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Creative Project

                                         By Helene
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Introduction                                                               2
Aims and Objectives                                                        2
Today                                                                      3
Where are we now?                                                          3
Social Media                                                               3
Human Habits                                                               4
Tomorrow                                                                   5
Technology                                                                 5
Social Media                                                               5
Viral                                                                      6
Interviews                                                               7-10
Steve Allsopp, Saatchi & Saatchi London                                   7-8
Snorre Martinsen, Saatchi & Saatchi Norway                                 9
Antony Mayfield, Consultant on digital marketing, media and business      10
The Past - Case Studies                                                   11
“Don’t Tell Ashton”                                                       11
“VW Zoom”                                                                 12
“Levi’s Spy”                                                              12
“Singing Tweets”                                                          13
“Twitter Race Citroën”                                                    13
“Twitter Race Mercedes2                                                   14
“Bonafont”                                                                15
“Old Spice”                                                               15
Creative                                                                  16
Creative Brief                                                            16
Creative Concept                                                          17
Creative Execution                                                        18
Website                                                                   19
Twitter                                                                 20-21
Web Banner                                                                22
Adshel                                                                  23-25
Board                                                                   26-27
References                                                              28-30
Appendix                                                                  31
Interviews                                                              32-40
Steve Allsopp - Saatchi & Saatchi London                                32-33
Snorre Martinsen - Saatchi & Saatchi Norway                             34-35
Antony Mayfield - Consultant on digital marketing, media and business   36-40

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The Internet has come to stay and so has the social media. Muscat (2011) senses that “Social networking is
not just growing on the web but towards mobile social networking as well. The use of mobile devices
continues to grow and be part of our culture and I’m sure we will see lots of changes in the future steering
towards mobile social networking.” Marketers and advertisers can now meet the consumer at all times.
Mobile devices are always with a person, almost all the time they are awake. This quote from the social media
application “Path” founder Dave Morin describes the change we are facing “First, we are now in the Post-PC,
Mobile era. In the PC era we would often ask: are you online or offline? In the Mobile era this is no longer the
case. You are simply sleeping or awake.” (Arnesen, 2012)

Obviously the world is changing and there is nothing else to do than to stay updated in the new world of
social media. In August 2011 Twitter had 200 million registered users and 450 000 accounts created every
day. (Malik, 2011) Twitter is growing in an extremely high speed and the interaction between the users
confirms us that the TwitterSphere is going to stay for a while. (Sysomos, 2010)

Aims & Objectives
-	     To create a unique and powerful campaign with Twitter as its main media platform to raise
	      awareness of the charity Save The Children.

-	     Explore the Twittersphere and understand the Twitter users ride in the social media universe.
-	     Investigate how Twitter works with the users and how we can leverage that in advertising.
-	     Discover new ways to take advantage of Twitter and gain knowledge about viral campaigns.

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Where are we now?                                  Twitter
The world is trying to follow the new              Twitter was called a form of “micro-blogging”
technology and new trends as it flies fast by.     and in a way it still is, but now it is officially
A few years ago it would be 10 years between       an information network. As Twitter says itself:
every huge change in technology and trends         “Twitter is a real-time information network that
but now it could only be a few months              connects you to the latest information about
between every new discovery. The statistics        what you find interesting.” (Twitter, n.d) A tweet
on the use of digital media are out of date even   can be no longer than 140 characters, but
before we read them. People use the Internet       could still be valuable information. You can
more and more (Cartwright, Sequeira, 2010)         also attach a photo, video link and other media
and 60 % of the world’s Internet users have a      content. (Twitter, n.d)
Facebook account. (Onlinenemba, 2012)
                                                   Twitter is basically used to communicate, one
                                                   instant message goes out to many people at
Social media                                       once. You can send out a message to anyone
                                                   you want, you do not need to be “friends” to
While media is an instrument of
                                                   be able to do that. If you want feedback on any
communication, social media would be a             work you have done or if you have a
social instrument of communication. This is        question about your flight, you will most likely
not just a website that gives you information,     get an answer.
but interacts with you while giving you
information. Instead of regular media, which is    “I’ve likened Twitter to ‘acceptable
only a one-way communication, you have a           eavesdropping’ and pointed out how easy it
two-way communication with social media.           makes it to join the conversation. Twitter is one
(Nations, n.d)                                     of the fastest ways to make inroads with other
                                                   people in your industry. It also gives you some
“Social media” has quickly become a standard       insight into who companies and bloggers
in both web and cultural vocabulary. It simply     are as people; their likes, their dislikes, their
describes the powerful new ways individuals        personalities. This can be invaluable when it
are engaging with content on the Internet, and     comes to putting together pitches and building
vice versa. This reality has revolutionized the    relationships both inside and outside of your
business community and people have never           industry.” (Laycock, 2008)
been more close and immediately connected.
The web has become a new “destination”
for millions of people all over the world and
a new form of communication has appeared
out of necessity, the social media. (Websmart.
tv 2011)

Things can spread a lot quicker than before
with the help from digital media and
particularly social media. Social media has
built a bridge between the consumer and
business, which forces brands to respond
quicker. (Cartwright, Sequeira, 2010)
                                                                 Follow me.

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Human habits
Humans are in need to express them selves             By searching for “I hate” and “I love” on Twitter
digitally. ( 2011) Here are eight of the   findings are huge, roughly every ten seconds 20 new
different digital needs:                              tweets appear. This also states that people want
                                                      to express themselves digitally. Some examples:
1.	 Peace of mind: Need to feel comfortable 	
	   and self-assured.                                 ”Big Easy Express: I love these
    Control: Need to manage life in the most
    effective way, to reduce the complexity of 	
                                                      bands, pretentious pontifications
	life.                                                notwithstanding. Great
3.	 Enrichment: Need to further experiences, 	        photography, too. EXCITED!”
	   knowledge or communication through
	   using 	tools and applications only                ”I hate doing the surveys on job
	   available online.                                 applications. so redundant.”
4.	 Self-development: Need for continuous             (2012, Twitter)
	   learning and immediate access.
5.	 Expression: Need for freedom of speech 	          43 % states that social networks helps them to
	   and self-expression.                              connect and share easily and 51 % feels that it helps
6.	 Recognition: Need to be recognized,               them connect with people with the same state of mind.
	   respected or famous.                              Another drive is that it enables them to belong and be
7.	 Connect and share: Need to                        accepted by their friends. (Cartwright, Sequeira, 2010)
	   communicate, connect and share.
8.	 Acceptance: Need of acceptance, to be 	           Humans have always been in need for social
	   part of a group.                                  interaction but with social media we are in need
	   (Cartwright, Sequeira, 2010)                      of social networking. No wonder social media is
                                                      growing so fast, it is a new and easier way for
                                                      humans to communicate with each other.

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Technology                                                   Social media
Smartphones are only growing bigger due to easier            By understanding the digital needs of humans and
WiFi access and of course to the smarter and smoother        how they think on social medias will be beneficial when
portable screens. Judy Franks says in an article in          customizing an advertising campaign on Twitter.
WARC that in 2012, TV will be “everywhere”.                  Brands are connecting more and more with
(Franks, 2012) What this means is that you                   consumers and consumers expect quick response
can watch TV on your smartphone, tablet and                  from brands. Social media is a two-way
computer. Thanks to WiFi you will have access to most of     communication, which companies should
entertainment and information in you hands at all            leverage to engage and interact with their
times. According to several websites and people              consumers and therefore achieve customer loyalty.
smartphones will/is a big part of our daily life. Almost     Only 13 % of members use social networking sites
any media can adapt to the mobile devices and different      to find out more information about brands.
applications are being invented only for mobile devices.     (Mintel, 2011) Successful companies will embrace
                                                             Internet to its fullest and ensure that criticism from
The fact that brands need to respond and act                 consumers are replied to which then will become
quicker will lead to more hijacks and guerrilla marketing.   positive messages. (Cartwright, Sequeira, 2010)
Brands will find out what the consumers think faster and
then act quicker, often at the expense of competitors.

Two examples that happened recently:
When the iPhone 4S was launched in Sydney
Samsung took the attention away by opening a store a
few doors down selling the new Galaxy S for 2 dollars.
Only ten were sold at this price each day, but it made
a queue for the Samsung near the Apple store. Also
Samsung’s recent ad is mocking Apple fans in their
queue with quotes like: “I can’t have a Samsung – I’m
creative” “Dude – you’re a barista”. (Calladine, 2012)

                                                                              Tweet me.

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 Studies identify that digital advertising and promotions       Even though it is almost impossible to be
 are seen by most people, but this does not mean that           ensure that a campaign will go viral there are a
 it actually catches their attention.                           few points that could push it in the right direction:
 (Cartwright, Sequeira, 2010)
 Andrew Chen explained this in a simple way:                    1.	 Answers a question or evokes an emotional 	
 “If you’re Youtube, but have                                   2.	 Addresses a hot topic that people are
 no content, then no users will                                 	   searching for or talking about
 stick around. Yet if you have no                               3.	 Title, description, and video thumbnail are 	
 users, then you have no one to                                 	   compelling & generate clicks
 upload content. So you need to                                 4.	 Video is short and sweet ideally 2 minutes or 	
 break out of this local minimum                                	   less – if not annotate
 until you cross some threshold                                 5.	 Gets off to a strong start propelled by paid, 	
 – this is the critical mass point.“                            	   owned, and earned media
 (Chen, 2008)                                                   6.	 People feel compelled to share for four
                                                                	   reasons – tap into at least 1
 The most difficult part by making something viral is to        -	  People share content to source information & 	
 hit the first audience. To do this you need interesting        	   spark discussions
 and engaging content. Bill Gates said it in 1996, as he        -	  People share content others might find
 seemed to know the future of the Internet.                     	valuable
 (Bailey, 2010) Recently Ed Gould from Carswell Gould,          -	  People share content because it aligns with 	
 an integrated marketing agency, said the exact same            	   their identity and how they want to be
 thing: “Content is King!” That is literally what a viral       	perceived
 campaign needs, good content, in the first round at least.     -	  People share content to maintain and grow 	
                                                                7.	 Eliminate things that would make people
                                                                	   reluctant to share

It is when the content evokes a strong response at the consumers, even if it is negative or positive, that is how they
start talking about it and then it spreads. (Cartwright, Sequeira, 2010) By knowing the target audience’s digital needs
and matching that with the points above with the creative idea you would be very close to having a viral campaign.

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Steve Allsopp - Saatchi & Saatchi London
Steve Allsopp is an art director at Saatchi & Saatchi
London. He is very positive to Twitter and it is the
first thing he opens every morning. His general
perception of Twitter is that it made freedom of
speech easier and the fact that you are allowed to
feel more connected to people you admire. The best
thing, he says, is that you do not have to be active in
using it, but then get so much out of what other
people are tweeting. When it comes to Saatchi
London, they use Twitter more and more to
advertise themselves. To show what the agency is
doing, promoting brands they have as clients. Other
things they promote with Twitter are the graduate
scheme, which he explains is an effective way to
reach thousands of students.

The positive about Twitter usage for individuals that
you can follow people you admire, hear what people         “That really did show the power of Twitter”
have to say, what their creative views are but also to
share your own work and what you discovered on             Another good example is that some ad students
the Internet.                                              used Twitter to get a job. They basically created five
                                                           different twitter accounts with the words “Hire Us”
What he says is negative with it is that you have to       appearing on the person’s profiles. They targeted
be careful of what you say, as it is a direct reflection   creative directors and started to follow them one
on you and what you think.                                 after the other and when all of them had followed a
                                                           creative director “Hire Us” appeared at the right
As Saatchi London, brands have a great                     corner. By clicking on one of the letters you would be
opportunity to promote things you are doing and to         redirected to a profile where you could see all their
show who you are. It is also a tool you can use to         latest creative work. (Watch the video for better
find out what others are saying about you and what         understanding of the stunt. http://bytes.fallonhot-
their perception is. If a customer has a complaint
and tweets about it, Steve says he will (almost)           erest-ways-we%E2%80%99ve-seen-someone-
guarantee that they will be in touch in a very little      use-twitter-to-get-hired-twitter/)
time. He adds that he could talk about this for hours
but that he probably should stop baring in mind my         Some of his clients use Twitter and he would
other questions needs answering as well.                   recommend to always use Twitter. He says it is
                                                           always appropriate, but it is hard to do it well. You
When it comes to examples on bad Twitter usage             have to be interesting and do it with personality, and
celebrities and sportspeople are often in trouble for      of course engage.
expressing their real opinions. He mentioned Easyjet
as they have not responded to their Twitter
complaints page in months. A great example on
good Twitter usage is that a video of a racist woman
was posted on Twitter and within a few hours she
was arrested.

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Steve Allsopp - Saatchi & Saatchi London
I asked him if Saatchi monitored Twitter or if each
company did this and his response to that was that
he had no idea.

I asked him what he thought was the nest big thing
in social media and the first thing he said was that
it was for sure not Google+. He also added that if
he knew the answer to that question he would be
working on it himself. Facebook will change over
the next few years, but nothing will emulate for a
long time. Steve also said that he thought Facebook
would adopt some version of Google+’s “circles”.
Where groups of your friends can only see certain
things about you.

The interview ended with this question: Have you
heard about “Path”? If so, how do you think it will
affect Facebook and Twitter? His response was
simple: “I have literally never heard of it. What is it?”
I thanked him for taking the time to answer and how
much it would help me with my project. I then
explained what Path is:

“Path is kind of like Facebook, but you can only
have 150 friends and it is only for smartphones. An
anthropologist defined “dunbars numbers”, as the
academic term, which is that the biggest group of
people one individual person can keep up a stable
social relationship with is 150 people.

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Snorre Martinsen - Saatchi & Saatchi Norway
Snorre Martinsen is a senior creative at Saatchi &
Saatchi Norway. He swears to Twitter, he means
that it is the place you hear things first. The future
of Twitter is on mobile and that it will become more
and more @conversations and DM than link posts.
Less broadcasting and more dialogue based
communication, however at the same time
continue to broadcast offers/advertise. Even though
he thinks it is hard to predict the future he hopes
that Twitter sticks to what they are good at but still
continue to evolve and improve their core
functionality. To search in old tweets for example.

When it comes to advertising on Twitter he says
content is what is important, Twitter is the channel.
He also says that we all have seen good examples
on advertising on Twitter, creativity and relevance is
key to a good advertising campaign.

Saatchi Norway is quite casual on Twitter, a few         I asked if he would recommend his clients to use
tweets a week. Snorre tells me what he tells their       Twitter if it was appropriate and he said he would if
clients:                                                 they used it fully and not in bits and pieces.

“Twitter is a place where we share and                   Saatchi Norway control some Twitter accounts in
discuss inspiration, learning and                        campaign periods, but mainly they wish and
entertainment, not a place for bragging.”                recommend their clients to be responsible for their
                                                         own account. He also ads that Twitter is a place
Brands are people and that is just as true for Saatchi   you expect immediate response and a place where
as for Toyota.                                           conversations takes place, so it would almost be
Like all social media strategy: The only thing you       impossible to control this as an agency.
need is “The cardamom law”:
                                                         The interview is coming to an end and I ask the
“One shall not bother                                    million-dollar question: “What do you think will be
others,                                                  the next big thing in social media?” Snorre says that

One shall be nice and                                    the person who knows this will be a very wealthy

                                                         man or woman. There are loads of services and
                                                         applications that are launching lately where
Otherwise one may do as                                  functionality is built around aggregation or book
one pleases.”                                            marking. It is in the crossover where services like
                                                         Percolate, Gimmebar and Pinterest meet the social
Only a handful of Saatchi’s clients use Twitter and      aspects to products like Instagram, Path and Picle,
then only for customer service. Snorre says that the     new interesting things will happen, Snorre states.
Twitter usage in Norway is not that big yet and is       Categorization and card file sharing is the trend and
primarily used to support campaign activities.           we will definitely see if we can make it social in a
Though he thinks that this will change thanks to the     greater extend than it is now.
high iPhone and tablet penetration in the                As kind as Snorre is he offered to make his answers
Norwegian market.                                        more detailed if I needed it and translate them (they
                                                         were in Norwegian).

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Antony Mayfield - Consultant on digital marketing, media and business
Antony Mayfield is a consultant, author and
commentator on web media strategy, social media,
online content, reputation management and
digital literacy. He is a frequent user of Twitter and
believes it will grow significantly. He says it is
becoming like email, becoming an essential part of
life. It is becoming everyday and he mentions Clay
Shirky about how he thinks it becomes very
powerful, but then it becomes mundane. The reason
why Twitter has expanded so much these last few
years is because of the network effect he says. That
everything you add a person to a network it doubles
the number of connections. And as this spreads it
becomes more and more useful for people to add
and come and use it.

At the discussion of different social medias Antony
mentions that we behave differently in different
social networks and that Twitter may be “too much”
now and then. You have to be able to dip in and out
of that network to not feel overwhelmed.
Facebook is more of a personal channel where you
share things with your closest friends and family.

When asked about what we should and should not
do on Twitter his answer was basically that it varies
from person to person or business to business but
the most important factor was to know whom you
are and what you want to share before you start

Smartphones is a big important trend.

“I think that obviously mobile is huge the fact
that people that more and more people have
powerful pocket sized computers with big
screens. Now I myself have an iphone for five
years but for most people they only just got it
in the last six months to a year and the rest of
the population and I think that most phones that
sells this year will be smart phones, that’s
massive and we don’t even know where that’s
going to go but it’s definitely going to be huge.”

I thanked him for the interview and he wished me
luck with my project.

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The Past                                                                Case Studies

“Don’t Tell Ashton”
Berghs School of Communication wanted to make
them selves known to the industry and attract
people from all over the world to study at their
school. They invited people to join a project to make
the first artwork made by Twitter users.
People could join by tweeting “I’m on the worlds
first artwork made by Twitter users” and then their
Twitter avatar popped up in the artwork. The more
followers you had, the bigger your picture would

                  Twitter artwork, Don’t Tell Ashton.
                  (, 2011)

The only person who had enough followers to fill the frame was (at the time), Twitter God, Ashton Kutcher.
Because of this they urged people to “Don’t tell Ashton”. The 17th of May 2010 the came
live and three days later the artwork was complete.

4 000 000 people was reached from 151 countries and major industry press was picked up. The “Don’t tell
Ashton” was ranked number 1. creative piece by creativity online, written about all over the world; from
Japanese blogs to Russian print press. The first week, if you googled don’t tell Ashton you would get 130
000 results. Still no one had told Ashton. The students travelled to LA to show him the artwork. Finally Ashton
tweeted about it and reached his 5 000 000+ followers. (Bergh School of Communication, 2010, donttellashton.
com) This Twitter stunt also made them win gold in Eurobest 2010. (Eurobest, 2011)

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The Past                                                                   Case Studies

“VW Zoom”
This campaign from Volkswagen was about finding free festival tickets and other giveaways. The more tweets
that were made with a certain hashtag, the closer a map zooms in to show people where the free tickets and
giveaways are located. The hashtag that was used was in the top trending tags almost immediately.
(, 2011.)

“Levi’s Spy”
Levi’s campaign was about finding their jeans instead of festival tickets. Still it was not the same sort of
campaign as Volkswagen. They actually used Twitter as an information platform and sent out hints of the
 location of the jeans. If someone thought they spotted the jeans they had to ask “Are those Levi’s” and if they
were right the person wearing them would take them off right on the spot and give it to them.
(, 2011.)

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The Past                                                                   Case Studies

“Singing Tweets”
Orange launched singing tweet-o-grams with Rockabellas as accapella singers. If you used the hashtag
#singingtweetagrams Orange picked some of the best ones and Rockabellas would sing your tweet in the
 studio. Within a few hours the accapella trio turned them into little songs and sent them back to the users.
(Newton, 2010)

“Twitter Race Citroën”
This campaign from the Netherlands made users direct the Citroën driver by tweeting the driver where to go by
using the hashtag #ds5race. Once the destination was reached the users had a chance to win a new Citroën
DS5 by being the first to tweet a secret message. The goal was to direct the driver closer to the users location.
After the driver had driven 8 hours, the driver stopped. Then the users raced to the drivers location to retrieve
the secret code found in the car. The first person to tweet the secret code won the Citroën DS5.
(Imagemanagement, 2011)

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The Past                                                                Case Studies

“Twitter Race Mercedes”
This Twitter race was a bit different and more complicated than the Citroën race. The race was between four
teams who started from different locations and each of the teams had special Mercedez Benz that were
powered by tweets. Each tweet would power their car 1 mile, while their location was followed in real time on a
micro site. The users actually advertised themselves so they would get enough tweets to get to the finish line.
(Carmooch, 2010)

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The Past                                                               Case Studies

Bonafont wanted to remind workers to drink at least the recommended daily amount of water. They sent, to an
engaged twitter user, a fridge and when the fridge opens it sends out a tweet. Each tweet leads to a website
promoting the importance of keeping hydrated. If the fridge is not opened in a certain amount of time it tweets
to its owner reminding them to drink some water. Once a month they sent a tweeting fridge to a new person
who joined the campaign. (Suongir, 2011.)

“Old Spice”
Old Spice has been one of the most memorable Twitter campaigns. What actually went on in this campaign
was that one commercial aired at the Super Bowl. The rest of the campaign was on Twitter and Youtube. If you
tweeted a question to ”The Man” he would film it and put it on Youtube. (Duncan, 2010)

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Creative                                                                  Brief

Client: Save the Children
                                                 Deadline: 15.05.12

Do’s: Be impressively creative and use Twitter’s features to your advantage. Use Twitter as the main media

Dont’s: No TV commercials, keep the budget to a minimal. Don’t feel restricted by the budget or media but 		
	       rather creatively challenged.

Insight: They look at their children and in addition to be a role model they would never want their own
	        children to ever have to deal with some of what others experience every day. It is time for them to 		
	        step up and fully commit to being a better person.

Activity: This campaign                    Behaviour: When they                       Barriers: “I want to help,
needs loads of social                      are asked what charity                     but I feel charities seem to
media publicity, mainly on                 they support they will                     nag. This makes me say
Twitter.                                   answer Save The                            no without thinking about
                                           Children. It will become                   what they actually stand
                                           the top of mind.                           for.”

Audience: Busy, up-to-date people from 30-40 years old.

Sophia (34) and David (36) live in St. Albans outside London. They have two beautiful children, one girl (3) and
one boy (5). Their alarm clock rings at 06.30, children in the kindergarten at 07.30 and they’re at work by 8am.
David is a creative director at an advertising agency and Sophia is an elementary school teacher, which they
both enjoy. Sophia is finished at work first and then she picks up the children before returning home to make
dinner. They enjoy the family life, but sometimes they need a break or an adventure. It might just be a night on
the town, have a fancy dinner or maybe just go to the cinema. Comedy is also one of their fellow hobby and
they try to go to a comedy show or just watch a sitcom on TV as often as they can.

Economically they do very well and they have all the new tech gadgets like ipad, iphone etc. They use social
media frequently, both Facebook and Twitter. Facebook to keep up with friends and family and Twitter to stay
updated about technology and world news. The persons they follow on Twitter depends on what they tweet,
not who they are. They may follow Lady Gaga for her personal tweets and not especially because they like her

Proposition: Let children be children. They need our help and we need theirs.

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Creative                                                                 Concept


It is concerned that the target audience feel               The target audience go to Twitter for information,
that charities are nagging and their response is            but sometimes they feel the urge to express
automatically “no” when asked to donate, this               themselves. This campaign takes advantage of
campaign does something that is very unusual to do:         this to the fullest. By using an easy hashtag, which
Make them donate and engage because they want               is an extract from the famous saying, it will be
to not because they have to. This campaign is about         easy to share something they are proud of: their
making them feel something other than guilt when            children. Though these people are not the ones who
thinking about Save the Children. They will sit back with   immediately express their anger towards the
a feeling of gratitude for their own lives and children.    barista at the coffee shop for making the wrong
                                                            coffee, they do have a special desire to “brag” about
The concept is based on “Out of the mouths of               their kids or just general happiness. The growth
babes and innocents”, which the audience is well            of smartphones is huge and as Antony Mayfield
aware of and often hear different ones from their           believes: Most of the phones sold this year will be
kids or other kids they know. By using the hashtag           smartphones. This campaign builds on the easy
#OutOfTheMouths and write your own, for                     access to Twitter and encourages the audience to
example “I love blueberries because they are filled         use their smartphone at each media platform for the
with jam” Lisa, 5. At that moment when that hashtag         campaign.
is used it automatically appears in “the book” at and on your                        To get something viral is never for certain but
                                                            this campaign has the best possible starting
Twitterpage. You can write as many tweets as you
                                                            point with a good and emotional content. As Ed
like and read through all of the tweets in “the book”.
                                                            Gould, among others, says, “content is king”. This
When it has reached 1000 pages, ca 14 000 tweets            campaign is based and customized on the
the campaign closes and the book is now                     target audience emotions and lives, which
available to buy and the money goes to Save the             then means that the “content is king” for them.
Children. This is something that will make them smile
or chuckle and get a good feeling out of.                   The media platforms are chosen in terms of where
                                                            the target audience will be and what is the most
                                                            efficient towards the campaign. By using Twitter
                                                            as a channel to hold everything together are an
                                                            effective, but a quite new and interesting way to
                                                            engage the audience. Save the Children’s logo is on
                              Tweet, tweet!                 all medias to remind them whom this campaign is
                                                            from so that Save the Children is always top of mind.

                                                            To start the campaign Save the Children will release
                                                            the with a few tweets
                                                            there already. Some celebrities will be asked to tweet
                                                            as well to get the word out there. Then boards, adshels
                                                            and web banners are released to get maximum effect.

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Creative                                                              Execution

All artefacts are designed with the colours of Save the Children: black, red and white. This is to relate the
campaign to Save the Children but also to make them easily recognised. Red is the colour of love and emotion,
which fits perfectly with the target audience and the campaign.

“The book” is a virtual book on the website, which only consists of the tweets with the #OutOfTheMouths
hashtag. On this website you can also find information about the campaign, countdown to a 1000 pages and
a direct link to donate to Save the Children.

See next page for better view of the website.

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Twitter is used to get the audience to engage with the campaign. The brilliance of hashtags is that you can click
on a hashtag and be continued to a list with all tweets where that hashtag have been used. Also the hashtag
is blue and easily differs from the other tweets without hashtags.

See next page for better view of the Twitter page.

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Creative                                                                Execution

Web Banner

The web banner is in the same design as the website and begins with a “Out of the mouths” sentence. The
font is a children friendly font and will draw the attention from regular fonts at the website. What this banner
does is engage the audience by making them click through more than one “page”. When you have read the
first sentence you smile and want to read another one, then you can click on the arrow towards the right and
see another one. It is three “pages” before the last one appears and explains what the campaign is about and
what you can do to participate.
The web banner will be at online papers like The Sun, The Guardian and The Independent because the target
audience reads these papers frequently.

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Creative                                                               Execution


The adshel is digital and a “live” media. The design is the same as the rest of the campaign: a black
background with white, chalky writing and the red Save the Children logo. The first they will notice is the
heading: “The World’s Biggest Book Written By Children”, which is engaging in itself because it makes them
curious but also especially for the target audience as they are parents as well. Further down it explains the
campaign and encourages them to join. When you tweet with the hashtag near by the adshel it will appear on
the adshel (and the virtual book). This way it will be more interesting to do because it you can see immediate
response (which you also do when you do it online with the book.) This will make the audience engaged and
may even check out the Out Of The Mouths website as encouraged at the bottom of the adshel.
The adshel will be located at local bus stops, train stations and shopping malls.

See next few pages for better view of the adshels.

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Creative                                                               Execution


The board is a bigger version of the web banner. The same design with the black background, white, chalky
writing and the red Save the Children logo. There is one big, engaging sentence from the book and then a small
explanation of the campaign a long with the Save the Children logo.
Boards will be located at tube stations, train stations, bus stations and shopping malls.

See next page for better view of the board.

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Allison, 2012. What Does Twitters New Censoring Ability Mean To You. [Online] Available at: http://www.blogworld.
medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+BlogWorldBlog+%28BlogWorld+Blog%29 [Accessed 7 February

Arnesen, Marius, 2012. Path, den Sosiale Stien Videre. [Online] Available at:
path-den-sosiale-stien-videre/ [Accessed 8 February 2012]

Bailey, Craig, 2010. Content is king by Bill Gates. [Online] Available at:
king-by-bill-gates/ [Accessed 20 March 2012], 2010. Top Twitter Campaigns of 2010. [Online] Available at: http://www.banyanbranch.
com/social-blog/top-twitter-campaigns-of-2010/ [Accessed 8 February 2012]

Calladine, Dan, 2012. Media Trends 2012. [Online]: Available at:
er.aspx?MasterContentRef=5b6745b7-bc15-44fe-87b4-3cfcf8e3518d&q=media+trends [Accessed 10 April
Carmooch, 2010. Mercedez Benz Twitter Race. [Online] Available at:
php/2010/12/mercedes-benz-usa-launches-worlds-first-twitter-fueled-race/ [Accessed 8 February 2012]

Cartwright, Trixie, Sequeira, Ana Patricia, 2012. Decoding Digital Needs: In Search of the Hub Consumers.
[Online] Available at:
4b3e-a051-d896b28c1ba4&q=consumer+digital [Accessed 15 March 2012]

Chen, Andrew, 2008. From zero to critical mass, vira. [Online] Available at: http://andrewchenblog.
com/2008/05/14/social-network-marketing-getting-from-zero-to-critical-mass/ [Accessed 20 February 2012], 2012. Marketing on Twitter. [Online] Available at: http://www.digitalstrategycon- [Accessed 20 February 2012]

Duncan, 2010. Old Spice. [Online] Available at:
responses/ [Accessed 8 February 2012]

Durables, 2011. VW Zoom. [Online] Available at:
w670.jpg [Accessed 8 February 2012]

Falls, Jason, 2012. Integrating Social Media Across The Organisation. [Online] Available at:
+Explorer%29 [Accessed 7 February 2012]

Franks, Judy, 2012. 10 marketing trends in 2012. [Online] Available at:
tentViewer.aspx?MasterContentRef=c74566f3-2554-45dd-8616-2a5d205ea800 [Accessed 20 February 2012]

Gardner, Jonathan, 2012. Why content is king. [Online] Available at:

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digital-marketing/ [Accessed 20 February 2012]

Grenney, Jamie, 2012. What does it take to go viral? [Online] Available at:
egy/2012/02/what-does-it-take-to-go-viral.html [Accessed 20 February 2012]

Hostsite, 2010. Levi’s iSpy. [Online] Available at:
w670.jpg [Accessed 8 February 2012]

Imagemanagement, 2011. Citroën twitter race. [Online] Available at:
slides/00025-Top-5-Innovative-Campaigns-on-Twitter-in-20111.html [Accessed 8 February 2012]

Laycock, Jennifer, 2008. Five Reasons Twitter is an Essential Social Media. [Online] Available at: http://www. [Accessed 7 February

Laycock, Jennifer, 2008. Twits to tweeple. [Online] Available at:
laycock/part-one-from-twits-to-tweeple-why-i-emb.php [Accessed 7 February 2012]

LinkedIn, 2012. Steve Allsopp. 20.03.12 [Online] Available at:
view?id=126466456&locale=en_US&trk=tab_pro [Accessed 20 March 2012]

Luke, 2011. 15 of the Best Twitter Campaigns. [Online] Available at:
best-twitter-campaigns/ [Accessed 8 February 2012]

Macmillan, Gordon, 2012. 500 million UK [Online] Available at:
a,+SEO,+social+networking,+digitla+media+paid+content,+pay+walls+ [Accessed 20 February 2012]

Malik, Om, 2011. Twitter by the numbers (Infographic) [Online] Available at:
twitter-by-the-numbers-infographic/ [Accessed 8 February 2012]

Mintel, 2011. Report. [Online] Available at:
display/id=545141&anchor=atom#atom0 [Accessed 19 March 2012]

Monty, Scott, 2011. Twitter Business Guide. [Online] Available at:
business-guide.html [Accessed 7 February 2012]

Muscat, Francois, 2011. Is social networking here to stay? [Online] Available at: http://blog.wsidigitalmarket- [Accessed 20 February 2012]

Nations, Daniel, n.d. Social Media. [Online] Available at:
dia.htm [Accessed 6 February 2012]

Onlinemba, 2012. Social Media Demographics. [Online] Available at:
media-demographics/ [Accessed 15 March 2012]

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References, n.d. Orange singing tweets 2010 Thomas Newton. [Online] Available at: http://pictures. [Accessed 8 February 2012], n.d. Snorre Martinsen. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 20
March 2012]

Quinn, Ben, 2011. Social network users have twice as many friends online as in real life. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 15 February

Stucken, Andrew, 2010. About Wifi. [Online] Available at:
[Accessed 6 February 2012]

Sølvi Suongir, 2011. Bona Font [Online] Available at:
[Accessed 8 February 2012], 2011. VW Twitter Zoom Campaign. [Online] Available at: http://www.twittercampaigns.
com/vws-twitter-zoom-campaign/ [Accessed 8 February 2012]

Wasserman, Todd, 2012. Clever social media campaigns. [Online] Available at:
able+(Mashable) [Accessed 20 February 2012], n.d. Wifi. [Online] Available at: [06.02.12]
[Accessed 6 February 2012], n.d. Social media. [Online] Available at:
media.aspx [Accessed 20 February 2012]

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Appendix                                                                           Interviews

Steve Allsopp – Saatchi & Saatchi London
What do you generally think about Twitter?
Like I said in this email, this is a really open ended question...But I generally think it’s a good thing. It’s the
first thing I open every morning and definitely use it more than other social media such as facebook. It’s made
freedom of speech a lot easier (not always a good thing) and allowed people to feel more connected to people
they look up to and aspire to emulate. Whether that’s a celebrity or someone in a line of work they want to fol-
low. The best thing is you don’t have to be active in using it to get anything out of it, I can go weeks without
writing a tweet but get so much out of what other people are tweeting, whether that’s a great site to look at,
somewhere good to go for a drink or a good recipe for something.

What does Saatchi London think about advertising themselves on Twitter?
Saatchi’s, just like any good agency, has started to use Twitter more and more to advertise themselves on
Twitter. It’s more a case of releasing teasers for ads or ads themselves, so it’s more a case of promoting our
brands rather than the agency itself. It’s definitely a useful tool for showcasing the agency’s work though as it
happens, which can only be a good thing for the agency. We also use it to promote things such as the graduate
scheme, as it’s easily the most effective way to reach thousands of students.

What do you think is positive and/or negative about Twitter usage?
I’ve probably touched on a few of the good points already, but it’s mainly the reach you can get from using it.
I could probably talk about this for hours, but it’s probably best if I don’t... There are different positives and
negatives for different people I guess:
For individuals - For myself, following people who are in the industry whether they’re creative teams or creative
directors just lets me see how other people think, what they’re up to work wise. It’s also a great way of sharing
what you’ve been looking at on the net, if you’ve found a great photographer for example. And vice versa, if
someone flags up a great use of typography and tweets it, it’s a great source of finding little things which stay
up in the old brain for inspiration further down the line. A negative I guess is you have to be careful what you
say, as it is a direct reflection on you and what you think. Whatever you write/share links to shows how you
For brands - It’s a great way at publicising what you’re doing, what you’re about and who you are. It’s also an
awesome tool for finding out what people think about you and what brand perception is. Brilliant at handling
customer complaints too, if it’s done right. If you ever have a slight complaint about anything, tweet about it
and I’ll (almost) guarantee that they’ll be in touch with you in minutes.
I better stop now or I really will talk about it for hours on end.

Do you have any examples on good or bad Twitter usage?
Ah there are hundreds of bad examples. For celebrities, for particular sportspeople, there are loads of stories
of people getting into trouble for expressing their real opinions about why they’ve been dropped or whatever.
In fact I think I’ve read about several football managers wanting to ban their players from using it. There’s the
obvious example of Dianne Abbott in the last few days tweeting racist comments and facing the sack over it.
A bad example of a brand using it is Easyjet, where they have a complaints twitter page, which apparently they
havent responded to a complaint on for months.
Actually a great example of good twitter usage was the racist woman on the tram incident a couple of weeks
ago. The video of her racist ranting was posted on Twitter and within a few hours she was arrested. That really
did show the power of Twitter.
A great example of ad students using twitter to get a job is this

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Do some of your clients use Twitter?

Would you recommend any of your clients to use Twitter? (If it is appropriate)
It’s always appropriate to use Twitter, it is hard to do it well though. If you are going to be interesting to your
consumers you need to do it with personality. You really need to engage and be interesting. Honestly can’t
think of a brand that does this particularly well to be honest. If you look at the Old Spice Twitter it’s an example
of how to do it badly (in my opinion) as their TV ads are great but the Twitter feed could be great but seems to
let it down somehow.

Do Saatchi monitor Twitter themselves or do each company monitor it?
I honestly have no idea...

What do you think is the next “big thing” in social media?
Not Google+ that’s for sure. If I knew the answer to this question then I’d be working on it myself... I think their
will be a lot of changes in Facebook over the next few years but nothing will emulate it for a long long time.
The use of circles in Google+ was interesting, I think Facebook will adopt something like this in the near future.
Where groups of your friends can only see certain things about you. So you’re effectively creating different ver-
sions of yourself for different people in the same social netwrok. If that makes any sense.

Have you heard about “Path”? If so, how do you think it will affect Facebook and Twitter?
I have literally never heard of it. What is it?
Hope that answers your questions, you might have to cut through some of the rabble. Let me know if there’s
anything else you want to know.

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Snorre Martinsen – Saatchi & Saacthi Norway

Hi Helene,
I’ll answers directly into the mail, as it will be easy and clearly for you. If you want the answers in English I can
rewrite them for you.

What do you generally think of Twitter?
I swear to Twitter. It is and will be that place where you hear things first. It’s indisputable that Twitter’s strength
and core lies here and the reason that so many of us have been using it in something that begins to resemble
a number of years.

What do you think is the future for Twitter?
We all know Twitter is moving more and more towards the “mobile”. What that actually means is that it is more
“@conversations” than before and far less link posts. This doesn’t necessarily mean that the tweet quality (and
therefore Twitter) goes downwards, but hopefully to a more @ and DM based than it has been. Therefore less
broadcasting and more dialogue based communication. Brands, media owners (including bloggers and spe-
cialist websites) will at the same time continue to broadcast offers/advertise. It is hard to predict the future, but
I can tell you that I hope it sticks to what they are good at, but still continue to evolve and improve their core
functionality. Search in old tweets for example.

Do you think Twitter can be used to advertisement?
We have all seen good examples on Twitter used for advertisements, for big international brands especially
and pop cultural articles like film/music generally. I am aware that my answer is very vague, but like anything
else Twitter is only a place, a channel. It is the content that determines if the usage is good or bad. What spon-
sored stories apply, I haven’t noticed that much yet, men the same rule applies. A media or advertising channel
is only as good/bad as the story you tell there. Creativity and relevance “manage this ship”.

What does Saatchi Norway think of advertising themselves on Twitter?
As an agency we use Twitter at a pretty casual level. There’s a few tweets a week, but as we tell all of our clients
Twitter is a place where we share and discuss inspiration, learning and entertainment, not a place for braggin.
Brands are people and that is just as true for Saacthi as for Toyota.

What do you think is positive and negative with Twitter usage?
I’ve probably touched this topic in several of my previous answers, but short and sweet; “Be the person you’d
like to meet”. Or like all social media strategy: The only thing you need is “Kardemommeloven”.
One shall not bother others,
one shall be nice and kind,
otherwise one may do as one pleases.

Do your clients use Twitter?
As a contact point for customer service a handful of our clients have a Twitter account. The truth is that tem-
porally the twitter usage in Norway isn’t big enough (yet) to it be used to anything but a support medium for
campaign activities. This is something I believe is about to change in the time that comes. Thanks to the high
iPhone and tablet penetration in the Norwegian market.

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Would you recommend any of your clients to use Twitter (if it is appropriate)?
I recommend all of my clients to do things fully and completely, not in bits and pieces. So, yes, if it is appropri-
ate Twitter is a great place to be. If you are Jølstad funeral agency, not so much.

Does Saatchi Norway control Twitter or does the clients do this?
It varies. Some clients wish our assistance to control their twitter accounts in campaign periods, but mainly
we wish and recommend the client to be responsible for their own twitter account. Twitter is a place you ex-
pect immediate response and a place where live conversations takes place. In other words it would almost be
impossible to control as an agency – as long as you don’t have carte blanche from the customer on language
form, and a cultural map from the get go.

What do you think will be the next big thing in social medias?
The person who has the answer to that will be a very wealthy man/woman. There are loads of services and
applications that is launching lately where functionality is built around aggregation or book marking. It is in
the crossover where services like Percolate, Gimmebar and Pinterest meet the social aspects to products like
Instagram, Path and Picle, new interesting things will happen. Categorization and card file sharing is the trend,
we’ll see if we can make it social in a greater extent than it is now. Than aside from places like Flickr and Etsy
– which has a specific area or a cultural theme.

If you would like more detailed answers or if I misinterpreted any of the questions, let me know. I have plenty
of time this week.
Kind regards,

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Antony Mayfield - Consultant on digital marketing, media and business
Antony Mayfield, 19th 16.00, Skype.

A: Hi. Hey Helene.
H: Hi.

A: How are you doing?
H: Fine, thank you. How are you?
A: Good, thanks. Sorry again about yesterday, my mistake.
H: Oh, that’s fine. So, do you have time now?
A: Yes, I do, yes.

H: OK. It is about my creative project and it is about Twitter. Eh, basically I going to advertising campaign on
Twitter as a final project. So I’m doing a lot of research about Twitter usage in UK and in Norway and the
differences between the two. Because in the UK, you use it a lot more than Norwegians. For now, I think it’s
going to change.
A: Well, I think it’s growing everywhere. It will grow in the UK, it will slow down here and speed up in Norway

H: Yeah. Have you ever seen the differences between Norway and the UK?
A: I haven’t, no. Or if I have I can’t remember.

H: No. Have you seen the difference in other countries and the UK?
A: Yeah, the US is the biggest penetration, UK and other countries, Japan and Indonesia is quite big isn’t it?
H: Yeah, I think so.
A: Yeah.

H: Do you think Twitter will expand?
A: Yes, I do. I mean I think it’s kind of, it’s becoming like email. 15 years ago, it’s becoming an essential part of
life. I mean in the UK you can see the use of it, it’s so wide spread that it, you know is how you can
communicate. I think it is part of how you can communicate with customer services now. I think it’s part of how
you can communicate with TV and news paper and things like that and its part of public life. It’s quite bizarre,
it’s loosing its novelty. Its becoming everyday and this is what Clay Shirky. Do you know Clay Shirky?
H: No. Oh, yes, yes, I know him.
A: Yes. He says, you know what he says about social media, or any communication technology. It becomes
  really powerful, but it becomes mundane. So when it becomes boring and something that everyone does.
That’s the point, it’s a really, really powerful medium. I think that is happening to Twitter. Something you just
got to do these days.

H: Yeah. Why do you think Twitter has expanded so much these last few years?
A: Well, it’s basically, it’s a combination of reasons. I mean, technically its network effect. You know you are
familiar with network effect. That everything you add a person to a network it doubles the number of
connections. So as it’s spreads it becomes more and more useful and the more people who use it the more
useful it becomes, the more reason there is for even more people to add and come and use it. So we’re
probably, you know we’re moving in to the maybe the, do you know the fusion of innovations? Adoption model.
I think we’re in to late majority and I guess the next five to ten years we’ll see people being mocked up by the
later doctors.

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H: Yeah, I think we need more and more other people’s opinion to decide what we need.
A: Well, that’s the technical reason the other is just very efficient affective and the verse tar way of commu-
nicating and also of managing knowledge in networks. So it’s very powerful way to find out what’s going on,
to share information. We’re now seeing increasing as well like celebrities and businesses are able to use it to
communicate directly to people so its very powerful in those senses. And also you can see the way sometimes
somebody who isn’t incredible well connected within the network but it’s the person who have a useful idea or
interesting an idea that can spread very, very quickly as well. And you know, it’s also struck because it’s had an
affect on things it’s had an affect on politics on business and business being able to see the ones who aren’t
using it, being able to see that it had, that it changes it’s a powerful tool.

H: Yeah. Do think it could be used more in advertising? Not for the customer service but for more advertising.
A: Yeah, well I think it’s roll in, I’m not sure about advertising. I mean, advertising as, it depends how you define
advertising, if you are talking about advertising as paid messages and paid content, not really it doesn’t have
a huge role in it. I mean there is the promoted tweets mechanism, which is being used really well by some
brands. If you look at a few brands like Burberry for instance, they’re probably one of the most advanced
brands around when it comes to social media, they are investing a huge amount of their budget into to digital
and social media stuff is absolutely fantastic. And not just twitter I mean, I am particularly impressed with the
way they use things like Instagram and Google+. So they’re a real leader, but that’s marketing and that’s brand-
ed content, it’s not advertising. You know, when the kind of marketing we’re still going through this change at
the moment but still a long way to go, still although it’s changing very quickly is that advertising may not be
the centre of the marketing mix the centre for it means to produce a brand, it still is now if you want to prove
that you just have to look where the money is. I mean its still mainly in advertising, but its changing as brands
realize that its more efficient and more useful sometimes to earn that attention or to spend that money to on I
think that were starting especially online paid advertising as being a way of distributing branded content and
start to think of it as a few years ago or even now is that people think about social media, public relations and
search engine optimization as things as support advertising. And I think that may change in the next few years,
certainly that’s my point of view and that’s certainly what my agency is about. Putting earned attention and
earned media at centre so what travels adverts, travelling Twitter yeah they do, but so does other stuff and you
know what travels in Twitter is what the different network they find most interesting, some of the things you
have to think about with twitter it is not one network, not one platform and not one audience it’s a complex
network of networks of people’s interests and friend groups so there’s a lot of complexity in there. You know,
we have to ask these questions about how do we use twitter in marketing or how does twitter, what works on
twitter but those are really very simplistic questions.

H: Yeah. You talked about Dunbars numbers in your web presence presentation. Was that Path you were talk-
ing about?
A: Sorry, Path, sorry?
H: Path, yes.
A: Path? Dunbars numbers.
H: Yeah, it’s a new app social media.
A: Oh yes, Dunbars number, no.
H: 150. On Path you can only have 150 friends.
A: Haha, oh right. I didn’t know. I’ve looked at Path but I really haven’t tried out yet. Do you think I should?

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H: Yeah, I think you should.
A: I’m putting it on my list now. So they have taken that from Dunbars numbers. Here is what path is in that
sense it’s trying to be a more thoughtful approach to a social network less about numbers, less about big
scale, that’s interesting. I mean I don’t know whether it would be successful or whether we could judge its suc-
cess already or whether it would last, but it’s an interesting part a movement I think at the moment or a trend,
which is kind of a back splash against the scale or not a back splash its too strong a word but kind of counter
movement to the kind of mass social networks what people are trying to do with social networking being twit-
ter, facebook, path, pinterest, the works, instagram is work out what role does these have in my life and they
once you get pass the novelty how are they useful and how do they fit into my life. And some people rightly feel
kind of nervous and uncomfortable about big friend networks and you know and I guess that path is playing
towards that. Its kind of part is what I think of as a slow social media people want to in some circumstances like
slow down the paste I don’t want 100s of, I mean I subscribe or I follow something like 900 people on twitter
and it’s too many really to keep a close track of but actually probably most of those people don’t post tweets
all the time, but it’s probably a little bit too noisy kind of a channel a stream that I need to dip into and dip out
of and I’m comfortable with that but my facebook that’s actually that’s kind of about friends and family and I
think its narrowing I’m probably unsubscribing from a lot of people I don’t and peaceful and not necessary I
might stay connected to them but I don’t want to see everything they say, I would much rather than just seeing
friends and people that is relatively close to me. Yeah, so I guess Path is definitely part of that, a trend about
humans exploring and trying to work out what all of this means and how it can be useful to them and not how
they disrupt their lives. You know, in a negative way. Disrupt in a positive way actually.

H: What do you think we should not do on Twitter?
A: Well, I guess the answer to that varies from person to person. I mean you know I think as I said in the lecture
I think that we need to think about what our twitter network is and what we want to share with that. Who we
are when we are there, are we our work self, are we our personal self, are we a mix of the two, how much of
those things do we want to put on there. So you kind of have to have a view of your self of what’s appropriate
and what’s not appropriate for you in that network. And I think the same goes for brands as well when they are
using twitter. Brands and twitter are a funny thing because of twitter is kind of built for individuals and brands
aren’t individuals. Haha. So sometimes they can be, I sometimes think that brands need to think about what
their presences are gonna be like in terms of what useful streams of tweets and content they put out there. Is it
the best of what everybody is saying or is it news is it like kind of the of the front page of their website in terms
of telling what’s going on in the organisation. You know, some brands are gonna have different twitter profiles
for local stores or for niche interests or for offers and that kind of thing. So I mean that’s all the process of work-
ing out who we gonna be on twitter and what our different profiles are for. I mean some people may maintain
a couple of profiles personally they maintain to work on the silly personal one or I know someone who’s got
a twitter profile for them selves, which is pretty much themselves and mainly work but kinda their work social
self and then they got another one which is about their fitness that one is taking automatic readings from the
wifi enabled scales and it’s where they upload their nike+ results and other exercise stuff and what they’re eat-
ing because they don’t want to put that to their other streams. I think that’s quite neat. You know, it’s deciding
what you are going to use it, deciding how you’re gonna be useful and then kinda sticking to that. Obviously
for individuals you don’t wanna do I think just especially if you want to have any kind of professional network in
there as well and you wanna do things like not tweet when you’re angry, not tweet when you’re drunk and also
to think about things like just I guess self centering in a way as if just thinking about how things might come
through for others, trying no to say things that can be misinterpreted especially for celebrities or leaders of
companies. I mean Rupert Murdoch has been hilarious over the last week, he’s had to delete tweets and back
tracked on things, I mean it’s incredible because pouring out his mind through and nobody seem to be able to
stop him. It is just interesting to see how that’s evolving.

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Appendix                                                                             Interviews

H: I always say that if “mum could read this”.
A: Yeah, and sometimes you know and yeah mum can read this. Twitter is a publicly, searchable and appear
on your google results.

H: What do you think about Google+?
A: I think its really interesting, well like a lot of google stuff it is really well engineered. From a user interface
point of view its functionality and stuff I kind of prefer it to facebook as a piece of technology I think it’s really
lovely. At the moment in terms of my network it’s all geeks and it’s just people that are really interested in social
media or technology they’re all in that talk, but I haven’t done of stuff in there a lot at the moment. But I think it
looks it’s really good, so it has a chance of succeeding. It’s only been around for a very short while. You think
things like, well you know pinterest is the latest and that’s been around a couple of years before it got to the
stage where it’s really motoring, instagram the same been around for a while, twitter was it was still 3-4 years
before that really began to become mainstream, I’m sure it was in 2006. So give it time I think that if you’re a
brand, I’m persuaded now I’m just coming to a phase where I think that it’s worth investing in depending on
what kind of what comes stage of sophistication a brand is at. I think if it’s leading its field should be looking
seriously at it now and probably is. If it’s kind of like argument anybody else has. You can probably wait around
and see what everyone else is doing. One of the things who are someone who is really smart about this stuff
sort of from a branding point of view was that get really good data in there and the fact that it connects and
integrates so well with search that is really attractive. Yeah, so I like it I don’t know what’s going to happen with
it, lets wait and see. But we’ll just have to wait and see. The google+ hang out is brilliant I used that the other
week we had like 9 people on videoconference, well 10 people on videoconference with each other. It’s really
stable, it’s really, really good. One thing about google and them and amazon best infraconstructer in the world,
huge amount of data really well resourced wealthiest companies in the world, keep investing in it. I think there’s
kind of you know I mean facebook I don’t see any in a few years it cant be seriously challenging facebook as
a leading social network.

H: Yeah. It’s quite the same with the friends and only has friends updating statuses and stuff. It’s pretty much
the same.
A: Yeah. You sort of thing at the moment, as I say, it seems to be kind of like twitter crossed with facebook for
me. It’s all people I know on twitter posting stuff on facebook like interfaces you know it’s quite interesting. But
yeah there’s not a lot of between them and one of things that’s nice about it as well as the way you can manage
your network in a lot more simple way with the circles function and I think that is really cool.

H: What do you think will be the next big thing? I know you said you didn’t want to say, but.
A: When you say next big thing, stuff that we are looking at for this year that is big from an advertising point
of view or a marketing point of view it’s the integration of different earned media disciplines so I think that PR,
social organization, social media and content strategy. I think those four things I think they need to merge and
I think that when they put together properly they are really powerful and they will be taking a lot of money away
from a paid media. That is a big important trend. I think that obviously mobile is huge the fact that people that
more and more people have powerful pocket sized computers with big screens. Now I myself have an iphone
for five years but for most people they only just got it in the last six months to a year and the rest of the popu-
lation and I think that most phones that sells this year will be smart phones, that’s massive and we don’t even
know where that’s going to go but it’s definitely going to be huge. In terms of platforms at the moment I guess
we can kind of obsessed with it in our agency, instagram is huge. It’s brilliant, I haven’t stopped using it, I’m
just too addicted to it, it’s absolutely gorgeous. But yes, I mean that’s huge I think as well hue ration generally
as well helping to show you a lovely things it’s really, really big things like the, things like pinter-
est things like there’s a whole bunch of them anyway the fantasy and pinterest those are really big and that’s
kind of interesting and then I think the other thing that really interesting for us right now is the, did you see the
economist presentation it’s called lean back media. If you google lean back media by the economist then the

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Appendix                                                                            Interviews

number one result is slide share presentation by the publisher from the economist they produced an amazingly
good ipad application obviously, it’s absolutely superb but they got this presentation based one their experi-
ence for the publishing industry and seen about how people are using tablets and how they are using them in a
different way and I think there is some data from tattler, GQ and a whole bunch of other magazines that shows
the people who used it read the ipad version or use the ipad app three years ago app things spending three
or four times much time with that publication than they do with the paper copy and they’re spending long time
reading articles on a computer or on a phone and they kind of developed this idea of their new demographic
of mass intelligence and people who are using digital media to get in depth with things rather than the shallow
level of the kind of the used to and stuff short videos and short articles and short tweets and that’s really inter-
esting to me and I think the way that people are using these devices and finding new ways of communicating
and consuming content and sharing content that’s fascinating and I think that’s going to be really interesting
to watch this year as well.

H: Everything is happening so fast now. Before it was ten years ahead and now it is months.
A: They do, yeah. Six months is what they said in that presentation as far as you want to predict anything. So
I mean yeah, there’s your other trend disruption and destruction, complexity and uncertainty and it used to be
those three words would be things that strike fear into the heart of anyone in the marketing advertising busi-
ness and I think now that is the state of play, that’s how things are and how things will be for a long time. Those
are the kind of things to take as your certainties, uncertainty is you certainty.
H: Yeah, I think advertising and marketing and PR, they have to follow the technology not the other way around
so. I think everything will change.
A: Absolutely.
H: Well, I think I got everything I needed. Thank you so much. Thank you for your time.
A: OK, good. You are very welcome. Good luck with your dissertation.
H: Thank you.
A: Bye.
H: Bye.


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  • 1. Home @ Connect # Discover Search Creative Project By Helene Follesoy
  • 2. Home @ Connect # Discover Search Contents Introduction 2 Aims and Objectives 2 Today 3 Where are we now? 3 Social Media 3 Human Habits 4 Tomorrow 5 Technology 5 Social Media 5 Viral 6 Interviews 7-10 Steve Allsopp, Saatchi & Saatchi London 7-8 Snorre Martinsen, Saatchi & Saatchi Norway 9 Antony Mayfield, Consultant on digital marketing, media and business 10 The Past - Case Studies 11 “Don’t Tell Ashton” 11 “VW Zoom” 12 “Levi’s Spy” 12 “Singing Tweets” 13 “Twitter Race Citroën” 13 “Twitter Race Mercedes2 14 “Bonafont” 15 “Old Spice” 15 Creative 16 Creative Brief 16 Creative Concept 17 Creative Execution 18 Website 19 Twitter 20-21 Web Banner 22 Adshel 23-25 Board 26-27 References 28-30 Appendix 31 Interviews 32-40 Steve Allsopp - Saatchi & Saatchi London 32-33 Snorre Martinsen - Saatchi & Saatchi Norway 34-35 Antony Mayfield - Consultant on digital marketing, media and business 36-40 1
  • 3. Home @ Connect # Discover Search Introduction Introduction The Internet has come to stay and so has the social media. Muscat (2011) senses that “Social networking is not just growing on the web but towards mobile social networking as well. The use of mobile devices continues to grow and be part of our culture and I’m sure we will see lots of changes in the future steering towards mobile social networking.” Marketers and advertisers can now meet the consumer at all times. Mobile devices are always with a person, almost all the time they are awake. This quote from the social media application “Path” founder Dave Morin describes the change we are facing “First, we are now in the Post-PC, Mobile era. In the PC era we would often ask: are you online or offline? In the Mobile era this is no longer the case. You are simply sleeping or awake.” (Arnesen, 2012) Obviously the world is changing and there is nothing else to do than to stay updated in the new world of social media. In August 2011 Twitter had 200 million registered users and 450 000 accounts created every day. (Malik, 2011) Twitter is growing in an extremely high speed and the interaction between the users confirms us that the TwitterSphere is going to stay for a while. (Sysomos, 2010) Aims & Objectives Aims - To create a unique and powerful campaign with Twitter as its main media platform to raise awareness of the charity Save The Children. Objectives - Explore the Twittersphere and understand the Twitter users ride in the social media universe. - Investigate how Twitter works with the users and how we can leverage that in advertising. - Discover new ways to take advantage of Twitter and gain knowledge about viral campaigns. 2
  • 4. Home @ Connect # Discover Search Today Where are we now? Twitter The world is trying to follow the new Twitter was called a form of “micro-blogging” technology and new trends as it flies fast by. and in a way it still is, but now it is officially A few years ago it would be 10 years between an information network. As Twitter says itself: every huge change in technology and trends “Twitter is a real-time information network that but now it could only be a few months connects you to the latest information about between every new discovery. The statistics what you find interesting.” (Twitter, n.d) A tweet on the use of digital media are out of date even can be no longer than 140 characters, but before we read them. People use the Internet could still be valuable information. You can more and more (Cartwright, Sequeira, 2010) also attach a photo, video link and other media and 60 % of the world’s Internet users have a content. (Twitter, n.d) Facebook account. (Onlinenemba, 2012) Twitter is basically used to communicate, one instant message goes out to many people at Social media once. You can send out a message to anyone you want, you do not need to be “friends” to While media is an instrument of be able to do that. If you want feedback on any communication, social media would be a work you have done or if you have a social instrument of communication. This is question about your flight, you will most likely not just a website that gives you information, get an answer. but interacts with you while giving you information. Instead of regular media, which is “I’ve likened Twitter to ‘acceptable only a one-way communication, you have a eavesdropping’ and pointed out how easy it two-way communication with social media. makes it to join the conversation. Twitter is one (Nations, n.d) of the fastest ways to make inroads with other people in your industry. It also gives you some “Social media” has quickly become a standard insight into who companies and bloggers in both web and cultural vocabulary. It simply are as people; their likes, their dislikes, their describes the powerful new ways individuals personalities. This can be invaluable when it are engaging with content on the Internet, and comes to putting together pitches and building vice versa. This reality has revolutionized the relationships both inside and outside of your business community and people have never industry.” (Laycock, 2008) been more close and immediately connected. The web has become a new “destination” for millions of people all over the world and a new form of communication has appeared out of necessity, the social media. (Websmart. tv 2011) Things can spread a lot quicker than before with the help from digital media and particularly social media. Social media has built a bridge between the consumer and business, which forces brands to respond quicker. (Cartwright, Sequeira, 2010) Follow me. 3
  • 5. Home @ Connect # Discover Search Today Human habits Humans are in need to express them selves By searching for “I hate” and “I love” on Twitter digitally. ( 2011) Here are eight of the findings are huge, roughly every ten seconds 20 new different digital needs: tweets appear. This also states that people want to express themselves digitally. Some examples: 1. Peace of mind: Need to feel comfortable and self-assured. ”Big Easy Express: I love these 2. Control: Need to manage life in the most effective way, to reduce the complexity of bands, pretentious pontifications life. notwithstanding. Great 3. Enrichment: Need to further experiences, photography, too. EXCITED!” knowledge or communication through using tools and applications only ”I hate doing the surveys on job available online. applications. so redundant.” 4. Self-development: Need for continuous (2012, Twitter) learning and immediate access. 5. Expression: Need for freedom of speech 43 % states that social networks helps them to and self-expression. connect and share easily and 51 % feels that it helps 6. Recognition: Need to be recognized, them connect with people with the same state of mind. respected or famous. Another drive is that it enables them to belong and be 7. Connect and share: Need to accepted by their friends. (Cartwright, Sequeira, 2010) communicate, connect and share. 8. Acceptance: Need of acceptance, to be Humans have always been in need for social part of a group. interaction but with social media we are in need (Cartwright, Sequeira, 2010) of social networking. No wonder social media is growing so fast, it is a new and easier way for humans to communicate with each other. 4
  • 6. Home @ Connect # Discover Search Tomorrow Technology Social media Smartphones are only growing bigger due to easier By understanding the digital needs of humans and WiFi access and of course to the smarter and smoother how they think on social medias will be beneficial when portable screens. Judy Franks says in an article in customizing an advertising campaign on Twitter. WARC that in 2012, TV will be “everywhere”. Brands are connecting more and more with (Franks, 2012) What this means is that you consumers and consumers expect quick response can watch TV on your smartphone, tablet and from brands. Social media is a two-way computer. Thanks to WiFi you will have access to most of communication, which companies should entertainment and information in you hands at all leverage to engage and interact with their times. According to several websites and people consumers and therefore achieve customer loyalty. smartphones will/is a big part of our daily life. Almost Only 13 % of members use social networking sites any media can adapt to the mobile devices and different to find out more information about brands. applications are being invented only for mobile devices. (Mintel, 2011) Successful companies will embrace Internet to its fullest and ensure that criticism from The fact that brands need to respond and act consumers are replied to which then will become quicker will lead to more hijacks and guerrilla marketing. positive messages. (Cartwright, Sequeira, 2010) Brands will find out what the consumers think faster and then act quicker, often at the expense of competitors. Two examples that happened recently: When the iPhone 4S was launched in Sydney Samsung took the attention away by opening a store a few doors down selling the new Galaxy S for 2 dollars. Only ten were sold at this price each day, but it made a queue for the Samsung near the Apple store. Also Samsung’s recent ad is mocking Apple fans in their queue with quotes like: “I can’t have a Samsung – I’m creative” “Dude – you’re a barista”. (Calladine, 2012) Tweet me. 5
  • 7. Home @ Connect # Discover Search Tomorrow Viral Studies identify that digital advertising and promotions Even though it is almost impossible to be are seen by most people, but this does not mean that ensure that a campaign will go viral there are a it actually catches their attention. few points that could push it in the right direction: (Cartwright, Sequeira, 2010) Andrew Chen explained this in a simple way: 1. Answers a question or evokes an emotional response “If you’re Youtube, but have 2. Addresses a hot topic that people are no content, then no users will searching for or talking about stick around. Yet if you have no 3. Title, description, and video thumbnail are users, then you have no one to compelling & generate clicks upload content. So you need to 4. Video is short and sweet ideally 2 minutes or break out of this local minimum less – if not annotate until you cross some threshold 5. Gets off to a strong start propelled by paid, – this is the critical mass point.“ owned, and earned media (Chen, 2008) 6. People feel compelled to share for four reasons – tap into at least 1 The most difficult part by making something viral is to - People share content to source information & hit the first audience. To do this you need interesting spark discussions and engaging content. Bill Gates said it in 1996, as he - People share content others might find seemed to know the future of the Internet. valuable (Bailey, 2010) Recently Ed Gould from Carswell Gould, - People share content because it aligns with an integrated marketing agency, said the exact same their identity and how they want to be thing: “Content is King!” That is literally what a viral perceived campaign needs, good content, in the first round at least. - People share content to maintain and grow relationships 7. Eliminate things that would make people reluctant to share It is when the content evokes a strong response at the consumers, even if it is negative or positive, that is how they start talking about it and then it spreads. (Cartwright, Sequeira, 2010) By knowing the target audience’s digital needs and matching that with the points above with the creative idea you would be very close to having a viral campaign. 6
  • 8. Home @ Connect # Discover Search Interviews Steve Allsopp - Saatchi & Saatchi London Steve Allsopp is an art director at Saatchi & Saatchi London. He is very positive to Twitter and it is the first thing he opens every morning. His general perception of Twitter is that it made freedom of speech easier and the fact that you are allowed to feel more connected to people you admire. The best thing, he says, is that you do not have to be active in using it, but then get so much out of what other people are tweeting. When it comes to Saatchi London, they use Twitter more and more to advertise themselves. To show what the agency is doing, promoting brands they have as clients. Other things they promote with Twitter are the graduate scheme, which he explains is an effective way to reach thousands of students. The positive about Twitter usage for individuals that you can follow people you admire, hear what people “That really did show the power of Twitter” have to say, what their creative views are but also to share your own work and what you discovered on Another good example is that some ad students the Internet. used Twitter to get a job. They basically created five different twitter accounts with the words “Hire Us” What he says is negative with it is that you have to appearing on the person’s profiles. They targeted be careful of what you say, as it is a direct reflection creative directors and started to follow them one on you and what you think. after the other and when all of them had followed a creative director “Hire Us” appeared at the right As Saatchi London, brands have a great corner. By clicking on one of the letters you would be opportunity to promote things you are doing and to redirected to a profile where you could see all their show who you are. It is also a tool you can use to latest creative work. (Watch the video for better find out what others are saying about you and what understanding of the stunt. http://bytes.fallonhot- their perception is. If a customer has a complaint and tweets about it, Steve says he will (almost) erest-ways-we%E2%80%99ve-seen-someone- guarantee that they will be in touch in a very little use-twitter-to-get-hired-twitter/) time. He adds that he could talk about this for hours but that he probably should stop baring in mind my Some of his clients use Twitter and he would other questions needs answering as well. recommend to always use Twitter. He says it is always appropriate, but it is hard to do it well. You When it comes to examples on bad Twitter usage have to be interesting and do it with personality, and celebrities and sportspeople are often in trouble for of course engage. expressing their real opinions. He mentioned Easyjet as they have not responded to their Twitter complaints page in months. A great example on good Twitter usage is that a video of a racist woman was posted on Twitter and within a few hours she was arrested. 7
  • 9. Home @ Connect # Discover Search Interviews Steve Allsopp - Saatchi & Saatchi London I asked him if Saatchi monitored Twitter or if each company did this and his response to that was that he had no idea. I asked him what he thought was the nest big thing in social media and the first thing he said was that it was for sure not Google+. He also added that if he knew the answer to that question he would be working on it himself. Facebook will change over the next few years, but nothing will emulate for a long time. Steve also said that he thought Facebook would adopt some version of Google+’s “circles”. Where groups of your friends can only see certain things about you. The interview ended with this question: Have you heard about “Path”? If so, how do you think it will affect Facebook and Twitter? His response was simple: “I have literally never heard of it. What is it?” I thanked him for taking the time to answer and how much it would help me with my project. I then explained what Path is: “Path is kind of like Facebook, but you can only have 150 friends and it is only for smartphones. An anthropologist defined “dunbars numbers”, as the academic term, which is that the biggest group of people one individual person can keep up a stable social relationship with is 150 people. 8
  • 10. Home @ Connect # Discover Search Interviews Snorre Martinsen - Saatchi & Saatchi Norway Snorre Martinsen is a senior creative at Saatchi & Saatchi Norway. He swears to Twitter, he means that it is the place you hear things first. The future of Twitter is on mobile and that it will become more and more @conversations and DM than link posts. Less broadcasting and more dialogue based communication, however at the same time continue to broadcast offers/advertise. Even though he thinks it is hard to predict the future he hopes that Twitter sticks to what they are good at but still continue to evolve and improve their core functionality. To search in old tweets for example. When it comes to advertising on Twitter he says content is what is important, Twitter is the channel. He also says that we all have seen good examples on advertising on Twitter, creativity and relevance is key to a good advertising campaign. Saatchi Norway is quite casual on Twitter, a few I asked if he would recommend his clients to use tweets a week. Snorre tells me what he tells their Twitter if it was appropriate and he said he would if clients: they used it fully and not in bits and pieces. “Twitter is a place where we share and Saatchi Norway control some Twitter accounts in discuss inspiration, learning and campaign periods, but mainly they wish and entertainment, not a place for bragging.” recommend their clients to be responsible for their own account. He also ads that Twitter is a place Brands are people and that is just as true for Saatchi you expect immediate response and a place where as for Toyota. conversations takes place, so it would almost be Like all social media strategy: The only thing you impossible to control this as an agency. need is “The cardamom law”: The interview is coming to an end and I ask the “One shall not bother million-dollar question: “What do you think will be others, the next big thing in social media?” Snorre says that One shall be nice and the person who knows this will be a very wealthy kind, man or woman. There are loads of services and applications that are launching lately where Otherwise one may do as functionality is built around aggregation or book one pleases.” marking. It is in the crossover where services like Percolate, Gimmebar and Pinterest meet the social Only a handful of Saatchi’s clients use Twitter and aspects to products like Instagram, Path and Picle, then only for customer service. Snorre says that the new interesting things will happen, Snorre states. Twitter usage in Norway is not that big yet and is Categorization and card file sharing is the trend and primarily used to support campaign activities. we will definitely see if we can make it social in a Though he thinks that this will change thanks to the greater extend than it is now. high iPhone and tablet penetration in the As kind as Snorre is he offered to make his answers Norwegian market. more detailed if I needed it and translate them (they were in Norwegian). 9
  • 11. Home @ Connect # Discover Search Interviews Antony Mayfield - Consultant on digital marketing, media and business Antony Mayfield is a consultant, author and commentator on web media strategy, social media, online content, reputation management and digital literacy. He is a frequent user of Twitter and believes it will grow significantly. He says it is becoming like email, becoming an essential part of life. It is becoming everyday and he mentions Clay Shirky about how he thinks it becomes very powerful, but then it becomes mundane. The reason why Twitter has expanded so much these last few years is because of the network effect he says. That everything you add a person to a network it doubles the number of connections. And as this spreads it becomes more and more useful for people to add and come and use it. At the discussion of different social medias Antony mentions that we behave differently in different social networks and that Twitter may be “too much” now and then. You have to be able to dip in and out of that network to not feel overwhelmed. Facebook is more of a personal channel where you share things with your closest friends and family. When asked about what we should and should not do on Twitter his answer was basically that it varies from person to person or business to business but the most important factor was to know whom you are and what you want to share before you start tweeting. Smartphones is a big important trend. “I think that obviously mobile is huge the fact that people that more and more people have powerful pocket sized computers with big screens. Now I myself have an iphone for five years but for most people they only just got it in the last six months to a year and the rest of the population and I think that most phones that sells this year will be smart phones, that’s massive and we don’t even know where that’s going to go but it’s definitely going to be huge.” I thanked him for the interview and he wished me luck with my project. 10
  • 12. Home @ Connect # Discover Search The Past Case Studies “Don’t Tell Ashton” Berghs School of Communication wanted to make them selves known to the industry and attract people from all over the world to study at their school. They invited people to join a project to make the first artwork made by Twitter users. People could join by tweeting “I’m on the worlds first artwork made by Twitter users” and then their Twitter avatar popped up in the artwork. The more followers you had, the bigger your picture would get. Twitter artwork, Don’t Tell Ashton. (, 2011) The only person who had enough followers to fill the frame was (at the time), Twitter God, Ashton Kutcher. Because of this they urged people to “Don’t tell Ashton”. The 17th of May 2010 the came live and three days later the artwork was complete. 4 000 000 people was reached from 151 countries and major industry press was picked up. The “Don’t tell Ashton” was ranked number 1. creative piece by creativity online, written about all over the world; from Japanese blogs to Russian print press. The first week, if you googled don’t tell Ashton you would get 130 000 results. Still no one had told Ashton. The students travelled to LA to show him the artwork. Finally Ashton tweeted about it and reached his 5 000 000+ followers. (Bergh School of Communication, 2010, donttellashton. com) This Twitter stunt also made them win gold in Eurobest 2010. (Eurobest, 2011) 11
  • 13. Home @ Connect # Discover Search The Past Case Studies “VW Zoom” This campaign from Volkswagen was about finding free festival tickets and other giveaways. The more tweets that were made with a certain hashtag, the closer a map zooms in to show people where the free tickets and giveaways are located. The hashtag that was used was in the top trending tags almost immediately. (, 2011.) “Levi’s Spy” Levi’s campaign was about finding their jeans instead of festival tickets. Still it was not the same sort of campaign as Volkswagen. They actually used Twitter as an information platform and sent out hints of the location of the jeans. If someone thought they spotted the jeans they had to ask “Are those Levi’s” and if they were right the person wearing them would take them off right on the spot and give it to them. (, 2011.) 12
  • 14. Home @ Connect # Discover Search The Past Case Studies “Singing Tweets” Orange launched singing tweet-o-grams with Rockabellas as accapella singers. If you used the hashtag #singingtweetagrams Orange picked some of the best ones and Rockabellas would sing your tweet in the studio. Within a few hours the accapella trio turned them into little songs and sent them back to the users. (Newton, 2010) “Twitter Race Citroën” This campaign from the Netherlands made users direct the Citroën driver by tweeting the driver where to go by using the hashtag #ds5race. Once the destination was reached the users had a chance to win a new Citroën DS5 by being the first to tweet a secret message. The goal was to direct the driver closer to the users location. After the driver had driven 8 hours, the driver stopped. Then the users raced to the drivers location to retrieve the secret code found in the car. The first person to tweet the secret code won the Citroën DS5. (Imagemanagement, 2011) 13
  • 15. Home @ Connect # Discover Search The Past Case Studies “Twitter Race Mercedes” This Twitter race was a bit different and more complicated than the Citroën race. The race was between four teams who started from different locations and each of the teams had special Mercedez Benz that were powered by tweets. Each tweet would power their car 1 mile, while their location was followed in real time on a micro site. The users actually advertised themselves so they would get enough tweets to get to the finish line. (Carmooch, 2010) 14
  • 16. Home @ Connect # Discover Search The Past Case Studies “Bonafont” Bonafont wanted to remind workers to drink at least the recommended daily amount of water. They sent, to an engaged twitter user, a fridge and when the fridge opens it sends out a tweet. Each tweet leads to a website promoting the importance of keeping hydrated. If the fridge is not opened in a certain amount of time it tweets to its owner reminding them to drink some water. Once a month they sent a tweeting fridge to a new person who joined the campaign. (Suongir, 2011.) “Old Spice” Old Spice has been one of the most memorable Twitter campaigns. What actually went on in this campaign was that one commercial aired at the Super Bowl. The rest of the campaign was on Twitter and Youtube. If you tweeted a question to ”The Man” he would film it and put it on Youtube. (Duncan, 2010) 15
  • 17. Home @ Connect # Discover Search Creative Brief Client: Save the Children Deadline: 15.05.12 Do’s: Be impressively creative and use Twitter’s features to your advantage. Use Twitter as the main media platform. Dont’s: No TV commercials, keep the budget to a minimal. Don’t feel restricted by the budget or media but rather creatively challenged. Insight: They look at their children and in addition to be a role model they would never want their own children to ever have to deal with some of what others experience every day. It is time for them to step up and fully commit to being a better person. Activity: This campaign Behaviour: When they Barriers: “I want to help, needs loads of social are asked what charity but I feel charities seem to media publicity, mainly on they support they will nag. This makes me say Twitter. answer Save The no without thinking about Children. It will become what they actually stand the top of mind. for.” Audience: Busy, up-to-date people from 30-40 years old. Sophia (34) and David (36) live in St. Albans outside London. They have two beautiful children, one girl (3) and one boy (5). Their alarm clock rings at 06.30, children in the kindergarten at 07.30 and they’re at work by 8am. David is a creative director at an advertising agency and Sophia is an elementary school teacher, which they both enjoy. Sophia is finished at work first and then she picks up the children before returning home to make dinner. They enjoy the family life, but sometimes they need a break or an adventure. It might just be a night on the town, have a fancy dinner or maybe just go to the cinema. Comedy is also one of their fellow hobby and they try to go to a comedy show or just watch a sitcom on TV as often as they can. Economically they do very well and they have all the new tech gadgets like ipad, iphone etc. They use social media frequently, both Facebook and Twitter. Facebook to keep up with friends and family and Twitter to stay updated about technology and world news. The persons they follow on Twitter depends on what they tweet, not who they are. They may follow Lady Gaga for her personal tweets and not especially because they like her music. Proposition: Let children be children. They need our help and we need theirs. 16
  • 18. Home @ Connect # Discover Search Creative Concept #OutOfTheMouths It is concerned that the target audience feel The target audience go to Twitter for information, that charities are nagging and their response is but sometimes they feel the urge to express automatically “no” when asked to donate, this themselves. This campaign takes advantage of campaign does something that is very unusual to do: this to the fullest. By using an easy hashtag, which Make them donate and engage because they want is an extract from the famous saying, it will be to not because they have to. This campaign is about easy to share something they are proud of: their making them feel something other than guilt when children. Though these people are not the ones who thinking about Save the Children. They will sit back with immediately express their anger towards the a feeling of gratitude for their own lives and children. barista at the coffee shop for making the wrong coffee, they do have a special desire to “brag” about The concept is based on “Out of the mouths of their kids or just general happiness. The growth babes and innocents”, which the audience is well of smartphones is huge and as Antony Mayfield aware of and often hear different ones from their believes: Most of the phones sold this year will be kids or other kids they know. By using the hashtag smartphones. This campaign builds on the easy #OutOfTheMouths and write your own, for access to Twitter and encourages the audience to example “I love blueberries because they are filled use their smartphone at each media platform for the with jam” Lisa, 5. At that moment when that hashtag campaign. is used it automatically appears in “the book” at and on your To get something viral is never for certain but this campaign has the best possible starting Twitterpage. You can write as many tweets as you point with a good and emotional content. As Ed like and read through all of the tweets in “the book”. Gould, among others, says, “content is king”. This When it has reached 1000 pages, ca 14 000 tweets campaign is based and customized on the the campaign closes and the book is now target audience emotions and lives, which available to buy and the money goes to Save the then means that the “content is king” for them. Children. This is something that will make them smile or chuckle and get a good feeling out of. The media platforms are chosen in terms of where the target audience will be and what is the most efficient towards the campaign. By using Twitter as a channel to hold everything together are an effective, but a quite new and interesting way to engage the audience. Save the Children’s logo is on Tweet, tweet! all medias to remind them whom this campaign is from so that Save the Children is always top of mind. To start the campaign Save the Children will release the with a few tweets there already. Some celebrities will be asked to tweet as well to get the word out there. Then boards, adshels and web banners are released to get maximum effect. 17
  • 19. Home @ Connect # Discover Search Creative Execution #OutOfTheMouths All artefacts are designed with the colours of Save the Children: black, red and white. This is to relate the campaign to Save the Children but also to make them easily recognised. Red is the colour of love and emotion, which fits perfectly with the target audience and the campaign. Website “The book” is a virtual book on the website, which only consists of the tweets with the #OutOfTheMouths hashtag. On this website you can also find information about the campaign, countdown to a 1000 pages and a direct link to donate to Save the Children. See next page for better view of the website. 18
  • 20. Home @ Connect # Discover Search 19
  • 21. Home @ Connect # Discover Search Creative Execution Twitter Twitter is used to get the audience to engage with the campaign. The brilliance of hashtags is that you can click on a hashtag and be continued to a list with all tweets where that hashtag have been used. Also the hashtag is blue and easily differs from the other tweets without hashtags. See next page for better view of the Twitter page. 20
  • 22. Home @ Connect # Discover Search 21
  • 23. Home @ Connect # Discover Search Creative Execution Web Banner The web banner is in the same design as the website and begins with a “Out of the mouths” sentence. The font is a children friendly font and will draw the attention from regular fonts at the website. What this banner does is engage the audience by making them click through more than one “page”. When you have read the first sentence you smile and want to read another one, then you can click on the arrow towards the right and see another one. It is three “pages” before the last one appears and explains what the campaign is about and what you can do to participate. The web banner will be at online papers like The Sun, The Guardian and The Independent because the target audience reads these papers frequently. 22
  • 24. Home @ Connect # Discover Search Creative Execution Adshel The adshel is digital and a “live” media. The design is the same as the rest of the campaign: a black background with white, chalky writing and the red Save the Children logo. The first they will notice is the heading: “The World’s Biggest Book Written By Children”, which is engaging in itself because it makes them curious but also especially for the target audience as they are parents as well. Further down it explains the campaign and encourages them to join. When you tweet with the hashtag near by the adshel it will appear on the adshel (and the virtual book). This way it will be more interesting to do because it you can see immediate response (which you also do when you do it online with the book.) This will make the audience engaged and may even check out the Out Of The Mouths website as encouraged at the bottom of the adshel. The adshel will be located at local bus stops, train stations and shopping malls. See next few pages for better view of the adshels. 23
  • 25. Home @ Connect # Discover Search 24
  • 26. Home @ Connect # Discover Search 25
  • 27. Home @ Connect # Discover Search Creative Execution Board The board is a bigger version of the web banner. The same design with the black background, white, chalky writing and the red Save the Children logo. There is one big, engaging sentence from the book and then a small explanation of the campaign a long with the Save the Children logo. Boards will be located at tube stations, train stations, bus stations and shopping malls. See next page for better view of the board. 26
  • 28. Home @ Connect # Discover Search 27
  • 29. Home @ Connect # Discover Search References Online Allison, 2012. What Does Twitters New Censoring Ability Mean To You. [Online] Available at: http://www.blogworld. com/2012/01/27/what-does-twitters-new-censoring-ability-mean-to-you/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_ medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+BlogWorldBlog+%28BlogWorld+Blog%29 [Accessed 7 February 2012] Arnesen, Marius, 2012. Path, den Sosiale Stien Videre. [Online] Available at: path-den-sosiale-stien-videre/ [Accessed 8 February 2012] Bailey, Craig, 2010. Content is king by Bill Gates. [Online] Available at: king-by-bill-gates/ [Accessed 20 March 2012], 2010. Top Twitter Campaigns of 2010. [Online] Available at: http://www.banyanbranch. com/social-blog/top-twitter-campaigns-of-2010/ [Accessed 8 February 2012] Calladine, Dan, 2012. Media Trends 2012. [Online]: Available at: er.aspx?MasterContentRef=5b6745b7-bc15-44fe-87b4-3cfcf8e3518d&q=media+trends [Accessed 10 April 2012] Carmooch, 2010. Mercedez Benz Twitter Race. [Online] Available at: php/2010/12/mercedes-benz-usa-launches-worlds-first-twitter-fueled-race/ [Accessed 8 February 2012] Cartwright, Trixie, Sequeira, Ana Patricia, 2012. Decoding Digital Needs: In Search of the Hub Consumers. [Online] Available at: 4b3e-a051-d896b28c1ba4&q=consumer+digital [Accessed 15 March 2012] Chen, Andrew, 2008. From zero to critical mass, vira. [Online] Available at: http://andrewchenblog. com/2008/05/14/social-network-marketing-getting-from-zero-to-critical-mass/ [Accessed 20 February 2012], 2012. Marketing on Twitter. [Online] Available at: http://www.digitalstrategycon- [Accessed 20 February 2012] Duncan, 2010. Old Spice. [Online] Available at: responses/ [Accessed 8 February 2012] Durables, 2011. VW Zoom. [Online] Available at: w670.jpg [Accessed 8 February 2012] Falls, Jason, 2012. Integrating Social Media Across The Organisation. [Online] Available at: source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+SocialMediaExplorer+%28Social+Media +Explorer%29 [Accessed 7 February 2012] Franks, Judy, 2012. 10 marketing trends in 2012. [Online] Available at: tentViewer.aspx?MasterContentRef=c74566f3-2554-45dd-8616-2a5d205ea800 [Accessed 20 February 2012] Gardner, Jonathan, 2012. Why content is king. [Online] Available at: 28
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  • 31. Home @ Connect # Discover Search References, n.d. Orange singing tweets 2010 Thomas Newton. [Online] Available at: http://pictures. [Accessed 8 February 2012], n.d. Snorre Martinsen. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 20 March 2012] Quinn, Ben, 2011. Social network users have twice as many friends online as in real life. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 15 February 2012] Stucken, Andrew, 2010. About Wifi. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 6 February 2012] Sølvi Suongir, 2011. Bona Font [Online] Available at: [Accessed 8 February 2012], 2011. VW Twitter Zoom Campaign. [Online] Available at: http://www.twittercampaigns. com/vws-twitter-zoom-campaign/ [Accessed 8 February 2012] Wasserman, Todd, 2012. Clever social media campaigns. [Online] Available at: clever-social-media-campaigns/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed:+Mash able+(Mashable) [Accessed 20 February 2012], n.d. Wifi. [Online] Available at: [06.02.12] [Accessed 6 February 2012], n.d. Social media. [Online] Available at: media.aspx [Accessed 20 February 2012] 30
  • 32. Home @ Connect # Discover Search Appendix 31
  • 33. Home @ Connect # Discover Search Appendix Interviews Steve Allsopp – Saatchi & Saatchi London What do you generally think about Twitter? Like I said in this email, this is a really open ended question...But I generally think it’s a good thing. It’s the first thing I open every morning and definitely use it more than other social media such as facebook. It’s made freedom of speech a lot easier (not always a good thing) and allowed people to feel more connected to people they look up to and aspire to emulate. Whether that’s a celebrity or someone in a line of work they want to fol- low. The best thing is you don’t have to be active in using it to get anything out of it, I can go weeks without writing a tweet but get so much out of what other people are tweeting, whether that’s a great site to look at, somewhere good to go for a drink or a good recipe for something. What does Saatchi London think about advertising themselves on Twitter? Saatchi’s, just like any good agency, has started to use Twitter more and more to advertise themselves on Twitter. It’s more a case of releasing teasers for ads or ads themselves, so it’s more a case of promoting our brands rather than the agency itself. It’s definitely a useful tool for showcasing the agency’s work though as it happens, which can only be a good thing for the agency. We also use it to promote things such as the graduate scheme, as it’s easily the most effective way to reach thousands of students. What do you think is positive and/or negative about Twitter usage? I’ve probably touched on a few of the good points already, but it’s mainly the reach you can get from using it. I could probably talk about this for hours, but it’s probably best if I don’t... There are different positives and negatives for different people I guess: For individuals - For myself, following people who are in the industry whether they’re creative teams or creative directors just lets me see how other people think, what they’re up to work wise. It’s also a great way of sharing what you’ve been looking at on the net, if you’ve found a great photographer for example. And vice versa, if someone flags up a great use of typography and tweets it, it’s a great source of finding little things which stay up in the old brain for inspiration further down the line. A negative I guess is you have to be careful what you say, as it is a direct reflection on you and what you think. Whatever you write/share links to shows how you think. For brands - It’s a great way at publicising what you’re doing, what you’re about and who you are. It’s also an awesome tool for finding out what people think about you and what brand perception is. Brilliant at handling customer complaints too, if it’s done right. If you ever have a slight complaint about anything, tweet about it and I’ll (almost) guarantee that they’ll be in touch with you in minutes. I better stop now or I really will talk about it for hours on end. Do you have any examples on good or bad Twitter usage? Ah there are hundreds of bad examples. For celebrities, for particular sportspeople, there are loads of stories of people getting into trouble for expressing their real opinions about why they’ve been dropped or whatever. In fact I think I’ve read about several football managers wanting to ban their players from using it. There’s the obvious example of Dianne Abbott in the last few days tweeting racist comments and facing the sack over it. A bad example of a brand using it is Easyjet, where they have a complaints twitter page, which apparently they havent responded to a complaint on for months. Actually a great example of good twitter usage was the racist woman on the tram incident a couple of weeks ago. The video of her racist ranting was posted on Twitter and within a few hours she was arrested. That really did show the power of Twitter. A great example of ad students using twitter to get a job is this well-this-is-one-of-the-cleverest-ways-we’ve-seen-someone-use-twitter-to-get-hired-twitter/ 32
  • 34. Home @ Connect # Discover Search Appendix Interviews Do some of your clients use Twitter? Yep. Would you recommend any of your clients to use Twitter? (If it is appropriate) It’s always appropriate to use Twitter, it is hard to do it well though. If you are going to be interesting to your consumers you need to do it with personality. You really need to engage and be interesting. Honestly can’t think of a brand that does this particularly well to be honest. If you look at the Old Spice Twitter it’s an example of how to do it badly (in my opinion) as their TV ads are great but the Twitter feed could be great but seems to let it down somehow. Do Saatchi monitor Twitter themselves or do each company monitor it? I honestly have no idea... What do you think is the next “big thing” in social media? Not Google+ that’s for sure. If I knew the answer to this question then I’d be working on it myself... I think their will be a lot of changes in Facebook over the next few years but nothing will emulate it for a long long time. The use of circles in Google+ was interesting, I think Facebook will adopt something like this in the near future. Where groups of your friends can only see certain things about you. So you’re effectively creating different ver- sions of yourself for different people in the same social netwrok. If that makes any sense. Have you heard about “Path”? If so, how do you think it will affect Facebook and Twitter? I have literally never heard of it. What is it? Hope that answers your questions, you might have to cut through some of the rabble. Let me know if there’s anything else you want to know. 33
  • 35. Home @ Connect # Discover Search Appendix Interviews Snorre Martinsen – Saatchi & Saacthi Norway Hi Helene, I’ll answers directly into the mail, as it will be easy and clearly for you. If you want the answers in English I can rewrite them for you. What do you generally think of Twitter? I swear to Twitter. It is and will be that place where you hear things first. It’s indisputable that Twitter’s strength and core lies here and the reason that so many of us have been using it in something that begins to resemble a number of years. What do you think is the future for Twitter? We all know Twitter is moving more and more towards the “mobile”. What that actually means is that it is more “@conversations” than before and far less link posts. This doesn’t necessarily mean that the tweet quality (and therefore Twitter) goes downwards, but hopefully to a more @ and DM based than it has been. Therefore less broadcasting and more dialogue based communication. Brands, media owners (including bloggers and spe- cialist websites) will at the same time continue to broadcast offers/advertise. It is hard to predict the future, but I can tell you that I hope it sticks to what they are good at, but still continue to evolve and improve their core functionality. Search in old tweets for example. Do you think Twitter can be used to advertisement? We have all seen good examples on Twitter used for advertisements, for big international brands especially and pop cultural articles like film/music generally. I am aware that my answer is very vague, but like anything else Twitter is only a place, a channel. It is the content that determines if the usage is good or bad. What spon- sored stories apply, I haven’t noticed that much yet, men the same rule applies. A media or advertising channel is only as good/bad as the story you tell there. Creativity and relevance “manage this ship”. What does Saatchi Norway think of advertising themselves on Twitter? As an agency we use Twitter at a pretty casual level. There’s a few tweets a week, but as we tell all of our clients Twitter is a place where we share and discuss inspiration, learning and entertainment, not a place for braggin. Brands are people and that is just as true for Saacthi as for Toyota. What do you think is positive and negative with Twitter usage? I’ve probably touched this topic in several of my previous answers, but short and sweet; “Be the person you’d like to meet”. Or like all social media strategy: The only thing you need is “Kardemommeloven”. One shall not bother others, one shall be nice and kind, otherwise one may do as one pleases. Do your clients use Twitter? As a contact point for customer service a handful of our clients have a Twitter account. The truth is that tem- porally the twitter usage in Norway isn’t big enough (yet) to it be used to anything but a support medium for campaign activities. This is something I believe is about to change in the time that comes. Thanks to the high iPhone and tablet penetration in the Norwegian market. 34
  • 36. Home @ Connect # Discover Search Appendix Interviews Would you recommend any of your clients to use Twitter (if it is appropriate)? I recommend all of my clients to do things fully and completely, not in bits and pieces. So, yes, if it is appropri- ate Twitter is a great place to be. If you are Jølstad funeral agency, not so much. Does Saatchi Norway control Twitter or does the clients do this? It varies. Some clients wish our assistance to control their twitter accounts in campaign periods, but mainly we wish and recommend the client to be responsible for their own twitter account. Twitter is a place you ex- pect immediate response and a place where live conversations takes place. In other words it would almost be impossible to control as an agency – as long as you don’t have carte blanche from the customer on language form, and a cultural map from the get go. What do you think will be the next big thing in social medias? The person who has the answer to that will be a very wealthy man/woman. There are loads of services and applications that is launching lately where functionality is built around aggregation or book marking. It is in the crossover where services like Percolate, Gimmebar and Pinterest meet the social aspects to products like Instagram, Path and Picle, new interesting things will happen. Categorization and card file sharing is the trend, we’ll see if we can make it social in a greater extent than it is now. Than aside from places like Flickr and Etsy – which has a specific area or a cultural theme. If you would like more detailed answers or if I misinterpreted any of the questions, let me know. I have plenty of time this week. Kind regards, Snorre. 35
  • 37. Home @ Connect # Discover Search Appendix Interviews Antony Mayfield - Consultant on digital marketing, media and business Antony Mayfield, 19th 16.00, Skype. A: Hi. Hey Helene. H: Hi. A: How are you doing? H: Fine, thank you. How are you? A: Good, thanks. Sorry again about yesterday, my mistake. H: Oh, that’s fine. So, do you have time now? A: Yes, I do, yes. H: OK. It is about my creative project and it is about Twitter. Eh, basically I going to advertising campaign on Twitter as a final project. So I’m doing a lot of research about Twitter usage in UK and in Norway and the differences between the two. Because in the UK, you use it a lot more than Norwegians. For now, I think it’s going to change. A: Well, I think it’s growing everywhere. It will grow in the UK, it will slow down here and speed up in Norway probably. H: Yeah. Have you ever seen the differences between Norway and the UK? A: I haven’t, no. Or if I have I can’t remember. H: No. Have you seen the difference in other countries and the UK? A: Yeah, the US is the biggest penetration, UK and other countries, Japan and Indonesia is quite big isn’t it? H: Yeah, I think so. A: Yeah. H: Do you think Twitter will expand? A: Yes, I do. I mean I think it’s kind of, it’s becoming like email. 15 years ago, it’s becoming an essential part of life. I mean in the UK you can see the use of it, it’s so wide spread that it, you know is how you can communicate. I think it is part of how you can communicate with customer services now. I think it’s part of how you can communicate with TV and news paper and things like that and its part of public life. It’s quite bizarre, it’s loosing its novelty. Its becoming everyday and this is what Clay Shirky. Do you know Clay Shirky? H: No. Oh, yes, yes, I know him. A: Yes. He says, you know what he says about social media, or any communication technology. It becomes really powerful, but it becomes mundane. So when it becomes boring and something that everyone does. That’s the point, it’s a really, really powerful medium. I think that is happening to Twitter. Something you just got to do these days. H: Yeah. Why do you think Twitter has expanded so much these last few years? A: Well, it’s basically, it’s a combination of reasons. I mean, technically its network effect. You know you are familiar with network effect. That everything you add a person to a network it doubles the number of connections. So as it’s spreads it becomes more and more useful and the more people who use it the more useful it becomes, the more reason there is for even more people to add and come and use it. So we’re probably, you know we’re moving in to the maybe the, do you know the fusion of innovations? Adoption model. I think we’re in to late majority and I guess the next five to ten years we’ll see people being mocked up by the later doctors. 36
  • 38. Home @ Connect # Discover Search Appendix Interviews H: Yeah, I think we need more and more other people’s opinion to decide what we need. A: Well, that’s the technical reason the other is just very efficient affective and the verse tar way of commu- nicating and also of managing knowledge in networks. So it’s very powerful way to find out what’s going on, to share information. We’re now seeing increasing as well like celebrities and businesses are able to use it to communicate directly to people so its very powerful in those senses. And also you can see the way sometimes somebody who isn’t incredible well connected within the network but it’s the person who have a useful idea or interesting an idea that can spread very, very quickly as well. And you know, it’s also struck because it’s had an affect on things it’s had an affect on politics on business and business being able to see the ones who aren’t using it, being able to see that it had, that it changes it’s a powerful tool. H: Yeah. Do think it could be used more in advertising? Not for the customer service but for more advertising. A: Yeah, well I think it’s roll in, I’m not sure about advertising. I mean, advertising as, it depends how you define advertising, if you are talking about advertising as paid messages and paid content, not really it doesn’t have a huge role in it. I mean there is the promoted tweets mechanism, which is being used really well by some brands. If you look at a few brands like Burberry for instance, they’re probably one of the most advanced brands around when it comes to social media, they are investing a huge amount of their budget into to digital and social media stuff is absolutely fantastic. And not just twitter I mean, I am particularly impressed with the way they use things like Instagram and Google+. So they’re a real leader, but that’s marketing and that’s brand- ed content, it’s not advertising. You know, when the kind of marketing we’re still going through this change at the moment but still a long way to go, still although it’s changing very quickly is that advertising may not be the centre of the marketing mix the centre for it means to produce a brand, it still is now if you want to prove that you just have to look where the money is. I mean its still mainly in advertising, but its changing as brands realize that its more efficient and more useful sometimes to earn that attention or to spend that money to on I think that were starting especially online paid advertising as being a way of distributing branded content and start to think of it as a few years ago or even now is that people think about social media, public relations and search engine optimization as things as support advertising. And I think that may change in the next few years, certainly that’s my point of view and that’s certainly what my agency is about. Putting earned attention and earned media at centre so what travels adverts, travelling Twitter yeah they do, but so does other stuff and you know what travels in Twitter is what the different network they find most interesting, some of the things you have to think about with twitter it is not one network, not one platform and not one audience it’s a complex network of networks of people’s interests and friend groups so there’s a lot of complexity in there. You know, we have to ask these questions about how do we use twitter in marketing or how does twitter, what works on twitter but those are really very simplistic questions. H: Yeah. You talked about Dunbars numbers in your web presence presentation. Was that Path you were talk- ing about? A: Sorry, Path, sorry? H: Path, yes. A: Path? Dunbars numbers. H: Yeah, it’s a new app social media. A: Oh yes, Dunbars number, no. H: 150. On Path you can only have 150 friends. A: Haha, oh right. I didn’t know. I’ve looked at Path but I really haven’t tried out yet. Do you think I should? 37
  • 39. Home @ Connect # Discover Search Appendix Interviews H: Yeah, I think you should. A: I’m putting it on my list now. So they have taken that from Dunbars numbers. Here is what path is in that sense it’s trying to be a more thoughtful approach to a social network less about numbers, less about big scale, that’s interesting. I mean I don’t know whether it would be successful or whether we could judge its suc- cess already or whether it would last, but it’s an interesting part a movement I think at the moment or a trend, which is kind of a back splash against the scale or not a back splash its too strong a word but kind of counter movement to the kind of mass social networks what people are trying to do with social networking being twit- ter, facebook, path, pinterest, the works, instagram is work out what role does these have in my life and they once you get pass the novelty how are they useful and how do they fit into my life. And some people rightly feel kind of nervous and uncomfortable about big friend networks and you know and I guess that path is playing towards that. Its kind of part is what I think of as a slow social media people want to in some circumstances like slow down the paste I don’t want 100s of, I mean I subscribe or I follow something like 900 people on twitter and it’s too many really to keep a close track of but actually probably most of those people don’t post tweets all the time, but it’s probably a little bit too noisy kind of a channel a stream that I need to dip into and dip out of and I’m comfortable with that but my facebook that’s actually that’s kind of about friends and family and I think its narrowing I’m probably unsubscribing from a lot of people I don’t and peaceful and not necessary I might stay connected to them but I don’t want to see everything they say, I would much rather than just seeing friends and people that is relatively close to me. Yeah, so I guess Path is definitely part of that, a trend about humans exploring and trying to work out what all of this means and how it can be useful to them and not how they disrupt their lives. You know, in a negative way. Disrupt in a positive way actually. H: What do you think we should not do on Twitter? A: Well, I guess the answer to that varies from person to person. I mean you know I think as I said in the lecture I think that we need to think about what our twitter network is and what we want to share with that. Who we are when we are there, are we our work self, are we our personal self, are we a mix of the two, how much of those things do we want to put on there. So you kind of have to have a view of your self of what’s appropriate and what’s not appropriate for you in that network. And I think the same goes for brands as well when they are using twitter. Brands and twitter are a funny thing because of twitter is kind of built for individuals and brands aren’t individuals. Haha. So sometimes they can be, I sometimes think that brands need to think about what their presences are gonna be like in terms of what useful streams of tweets and content they put out there. Is it the best of what everybody is saying or is it news is it like kind of the of the front page of their website in terms of telling what’s going on in the organisation. You know, some brands are gonna have different twitter profiles for local stores or for niche interests or for offers and that kind of thing. So I mean that’s all the process of work- ing out who we gonna be on twitter and what our different profiles are for. I mean some people may maintain a couple of profiles personally they maintain to work on the silly personal one or I know someone who’s got a twitter profile for them selves, which is pretty much themselves and mainly work but kinda their work social self and then they got another one which is about their fitness that one is taking automatic readings from the wifi enabled scales and it’s where they upload their nike+ results and other exercise stuff and what they’re eat- ing because they don’t want to put that to their other streams. I think that’s quite neat. You know, it’s deciding what you are going to use it, deciding how you’re gonna be useful and then kinda sticking to that. Obviously for individuals you don’t wanna do I think just especially if you want to have any kind of professional network in there as well and you wanna do things like not tweet when you’re angry, not tweet when you’re drunk and also to think about things like just I guess self centering in a way as if just thinking about how things might come through for others, trying no to say things that can be misinterpreted especially for celebrities or leaders of companies. I mean Rupert Murdoch has been hilarious over the last week, he’s had to delete tweets and back tracked on things, I mean it’s incredible because pouring out his mind through and nobody seem to be able to stop him. It is just interesting to see how that’s evolving. 38
  • 40. Home @ Connect # Discover Search Appendix Interviews H: I always say that if “mum could read this”. A: Yeah, and sometimes you know and yeah mum can read this. Twitter is a publicly, searchable and appear on your google results. H: What do you think about Google+? A: I think its really interesting, well like a lot of google stuff it is really well engineered. From a user interface point of view its functionality and stuff I kind of prefer it to facebook as a piece of technology I think it’s really lovely. At the moment in terms of my network it’s all geeks and it’s just people that are really interested in social media or technology they’re all in that talk, but I haven’t done of stuff in there a lot at the moment. But I think it looks it’s really good, so it has a chance of succeeding. It’s only been around for a very short while. You think things like, well you know pinterest is the latest and that’s been around a couple of years before it got to the stage where it’s really motoring, instagram the same been around for a while, twitter was it was still 3-4 years before that really began to become mainstream, I’m sure it was in 2006. So give it time I think that if you’re a brand, I’m persuaded now I’m just coming to a phase where I think that it’s worth investing in depending on what kind of what comes stage of sophistication a brand is at. I think if it’s leading its field should be looking seriously at it now and probably is. If it’s kind of like argument anybody else has. You can probably wait around and see what everyone else is doing. One of the things who are someone who is really smart about this stuff sort of from a branding point of view was that get really good data in there and the fact that it connects and integrates so well with search that is really attractive. Yeah, so I like it I don’t know what’s going to happen with it, lets wait and see. But we’ll just have to wait and see. The google+ hang out is brilliant I used that the other week we had like 9 people on videoconference, well 10 people on videoconference with each other. It’s really stable, it’s really, really good. One thing about google and them and amazon best infraconstructer in the world, huge amount of data really well resourced wealthiest companies in the world, keep investing in it. I think there’s kind of you know I mean facebook I don’t see any in a few years it cant be seriously challenging facebook as a leading social network. H: Yeah. It’s quite the same with the friends and only has friends updating statuses and stuff. It’s pretty much the same. A: Yeah. You sort of thing at the moment, as I say, it seems to be kind of like twitter crossed with facebook for me. It’s all people I know on twitter posting stuff on facebook like interfaces you know it’s quite interesting. But yeah there’s not a lot of between them and one of things that’s nice about it as well as the way you can manage your network in a lot more simple way with the circles function and I think that is really cool. H: What do you think will be the next big thing? I know you said you didn’t want to say, but. A: When you say next big thing, stuff that we are looking at for this year that is big from an advertising point of view or a marketing point of view it’s the integration of different earned media disciplines so I think that PR, social organization, social media and content strategy. I think those four things I think they need to merge and I think that when they put together properly they are really powerful and they will be taking a lot of money away from a paid media. That is a big important trend. I think that obviously mobile is huge the fact that people that more and more people have powerful pocket sized computers with big screens. Now I myself have an iphone for five years but for most people they only just got it in the last six months to a year and the rest of the popu- lation and I think that most phones that sells this year will be smart phones, that’s massive and we don’t even know where that’s going to go but it’s definitely going to be huge. In terms of platforms at the moment I guess we can kind of obsessed with it in our agency, instagram is huge. It’s brilliant, I haven’t stopped using it, I’m just too addicted to it, it’s absolutely gorgeous. But yes, I mean that’s huge I think as well hue ration generally as well helping to show you a lovely things it’s really, really big things like the, things like pinter- est things like there’s a whole bunch of them anyway the fantasy and pinterest those are really big and that’s kind of interesting and then I think the other thing that really interesting for us right now is the, did you see the economist presentation it’s called lean back media. If you google lean back media by the economist then the 39
  • 41. Home @ Connect # Discover Search Appendix Interviews number one result is slide share presentation by the publisher from the economist they produced an amazingly good ipad application obviously, it’s absolutely superb but they got this presentation based one their experi- ence for the publishing industry and seen about how people are using tablets and how they are using them in a different way and I think there is some data from tattler, GQ and a whole bunch of other magazines that shows the people who used it read the ipad version or use the ipad app three years ago app things spending three or four times much time with that publication than they do with the paper copy and they’re spending long time reading articles on a computer or on a phone and they kind of developed this idea of their new demographic of mass intelligence and people who are using digital media to get in depth with things rather than the shallow level of the kind of the used to and stuff short videos and short articles and short tweets and that’s really inter- esting to me and I think the way that people are using these devices and finding new ways of communicating and consuming content and sharing content that’s fascinating and I think that’s going to be really interesting to watch this year as well. H: Everything is happening so fast now. Before it was ten years ahead and now it is months. A: They do, yeah. Six months is what they said in that presentation as far as you want to predict anything. So I mean yeah, there’s your other trend disruption and destruction, complexity and uncertainty and it used to be those three words would be things that strike fear into the heart of anyone in the marketing advertising busi- ness and I think now that is the state of play, that’s how things are and how things will be for a long time. Those are the kind of things to take as your certainties, uncertainty is you certainty. H: Yeah, I think advertising and marketing and PR, they have to follow the technology not the other way around so. I think everything will change. A: Absolutely. H: Well, I think I got everything I needed. Thank you so much. Thank you for your time. A: OK, good. You are very welcome. Good luck with your dissertation. H: Thank you. A: Bye. H: Bye. 40