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Infinite Energy System
Finally Revealed : 100 Y.O. Device Makes Solar Panels Obsolete
My name is Kevin Johnson,
And in this short and controversialvideo... I will reveal the disturbing truth about one of
the world’s most brilliant inventors of all history...
...and the shocking evidence that over a century ago, this man from Philadelphia made the
most important discovery of all time… a device so POWERFUL that was meant to
change the energy world forever...
...and how he was forced to quit on all the projects that would have meant your energy
independence today... losing millions of dollars, all his work...and how he was practically
deleted from most history books and forgotten by the very world he dedicated all his life to
You’re also going to discover the sweet revenge of this enigmatic inventor on the greedy
energy fat cats… a few days before he passed away, by exposing his deepest most sought
after secret ONLY to one strange man.
I will reveal for the first time the video demonstration of how his “suppressed” device
can help you slash your electric bill almost overnight...
I don't know how much longer I'll have this FREE presentation online...
So, if you stick around until the end of this short presentation…
I will reveal how you, like the other 32,211 people, with the aid of a very simple device...
Can Save Up To 70% Or More On Your Power Bill Every Month...
...and can pay as less as $20 instead of $100...or $50...instead of $250 on your monthly
electricity bills...for the rest of your life.
Before revealing you what is all about... allow me a few moments to tell you the sad story of
this incredible inventor, how he got stabbed in the back 3 times by greedy corporatists, and
what’s so special about him... that made him an even greater genius than Nikola Tesla.
The name of the brilliant inventor is John Worrell Keely. He was one of the world’s FIRST
and foremost energy pioneers…and was probably the biggest inventor of all times...
He sacrificed his private life to provide the entire world with freedom…
And just like Nikola Tesla and other great inventors he was forcefully silenced for his superior
intellect… betrayed by the ones he trusted the most…
And worst of all he died unhappy, lonely and poor…
Or So The Story Goes…
Honestly, what I'm about to reveal to you today will totally SHOCK you... and in a few
minutes from now you’ll be FURIOUS that you ever gave a single thin-dime to those
corporate fat-cats.
John Worrell Keely was born in the wake of the Industrial Revolution in Philadelphia on
September 3, 1837.
From early childhood the boy proved to be a genius. Since he was ten years of age, Keely
noticed early on that he had a deeper level understanding of how things work than most
Keely makes his genius remarked shortly when he started working in various fields of
He understood how to manipulate objects via their vibratory rates and saw the potential for a
NEW form of energy.
Keely developed an entire field of science, and was operating machines BASED
on quantum mechanics 50 years before there was any quantum anything. This was done in
that time period when renowned scientists dogmatically screamed the atom was indivisible…
He followed this unique sense towards discoveries that hold the potential to completely
transform the world as we know it.
According to Keely…
“…we actually could be living in a cleaner world where energy is abundant, essentially
free, and sourced directly out of the inherent power of the space surrounding us.”
His eccentric vision led him to experiment for years, building a staggering 2,000 machines
and devices that ran on his discovery.
Many people witnessed his demonstrations, and his work was well known to Nikola Tesla,
Jules Verne and Thomas Edison.
The most prominent of his inventions was the “Keely Motor”.
His device managed to draw harmonic magnetic energies from the planet itself… and turn it
into clean, green electricity that anyone could use…
Rumors say he yelled…
“This Will Change The Energy World Forever”
His GRAND plan: to develop a small, simple device that would cost under $500, that
people could use to get clean, cheap electricity forever...
And give it to the people… ONLY at the right time!
And that’s exactly what he did…
For the next period he worked day and night to fulfill his dream... to make this genius
invention applicable for all people.
It was not long before Keely constructed his first version of the generator.
He needed funding so he demonstrated the amazing device to audiences in 1874 in
Philadelphia at 1422 North Twentieth Street.
Keely told the crowd that his invention would make other forms of power obsolete.
His incredible invention was about to cut electricity bills instantly, by 70%... everywhere in the
Keely said: “Gentlemen, finance me and help me improve this and the entire planet will
afford energy”.
The Keely Motor Company was formed to raise money that would help Keely perfect his
generator designs.
But it was not long until…
THE FIRST BETRAYAL knocked at his door…
The businessmen all but destroyed Keely in their greedy efforts to get rich faster off his vision
and creativity.
They demanded him to finish the device faster yet he insisted that more experimentation was
needed to “perfect” the device.
The greed eventually took over the rapid stockholders so they began to withdraw support…
Fortunately, when nearing bankruptcy in 1881, Keely met Clara Jessup Bloomfield Moore,
the wealthy widow of a Philadelphia industrialist.
She offered him a deal… Keely was to engage himself whole-heartedly into completing and
perfecting his device and she will take care of the costs.
She promoted Keely in journals and books. She even suggested Keely to share his secret
with Edison and Tesla to speed up its development.
Keely refused but he did allow the scientists to take part in his demonstrations.
A New York Times article from March 27th, 1886 reported a demonstration that was a
phenomenal success.
A committee of scientists witnessed Keely’s machine generate an immense power from only
a fraction of the input.
But still after showing his invention to countless eminent scientists, he like almost all great
minds of our history was still misunderstood…
The easiest way for those who didn’t understand or envy Keely at that time was to vilify,
deny, invalidate and condemn him so they cruelly accused him of fraud…
Let's not forget such 'respected experts' as Isaac Azimov (and countless others) said Nikola
Tesla was a fraud.
Keely continued his research staging public demonstrations from time to time to please and
reassure the avid stockholders.
They put constant pressure on him trying to cash in on their investments faster than John
Keely could ever finish and fine tune his work…
Meanwhile the crooked press of the time also began to hammer Keely for fraud…
So to solve the matter once and for all… he decided that a scientific standoff will clear things
A few people were invited to see the demonstrations of his device and debate the results.
Among them there were two scientists, Mrs. Moore, her son Clarence and the press.
And that’s when the ULTIMATE betrayal took place…
Clarence Moore who was notoriously petulant, spoiled, jealous and envious of all the funds
and support his mother lavished upon Keely thus reducing his coveted inheritance, teamed
up with the Scientific American magazine and The New York Times, both owned and
controlled by the monopolists of that time to end Keely by any means necessary…
They put so much pressure on Mrs. Moore deceitfully trying to convince her that Keely’s lab
was rigged and that the public and all the investors had been duped.
Mrs. Moore, finally cracked and decided to back off and abandon Keely, ultimately cutting his
It was a devastating blow to John Keely - one that bankrupted him and put a halt to his
The truth is Kelly never recovered mentally from this event...and even if he continued his
projects and research... he decided to quit on the project that was about to give very cheap
energy to people.
Keely said his work was not for that time period so he made efforts to hide and safe-guard
his work for when the right time comes.
The truthis the right time never came and Keely died in November 18, 1898 from
pneumonia… and all his secrets vanished into the pages of the past.
Unfortunately, the history books took the Scientific American article as a fact even though all
the legitimate scientists and engineers who examined Keelys machines stated they were
genuine and without any gimmicks.
John Keely has been portrayed historically as a fraud and a conman…
The greedy fat cats made sure that his name was forever forgotten…believe it or not John
W. Keely was even placed in an unmarked grave!
They believed that the secret to cheap electricity finally died along with him...
But they didn’t know that he planned a really clever revenge on them just before he
died...and that he gave his secret away ONLY to one strange man.
An inventor from Boston, was the man who Keely trusted the most and as Keely said could
successfully carry on his work.
However after just 6 months from when he got most of Keely’s possessions he mysteriously
declared he is forced to abandon this project.
Most of his research notes and inventions disappeared never to be seen again.
For more than a century, it seemed like this was the end of green, cheap energy...Keely's
lifelong dream was buried... and nearly forgotten.
But through a stroke of "under the radar" team of renegade scientists got hold of his
original blueprints...and adapted them using some 21st century technology.
It turns out, Keely was right: the science is not only solid...
It's Even More Practical Than It Seemed 100 Years Ago…
And for the first time in human history…
Ordinary folks can finally power up their homes with renewable electricity... while investing
a fraction of what the inventor ever thought was possible.
This device is so small and versatile, there’s almost NO limit to how you can use it…
…Use it to fuel up ANY electrical devices - from small clocks, to refrigerators or big
screen plasma TVs
…Power up remote cabins so high up in the mountains, you’d be crazy to even think
about going solar…
…Take it with you when you go camping - and enjoy "mobile clean electricity” for
your caravan or in your tent...
And live a better life with more money in your pockets with a high-output generator you can
build in your spare time!
Yet the invention was not meant for DIY-ers.
Simple as it was, it was still pretty difficult to build for the average guy.
And even though you can find some blueprints on a few websites... you'll discover that
without the proper instructions, they're pretty useless…
I’m going to show you everything in a minute... but before this let me share with you what’s
so magic about this device.
First, you may ask…
What Is The Spring That Drives It All?
Keely’s device is like a generator on steroids. Keely believed that this comes from another
planet and that is the best product this planet could give.
Imagine a device that has so much power that can last for tens of years without any
intervention, giving anytime the exact boost that a small source of electricity needs... to
transform itself into more electricity.
This is not unique in nature... I don’t know if you’re familiar with how the aircraft carriers are
built and how they’re propelled, but for sure they’re not working on gas or diesel.
Their energy is provided by uranium and approximately 100 lbs of uranium is enough to
propel a huge carrier for 1 year without interruption... around the globe.
Pretty much same happens with Keely’s device, at a different proportion, it has the same
It can boost any electricity source into 5 times more... instantly, permanently, without any
intervention... for the rest of your life.
And in the next few moments, you’re going to see just how easy it is to build it yourself.
But here's the even better news: many of the materials contained in the original plans used
to cost a small fortune when the device was designed…
It took our team almost a year to get this design ready. But eventually, we found
an unbelievably easy way to do it that costs 4 times less than what we were hoping for. We
finally had the perfect layout…
In fact, the new blueprints are so simple... that you don't have to be an electrician... heck, a
12 year old could build a small generator during a lunch break!
Just Imagine Having ALL Your Electrical Appliances Powered By Alternative Energy
NO more paying through the nose on electricity... just to make the fat cats even fatter.
Turn on the AC as often as you want... without having to constantly hear that nagging voice
inside your head telling you that you need to turn it off because you’ll end up paying a
You might want to take notes because this will be short and intense…
Here's a short video of the device in action:
Keep in mind this is the smallest scale you can build the breakthrough device that
generates "energy-on-demand"…
With larger scale devices the results are impressive…
There’s a catch...
Everything that you’re about to learn today about building your own device is dumb simple...
but ONLY if you know how to do it properly.
We spent months writing a detailed manual, shooting follow along videos… not to
mention testing everything to make sure anyone could build it in simple steps… and after a
truckload of work…
The Infinite Energy System was born.
And when you’ll have the Infinite Energy System installed in your home you’ll instantly be
able to:
…get instant savings of 50%, 67% or more... without spending months in trying to
build solar panels, wind turbines... and paying thousands of dollars.
…you'll enjoy even greater savings once you discover the three essential tweaks you
can make in less than 20 minutes... that will maximize your power output by almost
200%.'ll be able to power up ANY kind of household appliances - from lamps and
toasters, to electricity hogs like refrigerators and AC units.’ll feel the peace of mind that comes from knowing that, should anything
happen... from a mere broken power line, to a nationwide blackout or worse... your
family won't be at the mercy of others!
What's more... because the Infinite Energy System is very light and portable, it makes for
one of the best "emergency" generators you could ever hope for…
Unlike solar panels, it won't get blown off the roof by strong winds and hurricanes.
And unlike conventional "portable" generators, there are no fumes... and you don't have to
spend hundreds of dollars on fuel…
In fact, there's very little to spend at all.
Except from a simple maintenance check every few months, the generator is basically "Set
And Forget"
And because the low-friction design makes it so silent, you won't even hear it running!
So you can install it in your basement or in your backyard… and not worry about weather
conditions for one second…
And even if the SHTF you’ll still be able to have enough electricity for cooking and
preserving your food... while others will beg for a leaf of rotten bread.
More and more people are discovering the joyfulness and peace that comes with Off-Grid
“My electric bills kept getting bigger and bigger... and for a while I was thinking about paying
$15,000 on a solar panel system. Glad I didn’t. Your device does the trick, and it cost me a
little under $108 to make it”
Justin Russel from Dallas, Texas
“I’ve never built anything in my entire life...yet this was so easy, I assembled it with my
grandkids. Now we get almost free electricity 24/7”
71 years old Dustin Grey from Atlanta
Now, you too can join in on this life saving program.
Here’s Why You Need To Try The Infinite Energy System Today.
Quite frankly, there’s never been a better time for a technology like this to emerge.
With electricity prices going through the roof, and “peak oil” just around the corner, it’s only a
matter of time before everyone turns to alternative energy sources…
But if you think about it, you’ll realize “alternative energy” never really was an alternative.
Just try to go solar without spending 5-figures on a solar panel system.
It’s impossible.
But why even consider such an option…
When all this time you can pay less than 20% of the energy you’re consuming…
Plus, why shouldn’t you... since it takes less than $208 to have your own power device
ready...and less than 2 hours...
The Infinite Energy System is incredibly easy to build - even if you don’t have a
screwdriver in your home…and with our step by step instructions, building your own
generator is as easy as assembling an IKEA chair!
It’s also completely weather proof – and it really makes no difference if it’s raining or if it’s
too hot outside.
And because you can use it during the night, you don’t need expensive batteries to store
your excess electricity!
There’s no maintenance costs… breakdowns, clouds, bird droppings… and all the stuff you
just don’t want to be worrying about…
…in fact, it’s probably just as “green” as solar or wind power systems!
Plus, The Infinite Energy System is extremely adaptable… and will completely change the
way you look at energy…
And best of all, it generates electricity day in and day out – so you can slash your bill by
30%... 60%...or even more!
Here’s How To Get The Infinite Energy System :
You need to move fast on this one, because we simply don’t know for how long this website
is going to stay up.
The first time people heard about such a device, things turned out really bad for the
inventor… and we fear it might happen once again.
But still, we want to get this into as many hands as possible.
This technology has already changed the face of the modern world… and it can do it one
more time.
People need to hear about this amazing device, so they can break free from Big Energy,
and stop paying for electricity that should be available to everyone.
So here’s the deal:
The Infinite Energy System is available in electronic format, for instant download.
You could be watching everything in just 5 minutes from now… and you can enjoy real
savings in electricity from your own generator in a few short days.
You’ll save hundreds of dollars each month… and thousands each year…
And there will be no reason to go solar, and fork out at least $20,000 on a solar panel system
that pays for itself in 8 long years.
And given all of that…
How much is it worth to you to literally get green, cheap electricity for good?
So I’m not going to ask you to invest $1000 for this secret even though I know it’s worth at
least that.
It won’t cost you $500, either…
The whole reason we're even charging any money for this is only to cover our Research and
Design expenses.
Yet the Infinite Energy System won't cost you $500, not even $250 though they would
be worth every penny at this price.
I’m going to set the price for the Infinite Energy System at just $69.
But because you're getting here early, if you act right now, I'll let you have the Infinite
Energy System, including the manual, the schematics, the parts list and all the step-by-step
video guides…
For a single payment of ONLY $49.00
But, if you want to take advantage of this rare discount, you must take action right now by
clicking the big "Add To Cart" Button directly below NOW.
I can’t guarantee that I can keep this price for longer, especially since we’re giving 12
months of unlimited email support… so don’t get mad if you come here in a few days and
see that the price has gone back up.
And really... the price doesn't even matter...
That’s because...
You’re covered by our “No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee” for 60 full days.
It’s simple:
Get the blueprints today… and put them to the test…
See how easy it is to makeyour own electricity with the Infinite Energy System.
Feel the peace of mind that comes with knowing you don’t owe anyone a red cent.
And see what’s like to take your electricity bill down to almost nothing… by the end of the
You have 60 days to decide whether this was a good investment or not!
And if you’re less than thrilled with how much you’re saving on electricity, just write us a short
email at the address you’ll find in the members area…
We’ll give you an immediate refund – even if it’s the 23rd hour of the 59th day
The Infinite Energy System will help you save hundreds of dollars each month…
You won't need expensive generators... and it's so portable, you can even take it with you on
your trips!
Instead of paying thousands of dollars on expensive generators... you can pocket the
savings and spend it on more important things!
You’re finally free and independent… no longer trapped inside a “legal monopoly” that’s
holding you at gunpoint…
The Infinite Energy System is about something bigger and more important than money.
It’s About Regaining Your Freedom And Making A Stand!
Right now, you`re at a crossroads that`s not just going to affect your bank account but your
happiness, your security and the safety of your family for years to come…
And the way I see it, three paths lie ahead of you.
The first thing is to do like most people: take no action, do nothing. And hope that nothing
bad will happen.
Let this video end, leave this site behind and keep feeling like you`re going to have a heart
attack every time you open up your electric bill.
Keep acting like a “power Nazi” around the house, constantly worrying about every last watt
of power…
Keep sweating your ways through the summers and freezing your way through the winters
all because you want to save a few bucks…
Keep contributing to the PROBLEM… gobbling up our natural resources and keeping us
addicted to foreign sources of power.
Of course, there's a second path - and that is, to take what you`ve learned today and try to
“Figure Out” your own system for creating real power for your home.
Honestly? You can try this!
But would you rather reinvent the wheel every time you leave the house, or would you rather
just climb into your car and get to where you`re going?
It took our team a lot of time, effort, energy and work to put together The Infinite Energy
System, to test it and to make sure that even “non-technical” folks like my brother could
follow it and use it…
And it’s WAY too easy to mess this up (and spend a lot of money) while you`re
Just buy the wrong kind of panel or forget a particular part and you`ll end up with a really
fancy lawn ornament that does not generate a single watt.
And if you really want to be self-sufficient... and not at the mercy of BIG Electric Companies,
then you should seriously consider path #3:
Let ME take all the risk for you!
Do what over 32,211 folks have already done, grab your copy of The Infinite Energy
See how fun it is to start generating power for you and your family in shockingly little time.
And with our generous 60 day guarantee, there`s really no way you can lose.
Just click the orange “Add To Cart” Button that you see below!
You`ll be brought right to our secure order page and will be able to grab your copy of The
Infinite Energy System all the bonuses at a whopping discount right away.
So you need to act fast if you don't want to miss out on the opportunity of a lifetime!
Join the 32,211 thrilled families who have realized that there is a better, simpler, and a
more cost-effective way to power their homes…
The bottom line is, you need to get in fast - while you can - to get your hands on this
incredible technology.
Still Here ?
There are some questions that I keep receiving from people, and I’ll try to answer a few
1. If The Infinite Energy System works so well, why aren’t more people
using it?
There are more than 32,211 happy families already using The Infinite Energy System but
every serious prepper that uses it won’t brag about it. For some it’s the fear factor - most
people think this is too complex to build. The fact is, The Infinite Energy System is easy
when you have the proper video instructions.
2. How hard will this be to make?
This is so simple and easy to build, you’ll kick yourself for not taking up The Infinite Energy
System earlier. The whole thing takes 2 hours, (record is 43 minutes) doesn’t require
strength, and electric school. That’s all, and really there’s no excuse for not giving it a try. In
fact, if you don’t want to lift a finger, you can still do this. Just pay someone $50 to watch the
short video and to put together The Infinite Energy System for you. It’s more fun than
LEGOs...and many of our clients are saying that their children love it.
3. How long will this take?
It will take you a little over 30 minutes to watch the video. And that’s it. Building The Infinite
Energy System takes under 2 hours if you’re slow. A lot less if someone’s helping you.
4. How much do the parts cost?
To build a small scale Infinite Energy System, you’ll need about $63 worth of parts that
you can get from any electronics store. If you want to scale it up, and get more electricity,
you’ll need more expensive parts, but you’ll find that you can easily power up an entire
home with under $210 in total costs.
So, go ahead and seize your opportunity now by clicking the orange "Add To Cart" button

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Finally Revealed : 100 Y.O. Device Makes Solar Panels Obsolete.

  • 1. 1/24 Infinite Energy System Finally Revealed : 100 Y.O. Device Makes Solar Panels Obsolete Hi, My name is Kevin Johnson, And in this short and controversialvideo... I will reveal the disturbing truth about one of the world’s most brilliant inventors of all history... ...and the shocking evidence that over a century ago, this man from Philadelphia made the most important discovery of all time… a device so POWERFUL that was meant to change the energy world forever... ...and how he was forced to quit on all the projects that would have meant your energy independence today... losing millions of dollars, all his work...and how he was practically deleted from most history books and forgotten by the very world he dedicated all his life to freeing. You’re also going to discover the sweet revenge of this enigmatic inventor on the greedy energy fat cats… a few days before he passed away, by exposing his deepest most sought after secret ONLY to one strange man. I will reveal for the first time the video demonstration of how his “suppressed” device can help you slash your electric bill almost overnight... I don't know how much longer I'll have this FREE presentation online... So, if you stick around until the end of this short presentation… I will reveal how you, like the other 32,211 people, with the aid of a very simple device... Can Save Up To 70% Or More On Your Power Bill Every Month... ...and can pay as less as $20 instead of $100...or $50...instead of $250 on your monthly electricity bills...for the rest of your life. Before revealing you what is all about... allow me a few moments to tell you the sad story of this incredible inventor, how he got stabbed in the back 3 times by greedy corporatists, and what’s so special about him... that made him an even greater genius than Nikola Tesla.
  • 2. 2/24 The name of the brilliant inventor is John Worrell Keely. He was one of the world’s FIRST and foremost energy pioneers…and was probably the biggest inventor of all times... He sacrificed his private life to provide the entire world with freedom… And just like Nikola Tesla and other great inventors he was forcefully silenced for his superior intellect… betrayed by the ones he trusted the most… And worst of all he died unhappy, lonely and poor… Or So The Story Goes… Honestly, what I'm about to reveal to you today will totally SHOCK you... and in a few minutes from now you’ll be FURIOUS that you ever gave a single thin-dime to those corporate fat-cats.
  • 3. 3/24 John Worrell Keely was born in the wake of the Industrial Revolution in Philadelphia on September 3, 1837. From early childhood the boy proved to be a genius. Since he was ten years of age, Keely noticed early on that he had a deeper level understanding of how things work than most people.
  • 4. 4/24 Keely makes his genius remarked shortly when he started working in various fields of science… He understood how to manipulate objects via their vibratory rates and saw the potential for a NEW form of energy. Keely developed an entire field of science, and was operating machines BASED on quantum mechanics 50 years before there was any quantum anything. This was done in that time period when renowned scientists dogmatically screamed the atom was indivisible… He followed this unique sense towards discoveries that hold the potential to completely transform the world as we know it. According to Keely… “…we actually could be living in a cleaner world where energy is abundant, essentially free, and sourced directly out of the inherent power of the space surrounding us.” His eccentric vision led him to experiment for years, building a staggering 2,000 machines and devices that ran on his discovery. Many people witnessed his demonstrations, and his work was well known to Nikola Tesla, Jules Verne and Thomas Edison. The most prominent of his inventions was the “Keely Motor”.
  • 5. 5/24 His device managed to draw harmonic magnetic energies from the planet itself… and turn it into clean, green electricity that anyone could use… Rumors say he yelled… “This Will Change The Energy World Forever” His GRAND plan: to develop a small, simple device that would cost under $500, that people could use to get clean, cheap electricity forever... And give it to the people… ONLY at the right time! And that’s exactly what he did… For the next period he worked day and night to fulfill his dream... to make this genius invention applicable for all people. It was not long before Keely constructed his first version of the generator. He needed funding so he demonstrated the amazing device to audiences in 1874 in Philadelphia at 1422 North Twentieth Street.
  • 6. 6/24 Keely told the crowd that his invention would make other forms of power obsolete. His incredible invention was about to cut electricity bills instantly, by 70%... everywhere in the world. Keely said: “Gentlemen, finance me and help me improve this and the entire planet will afford energy”. The Keely Motor Company was formed to raise money that would help Keely perfect his generator designs. But it was not long until… THE FIRST BETRAYAL knocked at his door… The businessmen all but destroyed Keely in their greedy efforts to get rich faster off his vision and creativity. They demanded him to finish the device faster yet he insisted that more experimentation was needed to “perfect” the device. The greed eventually took over the rapid stockholders so they began to withdraw support…
  • 8. 8/24 Fortunately, when nearing bankruptcy in 1881, Keely met Clara Jessup Bloomfield Moore, the wealthy widow of a Philadelphia industrialist. She offered him a deal… Keely was to engage himself whole-heartedly into completing and perfecting his device and she will take care of the costs. She promoted Keely in journals and books. She even suggested Keely to share his secret with Edison and Tesla to speed up its development. Keely refused but he did allow the scientists to take part in his demonstrations. A New York Times article from March 27th, 1886 reported a demonstration that was a phenomenal success. A committee of scientists witnessed Keely’s machine generate an immense power from only a fraction of the input. But still after showing his invention to countless eminent scientists, he like almost all great minds of our history was still misunderstood… SO THE SECOND BETRAYAL OCCURED...
  • 9. 9/24 The easiest way for those who didn’t understand or envy Keely at that time was to vilify, deny, invalidate and condemn him so they cruelly accused him of fraud… Let's not forget such 'respected experts' as Isaac Azimov (and countless others) said Nikola Tesla was a fraud. Keely continued his research staging public demonstrations from time to time to please and reassure the avid stockholders. They put constant pressure on him trying to cash in on their investments faster than John Keely could ever finish and fine tune his work… Meanwhile the crooked press of the time also began to hammer Keely for fraud…
  • 10. 10/24 So to solve the matter once and for all… he decided that a scientific standoff will clear things up. A few people were invited to see the demonstrations of his device and debate the results. Among them there were two scientists, Mrs. Moore, her son Clarence and the press. And that’s when the ULTIMATE betrayal took place… Clarence Moore who was notoriously petulant, spoiled, jealous and envious of all the funds and support his mother lavished upon Keely thus reducing his coveted inheritance, teamed up with the Scientific American magazine and The New York Times, both owned and controlled by the monopolists of that time to end Keely by any means necessary… They put so much pressure on Mrs. Moore deceitfully trying to convince her that Keely’s lab was rigged and that the public and all the investors had been duped. Mrs. Moore, finally cracked and decided to back off and abandon Keely, ultimately cutting his funding.
  • 11. 11/24 It was a devastating blow to John Keely - one that bankrupted him and put a halt to his plans… The truth is Kelly never recovered mentally from this event...and even if he continued his projects and research... he decided to quit on the project that was about to give very cheap energy to people. Keely said his work was not for that time period so he made efforts to hide and safe-guard his work for when the right time comes. The truthis the right time never came and Keely died in November 18, 1898 from pneumonia… and all his secrets vanished into the pages of the past. Unfortunately, the history books took the Scientific American article as a fact even though all the legitimate scientists and engineers who examined Keelys machines stated they were genuine and without any gimmicks. John Keely has been portrayed historically as a fraud and a conman… The greedy fat cats made sure that his name was forever forgotten…believe it or not John W. Keely was even placed in an unmarked grave! They believed that the secret to cheap electricity finally died along with him... But they didn’t know that he planned a really clever revenge on them just before he died...and that he gave his secret away ONLY to one strange man. An inventor from Boston, was the man who Keely trusted the most and as Keely said could successfully carry on his work. However after just 6 months from when he got most of Keely’s possessions he mysteriously declared he is forced to abandon this project. Most of his research notes and inventions disappeared never to be seen again. For more than a century, it seemed like this was the end of green, cheap energy...Keely's lifelong dream was buried... and nearly forgotten. But through a stroke of "under the radar" team of renegade scientists got hold of his original blueprints...and adapted them using some 21st century technology. It turns out, Keely was right: the science is not only solid... It's Even More Practical Than It Seemed 100 Years Ago… And for the first time in human history…
  • 12. 12/24 Ordinary folks can finally power up their homes with renewable electricity... while investing a fraction of what the inventor ever thought was possible. This device is so small and versatile, there’s almost NO limit to how you can use it… …Use it to fuel up ANY electrical devices - from small clocks, to refrigerators or big screen plasma TVs …Power up remote cabins so high up in the mountains, you’d be crazy to even think about going solar… …Take it with you when you go camping - and enjoy "mobile clean electricity” for your caravan or in your tent... And live a better life with more money in your pockets with a high-output generator you can build in your spare time! Yet the invention was not meant for DIY-ers. Simple as it was, it was still pretty difficult to build for the average guy. And even though you can find some blueprints on a few websites... you'll discover that without the proper instructions, they're pretty useless… I’m going to show you everything in a minute... but before this let me share with you what’s so magic about this device. First, you may ask… What Is The Spring That Drives It All? Keely’s device is like a generator on steroids. Keely believed that this comes from another planet and that is the best product this planet could give. Imagine a device that has so much power that can last for tens of years without any intervention, giving anytime the exact boost that a small source of electricity needs... to transform itself into more electricity.
  • 13. 13/24 This is not unique in nature... I don’t know if you’re familiar with how the aircraft carriers are built and how they’re propelled, but for sure they’re not working on gas or diesel. Their energy is provided by uranium and approximately 100 lbs of uranium is enough to propel a huge carrier for 1 year without interruption... around the globe. Pretty much same happens with Keely’s device, at a different proportion, it has the same power. It can boost any electricity source into 5 times more... instantly, permanently, without any intervention... for the rest of your life. And in the next few moments, you’re going to see just how easy it is to build it yourself. But here's the even better news: many of the materials contained in the original plans used to cost a small fortune when the device was designed… It took our team almost a year to get this design ready. But eventually, we found an unbelievably easy way to do it that costs 4 times less than what we were hoping for. We finally had the perfect layout…
  • 14. 14/24 In fact, the new blueprints are so simple... that you don't have to be an electrician... heck, a 12 year old could build a small generator during a lunch break! Just Imagine Having ALL Your Electrical Appliances Powered By Alternative Energy NO more paying through the nose on electricity... just to make the fat cats even fatter. Turn on the AC as often as you want... without having to constantly hear that nagging voice inside your head telling you that you need to turn it off because you’ll end up paying a fortune. You might want to take notes because this will be short and intense… Here's a short video of the device in action: Keep in mind this is the smallest scale you can build the breakthrough device that generates "energy-on-demand"… With larger scale devices the results are impressive… There’s a catch... Everything that you’re about to learn today about building your own device is dumb simple... but ONLY if you know how to do it properly. We spent months writing a detailed manual, shooting follow along videos… not to mention testing everything to make sure anyone could build it in simple steps… and after a truckload of work… The Infinite Energy System was born.
  • 15. 15/24 And when you’ll have the Infinite Energy System installed in your home you’ll instantly be able to: …get instant savings of 50%, 67% or more... without spending months in trying to build solar panels, wind turbines... and paying thousands of dollars. …you'll enjoy even greater savings once you discover the three essential tweaks you can make in less than 20 minutes... that will maximize your power output by almost 200%.'ll be able to power up ANY kind of household appliances - from lamps and toasters, to electricity hogs like refrigerators and AC units.’ll feel the peace of mind that comes from knowing that, should anything happen... from a mere broken power line, to a nationwide blackout or worse... your family won't be at the mercy of others! What's more... because the Infinite Energy System is very light and portable, it makes for one of the best "emergency" generators you could ever hope for… Unlike solar panels, it won't get blown off the roof by strong winds and hurricanes. And unlike conventional "portable" generators, there are no fumes... and you don't have to spend hundreds of dollars on fuel… In fact, there's very little to spend at all.
  • 16. 16/24 Except from a simple maintenance check every few months, the generator is basically "Set And Forget" And because the low-friction design makes it so silent, you won't even hear it running! So you can install it in your basement or in your backyard… and not worry about weather conditions for one second… And even if the SHTF you’ll still be able to have enough electricity for cooking and preserving your food... while others will beg for a leaf of rotten bread. More and more people are discovering the joyfulness and peace that comes with Off-Grid Electricity. “My electric bills kept getting bigger and bigger... and for a while I was thinking about paying $15,000 on a solar panel system. Glad I didn’t. Your device does the trick, and it cost me a little under $108 to make it” Justin Russel from Dallas, Texas “I’ve never built anything in my entire life...yet this was so easy, I assembled it with my grandkids. Now we get almost free electricity 24/7” 71 years old Dustin Grey from Atlanta Now, you too can join in on this life saving program. Here’s Why You Need To Try The Infinite Energy System Today. Quite frankly, there’s never been a better time for a technology like this to emerge. With electricity prices going through the roof, and “peak oil” just around the corner, it’s only a matter of time before everyone turns to alternative energy sources… But if you think about it, you’ll realize “alternative energy” never really was an alternative. Just try to go solar without spending 5-figures on a solar panel system. It’s impossible. But why even consider such an option… When all this time you can pay less than 20% of the energy you’re consuming…
  • 17. 17/24 Plus, why shouldn’t you... since it takes less than $208 to have your own power device ready...and less than 2 hours... The Infinite Energy System is incredibly easy to build - even if you don’t have a screwdriver in your home…and with our step by step instructions, building your own generator is as easy as assembling an IKEA chair! It’s also completely weather proof – and it really makes no difference if it’s raining or if it’s too hot outside. And because you can use it during the night, you don’t need expensive batteries to store your excess electricity! There’s no maintenance costs… breakdowns, clouds, bird droppings… and all the stuff you just don’t want to be worrying about… …in fact, it’s probably just as “green” as solar or wind power systems! Plus, The Infinite Energy System is extremely adaptable… and will completely change the way you look at energy… And best of all, it generates electricity day in and day out – so you can slash your bill by 30%... 60%...or even more! Here’s How To Get The Infinite Energy System : You need to move fast on this one, because we simply don’t know for how long this website is going to stay up. The first time people heard about such a device, things turned out really bad for the inventor… and we fear it might happen once again. But still, we want to get this into as many hands as possible. This technology has already changed the face of the modern world… and it can do it one more time. People need to hear about this amazing device, so they can break free from Big Energy, and stop paying for electricity that should be available to everyone. So here’s the deal: The Infinite Energy System is available in electronic format, for instant download. You could be watching everything in just 5 minutes from now… and you can enjoy real savings in electricity from your own generator in a few short days.
  • 18. 18/24 You’ll save hundreds of dollars each month… and thousands each year… And there will be no reason to go solar, and fork out at least $20,000 on a solar panel system that pays for itself in 8 long years. And given all of that… How much is it worth to you to literally get green, cheap electricity for good? So I’m not going to ask you to invest $1000 for this secret even though I know it’s worth at least that. It won’t cost you $500, either… The whole reason we're even charging any money for this is only to cover our Research and Design expenses. Yet the Infinite Energy System won't cost you $500, not even $250 though they would be worth every penny at this price. I’m going to set the price for the Infinite Energy System at just $69. But because you're getting here early, if you act right now, I'll let you have the Infinite Energy System, including the manual, the schematics, the parts list and all the step-by-step video guides… For a single payment of ONLY $49.00 But, if you want to take advantage of this rare discount, you must take action right now by clicking the big "Add To Cart" Button directly below NOW.
  • 19. 19/24 I can’t guarantee that I can keep this price for longer, especially since we’re giving 12 months of unlimited email support… so don’t get mad if you come here in a few days and see that the price has gone back up. And really... the price doesn't even matter...
  • 20. 20/24 That’s because... You’re covered by our “No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee” for 60 full days. It’s simple: Get the blueprints today… and put them to the test… See how easy it is to makeyour own electricity with the Infinite Energy System. Feel the peace of mind that comes with knowing you don’t owe anyone a red cent. And see what’s like to take your electricity bill down to almost nothing… by the end of the month. You have 60 days to decide whether this was a good investment or not! And if you’re less than thrilled with how much you’re saving on electricity, just write us a short email at the address you’ll find in the members area… We’ll give you an immediate refund – even if it’s the 23rd hour of the 59th day The Infinite Energy System will help you save hundreds of dollars each month… You won't need expensive generators... and it's so portable, you can even take it with you on your trips! Instead of paying thousands of dollars on expensive generators... you can pocket the savings and spend it on more important things! You’re finally free and independent… no longer trapped inside a “legal monopoly” that’s holding you at gunpoint… The Infinite Energy System is about something bigger and more important than money.
  • 21. 21/24 It’s About Regaining Your Freedom And Making A Stand! Right now, you`re at a crossroads that`s not just going to affect your bank account but your happiness, your security and the safety of your family for years to come… And the way I see it, three paths lie ahead of you. The first thing is to do like most people: take no action, do nothing. And hope that nothing bad will happen. Let this video end, leave this site behind and keep feeling like you`re going to have a heart attack every time you open up your electric bill. Keep acting like a “power Nazi” around the house, constantly worrying about every last watt of power… Keep sweating your ways through the summers and freezing your way through the winters all because you want to save a few bucks… Keep contributing to the PROBLEM… gobbling up our natural resources and keeping us addicted to foreign sources of power. Of course, there's a second path - and that is, to take what you`ve learned today and try to “Figure Out” your own system for creating real power for your home. Honestly? You can try this! But would you rather reinvent the wheel every time you leave the house, or would you rather just climb into your car and get to where you`re going? It took our team a lot of time, effort, energy and work to put together The Infinite Energy System, to test it and to make sure that even “non-technical” folks like my brother could follow it and use it… And it’s WAY too easy to mess this up (and spend a lot of money) while you`re experimenting… Just buy the wrong kind of panel or forget a particular part and you`ll end up with a really fancy lawn ornament that does not generate a single watt. And if you really want to be self-sufficient... and not at the mercy of BIG Electric Companies, then you should seriously consider path #3: Let ME take all the risk for you!
  • 22. 22/24 Do what over 32,211 folks have already done, grab your copy of The Infinite Energy System... See how fun it is to start generating power for you and your family in shockingly little time. And with our generous 60 day guarantee, there`s really no way you can lose. Just click the orange “Add To Cart” Button that you see below! You`ll be brought right to our secure order page and will be able to grab your copy of The Infinite Energy System all the bonuses at a whopping discount right away. So you need to act fast if you don't want to miss out on the opportunity of a lifetime! Join the 32,211 thrilled families who have realized that there is a better, simpler, and a more cost-effective way to power their homes… The bottom line is, you need to get in fast - while you can - to get your hands on this incredible technology.
  • 23. 23/24 Still Here ? There are some questions that I keep receiving from people, and I’ll try to answer a few here.
  • 24. 24/24 1. If The Infinite Energy System works so well, why aren’t more people using it? There are more than 32,211 happy families already using The Infinite Energy System but every serious prepper that uses it won’t brag about it. For some it’s the fear factor - most people think this is too complex to build. The fact is, The Infinite Energy System is easy when you have the proper video instructions. 2. How hard will this be to make? This is so simple and easy to build, you’ll kick yourself for not taking up The Infinite Energy System earlier. The whole thing takes 2 hours, (record is 43 minutes) doesn’t require strength, and electric school. That’s all, and really there’s no excuse for not giving it a try. In fact, if you don’t want to lift a finger, you can still do this. Just pay someone $50 to watch the short video and to put together The Infinite Energy System for you. It’s more fun than LEGOs...and many of our clients are saying that their children love it. 3. How long will this take? It will take you a little over 30 minutes to watch the video. And that’s it. Building The Infinite Energy System takes under 2 hours if you’re slow. A lot less if someone’s helping you. 4. How much do the parts cost? To build a small scale Infinite Energy System, you’ll need about $63 worth of parts that you can get from any electronics store. If you want to scale it up, and get more electricity, you’ll need more expensive parts, but you’ll find that you can easily power up an entire home with under $210 in total costs. So, go ahead and seize your opportunity now by clicking the orange "Add To Cart" button below.