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Essay My Thoughts on Writing
My Thoughts on Writing
The only thing I care about; the only thing I hope to get from this course, is some improvement in
my ability to write what I think –– explain ideas and feelings to other people. I don't give a damn
about anything else, and so far I haven't been disappointed. At the beginning of the course I was
informed that we were going to be discussing exposition, which isn't so much a kind of writing as a
purpose or attitude behind it. This purpose is to explore, unfold, or develop an idea or issue. And the
sense I've gotten from our discussion is that the attitude is one of intellectual honesty, of dedication
to learning something and reporting what's there , instead of protecting preconceived notions or
projecting more content...
A friend of mine has already graduated from a university, and she recently went through a whole
crate of papers she wrote in the process. She told me she couldn't remember what many of them
were about; couldn't even remember writing most of them. We've talked about "themewriting"as
something written for and from a closed environment: a mini–universe apart from everyday life, with
its own abbreviated rules, in which oversimplification is acceptable. When I consider the sheer
tonnage of the stuff that's written every midquarter and finals week around here, it sure seems that
most of it is intended to, deserves to, and does head right for the wastebasket immediately when it's
of no further use in that universe: after it's recorded in the grade book. "Commitment" is a term
applied to solid exposition, and themewriting frequently lacks it.
Does anyone like to do this –– does it provide a warm, human, joyous feeling of having made
contact and saying something Important? Or do we just get comfortable doing it? Like being an
accountant: is there a real sense of joy to be found in adding up columns of figures? There may be
some people who would tell me "sure, it's fun," but I think actually they're just feeling safe in a sort
of half–sleep state which isn't exactly happy and may in fact be miserable, but at least is stable.
There may be a different kind of warmth, reserved for "a job well done," and "I might get a
promotion," and most especially: "I feel good
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General Electric Research Paper
| General Electric| A Business Analysis| | | |
Table of Contents:
Abstract | Page 3| Introduction | Page 4| Strengths and Weaknesses | Page 5| Financial Analysis |
Page 9| Environmental Threats | Page 10| Growth Opportunities | Page 12| Assessment, Prospects,
and Suggested Future Direction | Page 15| References | Page 17|
Abstract General Electric is a worldwide manufacturer and supplier of an extremely wide spectrum
goods and services. From an investor's standpoint to a student's standpoint, it is crucial for someone
to be able to thoroughly complete an effective and accurate analysis on a company, especially on
such a company like General Electric. There are more content...
Some of their big competitors are Hitachi Ltd., Siemens AG, and Honeywell International. Also,
some of their other big competitors are Mitsubishi Corporation, Textron Inc., United Technologies
Corporation, and 3M. The company is all about Research and Development when it comes to target
market and product mix. A general motor innovates on a large scale. More than half the planes in the
world have GE engines. Jet engines are a technical and manufacturing masterpiece. They have
invested more than $10 million in R&D over the past decade to serve the military and
commercial aviation customers. The new engines are substantially more fuel–efficient than the ones
that they are replacing. They track thousands of engine performance parameters while they are in
service, and they use that information to improve performance standards. Their ability to execute
large–scale innovation is based on GE's technical depth and scale. The capability is unmatched and
creates customer satisfaction, employee pride, and financial performance. There are very few
companies on earth who do what General Electric does (Datamonitor pg. 49). General Electric is a
diversified industrial corporation. The company's product range includes aircraft engines, power
generation, water processing, and household
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General Practitioner Research Paper
A general practitioner is a medical doctor who provides primary health care. They do not specialize
in one particular area of medicine. They go from room to room chatting and treating patients every
day. This type of doctor may be required to help people with medical conditions at anytime
throughout the night. A general practitioner helps care for patients of all ages.
General Practitioners treat many different conditions, like illnesses and injuries. For illnesses, they
can prescribe medicine to patients if necessary. If an injury is too severe, a general practitioner may
refer them to a specialist who can treat them. Most general practitioners may be required to provide
medical treatment to people in their homes when they are physically
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General Education Research Paper
General Education is not wast of time or money. Tons of information that few decades ago would
be only available in libraries, now literally fits in anyone's back pocket. All we need is little devise
with access to the Internet. in matter of seconds any type of information can be searched and found.
As technology rapidly evolved, the concept of general education importance has changed forever.
Every student who enrolled in four–year degree required to take a general education classes.
Typically, these courses are not related to chosen major, and student have little to no interest in
taking them. Who ever chose biology major don't want to take math classes, or students majoring in
engineering asking why do they need to take history class, or English composition. Many stated that
general education courses are holding them back from graduation. Some suggested that core courses
should be eliminated as a requirement, or be optional. Should colleges continue to have general
education classes as a requirement? Absolutely! more content...
They would require student to take classes in several fields such as chemistry, biology, political
science, sociology, calculus...The main purpose of it is to develop student better, to prepare them
for the real world challenges, to help students to become a "well rounded" in life. Instead, people
argue that general education classes ruin their GPA. Because of general education,college is
extremely expensive, and take too long to complete. And since core courses are irrelevant to their
chosen path, but still requiring a big amount of effort in order to pass with a good grates, might
encourage students to stop pursuing his or her career
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General Surgeon Research Paper
A general surgeon is a surgeon has irregular hours(this is normal for a general surgeon), a general
surgeon has to be able to stand for long periods of time and surgeons have to be able to deal with
the emotional stress the comes with the job. First, the surgeon will have irregular hours(this is
normal for them) like on Monday the surgeon will work 2:00 am to 8:00 pm then they will have to
go in(this all can change if the surgeon wants,the surgeon can get put on call where if a person needs
immediate surgery then the surgeon will have to get there and do the surgery) on Tuesday the
surgeon might have to be in there at 12:00 am to 11:00 pm. so the surgeons have to be use to this.
Second, the surgeon will have to be able to stand for long periods of more content...
The surgeon has to have excellent eyesight because the surgeon has to notice the smallest detail
while working on a person because they might miss something or mess something up. The career
cluster to this career is Health Science and Therapeutic Services. The Holland for this career is
Investigative,Realistic and Social for this career. A surgeon must take science classes and math
classes to become a surgeon. The MD also has to go through at least 14 years of college then if
they choose, the MD can choose to got to med school for more years than that. A major career that
will sound the best is becoming a general surgeon. The wage or salary that a surgeon makes is
$206,770 dollars. A surgeon's setting is, in ahospital, surrounded by nurses, patients, patient's
family members and newborn children. A surgeon will work in a hospital, where the surgeon
wants to work. The outlook for this career is increasing. Becoming a surgeon is traditional for
women and men to become. A related career to a general surgeon is a surgeon. To all the surgeon's
out there, did you know that there are nine types of surgeons, these surgeons each have there own
thing to do at work. Thank you to all
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istinguish between general partnership and a limited partnership.
General Partnership: is a business formed by one or more partners, who equally share profits and
liabilities for the company. This type of partnership is created by agreement, estoppel, and proof of
existence. The partners or owners are all personally liable for any debts and legal actions that the
business may face. In a general partnership all partners have the ability to actively control or manage
the partnership. Ultimately, each partners has "agency authority "on the partnership, which means
that any partner can legally bind the partnership to a contract.
Limited Partnership: this type of partnership has both general and limited partners. This partnership
requires at least one general partner, who held unlimited personal liability for the debts and legal
actions of the business. The general partners are jointly and severally liability for the all partnership
debts, just like partners in a general partnership. Moreover, general partners are responsible for
control the daily management of business and have authority to legally bind the business to a
contract. This partnership need to filed information about the business and the partner at the
appropriate state agency. On the other hand, limited partners have limited liability, they are only
liability for the debts of the partnership just to the extent of their capital contribution. Furthermore,
limited partners do not play an active role in the
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Essay about Crime
In general the definition of a crime is an act punishable by law, usually considered an evil act.
Crime refers to many types of misconduct forbidden by law. Crimes include such things as murder,
stealing a car, resisting arrest, possession or dealing of illegal drugs, being nude in public , drunk
driving, and bank robbery. Crime is an act that has been timeless and has been committed practically
since the start of time. For example, ever since Cain killed his brother Abel (B.C.), people being
charged with witchcraft in the 1600's, prostitution, to the current crimes of modern day(A.D.). Even
though crime has existed throughout time it has progressed and branched out taking many types more content...
Crimes are frequently classified according to their seriousness as felonies or misdemeanors.
Generally, felonies are more serious than misdemeanors. Under the federal criminal law system,
felonies are crimes for which the punishment is death or imprisonment for more than a year. A
misdemeanor is punishable by a fine or by imprisonment for less than a year. In most states persons
convicted of felonies are sent to state prisons, while those guilty of misdemeanors serve their
sentence in city, or county jails, or correction houses.
Crimes against people include assault, kidnapping, murder, and sexual attacks. Such crimes usually
bring severe punishments. Crimes against property include arson, automobile theft, burglary,
embezzlement, forgery, fraud, larceny, and vandalism. In most cases, these crimes carry lighter
penalties than the crimes set against the person. Robbery is the crime most difficult to classify. The
law considers robbery a crime against the person or against the property, according to the case.
Robbery may involve simply stealing property from another person, but when a personal encounter
occurs between the robber and his victim, it may include violence and bodily harm. This usually
occurs during muggings or other strong–arm robberies.
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General Paper
2.04 AP Practice: Part 2
10/15 total points earned.
Question 1 (Worth 5 points)
The boxes described below have the same volume, but different dimensions and surface area. Use
this data as the basis for a discussion of beneficial cell shapes.
Essay Submission
When the volume is too large relative to the surface area of the cell, diffusion cannot occur at
sufficiently high rates to ensure this. Therefore cells size is wanted to be relatively small. Box
A's surface area to volume ratio is the smallest and therefore will be very sufficient for diffusion
to occur at a high rate. Box B's surface area to volume ratio is in between Box A and Box C and so
therefore will not be very sufficient but diffusion can still occur at a more content...
Each bag was placed in a separate beaker and covered with distilled water.
The concentration of NaCl in the water outside of each bag was measured at 40–second intervals.
The graph below shows the results from the 5% bag.
Describe how you would expect the results of the other three bags to compare to that of the 5% bag
and explain your predictions.
Essay Submission
I expect the 10% NaCl will, due to the high concentration gradients, decrease in concentration. While
the 0% NaCl and 1% NaCl will increase in concentration. This is because the change in the solutes
will change the distance of the function through the solution. Therefore, the more concentration the
more distance in the function and the less concentration the less distance.
Essay Feedback
Solute concentrations affect the rate of diffusion, so I expect the 1% solution to diffuse slower
and the 10% solution to diffuse faster. The 10% solution would be expected to diffuse at a greater
rate, maybe twice that that of the 5% solution, so the plotted line will be significantly above the
5% line. The 1% solution will have a line plotted at significantly lower values than that of the 5%
solution. The 0% solution will remain at a value of zero, a flat horizontal line, as no diffusion is
expected to occur.
Points earned on this question: 2
This question was especially difficult for me because I
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General Welfare Essay
Final Thoughts When I first started to write about general welfare, I at first thought it might be a
two, three maybe four part article, but it eventually morphed into TEN and now eleven parts, and I
still did not cover all that I wanted to. I was however was able to cover the various arguments and
circumstances surrounding the term "general welfare" in many respects. Throughout the discussion
we have covered some of its first origins and uses, how it came to be part of the Constitution, and the
debates about it after the Convention finished, and leading up to when the Supreme Court started to
hear arguments over it [which is another entire discussion in itself]. The focus here has not been
what Supreme Court has thought of the term more content...
No less than Seven of the Thirteen Colonial States, proposed amendments to the Constitution with
the direct purpose of restraining this power, and this eventually became the 10th Amendment to
prevent it from becoming a broad general power. General welfare was never intended to grant
Congress to make laws as it felt for the general welfare, at most it granted the power to tax for the
general welfare. As James Madison reports that during the Convention the use of the term was a
direct copy of that use from the Articles of Confederation, as stated in his letter to Edmund
Pendleton. James Madison should certainly know if this was the case or not, since during the
Convention James Madison with out question kept the most detailed notes, other Delegates made
it a habit to provide Madison with written copies of speeches or plans to have placed in his record,
and most importantly was a member of the Committee of Detail that drew up the final drafts of
the Constitution in which general welfare was inserted in this clause. This is also further
supported by the lack of debate on the use of general welfare at all in any notes from the
Convention. With general welfare being a copy of the Articles of Confederation due to it already
being understood to what it implied and meant in the United States, it would imply its power would
also be the same as the
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Essay On American Education
General Education
Except for a brief contraction in the early 1990s, the higher education system in the United States
has been growing steadily since the late 1970s. Roughly half of all Americans now have attended
college at some point in their lives, and roughly a quarter hold a postsecondary degree.(In the
United Kingdom, by contrast, less than 15 percent of the population goes to university.) There are
14.5 million students in American colleges and universities today. In 1975 there were a little over
11 million; in 1965 there were fewer than 6 million. And yet when a person in highereducation talk
about its conditions and its prospects, doom is often in their voices. There are three matters these
people tend to more content...
Liberal arts are a waste of time. The whole reason liberal arts was created was for the upper class
that didn't have to work, and could sit around all day and discuss random gibberish. During the
Vietnam War it was used for draft dodgers. There is no need for liberal arts in today's practical
Literature in general is a good example of how insignificant a liberal arts education can be to some. It
seems clear that literature has become more and more a female activity. In bookstores, at conferences
or public readings by writers, and even in university departments dedicated to the humanities, the
women clearly outnumber the men. The explanation traditionally give is that middle–class women
read more because they work fewer hours than men, and so many of them feel that they can justify
more easily than men the time that they devote to fantasy and illusion. (Vargas Llosa, Mario pg
295) Studying liberal arts is not practical and will only slow you down in your race for career goals.
There is a flip side to the above mentioned argument. Schools that offer a liberal arts program always
seem to have the same goals behind it. For example: "At Grace University we aim to give our
students a cultured education, emphasizing the importance of literature, theater, music, art history,
and language. Further, we feel it is important to have a general knowledge of science, mathematics;
philosophy, geography, and religion. We also encourage our
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The Theory Of General Strain Theory Essay
In the 1980's, Criminologist, Robert Agnew, presented his theory of general strain, in which he
covers a range of negative behaviors, especially how adolescents deal with stresses of strain.
General strain theory focuses on the source, such as anything that changes in the individual's life that
causes strain. His theory provides a different outlook on social control and social learning theory for
two reasons: the type of social relationship that leads to delinquency and the motivation for the
delinquency (Agnew, 1992). He states that certain strains and stresses increase the likelihood for
crime such as economic deprivation, child abuse, and discrimination. These factors can cause an
increase of crime through a range of negative emotions. For some people it can take a lot of
willpower to take a corrective action and try to deter away from committing crime in a way that
they can relieve these negative emotions. When people cannot cope with the stresses of the strain,
they turn to crime as a coping mechanism. Agnew also states, that not all people that experience the
stresses of strain will go forward to committing crime and live a deviant life.
Agnew assumes that all people of all social classes experience and deal with frustration when
experiencing a great amount of stress. The general strain theory bridges the gap between the poor
and the rich. The stresses of strain is a universal feeling that every individual experiences at some
point in time of their life.
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General Practitioner Essay
When I get my doctoral degree I want to become a general practitioner. A general practitioner is a
type of doctor that diagnoses diseases or injuries and sends the patient to a specialist if needed.
This job requires, critical thinking skills, complex problem solving, social perceptiveness,
problem sensitivity, and near vision. These are just a few of the many, many skills and abilities
required to be a general practitioner. The job outlook for general practitioner is ok considering
that it increases about 10% every 10 years in the U.S.A. This means that in the year 2024 there
will be about 41,520 job openings in the U.S. In New Jersey there'll be only 720 job openings in
the year 2024, which isn't that many because there are about 300 annual job openings in Texas.
This means by the year 2024 there will be 2,400 job openings. The salary of a general practitioner
is pretty high because even at the lowest, you make over $107,000 annual and the most you can
make annual is over $187,000 and that's just in New Jersey. In the U.S.A. the lowest annual payment
is about $72,000 and the more content...
As I said earlier in my essay this job requires being good with complex problem solving. Complex
problem solving is, for example, fitting a gummy worm into a lifesaver (gummy) using only
paper clips while the lifesaver is under a plastic cup. A second skill required that I'm good with is
problem sensitivity. For example, little Sally is having family problems at home, for that reason
she acts differently and talks about her family in a depressing manor. I would most likely be able
to tell little Sally's having family problems because I'm good with problem sensitivity. Another
skill required to be a general practitioner is social perceptiveness. This skill is basically being able to
know why people react or act the way they
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General Assembly Research Paper
The legislative body of the Commonwealth of Virginia is the General Assembly. The General
Assembly's power, organization, and regulations are outlined in Article Four of Virginia's
Constitution. The Constitution of Virginia outlines the expressed powers of the General Assembly:
electing judges, confirming the Governor's appointments, approving the Commonwealth's budget,
and, most importantly, enacting laws. The General Assembly consists of two houses, the Senate and
the House of Delegates. The House of Delegates, like the House of Representatives, elects a
Speaker to run the House and who is second in the state's line of succession, after the Lieutenant
Governor. The Senate elects a president pro tempore instead of a Speaker. Senators
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General George S Patton Research Paper
General George S. Patton was born on November 11, 1885 in San Gabriel California. He was
raised in a military family and throughout his early life, he was constantly hearing stories about the
Civil War. He started his military journey at the Virginia Military Institute and a year later, on June
11, 1909 he was transferred to West Point. While attending West Point, he met Beatrice Ayer which
later became his wife on May 26th 1910. After graduation, he was assigned to the 15th Cavalry
Regiment. Lieutenant Patton represented US at the 1912 Olympics and finished 5th on Modern
Pentathlon after a mediocre shooting event. The year later he was awarded Master of Sword at the
French Cavalry School. His first combat experience came when he assisted
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General Information Essay
ACC 476/726 – Auditing Discussion Case Questions Fall 2004 General Information The audit
discussion cases are real–world examples of problems that auditors face in practice. Each individual
case is brief, and every member of the class should read the case prior to class and come prepared
to participate in class discussion. Instead of the questions in the casebook, we will discuss specific
issues related to the topic currently being discussed in class. The questions can usually be answered
using your own opinions and the case information. The issues to be discussed for the cases follow.
Berkshire Hathaway – Tuesday, September 7, 2004 Background: The case captures the dynamics of
auditor–client relations. The SEC more content...
How could she have handled the situation? 4.Do you think Vaughn should have handled the situation
differently? Explain. 5.Do you believe the firm's response to the situation was appropriate? Explain.
Are there other ways that the situation could have been successfully resolved? 6.Was it appropriate
for the firm to promise Walker a good recommendation? Oak Industries – Thursday, September 16,
2004 Tuesday, September 21, 2004 Background: Auditors have historically been more concerned
with overstatements than understatements of earnings. However, recent SEC rulings suggest that
auditors need to also be concerned about understatements of earnings, particularly when they are
used to manipulate earnings in future periods. Actors: Oak Industries CEO, CFO, and controller
(Group 4 – Trine Juliussen, Sang Uk Jung, Laura Platler) 1. Some people would argue that creating
"rainy day" funds is just conservative accounting. Why should investors and the SEC care about
understatements of earnings? 2. Why did Oak Industries intentionally understate earnings? What
other factors might motivate firms to understate their earnings? 3. Auditors have generally been
more concerned about overstatements of earnings than understatements. Auditors have also normally
only been concerned when those overstatements exceeded certain materiality limits, such as 5% of
net income. Has this responsibility increased to
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General Surgery Career Paper
Some of the specialties available to medical students looking for an exciting career are many.
Starting with General Surgery, a student will take five years of schooling. With Thoracic Surgery,
a student has to take the same classes as General Surgery plus two additional years to farther
define for this field. Since it is a specific organ, they have to know every single thing about it. For
other specialty fields, one can get into is Rectal and Colon Surgery. A student will take General
Surgery classes and training as well as one additional year to complete this program. Another field
is Obstetrics and Gynecology. A person needs three years of schooling plus residency before
practicing. To further one's experience in the field, a doctor more content...
Another alternative a student could check out would be Ophthalmic Surgery if he/she was interested
in animated nerve organs. This field requires one year of patient care in one of the following areas:
internal medicine, pediatrics, general surgery, emergency medicine, and neurology or family practice.
On top of that, the individual must also complete three more years in ophthalmology.
Another branch in which a scholar could enter would be Maxillofacial and Oral Surgery. This
requires only four years of classes in medical school. Then, if one wanted to advance further, they
could consider obtaining a degree in Orthopedic Surgery. This would require the graduate to
practice for one additional year in a broad–based, patient related program in orthopedic surgery.
If the ears, nose, and throat is what he/she is interested in, this department is also available. The
Otolaryngology area requires a student to take classes in General Surgery along with one year in
training. Additionally, this person would have to take three more years in Otolaryngology, followed
by one year of elective
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General Education Essay
With living costs as high as they are in this day and age, it is completely unreasonable to expect
the average individual to squander already limited resources. Receiving a bachelor's degree today
requires an assortment of classes that often are not directly related to one's career objectives. For
some, they find this to be an enjoyable adventure, broadening their knowledge and learning about
new aspects of life, but for others this is just burdensome. However it is looked upon, the college
curriculum still requires a diverse selection of courses to develop well rounded, responsible
individuals, but in turn creates added pressure upon students.
Is it the job of secondary education to start developing all inclusive students who have
more content...
Now if the average family income in the United States is $57,000, college is costing almost half
of the annual income. For this reason college is a very serious matter and can not be taken lightly.
When dealing with these figures some may not want to have to go through the miserable process
of general education. For them maybe even a job school like Bryman College would suit them
well, where they can learn the profession that they are going into. This would solve the money issue
and also a lot of time that could never be gained back.
No matter what, general education is something that every college student faces. Some students
view it as a laundry list that they have to get through, while others see it as an opportunity to
explore new subjects. Either way it is viewed, it is still enforced and there is no way to bypass it.
Is it really necessary for a focused biology student who is trying to get out of college in four years
to take an art class? The point can be argued either way. No, it is not particularly necessary for that
individual to take an art course. They will never need to discuss pointillism while they are with a
patient, and the difference between abstract art and non–representational art means absolutely
nothing to them. Or it can be argued that an art course is vital to this individual's higher education.
Is not the purpose of college to produce well–rounded citizens? Isn't there
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General Motors Research Paper
General Motors Company, also known as GM, is a multinational corporation. It designs,
manufactures, markets, and distributes vehicles in 37 countries. General Motors produces 13
brands: Alpheon, Buick, Baojun, Cadillac, Chevrolet, GMC, Holden, HSV, Jie Fang, UzDaewoo,
Wuling Vauxhall, and Opel. The company was featured in this year's Fortune 500 List. General
Motors has a great number of factors that contribute to its high success rate. For example, General
Motors has a strong employee base. Its employees are satisfied, loyal, and are the backbone for the
company's success. General Motors employs over 200,000 people across the globe. For the most
part, its employees are extremely satisfied with the company and their jobs. An
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Essay on Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Generalized anxiety disorder(GAD) is much more than the normal anxiety people experience
everyday. It is a chronic condition that is chracterized by excessive worry and anxiety, even though
there aren't any reasonable explanations for the cause. It is diagnosed when a person spends a least
6 months worrying excessively about numerous everyday problems. People who suffer from GAD
always anticipate the worst. They frequently worry about family, money, work or their health. Just
getting through each day provokes anxiety. Individuals with GAD are usually referred to as "Worry
Warts". People with GAD can't seem to overcome their constant concerns, even when they realize more content...
They frequently suffer from insomnia and chronic fatigue. Concentration is difficult because they
are easily startled and agitated. They remain in a constant state of arousal. People afflicted with
GAD don't necessarily avoid particular situations because of their disorder. They are unlike
individuals who suffer from more severe types of anxiety disorders such as panic disorder and severe
phobias. If the impairment from GAD is mild, they are usually able to work and function in most
social events. When the impairment is more severe, it can be debilitating making it almost
unbearable to perform simple daily activities.
Approximately 4 million Americans suffer from GAD, about 2.8% of the U.S. adult population
between the ages of 18–54. GAD usually strikes in childhood or adolescence, but can begin in
adulthood.(2) It affects women more often than men. The reason that females have higher rates
than males for most anxiety disorders has not been clearly identified. Research suggests that the
role of gonadal steroids in women may be a contributing factor for their higher rate of anxiety
disorders. Women also experience a wider range of stressful life events as compared to men, who
react to a more limited range of stressful life events. Other researchers think GAD may be transferred
through genes.(3)
Treatments for GAD include
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General Paper Essay

  • 1. Essay My Thoughts on Writing My Thoughts on Writing The only thing I care about; the only thing I hope to get from this course, is some improvement in my ability to write what I think –– explain ideas and feelings to other people. I don't give a damn about anything else, and so far I haven't been disappointed. At the beginning of the course I was informed that we were going to be discussing exposition, which isn't so much a kind of writing as a purpose or attitude behind it. This purpose is to explore, unfold, or develop an idea or issue. And the sense I've gotten from our discussion is that the attitude is one of intellectual honesty, of dedication to learning something and reporting what's there , instead of protecting preconceived notions or projecting more content... A friend of mine has already graduated from a university, and she recently went through a whole crate of papers she wrote in the process. She told me she couldn't remember what many of them were about; couldn't even remember writing most of them. We've talked about "themewriting"as something written for and from a closed environment: a mini–universe apart from everyday life, with its own abbreviated rules, in which oversimplification is acceptable. When I consider the sheer tonnage of the stuff that's written every midquarter and finals week around here, it sure seems that most of it is intended to, deserves to, and does head right for the wastebasket immediately when it's of no further use in that universe: after it's recorded in the grade book. "Commitment" is a term applied to solid exposition, and themewriting frequently lacks it. Does anyone like to do this –– does it provide a warm, human, joyous feeling of having made contact and saying something Important? Or do we just get comfortable doing it? Like being an accountant: is there a real sense of joy to be found in adding up columns of figures? There may be some people who would tell me "sure, it's fun," but I think actually they're just feeling safe in a sort of half–sleep state which isn't exactly happy and may in fact be miserable, but at least is stable. There may be a different kind of warmth, reserved for "a job well done," and "I might get a promotion," and most especially: "I feel good Get more content on
  • 2. General Electric Research Paper | General Electric| A Business Analysis| | | | | Table of Contents: Abstract | Page 3| Introduction | Page 4| Strengths and Weaknesses | Page 5| Financial Analysis | Page 9| Environmental Threats | Page 10| Growth Opportunities | Page 12| Assessment, Prospects, and Suggested Future Direction | Page 15| References | Page 17| Abstract General Electric is a worldwide manufacturer and supplier of an extremely wide spectrum goods and services. From an investor's standpoint to a student's standpoint, it is crucial for someone to be able to thoroughly complete an effective and accurate analysis on a company, especially on such a company like General Electric. There are more content... Some of their big competitors are Hitachi Ltd., Siemens AG, and Honeywell International. Also, some of their other big competitors are Mitsubishi Corporation, Textron Inc., United Technologies Corporation, and 3M. The company is all about Research and Development when it comes to target market and product mix. A general motor innovates on a large scale. More than half the planes in the world have GE engines. Jet engines are a technical and manufacturing masterpiece. They have invested more than $10 million in R&D over the past decade to serve the military and commercial aviation customers. The new engines are substantially more fuel–efficient than the ones that they are replacing. They track thousands of engine performance parameters while they are in service, and they use that information to improve performance standards. Their ability to execute large–scale innovation is based on GE's technical depth and scale. The capability is unmatched and creates customer satisfaction, employee pride, and financial performance. There are very few companies on earth who do what General Electric does (Datamonitor pg. 49). General Electric is a diversified industrial corporation. The company's product range includes aircraft engines, power generation, water processing, and household Get more content on
  • 3. General Practitioner Research Paper A general practitioner is a medical doctor who provides primary health care. They do not specialize in one particular area of medicine. They go from room to room chatting and treating patients every day. This type of doctor may be required to help people with medical conditions at anytime throughout the night. A general practitioner helps care for patients of all ages. General Practitioners treat many different conditions, like illnesses and injuries. For illnesses, they can prescribe medicine to patients if necessary. If an injury is too severe, a general practitioner may refer them to a specialist who can treat them. Most general practitioners may be required to provide medical treatment to people in their homes when they are physically Get more content on
  • 4. General Education Research Paper General Education is not wast of time or money. Tons of information that few decades ago would be only available in libraries, now literally fits in anyone's back pocket. All we need is little devise with access to the Internet. in matter of seconds any type of information can be searched and found. As technology rapidly evolved, the concept of general education importance has changed forever. Every student who enrolled in four–year degree required to take a general education classes. Typically, these courses are not related to chosen major, and student have little to no interest in taking them. Who ever chose biology major don't want to take math classes, or students majoring in engineering asking why do they need to take history class, or English composition. Many stated that general education courses are holding them back from graduation. Some suggested that core courses should be eliminated as a requirement, or be optional. Should colleges continue to have general education classes as a requirement? Absolutely! more content... They would require student to take classes in several fields such as chemistry, biology, political science, sociology, calculus...The main purpose of it is to develop student better, to prepare them for the real world challenges, to help students to become a "well rounded" in life. Instead, people argue that general education classes ruin their GPA. Because of general education,college is extremely expensive, and take too long to complete. And since core courses are irrelevant to their chosen path, but still requiring a big amount of effort in order to pass with a good grates, might encourage students to stop pursuing his or her career Get more content on
  • 5. General Surgeon Research Paper A general surgeon is a surgeon has irregular hours(this is normal for a general surgeon), a general surgeon has to be able to stand for long periods of time and surgeons have to be able to deal with the emotional stress the comes with the job. First, the surgeon will have irregular hours(this is normal for them) like on Monday the surgeon will work 2:00 am to 8:00 pm then they will have to go in(this all can change if the surgeon wants,the surgeon can get put on call where if a person needs immediate surgery then the surgeon will have to get there and do the surgery) on Tuesday the surgeon might have to be in there at 12:00 am to 11:00 pm. so the surgeons have to be use to this. Second, the surgeon will have to be able to stand for long periods of more content... The surgeon has to have excellent eyesight because the surgeon has to notice the smallest detail while working on a person because they might miss something or mess something up. The career cluster to this career is Health Science and Therapeutic Services. The Holland for this career is Investigative,Realistic and Social for this career. A surgeon must take science classes and math classes to become a surgeon. The MD also has to go through at least 14 years of college then if they choose, the MD can choose to got to med school for more years than that. A major career that will sound the best is becoming a general surgeon. The wage or salary that a surgeon makes is $206,770 dollars. A surgeon's setting is, in ahospital, surrounded by nurses, patients, patient's family members and newborn children. A surgeon will work in a hospital, where the surgeon wants to work. The outlook for this career is increasing. Becoming a surgeon is traditional for women and men to become. A related career to a general surgeon is a surgeon. To all the surgeon's out there, did you know that there are nine types of surgeons, these surgeons each have there own thing to do at work. Thank you to all Get more content on
  • 6. istinguish between general partnership and a limited partnership. General Partnership: is a business formed by one or more partners, who equally share profits and liabilities for the company. This type of partnership is created by agreement, estoppel, and proof of existence. The partners or owners are all personally liable for any debts and legal actions that the business may face. In a general partnership all partners have the ability to actively control or manage the partnership. Ultimately, each partners has "agency authority "on the partnership, which means that any partner can legally bind the partnership to a contract. Limited Partnership: this type of partnership has both general and limited partners. This partnership requires at least one general partner, who held unlimited personal liability for the debts and legal actions of the business. The general partners are jointly and severally liability for the all partnership debts, just like partners in a general partnership. Moreover, general partners are responsible for control the daily management of business and have authority to legally bind the business to a contract. This partnership need to filed information about the business and the partner at the appropriate state agency. On the other hand, limited partners have limited liability, they are only liability for the debts of the partnership just to the extent of their capital contribution. Furthermore, limited partners do not play an active role in the Get more content on
  • 7. Essay about Crime Crime In general the definition of a crime is an act punishable by law, usually considered an evil act. Crime refers to many types of misconduct forbidden by law. Crimes include such things as murder, stealing a car, resisting arrest, possession or dealing of illegal drugs, being nude in public , drunk driving, and bank robbery. Crime is an act that has been timeless and has been committed practically since the start of time. For example, ever since Cain killed his brother Abel (B.C.), people being charged with witchcraft in the 1600's, prostitution, to the current crimes of modern day(A.D.). Even though crime has existed throughout time it has progressed and branched out taking many types more content... Crimes are frequently classified according to their seriousness as felonies or misdemeanors. Generally, felonies are more serious than misdemeanors. Under the federal criminal law system, felonies are crimes for which the punishment is death or imprisonment for more than a year. A misdemeanor is punishable by a fine or by imprisonment for less than a year. In most states persons convicted of felonies are sent to state prisons, while those guilty of misdemeanors serve their sentence in city, or county jails, or correction houses. Crimes against people include assault, kidnapping, murder, and sexual attacks. Such crimes usually bring severe punishments. Crimes against property include arson, automobile theft, burglary, embezzlement, forgery, fraud, larceny, and vandalism. In most cases, these crimes carry lighter penalties than the crimes set against the person. Robbery is the crime most difficult to classify. The law considers robbery a crime against the person or against the property, according to the case. Robbery may involve simply stealing property from another person, but when a personal encounter occurs between the robber and his victim, it may include violence and bodily harm. This usually occurs during muggings or other strong–arm robberies. Get more content on
  • 8. General Paper 2.04 AP Practice: Part 2 10/15 total points earned. Question 1 (Worth 5 points) The boxes described below have the same volume, but different dimensions and surface area. Use this data as the basis for a discussion of beneficial cell shapes. Essay Submission When the volume is too large relative to the surface area of the cell, diffusion cannot occur at sufficiently high rates to ensure this. Therefore cells size is wanted to be relatively small. Box A's surface area to volume ratio is the smallest and therefore will be very sufficient for diffusion to occur at a high rate. Box B's surface area to volume ratio is in between Box A and Box C and so therefore will not be very sufficient but diffusion can still occur at a more content... Each bag was placed in a separate beaker and covered with distilled water. The concentration of NaCl in the water outside of each bag was measured at 40–second intervals. The graph below shows the results from the 5% bag. Describe how you would expect the results of the other three bags to compare to that of the 5% bag and explain your predictions. Essay Submission I expect the 10% NaCl will, due to the high concentration gradients, decrease in concentration. While the 0% NaCl and 1% NaCl will increase in concentration. This is because the change in the solutes will change the distance of the function through the solution. Therefore, the more concentration the more distance in the function and the less concentration the less distance. Essay Feedback Solute concentrations affect the rate of diffusion, so I expect the 1% solution to diffuse slower and the 10% solution to diffuse faster. The 10% solution would be expected to diffuse at a greater rate, maybe twice that that of the 5% solution, so the plotted line will be significantly above the 5% line. The 1% solution will have a line plotted at significantly lower values than that of the 5% solution. The 0% solution will remain at a value of zero, a flat horizontal line, as no diffusion is expected to occur. Points earned on this question: 2 This question was especially difficult for me because I Get more content on
  • 9. General Welfare Essay Final Thoughts When I first started to write about general welfare, I at first thought it might be a two, three maybe four part article, but it eventually morphed into TEN and now eleven parts, and I still did not cover all that I wanted to. I was however was able to cover the various arguments and circumstances surrounding the term "general welfare" in many respects. Throughout the discussion we have covered some of its first origins and uses, how it came to be part of the Constitution, and the debates about it after the Convention finished, and leading up to when the Supreme Court started to hear arguments over it [which is another entire discussion in itself]. The focus here has not been what Supreme Court has thought of the term more content... No less than Seven of the Thirteen Colonial States, proposed amendments to the Constitution with the direct purpose of restraining this power, and this eventually became the 10th Amendment to prevent it from becoming a broad general power. General welfare was never intended to grant Congress to make laws as it felt for the general welfare, at most it granted the power to tax for the general welfare. As James Madison reports that during the Convention the use of the term was a direct copy of that use from the Articles of Confederation, as stated in his letter to Edmund Pendleton. James Madison should certainly know if this was the case or not, since during the Convention James Madison with out question kept the most detailed notes, other Delegates made it a habit to provide Madison with written copies of speeches or plans to have placed in his record, and most importantly was a member of the Committee of Detail that drew up the final drafts of the Constitution in which general welfare was inserted in this clause. This is also further supported by the lack of debate on the use of general welfare at all in any notes from the Convention. With general welfare being a copy of the Articles of Confederation due to it already being understood to what it implied and meant in the United States, it would imply its power would also be the same as the Get more content on
  • 10. Essay On American Education General Education Except for a brief contraction in the early 1990s, the higher education system in the United States has been growing steadily since the late 1970s. Roughly half of all Americans now have attended college at some point in their lives, and roughly a quarter hold a postsecondary degree.(In the United Kingdom, by contrast, less than 15 percent of the population goes to university.) There are 14.5 million students in American colleges and universities today. In 1975 there were a little over 11 million; in 1965 there were fewer than 6 million. And yet when a person in highereducation talk about its conditions and its prospects, doom is often in their voices. There are three matters these people tend to more content... Liberal arts are a waste of time. The whole reason liberal arts was created was for the upper class that didn't have to work, and could sit around all day and discuss random gibberish. During the Vietnam War it was used for draft dodgers. There is no need for liberal arts in today's practical colleges. Literature in general is a good example of how insignificant a liberal arts education can be to some. It seems clear that literature has become more and more a female activity. In bookstores, at conferences or public readings by writers, and even in university departments dedicated to the humanities, the women clearly outnumber the men. The explanation traditionally give is that middle–class women read more because they work fewer hours than men, and so many of them feel that they can justify more easily than men the time that they devote to fantasy and illusion. (Vargas Llosa, Mario pg 295) Studying liberal arts is not practical and will only slow you down in your race for career goals. There is a flip side to the above mentioned argument. Schools that offer a liberal arts program always seem to have the same goals behind it. For example: "At Grace University we aim to give our students a cultured education, emphasizing the importance of literature, theater, music, art history, and language. Further, we feel it is important to have a general knowledge of science, mathematics; philosophy, geography, and religion. We also encourage our Get more content on
  • 11. The Theory Of General Strain Theory Essay Introduction In the 1980's, Criminologist, Robert Agnew, presented his theory of general strain, in which he covers a range of negative behaviors, especially how adolescents deal with stresses of strain. General strain theory focuses on the source, such as anything that changes in the individual's life that causes strain. His theory provides a different outlook on social control and social learning theory for two reasons: the type of social relationship that leads to delinquency and the motivation for the delinquency (Agnew, 1992). He states that certain strains and stresses increase the likelihood for crime such as economic deprivation, child abuse, and discrimination. These factors can cause an increase of crime through a range of negative emotions. For some people it can take a lot of willpower to take a corrective action and try to deter away from committing crime in a way that they can relieve these negative emotions. When people cannot cope with the stresses of the strain, they turn to crime as a coping mechanism. Agnew also states, that not all people that experience the stresses of strain will go forward to committing crime and live a deviant life. Agnew assumes that all people of all social classes experience and deal with frustration when experiencing a great amount of stress. The general strain theory bridges the gap between the poor and the rich. The stresses of strain is a universal feeling that every individual experiences at some point in time of their life. Get more content on
  • 12. General Practitioner Essay When I get my doctoral degree I want to become a general practitioner. A general practitioner is a type of doctor that diagnoses diseases or injuries and sends the patient to a specialist if needed. This job requires, critical thinking skills, complex problem solving, social perceptiveness, problem sensitivity, and near vision. These are just a few of the many, many skills and abilities required to be a general practitioner. The job outlook for general practitioner is ok considering that it increases about 10% every 10 years in the U.S.A. This means that in the year 2024 there will be about 41,520 job openings in the U.S. In New Jersey there'll be only 720 job openings in the year 2024, which isn't that many because there are about 300 annual job openings in Texas. This means by the year 2024 there will be 2,400 job openings. The salary of a general practitioner is pretty high because even at the lowest, you make over $107,000 annual and the most you can make annual is over $187,000 and that's just in New Jersey. In the U.S.A. the lowest annual payment is about $72,000 and the more content... As I said earlier in my essay this job requires being good with complex problem solving. Complex problem solving is, for example, fitting a gummy worm into a lifesaver (gummy) using only paper clips while the lifesaver is under a plastic cup. A second skill required that I'm good with is problem sensitivity. For example, little Sally is having family problems at home, for that reason she acts differently and talks about her family in a depressing manor. I would most likely be able to tell little Sally's having family problems because I'm good with problem sensitivity. Another skill required to be a general practitioner is social perceptiveness. This skill is basically being able to know why people react or act the way they Get more content on
  • 13. General Assembly Research Paper The legislative body of the Commonwealth of Virginia is the General Assembly. The General Assembly's power, organization, and regulations are outlined in Article Four of Virginia's Constitution. The Constitution of Virginia outlines the expressed powers of the General Assembly: electing judges, confirming the Governor's appointments, approving the Commonwealth's budget, and, most importantly, enacting laws. The General Assembly consists of two houses, the Senate and the House of Delegates. The House of Delegates, like the House of Representatives, elects a Speaker to run the House and who is second in the state's line of succession, after the Lieutenant Governor. The Senate elects a president pro tempore instead of a Speaker. Senators Get more content on
  • 14. General George S Patton Research Paper General George S. Patton was born on November 11, 1885 in San Gabriel California. He was raised in a military family and throughout his early life, he was constantly hearing stories about the Civil War. He started his military journey at the Virginia Military Institute and a year later, on June 11, 1909 he was transferred to West Point. While attending West Point, he met Beatrice Ayer which later became his wife on May 26th 1910. After graduation, he was assigned to the 15th Cavalry Regiment. Lieutenant Patton represented US at the 1912 Olympics and finished 5th on Modern Pentathlon after a mediocre shooting event. The year later he was awarded Master of Sword at the French Cavalry School. His first combat experience came when he assisted Get more content on
  • 15. General Information Essay ACC 476/726 – Auditing Discussion Case Questions Fall 2004 General Information The audit discussion cases are real–world examples of problems that auditors face in practice. Each individual case is brief, and every member of the class should read the case prior to class and come prepared to participate in class discussion. Instead of the questions in the casebook, we will discuss specific issues related to the topic currently being discussed in class. The questions can usually be answered using your own opinions and the case information. The issues to be discussed for the cases follow. Berkshire Hathaway – Tuesday, September 7, 2004 Background: The case captures the dynamics of auditor–client relations. The SEC more content... How could she have handled the situation? 4.Do you think Vaughn should have handled the situation differently? Explain. 5.Do you believe the firm's response to the situation was appropriate? Explain. Are there other ways that the situation could have been successfully resolved? 6.Was it appropriate for the firm to promise Walker a good recommendation? Oak Industries – Thursday, September 16, 2004 Tuesday, September 21, 2004 Background: Auditors have historically been more concerned with overstatements than understatements of earnings. However, recent SEC rulings suggest that auditors need to also be concerned about understatements of earnings, particularly when they are used to manipulate earnings in future periods. Actors: Oak Industries CEO, CFO, and controller (Group 4 – Trine Juliussen, Sang Uk Jung, Laura Platler) 1. Some people would argue that creating "rainy day" funds is just conservative accounting. Why should investors and the SEC care about understatements of earnings? 2. Why did Oak Industries intentionally understate earnings? What other factors might motivate firms to understate their earnings? 3. Auditors have generally been more concerned about overstatements of earnings than understatements. Auditors have also normally only been concerned when those overstatements exceeded certain materiality limits, such as 5% of net income. Has this responsibility increased to Get more content on
  • 16. General Surgery Career Paper Some of the specialties available to medical students looking for an exciting career are many. Starting with General Surgery, a student will take five years of schooling. With Thoracic Surgery, a student has to take the same classes as General Surgery plus two additional years to farther define for this field. Since it is a specific organ, they have to know every single thing about it. For other specialty fields, one can get into is Rectal and Colon Surgery. A student will take General Surgery classes and training as well as one additional year to complete this program. Another field is Obstetrics and Gynecology. A person needs three years of schooling plus residency before practicing. To further one's experience in the field, a doctor more content... Another alternative a student could check out would be Ophthalmic Surgery if he/she was interested in animated nerve organs. This field requires one year of patient care in one of the following areas: internal medicine, pediatrics, general surgery, emergency medicine, and neurology or family practice. On top of that, the individual must also complete three more years in ophthalmology. Another branch in which a scholar could enter would be Maxillofacial and Oral Surgery. This requires only four years of classes in medical school. Then, if one wanted to advance further, they could consider obtaining a degree in Orthopedic Surgery. This would require the graduate to practice for one additional year in a broad–based, patient related program in orthopedic surgery. If the ears, nose, and throat is what he/she is interested in, this department is also available. The Otolaryngology area requires a student to take classes in General Surgery along with one year in training. Additionally, this person would have to take three more years in Otolaryngology, followed by one year of elective Get more content on
  • 17. General Education Essay With living costs as high as they are in this day and age, it is completely unreasonable to expect the average individual to squander already limited resources. Receiving a bachelor's degree today requires an assortment of classes that often are not directly related to one's career objectives. For some, they find this to be an enjoyable adventure, broadening their knowledge and learning about new aspects of life, but for others this is just burdensome. However it is looked upon, the college curriculum still requires a diverse selection of courses to develop well rounded, responsible individuals, but in turn creates added pressure upon students. Is it the job of secondary education to start developing all inclusive students who have more content... Now if the average family income in the United States is $57,000, college is costing almost half of the annual income. For this reason college is a very serious matter and can not be taken lightly. When dealing with these figures some may not want to have to go through the miserable process of general education. For them maybe even a job school like Bryman College would suit them well, where they can learn the profession that they are going into. This would solve the money issue and also a lot of time that could never be gained back. No matter what, general education is something that every college student faces. Some students view it as a laundry list that they have to get through, while others see it as an opportunity to explore new subjects. Either way it is viewed, it is still enforced and there is no way to bypass it. Is it really necessary for a focused biology student who is trying to get out of college in four years to take an art class? The point can be argued either way. No, it is not particularly necessary for that individual to take an art course. They will never need to discuss pointillism while they are with a patient, and the difference between abstract art and non–representational art means absolutely nothing to them. Or it can be argued that an art course is vital to this individual's higher education. Is not the purpose of college to produce well–rounded citizens? Isn't there Get more content on
  • 18. General Motors Research Paper General Motors Company, also known as GM, is a multinational corporation. It designs, manufactures, markets, and distributes vehicles in 37 countries. General Motors produces 13 brands: Alpheon, Buick, Baojun, Cadillac, Chevrolet, GMC, Holden, HSV, Jie Fang, UzDaewoo, Wuling Vauxhall, and Opel. The company was featured in this year's Fortune 500 List. General Motors has a great number of factors that contribute to its high success rate. For example, General Motors has a strong employee base. Its employees are satisfied, loyal, and are the backbone for the company's success. General Motors employs over 200,000 people across the globe. For the most part, its employees are extremely satisfied with the company and their jobs. An Get more content on
  • 19. Essay on Generalized Anxiety Disorder Generalized Anxiety Disorder Generalized anxiety disorder(GAD) is much more than the normal anxiety people experience everyday. It is a chronic condition that is chracterized by excessive worry and anxiety, even though there aren't any reasonable explanations for the cause. It is diagnosed when a person spends a least 6 months worrying excessively about numerous everyday problems. People who suffer from GAD always anticipate the worst. They frequently worry about family, money, work or their health. Just getting through each day provokes anxiety. Individuals with GAD are usually referred to as "Worry Warts". People with GAD can't seem to overcome their constant concerns, even when they realize more content... They frequently suffer from insomnia and chronic fatigue. Concentration is difficult because they are easily startled and agitated. They remain in a constant state of arousal. People afflicted with GAD don't necessarily avoid particular situations because of their disorder. They are unlike individuals who suffer from more severe types of anxiety disorders such as panic disorder and severe phobias. If the impairment from GAD is mild, they are usually able to work and function in most social events. When the impairment is more severe, it can be debilitating making it almost unbearable to perform simple daily activities. Approximately 4 million Americans suffer from GAD, about 2.8% of the U.S. adult population between the ages of 18–54. GAD usually strikes in childhood or adolescence, but can begin in adulthood.(2) It affects women more often than men. The reason that females have higher rates than males for most anxiety disorders has not been clearly identified. Research suggests that the role of gonadal steroids in women may be a contributing factor for their higher rate of anxiety disorders. Women also experience a wider range of stressful life events as compared to men, who react to a more limited range of stressful life events. Other researchers think GAD may be transferred through genes.(3) Treatments for GAD include Get more content on