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Global Transaction
Banking Congress 2012
June 11th & 12th 2012 • Mövenpick Hotel Amsterdam City Centre             

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Confirmed speakers include:
• Naveed Sultan, Global Head of Treasury       • André Casterman, Head of Cash, Trade and         • Ben Matthews, Director, Deloitte
  & Trade Solutions, Global Transaction          Supply Chain Management, SWIFT                   • Paul Hayes, Assistant Treasurer, Alcoa Inc
  Services, Citi                               • Alexandre Clar, Director, Global Treasury
                                                                                                  • Luc Vantomme, Chief Risk Officer,
• Pierre Veyres, Global Head, Global             (EMEA), PPG
  Transaction Banking, BNP Paribas             • Kevin Milne, Director of Post Trade, London
                                                 Stock Exchange                                   • Godfried De Vidts, Director of European
• Alan Verschoyle-King, Head of Treasury                                                            Affairs, ICAP plc
  Services, EMEA, Bank of New York Mellon      • Günther Gall, Executive Director, Head of
                                                 Transaction Services, Raiffeisen Bank            • Michel Stuijt, General Manager - Market
• Matt Tuck, Managing Director, Head of                                                             Management, Equens SE
  Financial Institutions, Barclays Corporate     International
                                               • Rudi Bonte, Special Representative for Banking   • Jean-Pic Berry, Chief Executive Officer,
• Wim Raymaekers, Head of Banking Market,                                                          STET
                                                 Supervision, National Bank of Belgium
                                               • Peter van Rood, Director Corporate Finance &     • Thomas Zeeb, Chief Executive Officer,
• Simon Crown, Partner, Clifford Chance LLP      Treasury, Akzo Noel                                Six Securities Services
• Erik Seifert, Head of Global Transaction     • Adriana Tanasoiu, Chief Executive Officer,       • Andrew Simpson, Head of Business
  Services - Corporate, SEB Merchant Banking     Depozitarul Central                                Development, Euro CCP
• Andrew Douglas, Head of Government           • Ragnar Lodén, Head of Cash Management,           • Philippe Dupasquier, Senior Treasury
  Relations, EMEA, DTCC                          Finance – Treasury, Ericsson                       Back-Office Manager, Logitech
• Gerard Hartsink, Chairman, European          • Deirdre Stokes, CTP Manager, Corporate
  Payments Council.                              Treasury, Kellogg Company
Global Transaction Banking Congress 2012

 Several years ago a handful of banks began organising their            focusing on the key concerns of the market whilst also providing
 apparently disparate transaction-based business units in to            an excellent networking and thought leadership platform.
 one unified business offering. Today over 77% of banks in a            Join your peers in Amsterdam in June to hear their views on
 recent Misys survey have created a transaction banking group.          essential market issues and
 Transaction banking is proving to be a key fee generator for           • Network extensively with the market’s leading banks, technology
 banks in the wake of post-crisis regulation and lack of liquidity.       companies and consultancies during lunches, a cocktail reception
 The questions of how best to align the strategy and management           and refreshment breaks
 of their transaction services are at the forefront of transaction
                                                                        • Gain invaluable insight into market developments through
 bankers’ minds.
                                                                          expert presentations, case studies and panel discussions such as
 Euromoney Seminars’ Global Transaction Banking Congress will             The Global Transaction Banking panel
 bring together the heads of transaction banking from across the
                                                                        • Take part in strategic discussions with market leaders on the most
 globe in discussions regarding their strategy and concerns for
                                                                          important issues facing the Global Transaction Banking world
 the market. The conference will deliver a strategic level discussion

Day One: Monday June 11th 2012                                          12.10 The role of market infrastructure in the strategic
                                                                        planning of transaction banks
08.00 Registration and refreshments                                     • How do market infrastructure bodies see the strategic drivers
                                                                          of the global transaction banking business changing and
09.00 Chairperson’s opening remarks                                       how will this affect their offering and customer base?
                                                                        • Managing and apportioning risk within settlement
09.10 The global transaction banking panel: How high can                  mechanisms
the transaction banking star rise?                                      • Forging long-term partnerships with market infrastructures
                                                                          and developing successful market infrastructure management
• What factors are driving transaction banking globally?
                                                                        • How will the revision of the CPSS-IOSCO principles affect
• How are banks formulating their strategy for growth,
                                                                          transaction banks?
  expansion and ultimately survival?
• How are transaction banks positioning themselves to serve             Luc Vantomme, Chief Risk Officer, Euroclear
  both corporate and financial institutions?                            Kevin Milne, Director of Post Trade, London Stock Exchange
• The benefits of fully integrated systems over broad product-          Thomas Zeeb, Chief Executive Officer, Six Securities Services
  by-product offerings
                                                                        Andrew Simpson, Head of Business Development, Euro CCP
• How can transaction banks better engage with corporate treasurers?
• Are increasing competition and cross border ambitions from
  smaller banks diluting the market or will we begin to see
                                                                        12.55 Tapping into trade flows between high income
  some consolidation?                                                   developing countries: How can transaction banks position
• Understanding how transaction banking units fit into the              themselves strategically to take advantage of the rise of trade
  overall bank’s strategic direction and revenue liability              between emerging markets?
Naveed Sultan, Global Head of Treasury & Trade Solutions, Citi          • The growth of South-South trade and the associated
Pierre Veyres, Global Head, Global Transaction Banking,                   opportunities for transaction banks
BNP Paribas                                                             • As the price of trade rises due to regulations, how can SMEs
Alan Verschoyle-King, Head of Treasury Services, EMEA,                    lacking liquidity in emerging markets be better served by
Bank of New York Mellon                                                   transaction banks?
                                                                        • How successful will the push by various lobbying committees
Matt Tuck, Managing Director, Head of Financial Institutions,
                                                                          be in convincing the Basel Committee to refine the liquidity
Barclays Corporate                                                        rules in relation to trade finance?
Carole Berndt, Head of Global Treasury Solutions, EMEA,                 • As demand for RMB and other non-reserve currency trade
Bank of America Merrill Lynch                                             settlements continues to grow, how can transaction banks
                                                                          help corporates settle in these currencies and what pitfalls
10.10 Building a global transaction banking product:                      and operational risks do they need to avoid?
Unifying product silos and creating a codified strategy for             • Compete or co-operate: The role of local banks in emerging
the business                                                              markets in the global transaction banking sphere
• How have banks organised individual product silos in to an            Wim Raymaekers, Head of Banking Market, SWIFT
  integrated “transaction banking” business unit?
• What pitfalls and problems do they face?                              13.30 Lunch and networking break
• Choosing your integration strategy: Co-marketed products
  with separately managed back office processes vs. completely          14.45 Adopting the best geographic strategy for your
  unified, back-end to front-end product integration                    transaction bank
Gerlach Jacobs, Global Head Transaction Banking, ING                    • As corporate clients are becoming more and more global,
                                                                          how can transaction banks position themselves in these
10.55 Refreshments and networking                                         growth corridors?
                                                                        • Are increasing regulations becoming a threat to global
11.35 How will the importance of customer centricity affect               business models of corporates and transaction banks?
the way in which transaction banks position their offering?             • Strategies for offering global reach: Intra-level cooperation
• How can banks grow and align their businesses and products              and white label products
  and move away from a product silo approach?                           • Reciprocity vs. profitability: How to choose partnerships
• Preserving client relationships without hurting profitability           effectively
• Product bundling - What strategies are banks adopting to              • Are there opportunities for consolidation through acquisition
  segment their customer base and offer segment specific                  as a growth strategy?
  product bundles?
Peter van Rood, Director, Corporate Finance & Treasury,
Akzo Noel
Global Transaction Banking Congress 2012

15.25 Corporate Treasurers Panel - The changing interaction                             09.30 The future of technological innovation in the
between the corporate treasurer and their transaction bank                              transaction banking sphere
• What are the demand priorities of corporate treasurers for                            • What is the future of mobile banking and what potential can
  their transaction services and how can transaction banks align                          be realised in mobile payments?
  their services to this?                                                               • Will social media continue to grow as a tool for banks in their
• Understanding the demands of treasurers for real time access                            interaction with customers?
  to information                                                                        • What role will cloud computing take in the transaction
• Process, management and strategy: Where can transaction                                 banking offering and how can transaction banks harness its
  banks truly add value for their corporate treasurer clients?                            potential safely
Senior Representative, SWIFT                                                            Paul Hayes, Assistant Treasurer, Alcoa Inc

16.05 Refreshments and networking                                                       10.00 Improving intraday cash liquidity and cash
                                                                                        management: The most important product offering for
16.35 Strategies for investing in transaction banking IT                                corporate treasurers in an era of rising finance costs
infrastructure: Balancing front end IT capability with                                  • Optimising trapped cash in trade finance mechanisms
back-end IT efficiency                                                                  • Receivables finance: Making the most of a company’s assets to
• Creating well balanced customer service models: Balancing                               increase its cash flow
  customer centricity, efficiency and usability in transaction                          • Utilising IT efficiencies to improve intraday cash liquidity
  banking IT infrastructure                                                             • How can cash management products help transaction banks
• Investing in front-end IT infrastructure to improve customer                            capture business?
  service                                                                               Ragnar Lodén, Head of Cash Management, Finance – Treasury,
• Investing in back-end infrastructure to streamline processes                          Ericsson
  and increase profitability
                                                                                        Alexandre Clar, Director, Global Treasury (EMEA), PPG
• Increasing profitability through developing cost effective IT
  bundles for smaller companies                                                         Erik Seifert, Head of Global Transaction Services - Corporate,
Philippe Dupasquier, Senior Treasury Back-Office Manager,                               SEB Merchant Banking
                                                                                        10.45 Refreshments and networking
17.15 The direct and indirect impact of regulation on global
transaction banking                                                                     11.15 Leveraging securities services to better serve
                                                                                        transaction banking clients
• The implications for transaction banks of Basel III, Dodd-Frank,
  MiFID II, FATCA, SEPA and other post crisis regulatory reforms                        • Which banks are leading the securities services field?
• Unintended consequences: The challenges of extraterritorial                           • Understanding the securities services needs of corporates and
  jurisdiction and unbalanced implementation of regulations                               financial institutions
• Structuring transaction banking IT infrastructure to integrate                        • Leveraging security services to capture more client business
  with new regulations                                                                    through end-to-end process management
• Can global transaction banking help manage the indirect impact                        Adriana Tanasoiu, Chief Executive Officer, Depozitarul Central
  of regulations on other business areas such as capital markets?
Godfried De Vidts, Director of European Affairs, ICAP plc                               11.45 Examining how transaction banks can successfully
Rudi Bonte, Special Representative for Banking Supervision,                             create a marketable supply chain finance solution
National Bank of Belgium
                                                                                        • Examining the supply chain solutions available to corporates
Simon Crown, Partner, Clifford Chance LLP                                                 and how banks can offer an end-to-end solution to customers?
                                                                                        • Leveraging expertise to help understand the overall supply
18.00 Drinks reception                                                                    chain and how best to serve clients within it
                                                                                        • Identifying SCF solutions that meet customer needs and still
                                                                                          remain profitable under new regulations
                                                                                        • The role of new technology in supply chain solutions:
Day Two: Tuesday June 12th 2012                                                           How can these be incorporated into the wider transaction
                                                                                          banking IT infrastructure
08.15 Refreshments and networking                                                       Deirdre Stokes, CTP Manager, Corporate Treasury,
                                                                                        Kellogg Company
08.45 Chairperson’s opening remarks
                                                                                        12.30 How will payments regulations harm competition
09.00 Co-opetition models: Competition and co-operation                                 within transaction banks and how can the banks react?
with technology and platform providers as a strategy                                    • Will the adoption of SEPA stop the transaction banks’ ability to
for success                                                                               compete through differentiation of technical infrastructure?
• Will effective co-opetition with technology companies                                 • Using product innovation and delivery to counter this lack
  help banks avoid the large upfront investment associated                                of competition
  with acquisition?                                                                     • Identifying methods to achieve lower costs in payments and
• Which regions and sectors are banks seeking potential                                   higher margins for transaction banking
  partnerships and joint ventures?                                                      Gerard Hartsink, Chairman, European Payments Council
• Successfully balancing co-opetition and competition to reduce
  costs and increase customer value                                                     Michel Stuijt, General Manager - Market Management, Equens SE
• The role of small banks as technology innovators in the                               Jean-Pic Berry, Chief Executive Officer, STET
  co-opetition framework                                                                Günther Gall, Executive Director, Head of Transaction Services,
André Casterman, Head of Cash, Trade and Supply                                         Raiffeisen Bank International
Chain Management, SWIFT
                                                                                        13.15 Chairperson’s closing remarks followed by lunch and
                                                                                        close of conference

                          For speaking and sponsorship opportunities please contact
                  Jon Fleming on: +44 (0) 20 7779 8940 or Email:

© Euromoney Seminars 2012.   Euromoney Seminars reserves the right to alter the venue and/or speakers. Euromoney Seminars is a division of Euromoney Institutional Investor PLC.
Global Transaction Banking Congress 2012 June 11th & 12th 2012 • Mövenpick Hotel Amsterdam City Centre
Registration Fees                          Please quote ELE1132 on all correspondence                           5 Easy Ways to Register
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  Super early bird conference price (until Friday 30 Mar 12)
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  Early bird conference price (until Friday 04 May 12)     €150      €2,149                                     Email:
  Conference full price                                      -       €2,299                           
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                                                                                                                Kieran Proverbs
                                                                                                                Euromoney Seminars
                                                                                                                Nestor House
                                                                                                                Playhouse Yard
                                                                                                                London EC4V 5EX

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Global Transaction Banking Congress

  • 1. Global Transaction Banking Congress 2012 June 11th & 12th 2012 • Mövenpick Hotel Amsterdam City Centre Register before 30th March 2012 and SAVE €300 Bring your team: Fourth delegate attends for free Lead Sponsor Sponsors In partnership with Confirmed speakers include: • Naveed Sultan, Global Head of Treasury • André Casterman, Head of Cash, Trade and • Ben Matthews, Director, Deloitte & Trade Solutions, Global Transaction Supply Chain Management, SWIFT • Paul Hayes, Assistant Treasurer, Alcoa Inc Services, Citi • Alexandre Clar, Director, Global Treasury • Luc Vantomme, Chief Risk Officer, • Pierre Veyres, Global Head, Global (EMEA), PPG Euroclear Transaction Banking, BNP Paribas • Kevin Milne, Director of Post Trade, London Stock Exchange • Godfried De Vidts, Director of European • Alan Verschoyle-King, Head of Treasury Affairs, ICAP plc Services, EMEA, Bank of New York Mellon • Günther Gall, Executive Director, Head of Transaction Services, Raiffeisen Bank • Michel Stuijt, General Manager - Market • Matt Tuck, Managing Director, Head of Management, Equens SE Financial Institutions, Barclays Corporate International • Rudi Bonte, Special Representative for Banking • Jean-Pic Berry, Chief Executive Officer, • Wim Raymaekers, Head of Banking Market, STET Supervision, National Bank of Belgium SWIFT • Peter van Rood, Director Corporate Finance & • Thomas Zeeb, Chief Executive Officer, • Simon Crown, Partner, Clifford Chance LLP Treasury, Akzo Noel Six Securities Services • Erik Seifert, Head of Global Transaction • Adriana Tanasoiu, Chief Executive Officer, • Andrew Simpson, Head of Business Services - Corporate, SEB Merchant Banking Depozitarul Central Development, Euro CCP • Andrew Douglas, Head of Government • Ragnar Lodén, Head of Cash Management, • Philippe Dupasquier, Senior Treasury Relations, EMEA, DTCC Finance – Treasury, Ericsson Back-Office Manager, Logitech • Gerard Hartsink, Chairman, European • Deirdre Stokes, CTP Manager, Corporate Payments Council. Treasury, Kellogg Company
  • 2. Global Transaction Banking Congress 2012 Several years ago a handful of banks began organising their focusing on the key concerns of the market whilst also providing apparently disparate transaction-based business units in to an excellent networking and thought leadership platform. one unified business offering. Today over 77% of banks in a Join your peers in Amsterdam in June to hear their views on recent Misys survey have created a transaction banking group. essential market issues and Transaction banking is proving to be a key fee generator for • Network extensively with the market’s leading banks, technology banks in the wake of post-crisis regulation and lack of liquidity. companies and consultancies during lunches, a cocktail reception The questions of how best to align the strategy and management and refreshment breaks of their transaction services are at the forefront of transaction • Gain invaluable insight into market developments through bankers’ minds. expert presentations, case studies and panel discussions such as Euromoney Seminars’ Global Transaction Banking Congress will The Global Transaction Banking panel bring together the heads of transaction banking from across the • Take part in strategic discussions with market leaders on the most globe in discussions regarding their strategy and concerns for important issues facing the Global Transaction Banking world the market. The conference will deliver a strategic level discussion Day One: Monday June 11th 2012 12.10 The role of market infrastructure in the strategic planning of transaction banks 08.00 Registration and refreshments • How do market infrastructure bodies see the strategic drivers of the global transaction banking business changing and 09.00 Chairperson’s opening remarks how will this affect their offering and customer base? • Managing and apportioning risk within settlement 09.10 The global transaction banking panel: How high can mechanisms the transaction banking star rise? • Forging long-term partnerships with market infrastructures and developing successful market infrastructure management • What factors are driving transaction banking globally? • How will the revision of the CPSS-IOSCO principles affect • How are banks formulating their strategy for growth, transaction banks? expansion and ultimately survival? • How are transaction banks positioning themselves to serve Luc Vantomme, Chief Risk Officer, Euroclear both corporate and financial institutions? Kevin Milne, Director of Post Trade, London Stock Exchange • The benefits of fully integrated systems over broad product- Thomas Zeeb, Chief Executive Officer, Six Securities Services by-product offerings Andrew Simpson, Head of Business Development, Euro CCP • How can transaction banks better engage with corporate treasurers? • Are increasing competition and cross border ambitions from smaller banks diluting the market or will we begin to see 12.55 Tapping into trade flows between high income some consolidation? developing countries: How can transaction banks position • Understanding how transaction banking units fit into the themselves strategically to take advantage of the rise of trade overall bank’s strategic direction and revenue liability between emerging markets? Naveed Sultan, Global Head of Treasury & Trade Solutions, Citi • The growth of South-South trade and the associated Pierre Veyres, Global Head, Global Transaction Banking, opportunities for transaction banks BNP Paribas • As the price of trade rises due to regulations, how can SMEs Alan Verschoyle-King, Head of Treasury Services, EMEA, lacking liquidity in emerging markets be better served by Bank of New York Mellon transaction banks? • How successful will the push by various lobbying committees Matt Tuck, Managing Director, Head of Financial Institutions, be in convincing the Basel Committee to refine the liquidity Barclays Corporate rules in relation to trade finance? Carole Berndt, Head of Global Treasury Solutions, EMEA, • As demand for RMB and other non-reserve currency trade Bank of America Merrill Lynch settlements continues to grow, how can transaction banks help corporates settle in these currencies and what pitfalls 10.10 Building a global transaction banking product: and operational risks do they need to avoid? Unifying product silos and creating a codified strategy for • Compete or co-operate: The role of local banks in emerging the business markets in the global transaction banking sphere • How have banks organised individual product silos in to an Wim Raymaekers, Head of Banking Market, SWIFT integrated “transaction banking” business unit? • What pitfalls and problems do they face? 13.30 Lunch and networking break • Choosing your integration strategy: Co-marketed products with separately managed back office processes vs. completely 14.45 Adopting the best geographic strategy for your unified, back-end to front-end product integration transaction bank Gerlach Jacobs, Global Head Transaction Banking, ING • As corporate clients are becoming more and more global, how can transaction banks position themselves in these 10.55 Refreshments and networking growth corridors? • Are increasing regulations becoming a threat to global 11.35 How will the importance of customer centricity affect business models of corporates and transaction banks? the way in which transaction banks position their offering? • Strategies for offering global reach: Intra-level cooperation • How can banks grow and align their businesses and products and white label products and move away from a product silo approach? • Reciprocity vs. profitability: How to choose partnerships • Preserving client relationships without hurting profitability effectively • Product bundling - What strategies are banks adopting to • Are there opportunities for consolidation through acquisition segment their customer base and offer segment specific as a growth strategy? product bundles? Peter van Rood, Director, Corporate Finance & Treasury, Akzo Noel
  • 3. Global Transaction Banking Congress 2012 15.25 Corporate Treasurers Panel - The changing interaction 09.30 The future of technological innovation in the between the corporate treasurer and their transaction bank transaction banking sphere • What are the demand priorities of corporate treasurers for • What is the future of mobile banking and what potential can their transaction services and how can transaction banks align be realised in mobile payments? their services to this? • Will social media continue to grow as a tool for banks in their • Understanding the demands of treasurers for real time access interaction with customers? to information • What role will cloud computing take in the transaction • Process, management and strategy: Where can transaction banking offering and how can transaction banks harness its banks truly add value for their corporate treasurer clients? potential safely Senior Representative, SWIFT Paul Hayes, Assistant Treasurer, Alcoa Inc 16.05 Refreshments and networking 10.00 Improving intraday cash liquidity and cash management: The most important product offering for 16.35 Strategies for investing in transaction banking IT corporate treasurers in an era of rising finance costs infrastructure: Balancing front end IT capability with • Optimising trapped cash in trade finance mechanisms back-end IT efficiency • Receivables finance: Making the most of a company’s assets to • Creating well balanced customer service models: Balancing increase its cash flow customer centricity, efficiency and usability in transaction • Utilising IT efficiencies to improve intraday cash liquidity banking IT infrastructure • How can cash management products help transaction banks • Investing in front-end IT infrastructure to improve customer capture business? service Ragnar Lodén, Head of Cash Management, Finance – Treasury, • Investing in back-end infrastructure to streamline processes Ericsson and increase profitability Alexandre Clar, Director, Global Treasury (EMEA), PPG • Increasing profitability through developing cost effective IT bundles for smaller companies Erik Seifert, Head of Global Transaction Services - Corporate, Philippe Dupasquier, Senior Treasury Back-Office Manager, SEB Merchant Banking Logitech 10.45 Refreshments and networking 17.15 The direct and indirect impact of regulation on global transaction banking 11.15 Leveraging securities services to better serve transaction banking clients • The implications for transaction banks of Basel III, Dodd-Frank, MiFID II, FATCA, SEPA and other post crisis regulatory reforms • Which banks are leading the securities services field? • Unintended consequences: The challenges of extraterritorial • Understanding the securities services needs of corporates and jurisdiction and unbalanced implementation of regulations financial institutions • Structuring transaction banking IT infrastructure to integrate • Leveraging security services to capture more client business with new regulations through end-to-end process management • Can global transaction banking help manage the indirect impact Adriana Tanasoiu, Chief Executive Officer, Depozitarul Central of regulations on other business areas such as capital markets? Godfried De Vidts, Director of European Affairs, ICAP plc 11.45 Examining how transaction banks can successfully Rudi Bonte, Special Representative for Banking Supervision, create a marketable supply chain finance solution National Bank of Belgium • Examining the supply chain solutions available to corporates Simon Crown, Partner, Clifford Chance LLP and how banks can offer an end-to-end solution to customers? • Leveraging expertise to help understand the overall supply 18.00 Drinks reception chain and how best to serve clients within it • Identifying SCF solutions that meet customer needs and still remain profitable under new regulations • The role of new technology in supply chain solutions: Day Two: Tuesday June 12th 2012 How can these be incorporated into the wider transaction banking IT infrastructure 08.15 Refreshments and networking Deirdre Stokes, CTP Manager, Corporate Treasury, Kellogg Company 08.45 Chairperson’s opening remarks 12.30 How will payments regulations harm competition 09.00 Co-opetition models: Competition and co-operation within transaction banks and how can the banks react? with technology and platform providers as a strategy • Will the adoption of SEPA stop the transaction banks’ ability to for success compete through differentiation of technical infrastructure? • Will effective co-opetition with technology companies • Using product innovation and delivery to counter this lack help banks avoid the large upfront investment associated of competition with acquisition? • Identifying methods to achieve lower costs in payments and • Which regions and sectors are banks seeking potential higher margins for transaction banking partnerships and joint ventures? Gerard Hartsink, Chairman, European Payments Council • Successfully balancing co-opetition and competition to reduce costs and increase customer value Michel Stuijt, General Manager - Market Management, Equens SE • The role of small banks as technology innovators in the Jean-Pic Berry, Chief Executive Officer, STET co-opetition framework Günther Gall, Executive Director, Head of Transaction Services, André Casterman, Head of Cash, Trade and Supply Raiffeisen Bank International Chain Management, SWIFT 13.15 Chairperson’s closing remarks followed by lunch and close of conference For speaking and sponsorship opportunities please contact Jon Fleming on: +44 (0) 20 7779 8940 or Email: © Euromoney Seminars 2012. Euromoney Seminars reserves the right to alter the venue and/or speakers. Euromoney Seminars is a division of Euromoney Institutional Investor PLC.
  • 4. Global Transaction Banking Congress 2012 June 11th & 12th 2012 • Mövenpick Hotel Amsterdam City Centre Registration Fees Please quote ELE1132 on all correspondence 5 Easy Ways to Register To register for this event please complete your details below: Online: Packages Saving Price Super early bird conference price (until Friday 30 Mar 12) €300 €1,999 Early bird conference price (until Friday 04 May 12) €150 €2,149 Email: Conference full price - €2,299 Bring your team: Fourth delegate attends for free please + VAT@19% contact Kieran Proverbs ( Fax: Total (UK) +44 (0)20 7779 8603 Telephone: (UK) +44 (0)20 7779 7222 Post: Kieran Proverbs Euromoney Seminars Nestor House Playhouse Yard London EC4V 5EX UK Delegates Delegate 1 (please print) Delegate 2 (please print) Delegate 3 (please print) Title (Mr/Mrs/Ms/Dr/Other): Title (Mr/Mrs/Ms/Dr/Other): Title (Mr/Mrs/Ms/Dr/Other): First Name: First Name: First Name: Last Name: Last Name: Last Name: Job Title: Job Title: Job Title: Company: Company: Company: VAT No. (EU only): VAT No. (EU only): VAT No. (EU only): Address: Address: Address: Country: Country: Country: Postcode: Postcode: Postcode: Tel: Tel: Tel: Fax: Fax: Fax: Email: Email: Email: The information you provide on this form will be used by Euromoney Trading Ltd. and its group companies group, we may transfer your data on a global basis for the purposes indicated above, including to countries (“we” or “us”) to process your order and deliver the relevant products/services. 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Euromoney Seminars, Nestor House, Playhouse Yard, Payment by Bank Transfer London EC4V 5EX, UK Tel: (UK) +44 (0)20 7779 7222; Fax: (UK) +44 (0) 20 7779 8603 Should be made through Lloyds TSB Bank Plc, City Office, PO Box 72, Email: Bailey Drive, Gillingham Business Park, Gillingham, Kent, ME8 0LS, UK. To register and pay, please visit: Beneficiary: Euromoney Seminars. Account No: 86116918 Sort code: 30 12 18, IBAN No: GB 80 LOYD 30121886116918 Swift Address: LOYDGB2LCTY quoting ELE1132. Administrative information Venue: Cancellation policy: All bookings are considered Cannot attend? Please pass this brochure on to a Mövenpick Hotel Amsterdam City Centre binding on receipt of booking form. Payment is colleague or you can purchase the online documentation Piet Heinkade 11 required on receipt of subsequent event invoice for €499. If your company is registered within the EU 1019 BR unless the registration is made on or after the please supply your VAT number. Amsterdam 28th May 2012, when payment must be made Netherlands at the time of registration. This is a prepaid event. For immediate information on this and +31 (0) 20 519 1200 If you cannot attend you must cancel your registration related events, please call our hotlines in writing no later than the 28th May 2012 to Travel & Accommodation: receive a refund minus a 10% administration charge. When you register you will be sent a hotel booking We cannot accept verbal cancellations. Cancellations Telephone: (UK) +44 (0)20 7779 7222 form with a username and password to request or alternatively email: made after this time are liable for the full conference accommodation through the online reservation system. fee. We suggest you send a substitute to attend in your place at no extra cost. Registration fee: The registration fee includes For further information on sponsorship or participation in the conference, lunches and documentation exhibition opportunities please contact Banks Sadler have negotiated preferential room rates material, which will be available in electronic format Jon Fleming, Tel: +44 (0) 20 7779 8940, on behalf of all Euromoney delegates and look forward the night before the event. Please use your username to assisting you with the best accommodation for email: and password in order to access them. All bookings your budget. are considered binding on receipt of the booking form.