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Global Cloud
Transformation: Setting
the Stage for Success

                     The Agile
The Agile

introduction                                      platforms ultimately offer a more flexible
                                                  and scalable way to meet today’s business
Making a strategic move to the cloud means
                                                  challenges (vs. on-premise solutions). Because
companies need to be prepared for a new
                                                  cloud technologies have removed many of the
way of thinking and operating. Moving to
                                                                                                    “We can view market
                                                  burdens of ongoing hardware and application
the cloud isn’t—and shouldn’t be—business
                                                  maintenance costs, IT departments are freed
                                                                                                     share for any given
as usual. It’s a switch that demands fresh
                                                  to focus on business innovations that can
attitudes in defining what an implementation
is and a completely new way of working. A
                                                  ultimately fuel company growth.                    product, and we can
global cloud transformation can be complex        But without a broader company change,             track product tests. It
                                                                                                     almost goes without
and overwhelming for a company that is not        the benefits of the cloud will not be
adequately prepared. To achieve success, it is    realized. Success is dependent on making
imperative that the technology aligns with both   a commitment to become a more agile                saying that the Gates
a clear executive vision and crucial business     enterprise. An agile enterprise not only           senior leadership team
                                                                                                     has embraced the
processes. Equally as important, the company      embraces flexible technology, but also
needs to commit to a change strategy              establishes processes that promote
that enables everyone, from executives to         continuous innovation, leaves room for a little    reporting capabilities of
individual users, to engage the new system and    chaos, guides users to embrace change and         Salesforce and is eager
understand its role within the organization.
                                                                                                    to continue to use it as
                                                  collaboration, and leverages a multi-sourcing
Bluewolf has a proven methodology that            resource strategy to match ongoing innovation
enables enterprises to set the foundation for     to the pace of business (something Bluewolf        a solution for navigating
real change and ultimately achieve success.       calls an “ elastic workforce”). Transitioning      our commercial sales
Best practices, developed over a decade of
                                                  to the cloud is not a single project, but an
helping hundreds of companies with complex,       iterative journey that must include a method
global implementations, provide a validated       to execute, measure, and sustain innovation       Karl Moritz, Senior Vice
roadmap to achieving company goals with           within the organization.                          President Global End-Market
the cloud.                                                                                          Strategy, Gates Corporation

cloud technology and the                            Characteristics of an Agile Enterprise
agile enterprise                                       Promotes continuous innovation
                                                       in processes.
Cloud computing has the potential to
                                                       Leaves room for a little chaos.
promote significant cultural changes across a
                                                       Trains people to embrace change and
global organization. By moving to the cloud,
executives are embracing a vision that the
                                                       Remains iterative through elastic
old way of doing things is not an effective
strategy to keep up with the pace of change in
                                                       Embraces flexible technology.
today’s business environment. Cloud-based

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Global Cloud Case Study
  Company                                                     the entire region online. In addition to customizing
  Based in Denver, Colorado USA, Gates Corporation            Salesforce for the needs of each region, Bluewolf also
  is a world leader in industrial engineering and             transferred all of the data from the previous CRM
  manufacturing. The company employs over 14,500              solution used by Gates and coordinated on-site, end-
  staff and has operations in all of the world’s major        user training localized for each country.
  markets, including North and South America, Europe,
                                                              Languages Deployed
  Asia, Australia, and the Middle East.
                                                              English, Spanish, German, French, Italian
                                                              Number of Currencies Deployed
  Because of an inability to efficiently generate metrics
  on customer interactions, sales personnel could not
  easily view the status of leads. This deficiency delayed    Results
  the time it took to close many deals. Gates wanted          Gates improved efficiency at managing and following
  to standardize global reporting and metrics for five        up on leads, which led to the ability to close proposals
  different regions (Northeast, Middle East, South            more quickly and generate increased revenue.
  America, Asia and Europe) while giving regions ability      Because managers can now see how well sales reps
  to customize processes.                                     pursue leads, Gates created a follow-up incentive
                                                              program, and, since that time, the effectiveness of
  Implementation strategy
                                                              prospect follow-ups has improved greatly. Gates
  Gates Corporation decided to deploy Salesforce
                                                              leadership has recognized the value of Salesforce to
  globally. Using a Bluewolf Blueprint, the company
                                                              the extent that the team has re-purposed the global,
  gained a clear vision of requirements, timelines,
                                                              internal, and professional sales training program
  and costs. Bluewolf began by deploying Salesforce
                                                              to not only include onboarding to the solution, but
  in one region at a time, with each region building
                                                              positions Salesforce as the centerpiece of their sales
  out customized processes that matched local
                                                              reporting strategy.
  requirements. To ensure the success, Bluewolf
  deployed pilot tests within each region before bringing

common global cloud                                             Siloed operations and platforms
implementation challenges                                    Though a company may be global, many
Global cloud implementations present                         of its international business units and IT
enterprises with unique challenges that add                  departments operate autonomously. Multiple
complexity and scale to any typical cloud                    applications and tools, used for the same
implementation. After more than a decade of                  purpose across the globe, make it impossible
experience helping thousands of companies                    to get a holistic global view of the business
implement successful cloud projects, Bluewolf                from a reporting perspective. This reliance on
has identified common challenges unique to                   legacy systems can complicate integration,
global transformations:                                      and is especially true when the company has
                                                             grown by acquisition. A critical step before

              join the agile conversation                                                      3
embarking on a broader, global rollout is to      there are the more tangible differences in
clearly communicate a vision and collaborate      language, currency, security, and compliance
with appropriate stakeholders.                    that companies may not review and plan for
                                                  during the initial phases. Cultural differences
   No clear goals                                 can be a major reason why global cloud
Along with communication and collaboration,       implementations fail if they are not taken
some companies establish vague goals for          into consideration.
technology projects such as “a 360-degree
view of customers” or “more visibility into          Time zones
sales pipeline.” But without defining a clear     If regions need to work together and
set of measurable business objectives and         collaborate toward a common goal, then
their corresponding strategies, it is difficult   time zones become a barrier to getting
to build the right supporting processes. It is    the work done. A team in Brazil may have
not uncommon for there to be misalignment         to wait for a response from a team in the
between the overall goals expected by             United States that is five hours behind. Also,
corporate, and the specific strategies,           many companies underestimate how much
activities, and key metrics employed by           on-site work is needed for a global cloud
different regions and business units. Lack of     project to be successful. Cutting costs in
leadership alignment around key business          this area may not be effective because it is
goals and how each business unit will measure     often the relationships that are built during
and achieve them, is a major reason why           implementation that drive how the project will
global cloud implementations fail to produce      fare beyond go live.
impactful results.
                                                    Data migration
  Cultural differences                            This is a major issue even for single regional or
From simple communication methods to              business unit cloud implementations. When
distinctions on how each region trains and        a company looks at a global implementation,
adopts new technology, regional distinctions      data migration becomes increasingly complex,
can have a more profound effect than many         including data in multiple languages, different
companies realize. For example, though leader     address formats, disparate data sources, and
rankings and dashboards effectively promote       the quality of the data. Compliance around
adoption in the United States, they may not       data quality within specific regions can also
translate as well in Japan where goals are        complicate global cloud implementations.
always set at a group level rather than an        Since data is the foundation for any cloud
individual one. These issues tend to be the       application, it is imperative that data
result of not taking the time to effectively      migration and ongoing management is
gain buy-in at the beginning of the initiative,   considered upfront.
across the global organization. Additionally,

            join the agile conversation                                       4
Salesforce: Single vs. Multi-Org?
  Should your company leverage a single instance of           Collaboration Needs
  Salesforce or implement a multi-instance strategy?          When a common customer exists, leveraging a
  Throughout our 12 years in this ecosystem, we have          single org can make it easier to share data between
  established a point of view that there is no one-size-      geographies and segments, achieve company-wide
  fits all approach. It is critical to step back and look     collaboration with applications like Chatter, and better
  at your organizational processes, objectives, and           align marketing, sales, and service processes. In cases
  culture holistically before determining how to roll out     with geographically segmented customer bases or
  a global footprint. Below are some decision criteria to     business lines that don’t need to cross-sell, they can
  consider:                                                   autonomously operate in multiple orgs.

  Organizational Structure                                    Flexibility
  Is the enterprise currently centralized or                  Agile custom development with Salesforce is easier
  decentralized, and will this change in the near             with the multi-org approach since there is direct
  future? In terms of technology, are the backends            regional control. Not only can different groups
  centrally controlled? Detailed analysis of operations       use different editions, but there is also no risk of
  is critical, especially for companies that grow             impacting other business segments, so less time is
  through acquisition.                                        spent gaining buy-in. A single org requires a strong
                                                              globally focused governance strategy and changes to
  Global Reporting Requirements
                                                              modules, fields, and workflow must be agreed to by
  Having a single org makes it easier to generate a
                                                              and/or communicated to all business units.
  360-degree view of customer data, forecasting,
  and real-time executive reports. It is still possible to    Data Concerns and Admin Capabilities
  establish global reporting under a multi-org approach,      Regulatory compliance, data security, storage, system
  however master data management strategies become            integration, and even sheer data volume can all
  increasingly important and additional work is needed.       impact the ideal choice in org structure. Company
                                                              culture also plays an important part. If an enterprise
  Business Process Synergy
                                                              is driven centrally from a global headquarter, a single
  When business units share similarities between
                                                              management hub or administrative strategy may be
  products and sales processes, a single org approach
                                                              preferred. If the company operates with more regional
  can deliver operational efficiency and visibility.
                                                              autonomy, an approach that provides localized
  However, mandating standardized processes globally
                                                              control might increase the administrative burden, but
  can be challenging, as it requires not only evaluating
                                                              ultimately make a company more responsive.
  and prioritizing real business drivers, but also strong
  change management to transform behaviors.

global cloud implementation                                    Establish clear goals and metrics
best practices                                               Why is the organization moving to the
Along with common challenges identified                      cloud globally? What business goals will the
from helping clients with global cloud                       technology support? The more specific the
implementations, Bluewolf has developed a set                goal, the easier it will be to design processes
of best practices that have been proven to set               that support it. For example, a goal to increase
the stage for success:                                       revenue by 10 percent within two quarters is
                                                             very specific. As one strategy, leadership could
                                                             agree to focus existing sales reps on cross-

              join the agile conversation                                                      5
The Case for Global Cloud Governance
  What Is Cloud                   Put simply, cloud governance is the policies, processes, and framework for
  Governance?                     continuing to innovate on live global cloud applications. The objective is to
                                  establish global system stability and to ensure changes are made rapidly with
                                  clear business benefits.

  The Importance                  Without cloud governance, the organization will strain to keep pace with user
  of Cloud                        requests, adoption, market shifts, and new releases. A governance strategy can
  Governance                      help your company create an established method to filter and prioritize change
                                  requests to ensure that they deliver global business value.

  The Role                        Enterprise IT departments are generally process and quality experts, and it
  of IT                           makes no sense to take away what IT does well. Instead, the conversation
                                  should be about adapting traditional governance strategies to leverage the
                                  unique benefits of global agile cloud development. Cloud governance is unique
                                  from traditional governance models in its ability to encourage IT to partner with
                                  business leaders and innovate at the pace of business.

  The Role of                     The business plays an equally important role. Since they are customer facing,
  Business                        they provide the context for business users and lead efforts to innovate in ways
                                  that produce employee and customer value. Leaders work together to define
                                  clear, measurable goals and help communicate the importance that the cloud
                                  and deployed processes play in driving organizational value.

  The                             Key to successful cloud governance is the establishment of a global
  Governance                      governance board. The board is comprised of both executive and regional
  Board                           departmental stakeholders. Executive stakeholders work on high level
                                  innovation and strategy, while departmental stakeholders ensure
                                  enhancements are value-added.

  The pace of business change combined with the rate of innovation that cloud technology brings to market,
  means that the vast majority of companies may only realize a subset of the benefits promised. For a more
  in depth look into Bluewolf’s unique approach to cloud governance, please review our white paper, Cloud
  Governance: Empowering Innovation at the Pace of Business.

and up-selling opportunities. Technology                  regional needs and how do those differ from
and processes can enable this strategy                    corporate’s needs? A clear understanding of
by highlighting such eligible customers.                  how the enterprise operates globally helps
Additionally, by making the right KPIs visible            define a method to execute. Contrary to
via real-time dashboards, leaders can                     the methods of traditional consulting firms,
effectively coach the activities and behaviors            Bluewolf does not recommend organizations
that dictate success towards executing the                move their entire enterprise to the cloud in
sales strategy.                                           one big-bang approach. Instead, we advise
                                                          adopting an iterative process by which more
  Understand the enterprise                               and more valuable systems or functions are
How does the whole organization operate?                  migrated. Developing a roadmap of what
Centralized or decentralized? How do                      can move and when, will help define this
the regions operate, and on which tools                   new journey of operating in the cloud. The
and systems do they rely? What are the                    plan might also include ancillary factors for

              join the agile conversation                                                   6
example, considering new types of devices         What talent is needed to fill key roles?
                                                                                                     why bluewolf?
since many users operate off-site.                Successful rollouts require a dedicated system
                                                                                                     When undertaking a global
                                                  administrator, project managers, business          cloud initiative, it’s important
  Communicate, communicate, communicate           analysts, developers, stakeholders, and other      to work with a company that
Any change can lead to confusion. Build a         key roles to support the application. A flexible   has experience. For over a
strong business case to get buy-in at the         team that can objectively operate inside           decade, we’ve been delivering
highest levels and this support will help mute    and outside the organization, and offer new        on the promise of the cloud,
                                                                                                     bringing agility to the most
any broader cultural resistance in the long       insights and skill sets can be the difference
                                                                                                     competitive companies around
run. The CFO must be educated on a shift that     between unforeseen events and keeping              the world. As the only salesforce.
reduces capital expenditure, but necessitates     costs down.                                        com partner in the world with
a stream of operating expenditure. The IT team                                                       Platinum Consulting status on
must be involved in the process of assessing          Define change management                       three major continents, we can
workloads and workflow, and helping to select     It is critical to win the support of end-users.    provide enterprises with 24x7
                                                                                                     global coverage and deeper
partners. Legal counsel might need to be          With strong education and coaching programs,
                                                                                                     local expertise across America,
consulted on service-level agreements or          advocacy can be built from the ground-up.
                                                                                                     Europe, and Asia Pacific. Our
data privacy and protection. Procurement will     Determine the best training methods based on       global clients work with us
have to be educated about the very different      cultural preferences, languages, and regional      because we:
needs with regards to IT spending, both           needs. Users in Canada may prefer e-Learning          Are dedicated to driving
upfront and ongoing.                              modules whereas users in Europe tend to rely          transformation across an
                                                  on classroom training. It is a good idea to hold      enterprise’s culture and
   Create a Cloud Governance strategy             round tables with power users and top team            processes—not just the
First, companies need to ensure that there        players to decide how consistent changes and
                                                                                                        Thrive on transparency,
aren’t breaches to rules or laws under which      training will be communicated.
                                                                                                        accountability and agility—
they operate. With the cloud, a common                                                                  we flex with your needs.
concern for global companies is around                                                                  Apply new, yet proven,
compliance regarding how data may travel
                                                  summary                                               processes across the
into other countries or regions or where          More companies are looking to the cloud to            customer lifecycle, and use
                                                  take efficiency and competitive advantage to          efficient team models to
certain levels of privacy need to be protected.
                                                                                                        reduce resources.
Second, companies need a framework                the next level. A decision to implement cloud
                                                                                                        Are a pioneer in offering
for making decisions and a process for            technology across the globe means the entire          multi-resourcing models
executing against those decisions quickly.        enterprise must be prepared because the               as one global partner
Cloud technology offers an infinite amount        challenges can be complex and overwhelming.           for consulting, managed
of possibility and changes available to users,    Technology alone is never the answer, but             services, and IT staffing.
                                                  when technology aligns with crucial business          Offer Bluewolf Beyond, a
which can quickly get out of hand on a global
                                                                                                        program to help manage
scale. Cloud Governance establishes rules for     processes, a fundamental shift in business
                                                                                                        change and innovation post
how to set priorities for enhancements or         occurs. Bluewolf’s experience, proven                 go-live.
changes to the technology based on the value      methodology, and focus on agile business              Have built the strongest
that change brings to the global business.        processes enables global enterprises to               change strategy, eLearning,
                                                  achieve transformational success and beyond.          and training organization in
  Put the right team in place                                                                           the industry by focusing on
                                                                                                        user-driven innovation
Talent is a huge factor in determining the
                                                                                                        that matters.
success of any global cloud implementation.

            join the agile conversation                                                                            7

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Global Cloud Transformation: Setting the Stage for Success

  • 1. Global Cloud Transformation: Setting the Stage for Success The Agile Enterprise
  • 2. The Agile Enterprise introduction platforms ultimately offer a more flexible and scalable way to meet today’s business Making a strategic move to the cloud means challenges (vs. on-premise solutions). Because companies need to be prepared for a new cloud technologies have removed many of the way of thinking and operating. Moving to “We can view market burdens of ongoing hardware and application the cloud isn’t—and shouldn’t be—business maintenance costs, IT departments are freed share for any given as usual. It’s a switch that demands fresh to focus on business innovations that can attitudes in defining what an implementation is and a completely new way of working. A ultimately fuel company growth. product, and we can global cloud transformation can be complex But without a broader company change, track product tests. It almost goes without and overwhelming for a company that is not the benefits of the cloud will not be adequately prepared. To achieve success, it is realized. Success is dependent on making imperative that the technology aligns with both a commitment to become a more agile saying that the Gates a clear executive vision and crucial business enterprise. An agile enterprise not only senior leadership team has embraced the processes. Equally as important, the company embraces flexible technology, but also needs to commit to a change strategy establishes processes that promote that enables everyone, from executives to continuous innovation, leaves room for a little reporting capabilities of individual users, to engage the new system and chaos, guides users to embrace change and Salesforce and is eager understand its role within the organization. to continue to use it as collaboration, and leverages a multi-sourcing Bluewolf has a proven methodology that resource strategy to match ongoing innovation enables enterprises to set the foundation for to the pace of business (something Bluewolf a solution for navigating real change and ultimately achieve success. calls an “ elastic workforce”). Transitioning our commercial sales Best practices, developed over a decade of interests.” to the cloud is not a single project, but an helping hundreds of companies with complex, iterative journey that must include a method global implementations, provide a validated to execute, measure, and sustain innovation Karl Moritz, Senior Vice roadmap to achieving company goals with within the organization. President Global End-Market the cloud. Strategy, Gates Corporation cloud technology and the Characteristics of an Agile Enterprise agile enterprise Promotes continuous innovation in processes. Cloud computing has the potential to Leaves room for a little chaos. promote significant cultural changes across a Trains people to embrace change and global organization. By moving to the cloud, collaboration. executives are embracing a vision that the Remains iterative through elastic old way of doing things is not an effective resources. strategy to keep up with the pace of change in Embraces flexible technology. today’s business environment. Cloud-based join the agile conversation 2
  • 3. Global Cloud Case Study Company the entire region online. In addition to customizing Based in Denver, Colorado USA, Gates Corporation Salesforce for the needs of each region, Bluewolf also is a world leader in industrial engineering and transferred all of the data from the previous CRM manufacturing. The company employs over 14,500 solution used by Gates and coordinated on-site, end- staff and has operations in all of the world’s major user training localized for each country. markets, including North and South America, Europe, Languages Deployed Asia, Australia, and the Middle East. English, Spanish, German, French, Italian Challenge Number of Currencies Deployed Because of an inability to efficiently generate metrics Thirty-six on customer interactions, sales personnel could not easily view the status of leads. This deficiency delayed Results the time it took to close many deals. Gates wanted Gates improved efficiency at managing and following to standardize global reporting and metrics for five up on leads, which led to the ability to close proposals different regions (Northeast, Middle East, South more quickly and generate increased revenue. America, Asia and Europe) while giving regions ability Because managers can now see how well sales reps to customize processes. pursue leads, Gates created a follow-up incentive program, and, since that time, the effectiveness of Implementation strategy prospect follow-ups has improved greatly. Gates Gates Corporation decided to deploy Salesforce leadership has recognized the value of Salesforce to globally. Using a Bluewolf Blueprint, the company the extent that the team has re-purposed the global, gained a clear vision of requirements, timelines, internal, and professional sales training program and costs. Bluewolf began by deploying Salesforce to not only include onboarding to the solution, but in one region at a time, with each region building positions Salesforce as the centerpiece of their sales out customized processes that matched local reporting strategy. requirements. To ensure the success, Bluewolf deployed pilot tests within each region before bringing common global cloud Siloed operations and platforms implementation challenges Though a company may be global, many Global cloud implementations present of its international business units and IT enterprises with unique challenges that add departments operate autonomously. Multiple complexity and scale to any typical cloud applications and tools, used for the same implementation. After more than a decade of purpose across the globe, make it impossible experience helping thousands of companies to get a holistic global view of the business implement successful cloud projects, Bluewolf from a reporting perspective. This reliance on has identified common challenges unique to legacy systems can complicate integration, global transformations: and is especially true when the company has grown by acquisition. A critical step before join the agile conversation 3
  • 4. embarking on a broader, global rollout is to there are the more tangible differences in clearly communicate a vision and collaborate language, currency, security, and compliance with appropriate stakeholders. that companies may not review and plan for during the initial phases. Cultural differences No clear goals can be a major reason why global cloud Along with communication and collaboration, implementations fail if they are not taken some companies establish vague goals for into consideration. technology projects such as “a 360-degree view of customers” or “more visibility into Time zones sales pipeline.” But without defining a clear If regions need to work together and set of measurable business objectives and collaborate toward a common goal, then their corresponding strategies, it is difficult time zones become a barrier to getting to build the right supporting processes. It is the work done. A team in Brazil may have not uncommon for there to be misalignment to wait for a response from a team in the between the overall goals expected by United States that is five hours behind. Also, corporate, and the specific strategies, many companies underestimate how much activities, and key metrics employed by on-site work is needed for a global cloud different regions and business units. Lack of project to be successful. Cutting costs in leadership alignment around key business this area may not be effective because it is goals and how each business unit will measure often the relationships that are built during and achieve them, is a major reason why implementation that drive how the project will global cloud implementations fail to produce fare beyond go live. impactful results. Data migration Cultural differences This is a major issue even for single regional or From simple communication methods to business unit cloud implementations. When distinctions on how each region trains and a company looks at a global implementation, adopts new technology, regional distinctions data migration becomes increasingly complex, can have a more profound effect than many including data in multiple languages, different companies realize. For example, though leader address formats, disparate data sources, and rankings and dashboards effectively promote the quality of the data. Compliance around adoption in the United States, they may not data quality within specific regions can also translate as well in Japan where goals are complicate global cloud implementations. always set at a group level rather than an Since data is the foundation for any cloud individual one. These issues tend to be the application, it is imperative that data result of not taking the time to effectively migration and ongoing management is gain buy-in at the beginning of the initiative, considered upfront. across the global organization. Additionally, join the agile conversation 4
  • 5. Salesforce: Single vs. Multi-Org? Should your company leverage a single instance of Collaboration Needs Salesforce or implement a multi-instance strategy? When a common customer exists, leveraging a Throughout our 12 years in this ecosystem, we have single org can make it easier to share data between established a point of view that there is no one-size- geographies and segments, achieve company-wide fits all approach. It is critical to step back and look collaboration with applications like Chatter, and better at your organizational processes, objectives, and align marketing, sales, and service processes. In cases culture holistically before determining how to roll out with geographically segmented customer bases or a global footprint. Below are some decision criteria to business lines that don’t need to cross-sell, they can consider: autonomously operate in multiple orgs. Organizational Structure Flexibility Is the enterprise currently centralized or Agile custom development with Salesforce is easier decentralized, and will this change in the near with the multi-org approach since there is direct future? In terms of technology, are the backends regional control. Not only can different groups centrally controlled? Detailed analysis of operations use different editions, but there is also no risk of is critical, especially for companies that grow impacting other business segments, so less time is through acquisition. spent gaining buy-in. A single org requires a strong globally focused governance strategy and changes to Global Reporting Requirements modules, fields, and workflow must be agreed to by Having a single org makes it easier to generate a and/or communicated to all business units. 360-degree view of customer data, forecasting, and real-time executive reports. It is still possible to Data Concerns and Admin Capabilities establish global reporting under a multi-org approach, Regulatory compliance, data security, storage, system however master data management strategies become integration, and even sheer data volume can all increasingly important and additional work is needed. impact the ideal choice in org structure. Company culture also plays an important part. If an enterprise Business Process Synergy is driven centrally from a global headquarter, a single When business units share similarities between management hub or administrative strategy may be products and sales processes, a single org approach preferred. If the company operates with more regional can deliver operational efficiency and visibility. autonomy, an approach that provides localized However, mandating standardized processes globally control might increase the administrative burden, but can be challenging, as it requires not only evaluating ultimately make a company more responsive. and prioritizing real business drivers, but also strong change management to transform behaviors. global cloud implementation Establish clear goals and metrics best practices Why is the organization moving to the Along with common challenges identified cloud globally? What business goals will the from helping clients with global cloud technology support? The more specific the implementations, Bluewolf has developed a set goal, the easier it will be to design processes of best practices that have been proven to set that support it. For example, a goal to increase the stage for success: revenue by 10 percent within two quarters is very specific. As one strategy, leadership could agree to focus existing sales reps on cross- join the agile conversation 5
  • 6. The Case for Global Cloud Governance What Is Cloud Put simply, cloud governance is the policies, processes, and framework for Governance? continuing to innovate on live global cloud applications. The objective is to establish global system stability and to ensure changes are made rapidly with clear business benefits. The Importance Without cloud governance, the organization will strain to keep pace with user of Cloud requests, adoption, market shifts, and new releases. A governance strategy can Governance help your company create an established method to filter and prioritize change requests to ensure that they deliver global business value. The Role Enterprise IT departments are generally process and quality experts, and it of IT makes no sense to take away what IT does well. Instead, the conversation should be about adapting traditional governance strategies to leverage the unique benefits of global agile cloud development. Cloud governance is unique from traditional governance models in its ability to encourage IT to partner with business leaders and innovate at the pace of business. The Role of The business plays an equally important role. Since they are customer facing, Business they provide the context for business users and lead efforts to innovate in ways that produce employee and customer value. Leaders work together to define clear, measurable goals and help communicate the importance that the cloud and deployed processes play in driving organizational value. The Key to successful cloud governance is the establishment of a global Governance governance board. The board is comprised of both executive and regional Board departmental stakeholders. Executive stakeholders work on high level innovation and strategy, while departmental stakeholders ensure enhancements are value-added. The pace of business change combined with the rate of innovation that cloud technology brings to market, means that the vast majority of companies may only realize a subset of the benefits promised. For a more in depth look into Bluewolf’s unique approach to cloud governance, please review our white paper, Cloud Governance: Empowering Innovation at the Pace of Business. and up-selling opportunities. Technology regional needs and how do those differ from and processes can enable this strategy corporate’s needs? A clear understanding of by highlighting such eligible customers. how the enterprise operates globally helps Additionally, by making the right KPIs visible define a method to execute. Contrary to via real-time dashboards, leaders can the methods of traditional consulting firms, effectively coach the activities and behaviors Bluewolf does not recommend organizations that dictate success towards executing the move their entire enterprise to the cloud in sales strategy. one big-bang approach. Instead, we advise adopting an iterative process by which more Understand the enterprise and more valuable systems or functions are How does the whole organization operate? migrated. Developing a roadmap of what Centralized or decentralized? How do can move and when, will help define this the regions operate, and on which tools new journey of operating in the cloud. The and systems do they rely? What are the plan might also include ancillary factors for join the agile conversation 6
  • 7. example, considering new types of devices What talent is needed to fill key roles? why bluewolf? since many users operate off-site. Successful rollouts require a dedicated system When undertaking a global administrator, project managers, business cloud initiative, it’s important Communicate, communicate, communicate analysts, developers, stakeholders, and other to work with a company that Any change can lead to confusion. Build a key roles to support the application. A flexible has experience. For over a strong business case to get buy-in at the team that can objectively operate inside decade, we’ve been delivering highest levels and this support will help mute and outside the organization, and offer new on the promise of the cloud, bringing agility to the most any broader cultural resistance in the long insights and skill sets can be the difference competitive companies around run. The CFO must be educated on a shift that between unforeseen events and keeping the world. As the only salesforce. reduces capital expenditure, but necessitates costs down. com partner in the world with a stream of operating expenditure. The IT team Platinum Consulting status on must be involved in the process of assessing Define change management three major continents, we can workloads and workflow, and helping to select It is critical to win the support of end-users. provide enterprises with 24x7 global coverage and deeper partners. Legal counsel might need to be With strong education and coaching programs, local expertise across America, consulted on service-level agreements or advocacy can be built from the ground-up. Europe, and Asia Pacific. Our data privacy and protection. Procurement will Determine the best training methods based on global clients work with us have to be educated about the very different cultural preferences, languages, and regional because we: needs with regards to IT spending, both needs. Users in Canada may prefer e-Learning Are dedicated to driving upfront and ongoing. modules whereas users in Europe tend to rely transformation across an on classroom training. It is a good idea to hold enterprise’s culture and Create a Cloud Governance strategy round tables with power users and top team processes—not just the technology. First, companies need to ensure that there players to decide how consistent changes and Thrive on transparency, aren’t breaches to rules or laws under which training will be communicated. accountability and agility— they operate. With the cloud, a common we flex with your needs. concern for global companies is around Apply new, yet proven, compliance regarding how data may travel summary processes across the into other countries or regions or where More companies are looking to the cloud to customer lifecycle, and use take efficiency and competitive advantage to efficient team models to certain levels of privacy need to be protected. reduce resources. Second, companies need a framework the next level. A decision to implement cloud Are a pioneer in offering for making decisions and a process for technology across the globe means the entire multi-resourcing models executing against those decisions quickly. enterprise must be prepared because the as one global partner Cloud technology offers an infinite amount challenges can be complex and overwhelming. for consulting, managed of possibility and changes available to users, Technology alone is never the answer, but services, and IT staffing. when technology aligns with crucial business Offer Bluewolf Beyond, a which can quickly get out of hand on a global program to help manage scale. Cloud Governance establishes rules for processes, a fundamental shift in business change and innovation post how to set priorities for enhancements or occurs. Bluewolf’s experience, proven go-live. changes to the technology based on the value methodology, and focus on agile business Have built the strongest that change brings to the global business. processes enables global enterprises to change strategy, eLearning, achieve transformational success and beyond. and training organization in Put the right team in place the industry by focusing on user-driven innovation Talent is a huge factor in determining the that matters. success of any global cloud implementation. join the agile conversation 7