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Queering the Response to IPV
Coming Together For Action
Global Alliance
On-line Conference
October 6-9, 2020
Susan Scott, PhD
Sarah Tilley, MSW
Angela Hovey, PhD, RSW
Lori Chambers, PhD
BJ Rye, PhD, St. Jerome’s University, University of Waterloo
This research is supported by Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada
Study Background
• This study is a sub-study of a larger project
• Larger project examined domestic violence call data from a police service detachment in a
mid-sized, combined rural/urban centre in south central Ontario wanted to
• Sub-study involved analysis of 2SLGBTQQIPAA (two-spirit, lesbian, gay, bisexual,
trans/transgender, queer, questioning, intersex, pansexual, asexual, and allies (complex,
continuously evolving term) police domestic violence call data and comparisons with
relevant research literature and with male-female calls in datasets
 Referred to in the presentation as LGBTQ+)
• Shed light on need for LGBTQ+ approaches to addressing domestic violence
• Study is limited by
 Small sample sizes
 Overlap in couples within small sample size
1) Literature Review
 Search It All (part of EBSCO Discovery Service) 2017 to 2019
 LGBTQ+ review component included 37 articles
o Male same sex IPV (7), Female same-sex IPV (7), Trans-specific IPV (3), Male and female same sex
IPV (12), All of the above (8)
2) DVSR CC and DVSR Non-CC Analysis
 Drew all LGBTQ+ call data from a census of DVSR forms for occurrences from January
2012 to November 2014 for the main study
3) Comparisons between Data and the Literature
Prevalence and Demographics
Risk-Related Factors
Service Referrals
Prevalence and Background Demographics
• Rates of victimization are similar to or higher than heterosexual
domestic violence victimization rates, depending on the study reviewed
o Bisexual individuals, regardless of gender, experience the highest rate of domestic violence
• Heavy reliance in the literature on binary definitions of gender
• Police forms also rely on binary definitions of gender
Number of LGBTQ+ Domestic Violence Calls
Total calls in dataset = 2439
Confirmed LGBTQ+ calls = 22 (0.9% of
total calls)
• 15 calls were female same-sex (0.6%
of total calls)
• 7 calls were male same-sex (0.3% of
total calls)
Total calls in dataset = 985
Confirmed LGBTQ+ calls = 20 (2.0% of total
• 12 calls were female same-sex (1.2% of
total calls)
• 8 calls were male same-sex (0.8% of
total calls)
• DVSR data appears consistent with the literature re LGBTQ+ people experience violence at higher rates
than the general population
• Consistent With Canadian Census 2016:
• 1.7% of total population reported being “homosexual” and 1.3% reported being “bisexual”
• 0.9% reported in married or common law relationships so police call rate
Number of Couples Involved
• 13 unique same-sex couples involved in
the 22 calls
• 4 unique couples were associated with
multiple calls to police
• 2 male same-sex and 2 female same-
sex couples
• None had children present during
violence; none had children
• 3 unique couples involved in the 8 calls for male same-
sex couples
• None had children in common
• No children were present during the violence
• 6 unique couples involved in 12 calls for female same-sex
• In 2 calls, both parties were charged
• 4 calls involved one couple each
• None had children in common
• Children (toddlers) were present during violence in 4
• DVSR data is consistent with Census data shows that 1/8 of same-sex couples have children living with
them (Statistics Canada, 2016)
• Women are more apt to be responsible for child care
DVSR CC Charges Laid
Types of Charges Seriousness of Charges Number of Charges
Crimes Against Persons
• Assault Bodily Harm, Assault With a Weapon, Assault,
Assault With Intent to Resist Arrest, Assault a Peace
Officer, Uttering Death Threats, Criminal Harassment
Crimes Against Property
• Mischief Under $5,000, Theft Under $ 5,000,
Possession of Property Obtained by Crime Under $
5,000, Cause Disturbance, Break and Enter a Dwelling
• Possession of Marijuana
Administration of Justice
• Failure to Comply, Breach of Recognizance, Breach of
• 70% of charges were not
very serious
• 30% were serious
• Serious crimes
against persons,
serious property
• Range from 1 to 4
charges laid
• 12 calls had 1 or
2 charges laid
• 8 calls had 3 or
4 charges laid
• Mode = 1 charge
• Average = 2 charges
• No differences by gender for types of charges laid, charge seriousness, and number of charges laid
• Number of charges laid and seriousness of charges are similar between same-sex couples and male-
accused/female victim couples
Risk Related Factors
• The literature indicates that most risk factors are the same for LGBTQ+ and male-
female domestic violence
• LGBTQ+ specific factors related to experiences of discrimination and minority
stress identified in the literature
 Threats to out the victim regarding their orientation and/or identity
 Social isolation
 Concealment of orientation and/or identity, especially among men who have sex with men
 Negative coming out experiences, lack of connection to queer community, movement from one
relationship to another quickly without time to heal (women who have sex with women)
 Insults, degradation re identity, body, gendered traits; withholding transition related financial support
and resources; desire to punish gender norm transgression stemming from transphobia (trans
 Heterosexism and sexual stigma/internalized homonegativity, transphobia, cissexism
 Minority stress
 Condom-less anal intercourse and HIV infection
General Findings re DVSR Form Risk Factors
• Forms do not include LGBTQ+ specific risk factors
• Few differences were found between same sex couples by gender and
between same sex couples and male accused-female victim couples
regarding risk factors noted
• Significant differences in the number of risk factors identified were found
 Non-CC calls: same-sex couples tended to have more risk factors noted than male-
female couples
 CC calls: male-female couples tended to have more risk factors noted than same-sex
DVSR CC Risk Factors
• Number of risk factors endorsed by police for same-sex couples
 Average = 3.3 Median = 2 Mode = 0 (8 of 20 forms) Range 0 to 11
o One female couple with 2 calls had 11 on one form and 9 on the other
o One male couple with 1 call had 11 risk factors
• Wide variation in risk factors endorsed
 None were prevalent among the majority of same-sex couple
• Most frequently endorsed for same-sex couples (7 of 20 calls)
 Recent relationship change
 Recent stress for the accused
 Accused threatened suicide
• Same-sex couples had lower endorsement of specific risk factors than male
accused-female victim couples (but small effect sizes)
 Exhibiting externalizing behaviours
 Jealousy/obsessiveness
 Stalking
 Escalation of conflict/assault
DVSR Non-CC: Risk Factors
• Risk factors endorsed more frequently for same-sex couples than male
accused-female victim
 Conflict escalation
 Threatened suicide
 Exhibits jealousy or obsessiveness
Police Referrals to Community Resources
Service Offers DVSR CC
Offered to Contact Victim
20 19
Did victim accept offer? 2 1
Place of safety
provided/Women’s shelter?
9 6
Information on safety planning
18 15
Victim Support Line given? 17 15
NB: No differences between same-sex and heterosexual couples for any of the services offered
Help-Seeking Literature: Barriers to Help-Seeking
• Stigma issues are overarching
• Police-Related
 LGBTQ+ people are less likely to report domestic violence than others
 Mistrust and lack of confidence in police
• Service-Related
 Limited LGBTQ+-specific services
 Lack of knowledge about where to turn since most community services are for heterosexual women
 Some services (e.g., VAW shelters) may not accept some individuals (e.g., male survivors, trans people)
 Heteronormativity, cis-normativity and homophobia within service delivery organizations
 Previous negative experiences with mainstream service providers
 Bisexual people face issues with both services designed for heterosexual and those designed for queer people
 Trans people may be turned away from services or have to hide their identity
• DV and Community
 Difficulty seeing oneself as victim and/or perpetrator
 Fear that acknowledging the issues may reflect badly on the LGBTQ+ community, especially in small rural settings
 Fear of lack of confidentiality within small LGBTQ+ community
• Study shines light on LGBTQ+ domestic violence police calls
• Support of Literature
 Higher rates of victimization in LGBTQ+ relationships than others
 LGBTQ+ couples are less likely to have children and therefore less likely to have
children present during situations of violence
 Low uptake on services offered
• DVSR forms rely on the traditional gender binary impacting ability to
examine LGBTQ+ victimization rates
• Number, seriousness, and type of charges against LGBTQ+ and heterosexual
people in situations of domestic violence were similar
• LGBTQ+-specific risk factors are not overtly included in the DVSR forms
• Same sex couples tend to have
 More risk factors endorsed for the DVSR Non-CC calls and fewer risk factors endorsed
for DVSR CC calls than male accused-female victim calls
 Lower endorsement (small effect sizes) of the following on the DVSR CC: Exhibiting
externalizing behaviours; Jealousy/obsessiveness; Stalking; Escalation of
 Higher endorsement of the following (small effect sizes) on the DVSR Non-CC: Conflict
escalation; Threatened suicide; Exhibits jealousy or obsessiveness
o Important to consider greater endorsement of threats of suicide for LGBTQ+ couples regardless of
CC/Non-CC, especially for younger couples
1) DVSR Forms
 Revise DVSR forms to reduce gender binary and incorporate LGBTQ+-specific risk
2) Responding to Calls
 Ensure that officers responding to calls understand LGBTQ+ issues and risk factors and
work in non-stigmatizing ways
o Especially important to consider issues re suicide, threatening suicide
3) Training
 For police officers and community service providers re: LGBTQ+ domestic violence
issues, risk factors, and gender issues
Questions or comments?
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  • 1. Queering the Response to IPV Coming Together For Action Global Alliance On-line Conference October 6-9, 2020 Susan Scott, PhD Sarah Tilley, MSW Angela Hovey, PhD, RSW Lori Chambers, PhD BJ Rye, PhD, St. Jerome’s University, University of Waterloo
  • 2. Acknowledgements This research is supported by Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada
  • 4. • This study is a sub-study of a larger project • Larger project examined domestic violence call data from a police service detachment in a mid-sized, combined rural/urban centre in south central Ontario wanted to • Sub-study involved analysis of 2SLGBTQQIPAA (two-spirit, lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans/transgender, queer, questioning, intersex, pansexual, asexual, and allies (complex, continuously evolving term) police domestic violence call data and comparisons with relevant research literature and with male-female calls in datasets  Referred to in the presentation as LGBTQ+) • Shed light on need for LGBTQ+ approaches to addressing domestic violence • Study is limited by  Small sample sizes  Overlap in couples within small sample size
  • 6. 1) Literature Review  Search It All (part of EBSCO Discovery Service) 2017 to 2019  LGBTQ+ review component included 37 articles o Male same sex IPV (7), Female same-sex IPV (7), Trans-specific IPV (3), Male and female same sex IPV (12), All of the above (8) 2) DVSR CC and DVSR Non-CC Analysis  Drew all LGBTQ+ call data from a census of DVSR forms for occurrences from January 2012 to November 2014 for the main study 3) Comparisons between Data and the Literature
  • 8. Prevalence and Background Demographics • Rates of victimization are similar to or higher than heterosexual domestic violence victimization rates, depending on the study reviewed o Bisexual individuals, regardless of gender, experience the highest rate of domestic violence • Heavy reliance in the literature on binary definitions of gender • Police forms also rely on binary definitions of gender
  • 9. Number of LGBTQ+ Domestic Violence Calls DVSR NON-CC DVSR CC Total calls in dataset = 2439 Confirmed LGBTQ+ calls = 22 (0.9% of total calls) • 15 calls were female same-sex (0.6% of total calls) • 7 calls were male same-sex (0.3% of total calls) Total calls in dataset = 985 Confirmed LGBTQ+ calls = 20 (2.0% of total calls) • 12 calls were female same-sex (1.2% of total calls) • 8 calls were male same-sex (0.8% of total calls) • DVSR data appears consistent with the literature re LGBTQ+ people experience violence at higher rates than the general population • Consistent With Canadian Census 2016: • 1.7% of total population reported being “homosexual” and 1.3% reported being “bisexual” • 0.9% reported in married or common law relationships so police call rate
  • 10. Number of Couples Involved DVSR NON-CC DVSR CC • 13 unique same-sex couples involved in the 22 calls • 4 unique couples were associated with multiple calls to police • 2 male same-sex and 2 female same- sex couples • None had children present during violence; none had children • 3 unique couples involved in the 8 calls for male same- sex couples • None had children in common • No children were present during the violence • 6 unique couples involved in 12 calls for female same-sex couples • In 2 calls, both parties were charged • 4 calls involved one couple each • None had children in common • Children (toddlers) were present during violence in 4 calls • DVSR data is consistent with Census data shows that 1/8 of same-sex couples have children living with them (Statistics Canada, 2016) • Women are more apt to be responsible for child care
  • 11. DVSR CC Charges Laid Types of Charges Seriousness of Charges Number of Charges Crimes Against Persons • Assault Bodily Harm, Assault With a Weapon, Assault, Assault With Intent to Resist Arrest, Assault a Peace Officer, Uttering Death Threats, Criminal Harassment Crimes Against Property • Mischief Under $5,000, Theft Under $ 5,000, Possession of Property Obtained by Crime Under $ 5,000, Cause Disturbance, Break and Enter a Dwelling House Drug-related • Possession of Marijuana Administration of Justice • Failure to Comply, Breach of Recognizance, Breach of Probation • 70% of charges were not very serious • 30% were serious • Serious crimes against persons, serious property crimes • Range from 1 to 4 charges laid • 12 calls had 1 or 2 charges laid • 8 calls had 3 or 4 charges laid • Mode = 1 charge • Average = 2 charges • No differences by gender for types of charges laid, charge seriousness, and number of charges laid • Number of charges laid and seriousness of charges are similar between same-sex couples and male- accused/female victim couples
  • 12. Risk Related Factors • The literature indicates that most risk factors are the same for LGBTQ+ and male- female domestic violence • LGBTQ+ specific factors related to experiences of discrimination and minority stress identified in the literature  Threats to out the victim regarding their orientation and/or identity  Social isolation  Concealment of orientation and/or identity, especially among men who have sex with men  Negative coming out experiences, lack of connection to queer community, movement from one relationship to another quickly without time to heal (women who have sex with women)  Insults, degradation re identity, body, gendered traits; withholding transition related financial support and resources; desire to punish gender norm transgression stemming from transphobia (trans relationships)  Heterosexism and sexual stigma/internalized homonegativity, transphobia, cissexism  Minority stress  Condom-less anal intercourse and HIV infection
  • 13. General Findings re DVSR Form Risk Factors • Forms do not include LGBTQ+ specific risk factors • Few differences were found between same sex couples by gender and between same sex couples and male accused-female victim couples regarding risk factors noted • Significant differences in the number of risk factors identified were found  Non-CC calls: same-sex couples tended to have more risk factors noted than male- female couples  CC calls: male-female couples tended to have more risk factors noted than same-sex couples
  • 14. DVSR CC Risk Factors • Number of risk factors endorsed by police for same-sex couples  Average = 3.3 Median = 2 Mode = 0 (8 of 20 forms) Range 0 to 11 o One female couple with 2 calls had 11 on one form and 9 on the other o One male couple with 1 call had 11 risk factors • Wide variation in risk factors endorsed  None were prevalent among the majority of same-sex couple • Most frequently endorsed for same-sex couples (7 of 20 calls)  Recent relationship change  Recent stress for the accused  Accused threatened suicide
  • 15. • Same-sex couples had lower endorsement of specific risk factors than male accused-female victim couples (but small effect sizes)  Exhibiting externalizing behaviours  Jealousy/obsessiveness  Stalking  Escalation of conflict/assault
  • 16. DVSR Non-CC: Risk Factors • Risk factors endorsed more frequently for same-sex couples than male accused-female victim  Conflict escalation  Threatened suicide  Exhibits jealousy or obsessiveness
  • 17. Police Referrals to Community Resources Service Offers DVSR CC n=20 DVSR Non-CC n=22 Offered to Contact Victim Services? 20 19 Did victim accept offer? 2 1 Place of safety provided/Women’s shelter? 9 6 Information on safety planning provided? 18 15 Victim Support Line given? 17 15 NB: No differences between same-sex and heterosexual couples for any of the services offered
  • 18. Help-Seeking Literature: Barriers to Help-Seeking • Stigma issues are overarching • Police-Related  LGBTQ+ people are less likely to report domestic violence than others  Mistrust and lack of confidence in police • Service-Related  Limited LGBTQ+-specific services  Lack of knowledge about where to turn since most community services are for heterosexual women  Some services (e.g., VAW shelters) may not accept some individuals (e.g., male survivors, trans people)  Heteronormativity, cis-normativity and homophobia within service delivery organizations  Previous negative experiences with mainstream service providers  Bisexual people face issues with both services designed for heterosexual and those designed for queer people  Trans people may be turned away from services or have to hide their identity • DV and Community  Difficulty seeing oneself as victim and/or perpetrator  Fear that acknowledging the issues may reflect badly on the LGBTQ+ community, especially in small rural settings  Fear of lack of confidentiality within small LGBTQ+ community
  • 19. Summary • Study shines light on LGBTQ+ domestic violence police calls • Support of Literature  Higher rates of victimization in LGBTQ+ relationships than others  LGBTQ+ couples are less likely to have children and therefore less likely to have children present during situations of violence  Low uptake on services offered • DVSR forms rely on the traditional gender binary impacting ability to examine LGBTQ+ victimization rates • Number, seriousness, and type of charges against LGBTQ+ and heterosexual people in situations of domestic violence were similar
  • 20. • LGBTQ+-specific risk factors are not overtly included in the DVSR forms • Same sex couples tend to have  More risk factors endorsed for the DVSR Non-CC calls and fewer risk factors endorsed for DVSR CC calls than male accused-female victim calls  Lower endorsement (small effect sizes) of the following on the DVSR CC: Exhibiting externalizing behaviours; Jealousy/obsessiveness; Stalking; Escalation of conflict/assault  Higher endorsement of the following (small effect sizes) on the DVSR Non-CC: Conflict escalation; Threatened suicide; Exhibits jealousy or obsessiveness o Important to consider greater endorsement of threats of suicide for LGBTQ+ couples regardless of CC/Non-CC, especially for younger couples
  • 21. Recommendations 1) DVSR Forms  Revise DVSR forms to reduce gender binary and incorporate LGBTQ+-specific risk factors 2) Responding to Calls  Ensure that officers responding to calls understand LGBTQ+ issues and risk factors and work in non-stigmatizing ways o Especially important to consider issues re suicide, threatening suicide 3) Training  For police officers and community service providers re: LGBTQ+ domestic violence issues, risk factors, and gender issues
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