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Globalization in

      Photo Essay by Alison Campbell
Energy - Biodiesel
There has been a gigantic push to save the environment and
live more sustainably. Being “Green” has finally become chic
in the American culture. It has taken many natural disasters
and criticism from other countries to make this movement
happen however. Slowly though one can notice that this
push to an environmentally friendly life style is happening.
One example is the fact that Philadelphia has just replaced
all of its public trash reciprocals with solar powered trash
compactors and added recycling. Mayor Nutter also
launched Greenworks Philadelphia in 2009. The biggest
example of how energy, the environment and globalization
come together however is in VK’s engineering class. We have
created many solutions to environmental problems like
biodiesel, windmills, parabolic mirrors, and solar thermal
units. Instead of just keeping these ideas to ourselves
though we have shared the ideas with at least two different
countries to help small villages out.

    In an article written by Jad Mouawad of The New York
Times he touches on the issues involved with the latest oil
spill. The United States depends on other countries to
produce two thirds of the oil consumed by the country.
There have been major debates, and possibly laws passed,
about whether we should continue to drill off shore in the
Gulf Coast and risk the environmental issues that come
along with it. Many people want to keep drilling so as to
decrees our dependence on foreign oil. The world is
brought together in this fight to produce energy needed and
keep the planet healthy at the same time. In our engineering
class we have created options that could help with both.

   Mouawad, Jad. "The Spill vs. a Need to Drill." New York Times. NYT, 30 Apr. 2010.
   Web. 6 May 2010.
Security and Terrorism- Security Cameras

Ever since September 11th the world, particularly the United States, has been obsessed with increasing
security. There have been numerous rules added to security procedures, as well as added screening and
cameras to high-risk areas. In Philadelphia there has been extra cameras added all around the city to help
fight crime. Security cameras were added to our school after the first year, but we are still winning the
battle against having medal detectors put in. Philadelphia has been part of a study to collect data on
whether security cameras actually help stop crime.

    In an opinion piece written by Bruce Schneier, published by CNN, he talks about how the world,
particularly London, should be a safe place if you go by how many security cameras are in place. The world
is not a safe place though, there are still many violent acts taking place. Bruce goes on to talk about how
governments should not be putting so much of the security budget into cameras. Police are not monitoring
all the cameras 24/7 and could not get to a place fast enough to stop a crime even if they were. Also
“Cameras break far too often” he states. They are not a good way to spend our resources.

    The security of people is a Global issue since a multitude people are traveling around the world at a
much faster pace than in the past. The way different countries go about their security procedures can affect
the whole world.

Schneier, Bruce. "Spy Cameras Won't Make Us Safer." CNN Opinion. CNN, 25 Feb. 2010. Web. 6 May 2010.
Health - Red Cross
        The American Red Cross is a
        common site throughout
        Philadelphia. Their main building
        is right downtown and there are
        also signs about Red Cross Blood
        Drives posted around. Science
        Leadership Academy is even
        having a blood drive. This
        organization is a major icon in
        the global health scene, which
        has grown to have a strong
        presence in Philadelphia.
Clara Barton founded the
American branch of the Red
Cross after her trip to Geneva
and seeing the headcounters.
The Red Cross is an International
network. Its mission is to help
people recover from natural
disasters, humanitarian crises,
and health emergencies. The
American Red Cross is the
largest supplier of blood in the
United States. This is important,
as healthy blood for wounded
people is hard to come by
during crises.

 The Red Cross is the perfect
example of globalization in
health. It is an international
organization that’s mission is to
proved health care to people in
need and hurt by disasters.

 Red Cross History." American Red Cross, 2010. Web. 6 May
Education - History and Language Textbooks

Education and the collection of knowledge is very important to most Americans. When
you walk into a school, library or bookstore there are not just books on American
History or English, But ones that cover many different regions. In a school curriculum
there are foreign language courses as well as world history classes offered. One of
the goals of education is to equip students for the working world. In order to excel
there one must learn about other cultures in order to have a better understanding of
reactions and policies being made. There is a whole section in most bookstores just
for Language study and study books for tests like AP/SAT II World History or language
In an opinion piece by Daniel Czitrom the topic of how Texas is banning
                                                                  curtain things in their textbooks is looked into. Daniel does a wonderful
                                                                  job explaining why it is a problem that the Texas Board of Education has
                                                                  so much power as to what is published in Textbooks. If so many
                                                                  controversy things are taken out of the Textbooks not only will students
                                                                  no longer be critical thinkers and able to decide their opinions on
                                                                  something for themselves, but slowly it will seep into textbooks around
                                                                  the world and no one will know the real truth. Daniel also touched on the
                                                                  fact that was the world changes the way we look at history changes. The
                                                                  influences that the rest of the world has had on the United States and the
                                                                  different movements that have gone on has truly changed the way we
                                                                  learn history in schools.

This connection of having every student learn another language and
World History is a perfect example of how our world is becoming
smaller. Through Globalization students now have access to
resources in order to learn about other cultures.

Czitrom, Daniel. "Texas School Board Whitewashes History." CNN Opinion. CNN, 22
Mar. 2010. Web. 6 May 2010.
Society and Culture - Fashion

Fashion is an interesting subject, one that changes as fast as the seasons and is
drastically different all around the world. Many different aspects influence the style
choices people make. Fashion is seen as a way to express ones self through the way
we present ourselves to the world. There is a whole industry dedicated just to picking
what the trends should be for that year’s collection, and then persuading people to
then go and buy the pieces. This industry however is not just a local or national one,
But a global one. As you walk down Walnut Street in Philadelphia you pass your typical
American companies, however interspersed are companies from the rest of the world.
These stores like H&M, Zara, Burberry, and Lush though do not seam out of place.
They have become part of our everyday lives, and consumption.
An article written by Samantha Critchell
describes a new exhibit at the Met and does a
wonderful job of explaining the overview
progression and influences of American
fashion. For a long time the rich women of
the United States still bought their clothing
from designers in Pairs. Then as the US slowly
started designing for themselves, models
from the US were hired by Paris designers to
walk the runways in Pairs. She explains the
complex intertwining of how American
fashion is both influenced by and influences
other countries.

 Fashion and stores like H&M and Zara are
an excellent example of how Philadelphia’s
fashion although majorly influenced by the
culture and surroundings, but also by foreign
styles as well. This network is truly what
Globalization is all about.
 Critchell, Samantha. "American Woman: a Celebration of Free-Spirit Style." ABC News. ABC, 4
 May 2010. Web. 6 May 2010.
Trade - Fair Trade Products
            Slowly companies are starting to
            take initiative in caring about where
            their products are coming from and
            how the people are treated. The
            first major company to do so in
            Philadelphia where people paid
            attention was Starbucks. Starbucks
            has changed over most of their
            coffee over to fair trade coffee
            beans. Another store completely
            dedicated to fair trade is Ten
            Thousand Villages, which has two
            stores in Philadelphia and more in
            the surrounding area. Ten
            Thousand Villages creates business
            with third world countries and
            helps them trade their products,
            mostly art pieces.
The Fair Trade Certified
                                       USA website has a
                                       wonderful “About Us”
                                       section that explains
                                       exactly what Fair Trade
                                       means. TransFair USA is
                                       the non-profit
                                       organization that works
                                       with companies in the
                                       United States to make
                                       sure they are following
                                       the principles of Fair
                                       Trade and displays the
                                       Fair Trade logo on
                                       products. The goal is that
                                       people will vote for a
                                       better, fairer, safer trade
                                       between countries by
                                       putting their
dollars towards the products with the Fair Trade logo on them. The logo means
that the product is fairly priced, the workers have fair labor conditions, it is a direct
trade from the farmers, It helps develop a community, and promotes environmental
sustainability. The Fair Trade is an example of Globalization in Philadelphia by
promoting the trade between third world countries in a safe and responsible way.
               "About Us." Fair Trade Certified. TransFair USA, Web. 6 May 2010.
Migration and Colonization - Chinatown

   The strong Chinese community that has gathered in Philadelphia is shown
through the distinct change in the look of the city once you reach the
Chinatown border. The street signs are now in both English and Chinese
characters giving the community a closer to home type feel for Chinese
immigrants. Chinatown has grown and strengthened its economy over the years
as America has opened up and become more accepting to Asian immigrants.
The history of Chinese migration to
                                                                     Philadelphia is best outlined on the
                                                                     Historical Society of Philadelphia
                                                                     website. The first wave of immigrants
                                                                     arrived in America before World War II
                                                                     looking to find gold, become rich and
                                                                     return back to their families in China.
                                                                     Eventually they learned it would not be
                                                                     that simple and the “Bachelor Society”,
                                                                     consisting mostly of young Asian male
                                                                     workers, started to grow. Slowly
                                                                     Philadelphia has become more
                                                                     accepting of immigrants and the
                                                                     “Bachelor Society” has grown into a
                                                                     strong family oriented community,
                                                                     filled with traditional family run
                                                                     Chinese restaurants and stores.
                                                                         Philadelphia’s Chinatown is the
                                                                     perfect example of how Globalization
                                                                     is happening through migration in
                                                                     Philadelphia. People from other parts
                                                                     of the world are coming together and
                                                                     sharing their culture with others. This
                                                                     sharing is leading to decrees the gap
"Philadelphia's Chinatown: An Overview." The Historical Society of   between societies.
Pennsylvania. Web. 5 May 2010.
Economy -Exchange Rates

   The strong correlation between currencies
around the world is evident in everyday life. On the
news there are reports on how the dollar is compared
to other currencies, whether is has become stronger
or weaker. Also stories are published about how one
country’s economy is affecting another or the whole
world. This comparison is most commonly shown
through exchange rate signs letting people know
how much one dollar is worth in another currency.

   The article by Ben Rooney from CNN Money does
a good job of explaining what is happening with the
economies and currency rates between Europe and
the United States right now. It explains how the
dollar is gaining strength back towards it being a one
to one trade between the dollar and the pound/euro.
Also it touches on how the Greek economy is making
the euro lose wealth and become weaker in the world
exchange. They fear that Spain and Portugal will be
next to collapse and cause the Euro to decrease even

   The exchange rate of countries’ currencies and
how they are all interdependent on each other is an
excellent example of how Globalization has touched
the economy in America. Our money is all

  Rooney, Ben. "Dollar Firms on European Debt Woes." CNN Money. CNN, 4 May
  2010. Web. 6 May 2010.
Politics/International Law and Organizations -
                                                                              The topic of International Law and Organizations is
                                                                              very big at the moment since there have been so
                                                                              many natural disasters happening. The debate as
                                                                              to who is responsible in helping the other countries
                                                                              has been important. Countries have been pushed
                                                                              to give money in order to look good in the politics
                                                                              side of things. One Organization you see often in
                                                                              Philadelphia is Unicef. Most often you find
                                                                              volunteers on the streets near city hall asking for
                                                                              donations and signing people up for their list
                                                                              serves. Also during Halloween there are many
                                                                              children who carry around the orange Trick or
                                                                              Treat for Unicef box.
                                                                              The United States section of the Unicef website is
                                                                              extremely informative. They have a whole section
                                                                              that describes their mission on helping children
                                                                              around the world. Unicef is a branch of the United
                                                                              Nations, and it tries to enforce global laws to
                                                                              protect children around the world.

   The United States section of the Unicef website is extremely informative. They have a whole section that
describes their mission on helping children around the world. Unicef is a branch of the United Nations, and it tries
to enforce global laws to protect children around the world. On the “Unicef’s Work” page it outlines each of the
goals the organization has and how they plan to reach them. They work at bringing Education, Emergency Relief,
Health & immunizations, HIV/AIDS lessons and prevention, Nutrition, Violence Protection, and Water & Sanitation to
children around the world.

   Unicef is a wonderful example of how Globalization has influenced the world through having a global set of
laws and an organization to help children that is supported by all different countries. In Philadelphia the University
of Pennsylvania UNICEF Club were the winners of the Campus Challenge 2009-2010 and raised the most money for
the organization. "UNICEF's Work." Unicef United States Fund. Unicef, 2010. Web. 6 May 2010. http://
                   "About US." Unicef United States Fund. Unicef, 2010. Web. 6 May 2010.
Science and Technology - Apple
             In almost every American, or
             really first world country house
             hold you can most likely find at
             least one Apple product. The
             Apple Company has grown so
             large globally. When walking
             down the streets of Philadelphia it
             does not take a long time before
             you see at least one person using
             a product created by the visionary
             company. In my house alone we
             have three laptops, one iphone,
             two itouchs, two shuffles, one
             classic ipod , and one mini ipod.
             It has become the norm to be
             surrounded by this user-friendly
In an article published by the National Post the background of the designer behind all these
products is reveled. Johnathan Ive’s, from Great Briton, is the mastermind designer behind the world
most popular electronic devises. The article talks about how the logo and the user-friendly design is
recognized worldwide. They have changed the way we look at technology and interact with the
world around us.

The Apple Company is the perfect example of how technology has helped us to become more of a
global community, interacting in real time every moment of the day. Johnathan Ive’s has given his
consumers a detail oriented, easy piece of software to do just about anything with.

                      Hartley, Matt. " The Creator Behind Apple's Comeback." National Post. N.p., 7
                      May 2010. Web. 10 May 2010.

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Globalization in Philadelphia

  • 1. Globalization in Philadelphia Photo Essay by Alison Campbell
  • 2. Energy - Biodiesel There has been a gigantic push to save the environment and live more sustainably. Being “Green” has finally become chic in the American culture. It has taken many natural disasters and criticism from other countries to make this movement happen however. Slowly though one can notice that this push to an environmentally friendly life style is happening. One example is the fact that Philadelphia has just replaced all of its public trash reciprocals with solar powered trash compactors and added recycling. Mayor Nutter also launched Greenworks Philadelphia in 2009. The biggest example of how energy, the environment and globalization come together however is in VK’s engineering class. We have created many solutions to environmental problems like biodiesel, windmills, parabolic mirrors, and solar thermal units. Instead of just keeping these ideas to ourselves though we have shared the ideas with at least two different countries to help small villages out. In an article written by Jad Mouawad of The New York Times he touches on the issues involved with the latest oil spill. The United States depends on other countries to produce two thirds of the oil consumed by the country. There have been major debates, and possibly laws passed, about whether we should continue to drill off shore in the Gulf Coast and risk the environmental issues that come along with it. Many people want to keep drilling so as to decrees our dependence on foreign oil. The world is brought together in this fight to produce energy needed and keep the planet healthy at the same time. In our engineering class we have created options that could help with both. Mouawad, Jad. "The Spill vs. a Need to Drill." New York Times. NYT, 30 Apr. 2010. Web. 6 May 2010. ref=energy-environment
  • 3. Security and Terrorism- Security Cameras Ever since September 11th the world, particularly the United States, has been obsessed with increasing security. There have been numerous rules added to security procedures, as well as added screening and cameras to high-risk areas. In Philadelphia there has been extra cameras added all around the city to help fight crime. Security cameras were added to our school after the first year, but we are still winning the battle against having medal detectors put in. Philadelphia has been part of a study to collect data on whether security cameras actually help stop crime. In an opinion piece written by Bruce Schneier, published by CNN, he talks about how the world, particularly London, should be a safe place if you go by how many security cameras are in place. The world is not a safe place though, there are still many violent acts taking place. Bruce goes on to talk about how governments should not be putting so much of the security budget into cameras. Police are not monitoring all the cameras 24/7 and could not get to a place fast enough to stop a crime even if they were. Also “Cameras break far too often” he states. They are not a good way to spend our resources. The security of people is a Global issue since a multitude people are traveling around the world at a much faster pace than in the past. The way different countries go about their security procedures can affect the whole world. Schneier, Bruce. "Spy Cameras Won't Make Us Safer." CNN Opinion. CNN, 25 Feb. 2010. Web. 6 May 2010.
  • 4. Health - Red Cross The American Red Cross is a common site throughout Philadelphia. Their main building is right downtown and there are also signs about Red Cross Blood Drives posted around. Science Leadership Academy is even having a blood drive. This organization is a major icon in the global health scene, which has grown to have a strong presence in Philadelphia.
  • 5. Clara Barton founded the American branch of the Red Cross after her trip to Geneva and seeing the headcounters. The Red Cross is an International network. Its mission is to help people recover from natural disasters, humanitarian crises, and health emergencies. The American Red Cross is the largest supplier of blood in the United States. This is important, as healthy blood for wounded people is hard to come by during crises. The Red Cross is the perfect example of globalization in health. It is an international organization that’s mission is to proved health care to people in need and hurt by disasters. Red Cross History." American Red Cross, 2010. Web. 6 May 2010. 86f46a12f382290517a8f210b80f78a0/? vgnextoid=271a2aebdaadb110VgnVCM10000089f0870aR CRD&vgnextfmt=default
  • 6. Education - History and Language Textbooks Education and the collection of knowledge is very important to most Americans. When you walk into a school, library or bookstore there are not just books on American History or English, But ones that cover many different regions. In a school curriculum there are foreign language courses as well as world history classes offered. One of the goals of education is to equip students for the working world. In order to excel there one must learn about other cultures in order to have a better understanding of reactions and policies being made. There is a whole section in most bookstores just for Language study and study books for tests like AP/SAT II World History or language tests.
  • 7. In an opinion piece by Daniel Czitrom the topic of how Texas is banning curtain things in their textbooks is looked into. Daniel does a wonderful job explaining why it is a problem that the Texas Board of Education has so much power as to what is published in Textbooks. If so many controversy things are taken out of the Textbooks not only will students no longer be critical thinkers and able to decide their opinions on something for themselves, but slowly it will seep into textbooks around the world and no one will know the real truth. Daniel also touched on the fact that was the world changes the way we look at history changes. The influences that the rest of the world has had on the United States and the different movements that have gone on has truly changed the way we learn history in schools. This connection of having every student learn another language and World History is a perfect example of how our world is becoming smaller. Through Globalization students now have access to resources in order to learn about other cultures. Czitrom, Daniel. "Texas School Board Whitewashes History." CNN Opinion. CNN, 22 Mar. 2010. Web. 6 May 2010. iref=allsearch
  • 8. Society and Culture - Fashion Fashion is an interesting subject, one that changes as fast as the seasons and is drastically different all around the world. Many different aspects influence the style choices people make. Fashion is seen as a way to express ones self through the way we present ourselves to the world. There is a whole industry dedicated just to picking what the trends should be for that year’s collection, and then persuading people to then go and buy the pieces. This industry however is not just a local or national one, But a global one. As you walk down Walnut Street in Philadelphia you pass your typical American companies, however interspersed are companies from the rest of the world. These stores like H&M, Zara, Burberry, and Lush though do not seam out of place. They have become part of our everyday lives, and consumption.
  • 9. An article written by Samantha Critchell describes a new exhibit at the Met and does a wonderful job of explaining the overview progression and influences of American fashion. For a long time the rich women of the United States still bought their clothing from designers in Pairs. Then as the US slowly started designing for themselves, models from the US were hired by Paris designers to walk the runways in Pairs. She explains the complex intertwining of how American fashion is both influenced by and influences other countries. Fashion and stores like H&M and Zara are an excellent example of how Philadelphia’s fashion although majorly influenced by the culture and surroundings, but also by foreign styles as well. This network is truly what Globalization is all about. Critchell, Samantha. "American Woman: a Celebration of Free-Spirit Style." ABC News. ABC, 4 May 2010. Web. 6 May 2010. id=10555237&page=1
  • 10. Trade - Fair Trade Products Slowly companies are starting to take initiative in caring about where their products are coming from and how the people are treated. The first major company to do so in Philadelphia where people paid attention was Starbucks. Starbucks has changed over most of their coffee over to fair trade coffee beans. Another store completely dedicated to fair trade is Ten Thousand Villages, which has two stores in Philadelphia and more in the surrounding area. Ten Thousand Villages creates business with third world countries and helps them trade their products, mostly art pieces.
  • 11. The Fair Trade Certified USA website has a wonderful “About Us” section that explains exactly what Fair Trade means. TransFair USA is the non-profit organization that works with companies in the United States to make sure they are following the principles of Fair Trade and displays the Fair Trade logo on products. The goal is that people will vote for a better, fairer, safer trade between countries by putting their dollars towards the products with the Fair Trade logo on them. The logo means that the product is fairly priced, the workers have fair labor conditions, it is a direct trade from the farmers, It helps develop a community, and promotes environmental sustainability. The Fair Trade is an example of Globalization in Philadelphia by promoting the trade between third world countries in a safe and responsible way. "About Us." Fair Trade Certified. TransFair USA, Web. 6 May 2010.
  • 12. Migration and Colonization - Chinatown The strong Chinese community that has gathered in Philadelphia is shown through the distinct change in the look of the city once you reach the Chinatown border. The street signs are now in both English and Chinese characters giving the community a closer to home type feel for Chinese immigrants. Chinatown has grown and strengthened its economy over the years as America has opened up and become more accepting to Asian immigrants.
  • 13. The history of Chinese migration to Philadelphia is best outlined on the Historical Society of Philadelphia website. The first wave of immigrants arrived in America before World War II looking to find gold, become rich and return back to their families in China. Eventually they learned it would not be that simple and the “Bachelor Society”, consisting mostly of young Asian male workers, started to grow. Slowly Philadelphia has become more accepting of immigrants and the “Bachelor Society” has grown into a strong family oriented community, filled with traditional family run Chinese restaurants and stores. Philadelphia’s Chinatown is the perfect example of how Globalization is happening through migration in Philadelphia. People from other parts of the world are coming together and sharing their culture with others. This sharing is leading to decrees the gap "Philadelphia's Chinatown: An Overview." The Historical Society of between societies. Pennsylvania. Web. 5 May 2010. id=190
  • 14. Economy -Exchange Rates The strong correlation between currencies around the world is evident in everyday life. On the news there are reports on how the dollar is compared to other currencies, whether is has become stronger or weaker. Also stories are published about how one country’s economy is affecting another or the whole world. This comparison is most commonly shown through exchange rate signs letting people know how much one dollar is worth in another currency. The article by Ben Rooney from CNN Money does a good job of explaining what is happening with the economies and currency rates between Europe and the United States right now. It explains how the dollar is gaining strength back towards it being a one to one trade between the dollar and the pound/euro. Also it touches on how the Greek economy is making the euro lose wealth and become weaker in the world exchange. They fear that Spain and Portugal will be next to collapse and cause the Euro to decrease even further. The exchange rate of countries’ currencies and how they are all interdependent on each other is an excellent example of how Globalization has touched the economy in America. Our money is all interconnected. Rooney, Ben. "Dollar Firms on European Debt Woes." CNN Money. CNN, 4 May 2010. Web. 6 May 2010. dollar/index.htm
  • 15. Politics/International Law and Organizations - UNICEF The topic of International Law and Organizations is very big at the moment since there have been so many natural disasters happening. The debate as to who is responsible in helping the other countries has been important. Countries have been pushed to give money in order to look good in the politics side of things. One Organization you see often in Philadelphia is Unicef. Most often you find volunteers on the streets near city hall asking for donations and signing people up for their list serves. Also during Halloween there are many children who carry around the orange Trick or Treat for Unicef box. The United States section of the Unicef website is extremely informative. They have a whole section that describes their mission on helping children around the world. Unicef is a branch of the United Nations, and it tries to enforce global laws to protect children around the world. The United States section of the Unicef website is extremely informative. They have a whole section that describes their mission on helping children around the world. Unicef is a branch of the United Nations, and it tries to enforce global laws to protect children around the world. On the “Unicef’s Work” page it outlines each of the goals the organization has and how they plan to reach them. They work at bringing Education, Emergency Relief, Health & immunizations, HIV/AIDS lessons and prevention, Nutrition, Violence Protection, and Water & Sanitation to children around the world. Unicef is a wonderful example of how Globalization has influenced the world through having a global set of laws and an organization to help children that is supported by all different countries. In Philadelphia the University of Pennsylvania UNICEF Club were the winners of the Campus Challenge 2009-2010 and raised the most money for the organization. "UNICEF's Work." Unicef United States Fund. Unicef, 2010. Web. 6 May 2010. http:// "About US." Unicef United States Fund. Unicef, 2010. Web. 6 May 2010. about/
  • 16. Science and Technology - Apple In almost every American, or really first world country house hold you can most likely find at least one Apple product. The Apple Company has grown so large globally. When walking down the streets of Philadelphia it does not take a long time before you see at least one person using a product created by the visionary company. In my house alone we have three laptops, one iphone, two itouchs, two shuffles, one classic ipod , and one mini ipod. It has become the norm to be surrounded by this user-friendly technology.
  • 17. In an article published by the National Post the background of the designer behind all these products is reveled. Johnathan Ive’s, from Great Briton, is the mastermind designer behind the world most popular electronic devises. The article talks about how the logo and the user-friendly design is recognized worldwide. They have changed the way we look at technology and interact with the world around us. The Apple Company is the perfect example of how technology has helped us to become more of a global community, interacting in real time every moment of the day. Johnathan Ive’s has given his consumers a detail oriented, easy piece of software to do just about anything with. Hartley, Matt. " The Creator Behind Apple's Comeback." National Post. N.p., 7 May 2010. Web. 10 May 2010. id=3000947

Editor's Notes