SlideShare a Scribd company logo
Our campaign was focused on getting new users for “” site, ensued by an increase in
the magazine’s downloads. Aside from a beginning accident (we talked about in on our gomcha
blog), we spent all of our budget away during the three weeks, achieving 32 average clicks per day.
Our client unfortunately didn’t set up those changes to website that we strongly suggested for
usability and search engine optimization. We could just insert a banner in the home page,
redirecting to webzine’s download section. This allowed us to low down the bounce rate form the
initial 60% to the final 49%. Other typical marketing initiatives has not been make possible by the
client, so we just relied on magazine’s content all through the campaign.

1.2 - Key results
We are going to show our results as adwords performance and then as website’s traffic increases.

1.2.1 - Campaign
Regarding campaign, here are the results at the moment of its conclusion, beside with details of
performance for each group of ads.

Clicks                 716
                                               Clicks CTR      Avg. CPC Cost        Impressions
Impressions            642.080
Ctr                    0,11%      TUTORIAL 247         0,08% 2,32$          81,75$ 316.518
Avg Cpc                $ 0,25
                                  PROMO        72      0,19% 0,21$          15,03$ 36.288
Avg Cpm                $ 0,28
                       $          REC. HW      3       0,01% 0,23$          0,68$   26.018
Total cost             181,12
                                  REC. VG      345     0,25% 0,26$          90,86$ 135.701

                                  CINEMA       49      0,03% 0,24$          11,78$ 128.606

Most earning ads have been the “videogame” sections’ ones. Amongst these, the best has been:

                                     As most productive keywords we had “3d”, “autocad”,
                                     “animation”. They’re fairly generic, quite expensive too, only
                                     introduced at half of the campaign gone, as we feared to waste
                                     our budget in a too short time and not to reach an interested
target. However the increase of downloads detected after inserting these keywords seems now to
prove their productivity.
Gruppo di    Parola                                    CPC              Posizione
    Campagna              annunci      chiave     Impressions Clic CTR          medio Costo media
    Campagna          Recensioni
    n. 1              videogames     3d                   17714 139     0,78%    $0,23 $32,32           3,2
    Campagna          Recensioni
    n. 1              videogames     animation            2702   40     1,48%    $0,42 $16,65            3
    Campagna          Recensioni
    n. 1              videogames     autocad              5942   30     0,50%    $0,28   $8,39          5,7
    Campagna          Recensioni
    n. 1              videogames     arte                 7025   19     0,27%    $0,27   $5,11          3,9
    n. 1              Tutorial       disegno 3d            426   14     3,29%    $0,25   $3,53          3,1
    Campagna          Recensioni     3D Studio
     n. 1             videogames     Max                  1229   14     1,14%    $0,18   $2,59          1,9

1.2.2 – Site’s traffic
Concerning websites’ traffic, in order to have a reliable comparison, we took into consideration the
three weeks right before campaign, along with the period of the latter:

                                                  Pre-campaign Campaign Tasso di
                                                  03/4 – 24/4    25/4 - 16/5 Incremento
            N° totale visite                      7530           10.315
            N° vistatori / giorno                 342            469            +37%
            Tempo medio di permanenza             3:24           4:02           +24%
            N° visitatori unici                   2.351          3.597
            N° visitatori unici / giorno          106,8          163,5          +53%
            N°download pdf                        176            349
            N°download pdf / giorno               8              15,86          +98%
            N° giorni considerati                 22             22

On the chart you can notice that daily visitors number raised of 37%. The average time spent on the
site has increased too (+24%). It may not be so much, and we think that may depend on the
incoming flow of users from adwords. Infact these visitors are just new and not yet steady, exposing
the site to more bounces and short surfing. Lastly, we have +53% of unique visitors during
campaign time. We can so state that first goal, traffic improvement, has been reached.
Since the opening of the site (2004) until this time, we have 8.379 magazine’s download (fig. 1
App.). During three reference weeks, before campaign downloads are 176 (8 avg per day), whereas
with adwords running they go up to 347 (15,86 avg per day), with a 98% increase (App., fig.2). So
we feel safe saying that second goal (incresing webzine’s download) has been reached.

Following data are up to confirm the achieving of another stated target, that is the increasing of
registered users:
       •    359 registered users before beginning of campaign
       •    41 new users signed in (+11,4%)
       •    400 total members at the end of campaign

Upon the whole three years that site’s been running, the first digit gives 17 average new members
each three weeks. Since we’ve got 41 new members during campaign, that is 24 over the average in
previous term, we also reached our third goal. At a total cost if 181,12$, we have a 7,5$ cost per
new user.
Concerning Analytics, the system suffered a data loss relating period going from 30/4 to 5/5.
Moreover our client removed by mistake the monitoring code from the site, hence we couldn’t use
Google Analytics for a full results comparison with the log file we took from the site’s server.

                                      FONTI DI TRAFFICO

PRIMA DELLA CAMPAGNA                                            DOPO LA CAMPAGNA
1. Traffico diretto                         62,50%              1. Motori di ricerca                 65,36%
2. Siti di provenienza                      27,08%              2. Siti di provenienza               18,35%
3. Motori di ricerca                        10,42%              3. Traffico diretto                    16,29

1.3 - Conclusions
To sum up, we've been able to achieve each of submitted goals:

    1. Unique visitors                            +53%
    2. Average time spent on site                 +24%
    3. Magazine's downloads                       +98%
    4. Registered users                           +10%
    5. Cost per new signed user                    $ 7,5

Adwords instruments strongly helped in juicing up web traffic to the site, as also in raising up
magazine's downloads, leading us to reaching most of suggested goals. Surfing experience still
hangs as a critical point, although we're now sure that users do have interest in “3D Mansion
Magazine” as a product. That being said, and considering:
              reached goals
              product's features,
              outstanding usability issues affecting the site
              narrow budget at our disposal
              team's lack of experience in using adwords
we're deeming truly satisfied for campaign's outcoming.

1.4 - Recommendations for your client’s future online marketing

Here are our suggestions as strategic priorities:
   •    Improve website's usability
   •    get the site some more lively, mainly through user's hands-on
   •    enhance contents' categories
   •    set up partnerships with other players of same industry
   •    advertising and (users) outlining – website and magazine based ads, aimed to registered and
        other trade users.

Here's an account for main incoming pages. Our advice is for the client to focus his attention upon

                  PAGINA                            VISITATORI           %
                  Home page                                 1116          11.86
                  La guida di vray                             73          0.78
                  Forum                                        43          0.46
                  UBoat U-47 in 3DS Max                        41          0.44
                  Eventi                                       40          0.43
                  Newsletter                                   36          0.38

Here instead are some top outgoing pages (attention also required):

            PAGINA                                   VISITATORI                %
            Home page                                        900               9.57
            Feed RSS                                          69               0.73
            La guida di vray                                  64               0.68
            Download - Speciali                               62               0.66
            Downloads                                         55               0.58
            Nuovo numero di 3D Mansion Magazine (10)          50               0.53
Learning component
1. Learning objectives and outcomes

Our main target was to learn most useful skills for working with Google adwords. All of us member
of the team judged the experience as qualifying and strongly fitting with our working domains,
enabling us to shift from the simple search-engine experience through the professional advertising
tool. Learning has been both theoretical and practical: first we applied to gain as more instrument's
features, then with campaign running we strove for testing our new knowledge with the real issue of
the client. Especially in this second phase, a steady supervising of campaign performance has been
necessary, so that we could react promptly and forcefully to matters as they little by little started
Solutions often required commitment and synergy from the whole team, teachers and client.

2. Group dynamics and client dynamics

The troubles we met during our campaign might be sketched in two categories:
Client's website: Before the beginning of the challenge we had some meeting with our client,
turned to both improve our knowledge of his needs and targets, and to check any problem that could
affect the good outcome of campaign.
We could see outcropping several boundaries through all website, which is still now the unique
distribution channel for our client. That's why we suggested some changes, in particular with
reference to overall usability as well as to some specific sectors (such as forum), in attempt to
enhance appeal and so we hope conversions too.

       Here are some of our adivces for modifications:
             1. Make stick out login and sign-in feature, pointing up the services available to users
                through these operations.
             2. Set up a space for hosting users' contents
             3. launch some contests
             4. provide a blog to users
             5. make more functional the download area of the site
             6. improve forum's usability and appeal
             7. Get graphic's professionals involved, maybe with a dedicated section
It has to be said that against a usability analysis document given by us to client, no changes has
been brought to website during campaign. Lately given access to site, we could just insert a banner
into homepage, telling users to sign in for downloading magazine's pdf.

Adwords results (ctr and related issues):
During first step impressions keep raising up at thousands a day, most of all generated by content
network, and giving us a very low ctr. We considered the following strategic options, which will be
examinated closely in the next paragraph:

   •   use of different ads options
   •   intervention on ad groups
   •   use of content network
   •   choice of several time slots for displaying ads
   •   raise of bids for keywords

3. The evolution of the campaign strategy

Ads groups, keywords, costs and clicks
In the first place campaign was composed by five ad groups, each of them associated to a specific
kind of magazine's content. Many keywords has been get observing the sort of material present in
the magazine, with also specific names of reported products – e.g.: kind of article “tutorial” +
“vray” as subject: “tutorial vray”. To these we added some keywords derived from an interview
with a group of people operating in graphic industry. The resulting keywords have been submitted
to our client for a last opinion. After that we tested keywords with adwords tool such the traffic
estimator and the keyword one, with first purpose to check if they allowed us to stay into daily
budget, complying also with our wished clicks. For displaying we first set two time slots: 12-15 e
20-23.30, both of them corresponding to most intense traffic hour on the site.

Search and content network
In the beginning we also activated the content network, at a cpc higher then on search network. For
the latter the cpc has been set dividing the daily budget by the number of click we hoped to get.
Since this amount was fair enough for most of keywords, we had some budget left that we spent
setting a higher bid for content network, as we were also sure that this would have not affected our
chance to get wished clicks.
Negative keywords
3DMansion is a purely informational magazine, so by means of many negative keywords we ruled
out some contexts supposed to come out in users' searches, but anyway irrelevant to site's activity.
Search terms including words “prezzo”, “acquista”, “sconto”, “offerta” ecc.. (price, offer, discount,
buy and other trading situations) have been set out to avoid useless impressions.

1st week
During first week we had a very low ctr, mainly because of the impressions generated by three of
the groups: “tutorial”, “videogames” and “cinema”. First two however also gave us a high number
of clicks. So we started working on two sides: in primis testing new keywords, deleting the less
profitable and modifying less clicked ads. On the other hand we noticed that content network was
bringing thousands of impressions for each group, therefore through placement performance reports
we took care of cutting off sites with lowest ctr, or anyway those not generating any click – we
already used in the very beginning adwords' tool for sites and categories exclusion.

2nd week
In the half of the second week we tried to rule out the content network. Our concern in doing this
was far most clicks coming from this network. We finally convinced ourselves because we risked to
join the end of the campaign with a very low ctr. On the first day we understood that this way
displaying and clicks go much more slowly (App., fig. 3, for overall comparison between two
networks), so in a few hours we decided to extend ads' exposure time. Time slots got bigger,
becoming now 11-15 and 16-24. In the meantime we kept trying new keywords, also setting on
pause two groups: “recensioni hardware” and “cinema”, given their high impressions and few
clicks. Situation for these groups did not get better on search network, where magazine's content
asked for too expensive keywords in our ads. Anyway overall results has been positive, seeing that
compared with first week clicks went down of just 10%, while impressions decreased ten times then
before! Ctr shows remarkable increasing, going from first week's 0,04% to current 0,43% (App.,
fig. 5).

3rd week
In the last week we went on trying new keywords in the place of less profitable ones. Ad groups has
been reduced to three, and now to two, having been “promo” suspended too. Clicks increase of
nearly 20%, going back to first week rate, while at the same time impressions decrease of 33% - so
we now have a 0,73% ctr (App., fig. 6). This way we proceeded until the end of the campaign,
being able to fix some opening errors and the low ctr caused by the content network.

4. Future recommendations
In case of a new campaign, we'd surely start ruling out content network and getting sure we could
really influence website's dynamics. A lacking web environment, infact, highly decrease the
opportunities given by each click.
Here are some advices for our client, in case he decided to go on with online marketing:

      using users' informations to know better site's target consumers, so to create more precise
       ads and other initiatives

      exploit site as advertising channel, selling space for ads both on pages and 3D Mansion

      partnership with other industry's player, such as link and content trading

      have graphic's professional blogger talking about site and magazine, promoting it around
       dedicated circuits

Rank                                Title                                           Downloads
  1                   3D Mansion Magazine free Numero 6                               2990
  2                   3D Mansion Magazine free Numero 7                                880
  3                          Speciale regali 2007                                      557
  4                   3D Mansion Magazine free Numero 5                                520
  5                       3D Mansion Magazine 12                                       471
  6                   3D Mansion Magazine free Numero 3                                466
  7                   3D Mansion Magazine free Numero 4                                460
  8                   3D Mansion Magazine free Numero 2                                377
  9                       3D Mansion Magazine 11                                       368
 10                   3D Mansion Magazine free Numero 1                                331
                                 Fig. 1 - Top 10 download ever

   Title                                                                   Downloads
   3D Mansion Magazine N°12                                                    65
   3D Mansion Magazine N°11                                                    46
   3D Mansion Magazine N°10                                                    25
   3D Mansion Magazine N°9                                                     17
   3D Mansion Magazine N°8                                                     16
   3D Mansion Magazine N°7                                                     17
   3D Mansion Magazine N°6                                                     14
   3D Mansion Magazine N° 5                                                    16
   3D Mansion Magazine N°4                                                     10

   3D Mansion Magazine N°3                                                     13
   3D Mansion Magazine N°2                                                     10
   3D Mansion Magazine N°1°                                                    18
   3D Mansion Magazine N°0                                                     16
   3D Mansion Magazine – Speciale Natale 2007                                  64
   Totale                                                                      347
                        Fig. 2 - Top downloads during all campaign time

                                 clicks      ctr avg cpc           cost impressions       avg. Pos.
TUTORIAL       Search network        63   0.84%    0.46$         28.99$       7.484             3,3
              Content network       192   0.06%    0.28$         53.05$    309.034                3
  PROMO        Search network        60   0.83%    0.21$         12.41$       7.162             3,4
              Content network        12   0.04%    0.22$          2.62$     29.126              4,3
 REC. HW       Search network         1   0.09%    0.26$          0.26$       1.108             2,7
              Content network         2   0.00%    0.21$          0.42$     24.910              3,9
  REC. VG      Search network      315    0.73%      0.26$       83.36$        42.972             3,7
              Content network       30    0.03%      0.26$        7.75$        92.729             3,9
 CINEMA        Search network       13    0.41%      0.20$        2.54$         3.149               2
              Content network       36    0.02%      0.26$        9.24$       125.457             3,6
  Fig. 3 – Overall ad groups results at the end of campaign in both search and content networks
Fig. 4 – Account's snapshot for first week

Fig. 5 - Account's snapshot for second week

Fig. 6 – Account's snapshot for third week

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Google Challenge: Post Campaign Summary

  • 1. Our campaign was focused on getting new users for “” site, ensued by an increase in the magazine’s downloads. Aside from a beginning accident (we talked about in on our gomcha blog), we spent all of our budget away during the three weeks, achieving 32 average clicks per day. Our client unfortunately didn’t set up those changes to website that we strongly suggested for usability and search engine optimization. We could just insert a banner in the home page, redirecting to webzine’s download section. This allowed us to low down the bounce rate form the initial 60% to the final 49%. Other typical marketing initiatives has not been make possible by the client, so we just relied on magazine’s content all through the campaign. 1.2 - Key results We are going to show our results as adwords performance and then as website’s traffic increases. 1.2.1 - Campaign Regarding campaign, here are the results at the moment of its conclusion, beside with details of performance for each group of ads. Clicks 716 Clicks CTR Avg. CPC Cost Impressions Impressions 642.080 Ctr 0,11% TUTORIAL 247 0,08% 2,32$ 81,75$ 316.518 Avg Cpc $ 0,25 PROMO 72 0,19% 0,21$ 15,03$ 36.288 Avg Cpm $ 0,28 $ REC. HW 3 0,01% 0,23$ 0,68$ 26.018 Total cost 181,12 REC. VG 345 0,25% 0,26$ 90,86$ 135.701 CINEMA 49 0,03% 0,24$ 11,78$ 128.606 Most earning ads have been the “videogame” sections’ ones. Amongst these, the best has been: As most productive keywords we had “3d”, “autocad”, “animation”. They’re fairly generic, quite expensive too, only introduced at half of the campaign gone, as we feared to waste our budget in a too short time and not to reach an interested target. However the increase of downloads detected after inserting these keywords seems now to prove their productivity.
  • 2. Gruppo di Parola CPC Posizione Campagna annunci chiave Impressions Clic CTR medio Costo media Campagna Recensioni n. 1 videogames 3d 17714 139 0,78% $0,23 $32,32 3,2 Campagna Recensioni n. 1 videogames animation 2702 40 1,48% $0,42 $16,65 3 Campagna Recensioni n. 1 videogames autocad 5942 30 0,50% $0,28 $8,39 5,7 Campagna Recensioni n. 1 videogames arte 7025 19 0,27% $0,27 $5,11 3,9 Campagna n. 1 Tutorial disegno 3d 426 14 3,29% $0,25 $3,53 3,1 Campagna Recensioni 3D Studio n. 1 videogames Max 1229 14 1,14% $0,18 $2,59 1,9 1.2.2 – Site’s traffic Concerning websites’ traffic, in order to have a reliable comparison, we took into consideration the three weeks right before campaign, along with the period of the latter: PERIODO Pre-campaign Campaign Tasso di 03/4 – 24/4 25/4 - 16/5 Incremento N° totale visite 7530 10.315 N° vistatori / giorno 342 469 +37% Tempo medio di permanenza 3:24 4:02 +24% N° visitatori unici 2.351 3.597 N° visitatori unici / giorno 106,8 163,5 +53% N°download pdf 176 349 N°download pdf / giorno 8 15,86 +98% N° giorni considerati 22 22 On the chart you can notice that daily visitors number raised of 37%. The average time spent on the site has increased too (+24%). It may not be so much, and we think that may depend on the incoming flow of users from adwords. Infact these visitors are just new and not yet steady, exposing the site to more bounces and short surfing. Lastly, we have +53% of unique visitors during campaign time. We can so state that first goal, traffic improvement, has been reached. Since the opening of the site (2004) until this time, we have 8.379 magazine’s download (fig. 1 App.). During three reference weeks, before campaign downloads are 176 (8 avg per day), whereas
  • 3. with adwords running they go up to 347 (15,86 avg per day), with a 98% increase (App., fig.2). So we feel safe saying that second goal (incresing webzine’s download) has been reached. Following data are up to confirm the achieving of another stated target, that is the increasing of registered users: • 359 registered users before beginning of campaign • 41 new users signed in (+11,4%) • 400 total members at the end of campaign Upon the whole three years that site’s been running, the first digit gives 17 average new members each three weeks. Since we’ve got 41 new members during campaign, that is 24 over the average in previous term, we also reached our third goal. At a total cost if 181,12$, we have a 7,5$ cost per new user. Concerning Analytics, the system suffered a data loss relating period going from 30/4 to 5/5. Moreover our client removed by mistake the monitoring code from the site, hence we couldn’t use Google Analytics for a full results comparison with the log file we took from the site’s server. FONTI DI TRAFFICO PRIMA DELLA CAMPAGNA DOPO LA CAMPAGNA 1. Traffico diretto 62,50% 1. Motori di ricerca 65,36% 2. Siti di provenienza 27,08% 2. Siti di provenienza 18,35% 3. Motori di ricerca 10,42% 3. Traffico diretto 16,29 1.3 - Conclusions To sum up, we've been able to achieve each of submitted goals: 1. Unique visitors +53% 2. Average time spent on site +24% 3. Magazine's downloads +98% 4. Registered users +10% 5. Cost per new signed user $ 7,5 Adwords instruments strongly helped in juicing up web traffic to the site, as also in raising up magazine's downloads, leading us to reaching most of suggested goals. Surfing experience still hangs as a critical point, although we're now sure that users do have interest in “3D Mansion
  • 4. Magazine” as a product. That being said, and considering:  reached goals  product's features,  outstanding usability issues affecting the site  narrow budget at our disposal  team's lack of experience in using adwords we're deeming truly satisfied for campaign's outcoming. 1.4 - Recommendations for your client’s future online marketing Here are our suggestions as strategic priorities: • Improve website's usability • get the site some more lively, mainly through user's hands-on • enhance contents' categories • set up partnerships with other players of same industry • advertising and (users) outlining – website and magazine based ads, aimed to registered and other trade users. Here's an account for main incoming pages. Our advice is for the client to focus his attention upon them: PAGINA VISITATORI % Home page 1116 11.86 La guida di vray 73 0.78 Forum 43 0.46 UBoat U-47 in 3DS Max 41 0.44 Eventi 40 0.43 Newsletter 36 0.38 Here instead are some top outgoing pages (attention also required): PAGINA VISITATORI % Home page 900 9.57 Feed RSS 69 0.73 La guida di vray 64 0.68 Download - Speciali 62 0.66 Downloads 55 0.58 Nuovo numero di 3D Mansion Magazine (10) 50 0.53 Learning component
  • 5. 1. Learning objectives and outcomes Our main target was to learn most useful skills for working with Google adwords. All of us member of the team judged the experience as qualifying and strongly fitting with our working domains, enabling us to shift from the simple search-engine experience through the professional advertising tool. Learning has been both theoretical and practical: first we applied to gain as more instrument's features, then with campaign running we strove for testing our new knowledge with the real issue of the client. Especially in this second phase, a steady supervising of campaign performance has been necessary, so that we could react promptly and forcefully to matters as they little by little started appearing. Solutions often required commitment and synergy from the whole team, teachers and client. 2. Group dynamics and client dynamics The troubles we met during our campaign might be sketched in two categories: Client's website: Before the beginning of the challenge we had some meeting with our client, turned to both improve our knowledge of his needs and targets, and to check any problem that could affect the good outcome of campaign. We could see outcropping several boundaries through all website, which is still now the unique distribution channel for our client. That's why we suggested some changes, in particular with reference to overall usability as well as to some specific sectors (such as forum), in attempt to enhance appeal and so we hope conversions too. Here are some of our adivces for modifications: 1. Make stick out login and sign-in feature, pointing up the services available to users through these operations. 2. Set up a space for hosting users' contents 3. launch some contests 4. provide a blog to users 5. make more functional the download area of the site 6. improve forum's usability and appeal 7. Get graphic's professionals involved, maybe with a dedicated section
  • 6. It has to be said that against a usability analysis document given by us to client, no changes has been brought to website during campaign. Lately given access to site, we could just insert a banner into homepage, telling users to sign in for downloading magazine's pdf. Adwords results (ctr and related issues): During first step impressions keep raising up at thousands a day, most of all generated by content network, and giving us a very low ctr. We considered the following strategic options, which will be examinated closely in the next paragraph: • use of different ads options • intervention on ad groups • use of content network • choice of several time slots for displaying ads • raise of bids for keywords 3. The evolution of the campaign strategy Ads groups, keywords, costs and clicks In the first place campaign was composed by five ad groups, each of them associated to a specific kind of magazine's content. Many keywords has been get observing the sort of material present in the magazine, with also specific names of reported products – e.g.: kind of article “tutorial” + “vray” as subject: “tutorial vray”. To these we added some keywords derived from an interview with a group of people operating in graphic industry. The resulting keywords have been submitted to our client for a last opinion. After that we tested keywords with adwords tool such the traffic estimator and the keyword one, with first purpose to check if they allowed us to stay into daily budget, complying also with our wished clicks. For displaying we first set two time slots: 12-15 e 20-23.30, both of them corresponding to most intense traffic hour on the site. Search and content network In the beginning we also activated the content network, at a cpc higher then on search network. For the latter the cpc has been set dividing the daily budget by the number of click we hoped to get. Since this amount was fair enough for most of keywords, we had some budget left that we spent setting a higher bid for content network, as we were also sure that this would have not affected our chance to get wished clicks. Negative keywords
  • 7. 3DMansion is a purely informational magazine, so by means of many negative keywords we ruled out some contexts supposed to come out in users' searches, but anyway irrelevant to site's activity. Search terms including words “prezzo”, “acquista”, “sconto”, “offerta” ecc.. (price, offer, discount, buy and other trading situations) have been set out to avoid useless impressions. 1st week During first week we had a very low ctr, mainly because of the impressions generated by three of the groups: “tutorial”, “videogames” and “cinema”. First two however also gave us a high number of clicks. So we started working on two sides: in primis testing new keywords, deleting the less profitable and modifying less clicked ads. On the other hand we noticed that content network was bringing thousands of impressions for each group, therefore through placement performance reports we took care of cutting off sites with lowest ctr, or anyway those not generating any click – we already used in the very beginning adwords' tool for sites and categories exclusion. 2nd week In the half of the second week we tried to rule out the content network. Our concern in doing this was far most clicks coming from this network. We finally convinced ourselves because we risked to join the end of the campaign with a very low ctr. On the first day we understood that this way displaying and clicks go much more slowly (App., fig. 3, for overall comparison between two networks), so in a few hours we decided to extend ads' exposure time. Time slots got bigger, becoming now 11-15 and 16-24. In the meantime we kept trying new keywords, also setting on pause two groups: “recensioni hardware” and “cinema”, given their high impressions and few clicks. Situation for these groups did not get better on search network, where magazine's content asked for too expensive keywords in our ads. Anyway overall results has been positive, seeing that compared with first week clicks went down of just 10%, while impressions decreased ten times then before! Ctr shows remarkable increasing, going from first week's 0,04% to current 0,43% (App., fig. 5). 3rd week In the last week we went on trying new keywords in the place of less profitable ones. Ad groups has been reduced to three, and now to two, having been “promo” suspended too. Clicks increase of nearly 20%, going back to first week rate, while at the same time impressions decrease of 33% - so we now have a 0,73% ctr (App., fig. 6). This way we proceeded until the end of the campaign, being able to fix some opening errors and the low ctr caused by the content network. 4. Future recommendations
  • 8. In case of a new campaign, we'd surely start ruling out content network and getting sure we could really influence website's dynamics. A lacking web environment, infact, highly decrease the opportunities given by each click. Here are some advices for our client, in case he decided to go on with online marketing:  using users' informations to know better site's target consumers, so to create more precise ads and other initiatives  exploit site as advertising channel, selling space for ads both on pages and 3D Mansion Magazine  partnership with other industry's player, such as link and content trading  have graphic's professional blogger talking about site and magazine, promoting it around dedicated circuits Appendix
  • 9. Rank Title Downloads 1 3D Mansion Magazine free Numero 6 2990 2 3D Mansion Magazine free Numero 7 880 3 Speciale regali 2007 557 4 3D Mansion Magazine free Numero 5 520 5 3D Mansion Magazine 12 471 6 3D Mansion Magazine free Numero 3 466 7 3D Mansion Magazine free Numero 4 460 8 3D Mansion Magazine free Numero 2 377 9 3D Mansion Magazine 11 368 10 3D Mansion Magazine free Numero 1 331 Fig. 1 - Top 10 download ever Title Downloads 3D Mansion Magazine N°12 65 3D Mansion Magazine N°11 46 3D Mansion Magazine N°10 25 3D Mansion Magazine N°9 17 3D Mansion Magazine N°8 16 3D Mansion Magazine N°7 17 3D Mansion Magazine N°6 14 3D Mansion Magazine N° 5 16 3D Mansion Magazine N°4 10 3D Mansion Magazine N°3 13 3D Mansion Magazine N°2 10 3D Mansion Magazine N°1° 18 3D Mansion Magazine N°0 16 3D Mansion Magazine – Speciale Natale 2007 64 Totale 347 Fig. 2 - Top downloads during all campaign time clicks ctr avg cpc cost impressions avg. Pos. TUTORIAL Search network 63 0.84% 0.46$ 28.99$ 7.484 3,3 Content network 192 0.06% 0.28$ 53.05$ 309.034 3 PROMO Search network 60 0.83% 0.21$ 12.41$ 7.162 3,4 Content network 12 0.04% 0.22$ 2.62$ 29.126 4,3 REC. HW Search network 1 0.09% 0.26$ 0.26$ 1.108 2,7 Content network 2 0.00% 0.21$ 0.42$ 24.910 3,9 REC. VG Search network 315 0.73% 0.26$ 83.36$ 42.972 3,7 Content network 30 0.03% 0.26$ 7.75$ 92.729 3,9 CINEMA Search network 13 0.41% 0.20$ 2.54$ 3.149 2 Content network 36 0.02% 0.26$ 9.24$ 125.457 3,6 Fig. 3 – Overall ad groups results at the end of campaign in both search and content networks
  • 10. Fig. 4 – Account's snapshot for first week Fig. 5 - Account's snapshot for second week Fig. 6 – Account's snapshot for third week