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From Node to Go 
John Maxwell / @jmaxyz
The Agile League 
Functional Spec 
• Serve static HTML, CSS, and JS assets! 
• /xhr: HTTP endpoint! 
• {"now":"2014-08-12T03:29:23.721Z"}! 
• /ws: Websocket endpoint! 
• {"id":9,"now":"2014-08-12T03:30:03.398Z"}! 
• Sending “delay” param to /xhr or /ws will trigger a 
100ms delay in response
Demo time
"use strict"; 
var http = require('http'); 
var express = require('express'); 
var WebSocketServer = require('ws').Server; 
var app = express(); 
app.get('/xhr', function (req, res) { 
bufferResponse(function () { 
res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}); 
}, req.query.delay == '1'); 
var port = process.env.PORT || 3000; 
var server = http.createServer(app).listen(port); 
var wss = new WebSocketServer({server: server, path: "/ws"}); 
wss.on('connection', function(socket) { 
socket.on('message', function(message) { 
message = JSON.parse(message); 
bufferResponse(function () { 
}, message.delay == '1'); 
console.log("listening on " + port); 
var buildResponse = function (properties) { 
properties = properties || {}; = new Date(); 
return JSON.stringify(properties); 
var bufferResponse = function (responder, delay) { 
delay ? setTimeout(responder, 100) : responder(); 
Node Server
"use strict"; 
var http = require('http'); 
var express = require('express'); 
var WebSocketServer = require('ws').Server; 
var app = express(); 
app.get('/xhr', function (req, res) { 
bufferResponse(function () { 
res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}); 
}, req.query.delay == '1'); 
var port = process.env.PORT || 3000; 
var server = http.createServer(app).listen(port); 
var wss = new WebSocketServer({server: server, path: "/ws"}); 
wss.on('connection', function(socket) { 
socket.on('message', function(message) { 
message = JSON.parse(message); 
bufferResponse(function () { 
Node Server
"use strict"; 
var http = require('http'); 
var express = require('express'); 
var WebSocketServer = require('ws').Server; 
var app = express(); 
app.get('/xhr', function (req, res) { 
bufferResponse(function () { 
res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}); 
}, req.query.delay == '1'); 
var port = process.env.PORT || 3000; 
var server = http.createServer(app).listen(port); 
var wss = new WebSocketServer({server: server, path: "/ws"}); 
wss.on('connection', function(socket) { 
socket.on('message', function(message) { 
message = JSON.parse(message); 
bufferResponse(function () { 
Node Server
app.get('/xhr', function (req, res) { 
bufferResponse(function () { 
res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'application/Node Server 
}, req.query.delay == '1'); 
var port = process.env.PORT || 3000; 
var server = http.createServer(app).listen(port); 
var wss = new WebSocketServer({server: server, path: "/ws"}); 
wss.on('connection', function(socket) { 
socket.on('message', function(message) { 
message = JSON.parse(message); 
bufferResponse(function () { 
}, message.delay == '1'); 
console.log("listening on " + port); 
var buildResponse = function (properties) { 
properties = properties || {}; = new Date(); 
return JSON.stringify(properties); 
message = JSON.parse(message); 
bufferResponse(function () { 
}, message.delay == '1'); 
console.log("listening on " + port); 
var buildResponse = function (properties) { 
properties = properties || {}; = new Date(); 
return JSON.stringify(properties); 
var bufferResponse = function (responder, delay) { 
delay ? setTimeout(responder, 100) : responder(); 
Node Server
Functional Spec 
• Serve static HTML, CSS, and JS assets! 
• /xhr: HTTP endpoint! 
• {"now":"2014-08-12T03:29:23.721Z"}! 
• /ws: Websocket endpoint! 
• {"id":9,"now":"2014-08-12T03:30:03.398Z"}! 
• Sending “delay” param to /xhr or /ws will trigger a 
100ms delay in response
Why Go?
Why Go?
Go Primer
Blocking I/O & 
Synchronous Execution
Capitalization is important 
• Identifiers (functions, methods, and types) are 
only exported if they are capitalized 
• No public/private keywords
Static Typing 
• Type of every identifier is set and cannot be altered! 
• Variables (function parameters and locals)! 
• Return values! 
• Elements of Structs, Maps, and Slices! 
• Channels! 
• Compile time enforcement! 
• Function arguments are passed by value
Concurrency Support 
• Goroutines! 
• Any function can be called under its own 
• Go organizes threads/processes internally! 
• Channels! 
• How Goroutines communicate
package main 
import ( 
func main() { 
r := mux.NewRouter() 
r.HandleFunc("/xhr", handleXHR) 
r.HandleFunc("/ws", handleWS) 
Web Server 
func main() { 
r := mux.NewRouter() 
r.HandleFunc("/xhr", handleXHR) 
r.HandleFunc("/ws", handleWS) 
Web Server 
port := os.Getenv("PORT") 
if port == "" { 
port = "8080" 
fmt.Printf("listening on %sn", port) 
http.ListenAndServe(":" + port, r) 
func handleXHR(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { 
if r.FormValue("delay") == "1" { 
time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond) 
response, _ := json.Marshal(WebResponse{time.Now()}) 
func main() { 
r := mux.NewRouter() 
r.HandleFunc("/xhr", handleXHR) 
r.HandleFunc("/ws", handleWS) 
port := os.Getenv("PORT") 
if port == "" { 
port = "8080" 
fmt.Printf("listening on %sn", port) 
http.ListenAndServe(":" + port, r) 
func handleXHR(w http.ResponseWriter, r 
*http.Request) {
if port == "" { 
port = "8080" 
HTTP request handler 
fmt.Printf("listening on %sn", port) 
http.ListenAndServe(":" + port, r) 
func handleXHR(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { 
if r.FormValue("delay") == "1" { 
time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond) 
response, _ := json.Marshal(WebResponse{time.Now()}) 
type WebResponse struct { 
Now time.Time `json:"now"` 
var upgrader = websocket.Upgrader{ 
ReadBufferSize: 1024, 
WriteBufferSize: 1024, 
if port == "" { 
port = "8080" 
JSON serialization 
fmt.Printf("listening on %sn", port) 
http.ListenAndServe(":" + port, r) 
func handleXHR(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { 
if r.FormValue("delay") == "1" { 
time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond) 
response, _ := json.Marshal(WebResponse{time.Now()}) 
type WebResponse struct { 
Now time.Time `json:"now"` 
var upgrader = websocket.Upgrader{ 
ReadBufferSize: 1024, 
WriteBufferSize: 1024, 
if port == "" { 
port = "8080" 
JSON serialization 
fmt.Printf("listening on %sn", port) 
http.ListenAndServe(":" + port, r) 
func handleXHR(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { 
if r.FormValue("delay") == "1" { 
time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond) 
response, _ := json.Marshal(WebResponse{time.Now()}) 
type WebResponse struct { 
Now time.Time `json:"now"` 
var upgrader = websocket.Upgrader{ 
ReadBufferSize: 1024, 
WriteBufferSize: 1024, 
func main() { 
r := mux.NewRouter() 
r.HandleFunc("/xhr", handleXHR) 
r.HandleFunc("/ws", handleWS) 
port := os.Getenv("PORT") 
if port == "" { 
port = "8080" 
fmt.Printf("listening on %sn", port) 
http.ListenAndServe(":" + port, r) 
func handleXHR(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { 
if r.FormValue("delay") == "1" { 
time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond) 
response, _ := json.Marshal(WebResponse{time.Now()}) 
type WebResponse struct { 
Now time.Time `json:"now"` 
var upgrader = websocket.Upgrader{ 
ReadBufferSize: 1024, 
Web Server
type WebResponse struct { 
Now time.Time `json:"now"` 
var upgrader = websocket.Upgrader{ 
ReadBufferSize: 1024, 
WriteBufferSize: 1024, 
func handleWS(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { 
conn, err := upgrader.Upgrade(w, r, nil) 
if err != nil { 
writes := make(chan WSResponse) 
go respondWS(conn, writes) 
for { 
message := WSRequest{} 
err := conn.ReadJSON(&message) 
if err != nil { 
go message.respond(writes) 
func respondWS(conn *websocket.Conn, 
writes chan WSResponse) { 
for { 
content, more := <-writes 
if !more { 
type WSRequest struct { 
Id int `json:id` 
Delay bool `json:delay` 
func (request *WSRequest) respond( 
writes chan WSResponse) { 
if request.Delay { 
time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond) 
response := WSResponse{time.Now(), request.Id} 
writes <- response 
type WSResponse struct { 
Now time.Time `json:"now"` 
Id int `json:"id"` 
WebSocket Server
func main() { 
r := mux.NewRouter() 
r.HandleFunc("/xhr", handleXHR) 
r.HandleFunc("/ws", handleWS) 
Integration with Web Server 
port := os.Getenv("PORT") 
if port == "" { 
port = "8080" 
fmt.Printf("listening on %sn", port) 
http.ListenAndServe(":" + port, r) 
func handleXHR(w http.ResponseWriter, r 
*http.Request) { 
if r.FormValue("delay") == "1" {
ReadBufferSize: 1024, 
WriteBufferSize: 1024, 
func handleWS(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { 
conn, err := upgrader.Upgrade(w, r, nil) 
if err != nil { 
writes := make(chan WSResponse) 
go respondWS(conn, writes) 
for { 
message := WSRequest{} 
err := conn.ReadJSON(&message) 
if err != nil { 
WebSocket Server 
go message.respond(writes) 
func respondWS(conn *websocket.Conn, 
writes chan WSResponse) {
Now time.Time `json:"now"` 
var upgrader = websocket.Upgrader{ 
ReadBufferSize: 1024, 
WriteBufferSize: 1024, 
func handleWS(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { 
conn, err := upgrader.Upgrade(w, r, nil) 
if err != nil { 
writes := make(chan WSResponse) 
go respondWS(conn, writes) 
for { 
message := WSRequest{} 
err := conn.ReadJSON(&message) 
if err != nil { 
go message.respond(writes) 
Open Connection
ReadBufferSize: 1024, 
WriteBufferSize: 1024, 
func handleWS(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { 
conn, err := upgrader.Upgrade(w, r, nil) 
if err != nil { 
writes := make(chan WSResponse) 
go respondWS(conn, writes) 
for { 
message := WSRequest{} 
err := conn.ReadJSON(&message) 
if err != nil { 
WebSocket Server 
go message.respond(writes) 
func respondWS(conn *websocket.Conn, 
writes chan WSResponse) {
Order of operations 
1. Listen for new messages 
2. Send the responses 
3. Then close the connection
Order of implementation 
1. Send the responses 
2. Listen for new messages 
3. Then close the connection
ReadBufferSize: 1024, 
WriteBufferSize: 1024, 
func handleWS(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { 
conn, err := upgrader.Upgrade(w, r, nil) 
if err != nil { 
writes := make(chan WSResponse) 
go respondWS(conn, writes) 
for { 
message := WSRequest{} 
err := conn.ReadJSON(&message) 
if err != nil { 
WebSocket Server 
go message.respond(writes) 
func respondWS(conn *websocket.Conn, 
writes chan WSResponse) {
ReadBufferSize: 1024, 
WriteBufferSize: 1024, 
Enable concurrent responses 
func handleWS(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { 
conn, err := upgrader.Upgrade(w, r, nil) 
if err != nil { 
writes := make(chan WSResponse) 
go respondWS(conn, writes) 
for { 
message := WSRequest{} 
err := conn.ReadJSON(&message) 
if err != nil { 
go message.respond(writes) 
func respondWS(conn *websocket.Conn, 
writes chan WSResponse) {
go message.respond(writes) 
func respondWS(conn *websocket.Conn, 
writes chan WSResponse) { 
Receive and Send Responses 
for { 
content, more := <-writes 
if !more { 
type WSRequest struct { 
Id int `json:id` 
Delay bool `json:delay`
ReadBufferSize: 1024, 
WriteBufferSize: 1024, 
Enable concurrent responses 
func handleWS(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { 
conn, err := upgrader.Upgrade(w, r, nil) 
if err != nil { 
writes := make(chan WSResponse) 
go respondWS(conn, writes) 
for { 
message := WSRequest{} 
err := conn.ReadJSON(&message) 
if err != nil { 
go message.respond(writes) 
func respondWS(conn *websocket.Conn, 
writes chan WSResponse) {
ReadBufferSize: 1024, 
WriteBufferSize: 1024, 
Listen on Connection 
func handleWS(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { 
conn, err := upgrader.Upgrade(w, r, nil) 
if err != nil { 
writes := make(chan WSResponse) 
go respondWS(conn, writes) 
for { 
message := WSRequest{} 
err := conn.ReadJSON(&message) 
if err != nil { 
go message.respond(writes) 
func respondWS(conn *websocket.Conn, 
writes chan WSResponse) {
type WSRequest struct { 
Id int `json:id` 
Delay bool `json:delay` 
func (request *WSRequest) respond( 
writes chan WSResponse) { 
if request.Delay { 
time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond) 
response := WSResponse{time.Now(), request.Id} 
writes <- response 
type WSResponse struct { 
Now time.Time `json:"now"` 
Id int `json:"id"` 
Build Response
package main 
import ( 
func main() { 
r := mux.NewRouter() 
r.HandleFunc("/xhr", handleXHR) 
r.HandleFunc("/ws", handleWS) 
port := os.Getenv("PORT") 
if port == "" { 
port = "8080" 
fmt.Printf("listening on %sn", port) 
http.ListenAndServe(":" + port, r) 
func handleXHR(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { 
if r.FormValue("delay") == "1" { 
time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond) 
response, _ := json.Marshal(WebResponse{time.Now()}) 
type WebResponse struct { 
Now time.Time `json:"now"` 
var upgrader = websocket.Upgrader{ 
ReadBufferSize: 1024, 
WriteBufferSize: 1024, 
func handleWS(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { 
conn, err := upgrader.Upgrade(w, r, nil) 
if err != nil { 
writes := make(chan WSResponse) 
go respondWS(conn, writes) 
for { 
message := WSRequest{} 
err := conn.ReadJSON(&message) 
if err != nil { 
go message.respond(writes) 
func respondWS(conn *websocket.Conn, 
writes chan WSResponse) { 
for { 
content, more := <-writes 
if !more { 
type WSRequest struct { 
Id int `json:id` 
Delay bool `json:delay` 
func (request *WSRequest) respond( 
writes chan WSResponse) { 
if request.Delay { 
time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond) 
response := WSResponse{time.Now(), request.Id} 
writes <- response 
type WSResponse struct { 
Now time.Time `json:"now"` 
Id int `json:"id"` 
Go Server
What’s the score? 
• 88 lines of Go vs 39 lines of JavaScript! 
• JSON interaction was kind of clunky! 
• Haven’t figured out how to deploy to Heroku! 
• Doing what the cool kids are doing
“ A straightforward translation of a C++ 
or Java program into Go is unlikely to 
produce a satisfactory result—Java 
programs are written in Java, not Go.” 
–Effective Go
“ A straightforward translation of a C++ 
or Java JavaScript program into Go is 
unlikely to produce a satisfactory result 
—Java JavaScript programs are written 
in Java JavaScript, not Go.”
John Maxwell 

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From Node to Go

  • 1. From Node to Go John Maxwell / @jmaxyz
  • 2. The Agile League @agileleague
  • 3.
  • 4.
  • 5. Functional Spec • Serve static HTML, CSS, and JS assets! • /xhr: HTTP endpoint! • {"now":"2014-08-12T03:29:23.721Z"}! • /ws: Websocket endpoint! • {"id":9,"now":"2014-08-12T03:30:03.398Z"}! • Sending “delay” param to /xhr or /ws will trigger a 100ms delay in response
  • 7.
  • 8. "use strict"; var http = require('http'); var express = require('express'); var WebSocketServer = require('ws').Server; var app = express(); app.use(express.static("./public")); app.use(app.router); app.get('/xhr', function (req, res) { bufferResponse(function () { res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}); res.end(buildResponse()); }, req.query.delay == '1'); }); var port = process.env.PORT || 3000; var server = http.createServer(app).listen(port); var wss = new WebSocketServer({server: server, path: "/ws"}); wss.on('connection', function(socket) { socket.on('message', function(message) { message = JSON.parse(message); bufferResponse(function () { socket.send(buildResponse({id:})); }, message.delay == '1'); }); }); console.log("listening on " + port); var buildResponse = function (properties) { properties = properties || {}; = new Date(); return JSON.stringify(properties); }; var bufferResponse = function (responder, delay) { delay ? setTimeout(responder, 100) : responder(); }; Node Server
  • 9. "use strict"; var http = require('http'); var express = require('express'); var WebSocketServer = require('ws').Server; var app = express(); app.use(express.static("./public")); app.use(app.router); app.get('/xhr', function (req, res) { bufferResponse(function () { res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}); res.end(buildResponse()); }, req.query.delay == '1'); }); var port = process.env.PORT || 3000; var server = http.createServer(app).listen(port); var wss = new WebSocketServer({server: server, path: "/ws"}); wss.on('connection', function(socket) { socket.on('message', function(message) { message = JSON.parse(message); bufferResponse(function () { Node Server
  • 10. "use strict"; var http = require('http'); var express = require('express'); var WebSocketServer = require('ws').Server; var app = express(); app.use(express.static("./public")); app.use(app.router); app.get('/xhr', function (req, res) { bufferResponse(function () { res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}); res.end(buildResponse()); }, req.query.delay == '1'); }); var port = process.env.PORT || 3000; var server = http.createServer(app).listen(port); var wss = new WebSocketServer({server: server, path: "/ws"}); wss.on('connection', function(socket) { socket.on('message', function(message) { message = JSON.parse(message); bufferResponse(function () { Node Server
  • 11. app.get('/xhr', function (req, res) { bufferResponse(function () { res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'application/Node Server json'}); res.end(buildResponse()); }, req.query.delay == '1'); }); var port = process.env.PORT || 3000; var server = http.createServer(app).listen(port); var wss = new WebSocketServer({server: server, path: "/ws"}); wss.on('connection', function(socket) { socket.on('message', function(message) { message = JSON.parse(message); bufferResponse(function () { socket.send(buildResponse({id:})); }, message.delay == '1'); }); }); console.log("listening on " + port); var buildResponse = function (properties) { properties = properties || {}; = new Date(); return JSON.stringify(properties); };
  • 12. message = JSON.parse(message); bufferResponse(function () { socket.send(buildResponse({id:})); }, message.delay == '1'); }); }); console.log("listening on " + port); var buildResponse = function (properties) { properties = properties || {}; = new Date(); return JSON.stringify(properties); }; var bufferResponse = function (responder, delay) { delay ? setTimeout(responder, 100) : responder(); }; Node Server
  • 13. Functional Spec • Serve static HTML, CSS, and JS assets! • /xhr: HTTP endpoint! • {"now":"2014-08-12T03:29:23.721Z"}! • /ws: Websocket endpoint! • {"id":9,"now":"2014-08-12T03:30:03.398Z"}! • Sending “delay” param to /xhr or /ws will trigger a 100ms delay in response
  • 15.
  • 16.
  • 19. Blocking I/O & Synchronous Execution
  • 20. Capitalization is important • Identifiers (functions, methods, and types) are only exported if they are capitalized • No public/private keywords
  • 21. Static Typing • Type of every identifier is set and cannot be altered! • Variables (function parameters and locals)! • Return values! • Elements of Structs, Maps, and Slices! • Channels! • Compile time enforcement! • Function arguments are passed by value
  • 22. Concurrency Support • Goroutines! • Any function can be called under its own Goroutine! • Go organizes threads/processes internally! • Channels! • How Goroutines communicate
  • 23. package main import ( "net/http" "" "" "time" "encoding/json" "fmt" "os" ) func main() { r := mux.NewRouter() r.HandleFunc("/xhr", handleXHR) r.HandleFunc("/ws", handleWS) r.PathPrefix("/").Handler( Web Server http.FileServer(http.Dir("./public/")), )
  • 24. "os" ) func main() { r := mux.NewRouter() r.HandleFunc("/xhr", handleXHR) r.HandleFunc("/ws", handleWS) r.PathPrefix("/").Handler( Web Server http.FileServer(http.Dir("./public/")), ) port := os.Getenv("PORT") if port == "" { port = "8080" } fmt.Printf("listening on %sn", port) http.ListenAndServe(":" + port, r) } func handleXHR(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { if r.FormValue("delay") == "1" { time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond) } response, _ := json.Marshal(WebResponse{time.Now()}) w.Write(response)
  • 25. "os" ) func main() { r := mux.NewRouter() r.HandleFunc("/xhr", handleXHR) r.HandleFunc("/ws", handleWS) r.PathPrefix("/").Handler( main() http.FileServer(http.Dir("./public/")), ) port := os.Getenv("PORT") if port == "" { port = "8080" } fmt.Printf("listening on %sn", port) http.ListenAndServe(":" + port, r) } func handleXHR(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
  • 26. if port == "" { port = "8080" } HTTP request handler fmt.Printf("listening on %sn", port) http.ListenAndServe(":" + port, r) } func handleXHR(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { if r.FormValue("delay") == "1" { time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond) } response, _ := json.Marshal(WebResponse{time.Now()}) w.Write(response) } type WebResponse struct { Now time.Time `json:"now"` } var upgrader = websocket.Upgrader{ ReadBufferSize: 1024, WriteBufferSize: 1024, }
  • 27. if port == "" { port = "8080" } JSON serialization fmt.Printf("listening on %sn", port) http.ListenAndServe(":" + port, r) } func handleXHR(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { if r.FormValue("delay") == "1" { time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond) } response, _ := json.Marshal(WebResponse{time.Now()}) w.Write(response) } type WebResponse struct { Now time.Time `json:"now"` } var upgrader = websocket.Upgrader{ ReadBufferSize: 1024, WriteBufferSize: 1024, }
  • 28. if port == "" { port = "8080" } JSON serialization fmt.Printf("listening on %sn", port) http.ListenAndServe(":" + port, r) } func handleXHR(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { if r.FormValue("delay") == "1" { time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond) } response, _ := json.Marshal(WebResponse{time.Now()}) w.Write(response) } type WebResponse struct { Now time.Time `json:"now"` } var upgrader = websocket.Upgrader{ ReadBufferSize: 1024, WriteBufferSize: 1024, }
  • 29. "fmt" "os" ) func main() { r := mux.NewRouter() r.HandleFunc("/xhr", handleXHR) r.HandleFunc("/ws", handleWS) r.PathPrefix("/").Handler( http.FileServer(http.Dir("./public/")), ) port := os.Getenv("PORT") if port == "" { port = "8080" } fmt.Printf("listening on %sn", port) http.ListenAndServe(":" + port, r) } func handleXHR(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { if r.FormValue("delay") == "1" { time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond) } response, _ := json.Marshal(WebResponse{time.Now()}) w.Write(response) } type WebResponse struct { Now time.Time `json:"now"` } var upgrader = websocket.Upgrader{ ReadBufferSize: 1024, Web Server
  • 30. w.Write(response) } type WebResponse struct { Now time.Time `json:"now"` } var upgrader = websocket.Upgrader{ ReadBufferSize: 1024, WriteBufferSize: 1024, } func handleWS(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { conn, err := upgrader.Upgrade(w, r, nil) if err != nil { return } writes := make(chan WSResponse) go respondWS(conn, writes) for { message := WSRequest{} err := conn.ReadJSON(&message) if err != nil { close(writes) return } go message.respond(writes) } } func respondWS(conn *websocket.Conn, writes chan WSResponse) { for { content, more := <-writes conn.WriteJSON(content) if !more { return } } } type WSRequest struct { Id int `json:id` Delay bool `json:delay` } func (request *WSRequest) respond( writes chan WSResponse) { if request.Delay { time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond) } response := WSResponse{time.Now(), request.Id} writes <- response } type WSResponse struct { Now time.Time `json:"now"` Id int `json:"id"` } WebSocket Server
  • 31. "os" ) func main() { r := mux.NewRouter() r.HandleFunc("/xhr", handleXHR) r.HandleFunc("/ws", handleWS) r.PathPrefix("/").Handler( Integration with Web Server http.FileServer(http.Dir("./public/")), ) port := os.Getenv("PORT") if port == "" { port = "8080" } fmt.Printf("listening on %sn", port) http.ListenAndServe(":" + port, r) } func handleXHR(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { if r.FormValue("delay") == "1" {
  • 32. ReadBufferSize: 1024, WriteBufferSize: 1024, } func handleWS(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { conn, err := upgrader.Upgrade(w, r, nil) if err != nil { return } writes := make(chan WSResponse) go respondWS(conn, writes) for { message := WSRequest{} err := conn.ReadJSON(&message) if err != nil { WebSocket Server close(writes) return } go message.respond(writes) } } func respondWS(conn *websocket.Conn, writes chan WSResponse) {
  • 33. Now time.Time `json:"now"` } var upgrader = websocket.Upgrader{ ReadBufferSize: 1024, WriteBufferSize: 1024, } func handleWS(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { conn, err := upgrader.Upgrade(w, r, nil) if err != nil { return } writes := make(chan WSResponse) go respondWS(conn, writes) for { message := WSRequest{} err := conn.ReadJSON(&message) if err != nil { close(writes) return } go message.respond(writes) } Open Connection
  • 34. ReadBufferSize: 1024, WriteBufferSize: 1024, } func handleWS(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { conn, err := upgrader.Upgrade(w, r, nil) if err != nil { return } writes := make(chan WSResponse) go respondWS(conn, writes) for { message := WSRequest{} err := conn.ReadJSON(&message) if err != nil { WebSocket Server close(writes) return } go message.respond(writes) } } func respondWS(conn *websocket.Conn, writes chan WSResponse) {
  • 35. Order of operations 1. Listen for new messages 2. Send the responses 3. Then close the connection
  • 36. Order of implementation 1. Send the responses 2. Listen for new messages 3. Then close the connection
  • 37. ReadBufferSize: 1024, WriteBufferSize: 1024, } func handleWS(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { conn, err := upgrader.Upgrade(w, r, nil) if err != nil { return } writes := make(chan WSResponse) go respondWS(conn, writes) for { message := WSRequest{} err := conn.ReadJSON(&message) if err != nil { WebSocket Server close(writes) return } go message.respond(writes) } } func respondWS(conn *websocket.Conn, writes chan WSResponse) {
  • 38. ReadBufferSize: 1024, WriteBufferSize: 1024, } Enable concurrent responses func handleWS(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { conn, err := upgrader.Upgrade(w, r, nil) if err != nil { return } writes := make(chan WSResponse) go respondWS(conn, writes) for { message := WSRequest{} err := conn.ReadJSON(&message) if err != nil { close(writes) return } go message.respond(writes) } } func respondWS(conn *websocket.Conn, writes chan WSResponse) {
  • 39. } go message.respond(writes) } } func respondWS(conn *websocket.Conn, writes chan WSResponse) { Receive and Send Responses for { content, more := <-writes conn.WriteJSON(content) if !more { return } } } type WSRequest struct { Id int `json:id` Delay bool `json:delay`
  • 40. ReadBufferSize: 1024, WriteBufferSize: 1024, } Enable concurrent responses func handleWS(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { conn, err := upgrader.Upgrade(w, r, nil) if err != nil { return } writes := make(chan WSResponse) go respondWS(conn, writes) for { message := WSRequest{} err := conn.ReadJSON(&message) if err != nil { close(writes) return } go message.respond(writes) } } func respondWS(conn *websocket.Conn, writes chan WSResponse) {
  • 41. ReadBufferSize: 1024, WriteBufferSize: 1024, } Listen on Connection func handleWS(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { conn, err := upgrader.Upgrade(w, r, nil) if err != nil { return } writes := make(chan WSResponse) go respondWS(conn, writes) for { message := WSRequest{} err := conn.ReadJSON(&message) if err != nil { close(writes) return } go message.respond(writes) } } func respondWS(conn *websocket.Conn, writes chan WSResponse) {
  • 42. } } type WSRequest struct { Id int `json:id` Delay bool `json:delay` } func (request *WSRequest) respond( writes chan WSResponse) { if request.Delay { time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond) } response := WSResponse{time.Now(), request.Id} writes <- response } type WSResponse struct { Now time.Time `json:"now"` Id int `json:"id"` } Build Response
  • 43. package main import ( "net/http" "" "" "time" "encoding/json" "fmt" "os" ) func main() { r := mux.NewRouter() r.HandleFunc("/xhr", handleXHR) r.HandleFunc("/ws", handleWS) r.PathPrefix("/").Handler( http.FileServer(http.Dir("./public/")), ) port := os.Getenv("PORT") if port == "" { port = "8080" } fmt.Printf("listening on %sn", port) http.ListenAndServe(":" + port, r) } func handleXHR(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { if r.FormValue("delay") == "1" { time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond) } response, _ := json.Marshal(WebResponse{time.Now()}) w.Write(response) } type WebResponse struct { Now time.Time `json:"now"` } var upgrader = websocket.Upgrader{ ReadBufferSize: 1024, WriteBufferSize: 1024, } func handleWS(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { conn, err := upgrader.Upgrade(w, r, nil) if err != nil { return } writes := make(chan WSResponse) go respondWS(conn, writes) for { message := WSRequest{} err := conn.ReadJSON(&message) if err != nil { close(writes) return } go message.respond(writes) } } func respondWS(conn *websocket.Conn, writes chan WSResponse) { for { content, more := <-writes conn.WriteJSON(content) if !more { return } } } type WSRequest struct { Id int `json:id` Delay bool `json:delay` } func (request *WSRequest) respond( writes chan WSResponse) { if request.Delay { time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond) } response := WSResponse{time.Now(), request.Id} writes <- response } type WSResponse struct { Now time.Time `json:"now"` Id int `json:"id"` } Go Server
  • 44. What’s the score? • 88 lines of Go vs 39 lines of JavaScript! • JSON interaction was kind of clunky! • Haven’t figured out how to deploy to Heroku! • Doing what the cool kids are doing
  • 45. “ A straightforward translation of a C++ or Java program into Go is unlikely to produce a satisfactory result—Java programs are written in Java, not Go.” –Effective Go
  • 46. “ A straightforward translation of a C++ or Java JavaScript program into Go is unlikely to produce a satisfactory result —Java JavaScript programs are written in Java JavaScript, not Go.”
  • 47. John Maxwell @jmaxyz @agileleague