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January 2011
This edition covers:
•Data Visualisation
•The Power of One
•Food Security
Many Eyes “living laboratory”
                                                    ➔ Data visualisation is something that IBM –      COMMUNICATIONS TAKEOUT
DATA VISUALISATION                                  one of the most innovative companies in the
                                                    world – is taking a keen interest in.
Infographics are big                                ➔ They have even launched a website called
 ➔ Regardless of the medium, PR professionals       Many Eyes which they see as a “living
are still essentially in the business of creating   laboratory” allowing you to upload data sheets
compelling ways in which to get their client’s      and see them be transformed into a variety of
messages across.                                    visualised formats.
➔ One of the key trends in this area is Data
Visualisation or Infographics.                      Best practice
                                                    ➔ You are sure to remember the story of the
Impactful                                              Chilean miners. There were 33 Chilean          HOW TO GET THE MOST OUT OF
➔ A study at the University of Pennsylvania            miners trapped in a mine who were not          INFOGRAPHICS:
showed that in presentations, when                     going to be able to be freed for months.
                                                                                                      ➔ Ideas should be topical
information is conveyed orally, people retain          Although this was headline news when it
                                                                                                      ➔ Research is key and data needs to be
only 10 percent of the content. But when a             first broke there was an element of
presentation includes visuals and words, that          compassion fatigue over time. To counter
                                                                                                      ➔ Design is critical to take you on an
number increases to 50.                                this Newsweek produced this amazing
                                                                                                      entertaining visual journey
➔ In an era when we are inundated with news            infographic called “Think of the Miners”
                                                                                                      ➔ The title is important and needs a
and media stories that have to fight for space         showing how small the bore hole was that
                                                                                                      recognisable theme
amidst this deluge, infographics can make a real       was used to send them all their daily needs.
                                                                                                      ➔ Spread the word aggressively among
difference in helping a client stand out from its      As you can see, it’s a very powerful medium
                                                                                                      key online and offline influencers
competitors.                                           for getting your narrative across.
                                                                                                      ➔ Promote your content/Infographic on
                                                                                                      social media e.g.. Digg, Facebook, Twitter,
Not just a pretty picture                           ➔ Take a look at these stunning examples of
                                                                                                      Reddit, and StumbleUpon,etc.
➔ Infographics are much more than a pretty            creative infographics and these data
                                                                                                      ➔ Establish metrics to measure success
picture.                                              visualisations.
                                                                                                      ➔ Make sure you have the URL of your
➔ They provide users with 4 distinct elements:
                                                                                                      firm and the research links embedded in
1. same mental model                                ➔ This video is well worth taking the time to
                                                                                                      the image so that you always get the credit
2. attention-getting mechanisms                       watch – journalism in the age of data:
                                                                                                      for your work and in return, credit those
3. content retention                        
                                                                                                      whose research made it possible for you to
4. engagement from start to finish
                                                                                                      create a visual representation.
                                                    ➔ The New York Times and the BBC websites
                                                      are also good reference points, as they are
                                                      both at the forefront of data visualisation.    READ: 10 Awesome Free Tools To
                                                                                                      Make Your Own Infographics
ENGAGEMENT/HR/MARKETING                            ➔ Interestingly, 30% of gamers “like” real
GAMIFICATION                                         world brands. Some of the world’s biggest      COMMUNICATIONS TAKEOUT
                                                     brands have taken notice of how game
Gamification is the use of game play                 mechanics can help their strategies.
mechanics or non-game applications,                  Airlines, hotels, and credit card companies
particularly consumer-oriented web and               all understand our desire to be rewarded
mobile sites, in order to encourage people to        and to achieve status and have recognised
adopt the applications.                              that gaming is just making it more of an
➔ Gamification works by making technology            adventure, and more social. The scale of the
more engaging, and by encouraging desired            social gaming is such that, according to
behaviours, taking advantage of humans'              TechCrunch, Google has invested US$100M
psychological predisposition to engage in            in the social gaming behemoth Zynga and is     HOW TO USE GAME MECHANICS:
gaming. The technique can encourage people           preparing to launch Google Games in the        ➔ Integrate games from the outset
                                                     very near future.                              Start with your vision and work backwards.
to perform chores that they ordinarily consider
                                                                                                    Define your end goal: what do you want to
boring, such as completing surveys, shopping, or                                                    accomplish, what’s the big vision?
reading web sites.                                 The next frontier
                                                                                                    ➔ Make a list of required user actions
                                                   ➔ In 2011, watch out for major media
                                                                                                    What behaviour patterns do they need to adopt
Facebook at the forefront                            companies and consumer goods brands            in order to sustain your business model? Think
➔ The phenomenon of gaming , particularly            launching gamified experiences. Expect to      in verbs, not nouns. What do you need people
   Farmville, on Facebook has been something         see the most innovation in finance, travel     to do? Once you have this list, rank the items
   of a surprise success.                            and TV.                                        from most to least critical and from most to
➔ The statistics speak for themselves:             ➔ A Farmville equivalent will become a useful    least plausible. Now you know where to focus
         • 53% of Facebook users play games          teaching and/or business simulation and        your game-based psychology experiment.
         • 19% say they are addicted                 learning tool in the enterprise; perhaps a     ➔ Motivate the most important
         • 69% of Facebook gamers are women          user-powered cooperative. Companies like       behaviours
         • 56 million people play daily     [Beta] are also pushing       Give users a series of meaningful choices. Layer
                                                     the boundaries of traditional business         tasks over time to create a share sense of past,
                                                     networking sites like LinkedIn by adding a     present and future to make the experience
Crossing into business                                                                              “sticky.” Pull them towards the most critical
➔ It’s a phenomenon that has inevitably been         gaming element that encourages and
                                                                                                    behaviours with rewards.
   latched on to by marketers who have seen          rewards interaction.
                                                                                                    ➔ Evaluate and adapt
   the potential benefits of tapping into the      ➔ 2011 will be a very exciting year for          Success lies in evaluating and adapting both the
   growing “gamification” of our lives.              gamification and customer engagement           game mechanic layer & the behaviours that are
                                                     overall. From small start ups working on       critical to motivate. Both change as you learn
Big brands getting in on the act                     energy consumption to the world’s biggest      about your customer & they learn how to play
➔ Big brands also understand the need for            media properties, tools like points, badges,   your game.
   game-like connections. Traditional                leader boards and challenges will be
   advertising continues to lose effectiveness       increasingly deployed to create emotional      READ: 5 Predictions for Game
   with younger consumers, and customer              and brand loyalty.
                                                                                                    Mechanics in 2011:
   acquisition costs remain stubbornly high.
                                                    Gender divide: the Freemale
THE POWER OF ONE                                    ➔ A new label - Freemale - has been given to a      COMMUNICATIONS TAKEOUT
                                                      certain type of woman - those who are
It’s a lonely planet – or is it?                      happy without a man. According to the
➔ The rise of social networking over recent           ONS, only 25% of women live with a
    years and the internet over a longer period,      partner.
    has seen a concurrent rise in lone              ➔ There is also the seemingly unavoidable fact
    communication. Keeping in touch with              that women outlive men. The widowed
    friends does not necessarily need to be           demographic is one that should not be
    made face to face or in groups - each user is     ignored - with men in the West dying
    alone with his or her computer.                   around four years earlier than women, on          HOW TO TARGET THE “QUIRKY
➔ The mobile phone has perhaps been the               average. This female-heavy market is ripe
    prime modern cause of this solo
                                                      for brands and companies to tap into.
                                                                                                        ➔ Brands can sensitively target
    communication, however. Texting and the
                                                                                                          singletons, emphasising the bachelor or
    ease with which conversations can be cut        Lifestyle Choice
                                                                                                          bachelorette status (rather than
    down to ‘txt spk’ has meant that the need to    ➔ Overall being single is no longer perceived
                                                                                                          emphasising loneliness) and underline
    physically interact with others has been          as a depressing fate - a la Bridget Jones - but
                                                                                                          the social status of such a demographic.
    dramatically reduced.                             as more of an active lifestyle choice.
                                                                                                        ➔ This target group is ripe for the luxury
➔ We are becoming more and more                     ➔ A group called Quirkyalone has been set up
                                                                                                          category, having more disposable
    accustomed to being alone – but with the          in the US for Singletons or people with
                                                                                                          income and more liberty to indulge
    rise of digital entertainment and the ease        “singleton attitudes”. The members of the
    with which we can travel the world in our         group are not opposed to being in a couple
                                                                                                        ➔ Individual holidays are no longer
    second lives online, being lonely does not        but they are happier alone than in an
                                                                                                          confined to the gap year student. There
    have to mean being bored.                         unhappy relationship.
                                                                                                          is plenty of scope to tailor independent
                                                    ➔ The media agency Carat did some research
                                                                                                          adventures to explorers of all ages,
Socio-economic drivers                                on the topic of Singletons. The research
                                                                                                          especially in the area of health tourism.
➔ The slowdown in growth of the global                revealed that when asked what one thing
                                                                                                        ➔ Singletons acknowledge experiencing
   population has been matched by a growth in         would improve their lives, only one in six
                                                                                                          some feelings of loneliness at certain
   the number of households - meaning that            Singletons said “finding a partner” compared
                                                                                                          key times such as Christmas,
   more people are living alone.                      to a third who answered “a large sum of
                                                                                                          Valentine’s Day, New Year and
➔ According to the UK Office for National             money”; 60% of those surveyed believe that
                                                                                                          sometimes on Saturdays when there
   Statistics, as people marry later and live         single people are as happy as couples.
                                                                                                          tends to be a heavy media focus on
   longer, the number of single person                Respondents mentioned the following
                                                                                                          families and couples. These times may
   households is expected to increase by over 2       upsides to being single : having more time to
                                                                                                          create an opportunity for brands to
   million within the next 10 years - on top of       spend on hobbies (76%), being more
                                                                                                          play a role in Singletons’ lives and
   the seven and a half million who are already       spontaneous (62%) and having more close
                                                                                                          create an emotional tie with them.
   living alone.                                      friends (53%).
                                                                                                        READ: The Singleton Society
CORPORATE RESPONSIBILITY                            Global land grab
FOOD SECURITY                                       ➔ The world community is in widespread             COMMUNICATIONS TAKEOUT
                                                       agreement about the urgency of more
The world we eat in is changing                        investment in agriculture. The food crisis,
➔ Close to a billion people in the world are           partly characterized by unstable markets
   hungry and there is growing poverty,                and low reserves, has led governments to
   unemployment, and displacement in the rural         seek measures to meet their food security
   sector. Conditions have rapidly been getting        needs more directly than through global
   worse for families globally as they are             trade.
   battered by surging food prices. Rising costs    ➔ Governments and corporations, looking to
   are dragging more people into poverty,              outsource food and energy more directly
   fuelling political tensions and forcing ever        themselves, are promoting a new wave of
                                                       land acquisitions, known as "land grabs."
                                                                                                       WHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE:
   more people to go hungry.                                                                           ➔ Improve smallholder productivity
➔ Food is now costing up to 70% of family              Persian Gulf states are working out land
                                                       deals in Africa, Asia, and Eastern Europe.      ➔ Link smallholders to markets
   income in the poorest areas of the world. The                                                       ➔ Keep trade open
   U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization’s food       India has set up agricultural projects in
                                                       Brazil. South Korea recently tried to buy up    ➔ Promote productive safety nets
   price index — which covers 90 countries —                                                           ➔ Integrate climate change into strategies
   was up 22% in March 2010 from the previous          nearly half of the island of Madagascar.
                                                                                                        at all levels
   year.                                                                                               ➔Reform global food governance system
                                                    Longer term food supply problems looming
From credit crunch to food crunch                   ➔ Currently, the world’s population stands at
A deep-rooted set of factors is destabilising the      6.8 billion and is predicted to rise to         READ: Achieving Sustainable
   world food market:                                  between 8 billion and 10.5 billion between      Food Security: New Trends &
➔The US, once the world’s greatest exporter of         2040 and 2050.                                  Emerging Agenda
   grains, is now diverting 20% of its cereal       ➔ In 1996, the World Food Summit set a goal
                                                       of halving the number of undernourished
   harvest to biofuel. The grain needed to fill the
   tank of a typical American SUV would meet           people by 2015. The Food and Agriculture
   the annual needs of one person in developing        Organization says that target is not going to     CONTACT
   countries.                                          be met: World Agriculture towards
➔ The rising demand for animal feed for                2030/2050.                                      To request further information, give
   intensive meat production. This has given rise   ➔ The UK government, in consultation with          feedback or suggest a future topic for
   to a campaign for Meat Free Mondays.                the EU, has put together a strategy around
                                                                                                       the newsletter, please contact:
➔ Poor harvests from traditional cereal                6 core issues: healthy diet; resilient food
                                                       system; sustainable production; reducing
                                                                                                       Elaine Cameron
   exporters, such as Australia and Russia, which
   have been linked to climate change.                 emissions; reducing waste; increasing           Strategic Research & Trend Analysis,
                                                       impact of knowledge & technology: Food          EMEA
                                                                                                       And don’t forget to follow on Twitter:

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FUTURE Perspective #6 Trends Newsletter

  • 1. January 2011 This edition covers: •Data Visualisation •Gamification •The Power of One •Food Security
  • 2. Many Eyes “living laboratory” DIGITAL/DESIGN ➔ Data visualisation is something that IBM – COMMUNICATIONS TAKEOUT DATA VISUALISATION one of the most innovative companies in the world – is taking a keen interest in. Infographics are big ➔ They have even launched a website called ➔ Regardless of the medium, PR professionals Many Eyes which they see as a “living are still essentially in the business of creating laboratory” allowing you to upload data sheets compelling ways in which to get their client’s and see them be transformed into a variety of messages across. visualised formats. ➔ One of the key trends in this area is Data Visualisation or Infographics. Best practice ➔ You are sure to remember the story of the Impactful Chilean miners. There were 33 Chilean HOW TO GET THE MOST OUT OF ➔ A study at the University of Pennsylvania miners trapped in a mine who were not INFOGRAPHICS: showed that in presentations, when going to be able to be freed for months. ➔ Ideas should be topical information is conveyed orally, people retain Although this was headline news when it ➔ Research is key and data needs to be only 10 percent of the content. But when a first broke there was an element of accurate presentation includes visuals and words, that compassion fatigue over time. To counter ➔ Design is critical to take you on an number increases to 50. this Newsweek produced this amazing entertaining visual journey ➔ In an era when we are inundated with news infographic called “Think of the Miners” ➔ The title is important and needs a and media stories that have to fight for space showing how small the bore hole was that recognisable theme amidst this deluge, infographics can make a real was used to send them all their daily needs. ➔ Spread the word aggressively among difference in helping a client stand out from its As you can see, it’s a very powerful medium key online and offline influencers competitors. for getting your narrative across. ➔ Promote your content/Infographic on social media e.g.. Digg, Facebook, Twitter, Not just a pretty picture ➔ Take a look at these stunning examples of Reddit, and StumbleUpon,etc. ➔ Infographics are much more than a pretty creative infographics and these data ➔ Establish metrics to measure success picture. visualisations. ➔ Make sure you have the URL of your ➔ They provide users with 4 distinct elements: firm and the research links embedded in 1. same mental model ➔ This video is well worth taking the time to the image so that you always get the credit 2. attention-getting mechanisms watch – journalism in the age of data: for your work and in return, credit those 3. content retention whose research made it possible for you to 4. engagement from start to finish create a visual representation. ➔ The New York Times and the BBC websites are also good reference points, as they are both at the forefront of data visualisation. READ: 10 Awesome Free Tools To Make Your Own Infographics
  • 3. ENGAGEMENT/HR/MARKETING ➔ Interestingly, 30% of gamers “like” real GAMIFICATION world brands. Some of the world’s biggest COMMUNICATIONS TAKEOUT brands have taken notice of how game Gamification is the use of game play mechanics can help their strategies. mechanics or non-game applications, Airlines, hotels, and credit card companies particularly consumer-oriented web and all understand our desire to be rewarded mobile sites, in order to encourage people to and to achieve status and have recognised adopt the applications. that gaming is just making it more of an ➔ Gamification works by making technology adventure, and more social. The scale of the more engaging, and by encouraging desired social gaming is such that, according to behaviours, taking advantage of humans' TechCrunch, Google has invested US$100M psychological predisposition to engage in in the social gaming behemoth Zynga and is HOW TO USE GAME MECHANICS: gaming. The technique can encourage people preparing to launch Google Games in the ➔ Integrate games from the outset very near future. Start with your vision and work backwards. to perform chores that they ordinarily consider Define your end goal: what do you want to boring, such as completing surveys, shopping, or accomplish, what’s the big vision? reading web sites. The next frontier ➔ Make a list of required user actions ➔ In 2011, watch out for major media What behaviour patterns do they need to adopt Facebook at the forefront companies and consumer goods brands in order to sustain your business model? Think ➔ The phenomenon of gaming , particularly launching gamified experiences. Expect to in verbs, not nouns. What do you need people Farmville, on Facebook has been something see the most innovation in finance, travel to do? Once you have this list, rank the items of a surprise success. and TV. from most to least critical and from most to ➔ The statistics speak for themselves: ➔ A Farmville equivalent will become a useful least plausible. Now you know where to focus • 53% of Facebook users play games teaching and/or business simulation and your game-based psychology experiment. • 19% say they are addicted learning tool in the enterprise; perhaps a ➔ Motivate the most important • 69% of Facebook gamers are women user-powered cooperative. Companies like behaviours • 56 million people play daily [Beta] are also pushing Give users a series of meaningful choices. Layer the boundaries of traditional business tasks over time to create a share sense of past, networking sites like LinkedIn by adding a present and future to make the experience Crossing into business “sticky.” Pull them towards the most critical ➔ It’s a phenomenon that has inevitably been gaming element that encourages and behaviours with rewards. latched on to by marketers who have seen rewards interaction. ➔ Evaluate and adapt the potential benefits of tapping into the ➔ 2011 will be a very exciting year for Success lies in evaluating and adapting both the growing “gamification” of our lives. gamification and customer engagement game mechanic layer & the behaviours that are overall. From small start ups working on critical to motivate. Both change as you learn Big brands getting in on the act energy consumption to the world’s biggest about your customer & they learn how to play ➔ Big brands also understand the need for media properties, tools like points, badges, your game. game-like connections. Traditional leader boards and challenges will be advertising continues to lose effectiveness increasingly deployed to create emotional READ: 5 Predictions for Game with younger consumers, and customer and brand loyalty. Mechanics in 2011: acquisition costs remain stubbornly high.
  • 4. MARKETING Gender divide: the Freemale THE POWER OF ONE ➔ A new label - Freemale - has been given to a COMMUNICATIONS TAKEOUT certain type of woman - those who are It’s a lonely planet – or is it? happy without a man. According to the ➔ The rise of social networking over recent ONS, only 25% of women live with a years and the internet over a longer period, partner. has seen a concurrent rise in lone ➔ There is also the seemingly unavoidable fact communication. Keeping in touch with that women outlive men. The widowed friends does not necessarily need to be demographic is one that should not be made face to face or in groups - each user is ignored - with men in the West dying alone with his or her computer. around four years earlier than women, on HOW TO TARGET THE “QUIRKY ➔ The mobile phone has perhaps been the average. This female-heavy market is ripe prime modern cause of this solo ALONES”: for brands and companies to tap into. ➔ Brands can sensitively target communication, however. Texting and the singletons, emphasising the bachelor or ease with which conversations can be cut Lifestyle Choice bachelorette status (rather than down to ‘txt spk’ has meant that the need to ➔ Overall being single is no longer perceived emphasising loneliness) and underline physically interact with others has been as a depressing fate - a la Bridget Jones - but the social status of such a demographic. dramatically reduced. as more of an active lifestyle choice. ➔ This target group is ripe for the luxury ➔ We are becoming more and more ➔ A group called Quirkyalone has been set up category, having more disposable accustomed to being alone – but with the in the US for Singletons or people with income and more liberty to indulge rise of digital entertainment and the ease “singleton attitudes”. The members of the themselves. with which we can travel the world in our group are not opposed to being in a couple ➔ Individual holidays are no longer second lives online, being lonely does not but they are happier alone than in an confined to the gap year student. There have to mean being bored. unhappy relationship. is plenty of scope to tailor independent ➔ The media agency Carat did some research adventures to explorers of all ages, Socio-economic drivers on the topic of Singletons. The research especially in the area of health tourism. ➔ The slowdown in growth of the global revealed that when asked what one thing ➔ Singletons acknowledge experiencing population has been matched by a growth in would improve their lives, only one in six some feelings of loneliness at certain the number of households - meaning that Singletons said “finding a partner” compared key times such as Christmas, more people are living alone. to a third who answered “a large sum of Valentine’s Day, New Year and ➔ According to the UK Office for National money”; 60% of those surveyed believe that sometimes on Saturdays when there Statistics, as people marry later and live single people are as happy as couples. tends to be a heavy media focus on longer, the number of single person Respondents mentioned the following families and couples. These times may households is expected to increase by over 2 upsides to being single : having more time to create an opportunity for brands to million within the next 10 years - on top of spend on hobbies (76%), being more play a role in Singletons’ lives and the seven and a half million who are already spontaneous (62%) and having more close create an emotional tie with them. living alone. friends (53%). READ: The Singleton Society
  • 5. CORPORATE RESPONSIBILITY Global land grab FOOD SECURITY ➔ The world community is in widespread COMMUNICATIONS TAKEOUT agreement about the urgency of more The world we eat in is changing investment in agriculture. The food crisis, ➔ Close to a billion people in the world are partly characterized by unstable markets hungry and there is growing poverty, and low reserves, has led governments to unemployment, and displacement in the rural seek measures to meet their food security sector. Conditions have rapidly been getting needs more directly than through global worse for families globally as they are trade. battered by surging food prices. Rising costs ➔ Governments and corporations, looking to are dragging more people into poverty, outsource food and energy more directly fuelling political tensions and forcing ever themselves, are promoting a new wave of land acquisitions, known as "land grabs." WHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE: more people to go hungry. ➔ Improve smallholder productivity ➔ Food is now costing up to 70% of family Persian Gulf states are working out land deals in Africa, Asia, and Eastern Europe. ➔ Link smallholders to markets income in the poorest areas of the world. The ➔ Keep trade open U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization’s food India has set up agricultural projects in Brazil. South Korea recently tried to buy up ➔ Promote productive safety nets price index — which covers 90 countries — ➔ Integrate climate change into strategies was up 22% in March 2010 from the previous nearly half of the island of Madagascar. at all levels year. ➔Reform global food governance system Longer term food supply problems looming From credit crunch to food crunch ➔ Currently, the world’s population stands at A deep-rooted set of factors is destabilising the 6.8 billion and is predicted to rise to READ: Achieving Sustainable world food market: between 8 billion and 10.5 billion between Food Security: New Trends & ➔The US, once the world’s greatest exporter of 2040 and 2050. Emerging Agenda grains, is now diverting 20% of its cereal ➔ In 1996, the World Food Summit set a goal of halving the number of undernourished harvest to biofuel. The grain needed to fill the tank of a typical American SUV would meet people by 2015. The Food and Agriculture the annual needs of one person in developing Organization says that target is not going to CONTACT countries. be met: World Agriculture towards ➔ The rising demand for animal feed for 2030/2050. To request further information, give intensive meat production. This has given rise ➔ The UK government, in consultation with feedback or suggest a future topic for to a campaign for Meat Free Mondays. the EU, has put together a strategy around the newsletter, please contact: ➔ Poor harvests from traditional cereal 6 core issues: healthy diet; resilient food system; sustainable production; reducing Elaine Cameron exporters, such as Australia and Russia, which have been linked to climate change. emissions; reducing waste; increasing Strategic Research & Trend Analysis, impact of knowledge & technology: Food EMEA 2030. And don’t forget to follow on Twitter: