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Fulbright - italy Newsletter
                 Linking Minds Across Cultures

  Issue 6                                                                                                                                             Fall 2010

            Contents                     Dear Fulbrighters and Friends,
                                    This Newsletter reports on the scholarships that the Fulbright Program in Italy has awarded in 2010
                                    and on the development activities undertaken by the Commission with Italian and US Universities
Welcome Message               p. 1 within its Fulbright Universitas Program. It highlights the scholarships and activities in the area of
                                    sustainable food consumption and global food security, one of the thematic priority areas of the
US & Italian Fulbright Grantee      Commission.It reports on institutions and donors collaborating with the Program and on publications by
Academic Year 2010 - 2011           Fulbrighters.Finally, it provides information on the activities planned for 2011, of interest to the Fulbright
                               p. 2
Fulbright Specialist &
                                      Scholarships. In 2010, a total of 128 scholarships were awarded, 65 to Italians and 63 to US citizens,
Inter-Country Program
                                      as detailed in the following pages. As in the past year, the humanities tend to be the field of greater
                                 p. 6
                                      interest for US grantees, whereas the sciences and social sciences are favored by Italian grantees.
Fulbright Scholarships and            The Fulbright-BEST program, aimed at enhancing entrepreneurship in Italy, continued in 2010 thanks
Activities in the field of            to the generous contributions of several donors.
Sustainable Food Consumption
                                      News in the Fulbright Universitas Program. Agreements have been renewed with the
and Global Food Security
                                      Universities of Chicago, Pittsburgh, and Notre Dame for Fulbright Distinguished Lectureships in Italian
                                p. 8
                                      studies for Italian professors for academic years 2012-15. These Lectureships, as well as those at the
                                      universities of Georgetown and Northwestern, have now been extended to “ricercatori confermati a tempo
Fulbrighters’ Publications
                                      indeterminato con affidamento didattico”. Fulbright Distinguished Chairs in Italy for US scholars
and Works
                                      have been renewed for academic years 2013-16 at Trento University in Comparative Law, at the
                                p. 12
                                      University of Parthenope in Environmental Sciences and in ICT and Robotics at the Polytechnic of
                                      Turin, in collaboration with the Italian Institute of Technology of Genoa. The Scuola Superiore Santa
Fulbright News
                                      Chiara has also renewed for three years a Research/Lectureship in Methodology of Scientific Research.
                                p. 14
                                      A competition has been launched among Italian universities for three Fulbright Lectureships in
                                      American Studies for academic years 2013-16. In the field of American Studies, the Commission has
Fulbright Commission
                                      continued to provide its contribution to the AISNA yearly doctoral seminar at the Centro Studi Americani.
Educational Advising
                                 p. 15 The Education and Cultural Bureau of the US Department of State has increased the number         of
Thanks to our partners                 Fulbright Specialists from 6 to 10 also in view of the appreciation of this Program by Italian
and donors                             Universities. The universities have also participated in the Fulbright Inter-Country Program, which
                                 p. 17
                                       fosters the circulation of US Fulbright scholars within Italy and Europe (page 6).
Program at a Glance                      The Commission has intensified its visits to Italian Universities as well as its information activities.
                                p. 18 Constant updating of information on Fulbright scholarships and on other opportunities for financial
                                         assistance to study in the US is provided to Fulbright alumni and friends through our website, e-mails,
Contacts                                 Facebook and Twitter.
                                 p. 20
                                         Sustainable Food Consumption and Global Food Security. A review of the scholarships
                                         granted in the last 2-3 years has highlighted the interest by many students and scholars in the theme of
                                         sustainable food consumption and global food security. On the one hand, there is a great interest in the
                                         Italian food culture, its social and cultural dimensions and, above all, its nutrition implications. On the
                                         other, the focus by many students and scholars on food and nutrition at the national and international
                                         levels, link with the broader aspects of global food security, a priority theme for both the Italian and the
                                         US Governments, as enunciated in the G8 L’Aquila Declaration in 2009.

                                         Planned in 2011: The Fulbright-CRUI Seminar on US-Italy Academic Exchanges ( 2 March 2011);
                                         Fulbright alumni meeting at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (June 2011, tentatively). More information
                                         will follow.

                                         Finally, we wish to thank the donors and institutions that contribute to making the Fulbright Program
                                         vibrant and relevant for greater mutual understanding between Italy and the US. We also thank
                                         the Fulbright alumni who, by keeping us informed about their work and achievements, provide
                                         the evidence of the continued importance and relevance of the Program for the two countries.

                                         Luca Fratini
                                         Chairman - The US - Italy Fulbright Commission
               Luca Fratini              First Counselor – Head of Office VII, Directorate General for the Country Promotion (University Co-operation, Scholarships,
                                         Youth Exchanges) Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Fulbright - italy Newsletter                                                                                                  Issue 6, Fall 2010

                                           US & Italian Fulbright Grantees, academic year 2010 - 2011
                                                                   US Fulbright Grantees
                                                               Graduate Students Category
Name                          Home                                             Host Institution                     Field of Study
ANTONUCCI, Anthony J.         University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT            Università di Napoli                 History
                                                                               “Federico II”
BREGE, Brian A.               Stanford University, Stanford, CA                European University Institute        History
CANTOR, Sarah B.              University of Maryland, College Park, MD         Biblioteca Hertziana, Rome           History of Art
CHIPPENDALE, Ivy              Connecticut College, New London, CT              ANLAIDS Sicily, Palermo              Public Health
COZZI, Leslie F.              University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA      Libreria delle Donne, Milan          History of Art
                                                                               Biblioteca delle Donne, Bologna
FINKELSTEIN, Jared            Farmingdale State College, New York, NY          Politecnico di Torino                Engineering
Fulbright Grant at the
Politecnico di Torino
GADELIYA, Liana               Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ            Scuola di Musica, Fiesole            Music/Violin
GASTON, Kara                  University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA     Università di Roma “La Sapi-         Literature
GILMORE, Kerry                Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL        CNR -ISOF                            Chemistry
HAAKENSON, Hilary             Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ            Università IUAV, Venice              History of Art
HO, Colleen                   University of California, Santa Barbara, CA      Università di Roma Tre / The         History
                                                                               Medici Archive, Florence
JOHANNSDOTTIR,                Gallaudet University, Washington, D.C.           ALBA Cooperativa Sociale             Deafness Studies
Sigridur                                                                       Onlus, Alessandria
Fulbright Grant in Deafness
KO, Michelle                  University of Maryland, Baltimore County, MD     Conservatorio di Musica              Music/Flute
Fulbright Travel                                                               Giuseppe Nicolini, Piacenza
LANGER, Emily J.              Georgetown University, Washington, D.C.          Civico Museo della Risiera di        History
                                                                               San Sabba, Trieste
MATO, Jakara S.               Yale University, New Haven, CT                   Università di Roma Tre               Education
MENGISTE, Maaza               New York University, New York, NY                Università di Napoli “L’Orientale”   Creative Writing
                                                                               and IsIAO, Rome
POPKIN, Maggie Lilah          New York University, NY                          American Academy in Rome             History of Art
                                                                               and Università di Roma “La
REPINECZ, Martin G.           Duke University, Durham , NC                     Università di Roma                   Italian Cultural Studies
                                                                               “La Sapienza”
ROBERTS, Gregory              Yale University, New Haven, CT                   Archivio di Stato, Bologna           History
SHEPPARD, Renata              University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, IL   PAX and Virtual Reality and          Dance
                                                                               Multimedia Park in Turin
SIMLEY, Shakirah              University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA     Università degli Studi di            Anthropology
Fulbright-Casten Family                                                        Scienze Gastronomiche,
Foundation Award                                                               Pollenzo
STICKNEY, Sarah E.            University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH          Università di Bologna                Poetry And Translation
TRENTINELLA, Rose-            New York University, New York, NY                Università degli Studi della         Archaeology
marie                                                                          Calabria
WILKINS, Sarah                Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ            Kunsthistorisches Institut in        History of Art
                                                                               Florence - Università di Studi
                                                                               di Napoli “L’Orientale”
ZABALDANO, Daniel R.          Mississippi State University, Starkville, MS     Politecnico di Torino                Environmental Engineering
Fulbright Grant at the
Politecnico di Torino

                                                               English Teaching Assistants
ANTENUCCI, Emily              Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, NY                 Liceo Classico Statale
                                                                               “N. Spedalieri”; Istituto
                                                                               Sant’Orsola, Catania
CALDAROLA, Elise M.           Barnard College, New York, NY                    Liceo Classico “G. Garibaldi”;
                                                                               Istituto Tecnico Commerciale
                                                                               Mario Pagano, Napoli

Fulbright - italy Newsletter                                                                                           Issue 6, Fall 2010

                                   US & Italian Fulbright Grantees, academic year 2010 - 2011

                                                      English Teaching Assistants
Name                  Home                                              Host Institution                         Field of Study
CALISTRI, Alexandra   Middlebury College, Middlebury, Vermont, VT       Liceo Scientifico “Giancarlo
                                                                        Siani”, Liceo Artistico Statale in
                                                                        Benevento, Aversa
KELLEY, Lauren C.     George Mason University, Fairfax, VA              Liceo Scientifico “D. Alighieri”,
Marrelli                                                                Matera; Liceo Classico “Duni”,
KOHL, Meredith H.     University of Nevada, Las Vegas, NV               Centro Educativo Ignaziano;
                                                                        Liceo Scientifico “Galileo
                                                                        Galilei”, Palermo
MEROLLA Jamie C.      Trinity College, Hartford, CT                     Liceo Scientifico “Farnesina”;
                                                                        Istituto “Via Copernico”; Rome,
ORTON Jessica A.      University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN          Liceo Scientifico “John Fitzger-
                                                                        ald Kennedy”, Rome; Istituto
                                                                        d’Istruzione Superiore “D. Cotug-
                                                                        no”, L’Aquila; I.P.S.I.A.S.A.R. “L. Da
                                                                        Vinci”, L’Aquila

BERNARDI, Debra       Carroll College, Dept. of Languages and           Università di Napoli                     American Studies
                      Literature, Helena, MT                            “L’Orientale”, Dip. di Studi
                                                                        Comparati e di Studi Europei
BROWN, Mark T.        University of Florida, Dept. of Environmental     Università “Parthenope”                  Environmental Sciences & Sustainable
                      Engineering Sciences, Center for                  di Napoli, Dip. Scienze                  Development
                      Environmental Policy Gainesville, FL              ambientali
CAROZZA, Paolo        University of Notre Dame,Law School,              Università di Firenze, Dip. di           Law
                      Notre Dame, IN                                    Legge ed Economia
CONKLIN, JOHN W.      Stanford University,Dept. of Aeronautics and      Università di Trento, Dip.               Mechatronics Engineering
                      Astronautics, School of Engineering               Ingegneria Meccanica e
                      Stanford, CA                                      Strutturale
CORRADO, Michael L.   University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill,       University of Trento, Faculty of         Law
                      School of Law, NC                                 Law
DABNEY, Lewis M.      University of Wyoming, Dept. of English,          Università di Roma 3, Dip.               American Cultural History
                      Laramie, WY                                       di Studi Americani
DAVIS, Cinthya J.     University of South Carolina, Columbia,           Università di Venezia “Ca’               American Literature
                      Dept. of English College of Arts and Sciences,    Foscari”
FORSTER, Malcolm R.   University of Wisconsin, Madison, Dept. of        Università di Siena, Scuola              Methodology of Scientific Research
                      Philosophy,College of Letters and Science, WI     Superiore Santa Chiara
GARDAPHE, Fred L.     CUNY – Queens College, English Dept.              Università di Salerno                    American Cultural Studies
                      Flushing, NY                                      (Fisciano), Facoltà di Lingue e
                                                                        Letterature Straniere
KATUL, Gabriel G.     Nicholas School of the Environment and Earth      Politecnico di Torino, Dip. di           Hydrology & Hydraulic Engineering
                      Sciences, Levine Science Research Center          Idraulica, Trasporti e
                      Duke University, Durham, NC                       Infrastrutture Civili.
KUSHNER, James A.     Southwestern Law School                           Politecnico di Torino,                   Environmental Sustainability
                      Los Angeles, CA                                   Inter-University Department of
                                                                        Territorial Studies and Planning
REICH, Jonathan W.    California Polytechnic State University           Università di Camerino,                  Architecture and Urban Planning
                      San Luis Obispo, Architecture Dep., CA            Facoltà di Architettura in Ascoli
ROSATO, Anthony G.    New Jersey Institute of Technology,               Università di Salerno                    Mechanical Engineering
                      Dept. of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering,     (Fisciano), Dip. di Ingegneria
                      Newark, NJ                                        Meccanica
SCHELL, Lawrence M.   University at Albany SUNY, Dept. of               Universiti di Firenze, Dip. di           Anthropology
                      Anthropology, Dept. of Epidemiology and           Biologia Evulozionistica
                      Biostatistics, NY
SILVERMAN, Taije J.   Ursinus College, Dept. of English                 Università di Bologna                    Poetry
                      Collegeville, PA

Fulbright - italy Newsletter                                                                                           Issue 6, Fall 2010

                                         US & Italian Fulbright Grantees, academic year 2010 - 2011
                                                                  Italian Fulbright Grantees
                                                     Graduate Students Category (IIE-Placed)
Name                         Home                                               Host Institution                Degree and Specialization /
                             University                                                                         Field of Study
COMPOSTELLA, Chiara          Istituto Superiore Conservazione Restauro,         Columbia University             Master in Arts Administration
D’ERCOLE, Tommaso            Università degli Studi di Bologna                  John Hopkins University, SAIS   Master in International Relations
(Fulbright - Santoro)
GLORIOSO, Paolo              Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milano       M.I.T.                          Ph.D. in Physics
LANZI, Armando               Università degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza”       UC San Diego                    Master of Science in Engineering
MEGALINI, Ludovico           Politecnico di Torino                              UC Santa Barbara                Master of Science in Material Science
(Fulbright - Finmeccanica)
PELLEGRINI, Silvia           Università degli Studi di Bologna                  University of Hartford          Master in Management Engineering
(Fulbright - Finmeccanica)
SCHIBBA, Ilaria              University of Leeds, UK                            Columbia University             Master in Public Health
                                                     Graduate Students Category (Self- Placed)
GRAZIOSI, Ignazio            Università degli Studi di Firenze                  University of Kentucky          Ph.D. in Entomology
LEGOVINI, Elettra            Sciences Po. Paris                                 Columbia University             Master in International Affairs
VENDRAME, Stefano            Università degli Studi di Milano                   University of Maine             Ph.D. in Nutrition
                                         Fulbright-BEST (Business Exchange and Student Training)
ALBERTI, Daniele             Politecnico di Torino                                                              Information Technology
ALIBERTI, Massimo            Universita' degli Studi di Pisa                                                    Information Engineering
BELLASIO, Chandra            Universita' degli Studi di Milano                                                  Agriculture Science and Technology
BIANCHINI, Elisabetta        IFC CNR- Università di Pisa                                                        Electronic Engineering
BOSSI, Silvia                IMT - Advanced Studies di Lucca                    Santa Clara University          Biorobotics Sciences and Engineering
CAPORUSSO, Nicholas          IMT - Advanced Studies di Lucca                    Center for Innovation           Computer Sciences and Engineering
CARISI, Roberto              Università di Bologna                              & Entrepreneurship, CA          Computer Science and
                                                                                                                Information Technology
FALOMI, Stefano              Università di Firenze                                                              Industrial Engineering
LA MESA, Andrea              Università degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza”                                       Economy
MARTELLETTI, Lorenzo         Università degli Studi di Firenze                                                  Environmental Engineering
ROSSI, Roberta               Università di Bologna                                                              Civil Engineering
ROSSI, Stefano               Università di Perugia                                                              Biomedical Engineering and Biotechnology
                                                               Visiting Student Researchers
ATZENI, Elena                Universita' degli Studi di Torino                  UC Berkeley, CA                 Law
CAOLA, Fabrizio              Universita' degli Studi di Milano                  Fermilab, IL                    Physics
CONZO, Pierluigi             Universita' degli Studi di Roma "Tor Vergata"      UC San Francisco, CA            Economics
COZZARINI, Luca              Universita' degli Studi di Trieste                 National Renewable Energy       Material Sciences and Engineering
(Fulbright - Rotary)                                                            Laboratory, CO
DEL SORDI, Adele             IMT - Advanced Studies di Lucca                    Harvard University, MA          Political Science and International Affairs
GARASIC, Mirko               LUISS “Guido Carli” di Roma                        Yale University, CT             Philosophy
LANZINI, Andrea              Politecnico di Torino                              Princeton University, NJ        Energy and Power Engineering
(Politecnico di Torino)
MAININI , Laura              Politecnico di Torino                              M.I.T., MA                      Aerospace Engineering
(Politecnico di Torino)
PERAZZINI, Federica          Università degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza”       Stanford University, CA         Language and Literature
PETROLO, Marco               Politecnico di Torino                              San Diego State University, CA Aerospace Engineering
(Politecnico di Torino)
PINATO, David James          Università del Piemonte Orientale                  Yeshiva University, NY          Medical Sciences
SIGNORELLI, Cecilia          Politecnico di Milano                              Stanford University, CA         Biomedical Engineering and Biotechnology

VARRI, Annalisa              Università degli Studi di Milano                   Drexel University, Department   Astronomy and Astrophysics
                                                                                of Physics, PA

Fulbright - italy Newsletter                                                                                         Issue 6, Fall 2010

                                     US & Italian Fulbright Grantees, academic year 2010 - 2011

                                                               Research Scholars
Name                    Home                                              Host Institution                  Degree and Specialization /
                        University                                                                          Field of Study
BARDONI, Rita Maria     Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio         Columbia University, NY           Medical Sciences
BIETTI, Massimo         Università degli Studi di Roma “Tor Vergata”      Columbia University, NY           Chemistry
CACIOPPO, Marina        Università degli Studi di Palermo                 John D. Calandra Italian          Cultural Studies
                                                                          American Institute, NY
CALIENDO, Giuditta      Università degli studi di Napoli “Federico II”    University of Washington, WA      Linguistics
COINU, Giovanni         Università degli Studi di Cagliari                John Marshall Law School, IL      Law
CRIFO’, Carla           University of Leicester, UK                       Northeastern University, MA       Law
DE GREGORIO,Michele     Università degli Studi di Teramo                  University of Minnesota ; New     History
                                                                          York University
DELL’ACQUA, Francesca   Università degli Studi di Salerno                 Dumbarton Oaks Research           History of Art
                                                                          Library and Collection,
                                                                          Washington, DC
FIORDELISI, Franco      Università degli Studi “Roma Tre”                 Washington University, MS         Economics
GUIDI Daniele           Università degli Studi di Siena                   Harvard University, MA            Environmental Sciences
MAFFEI, Stefano         Università degli Studi di Parma                   Temple University, PA             Law
MARRAS, Stefano         Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca          New York University, NY           Sociology
MUCCIARELLI, Federico   Università degli Studi di Modena                  New York University, NY           Law
PALLOTTA, Giuliana      Università degli Studi di Napoli “Federico II”    University of Washington, WA      Aerospace/Aeronautical Engineering
RICCI, Fabrizio         Università degli Studi di Napoli “Federico II”    University of California, CA      Aerospace/Aeronautical Engineering
ROCCARO, Paolo          Università degli Studi di Catania                 Harvard University, MA            Civil and Environmental Engineering
SPADEA, Maria           Università “Magna Graecia” di Catanzaro           Harvard University, MA            Biomedical Engineering and Biotechnology
                                                          Fulbright-Schuman Scholars
ANDREANGELI, Arianna    University of Liverpool, UK                       University of Michigan, MI        Law
BITUMI, Alessandra      Università degli Studi di Pavia                   Woodrow Wilson International      International Relations
                                                                          Center for Scholars,
                                                                          Washington DC
HERMANIN, Costanza      European University Institute, Firenze            Berkeley University, CA           Political Science
                                                                          Columbia University, NY
RUFFA, Chiara           European University Institute, Firenze            Harvard University, the Belfer    Political Science
                                                                          Center, Cambridge, MA
TRIDICO, Pasquale       Università degli Studi “Roma Tre”                 University of California,         Economics
                                                                          Center for European and
                                                                          Eurasian Studies, CA
                                                      Fulbright Distinguished Chairs
CURLI, Barbara          Università della Calabria                         Georgetown University, BMW        History
                                                                          Center for German &
                                                                          European Studies/Dept. of
                                                                          Italian, Washington, DC
MAZZONI, Guido          Università di Siena                               University of Chicago, Dept. of   Italian Language & Literature
                                                                          Romance Languages &
                                                                          Literatures, Chicago, IL
CALLONI, Marina         Università di Milano “Bicocca”                    University of Notre Dame,         Social & Political Philosophy
                                                                          Notre Dame, IN
TONELLO, Fabrizio       Università di Padova                              University of Pittsburgh,         Modern History and Italian History
                                                                          Pittsburgh, PA
                                                              Scholar in Residence
ANDREONI, Roberto       Conservatorio "N.Piccinni", Bari                  Scripps College,Claremont,CA      Music

                                    Summer Seminars for Foreign Secondary School Educators
CERULLI, Grazia Rita    Liceo Classico Statale "Gioberti", Torino         University of Illinois, IL        Six-week seminar on American Culture
MEZZADRI, Chiara        Istituto Statale di Istruzione Secondaria di 2°   Institute for Training &          Six-week seminar on American Culture
                        Grado, Pescia (PT)                                Development (ITD), Amherst,

Fulbright - italy Newsletter
                                                                                                                                     Fulbright Universitas
                                           Fulbright Specialist Program
The Fulbright Senior Specialists Program provides short-term academic opportunities (2-6 weeks) for
US faculty and professionals that are invited by Italian universities.

Senior Specialists collaborate on curriculum and faculty development, assist in institutional planning,
give lectures and otherwise use their expertise, depending on the host institution’s interests and needs.
 2010                    US Scholar                              Topic                         University
 11   -     24   April   Prof. Mark Christie, Virginia           Constitutional Law            Università di Trento
                         Commonwealth University                                               Facoltà di Legge

 24 April - 7 May        Prof. Alex Lichtenstein, Florida        US Social and Cultural        Università di Genova
                         International University                Studies                       Facoltà di Scienze Politiche             Prof. Alex Lichtenstein
                                                                                                                                     Florida International University

 10    -    28   May     Prof. Michael Camasso, Rutgers,         Economics: Human              Università di Catania
                         The State University of New Jersey,     Capital Formation             Facoltà di Economia
                         Dept. of Agr., Food and Resource
 5 May - 8 June Prof. Charles D’Agostino,                        Redevelopment after a         Università dell’Aquila,
                Louisiana State University - Lou-                Natural Disaster              Facoltà di Economia
                siana Business and Technology                                                  Ignegneria e Scienze

 11 May - 11 June Prof. Dena Davis, Cleveland State              Religion and Bioethics        Università di Padova,
                  University - Cleveland Marshall                and Research Ethics           Facoltà di Lettere,
                  College of Law                                                               Dipartimento di Filosofia                   Prof. Dena Davis,
                                                                                                                               Cleveland State University - Cleveland Mar-
 6 June - 17 July        Prof. William Rivenbark,                Performance measure-          Università di Palermo,
                                                                                                                                          shall College of Law
                         University of Arizona - University of   ment and benchmarking         Facoltà di Scienze Politiche
                         North Carolina at Chapel Hill.          of public administrations     Dipartimento di Studi

  Disaster Recovery: the Fulbright Program and the L’Aquila earthquake
Charles D’Agostino, Fulbright Specialist, Executive Director of the Louisiana State University Business
and Technology Center of the E.J. Ourso College of Business was at the University of L’Aquila for a
period of five weeks, sharing his experience in disaster management and business counseling
developed after the four hurricanes that struck Louisiana between 2005 and 2008 and the 2010 British
 Petroleum Oil Spill. He gave a series of seminars covering various topics ranging from lessons learned
post-disaster to developing a disaster resilient city, highlighting the role that can be played by the
university. Louisiana State University and the University of L’Aquila have now committed to working
together to find solutions for disaster preparedness, resiliency and recovery.                                                          Charles D’Agostino
                                                                                                                                 Executive Director of the Louisiana
                                                                                                                               Business & Technology Center at LSU’s
                                    Fulbright Inter-Country Program                                                               E. J. Ourso College of Business

The Inter-Country grant Program offers significant flexibility to the Fulbright Program making it possible
to bring Fulbright lecturers and researchers in Italy or in Europe to take part in academic meetings,
conferences, seminars and other program-related activities organized by Italian or European universities.

The Inter-Country Program, administered in collaboration with Fulbright Commissions in Europe, finances
travel expenses of the Fulbright researcher or lecturer from the city in Italy or in Europe where he/she is
carrying out his/her Fulbright project to the site of the host institution.

 2010                US Scholar                             Topic                                     University
 20 April            Gregory Sumner, University of          American Literature: The Challenge of     Università.di Udine
                     Detroit, Mercy, MI                     Cosmopolitan Democracy
 21 April            David Lightfoot,                       Language acquisition: clues and com-      Università di Venezia
                     George Washington University,          plexity sciences                                                              Gregory Sumner
                     D.C.                                                                                                                University of Detroit
 21 April            Anne Marie O’Healey,                   Tracce dello sguardo coloniale nelle      Università di Macerata
                     Loyola Marymount University,           pratiche cinematografiche di oggi
                     Los Angeles, CA
 19 May              Anne Marie O’Healey,                   Rappresentare la razza e il genere nel-   Università per
                     Loyola Marymount University,           la cultura visiva e nel cinema italiano   Stranieri di Siena
                     Los Angeles, CA

Fulbright - italy Newsletter
                                                                                                                            Fulbright Universitas
                             Fulbright Inter-Country Program
2010              US Scholar                            Topic                                 University
19 May            Anne Marie O’Healey,                  “Rappresentare la razza e il          Università per
                  Loyola Marymount University, Los      genere nella cultura visiva e nel     Stranieri di Siena
                  Angeles, CA                           cinema italiano”

19 May            Gabriele Camera,                      “Institutions for Long Run            Università di Napoli
                  University of Iowa, Keosauqua, IA     Cooperation: Experiments on
                                                        Markets with frictions”

20 May            Gabriele Camera,                      “Cognitive and Experimental           Seconda Università di
                  University of Iowa, Keosauqua, IA     Economics”                            Napoli-Capua

24 - 25 May       Jane Feuer,                           “Media Mutations.International        Università di
                  University of Pittsburgh, Fulbright   conference on new audiovisual         Bologna
                  Scholar in Germany                    frontiers“                                                             Gabriele Camera
                                                                                                                              University of Iowa, IA

28 May            Jane Feuer,                           “Cult Television Conference”          Università di Roma Tre
                  University of Pittsburgh, Fulbright
                  Scholar in Germany
3 - 7 May         Ann Malone,                           “A Court Divided: Views of the        Centro Italiano di Studi
                  College of William and Mary,          United States Supreme Court           Americani
                  Williamsburg, VA                      Justices on Application of
                                                         ‘Foreign’ Law”;
                                                        “The Legal Dilemma of
                                                        Guantanamo Detainees from
                                                        Bush to Obama”

3 - 7 May         Betsy Erkkila,                        “Leaves of Grass 1860: Eros and       Centro Italiano di Studi
                                                        Democracy”; “Walt Whitman, Eros                                           Ann Malone
                  Northwestern University, Fulbright                                          Americani
                                                                                                                         College of William and Mary, VA
                  Scholar in Germany                    and Democtratic Theory”

3 - 7 May         Patricia Schroeder,                   “Robert Johnson’s Deal with the       Centro Italiano di Studi
                  Ursinus College                       Devil: Race, Myth and American        Americani
                  Collegeville, PA                      Identities”; “The Blues as Cultural
                                                        Paradigm: August Wilson’s The
                                                        Piano Lesson”
3 - 7 May         Gregory Sumner, University of         “Kurt Vonnegut and the American       Centro Italiano di Studi
                  Detroit, Mercy, MI                    Dream: Mother and Night (1961)”       Americani
24 May            Julie Liss,                           “American Way of Life and             US Embassy
                  Scripps College,                      Europe in Post-World War II”
                  Claremont, CA
23 May - 2 June   Ann Malone,                           “Human Trafficking for                ISISC SIRACUSA                  Anne Marie O’Healy
                  College of William and Mary,          Commercial Sexual Exploitation”                                  Loyola Marymount University, CA
                  Williamsburg, VA
7 June            Leslie Duram,                         “The Geography of Local Food          Università di Scienze
                  Southern Illinois University          and Organic Farming”                  Gastronomiche -
                  Carbondale, Fulbright Scholar in                                            Pollenzo
7 June            Gabriele Camera,                      “Institutions for Long Run            Università di Roma
                  University of Iowa, Keosauqua, IA     Cooperation: Experiments on           “La Sapienza”
                                                        Markets with frictions”

                                                                                                                               Patricia Schroeder
                                                                                                                               Ursinus College, PA

Fulbright - italy Newsletter

Fulbright Scholarships and Activities in the field of Sustainable Food
                Consumption and Global Food Security

The following section highlights the individual experiences of US and Italian Fulbright grantees in the area
of food.In the last two-three years, the Fulbright Program has witnessed the interest of several students
and scholars, both from Italy and the US, in food consumption. The role of nutrition in preventing chronic
diseases has been a topic of research in both countries, with the US scholars and students showing a
great interest in the social and cultural aspects of food consumption in Italy while bringing their own
expertise on latest research and developments related to topics such as functional foods and the effects
of wild blueberries on cardiovascular physiology and metabolism. Experiences are shared between Italy
and the US on increasing children’s fruit and vegetable consumption and on promoting cultural diversity
by embedding food production within a territory as promoted and practiced by the Slow Food movement.

Other scholars have focused on aspects related to food from production through market delivery,
such as research on invasive species, development and marketing of ecologically compatible
biotechnologies, including the use of value chain models to analyze the interactions between society
and natural resources and their management.

The linkages between the micro dimensions of locally embedded food production, including
organic farming, and the macro and global dimensions of food production vis-à-vis increasing
world population were presented and discussed by Fulbright scholars at an international workshop
jointly organized by the Fulbright Commission and the University of Gastronomic Sciences.

                                                                                                                  Food Consumption
The role of nutrition in the prevention of chronic diseases                                                         and Nutrition
                                                       Stefano Vendrame, Graduate Student 2010
                                                       from Università degli Studi di Milano
                                                       to University of Maine
In post-industrial countries, the main causes of death are no longer represented by acute infections,
as it was less then a century ago. However, long-latency multi-factorial chronic diseases such as
cardiovascular diseases, cancer, diabetes, pulmonary diseases and neurodegenerative diseases have
a growing impact on people’s health and constitute a big economic burden for our society. The risk
of developing these pathologies is influenced both by genetic and environmental factors. Among the
environmental factors, there are many lifestyle factors that each individual can control in a relatively
easy way. We know for a fact that a well-balanced diet is paramount not only to avoid nutritional
deficiencies or excesses, but also to maintain good health and reduce the risk of chronic diseases.

The main objective of the research activity I would like to carry out during my doctoral program in
the United States to investigate the role of nutrition in the prevention of chronic diseases following an
evidence-based approach, with particular focus on the effects of dietary habits as well as specific foods
or compounds by means of intervention studies on humans, studies in cell culture and on animal models.
Such studies will be designed to predict and monitor the effect of food consumption, both short term
and long term, on physiological mechanisms as well as markers such as oxidative stress, inflammation,
endothelial function and cardiovascular risk. These findings should also be integrated with a nutrigenomic
approach, using the most recent findings in the field of personalized nutrition in order to differentiate the
individual effects of different foods and food components on the basis of individual genetic characteristics.

Italy: Food, Culture and Health

                                                       Emily Ventura, Graduate Student 2009
                                                       from University of Southern California
                                                       to University of Gastronomic Sciences, Colorno

During my doctoral work in Preventive Medicine, I discovered a striking disconnect between the
fields of nutrition science and gastronomy, the art and science of good eating. As a Fulbright scholar,
I worked to integrate these two disciplines, which I believe is an imperative step in preventing
chronic disease. Considering that Italy is a global leader in the field of gastronomy, I explored the
protective health effects of gastronomy in Italian culture.

                                                                                                                Dr. Emily Ventura at a local
                                                                                                                farmers ‘market in Bologna.

Fulbright - italy Newsletter
Food Dudes                                                                                                  Food Consumption
                                                     Giovanni Presti, Scholar in Residence 2009               and Nutrition
                                                     from Università IULM di Milano
                                                     to California State University Stanislaus (CSU)

Prof. Presti taught two courses in Applied Behavior Analysis, a research seminar and a class in behavior
modification where students were requested to complete a self-change project. He shared with the
California State University Stanislaus (CSU) his research experience in Sicily on a project called Food
Dudes that tries to address the problem of increasing children’s food and vegetable consumption. This
program is part of an international effort that involves the University of Bangor, in North Wales, IULM,
in Milan, Board BIA in Ireland and now CSU Stanislaus. Part of Dr. Presti’s time was also devoted to
working with the Faculties of the Nursing School and Social Workers that are developing an American
version of the program.

Clinical Nutrition
                                                     Dorothy Klimis-Zacas, Senior Specialist 2008
                                                     from Universityof Maine
                                                     to University of Milan

Dorothy Klimis-Zacas, Ph.D., professor of Clinical Nutrition, University of Maine, Orono, Maine, was
a Fulbright Senior Specialist to the University of Milan, Department of Food Science, Technology and
Microbiology (DiSTAM) for six weeks from May 15 till June 30, 2008. She taught in the areas of her
expertise on lipids and cardiovascular disease and developed a graduate course on grant-writing for
extramural funding. She also lectured on dietary standards in the US and Europe, on “Novel Approaches
to Study the Effects of Wild Blueberries on Cardiovascular Physiology and Metabolism” and on
“Functional Foods: From Basic Science to Marketing and Health Claims”.

Italy: Food, Culture and Health

                                                     Kathryn Andersen, Graduate Student 2008
                                                     from Princeton University
                                                     to University of Gastronomic Sciences, Bra

Kathryn Andersen spent nine months in the small town of Bra, in the Piedmont, to study Italian cheese,
its production and distribution channels. For Kathryn “Cheese is an ideal part of the Italian system for
sustainable food and agriculture because its production is a way in which small farmers all over the
peninsula can produce a product, using centuries-old traditions, that can be aged and sold around the
world.By spending time with farmers, their cows, sheep, and goats, their vendors, and their consumers,
I saw firsthand how famous cheeses such as Castelmagno, Grana Padano, Provolone, Ragusano,
Parmigiano Reggiano, Gorgonzola, and even Bitto were produced.

For me, the Fulbright experience was as much about studying the past as it was thinking about the
future, in the context of the daily actions of eating. Food acts as the underpinning of a culture – we
develop relationships by sitting down to a meal and we solidify traditions by producing the same products
with specific agricultural methods over centuries of civilization.”

Sustainable Agriculture and Food Production

                                                     Carlo Baggi, Scholar in Residence 2008
                                                     from Slow Food-founded University of Gastronomic
                                                     Sciences in Italy to Chattahoochee Technical College

Dr Baggi spent six months at the Culinary Arts Program of Chattahoochee Technical College in
Georgia where he developed a course on food history and anthropology, culinary traditions and
techniques, and environmental and social issues related to sustainable food production, as well
as the impact that food choices have in a globalized world. He had the opportunity to discuss
sustainability issues with the American Culinary Federation, organic agriculture with local farmers,
and traditional food-ways with both local shopkeepers and larger food retailers like Whole Foods.
Following the same philosophy, the college is involved in the important task of implementing
sustainability approaches in all its major activities, from recycling of paper and plastic, to sourcing
local, organic and seasonal foods for the curriculum menus, composting food waste, growing a
roof-top garden and using eco-friendly kitchenware and cleaning detergents. He established
contacts with the local community, as well as with organizations such as Georgia Organics, the
Georgia Restaurant Association, Slow Food USA and Slow Food Atlanta.

Fulbright - italy Newsletter
                                                                                                                   From Sustainable Production To
Research on invasive pest to chestnut trees
                                                                                                                          Market Delivery
                                                        Ignazio Graziosi, Graduate Student 2010
                                                        from Università degli Studi di Bologna
                                                        to University of Kentucky

My research field is forest ecology and forest protection, and my objective is to follow a Ph.D. program
in entomology in the US. My aim is to achieve a sound knowledge on a specific issue: the invasive pest,
known as the Oriental Chestnut Gall Wasp (CGW), which has been recently introduced also in Italy.
CGW (Dryocosmus kuriphilus) is one of the greatest causes of damage to the chestnut tree at a
worldwide level. It is an insect of Chinese origin, which attacks exclusively chestnut trees inducing the
formation of galls on shoots. CGW infestations cause plant decline and death, and dramatic loss in
chestnuts production (80%). The insect was accidentally introduced in Japan in the 40’s, in Korea in the
60’s and in the United States in the 70’s. In these countries the pest has become widespread: CGW can
spread easily thanks to the transfer of infected plant material and to the natural dispersal of flying adults.

The use of pesticides was unsuccessful: the most effective means of control is through biological control
based on the use of its natural enemies (mainly parasite insects). This method was initiated in Japan in
the 80’s and has been successfully established in both Asia and the United States. At present the main
research centers working on Chestnut Gall Wasp are in Japan and in the US. The pest also reached
Europe: in spring 2002 the insect was detected in Italy. The European chestnut is one of the most important
tree species in my country: chestnut stands represent 10% of Italian forests. Italy is also one of the biggest
chestnut producers in the world. Chestnut growing for fruit and wood production has a key role in the
local economy of mountain areas in many regions, mainly in Campania, Lazio, Piedmont, Tuscany and
Emilia-Romagna. CGW is a serious forest protection matter, since it threatens the vitality of trees, natural
ecosystems and the forest environmental value, but it could also be a heavy social and economic problem
for the Italian mountain communities, as it strikes chestnut production an it weakens orchard productivity.

Testing the Enemy Release Hypothesis: The Role                           of Parasites in the Spread of
an Invasive Species
                                                         Russel Burke, Research Scholar 2009
                                                         from Fordham University, New York
                                                         to Museo Civico di Zoologia, Rome

Animal and plant invasions create serious medical problems, imperil native species, and cost human
commerce and industry billions of dollars. Unfortunately, no one knows why some species can
invade while others can’t. My research tests the Enemy Release Hypothesis (ERH), which suggests
that species invading new locations without either parasites or predators from their origins are most
likely to succeed. The Italian Wall Lizard (Podarcis sicula) and the Common Wall Lizard (P. muralis)
are native to Italy and have been introduced to five locations in North America, where they are now
common and spreading. These lizards provide a tremendous opportunity to investigate the ecology and
evolution of a recently introduced species and to test the ERH.Genetic work has shown where these
populations originated, and I already have the North American parasite and predator data needed for
an ERH test. Collections in their native habitat (Lazio and Toscana) come next. The methodology
is simple and reliable. Both lizard species are common, neither is legally protected, and legal US
importation is easy. I will catch lizards by hand in urban and suburban habitats in Toscana April-July
2009, a representative reproductive season. Analysis will take place there and back in my lab in the US.

Discovery, development and marketing of “environmentally friendly” biopesticides

                                                         Luca Ruiu, Fulbright-BEST 2009
                                                         from Università degli Studi di Sassari
                                                         to University of Santa Clara

My project is focused on the discovery, development and marketing of safe and ecologically compatible
biotechnologies applied to the management of insect pests of agricultural, medical and veterinary
importance. Indeed, the use of chemicals is causing public concerns and real risks for the environment
and human health. I develop alternative strategies to chemical pest control, involving the use of “naturally
occurring” and “environmentally friendly” microbial agents. The essence of this strategy is to discover and
employ very specific natural enemies of insect pests, for example, a bacterial, viral and fungal disease
agent which affects only a particular insect pest species, and is harmless for humans and other organisms.

Bioecopest, Luca Ruiu’s new startup company, recently won the first prize, the National Award for Innovation,
at the Start Cup Sardegna, the largest business plan competition in Italy. Bioecopest develops natural
innovative solutions to meet the growing demand for environmentally-friendly pest management products.
Luca worked on the development of Bioecopest during his stay at University of Santa Clara as a Fulbright
BEST scholar enrolled in the 2008/2009 Certificate in Technology Entrepreneurship program. Bioecopest
received 60,000 Euros and a certificate of merit from the President of the Italian Republic, Giorgio Napolitano.

Fulbright - italy Newsletter
                                                                                                                          Sustainable Food Consumption
Sustainable Agriculture Value Chains Model                                                                                  and Global Food Security
                                                          Daniele Guidi, Research Scholar 2010
                                                          from Università degli Studi di Siena
                                                          to Harvard University

A core question of Sustainability Science is what system of incentive structures can effectively
improve social capacity to govern nature/society interactions. This research hypothesis is that
evidence can be collected/analyzed on agro-enterprise approaches which can address sustainability
challenges, particularly if blended with scientific knowledge exchange, local cultures values, access
to capital and natural resources management. Designing appropriate evaluation frameworks, able
to validate policy support, is one key element to address the most critical barriers to the adoption of
science-based solutions for sustainable agriculture, which are often not technological/ economic in nature .

Fulbright - University of Gastronomic Sciences International Workshop:
“Local Food Systems and Critical Issues of Global Food Policy”

An international Workshop on “Local Food Systems and Critical Issues of Global Food Policy” was
held on 7 June 2010 at the University of Gastronomic Sciences with the participation of the Food and
Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, several Fulbrighters and international students involved
in study and research on food, nutrition and agriculture, including Prof. Leslie Duram, Fulbright Scholar
at the National University of Ireland.

The Workshop highlighted the global and local dimensions of sustainability and the linkages between
the physical environment and production as well as consumption and health on a global scale. Based                         Prof. Leslie Duram’s Presentation:
on the work of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, it gave information on the                   The Geography Local Food and Organic
projected demand for food at the global level up to year 2050 and discussed the challenges to be faced                                   Farming
to meet such demand, including the reduction of GHG emissions; at the same time, it provided evidence
on the persistence of the hunger problem and its coexistence with obesity increases worldwide. Organic
farming was presented by Prof. Duram as a method of producing crops which promotes biodiversity and
soil quality thereby maintaining and enhancing ecological harmony as well as connecting producers and
consumers. The active involvement of civil society in food and agriculture policy-making at the global level
was discussed by Dr. Quieti. She highlighted the emergence of a transnational food movement and their
activism in promoting alternative perspectives on the way food is produced, consumed and traded worldwide.

On consumption, Dr. Emily Ventura reported on her experience, as an expert in diabetes prevention in
overweight youth, with children responding better to the farmers’ markets and cooking classes than to
more traditional forms of nutrition education as well as her research on the relationship between family
shopping and cooking habits and metabolic health in youth.

                                                                                                                        Dr. Maria Grazia Quieti (Executive
                                                                                                                        Director,   The    US-Italy Fulbright
                                                                                                                        Commission) and Prof. Simone Cinotto
                                                                                                                        (University of Gastronomic Sciences,
                                                                                                                        Coordinator Fulbright/Casten Family
                                                                                                                        Foundation Award).

     From left to right: Carlo Baggi (Fulbright Scholar-in-Residence, at Chattahoochee College, GA, USA), Emily
     Ventura (Fulbright US Graduate Student to UNISG), Leslie Duram (Fulbright Scholar at the National University of
     Ireland), Brittany Goodrich (Recipient of the Fulbrigh/Casten Family Foundation Award, UNIGS Colorno), Materne
     Maetz (Sr. Policy Officer, FAO),    Maria Grazia Quieti (Executive Director, The US-Italy Fulbright Commission),
     Simone Cinotto (University of Gastronomic Sciences, Coordinator Fulbright/Casten Family Foundation Award).

Fulbright - italy Newsletter

Fulbrighters’ Publications and Works                                                                                     Publications and Works

“Birds of passage”: i musicisti napoletani a New York (1895-1940)
by Simona Frasca
Tra i repertori italiani in dialetto, la canzone napo-   italiana negli Stati Uniti è intervenuta a rendere
letana ha contribuito più di ogni altro alla nascita     questo repertorio, legato ad ambienti e luoghi
della canzone popular’/commerciale nazionale.            specifici, uno dei primi esempi moderni di musica
Napoli è stato uno dei principali centri per la          transnazionale con alcuni caratteri specifici della
musica di intrattenimento con il suo elevato nu-         global era.
mero di sale da concerto, teatri musicali, editori,
maestri di musica ed esecutori. L’emigrazione            Frasca, S. (2010). Birds of Passage. I musicisti napoletani e
                                                         New York (1895-1940). Lucca, Lim 2010. 215.

Mediating debate through on-line large-scale argumentation: Evidence
from the field
by Luca Iandoli
Web 2.0 technologies, such as forums and wikis,          in 3 weeks, what is to our knowledge the
are enabling an explosion of global knowledge            largest single online argument map ever built
sharing      through      distributed    large-scale     (around 5000 posts). Our results show that (i)
conversations, but they seem to be less successful       users were able to quickly and comprehensively
at              supporting              collaborative    explore and map the debate on the selected
deliberation around complex and controversial            discussion topic; (ii) substantial moderation
questions. In order to cope with this                    was needed to ensure that the argument
limitation, many scholars have proposed to adopt         map was well-organized and users were
on-line argumentation platforms to improve               confident with the argumentation formalism; (iii)
information visualization, organization and              considerable out-of-the map communication
reuse. However, such research has mostly                 occurred, possibly as a way to allow for
focused on the design of adequate argumentbased          conversational flows inhibited by the argumentation
knowledge        formalisms.       Less     attention    formalism,       (iv)     formal       rating      of
has been paid to the empirical analysis of               contributions favored exploration of the map,
actual        interactions        mediated         by    understanding         the    debate        structure,
argumentation technology with reasonably large user      and improving the quality of content.
communities. In this paper, we present an
in-depth analysis of the data obtained in the            Gurkan, A. ;Iandoli, L. ;Klein, M.; Zollo, G.         (2010).
                                                         Mediating debate through on-line large-scale argumentation:
empirical test of an argumentation platform              Evidence from the field. Information Sciences 180: 3686-3702.
where a 160-member community created,

Estimation of In-Canopy Ammonia Sources and Sinks in a Fertilized Zea mays Field
by Gabriel G. Katul

An analytical model was developed to                     processes in air quality models are necessary
describe in-canopy vertical distribution of              to explore the impact of agricultural field level
ammonia (NH3) sources and sinks and vertical             management practices on regional air quality.
fluxes          in           a           fertilized      Moreover, there are agronomic and environmental
agricultural    setting      using      measured         benefits      to     timing      liquid     fertilizer
in-canopy mean NH3 concentration and wind                applications as close to canopy closure as possible.
speed profiles.This model was applied to quan-           Finally, given the large withincanopy mean NH3
tify in-canopy air-surface exchange rates                concentration gradients in such agricultural
and above-canopy NH3 fluxes in a fertilized              settings, a discussion about the suitabil-
corn (Zea mays) field. Modeled air-canopy NH3            ity of the proposed model is also presented.
fluxes agreed well with independent above-
canopy flux estimates. Based on the model                Bash, Jesse O. ; Walker, John T. ; Katul, Gabriel G. ; Jones,
                                                         Matthew R. ; Nemitz, Eiko ; Robarge, Wayne. (2010) Estimation of
results, the urea fertilized soil surface was a          in-canopy ammonia sources and sinks in a fertilized Zea Mays
consistent source of NH3 one month follow-               field. Environmental Science and Technology, 44 (5). 1683-1689.
ing the fertilizer application, whereas the
vegetation canopy was typically a net NH3 sink
with the lower portion of the canopy being a
constant sink. The model results suggested that
the canopy was a sink for some 70% of the es-
timated soil NH3 emissions. A logical conclu-
sion is that parametrization of within-canopy

Fulbright - italy Newsletter

Fulbrighters’ Publications and Works                                                                                    Publications and Works

Tonnare in Italy: Science, History and Culture of Sardinian Tuna Fishing
by Katherine B. Emery
Through a case study of a Sardinian tonnara,              tourist     and   real-estate    industries,    are
this article provides an interdisciplinary look at        contributing to the destruction of marine
the science, culture, and history of fishing in the       ecosystems. The synthesis presented here
Mediterranean. The Mediterranean Sea and                  offers a unique perspective combining historical,
the crystalline waters of Sardinia, in particular,        scientific, and cultural factors important to one
are currently confronting a paradox of marine             Sardinian tonnara in the context of a larger global
preservation. On the one hand, Italian coastal            debate about Atlantic bluefin tuna conservation.
resources are prized nationally and internationally
for    their   natural  beauty      as    well    as      Emery, Katherine B. (2010). Tonnare in Italy: Science,
economic and recreational uses. On the other hand,        History and Culture of Sardinian Tuna Fishing
deep-seated Italian cultural values and traditions,       California Italian Studies Journal.
such as the desire for high-quality fresh fish in
local cuisines and the continuity of ancient fishing
communities, as well as the demands of

How a psychologist informed economics: The case of Sidney Siegel
by Alessandro Innocenti
In the 1950s before Kahneman and Tversky Although his legacy was paramount in the work of
showed how behavioral economics could bring the Nobel Prize winner Vernon Smith, Siegel
economics and psychology into a unified endorsed a very different approach to making
framework, a social psychologist, Sidney Siegel, interdisciplinary         research              effective.
entered the realm of economics and laid the
foundation of experimental economics. This Innocenti, A.         (2010). How a Psychologist Informed
                                                 Economics: The Case of Sidney Siegel”, Journal of Economic
paper gives an assessment of Siegel’s effort Psychology. Vol. 31, n. 3.
to meld psychology and economics and shows
that Siegel was not only a contributor to the
methodology of experimental economics but
also a pioneer of behavioral economics.
Sostenibilità e GreenEconomy. Quarto Settore. Competitività, Strategie e Valore
Aggiunto per le imprese del terzo millennio
by Paolo Ricotti

È possibile applicare i “Principi Naturali”               Sotto la lente di questo nuovo modello di mer-
all’economia di mercato? È possibile conciliare           cato è possibile osservare come le enunciazioni
il “Profitto” con lo Sviluppo Sostenibile?                di base dello Sviluppo Sostenibile siano fi-
Quali sono gli strumenti gestionali e i fattori critici   nalmente      conciliabili con    un’evoluzione
per le imprese sostenibili ed eccellenti?                 positiva e durevole della nostra civiltà.
Utilizzando      i   principi     naturali      come
                                                          Ricotti, P. (2010). Sostenibilità e Green Economy. Quarto
parametri per l’osservazione dell’attuale modello         Settore. Competitività , Strategie e Valore Aggiunto per le
economico si può configurare quel nuovo para-             imprese del terzo millennio. Franco Angeli.
digma sostenibile di mercato e della società
civile tanto perseguito e auspicato da
tutti negli ultimi anni, definito “Quarto Settore”
in    quanto      omogeneizza     sotto     un’unica
prospettiva     gli  altri  tre    oggi    esistenti.
Transcellular biosynthesis of eicosanoids
by Angelo Sala
The metabolism of arachidonic acid into                   that eicosanoids are often the result of cell-cell
biologically active compounds involves the                interactions involving the transfer of biosynthetic
sequential activity of a number of enzymes,               intermediates, such as the chemically reactive
sometimes showing a unique expression profile             PGH2 and LTA4, between cells.
in different cells. The main metabolic pathways,
namely the cyclooxygenases and the                        Sala, A. (2010). Transcellular biosynthesis of eicosanoids.
                                                          Pharmacological Reports, 2010, 62, 503-610, ISSN 1734-1140
5-lipoxygenase , both generate chemically
unstable intermediates: prostaglandin (PG) H2
and leukotriene (LT) A4, respectively. These are
transformed by secondary enzymes into a variety
of chemical structures known collectively as the
lipid mediators. Although some cells express
all the enzymes necessary for the production of
biologically active compounds, it has been shown

Fulbright - italy Newsletter

Ecclesiastes rose, Penelope my Martian temple dancer
by Jeremiah Hulsebos-Spofford

Jeremiah Hulsebos-Spofford, US Fulbright Grant-        Ecclesiastes rose, Penelope my Martian temple
ee 2009-2010, an American artist working mainly        dancer is a figurehead, sitting at the helm of a yearlong
in sculpture and performance, presented a new          project carried out with the support of the Fulbright
work - Ecclesiastes rose, Penelope my Martian          grant. The project spans volunteerism, traditional
temple dancer - in Mondello, Sicily, among the         Sicilian boat building and cultural exchange and
fishing boats from June 30th - July 7th 2010.          uses sculpture as a platform for narrative building               Jeremiah Hulsebos-Spofford
                                                       and dated science fiction romance.                                US Graduate Student, 2009-10


2010 Nobel Prize Winner Peter A. Diamond
Congratulations to Fulbright Program Alumni             Professor Diamond’s analysis of search markets,
Peter A. Diamond on being named 2010 Nobel              in collaboration with the work of fellow laureates
Prize Winner in Economics.                              Dale Mortensen and Christopher Pissarides,
                                                        formulated a theoretical framework for search
Peter A. Diamond, Ph.D., Fulbright Scholar              markets, stating, “The Laureates’ models help us
Alumnus and Institute Professor / professor of          understand the ways in which unemployment, job
Economics at MIT, was in Italy as Distinguished         vacancies, and wages are affected by regulation
Chair at the University of Siena in 1999 where he       and economic policy.”
carried out research on social insurance theory.

                                                                                                                              Prof. Peter A. Diamond
                                                                                                                        Fulbright Scholar to Italy, 1999-2000

Palazzo Jules Maidoff for the Visual Arts - Florence, 18 November 2010

On 18 November 2010 Palazzo Jules Maidoff for           the world. He is the founder of one of the most im-
the Visual Arts was inaugurated in Florence.            portant international schools of art in Europe, SACI
Jules Maidoff was a Fulbright student in Florence       (Studio Art Centers International). For 35 years,
in 1956. From that moment his life would never be       SACI in Florence has helped form thousands of
the same: “I sensed that Italy was a place I already    young artists from many nations.
knew”. Maidoff is a tireless “visionary” who has
had more than 200 one-person exhibitions around

Fulbright Meeting & Orientation for Italian Grantees, Rome, 24 June 2010

Prof. Amato, Italian Fulbright Grantee in 1962/63 and former Italian Prime Minister, speaks with Italian
Fulbright Grantees prior to their departure to the United States.

Forthcoming: The IX International Forum of Studies “S.A.V.E. Heritage”

The IX International Forum of Studies titled            local experiences for the preservation of cultural,
S.A.V.E. Heritage will be held in Capri from 9 to       architectural, archaeological, landscape and envi-            From left to right: Maria Grazia Quieti
                                                                                                                    (Executive Director, The US-Italy Fulbright
11 June 2011. Two Fulbright scholars, Jonathan          ronmental heritage. For more information:
                                                                                                                   Commission), David Mees ( Vice- Chairman
Reich (California Polytechnic State University) and
                                                                                                                       The US Italy Fulbright Commission),
James Kushner (Southwestern Law School, Los                                                                                   Prof. Giuliano Amato
Angeles) will contribute to the discussions on the

Join State Alumni Community

Build upon your exchange experience and explore         programs. It provides opportunities for alumni to
the various opportunities available to you from         network with each other, develop their careers,
State Alumni: ALUMNI.STATE.GOV                          and stay in touch with the Bureau of Educational
                                                        and Cultural Affairs, thus helping to extend their
The State Alumni website is an online community         exchange experience.
of alumni of U.S. government-sponsored exchange

Fulbright - italy Newsletter                                                                               Issue 6, Fall 2010

                                                                                                           Fulbright Outreach Activities
                                      Fulbright Commission Educational Advising
The US - Italy Fulbright Commission has an Information Service about educational opportunities in the US, certified by EducationUSA.
EducationUSA is a global network of more than 400 advising centers supported by the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs at
the U.S. Department of State ( . The Fulbright Information Service strives to provide accurate,
comprehensive, current and unbiased information on different aspects of education in the United States, such as: the range of higher
education institutions, standardized admission tests, internships, study visas and study of English language.

How does the Commission provide information on educational opportunities in the US?

It uses a wide range of media and modalities: the website, e-mail, telephone, Skype, book resources, flyers, brochures, individual and
group meetings, visits at Italian Universities, attendance at educational fairs as well as social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Slide
Share and YouTube. It also relies on its networks of Fulbright alumni and partner institutions. All of these media and modalities are an
integral part of the Commission’s communication and outreach strategy that addresses both the target groups of the Fulbright
scholarships (university undergraduate students, researchers, professors) and of young students wishing to study in the US, even
without a Fulbright scholarship.

                                                    Fulbright Commission’s You Tube

                                             Educational Advising: Social Media

On May 2010 the Fulbright Commission launched a Facebook page and a Twitter account, open to all, in order to promote the
activities of the Commission and the dissemination of the news coming directly from US colleges and Universities. Through
Facebook and Twitter pages Italian and US students and scholars are constantly informed of activities organized by the Fulbright
Commission such as visits to Italian Universities, Educational Fairs and Information Sessions held at the Advising Centers in Rome and
Naples. Every week, the Fulbright Commission promotes the dissemination of EducationUSA Weekly Update, the newsletter edited by
EducationUSA.     The    Newsletter      provides     news      coming     from    US    colleges     and    Universities,   application
admission announcements as well as information about financial aid offers for international students. To date
the Fulbright Commission           page on        Facebook counts 1,380 fans: JOIN US ON FACEBOOK & TWITTER!

Fulbright - italy Newsletter
                                                                                                           Fulbright Outreach Activities
                Educational Advising: Meetings at Italian Universities
The US-Italy Fulbright Commission organized numerous visits to Italian Universities during 2010,
in collaboration with the International Offices of the Universities and with Fulbright alumni, as shown
below. During these visits, the Advisors of the Commission and selected Fulbright alumni met with
students, researchers and professors and provided information and answered queries on study or
research opportunities in the US with or without a Fulbright scholarship.

 2010                   University                       2010               University

 14 January             Università di Milano             22 October         Università di Ferrara

 25 February            Università di Torino             22 October         Università di Modena
 4 March                Università di Milano             25 October         Expo Studi all’Estero                 Fulbright Presentation:
                                                                            Roma                               Università Federico II, Napoli,
                                                                                                                    November 11 2010
 18 March               Università di Pavia              4 November         Università di Pisa

 23 March               Seconda Università               9 November         Università di Catania
                        di Napoli

 15 April               Expo Europe                      11 November        Università degli Studi
                        Road Show Roma                                      Federico II di Napoli

 16 April               Expo Europe                      15 November        Università di Bari
                        Road Show Milano
 22 April               Università di Trieste            15 November        Università di Verona

 23 April               Universita’ di Trieste           16 November        Università di Foggia

 27 April               Youth International Forum        16 November        Università di Trento                   Fulbright Presentation:
                        Roma                                                                                Università di Cagliari, October 7, 2010

 28 April               Università di Pisa               17 November        Università Bicocca
                                                                            di Milano
 26 May                 Università di Firenze            18 November        Salone Italiano
                                                                            dell’Educazione di Genova
 3 June                 Università di Bergamo            18 November        Università della Calabria

 7 October              Università di Cagliari           22 November        Università di Palermo

 11 October             Università del Molise            23 November        Università Ca’Foscari
                                                                            di Venezia
 12 October             Istituto Universitario           23 November        Università IUAV di Venezia
                        di Scienze Motorie, Roma
                                                                                                                 Fulbright Presentation:
 14 October             Politecnico di Milano            24 November        Università del Salento
                                                                                                          Università del Molise, October 11, 2010

 14 October             Università Cattolica             30 November        Università Federico II
                        del Sacro Cuore di Milano                           di Napoli

 15 October             Università IULM                  10 December        Università della Tuscia
                        Libera universita’ di Lingue                        di Viterbo
                        e Comunicazione

 15 October             Università Statale di Milano     13 December        Università di Torino

 18 October             Università di Roma Tre           13 December        Università del Piemonte

 20 October             Università degli Studi           14 December        Politecnico di Torino
                        di Roma “La Sapienza”
 21 October             Università Bocconi di Milano     15 December        Università di Roma
                                                                            Tor Vergata                         Fulbright Presentation:
                                                                                                          Expo Studi all’Estero, April 15, Roma
 21 October             Qs Graduate School Tour
                        Qs Top Mba, Milano

Fulbright - italy Newsletter                                   Issue 6, Fall 2010

                      The Commission thanks Partners and Donors

          Gli Amici del Professore
          Carlo Maria Santoro

                       Cooperating Agencies and Institutions

                                     Fulbright-BEST Donors

Fulbright Commission Italy Newsletter :: Issue 6
Fulbright Commission Italy Newsletter :: Issue 6
Fulbright Commission Italy Newsletter :: Issue 6

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Fulbright Commission Italy Newsletter :: Issue 6

  • 1. Fulbright - italy Newsletter Linking Minds Across Cultures Issue 6 Fall 2010 Contents Dear Fulbrighters and Friends, This Newsletter reports on the scholarships that the Fulbright Program in Italy has awarded in 2010 and on the development activities undertaken by the Commission with Italian and US Universities Welcome Message p. 1 within its Fulbright Universitas Program. It highlights the scholarships and activities in the area of sustainable food consumption and global food security, one of the thematic priority areas of the US & Italian Fulbright Grantee Commission.It reports on institutions and donors collaborating with the Program and on publications by Academic Year 2010 - 2011 Fulbrighters.Finally, it provides information on the activities planned for 2011, of interest to the Fulbright p. 2 community. Fulbright Specialist & Scholarships. In 2010, a total of 128 scholarships were awarded, 65 to Italians and 63 to US citizens, Inter-Country Program as detailed in the following pages. As in the past year, the humanities tend to be the field of greater p. 6 interest for US grantees, whereas the sciences and social sciences are favored by Italian grantees. Fulbright Scholarships and The Fulbright-BEST program, aimed at enhancing entrepreneurship in Italy, continued in 2010 thanks Activities in the field of to the generous contributions of several donors. Sustainable Food Consumption News in the Fulbright Universitas Program. Agreements have been renewed with the and Global Food Security Universities of Chicago, Pittsburgh, and Notre Dame for Fulbright Distinguished Lectureships in Italian p. 8 studies for Italian professors for academic years 2012-15. These Lectureships, as well as those at the universities of Georgetown and Northwestern, have now been extended to “ricercatori confermati a tempo Fulbrighters’ Publications indeterminato con affidamento didattico”. Fulbright Distinguished Chairs in Italy for US scholars and Works have been renewed for academic years 2013-16 at Trento University in Comparative Law, at the p. 12 University of Parthenope in Environmental Sciences and in ICT and Robotics at the Polytechnic of Turin, in collaboration with the Italian Institute of Technology of Genoa. The Scuola Superiore Santa Fulbright News Chiara has also renewed for three years a Research/Lectureship in Methodology of Scientific Research. p. 14 A competition has been launched among Italian universities for three Fulbright Lectureships in American Studies for academic years 2013-16. In the field of American Studies, the Commission has Fulbright Commission continued to provide its contribution to the AISNA yearly doctoral seminar at the Centro Studi Americani. Educational Advising p. 15 The Education and Cultural Bureau of the US Department of State has increased the number of Thanks to our partners Fulbright Specialists from 6 to 10 also in view of the appreciation of this Program by Italian and donors Universities. The universities have also participated in the Fulbright Inter-Country Program, which p. 17 fosters the circulation of US Fulbright scholars within Italy and Europe (page 6). Program at a Glance The Commission has intensified its visits to Italian Universities as well as its information activities. p. 18 Constant updating of information on Fulbright scholarships and on other opportunities for financial assistance to study in the US is provided to Fulbright alumni and friends through our website, e-mails, Contacts Facebook and Twitter. p. 20 Sustainable Food Consumption and Global Food Security. A review of the scholarships granted in the last 2-3 years has highlighted the interest by many students and scholars in the theme of sustainable food consumption and global food security. On the one hand, there is a great interest in the Italian food culture, its social and cultural dimensions and, above all, its nutrition implications. On the other, the focus by many students and scholars on food and nutrition at the national and international levels, link with the broader aspects of global food security, a priority theme for both the Italian and the US Governments, as enunciated in the G8 L’Aquila Declaration in 2009. Planned in 2011: The Fulbright-CRUI Seminar on US-Italy Academic Exchanges ( 2 March 2011); Fulbright alumni meeting at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (June 2011, tentatively). More information will follow. Finally, we wish to thank the donors and institutions that contribute to making the Fulbright Program vibrant and relevant for greater mutual understanding between Italy and the US. We also thank the Fulbright alumni who, by keeping us informed about their work and achievements, provide the evidence of the continued importance and relevance of the Program for the two countries. Luca Fratini Chairman - The US - Italy Fulbright Commission Luca Fratini First Counselor – Head of Office VII, Directorate General for the Country Promotion (University Co-operation, Scholarships, Youth Exchanges) Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • 2. Fulbright - italy Newsletter Issue 6, Fall 2010 US & Italian Fulbright Grantees, academic year 2010 - 2011 US Fulbright Grantees Graduate Students Category Name Home Host Institution Field of Study University ANTONUCCI, Anthony J. University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT Università di Napoli History “Federico II” BREGE, Brian A. Stanford University, Stanford, CA European University Institute History Florence CANTOR, Sarah B. University of Maryland, College Park, MD Biblioteca Hertziana, Rome History of Art CHIPPENDALE, Ivy Connecticut College, New London, CT ANLAIDS Sicily, Palermo Public Health COZZI, Leslie F. University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA Libreria delle Donne, Milan History of Art Biblioteca delle Donne, Bologna FINKELSTEIN, Jared Farmingdale State College, New York, NY Politecnico di Torino Engineering Fulbright Grant at the Politecnico di Torino GADELIYA, Liana Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ Scuola di Musica, Fiesole Music/Violin GASTON, Kara University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA Università di Roma “La Sapi- Literature enza” GILMORE, Kerry Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL CNR -ISOF Chemistry HAAKENSON, Hilary Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ Università IUAV, Venice History of Art HO, Colleen University of California, Santa Barbara, CA Università di Roma Tre / The History Medici Archive, Florence JOHANNSDOTTIR, Gallaudet University, Washington, D.C. ALBA Cooperativa Sociale Deafness Studies Sigridur Onlus, Alessandria Fulbright Grant in Deafness KO, Michelle University of Maryland, Baltimore County, MD Conservatorio di Musica Music/Flute Fulbright Travel Giuseppe Nicolini, Piacenza Grant/Vinciguerra LANGER, Emily J. Georgetown University, Washington, D.C. Civico Museo della Risiera di History San Sabba, Trieste MATO, Jakara S. Yale University, New Haven, CT Università di Roma Tre Education MENGISTE, Maaza New York University, New York, NY Università di Napoli “L’Orientale” Creative Writing and IsIAO, Rome POPKIN, Maggie Lilah New York University, NY American Academy in Rome History of Art and Università di Roma “La Sapienza” REPINECZ, Martin G. Duke University, Durham , NC Università di Roma Italian Cultural Studies “La Sapienza” ROBERTS, Gregory Yale University, New Haven, CT Archivio di Stato, Bologna History SHEPPARD, Renata University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, IL PAX and Virtual Reality and Dance Multimedia Park in Turin SIMLEY, Shakirah University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA Università degli Studi di Anthropology Fulbright-Casten Family Scienze Gastronomiche, Foundation Award Pollenzo STICKNEY, Sarah E. University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH Università di Bologna Poetry And Translation TRENTINELLA, Rose- New York University, New York, NY Università degli Studi della Archaeology marie Calabria WILKINS, Sarah Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ Kunsthistorisches Institut in History of Art Florence - Università di Studi di Napoli “L’Orientale” ZABALDANO, Daniel R. Mississippi State University, Starkville, MS Politecnico di Torino Environmental Engineering Fulbright Grant at the Politecnico di Torino English Teaching Assistants ANTENUCCI, Emily Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, NY Liceo Classico Statale “N. Spedalieri”; Istituto Sant’Orsola, Catania CALDAROLA, Elise M. Barnard College, New York, NY Liceo Classico “G. Garibaldi”; Istituto Tecnico Commerciale Mario Pagano, Napoli 2
  • 3. Fulbright - italy Newsletter Issue 6, Fall 2010 US & Italian Fulbright Grantees, academic year 2010 - 2011 English Teaching Assistants Name Home Host Institution Field of Study University CALISTRI, Alexandra Middlebury College, Middlebury, Vermont, VT Liceo Scientifico “Giancarlo Siani”, Liceo Artistico Statale in Benevento, Aversa KELLEY, Lauren C. George Mason University, Fairfax, VA Liceo Scientifico “D. Alighieri”, Marrelli Matera; Liceo Classico “Duni”, Matera KOHL, Meredith H. University of Nevada, Las Vegas, NV Centro Educativo Ignaziano; Liceo Scientifico “Galileo Galilei”, Palermo MEROLLA Jamie C. Trinity College, Hartford, CT Liceo Scientifico “Farnesina”; Istituto “Via Copernico”; Rome, Pomezia ORTON Jessica A. University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN Liceo Scientifico “John Fitzger- ald Kennedy”, Rome; Istituto d’Istruzione Superiore “D. Cotug- no”, L’Aquila; I.P.S.I.A.S.A.R. “L. Da Vinci”, L’Aquila Scholars BERNARDI, Debra Carroll College, Dept. of Languages and Università di Napoli American Studies Literature, Helena, MT “L’Orientale”, Dip. di Studi Comparati e di Studi Europei BROWN, Mark T. University of Florida, Dept. of Environmental Università “Parthenope” Environmental Sciences & Sustainable Engineering Sciences, Center for di Napoli, Dip. Scienze Development Environmental Policy Gainesville, FL ambientali CAROZZA, Paolo University of Notre Dame,Law School, Università di Firenze, Dip. di Law Notre Dame, IN Legge ed Economia CONKLIN, JOHN W. Stanford University,Dept. of Aeronautics and Università di Trento, Dip. Mechatronics Engineering Astronautics, School of Engineering Ingegneria Meccanica e Stanford, CA Strutturale CORRADO, Michael L. University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill, University of Trento, Faculty of Law School of Law, NC Law DABNEY, Lewis M. University of Wyoming, Dept. of English, Università di Roma 3, Dip. American Cultural History Laramie, WY di Studi Americani DAVIS, Cinthya J. University of South Carolina, Columbia, Università di Venezia “Ca’ American Literature Dept. of English College of Arts and Sciences, Foscari” SC FORSTER, Malcolm R. University of Wisconsin, Madison, Dept. of Università di Siena, Scuola Methodology of Scientific Research Philosophy,College of Letters and Science, WI Superiore Santa Chiara GARDAPHE, Fred L. CUNY – Queens College, English Dept. Università di Salerno American Cultural Studies Flushing, NY (Fisciano), Facoltà di Lingue e Letterature Straniere KATUL, Gabriel G. Nicholas School of the Environment and Earth Politecnico di Torino, Dip. di Hydrology & Hydraulic Engineering Sciences, Levine Science Research Center Idraulica, Trasporti e Duke University, Durham, NC Infrastrutture Civili. KUSHNER, James A. Southwestern Law School Politecnico di Torino, Environmental Sustainability Los Angeles, CA Inter-University Department of Territorial Studies and Planning REICH, Jonathan W. California Polytechnic State University Università di Camerino, Architecture and Urban Planning San Luis Obispo, Architecture Dep., CA Facoltà di Architettura in Ascoli Piceno ROSATO, Anthony G. New Jersey Institute of Technology, Università di Salerno Mechanical Engineering Dept. of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering, (Fisciano), Dip. di Ingegneria Newark, NJ Meccanica SCHELL, Lawrence M. University at Albany SUNY, Dept. of Universiti di Firenze, Dip. di Anthropology Anthropology, Dept. of Epidemiology and Biologia Evulozionistica Biostatistics, NY SILVERMAN, Taije J. Ursinus College, Dept. of English Università di Bologna Poetry Collegeville, PA 3
  • 4. Fulbright - italy Newsletter Issue 6, Fall 2010 US & Italian Fulbright Grantees, academic year 2010 - 2011 Italian Fulbright Grantees Graduate Students Category (IIE-Placed) Name Home Host Institution Degree and Specialization / University Field of Study COMPOSTELLA, Chiara Istituto Superiore Conservazione Restauro, Columbia University Master in Arts Administration Roma D’ERCOLE, Tommaso Università degli Studi di Bologna John Hopkins University, SAIS Master in International Relations (Fulbright - Santoro) GLORIOSO, Paolo Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milano M.I.T. Ph.D. in Physics LANZI, Armando Università degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza” UC San Diego Master of Science in Engineering MEGALINI, Ludovico Politecnico di Torino UC Santa Barbara Master of Science in Material Science (Fulbright - Finmeccanica) PELLEGRINI, Silvia Università degli Studi di Bologna University of Hartford Master in Management Engineering (Fulbright - Finmeccanica) SCHIBBA, Ilaria University of Leeds, UK Columbia University Master in Public Health Graduate Students Category (Self- Placed) GRAZIOSI, Ignazio Università degli Studi di Firenze University of Kentucky Ph.D. in Entomology LEGOVINI, Elettra Sciences Po. Paris Columbia University Master in International Affairs VENDRAME, Stefano Università degli Studi di Milano University of Maine Ph.D. in Nutrition Fulbright-BEST (Business Exchange and Student Training) ALBERTI, Daniele Politecnico di Torino Information Technology ALIBERTI, Massimo Universita' degli Studi di Pisa Information Engineering BELLASIO, Chandra Universita' degli Studi di Milano Agriculture Science and Technology BIANCHINI, Elisabetta IFC CNR- Università di Pisa Electronic Engineering BOSSI, Silvia IMT - Advanced Studies di Lucca Santa Clara University Biorobotics Sciences and Engineering CAPORUSSO, Nicholas IMT - Advanced Studies di Lucca Center for Innovation Computer Sciences and Engineering CARISI, Roberto Università di Bologna & Entrepreneurship, CA Computer Science and Information Technology FALOMI, Stefano Università di Firenze Industrial Engineering LA MESA, Andrea Università degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza” Economy MARTELLETTI, Lorenzo Università degli Studi di Firenze Environmental Engineering ROSSI, Roberta Università di Bologna Civil Engineering ROSSI, Stefano Università di Perugia Biomedical Engineering and Biotechnology Visiting Student Researchers ATZENI, Elena Universita' degli Studi di Torino UC Berkeley, CA Law CAOLA, Fabrizio Universita' degli Studi di Milano Fermilab, IL Physics CONZO, Pierluigi Universita' degli Studi di Roma "Tor Vergata" UC San Francisco, CA Economics COZZARINI, Luca Universita' degli Studi di Trieste National Renewable Energy Material Sciences and Engineering (Fulbright - Rotary) Laboratory, CO DEL SORDI, Adele IMT - Advanced Studies di Lucca Harvard University, MA Political Science and International Affairs GARASIC, Mirko LUISS “Guido Carli” di Roma Yale University, CT Philosophy LANZINI, Andrea Politecnico di Torino Princeton University, NJ Energy and Power Engineering (Politecnico di Torino) MAININI , Laura Politecnico di Torino M.I.T., MA Aerospace Engineering (Politecnico di Torino) PERAZZINI, Federica Università degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza” Stanford University, CA Language and Literature PETROLO, Marco Politecnico di Torino San Diego State University, CA Aerospace Engineering (Politecnico di Torino) PINATO, David James Università del Piemonte Orientale Yeshiva University, NY Medical Sciences SIGNORELLI, Cecilia Politecnico di Milano Stanford University, CA Biomedical Engineering and Biotechnology VARRI, Annalisa Università degli Studi di Milano Drexel University, Department Astronomy and Astrophysics of Physics, PA 4
  • 5. Fulbright - italy Newsletter Issue 6, Fall 2010 US & Italian Fulbright Grantees, academic year 2010 - 2011 Research Scholars Name Home Host Institution Degree and Specialization / University Field of Study BARDONI, Rita Maria Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Columbia University, NY Medical Sciences Emilia BIETTI, Massimo Università degli Studi di Roma “Tor Vergata” Columbia University, NY Chemistry CACIOPPO, Marina Università degli Studi di Palermo John D. Calandra Italian Cultural Studies American Institute, NY CALIENDO, Giuditta Università degli studi di Napoli “Federico II” University of Washington, WA Linguistics COINU, Giovanni Università degli Studi di Cagliari John Marshall Law School, IL Law CRIFO’, Carla University of Leicester, UK Northeastern University, MA Law DE GREGORIO,Michele Università degli Studi di Teramo University of Minnesota ; New History York University DELL’ACQUA, Francesca Università degli Studi di Salerno Dumbarton Oaks Research History of Art Library and Collection, Washington, DC FIORDELISI, Franco Università degli Studi “Roma Tre” Washington University, MS Economics GUIDI Daniele Università degli Studi di Siena Harvard University, MA Environmental Sciences MAFFEI, Stefano Università degli Studi di Parma Temple University, PA Law MARRAS, Stefano Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca New York University, NY Sociology MUCCIARELLI, Federico Università degli Studi di Modena New York University, NY Law PALLOTTA, Giuliana Università degli Studi di Napoli “Federico II” University of Washington, WA Aerospace/Aeronautical Engineering RICCI, Fabrizio Università degli Studi di Napoli “Federico II” University of California, CA Aerospace/Aeronautical Engineering ROCCARO, Paolo Università degli Studi di Catania Harvard University, MA Civil and Environmental Engineering SPADEA, Maria Università “Magna Graecia” di Catanzaro Harvard University, MA Biomedical Engineering and Biotechnology Francesca Fulbright-Schuman Scholars ANDREANGELI, Arianna University of Liverpool, UK University of Michigan, MI Law BITUMI, Alessandra Università degli Studi di Pavia Woodrow Wilson International International Relations Center for Scholars, Washington DC HERMANIN, Costanza European University Institute, Firenze Berkeley University, CA Political Science Columbia University, NY RUFFA, Chiara European University Institute, Firenze Harvard University, the Belfer Political Science Center, Cambridge, MA TRIDICO, Pasquale Università degli Studi “Roma Tre” University of California, Economics Center for European and Eurasian Studies, CA Fulbright Distinguished Chairs CURLI, Barbara Università della Calabria Georgetown University, BMW History Center for German & European Studies/Dept. of Italian, Washington, DC MAZZONI, Guido Università di Siena University of Chicago, Dept. of Italian Language & Literature Romance Languages & Literatures, Chicago, IL CALLONI, Marina Università di Milano “Bicocca” University of Notre Dame, Social & Political Philosophy Notre Dame, IN TONELLO, Fabrizio Università di Padova University of Pittsburgh, Modern History and Italian History Pittsburgh, PA Scholar in Residence ANDREONI, Roberto Conservatorio "N.Piccinni", Bari Scripps College,Claremont,CA Music Summer Seminars for Foreign Secondary School Educators CERULLI, Grazia Rita Liceo Classico Statale "Gioberti", Torino University of Illinois, IL Six-week seminar on American Culture MEZZADRI, Chiara Istituto Statale di Istruzione Secondaria di 2° Institute for Training & Six-week seminar on American Culture Grado, Pescia (PT) Development (ITD), Amherst, MA 5
  • 6. Fulbright - italy Newsletter Fulbright Universitas Fulbright Specialist Program The Fulbright Senior Specialists Program provides short-term academic opportunities (2-6 weeks) for US faculty and professionals that are invited by Italian universities. Senior Specialists collaborate on curriculum and faculty development, assist in institutional planning, give lectures and otherwise use their expertise, depending on the host institution’s interests and needs. 2010 US Scholar Topic University 11 - 24 April Prof. Mark Christie, Virginia Constitutional Law Università di Trento Commonwealth University Facoltà di Legge 24 April - 7 May Prof. Alex Lichtenstein, Florida US Social and Cultural Università di Genova International University Studies Facoltà di Scienze Politiche Prof. Alex Lichtenstein Florida International University 10 - 28 May Prof. Michael Camasso, Rutgers, Economics: Human Università di Catania The State University of New Jersey, Capital Formation Facoltà di Economia Dept. of Agr., Food and Resource Economics 5 May - 8 June Prof. Charles D’Agostino, Redevelopment after a Università dell’Aquila, Louisiana State University - Lou- Natural Disaster Facoltà di Economia siana Business and Technology Ignegneria e Scienze Center 11 May - 11 June Prof. Dena Davis, Cleveland State Religion and Bioethics Università di Padova, University - Cleveland Marshall and Research Ethics Facoltà di Lettere, College of Law Dipartimento di Filosofia Prof. Dena Davis, Cleveland State University - Cleveland Mar- 6 June - 17 July Prof. William Rivenbark, Performance measure- Università di Palermo, shall College of Law University of Arizona - University of ment and benchmarking Facoltà di Scienze Politiche North Carolina at Chapel Hill. of public administrations Dipartimento di Studi Europei Disaster Recovery: the Fulbright Program and the L’Aquila earthquake Charles D’Agostino, Fulbright Specialist, Executive Director of the Louisiana State University Business and Technology Center of the E.J. Ourso College of Business was at the University of L’Aquila for a period of five weeks, sharing his experience in disaster management and business counseling developed after the four hurricanes that struck Louisiana between 2005 and 2008 and the 2010 British Petroleum Oil Spill. He gave a series of seminars covering various topics ranging from lessons learned post-disaster to developing a disaster resilient city, highlighting the role that can be played by the university. Louisiana State University and the University of L’Aquila have now committed to working together to find solutions for disaster preparedness, resiliency and recovery. Charles D’Agostino Executive Director of the Louisiana Business & Technology Center at LSU’s Fulbright Inter-Country Program E. J. Ourso College of Business The Inter-Country grant Program offers significant flexibility to the Fulbright Program making it possible to bring Fulbright lecturers and researchers in Italy or in Europe to take part in academic meetings, conferences, seminars and other program-related activities organized by Italian or European universities. The Inter-Country Program, administered in collaboration with Fulbright Commissions in Europe, finances travel expenses of the Fulbright researcher or lecturer from the city in Italy or in Europe where he/she is carrying out his/her Fulbright project to the site of the host institution. 2010 US Scholar Topic University 20 April Gregory Sumner, University of American Literature: The Challenge of Università.di Udine Detroit, Mercy, MI Cosmopolitan Democracy 21 April David Lightfoot, Language acquisition: clues and com- Università di Venezia George Washington University, plexity sciences Gregory Sumner D.C. University of Detroit 21 April Anne Marie O’Healey, Tracce dello sguardo coloniale nelle Università di Macerata Loyola Marymount University, pratiche cinematografiche di oggi Los Angeles, CA 19 May Anne Marie O’Healey, Rappresentare la razza e il genere nel- Università per Loyola Marymount University, la cultura visiva e nel cinema italiano Stranieri di Siena Los Angeles, CA 6
  • 7. Fulbright - italy Newsletter Fulbright Universitas Fulbright Inter-Country Program 2010 US Scholar Topic University 19 May Anne Marie O’Healey, “Rappresentare la razza e il Università per Loyola Marymount University, Los genere nella cultura visiva e nel Stranieri di Siena Angeles, CA cinema italiano” 19 May Gabriele Camera, “Institutions for Long Run Università di Napoli University of Iowa, Keosauqua, IA Cooperation: Experiments on Markets with frictions” 20 May Gabriele Camera, “Cognitive and Experimental Seconda Università di University of Iowa, Keosauqua, IA Economics” Napoli-Capua 24 - 25 May Jane Feuer, “Media Mutations.International Università di University of Pittsburgh, Fulbright conference on new audiovisual Bologna Scholar in Germany frontiers“ Gabriele Camera University of Iowa, IA 28 May Jane Feuer, “Cult Television Conference” Università di Roma Tre University of Pittsburgh, Fulbright Scholar in Germany 3 - 7 May Ann Malone, “A Court Divided: Views of the Centro Italiano di Studi College of William and Mary, United States Supreme Court Americani Williamsburg, VA Justices on Application of ‘Foreign’ Law”; “The Legal Dilemma of Guantanamo Detainees from Bush to Obama” 3 - 7 May Betsy Erkkila, “Leaves of Grass 1860: Eros and Centro Italiano di Studi Democracy”; “Walt Whitman, Eros Ann Malone Northwestern University, Fulbright Americani College of William and Mary, VA Scholar in Germany and Democtratic Theory” 3 - 7 May Patricia Schroeder, “Robert Johnson’s Deal with the Centro Italiano di Studi Ursinus College Devil: Race, Myth and American Americani Collegeville, PA Identities”; “The Blues as Cultural Paradigm: August Wilson’s The Piano Lesson” 3 - 7 May Gregory Sumner, University of “Kurt Vonnegut and the American Centro Italiano di Studi Detroit, Mercy, MI Dream: Mother and Night (1961)” Americani 24 May Julie Liss, “American Way of Life and US Embassy Scripps College, Europe in Post-World War II” Claremont, CA 23 May - 2 June Ann Malone, “Human Trafficking for ISISC SIRACUSA Anne Marie O’Healy College of William and Mary, Commercial Sexual Exploitation” Loyola Marymount University, CA Williamsburg, VA 7 June Leslie Duram, “The Geography of Local Food Università di Scienze Southern Illinois University and Organic Farming” Gastronomiche - Carbondale, Fulbright Scholar in Pollenzo Ireland 7 June Gabriele Camera, “Institutions for Long Run Università di Roma University of Iowa, Keosauqua, IA Cooperation: Experiments on “La Sapienza” Markets with frictions” Patricia Schroeder Ursinus College, PA 7
  • 8. Fulbright - italy Newsletter Fulbright Scholarships and Activities in the field of Sustainable Food Consumption and Global Food Security The following section highlights the individual experiences of US and Italian Fulbright grantees in the area of food.In the last two-three years, the Fulbright Program has witnessed the interest of several students and scholars, both from Italy and the US, in food consumption. The role of nutrition in preventing chronic diseases has been a topic of research in both countries, with the US scholars and students showing a great interest in the social and cultural aspects of food consumption in Italy while bringing their own expertise on latest research and developments related to topics such as functional foods and the effects of wild blueberries on cardiovascular physiology and metabolism. Experiences are shared between Italy and the US on increasing children’s fruit and vegetable consumption and on promoting cultural diversity by embedding food production within a territory as promoted and practiced by the Slow Food movement. Other scholars have focused on aspects related to food from production through market delivery, such as research on invasive species, development and marketing of ecologically compatible biotechnologies, including the use of value chain models to analyze the interactions between society and natural resources and their management. The linkages between the micro dimensions of locally embedded food production, including organic farming, and the macro and global dimensions of food production vis-à-vis increasing world population were presented and discussed by Fulbright scholars at an international workshop jointly organized by the Fulbright Commission and the University of Gastronomic Sciences. Food Consumption The role of nutrition in the prevention of chronic diseases and Nutrition Stefano Vendrame, Graduate Student 2010 from Università degli Studi di Milano to University of Maine In post-industrial countries, the main causes of death are no longer represented by acute infections, as it was less then a century ago. However, long-latency multi-factorial chronic diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, cancer, diabetes, pulmonary diseases and neurodegenerative diseases have a growing impact on people’s health and constitute a big economic burden for our society. The risk of developing these pathologies is influenced both by genetic and environmental factors. Among the environmental factors, there are many lifestyle factors that each individual can control in a relatively easy way. We know for a fact that a well-balanced diet is paramount not only to avoid nutritional deficiencies or excesses, but also to maintain good health and reduce the risk of chronic diseases. The main objective of the research activity I would like to carry out during my doctoral program in the United States to investigate the role of nutrition in the prevention of chronic diseases following an evidence-based approach, with particular focus on the effects of dietary habits as well as specific foods or compounds by means of intervention studies on humans, studies in cell culture and on animal models. Such studies will be designed to predict and monitor the effect of food consumption, both short term and long term, on physiological mechanisms as well as markers such as oxidative stress, inflammation, endothelial function and cardiovascular risk. These findings should also be integrated with a nutrigenomic approach, using the most recent findings in the field of personalized nutrition in order to differentiate the individual effects of different foods and food components on the basis of individual genetic characteristics. Italy: Food, Culture and Health Emily Ventura, Graduate Student 2009 from University of Southern California to University of Gastronomic Sciences, Colorno During my doctoral work in Preventive Medicine, I discovered a striking disconnect between the fields of nutrition science and gastronomy, the art and science of good eating. As a Fulbright scholar, I worked to integrate these two disciplines, which I believe is an imperative step in preventing chronic disease. Considering that Italy is a global leader in the field of gastronomy, I explored the protective health effects of gastronomy in Italian culture. Dr. Emily Ventura at a local farmers ‘market in Bologna. 8
  • 9. Fulbright - italy Newsletter Food Dudes Food Consumption Giovanni Presti, Scholar in Residence 2009 and Nutrition from Università IULM di Milano to California State University Stanislaus (CSU) Prof. Presti taught two courses in Applied Behavior Analysis, a research seminar and a class in behavior modification where students were requested to complete a self-change project. He shared with the California State University Stanislaus (CSU) his research experience in Sicily on a project called Food Dudes that tries to address the problem of increasing children’s food and vegetable consumption. This program is part of an international effort that involves the University of Bangor, in North Wales, IULM, in Milan, Board BIA in Ireland and now CSU Stanislaus. Part of Dr. Presti’s time was also devoted to working with the Faculties of the Nursing School and Social Workers that are developing an American version of the program. Clinical Nutrition Dorothy Klimis-Zacas, Senior Specialist 2008 from Universityof Maine to University of Milan Dorothy Klimis-Zacas, Ph.D., professor of Clinical Nutrition, University of Maine, Orono, Maine, was a Fulbright Senior Specialist to the University of Milan, Department of Food Science, Technology and Microbiology (DiSTAM) for six weeks from May 15 till June 30, 2008. She taught in the areas of her expertise on lipids and cardiovascular disease and developed a graduate course on grant-writing for extramural funding. She also lectured on dietary standards in the US and Europe, on “Novel Approaches to Study the Effects of Wild Blueberries on Cardiovascular Physiology and Metabolism” and on “Functional Foods: From Basic Science to Marketing and Health Claims”. Italy: Food, Culture and Health Kathryn Andersen, Graduate Student 2008 from Princeton University to University of Gastronomic Sciences, Bra Kathryn Andersen spent nine months in the small town of Bra, in the Piedmont, to study Italian cheese, its production and distribution channels. For Kathryn “Cheese is an ideal part of the Italian system for sustainable food and agriculture because its production is a way in which small farmers all over the peninsula can produce a product, using centuries-old traditions, that can be aged and sold around the world.By spending time with farmers, their cows, sheep, and goats, their vendors, and their consumers, I saw firsthand how famous cheeses such as Castelmagno, Grana Padano, Provolone, Ragusano, Parmigiano Reggiano, Gorgonzola, and even Bitto were produced. For me, the Fulbright experience was as much about studying the past as it was thinking about the future, in the context of the daily actions of eating. Food acts as the underpinning of a culture – we develop relationships by sitting down to a meal and we solidify traditions by producing the same products with specific agricultural methods over centuries of civilization.” Sustainable Agriculture and Food Production Carlo Baggi, Scholar in Residence 2008 from Slow Food-founded University of Gastronomic Sciences in Italy to Chattahoochee Technical College Dr Baggi spent six months at the Culinary Arts Program of Chattahoochee Technical College in Georgia where he developed a course on food history and anthropology, culinary traditions and techniques, and environmental and social issues related to sustainable food production, as well as the impact that food choices have in a globalized world. He had the opportunity to discuss sustainability issues with the American Culinary Federation, organic agriculture with local farmers, and traditional food-ways with both local shopkeepers and larger food retailers like Whole Foods. Following the same philosophy, the college is involved in the important task of implementing sustainability approaches in all its major activities, from recycling of paper and plastic, to sourcing local, organic and seasonal foods for the curriculum menus, composting food waste, growing a roof-top garden and using eco-friendly kitchenware and cleaning detergents. He established contacts with the local community, as well as with organizations such as Georgia Organics, the Georgia Restaurant Association, Slow Food USA and Slow Food Atlanta. 9
  • 10. Fulbright - italy Newsletter From Sustainable Production To Research on invasive pest to chestnut trees Market Delivery Ignazio Graziosi, Graduate Student 2010 from Università degli Studi di Bologna to University of Kentucky My research field is forest ecology and forest protection, and my objective is to follow a Ph.D. program in entomology in the US. My aim is to achieve a sound knowledge on a specific issue: the invasive pest, known as the Oriental Chestnut Gall Wasp (CGW), which has been recently introduced also in Italy. CGW (Dryocosmus kuriphilus) is one of the greatest causes of damage to the chestnut tree at a worldwide level. It is an insect of Chinese origin, which attacks exclusively chestnut trees inducing the formation of galls on shoots. CGW infestations cause plant decline and death, and dramatic loss in chestnuts production (80%). The insect was accidentally introduced in Japan in the 40’s, in Korea in the 60’s and in the United States in the 70’s. In these countries the pest has become widespread: CGW can spread easily thanks to the transfer of infected plant material and to the natural dispersal of flying adults. The use of pesticides was unsuccessful: the most effective means of control is through biological control based on the use of its natural enemies (mainly parasite insects). This method was initiated in Japan in the 80’s and has been successfully established in both Asia and the United States. At present the main research centers working on Chestnut Gall Wasp are in Japan and in the US. The pest also reached Europe: in spring 2002 the insect was detected in Italy. The European chestnut is one of the most important tree species in my country: chestnut stands represent 10% of Italian forests. Italy is also one of the biggest chestnut producers in the world. Chestnut growing for fruit and wood production has a key role in the local economy of mountain areas in many regions, mainly in Campania, Lazio, Piedmont, Tuscany and Emilia-Romagna. CGW is a serious forest protection matter, since it threatens the vitality of trees, natural ecosystems and the forest environmental value, but it could also be a heavy social and economic problem for the Italian mountain communities, as it strikes chestnut production an it weakens orchard productivity. Testing the Enemy Release Hypothesis: The Role of Parasites in the Spread of an Invasive Species Russel Burke, Research Scholar 2009 from Fordham University, New York to Museo Civico di Zoologia, Rome Animal and plant invasions create serious medical problems, imperil native species, and cost human commerce and industry billions of dollars. Unfortunately, no one knows why some species can invade while others can’t. My research tests the Enemy Release Hypothesis (ERH), which suggests that species invading new locations without either parasites or predators from their origins are most likely to succeed. The Italian Wall Lizard (Podarcis sicula) and the Common Wall Lizard (P. muralis) are native to Italy and have been introduced to five locations in North America, where they are now common and spreading. These lizards provide a tremendous opportunity to investigate the ecology and evolution of a recently introduced species and to test the ERH.Genetic work has shown where these populations originated, and I already have the North American parasite and predator data needed for an ERH test. Collections in their native habitat (Lazio and Toscana) come next. The methodology is simple and reliable. Both lizard species are common, neither is legally protected, and legal US importation is easy. I will catch lizards by hand in urban and suburban habitats in Toscana April-July 2009, a representative reproductive season. Analysis will take place there and back in my lab in the US. Discovery, development and marketing of “environmentally friendly” biopesticides Luca Ruiu, Fulbright-BEST 2009 from Università degli Studi di Sassari to University of Santa Clara My project is focused on the discovery, development and marketing of safe and ecologically compatible biotechnologies applied to the management of insect pests of agricultural, medical and veterinary importance. Indeed, the use of chemicals is causing public concerns and real risks for the environment and human health. I develop alternative strategies to chemical pest control, involving the use of “naturally occurring” and “environmentally friendly” microbial agents. The essence of this strategy is to discover and employ very specific natural enemies of insect pests, for example, a bacterial, viral and fungal disease agent which affects only a particular insect pest species, and is harmless for humans and other organisms. Bioecopest, Luca Ruiu’s new startup company, recently won the first prize, the National Award for Innovation, at the Start Cup Sardegna, the largest business plan competition in Italy. Bioecopest develops natural innovative solutions to meet the growing demand for environmentally-friendly pest management products. Luca worked on the development of Bioecopest during his stay at University of Santa Clara as a Fulbright BEST scholar enrolled in the 2008/2009 Certificate in Technology Entrepreneurship program. Bioecopest received 60,000 Euros and a certificate of merit from the President of the Italian Republic, Giorgio Napolitano. 10
  • 11. Fulbright - italy Newsletter Sustainable Food Consumption Sustainable Agriculture Value Chains Model and Global Food Security Daniele Guidi, Research Scholar 2010 from Università degli Studi di Siena to Harvard University A core question of Sustainability Science is what system of incentive structures can effectively improve social capacity to govern nature/society interactions. This research hypothesis is that evidence can be collected/analyzed on agro-enterprise approaches which can address sustainability challenges, particularly if blended with scientific knowledge exchange, local cultures values, access to capital and natural resources management. Designing appropriate evaluation frameworks, able to validate policy support, is one key element to address the most critical barriers to the adoption of science-based solutions for sustainable agriculture, which are often not technological/ economic in nature . Fulbright - University of Gastronomic Sciences International Workshop: “Local Food Systems and Critical Issues of Global Food Policy” An international Workshop on “Local Food Systems and Critical Issues of Global Food Policy” was held on 7 June 2010 at the University of Gastronomic Sciences with the participation of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, several Fulbrighters and international students involved in study and research on food, nutrition and agriculture, including Prof. Leslie Duram, Fulbright Scholar at the National University of Ireland. The Workshop highlighted the global and local dimensions of sustainability and the linkages between the physical environment and production as well as consumption and health on a global scale. Based Prof. Leslie Duram’s Presentation: on the work of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, it gave information on the The Geography Local Food and Organic projected demand for food at the global level up to year 2050 and discussed the challenges to be faced Farming to meet such demand, including the reduction of GHG emissions; at the same time, it provided evidence on the persistence of the hunger problem and its coexistence with obesity increases worldwide. Organic farming was presented by Prof. Duram as a method of producing crops which promotes biodiversity and soil quality thereby maintaining and enhancing ecological harmony as well as connecting producers and consumers. The active involvement of civil society in food and agriculture policy-making at the global level was discussed by Dr. Quieti. She highlighted the emergence of a transnational food movement and their activism in promoting alternative perspectives on the way food is produced, consumed and traded worldwide. On consumption, Dr. Emily Ventura reported on her experience, as an expert in diabetes prevention in overweight youth, with children responding better to the farmers’ markets and cooking classes than to more traditional forms of nutrition education as well as her research on the relationship between family shopping and cooking habits and metabolic health in youth. Dr. Maria Grazia Quieti (Executive Director, The US-Italy Fulbright Commission) and Prof. Simone Cinotto (University of Gastronomic Sciences, Coordinator Fulbright/Casten Family Foundation Award). From left to right: Carlo Baggi (Fulbright Scholar-in-Residence, at Chattahoochee College, GA, USA), Emily Ventura (Fulbright US Graduate Student to UNISG), Leslie Duram (Fulbright Scholar at the National University of Ireland), Brittany Goodrich (Recipient of the Fulbrigh/Casten Family Foundation Award, UNIGS Colorno), Materne Maetz (Sr. Policy Officer, FAO), Maria Grazia Quieti (Executive Director, The US-Italy Fulbright Commission), Simone Cinotto (University of Gastronomic Sciences, Coordinator Fulbright/Casten Family Foundation Award). 11
  • 12. Fulbright - italy Newsletter Fulbrighters’ Publications and Works Publications and Works “Birds of passage”: i musicisti napoletani a New York (1895-1940) by Simona Frasca Tra i repertori italiani in dialetto, la canzone napo- italiana negli Stati Uniti è intervenuta a rendere letana ha contribuito più di ogni altro alla nascita questo repertorio, legato ad ambienti e luoghi della canzone popular’/commerciale nazionale. specifici, uno dei primi esempi moderni di musica Napoli è stato uno dei principali centri per la transnazionale con alcuni caratteri specifici della musica di intrattenimento con il suo elevato nu- global era. mero di sale da concerto, teatri musicali, editori, maestri di musica ed esecutori. L’emigrazione Frasca, S. (2010). Birds of Passage. I musicisti napoletani e New York (1895-1940). Lucca, Lim 2010. 215. Mediating debate through on-line large-scale argumentation: Evidence from the field by Luca Iandoli Web 2.0 technologies, such as forums and wikis, in 3 weeks, what is to our knowledge the are enabling an explosion of global knowledge largest single online argument map ever built sharing through distributed large-scale (around 5000 posts). Our results show that (i) conversations, but they seem to be less successful users were able to quickly and comprehensively at supporting collaborative explore and map the debate on the selected deliberation around complex and controversial discussion topic; (ii) substantial moderation questions. In order to cope with this was needed to ensure that the argument limitation, many scholars have proposed to adopt map was well-organized and users were on-line argumentation platforms to improve confident with the argumentation formalism; (iii) information visualization, organization and considerable out-of-the map communication reuse. However, such research has mostly occurred, possibly as a way to allow for focused on the design of adequate argumentbased conversational flows inhibited by the argumentation knowledge formalisms. Less attention formalism, (iv) formal rating of has been paid to the empirical analysis of contributions favored exploration of the map, actual interactions mediated by understanding the debate structure, argumentation technology with reasonably large user and improving the quality of content. communities. In this paper, we present an in-depth analysis of the data obtained in the Gurkan, A. ;Iandoli, L. ;Klein, M.; Zollo, G. (2010). Mediating debate through on-line large-scale argumentation: empirical test of an argumentation platform Evidence from the field. Information Sciences 180: 3686-3702. where a 160-member community created, Estimation of In-Canopy Ammonia Sources and Sinks in a Fertilized Zea mays Field by Gabriel G. Katul An analytical model was developed to processes in air quality models are necessary describe in-canopy vertical distribution of to explore the impact of agricultural field level ammonia (NH3) sources and sinks and vertical management practices on regional air quality. fluxes in a fertilized Moreover, there are agronomic and environmental agricultural setting using measured benefits to timing liquid fertilizer in-canopy mean NH3 concentration and wind applications as close to canopy closure as possible. speed profiles.This model was applied to quan- Finally, given the large withincanopy mean NH3 tify in-canopy air-surface exchange rates concentration gradients in such agricultural and above-canopy NH3 fluxes in a fertilized settings, a discussion about the suitabil- corn (Zea mays) field. Modeled air-canopy NH3 ity of the proposed model is also presented. fluxes agreed well with independent above- canopy flux estimates. Based on the model Bash, Jesse O. ; Walker, John T. ; Katul, Gabriel G. ; Jones, Matthew R. ; Nemitz, Eiko ; Robarge, Wayne. (2010) Estimation of results, the urea fertilized soil surface was a in-canopy ammonia sources and sinks in a fertilized Zea Mays consistent source of NH3 one month follow- field. Environmental Science and Technology, 44 (5). 1683-1689. ing the fertilizer application, whereas the vegetation canopy was typically a net NH3 sink with the lower portion of the canopy being a constant sink. The model results suggested that the canopy was a sink for some 70% of the es- timated soil NH3 emissions. A logical conclu- sion is that parametrization of within-canopy 12
  • 13. Fulbright - italy Newsletter Fulbrighters’ Publications and Works Publications and Works Tonnare in Italy: Science, History and Culture of Sardinian Tuna Fishing by Katherine B. Emery Through a case study of a Sardinian tonnara, tourist and real-estate industries, are this article provides an interdisciplinary look at contributing to the destruction of marine the science, culture, and history of fishing in the ecosystems. The synthesis presented here Mediterranean. The Mediterranean Sea and offers a unique perspective combining historical, the crystalline waters of Sardinia, in particular, scientific, and cultural factors important to one are currently confronting a paradox of marine Sardinian tonnara in the context of a larger global preservation. On the one hand, Italian coastal debate about Atlantic bluefin tuna conservation. resources are prized nationally and internationally for their natural beauty as well as Emery, Katherine B. (2010). Tonnare in Italy: Science, economic and recreational uses. On the other hand, History and Culture of Sardinian Tuna Fishing deep-seated Italian cultural values and traditions, California Italian Studies Journal. such as the desire for high-quality fresh fish in local cuisines and the continuity of ancient fishing communities, as well as the demands of How a psychologist informed economics: The case of Sidney Siegel by Alessandro Innocenti In the 1950s before Kahneman and Tversky Although his legacy was paramount in the work of showed how behavioral economics could bring the Nobel Prize winner Vernon Smith, Siegel economics and psychology into a unified endorsed a very different approach to making framework, a social psychologist, Sidney Siegel, interdisciplinary research effective. entered the realm of economics and laid the foundation of experimental economics. This Innocenti, A. (2010). How a Psychologist Informed Economics: The Case of Sidney Siegel”, Journal of Economic paper gives an assessment of Siegel’s effort Psychology. Vol. 31, n. 3. to meld psychology and economics and shows that Siegel was not only a contributor to the methodology of experimental economics but also a pioneer of behavioral economics. Sostenibilità e GreenEconomy. Quarto Settore. Competitività, Strategie e Valore Aggiunto per le imprese del terzo millennio by Paolo Ricotti È possibile applicare i “Principi Naturali” Sotto la lente di questo nuovo modello di mer- all’economia di mercato? È possibile conciliare cato è possibile osservare come le enunciazioni il “Profitto” con lo Sviluppo Sostenibile? di base dello Sviluppo Sostenibile siano fi- Quali sono gli strumenti gestionali e i fattori critici nalmente conciliabili con un’evoluzione per le imprese sostenibili ed eccellenti? positiva e durevole della nostra civiltà. Utilizzando i principi naturali come Ricotti, P. (2010). Sostenibilità e Green Economy. Quarto parametri per l’osservazione dell’attuale modello Settore. Competitività , Strategie e Valore Aggiunto per le economico si può configurare quel nuovo para- imprese del terzo millennio. Franco Angeli. digma sostenibile di mercato e della società civile tanto perseguito e auspicato da tutti negli ultimi anni, definito “Quarto Settore” in quanto omogeneizza sotto un’unica prospettiva gli altri tre oggi esistenti. Transcellular biosynthesis of eicosanoids by Angelo Sala The metabolism of arachidonic acid into that eicosanoids are often the result of cell-cell biologically active compounds involves the interactions involving the transfer of biosynthetic sequential activity of a number of enzymes, intermediates, such as the chemically reactive sometimes showing a unique expression profile PGH2 and LTA4, between cells. in different cells. The main metabolic pathways, namely the cyclooxygenases and the Sala, A. (2010). Transcellular biosynthesis of eicosanoids. Pharmacological Reports, 2010, 62, 503-610, ISSN 1734-1140 5-lipoxygenase , both generate chemically unstable intermediates: prostaglandin (PG) H2 and leukotriene (LT) A4, respectively. These are transformed by secondary enzymes into a variety of chemical structures known collectively as the lipid mediators. Although some cells express all the enzymes necessary for the production of biologically active compounds, it has been shown 13
  • 14. Fulbright - italy Newsletter Ecclesiastes rose, Penelope my Martian temple dancer by Jeremiah Hulsebos-Spofford Jeremiah Hulsebos-Spofford, US Fulbright Grant- Ecclesiastes rose, Penelope my Martian temple ee 2009-2010, an American artist working mainly dancer is a figurehead, sitting at the helm of a yearlong in sculpture and performance, presented a new project carried out with the support of the Fulbright work - Ecclesiastes rose, Penelope my Martian grant. The project spans volunteerism, traditional temple dancer - in Mondello, Sicily, among the Sicilian boat building and cultural exchange and fishing boats from June 30th - July 7th 2010. uses sculpture as a platform for narrative building Jeremiah Hulsebos-Spofford and dated science fiction romance. US Graduate Student, 2009-10 News 2010 Nobel Prize Winner Peter A. Diamond Congratulations to Fulbright Program Alumni Professor Diamond’s analysis of search markets, Peter A. Diamond on being named 2010 Nobel in collaboration with the work of fellow laureates Prize Winner in Economics. Dale Mortensen and Christopher Pissarides, formulated a theoretical framework for search Peter A. Diamond, Ph.D., Fulbright Scholar markets, stating, “The Laureates’ models help us Alumnus and Institute Professor / professor of understand the ways in which unemployment, job Economics at MIT, was in Italy as Distinguished vacancies, and wages are affected by regulation Chair at the University of Siena in 1999 where he and economic policy.” carried out research on social insurance theory. Prof. Peter A. Diamond Fulbright Scholar to Italy, 1999-2000 Palazzo Jules Maidoff for the Visual Arts - Florence, 18 November 2010 On 18 November 2010 Palazzo Jules Maidoff for the world. He is the founder of one of the most im- the Visual Arts was inaugurated in Florence. portant international schools of art in Europe, SACI Jules Maidoff was a Fulbright student in Florence (Studio Art Centers International). For 35 years, in 1956. From that moment his life would never be SACI in Florence has helped form thousands of the same: “I sensed that Italy was a place I already young artists from many nations. knew”. Maidoff is a tireless “visionary” who has had more than 200 one-person exhibitions around Fulbright Meeting & Orientation for Italian Grantees, Rome, 24 June 2010 Prof. Amato, Italian Fulbright Grantee in 1962/63 and former Italian Prime Minister, speaks with Italian Fulbright Grantees prior to their departure to the United States. Forthcoming: The IX International Forum of Studies “S.A.V.E. Heritage” The IX International Forum of Studies titled local experiences for the preservation of cultural, S.A.V.E. Heritage will be held in Capri from 9 to architectural, archaeological, landscape and envi- From left to right: Maria Grazia Quieti (Executive Director, The US-Italy Fulbright 11 June 2011. Two Fulbright scholars, Jonathan ronmental heritage. For more information: Commission), David Mees ( Vice- Chairman Reich (California Polytechnic State University) and The US Italy Fulbright Commission), James Kushner (Southwestern Law School, Los Prof. Giuliano Amato Angeles) will contribute to the discussions on the Join State Alumni Community Build upon your exchange experience and explore programs. It provides opportunities for alumni to the various opportunities available to you from network with each other, develop their careers, State Alumni: ALUMNI.STATE.GOV and stay in touch with the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, thus helping to extend their The State Alumni website is an online community exchange experience. of alumni of U.S. government-sponsored exchange 14
  • 15. Fulbright - italy Newsletter Issue 6, Fall 2010 Fulbright Outreach Activities Fulbright Commission Educational Advising The US - Italy Fulbright Commission has an Information Service about educational opportunities in the US, certified by EducationUSA. EducationUSA is a global network of more than 400 advising centers supported by the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs at the U.S. Department of State ( . The Fulbright Information Service strives to provide accurate, comprehensive, current and unbiased information on different aspects of education in the United States, such as: the range of higher education institutions, standardized admission tests, internships, study visas and study of English language. How does the Commission provide information on educational opportunities in the US? It uses a wide range of media and modalities: the website, e-mail, telephone, Skype, book resources, flyers, brochures, individual and group meetings, visits at Italian Universities, attendance at educational fairs as well as social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Slide Share and YouTube. It also relies on its networks of Fulbright alumni and partner institutions. All of these media and modalities are an integral part of the Commission’s communication and outreach strategy that addresses both the target groups of the Fulbright scholarships (university undergraduate students, researchers, professors) and of young students wishing to study in the US, even without a Fulbright scholarship. Fulbright Commission’s You Tube Educational Advising: Social Media On May 2010 the Fulbright Commission launched a Facebook page and a Twitter account, open to all, in order to promote the activities of the Commission and the dissemination of the news coming directly from US colleges and Universities. Through Facebook and Twitter pages Italian and US students and scholars are constantly informed of activities organized by the Fulbright Commission such as visits to Italian Universities, Educational Fairs and Information Sessions held at the Advising Centers in Rome and Naples. Every week, the Fulbright Commission promotes the dissemination of EducationUSA Weekly Update, the newsletter edited by EducationUSA. The Newsletter provides news coming from US colleges and Universities, application admission announcements as well as information about financial aid offers for international students. To date the Fulbright Commission page on Facebook counts 1,380 fans: JOIN US ON FACEBOOK & TWITTER! 15
  • 16. Fulbright - italy Newsletter Fulbright Outreach Activities Educational Advising: Meetings at Italian Universities The US-Italy Fulbright Commission organized numerous visits to Italian Universities during 2010, in collaboration with the International Offices of the Universities and with Fulbright alumni, as shown below. During these visits, the Advisors of the Commission and selected Fulbright alumni met with students, researchers and professors and provided information and answered queries on study or research opportunities in the US with or without a Fulbright scholarship. 2010 University 2010 University 14 January Università di Milano 22 October Università di Ferrara 25 February Università di Torino 22 October Università di Modena 4 March Università di Milano 25 October Expo Studi all’Estero Fulbright Presentation: Roma Università Federico II, Napoli, November 11 2010 18 March Università di Pavia 4 November Università di Pisa 23 March Seconda Università 9 November Università di Catania di Napoli 15 April Expo Europe 11 November Università degli Studi Road Show Roma Federico II di Napoli 16 April Expo Europe 15 November Università di Bari Road Show Milano 22 April Università di Trieste 15 November Università di Verona 23 April Universita’ di Trieste 16 November Università di Foggia 27 April Youth International Forum 16 November Università di Trento Fulbright Presentation: Roma Università di Cagliari, October 7, 2010 28 April Università di Pisa 17 November Università Bicocca di Milano 26 May Università di Firenze 18 November Salone Italiano dell’Educazione di Genova 3 June Università di Bergamo 18 November Università della Calabria 7 October Università di Cagliari 22 November Università di Palermo 11 October Università del Molise 23 November Università Ca’Foscari di Venezia 12 October Istituto Universitario 23 November Università IUAV di Venezia di Scienze Motorie, Roma Fulbright Presentation: 14 October Politecnico di Milano 24 November Università del Salento Università del Molise, October 11, 2010 14 October Università Cattolica 30 November Università Federico II del Sacro Cuore di Milano di Napoli 15 October Università IULM 10 December Università della Tuscia Libera universita’ di Lingue di Viterbo e Comunicazione 15 October Università Statale di Milano 13 December Università di Torino 18 October Università di Roma Tre 13 December Università del Piemonte Orientale 20 October Università degli Studi 14 December Politecnico di Torino di Roma “La Sapienza” 21 October Università Bocconi di Milano 15 December Università di Roma Tor Vergata Fulbright Presentation: Expo Studi all’Estero, April 15, Roma 21 October Qs Graduate School Tour Qs Top Mba, Milano 16
  • 17. Fulbright - italy Newsletter Issue 6, Fall 2010 The Commission thanks Partners and Donors Gli Amici del Professore Carlo Maria Santoro Cooperating Agencies and Institutions Fulbright-BEST Donors 17