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Finance 2.0
How XBRL Disrupts the Value Chain of Financial
Reporting and Primes it for More to Come

                                                 Rated PG
The Challenge
To capture the benefits of moving finance from
manufacturing mode to an integrated model

What is XBRL?
Efficient format & delivery
Semantic Finance - the way forward
What now?
to be free
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Q3 2008


Q3 2008

                                     EUR Mio

  Net (un)realised gains from
financial instruments at fair value
Q3 2008

                                     EUR Mio

  Net (un)realised gains from
financial instruments at fair value
Q3 2008

                                     EUR Mio

  Net (un)realised gains from
financial instruments at fair value

Q3 2008
                                         EUR Mio

  Net (un)realised gains from
financial instruments at fair value

It’s all about tagging!
                                            Q3 2008
                                            EUR Mio

     Net (un)realised gains from
   financial instruments at fair value

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How about this?
An information   pyramid
An information   pyramid

An information   pyramid


An information   pyramid


XBRL in short

eXtensible Business Reporting Language
web standard derived of XML
disaggregates unwieldy information packages into
constituent semantic elements
separates technical and business specifications
open, royalty-free property of XBRL International
More XX‘s

  container of business logic
  comparable to chart of accounts, but more
  available for IFRS, US GAAP, many more
Global reach

Central organisation XBRL International
Many local jurisdictions
  local awareness
  locally relevant taxonomies
quick adoption in many countries: USA, China, India,
Japan, NL, Germany, France
XBRL in Switzerland
founded in 2008
„Provisional Jurisdiction“ of XBRL International
members from academia, accountancy, financial
analysis, preparers etc
next event 22 October with kick-off for Swiss GAAP
and OR taxonomies
Key principles of an XBRL
User awareness lacking

high in EMEA at 66%!                  32%
CFA Institute works on
raising awareness

                                Up-to-date awareness
                                Not aware
First: Disclosure neutrality

 Core taxonomy should be predefined by current
 financial reporting standards, including GAAP and
 other regulatory disclosure and reporting requirements.
Second: Limited extensions

Taxonomy extensibility should maintain the level of
data comparability as defined by GAAP and other
regulatory requirements.
Third: Going global

 Ultimately, companies should deliver required financial
 reports to regulators using the established XBRL
Fourth: Open Source

The general public should have equal access to the
XBRL tagged information
Fifth: Co-operation

 Regulators should develop the necessary infrastructure
 and protocol to ensure the timely updating of the
 established XBRL framework as outlined in the
 preceding four key principles
Semantic Finance?
A Trojan rabbit about to invade finance
What is the Semantic Web?
The Semantic Web is ...
 a vision for a future web of meaning
 not separate, but an extension of the current web
 a way for machines to better process & understand
 a web on which machine reasoning can become
 ubiquitous and powerful
 describes a set of standards, ML & tools
Manual labour going strong


Manual extraction high
among specialist

                                           Entirely manual
                                           Mostly manual
                                           Entirely 3rd party
                                           Mostly 3rd party
Disruptive innovation?

 worse performance near-term
 different value proposition
 cheaper, simpler, smaller, and more convenient
 launched in new or insignificant markets
 leading customers do not want it at first
Sustaining innovation?

 better performance of established products
 measured along historically established
 mainstream dimensions
 may be radical or discontinuous, but still
 sustains established firms
A matter of perspective
A matter of perspective
A matter of perspective
A matter of perspective
Price discovery, ca. 1920

 Valuation Expecta-               Valuation Expecta-
 concepts tions                   concepts tions
                      Bid   Ask
   Fundamental                      Fundamental
    Information                      Information
Price discovery, ca. 2000

  Valuation Expecta-           Valuation Expecta-
                     Bid   Ask
  concepts tions               concepts tions

Price discovery, ca. 2015

    Expectations   Bid   Ask   Expectations

         Valuation       Fundamental
         concepts         information
Cognitive Surplus
           Mio hours spent
Cognitive Surplus
                                        Mio hours spent


Mio hours




                        creating Wikipedia                watching TV global p.a.
Cognitive Surplus
                                        Mio hours spent


Mio hours




                        creating Wikipedia                watching TV global p.a.
Cognitive Surplus
                                        Mio hours spent


Mio hours




                        creating Wikipedia                watching TV global p.a.
Cognitive Surplus
                                        Mio hours spent


Mio hours




                        creating Wikipedia                watching TV global p.a.
What now?
utilisation through 3rd
party (BB, Reuters)
tools on http://
funds example at sec
xbrl for dummies
work with XBRL CH

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Finance 2.0

  • 1. Finance 2.0 How XBRL Disrupts the Value Chain of Financial Reporting and Primes it for More to Come Rated PG
  • 2. The Challenge To capture the benefits of moving finance from manufacturing mode to an integrated model
  • 3. Overview What is XBRL? Efficient format & delivery Semantic Finance - the way forward What now?
  • 5.
  • 6.
  • 7.
  • 8.
  • 9. Wo rd
  • 10. Wo rd
  • 11. <lev wth> erae gro nu ge> <Profitability> ve <...> <re
  • 12. <...> th> <lev row erage> reven ue g < <Profitability>
  • 13.
  • 14. -1424
  • 17. Q3 2008 EUR Mio Net (un)realised gains from -1424 financial instruments at fair value
  • 18. Q3 2008 EUR Mio Net (un)realised gains from -1424 financial instruments at fair value
  • 19. Q3 2008 EUR Mio Net (un)realised gains from -1424 financial instruments at fair value Data
  • 20. Q3 2008 Meta- EUR Mio Net (un)realised gains from -1424 financial instruments at fair value Data
  • 21. It’s all about tagging! Q3 2008 Meta- EUR Mio Net (un)realised gains from -1424 financial instruments at fair value Data Information
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  • 25. An information pyramid
  • 26. An information pyramid Data
  • 27. An information pyramid Information Data
  • 28. An information pyramid Knowledge Information Data
  • 29. XBRL in short eXtensible Business Reporting Language web standard derived of XML disaggregates unwieldy information packages into constituent semantic elements separates technical and business specifications open, royalty-free property of XBRL International
  • 30. More XX‘s Taxonomies container of business logic comparable to chart of accounts, but more available for IFRS, US GAAP, many more Extensions
  • 31. Global reach Central organisation XBRL International Many local jurisdictions local awareness locally relevant taxonomies quick adoption in many countries: USA, China, India, Japan, NL, Germany, France
  • 32. XBRL in Switzerland founded in 2008 „Provisional Jurisdiction“ of XBRL International members from academia, accountancy, financial analysis, preparers etc next event 22 October with kick-off for Swiss GAAP and OR taxonomies
  • 33. Key principles of an XBRL framework
  • 34. User awareness lacking 9% high in EMEA at 66%! 32% 59% CFA Institute works on raising awareness Up-to-date awareness Aware Not aware
  • 35. First: Disclosure neutrality Core taxonomy should be predefined by current financial reporting standards, including GAAP and other regulatory disclosure and reporting requirements.
  • 36. Second: Limited extensions Taxonomy extensibility should maintain the level of data comparability as defined by GAAP and other regulatory requirements.
  • 37. Third: Going global Ultimately, companies should deliver required financial reports to regulators using the established XBRL framework
  • 38. Fourth: Open Source The general public should have equal access to the XBRL tagged information
  • 39. Fifth: Co-operation Regulators should develop the necessary infrastructure and protocol to ensure the timely updating of the established XBRL framework as outlined in the preceding four key principles
  • 40. Semantic Finance? A Trojan rabbit about to invade finance
  • 41. What is the Semantic Web? The Semantic Web is ... a vision for a future web of meaning not separate, but an extension of the current web a way for machines to better process & understand data a web on which machine reasoning can become ubiquitous and powerful describes a set of standards, ML & tools
  • 42. Manual labour going strong 18% 37% Manual extraction high among specialist 34% analysts 11% Entirely manual Mostly manual Entirely 3rd party Mostly 3rd party
  • 43. Disruptive innovation? worse performance near-term different value proposition cheaper, simpler, smaller, and more convenient launched in new or insignificant markets leading customers do not want it at first
  • 44. Sustaining innovation? better performance of established products measured along historically established mainstream dimensions may be radical or discontinuous, but still sustains established firms
  • 45. A matter of perspective
  • 46. A matter of perspective
  • 47. A matter of perspective
  • 48. A matter of perspective
  • 49. Price discovery, ca. 1920 Valuation Expecta- Valuation Expecta- concepts tions concepts tions Bid Ask Fundamental Fundamental Information Information
  • 50. Price discovery, ca. 2000 Valuation Expecta- Valuation Expecta- Bid Ask concepts tions concepts tions Fundamental information
  • 51. Price discovery, ca. 2015 Expectations Bid Ask Expectations Valuation Fundamental concepts information
  • 52.
  • 53. Cognitive Surplus Mio hours spent
  • 54. Cognitive Surplus 1,000,000 Mio hours spent 100,000 10,000 Mio hours 1,000 100 10 1 creating Wikipedia watching TV global p.a.
  • 55. Cognitive Surplus 1,000,000 Mio hours spent 100,000 10,000 Mio hours 1,000 100 10 1 creating Wikipedia watching TV global p.a.
  • 56. Cognitive Surplus 1,000,000 Mio hours spent 100,000 10,000 Mio hours 1,000 100 10 1 creating Wikipedia watching TV global p.a.
  • 57. Cognitive Surplus 1,000,000 Mio hours spent 100,000 10,000 Mio hours 1,000 100 10 1 creating Wikipedia watching TV global p.a.
  • 58. What now? utilisation through 3rd party (BB, Reuters) tools on http:// funds example at sec xbrl for dummies work with XBRL CH