuries
Warm up was good and included useful stretches which helped warm the
muscles that were going to be used during the game and drills.
My positioning was good throughout the session as I could clearly see the
whole class and explained drills with everyone sitting down and focused on
my explanations
Each drill moved on to a more challenging drill however some children
found it quite difficult and I didn’t think of an alternate but most of the
children were challenging themselves
The class size was around 12 people which meant there wasn’t any cues as
the drills involved everyone in the group
Class control could have been improved as during explanations people
would talk over me or not pay attention. Also sometimes people would
shout out when I was speaking
The group were motivated during the 1st drill and this helped them with
to session/questioning
Time management and pace of delivery
the rest of the session as they wanted to carry out more drills
My individual feedback was good as everyone in the group was getting their
own feedback and this helped them improve their performance and
Conditioned game was appropriate for the activity as it emphasised passing
and helped people practice passing in a game situation
Cool Down was good and helped slowly relax the muscles that were used
during the session and the Q&A featured the right questions about the
Time management was good as the sessions warm up, drills and cool down
were all kept to the time schedule
4. What changes would you make to the
coaching plan?
Class control could have been worked on and the difficulty of the drills
could have been altered to make them easier. Also making explanations
more straightforward so the players can understand it and be able to
perform it to a better standard

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Graded Unit Developing Stage Logbook

  • 1. HNC/D COACHING AND DEVELOPING SPORT GRADED UNIT 1 FW68 34 DEVELOPING STAGE: PROJECT Name: ___________________________________ Class: _____________ Lecturer: ________________________________ Date: _____________
  • 2. City of Glasgow College School of Sport HNC/D Coaching and Developing Sport PRODUCT: GRADED UNIT 1 CODE: FW68 34 ASSESSMENT TASK 2: DEVELOPING STAGE PROJECT For this part of the coaching project you are required to plan, deliver and review the five coaching sessions for beginners in your selected sport/s. Each coaching session should be no less than 30 minutes and will be carried out either with an external placement or an internal college group. The five coaching session plans must include the following:  Aims and Objectives  Time Allocations  Layout/Organisation  Coaching Points  Progression You must provide evidence of mentor feedback on all of your sessions by an appropriate mentor (see coaching evidence log) and have 1 session assessed by your college assessor (see assessors checklist). You must provide evidence that each of the 5 coaching sessions for beginners in your selected sport/s have been reviewed (see review sheets). This will be marked out of 60
  • 3. COACHING EVIDENCE LOG CRITERIA C NAME: __________________________________________________ DATE: __________________ Minimum Evidence Required Date Completed Tutor/Mentor Name/Contact details/ Initial Tutor/Mentor comments on overall performance Session 1 23rd March 2016 Session 2 30th March 2016 Session 3 6th April 2016 Session 4 13th April 2016 Session 5 20th April 2016 Lecturers Signature: _________________________________________ Date: _____________________
  • 4. DEVELOPING STAGE: COACHING SESSION1 CRITERIA B Name: Michael O’Connell Session Aim: To introduce the Layup in Basketball Session Objectives  To establish the release of the basketball for the Layup  To establish the stepping movement involved in the Layup  To establish the jumping action for the Layup  To provide a basic understanding of the rules of basketball Date: 23r d March 2016 Time Content/Practices Aim/Objective of Content/Drill & Equipment Required Coaching Points 1 Min Introduction: Introduce my name and safety procedures. Ask about injuries Tell everyone what skill they’ll will be working on in the session Identify aims and objectives Safety Procedures and Injuries 5 Mins Warm up: 1. Light Jog around the court – Shouting out different actions to do. 2. Stretches – High Knees, Arm Circles, Skipping and Body Twists (All x2) 3. Dribbling Game – Everyone apart from a few players get a ball. Aim – To get everyone warmed up and ready for the session/activity. Increasing heart rate and pulse raising exercise. Equipment - Basketballs for Part 3  During dribbling exercise remind players to keep their heads up when dribbling to avoid chasers and other players
  • 5. The players without a ball have to try and steal the ball off of the players with the ball. If the game becomes too hard or easy then change the amount of catchers TIME Content/Practices Aim/Objective of Content/Drill & Equipment Required Coaching Points 20 Mins Core Drills/Activities: 1. Standing Layup Two line drill – Involves two lines of players standing to each side of the basket. One line takes a standing layup and the other collects/rebounds the ball after the shot is taken and the players swap lines. After each player has had a few shots the shooting line is changed to the rebounding side to let players attempt it with their other hand. 2. Driving Layup Two line drill - Involves two lines of players standing to each side of the basket. One line takes a driving Aim – To introduce the Layup in Basketball. To develop the players ability of the Layup Objectives – By introducing situations where players will have to think quickly. Allow players a better understanding of the technique used for a Layup. Involve quick thinking during the drill to mimic a game situation. Allow players to try new techniques and ways to perform the Layup Equipment – Cones, Basketballs, Baskets, Markers, Bibs Drill 1  At the peak of your jump release the ball towards the corner of the backboard square  Keep arm extended when performing the Layup Drill 2  Remember to leap off your inside foot  At the peak of your jump release the ball towards the corner of the backboard square  Keep arm extended when performing the Layup
  • 6. layup and the other collects/rebounds the ball after the shot is taken and the players swap lines. After each player has had a few shots the shooting line is changed to the rebounding side to let players attempt it with their other hand. Can be changed to Full court Layup race which involves two teams at each side of the court having to run to the opposite basket and score a Layup. If player misses then they try until they get it in. First team to get all their players to score wins. 3. Layup Race with a defender – Similar to drill one and two except a defender will be added in to add pressure to the attacker. Will involve having four cones set out and the attacker Drill 2 Alternate/Motivator  Remember to leap off your inside foot  Bend knees for an extra spring to keep defenders away  Keep arm extended when performing the Layup  At the peak of your jump release the ball towards the corner of the backboard square Drill 3  Remember to leap off your inside foot  Keep the ball below your waist when you are dribbling the ball and keep the ball low when attempting the layup  Keep your head up to look for space on the court  Extend arm fully towards the corner of the square on the backboard  Launch yourself off your forward leg and thrust your arms upwards to gain more height  Bend knees for an extra spring to keep defenders away  At the peak of your jump release the ball towards the corner of the backboard square
  • 7. will be running against the defender to run around a cone in the middle of the court and run back and score a Layup. Conditioned Game – Will be focused on the Layup and involve a coned off area next to the basket which players will be allowed to score Layups and no defenders are allowed in it. Layups will also be worth two points and everywhere else will be one point. Will be a 5 vs 5 game and will be full court. 3 Mins Cool Down: Light jog around the area. Include arm stretches, Leg stretches etc. Adductor Stretch, Hamstring Stretch, Bicep Stretch Aim – Gradually to reduce the pulse. Aid the removal of metabolic waste. Prevent blood pooling. 1 Min Conclusion/debrief: Go over what participants have learned on the session and get a Q & A. Aim – Check level of understanding through Q&A. Provide feedback to the group.
  • 8. Coaching Session Review for Developing Stage Session 1 Criteria (D) 1. Outline the aim/objectives of your coaching session Aim – To introduce the Layup in Basketball Objectives  To establish the release of the basketball for the Layup  To establish the stepping movement involved in the Layup  To establish the jumping action for the Layup  To provide a basic understanding of the rules of basketball 2. Were the aim/objectives met during the coaching session? Yes the aims and objectives were met because during the drills the class showed an improvement of the Layup they performed from start to finish and had gained more knowledge of basketball including the rules, technique etc. 3. Evaluate what aspects were successful and what aspects need improving in your coaching session Consider: Time keeping Dress (appropriate) Appropriate use of coaching aids Area prepared for session/area cleared Introduction Safety checks (participants/equipment) Aim and objectives clearly defined Appropriate warm up My time keeping on the session could have been improved as I had used too much time by the time I moved on to my cool down which meant it was rushed and not completed properly My dress code was professional as I wore my full tracksuit, polo shirt and had a whistle and a stopwatch My introduction was kept to the point and clearly stated my aims and objectives. My health and safety points were mentioned during the start of the warm up. Warm up was useful as the last part was related to a game of basketball
  • 9. Appropriate and accurate use of demonstrations Positioning and clear instructions throughout Appropriate and accurate use of coaching points Progression and management of practices Maximum participation General class control Keeps group motivated Suitably challenging activities Offers technically sound information appropriate to the group Provides individual and group feedback Appropriate conditioned game and/or activity Appropriate cool down/conclusion/debrief to session/questioning Time management and pace of delivery and helped participants understand a pressured game situation My demonstrations could have been explained better and I didn’t demonstrate enough as I would usually only do 1 demonstrations and move on which lead to some people not understanding the drill My positioning was good as I was moving around group to group and was also standing in a good position when demonstrating Each drill progressed well on to the one after it and it got increasingly more difficult every time Due to a small class there wasn’t a lot of cues which meant there was a good amount of participation in the session Class control was kept good throughout the session until the explanation of the game where people were talking and I didn’t notice because I was facing the other way The group were motivated as I included a small challenge with a Layup race which meant they wanted to carry on with the session My individual feedback was quite good as I was going from group to group and telling people what they were doing right and wrong. However my group feedback needed a bit of improvement as I didn’t really give any Conditioned game was appropriate for the activity as the coned off areas helped emphasise the layup Cool Down and my debrief felt as though they were rushed as I didn’t carry out stretches for long enough and the Q&A was also very quick Time management could have been improved as drills were too long and
  • 10. cool down was too short but the pace of delivery was good throughout the session 4. What changes would you make to the coaching plan? Manage my timings better by following my guidelines and try to speed up marking out the drills
  • 11. DEVELOPING STAGE: COACHING SESSION 2 CRITERIA B Name: Michael O’Connell Session Aim: To introduce Dribbling in Basketball Session Objectives  To establish the hand position for dribbling  To establish the correct height for the ball to be bounced  To establish the correct position and footwork for the Dribble Date: 30th March 2016 Time Content/Practices Aim/Objective of Content/Drill & Equipment Required Coaching Points 1 Min Introduction: Introduce my name and safety procedures. Ask about injuries Tell everyone what skill they’ll will be working on in the session Identify aims and objectives Safety Procedures and Injuries 5 Min Warm up: 1. Numbers Game – Shout out a number and players have to get into groups of that number 2. Stretches – High Knees, Arm Circles, Skipping and Body Twists (All x2) 3. Tig with added basketballs – Each player dribbles around the designated area with a basketball and chasers have to catch the players. When a person is Aim – To get everyone warmed up and ready for the session/activity. Increasing heart rate and pulse raising exercise. Equipment - Basketballs for Part 3  Dribbling Tig reinforces the idea to keep your head up when dribbling. Remind players to look where they’re going
  • 12. caught they place the ball behind them and another player has to roll the ball through their legs and then they can carry on TIME Content/Practices Aim/Objective of Content/Drill & Equipment Required Coaching Points 20 Mins Core Drills/Activities: 1. Ball familiarity – Everyone gets a ball and finds a space in the hall. Everyone gets instructions to dribble the ball and try and sit down while dribbling and keeping their head up. Also get told to go on tiptoes. Aim – To get everyone thinking about dribbling and to try new moves. Get a better understanding of dribbling. Involve quick thinking during the drill to mimic a game situation Objectives – By breaking down the technique involved in dribbling to make it easier to perform Introducing pressured events to what players would experience in game to help make better decisions during the Drill 1  Keep feet shoulder width apart  Keep your head up to look where your dribbling  Bend your knees to keep balance Drill 2  Dribble/Bounce the ball with your fingertips. Don’t let it touch your palm  Keep the ball below your waist when you are dribbling the ball
  • 13. 2. Dribble Course – Players told to dribble in and out of cones. Told to do a crossover at each cone. 3. Dribble course with a Defender – Similar to drill 2 except 2 defenders are on lines now trying to stop the dribbler from getting past them. If defender gets the ball then the dribbler swaps with the defender. Conditioned Game – Will be focused on dribbling and there will be gates located around the court in which teams have to dribble through to gain points. Teams have to go through 5 gates to get 1 point. If game gets to Easy/Hard then change the number of gates game Allow players to try dribble moves with little pressure Equipment - Cones, Basketballs, Baskets, Markers, Bibs  Keep your head up to look where your dribbling  Bend your knees to keep balance and move forward on the balls of your feet Drill 3  Dribble/Bounce the ball with your fingertips. Don’t let it touch your palm  Keep the ball below your waist when you are dribbling the ball  Keep your head up to look where your dribbling  Bend your knees to keep balance and move forward on the balls of your feet  Keep your body over the ball to help shield the bell away from the defender 3 Mins Cool Down: Light jog around the area. Include arm stretches, Leg stretches etc. Adductor Stretch, Hamstring Stretch, Bicep Stretch Aim - Gradually to reduce the pulse. Aid the removal of metabolic waste. Prevent blood pooling. Conclusion/debrief: Go over what Aim - Check level of understanding
  • 14. 1 Min participants have learned on the session and get a Q & A. through Q&A. Provide feedback to the group. Coaching Session Review for Developing Stage Session 2 Criteria (D) 1. Outline the aim/objectives of your coaching session Aim - To introduce Dribbling in Basketball Objectives  To establish the hand position for dribbling  To establish the correct height for the ball to be bounced  To establish the correct position and footwork for the Dribble 2. Were the aim/objectives met during the coaching session? The aim was met during the session however some of the objectives were not met due to by the end of the session participants were still using the wrong hand position when they were dribbling and using two hands. However I would say that everyone had the correct footwork and position when they were dribbling 3. Evaluate what aspects were successful and what aspects need improving in your coaching session Consider: Time keeping Dress (appropriate) Appropriate use of coaching aids Area prepared for session/area cleared Introduction Safety checks (participants/equipment) My time keeping on the session was good as the schedule I had planned I kept to and followed the times on it My dress code was professional as I wore my full tracksuit, polo shirt and had a whistle and a stopwatch My introduction was kept to the point and clearly stated my aims and objectives. My health and safety points were mentioned during the start of the warm up
  • 15. Aim and objectives clearly defined Appropriate warm up Appropriate and accurate use of demonstrations Positioning and clear instructions throughout Appropriate and accurate use of coaching points Progression and management of practices Maximum participation General class control Keeps group motivated Suitably challenging activities Offers technically sound information appropriate to the group Provides individual and group feedback Appropriate conditioned game and/or activity Appropriate cool down/conclusion/debrief to session/questioning Time management and pace of delivery Warm up was useful as it involved a small game which can help in a real game such as keeping your head up to look for space, pass etc. My positioning could have been improved as I had to partner up with one of the participants for around 2 minutes while his partner was away to the toilet and I felt I didn’t get to see the rest of the class as much as I would have liked to Each drill progressed by difficulty level and gave the participants a challenge The class was quite big and there was some ques when it came to the 2nd and 3rd drill which could have been worked on by adding an extra line Class control could have been improved as during my explanations some participants would either talk over me or not pay attention and not know what to do. The group were motivated as they wanted to beat the defenders on the final drill and were excited and motivated to do so My individual feedback was ok as some people improved their technique when I gave them some advice but sometimes people wouldn’t listen and their dribbling technique was poor Conditioned game was appropriate for the activity as the gates helped emphasise dribbling and helped improve it in a pressured situations Cool Down and my debrief were appropriate and included the correct muscles to stretch and included a short summary of the session Time management was good as drills were kept to appropriate times and
  • 16. the session overall was kept to the 30 minute mark 4. What changes would you make to the coaching plan? Maybe next time make the drills more challenging and also keep the class focused and under control more by asking them questions about what I told them about a certain technique so I know their paying attention.
  • 17. DEVELOPING STAGE: COACHING SESSION 3 CRITERIA B Name: Michael O’Connell Session Aim: To introduce Shooting in Basketball Session Objectives:  To establish the arm movement and technique involved with the shot  To establish the body position for shooting  To establish the release of the ball when shooting Date: 6th April 2016 Time Content/Practices Aim/Objective of Content/Drill & Equipment Required Coaching Points 1 Min Introduction: Introduce my name and safety procedures. Ask about injuries Tell everyone what skill they’ll will be working on in the session Identify aims and objectives Safety Procedures and Injuries 5 Mins Warm up: 1. Light Jog around the court – Shouting out different actions to do. 2. Stretches – High Knees, Arm Circles, Skipping and Body Twists (All x2) 3. King of the Ring – Players dribble inside a designated area and try and knock other player’s balls outside the area while trying to protect Aim – To get everyone warmed up and ready for the session/activity. Increasing heart rate and pulse raising exercise. Equipment - Basketballs for Part 3  3r d Drill helps players to realise to keep their heads up when dribbling as they need to watch out for defenders
  • 18. their own. If the ball goes out then the player does 3 star jumps and joins back in TIME Content/Practices Aim/Objective of Content/Drill & Equipment Required Coaching Points 20 Mins Core Drills/Activities 1. Form Shooting – Players stand around 2 feet away from the basket and practice their shooting form and to get a better understanding of the technique used for shooting and to help them for the next drill 2. Two Line Shooting Drill - Involves two lines of players standing to each side of the basket. One line takes a jump shot from one of the cones and after the shot the other collects/rebounds the ball and the players swap lines. After each player has had a few shots the shooting line is changed to the rebounding side to let players attempt it with from a different angle. Aim – To help players with their technique of shooting. To introduce shooting into basketball Objectives – To provide a better understanding of players own shooting ability. To establish a realistic shooting scenario. To allow players to practice shooting and new skills with little pressure Equipment – Cones, Basketballs, Baskets, Markers, Bibs Drill 1  To begin the shot, crouch down with your knees apart and face the basket  Aim for the ball to loop quite high and focus on the shot to be continuous and try to get into a rhythm Drill 2  To begin the shot, crouch down with your knees apart and face the basket  Aim for the ball to loop quite high and focus on the shot to be continuous and try to get into a rhythm  Straighten legs when releasing the ball and release the ball at the peak of your jump Drill 3  To begin the shot, crouch down with your knees apart and face the basket  Aim for the ball to loop quite high and focus on the shot to be continuous and try to get into a rhythm  Straighten legs when releasing the ball and release the ball at the peak of your jump
  • 19. Each time a player gets a shot in they move to the next cone which will be further away. If they miss they stay at the same cone 3. Catch and Shoot – Similar to drill 2 except one line sits under the basket which are defending and one line stands just behind the free throw line which is the shooter line. The defending line passes the ball to the shooter line and then the defender runs towards the shooter to add some pressure to the shooter whereas the shooter needs to try and score with the added pressure. Players swap lines with each other after each shot. Conditioned Game – Focus on shooting within a game by telling attacker they can’t enter the area close to the basket so they have to take a jump shot. Only defenders are allowed in their own area and attackers have to stay outside the area  Use you weaker hand as a support for the shot and this would help balance the ball
  • 20. 3 Mins Cool Down: Light jog around the area. Include arm stretches, Leg stretches etc. Adductor Stretch, Hamstring Stretch, Bicep Stretch Aim - Gradually to reduce the pulse. Aid the removal of metabolic waste. Prevent blood pooling. 1 Min Conclusion/debrief: Go over what participants have learned on the session and get a Q & A. Aim - Check level of understanding through Q&A. Provide feedback to the group. Coaching Session Review for Developing Stage Session 3 Criteria (D) 1. Outline the aim/objectives of your coaching session Aim - To introduce Shooting in Basketball Objectives  To establish the arm movement and technique involved with the shot  To establish the body position for shooting  To establish the release of the ball when shooting 2. Were the aim/objectives met during the coaching session? The aim was met as the children did have a basic understanding of the shooting technique however they sometimes didn’t understand the one hand shooting motion and kept on using two hands 3. Evaluate what aspects were successful and what aspects need improving in your My time keeping was ok throughout the sessions as some the warm up was kept to the correct time but during the drills some may have been shorter
  • 21. coaching session Consider: Time keeping Dress (appropriate) Appropriate use of coaching aids Area prepared for session/area cleared Introduction Safety checks (participants/equipment) Aim and objectives clearly defined Appropriate warm up Appropriate and accurate use of demonstrations Positioning and clear instructions throughout Appropriate and accurate use of coaching points Progression and management of practices Maximum participation General class control Keeps group motivated Suitably challenging activities Offers technically sound information appropriate to the group Provides individual and group feedback Appropriate conditioned game and/or activity Appropriate cool down/conclusion/debrief to session/questioning Time management and pace of delivery than expected My dress code was professional as I wore my full tracksuit, polo shirt and had a whistle and a stopwatch My introduction was kept to the point and clearly stated my aims and objectives. Health and safety points were also added and participant injuries were also covered Warm up was useful as it helped match what would happen in a real game of basketball as someone might steal the ball and players need to learn to shield the ball with their body to mirror a real game My positioning was good as I was moving around group to group and standing in between groups when explaining drills and demonstrations Each drill progressed well on to the next one as it slowly developed the participants ability of the shooting action in basketball Due to a small class there wasn’t a lot of cues which meant there was a good amount of participation in the session Class control was kept under good control as the class payed attention to when I was explaining and demonstrations drills The group could have been more motivated as I didn’t include a small game related drill between the drills and this meant the children weren’t as motivated as they could have been My individual feedback could have been improved as I focused more on the group instead of the individuals completing the drills
  • 22. Conditioned game was appropriate for the activity as the limited area gave teams better opportunities to take a jump shot Cool Down could have been improved as kept it short as I needed to talk to the class in the debrief so may have rushed it Time management could have improved as some drill times were a bit inconsistent 4. What changes would you make to the coaching plan? Next time include a motivator drill to keep the class excited and ready to carry on with the rest of the session. Also keep to times written on the sheet and perform a full cool down
  • 23. DEVELOPING STAGE: COACHING SESSION 4 CRITERIA B Name: Michael O’Connell Session Aim: To introduce Passing in Basketball Session Objectives  To establish the release point of the chest pass  To establish the release point of the bounce pass  To establish the flicking motion when passing Date: 13th April 2016 Time Content/Practices Aim/Objective of Content/Drill & Equipment Required Coaching Points 1 Min Introduction: Introduce my name and safety procedures. Ask about injuries Tell everyone what skill they’ll will be working on in the session Identify aims and objectives Safety Procedures and Injuries 5 Mins Warm up: 1. Numbers Game – Shout out a number and players have to get into groups of that number 2. Stretches – High Knees, Arm Circles, Skipping and Body Twists (All x2) 3. Tig with added basketballs – Each player dribbles around the designated area with a basketball Aim – To get everyone warmed up and ready for the session/activity. Increasing heart rate and pulse raising exercise. Equipment - Basketballs for Part 3  3r d Drill helps players to realise to keep their heads up when dribbling as they need to watch out for catchers
  • 24. and chasers have to catch the players. When a person is caught they place the ball behind them and another player has to roll the ball through their legs and then they can carry on TIME Content/Practices Aim/Objective of Content/Drill & Equipment Required Coaching Points 20 Mins Core Drills/Activities: 1. Partner Passing line – Each player gets a partner and lines up on one of the cones facing each other. The players then perform a chest pass and bounce pass to each other. Add in a competition to complete most passes in 1 minute to motivate class 2. Passing Square – Players get into groups of 4 and make a square. Players then pass Aims - To help players with their technique of passing. To introduce passing into basketball Objectives – To establish the flicking moving that is associated with passing. To establish the arm movement and power involved in the pass. To establish the foot movement used for passing Equipment – Cones, Basketballs, Baskets, Markers, Bibs Drill 1  Keep eyes on passer when completing the pass  Make sure fingers are spread over the ball to generate more power  For bounce pass look to aim pass around 2/3 away from your partner when passing and complete same arm extension as the chest pass Drill 2  Keep eyes on passer when completing the pass  Make sure fingers are spread over the ball to generate more power  Extend arms fully and towards your partner allowing to gain more distance  For bounce pass look to aim pass around 2/3 away from your partner when
  • 25. and move the ball around the square following their pass when they perform a pass. Add a defender if drill is becoming too boring or easy 3. Three Man Moving Passing Drill – Players get into groups of 3 and then perform a series of passing while on the move. The starting player (Player 1) passes to player on the right (Player 2). Player 1 then runs behind player 2 while at the same time player 2 passes to 3. Player 3 then passes to player 1 and it begins again. Essentially when a player makes a pass they follow it and go behind the player they passed it to waiting to passing and complete same arm extension as the chest pass Drill 3  Keep eyes on passer when completing the pass  Make sure fingers are spread over the ball to generate more power  Extend arms fully and towards your partner allowing to gain more distance  Flick the wrists when completing the pass and thumbs should be pointing downwards  For bounce pass look to aim pass around 2/3 away from your partner when passing and complete same arm extension as the chest pass
  • 26. receive another pass Conditioned Game – Game focused on passing so players have to make 5 passes before being allowed to score a basket. Can’t pass to the same person more than once in a row. 3 Mins Cool Down: Light jog around the area. Include arm stretches, Leg stretches etc. Adductor Stretch, Hamstring Stretch, Bicep Stretch Aim - Gradually to reduce the pulse. Aid the removal of metabolic waste. Prevent blood pooling. 1 Min Conclusion/debrief: Go over what participants have learned on the session and get a Q & A Aim - Check level of understanding through Q&A. Provide feedback to the group.
  • 27. DEVELOPING STAGE: COACHING SESSION 5 CRITERIA B Name: Michael O’Connell Session Aim: To introduce Defensive Technique into Basketball Session Objectives  To establish the footwork involved when playing defence  To establish the body movement involved when playing defence  To introduce man-to-man defence and defensive stance Date: 20th April 2016 Time Content/Practices Aim/Objective of Content/Drill & Equipment Required Coaching Points 1 Min Introduction: Introduce my name and safety procedures. Ask about injuries Tell everyone what skill they’ll will be working on in the session Identify aims and objectives Safety Procedures and Injuries 5 Mins Warm up: 1. Numbers Game – Shout out a number and players have to get into groups of that number 2. Stretches – High Knees, Arm Circles, Skipping and Body Twists (All x2) Aim – To get everyone warmed up and ready for the session/activity. Increasing heart rate and pulse raising exercise. Equipment - Basketballs for Part 3  3r d Drill helps players understand the importance of keeping your head up when playing basketball as you can look for space and avoid defenders
  • 28. 3. Dribbling Game – Everyone apart from a few players get a ball. The players without a ball have to try and steal the ball off of the players with the ball. If the game becomes too hard or easy then change the amount of catchers TIME Content/Practices Aim/Objective of Content/Drill & Equipment Required Coaching Points 20 Mins Core Drills/Activities: 1. Zig Zag slides – Players get into groups and stand on each corner of the court. The players should be facing their line and the sidestepping diagonally until they reach a cone and then swap direction now going to the opposite side line. Players then sprint back and the next person goes. 2. Defensive Mirrors – Players get into Aim – To provide a basic introduction into defence in Basketball. To develop a players defensive technique Objectives – By introducing situations where players will have to think quickly. Involve quick thinking during the drill to mimic a game situation. Allow players to understand what to do on defence when playing basketball Equipment – Cones, Basketballs, Baskets, Markers, Bibs Drill 1  Make sure a low stance is kept throughout the drill  Remember to keep light on your feet when moving so you can change direction easier Drill 2  Make sure a low stance is kept throughout the drill  Remember to keep light on your feet when defending so you can change direction easier  Keep arms out wide to make yourself seem bigger and to limit the attackers space Drill 3  Make sure a low stance is kept
  • 29. partners and then everyone lines up on the baseline. One player is the attacker and one is the defender. The defender needs to try and stay in line with the attacker while the attacker is trying to break away from the defender by going from side to side. Players swap roles after 15 seconds and then the next pair go 3. One on One – Players are put into pairs and then they start at the free throw line with the attacker starting with the ball facing the attacker. The attacker’s goal is to try and score a basket while the defender needs to try and play up close and tight defence on the attacker and force a poor shot. Swap over after each throughout the drill  Remember to keep light on your feet when defending so you can change direction easier  Keep arms out wide to make yourself seem bigger and to limit the attackers space  Keep close to the attacker to add pressure and force an error
  • 30. shot and then the next pair goes Conditioned Game – Focus on the defensive side of the game by giving players a netball bib with a position on it and the person on the opposite team with the same position is the person their marking for the game. Also standard scoring applies however when a team get a defensive stop i.e. missed shot, they are awarded a point. 3 Mins Cool Down: Cool Down: Light jog around the area. Include arm stretches, Leg stretches etc. Adductor Stretch, Hamstring Stretch, Bicep Stretch Aim - Gradually to reduce the pulse. Aid the removal of metabolic waste. Prevent blood pooling. 1 Min Conclusion/debrief: Go over what participants have learned on the session and get a Q & A Aim - Check level of understanding through Q&A. Provide feedback to the group.
  • 31. Coaching Session Review for Developing Stage Session 4 Criteria (D) 1. Outline the aim/objectives of your coaching session Aim: To introduce Passing in Basketball Session Objectives  To establish the release point of the chest pass  To establish the release point of the bounce pass  To establish the flicking motion when passing 2. Were the aim/objectives met during the coaching session? Yes all the aims and objectives were met as the children taking part had clearly improved from the start and fully understood the each aspect of the bounce and chest pass 3. Evaluate what aspects were successful and what aspects need improving in your coaching session Consider: Time keeping Dress (appropriate) Appropriate use of coaching aids Area prepared for session/area cleared My time keeping was good as I kept to my 30 minute mark and every drill was carried out correctly and to the time schedule My dress code was professional as I wore my full tracksuit, polo shirt and had a whistle and a stopwatch My introduction included everything I should have such as aims, objectives, safety and injuries
  • 32. Introduction Safety checks (participants/equipment) Aim and objectives clearly defined Appropriate warm up Appropriate and accurate use of demonstrations Positioning and clear instructions throughout Appropriate and accurate use of coaching points Progression and management of practices Maximum participation General class control Keeps group motivated Suitably challenging activities Offers technically sound information appropriate to the group Provides individual and group feedback Appropriate conditioned game and/or activity Appropriate cool down/conclusion/debrief to session/questioning Time management and pace of delivery Warm up was good and included useful stretches which helped warm the muscles that were going to be used during the game and drills. My positioning was good throughout the session as I could clearly see the whole class and explained drills with everyone sitting down and focused on my explanations Each drill moved on to a more challenging drill well and the class were able to complete the drills while also challenging themselves The class size was around 12 people which meant there wasn’t any cues as the drills involved everyone in the group Class control could have been improved as during explanations people would talk over me or not pay attention. Also sometimes people would shout out when I was speaking The group were motivated during the 1st drill and this helped them with the rest of the session as they wanted to carry out more drills My individual feedback was good as everyone in the group was getting their own feedback and this helped them improve their performance and technique Conditioned game was appropriate for the activity as it emphasised passing and helped people practice passing in a game situation Cool Down was good and helped slowly relax the muscles that were used during the session and the Q&A featured the right questions about the session
  • 33. Time management was good as the sessions warm up, drills and cool down were all kept to the time schedule 4. What changes would you make to the coaching plan? The class control could be improved by making people sit out when they aren’t listening and make the explanations clearer when demonstrating the skill City of Glasgow College, School of Hair, Beauty and Sport Coaching Session Review for Developing Stage Session 5 Criteria (D) 1. Outline the aim/objectives of your coaching session Aim - To introduce Defensive Technique into Basketball Objectives  To establish the footwork involved when playing defence  To establish the body movement involved when playing defence  To introduce man-to-man defence and defensive stance
  • 34. 2. Were the aim/objectives met during the coaching session? The aim was met to introduce defence into basketball but the objectives were quite difficult to achieve as the session may have been too hard for the ability level and many players struggled to understand the footwork and defensive stance 3. Evaluate what aspects were successful and what aspects need improving in your coaching session Consider: Time keeping Dress (appropriate) Appropriate use of coaching aids Area prepared for session/area cleared Introduction Safety checks (participants/equipment) Aim and objectives clearly defined Appropriate warm up Appropriate and accurate use of demonstrations Positioning and clear instructions throughout Appropriate and accurate use of coaching points Progression and management of practices Maximum participation General class control Keeps group motivated Suitably challenging activities Offers technically sound information appropriate to the group Provides individual and group feedback Appropriate conditioned game and/or activity Appropriate cool down/conclusion/debrief My time keeping was good as I kept to my 30 minute mark and every drill was carried out correctly and to the time schedule My dress code was professional as I wore my full tracksuit, polo shirt and had a whistle and a stopwatch My introduction included everything I should have such as aims, objectives, safety and injuries Warm up was good and included useful stretches which helped warm the muscles that were going to be used during the game and drills. My positioning was good throughout the session as I could clearly see the whole class and explained drills with everyone sitting down and focused on my explanations Each drill moved on to a more challenging drill however some children found it quite difficult and I didn’t think of an alternate but most of the children were challenging themselves The class size was around 12 people which meant there wasn’t any cues as the drills involved everyone in the group Class control could have been improved as during explanations people would talk over me or not pay attention. Also sometimes people would shout out when I was speaking The group were motivated during the 1st drill and this helped them with
  • 35. to session/questioning Time management and pace of delivery the rest of the session as they wanted to carry out more drills My individual feedback was good as everyone in the group was getting their own feedback and this helped them improve their performance and technique Conditioned game was appropriate for the activity as it emphasised passing and helped people practice passing in a game situation Cool Down was good and helped slowly relax the muscles that were used during the session and the Q&A featured the right questions about the session Time management was good as the sessions warm up, drills and cool down were all kept to the time schedule 4. What changes would you make to the coaching plan? Class control could have been worked on and the difficulty of the drills could have been altered to make them easier. Also making explanations more straightforward so the players can understand it and be able to perform it to a better standard