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Our home
Going to town
Eoting out
At school
Revision L
poge 2
poge 4
poge L2
poge 2O
poge 28
poge 36
poge 40
poge 48
poge 56
poge 64
poge 84
poge 92
poge L00
poge L08
poge LL2
poge 1.L8
@ n dog out
@ nreom jobs
C at the costte
@ Sports dog !
Revision 2
@ Orr comping odventure
@ n good geor!
@ Our summer holidogs
@ Post ond future
Revision 3
Word [ist
I Listen ond reod. Then oct.
2 Look qt the storg. Write the words for these numbers.
3 Listen to the rhgme ond number the months of the geor.@
This wog, Kotg.
Come on,
One, two,
... four hundred
ond thirtg seven,
eight hundred ond eightg
two, nine hundred ond
ninetg nine ...
You didn't count
to o thousond!
... o thousond.
Coming, reodg or not!
I con see gou!
wt I
Cil€g.8**l I
@) poseLl2 HeILo!Unit
,- Complete the words for the things in HoLLg ond Horrg's home.
+'{r- -k -*k
- "-- -T.
'P ;;;-':-= i
o €b€i'' :'
' Whot ore these things? Order the letters to find the words.
o S*'rpl u,
tr f E.
€-ry"' -
t a l unitt
Hol.l.g ond Horrg ore getting reodg for school. Where ore their
things? Listen ond write the things under eoch ploce. @
SM ->g"w-:_*
:f &
Horrg's bedroom is verg tidg_.
Look! Mum's neckloce is *-"_*____.
The fridge wos *, so Dod went to the shop.
Ho[[g's mum isn't hoppu becouse her bedroom is olwogs so
pleose! Emmo's sleeping.
I don't Like going into Horrg's room. He's otwous so
I con't throw this poper in the bin becouse it's
3 Do the speoking octivitg. €tril
Drow lines to motch the words ond pictures. Complete the sentences.
@@.@ @@@ untds
It's on
the shel"f obove
the soop?
ffil} pogesi-l2*i.l3 Unit 1
& Listen ond reod. Then oct.
A Look of the words in oronge in the storg. Comptete the sentences.
This is on
progromme. Be
quiet, pleose!
I con't
find mg diorg
There ore clothes
evergwhere! Of course
Uou con't find ongthing !
Let's put evergthinE
I need to get
somethin g Jor dinner.
Con ongone see
mg kegs?
Oh Mum!
Pl"oces Things PeopLe
There ore clothes
I think it's in gour
bed room
I con'tfind mg diorg
 for Que
Let's put owo g.
I need to get
OJ course gou con't find
/e use'ong
stions ond
ls ln
the Living room.
got mg diorg!
see mg kegs?
got gou r diorg.
Unit L
pronouns with everg-, some-, no- ond any
Reod ond write the words in the gops.
nothing noisg popu[or bored everuone
" Horrg'smg brother ond (o) so gs
he looks Like me. Thot's becouse we're twins!
But he's difJerentJrom me. He's is not quiet.
He's verg (b)
verg LoudLg.
friends. He's
! He pLogs his drums
becouse he sogs he's
At school , Horrg's got Lots of
reollg (c)"-*--* !Todog
Horrg's (d)
'got (e) to do."
e Luckg kind untidg evergwhere evergthing
ttEvergone Likes HoLLg becouse she's verg
. She pl"ogs gomes with our
sister Emmo ond olwogs tolks to her.
Hollg's verg (b) . She Leoves o[L
her things (c) --- ! But I think I'm
(d) becouse I've oot o twin
 , .''*---*"-"* J
sister ond she knows (e)
me! It's Junl"
e broken unhoppg tittLe friendLg emptg
r'This is our (o) -- --- sister, Emmo. She's
onLg three. We oL[ Love her becouse she's q
nice, (b) ---** girl ond she olwogs
plogs with us. But she con be noughtg.
Sometimes she throws her togs evergwhere
ond some of them get (c)
(d) -- -***- now. She's crging becouse her
g[oss of miLk is (e)*- -*-*--"**!t,
. She's
0 ongthing ctever unfriendtg boring difficu[t
r'This is our older brother, WiLLiom. I think he's
becquse he shouts of us! His
teocher sogs he's verg (b)
becouse he does weLL in exoms. We think
he's (c) becouse he never does
(d) interesting. He olwogs
plogs chess with his friend! He soys he con't
teoch us becouse we're too goung ond it's o
verg (e) gomel"
Unit L
I Motch to moke words. Write the words.
ffi &@ffiffiffi
I desl< z
2 Look qt the pictures. Write the words in the word wheels.
& Reod Ho[[g's diorg.Order the pictures.
Dear Dicrg
Today wcs c not c good dag! We (l) were- lcte for school on
dagback after the holidogs! Mum couldn't find her (z)
looked for them (3) cnd they were on the fridge cll the
Mum scid Harryhad(4) comb his hoir! We arrived at
our first
cgcin! We
time! Then
school very
late and the hecdteacher was dngrq with us. Our headteacher(5)
cclled Mr Pepper. I don't like him verU much. He's clwcys verg unfriendlg.
After lunch I hcd mg music lesson. Mg music teccher wcsn't hoppybecause I
hcve mg violin with me. I forgot to bring it to schooll Then
some of the children in our clcss (7) verg noisg in the clcssroom
so our teacher gave us lots of homework. Now I ccn't (8) out
cngwhere this weekendbecause of all mg homework. l'm verg unhcppy
obout thct!
X Reod the dior g ogoin ond compl.ete the text.
@} After ond Beforectcuses poge L18 Unitl
Look ond reod. Choose the correct words ond write them on the lines.
There is one exomPle.
hair o shel,f enveLopes stomps
o blonket
These ore veru prettg. Women weor them when theg
wont to dress up.
-1 You need these to open the doorto gour
2 You put things on this to keep gour room
3 You use this to moke gour hoir looktidg. You
con keep it in the bothroom or bedroom, or put one
in gou r bog when gou go out.
4 This is something gou hove in o kitchen. You
use it to moke hot meots.
5 You con find this in the bothroom ond gou use it
when gou wosh gourself.
6 You put letters in these before gou toke them
to the post office. Theg ore usuoltg brown or
7 You find this in the kitchen. It's coLd
8 There ore mong different kinds of these on
television. Some ore obout sport ond others
ore obout the news.
I These ore smol.L ond usuollg squore. You putthem
on gour letters before gou post them.
10 You put this on o bed so gou con keep
worm of night.
o cooker pro9rommes
o fridge
kegs o comb
o toothbrush
postcord o shower
FLgers proctice test ' Re.oding g Wting.lgtt I
Where ore the things thot Dovid's mum needs for the trip?
Listen ond write q letter in eoch box.There is one exomple.@
V sondwiches L_l
o/ neckloce I
Flgers proctice test_. Listening, Port 3
Reod. Look of the mop on poge 12 snd write ges or no.
1 The chemist's is next to the bonk.
2 Theforest is behind the costle.
3 There's o pork ocross the rood from the restouront.
4 The hotel is between the swimming pool ond the oirport.
5 There's o bus stop round the cornerfrom the house.
6 From the focto rV, go stro ig ht on, .post the cinemo o nd gou
get to the universitg.
There's o cor pork in front of the police stotion.
You need to go over the bridge to get to the costle.
K Do the speoking octivitg. &fm]
Where coutd Hol"l.g bug these things? Look of the mop on pogeL2
ond moke suggestions.
You're of the
Jire stotion!
Remember! We
sog 'She bugs' but we
5og 'She cou[d bu1.'.
@$@ coutdpogeLL8 Unit 2
K Listen ond reod. Then oct.@
tutaxm: Horrg,fetch mg gLosses,
pleose. I need to Look of mg
shopping List.
Here theg ore, Mum.
WiLLiam, wi[L Uou go to town
with HoLLg ond HorrV, pleose?
i*l* Yeoh!
#is;m: I need gou to do lots of things!
Theg're oLL here on the List.
Wi[[iom: Oh Mum!
dWl,xm: And don't forget the moneg ...
ond mg shopping List!
Wiltiom: Oh, OK, Mum!
JVlum: And wiLL gou chonge these
shorts? I bought them for
Horrg but theg're too smo[1.
PLeose don't forget!
Wi[[iom: OK Mum! See gou Loter!
Motch the words with the pictures.
How oJten / go / town?
How / trovet / town ?
Do /ever / go / busT
Who wonts to li
go to town? 1;
I Who doesn't wont
i to go to town?
S Ask ond onswer these questions with o friend.
Whot /bug7
Whot / gour mum ond
Whot / gourfovourite
dad / bug?
ploce / town ?
the bus of the
CouLd gou post the
letters, pteose?
e Remember
to chonge the
Get on the bus ot
the bus stop round
the corner.
Unit 2
3, Listen ond number the ploces the chiLdren need to go. @
Look of the mop on pqge L2. Csn gou remember where the chil.dren
went? Drow o [ine.
Drow o mop from Uour house to gour school. Te[[ gourfriend obout
gour moP.
Hol.Lg is tolking to her mum. Whqt did the children do? Whot didn't theg
do? Listen ond tick (/) or cross (f) ttre boxes. @
-,,n*l:'j :-"ae
-!..,.,"...f -
Wil,[iom bought something Mum did
4 I i '1 -l{o_:i. f".l
-:* I 'r': .
li -"?.,.-.r ,.".... ai
:r..",, :S l
'. ',1" ji .---1^:if
n't oskfor. Whot wos it?
Unit 2
Look of this picture. Find things beginning with the letter's' ond
write o [ist.
How mong things did gou find?
How long did it toke gou tofind them"?
X Write the words in the boxes ond find the nome of o shop.
Unit 2 , pog,e.113
Reod the storg. Choose o word from the box. Write the correct word next
to numbers 1-5. There is one exomple.
Mum wonted o troin ticket ond some other
things from town so I went shopping with mg
sister ond brother gesterdog.We cqught
the bus into town ond got off of the bus stop
outside the supermorket. First we went to the
shopping centre ond we chonged mg shorts
there becouse theg were too smoL[for me.
Next we woLked through the morket. We didn't
ongthing there though.
After thot we went to the post office. There we (2)
some stomps ond posted some Letters. We couLdn't find ong white
envelopesfor Mum but we did get o brush ond combfrom the chemist's
next to the bookshop. Theg were quite cheop. Mum wonted some lemon
soop for Grondmo but there wosn't ong.Then we collected o coke for
Grondmo's birthdog. It wos pink snd it looked reo[[g
! Afier thot, mg brother got o computer
gome from o shop neor the roilwog stotion. It wos verg
(4 so we coutdn't bug the troin ticket for Mum.
She wos verg (5)
Eorfght cheop unhoppg bug tovelg
trovetled expensive bought sold
(5) Now choose the best nome for the storg.
Tick one box.
A greot bus trip
A dog in town
At the shopping centre
obout thot!
FLgers proctice test . Reoding & Writing ,Port4
Look ond reqd. Write ges ot no.
There ore two teoves under the tree.
The pirote in the picture hos got o moustoche.
t rhere ore two chil,dren stonding of the corner of the street.
2 The JLog hos got Jour stors on it.
3 The doors of the cinemo ore open.
4 There's o bin next to the bus stop.
5 The mon in the toxi is ongr1.
6 There's o cot in front of the bicgcle.
7 There's o picture of o shork under the clock.
_no __
Flgers proctice test . Reoding & Writing ,Port2
Listen ond colour ond write ond drow. There is one exompte .@
Flgers proctice test . Listening, Port 5
r, ii i ,aar.i.,:.r-.!j i:*j.::
i i i .f :. ..a
' ' ''i:1'::_. 'l
',,,, Writg t
so [t
umbers for the things in Ho
knife [] Jork f
pepper tr flour I
jom I honeg f
; ._ 'n'
[[g's kitchen.
Mg best
end, Kotg,
:ing me tod
're cooking
he kitchen! e-.
.. l: $1.,.;: .'' I :
r,ii:a-;.{{t.: 1i ..,f i ,
!!1.---. .il
r:::1ii.:::i:.ilu::i'la.:, .rar ...ii€,,i::,,:',
--:.:1i: + €.*,
: "i*": i fr'.", x
: ii? : **.#" '}
-0, * O .dF
i9 l..l
-".*+f: .'' ll,:':.:::.,.,
5 ,@
, *@
!t. l
I chopstickt l
[] biscuits
./' :'
Complete the sentences.
1 _,.a This butter is
lThis rock is
:'..-:: t-.,..:::t:..: ::.:::,'-,
1** s
::: These flowers ore
a]ltr ..r*
aqt /
,' --?::l1.*..--''..-;
,"t*.: Ir r ,
+ 6""p ; This bobg is
i..,..... i',t:!F....]......,-.,j
!, nors9
{ soft -i
i ;t* l unit r
ffi poges rL3-Lt4
moke Lunch
Oh deor! I'm
iLL. I con't moke
k1 mrm
L..4,A-4,J1- j
U Write the words in the sentences.
smeLLs looks feels sounds  tostes
1 Horrg '-**---is* verg tike HoLtg. It's becouse theg're twins.
2 Thot
like I'm hungrg !
3 Thot *--*- Like o bobg. Emmo's crging ogoin !
4 This .
Like woot. It's verg soft!
5 Thot Like bonono ice creom. I don't Like it!
6 A tiger tike o cot, but it is dongerous.
@p be,look, sound,feel, taste, smell like pogeLL8 Unit 3
Pl.og the 'fee[ it' gome in smo[[ groups.
'It Jeels Like...' meons
'It feeLs simiLor to...'
It feels Like
on opple.
I think itfeeLs
Like o boLL.
X Listen ond drow tines. Which meol is not needed? @
Yesterdog it
wos Grondmo's
birthdo g ! alliii:aii{ ,li>ili::alil i:rt::lt+ ,-r'qt:;l
Uncle Michoel ond our
cousin Helen come.
We oL[ went for o meol
in o restouront!
Do gou know
whot we ote?.
Unit 3
1 How does it fee[? complete the words in these sentences.
When Grondmo sow her coke it mode her h
When I eot too mon g pizzas it mokes me i
When I smetl pizzos it mokes me h_u_n &r_&.
When Emmo sow her broken doll it mode her s
When I hove moths Lessons it mokes me b
When Wil"Liom spent ol,L the moneg on computer gomes
it mode me o
When I tie down in the gorden on o sunn g dog it mokes
When Horrg goes shopping in town o[L dog it mokes him
.--- 1
stronge noises
ru noiseitmokesme f _:_
2 How do these things moke gou feeL? TeLl. o friend.
Complete the words under the pictures. Then porrs.
h-s-*L e
C" /.l---r
'i) -e
f ----
s "_* "_-* *_, s c _- _* _--_
s __," ",*, _ s
1. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 l_0
K Do the speoking octivitg. €Fet
Whot's the
first thing thot
Unit 3
came to mg house and we did
When we finished, the kitchen
was verg tr) --untidg- cnd thct mc,de Mum a bit(z)
1 Reod Ho[[g's diorg. Order the pictures.
r 6th March
Dear Diorg
On Saturdcg cfternoon mg best friend, Kctg,
some cooking. We mcde pizzas cnd biscuits!
Then, on Sundag oll the fomilg went out for lunch. lt wcs for Crandma's 8Oth
birthdc,gl Going to the restcurcn t made Harry and I feel verg (3)
We couldn't wait to go! We don't often go to restcurcnts, gou see. We wcll<ed to
the restcurantand the rcin on the wag made us (4) , butwe didn't
mind because wehad umbrellas. ln the restaurant we lcughed and tclked o lot
Then the food c,rrivedl,I hcd soup cnd I ate lots and lots of pizzc, too, beccuse it
verg (9) She gove me some medicine for mg stomach and that
mc,de me feel (ro) --*--***-**_. But thct mecnt I wcs o bit (rr) fot
school agc'in and I felt (rz) I
itt hidu
hungrg wet
better LoveLg
worried ongrV
lote friendtg
excited noisg
2 Reod the diorg ogoin ond write the missing words.
Unit 3
Listen ond tick (/) the box. There is one exomple .@
Whot time did the tesson stort?
Whot is Bettg moking in her cooking lesson todog?
Whot shouLd Bettg get from the fridge?
Whot does Bettg need to do next?
Whot did Bettg Jorget to do?
Flyers proctice tesJ . Listening, Port4
Find the school subjects ond colour the lines.
We've got
Lots oJ different
su bjects !
These ore oL[
the Lessons we hqve
of schoo[!
K Which subject hos got the longest [ine?
$ Te[[ gourfriend obout the subjects Uou do of school.
Which subjects do gou Like? Whg?
Wh ich su bjects o re d ilficu [t? Wh g ?
Whot's gour Jovourite su bject? Wh g ?
which subjects do gou hove exoms in? How do exoms moke gou feel?
Unit 4 pogeIL4
Listen ond reod. Then oct.@
2 Motch the clocks with the pictures in the storg. Write numbers.
3 Think obout gour dog. Drow the times on these clocks. Then toLk to o friend.
i 12 r.-
Middcg is
L2 o'clock in the dog,
ond midnight is L2 o'cloc
ot night.
'tt 12 1
..7 a 5a
@EEF) whattime...?poge LL8 unit4
i o.m. morning lessons .
- -
imiWi @ :W.$ml
| 10 zl l-
q c.o rF I
'" I ;E I
._.1,_ a I
I z5 S 
: it!! o _*'
':*:# Uua-Y';W/: % jW/ iUury-JY
S, Write the dogs onto the timetoble.
! Hqrru's timetoble i
morning breok
r .,8 lunch breok
ofiernoon lessons
il.. 7
$"tr . eW g
H r,- I--l ./;-..-
llffi}} lltrT)
UL>'J-I tJj _l-l
d Look of the timetoble. Write the onswers to these questions.
I Whot time is the moths Lesson on Mondog? It's of - --elevenoilscl<: .
2 Whot time is Lunch everU dog? It's ot
3 Whot time does ort club stort on Wednesdog?
It's ofter school ot
How mong Longuoge tessons ore there eoch week?
How long is morningbreok eoch dagT
$ Now osk questions obout Horrg's timetob[e.
Unit 4
Work otone. Use o dictionorg to find the meonings. Then work with two
friends. Te[[ gourfriends whot the words on gour list meon.
to orrive
to improve
to join
to repeot
to teoch
? Kotg ond Ho[[g ore
Student B
o foct
the post
o club
o butterflg
on excim
tol.king obout schoot.
o veru Lazg.
b quarter to nine.
c Lots of friends there.
d o verg eosu subject.
e is im proving.
I is verg importont.
g ort clu b.
h on excellent student.
i lots of focts
j in Longuoge tessons.
k o bitfrightened.
Listen ond check.@
1 The teochers think doing homework
2 Kotg orrives of school ot
3 When Horrg hod to see the heod
teocher he fel,t
4 The science teocher sogs WiLLiom is
5 Wi[[io m th in ks moths is
5 Kotg's teocher thinks her moths
7 Harrg's moths teocher sogs he's
8 Lost week HoLLg joined the
9 Kotg sous she hos to repeot words
ofier the teocher
10 Hol"tg doesn't [ike historg becouse she
hos to Leorn
11 Kotg toves her school becouse she's got
3 Do the speoking octivitg. @
Student C
frig htened
Drow [ines to moke sentences.
I thinkthis
picture goes with this
Yes, I ogree ond
thot goes first.
ffi DaaeLL4 Unit 4
Look of Horrg's school work. Ioin the words with the pictures. Whot ore
these things mode of? Write the words in the correct boxes.
{-fjl"e ** t}.o.t $o-,r'Je
#W neckroce
#;.1il sweoter
,d'**1 fork
6."""t d
ffi mogozine
computer mor;-9 iry@
sco rf
.-S- C-
r r-
X Moke the word wol,L! Reod ond write the words in the puzzLe.
 sood (e) t'
- ] -----'-----r-
(Lunch time! (6J
Unit 4
W poseLt4
Reqd the storg. Choose o word from the box. Write the correct word next
to numbers L-5. There is one exomple.
He[[o, I'm Ho rrg and todog it's Thursdog.
I didn't hove o verg good morning. At hol"f
post ten (which wos during mg breok time)
I had " to go ond see the heod teocher.
Mg geog rophg teocher soid it wos becouse I
wos tol,king in the clossroom but octuoLl.g, it
wos mg friend, Dovid. I didn't (l) _
the geogrophg teocher thot.
This ofiernoon, in our historg lesson we (2) o[[ obout costles.
It wos o verg interesting Lesson. And ofter the closs, the teocher
guess whot! we're goingto go on o school trip to o costle!
I gove the letterto Mum ond Dod when I got home this evening. Mg
it. Dod wos o bit unhoppg. He soid the trip wos too (5) ! Then
Mum reod the Letter corefuLtg ond she thought it wouLd be goodfor us to
go on o trip with fiiends. It's eight weeks untiL we go. I con,t woit!
hed would leornt excellent tell
gove excited expensive told
(5) Now choose the best nome for the storg.
Tick one box.
Horrg's good news
Horrg's good dog
Ho rrg's good friend
FLUers proctice test . Reoding & Writing , port 4
Listen ond write. There is one exomple .@
Art Ctub
Whot dog?
I Teocher's nome:
2 Where is it?
3 Number of students this geor:
4 Next week - mo king:
5 Expensive?
ofier schooL
opposite the schoot
Jor this geor
Flgers proctice tEst . Listening, Port2 :
look qnd reod. Choose the correct words ond write them on the lines.
There is one exomple.
post office geogrophg honeg chemist's
mstrs historg
Jumpers ond scorves ore often mode of this. wool
1 You use these to cut cord ond poper.
2 You hove to be good of numbers to do
this subject.
3 These ore mode with fl,our, butter,
eggs ond sugor.
4 When gou studg this subject gou con teorn
focts obout life in the post.
5 You con eot food with these.
6 This is verg sweet ond comesJrom gellow
ond block insects.
7 When gou sove o Lot of moneg gou con keep
some of it here.
8 If gou wont to know obout the world we live
in, it's good to studg this subject.
I We put butter in here to keep it col,d.
10 A ploce where Uou con bug
envelopes ond stomps.
P,zzos scissors
Flgers proctice test . Reoding & Writing, Port l-
neod tfte *oids ond write the opposites in the crossword.
Across +
2 lote
5_ tidg
7 cheop
8 good
1 interesting
2 futt
3 hord
4 noisg
6 ug[U
2 Order the tetters. Whot ore theg mode of? Drow lines.
@# Ww @f
ReVisi0n 1
3 Compl"ete the dioLogue.
everything ongthing evergwhere nothing evergone
something No-one
Kotg's mum is bock of home now.
I've got (L) evergthing I need from town!
And d id gou get o present Jor Helen, Mu m ?
I'm reollg sorrg, Kotg. I looked (2) but I couldn't
Jind (3) for Helen.
I don't wont to go to the portg then, Mum. I've got
without o present, Mum!
Don't worrg. Go ond see (6) of the portg ond hove
a good time. I'[L get (7) _ " Jor Kotg ond gou con give it
to her of the end.
Thonks Mum!
Drow the times on the clocks
en drow lines to a.m. .m.
4 otp
e "!4{l$l
t" Ll
l::.. 7
Mum, when gou
go to town, wiLL gou bug o
present Jor mg friend, Helen?
It's her portgthis ofiernoon.
OK, Kotg, I'L[
.do rU best.
7f -'F:''t*"
/ , ,r,*
It's seven  It's hof
post three.
It's quorter
to eLeven.
It"s hoLJ post twelve
zlr12 1'
It's quorter
post seven.
Revision 1
5 Listen ond drow lines. W
, l; i:.r iil 111
M '::,il :-
_-/ ., . "
:1:,. -l;.--d :
,r I #, r I
-,- {- dr
6 Reod Ho[[g's diorgond write the missing words.
@ I wcnt to tell gou whct happened gesterdayr.l madesome
ffi (r) b I s "c-" u l" t- s-
for the fomilg. ln the morning I went to rhe
(z) s with my mum and we bought butter, eggs,
sugar,flour andjam. When I got home,lturned the (3) c - - -- on so
ffi it got hot and I got abigbowl from the shelf in the kitchen. Next I mixed the
sugar and the soft buttertogether with a large spoon. ltwcsn't c metol spoon. lt
was mcde of (+) w.,. 1added the eggs very slowly and after thct I mixed
in the flour. I left the biscuit mix in the (5)
f for hclf cn hour. Then
I cut the biscuits into star shcpes cnd coolced them for cbout fifteen minutes.
lputthem on a (5) p nearthe cool<erto go cold. lwent upstcirs to
get my diary and write about mg biscuits. When I went bdcl< into the kitchen
theplatewas(7) e .. . Mg fcmily ate cll those biscuits! Can gou believe
thct? I didn't have cny. I didn't specl< to cngone cll evening!
.q+?$ e{Nrtrry!1!tsrw'ts1fJdilq,rrlis:5s.s+iir.,r, t'il "'
I ''lh4s!+rtii
l dtrtrii4}
Revision L
@ pasert4
These pictures te[[ o storg. It's co[[ed 'Mrs Ho[['s shopping trip'. Look ot
the exomple for picture L. Now gou te[[ the storg.
Mr HoL[ is going to work
ond his wife is going to
town. She wonts to bug o
new phone. She's Leoving
the house now, but her keg
is on the shef in
the hoLl.
Ask ond onswer obout the things gou do in town.
Find ten more differences. To[k to gour friend obout the pictures.
I :
4 Now do the Speoking test. €renm
Revision L
I CompLete the words. Drow lines to motch the things to the ploces.
-*1,-.* w-*- o**- s--
Write the words under the pictures.
.se€ts ?Aromids dinosours octors clowns
wiLd onimo[s screen cortoons swing stoge coge
s _e -gl_s
evening oJternoon night morning
Unit 5
Tomorrow Mrs Brown is going to toke the chil.dren on o specioL dog
out. Reod the conversotion ond choose the best question or onswer.
l HoLl.g:E
Mrs Brown: Sho[L we go to the museum in the
morning? Theg've got some interesting
2 Mrs Brown: OK then, Let's go to the museum in the
.ili i.itr
3 Mrs Brown: Quite eorlg ... of holf post eight. So,
Let's do thot in the morning! And in the
ofternoon sho[[ we go to the theotre?
i ili ' 1'1,1;
Mrs Brown: WeL[, we coutd go to the cinemo, then.
. :
: r-l i
,, ,,
Mrs Brown: Thot's a good ideo. There's o veru funng
one which begins of quorter post two.
Mrs Brown: Two hours. And in the evening there's o
circus on in town! ShoL[ we go there?
I, x'i, ,
Mrs Brown: The circus ends of hoLf post ten in the
evening. It's going to be o speciol dog! Are
gou going to come with us, Wi[[iom?
L No, I'm not!j
)* 'oh, I reol[ga.-.
i wont to see them! '
'.- Let's qo there!
.-.' f i--*--
" Whot time
i does the museum :
2 Drow the times on the clocks.
Vluseum opens Cortoon storts Cortoon finishes Circus finishes
Unit 5
Oh ges pleose!
I d reoLLg Like to see
the clowns.
Where ore
our dog
out, Mum?
:, I d;-*-
-;'*- Gn we see'd-- -
( cortoon,film.? I Love
/ Oh, I hote going
there! It's boring!
And how Long is
the cortoon
& Whqt's Wil,Liom going to do tomorrow? Listen ond numberfive of
the pictu res.@N
Wittiom is
going to
WiLl,iom isn't
going to
o shower
his homework
some computer
go mes
in bed
in his bedroom.
the m useu m.
untiL eLeven
proqro m mes.
for evergone.
ot the shopping
before he goes
Con gou rememberwhotWil.Liom is going to do? Drow lines ond moke
sto g
Unit 5
@ begoingtopoge'Le
Write obout whot gou're going to do tomorrow.
I'm going to
In the morning I'm going to
Remember! We
don't chonge
the verb ofter
'going to'.
In the ofiernoon I'm going to
in the evening I'm going to
Motch the pictures ond the sentences.
1 Thot's verU cheop!
2 Theg're extinct now!
3 Thot's interesting !
4 Thot's exciting!
Do the speoking
she go?
Whe did
,i :X
Sh tto
Unit 5
Moke the word wol.l,! Reod the sentences ond write the qnswers in
the puzzle.
o n n
t r W
c o
m e m
P z z o
W d
- You..iAi!,,,r
open doors ,
3ruith it. (3L/,
/ It's before the '
$ternoon.U 5 o
s I
m i
d o o
g o ?
/-It';ft. '----- -m @
qi,t;p (rn"q.u gltD (t,lg :lJi,'ol,. r (uou con seeoao')
X Ioin the word holves to find words for things gou find in o house.
Unit 5 pqges LL4-LLS
1 Reod Holtg's diorg. Write the missing words.
We hcd a really greattime todcA! Mum took us cll on atrip. We were verg
(r) excjtgd about that. First we went to the in town. We saw
some .$ff thur" cncl found out c lot cbout them. Theg became
millions of gecrs agolThere was clso a lot of verg
informction cbout the . You ccn visit them in the
in c countrg called EgUpt.
o ffi for a meal.l lovecl the foocl. lt was (5) ! I felt sorry
for Mum because it was quite (fl
-^-*- and she hcd to payfor
evergthing. Mg fcvourite pan of the day was the
! There wcs ci
womon on a big " . . She flew through the c,ir and a man caught her. I
thought she'd fcll. 5he was verg (8) up in the air and she wcs
so (9) to go all the way u? there! Well, iCs verg (to)
now - it's nearlg
tr@ cnd l'm goingto go to becl!
Toke it in turns to reod o sentence from Ho[[g's diorg. Sog the words for
the pictures.
Then, in the cfternoon, we went to cinema cnd scw
" #&i about
friendlg monsters.
monsters were lovelg. We got goodf becduse the cinemc wos nearly
Then, in the evening we went to the /A( . But before thot we went to
some I think Ceorge and Harry were a
the film wos for Uoung children.
Emmc thought the
(+) becduse
Lote el€itEd
extinct high
brove interesting
bored e m ptg
Reod mg
McA zoth
Dear Diary,
Unit 5
ll)rXu v
-/ /
Listen ond colour ond write ond drow. There is one exomple .@B
Flgers proctice lest . Listening. Port 5
Look ond reod. Write gesor no.
There ore five chil.dren in the picture.
The womon who's sitting with the children is weo ring o
1 There's o dinosour behind the pgromids.
hot. rro
2 The pink monster is toLking on the telephone.
3 There's oflog on the top oJthe biggest pgromid.
4 The blue monster is riding o bicAcle.
5 There ore two monsters on the bridge neor the costle.
6 The womon who's selling ice creoms is stonding next to o bin.
7 The time on the clock is quorter post two.
Flgers proctice test . Reoding & Writing ,Port2
& Write the words under the pictures.
*rfrs{ photogropher pointer teocher singer tennis ptoger
poLicemon footbo[[er journo[ist mechonic dentist engineer
2 Which job wouLd gou Like to do? Which job wouldn't
gou like to do? Whg? Tol.k to o friend obout it.
a b
I wouLdn't Like to be ci
policemon becouse theg
hove to weor o uniform. I
hote mg school uniform!
Unit 6
1 Drow lines to motch the words with the pictures.
police stotion
2 Look in gour dictiono rgforthese jobs. Ask qnd onswer.
wo iter
doctor secretorg firemo n / Jirewomon
poticemo n / policewomon cook teocher
Where does o
wsiter work,
3 Do the speoking octivitg. @Fn

In o restouront.
in o hospitoL. He
hetps people who
ore iLL.
Thot's right.
ffiDpose115 Unit 6
; The chiLdren ore toLking together obout the jobs their porents do.
Put the words next to the pictures ond write verbs in the spoces.
lournetist businesswomo n office
newspoper meetings night
mo kes Trerks- writes trovels i
to other towns for her work.
George: Whot does Uour dod do, Kotg?
Kotg: He's o (1) .€F jnurnalis-r . He (2) ...----worlcs .. in on
- ond he (a) stories Jor o
-"-. Sometimes he's of work during the
',SS3F' 'r'
2 Listen to the children ond write the jobs under the peopLe.@
dentist photog ro pher eng ineer
businessmon former ortist nurse
Look! W"
odd's' to the 1
verbfor he, she i
George: And who,
gour mum?
Kotg: She's o (7) :, ffUffi - -.. She hos Lots of
importont (8)
,,,,hIG -- to so to. she (e)
HoLLg ond Horrg's dod
i He[en's dod
Unit 6
I Write the words in the puzzl.e tofind the nome of the job in the picture.
I,,* ll&n*,
2 loin the word hqlves to find the pl.oces where peopl,e work.
ice i cus
Org ; b,el* tel
Unit 6
ffi m b u Ct n c e
9 x
Where do Bettg ond herfomiLg work?
Listen ond write o letter in eoch box. There is one exomple.i:?#]:
Bettg I
,/ I
El trl m
ttt trt trl
Flgers proctice test . Listening, Port 3
Reod the text. Choose the right words ond write them on the lines.
An importont job
Policemen ond policewomen do o veru importont job
because theg look ofter us o[[. Most policemen
ond policewomen ore friend[g peopLe. You
them wolking in our streets eoch dog,
or driving fost cors with lights on
the top. You con wotch television ?rogrommes obout o
policemon's job, or reod obout work
rn newspopers.
The dog begins verg eorlg for poticemen ond theg ofien
Jinish work lote ond go to bed ofier inidnight. Theg hove
to work the weekends ond holidogs
too. Theg find out whot's hoppening
in our towns ond cities. Then theg go bock to the off ce
ond write down informotion obout
theg've seen ond done. Theg otso hove meetings with
other policemen.
Perhops gouU Like to be o poticemon or womon? WeLt
gou'Lt need go to college ond teorn
obout the job. You studg hord, toke
exoms ond show thot gou strong
ond brove. MonU people thinkthe job is verg exciting.
But it's hord ond it con be dongerous. Think corefultg
gou decide it's the jobJor gou!
Flgers proctice test.. Reoding & Writing, Port 6
We're going to
visit o costle tomorrow
with our clossl
Drow tines trom the words to the things
in the picture.
j t i :j
: .: tii
:ii l
:! J l
'* I I.
i .r -{. -nr
, .J,
Ask ond onswer.
This is
the exit,
isn't it?
No, it isn't, It's
the entronce.
,, r#
,'- L-:' '
Unit 7 poges 1L5-116
1 Listen, reod ond oct. @
Sb nowersardentr
ptaysround I
3 Do the speoking octivitg. @
Mr Brown is tolking to HoLl.g ond Horrg obout their trip.
Mr Brown: Are gou going to go on o trip to the costte tomorrow?
HotLg ond Horrg: Yes, we ore!
Mr Brown: Whot ore gou going to do there?
Ho[[g: I'm going to Look of the insects in the insect house!
Horrg: I hote insects! I'm going to go to the plogground.
Ho[[g: Oh, Dod, we need some moneu becouse we're going
to bug some postcords.
Horrg: And some ice creom!
Mr Brown: We[l, it's going to be cloudg tomorrow ond it might roin. 5o moke sure
gou toke Uour umbrellos.
Hotlg: OK, we wiLL, Dod!
Mr Brown: And ore Uou going to do Uour homework before gou go to bed?
HoLl.g ond Horrg: No, we oren't! We're too excited!
You ore going to visit the costle tomorrow but gou con onlg visit
Are gou going to g
to the insect
going to go to
the museum?
Yes,I om.
I wont to see the
Leove the costle
ond go eost. Go post
the museum ond it's
the next building on
the restouront?
Unit 7
It's Wednesdog evening ond Mrs Brown
is tolking to Ho[[g ond Horrg. Reod their
conversotion ond write the missing words.
spent d'ld. wolked do sow send
Mrs Brown: Did gou hove a good trip to
the costle todo g, Horrg?
Mrs Brown:
Mrs Brown:
H o [[g:
Mrs Brown:
Yes, I (1) " " _AiA _- _ __! r (2) _ oLL mg
moneu on this costte mode of cord.
Whot did gou (3)
to the costle, HoLlg?
. on the trip
T (4) - -- " oLL the rooms in the costle ond
then I (s) through the costle gordens!
And gou've got o postcord, HoLLg.
Yes, I'm going to (6) it to Grondmo
Are gou going to do gour homework before
Uou go to bed?
Flollg cr:d Hsrrg: No, we oren't! We're too excited !
HoLtg is writing obout the journeg to the costle and whot she did when
she orrived. Ioin the sentence holves ond write the missing words.
over high Eertg cheop GGO€&@,Grrun
It was very .
the morning
-- -earlg - in
The bus went
in the hills
The bus went
The postcards were quite
and we in front of
the costle.
when we
one for mg
on the bus.
d so we
ct wonderful
I fri!," Xla.irl[ rilt
view of the ccstle.
Reod the sentences ond circle the words in the wordseorch.
1 : .r r '.
r'-'-"-*-' **.""'-";----*"T.."q"
o _=- c- : J"., b
X Follow the instructions, drow lines ond write the letters.
Find o word which describes the trip to the costle.
2 north two
3 west three
4 north three
5 eost five
Stort here
1 Birds on the river.
2 You go into the costle here.
3 The wog out.
4 Bug these of the costle shop.
5 A butterJLg is o prettg one.
6 A kind of door into o gorden.
7 Go over woter on this.
8 You weor it on Uourfinger.
9 You sit on this in the pLoUground.
L0 Something to eot between meols.
11 A womon who weors o crown.
L2 You need this if it roins.
13 Look ot this to find Uour wog.
L4 There's one on top oJthe costle.
The costle trip wos - 9- I
6 south two
7 west three
8 soutl'r two
9 eost five
o e m p h J L e i
q b r o c j I n d
n o c e b o t z 9
i c L 5 X d h X k
m u I n b t e i t
L e f W L k
Unit 7
ts *'n
- v'.t
g Reod Ho[[g's diorg. Do the octivitg on the photocopiobte worksheet.
z4th May
Dear Dicry,
Yesterdcg we went on a school trip to Harlow Ccstle. Harrg and I hcd to get
up verV early in the morning - ct hclf past six! I sat next to Kctg on the bus
journeg and we loolced ot the view from the window. When we arrived at
the castle afriendly man gave us c tour of the ccstle building.
Now l'm going to describe oll the things I scw in the ccstlel
We couldn't go evergwhere in the castle butthese were the rooms we scw.
First we went in some of the rooms downstcirs. We walked into the 'Greot
Holl' cnd there on the wolls we scw pointings of cll the old kings and
queens. There wcis c recllg long tcble and on it were lots of becutiful plctes
cnd silver l<nives ond forl<s. The kitchen wcs big too, and on the shelves
there were verg old bowls cnd glcss bottles from the seventeenth century!
Can gou believe thot? Well, then we went to the living room. lt was reallg
wonderful. The Queens'gold rings cnd necklaces were on c table there.
After thct we went into the librory. There we scw bookccses with lots of
books on them ond letters from the old lcings and queens. You could read
some of them cnd theg were verginteresting. Then we went upstcirs. I
reallg lil<ed the Queen's bedroom. On o shelf nearherbed were becutiful
silver brushes and combs. The King's bedroom was darker andhad a very
large wooden desk in it. I thought it was uglg!
And in the bothroom there wcs the biggest mirror in the world!
d HoLl,g is toLking to her mum obout whot she did in the costte gordens.
Listen ond do the photocopiobLe octivitg.gffi@,
Reod the text. Choose the right words ond write them on the lines.
Windsor Costle
The lorgest ond mosl fomous costle in EngLond is coU.ed
windsor costte. The Queen lives there for portof eoch geor. you
wi[[ know if she is there becouse her fLogfties from the top of the
cost[e she is of home.
In the 13th centurg King Henrg the third buitt the Lorge oportments
in the costle. You con stiLl go inside the costle,
tour of these oportments ond leorn obout EngLish historg.
gou like to visit Windsor CostLe? The best time
to go is in the winter the town of Windsor is
verg busg during the summer months.
Queen Morg's Do[[s' House
In Windsor Costle gou con see verg unusuoI
ond lovetg. Queen Morg's Dolts' House is o verg oLd tog house.
When gou look the front door Uou con see o
hoLt with pointings on the woL[s which reoI ortists hove pointed.
The Lights come on ond go offin oLLthe rooms. In the librorg,
bookcoses orefuLt of books thot gou con octuoLtg reod. stoirs
go to the bedrooms dotls hove
cu pboo rds f utL of the most wonderfu L cl,othes, shoes, brushes o nd
combs. You reo[[g see it!
To find
Mo rg's
more obout Windsor Costte ond eueen
Do[[s' H ou se vi s it th is we bs ite : www. ro g o tco llection.o rg. u k
Flgers proctice test . ng & Writing, Port 6
'!. il,: t
I Look of the pictures of sports dog ondcomplete the sentences.
votlegboLt competition fe[[ over winners roce gotf scored
prizes footbol"Lers motch gool.
hod on
lr &*
Evergone enjoged The high jump The
Ptogjng --' ,,, '
Mqtch the sentences to the words.
I A teom gome.
2 Agome gou con plog with o ?ortner.
3 Someone who pl"ogs footbo[1.
4 You need to know this to find out who's winning.
5 The winner gets this.
6 When people run to find out who's the fostest.
,A greot gome oJ
poge L16
Listen to Hoil.g exptoining whot's going to hoppen of her schoot sports
dog. Write o tick (/l or o cross (X) next to the pictures. Then write 'm' for
morning or 'o'for ofternoon. (Z:Sn
?fr+,.t* I
*t I
-D, $at *qss
Drow lines to motch the question togs to the correct sentences.
isn't it?

.t's going to
:e o greot dog,
- a'r g d oes n't
'- ^ verg fost,
oren't we?
' We con't see otL
S' ttre competitions,
con we?
It isn't verg sunnU
todog, ?
tr-- .. ., rff
oren't theg?
ore we?
We oren't verg
good of running,
Kotg, ?
7 Yo, plog A i'
vollegboLl. weLL, tF
HoLLg, ?
does he?
il .i r', :1':" -i.-:
. - 'raif:rr:l:lr,iai-ilirl.i:rt- ',r ;'
don't gou?
Tog questions poge 119
George ond
Horrg ore going to
r'&. .
:; - fffr;>
b r'r.t
is it?
Unit 8
3" Listen ond reod. Then oct.@
Mrs Brown: HeLLo, HoLLg. So who do gou think is
going to win the 200-metre roce?
Hotlg: The roce hosJinished!George hos
olreodg won!
fiArs Brown: Oh deor! Never mind! Did gou see the
voLLegbo[L motch?
Ho[[g: It hosn't storted get. It storts of three o'c[ock.
$Wrs Brown: Oh good! Whot time's the footbo[L motch?
Holtg: The footboll motch hos just storted, Mum!
Mrs Brown: Oh no!
Holtg: WeLL, gou're verg Lote!
Jktns Browm: I know... I'm sorru.I coutdn'tfind mg
house keg.
Ho[[g: Oh no, not ogoin, Mum!
Mrs Brown: Yes, ond now I've lost mg cor key!
2 Mqke sentences. Mqtch them with the pictures.
t hos /Mrs Brown / the school /just /ot /orrived /
2 mode /cokes /The porents /oLreodg /snocks /ond /hove
3 just /The teochers / tidied / the clossroo ms / hove
4 Jlogs / the pLavground / put / oLreoda / in / hove /The chil,dren
5 hove /their tickets / poid /The porents / ol.reodV /Jor
6 prizes f hosn't /The heod teocher / vet /the chitdren /their / given
Look! Use'olreodg'
for something thot
hos hoppened or
been done.
Unit 8
@ Present perfect, get pogeLLg
1 Listen to the heod teocher. He's totking to the chil.dren ond porents
obout sports dog.Write the missing informotion. @
wtn ner:
prizefor being (1)
first hoLf score :
score of end of motch:
winning teom:
the (3)
score of end oJ motch:
winning teom:
Moneg from sports dog is for the school comping (5)
the (5)
Ho rrg
2 Now moke sentences obout sports dog.
mode o wonderfut dog.
the 200-metre rsce.
some LoveLg cokes ond snocks.
verg brove.
some greot motches.
the high jump competition.
over 300.
Horrg hove
The school
Unit 8
& Kotg hos written obout the 200-metre roce for the school mogozine .
Write the missing words in the sentences. Then number the pictures in
the correct order.
hurt nvent smited woved wuited gove held won fel"t
begon ron come
1 The boys and girls - . w-ent - -."
to the starting line and
d*-for the race to
2 The sports teacher
her flag and the race
3 During the race, Harry
himself but he
was very brave.
4 Georqe across
the finishing line first and
the race.
5 The head teacher
George a prize because he
..--.;:... first in the race.
6 George up the
silver cup and -*---,---, at
his parents.
X Do the speoking octivitg. Qp
There's o JootboLL
Unit 8
Listen ond drow lines. There is one exomple .{:'U==-
Doisg MichoeL Fred
Richo rd
Mo rg
FLgers proctice test . Listening, Port L
Sc LLg
Look of the picture ond reod the storg. Write some words to complete
the sentences qbout the storg. You con use 1,2,3 or 4 words.
Sports dog of school
He[[o! I'm Hottg ond Horrg's Mum ond I hod o verg busg morning!
It wos sports dog of the chiLdren's school. Mg othe r doughter,
Emmo, is on[g two so she hosn't storted school get. I decided to
toke her with me to see the older chil,dren doing their sports. we
were leoving the house when Emmo remembered her new doLL.
She wonted to toke it with her ond she wos crging. I put mg kegs
down ond went into Emmo's bedroom. It wos reollg untidg! I
found the dol,l. in the end. It wos under o blonket. Emmo smited
hoppiLg when I gove it to her.
we were reodg to go. I lookedfor mg kegs but I cou[dn'tfind them
ongwhere. Then Emmo pointed of the sheLf in the dining room ond
there theg were next to the envelopes. I don't know how theg got
there. we Left the house ond wolked to the school quickLg. when
we orrived, we sow mg doughter, HotLg. She didn't sog 'he[[o'to
us ond she wos o bit unfriendlg, octuoU.g. She tol.d me I wos
reo[[g tote.
I missed the chiLdren's roce but I did see the voltegbol.L motch. Thot
wos verg funng becouse during the gome o dog went onto the JieLd
ond ron owog with the boLL! Atl.the children were trging to cotch
the dog!The dog wos verg excited ond thought it wos o wonderful
gome. Round ond round the chiLdren ron!The heod teocher looked
verg unhoppg obout it! 'Whose dog is thot?' he shouted ongril.g!
And he didn't toLk obout the dog when he gove the chil.dren their
prizes! But I thought it wos o wonderfuI ofiernoon! Holtg pLogsfor
o teom col.Led the Shorks ond theg won, so she wos hoppg too in
the end.
Flgers proctice test . Reoding & Writiag, Port 5
Bettg Brown wos verg
At her chiLdren's school it wos
1 Bettg's daughter, Emmo
2 Emmo wonted to toke her
3 Settg found whot Emmo wonted
4 3ettg's kegs were in the dining room on o
-^e heod teocher wos
:'.er the dog.
:::tg hod a Lovelg
sheLf neor the
-loLLg wosn't happV with her mum becouse her mum got to school veru
)rring the vollegUoLf rotch, o dog tookthe chiLdren's
schooL get.
to the schooL.
in the bedroom.
when the children ron
this morning.
FLgers proctice test . Reoding & Writing, Port 5
Look of the pictures. write the nomes of the jobs in the boxes.
Drow lines to find the words thot stort with 'ex1
Reqd the sentences ond write. Then colour.
sive -
:il: i::
.i ple .
YL ted
ct 4lV ri
f-A. l
::i j:.
,.; m
t- .-
oln :'
This is the one thot shows gou whot to do. exomp.he_ (pink)
Dinosours ore now_ . (oronge)
You ofien do this test of the end of the school geor. (red)
Reo[[9, reo[[g good work! ! (purpLe)
Not cheop. (green)
If gou don't understond gour teocher wiLL do this.
rrrrl Irrrrr
rTTITrr IrIrIrrr
Revision 2
3 Motch the pictures with the sentences ond oddthe question tog.
1 Tong's veru good otfootboL[, __* isn'tLre --_*l
2 You're lote ogoin,
3 You oren't verg we[l,
4 Your bedroom isn't veru tidg,
5 Helen Looks verg prettg, __
6 I con reod we[[,
4 Reod the storg ond write the missing words.
'serlqA Wos dfive
fLging driving
go went fLg were
mode fl.ew Living
He[Lo. Mg nome's Tong. Lost week I (1) sciw
ore gou?
co n't I?
doesn't she?
is it?
oren't gou?
o reol,Lg greotfiLm
when I (2) to the cinemo with mg friends. It wos obout
o kind mon who lived in on unusuol house with his two children. Theg
verg poor but the mon (4) on engtneer
ond he (5) Lots of exciting thingsforthem. One dog
he bought o reol,Lg oLd cor ond he worked hord to repoir it
ond moke it specioLfor his children. When it wos reodg he decided to
(6) the cor to o beoch for o picnic. He took his chil.dren
with him ond theg were (7) up o rood though the hiLl"s
when the cor suddenLU (8) into the oir. It hod Lorge red
ond getlow wings ond it couLd (9) !The chiLdren cou[dn't
believe it! Theg were (10)
-*-" Like birds,high up in the skg!
Afier o Jew hours theg orrived of o stronge costl,e. A veru unJriend[g
mon wos (Ll) in the costte ond he tried to steoL their
wonderfuI cor. Then their odventure reoLl,g begon. If gou wont to know
whot hoppened next, gou'[[ hove to (12) _.__ * ond see the film.
@ poseLL6 Revisionr@1
5 Listen to the conversotion ond look of the pictures. Who does eoch
thing, Bil.L or his Mum? Drow lines. @
6 Whot hove gou done todog? Write sentences.
I've oLreodg
ond I've
but I hoven't
ond I hoven't get.
r:,i]iiii!iluh:-f.l:.:... -::, r.,.':iriliri*iir,'
Write obout o dog out. Then osk ond onswer with o friend.
2 Find ten more differences. To[k to gour friend obout the pictures.
Use these words ond tolk obout whot gou did lost weekend ond whot
gou're goingto do next weekend.
DLog / pl.aged wotch / wotched
go / went see f sow
visit / visited
eot / ote
1 ow do the Speoking test. €tr-4ffi
Revision 2
E 'ffido
3 Write the words from Activitg 2 in these sentences.
1 Do the speoking octivitg. @
Look of the pictures ond the letters. Write the words thot describe the
people or things.
1 The moon ond stors were veru in the night skg.
2 We sow o verg ...- cove in theforest. It wos reoLLg big!
3 Thot bird Looks o bit It's got three eges!
4 HoLLg ond Horrg went on their odventure _____
5 Thot robbit'sfur Looks reoLLg
5 The rucksock wos verg _!
7 You shouLdn't woLk in the Jorest
8 HoLLg wos when she sudden[g sow o bot.
9 I hote bots!Theg've got big wings ond theg're
10 The cove wos veru inside.
Yes, it's hof
post six now.
Theg orrived
three hours
Mum, ore
Horrg ond HoLLg
there get?
ffil} poseLt6 Unit 9
This is the storg of the stort of Hol.l,g ond Horrg's odventure. Write the
missing words.
put whisp€red orrived hurt decided wotked
2 Motch the sentences with the pictures.
o The other chiLdren were teLLing stories... [l
b We were woLking through the ryqqds... I
c Horrg wos g hoppitg... I
d We were feeti ng o bitfrightened... E
The teochers were reoding newspopers ond mogozines...
f The silver moon ond stors were shining bright[g...
Horrg (t)
-whi+ered_'Let's hove on
odventure!' He (2) _
severoI snocks in his pockets. We
stroight on up the
poth bg the river. On the wo!, Horrg
himsef on o rock. We
of the entronce to o
cove. We (5) to go in.
These sentences point
o picture of the storg ond
moke it more interesting.
Unit 9
@ Post continuous poge 1t9
1 Hoil.g is writing obout the odventure she hod with Horug.
Put the missing sentences from poge 7g into her storg.
22nd Iu Lg
Horrg ond I were o bit bored. (l) E] neor the comp fire ond Horrg
whispered to me'Let's hove on odventure,!
He went to his tent ond put severoI snocks in his pockets. I put some
blonkets ond sweoters in o rucksock but Horrg soid it wos too heovg
ond we couldn't toke it with us. (2) E when *u our tents so we
couLd see weLL. We didn't need to use the torch.
We woLked post the swons ond the Little bridge ond then stroight on
up the poth bg the river. (3) I bg the Jire so theg didn,t see us.
We could see o wonderJuL view of the hills. (4) [ but I tol.d him to stop
becouse it wos too noisg. (5) E when HorrgJeil. over. He hurt himself
on o rock but he wos verg brove.
It wos verg lote in the evening when we orrived of the entronce
to o cove. 'we shouted 'HeLloi-' but no-one wos there.
(6) E but we decided to go in.
tn town.
Visiting hours evening are between
Ask for the (j) - room and speol< to Nurse (6)
hod something to eor for lu nch: (7)
lome soonl
ond Hollg hos hu rther
six o'clock and half post eight.
2 The head teocher is phoning Mrs Brown, who is writing down some
informotion for her husbond. Listen ond write the missing words. @
Rich o rd,
Holly and Harrg were missing from the camping trip lost nightl
Theg wentto visit a cave(t) l<ilometres from whe re they were
campingl Theg were
Now they're otthe (Z)
alone oll nightl
llarrg hos a brol<en (3)
and chips.
Unit 9
Look of the pictures in the first grid. Write the first letter of eoch word in
the second grid to complete the crossword.
.'r ljl{'J
A $R I ###
E i.,
i c: :-e-:
,{: -.
€*, &
if "r & ffi.
1,: ,r :
i IJa.-:
t,- -''
6 ,;:;1i."
-fr .-I
E @
& tW
ffi &
W @ t.',r t'
i ffi$ ffi
t Wm
t! p I 5
Unit 9
1 Reod Ho[[g's diorg.Order the pictures.
R zznc))ulv
^&"is d}fiffil ,
n going to describe what happened on our adventure!
.: Harry cnd I went inside the ccve. lt was reclly interesting
E I because on the wall there were pcintings of clinoscurs cnd
n other extinct onimals! lt looked like something from our historg books at
R school. Suddenlg I scw something strcnge. A batl Bcts (r) were__ftwng
in the cavelAnd there were hundreds of insects! Then something soft
; ;;;;; ; ;;;;;,,',i,'#, ;::#,,,,.
R Suddenlg, evergthing went dork. Harrg's torch (3)
n W. .orlin't see ongthing. We were alone and we werefrigh;;;.;.
? We stcged together and trredto fincl our wayback to rhe entrance of
n the cave. ln the end wefouncl it. Hcrrg looked ct his wctch. lt wcsjust ofter
fr, midnight. Then, suddenlg, weheard c loud noise. ltwcs c storm! Soon it
.1 Gl
hard. we decided to go bcck inside. we made a
:ire to keep warm, but I burned mg finger. | (S) _*_**_*_* but
fr larrywas verU brave.He remem bered he hadbiscuits ond chocolate in his
n oockets. We cte cll the food ond I felt c bit better then. We lcg down cnd
spent the night there. During the night we could hear strange noises.
-he next morning we woke up andheard the sound of children outside the
.ave. Theg (5) ----- our nomes. All our friends were there
and our teacher too.
t.rum andDad ore still veryangrq with us and sog we c.,nnever go
:cmping c'gain. We're recllg unhcppg cbout that.
2 Write the missing words.
were shouting
wos woLking
wos crg lng
wos roining
wosn't working
Unit 9
vickg is tolking to herfriend, Morg. whot does Morg sog? Reod the
conversotion ond choose the best onswer. Write o letter (A-H) for eoch
onswer. You do not need to use oLl. the letters.
Vickg: I'm going on o compin gtrip
with mg school this weekend !
Morg: B
I Vickg: In [orge tents up in the hiLLs.
2 Vickg: I know! Are gou goingto do something specioLthis weekend?
3 Vickg: Thot'[[ be nice, won't it?
4 Vickg:
5 Vickg:
We[[, do gou wont to go ond see o goodfil,m with me
when I get bock?
OK, see gou soon.
A Yes! Hove o wonderful time. 'E'Thonks. IU reoLtg Like to do
B Where ore gou goingto stog? thot!
(ExompLe) F Wow! you're reoLLg Luckg!
c I don't reoLLg like thotfiLm. G whg do gou wont to go there
D I'm not sure. I like odventure there?
fiLms ond he doesn't! H We[[, I'm going to go to the
cinemo with mg uncte.
Flgers proctice test . Reoding & Writing, port 3
I Write letters to motch to the pictures. Write the words in the sentences.
pl,oging going riding buging woLking
coltecting fLging tging eoting growing skiing
snowboording moking throwing c++ffibin+
gou tike to do ot
different times of
the geor?
ri:r I climbing up hiLl.s tr
in the gorden I
#-**& s nowbo [l.s
on o boot trip [l
on sledg.r I
new clothes
in the woods
down the hi[|.I dryw
on the beoch
o Snowmon
vegetobl,es I
down mountoins
Unit L0
Look of the pictures on poge 84. when in the geor ore Ho[[g ond Horrg
doing these things? Write.
/rl r1 /n tn tn fft tn m flI /n ffi fi rm dn fi d
flI rn rn /n m m m rn ri fm fi /?t /m /m rm rm
fla f. fll /n nn rn nI1 fn /n rm dI d'[ /?n /n fn /m
The chiLdren in the Brown fomil,g ore hoving o conversotion
obout the things theg like doing in the winter. Listen ond number
the pictu res.@
Con gou remember who Liked these things?
Tol,k with o friend. Listen ogoin.
Unit L0
1 Listen ond reod. Then oct.@
6eorge: It's roining! Whot shoLL we do?
Kctg: ShoLL we plog oboord gome?
George: Thot's o good ideo. Whot do
gou do if the weother's nice,
Kotg: WetL, if it's sunnU I Lie down
bg the swimming pool ond
reod mg book.
George: I go swimming in the pool if
- it's sunnU. You're verg [ozg!
Kotg: No,I'm not! Whot do gou do
if the skg's greg ond if it's
foggg ond cold?
George: If it's foggg ond cold, I put on
mg sweoter, mg coot ond mg
scorf ond I go for o woLk in the
Kotg: If the weother's foggg ond
cold, I stog inside ond wotch
cortoons on the chi[dren's
chonnel! Whot do gou do if it's
snowing, George?
George: If it's snowing I moke o Lorge
snowmon in the gorden.
Kotg: Oh,I don't! I stog in bed!
George: You reoL[g ore verg Lozgl
Kotg: Perhops i om! But if there's o
storm, I wotch the skg from the
George: Oh, if there's o storm, I hide
underthe bed!
So gou oren't verg brove,
No, I'm reoLLg not!
2 Totkto gourfriends obout the weother. ffi
3 Work with o friend. Motch the pictuies ond order the instructions. Q@
If it's sunng, I tie
on the beoch.
Unitio I/clouses poge LL9
I The heod teocher is hoving o conversotion with Horrg. Listen to the
conversotion. Who tol,ks obout these things? Listen ond drow lines. @
Unit L0
"L Horrg hos written obout whot he did lqst Christmos.
Colour round the pictures to motch them with the writing boxes.
;1-:-.;={ *'
Christmos [ost geor wos verg exciting!
A big tree wcs growtng in our gorden
ond on Christmos Eve, the dog before Christmos,
Doddg put Lights oL[ over it. I looked ot the tree
Jrom mg bedroom window. The Lights were veru
bright ond Looked Like stors. It wos wonderfuL.
Then I went downstoirs. At the f
bottom of the stoirs I sow it!
Mg new sledge. It wos red ond silver.
Mu m ond Dod
so I ron into their bedroom ond
shouted 'He's been! Fother Christmos
hos been to our house!'
Afier Lunch we looked outside.
It . .Wecouldn't
believe it! We o[L shouted hoppiLg
ond ron into the gorden. We threw
snowboLLs ond I pu[Led Emmo on
mg sledge. Then Dod pushed me
down some Littl.e hil.Ls of the bock
of our house.It wos greotfun.
I thot t-
Fother Christmos wouLd come
thot night ond bring me lots of
presents so I mode o wish.
I whispered mg wish to the tree.
I wished for o specicI present
ond I knew thot my wish would
come true.
Then ot hol.f post ten Grondmo L-J
ond Grondpo orrived with Uncle
Michoel. ond mg cousin Helen. We
ou hsd ru nch tosetr?:J
hours! It wos the biggest meoI ever!
The next dog I got up reollg eorlg, of hof post
seven ! At the bottom of mV bed I couLd see o big L__l
bog. It wos fu[L oJ presents! I
of them when HoLlg come with her bog of presents.
We opened our presents together. I wos verg Lucky.
In the bog were chocolotes, lots of new clothes,
c tog dinosour, o wqtch ond o snowboord! But I
couLdn't see mg specioI present!
write the missing words on the poges. Then numberthem in order.
wos hoping
were eoting
wos Looking
were sleeping
wos snowtng
Unit L0
Listen ond write. There is one exomple .@B
Nome of museum:
Closes on:
Laketown Science Museum
Decem ber
Opening hours:
Best time to visit:
9 o.m. - p.m.
in the
Interesting things for
Historg of the telephone ond
Address: Green Rood
Flgers proctice test . Listening, Port2
Reqd the text. choose the right words ond write them on the lines.
The Greot Pgromid of Gizo
There ore over o hundred ?gromids in Eggpt. The most
fomous is the Greot Pgromid of Gizo. This pgromid is over 4,SOO
geors o[d. the eorlg 19th centurg it wos
octuoLLg the buil,ding in the wortd! It stonds
next to the River Nite neor the citg of Coiro in Eggpt. It is over
140 metres high ond it the Eggption people
twentg Ueors to buitd. There ore tho n two
million pieces of stone in the pgromid . You con sti[[ see o lorge
ond unusuoL kind oJ onimol
It is co[[ed 'The Sphinx'ond
this pgromid.
it the bod g ol o
lion ond the heod of on Eggption king.
We con leorn o lot obout Eggption historg
we took of the wo[[s oJthe pgromid. these
wotls ore pointings of peopl.e ond onimo[s. The pointings show
people lived in Eggpt ot thot time.
You co n go inside the pgromid but gou hove to bug o ticket.
Theg seLL 300 tickets eoch dog, L50 in the morning of 8 o.m. ond
L50 in the ofiernoon of 1 p.m. You con't toke photogrophs inside
the pgromid.
If gou in Eggpt gou reo[[g must go ond see
the Greot Pgromid of Gizol
FLgers proctice test . Reoding & Writing, Port 6
Exomple over
m uch
I who
10 be rs ore
rs proctice test . Reoding & Writing ,Port 6
I Look of the pictures ond the [etters. write the words.
Qa.r ,tur
2 The Brown fomiLg ore getting reod Vflor their holidog. Listen to their
conversotion ond drow lines to the rucksock or the suitcose .@m
Whot doesn't go in the rucksock or the suitcose?
The suitcose
isfuLL! We're
I put oLL mg
moneg in the
might steoI it! Put it
in the suitcose
I Listen ond reod. Then oct.@
whot should gou toke on these hoLidogs? write two things.
Then toLk obout it with o friend.
. A skiing hoLidog
. A comping hoLidog
. A beoch hol.idog
3 Do the speoking octivitg. Om
I toke the striped
shorts or the spotted
bu'[L need theni
both. And we need
Should I toke
these books?
We might need bookd
... ond we need the
is suitcose is
reotlg heovg now!
I con't tift itl
ShouLd we toke
Yes, gou might
need oJan.
@ might ond shourd;pogerlg Unit 1L
Horrg is tolking obout whot hoppened of the stort of their holidog.
In groups of three, reod o port of the storg. Then toLk obout the
storg together ond decide which port of the storg comes first,
second ond third. €fia
X Kotg ond Sue ore hoving oconversotion. Reod ond moke sentences.
/- Hove gou 
1 everJlown on )
on o comel
the pgromids
on o ptone
She's going to
see the pgromids!
Hove gou ever seen
the pgromids?
And she's goingto ride d
come[. Hove Uou ever
ridden o comel?
Yes I hove.
But not in Eggpt,
I wos of the zoo.
No, I hoven't!
P[cnes orebodfor
the environment
so we olwogs
trovel bg troin.
HoLlg s going to
Hove gou ever
Unit 1L
@$> poseLLT
1 Write the words under the picture's.
on octopus o tent o mountoin o competition
o helicopter bosebo[[ chopsticks o finger
Write the post porticipLes in the boxes.
teteo ctin+b€d ftown pl.oged burned won seen stoged
Regutor,,, Iriegulor
climbed eaten
]lsve o conversotion. Use the words ond pictures from Activitiesl ond Z.
@,,rryeguLor verbsrpoge t 2o uhit 11
I HoU.g ond her mum ore of the hotel. Theg're hoving o conversotion.
Whot hos hoppened to Horrg ond George? Listen ond drow lines. @
Write sentences obout the children.
I comets /The / on / children / ridden /hove
The children have ridden on ccmels.
2 too /cokes / Horrg / mon g / hos / eoten
3 medicine /doctor /The / given f some /hos /Horrg
4 hos / himself / George /too / hurt
5 broken / hos / toe / George / his
6 hos / excellent/ Eggpt/holidog /HoLl.g /in /hod /on
Unit 1L
rt-affi* ffiffi'fu
:.. r..L-r--AE"{.- i;rr l;-**.*__Ll-.* .__._., ._.
Reod Ho[[g's diorg. Write the nouns in the red boxes ond the verbs
",,..,' ond purpLe boxes.
sto irs wo iter pool bed resto u ro nt co kes heod bus
-rq*as- puLl"ed orrived stoged did hod met brought
wos crging
in the
5'h August
Dear Dicrg,
This wos the best day of my school holidcgs. We
dt a large hotel necr the sea in Eggpt with cnother fcmilg. The two dods said
they wcnted to see the countrU. The mums were verglazy and decided to lie
in the sun bg the
So the two dcds.
left on c
ct the hotel and Emma with them.
and all the children, including mehad an cdventure. We
very earlg ond started ourjourney into the desert. We
at the pgrc,mids at middag. lt was hot and sunnU and the cir wos
verVwarm. We wenton a tourinside the greatpyramid. We hcd to climb lots
of in the ddrk.l thought it was verg exciting!
Neor the pyrcmids we a ver! friendlg mcn. He had eight
camels so we all went on a camel ride.lwas abitfrightened ond held onto
ts so I didn't fcll. Then , m! camel wouldn't move! The man
it and pushed it and then it started to wclk. verg slowlg. Ceorge
his camel verg fcst when suddenlg he fell off. The mcn
"elped Ceorge but Ceorge couldn't stand because his foot
Ceorge andDad had to carry him bccl<to the bus.
{fter the camel ride we were hungry so we went to c
znd we a mealthuru. ihu was verU l<incl and
us lots of Eggption food. Harry ote so mang there!
,', hen
:rrd I
it wcs time to go bacl<. Harrg felt recllg ill on thejourneg home cnd
we got bacl< to the hotel he went strcight to I I didn't! Emma
some Egypticn dancing at the hotel. lt was greatfunl
, -_ 1
Unit 11 €" I
Listen ond tick (/) the box. There is one exomple .@
Where did Kotg go for her summer hoLidogs?
Whot time did Kotg get up to trovel to the oirport?
Whot did Kotg seefrom the window of the ptone?
Where did Kotg stog when she wos on holidog?
Whot did Kotg enjog most obout her holidog?
Flgers proctice test . Listening, Port4
Reod the postcord ond write the missing words. Write one word on
eoch [ine.
7th August
Deor Kotg,
I am hoving o greot time in Eggpt! The environment
here is verg differentfrom in Engtond - it's verg hot ond drg
ol,l. the time ond the seo is lovetg ond worm. I hove seen
Lots of comels here! This morning we oU. went to o beoch
ond swom with doLphins. It
reol.l.g wonderfu[!
Then in the ofiernoon we went into the desert ond sow
some people who Living in tents there. I bought o
reo[[g prettg neckloce Jor gou there.
gou like the stomp on this postcord? It shows o
Whot gou doing in London now? I miss gou but I'[[
see uou soon.
Lots of love
Flgers proctice test . Reoding & Writing ,Port7 :j
Drow lines to motch the things to the ploces.
This is ourfirst week
of our new school! We've oLreod "
met our teocher ond we're hovinc
a geogrophg Lesson
this morning.
a- - ---- '/
--** _J
Number the sentences to find out whot some people believe.
"' Our teocher is "
teoching us some
interestin g Jocts,
isn't she?
Yes, she is.
About o time when
dinosours Lived on
'j:.'l;.. ou r pLo net.
W*:U dsd d$mcscr,Ers becsrne ext$mat?
The Lig ht from the su n cou Ld n't'get to ou r plo net.
PLonts didn't grow ong more.
A Lorge rockfrom onother plonet hit our world.
Thot's whg dinosours become extinct.
Dinosours hod nothing to eot.
The environment suddenLg chonged - the oir wos
fuLL of greg clouds.
-.!_-iil+t-- +-- ^
ij::.',| .. ii:. "-=f.r-.
:" r:. plge Il7
Unit 12
1 Drow tines to motch the sentences with the pictures.
historg oJ London todog,
hoven't we?
People first bought newspopers in London.
People enjoged wotching octors on the stoge
of London's first theotre.
3 People were frightened becouse of London's
biggestJire ever. It wos colled'The Greot Fire
of London'.
There were woLLs o[[ round the citg to moke
it sofe. It Looked Like o reo[[g torge cost[e!
People sowfiremen ond fire engines on the
streets of London for the first time.
6 People flew Jrom the first oirport in the
world. It wos in o port oJ south London
co[[ed Crogdon.
Look ot Activitg
15th centurg
16th centurg
17h centurg
Yes, we hove.
We've Leornt thot in
the L4th centurg,
London wos quite
o smoLL citg.
n? Guess ond write.
1. Wh
en did these things hoppe
L8th century
Lgth centuru I--_l
20th centurg
A centurg is one
hundred geors.
Unit 12
e Write the missing words.
worked didn't go hsd
didn't hove lived
d id n't im prove
MonU EngLish chitdren (1)
-**had."" - o verg hord Life in the
19th centurg. Some people were rich ond (2) .__ in
[o rge houses, but mo nV fom iLies were verg poor. Theg
enoug h moneg to bu g f ood, so the
children were ofien hungrg. Mong children (a)
to schooL. Theg (5) - in dirtg foctoriesfor verg Little
moneg. LiJe (5) *Jor them untitthe
end ofthe centurg.
X Moke six sentences obout George ond Kotg in the 19th centurg.
in c[oss.
in plones get.
theirfood cold in o fridge get.
o fiLm on o big screen get.
to other ptonets in o rocket get.
to ongone on o teLephone get.
photogrophs get.
,-- We're finding
out whot it wos Like 
to live in EngLond two
undred geors ogo!
Yes, we're 1-9th
centurg chiLdren!
Unit L2
: Reod the conversotion ond write the words.
see Live visid fLU Leorn
We don't know!
Teocher: Hove o guess!
I hope we'LL (f) visit other pLonets.
We might (2) round them in our
Todog is Fridog. We're
hoving our first science
Lesson. It's obout spoce
ondthe plonets!
Teocher: Whot wiLL Life be Like in the future?
We mioht (4)
Yes, ond we might (5)
Perhops we'LL (3) . - on onother plonet one dog.
some oLiens there!
their Longuoge!
Iu Lu
2 Listen to the teocher tol,king obout the plonets. Write
down the informotion .@
Sotu rn
Number oJ riloons:
First rocket round p[onet: .
Nome of rocket: --,---....
Rings round Soturn ore veru
Theg ore mode mostlg oJ woter ond
Number of riloohs: =*Le"m-oo-n"s- _
First rocket round ptonet: Mo rch
Temperoture owog from sun: zero
Temperoture con be: --,--.,,-
Temperoture when sun is out: oC
I Do the speoking octivitg. QE
The chiLdren ore tqlking obout whot theg'[[ do in the future. Listen ond
drciw lines. @
3 Hove o conversotion with gourfriends obout whot gou'[[ do in thefuture.
Listen ond drow tines. There is one exomple .@
Richo rd ChorLie Dovid Bettg
FLgers proctice test . Listening, Port L
Look of the picture ond reod the storg. Write some words to complete the
sentences obout the storg. You cqn use tr2,3 or 4 words
Mu first dou of school
He[[o. Mg nome's George. Lost Mondog I looked of mg colendor. It wos
the 8th September ond thot wos the dog I storted mg new schooL. I got
up ond put on mg new uniform. It fel.t stronge. I put mg speciot tog
dinosour in mg pocket becouse it's mg tuckg tog!I cou[dn't eot breokfost
becouse I wos excited but olso o bit worried. When I soid 'goodbge'to
mg Mum, she gove me some pieces of chocoloteJor loter. Then I storted
to wolkto school. It wos o long wog.When I orrived of mg new school,
I stoppedfor o minute. Then, I decided I hod to be brove,.so I wol.ked
through the schoot gotes. I wos verg eor[9. It wos on[g hotf post eight,
but Horr9 wos olreodg in the pl.ogground ond he wos woiting for me.
When I sow him, IJel.t o lot better.
We went into the ctossroom together ond sot down of some desks. Theg
were of the front of the clossroom. Next the teocher come in. He wos verg
friend[9. He gove us some odvice obout howto do we[[ of our new school.
Then, he gove us o tour of the school. It's o verg torge schoot!
Afier thot we hod lessons, ond of obout middog we stopped to eot our
[unch in the schoot restouront. We hodpizzo - mgfovourite!Then, ofier
tunch, we went into the plogground ogoin. Some other bogs in the
pLogground hod ofootboll, ond theg were kicking it ond hoving fun. Horrg
ond I went over to them ond osked if we coutd pl.og too. Soon, other bogs
joined the gome ond we hod two footbo[[ teoms. With mg luckg dinosour
sti[[ in mg pocket I scored two gools, ond suddenlg I wos veru populor
with ol.l, the bogs on mg teom! I wos reo[[g hoppg obout thot. When I
went bockto closs in the ofiernoon, I otreodg hod Lots of newfriends.
Soon the first week of school wiLt be over. I think I'[[ like it here!
Flgers proctice test . Reoding & Writing Port 5
After George got up, he put on his new uniform.
George put o tog dinosour in his pocl<et to bring him good Luck.
I On hisfirst dog of school, Georgefelt excited but
George hod to wotk o to get to his new school.
When George wolked through the school gotes he cou[d see thot Horrg
for him.
George ond Horrg sot down of the clossroom.
BeJore theg hod their tessons, the teocher gove the chiLdren
the buil,ding.
6 At Lunch time George ote
7 AL[the bogs were hoppg with George becouse he
in the footbo[L motch.
Flgers proctice test . Reoding & Writing, Port 5
lli 11'.,tl'rlt- :r::.:rr:l:';l:iiriil,:i
I loot ot this Ef gption picture oLphobet. lrto* foot ot tft" puzzle ond
write the words.
Exomp[e I
o b c d e f I h I j k t m
%. F @'o @ J €x &  M EE€'
w ffi @
n o P q f s t u V W x g z
Ard A r?) I fr @ t-t- a I r+
V tu m *& *3t]-
lcs  ex O
i'{ r+
* & rt' m % ffi * @
q., O -t-f-
l b I
@r* @ 
*& 9
l@ I 9
s@ +F % w @ i<
+F b, l * *
@ * e) a @ @- I
a * Q*
Revision 3
2 Drow lines ond moke sentences.
1 If it's sunnU
2 If it's verg windg
If it snows
IJ it roins
5 If there's ice on the [oke
IJthere's o storm in the night
If there's a roinbow in the skg
I ride dowh'the hilts on..'rmU
I toke on umbretto with me.
I hove o picnic in the pork
with mg fomil.g.
I hide under mg bLonket.
I trg to toke o picture of it.
I toke mg kite to the top oJ o
hitL ond fl,g it.
I go skoting with mg friend
Look of these pictures. Theg te[[ o storg but theg ore not in the correct
order. with gour friend, number the pictures ond teil. the storg.
4 Listen ond check. Wos gour storg different? ToLk to gour friend obout oLl
the things thot were different in gour storg. @
Revision 3
5 Write the missing words.
Living believe go hoppened
ore bEen find roin
wos Jett is looked
The Greot Ice Age
There hove (f) been obout eleven different ice oges.
The tost ice oge (2) co[[ed 'The Greot Ice Age'. It
eleven thousond geors ogo. During the Greot Ice
Age it didn't (4) The temperoture wos too cold for
thot, but soft snow (5) oL[ over the pl"onet. Before the
ice oge, some stronge ond unusuot onimols were (6)
on our plonet. Some were coLLed WooLLg Mommoths. Theg
o bit Like etephonts. Others were coL[ed
Cove beors. These were Like the beors we con (8)
to see in zoos todog, but theg were much bigger thon normoI beors.
Sodtg, these wonderJuI onimots (9) now extinct.
PeopLe (10) theg died becouse theg cou[dn't
enough food to eot.
6 Drow lines to motch the questions ond onswers. Then qct.
7 Now gou osk questions obout the pictures betow qnd onswer them.
Revision 3
been comping]
Who did gou
go with?
Mg school
The moon,
stors ond plonets
ot night!
q rown broken
It's o vergfoggg doU in winter.
Ienng is pLoging with her dog in the
woods behind her house. She's throwing
pieces of wood ond her dog is
cotching them.
Look of the pictures ond the exomple. Now gou te[[ the storg with o friend.
2 Write the different times of geor under the pictures.
spring summer outumn winter
ToLk obout the things gou do ot different times of geor.
Whot do gou do in ...
4 Now do the speoking test. @
outumn? j
Revision 3
Girts: Bettg, Emmo,
He[en, Ho[Lg, Kotg,
Bogs:-Dovid, George,
Horrg, Michoe[,
Richord, Robert,
fomiLg tree
Mog broken
mum chonneI
October coILege
surnome diorg
uncte enve[ope
wfe evergthing
go out
@ our home
morried keu
unhoppg moneu
LittLe other
@ coing to town
fire engine
fire stotion
get to
How long
poLice stotion
post office
roilwog stotion
of course
popuLor sku
postcord through
progromme troffic
@ rotng out
Left finish
fork o9ree
frightened subject
Revision L
itL during
Jom exceILent
Look Like
turn on
pepper informotion
smeLL metoL brove
soft middog
o'ctock cinemo
@ ot school
Jind out
@ n dog out
Look ofter
stoge meeting
office gLoss
@ or"om jobs
moke sure
tennis ploger
C o, the costte
Fst butterfLg
Revision 2
Q orr.o*prng
u m bre[Lo
@ sports dog!
@ n goodgeor!
foL[ over
metre fur
portner heovg
roce horrib[e
snowboo rding
@ orr summer
sung[osses spoce
Revision 3
@ rost ond future normoI
ofter After lunch I had mg music lesson.
before You put stamps on a letter before gou post it.
Where clauses
I cou[d visit the museum.
soop of the chemist's.
could qo to the
Here's o mop of the town where we Live.
WiLl. gou Jetch the keg Jor me, pleose?
I won't oo to town becouse it's roin
be, look, sound, feel, taste, smell like
Whot's gour new house like?
Thot smetls like pizzo cooking.
Thot sounds like qour teLephone ringing
Georqe looks like his brother.
This tobLe feels like wood, but it's plostic.
This tostes like bonono ice creom.
moke somebodq / somethinq + adieclive
That smetl makes me
Sho[[ we go to the cinemo this 7
Whot shoLt we hove for dinner?
Whot time does ort club stort?
Whot time is morninq breok?
mode ol
The chopstick ore mode of wood.
The fork is mode of metot.
Whot is the scorf mode
i6urqs06a^^ueq^ sen@
'Ilos)lnl lnon ut fiauou.r rnoh 11o 1nd 1,up1nor;s I q
'fiopo1 sassol6uns loarvr plnoqril
'fiopr1oq uo qooq rnoh a>1o1 plnoqs nq
'/vororuo+ qlDaq aq+ o1 o6 g6;ur qa
'6opolloorlnoh paau nq
2666o[ s,1r ll op noh op pqrn
'q)Deq aql o+ o6 6aq1'fiuuns 11!
'pauelq6rrJ s,aqs 'ruJols o s.alaq1fi
'+ool o uo lnd 1 'plo) s.I fi
'looqrs o1 6uqlonn ala^ uarpltql aql
'ryo^ auoq aq1 6urutoldxa sorln req)oal a{I
'611q6rrq 6ururqs sDM uns aql
'6ddoq 6urlaaf so,u1
?ooq aql 6urpoa.r paqsguf l.uaroq a;tr
')ae^/ srq+ ou.tau!l aql o+ uaeq s.aqs
ryonnauoq rnoh auop l.ualDq no1
'qrun1 hu.r poq 6poallo al,1
pa,Faa luaia{
1afi peyols +.usDq uotltledu.ror aql
))Dus req+ pDq^oq uelpltql e{l
inofr arc'apl aq o7 6uro6 1uan no1
24 s1 'fropoy wton 6ntr1us1g
l6aqq g,uop '77an frtaa poqyoo{ froyd fraq1
aaqs l.uD'1so{ unt uD aqg
'! eq 'oN 'hop hrena alrq fiu apy ol 6u1o6 ur,1
Zlooqls olllD^, o1 6u1o6 aq s1 t)aeM +xeu op o1 6u;o6 nofi aro 1oq6
'qlDeq aql ol o6 o1 6u;o6 l.ust aH 'auoldorao uo uo o6 o1 6uro6
'sndopo pa o1 6u1o6 lou ru.I '1dhb3 o1 oE o1 6ugo6 u,1

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The Accursed House by Émile Gaboriau.pptx
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  • 1.
  • 2. () o @ (, @ Hello! Our home Going to town Eoting out At school Revision L poge 2 poge 4 poge L2 poge 2O poge 28 poge 36 poge 40 poge 48 poge 56 poge 64 poge72 poge76 poge 84 poge 92 poge L00 poge L08 poge LL2 poge 1.L8 @ n dog out @ nreom jobs C at the costte @ Sports dog ! Revision 2 @ Orr comping odventure @ n good geor! @ Our summer holidogs @ Post ond future Revision 3 Word [ist Grommor OXTORD UNTVERSITY PRESS
  • 3. sftery @ I Listen ond reod. Then oct. 2 Look qt the storg. Write the words for these numbers. 3 Listen to the rhgme ond number the months of the geor.@ @I This wog, Kotg. Come on, One, two, three... ... four hundred ond thirtg seven, eight hundred ond eightg two, nine hundred ond ninetg nine ... You didn't count to o thousond! ... o thousond. Coming, reodg or not! I con see gou! ,d-...- wt I Cil€g.8**l I @) poseLl2 HeILo!Unit
  • 4. ,- Complete the words for the things in HoLLg ond Horrg's home. +'{r- -k -*k im .li - "-- -T. 'P ;;;-':-= i o €b€i'' :' ..t "'-!:-^-il--'' iU ' Whot ore these things? Order the letters to find the words. eL o S*'rpl u, rl*:-i tr f E. €-ry"' - ten t a l unitt !
  • 5. Hol.l.g ond Horrg ore getting reodg for school. Where ore their things? Listen ond write the things under eoch ploce. @ SM ->g"w-:_* :f & ?it :l 'a Horrg's bedroom is verg tidg_. Look! Mum's neckloce is *-"_*____. The fridge wos *, so Dod went to the shop. Ho[[g's mum isn't hoppu becouse her bedroom is olwogs so Be -.**.-*-- pleose! Emmo's sleeping. I don't Like going into Horrg's room. He's otwous so I con't throw this poper in the bin becouse it's 3 Do the speoking octivitg. €tril Drow lines to motch the words ond pictures. Complete the sentences. @@.@ @@@ untds 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 It's on the shel"f obove Where's the soop? ffil} pogesi-l2*i.l3 Unit 1
  • 6. sfiro @ & Listen ond reod. Then oct. A Look of the words in oronge in the storg. Comptete the sentences. This is on importont progromme. Be quiet, pleose! I con't find mg diorg ongwhere! There ore clothes evergwhere! Of course Uou con't find ongthing ! Let's put evergthinE I need to get somethin g Jor dinner. Con ongone see mg kegs? Oh Mum! Pl"oces Things PeopLe There ore clothes I think it's in gour bed room I con'tfind mg diorg /rffi^ for Que -ne! Let's put owo g. fo, I need to get dinner. OJ course gou con't find /e use'ong stions ond otives. --* ls ln the Living room. hos got mg diorg! Con see mg kegs? hos got gou r diorg. Unit L @ pronouns with everg-, some-, no- ond any
  • 7. 1 o r;ffing&@ Reod ond write the words in the gops. nothing noisg popu[or bored everuone " Horrg'smg brother ond (o) so gs he looks Like me. Thot's becouse we're twins! But he's difJerentJrom me. He's is not quiet. He's verg (b) verg LoudLg. friends. He's ! He pLogs his drums becouse he sogs he's At school , Horrg's got Lots of reollg (c)"-*--* !Todog Horrg's (d) 'got (e) to do." e Luckg kind untidg evergwhere evergthing ttEvergone Likes HoLLg becouse she's verg . She pl"ogs gomes with our (o) sister Emmo ond olwogs tolks to her. Hollg's verg (b) . She Leoves o[L her things (c) --- ! But I think I'm (d) becouse I've oot o twin , .''*---*"-"* J obout sister ond she knows (e) me! It's Junl" e broken unhoppg tittLe friendLg emptg r'This is our (o) -- --- sister, Emmo. She's onLg three. We oL[ Love her becouse she's q nice, (b) ---** girl ond she olwogs plogs with us. But she con be noughtg. Sometimes she throws her togs evergwhere ond some of them get (c) (d) -- -***- now. She's crging becouse her g[oss of miLk is (e)*- -*-*--"**!t, . She's 0 ongthing ctever unfriendtg boring difficu[t r'This is our older brother, WiLLiom. I think he's becquse he shouts of us! His teocher sogs he's verg (b) becouse he does weLL in exoms. We think he's (c) becouse he never does (o) (d) interesting. He olwogs plogs chess with his friend! He soys he con't teoch us becouse we're too goung ond it's o o verg (e) gomel" Unit L
  • 8. UreaB I Motch to moke words. Write the words. 4 8 ffi &@ffiffiffi WW.W I desl< z 56 2 Look qt the pictures. Write the words in the word wheels. @s t**
  • 9. ffi@w@ & Reod Ho[[g's diorg.Order the pictures. gthJcnucrg Dear Dicrg Today wcs c not c good dag! We (l) were- lcte for school on dagback after the holidogs! Mum couldn't find her (z) looked for them (3) cnd they were on the fridge cll the Mum scid Harryhad(4) comb his hoir! We arrived at our first cgcin! We time! Then school very late and the hecdteacher was dngrq with us. Our headteacher(5) cclled Mr Pepper. I don't like him verU much. He's clwcys verg unfriendlg. After lunch I hcd mg music lesson. Mg music teccher wcsn't hoppybecause I hcve mg violin with me. I forgot to bring it to schooll Then (6) some of the children in our clcss (7) verg noisg in the clcssroom so our teacher gave us lots of homework. Now I ccn't (8) out cngwhere this weekendbecause of all mg homework. l'm verg unhcppy obout thct! X Reod the dior g ogoin ond compl.ete the text. @} After ond Beforectcuses poge L18 Unitl o
  • 10. Look ond reod. Choose the correct words ond write them on the lines. There is one exomPle. hair o shel,f enveLopes stomps o blonket These ore veru prettg. Women weor them when theg wont to dress up. -1 You need these to open the doorto gour house. 2 You put things on this to keep gour room tidg. 3 You use this to moke gour hoir looktidg. You con keep it in the bothroom or bedroom, or put one in gou r bog when gou go out. 4 This is something gou hove in o kitchen. You use it to moke hot meots. 5 You con find this in the bothroom ond gou use it when gou wosh gourself. 6 You put letters in these before gou toke them to the post office. Theg ore usuoltg brown or white. 7 You find this in the kitchen. It's coLd inside. 8 There ore mong different kinds of these on television. Some ore obout sport ond others ore obout the news. I These ore smol.L ond usuollg squore. You putthem on gour letters before gou post them. 10 You put this on o bed so gou con keep worm of night. chonneI o cooker pro9rommes o fridge necklocer kegs o comb o toothbrush postcord o shower FLgers proctice test ' Re.oding g Wting.lgtt I
  • 11. ffi#e Where ore the things thot Dovid's mum needs for the trip? Listen ond write q letter in eoch box.There is one exomple.@ %= stomps soop @M V sondwiches L_l S" () o/ neckloce I kegs Flgers proctice test_. Listening, Port 3
  • 12. Reod. Look of the mop on poge 12 snd write ges or no. 1 The chemist's is next to the bonk. 2 Theforest is behind the costle. 3 There's o pork ocross the rood from the restouront. 4 The hotel is between the swimming pool ond the oirport. 5 There's o bus stop round the cornerfrom the house. 6 From the focto rV, go stro ig ht on, .post the cinemo o nd gou get to the universitg. There's o cor pork in front of the police stotion. You need to go over the bridge to get to the costle. 7 8 nQ__ K Do the speoking octivitg. &fm] Where coutd Hol"l.g bug these things? Look of the mop on pogeL2 ond moke suggestions. You're of the Jire stotion! Remember! We sog 'She bugs' but we 5og 'She cou[d bu1.'. @$@ coutdpogeLL8 Unit 2
  • 13. K Listen ond reod. Then oct.@ tutaxm: Horrg,fetch mg gLosses, pleose. I need to Look of mg shopping List. Here theg ore, Mum. WiLLiam, wi[L Uou go to town with HoLLg ond HorrV, pleose? i*l* Yeoh! #is;m: I need gou to do lots of things! Theg're oLL here on the List. Wi[[iom: Oh Mum! dWl,xm: And don't forget the moneg ... ond mg shopping List! Wiltiom: Oh, OK, Mum! JVlum: And wiLL gou chonge these shorts? I bought them for Horrg but theg're too smo[1. PLeose don't forget! Wi[[iom: OK Mum! See gou Loter! Motch the words with the pictures. How oJten / go / town? How / trovet / town ? Do /ever / go / busT Who wonts to li go to town? 1; -'.....,......,....,...,..|.i', I Who doesn't wont i to go to town? S Ask ond onswer these questions with o friend. Whot /bug7 Whot / gour mum ond Whot / gourfovourite dad / bug? ploce / town ? o the bus of the supermorket. CouLd gou post the letters, pteose? e Remember to chonge the Get on the bus ot the bus stop round the corner. Unit 2 @ wittposelLs
  • 14. 3, Listen ond number the ploces the chiLdren need to go. @ Look of the mop on pqge L2. Csn gou remember where the chil.dren went? Drow o [ine. Drow o mop from Uour house to gour school. Te[[ gourfriend obout gour moP. Hol.Lg is tolking to her mum. Whqt did the children do? Whot didn't theg do? Listen ond tick (/) or cross (f) ttre boxes. @ 3 -,,n*l:'j :-"ae .-lr, ;:1r:11 ;t -!..,.,"...f - : t+ 5 Wil,[iom bought something Mum did I # 8 1 / 4 I i '1 -l{o_:i. f".l -:* I 'r': . li -"?.,.-.r ,.".... ai :r..",, :S l '. ',1" ji .---1^:if ffi A- n't oskfor. Whot wos it? Unit 2
  • 15. Look of this picture. Find things beginning with the letter's' ond write o [ist. How mong things did gou find? How long did it toke gou tofind them"? X Write the words in the boxes ond find the nome of o shop. ffi 1ffiffiffi @ ffi L:a=r:::::d Unit 2 , pog,e.113
  • 16. Reod the storg. Choose o word from the box. Write the correct word next to numbers 1-5. There is one exomple. Mum wonted o troin ticket ond some other things from town so I went shopping with mg sister ond brother gesterdog.We cqught the bus into town ond got off of the bus stop outside the supermorket. First we went to the shopping centre ond we chonged mg shorts there becouse theg were too smoL[for me. Next we woLked through the morket. We didn't ongthing there though. After thot we went to the post office. There we (2) some stomps ond posted some Letters. We couLdn't find ong white envelopesfor Mum but we did get o brush ond combfrom the chemist's next to the bookshop. Theg were quite cheop. Mum wonted some lemon soop for Grondmo but there wosn't ong.Then we collected o coke for Grondmo's birthdog. It wos pink snd it looked reo[[g ! Afier thot, mg brother got o computer gome from o shop neor the roilwog stotion. It wos verg (4 so we coutdn't bug the troin ticket for Mum. (1) (3) She wos verg (5) exomple Eorfght cheop unhoppg bug tovelg trovetled expensive bought sold (5) Now choose the best nome for the storg. Tick one box. A greot bus trip A dog in town At the shopping centre obout thot! T T T FLgers proctice test . Reoding & Writing ,Port4
  • 17. Look ond reqd. Write ges ot no. Exomptes There ore two teoves under the tree. The pirote in the picture hos got o moustoche. Questions t rhere ore two chil,dren stonding of the corner of the street. 2 The JLog hos got Jour stors on it. 3 The doors of the cinemo ore open. 4 There's o bin next to the bus stop. 5 The mon in the toxi is ongr1. 6 There's o cot in front of the bicgcle. 7 There's o picture of o shork under the clock. UCS _no __ Flgers proctice test . Reoding & Writing ,Port2
  • 18. Listen ond colour ond write ond drow. There is one exompte .@ Flgers proctice test . Listening, Port 5
  • 19. r, ii i ,aar.i.,:.r-.!j i:*j.:: i i i .f :. ..a ' ' ''i:1'::_. 'l ',,,, Writg t so [t pizza butter hen r r r umbers for the things in Ho knife [] Jork f pepper tr flour I jom I honeg f ; ._ 'n' [[g's kitchen. spoon sugsr 2 Mg best end, Kotg, :ing me tod 're cooking he kitchen! e-. '-+..ffi .. l: $1.,.;: .'' I : r,ii:a-;.{{t.: 1i ..,f i , !!1.---. .il r:::1ii.:::i:.ilu::i'la.:, .rar ...ii€,,i::,,:', --:.:1i: + €.*, : "i*": i fr'.", x : ii? : **.#" '} -0, * O .dF i9 l..l -".*+f: .'' ll,:':.:::.,., 5 ,@ , *@ .4ta Iii,-1 !t. l i.9, .-ilA I chopstickt l [] biscuits W#t* 'q,s'g.rd }€ ./' :' Complete the sentences. -"""--'l 1 _,.a This butter is '*^r$;i* ..--,..,.-.--.1 lThis rock is :'..-:: t-.,..:::t:..: ::.:::,'-, tr& 1** s -r ::: These flowers ore '!r;"-- a]ltr ..r* aqt / ,' --?::l1.*..--''..-; ,#a.1, ,"t*.: Ir r , + 6""p ; This bobg is li i..,..... i',t:!F....]......,-.,j I ri, i. !, nors9 tr"fr.:- { soft -i -*.--*-""' LoveIg 5 i ;t* l unit r { hard ffi poges rL3-Lt4
  • 20. moke Lunch Oh deor! I'm iLL. I con't moke a 4 k1 mrm L..4,A-4,J1- j U Write the words in the sentences. smeLLs looks feels sounds tostes ffireffiffiffiw 1 Horrg '-**---is* verg tike HoLtg. It's becouse theg're twins. 2 Thot --- like I'm hungrg ! 3 Thot *--*- Like o bobg. Emmo's crging ogoin ! 4 This . -- Like woot. It's verg soft! 5 Thot Like bonono ice creom. I don't Like it! 6 A tiger tike o cot, but it is dongerous. @p be,look, sound,feel, taste, smell like pogeLL8 Unit 3
  • 21. Pl.og the 'fee[ it' gome in smo[[ groups. 'It Jeels Like...' meons 'It feeLs simiLor to...' It feels Like on opple. I think itfeeLs Like o boLL. X Listen ond drow tines. Which meol is not needed? @ Yesterdog it wos Grondmo's birthdo g ! alliii:aii{ ,li>ili::alil i:rt::lt+ ,-r'qt:;l Uncle Michoel ond our cousin Helen come. We oL[ went for o meol in o restouront! Do gou know whot we ote?. Unit 3
  • 22. 1 How does it fee[? complete the words in these sentences. .{um When Grondmo sow her coke it mode her h When I eot too mon g pizzas it mokes me i 1 2 When I smetl pizzos it mokes me h_u_n &r_&. When Emmo sow her broken doll it mode her s When I hove moths Lessons it mokes me b When Wil"Liom spent ol,L the moneg on computer gomes it mode me o When I tie down in the gorden on o sunn g dog it mokes meh When Horrg goes shopping in town o[L dog it mokes him t .--- 1 stronge noises 4 6 7 8 'ru t. 9ffiWhenit,sdorkLoteotnightondIheorostronge ru noiseitmokesme f _:_ 2 How do these things moke gou feeL? TeLl. o friend. @wW @po9es1L3_LL4@makesomebodg/something+odjectiveUnit3
  • 23. Complete the words under the pictures. Then porrs. ,1 h-s-*L e 9T *"lt"n--tP _^/ s C" /.l---r @i -"--"-/ 'i) -e ffi ffi* ffis ',O-Y-l:--r # Y^_i f ---- s "_* "_-* *_, s c _- _* _--_ s __," ",*, _ s 1. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 l_0 19 K Do the speoking octivitg. €Fet Whot's the first thing thot Unit 3
  • 24. ffi@pH@@ ft ft tu tu tu tu tu 2 tu tu & tu I + tr tu a ffire came to mg house and we did When we finished, the kitchen was verg tr) --untidg- cnd thct mc,de Mum a bit(z) 1 Reod Ho[[g's diorg. Order the pictures. e ffi,F r 6th March Dear Diorg On Saturdcg cfternoon mg best friend, Kctg, some cooking. We mcde pizzas cnd biscuits! Then, on Sundag oll the fomilg went out for lunch. lt wcs for Crandma's 8Oth birthdc,gl Going to the restcurcn t made Harry and I feel verg (3) We couldn't wait to go! We don't often go to restcurcnts, gou see. We wcll<ed to the restcurantand the rcin on the wag made us (4) , butwe didn't mind because wehad umbrellas. ln the restaurant we lcughed and tclked o lot c,ndlthinkwewerecbittoo(s)-.Thatwc,sbecausewehadtowait alongtimeforourfood.ThesmellofthepizzamadeusVery(5)--. Then the food c,rrivedl,I hcd soup cnd I ate lots and lots of pizzc, too, beccuse it tcsted(z)-.Butthateveningallthosepiecesofpizzamddeme (s)-.ThismorningMumtookmetothedoctor,s.Thedoctorwcs verg (9) She gove me some medicine for mg stomach and that mc,de me feel (ro) --*--***-**_. But thct mecnt I wcs o bit (rr) fot school agc'in and I felt (rz) I itt hidu hungrg wet better LoveLg worried ongrV lote friendtg excited noisg c 2 Reod the diorg ogoin ond write the missing words. Unit 3
  • 25. ffi Listen ond tick (/) the box. There is one exomple .@ Whot time did the tesson stort? C I A Whot is Bettg moking in her cooking lesson todog? 2 A Whot shouLd Bettg get from the fridge? C 3 A Whot does Bettg need to do next? 4 A Whot did Bettg Jorget to do? Flyers proctice tesJ . Listening, Port4
  • 26.
  • 27. Find the school subjects ond colour the lines. We've got Lots oJ different su bjects ! These ore oL[ the Lessons we hqve of schoo[! & K Which subject hos got the longest [ine? $ Te[[ gourfriend obout the subjects Uou do of school. Which subjects do gou Like? Whg? Wh ich su bjects o re d ilficu [t? Wh g ? Whot's gour Jovourite su bject? Wh g ? which subjects do gou hove exoms in? How do exoms moke gou feel? #$r -ffi Unit 4 pogeIL4
  • 28. Listen ond reod. Then oct.@ 1 2 Motch the clocks with the pictures in the storg. Write numbers. mm,m.m,m,m 3 Think obout gour dog. Drow the times on these clocks. Then toLk to o friend. i 12 r.- 102 r$ S4 7-at Middcg is L2 o'clock in the dog, ond midnight is L2 o'cloc ot night. 102 9). 'tt 12 1 84 ..7 a 5a @EEF) whattime...?poge LL8 unit4 @
  • 29. i o.m. morning lessons . .ffi - - - :':irn"'x imiWi @ :W.$ml | 10 zl l- q c.o rF I '" I ;E I ._.1,_ a I I z5 S : it!! o _*' ':*:# Uua-Y';W/: % jW/ iUury-JY S, Write the dogs onto the timetoble. ! Hqrru's timetoble i T morning breok j l .'...: r .,8 lunch breok ^rff # ofiernoon lessons 72t {, 111 10 9 ,8 il.. 7 2' 3 4 $"tr . eW g *e F {e ool." rtlt H r,- I--l ./;-..- llffi}} lltrT) UL>'J-I tJj _l-l &t d Look of the timetoble. Write the onswers to these questions. I Whot time is the moths Lesson on Mondog? It's of - --elevenoilscl<: . 2 Whot time is Lunch everU dog? It's ot 3 Whot time does ort club stort on Wednesdog? It's ofter school ot How mong Longuoge tessons ore there eoch week? How long is morningbreok eoch dagT & $ Now osk questions obout Horrg's timetob[e. Unit 4 t 4 5
  • 30. wew Work otone. Use o dictionorg to find the meonings. Then work with two friends. Te[[ gourfriends whot the words on gour list meon. to orrive to improve to join to repeot to teoch ? Kotg ond Ho[[g ore Student B o foct the post o club o butterflg on excim tol.king obout schoot. o veru Lazg. b quarter to nine. c Lots of friends there. d o verg eosu subject. e is im proving. I is verg importont. g ort clu b. h on excellent student. i lots of focts j in Longuoge tessons. k o bitfrightened. Listen ond check.@ 1 The teochers think doing homework 2 Kotg orrives of school ot 3 When Horrg hod to see the heod teocher he fel,t 4 The science teocher sogs WiLLiom is 5 Wi[[io m th in ks moths is 5 Kotg's teocher thinks her moths 7 Harrg's moths teocher sogs he's 8 Lost week HoLLg joined the 9 Kotg sous she hos to repeot words ofier the teocher 10 Hol"tg doesn't [ike historg becouse she hos to Leorn 11 Kotg toves her school becouse she's got 3 Do the speoking octivitg. @ Student C frig htened exceItent eos9 difficutt I,ozg Drow [ines to moke sentences. I thinkthis picture goes with this informotion. Yes, I ogree ond thot goes first. ffi DaaeLL4 Unit 4
  • 31. Look of Horrg's school work. Ioin the words with the pictures. Whot ore these things mode of? Write the words in the correct boxes. {-fjl"e ** t}.o.t $o-,r'Je 4? #W neckroce #;.1il sweoter ffi ,d'**1 fork 6."""t d ffi mogozine po9e -lgsg::ti sheLf computer mor;-9 iry@ sco rf ffir .-S- C- r r- __v r::*4 l:-Ft t#t lffil X Moke the word wol,L! Reod ond write the words in the puzzLe. -.-*a ,/rerg,verfr sood (e) t' q*Z*i; -ni:Fy - ] -----'-----r- l' (Lunch time! (6J Unit 4 W poseLt4 , madeofpogeLLs
  • 32. Reqd the storg. Choose o word from the box. Write the correct word next to numbers L-5. There is one exomple. He[[o, I'm Ho rrg and todog it's Thursdog. I didn't hove o verg good morning. At hol"f post ten (which wos during mg breok time) I had " to go ond see the heod teocher. Mg geog rophg teocher soid it wos becouse I wos tol,king in the clossroom but octuoLl.g, it wos mg friend, Dovid. I didn't (l) _ the geogrophg teocher thot. This ofiernoon, in our historg lesson we (2) o[[ obout costles. It wos o verg interesting Lesson. And ofter the closs, the teocher (3)--uso[etterforourporents.IreoditonmUWoghome.And guess whot! we're goingto go on o school trip to o costle! I gove the letterto Mum ond Dod when I got home this evening. Mg sister,Ho[[9,hodthesome[ it. Dod wos o bit unhoppg. He soid the trip wos too (5) ! Then Mum reod the Letter corefuLtg ond she thought it wouLd be goodfor us to go on o trip with fiiends. It's eight weeks untiL we go. I con,t woit! Exomp[e hed would leornt excellent tell gove excited expensive told (5) Now choose the best nome for the storg. Tick one box. Horrg's good news Horrg's good dog Ho rrg's good friend r r T k'gi&, FLUers proctice test . Reoding & Writing , port 4
  • 33. ffifrtrfiffi"wr Listen ond write. There is one exomple .@ Art Ctub Whot dog? I Teocher's nome: 2 Where is it? 3 Number of students this geor: 4 Next week - mo king: 5 Expensive? ofier schooL Mrs opposite the schoot Jor this geor Flgers proctice tEst . Listening, Port2 :
  • 34. look qnd reod. Choose the correct words ond write them on the lines. There is one exomple. post office geogrophg honeg chemist's fndge jom biscuits mstrs historg chopsticks Jumpers ond scorves ore often mode of this. wool 1 You use these to cut cord ond poper. 2 You hove to be good of numbers to do this subject. 3 These ore mode with fl,our, butter, eggs ond sugor. 4 When gou studg this subject gou con teorn focts obout life in the post. 5 You con eot food with these. 6 This is verg sweet ond comesJrom gellow ond block insects. 7 When gou sove o Lot of moneg gou con keep some of it here. 8 If gou wont to know obout the world we live in, it's good to studg this subject. I We put butter in here to keep it col,d. 10 A ploce where Uou con bug envelopes ond stomps. bonk cooker P,zzos scissors Flgers proctice test . Reoding & Writing, Port l-
  • 35. neod tfte *oids ond write the opposites in the crossword. .... Across + :', 2 lote 5_ tidg 7 cheop 8 good 1 interesting 2 futt 3 hord 4 noisg 6 ug[U 2 Order the tetters. Whot ore theg mode of? Drow lines. + @# Ww @f ReVisi0n 1
  • 36. 3 Compl"ete the dioLogue. everything ongthing evergwhere nothing evergone something No-one Kotg's mum is bock of home now. I've got (L) evergthing I need from town! And d id gou get o present Jor Helen, Mu m ? I'm reollg sorrg, Kotg. I looked (2) but I couldn't Jind (3) for Helen. I don't wont to go to the portg then, Mum. I've got without o present, Mum! Don't worrg. Go ond see (6) of the portg ond hove a good time. I'[L get (7) _ " Jor Kotg ond gou con give it to her of the end. Thonks Mum! Drow the times on the clocks i .Th e en drow lines to a.m. .m. o'cLock. 4 otp e "!4{l$l g&r.r {S"s .,, i11:' t" Ll l0 9 .8 l::.. 7 t2 o 6 Mum, when gou go to town, wiLL gou bug o present Jor mg friend, Helen? It's her portgthis ofiernoon. OK, Kotg, I'L[ .do rU best. FFt', 7f -'F:''t*" / , ,r,* It's seven It's hof post three. It's quorter to eLeven. It"s hoLJ post twelve zlr12 1' to2 It's quorter post seven. mmn Revision 1
  • 37. 5 Listen ond drow lines. W O-nw* , l; i:.r iil 111 .ljffit,;:. ,Elff.-bt CF W@ e ffi_e i'g*1 M '::,il :- (s) _-/ ., . " :1:,. -l;.--d : : .',llllilli;;1** t-ffii1 ,r I #, r I -,- {- dr 6 Reod Ho[[g's diorgond write the missing words. @ I wcnt to tell gou whct happened gesterdayr.l madesome ffi (r) b I s "c-" u l" t- s- for the fomilg. ln the morning I went to rhe ffi (z) s with my mum and we bought butter, eggs, - sugar,flour andjam. When I got home,lturned the (3) c - - -- on so ffi it got hot and I got abigbowl from the shelf in the kitchen. Next I mixed the sugar and the soft buttertogether with a large spoon. ltwcsn't c metol spoon. lt was mcde of (+) w.,. 1added the eggs very slowly and after thct I mixed in the flour. I left the biscuit mix in the (5) f for hclf cn hour. Then I cut the biscuits into star shcpes cnd coolced them for cbout fifteen minutes. lputthem on a (5) p nearthe cool<erto go cold. lwent upstcirs to get my diary and write about mg biscuits. When I went bdcl< into the kitchen theplatewas(7) e .. . Mg fcmily ate cll those biscuits! Can gou believe thct? I didn't have cny. I didn't specl< to cngone cll evening! ffi ffi ffi ffi qw - ew ffi .q+?$ e{Nrtrry!1!tsrw'ts1fJdilq,rrlis:5s.s+iir.,r, t'il "' I ''lh4s!+rtii l dtrtrii4} : Revision L @ pasert4
  • 38. ffi These pictures te[[ o storg. It's co[[ed 'Mrs Ho[['s shopping trip'. Look ot the exomple for picture L. Now gou te[[ the storg. Mr HoL[ is going to work ond his wife is going to town. She wonts to bug o new phone. She's Leoving the house now, but her keg is on the shef in the hoLl. 2 3 Ask ond onswer obout the things gou do in town. Find ten more differences. To[k to gour friend obout the pictures. i I I : C 4 Now do the Speoking test. €renm Revision L
  • 39. I CompLete the words. Drow lines to motch the things to the ploces. -*1,-.* w-*- o**- s-- Write the words under the pictures. .se€ts ?Aromids dinosours octors clowns wiLd onimo[s screen cortoons swing stoge coge s _e -gl_s evening oJternoon night morning Unit 5
  • 40. Tomorrow Mrs Brown is going to toke the chil.dren on o specioL dog out. Reod the conversotion ond choose the best question or onswer. l HoLl.g:E Mrs Brown: Sho[L we go to the museum in the morning? Theg've got some interesting Flol.l.g:# 2 Mrs Brown: OK then, Let's go to the museum in the .ili i.itr 3 Mrs Brown: Quite eorlg ... of holf post eight. So, Let's do thot in the morning! And in the ofternoon sho[[ we go to the theotre? i ili ' 1'1,1; Mrs Brown: WeL[, we coutd go to the cinemo, then. . : : r-l i ,.l.l, ,':. ,, ,, Mrs Brown: Thot's a good ideo. There's o veru funng one which begins of quorter post two. Hol.l.g: Mrs Brown: Two hours. And in the evening there's o circus on in town! ShoL[ we go there? I, x'i, , Mrs Brown: The circus ends of hoLf post ten in the evening. It's going to be o speciol dog! Are gou going to come with us, Wi[[iom? wil.l.iomrF *q"-(!)..-***- ,f - L No, I'm not!j '---**-/ ,al.- )* 'oh, I reol[ga.-. i wont to see them! ' '.- Let's qo there! .-.' f i--*-- .", " Whot time i does the museum : '==*---*o_l:l*-**/' 2 Drow the times on the clocks. Vluseum opens Cortoon storts Cortoon finishes Circus finishes Unit 5 Oh ges pleose! I d reoLLg Like to see the clowns. Where ore our dog out, Mum? :, I d;-*- -;'*- Gn we see'd-- - ( cortoon,film.? I Love / Oh, I hote going there! It's boring! And how Long is the cortoon 1 5 r11 10 9 .8 k7 7tt 10 9 .8 z
  • 41. & Whqt's Wil,Liom going to do tomorrow? Listen ond numberfive of the pictu res.@N ioi trlr ffi L___l Wittiom is going to WiLl,iom isn't going to o shower his homework some computer go mes in bed severoI dinner ..*-=, ::#:.r: in his bedroom. the m useu m. untiL eLeven o'cLock. teLevision proqro m mes. for evergone. ot the shopping centre. before he goes out. a:'. il Con gou rememberwhotWil.Liom is going to do? Drow lines ond moke sentences. sto g cook wotch 9o do hove bug to Unit 5 @ begoingtopoge'Le
  • 42. Write obout whot gou're going to do tomorrow. I'm going to In the morning I'm going to Remember! We don't chonge the verb ofter 'going to'. cnd In the ofiernoon I'm going to ond in the evening I'm going to ond Motch the pictures ond the sentences. 1 Thot's verU cheop! 2 Theg're extinct now! 3 Thot's interesting ! 4 Thot's exciting! Do the speoking %ti' Ir ',a'..,_"i :i i^ tr T T T 5 6 7 8 I T I T she go? Whe did nM 1,- ,i !l ,i :X X,1 en rse l: ;g rwe MU: a i ;l ] 5he her Sh tto rum. Unit 5
  • 43. Moke the word wol.l,! Reod the sentences ond write the qnswers in the puzzle. o n n t r W c o m e m P z z o W d j e - You..iAi!,,,r open doors , 3ruith it. (3L/, '. t / It's before the ' $ternoon.U 5 o s I c m i d o o g o ? I 2 3 4 5 6 7 /-It';ft. '----- -m @ qi,t;p (rn"q.u gltD (t,lg :lJi,'ol,. r (uou con seeoao') @Ww X Ioin the word holves to find words for things gou find in o house. winclow Unit 5 pqges LL4-LLS
  • 44. w@ 1 Reod Holtg's diorg. Write the missing words. We hcd a really greattime todcA! Mum took us cll on atrip. We were verg (r) excjtgd about that. First we went to the in town. We saw some .$ff thur" cncl found out c lot cbout them. Theg became (z) -* millions of gecrs agolThere was clso a lot of verg informction cbout the . You ccn visit them in the in c countrg called EgUpt. (t) '= e a a a - a a e - - - - - - - - fr o ffi for a meal.l lovecl the foocl. lt was (5) ! I felt sorry for Mum because it was quite (fl -^-*- and she hcd to payfor evergthing. Mg fcvourite pan of the day was the "A ! There wcs ci womon on a big " . . She flew through the c,ir and a man caught her. I thought she'd fcll. 5he was verg (8) up in the air and she wcs so (9) to go all the way u? there! Well, iCs verg (to) now - it's nearlg tr@ cnd l'm goingto go to becl! Toke it in turns to reod o sentence from Ho[[g's diorg. Sog the words for the pictures. Then, in the cfternoon, we went to cinema cnd scw " #&i about friendlg monsters. monsters were lovelg. We got goodf becduse the cinemc wos nearly Then, in the evening we went to the /A( . But before thot we went to some I think Ceorge and Harry were a the film wos for Uoung children. bit Emmc thought the (+) becduse (s) Lote el€itEd extinct high expensrve exce[[ent brove interesting bored e m ptg Reod mg diorg! McA zoth Dear Diary, Unit 5 @
  • 45. l( ll)rXu v -/ / ru e?, Listen ond colour ond write ond drow. There is one exomple .@B Flgers proctice lest . Listening. Port 5
  • 46. Look ond reod. Write gesor no. Exomples There ore five chil.dren in the picture. The womon who's sitting with the children is weo ring o Questions 1 There's o dinosour behind the pgromids. --+es- hot. rro 2 The pink monster is toLking on the telephone. 3 There's oflog on the top oJthe biggest pgromid. 4 The blue monster is riding o bicAcle. 5 There ore two monsters on the bridge neor the costle. 6 The womon who's selling ice creoms is stonding next to o bin. 7 The time on the clock is quorter post two. Flgers proctice test . Reoding & Writing ,Port2
  • 47. UremB & Write the words under the pictures. *rfrs{ photogropher pointer teocher singer tennis ptoger poLicemon footbo[[er journo[ist mechonic dentist engineer TTTTTITI TTTTITTTTT TTTTTTTT ITTTTET TTTTTTTT!! TTTTTT TTTTTTT TITTTITITTI ITTTTT ITTTEITTT TTTTTTT [[rrlr 2 Which job wouLd gou Like to do? Which job wouldn't gou like to do? Whg? Tol.k to o friend obout it. ffi 3 t:i :::= ::l a b a; G trtrtrtrtrE I wouLdn't Like to be ci policemon becouse theg hove to weor o uniform. I hote mg school uniform! Unit 6
  • 48. 1 Drow lines to motch the words with the pictures. police stotion 2 Look in gour dictiono rgforthese jobs. Ask qnd onswer. piLot clown wo iter octor doctor secretorg firemo n / Jirewomon poticemo n / policewomon cook teocher Where does o wsiter work, HoLLg? 3 Do the speoking octivitg. @Fn Q'r, restouront hospitct In o restouront. in o hospitoL. He hetps people who ore iLL. Thot's right. ffiDpose115 Unit 6
  • 49. ; The chiLdren ore toLking together obout the jobs their porents do. Put the words next to the pictures ond write verbs in the spoces. lournetist businesswomo n office newspoper meetings night mo kes Trerks- writes trovels i to other towns for her work. George: Whot does Uour dod do, Kotg? Kotg: He's o (1) .€F jnurnalis-r . He (2) ...----worlcs .. in on - ond he (a) stories Jor o -"-. Sometimes he's of work during the (3) (s) ',SS3F' 'r' 2 Listen to the children ond write the jobs under the peopLe.@ dentist photog ro pher eng ineer businessmon former ortist nurse Look! W" *= odd's' to the 1 verbfor he, she i ,u, E George: And who, "Or"Mt gour mum? Kotg: She's o (7) :, ffUffi - -.. She hos Lots of importont (8) ,,,,hIG -- to so to. she (e) HoLLg ond Horrg's dod i He[en's dod Unit 6
  • 50. 1 t I Write the words in the puzzl.e tofind the nome of the job in the picture. 3 I,,* ll&n*, 5)E .':riitili qt le 2 loin the word hqlves to find the pl.oces where peopl,e work. ice i cus school Org ; b,el* tel 7 L 2 Unit 6 5 6 4 "*;Sk* .E&*ilre$& ffi m b u Ct n c e -ffi" W ffi w @ m w * I * 2 4 7),: 8 9 x QHRDposeLL5
  • 51. Where do Bettg ond herfomiLg work? Listen ond write o letter in eoch box. There is one exomple.i:?#]: Bettg I Bettg's mother Cousin Robert UncLe Richord Bettg's fother Aunt Suson [] -.- 'z ( J ,/ I El trl m ttt trt trl Flgers proctice test . Listening, Port 3
  • 52. Reod the text. Choose the right words ond write them on the lines. Exomple I 2 An importont job Policemen ond policewomen do o veru importont job because theg look ofter us o[[. Most policemen ond policewomen ore friend[g peopLe. You them wolking in our streets eoch dog, or driving fost cors with lights on the top. You con wotch television ?rogrommes obout o policemon's job, or reod obout work rn newspopers. The dog begins verg eorlg for poticemen ond theg ofien Jinish work lote ond go to bed ofier inidnight. Theg hove to work the weekends ond holidogs too. Theg find out whot's hoppening in our towns ond cities. Then theg go bock to the off ce ond write down informotion obout theg've seen ond done. Theg otso hove meetings with other policemen. Perhops gouU Like to be o poticemon or womon? WeLt gou'Lt need go to college ond teorn obout the job. You studg hord, toke exoms ond show thot gou strong ond brove. MonU people thinkthe job is verg exciting. But it's hord ond it con be dongerous. Think corefultg gou decide it's the jobJor gou! 3 4 5 6 7 8 I 10 Flgers proctice test.. Reoding & Writing, Port 6
  • 53.
  • 54. We're going to visit o costle tomorrow with our clossl (. Drow tines trom the words to the things in the picture. j t i :j : .: tii :ii l :! J l '* I I. I i .r -{. -nr , .J, Ask ond onswer. This is the exit, isn't it? No, it isn't, It's the entronce. ,, r# ,'- L-:' ' Unit 7 poges 1L5-116
  • 55. 1 Listen, reod ond oct. @ Sb nowersardentr insect,house tr wildanimals tr mueeum I ptaysround I 3 Do the speoking octivitg. @ r-{ Mr Brown is tolking to HoLl.g ond Horrg obout their trip. Mr Brown: Are gou going to go on o trip to the costte tomorrow? HotLg ond Horrg: Yes, we ore! Mr Brown: Whot ore gou going to do there? Ho[[g: I'm going to Look of the insects in the insect house! Horrg: I hote insects! I'm going to go to the plogground. Ho[[g: Oh, Dod, we need some moneu becouse we're going to bug some postcords. Horrg: And some ice creom! Mr Brown: We[l, it's going to be cloudg tomorrow ond it might roin. 5o moke sure gou toke Uour umbrellos. Hotlg: OK, we wiLL, Dod! Mr Brown: And ore Uou going to do Uour homework before gou go to bed? HoLl.g ond Horrg: No, we oren't! We're too excited! You ore going to visit the costle tomorrow but gou con onlg visit threep[oces.Lookotthe[istondtick(/).Askondqnswer)4m Are gou going to g to the insect house? going to go to the museum? Yes,I om. I wont to see the butterfties. rt w -t ff* Leove the costle ond go eost. Go post the museum ond it's the next building on Where's the restouront? Unit 7 a
  • 56. It's Wednesdog evening ond Mrs Brown is tolking to Ho[[g ond Horrg. Reod their conversotion ond write the missing words. spent d'ld. wolked do sow send Mrs Brown: Did gou hove a good trip to the costle todo g, Horrg? Horrg: Mrs Brown: Ho[[g: Mrs Brown: H o [[g: Mrs Brown: Yes, I (1) " " _AiA _- _ __! r (2) _ oLL mg moneu on this costte mode of cord. Whot did gou (3) to the costle, HoLlg? . on the trip T (4) - -- " oLL the rooms in the costle ond then I (s) through the costle gordens! And gou've got o postcord, HoLLg. Yes, I'm going to (6) it to Grondmo tomorrow. Are gou going to do gour homework before Uou go to bed? Flollg cr:d Hsrrg: No, we oren't! We're too excited ! HoLtg is writing obout the journeg to the costle and whot she did when she orrived. Ioin the sentence holves ond write the missing words. over high Eertg cheop GGO€&@,Grrun - ft - - - - - - It was very . the morning -- -earlg - in The bus went in the hills The bus went bridge The postcards were quite so and we in front of the costle. I grandma. when we one for mg on the bus. school d so we -., ct wonderful t.^, UnitT ft! I fri!," Xla.irl[ rilt view of the ccstle.
  • 57. Reod the sentences ond circle the words in the wordseorch. 1 : .r r '. r'-'-"-*-' **.""'-";----*"T.."q" o _=- c- : J"., b ,ll--, iL.i i;-.......:i imi Ir*i i**i X Follow the instructions, drow lines ond write the letters. Find o word which describes the trip to the costle. Instructions: I€-usf.fesr 2 north two 3 west three 4 north three 5 eost five t Stort here 1 Birds on the river. 2 You go into the costle here. 3 The wog out. 4 Bug these of the costle shop. 5 A butterJLg is o prettg one. 6 A kind of door into o gorden. 7 Go over woter on this. 8 You weor it on Uourfinger. 9 You sit on this in the pLoUground. L0 Something to eot between meols. 11 A womon who weors o crown. L2 You need this if it roins. 13 Look ot this to find Uour wog. L4 There's one on top oJthe costle. The costle trip wos - 9- I 6 south two 7 west three 8 soutl'r two 9 eost five o e m p h J L e i q b r o c j I n d n o c e b o t z 9 i c L 5 X d h X k m u I n b t e i t L e f W L k r Unit 7 ffi)Po9eslL5-1L6
  • 58. G a ts *'n - v'.t a a a a G a G G a a a a a a ffi@ffiWW@ g Reod Ho[[g's diorg. Do the octivitg on the photocopiobte worksheet. *:11361 W z4th May Dear Dicry, Yesterdcg we went on a school trip to Harlow Ccstle. Harrg and I hcd to get up verV early in the morning - ct hclf past six! I sat next to Kctg on the bus journeg and we loolced ot the view from the window. When we arrived at the castle afriendly man gave us c tour of the ccstle building. Now l'm going to describe oll the things I scw in the ccstlel We couldn't go evergwhere in the castle butthese were the rooms we scw. First we went in some of the rooms downstcirs. We walked into the 'Greot Holl' cnd there on the wolls we scw pointings of cll the old kings and queens. There wcis c recllg long tcble and on it were lots of becutiful plctes cnd silver l<nives ond forl<s. The kitchen wcs big too, and on the shelves there were verg old bowls cnd glcss bottles from the seventeenth century! Can gou believe thot? Well, then we went to the living room. lt was reallg wonderful. The Queens'gold rings cnd necklaces were on c table there. After thct we went into the librory. There we scw bookccses with lots of books on them ond letters from the old lcings and queens. You could read some of them cnd theg were verginteresting. Then we went upstcirs. I reallg lil<ed the Queen's bedroom. On o shelf nearherbed were becutiful silver brushes and combs. The King's bedroom was darker andhad a very large wooden desk in it. I thought it was uglg! And in the bothroom there wcs the biggest mirror in the world! d HoLl,g is toLking to her mum obout whot she did in the costte gordens. Listen ond do the photocopiobLe octivitg.gffi@, unitT o
  • 59. Reod the text. Choose the right words ond write them on the lines. Exomple 2 3 4 6 7 8 I 10 Windsor Costle The lorgest ond mosl fomous costle in EngLond is coU.ed windsor costte. The Queen lives there for portof eoch geor. you wi[[ know if she is there becouse her fLogfties from the top of the cost[e she is of home. In the 13th centurg King Henrg the third buitt the Lorge oportments in the costle. You con stiLl go inside the costle, tour of these oportments ond leorn obout EngLish historg. gou like to visit Windsor CostLe? The best time to go is in the winter the town of Windsor is verg busg during the summer months. Queen Morg's Do[[s' House In Windsor Costle gou con see verg unusuoI ond lovetg. Queen Morg's Dolts' House is o verg oLd tog house. When gou look the front door Uou con see o hoLt with pointings on the woL[s which reoI ortists hove pointed. The Lights come on ond go offin oLLthe rooms. In the librorg, bookcoses orefuLt of books thot gou con octuoLtg reod. stoirs go to the bedrooms dotls hove cu pboo rds f utL of the most wonderfu L cl,othes, shoes, brushes o nd combs. You reo[[g see it! To find Mo rg's more obout Windsor Costte ond eueen Do[[s' H ou se vi s it th is we bs ite : www. ro g o tco llection.o rg. u k Flgers proctice test . ng & Writing, Port 6
  • 61. I Look of the pictures of sports dog ondcomplete the sentences. votlegboLt competition fe[[ over winners roce gotf scored prizes footbol"Lers motch gool. The hod on exciting -! 5@ lr &* Evergone enjoged The high jump The Ptogjng --' ,,, ' Mqtch the sentences to the words. I A teom gome. 2 Agome gou con plog with o ?ortner. 3 Someone who pl"ogs footbo[1. 4 You need to know this to find out who's winning. 5 The winner gets this. 6 When people run to find out who's the fostest. ,A greot gome oJ poge L16
  • 62. Listen to Hoil.g exptoining whot's going to hoppen of her schoot sports dog. Write o tick (/l or o cross (X) next to the pictures. Then write 'm' for morning or 'o'for ofternoon. (Z:Sn J,E ?fr+,.t* I *t I l !.l t__ .fr {J,l -D, $at *qss Drow lines to motch the question togs to the correct sentences. isn't it? .t's going to :e o greot dog, F,'€' - a'r g d oes n't '- ^ verg fost, ? oren't we? 'a t ' We con't see otL S' ttre competitions, ? con we? It isn't verg sunnU todog, ? tr-- .. ., rff oren't theg? ore we? 4 h e -'*. We oren't verg good of running, Kotg, ? 7 Yo, plog A i' vollegboLl. weLL, tF HoLLg, ? does he? il .i r', :1':" -i.-: . - 'raif:rr:l:lr,iai-ilirl.i:rt- ',r ;' don't gou? Tog questions poge 119 George ond Horrg ore going to .) -a r'&. . :; - fffr;> b r'r.t ....a rP { is it? Unit 8
  • 63. 3" Listen ond reod. Then oct.@ Mrs Brown: HeLLo, HoLLg. So who do gou think is going to win the 200-metre roce? Hotlg: The roce hosJinished!George hos olreodg won! fiArs Brown: Oh deor! Never mind! Did gou see the voLLegbo[L motch? Ho[[g: It hosn't storted get. It storts of three o'c[ock. $Wrs Brown: Oh good! Whot time's the footbo[L motch? Holtg: The footboll motch hos just storted, Mum! Mrs Brown: Oh no! Holtg: WeLL, gou're verg Lote! Jktns Browm: I know... I'm sorru.I coutdn'tfind mg house keg. Ho[[g: Oh no, not ogoin, Mum! Mrs Brown: Yes, ond now I've lost mg cor key! 2 Mqke sentences. Mqtch them with the pictures. t hos /Mrs Brown / the school /just /ot /orrived / ool. 2 mode /cokes /The porents /oLreodg /snocks /ond /hove 3 just /The teochers / tidied / the clossroo ms / hove 4 Jlogs / the pLavground / put / oLreoda / in / hove /The chil,dren 5 hove /their tickets / poid /The porents / ol.reodV /Jor 6 prizes f hosn't /The heod teocher / vet /the chitdren /their / given tr I T tr T r ?#I' Look! Use'olreodg' for something thot hos hoppened or been done. Unit 8 @ Present perfect, get pogeLLg
  • 64. 1 Listen to the heod teocher. He's totking to the chil.dren ond porents obout sports dog.Write the missing informotion. @ 21ST IUNE PRIZE WTNNERS! wtn ner: prizefor being (1) first hoLf score : score of end of motch: winning teom: 2/L the (3) score of end oJ motch: winning teom: Moneg from sports dog is for the school comping (5) (2) (41 the (5) Exomple Ho rrg 2 Now moke sentences obout sports dog. mode o wonderfut dog. the 200-metre rsce. some LoveLg cokes ond snocks. verg brove. some greot motches. the high jump competition. over 300. Kotg - Horrg hove The school We George I hesrd Seen hod, eatenr been Unit 8
  • 65. & Kotg hos written obout the 200-metre roce for the school mogozine . Write the missing words in the sentences. Then number the pictures in the correct order. hurt nvent smited woved wuited gove held won fel"t begon ron come 1 The boys and girls - . w-ent - -." to the starting line and --w.s-i-te d*-for the race to begin. 2 The sports teacher her flag and the race 3 During the race, Harry and himself but he was very brave. 4 Georqe across J the finishing line first and the race. 5 The head teacher George a prize because he ..--.;:... first in the race. 6 George up the silver cup and -*---,---, at his parents. X Do the speoking octivitg. Qp There's o JootboLL Unit 8
  • 66. Listen ond drow lines. There is one exomple .{:'U==- Doisg MichoeL Fred Richo rd Mo rg FLgers proctice test . Listening, Port L Sc LLg
  • 67. Look of the picture ond reod the storg. Write some words to complete the sentences qbout the storg. You con use 1,2,3 or 4 words. Sports dog of school He[[o! I'm Hottg ond Horrg's Mum ond I hod o verg busg morning! It wos sports dog of the chiLdren's school. Mg othe r doughter, Emmo, is on[g two so she hosn't storted school get. I decided to toke her with me to see the older chil,dren doing their sports. we were leoving the house when Emmo remembered her new doLL. She wonted to toke it with her ond she wos crging. I put mg kegs down ond went into Emmo's bedroom. It wos reollg untidg! I found the dol,l. in the end. It wos under o blonket. Emmo smited hoppiLg when I gove it to her. we were reodg to go. I lookedfor mg kegs but I cou[dn'tfind them ongwhere. Then Emmo pointed of the sheLf in the dining room ond there theg were next to the envelopes. I don't know how theg got there. we Left the house ond wolked to the school quickLg. when we orrived, we sow mg doughter, HotLg. She didn't sog 'he[[o'to us ond she wos o bit unfriendlg, octuoU.g. She tol.d me I wos reo[[g tote. I missed the chiLdren's roce but I did see the voltegbol.L motch. Thot wos verg funng becouse during the gome o dog went onto the JieLd ond ron owog with the boLL! Atl.the children were trging to cotch the dog!The dog wos verg excited ond thought it wos o wonderful gome. Round ond round the chiLdren ron!The heod teocher looked verg unhoppg obout it! 'Whose dog is thot?' he shouted ongril.g! And he didn't toLk obout the dog when he gove the chil.dren their prizes! But I thought it wos o wonderfuI ofiernoon! Holtg pLogsfor o teom col.Led the Shorks ond theg won, so she wos hoppg too in the end. Flgers proctice test . Reoding & Writiag, Port 5
  • 68. Exomples Bettg Brown wos verg At her chiLdren's school it wos Questions 1 Bettg's daughter, Emmo 2 Emmo wonted to toke her 3 Settg found whot Emmo wonted 4 3ettg's kegs were in the dining room on o -^e heod teocher wos :'.er the dog. :::tg hod a Lovelg sheLf neor the -loLLg wosn't happV with her mum becouse her mum got to school veru )rring the vollegUoLf rotch, o dog tookthe chiLdren's schooL get. to the schooL. in the bedroom. when the children ron this morning. FLgers proctice test . Reoding & Writing, Port 5
  • 69. Look of the pictures. write the nomes of the jobs in the boxes. Drow lines to find the words thot stort with 'ex1 Reqd the sentences ond write. Then colour. sive - :: :il: i:: .i ple . nl YL ted ct 4lV ri f-A. l I ::i j:. ,.; m o ...'. , [ent 1r,. '9 - --. t- .- oln :' 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 This is the one thot shows gou whot to do. exomp.he_ (pink) Dinosours ore now_ . (oronge) You ofien do this test of the end of the school geor. (red) Reo[[9, reo[[g good work! ! (purpLe) YoufeeLl.ikethisbeJore9ou9oonotrip.-*(brown) Not cheop. (green) If gou don't understond gour teocher wiLL do this. rrrrl Irrrrr rTTITrr IrIrIrrr Revision 2 (greg)
  • 70. 3 Motch the pictures with the sentences ond oddthe question tog. 1 Tong's veru good otfootboL[, __* isn'tLre --_*l 2 You're lote ogoin, 3 You oren't verg we[l, 4 Your bedroom isn't veru tidg, 5 Helen Looks verg prettg, __ 6 I con reod we[[, 4 Reod the storg ond write the missing words. 'serlqA Wos dfive fLging driving go went fLg were mode fl.ew Living He[Lo. Mg nome's Tong. Lost week I (1) sciw ore gou? isr*b,he? co n't I? doesn't she? is it? oren't gou? o reol,Lg greotfiLm when I (2) to the cinemo with mg friends. It wos obout o kind mon who lived in on unusuol house with his two children. Theg verg poor but the mon (4) on engtneer ond he (5) Lots of exciting thingsforthem. One dog he bought o reol,Lg oLd cor ond he worked hord to repoir it ond moke it specioLfor his children. When it wos reodg he decided to (3) (6) the cor to o beoch for o picnic. He took his chil.dren with him ond theg were (7) up o rood though the hiLl"s when the cor suddenLU (8) into the oir. It hod Lorge red ond getlow wings ond it couLd (9) !The chiLdren cou[dn't believe it! Theg were (10) -*-" Like birds,high up in the skg! Afier o Jew hours theg orrived of o stronge costl,e. A veru unJriend[g mon wos (Ll) in the costte ond he tried to steoL their wonderfuI cor. Then their odventure reoLl,g begon. If gou wont to know whot hoppened next, gou'[[ hove to (12) _.__ * ond see the film. @ poseLL6 Revisionr@1
  • 71. 5 Listen to the conversotion ond look of the pictures. Who does eoch thing, Bil.L or his Mum? Drow lines. @ j 'fi il ffir 6 Whot hove gou done todog? Write sentences. I've oLreodg ond I've but I hoven't ond I hoven't get.
  • 72. . r:,i]iiii!iluh:-f.l:.:... -::, r.,.':iriliri*iir,' Write obout o dog out. Then osk ond onswer with o friend. 2 Find ten more differences. To[k to gour friend obout the pictures. /k d* Use these words ond tolk obout whot gou did lost weekend ond whot gou're goingto do next weekend. DLog / pl.aged wotch / wotched go / went see f sow visit / visited eot / ote 1 ow do the Speoking test. €tr-4ffi Revision 2
  • 73. ru@ togerher Ah?' E 'ffido ru@WG)ffi@Mffi 3 Write the words from Activitg 2 in these sentences. 1 Do the speoking octivitg. @ Look of the pictures ond the letters. Write the words thot describe the people or things. 1 The moon ond stors were veru in the night skg. 2 We sow o verg ...- cove in theforest. It wos reoLLg big! 3 Thot bird Looks o bit It's got three eges! 4 HoLLg ond Horrg went on their odventure _____ 5 Thot robbit'sfur Looks reoLLg 5 The rucksock wos verg _! 7 You shouLdn't woLk in the Jorest 8 HoLLg wos when she sudden[g sow o bot. 9 I hote bots!Theg've got big wings ond theg're --------! 10 The cove wos veru inside. Yes, it's hof post six now. Theg orrived three hours Mum, ore Horrg ond HoLLg there get? ffil} poseLt6 Unit 9
  • 74. rThofr?gg@ This is the storg of the stort of Hol.l,g ond Horrg's odventure. Write the missing words. put whisp€red orrived hurt decided wotked 2 Motch the sentences with the pictures. o The other chiLdren were teLLing stories... [l b We were woLking through the ryqqds... I c Horrg wos g hoppitg... I d We were feeti ng o bitfrightened... E The teochers were reoding newspopers ond mogozines... e f The silver moon ond stors were shining bright[g... Horrg (t) -whi+ered_'Let's hove on odventure!' He (2) _ severoI snocks in his pockets. We stroight on up the poth bg the river. On the wo!, Horrg himsef on o rock. We of the entronce to o cove. We (5) to go in. These sentences point o picture of the storg ond moke it more interesting. Unit 9 @ Post continuous poge 1t9
  • 75. 1 Hoil.g is writing obout the odventure she hod with Horug. Put the missing sentences from poge 7g into her storg. 22nd Iu Lg Horrg ond I were o bit bored. (l) E] neor the comp fire ond Horrg whispered to me'Let's hove on odventure,! He went to his tent ond put severoI snocks in his pockets. I put some blonkets ond sweoters in o rucksock but Horrg soid it wos too heovg ond we couldn't toke it with us. (2) E when *u our tents so we couLd see weLL. We didn't need to use the torch. We woLked post the swons ond the Little bridge ond then stroight on up the poth bg the river. (3) I bg the Jire so theg didn,t see us. We could see o wonderJuL view of the hills. (4) [ but I tol.d him to stop becouse it wos too noisg. (5) E when HorrgJeil. over. He hurt himself on o rock but he wos verg brove. It wos verg lote in the evening when we orrived of the entronce to o cove. 'we shouted 'HeLloi-' but no-one wos there. (6) E but we decided to go in. tn town. Visiting hours evening are between Ask for the (j) - room and speol< to Nurse (6) -l-hey hod something to eor for lu nch: (7) lome soonl Bettg ond Hollg hos hu rther six o'clock and half post eight. 2 The head teocher is phoning Mrs Brown, who is writing down some informotion for her husbond. Listen ond write the missing words. @ Rich o rd, Holly and Harrg were missing from the camping trip lost nightl Theg wentto visit a cave(t) l<ilometres from whe re they were campingl Theg were Now they're otthe (Z) alone oll nightl llarrg hos a brol<en (3) (4)__. and chips. Unit 9
  • 76. Look of the pictures in the first grid. Write the first letter of eoch word in the second grid to complete the crossword. J 3 tt f, t--J .'r ljl{'J ,J.t,.L',l ri 4 A $R I ### h. E i., i c: :-e-: l:2, ,{: -. €*, & € 5 if "r & ffi. -q---4 Jii **'*^,+. 1,: ,r : i IJa.-: t,- -'' o ,tj ID /t {J xt ftf 6 ,;:;1i." -fr .-I d E @ & tW ffi & =) W @ t.',r t' i ffi$ ffi )ffi t Wm * f v t! p I 5 @ Unit 9 ffff}poseLL6
  • 77. HEF@ 1 Reod Ho[[g's diorg.Order the pictures. R zznc))ulv ^&"is d}fiffil , n going to describe what happened on our adventure! n .: Harry cnd I went inside the ccve. lt was reclly interesting E I because on the wall there were pcintings of clinoscurs cnd n other extinct onimals! lt looked like something from our historg books at R school. Suddenlg I scw something strcnge. A batl Bcts (r) were__ftwng in the cavelAnd there were hundreds of insects! Then something soft ; ;;;;; ; ;;;;;,,',i,'#, ;::#,,,,. R Suddenlg, evergthing went dork. Harrg's torch (3) n W. .orlin't see ongthing. We were alone and we werefrigh;;;.;. "_*_! ? We stcged together and trredto fincl our wayback to rhe entrance of n the cave. ln the end wefouncl it. Hcrrg looked ct his wctch. lt wcsjust ofter fr, midnight. Then, suddenlg, weheard c loud noise. ltwcs c storm! Soon it .1 Gl --- hard. we decided to go bcck inside. we made a tO^l :ire to keep warm, but I burned mg finger. | (S) _*_**_*_* but fr larrywas verU brave.He remem bered he hadbiscuits ond chocolate in his n oockets. We cte cll the food ond I felt c bit better then. We lcg down cnd 61 spent the night there. During the night we could hear strange noises. n n n fr -he next morning we woke up andheard the sound of children outside the .ave. Theg (5) ----- our nomes. All our friends were there and our teacher too. t.rum andDad ore still veryangrq with us and sog we c.,nnever go :cmping c'gain. We're recllg unhcppg cbout that. 2 Write the missing words. were shouting wos woLking {i fl. $ I j} $ $ ft. fl f F g, $: F, wos crg lng wos roining wosn't working Unit 9
  • 78. vickg is tolking to herfriend, Morg. whot does Morg sog? Reod the conversotion ond choose the best onswer. Write o letter (A-H) for eoch onswer. You do not need to use oLl. the letters. Exomple: Vickg: I'm going on o compin gtrip with mg school this weekend ! Morg: B Questions I Vickg: In [orge tents up in the hiLLs. Morg: 2 Vickg: I know! Are gou goingto do something specioLthis weekend? Morg: 3 Vickg: Thot'[[ be nice, won't it? Morg: 4 Vickg: Morg: 5 Vickg: Morg: We[[, do gou wont to go ond see o goodfil,m with me when I get bock? OK, see gou soon. A Yes! Hove o wonderful time. 'E'Thonks. IU reoLtg Like to do B Where ore gou goingto stog? thot! (ExompLe) F Wow! you're reoLLg Luckg! c I don't reoLLg like thotfiLm. G whg do gou wont to go there D I'm not sure. I like odventure there? fiLms ond he doesn't! H We[[, I'm going to go to the cinemo with mg uncte. Flgers proctice test . Reoding & Writing, port 3
  • 79.
  • 80. I Write letters to motch to the pictures. Write the words in the sentences. pl,oging going riding buging woLking coltecting fLging tging eoting growing skiing snowboording moking throwing c++ffibin+ gou tike to do ot different times of the geor? g ri:r I climbing up hiLl.s tr 2 - in the gorden I 3 4 5 6 7 8 I 10 11 t2 13 t4 15 h )::z .."iG b)'-----ru #-**& s nowbo [l.s tennis on o boot trip [l on sledg.r I new clothes in the woods [eoves d)q down the hi[|.I dryw kites on the beoch o Snowmon vegetobl,es I down mountoins e Unit L0 @poseLL6
  • 81. Ubffifr& Look of the pictures on poge 84. when in the geor ore Ho[[g ond Horrg doing these things? Write. /rl r1 /n tn tn fft tn m flI /n ffi fi rm dn fi d Spring flI rn rn /n m m m rn ri fm fi /?t /m /m rm rm Sumrner fla f. fll /n nn rn nI1 fn /n rm dI d'[ /?n /n fn /m The chiLdren in the Brown fomil,g ore hoving o conversotion obout the things theg like doing in the winter. Listen ond number the pictu res.@ Con gou remember who Liked these things? Tol,k with o friend. Listen ogoin. alls Unit L0
  • 82. 1 Listen ond reod. Then oct.@ 6eorge: It's roining! Whot shoLL we do? Kctg: ShoLL we plog oboord gome? George: Thot's o good ideo. Whot do gou do if the weother's nice, Kotg? Kotg: WetL, if it's sunnU I Lie down bg the swimming pool ond reod mg book. George: I go swimming in the pool if - it's sunnU. You're verg [ozg! Kotg: No,I'm not! Whot do gou do if the skg's greg ond if it's foggg ond cold? George: If it's foggg ond cold, I put on mg sweoter, mg coot ond mg scorf ond I go for o woLk in the woods. Kotg: If the weother's foggg ond cold, I stog inside ond wotch cortoons on the chi[dren's chonnel! Whot do gou do if it's snowing, George? George: If it's snowing I moke o Lorge snowmon in the gorden. Kotg: Oh,I don't! I stog in bed! George: You reoL[g ore verg Lozgl Kotg: Perhops i om! But if there's o storm, I wotch the skg from the window. George: Oh, if there's o storm, I hide underthe bed! So gou oren't verg brove, George! No, I'm reoLLg not! 2 Totkto gourfriends obout the weother. ffi whotffiM@ rcffi 3 Work with o friend. Motch the pictuies ond order the instructions. Q@ If it's sunng, I tie on the beoch. @ Unitio I/clouses poge LL9
  • 83. I The heod teocher is hoving o conversotion with Horrg. Listen to the conversotion. Who tol,ks obout these things? Listen ond drow lines. @ o o a o o o * € o o & h.a Unit L0
  • 84. "L Horrg hos written obout whot he did lqst Christmos. Colour round the pictures to motch them with the writing boxes. i l.l ;1-:-.;={ *' Christmos [ost geor wos verg exciting! A big tree wcs growtng in our gorden ond on Christmos Eve, the dog before Christmos, Doddg put Lights oL[ over it. I looked ot the tree Jrom mg bedroom window. The Lights were veru bright ond Looked Like stors. It wos wonderfuL. Then I went downstoirs. At the f bottom of the stoirs I sow it! Mg new sledge. It wos red ond silver. Mu m ond Dod so I ron into their bedroom ond shouted 'He's been! Fother Christmos hos been to our house!' Afier Lunch we looked outside. It . .Wecouldn't believe it! We o[L shouted hoppiLg ond ron into the gorden. We threw snowboLLs ond I pu[Led Emmo on mg sledge. Then Dod pushed me down some Littl.e hil.Ls of the bock of our house.It wos greotfun. I thot t- Fother Christmos wouLd come I thot night ond bring me lots of presents so I mode o wish. I whispered mg wish to the tree. I wished for o specicI present ond I knew thot my wish would come true. Then ot hol.f post ten Grondmo L-J ond Grondpo orrived with Uncle Michoel. ond mg cousin Helen. We ou hsd ru nch tosetr?:J j*[t" hours! It wos the biggest meoI ever! The next dog I got up reollg eorlg, of hof post seven ! At the bottom of mV bed I couLd see o big L__l bog. It wos fu[L oJ presents! I of them when HoLlg come with her bog of presents. We opened our presents together. I wos verg Lucky. In the bog were chocolotes, lots of new clothes, c tog dinosour, o wqtch ond o snowboord! But I couLdn't see mg specioI present! write the missing words on the poges. Then numberthem in order. wos hoping were eoting wos Looking were sleeping wos snowtng we$g{ora/ing ij; Unit L0
  • 85. lEtr@ Listen ond write. There is one exomple .@B I 2 3 4 5 MUSEUM INFORMATION Nome of museum: Closes on: Laketown Science Museum Decem ber Opening hours: Best time to visit: 9 o.m. - p.m. in the Interesting things for chi[dren: Historg of the telephone ond of- Address: Green Rood Flgers proctice test . Listening, Port2
  • 86. Reqd the text. choose the right words ond write them on the lines. Exomp[e 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I 10 The Greot Pgromid of Gizo There ore over o hundred ?gromids in Eggpt. The most fomous is the Greot Pgromid of Gizo. This pgromid is over 4,SOO geors o[d. the eorlg 19th centurg it wos octuoLLg the buil,ding in the wortd! It stonds next to the River Nite neor the citg of Coiro in Eggpt. It is over 140 metres high ond it the Eggption people twentg Ueors to buitd. There ore tho n two million pieces of stone in the pgromid . You con sti[[ see o lorge ond unusuoL kind oJ onimol It is co[[ed 'The Sphinx'ond this pgromid. it the bod g ol o lion ond the heod of on Eggption king. We con leorn o lot obout Eggption historg we took of the wo[[s oJthe pgromid. these wotls ore pointings of peopl.e ond onimo[s. The pointings show people lived in Eggpt ot thot time. You co n go inside the pgromid but gou hove to bug o ticket. Theg seLL 300 tickets eoch dog, L50 in the morning of 8 o.m. ond L50 in the ofiernoon of 1 p.m. You con't toke photogrophs inside the pgromid. If gou in Eggpt gou reo[[g must go ond see the Greot Pgromid of Gizol FLgers proctice test . Reoding & Writing, Port 6
  • 88. I Look of the pictures ond the [etters. write the words. Qa.r ,tur o b c d e T I h I 2 The Brown fomiLg ore getting reod Vflor their holidog. Listen to their conversotion ond drow lines to the rucksock or the suitcose .@m Whot doesn't go in the rucksock or the suitcose? Uniti.r. @ pogerlT
  • 89. The suitcose isfuLL! We're ShouLd I put oLL mg moneg in the rucksock? somebodg- might steoI it! Put it in the suitcose Sfiory I Listen ond reod. Then oct.@ whot should gou toke on these hoLidogs? write two things. Then toLk obout it with o friend. . A skiing hoLidog . A comping hoLidog . A beoch hol.idog 3 Do the speoking octivitg. Om I toke the striped shorts or the spotted shorts? bu'[L need theni both. And we need ourfovourite Should I toke these books? We might need bookd ... ond we need the is suitcose is reotlg heovg now! I con't tift itl ShouLd we toke Yes, gou might need oJan. @ might ond shourd;pogerlg Unit 1L
  • 90. i: Rlo1ftrg&@ Horrg is tolking obout whot hoppened of the stort of their holidog. In groups of three, reod o port of the storg. Then toLk obout the storg together ond decide which port of the storg comes first, second ond third. €fia X Kotg ond Sue ore hoving oconversotion. Reod ond moke sentences. ffi W /- Hove gou 1 everJlown on ) W ftg seen. ride fLown 5ee ridden on o comel the pgromids on o ptone She's going to see the pgromids! Hove gou ever seen the pgromids? And she's goingto ride d come[. Hove Uou ever ridden o comel? Yes I hove. But not in Eggpt, I wos of the zoo. No, I hoven't! P[cnes orebodfor the environment so we olwogs trovel bg troin. HoLlg s going to Hove gou ever Unit 1L @$> poseLLT
  • 91. 1 Write the words under the picture's. on octopus o tent o mountoin o competition o helicopter bosebo[[ chopsticks o finger w 8 t Write the post porticipLes in the boxes. teteo ctin+b€d ftown pl.oged burned won seen stoged Regutor,,, Iriegulor climbed eaten ]lsve o conversotion. Use the words ond pictures from Activitiesl ond Z. @,,rryeguLor verbsrpoge t 2o uhit 11
  • 92. I HoU.g ond her mum ore of the hotel. Theg're hoving o conversotion. Whot hos hoppened to Horrg ond George? Listen ond drow lines. @ Write sentences obout the children. I comets /The / on / children / ridden /hove The children have ridden on ccmels. 2 too /cokes / Horrg / mon g / hos / eoten 3 medicine /doctor /The / given f some /hos /Horrg llz 4 hos / himself / George /too / hurt 5 broken / hos / toe / George / his 6 hos / excellent/ Eggpt/holidog /HoLl.g /in /hod /on Unit 1L
  • 93. rt-affi* ffiffi'fu :.. r..L-r--AE"{.- i;rr l;-**.*__Ll-.* .__._., ._. Reod Ho[[g's diorg. Write the nouns in the red boxes ond the verbs ",,..,' ond purpLe boxes. sto irs wo iter pool bed resto u ro nt co kes heod bus -rq*as- puLl"ed orrived stoged did hod met brought wos crging in the e - fr n n n ft n n n n n n n ft fr n n n 5'h August Dear Dicrg, This wos the best day of my school holidcgs. We dt a large hotel necr the sea in Eggpt with cnother fcmilg. The two dods said they wcnted to see the countrU. The mums were verglazy and decided to lie in the sun bg the So the two dcds. left on c ct the hotel and Emma with them. and all the children, including mehad an cdventure. We very earlg ond started ourjourney into the desert. We at the pgrc,mids at middag. lt was hot and sunnU and the cir wos verVwarm. We wenton a tourinside the greatpyramid. We hcd to climb lots of in the ddrk.l thought it was verg exciting! Neor the pyrcmids we a ver! friendlg mcn. He had eight camels so we all went on a camel ride.lwas abitfrightened ond held onto ts so I didn't fcll. Then , m! camel wouldn't move! The man it and pushed it and then it started to wclk. verg slowlg. Ceorge his camel verg fcst when suddenlg he fell off. The mcn "elped Ceorge but Ceorge couldn't stand because his foot Ceorge andDad had to carry him bccl<to the bus. {fter the camel ride we were hungry so we went to c znd we a mealthuru. ihu was verU l<incl and us lots of Eggption food. Harry ote so mang there! 1en ,', hen :rrd I it wcs time to go bacl<. Harrg felt recllg ill on thejourneg home cnd we got bacl< to the hotel he went strcight to I I didn't! Emma some Egypticn dancing at the hotel. lt was greatfunl --*-t , -_ 1 Unit 11 €" I .""_#
  • 94. Listen ond tick (/) the box. There is one exomple .@ Where did Kotg go for her summer hoLidogs? Whot time did Kotg get up to trovel to the oirport? 2 A Whot did Kotg seefrom the window of the ptone? 3 A Where did Kotg stog when she wos on holidog? 4 A Whot did Kotg enjog most obout her holidog? Flgers proctice test . Listening, Port4
  • 95. Reod the postcord ond write the missing words. Write one word on eoch [ine. mp[e 7th August Deor Kotg, I am hoving o greot time in Eggpt! The environment here is verg differentfrom in Engtond - it's verg hot ond drg ol,l. the time ond the seo is lovetg ond worm. I hove seen Lots of comels here! This morning we oU. went to o beoch ond swom with doLphins. It - reol.l.g wonderfu[! Then in the ofiernoon we went into the desert ond sow some people who Living in tents there. I bought o reo[[g prettg neckloce Jor gou there. gou like the stomp on this postcord? It shows o pictureofthegreotpgromid.Iwenttheretwodogs-! Whot gou doing in London now? I miss gou but I'[[ see uou soon. Lots of love Hotl,g I 2 3 4 5 Flgers proctice test . Reoding & Writing ,Port7 :j
  • 96. Drow lines to motch the things to the ploces. This is ourfirst week of our new school! We've oLreod " met our teocher ond we're hovinc a geogrophg Lesson this morning. :;L"ro a- - ---- '/ (sun --** _J Number the sentences to find out whot some people believe. ,,',]", '!. "' Our teocher is " teoching us some interestin g Jocts, isn't she? Yes, she is. About o time when dinosours Lived on 'j:.'l;.. ou r pLo net. o b c d e T W*:U dsd d$mcscr,Ers becsrne ext$mat? 'r*rffi*-=#s'.*'ftq] The Lig ht from the su n cou Ld n't'get to ou r plo net. PLonts didn't grow ong more. A Lorge rockfrom onother plonet hit our world. Thot's whg dinosours become extinct. Dinosours hod nothing to eot. The environment suddenLg chonged - the oir wos fuLL of greg clouds. -.!_-iil+t-- +-- ^ ij::.',| .. ii:. "-=f.r-. ,., :" r:. plge Il7 T T tr n n l-*a: {'[ights Unit 12
  • 97. f;hoCf'U 1 Drow tines to motch the sentences with the pictures. historg oJ London todog, hoven't we? People first bought newspopers in London. People enjoged wotching octors on the stoge of London's first theotre. 3 People were frightened becouse of London's biggestJire ever. It wos colled'The Greot Fire of London'. There were woLLs o[[ round the citg to moke it sofe. It Looked Like o reo[[g torge cost[e! People sowfiremen ond fire engines on the streets of London for the first time. 6 People flew Jrom the first oirport in the world. It wos in o port oJ south London co[[ed Crogdon. Look ot Activitg 15th centurg i l 16th centurg 17h centurg Yes, we hove. We've Leornt thot in the L4th centurg, London wos quite o smoLL citg. n? Guess ond write. 1. Wh tr I n en did these things hoppe L8th century I Lgth centuru I--_l Jll 20th centurg I il E Remember! A centurg is one hundred geors. Unit 12
  • 98. a e Write the missing words. worked didn't go hsd didn't hove lived d id n't im prove MonU EngLish chitdren (1) -**had."" - o verg hord Life in the 19th centurg. Some people were rich ond (2) .__ in [o rge houses, but mo nV fom iLies were verg poor. Theg enoug h moneg to bu g f ood, so the children were ofien hungrg. Mong children (a) to schooL. Theg (5) - in dirtg foctoriesfor verg Little moneg. LiJe (5) *Jor them untitthe end ofthe centurg. *:"l,:ire (3) X Moke six sentences obout George ond Kotg in the 19th centurg. '....-_- _up in c[oss. Theg con't hoven't sp:orken keep flown ga Wotched toke in plones get. theirfood cold in o fridge get. o fiLm on o big screen get. to other ptonets in o rocket get. to ongone on o teLephone get. photogrophs get. ,-- We're finding -. out whot it wos Like to live in EngLond two undred geors ogo! Yes, we're 1-9th centurg chiLdren! Unit L2
  • 99. a : Reod the conversotion ond write the words. see Live visid fLU Leorn We don't know! Teocher: Hove o guess! I hope we'LL (f) visit other pLonets. We might (2) round them in our rockets. George: Kotg: Todog is Fridog. We're hoving our first science Lesson. It's obout spoce ondthe plonets! Teocher: Whot wiLL Life be Like in the future? We mioht (4) J/ Yes, ond we might (5) Perhops we'LL (3) . - on onother plonet one dog. some oLiens there! their Longuoge! Iu Lu J 2 Listen to the teocher tol,king obout the plonets. Write down the informotion .@ Sotu rn Number oJ riloons: - .l8... First rocket round p[onet: . Nome of rocket: --,---.... Rings round Soturn ore veru Theg ore mode mostlg oJ woter ond Mercurg Number of riloohs: =*Le"m-oo-n"s- _ First rocket round ptonet: Mo rch Temperoture owog from sun: zero Temperoture con be: --,--.,,- oC Temperoture when sun is out: oC Unit12@
  • 100. I Do the speoking octivitg. QE #-; -1 z ! i 1 The chiLdren ore tqlking obout whot theg'[[ do in the future. Listen ond drciw lines. @ 3 Hove o conversotion with gourfriends obout whot gou'[[ do in thefuture.
  • 101. *Hq;5;ffi-Effil_E:i:* Listen ond drow tines. There is one exomple .@ Richo rd ChorLie Dovid Bettg ri i{ FLgers proctice test . Listening, Port L Michoet
  • 102. Look of the picture ond reod the storg. Write some words to complete the sentences obout the storg. You cqn use tr2,3 or 4 words Mu first dou of school He[[o. Mg nome's George. Lost Mondog I looked of mg colendor. It wos the 8th September ond thot wos the dog I storted mg new schooL. I got up ond put on mg new uniform. It fel.t stronge. I put mg speciot tog dinosour in mg pocket becouse it's mg tuckg tog!I cou[dn't eot breokfost becouse I wos excited but olso o bit worried. When I soid 'goodbge'to mg Mum, she gove me some pieces of chocoloteJor loter. Then I storted to wolkto school. It wos o long wog.When I orrived of mg new school, I stoppedfor o minute. Then, I decided I hod to be brove,.so I wol.ked through the schoot gotes. I wos verg eor[9. It wos on[g hotf post eight, but Horr9 wos olreodg in the pl.ogground ond he wos woiting for me. When I sow him, IJel.t o lot better. We went into the ctossroom together ond sot down of some desks. Theg were of the front of the clossroom. Next the teocher come in. He wos verg friend[9. He gove us some odvice obout howto do we[[ of our new school. Then, he gove us o tour of the school. It's o verg torge schoot! Afier thot we hod lessons, ond of obout middog we stopped to eot our [unch in the schoot restouront. We hodpizzo - mgfovourite!Then, ofier tunch, we went into the plogground ogoin. Some other bogs in the pLogground hod ofootboll, ond theg were kicking it ond hoving fun. Horrg ond I went over to them ond osked if we coutd pl.og too. Soon, other bogs joined the gome ond we hod two footbo[[ teoms. With mg luckg dinosour sti[[ in mg pocket I scored two gools, ond suddenlg I wos veru populor with ol.l, the bogs on mg teom! I wos reo[[g hoppg obout thot. When I went bockto closs in the ofiernoon, I otreodg hod Lots of newfriends. Soon the first week of school wiLt be over. I think I'[[ like it here! Flgers proctice test . Reoding & Writing Port 5
  • 103. Exomptes After George got up, he put on his new uniform. George put o tog dinosour in his pocl<et to bring him good Luck. Questions I On hisfirst dog of school, Georgefelt excited but too. 2 3 George hod to wotk o to get to his new school. When George wolked through the school gotes he cou[d see thot Horrg for him. 4 5 George ond Horrg sot down of the clossroom. BeJore theg hod their tessons, the teocher gove the chiLdren the buil,ding. 6 At Lunch time George ote 7 AL[the bogs were hoppg with George becouse he in the footbo[L motch. Flgers proctice test . Reoding & Writing, Port 5
  • 104. lli 11'.,tl'rlt- :r::.:rr:l:';l:iiriil,:i I loot ot this Ef gption picture oLphobet. lrto* foot ot tft" puzzle ond write the words. Across Exomp[e I 2 4 I 11 t2 3 5 6 8 10 o b c d e f I h I j k t m %. F @'o @ J €x & M EE€' w ffi @ n o P q f s t u V W x g z Ard A r?) I fr @ t-t- a I r+ V tu m *& *3t]- 1)- l-& z) lcs ex O e 4 i'{ r+ V / * & rt' m % ffi * @ e) @ q., O -t-f- e ,J @ n* l b I @r* @ *& 9 l@ I 9 @e @t s@ +F % w @ i< V +F b, l * * @ * e) a @ @- I a * Q* &$ Revision 3
  • 105. 2 Drow lines ond moke sentences. 1 If it's sunnU 2 If it's verg windg If it snows IJ it roins 5 If there's ice on the [oke IJthere's o storm in the night If there's a roinbow in the skg I ride dowh'the hilts on..'rmU s[edge. I toke on umbretto with me. I hove o picnic in the pork with mg fomil.g. I hide under mg bLonket. I trg to toke o picture of it. I toke mg kite to the top oJ o hitL ond fl,g it. I go skoting with mg friend there. Look of these pictures. Theg te[[ o storg but theg ore not in the correct order. with gour friend, number the pictures ond teil. the storg. 4 Listen ond check. Wos gour storg different? ToLk to gour friend obout oLl + tl #. .,----o="n'''' the things thot were different in gour storg. @ Revision 3
  • 106. 5 Write the missing words. Living believe go hoppened ore bEen find roin wos Jett is looked The Greot Ice Age There hove (f) been obout eleven different ice oges. The tost ice oge (2) co[[ed 'The Greot Ice Age'. It eleven thousond geors ogo. During the Greot Ice Age it didn't (4) The temperoture wos too cold for thot, but soft snow (5) oL[ over the pl"onet. Before the ice oge, some stronge ond unusuot onimols were (6) on our plonet. Some were coLLed WooLLg Mommoths. Theg o bit Like etephonts. Others were coL[ed Cove beors. These were Like the beors we con (8) to see in zoos todog, but theg were much bigger thon normoI beors. Sodtg, these wonderJuI onimots (9) now extinct. PeopLe (10) theg died becouse theg cou[dn't enough food to eot. 6 Drow lines to motch the questions ond onswers. Then qct. (3) (7) (11) @ c @ @ 7 Now gou osk questions obout the pictures betow qnd onswer them. ridden Revision 3 been comping] Who did gou go with? Mg school friends. The moon, stors ond plonets ot night! L won q rown broken
  • 107. It's o vergfoggg doU in winter. Ienng is pLoging with her dog in the woods behind her house. She's throwing pieces of wood ond her dog is cotching them. W Look of the pictures ond the exomple. Now gou te[[ the storg with o friend. 2 Write the different times of geor under the pictures. spring summer outumn winter ToLk obout the things gou do ot different times of geor. Whot do gou do in ... 3If ^& -tt 4 Now do the speoking test. @ outumn? j Revision 3
  • 108. Nomes Girts: Bettg, Emmo, He[en, Ho[Lg, Kotg, Soroh Bogs:-Dovid, George, Horrg, Michoe[, Richord, Robert, Wi[[iom He[[o! ApriL August ount brother cousin dod December fomiLg tree Februorg grondmo grondpo husbond Ionuorg Jutg Iune Morch September Mog broken brush month mum chonneI chess November October coILege comb singLe sister cooker deor surnome diorg thousond twins drums emptg uncte enve[ope ever9one WOU wfe evergthing evergwhere exom fridge friendLg fuLt go out fun heodteocher importont interesting keep @ our home ofter onuone ongthing ongwhere orrive owo9 before bin bit morried keu
  • 109. kind [ote post tidg unhoppg moneu untidg usuo[[g vioLin muSeum next [etter LittLe other over Iuckg meoL much worm wheeL neckloce news @ coing to town ocross oirport ombutonce bicacLe bridge costLe chemist's corner expensrve foctorg fetch fire engine fire stotion forget front get to hiLL hoteL How long loter poLice stotion post office roilwog stotion remember restouront post right no-one norsg Poper of course shorts popuLor sku toxi postcord through progromme troffic rucksock quiet sheLf soop universitg wiLL somewhere @ rotng out biscuit butter chopsticks dongerous excited stomps toke teoch feet Left finish ftour toothpaste unfriendLg middLe
  • 110. fork o9ree ort studg frightened subject sure 9roup hord cord cLub cut heor dictionorg timetobLe Revision L beLieve honeg itL during Jom exceILent minute mix Look Like knrfe prece ptzzo soLt foct hotf geogrophg turn on untiL LoveIg without medicine mind historg improve pepper informotion Longuoge moths smeLL metoL brove o[so co9e high soft middog sound spend spoon sugor tostes visit midnight music cortoon o'ctock cinemo cheop ctrcus clown wooL quorter pLostic repeot some p.m. sove dinosours extinct @ ot school o.m. Jind out hote @ n dog out octor o90' oir octuoLtg science
  • 111. miLtion hour seot seLL firemon/ womon footboLLer centurg conversotion museum pgromids screen hoppen crown dote job journoList describe eost severoI specioL Lozg piLot poor rich Look ofter mechonic entronce exit finger stoge meeting nowhere nurse foLLow gote fLag king fln9 stog swrng te[ephone theotre office gLoss goLd tomorrow wi[d pointer perhops photogropher Journeu insect @ or"om jobs ortist ostronout begin businessmon/ womon cook poLicemon/ womon Leove might north moke sure secretorg postcord srn9er teocher clueen dentist doctor eoch tennis ploger woiter send silver engrneer C o, the costte bridge buiLding south stiLt eortg SWOn swing Fst butterfLg
  • 112. wonderfuI Revision 2 reporr steoL suddenLg win Q orr.o*prng odventure o[one beLt biscuits bright burn comp cove dork decide fire u m bre[Lo stars unusuoI view stronge tent west wiLd together torch @ sports dog! oLreodg competition end whisper whistLe wtng wood exp[oin @ n goodgeor! odvice outumn Christmos col'lect 9row foL[ over gooI 9jLf himseLf just motch metre fur [eof Lie portner heovg hitL puLL push prlze roce horrib[e SCOre snock teom kitometre sledge snowbo[[ snowboo rding snowmon Lorge mogozlne voL[egbo[L winner mrsstng spnng newspoper summer poth trip pocket rock winter wish uet soft
  • 113. @ orr summer holidogs comet desert environment ever spotted storm pLonet striped reodg rocket ski suitcose sung[osses spoce foggs gloves lift sunnu tights toe Revision 3 ice nrng td @ rost ond future normoI co[endor enough future guess hope post
  • 114. ofter After lunch I had mg music lesson. before You put stamps on a letter before gou post it. Where clauses I cou[d visit the museum. soop of the chemist's. could qo to the Here's o mop of the town where we Live. will WiLl. gou Jetch the keg Jor me, pleose? I won't oo to town becouse it's roin be, look, sound, feel, taste, smell like Whot's gour new house like? Thot smetls like pizzo cooking. Thot sounds like qour teLephone ringing Georqe looks like his brother. This tobLe feels like wood, but it's plostic. This tostes like bonono ice creom. moke somebodq / somethinq + adieclive That smetl makes me shall Sho[[ we go to the cinemo this 7 Whot shoLt we hove for dinner? Whattime...? Whot time does ort club stort? Whot time is morninq breok? mode ol The chopstick ore mode of wood. The fork is mode of metot. Whot is the scorf mode
  • 115. i6urqs06a^^ueq^ sen@ 'Ilos)lnl lnon ut fiauou.r rnoh 11o 1nd 1,up1nor;s I q 'fiopo1 sassol6uns loarvr plnoqril 'fiopr1oq uo qooq rnoh a>1o1 plnoqs nq '/vororuo+ qlDaq aq+ o1 o6 g6;ur qa '6opolloorlnoh paau nq 2666o[ s,1r ll op noh op pqrn 'q)Deq aql o+ o6 6aq1'fiuuns 11! 'pauelq6rrJ s,aqs 'ruJols o s.alaq1fi '+ool o uo lnd 1 'plo) s.I fi 'looqrs o1 6uqlonn ala^ uarpltql aql 'ryo^ auoq aq1 6urutoldxa sorln req)oal a{I '611q6rrq 6ururqs sDM uns aql '6ddoq 6urlaaf so,u1 snonulluorH ?ooq aql 6urpoa.r paqsguf l.uaroq a;tr ')ae^/ srq+ ou.tau!l aql o+ uaeq s.aqs '1ah ryonnauoq rnoh auop l.ualDq no1 'qrun1 hu.r poq 6poallo al,1 pa,Faa luaia{ 1afi peyols +.usDq uotltledu.ror aql ))Dus req+ pDq^oq uelpltql e{l inofr arc'apl aq o7 6uro6 1uan no1 24 s1 'fropoy wton 6ntr1us1g l6aqq g,uop '77an frtaa poqyoo{ froyd fraq1 aaqs l.uD'1so{ unt uD aqg suonsan6-E '! eq 'oN 'hop hrena alrq fiu apy ol 6u1o6 ur,1 Zlooqls olllD^, o1 6u1o6 aq s1 t)aeM +xeu op o1 6u;o6 nofi aro 1oq6 'qlDeq aql ol o6 o1 6u;o6 l.ust aH 'auoldorao uo uo o6 o1 6uro6 'sndopo pa o1 6u1o6 lou ru.I '1dhb3 o1 oE o1 6ugo6 u,1 ol6u,p6-