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  and its Vicinity
is a Region of Active Tourism
   and its Vicinity
                  is a Region
           of Active Tourism
The Vistula River is an enchanting Polish River.
The historic city of Krakow is proudly placed
on it, the city of Warsaw is reflected in it and
Włocławek snuggles up to it.


    Over 1000 thousand years ago a settlement was
established here where the Zgłowiączka River pours its
waters into the Vistula. The initially small town quickly
developed. It could present a numerous, armed squad
and submit them under the orders of King Bolesław
Chrobry in the early days of Polish statehood. Soon
after, in the beginning of the seventh century, it opened
its gates to the Kujawian bishop who’s residence is still
currently in Włocławek. By the will of Bishop Maciej
from Gołańczy a fortified castle was built and the town
was chartered in 1339.
    Only relics of the gothic castle remain that are hidden
in the walls of the classical mansion that is currently
the bishop’s seat. Maciej from Gołańczy also initiated
the construction of the cathedral, which is currently the
most valuable historic site in the city.
This edifice raised in the years between 1340 and
1411 was extended and improved many times. There
are many works of art that can be found here that give
testimony to the splendor of the past ages and to the
people that bonded their fate with this city. The silver
retabulum from the 18th century, the semi-renaissance
chapel of the Blessed Mother Mary that is beautiful in
form, the numerous epitaphs, the tomb of Bishop Piotr
from Bnin Moszczyński, who was a friend of Kalimach,
that was executed by Wit Stworz, or the late Gothic
painting of the Ascension of the Blessed Mother Mary
from 1475 are only small fragments of the long list of
antiques that are in this church.
    The monument of Cardinal Stefan Wyszyńśki is
situated next to the cathedral. Stefan Wyszyński spent
many years in Włocławek and it was here that he was
ordained as a priest. The small Saint Vitalis church is
situated next to the large building of the Higher Seminar
that was one of the first in Poland (1569). Placed inside
the cozy church that is covered with a cruciform ribbed
vault in the presbytery and a mesh like vault in the
nave is one of the most valuable Polish works of art
from the 15th century, the triptych from the scene of
the coronation of the Blessed Virgin Mary from about
The Zgłowiączka River lazily flows in the valley close to the
cathedral and is surrounded by a majestic park established in
1870. In past ages the Zgłowiączka River was an important
waterway for grains from the Kujawian fields that were
transported to the granaries in Włocławek and later sent
further by the Vistula River to Gdansk and Western Europe.
During the time of the city’s splendor in the 16th and 17th
century there were over 20 large granaries, many breweries
and from 1520 there was a customs chamber. To date only
four granaries have been preserved that house museums and
cultural societies. In the old center of the medieval city the
late gothic church of the St. John the Baptist from 1538 is
worth note. It has a beautiful varied ribbed vault. Not far from
here is the Kujawian and Dobrzyńskie Region Museum that
has almost a one hundred year history. It houses and displays
collections in four buildings. These systematized collections
show the folk art of the Kujawian and Dobrzyński District,
faience with special attention to products from Włocławek,
handicrafts, weights and measures, numismatics, medallic
art, etc. Recognition of the most interesting sites is facilitated
by the tourist trail titled; “The City’s Walking Trail of Historic
    Włocławek has always been connected with the Vistula
River and has benefited from its natural resources, floated
goods on it and used it for various economic purposes. This
was also the case in 1969 when the dam was built on the
river. An improvement of water ratios in this part of the
Kujawian region and cheap electrical energy are benefits
from this investment. There were also tragic moments such
as when the Vistula River was the line of defense during the
Bolshevik invasion on the revived Polish State in 1920.
    Currently the Vistula River is waiting to be discovered
again. This is due to the fact that the River is full of
romanticism and has a great potential for use in tourism,
water sports as well as for industrial use. Włocławek also
invites you and is awaiting you.
     Nature hikes, qualified tourism and recreation are
propositions for those that desire active recreation.
Włocławek and its Vicinity have great conditions for
persons with those types of interests.
     Walking tourism is most easily accessible in all areas.
The vicinity of Włocławek is especially attractive since there
are vast forests that surround the city, were you can find
interesting walking and hiking trails. These trails lead through
the complex of the Gostyń-Włocławek Scenic Park that is
adjacent to the City of Włocławek. These trails lead through
curious postglacial landscapes that have added variety by the
large number of lakes and dunes. Not to far from the city
the areas around the Łuba, Czarne, Rybnica, Wikaryskie,
Wójtowskie and Rakutowskie lakes encourage you to explore
them. Appropriate signs on the edge of the Scenic Park that
is to the East of Włocławek inform you that you may hike on
the green trail (about 38 km), the yellow trail (about 39 km) or
the black trail (about 31 km). The black trail that is to the West
of the city and leads to Wieniec Zdrój (Spa) is also inviting.
It leads through a beautiful forest complex that is situated on
variably sculptured land. Persons coming to Włocławek are
sure to see the picturesque right bank of the Vistula River.
It is here that we invite you for hikes in hilly terrain. One of
the trails leads us to Saint Gotard’s Hill (132 m above sea
level) were you can get a widespread view of Włocławek.
The panorama starts in the West with a view of the Anwil
complex and ends in the East on the dam with road bridge
on the Vistula that is connected to the City’s communication
network. Besides tourist trails and walking trails we propose
Educational and Nature trails in the area of Łuba lake, the
forest complex in Warząchewka, as well as within the area
of the Gostyń-Włocławek Scenic Park (Kukawy, Smólnik).
Hikers on the trails around Włocławek are encouraged to
obtain points for the Hiking Tourism Badge and the “I Know
Włocławek and it’s Vicinity” Tourism Badge.
     Bicycle trails that have been extended in the past following
year lead to the forests and lakes that surround Włocławek
and run in the direction of Kowal, Kruszyn, Wieniec,
Nieszawa, Bobrowniki and Dobrzyń nad Wisłą. They allow
you to visit tourist attractions such as monuments, natural
monuments, work plants but most of all they allow you to
enjoy the enchanting landscapes. Bicycle tourists will be able
to collect points for the Bicycle Tourism Badge.
     Water sports enthusiasts are sure to be attracted by the
Vistula River with her tributaries in the Włocławek Region,
as well as the surrounding lakes. For person interested in
this form of recreation the “Marina” sailboat harbor in
Zarzeczewo and the Włocławek Water Sports Enthusiast
Club, with its headquarters on ul. Piwna, at the mouth of
the Zgłowiączka River are at your disposal. Water tourism
enthusiasts may participate in the All Polish Canoeing of the
Zgłowiączka River (held in May) and the All Polish Canoeing
of the Vistula River (held in September). Canoeing of the
Skrwa through the charming corners of the Brudzeński Scenic
Park is also organized. The regatta for the Blue Ribbon of
the Włocławek Reservoir is met with special interest. This
regatta draws participants from all over Poland at the end of
September and the beginning of October.
Water sports enthusiasts of a smaller caliber may take
advantage of the pool at the Włocławek Center for Sports
and Recreation (OSiR), as well as the swimming areas on the
Wikaryjskie Lake that has an open-air pool and a wading
pool that is open in the summer months. In season, special
“W” buses run to the Wikaryjskie Lake from the center of
     Supporters of saddle recreation have the opportunity to
spend time pleasantly in the “Michelin” boarding house that
is in the southern part of the city of in the Dębicy stable. A
little bit further away, about 12-15 km from Włocławek you
can find the Riding, Sports and Recreation Center in Fabianki
or the Arabians Falborek Horse Stable in Falborek near Brześć
Kujawski. These centers are situated near forest complexes
especially the centers in Michelin and Dębicy, which allows
for relaxation in the bosom of nature. Riding lessons, saddle
trips and motion rehabilitation are offered in the summer and
sleigh rides with bonfires are offered in the winter.
     The proximity of the Włocławek Aeroclub airport in
Kruszyn allows for the development of interest in air tourism.
In July The Polish Model Championships are held and in
August the Polish Hot Air Balloon Championships are held.
Many flight novices train in the Włocławek Aeroclub and
they continue their flying passion throughout the country.
     Not everyone likes to get off the ground. Everywhere
tennis courts and bowling alleys are becoming more and
more popular, just like in Włocławek. The newest attraction,
especially for the youngest, has been the artificial ice rink
with a full service base, which was added at the end of
2005. It is located next to the buildings of the Center for
Sports and Recreation (OSiR), between the sports hall and
the pool and about 200 people can use it at one time.
cultuRal and education life
in W£oc£aWek
    Włocławek is becoming a more recognized educational and cultural
center in region. Through the ages the Church has played a culture
constructive role here, since Włocławek was the city of the Bishop up to
the partition of Poland and the capital of one of the most important diocese
in the Republic. The bishops were not merited only as priests but also as
politicians, patrons of the arts and instigators of education. The previously
mentioned seminar established in 1569 by Stanisław Karnkowski became
an important educational center at the beginning of the 20th century. Its
fame reached far beyond the boundaries of the region and its professors
created the foundation for the Catholic University in Lublin. The seminar’s
library developed and currently still functions and holds many unique
collections. It was not by chance that Stefan Wyszyński who came from the
Podlasie Region, who was later to become the Primate of the Millennium,
chose this seminar. It was not only people from the church that became
part of the history of Włocławek. Among others Stanisaw Noakowski, an
architect, graphic artist and painter spent some of his early years here
in Włocławek. Others include; Maria Kuncewiczow, a writer and the
author of the known novel titled “Cudzoziemka” (The Foreigner), Maria
Danelewicz-Zielińska a writer and animator of emigrant polish culture and
Jerzy Pierkiewicz, a writer of European stature, a university professor in
London. The known actor Zdzisław Mrożewski was born here. Also born
in Włocławek was the outstanding Jewish scholar Tadeusz Riechstien who
received the Nobel Prize in the area of Physiology and Medicine.
    Not only people but also institutions in Włocławek deserve interest
and remembrance, for instance the Rowing Society established in 1886
(one of its honorary members is Henryk Sienkiewicz) or the Polish Tourism
Society, whose Kujawian Branch was established as one of the first in the
former Russian partition in 1908. These societies besides the activities
described in their charters and in their names (Rowing, Tourism) served
a major role in the propagation of culture and patriotism often in a range
that exceeded the regional dimension.
    We cannot forget the role of the distinguished High Schools in
Włocławek: The Kujawian Region Lyceum, The Maria Konopnicka
Lyceum or the recently reactivated Father Jan Długosz Team of Catholic
Schools. Hundreds of students have left these schools and many of them
have been successful in many areas, some are even famous. The teachers
that worked in these schools such, as Włodzimierz Gniazdowski, were
often the chief organizers of culture in the city and region.
Currently the culture of Włocławek is
shaped mainly by: The Kujawian and Dobrzyń
Region Museum, The Włocławek Center
for Education and Cultural Promotion, The
Włocławek Cultural Center, The City Public
Library, The Skene Impressionist, Children’s
and Youth Theatre and The Contemporary
Art, Humor and Satire Gallery. The Dobrzyń-
Kujawian Cultural Society performs an
important role as instigator and organizer.
Many artists work in the city. Some of them
such as Stanisław Zagajewski, Zbigniew
Stec, and Antoni Bigasa have gained great
recognition and popularity. The clay
sculptures of Stanisław Zagajewski can be
viewed not only in a permanent exhibition
in the Kujawian and Dobryń Region Museum
but also in other numerous exhibitions
including foreign exhibitions. At this point is
should be noted that Włocławek was famed
for its ceramic goods. The beautiful hand
painted Włocławek faience has achieved
special recognition. Production has been
reinstated but to a smaller scale than in the
past. As far a handicrafts go the colorfully
modest but interesting Kujawian embroidery
are also highly evaluated. Plant ornaments
with various styles dominate this embroidery.
The works of the embroiderers, that have
been presented in many exhibitions and fairs,
interest not only regional culture enthusiasts.
    The      Włocławek      Scientific    Society
established in 1979 as one of the youngest
but most efficiently functioning societies in
the country of this type performs an important
cultural role. It has a library that holds
collections that are valuable for investigators of
the region, a publishing house and organizes
scientific conferences including those of an All-
Polish character. In 1995 it established the first
secular college, the Higher School of Humanity
and Economics that currently educates a few
thousand students. In the following years
the college expanded and the State Higher
Vocational School, The Branch of the Higher
School of Computer Technology in Łódź,
as well as the Higher School of Technology
and Enterprise were founded. Włocławek is
gradually becoming a university city.
Important phone numbers
                                                          W³oc³awek Tourist Information
                                      ul. Warszawska 11/13, 87-800 Włocławek, Phone/ fax (+48 54) 411 27 57

                                         Open Monday to Friday from 8.00 AM to 4.00 PM
                                         In season: from Monday to Friday 8.00 AM to 5.00 PM
                                         Saturday from 10.00 AM to 2.00 PM

                                  ACCOMMOdATIOnS                                 Szkolne Schronisko Młodzieżowe
                                                                                 (The School Youth Hostel)
                               Hotel Młyn (Mill)                                 ul. Mechaników 1
                               ul. Okrzei 77                                     87-800 Włocławek
                               87-800 Włocławek                                  Phone (+48 54) 236 24 10
                               Phone (+48 54) 233 01 00                          e-mail:
Published by:
The Office of City Promotion                                                     F.H. „Grandmet”
and European Integration,                                                        ul. Żwirowa 21
Włocławek City Office          Hotel Aleksander                                  87-800 Włocławek
                               ul. Szpitalna 24                                  Phone (+48 54) 236 64 36, 236 30 07
Text:                          87-800 Włocławek
                               Phone (+48 54) 412 66 66                          Agro-tourism Propositions
Editorial team:
                               e-mail:              Ośrodek Doradztwa Rolniczego
Andrzej Szczepañski                                                              (The Agricultural Counseling Center)
Helena Cieœlak       
                                                                                 ul. Nizinna 9
Agnieszka Sobañska             Hotel Ratuszowy (Town Hall)                       Phone (+48 54) 237 13 01, 237 18 55
Henryk Wasilewski              ul. Bojańczyka 7                                  e-mail:
                               87-800 Włocławek                        
Photos:                        Phone (+48 54) 232 62 76
Stanis³aw Stanowski            e-mail:                MUSEUMS And GALLERIES
Piotr Rybiñski       
                                                                                 Muzeum Ziemi Kujawskiej
Jacek Krzycki                                                                    i Dobrzyńskiej
Maciej Kowalczyk               Hotel Zajazd Polski (Polish Inn)
                               pl. Wolności 5                                    (The Kujawian and Dobrzyń
                               87-800 Włocławek                                  Region Museum)
                               Phone (+48 54) 237 77 00                          ul. Słowackiego 1a
Typesetting and Printing:      e-mail:               Phone (+48 54) 232 36 25, 232 32 43
                               Hotel Kujawy                                      Permanent exhibition:
                               ul. Kościuszki 20                                 Historic Włocławek faience.
                               87-800 Włocławek
Drukarnia EXPOL                                                                  Muzeum Historii Włocławka
                               Phone (+48 54) 237 75 00
                               e-mail:                      (The Historic Museum of Włocławek)
                                                      ul. Szpichlerna 19
                                                                                 Phone (+48 54) 232 67 53, 232 67 43
                               Pensjonat i Klub Jeździecki „michelin”            e-mail:
                               (The „Michelin” Boarding House          
                               and Riding Club)                                  Permanent exhibitions: Pharmacies at the
                               ul. Lipowa 12a-14                                 turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. A
                               Phone (+48 54) 235 46 51                          photography workshop at the turn of the
                               e-mail:                  19th and 20th centuries. Collection of tin
                                           products from the 18th to 20th centuries.
                                                                                 The art of Feliks Pęczarski. Archeological
                               Pensjonat Delfin                                  exhibits. Portrait paintings. Economic life
                               al. Chopina 10/12                                 in Włocławek in the period from the 16th
                               87-800 Włocławek                                  century to the middle of the 17th century.
                               Phone (+48 54) 232 55 91, 232 28 75               Coins from the 12th to the 17th century.
                                                                                 National freedom battles of the Poles from
                               Schronisko Młodzieżowe „Druk-Tur”                 the end of the 18th century to 1945.
                               (Youth Hostel)
                               ul. Łęgska 10                                     Zbiory Sztuki (Art Collections)
                               87-800 Włocławek                                  ul. Zamcza 10/12
                               Phone (+48 54) 232 28 75                          Phone (+48 54) 232 50 61, 232 26 74
                               e-mail:                 e-mail:
Permanent exhibitions: The ceramic        Dobrzyńsko - Kujawskie
sculptures of Stanisław Zagajewski. The   Towarzystwo Kulturalne
life and works of Wacław Bębnowski        (The Dobrzyń Kujawian
(Biographic character).                   Cultural Society)
                                          ul. Piwna 4
Muzeum Etnograficzne                      Phone (+48 54) 236 47 50
im. Marszałka Józefa Piłsudskiego,
(The Marszałek Józef Piłsudski            Galeria Sztuki Współczesnej
Ethnographical Museum)                    (The Modern Art Gallery)
ul. Bulwary 6                             ul. Miedziana 2/4                       Miejska Biblioteka Publiczna
Phone (+48 54) 232 30 01/02,              Phone (+48 54) 411 21 20                (The City Public Library)
232 26 24                                 e-mail:                  ul. Warszawska 11/13
e-mail:                                         Phone (+48 54) 231 55 50                                                   e-mail:                   Galeria Humoru i Satyry „Na drabinie”
                                          (The „On the ladder” Gallery  
Permanent exhibitions: Kujawian and       of Humor and Satire)
Dobrzyń Region folk culture at the turn    ul. Wojska Polskiego 13                SPORTS AND RECREATION
of the 19th and 20th centuries            Phone (+48 54) 231 47 61
                                                 PTTK Oddział Kujawski
Muzeum Stanisława Noakowskiego                                                    (The Kujawian Branch
w Nieszawie                               Galeria „Zapiecek”                      of the Polish Tourism Society)
(The Stanisław Nowakowski Museum          ul. Zapiecek 3/5                        ul. Słowackiego 1a
in Nieszawa)                              Phone kom. 0601 610 217                 Phone (+48 54) 232 33 54
ul. Mickiewicza 6                         e-mail:                     e-mail:
Phone (+48 54) 283 81 68                  Ekspozycja stała: Stare widoki                   miasta Włocławka.
Permanent exhibitions:                    CULTURAL And EdUCATIOnAL                (The Polish Youth
Stanisław Noakowski                       InSTITUTIOnS                            Hostel Society)
– museum patron. Ludwig Bouchard                                                  ul. Mechaników 1
– Stanisław Noakowski’s first drawing     Teatr Impresaryjny                      Phone (+48 54) 236 24 10
teacher.                                  (The Impressionist Theatre)             e-mail:
                                           ul. Wojska Polskiego 13      
Kujawsko Dobrzyński                       Phone (+48 54) 231 47 60
Park Etnograficzny                        e-mail:        Ośrodek Sportu i Rekreacji
(The Kujawian and Dobrzyń                        (The Sports
Ethnographic Park)                                                                and Recreation Center)
Kłóbka k. Lubienia Kujawskiego            Włocławskie Towarzystwo Naukowe         al. Chopina 8
Phone (+48 54) 284 27 92                  (The Włocławek Scientific Society)      Phone (+48 54) 413 07 00
e-mail:                                   pl. Wolności 20                         e-mail:               Phone (+48 54) 232 28 08                         e-mail:;
                                                                                  Włocławskie Towarzystwo Koszykówki
Muzeum Biskupa Michała Kozala             Włocławski Ośrodek Edukacji
                                                                                  (Włocławek Basketball Society)
(The Bishop Michał Kozal Museum)          i Promocji Kultury
                                                                                  ul. Chopina 8
ul. Gdańska 8                             (The Włocławek Center for Education
                                                                                  Phone (+48 54) 412 16 20
tel. (+48 54) 231 30 40                   and Promotion of Culture)
                                          ul. Wojska Polskiego 13
Izba Pamięci Prymasa                      Phone (+48 54) 232 65 34
Stefana Wyszyńskiego                      e-mail:
The Primate Stefan Wyszyński    
Exhibition Room
ul. Gdańska 8,                            Włocławskie Centrum Kultury
Phone (+48 54) 231 30 40                  (The Włocławek Cultural Center)
(Telephone reservations required)         ul. Toruńska 87
                                          Phone (+48 54) 232 10 30
Muzeum Diecezji Włocławskiej              e-mail:
(The Museum of the Diocese      
of Włocławek)
ul. Kopernika 3                           Włocławskie Centrum
Phone (+48 54) 231 10 46, 231 30 40,      Edukacji Ekologicznej
Cell phone. 0607 35 56 68                 (The Włocławek Center
Collections are composed of deposits      for Education in Ecology)
made by the parishes of the diocese       ul. Komunalna 4
or are gifts from bishops, priests or     Phone (+48 54) 232 76 82
laypersons. Gothic, Renaissance and       e-mail:,
Baroque art may be admired.     
Port Żeglarski Marina „Zarzeczewo”
(The Marina Sailboat Harbor)
ul. Uskok 5
Phone (+48 54) 237 01 95, 255 02 53
(Headquarters of the Anwil
Yacht Club)

Aeroklub Włocławski
Lotnisko Kruszyn k. Włocławka
Phone (+48 54) 235 54 44

Włocławski Klub Wodniaków PTTK
(The Włocławek Water Sports
Enthusiasts Club of the Polish
Tourism Society)
ul. Słowackiego 1a
Phone (+48 54) 232 33 54

Ośrodek Jeździectwa, Sportu
i Rekreacji
(The Riding, Sports
and Recreation Center)
87-811 Fabianki
Phone (+48 54) 237 14 45, 237 11 99

Stadnina koni Falborek Arabians
(Arabians Falborek Horse Stable)
87-800 Brześć Kujawski
Phone (+48 54) 232 08 40

ANRO korty tenisowe
(ANRO Tennis Courts)
ul. Celulozowa 4
Phone (+48 54) 413 73 72

Korty tenisowe
(Tennis Courts)
ul. Piwna 3
Cell phone: 0 698 868 128

Polski Związek Łowiecki
oddz. Włocławek
The Polish Hunting Union
Włocławek Branch
ul. Związków Zawodowych 18a
Phone (+48 54) 234 47 91

Polski Związek Wędkarski
(The Polish Angling Union)
Okręg płocko-włocławski
(Płock Włocławek District)
ul. Sienkiewicza 15
Phone (+48 54) 234 47 91

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Folder 2006 english

  • 1. Włocławek and its Vicinity is a Region of Active Tourism
  • 3. Włocławek and its Vicinity is a Region of Active Tourism The Vistula River is an enchanting Polish River. The historic city of Krakow is proudly placed on it, the city of Warsaw is reflected in it and Włocławek snuggles up to it. HISTORIC MARKS Over 1000 thousand years ago a settlement was established here where the Zgłowiączka River pours its waters into the Vistula. The initially small town quickly developed. It could present a numerous, armed squad and submit them under the orders of King Bolesław Chrobry in the early days of Polish statehood. Soon after, in the beginning of the seventh century, it opened its gates to the Kujawian bishop who’s residence is still currently in Włocławek. By the will of Bishop Maciej from Gołańczy a fortified castle was built and the town was chartered in 1339. Only relics of the gothic castle remain that are hidden in the walls of the classical mansion that is currently the bishop’s seat. Maciej from Gołańczy also initiated the construction of the cathedral, which is currently the most valuable historic site in the city.
  • 4. This edifice raised in the years between 1340 and 1411 was extended and improved many times. There are many works of art that can be found here that give testimony to the splendor of the past ages and to the people that bonded their fate with this city. The silver retabulum from the 18th century, the semi-renaissance chapel of the Blessed Mother Mary that is beautiful in form, the numerous epitaphs, the tomb of Bishop Piotr from Bnin Moszczyński, who was a friend of Kalimach, that was executed by Wit Stworz, or the late Gothic painting of the Ascension of the Blessed Mother Mary from 1475 are only small fragments of the long list of antiques that are in this church. The monument of Cardinal Stefan Wyszyńśki is situated next to the cathedral. Stefan Wyszyński spent many years in Włocławek and it was here that he was ordained as a priest. The small Saint Vitalis church is situated next to the large building of the Higher Seminar that was one of the first in Poland (1569). Placed inside the cozy church that is covered with a cruciform ribbed vault in the presbytery and a mesh like vault in the nave is one of the most valuable Polish works of art from the 15th century, the triptych from the scene of the coronation of the Blessed Virgin Mary from about 1460.
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  • 7. The Zgłowiączka River lazily flows in the valley close to the cathedral and is surrounded by a majestic park established in 1870. In past ages the Zgłowiączka River was an important waterway for grains from the Kujawian fields that were transported to the granaries in Włocławek and later sent further by the Vistula River to Gdansk and Western Europe. During the time of the city’s splendor in the 16th and 17th century there were over 20 large granaries, many breweries and from 1520 there was a customs chamber. To date only four granaries have been preserved that house museums and cultural societies. In the old center of the medieval city the late gothic church of the St. John the Baptist from 1538 is worth note. It has a beautiful varied ribbed vault. Not far from here is the Kujawian and Dobrzyńskie Region Museum that has almost a one hundred year history. It houses and displays collections in four buildings. These systematized collections show the folk art of the Kujawian and Dobrzyński District, faience with special attention to products from Włocławek, handicrafts, weights and measures, numismatics, medallic art, etc. Recognition of the most interesting sites is facilitated by the tourist trail titled; “The City’s Walking Trail of Historic Sites” Włocławek has always been connected with the Vistula River and has benefited from its natural resources, floated goods on it and used it for various economic purposes. This was also the case in 1969 when the dam was built on the river. An improvement of water ratios in this part of the Kujawian region and cheap electrical energy are benefits from this investment. There were also tragic moments such as when the Vistula River was the line of defense during the Bolshevik invasion on the revived Polish State in 1920. Currently the Vistula River is waiting to be discovered again. This is due to the fact that the River is full of romanticism and has a great potential for use in tourism, water sports as well as for industrial use. Włocławek also invites you and is awaiting you.
  • 8. RecReation Nature hikes, qualified tourism and recreation are propositions for those that desire active recreation. Włocławek and its Vicinity have great conditions for persons with those types of interests. Walking tourism is most easily accessible in all areas. The vicinity of Włocławek is especially attractive since there are vast forests that surround the city, were you can find interesting walking and hiking trails. These trails lead through the complex of the Gostyń-Włocławek Scenic Park that is adjacent to the City of Włocławek. These trails lead through curious postglacial landscapes that have added variety by the large number of lakes and dunes. Not to far from the city the areas around the Łuba, Czarne, Rybnica, Wikaryskie, Wójtowskie and Rakutowskie lakes encourage you to explore them. Appropriate signs on the edge of the Scenic Park that is to the East of Włocławek inform you that you may hike on the green trail (about 38 km), the yellow trail (about 39 km) or the black trail (about 31 km). The black trail that is to the West of the city and leads to Wieniec Zdrój (Spa) is also inviting. It leads through a beautiful forest complex that is situated on variably sculptured land. Persons coming to Włocławek are sure to see the picturesque right bank of the Vistula River. It is here that we invite you for hikes in hilly terrain. One of the trails leads us to Saint Gotard’s Hill (132 m above sea level) were you can get a widespread view of Włocławek. The panorama starts in the West with a view of the Anwil complex and ends in the East on the dam with road bridge on the Vistula that is connected to the City’s communication network. Besides tourist trails and walking trails we propose Educational and Nature trails in the area of Łuba lake, the forest complex in Warząchewka, as well as within the area of the Gostyń-Włocławek Scenic Park (Kukawy, Smólnik). Hikers on the trails around Włocławek are encouraged to obtain points for the Hiking Tourism Badge and the “I Know Włocławek and it’s Vicinity” Tourism Badge. Bicycle trails that have been extended in the past following year lead to the forests and lakes that surround Włocławek and run in the direction of Kowal, Kruszyn, Wieniec, Nieszawa, Bobrowniki and Dobrzyń nad Wisłą. They allow you to visit tourist attractions such as monuments, natural monuments, work plants but most of all they allow you to enjoy the enchanting landscapes. Bicycle tourists will be able to collect points for the Bicycle Tourism Badge. Water sports enthusiasts are sure to be attracted by the Vistula River with her tributaries in the Włocławek Region, as well as the surrounding lakes. For person interested in this form of recreation the “Marina” sailboat harbor in Zarzeczewo and the Włocławek Water Sports Enthusiast Club, with its headquarters on ul. Piwna, at the mouth of the Zgłowiączka River are at your disposal. Water tourism enthusiasts may participate in the All Polish Canoeing of the Zgłowiączka River (held in May) and the All Polish Canoeing of the Vistula River (held in September). Canoeing of the Skrwa through the charming corners of the Brudzeński Scenic Park is also organized. The regatta for the Blue Ribbon of the Włocławek Reservoir is met with special interest. This regatta draws participants from all over Poland at the end of September and the beginning of October.
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  • 11. Water sports enthusiasts of a smaller caliber may take advantage of the pool at the Włocławek Center for Sports and Recreation (OSiR), as well as the swimming areas on the Wikaryjskie Lake that has an open-air pool and a wading pool that is open in the summer months. In season, special “W” buses run to the Wikaryjskie Lake from the center of town. Supporters of saddle recreation have the opportunity to spend time pleasantly in the “Michelin” boarding house that is in the southern part of the city of in the Dębicy stable. A little bit further away, about 12-15 km from Włocławek you can find the Riding, Sports and Recreation Center in Fabianki or the Arabians Falborek Horse Stable in Falborek near Brześć Kujawski. These centers are situated near forest complexes especially the centers in Michelin and Dębicy, which allows for relaxation in the bosom of nature. Riding lessons, saddle trips and motion rehabilitation are offered in the summer and sleigh rides with bonfires are offered in the winter. The proximity of the Włocławek Aeroclub airport in Kruszyn allows for the development of interest in air tourism. In July The Polish Model Championships are held and in August the Polish Hot Air Balloon Championships are held. Many flight novices train in the Włocławek Aeroclub and they continue their flying passion throughout the country. Not everyone likes to get off the ground. Everywhere tennis courts and bowling alleys are becoming more and more popular, just like in Włocławek. The newest attraction, especially for the youngest, has been the artificial ice rink with a full service base, which was added at the end of 2005. It is located next to the buildings of the Center for Sports and Recreation (OSiR), between the sports hall and the pool and about 200 people can use it at one time.
  • 12. cultuRal and education life in W£oc£aWek Włocławek is becoming a more recognized educational and cultural center in region. Through the ages the Church has played a culture constructive role here, since Włocławek was the city of the Bishop up to the partition of Poland and the capital of one of the most important diocese in the Republic. The bishops were not merited only as priests but also as politicians, patrons of the arts and instigators of education. The previously mentioned seminar established in 1569 by Stanisław Karnkowski became an important educational center at the beginning of the 20th century. Its fame reached far beyond the boundaries of the region and its professors created the foundation for the Catholic University in Lublin. The seminar’s library developed and currently still functions and holds many unique collections. It was not by chance that Stefan Wyszyński who came from the Podlasie Region, who was later to become the Primate of the Millennium, chose this seminar. It was not only people from the church that became part of the history of Włocławek. Among others Stanisaw Noakowski, an architect, graphic artist and painter spent some of his early years here in Włocławek. Others include; Maria Kuncewiczow, a writer and the author of the known novel titled “Cudzoziemka” (The Foreigner), Maria Danelewicz-Zielińska a writer and animator of emigrant polish culture and Jerzy Pierkiewicz, a writer of European stature, a university professor in London. The known actor Zdzisław Mrożewski was born here. Also born in Włocławek was the outstanding Jewish scholar Tadeusz Riechstien who received the Nobel Prize in the area of Physiology and Medicine. Not only people but also institutions in Włocławek deserve interest and remembrance, for instance the Rowing Society established in 1886 (one of its honorary members is Henryk Sienkiewicz) or the Polish Tourism Society, whose Kujawian Branch was established as one of the first in the former Russian partition in 1908. These societies besides the activities described in their charters and in their names (Rowing, Tourism) served a major role in the propagation of culture and patriotism often in a range that exceeded the regional dimension. We cannot forget the role of the distinguished High Schools in Włocławek: The Kujawian Region Lyceum, The Maria Konopnicka Lyceum or the recently reactivated Father Jan Długosz Team of Catholic Schools. Hundreds of students have left these schools and many of them have been successful in many areas, some are even famous. The teachers that worked in these schools such, as Włodzimierz Gniazdowski, were often the chief organizers of culture in the city and region.
  • 13. Currently the culture of Włocławek is shaped mainly by: The Kujawian and Dobrzyń Region Museum, The Włocławek Center for Education and Cultural Promotion, The Włocławek Cultural Center, The City Public Library, The Skene Impressionist, Children’s and Youth Theatre and The Contemporary Art, Humor and Satire Gallery. The Dobrzyń- Kujawian Cultural Society performs an important role as instigator and organizer. Many artists work in the city. Some of them such as Stanisław Zagajewski, Zbigniew Stec, and Antoni Bigasa have gained great recognition and popularity. The clay sculptures of Stanisław Zagajewski can be viewed not only in a permanent exhibition in the Kujawian and Dobryń Region Museum but also in other numerous exhibitions including foreign exhibitions. At this point is should be noted that Włocławek was famed for its ceramic goods. The beautiful hand painted Włocławek faience has achieved special recognition. Production has been reinstated but to a smaller scale than in the past. As far a handicrafts go the colorfully modest but interesting Kujawian embroidery are also highly evaluated. Plant ornaments with various styles dominate this embroidery. The works of the embroiderers, that have been presented in many exhibitions and fairs, interest not only regional culture enthusiasts. The Włocławek Scientific Society established in 1979 as one of the youngest but most efficiently functioning societies in the country of this type performs an important cultural role. It has a library that holds collections that are valuable for investigators of the region, a publishing house and organizes scientific conferences including those of an All- Polish character. In 1995 it established the first secular college, the Higher School of Humanity and Economics that currently educates a few thousand students. In the following years the college expanded and the State Higher Vocational School, The Branch of the Higher School of Computer Technology in Łódź, as well as the Higher School of Technology and Enterprise were founded. Włocławek is gradually becoming a university city.
  • 14. Important phone numbers W³oc³awek Tourist Information ul. Warszawska 11/13, 87-800 Włocławek, Phone/ fax (+48 54) 411 27 57 e-mail:, Open Monday to Friday from 8.00 AM to 4.00 PM In season: from Monday to Friday 8.00 AM to 5.00 PM Saturday from 10.00 AM to 2.00 PM ACCOMMOdATIOnS Szkolne Schronisko Młodzieżowe (The School Youth Hostel) Hotel Młyn (Mill) ul. Mechaników 1 ul. Okrzei 77 87-800 Włocławek 87-800 Włocławek Phone (+48 54) 236 24 10 Phone (+48 54) 233 01 00 e-mail: Published by: e-mail: The Office of City Promotion F.H. „Grandmet” and European Integration, ul. Żwirowa 21 Włocławek City Office Hotel Aleksander 87-800 Włocławek ul. Szpitalna 24 Phone (+48 54) 236 64 36, 236 30 07 Text: 87-800 Włocławek Phone (+48 54) 412 66 66 Agro-tourism Propositions Editorial team: e-mail: Ośrodek Doradztwa Rolniczego Andrzej Szczepañski (The Agricultural Counseling Center) Helena Cieœlak ul. Nizinna 9 Agnieszka Sobañska Hotel Ratuszowy (Town Hall) Phone (+48 54) 237 13 01, 237 18 55 Henryk Wasilewski ul. Bojańczyka 7 e-mail: 87-800 Włocławek Photos: Phone (+48 54) 232 62 76 Stanis³aw Stanowski e-mail: MUSEUMS And GALLERIES Piotr Rybiñski Muzeum Ziemi Kujawskiej Jacek Krzycki i Dobrzyńskiej Maciej Kowalczyk Hotel Zajazd Polski (Polish Inn) pl. Wolności 5 (The Kujawian and Dobrzyń 87-800 Włocławek Region Museum) Phone (+48 54) 237 77 00 ul. Słowackiego 1a Typesetting and Printing: e-mail: Phone (+48 54) 232 36 25, 232 32 43 e-mail: Hotel Kujawy Permanent exhibition: ul. Kościuszki 20 Historic Włocławek faience. 87-800 Włocławek Drukarnia EXPOL Muzeum Historii Włocławka Phone (+48 54) 237 75 00 e-mail: (The Historic Museum of Włocławek) ul. Szpichlerna 19 Phone (+48 54) 232 67 53, 232 67 43 Pensjonat i Klub Jeździecki „michelin” e-mail: (The „Michelin” Boarding House and Riding Club) Permanent exhibitions: Pharmacies at the ul. Lipowa 12a-14 turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. A Phone (+48 54) 235 46 51 photography workshop at the turn of the e-mail: 19th and 20th centuries. Collection of tin products from the 18th to 20th centuries. The art of Feliks Pęczarski. Archeological Pensjonat Delfin exhibits. Portrait paintings. Economic life al. Chopina 10/12 in Włocławek in the period from the 16th 87-800 Włocławek century to the middle of the 17th century. Phone (+48 54) 232 55 91, 232 28 75 Coins from the 12th to the 17th century. National freedom battles of the Poles from Schronisko Młodzieżowe „Druk-Tur” the end of the 18th century to 1945. (Youth Hostel) ul. Łęgska 10 Zbiory Sztuki (Art Collections) 87-800 Włocławek ul. Zamcza 10/12 Phone (+48 54) 232 28 75 Phone (+48 54) 232 50 61, 232 26 74 e-mail: e-mail:
  • 15. Permanent exhibitions: The ceramic Dobrzyńsko - Kujawskie sculptures of Stanisław Zagajewski. The Towarzystwo Kulturalne life and works of Wacław Bębnowski (The Dobrzyń Kujawian (Biographic character). Cultural Society) ul. Piwna 4 Muzeum Etnograficzne Phone (+48 54) 236 47 50 im. Marszałka Józefa Piłsudskiego, (The Marszałek Józef Piłsudski Galeria Sztuki Współczesnej Ethnographical Museum) (The Modern Art Gallery) ul. Bulwary 6 ul. Miedziana 2/4 Miejska Biblioteka Publiczna Phone (+48 54) 232 30 01/02, Phone (+48 54) 411 21 20 (The City Public Library) 232 26 24 e-mail: ul. Warszawska 11/13 e-mail: Phone (+48 54) 231 55 50 e-mail: Galeria Humoru i Satyry „Na drabinie” (The „On the ladder” Gallery Permanent exhibitions: Kujawian and of Humor and Satire) Dobrzyń Region folk culture at the turn ul. Wojska Polskiego 13 SPORTS AND RECREATION of the 19th and 20th centuries Phone (+48 54) 231 47 61 PTTK Oddział Kujawski Muzeum Stanisława Noakowskiego (The Kujawian Branch w Nieszawie Galeria „Zapiecek” of the Polish Tourism Society) (The Stanisław Nowakowski Museum ul. Zapiecek 3/5 ul. Słowackiego 1a in Nieszawa) Phone kom. 0601 610 217 Phone (+48 54) 232 33 54 ul. Mickiewicza 6 e-mail: e-mail: Phone (+48 54) 283 81 68 Ekspozycja stała: Stare widoki miasta Włocławka. PTSM Permanent exhibitions: CULTURAL And EdUCATIOnAL (The Polish Youth Stanisław Noakowski InSTITUTIOnS Hostel Society) – museum patron. Ludwig Bouchard ul. Mechaników 1 – Stanisław Noakowski’s first drawing Teatr Impresaryjny Phone (+48 54) 236 24 10 teacher. (The Impressionist Theatre) e-mail: ul. Wojska Polskiego 13 Kujawsko Dobrzyński Phone (+48 54) 231 47 60 Park Etnograficzny e-mail: Ośrodek Sportu i Rekreacji (The Kujawian and Dobrzyń (The Sports Ethnographic Park) and Recreation Center) Kłóbka k. Lubienia Kujawskiego Włocławskie Towarzystwo Naukowe al. Chopina 8 Phone (+48 54) 284 27 92 (The Włocławek Scientific Society) Phone (+48 54) 413 07 00 e-mail: pl. Wolności 20 e-mail: Phone (+48 54) 232 28 08 e-mail:; Włocławskie Towarzystwo Koszykówki Muzeum Biskupa Michała Kozala Włocławski Ośrodek Edukacji (Włocławek Basketball Society) (The Bishop Michał Kozal Museum) i Promocji Kultury ul. Chopina 8 ul. Gdańska 8 (The Włocławek Center for Education Phone (+48 54) 412 16 20 tel. (+48 54) 231 30 40 and Promotion of Culture) e-mail: ul. Wojska Polskiego 13 Izba Pamięci Prymasa Phone (+48 54) 232 65 34 Stefana Wyszyńskiego e-mail: The Primate Stefan Wyszyński Exhibition Room ul. Gdańska 8, Włocławskie Centrum Kultury Phone (+48 54) 231 30 40 (The Włocławek Cultural Center) (Telephone reservations required) ul. Toruńska 87 Phone (+48 54) 232 10 30 Muzeum Diecezji Włocławskiej e-mail: (The Museum of the Diocese of Włocławek) ul. Kopernika 3 Włocławskie Centrum Phone (+48 54) 231 10 46, 231 30 40, Edukacji Ekologicznej Cell phone. 0607 35 56 68 (The Włocławek Center Collections are composed of deposits for Education in Ecology) made by the parishes of the diocese ul. Komunalna 4 or are gifts from bishops, priests or Phone (+48 54) 232 76 82 laypersons. Gothic, Renaissance and e-mail:, Baroque art may be admired.
  • 16. Port Żeglarski Marina „Zarzeczewo” (The Marina Sailboat Harbor) ul. Uskok 5 Phone (+48 54) 237 01 95, 255 02 53 e-mail: (Headquarters of the Anwil Yacht Club) Aeroklub Włocławski Lotnisko Kruszyn k. Włocławka Phone (+48 54) 235 54 44 e-mail: Włocławski Klub Wodniaków PTTK (The Włocławek Water Sports Enthusiasts Club of the Polish Tourism Society) ul. Słowackiego 1a Phone (+48 54) 232 33 54 Ośrodek Jeździectwa, Sportu i Rekreacji (The Riding, Sports and Recreation Center) 87-811 Fabianki Phone (+48 54) 237 14 45, 237 11 99 Stadnina koni Falborek Arabians (Arabians Falborek Horse Stable) 87-800 Brześć Kujawski Phone (+48 54) 232 08 40 e-mail: ANRO korty tenisowe (ANRO Tennis Courts) ul. Celulozowa 4 Phone (+48 54) 413 73 72 e-mail: Korty tenisowe (Tennis Courts) ul. Piwna 3 Cell phone: 0 698 868 128 Polski Związek Łowiecki oddz. Włocławek The Polish Hunting Union Włocławek Branch ul. Związków Zawodowych 18a Phone (+48 54) 234 47 91 Polski Związek Wędkarski (The Polish Angling Union) Okręg płocko-włocławski (Płock Włocławek District) ul. Sienkiewicza 15 Phone (+48 54) 234 47 91