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Framework EngineeringArchitecting, Designing, and Developing Reusable Libraries
Framework is ..
Framework is…
Douglas C. Schmidt Says.. Frameworks define “semi-complete” application  that embody domain-specific object structures and functionality.
Libraries is.. Application Block DATABASE ADTs MATH NETWORKING App Specific Logic OO Design Invocations GRAPHICS GUI Event Loop Singleton Strategy Selections Reactor Adapter State Active Object Design Pattern Class Library  Component  Architecture
But Framework is .. Active Object State NETWORKING GUI Control – Flow (IoC) MATH Reactor Event Loop App Specific Logic Invocations Callbacks ADTs Singleton Adapter DATABASE GRAPHICS Application Framework Component Architecture
Why Do You Need Framework? Productivity Avoid Duplication
Why Do You Need Framework? De Facto War
The Experts of Framework SPLASH (구 OOPSLA ) / PLoP의 창시 Gangs of Four 의일원 Martin Fowler의 직/간접적 스승 Framework 개념의 창시자 Designing Reusable Classes Reusing Object-Oriented Design Documenting Frameworks Using Patterns Patterns For Framework Evolution. Ralph Johnson
The Experts of Framework 패턴의 중흥기를 이끈 실질적 리더 –  PLoP및 PLoPD Editor 패턴으로 구축한 프레임워크 공개 TAO, ACE등 – 다양한 분야 광범위하게 사용.  실제 돌아가는 프레임워크와 패턴을 접목 POSA 2, POSA 4, POSA 5권 저자 Douglas  C. Schmidt
The Experts of Framework Java Platform의 광범위한 부분을 설계하고 구현한가장 영향력 있는 리더 Sun에서 Google로 Chief Architect로 이직 Java에 가장 영향력 있는 둘중에 한 분. How to Design a good api and Why it Matters Joshua Bloch
The Experts of Framework .NET Framework의쌍두마차. Visual C++ 부터 현재 .NET까지 총지휘 Brad Abrams는 Google로 2010년 이직 KC는 아직 .NET Framework를 진두 지휘 실 세계의 Framework 설계 기법 공유  Framework Design Guidelines 1st. Framework Design Guidelines 2nd. Brad Abrams, KrysztofCwalina
Welcome to My Framework Journey!
Seed References “Framework Engineering”, TechED 2007 Europe “Framework Design Guidelines” , Addison Wesley Krzysztof Cwalina Program Manager on .NET Framework Team
5 Topics.. D O P A V
OrganizationThe most powerful design tool O
Project Management Triangle Scope Time Cost O
Organization Project Management Triangle + 1 O
Do understand how organizational structure, culture, and decision making processes impact your product.  O
Conway's law If you have 4 groups working on a compiler, you’ll get a 4-pass compiler. O
Conway's law O
Conway's Clean State Approach O
Your Company Culture Is .. Voluntary ?? O
Your Company Culture Is .. Familial ?? O
Remember Your Company Culture .. O Peremptory
Organizational InfluencesSize of Organization Simple Design Consistency Design Focus on 80/20 Rules Small Team O
Organizational InfluencesSize of Organization Powerful Design Lack Consistency Remove Requirements Large Team O
Organizational InfluencesOrganization’s Culture/Biases Customer-Focused End-2-End Scenarios O
Organizational InfluencesOrganization’s Culture/Biases Technology-Focused Long Lasting Architecture O
Decision Making Process is.. 呼兄呼弟 O
Solution ?? Give this book your boss..
Planning Ensuring we are building the right thing  P
Team Building P
Skyscrapers Peanut Butter Focus: features Results: stability, incremental improvements, not great end-to-end scenarios Focus: scenarios  Results: Excitement, breakthroughs, but beware of leaving existing customers behind  P
Peanut Butter….
New Requirements Arrive…
Skyscrapers Cross Functional Team
Cross Functional Teams and Location P
Moderation (中庸)MileStone  = Scenarios + Feature Vision statement RTM Feature complete Release Testing Planning M1 M2 Technology Preview Beta 1 Beta 2 RC1 P
ArchitectureEnsuring the long term health of the framework A
Right Way??Choose right types. A
Taxonomy of TypesLibraries , Primitives, Abstractions A
Primitives Very little policy (behavior design decisions) Stable design Commonly appear in publicly accessible APIs Almost impossible to evolve/change design;         any design changes have huge breaking change impact on other APIs Example: Int32, String A
Libraries Definition: Libraries are types that are not passed  		between components Examples EventLog, Debug.  Easy to Evolve Leave old in, add new one Beware of duplication! A
Abstractions Definition: Abstractions are interfaces or classes with unsealed members that are passed between components. Examples Stream, IComponent Hard to Evolve Unfortunately, pressure to evolve A
Primitive Oriented Design A.K.A. “Handle based design” (functional) Great evolvability, poor usability (sometimes) Low level stable primitives + high level reusable components with limited dependencies other than to the primitives E.g. Type.GetType(object) – works, but not as convenient as Object.GetType A
Component Oriented Design Rich APIs with lots of features, thus with lots of dependencies Great usability, poor evolvability Good for higher level components, not for the core of a platform A
Do Manage Dependencies.. A A
Component is .. Lego, Plug ?? A
Component is .. .. a set of types that ship and evolve as a unit. A
Types of Dependencies A
API Dependency Component A has an API dependency on component B,  	if a type in B shows in the publicly accessible API surface of a type in A.  This includes: Base types and implemented interfaces Generic parameter constraints Return types and parameters of members Applied attributes Nested types A
Implemenatin Dependency If a type in A uses a type in B in its implementation. Hard Dependencies (required to run) Soft Dependencies (optional) A
Circular Dependency Component A depends on component B  and Component B depends on component A (even indirectly). A
Solution is Layering.. A
Solution is Layering.. A
WPF XML    BCL Reflection A Dependency Management
상황을 파악하는 좋은 방법DSM (Dependency Structure Matrix)
간단한 DSM
잘 계층화된 DSM
엄격한 계층화를 유지한 시스템의 DSM
불완전한 계층구조를 가진 시스템 Circular Dependency 발생.
또 하나의 도구– Code Metrics Demo
Solution is.. Create a new package. A
circular dependency GUI Comm Analysis Protocol Modem Control Comm Error Database Message Manager A
Indirect circular dependency A X B Y A
Use Interface. A X Y <<interface>> BY B A
Heavy Dependency.. A
Solution is IoC A
Heavy Dependency. // your API public class Tracer { MessageQueue mq = new MessageQueue(…); 	public void Trace(string message){ 	 mq.Send(message); 	} }  // your customer’s program that is hard to test Tracer tracer = new Tracer(); public void ProcessOrder(Order order){ 	tracer.Trace(order.Id); 	… } A
Inversion of Control // your better API public abstract class TraceListener { 	public abstract void Trace(string message); }  public class Tracer { TraceListener listener; 	public Tracer(TraceListener listener){ 		this.listener = listener;  	} 	public void Trace(string message){ 	 		listener.Trace(message); 	} }  A
Dependency Injection // your customer’s program that is easier to test Tracer tracer = new Tracer(new FileListener()); public void ProcessOrder(Order order){ 	tracer.Trace(order.Id); 	… } A
Dependency Injection Containers // customer’s program that is even easier to test Tracer tracer = container.Resolve<Tracer>(); public void ProcessOrder(Order order){ 	tracer.Trace(order.Id); 	… } Check outDI Containers (a.k.a. IoC Containers):autofac, Castle Windsor, PicoContainer.NET, Spring.NET, StructureMap, Unity, nInject and others. A
Packaging Principle Package Cohesion Principle REP (Release Reuse Equivalency) CCP (Common Closure Principle) CRP (Common Reuse Principle) Package Coupling Principle ADP (Acyclic Dependencies Principle) SDP (Stable Dependencies Principle) SAP (Stable Abstraction Principle) A Robert C. Martin, Principle of Package Architecture
Do balance advances with compatibility. A
Types of “Compatibility”  Backward Cross-Version Forward A
Cross-Redist. A
Establishing Compatibility Bar Define what’s a “breaking change” This definition depends on the objective E.g. Enable portable code between Silverlight and .NET Framework E.g. Enable cross-version portability? A
Breaking Changes… Keep Backward Compatibility..
Breaking Changes… 신한 은행 ezPlus Quiz - ezPlus의 버전은??
Breaking Changes… MS 직원과의 대화  MS에서 새 API 추가와 기존 API 변경에 들이는 시간과 노력을 아시면 절대 그렇게 말하지 못할 것. 중첩된 역할을 가진 API들이 많아지게 됨. 비동기메소드 DownloadAync, InvokeAsync, DownloadTaskAsync  동일한 역할을 하는 API들이 계속 늘어남.. Java의 NewIO와 IO도 동일한 상황. 대형 밴더들은 호환성은 가상화로 대체하자는 추세임.
Breaking Changes… MS에서 유일하게  	Backward Compatibility를 무시해도 되는 경우가  있음. Quiz – 무엇일까요?
Breaking Changes… 새 술은 새 부대에.. Apple/Android는 과감히 쓸모없는 것을 버리는 전략. 새로운 기술과 경험이 들어감에 따라 API를 Refactoring하고 Cleanup해야 점점 사용해지기 쉬워져야 된다. 단편화 문제가 발생함.
Breaking Changes… MS의 눈물겨운 Backward Compatibility 이야기.
Breaking Changes. .NET Framework Breaking Changes. .NET Framework 4.0 (3.5 -> 4.0) .NET Framework 3.5 (2.0 -> 3.5) .NET Framework 2.0 (1.0 -> 2.0) 기업에서 .NET 4.0으로 못 갈 정도로 큰 변화. 민감한 Active X 문제 - (SmartClient를 실행시키는 IEHost.exe 제거)
Avoid duplication and overlap. A
Team Space Show and Tell Problem Space PLoP – Capable, Productive and Satisfied Patterns for Productivity A
When to Replace Existing APIs When the new technology is “10x better” Make sure you understand the impact on the ecosystem What would happen if the BCL team added a new String? What’s the migration path for code using the old API? Support Automatic Migration Tool.   (VB -> VB.NET, .NET 1.0 -> .NET 2.0) Provide Code Based Migration Manual.  COM+ -> WCF , ASP.NET Web Service -> WCF A
DesignThis is where quality happens D
Is using your framework correctly like… Running across a desert? D
You need Feedback. D
Do design APIs by      first writing code samples for the main scenarios        and then  defining the object model to support the code samples. D
Code Samples D
Read File static void Main(string[] args) { StreamReadersr = File.OpenText("MyFile.txt");             string s = sr.ReadLine();             while (s != null) {                 s = sr.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine(s); } } D
Feedback (Read File) static void Main(string[] args) { foreach (string s in File.ReadAllLines("MyFiles.text"))    { Console.WriteLine(s); } } D
Object Model Listing D
Framework Design Studio Assembly Exploer Project -> Add -> Assembly D Download here -
Framework Design Studio Assembly Review Comment D
Framework Design StudioCompare API Versions D
Framework Design StudioCompare API Versions Red is removed,  Green is added, Grey means inherited. D
Framework Design StudioExporting to Microsoft Word Tools -> Export to Document D
Do treat simplicity as a feature. D
KISS (Keep It Simple! Stupid!) Remove Requirements Reuse Existing Concepts or APIs. Adjust Abstraction Level  Consider framework users(experience, knowledge) Three Example D
Domeasure, measure, and measure! D
Specification Document: Qualities Performance Goals (XML Parser..) Baseline: What do is the best my API could do? Measure delta from the baseline Threat Models (Security ..) Threat: What is the worst that my component could do? Mitigate the threats Keep a balance between many other qualities      you want your framework to have (ATAM) D
 The POWER oFSameness D
 Read the manual?? When you pick up your rental car…. Push the seat all the way back Find an NPR station Find the exit D
Oh, down to lock… D
How to use a key… D
Oh, you push the PRESS button… D
Who actually needs this data? D
Why you don’t read manuals ??? You know how to drive your car All cars work basically the same way Your rental car is a car Therefore, you can drive your rental car That is… The power of sameness D
Static Analysis Tool D
DevelopmentThe bits customers get, … or not V
Branches and Integrations- Feature Crew V
Avoid integrating unfinished features. V
Feature Complete & Quality Gates Functional Specification Developer Design Specification Test Plan Threat Model API review Architectural Review Dependency Management Static Analysis Code Coverage Testing (Unit and Integration Tests) 0 Bugs Performance  V
Do pay your debt. V
Milestone Quality Vision statement RTM Feature complete Release Testing Planning M1 M2 Technology Preview Beta 1 Beta 2 RC1 Milestone Quality V
Milestone Quality (MQ) Initiatives that are hard to do in regular milestones Large productivity and efficiency improvements Infrastructure changes For example, a new source control system  Refactoring of fragile subsystems Internal implementation documentation Bugs backlog V
Summary Dounderstand how organizational structure, culture, and decision making processes impact your product.  Avoidpeanut-butter in Scenario Based Application. Domanage your dependencies. Dobalance advances with compatibility. Avoidduplication and overlap. Do design APIs by first writing code samples for the main scenarios and then defining the object model to support the code samples. Do treat simplicity as a feature. Domeasure, measure, and measure! Avoidintegrating unfinished features. Do pay your debt.
Resources Krzysztof Cwalina, Brad Abrams Framework Design Guidelines: Conventions, Idioms, and Patterns for Reusable .NET Libraries
Resources Douglas C. Schmidt (PLoP Editor, POSA 2, 4 Writter) JAWS: An Application Framework for High Performance Web System  (En)  (Kr) Ralph Johnson (GoF , Design Patterns) Evolving Frameworks  (En)  (Kr)
Resources Robert C. Martin Principles of Package Architecture (Design Principles and Design Patterns) (En) (Kr) For Korean People.. Load to Architect EvaCast  (Online Free Lecture)
최근 저서 및 곧 나올 저서..
곧 나올 저서..
Question? 이 저작물은 크리에이티브 커먼즈 코리아 저작자표시-비영리-동일조건변경허락 2.0  대한민국 라이센스에 따라 이용하실 수 있습니다.   This work is licensed under Creative Commons Korea Attribution 2.0 License.

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Framework Engineering 2.1

  • 1. Framework EngineeringArchitecting, Designing, and Developing Reusable Libraries
  • 4. Douglas C. Schmidt Says.. Frameworks define “semi-complete” application that embody domain-specific object structures and functionality.
  • 5. Libraries is.. Application Block DATABASE ADTs MATH NETWORKING App Specific Logic OO Design Invocations GRAPHICS GUI Event Loop Singleton Strategy Selections Reactor Adapter State Active Object Design Pattern Class Library Component Architecture
  • 6. But Framework is .. Active Object State NETWORKING GUI Control – Flow (IoC) MATH Reactor Event Loop App Specific Logic Invocations Callbacks ADTs Singleton Adapter DATABASE GRAPHICS Application Framework Component Architecture
  • 7. Why Do You Need Framework? Productivity Avoid Duplication
  • 8. Why Do You Need Framework? De Facto War
  • 9. The Experts of Framework SPLASH (구 OOPSLA ) / PLoP의 창시 Gangs of Four 의일원 Martin Fowler의 직/간접적 스승 Framework 개념의 창시자 Designing Reusable Classes Reusing Object-Oriented Design Documenting Frameworks Using Patterns Patterns For Framework Evolution. Ralph Johnson
  • 10. The Experts of Framework 패턴의 중흥기를 이끈 실질적 리더 – PLoP및 PLoPD Editor 패턴으로 구축한 프레임워크 공개 TAO, ACE등 – 다양한 분야 광범위하게 사용. 실제 돌아가는 프레임워크와 패턴을 접목 POSA 2, POSA 4, POSA 5권 저자 Douglas C. Schmidt
  • 11. The Experts of Framework Java Platform의 광범위한 부분을 설계하고 구현한가장 영향력 있는 리더 Sun에서 Google로 Chief Architect로 이직 Java에 가장 영향력 있는 둘중에 한 분. How to Design a good api and Why it Matters Joshua Bloch
  • 12. The Experts of Framework .NET Framework의쌍두마차. Visual C++ 부터 현재 .NET까지 총지휘 Brad Abrams는 Google로 2010년 이직 KC는 아직 .NET Framework를 진두 지휘 실 세계의 Framework 설계 기법 공유 Framework Design Guidelines 1st. Framework Design Guidelines 2nd. Brad Abrams, KrysztofCwalina
  • 13. Welcome to My Framework Journey!
  • 14. Seed References “Framework Engineering”, TechED 2007 Europe “Framework Design Guidelines” , Addison Wesley Krzysztof Cwalina Program Manager on .NET Framework Team
  • 15. 5 Topics.. D O P A V
  • 17. Project Management Triangle Scope Time Cost O
  • 19. Do understand how organizational structure, culture, and decision making processes impact your product. O
  • 20. Conway's law If you have 4 groups working on a compiler, you’ll get a 4-pass compiler. O
  • 22. Conway's Clean State Approach O
  • 23. Your Company Culture Is .. Voluntary ?? O
  • 24. Your Company Culture Is .. Familial ?? O
  • 25. Remember Your Company Culture .. O Peremptory
  • 26. Organizational InfluencesSize of Organization Simple Design Consistency Design Focus on 80/20 Rules Small Team O
  • 27. Organizational InfluencesSize of Organization Powerful Design Lack Consistency Remove Requirements Large Team O
  • 28. Organizational InfluencesOrganization’s Culture/Biases Customer-Focused End-2-End Scenarios O
  • 29. Organizational InfluencesOrganization’s Culture/Biases Technology-Focused Long Lasting Architecture O
  • 30. Decision Making Process is.. 呼兄呼弟 O
  • 31. Solution ?? Give this book your boss..
  • 32. Planning Ensuring we are building the right thing P
  • 34. Skyscrapers Peanut Butter Focus: features Results: stability, incremental improvements, not great end-to-end scenarios Focus: scenarios Results: Excitement, breakthroughs, but beware of leaving existing customers behind P
  • 38.
  • 39. Cross Functional Teams and Location P
  • 40. Moderation (中庸)MileStone = Scenarios + Feature Vision statement RTM Feature complete Release Testing Planning M1 M2 Technology Preview Beta 1 Beta 2 RC1 P
  • 41. ArchitectureEnsuring the long term health of the framework A
  • 43. Taxonomy of TypesLibraries , Primitives, Abstractions A
  • 44. Primitives Very little policy (behavior design decisions) Stable design Commonly appear in publicly accessible APIs Almost impossible to evolve/change design; any design changes have huge breaking change impact on other APIs Example: Int32, String A
  • 45. Libraries Definition: Libraries are types that are not passed between components Examples EventLog, Debug. Easy to Evolve Leave old in, add new one Beware of duplication! A
  • 46. Abstractions Definition: Abstractions are interfaces or classes with unsealed members that are passed between components. Examples Stream, IComponent Hard to Evolve Unfortunately, pressure to evolve A
  • 47. Primitive Oriented Design A.K.A. “Handle based design” (functional) Great evolvability, poor usability (sometimes) Low level stable primitives + high level reusable components with limited dependencies other than to the primitives E.g. Type.GetType(object) – works, but not as convenient as Object.GetType A
  • 48. Component Oriented Design Rich APIs with lots of features, thus with lots of dependencies Great usability, poor evolvability Good for higher level components, not for the core of a platform A
  • 50. Component is .. Lego, Plug ?? A
  • 51. Component is .. .. a set of types that ship and evolve as a unit. A
  • 53. API Dependency Component A has an API dependency on component B, if a type in B shows in the publicly accessible API surface of a type in A. This includes: Base types and implemented interfaces Generic parameter constraints Return types and parameters of members Applied attributes Nested types A
  • 54. Implemenatin Dependency If a type in A uses a type in B in its implementation. Hard Dependencies (required to run) Soft Dependencies (optional) A
  • 55. Circular Dependency Component A depends on component B and Component B depends on component A (even indirectly). A
  • 58. WPF XML    BCL Reflection A Dependency Management
  • 59. 상황을 파악하는 좋은 방법DSM (Dependency Structure Matrix)
  • 63. 불완전한 계층구조를 가진 시스템 Circular Dependency 발생.
  • 64. 또 하나의 도구– Code Metrics Demo
  • 65. Solution is.. Create a new package. A
  • 66. circular dependency GUI Comm Analysis Protocol Modem Control Comm Error Database Message Manager A
  • 68. Use Interface. A X Y <<interface>> BY B A
  • 71. Heavy Dependency. // your API public class Tracer { MessageQueue mq = new MessageQueue(…); public void Trace(string message){ mq.Send(message); } } // your customer’s program that is hard to test Tracer tracer = new Tracer(); public void ProcessOrder(Order order){ tracer.Trace(order.Id); … } A
  • 72. Inversion of Control // your better API public abstract class TraceListener { public abstract void Trace(string message); } public class Tracer { TraceListener listener; public Tracer(TraceListener listener){ this.listener = listener; } public void Trace(string message){ listener.Trace(message); } } A
  • 73. Dependency Injection // your customer’s program that is easier to test Tracer tracer = new Tracer(new FileListener()); public void ProcessOrder(Order order){ tracer.Trace(order.Id); … } A
  • 74. Dependency Injection Containers // customer’s program that is even easier to test Tracer tracer = container.Resolve<Tracer>(); public void ProcessOrder(Order order){ tracer.Trace(order.Id); … } Check outDI Containers (a.k.a. IoC Containers):autofac, Castle Windsor, PicoContainer.NET, Spring.NET, StructureMap, Unity, nInject and others. A
  • 75. Packaging Principle Package Cohesion Principle REP (Release Reuse Equivalency) CCP (Common Closure Principle) CRP (Common Reuse Principle) Package Coupling Principle ADP (Acyclic Dependencies Principle) SDP (Stable Dependencies Principle) SAP (Stable Abstraction Principle) A Robert C. Martin, Principle of Package Architecture
  • 76. Do balance advances with compatibility. A
  • 77. Types of “Compatibility” Backward Cross-Version Forward A
  • 79. A
  • 80. Establishing Compatibility Bar Define what’s a “breaking change” This definition depends on the objective E.g. Enable portable code between Silverlight and .NET Framework E.g. Enable cross-version portability? A
  • 81. Breaking Changes… Keep Backward Compatibility..
  • 82. Breaking Changes… 신한 은행 ezPlus Quiz - ezPlus의 버전은??
  • 83. Breaking Changes… MS 직원과의 대화 MS에서 새 API 추가와 기존 API 변경에 들이는 시간과 노력을 아시면 절대 그렇게 말하지 못할 것. 중첩된 역할을 가진 API들이 많아지게 됨. 비동기메소드 DownloadAync, InvokeAsync, DownloadTaskAsync  동일한 역할을 하는 API들이 계속 늘어남.. Java의 NewIO와 IO도 동일한 상황. 대형 밴더들은 호환성은 가상화로 대체하자는 추세임.
  • 84. Breaking Changes… MS에서 유일하게 Backward Compatibility를 무시해도 되는 경우가 있음. Quiz – 무엇일까요?
  • 85. Breaking Changes… 새 술은 새 부대에.. Apple/Android는 과감히 쓸모없는 것을 버리는 전략. 새로운 기술과 경험이 들어감에 따라 API를 Refactoring하고 Cleanup해야 점점 사용해지기 쉬워져야 된다. 단편화 문제가 발생함.
  • 86. Breaking Changes… MS의 눈물겨운 Backward Compatibility 이야기.
  • 87. Breaking Changes. .NET Framework Breaking Changes. .NET Framework 4.0 (3.5 -> 4.0) .NET Framework 3.5 (2.0 -> 3.5) .NET Framework 2.0 (1.0 -> 2.0) 기업에서 .NET 4.0으로 못 갈 정도로 큰 변화. 민감한 Active X 문제 - (SmartClient를 실행시키는 IEHost.exe 제거)
  • 89. Team Space Show and Tell Problem Space PLoP – Capable, Productive and Satisfied Patterns for Productivity A
  • 90. When to Replace Existing APIs When the new technology is “10x better” Make sure you understand the impact on the ecosystem What would happen if the BCL team added a new String? What’s the migration path for code using the old API? Support Automatic Migration Tool. (VB -> VB.NET, .NET 1.0 -> .NET 2.0) Provide Code Based Migration Manual. COM+ -> WCF , ASP.NET Web Service -> WCF A
  • 91. DesignThis is where quality happens D
  • 92. Is using your framework correctly like… Running across a desert? D
  • 94. Do design APIs by first writing code samples for the main scenarios and then defining the object model to support the code samples. D
  • 96. Read File static void Main(string[] args) { StreamReadersr = File.OpenText("MyFile.txt"); string s = sr.ReadLine(); while (s != null) { s = sr.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine(s); } } D
  • 97. Feedback (Read File) static void Main(string[] args) { foreach (string s in File.ReadAllLines("MyFiles.text")) { Console.WriteLine(s); } } D
  • 99. Framework Design Studio Assembly Exploer Project -> Add -> Assembly D Download here -
  • 100. Framework Design Studio Assembly Review Comment D
  • 102. Framework Design StudioCompare API Versions Red is removed, Green is added, Grey means inherited. D
  • 103. Framework Design StudioExporting to Microsoft Word Tools -> Export to Document D
  • 104. Do treat simplicity as a feature. D
  • 105. KISS (Keep It Simple! Stupid!) Remove Requirements Reuse Existing Concepts or APIs. Adjust Abstraction Level Consider framework users(experience, knowledge) Three Example D
  • 107. Specification Document: Qualities Performance Goals (XML Parser..) Baseline: What do is the best my API could do? Measure delta from the baseline Threat Models (Security ..) Threat: What is the worst that my component could do? Mitigate the threats Keep a balance between many other qualities you want your framework to have (ATAM) D
  • 108.  The POWER oFSameness D
  • 109. Read the manual?? When you pick up your rental car…. Push the seat all the way back Find an NPR station Find the exit D
  • 110. Oh, down to lock… D
  • 111. How to use a key… D
  • 112. Oh, you push the PRESS button… D
  • 113. Who actually needs this data? D
  • 114. Why you don’t read manuals ??? You know how to drive your car All cars work basically the same way Your rental car is a car Therefore, you can drive your rental car That is… The power of sameness D
  • 115. Static Analysis Tool D
  • 116. DevelopmentThe bits customers get, … or not V
  • 117. Branches and Integrations- Feature Crew V
  • 119. Feature Complete & Quality Gates Functional Specification Developer Design Specification Test Plan Threat Model API review Architectural Review Dependency Management Static Analysis Code Coverage Testing (Unit and Integration Tests) 0 Bugs Performance V
  • 120. Do pay your debt. V
  • 121. Milestone Quality Vision statement RTM Feature complete Release Testing Planning M1 M2 Technology Preview Beta 1 Beta 2 RC1 Milestone Quality V
  • 122. Milestone Quality (MQ) Initiatives that are hard to do in regular milestones Large productivity and efficiency improvements Infrastructure changes For example, a new source control system Refactoring of fragile subsystems Internal implementation documentation Bugs backlog V
  • 123. Summary Dounderstand how organizational structure, culture, and decision making processes impact your product. Avoidpeanut-butter in Scenario Based Application. Domanage your dependencies. Dobalance advances with compatibility. Avoidduplication and overlap. Do design APIs by first writing code samples for the main scenarios and then defining the object model to support the code samples. Do treat simplicity as a feature. Domeasure, measure, and measure! Avoidintegrating unfinished features. Do pay your debt.
  • 124. Resources Krzysztof Cwalina, Brad Abrams Framework Design Guidelines: Conventions, Idioms, and Patterns for Reusable .NET Libraries
  • 125. Resources Douglas C. Schmidt (PLoP Editor, POSA 2, 4 Writter) JAWS: An Application Framework for High Performance Web System (En) (Kr) Ralph Johnson (GoF , Design Patterns) Evolving Frameworks (En) (Kr)
  • 126. Resources Robert C. Martin Principles of Package Architecture (Design Principles and Design Patterns) (En) (Kr) For Korean People.. Load to Architect EvaCast (Online Free Lecture)
  • 127. 최근 저서 및 곧 나올 저서..
  • 129. Question? 이 저작물은 크리에이티브 커먼즈 코리아 저작자표시-비영리-동일조건변경허락 2.0 대한민국 라이센스에 따라 이용하실 수 있습니다. This work is licensed under Creative Commons Korea Attribution 2.0 License.