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Futuring for the Financial Industry 
Matthew Blum, Chris Emerson, Oren Kidanian, Martin Moy, and Sherae Swinson 
Team Seven 
Binghamton University 
MGMT 311-91 
Professor S. Dionne 
December 3, 2013
Our STEEP analysis thoroughly examined the future effects on the financial industry observing 
social, technological, economical, environmental, and political trends. Our social trend looked at 
reverse brain drain in emerging BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India, China) countries; this trend shows 
that immigration to developed countries will decrease, helping the economic rise of these 
emerging countries. This trend will limit the growth of established countries and rapidly grow 
the economies of emerging markets and their respective industries. Our technological trend 
looked at the growing technologies in the health care field. Innovations in machine learning will 
specialize medical treatments for patients, as well as increase the efficiency of health care. The 
growth of health care technologies will increase jobs in the technology and pharmaceutical 
industries, in addition to rapid growth in all areas of the health care industry. Our economic trend 
focused on the changes that will take place in the education industry and how this will create 
more STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) jobs. An environmental trend looks at 
the effects and benefits of “going green”. By laying out a business model, we were able to show 
how increased interest in preserving the environment impacts the financial industry, and our 
economy as a whole. Our political trend focuses on the relationships within the United States 
government and how they need to change. By eliminating division among our government, the 
entire country will be able to function much more efficiently.
One of the reasons why immigrants leave their home countries is due to the lack of 
opportunities in their home nations. Throughout history, people would immigrate to developed 
countries such as the United perceived to be lands of opportunity due to their robust economies. 
The tide is turning as people are returning to their home countries for opportunities that are 
unavailable in a developed world where financial crisis has tested economic stability and welfare 
(Llana, Ford, Marquand, 2012, pg. 1). Although financial crisis has affected all nations, 
emerging economies have recovered quicker than developed countries. Skilled workers are 
boosting the emerging nations as Brazil, Russia, India, and China (BRIC) - amongst countless 
others- in what is known as the reverse brain drain or a brain gain for beneficiaries. 
BRIC countries are becoming global powers and are beginning to surmount the 
traditional developed nations such as Germany, Japan, France, and the United Kingdom through 
their continued economic growth. Knowledge is no longer a monopolized asset as highly skilled 
workers are returning to their homelands in droves, a number that has risen ten-fold since the 
beginning of the century (Llana et al., 2012, pg. 2). This can be attributed to financial incentives 
and opportunities that attract immigrants back to their homelands. Initiatives started by BRIC 
countries include extensive recruiting of those who left, tax exemptions and grants for 
research/business development (Moodie, 2011). 
Bangalore, India –India’s own version of Silicon Valley- is recruiting highly skilled 
employees; especially those with Western educations. As an emerging innovative power, the 
“city is attracting the brain-drain generation back to its shining lights” (Bosch, 2013). This is 
leading to a flow of people returning to India looking to satisfy the demand for IT-specialized 
What seem to be most troubling are the potential detrimental effects this brain gain can 
have on developed nations. For example, a myriad of Europeans are uprooting their families and 
seeking out opportunities abroad. The amount foreigners legally living in Brazil skyrocketed 
more than 50% from 2010 to 2012 (Llana et al., 2012, pg. 2). To put this statistic in context, this 
now makes Brazil a country of immigration after decades as being one of emigration. If 
developed economies lose a highly skilled workforce, they are at a significant competitive 
disadvantage to emerging economies. "It is already costing America economic growth. Over 
time you will see fewer and fewer start-ups in America and more in Asia and Latin America,” 
says Mr. Papademetriou (Llana et al., 2012, pg. 3). 
One of the reasons why immigrants go back to their home countries is the lure of 
accelerated professional growth and high demand for skills. According to the Kauffman 
Foundation, “87% of Chinese and 62% of Indians saw better career opportunities in their home 
countries than in the US” (Moodie, 2011). This signifies that job prospects in the United States 
are low compared to emerging nations. Since jobs help draw foreign immigration, foreigners are 
not coming to developed nations in the droves that they once did decades ago. 
In a study done by Duke University, it was found that foreign nationals were named as 
inventors/co- inventors of a quarter of WIPO patent applications filed from the United States 
seven years ago. Nearly seventeen percent of international patent applications had an inventor/ 
co-inventor of Chinese heritage and 13.7 percent had an inventor/co-inventor of Indian heritage 
(Wadhwa, 2011). This signifies is that nearly a third of American innovation can be attributed to 
foreigners residing here in the US. This statistic omits foreigners from other nations and residing 
in the U.S.; most likely foreigners have an even greater impact on innovation than just the third 
from China and India. If a significant portion of the U.S. patent innovators will soon leave the
nation, the flight of these skills abroad and will be detrimental to the US economy. Americans 
will not produce the amount of inventions that they are accustomed to and domestic investment 
will plummet. This loss in economic trust will cause economic instability with businesses losing 
market share to foreign businesses. Employees will receive less pay and many will lose their 
Developed nation’s economic growth pales in comparison with those emerging 
economies of China and India. Society in emerging nations will undoubtedly change drastically. 
“Becoming a recipient of brain gain implies new responsibilities that often cause growing pains, 
such as preventing human rights abuses of illegal workers or discouraging new xenophobic 
discourse” (Llana et al., 2012, pg. 3). Governments will have to start cracking down on 
employers who do not abide by new legislation supporting employee rights. Child laborers will 
no longer be allowed and safety regulations will be improved dramatically. What countries such 
as the United States need to do is to reform immigration policies in order to get these skilled 
students and workers to stay. The reason why these students and highly skilled workers are as 
highly sought after is due to the fact that they make “substantial contributions to large swaths of 
the U.S. economy and academic research, and their departure is keenly felt” (Moodie, 2011). 
In the next ten years, the medical technologies field will be completely revolutionized. 
Through the fast growing innovations in machine learning, computers will be able to analyze and 
understand a person's body and their health problems to create personalized medicine. These 
learning computers will be incorporated into health care technologies and will be available in 
hospitals, doctor's offices, and even in one's home. These new and advanced health care 
technologies will be able to be installed in homes and act as personal doctors that can diagnose
and treat an illness. This option of home health care is targeted towards continually ill patients, 
patients with certain diseases that require constant attention, and the elderly. These new medical 
machines will be personalized to its owner’s body type and will have access to all of the owner’s 
medical records and known activities. This will be possible because all big data now abundantly 
available will be combined with computer processing language to create this learning technology 
that can analyze a person’s body to make a diagnosis, as well as treat it. In addition to medical 
machines being available in a person's home, people can be hooked up to small medical devices 
all day that constantly monitor their health and notify their doctor if a health threat occurs; this 
new adaptation is designed for people with a high health risk or those who want constant 
As computers and medical machines advance to the point where they can thoroughly 
analyze an individual's body, new prescription drugs will be created that are specifically designed 
to fit a person’s DNA and thus cure their ailments. Unlike drugs that are only designed to cure 
general symptoms, these new drugs will be made to specifically combat all of the patient's 
specific health problems, leading to a much faster recovery rate. With this new technology, 
doctors will be able to quickly survey a patient's body, find the problem, and be able to write a 
prescription for a drug that will cure that specific ailment. 
The innovations in machine learning will transform mental health treatments as well. 
Computers with large databases will be able to treat and interact with patients who suffer from 
mental illnesses and disorders too. These computers will be able to interact with people just as 
any other human would, but will also have access to all available data. Because computers will 
be constantly learning, computer to human interaction will be just like human-to-human 
interaction, but with computers being able to access and apply any kind of information available.
While the increase in the use of automated health technology would in theory decrease 
the amount of jobs available for doctors, nurses, therapists, and many other medical field 
employees, the operation of these machines, the necessity for expert knowledge, as well as the 
growing senior population that is expected to be living will cause a continued need for these 
employees. The amount of jobs in the health care industry, especially the technology and 
pharmaceutical sectors, will definitely grow as the demand for these new technologies and 
prescription drugs increase. The health care industry is already on track to create 5.6 million new 
jobs by the year 2020, a rate that is growing twice the amount the national economy is (Berman, 
2012). The technology industry will see significant growth as new innovations are made in 
interactive computers and machines, and the pharmaceutical industry will also grow as people 
become more dependent on prescription drugs that will be able to be made specifically for each 
individual person. As the jobs available in the health care industry grow, higher levels of 
education will certainly be required, expanding that industry as well. 
Due to these advances in medical technologies, health care costs will increase because of 
increased personalization and the emergence of new technologies that will be implemented in the 
treatment of patients. As health care costs rise, insurance companies will bear a greater burden, 
especially after the passing of the Obamacare Act that set out to hold insurance companies to 
higher standards when it came to consumer health care (U.S. Department of Health Care). 
Insurance companies will also be affected because of the changing health care costs, medical 
technology innovation, and the risks now associated with machines treating people in their 
homes. This trend will also lead to the health care industry being dominated by a few big 
technology and pharmaceutical companies. As the health care industry becomes overrun by these 
big technology and pharmaceutical companies, they will be heavily taxed, creating more revenue
for the government. The United States already has the largest health care services market in the 
world, accounting for $1.75 trillion in revenues in 2010, and employing 14 million U.S. workers. 
The U.S. also leads the world in medical technology production, with a market value over $110 
billion in 2012, 38% of the medical technologies industry (U.S. Department of Commerce). As 
these medical technology and pharmaceutical companies gain power in their industries, 
lawmakers will create heavy restrictions and policies that the companies must follow, as they 
become responsible for the sake of people's lives. These huge companies that will dominate the 
health care industry will affect that stock market, as they will become some of the most coveted 
stocks by investors. Employment rates in the science and technology fields will certainly rise, 
creating a rise in interest rates. As medical technology is continually improved, it will create 
more jobs as many industries will be growing to support the increased demand for health care. 
Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) jobs over the years have 
been growing in demand and it will continue to grow in the coming years. Consumer spending is 
one significant driver of the economy. The amount consumers spend depends on the amount the 
money they have in their pockets and the confidence they have in economic system. If an 
individual has a job in the STEM field, they will make more money as there is a high demand for 
highly skilled professionals in these disciplines; especially in the United States as there is 
knowledge. Such workers will have excess money to spend, which thus would help stimulate the 
economy. STEM jobs are going to be the driving force of the economy and will allow the United 
States to gain more of a competitive edge over other nations. The government and the people 
believe that STEM jobs are the future so more people are spending more money in the field of
education. As more money is spent on STEM education and job training, this in turn will create 
the plethora of more job opportunities that this countries desires. 
STEM jobs will always be in high demand and will have good pay, which is promising 
for the nation’s future economic development. According to information released by Georgetown 
University (Department of Labor, Georgia), STEM jobs got more pay than all other jobs by $8 to 
18 per hour. They also earn twenty six percent more that non-STEM workers. From 2006 to 
2011, the number of total people in the STEM occupations increased by six percent; the 
employment for the science and engineering fields in particular increased upwards of twenty 
percent. “In 2010, STEM workers earned twenty-six percent more than non-STEM workers” 
(U.S. Department for Professional Employees). Since such professionals are earning higher 
paychecks, their higher income allows them to purchase more consumer goods as they have 
more discretionary spending; thus, they have a greater economic impact. When the economy 
grows, businesses grow as people are will to spend more because they have more. While 
businesses are growing, people are more likely to invest in those businesses since they have the 
ability to invest in companies that they now have the extra income for such these investment 
opportunities that allow companies to grow allows more employees to be hired; more employees 
to obtain pay raises, as well as the government being able to gain more tax revenue. Perhaps 
most importantly, businesses will be able to allocate more funds to put towards innovative 
projects to help bolster the growth of their company and thus the economy. 
The government believes that the STEM jobs will lead the way to a brighter future for the 
economy. “As our economy continues to recover, STEM jobs represent a significant opportunity 
for economic growth, Said Chairman Casey” (Casey, 2012). The unemployment rate for STEM 
workers was 5.5 percent in 2009 while non-STEM worker was at 10 percent in 2010 (Casey,
2012). What this showcases is the fact that STEM jobs have nearly half the unemployment rate 
as non-STEM occupations. “BLS projects job growth of 22 percent for STEM occupations as a 
whole between 2004 and 2014” (U.S. Department of Labor). Workers in the fields of science, 
technology, engineering, and mathematics have more stability in their job status allowing them 
to not have worry as much about being fired or not being able to find work opportunities. 
Ultimately, this will cause more people to invest and to go in the STEM field and get a job. 
The government is spending nearly 3.5 billion dollars on STEM jobs, and out of that 
funding they are spending most of it on STEM degrees (National Science and Technology 
Council). In the STEM degrees that they are investing in, they are investing in postgraduate work 
(National Science and Technology Council). This shows that the government believes that the 
STEM field is worth investing in and is the future. About 15 million people that live in the 
United States hold at least a bachelor’s degree in STEM discipline (Charette, 2013). “The 
Georgetown study estimates that nearly two-thirds of the STEM job openings in the United 
States, or about 180 000 jobs per year, will require bachelor’s degrees” (Charette, 2013). People 
now need a master’s degree to get a job or to be promoted beyond a certain point; these master’s 
programs can be quite expensive but it pays off in the long run. It costs more than bachelors, but 
it gives the individual a completive advantage because it is perceived that the more education 
one has, the more a candidate is qualified for a position and potential professional advancement. 
Workers with postgraduate degrees can give companies the competitive edge because this would 
lead companies to become more creative and innovative. With businesses trying to come up with 
the new best thing, people become more open to invest in businesses because the company has 
more and better resources to become successful. The stakeholders would be making money
because they hired highly educated people that would come up with a new product that would 
take the company to the next level. 
STEM jobs are going to be a significant part of the future economy. The government 
believes that STEM jobs are the future, which can be attributed to the fact that they are heavily 
investing in that field. The government feels the money they put in will have positive 
ramifications in the future and make it more appealing for more people to go in the STEM field. 
They believe that with more educated people in the STEM field; it will increase a company’s 
competitive advantage and make it more appealing for people to invest in. Also the stakeholders 
would make more money because people are willing to invest in the company. 
When we think about the environment, the phrase “Going Green” comes to mind. First, 
what is “going green?” Going green is a philosophy for people to be aware of their environment 
and make better decisions to protect the environment. As an ongoing trend, it has influenced the 
way businesses conduct business as well as how consumers make decisions. Looking into the 
future, what if everyone became environmentally conscious and acted upon the notion of going 
green? How would the world begin to appear going forward? 
Reflecting on this question, in the article, “What Would Happen to All the Animals If 
Everyone Went Vegan,” Tuttle (2013) touched four key factors that apply to going green: 
morality, demand, chain of events, and health. If people went vegan, there would be reduced 
demand for meat leading to a chain of events. With lower demand for meat, animals would be 
free and there would be less force breeding for mass production, which is a major contributor to 
greenhouse gas emissions (Reynolds, 2013). People would be healthier physically and mentally; 
while the reduction of animal slaughters for food consumption would relieve people’s conscious.
Of course, if only a small amount of people were vegan, the drastic change as described would 
not result, but it is the macro-orientation of the incremental changes of demand that affects the 
way business works and the environment as a whole. 
Analogous to going green, going green and vegan are both lifestyles people choose to 
take. If consumers instill this mantra of “going green” into their lifestyle, demand for 
conventional mass produced goods will decrease. From the supply and demand curve, the 
decrease in demand will affect businesses leading to a decrease in price to attract price conscious 
consumers. However, if consumers adhere to their values in going green, it will eventually 
eliminate conventional methods. Consumers will only purchase foods that are organic and goods 
that are seen as “green”. In so doing, people will feel healthier physically and mentally as 
contributors to protecting the environment. 
Unfortunately, not everyone is consciously aware of the going green movement. In the 
article, “Scientist Discovers What Makes People Go Green,” Mulvey (2012) discusses research 
on the association between personality traits and sustainable behavior (going green). This 
research indicates that people with values in culture, respect, and trust in social responsibility 
strongly correlates with sustainable behavior. Therefore, businesses must reach out to those 
consumers and inform them about the environment, and marketing fits that role. According to the 
article, “Green Customers Extremely Loyal to Brands,” the Shelton Group’s annual Eco Pulse 
study regards green consumers as “early adopters and extremely brand loyal.” The study also 
shows that businesses builds reputation by selling green products and consumers form brand 
loyalty to those who aligns with their values (Tierney, 2013). In a marketing perspective, green 
consumers are the opinion leaders for green goods and have impact on other consumers; hence,
businesses not only form stronger relationships with consumers but also build a greener 
Apart from consumer decisions, recycling is one of the renowned ways in helping the 
environment, but a current issue is people don’t naturally know how to recycle. The article, 
“People Don’t Recycle Things That Look Like Trash,” Timmer (2013) discusses a research 
project on people’s behavior for recycling paper. The conclusion is that people tend to recycle 
paper that are normal sized, but treated everything else as trash. What we can learn from this is 
that we cannot expect or rely on people to go green consciously, but with the help of 
organizations in creating a clear system for recycling or going green universally, how we live 
today will change dramatically in the next decade. 
Moreover, according to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) 2011 Report, from 
1990 to 2011, the percentage of waste recycled over waste generated from 1990 to 2011 more 
than doubled, from approximately 16% to 35%. That is a huge progress but it doesn’t stop here. 
The aim is to increase the efficiency; thus, demand for green jobs will increase, from 
environmental engineers to services. According to the article, “The Facts on U.S. Green Job 
Growth,” Schueneman (2013) states that “the green economy has been a leading driver of job 
creation for several years now.” Report supports this, as there were 750,000 green jobs in 2008, 
770,000 green jobs in 2010, 2 million green jobs in 2011, and onwards (Schueneman, 2013). 
The negative response for going green is the costs. In the short term, costs for going 
green may be high, but going green has always been about the long term. Frito-Lay is an 
example of a company that benefited from a going green initiative. According the article, “Frito - 
Lay Goes Green,” Frito-Lay spent 10 years in an effort to reduce their environmental footprint, 
thus reducing 50 percent of their greenhouse gas emissions (Christian, 2011). More companies
are discovering the benefits of going green such as reducing operating costs while attracting a 
larger array of consumers. In the long run, it is foreseeable for green businesses to dominate the 
On a global scale, the UK launched the Green Investment Bank to finance green projects 
(Jackson, 2012). The issue with climate change became a concern for the UK to think of a way to 
implement green projects without financial risks. The Green Investment Bank’s goal is to slow 
the progression of global warming by financing green projects, specifically for projects involving 
renewable energy, waste processing, and infrastructure. This a significant step forward in the 
finance world and it may influence other countries to launch their own green investment banks. 
Politics is a way for counties to exert their dominance over other nations. For the United 
States to remain a powerhouse in the future, the U.S. must reevaluate its own political system. If 
the U.S.’s two major political parties -Republicans and Democrats- agreed with each other more 
often, than citizens would have more confidence and trust in their political systems. Having two 
main political parties is not going to be popular in the future because of the way society is 
changing. The recent government shutdown is proof that there are many problems for the 
political parties in the future. 
One step towards making sure the United States stays dominant in the future is that 
legislation would be developed more efficiently by government officials as they would continue 
to a work towards a common goal, as opposed to them working on opposing projects. For 
instance, Democrats focus on community and social responsibility, and favor minimum wages 
with progressive taxation (, 2011). But Republicans platform surrounds the idea of 
one’s individual rights versus the growth of government power. Certain elements of our country
such as the economy, environment, technological and social are main areas government officials 
can focus their legislation on because the countries that are above others are prime in each one of 
them. Of course there are going to be times where the government might disagree on an issue but 
they will have similar and thoughtful ideas about issues such as welfare, healthcare or education. 
These issues will be critical for our future since our population is getting older and our education 
system is not competing with other powerful countries. Another important issue the government 
would want to focus on is the job market or employment rate. No country can remain powerful if 
their poverty level is too high. 
If citizens see their government getting along with one another that will help create trust. 
There has not been any confidence or trust in our government for a while so this would be a big 
step for the United States. In this past year, the confidence level Americans have in their 
government has been an all-time low. Trust in the government handling international or domestic 
issues have been record breaking low as well (Wilke & Newport, 2013). With the government 
shut down occurring in October, it shows that the Democrats and Republicans are disagreeing so 
much that they cannot run the country without critical disagreements. This would scare citizens 
because it makes the country look weak if the government officials are so busy competing with 
each other. This sign of weakness drives away international investors as well, which helps the 
government lose money. For example, the government lost two billion dollars in productivity 
decline from the most recent shutdown (Rein, 2013). Funding is crucial for governments to be 
successful since creating and implementing laws or legislation is expensive. 
The United States has been losing international investors to other countries with 
emerging markets over the last couple of years. Countries such as Brazil and China are the main 
two that are taking away a lot of the United States’ international clients. From 2012 to 2013, the
amount of money earned from foreign investments dropped twenty-eight percent. People do not 
trust the economy in the U.S. as well as the tax policy, which is causing the government to lose a 
lot of money and political power. Nancy McLernon, president and chief executive of the 
Organization for International Investment, stated another reason why international funds have 
been decreasing is “all of the political theatrics” in Washington (2013, Runningen). This shows 
that international investors do look at how government officials are acting in office, so positive 
behavior will result in more interested international investors. More investors mean the United 
States will make a bigger gap between Brazil and China to maintain the lead in earning the most 
in foreign investments. Keeping a lead will help maintain and improve the economy, which will 
make the stakeholders very happy. 
Social, technological, economic, environmental and political trends will play a huge role 
in shaping future society. Socially, there will be this reverse brain drain throughout the world as 
highly skilled workers return their homelands because of strict immigration policies and 
abundant opportunities abroad. For technological, we foresee specialized machines for healthcare 
that could read an individual’s body and make personalized medicine on a readymade basis. The 
STEM field will be the driving force of future jobs and will lead to a more robust and successful 
economy due to the increase in education spending related to such. “Going green” is going to be 
beneficial for the corporate world because of corporate responsibility and the fact that it brings in 
more consumers. Bipartisanship is going to be the future as lawmakers will come together to 
further promote legislation in a more effective manner than it is today.
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Futuring Trends and Its Implications on the Financial Industry

  • 1. FUTURING FOR THE FINANCIAL INDUSTRY 1 Futuring for the Financial Industry Matthew Blum, Chris Emerson, Oren Kidanian, Martin Moy, and Sherae Swinson Team Seven Binghamton University MGMT 311-91 Professor S. Dionne December 3, 2013
  • 2. FUTURING FOR THE FINANCIAL INDUSTRY 2 Abstract Our STEEP analysis thoroughly examined the future effects on the financial industry observing social, technological, economical, environmental, and political trends. Our social trend looked at reverse brain drain in emerging BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India, China) countries; this trend shows that immigration to developed countries will decrease, helping the economic rise of these emerging countries. This trend will limit the growth of established countries and rapidly grow the economies of emerging markets and their respective industries. Our technological trend looked at the growing technologies in the health care field. Innovations in machine learning will specialize medical treatments for patients, as well as increase the efficiency of health care. The growth of health care technologies will increase jobs in the technology and pharmaceutical industries, in addition to rapid growth in all areas of the health care industry. Our economic trend focused on the changes that will take place in the education industry and how this will create more STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) jobs. An environmental trend looks at the effects and benefits of “going green”. By laying out a business model, we were able to show how increased interest in preserving the environment impacts the financial industry, and our economy as a whole. Our political trend focuses on the relationships within the United States government and how they need to change. By eliminating division among our government, the entire country will be able to function much more efficiently.
  • 3. FUTURING FOR THE FINANCIAL INDUSTRY 3 Social One of the reasons why immigrants leave their home countries is due to the lack of opportunities in their home nations. Throughout history, people would immigrate to developed countries such as the United perceived to be lands of opportunity due to their robust economies. The tide is turning as people are returning to their home countries for opportunities that are unavailable in a developed world where financial crisis has tested economic stability and welfare (Llana, Ford, Marquand, 2012, pg. 1). Although financial crisis has affected all nations, emerging economies have recovered quicker than developed countries. Skilled workers are boosting the emerging nations as Brazil, Russia, India, and China (BRIC) - amongst countless others- in what is known as the reverse brain drain or a brain gain for beneficiaries. BRIC countries are becoming global powers and are beginning to surmount the traditional developed nations such as Germany, Japan, France, and the United Kingdom through their continued economic growth. Knowledge is no longer a monopolized asset as highly skilled workers are returning to their homelands in droves, a number that has risen ten-fold since the beginning of the century (Llana et al., 2012, pg. 2). This can be attributed to financial incentives and opportunities that attract immigrants back to their homelands. Initiatives started by BRIC countries include extensive recruiting of those who left, tax exemptions and grants for research/business development (Moodie, 2011). Bangalore, India –India’s own version of Silicon Valley- is recruiting highly skilled employees; especially those with Western educations. As an emerging innovative power, the “city is attracting the brain-drain generation back to its shining lights” (Bosch, 2013). This is leading to a flow of people returning to India looking to satisfy the demand for IT-specialized employees.
  • 4. FUTURING FOR THE FINANCIAL INDUSTRY 4 What seem to be most troubling are the potential detrimental effects this brain gain can have on developed nations. For example, a myriad of Europeans are uprooting their families and seeking out opportunities abroad. The amount foreigners legally living in Brazil skyrocketed more than 50% from 2010 to 2012 (Llana et al., 2012, pg. 2). To put this statistic in context, this now makes Brazil a country of immigration after decades as being one of emigration. If developed economies lose a highly skilled workforce, they are at a significant competitive disadvantage to emerging economies. "It is already costing America economic growth. Over time you will see fewer and fewer start-ups in America and more in Asia and Latin America,” says Mr. Papademetriou (Llana et al., 2012, pg. 3). One of the reasons why immigrants go back to their home countries is the lure of accelerated professional growth and high demand for skills. According to the Kauffman Foundation, “87% of Chinese and 62% of Indians saw better career opportunities in their home countries than in the US” (Moodie, 2011). This signifies that job prospects in the United States are low compared to emerging nations. Since jobs help draw foreign immigration, foreigners are not coming to developed nations in the droves that they once did decades ago. In a study done by Duke University, it was found that foreign nationals were named as inventors/co- inventors of a quarter of WIPO patent applications filed from the United States seven years ago. Nearly seventeen percent of international patent applications had an inventor/ co-inventor of Chinese heritage and 13.7 percent had an inventor/co-inventor of Indian heritage (Wadhwa, 2011). This signifies is that nearly a third of American innovation can be attributed to foreigners residing here in the US. This statistic omits foreigners from other nations and residing in the U.S.; most likely foreigners have an even greater impact on innovation than just the third from China and India. If a significant portion of the U.S. patent innovators will soon leave the
  • 5. FUTURING FOR THE FINANCIAL INDUSTRY 5 nation, the flight of these skills abroad and will be detrimental to the US economy. Americans will not produce the amount of inventions that they are accustomed to and domestic investment will plummet. This loss in economic trust will cause economic instability with businesses losing market share to foreign businesses. Employees will receive less pay and many will lose their jobs. Developed nation’s economic growth pales in comparison with those emerging economies of China and India. Society in emerging nations will undoubtedly change drastically. “Becoming a recipient of brain gain implies new responsibilities that often cause growing pains, such as preventing human rights abuses of illegal workers or discouraging new xenophobic discourse” (Llana et al., 2012, pg. 3). Governments will have to start cracking down on employers who do not abide by new legislation supporting employee rights. Child laborers will no longer be allowed and safety regulations will be improved dramatically. What countries such as the United States need to do is to reform immigration policies in order to get these skilled students and workers to stay. The reason why these students and highly skilled workers are as highly sought after is due to the fact that they make “substantial contributions to large swaths of the U.S. economy and academic research, and their departure is keenly felt” (Moodie, 2011). Technological In the next ten years, the medical technologies field will be completely revolutionized. Through the fast growing innovations in machine learning, computers will be able to analyze and understand a person's body and their health problems to create personalized medicine. These learning computers will be incorporated into health care technologies and will be available in hospitals, doctor's offices, and even in one's home. These new and advanced health care technologies will be able to be installed in homes and act as personal doctors that can diagnose
  • 6. FUTURING FOR THE FINANCIAL INDUSTRY 6 and treat an illness. This option of home health care is targeted towards continually ill patients, patients with certain diseases that require constant attention, and the elderly. These new medical machines will be personalized to its owner’s body type and will have access to all of the owner’s medical records and known activities. This will be possible because all big data now abundantly available will be combined with computer processing language to create this learning technology that can analyze a person’s body to make a diagnosis, as well as treat it. In addition to medical machines being available in a person's home, people can be hooked up to small medical devices all day that constantly monitor their health and notify their doctor if a health threat occurs; this new adaptation is designed for people with a high health risk or those who want constant monitoring. As computers and medical machines advance to the point where they can thoroughly analyze an individual's body, new prescription drugs will be created that are specifically designed to fit a person’s DNA and thus cure their ailments. Unlike drugs that are only designed to cure general symptoms, these new drugs will be made to specifically combat all of the patient's specific health problems, leading to a much faster recovery rate. With this new technology, doctors will be able to quickly survey a patient's body, find the problem, and be able to write a prescription for a drug that will cure that specific ailment. The innovations in machine learning will transform mental health treatments as well. Computers with large databases will be able to treat and interact with patients who suffer from mental illnesses and disorders too. These computers will be able to interact with people just as any other human would, but will also have access to all available data. Because computers will be constantly learning, computer to human interaction will be just like human-to-human interaction, but with computers being able to access and apply any kind of information available.
  • 7. FUTURING FOR THE FINANCIAL INDUSTRY 7 While the increase in the use of automated health technology would in theory decrease the amount of jobs available for doctors, nurses, therapists, and many other medical field employees, the operation of these machines, the necessity for expert knowledge, as well as the growing senior population that is expected to be living will cause a continued need for these employees. The amount of jobs in the health care industry, especially the technology and pharmaceutical sectors, will definitely grow as the demand for these new technologies and prescription drugs increase. The health care industry is already on track to create 5.6 million new jobs by the year 2020, a rate that is growing twice the amount the national economy is (Berman, 2012). The technology industry will see significant growth as new innovations are made in interactive computers and machines, and the pharmaceutical industry will also grow as people become more dependent on prescription drugs that will be able to be made specifically for each individual person. As the jobs available in the health care industry grow, higher levels of education will certainly be required, expanding that industry as well. Due to these advances in medical technologies, health care costs will increase because of increased personalization and the emergence of new technologies that will be implemented in the treatment of patients. As health care costs rise, insurance companies will bear a greater burden, especially after the passing of the Obamacare Act that set out to hold insurance companies to higher standards when it came to consumer health care (U.S. Department of Health Care). Insurance companies will also be affected because of the changing health care costs, medical technology innovation, and the risks now associated with machines treating people in their homes. This trend will also lead to the health care industry being dominated by a few big technology and pharmaceutical companies. As the health care industry becomes overrun by these big technology and pharmaceutical companies, they will be heavily taxed, creating more revenue
  • 8. FUTURING FOR THE FINANCIAL INDUSTRY 8 for the government. The United States already has the largest health care services market in the world, accounting for $1.75 trillion in revenues in 2010, and employing 14 million U.S. workers. The U.S. also leads the world in medical technology production, with a market value over $110 billion in 2012, 38% of the medical technologies industry (U.S. Department of Commerce). As these medical technology and pharmaceutical companies gain power in their industries, lawmakers will create heavy restrictions and policies that the companies must follow, as they become responsible for the sake of people's lives. These huge companies that will dominate the health care industry will affect that stock market, as they will become some of the most coveted stocks by investors. Employment rates in the science and technology fields will certainly rise, creating a rise in interest rates. As medical technology is continually improved, it will create more jobs as many industries will be growing to support the increased demand for health care. Economics Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) jobs over the years have been growing in demand and it will continue to grow in the coming years. Consumer spending is one significant driver of the economy. The amount consumers spend depends on the amount the money they have in their pockets and the confidence they have in economic system. If an individual has a job in the STEM field, they will make more money as there is a high demand for highly skilled professionals in these disciplines; especially in the United States as there is knowledge. Such workers will have excess money to spend, which thus would help stimulate the economy. STEM jobs are going to be the driving force of the economy and will allow the United States to gain more of a competitive edge over other nations. The government and the people believe that STEM jobs are the future so more people are spending more money in the field of
  • 9. FUTURING FOR THE FINANCIAL INDUSTRY 9 education. As more money is spent on STEM education and job training, this in turn will create the plethora of more job opportunities that this countries desires. STEM jobs will always be in high demand and will have good pay, which is promising for the nation’s future economic development. According to information released by Georgetown University (Department of Labor, Georgia), STEM jobs got more pay than all other jobs by $8 to 18 per hour. They also earn twenty six percent more that non-STEM workers. From 2006 to 2011, the number of total people in the STEM occupations increased by six percent; the employment for the science and engineering fields in particular increased upwards of twenty percent. “In 2010, STEM workers earned twenty-six percent more than non-STEM workers” (U.S. Department for Professional Employees). Since such professionals are earning higher paychecks, their higher income allows them to purchase more consumer goods as they have more discretionary spending; thus, they have a greater economic impact. When the economy grows, businesses grow as people are will to spend more because they have more. While businesses are growing, people are more likely to invest in those businesses since they have the ability to invest in companies that they now have the extra income for such these investment opportunities that allow companies to grow allows more employees to be hired; more employees to obtain pay raises, as well as the government being able to gain more tax revenue. Perhaps most importantly, businesses will be able to allocate more funds to put towards innovative projects to help bolster the growth of their company and thus the economy. The government believes that the STEM jobs will lead the way to a brighter future for the economy. “As our economy continues to recover, STEM jobs represent a significant opportunity for economic growth, Said Chairman Casey” (Casey, 2012). The unemployment rate for STEM workers was 5.5 percent in 2009 while non-STEM worker was at 10 percent in 2010 (Casey,
  • 10. FUTURING FOR THE FINANCIAL INDUSTRY 10 2012). What this showcases is the fact that STEM jobs have nearly half the unemployment rate as non-STEM occupations. “BLS projects job growth of 22 percent for STEM occupations as a whole between 2004 and 2014” (U.S. Department of Labor). Workers in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics have more stability in their job status allowing them to not have worry as much about being fired or not being able to find work opportunities. Ultimately, this will cause more people to invest and to go in the STEM field and get a job. The government is spending nearly 3.5 billion dollars on STEM jobs, and out of that funding they are spending most of it on STEM degrees (National Science and Technology Council). In the STEM degrees that they are investing in, they are investing in postgraduate work (National Science and Technology Council). This shows that the government believes that the STEM field is worth investing in and is the future. About 15 million people that live in the United States hold at least a bachelor’s degree in STEM discipline (Charette, 2013). “The Georgetown study estimates that nearly two-thirds of the STEM job openings in the United States, or about 180 000 jobs per year, will require bachelor’s degrees” (Charette, 2013). People now need a master’s degree to get a job or to be promoted beyond a certain point; these master’s programs can be quite expensive but it pays off in the long run. It costs more than bachelors, but it gives the individual a completive advantage because it is perceived that the more education one has, the more a candidate is qualified for a position and potential professional advancement. Workers with postgraduate degrees can give companies the competitive edge because this would lead companies to become more creative and innovative. With businesses trying to come up with the new best thing, people become more open to invest in businesses because the company has more and better resources to become successful. The stakeholders would be making money
  • 11. FUTURING FOR THE FINANCIAL INDUSTRY 11 because they hired highly educated people that would come up with a new product that would take the company to the next level. STEM jobs are going to be a significant part of the future economy. The government believes that STEM jobs are the future, which can be attributed to the fact that they are heavily investing in that field. The government feels the money they put in will have positive ramifications in the future and make it more appealing for more people to go in the STEM field. They believe that with more educated people in the STEM field; it will increase a company’s competitive advantage and make it more appealing for people to invest in. Also the stakeholders would make more money because people are willing to invest in the company. Environmental When we think about the environment, the phrase “Going Green” comes to mind. First, what is “going green?” Going green is a philosophy for people to be aware of their environment and make better decisions to protect the environment. As an ongoing trend, it has influenced the way businesses conduct business as well as how consumers make decisions. Looking into the future, what if everyone became environmentally conscious and acted upon the notion of going green? How would the world begin to appear going forward? Reflecting on this question, in the article, “What Would Happen to All the Animals If Everyone Went Vegan,” Tuttle (2013) touched four key factors that apply to going green: morality, demand, chain of events, and health. If people went vegan, there would be reduced demand for meat leading to a chain of events. With lower demand for meat, animals would be free and there would be less force breeding for mass production, which is a major contributor to greenhouse gas emissions (Reynolds, 2013). People would be healthier physically and mentally; while the reduction of animal slaughters for food consumption would relieve people’s conscious.
  • 12. FUTURING FOR THE FINANCIAL INDUSTRY 12 Of course, if only a small amount of people were vegan, the drastic change as described would not result, but it is the macro-orientation of the incremental changes of demand that affects the way business works and the environment as a whole. Analogous to going green, going green and vegan are both lifestyles people choose to take. If consumers instill this mantra of “going green” into their lifestyle, demand for conventional mass produced goods will decrease. From the supply and demand curve, the decrease in demand will affect businesses leading to a decrease in price to attract price conscious consumers. However, if consumers adhere to their values in going green, it will eventually eliminate conventional methods. Consumers will only purchase foods that are organic and goods that are seen as “green”. In so doing, people will feel healthier physically and mentally as contributors to protecting the environment. Unfortunately, not everyone is consciously aware of the going green movement. In the article, “Scientist Discovers What Makes People Go Green,” Mulvey (2012) discusses research on the association between personality traits and sustainable behavior (going green). This research indicates that people with values in culture, respect, and trust in social responsibility strongly correlates with sustainable behavior. Therefore, businesses must reach out to those consumers and inform them about the environment, and marketing fits that role. According to the article, “Green Customers Extremely Loyal to Brands,” the Shelton Group’s annual Eco Pulse study regards green consumers as “early adopters and extremely brand loyal.” The study also shows that businesses builds reputation by selling green products and consumers form brand loyalty to those who aligns with their values (Tierney, 2013). In a marketing perspective, green consumers are the opinion leaders for green goods and have impact on other consumers; hence,
  • 13. FUTURING FOR THE FINANCIAL INDUSTRY 13 businesses not only form stronger relationships with consumers but also build a greener community. Apart from consumer decisions, recycling is one of the renowned ways in helping the environment, but a current issue is people don’t naturally know how to recycle. The article, “People Don’t Recycle Things That Look Like Trash,” Timmer (2013) discusses a research project on people’s behavior for recycling paper. The conclusion is that people tend to recycle paper that are normal sized, but treated everything else as trash. What we can learn from this is that we cannot expect or rely on people to go green consciously, but with the help of organizations in creating a clear system for recycling or going green universally, how we live today will change dramatically in the next decade. Moreover, according to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) 2011 Report, from 1990 to 2011, the percentage of waste recycled over waste generated from 1990 to 2011 more than doubled, from approximately 16% to 35%. That is a huge progress but it doesn’t stop here. The aim is to increase the efficiency; thus, demand for green jobs will increase, from environmental engineers to services. According to the article, “The Facts on U.S. Green Job Growth,” Schueneman (2013) states that “the green economy has been a leading driver of job creation for several years now.” Report supports this, as there were 750,000 green jobs in 2008, 770,000 green jobs in 2010, 2 million green jobs in 2011, and onwards (Schueneman, 2013). The negative response for going green is the costs. In the short term, costs for going green may be high, but going green has always been about the long term. Frito-Lay is an example of a company that benefited from a going green initiative. According the article, “Frito - Lay Goes Green,” Frito-Lay spent 10 years in an effort to reduce their environmental footprint, thus reducing 50 percent of their greenhouse gas emissions (Christian, 2011). More companies
  • 14. FUTURING FOR THE FINANCIAL INDUSTRY 14 are discovering the benefits of going green such as reducing operating costs while attracting a larger array of consumers. In the long run, it is foreseeable for green businesses to dominate the market. On a global scale, the UK launched the Green Investment Bank to finance green projects (Jackson, 2012). The issue with climate change became a concern for the UK to think of a way to implement green projects without financial risks. The Green Investment Bank’s goal is to slow the progression of global warming by financing green projects, specifically for projects involving renewable energy, waste processing, and infrastructure. This a significant step forward in the finance world and it may influence other countries to launch their own green investment banks. Political Politics is a way for counties to exert their dominance over other nations. For the United States to remain a powerhouse in the future, the U.S. must reevaluate its own political system. If the U.S.’s two major political parties -Republicans and Democrats- agreed with each other more often, than citizens would have more confidence and trust in their political systems. Having two main political parties is not going to be popular in the future because of the way society is changing. The recent government shutdown is proof that there are many problems for the political parties in the future. One step towards making sure the United States stays dominant in the future is that legislation would be developed more efficiently by government officials as they would continue to a work towards a common goal, as opposed to them working on opposing projects. For instance, Democrats focus on community and social responsibility, and favor minimum wages with progressive taxation (, 2011). But Republicans platform surrounds the idea of one’s individual rights versus the growth of government power. Certain elements of our country
  • 15. FUTURING FOR THE FINANCIAL INDUSTRY 15 such as the economy, environment, technological and social are main areas government officials can focus their legislation on because the countries that are above others are prime in each one of them. Of course there are going to be times where the government might disagree on an issue but they will have similar and thoughtful ideas about issues such as welfare, healthcare or education. These issues will be critical for our future since our population is getting older and our education system is not competing with other powerful countries. Another important issue the government would want to focus on is the job market or employment rate. No country can remain powerful if their poverty level is too high. If citizens see their government getting along with one another that will help create trust. There has not been any confidence or trust in our government for a while so this would be a big step for the United States. In this past year, the confidence level Americans have in their government has been an all-time low. Trust in the government handling international or domestic issues have been record breaking low as well (Wilke & Newport, 2013). With the government shut down occurring in October, it shows that the Democrats and Republicans are disagreeing so much that they cannot run the country without critical disagreements. This would scare citizens because it makes the country look weak if the government officials are so busy competing with each other. This sign of weakness drives away international investors as well, which helps the government lose money. For example, the government lost two billion dollars in productivity decline from the most recent shutdown (Rein, 2013). Funding is crucial for governments to be successful since creating and implementing laws or legislation is expensive. The United States has been losing international investors to other countries with emerging markets over the last couple of years. Countries such as Brazil and China are the main two that are taking away a lot of the United States’ international clients. From 2012 to 2013, the
  • 16. FUTURING FOR THE FINANCIAL INDUSTRY 16 amount of money earned from foreign investments dropped twenty-eight percent. People do not trust the economy in the U.S. as well as the tax policy, which is causing the government to lose a lot of money and political power. Nancy McLernon, president and chief executive of the Organization for International Investment, stated another reason why international funds have been decreasing is “all of the political theatrics” in Washington (2013, Runningen). This shows that international investors do look at how government officials are acting in office, so positive behavior will result in more interested international investors. More investors mean the United States will make a bigger gap between Brazil and China to maintain the lead in earning the most in foreign investments. Keeping a lead will help maintain and improve the economy, which will make the stakeholders very happy. Discussion Social, technological, economic, environmental and political trends will play a huge role in shaping future society. Socially, there will be this reverse brain drain throughout the world as highly skilled workers return their homelands because of strict immigration policies and abundant opportunities abroad. For technological, we foresee specialized machines for healthcare that could read an individual’s body and make personalized medicine on a readymade basis. The STEM field will be the driving force of future jobs and will lead to a more robust and successful economy due to the increase in education spending related to such. “Going green” is going to be beneficial for the corporate world because of corporate responsibility and the fact that it brings in more consumers. Bipartisanship is going to be the future as lawmakers will come together to further promote legislation in a more effective manner than it is today.
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