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The Ministries of Friends United Meeting Friends United Meeting commits itself to energize and equip Friends with the power of the Holy Spirit to gather people into fellowships where Jesus Christ is known, loved and obeyed as teacher and Lord.  (purpose statement)
The following slides are a general overview of FUM ministries in 2011.   More information on each of the projects or ministries is available upon request directed to the Richmond office.   To skip directly to African ministries, go to slide #22.  A Summary of FUM Ministries in 2011
Organized in 1902 as an association of (North American) yearly meetings to do the charitable, evangelical, and educational work of the society, we now consist of 30 yearly meetings including Cuba, Jamaica, Canadian, 16 YM’s in Kenya and 1in Uganda as well & some other small groups of Friends. F.U.M General Board has affirmed that we are an association of orthodox Quaker Christians and part of the universal church of Jesus Christ.  Some background information
The FUM General Board directs the staff to focus on these priorities: Communication, Evangelism, Global Partnerships and Leadership Development Besides the publication of Quaker Life magazine, various pamphlets & brochures, and occasional books, we work on behalf of Friends through our global partnerships in the Caribbean, Ramallah and in East Africa.  The work priorities of Friends United Meeting
Cuba and Jamaica Yearly Meetings are member yearly meetings.  FUM, at this time, does not appoint Field Staff to these YM’s but works in collaboration with them to sponsor work teams and to develop friendships NCYM has a strong partnership with Jamaica YM and New England YM works with Cuba meetings.  These Caribbean YM’s have existed for over a hundred years.   Ministries of the Caribbean
Belize Friends Boys School A continuation school for girls was started by Sadie Vernon in Belize City.  After a few years it was changed to a boys school.  Mike & Kay Cain went to Belize to help Sadie and stayed for a dozen years!   Now Sam and Becky Barber and children are managing the school to give a second chance at education for students who have not passed their 8th grade exam.   Belize has much potential for ministry with 50% of the population being under 16 years old.  They need schools and churches.
Given another year or two and some special attention, these students may graduate from High School and go on to college.
Their theme –”Bridging the Gap From Poverty to Possibilities”
Besides academic progress, we look for these students to grow spiritually and become the core members of a new church.
The Barbers take the students on an outing to the water park…
Friends United Meeting holds keys to several opportunities. Shall we build a school? Shall we build a retreat and/or training center?
Shall we purchase the warehouse next door for an expanded program? It has been stripped of electricity and plumbing and needs paint. We could expand to 100 or more students, which has been requested by the Belize Dept. of Ed.
Ramallah Friends School –since 1869
The historic names of the two campuses are Boys School and Girls School but they have been co-ed for decades.
Joyce is a Palestinian American Quaker and a graduate of Ramallah Friends School. She serves in her role with passion for the school.  Under her leadership, the school has improved curriculum, facilities, and alumni relations.    Meet Joyce Ajlouny, Director
Nearly 100% of graduates go to college The International Baccalaureate Program results in many students coming to U.S. for college in such schools as Harvard, Yale, Stanford, MIT, Boston College, Earlham, Guilford RFS graduates become respected professionals and leaders in Jordan, in the U.S. and in Palestine High Academic Standards
Quaker values are taught & practiced at all levels.
You can enjoy a walk in the school gardens which provide horticulture training for students and a peaceful oasis for the community.
At RFS, Christians & Muslims build peaceful relationships with each other.  The school is the only reason many Christians stay in Ramallah.
USAid/ASHA : Your tax dollars at work to build American Schools & Hospitals Abroad.  The Boys School has received many grants to improve facilities.
Ramallah Friends Meeting also is an International Friends Center
The AmariPlay Center provides a safe and enriching preschool at the refugee camp set up by the UN decades ago.
Ministries in Africa 2011 Africa Ministries Office, Kaimosi Hospital, Lugulu Hospital,  Friends Theological College,  Friends Church Peace Team,  Samburu, Turkana,   Lindi Friends School,  and Africa General Board
It’s hard to count, but we estimate 300,000 to 500,000 Quakers in Kenya, most in the Western part.
The USFWI/QM Triennial Conference was just one part of the adventure for over 80 U.S. Friends who traveled to Kenya in July 2010!
USFWI -Building relationships, making friends, learning and praying together.
From the USFWI/QM triennials in Mombasa across Kenya to the little airport at Kisumu….
Meet our staff at the Africa Ministries Office:  John  Muhanji, Judith Ngoya & Eden Grace
FUM visitors stop by the office to bring greetings from American Friends and hear Judith’s stories of the post-election violence.
Established in 2005 in Kisumu, the Africa Ministries Office is on the 6th Floor  of the Re-insurance Plaza, overlooking Lake Victoria.
Their jobs include: Coordination and networking of Kenya and Uganda Yearly Meetings and GB Committees Liaison between the Richmond and Kisumu offices Oversight and Support for 7 Partner Projects Friends Church Peace Team Samburu Mission Turkana Mission Lindi Friends School in Kibera Slum Lugulu Hospital Friends Theological College Kaimosi Hospital
John Muhanji meets with the Yearly Meeting Education Secretaries to encourage teaching Quaker values.
Organized in early 2008 as a response to the post-election violence. Collaborative efforts of FWCC representatives, Africa Great Lakes Region of the Friends Peace Team, Friends Church Kenya and Friends United Meeting Over $180,000 has been channeled through F.U.M. to support this effort.  Friends Church Peace Team
In the first three months of 2008, following the election, violence broke out in Kenya.  Homes were burned, crops destroyed, people were killed.
Friends organized and responded quickly to take aid to Internally Displaced People camps & do trauma counseling.
Looking back two years to 	Humanitarian Aide, Visits to IDP Camps, Trauma Counseling  & Training, Re- settlement of Communities, Survey of Turbo District and Evidence of Preparations for Future Violence  Looking forward to distribution of the Secondary Peace Curriculum in all Kenyan Schools, and the continuing development of a Primary Curriculum. Friends Church Peace Team
Friends Church Peace Team Has had major impact but activities are limited by the number of members and finances. FUM is looking for grants to further the work of PEACE Curriculum groups & Materials production/distribution.  When completed, the curriculum will be downloadable from FUM website. Huge amount of credit goes to George Fox University team of educators for the secondary curriculum! William Penn University has joined the efforts to write the primary curriculum.  A coordinator has been hired and is to be paid by Kenya YM’s.
Your help is still invited…. The next presidential election will be held in 2012.  The FCPT is still working to prevent violence in some communities. Please pray that anger over the results will not be expressed in violence. The new curriculum will be expensive to print and distribute.  Contributions are being accepted to help with these costs and the SEEDS program has started.  100 acres of land is being planted in seed corn, the sale of which will help with this need.
Samburu is in Central Kenya
SAMBURU is a ministry of Kenyan Friends to assist primitive and nomadic people in an area where tribal conflicts challenge the peace and progress of building a community. Centers for worship Health dispensaries Schools
Meet members of the Samburu Mission Board
Samburu Mission Board has agreed to work with oversight of EAYM North A Strategic Plan includes immediate work on a bore hole (well), building a church at Lotululei and to replace the vandalized dispensary and church in Losik. FUM has accumulated some funds for these projects. The Mission Board will be enlarged by appointing members of EAYM North. Development of a constitution is first on the agenda for the enlarged board.  They will use the Turkana constitution as a starting point.
Double Click on the black to see dancers at Lotululei celebrating the opening of their new church.
Click on the black to see the local dance group from a Samburu school in Lotululei.
An up close look at the beadwork.
We were privileged to cut the ribbon to open the new church, built with North Carolina YM donations.
Lotululei also has a dispensary.  “Babies are born right here in the reception area,” says the nurse.
Losik is in a very remote area. During the post-election violence, this dispensary (which was also built with NCYM donations) was vandalized. FUM is being asked to replace it.
The painted murals are still there.
The mission house and church were also vandalized.
See the cross in the remaining timbers?  Our prayer was “forgive them Lord, for they know not what they do.”
The district “chief” asked us to not give up on helping them and offered land to build a new church and dispensary closer to town.
The 2010 visitors learn about Kaimosi Hospital and FUM’s commitment.
Kaimosi Mission Hospital  It was built in the early 1960’s and dedicated by Kenyatta himself. In the 70’s and 80’s Kaimosi Hospital was thriving and had many patients from even outside Kenya who came because of its good reputation.  Then it took a turn for the worse, the government took it over and the facilities were neglected. EAYM asked for FUM to accept responsibility for bringing it back up to a high standard of health care.  It is much needed in this highly populated area.  In 2006, FUM agreed to help.
In 2006, FUM agreed to take on the management of Kaimosi Hospital.  Paying staff salaries and improving facilities were our first goals.  Before renovation After some renovation
Positives include: ,[object Object]
Financial situation is improving, thanks to Adopt-a-Nurse and other donations.
Staff Morale has improved.
Hospital Patient count is up by 33%.
A gift of funds from Mary Ellen Kessler will help improve facilities and has made it possible to hire a resident doctor.Friends Hospital Kaimosi
Meet Dr. Juma who is appointed by the government. He’s a good doctor,  but he can’t work 24/7 so he’s glad for the help.
Visiting with patients This girl was hit by a motorcycle. This man has elephantitis
…and more patients Healthy twin boys ! This 3-yr-old’s dress caught on fire when she backed into a lantern.
Still many concerns: Financial accountability Outstanding debts Continue improving facilities and staff housing Funding for the CCC (Malaria and HIV/Aids Outpatient Clinic) Timely payments to hospital by insurance company
These visitors pitch in to help A work team builds scaffolding to paint the operating room Ron Bell teaches surveying skills
Lugulu Hospital is a two-hour drive from Kisumu. Compared to Kaimosi Hospital, FUM has fewer responsibilities, but our history here is very much respected and our support is still needed.
Lugulu Hospital Opens Chapel!
Tired of worshiping in the laundry room, the staff donated funds for the chapel.
Dedicated by FUM Clerk, Kelly Kellum in January 2010
Thanks to your tax dollars, in 2009 an ASHA grant supplied $450,000 worth of equipment and furnishings for Lugulu Hospital!
  With approximately 2000 Friends meetings in Kenya, the need for trained leadership is great.  FTC now offers three levels of training plus a new program:    Certificate  Diploma Degree Chaplaincy Training Friends Theological College
   Students come from all sixteen of the Kenyan yearly meetings and from the surrounding countries of Uganda, Rwanda, Congo and Tanzania.  It is the only African Friends Theological College. Not just Kenya churches, either Sammy comes from the Samburu Mission
Friends Theological College is growing in population, curriculum, and in credibility! Students worship together daily Board of Directors with guests in January 2011
  Ann Riggs, FUM Field Staff serves as principal and instructor but other members of the teaching staff also have administrative duties. FTC Team Management Plan
Lon Fendall, Part-Time FUM Field Staff, directs the accreditation process, plans staff development and works to strengthen curriculum. FTC Management Team
Ann Riggs Celebrates Progress! Affiliate status has been reached Registration soon to be accomplished Re-aligned staff to be sustainable Student morale improved Kenyan Yearly Meetings support for FTC is growing Added water resources Enhanced micro-businesses
Funds for raising staff salaries to match their academic credentials Expansion of micro-business Improved sources of water and electricity Targeted needs
Making cooking stoves and briquettes is one of the initiatives intended to help provide revenue
Growing and selling plants and produce is another.
Expanding the dairy herd and starting a goat herd will also help.
Four Program Options Certificate Diploma Degree Chaplaincy Training This student visits an accident victim at Kaimosi Hospital. FTC is FUM’s opportunity to reach and teach many, many people.
  Of 42 tribes in Kenya, the Masaii  the Samburu, and the Turkana people  are the most primitive.  They are also nomadic, moving their animals to graze and find water.  Turkana Mission has about 10 churches or worship groups, several schools and some health dispensaries.     Turkana Friends Mission
Turkana includes a large and hot desert area west of Lake Turkana
Scenes from Turkana It’s smiles and thumbs up for visitors! Hello from grade 8 students!
More necklaces, more beauty.
Turkana Ministries Going Strong! Two new groups worshiping under trees hope to build churches Existing ministries with the leadership of John Moru(right) remain strong and active
Meet some of the men of the meeting.
The animals of Turkana are their greatest wealth. Herds of Camels  And lots of goats!
Turkana churches range from this nice one in Lodwar to a gathering place in the hot desert in the shade of a thorn tree.
Quaker Men & USFW The work of the men is to care for their animals. The work of the women includes making baskets out of palm tree leaves.
They look to FUM for help, but take initiatives on their own. Eden Grace and John Muhanji make frequent trips tho’ the trip is rough. These church members are gathering rocks to sell for gravel.
An island of HOPE –Lindi Friends Primary School In the Kibera Slum, Nairobi Kenya
The rusty rooftops of the Kibera slum cover homes of nearly a million of the poorest people on the earth.  Can you find the Lindi rooftop?
Mostly the homes are constructed with mud and sticks.
This is what the nicer homes look like.
And here is a view of the neighborhood where the children play.
In 2005, a group of Quaker business men (AQUAVIS) decided to build a Friends school.
You can find it nestled between the shops and shacks of the slum.
These students think it was a fine idea!!!
There are classes from grades one to eight. Currently about 100 students are enrolled.
Before 2008, there were over 250 students, but during the post-election violence, the food storage area was vandalized and the food was stolen.  The feeding program was then stopped because of lack of secure storage.  The school is looking for an agency to supply food once again as they know children won’t come to school if there is no food there. The food comes from USAid, your tax dollar at work.
This is the school food supply.  It is maize (corn) to be boiled and some cooking oil.
Students must pass their 8th grade exam to go on to high school.  Few do.
Teachers are either volunteer or are minimally paid, often less than $100 per month.  So they leave when they find better jobs.
Though some books have been donated, they must be locked up when not in use.
Thanks to donors, new restrooms were built in 2008.  Old Restrooms New restrooms
From Lindi Friends Meeting To Nairobi Yearly Meeting  Lindi Friends Meeting is in the Kibera slum.  The people there just didn’t have the resources to help supply the school with what it needs. In February 2010, the oversight of Lindi School was handed over to Nairobi Yearly Meeting. Nairobi Yearly Meeting will appoint a committee to manage the school with the help of Lindi Friends Meeting.  NYM has many more resources but will still depend on FUM.
It’s official! AFRICA QUAKER VISION, the group who built the school, handed all the documents over to the Presiding Clerk of Nairobi Yearly Meeting.  It is hoped that with a broader base of ownership and resources, the situation at Lindi School will improve.  The school will still look to Friends United Meeting for assistance.
This young man who was in eighth grade asked General Secretary Sylvia Graves how he could become a leader and work for Friends.  “First, you must do well in school and pass your exam,” John Muhanji told him. “Then you must trust God to lead you from there. You must take one step at a time. ”   How can I get out of this place?
These students thank you for whatever you can do to help.  When you give them help, you give them HOPE, too.
Click on this picture to play the movie.  The children are singing “This is the School the Lord Has Made.”
Plant trees in the school yard?  Now that’s hope for the future.
Scenes from Lindi School The children are eager and happy to be at school! The school owns and rents out a few rooms for revenue.
Africa General Board Meeting in January 2010 Groups discuss how YM’s can become more engaged Five CIPP Grants were awarded
And the combined General Board in July 2010 About sixty members of the combined board at Mabanga. Sunday Morning Worship
We enjoyed guest choirs and excellent preaching from Judith Ngoya.
And yet more blessings.. Seeing Eden Grace in action among the Turkana people Evidence of water filters provided by High Point Friends.
Even more blessings…… John & Rose Muhanji The welcoming smiles everywhere we go!
And other great times in 2010….. Welcoming Chwele YM to FUM Membership Blessing the first fruits of the harvest in Chwele

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Similar to Friends United Ministries 2011 (20)

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Friends United Ministries 2011

  • 1. The Ministries of Friends United Meeting Friends United Meeting commits itself to energize and equip Friends with the power of the Holy Spirit to gather people into fellowships where Jesus Christ is known, loved and obeyed as teacher and Lord. (purpose statement)
  • 2. The following slides are a general overview of FUM ministries in 2011. More information on each of the projects or ministries is available upon request directed to the Richmond office. To skip directly to African ministries, go to slide #22. A Summary of FUM Ministries in 2011
  • 3. Organized in 1902 as an association of (North American) yearly meetings to do the charitable, evangelical, and educational work of the society, we now consist of 30 yearly meetings including Cuba, Jamaica, Canadian, 16 YM’s in Kenya and 1in Uganda as well & some other small groups of Friends. F.U.M General Board has affirmed that we are an association of orthodox Quaker Christians and part of the universal church of Jesus Christ. Some background information
  • 4. The FUM General Board directs the staff to focus on these priorities: Communication, Evangelism, Global Partnerships and Leadership Development Besides the publication of Quaker Life magazine, various pamphlets & brochures, and occasional books, we work on behalf of Friends through our global partnerships in the Caribbean, Ramallah and in East Africa. The work priorities of Friends United Meeting
  • 5. Cuba and Jamaica Yearly Meetings are member yearly meetings. FUM, at this time, does not appoint Field Staff to these YM’s but works in collaboration with them to sponsor work teams and to develop friendships NCYM has a strong partnership with Jamaica YM and New England YM works with Cuba meetings. These Caribbean YM’s have existed for over a hundred years. Ministries of the Caribbean
  • 6. Belize Friends Boys School A continuation school for girls was started by Sadie Vernon in Belize City. After a few years it was changed to a boys school. Mike & Kay Cain went to Belize to help Sadie and stayed for a dozen years! Now Sam and Becky Barber and children are managing the school to give a second chance at education for students who have not passed their 8th grade exam. Belize has much potential for ministry with 50% of the population being under 16 years old. They need schools and churches.
  • 7. Given another year or two and some special attention, these students may graduate from High School and go on to college.
  • 8. Their theme –”Bridging the Gap From Poverty to Possibilities”
  • 9. Besides academic progress, we look for these students to grow spiritually and become the core members of a new church.
  • 10. The Barbers take the students on an outing to the water park…
  • 11. Friends United Meeting holds keys to several opportunities. Shall we build a school? Shall we build a retreat and/or training center?
  • 12. Shall we purchase the warehouse next door for an expanded program? It has been stripped of electricity and plumbing and needs paint. We could expand to 100 or more students, which has been requested by the Belize Dept. of Ed.
  • 13. Ramallah Friends School –since 1869
  • 14. The historic names of the two campuses are Boys School and Girls School but they have been co-ed for decades.
  • 15. Joyce is a Palestinian American Quaker and a graduate of Ramallah Friends School. She serves in her role with passion for the school. Under her leadership, the school has improved curriculum, facilities, and alumni relations. Meet Joyce Ajlouny, Director
  • 16. Nearly 100% of graduates go to college The International Baccalaureate Program results in many students coming to U.S. for college in such schools as Harvard, Yale, Stanford, MIT, Boston College, Earlham, Guilford RFS graduates become respected professionals and leaders in Jordan, in the U.S. and in Palestine High Academic Standards
  • 17. Quaker values are taught & practiced at all levels.
  • 18. You can enjoy a walk in the school gardens which provide horticulture training for students and a peaceful oasis for the community.
  • 19. At RFS, Christians & Muslims build peaceful relationships with each other. The school is the only reason many Christians stay in Ramallah.
  • 20. USAid/ASHA : Your tax dollars at work to build American Schools & Hospitals Abroad. The Boys School has received many grants to improve facilities.
  • 21. Ramallah Friends Meeting also is an International Friends Center
  • 22. The AmariPlay Center provides a safe and enriching preschool at the refugee camp set up by the UN decades ago.
  • 23. Ministries in Africa 2011 Africa Ministries Office, Kaimosi Hospital, Lugulu Hospital, Friends Theological College, Friends Church Peace Team, Samburu, Turkana, Lindi Friends School, and Africa General Board
  • 24. It’s hard to count, but we estimate 300,000 to 500,000 Quakers in Kenya, most in the Western part.
  • 25. The USFWI/QM Triennial Conference was just one part of the adventure for over 80 U.S. Friends who traveled to Kenya in July 2010!
  • 26. USFWI -Building relationships, making friends, learning and praying together.
  • 27. From the USFWI/QM triennials in Mombasa across Kenya to the little airport at Kisumu….
  • 28. Meet our staff at the Africa Ministries Office: John Muhanji, Judith Ngoya & Eden Grace
  • 29. FUM visitors stop by the office to bring greetings from American Friends and hear Judith’s stories of the post-election violence.
  • 30. Established in 2005 in Kisumu, the Africa Ministries Office is on the 6th Floor of the Re-insurance Plaza, overlooking Lake Victoria.
  • 31. Their jobs include: Coordination and networking of Kenya and Uganda Yearly Meetings and GB Committees Liaison between the Richmond and Kisumu offices Oversight and Support for 7 Partner Projects Friends Church Peace Team Samburu Mission Turkana Mission Lindi Friends School in Kibera Slum Lugulu Hospital Friends Theological College Kaimosi Hospital
  • 32. John Muhanji meets with the Yearly Meeting Education Secretaries to encourage teaching Quaker values.
  • 33. Organized in early 2008 as a response to the post-election violence. Collaborative efforts of FWCC representatives, Africa Great Lakes Region of the Friends Peace Team, Friends Church Kenya and Friends United Meeting Over $180,000 has been channeled through F.U.M. to support this effort. Friends Church Peace Team
  • 34. In the first three months of 2008, following the election, violence broke out in Kenya. Homes were burned, crops destroyed, people were killed.
  • 35. Friends organized and responded quickly to take aid to Internally Displaced People camps & do trauma counseling.
  • 36. Looking back two years to Humanitarian Aide, Visits to IDP Camps, Trauma Counseling & Training, Re- settlement of Communities, Survey of Turbo District and Evidence of Preparations for Future Violence Looking forward to distribution of the Secondary Peace Curriculum in all Kenyan Schools, and the continuing development of a Primary Curriculum. Friends Church Peace Team
  • 37. Friends Church Peace Team Has had major impact but activities are limited by the number of members and finances. FUM is looking for grants to further the work of PEACE Curriculum groups & Materials production/distribution. When completed, the curriculum will be downloadable from FUM website. Huge amount of credit goes to George Fox University team of educators for the secondary curriculum! William Penn University has joined the efforts to write the primary curriculum. A coordinator has been hired and is to be paid by Kenya YM’s.
  • 38. Your help is still invited…. The next presidential election will be held in 2012. The FCPT is still working to prevent violence in some communities. Please pray that anger over the results will not be expressed in violence. The new curriculum will be expensive to print and distribute. Contributions are being accepted to help with these costs and the SEEDS program has started. 100 acres of land is being planted in seed corn, the sale of which will help with this need.
  • 39. Samburu is in Central Kenya
  • 40. SAMBURU is a ministry of Kenyan Friends to assist primitive and nomadic people in an area where tribal conflicts challenge the peace and progress of building a community. Centers for worship Health dispensaries Schools
  • 41. Meet members of the Samburu Mission Board
  • 42. Samburu Mission Board has agreed to work with oversight of EAYM North A Strategic Plan includes immediate work on a bore hole (well), building a church at Lotululei and to replace the vandalized dispensary and church in Losik. FUM has accumulated some funds for these projects. The Mission Board will be enlarged by appointing members of EAYM North. Development of a constitution is first on the agenda for the enlarged board. They will use the Turkana constitution as a starting point.
  • 43. Double Click on the black to see dancers at Lotululei celebrating the opening of their new church.
  • 44. Click on the black to see the local dance group from a Samburu school in Lotululei.
  • 45. An up close look at the beadwork.
  • 46. We were privileged to cut the ribbon to open the new church, built with North Carolina YM donations.
  • 47. Lotululei also has a dispensary. “Babies are born right here in the reception area,” says the nurse.
  • 48. Losik is in a very remote area. During the post-election violence, this dispensary (which was also built with NCYM donations) was vandalized. FUM is being asked to replace it.
  • 49. The painted murals are still there.
  • 50. The mission house and church were also vandalized.
  • 51. See the cross in the remaining timbers? Our prayer was “forgive them Lord, for they know not what they do.”
  • 52. The district “chief” asked us to not give up on helping them and offered land to build a new church and dispensary closer to town.
  • 53. The 2010 visitors learn about Kaimosi Hospital and FUM’s commitment.
  • 54. Kaimosi Mission Hospital It was built in the early 1960’s and dedicated by Kenyatta himself. In the 70’s and 80’s Kaimosi Hospital was thriving and had many patients from even outside Kenya who came because of its good reputation. Then it took a turn for the worse, the government took it over and the facilities were neglected. EAYM asked for FUM to accept responsibility for bringing it back up to a high standard of health care. It is much needed in this highly populated area. In 2006, FUM agreed to help.
  • 55. In 2006, FUM agreed to take on the management of Kaimosi Hospital. Paying staff salaries and improving facilities were our first goals. Before renovation After some renovation
  • 56.
  • 57. Financial situation is improving, thanks to Adopt-a-Nurse and other donations.
  • 58. Staff Morale has improved.
  • 59. Hospital Patient count is up by 33%.
  • 60. A gift of funds from Mary Ellen Kessler will help improve facilities and has made it possible to hire a resident doctor.Friends Hospital Kaimosi
  • 61. Meet Dr. Juma who is appointed by the government. He’s a good doctor, but he can’t work 24/7 so he’s glad for the help.
  • 62. Visiting with patients This girl was hit by a motorcycle. This man has elephantitis
  • 63. …and more patients Healthy twin boys ! This 3-yr-old’s dress caught on fire when she backed into a lantern.
  • 64. Still many concerns: Financial accountability Outstanding debts Continue improving facilities and staff housing Funding for the CCC (Malaria and HIV/Aids Outpatient Clinic) Timely payments to hospital by insurance company
  • 65. These visitors pitch in to help A work team builds scaffolding to paint the operating room Ron Bell teaches surveying skills
  • 66. Lugulu Hospital is a two-hour drive from Kisumu. Compared to Kaimosi Hospital, FUM has fewer responsibilities, but our history here is very much respected and our support is still needed.
  • 68. Tired of worshiping in the laundry room, the staff donated funds for the chapel.
  • 69. Dedicated by FUM Clerk, Kelly Kellum in January 2010
  • 70. Thanks to your tax dollars, in 2009 an ASHA grant supplied $450,000 worth of equipment and furnishings for Lugulu Hospital!
  • 71. With approximately 2000 Friends meetings in Kenya, the need for trained leadership is great. FTC now offers three levels of training plus a new program: Certificate Diploma Degree Chaplaincy Training Friends Theological College
  • 72. Students come from all sixteen of the Kenyan yearly meetings and from the surrounding countries of Uganda, Rwanda, Congo and Tanzania. It is the only African Friends Theological College. Not just Kenya churches, either Sammy comes from the Samburu Mission
  • 73. Friends Theological College is growing in population, curriculum, and in credibility! Students worship together daily Board of Directors with guests in January 2011
  • 74. Ann Riggs, FUM Field Staff serves as principal and instructor but other members of the teaching staff also have administrative duties. FTC Team Management Plan
  • 75. Lon Fendall, Part-Time FUM Field Staff, directs the accreditation process, plans staff development and works to strengthen curriculum. FTC Management Team
  • 76. Ann Riggs Celebrates Progress! Affiliate status has been reached Registration soon to be accomplished Re-aligned staff to be sustainable Student morale improved Kenyan Yearly Meetings support for FTC is growing Added water resources Enhanced micro-businesses
  • 77. Funds for raising staff salaries to match their academic credentials Expansion of micro-business Improved sources of water and electricity Targeted needs
  • 78. Making cooking stoves and briquettes is one of the initiatives intended to help provide revenue
  • 79. Growing and selling plants and produce is another.
  • 80. Expanding the dairy herd and starting a goat herd will also help.
  • 81. Four Program Options Certificate Diploma Degree Chaplaincy Training This student visits an accident victim at Kaimosi Hospital. FTC is FUM’s opportunity to reach and teach many, many people.
  • 82. Of 42 tribes in Kenya, the Masaii the Samburu, and the Turkana people are the most primitive. They are also nomadic, moving their animals to graze and find water. Turkana Mission has about 10 churches or worship groups, several schools and some health dispensaries. Turkana Friends Mission
  • 83. Turkana includes a large and hot desert area west of Lake Turkana
  • 84. Scenes from Turkana It’s smiles and thumbs up for visitors! Hello from grade 8 students!
  • 86. Turkana Ministries Going Strong! Two new groups worshiping under trees hope to build churches Existing ministries with the leadership of John Moru(right) remain strong and active
  • 87. Meet some of the men of the meeting.
  • 88. The animals of Turkana are their greatest wealth. Herds of Camels And lots of goats!
  • 89. Turkana churches range from this nice one in Lodwar to a gathering place in the hot desert in the shade of a thorn tree.
  • 90. Quaker Men & USFW The work of the men is to care for their animals. The work of the women includes making baskets out of palm tree leaves.
  • 91. They look to FUM for help, but take initiatives on their own. Eden Grace and John Muhanji make frequent trips tho’ the trip is rough. These church members are gathering rocks to sell for gravel.
  • 92. An island of HOPE –Lindi Friends Primary School In the Kibera Slum, Nairobi Kenya
  • 93. The rusty rooftops of the Kibera slum cover homes of nearly a million of the poorest people on the earth. Can you find the Lindi rooftop?
  • 94. Mostly the homes are constructed with mud and sticks.
  • 95. This is what the nicer homes look like.
  • 96. And here is a view of the neighborhood where the children play.
  • 97. In 2005, a group of Quaker business men (AQUAVIS) decided to build a Friends school.
  • 98. You can find it nestled between the shops and shacks of the slum.
  • 99. These students think it was a fine idea!!!
  • 100. There are classes from grades one to eight. Currently about 100 students are enrolled.
  • 101. Before 2008, there were over 250 students, but during the post-election violence, the food storage area was vandalized and the food was stolen. The feeding program was then stopped because of lack of secure storage. The school is looking for an agency to supply food once again as they know children won’t come to school if there is no food there. The food comes from USAid, your tax dollar at work.
  • 102. This is the school food supply. It is maize (corn) to be boiled and some cooking oil.
  • 103. Students must pass their 8th grade exam to go on to high school. Few do.
  • 104. Teachers are either volunteer or are minimally paid, often less than $100 per month. So they leave when they find better jobs.
  • 105. Though some books have been donated, they must be locked up when not in use.
  • 106. Thanks to donors, new restrooms were built in 2008. Old Restrooms New restrooms
  • 107. From Lindi Friends Meeting To Nairobi Yearly Meeting Lindi Friends Meeting is in the Kibera slum. The people there just didn’t have the resources to help supply the school with what it needs. In February 2010, the oversight of Lindi School was handed over to Nairobi Yearly Meeting. Nairobi Yearly Meeting will appoint a committee to manage the school with the help of Lindi Friends Meeting. NYM has many more resources but will still depend on FUM.
  • 108. It’s official! AFRICA QUAKER VISION, the group who built the school, handed all the documents over to the Presiding Clerk of Nairobi Yearly Meeting. It is hoped that with a broader base of ownership and resources, the situation at Lindi School will improve. The school will still look to Friends United Meeting for assistance.
  • 109. This young man who was in eighth grade asked General Secretary Sylvia Graves how he could become a leader and work for Friends. “First, you must do well in school and pass your exam,” John Muhanji told him. “Then you must trust God to lead you from there. You must take one step at a time. ” How can I get out of this place?
  • 110. These students thank you for whatever you can do to help. When you give them help, you give them HOPE, too.
  • 111. Click on this picture to play the movie. The children are singing “This is the School the Lord Has Made.”
  • 112. Plant trees in the school yard? Now that’s hope for the future.
  • 113. Scenes from Lindi School The children are eager and happy to be at school! The school owns and rents out a few rooms for revenue.
  • 114. Africa General Board Meeting in January 2010 Groups discuss how YM’s can become more engaged Five CIPP Grants were awarded
  • 115. And the combined General Board in July 2010 About sixty members of the combined board at Mabanga. Sunday Morning Worship
  • 116. We enjoyed guest choirs and excellent preaching from Judith Ngoya.
  • 117. And yet more blessings.. Seeing Eden Grace in action among the Turkana people Evidence of water filters provided by High Point Friends.
  • 118. Even more blessings…… John & Rose Muhanji The welcoming smiles everywhere we go!
  • 119. And other great times in 2010….. Welcoming Chwele YM to FUM Membership Blessing the first fruits of the harvest in Chwele
  • 120. And knowing there’s one moon….
  • 121. And one sun
  • 122. And one God who watches over us all.
  • 123. Friends United Meeting 101 Quaker Hill Drive Richmond, IN 47374 Phone 765-962-7573 Website: Email: For more information, contact