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HR software
1) Employee attendance: By HR software IDLC maintains their employee attendance. It provides
the advantage to their employee to log in electronically. At first after entering into the office
they don’t need to register their name in their register book rather they just log in to their
personal desk and after log in it automatically replace the information of employee attendance.
2) Leave Status: Like employee attendance the software works also to upload the information of
leave. That’s when the employee leaves their office they need to log out their personal
computer and it automatically replace their leave status to the server.
3) Pay Slip: HR software also provides monthly payment receipt by which the employee can
withdraw their salary.
4) Tax cerficate: This software signals about the tax eligibility of the employee and how much taxes
are curtailed from their salary and also with specific tax captions.
5) Trainning method: IDLC regularly provides to their employees. It’s not a formal trainning. In HR
software there is option named ‘HR Trainning’. Employee who personally feel any lackage to
their work he/she replace his/her needs into the trainning software. Or if HR head/ any
trainning officeer feels that any trainning which will enhance the efficiency, they arrange it by
announcement with the software programme. It definitely reduces the bureaucratic problem of
the HR department.
6) HR perfomance evaluation: Every peeformance done by the employee is evaluated by the HR
departmnt. There is no need to arrange a programme for the performance evaluation by using
this software.
Flexiqube core banking software
With globalization sweeping through the financial services industry at an unprecedented rate, intense
competition, reduced margins and increased customer expectations are key challenges facing financial
institutions today. As the industry continues to grow, the traditional boundaries between various
application types such as Operational (Transactional), Tactical and Strategic (Decision Support) are
In this environment, critical success factors that give financial institutions a competitive edge in making
decisions are:
 providing a single, common view of organizational information to all users
 providing users access to all relevant information within the organization
 Enabling end-users themselves to carry out various kinds of analyzes flexibly, without having to
write code
 providing such access in a timely and meaningful manner
The recognized technical concept for meeting this challenge is known as Data Warehousing. A Data
warehouse is a separate application environment with a dedicated database drawing on diverse data
sources and designed to support query and analysis. To achieve this task and support their core
activities IDLC uses Flexicube software.
The ways that IDLC is benefited from Flexicube are discussed belowe:
Customer Relationship Management
Given that Customer Relationship Management encompasses one of the key attributes of any
business i.e. Customers, it is vitally important that CRM features into the overall strategic vision
of all businesses. In fact, CRM assumes more importance in the financial industry today because
of the many competitors to whom a customer can defect almost at will.
Hence, a successful CRM strategy is built on the active involvement of all operating units of
IDLC (corporate, treasury, retail and marketing divisions), at all levels (branch, regional, and
departmental levels).
To implement an effective CRM strategy however, a thorough analysis of the customer base is
required because no two customers are alike. A corporate customer is vastly different from a
retail customer. And even within the retail customer base, there are dissimilarities, however
minute, amongst the customers. IDLC is, therefore, discovering that developing and sustaining
a successful CRM strategy is a never-ending process.
FLEXCUBE Information Center (FIC), a unique data warehousing system, recognizes IDLCs'
need for an increasingly better understanding of the customer base and facilitates a deeper
analyzes of the customer base by answering a wide scope of questions including, but not limited
Customer acquisition - acquiring new customers of a selective profile
Customer cross sell - selling other products to existing customers
Customer up sell - enabling an existing customer to increase the usage of his existing
product, as also moving the customer up the value chain of products, from a lower profitable
product to a higher profitable product.
Customer attrition - discovering trends which predict customer attrition accurately
Customer retention - maintaining a satisfied, loyal, and profitable customer base
Ensuring all the above activities result in a profitable customer relationship
Customer Profitability Reporting
Customer profitability calculation is not an end in itself. By definition, Customer profitability is a very
dynamic concept. Customers’ relationships with the IDLC comprise different elements, all of which have
an impact on Customer profitability. The manager is expected to be focused on any changes to
profitability. Once he has made a segmentation of the Customers based on their profitability, his
Customer-interaction strategies revolve around where in the profitability continuum, the Customers fit
in. FLEXICUBE software helps this segmentation.
FLEXICUBE has an analytical domain which helps to analyze a customer
1)Customer Profitability – Financial Analysis
Profitability depends on the difference between the Revenue earned by way of interest, fees & charges
and commissions and the Costs incurred as in interest paid and direct & indirect costs associated with
the Product.
This Financial Analysis Analytical Domain will consist of the different Profitability Measures:
Net Revenue from Funds (NRFF) will provide the amount of revenue generated by way of spread
between the Interest rates.
The Total Income by way of Fees & Charges and Commissions, which is another major component of
Revenue, will also be available in this Analytical Domain.
The Customer Net Revenue, which is essentially the difference between the Income (NRFF
and Fee Based Income) and the Expenses incurred, is a measure by which one can arrive
at the Net profitability of a Customer.
Profitability is computed at the Account level for each Customer. The computation of profits will be
specific to an Account. The profitability at the Account level shall be rolled up to the Customer level to
obtain the profits earned through a Customer across all his Product holdings. It should be noted that a
Customer could have Primary as well as Secondary holdings. The profitability of an Account is
computed only at the Primary holding level. Thus, the figures appearing in the AD will consist of
the profits of a Customer for his Primary holdings only, so that there is no duplication / double
counting with a Secondary Customer of the Account.
2)Customer Profitability – Marketing Analysis
This AD will identify the Number of Customers falling within certain Profitability Buckets. Here the Profit
will be at the total level of all holdings of the Customer, inclusive of Secondary holdings. This analysis is
done in order to identify Customer profiles that have contributed to profits and should be catered to by
way of selling more products or retaining them by rewards and benefits of various kinds. The Number of
Primary Customers will also be made available, as a measure, in this AD in order to distinguish between
Primary and Secondary Customers.
3)Customer Profitability - Trend Analysis
This Analytical Domain will analyze the profitability of Customers across Time. The importance of this AD
lies in the two Dimensions, Age on Book and Vintage. It will indicate the period (e.g. No. of Months)
after which a Customer usually becomes profitable / starts generating revenue. It will help to
understand how profitability changes for different product holdings over time for different Customer
profiles. But, the biggest advantage of having these two Dimensions lies in the fact those Customers
with different Vintages can be analyzed at the same Age on Book.
Credit Risk
Absorbing and managing of credit risk is one of the primary functions of a financial institution in
our modern economies. Management of credit risk has two dimensions to it.
1)Concentration Analysis - Corporate
One of the primary means of analyzing credit risk is to measure the degree of diversification across
various dimensions. This analytical domain aims at providing a comprehensive list of ways of computing
concentrations and provides the basis of fixing and monitoring transgressions of limits set by the
management of IDLC
2)Risk Migration and Pricing Analysis
One of the primary identifiers of risk quality in any financial institution is the internal credit score
assigned to each loan facility. Traditionally institutions treated rating as a static score, but of late there
has been a move to look at the dynamic multi period behavior of rating scores to better understand
multi period loans. While it is tempting to use overall rating migrations as the only deciding variable, it
needs to be combined with other economically rational dimensions like customer profile and age of the
facility to analyze and ferret out the deciding variable in rating behavior. Multi period averages also
allow for a quantitative method to determine the reliability of the rating process on the average and by
management levels. This acts as an effective evaluation of the rating process. The output of this
Analytical Domain can be easily integrated with more advanced credit pricing models based on rating
migration for loan valuation
3)Default Analysis
The default analysis allows for an alternative method to rating migration analysis for the analysis and
pricing credit risk. It provides the basic statistics required to implement default mode credit pricing
models based on the average default probability and the dispersion of the number around the averages.
The AD also provides for a static look at the performance of loan accounts by number and by exposure
in each of the categories. The analysis can then be done at the responsibility center level for both
performance evaluation and for effective comparison of loan assets performance
Enterprise Financial Reporting
In the past few years there has been a change in the quality of information required by the investing
community from publicly listed companies as much as there is a growing need from diligent managers
for better and more timely information to make intelligent decisions. Financial data aggregated from
general ledgers is no longer sufficient in a fast changing world, it needs to be broken down into
knowledge one can use to specify areas which are doing exceptionally well and the ones where there
are problems. This financial and management reporting also needs to be geographical consolidated
across legal entities and in single reporting currency for meaningful enterprise wide management.
Balance Sheet Analysis
This Analytical Domain provides a snapshot of the asset and liability position of the bank consolidated
across various dimensions like responsibility center, time, scenario, and product. The GL Balances
provided by the user are mapped to reporting lines configured by the user.
Earnings Analysis
This Analytical Domain captures the income expense statement of the bank consolidated across
dimensions. The GL balances provided by the user are mapped to income expense reporting lines
configured by the user. The overheads are allocated across products in the manner parameterized by
the user. This AD seeks to analyze product profitability across dimensions like product, responsibility
center & time and is aimed at product managers who have to take decisions on which product to
support & promote and which to drop from their portfolios.
Budgeting and Planning
Most budgeting and planning applications tend to look backwards. While this helps is assessing
performance and in rewarding achievement, it is not very useful when it comes to re-looking at plans or
budgets. This Analytical Domain is forward looking when it comes to budgeting planning. It helps
measure target achievement. It also looks at the balance target for the planning period. It also helps
assess whether the balance target is achievable by considering the numbers achieved over the same
time periods in previous years, the maximum, minimum and average numbers achieved over a similar
time period in the previous year or twelve months. Hence this AD not only measures target achievement
for performance monitoring, reporting and appraisal, it also is proactive in providing early warning
signals to managers, and also provides inputs for future planning efforts.
Key Indicators
This AD monitors certain key indicators as defined by the user. These could include profitability,
liquidity, and risk asset indicators.
Microsoft LyncTM
ushers in a new connected experience transforming every communication into an
interaction that is more collaborative, engaging and accessible from nearly anywhere with an Internet
connection. A single interface unites voice, IM, audio‐, video‐, and web‐conferencing into a richer, more
contextual offering and a single identity makes it easier and more efficient for users to find contacts,
check their availability and connect with them. Lync works consistently with Microsoft Office, enriching
the experience of familiar applications like Microsoft Outlook, Microsoft Word, Microsoft SharePoint,
and more.
Advantages of Microsoft LyncTM
Different types of advantages are provided through this software which ensures higher capability for the
IDLC. The advantages are given as follows:
A) Get More Done in Less Time
The powerful collaboration tools in Microsoft Lync help IDLC get more done in less time, so IDLC can
be present where and when IDLC need to be most.
1) Contacts
Microsoft Lync makes it easy to keep all your contacts in one place, so you can communicate more easily.
Contacts can be sorted by groups, presence status, and relationship.
2) Presence
Microsoft Lync helps employee stay connected, but it also gives employee the flexibility to choose when
and how employee can be contacted.
3) Understanding Presence
Lync provides an immediate, visual representation of a contact’s availability, or presence. By simply
looking at the contact list, one can find everything one’s need at a glance. For example, a green icon
means a contact is available, red means a contact is busy, and yellow indicates that a contact is Away
from the computer. Wherever a contact's name appears—in an e‐mail message or on a team site status and
contact information also is displayed. Presence information can be set by the contact manually, or
selected based on available calendar information.
4) Changing employees Presence Status
Changing your presence status helps co-workers know when you are and aren’t available. Presence is
enhanced in Lync with pictures, location information, and additional states such as “Off Work” to provide
more granular information about availability and communication preferences.
5) Instant Messaging
Starting an instant messaging (IM) session is as simple as double‐clicking a contact name from your
Contact List. This opens the Conversation window where one enter his IM and view responses from
6) Use Etiquette in Instant Messaging
Instant Messaging (IM) is less intrusive than a phone call and often quicker than email. Its very nature is
conversational and similar to face‐to‐face discussions. There are a few general etiquette rules you should
keep in mind when communicating via IM.
 Before sending an IM, check the person’s presence status. This will help you decide if and when
it’s appropriate to connect:
 Available: go ahead and initiate a conversation as you your contact is willing and available.
 Busy: refrain from sending a message unless it’s urgent.
 In a Call: your contact may be slow to respond or may not respond at all. This will vary by
person and by the nature of the call.
 Do Not Disturb: messages cannot be sent and are blocked by the system.
 When initiating an IM, it’s a good practice to ask if the other person if they have time to chat with
 Sometimes a person may or may not respond immediately. Avoid sending multiple messages and
wait for a response to your initial IM unless it is urgent.
 If one receives a terse response (e.g., "in a meeting ‐ talk later"), don’t be offended. They’re just
letting you know they're unavailable at the time.
 According to the policy of IDLC IM conversations may be monitored or saved.
B) Be at the Center of IDLC Network
Microsoft Lync helps connect with IDLC network of friends, colleagues and partners so one can stay in
touch. It enables employee to communicate with contacts from federated networks, including Windows
Live, AOL, and Yahoo!.
1) Use Etiquette in Managing Contacts
 IDLC don’t need permission to add someone to ones Contact List; however, by default, the person
you add to your Contact List receives an alert that you have added them.
 If someone adds you to their Contact List, you are not obligated to add them to your contact list.
You can gently decline by checking the button and clicking OK.
2) Use Status Message
Status messages give employee an opportunity to quickly share more information with other employee.
3) Use Emoticons in social messages
Using emoticons— graphical representations of facial expressions —in your messages can help provide
context around the meaning behind the written words.
 To add an emoticon to an IM: in the Conversation window of the message area, place the cursor
where you want to insert the emoticon. Click the Emoticon button, and then select an emoticon
C) Work from anywhere*, virtually
With Microsoft Lync, one can be connected to the office from the road, home, one’s favorite coffee shop,
or nearly anywhere with an Internet connection.
1) Setting Your Location
Microsoft Lync makes it easy to let others know where you are and how to reach you. Microsoft Lync can
automatically determine employees.
2) Conferencing Options
Microsoft Lync offers robust conferencing options, including IM, audio‐, video‐, and web‐conferences
giving you many collaboration tools to be more successful. Lync is all you need for all types of meetings,
both scheduled and spontaneous. And simple “water‐cooler” IM conversations can be escalated to an
audio conference with desktop sharing among members instantly, easily, and without interrupting the
conversation flow.
3) Meet Conferences: Employee can start conferences using IM, audio, video, or desktop sharing
4) Unscheduled audio conference calls: an ad‐hoc conference call can be started by adding additional
users to an existing call or by starting a call by selecting multiple contacts in the contact list.
 From the contact list select multiple contacts, hold the CTRL key, and then select the contacts
that you want to call. Right‐click the last contact and then select Start a Conference Call.
5) Video conferencing: with Lync employee can integrate video into conferences by using a webcam.
 To start a video conference, with multiple contacts: In the Contact List, hold the CTRL key, and
then select the contacts that you want to invite. Right‐click the last contact, and then click Start a
Video Call
6) Application & Document Sharing
Application and document sharing allows to broadcast any visuals, applications, Web pages,
documents, software, or part of your desktop to remote participants in real time, right from Lync.
D) Unify the Communications
Microsoft Lync brings together all of the communications needs into one place, simplifying
1) Managing voice calls
In IDLC, employee can use Lync to make one‐click phone calls to contacts in other employee using the
Calling Options arrow to the right of the call button gives you additional ways to communicate with a
2) Video Calls
One can easily make video calls to contacts with other colleague through this software. In this case, you
see the caller’s video stream, but no video is transmitted from you.
3) Managing Devices
Lync lets one switch, forward or transfer calls to other devices while on the call without disruption to the
4) Forwarding Calls
Lync offers several options for automatically forwarding incoming calls. For example, you can forward
calls to your Voice Mail, one of your other phone numbers, or another person.
5) Presence in Office applications
Presence is integrated throughout Office 2010, including Outlook, SharePoint, Word, PowerPoint,
Excel®, and Outlook. Hovering over presence icon displays the contact card with photo, presence
information, and one‐click connect options. Word SmartTags also have presence capability.
6) Co‐authoring
In Word and PowerPoint, users can see presence information and click to communicate from within the
document to initiate a co‐authoring session. Other users can be brought into the session just as easily.
IT infrastructure of IDLC
Every branch of IDLC has an intranet which facilitates with cluster of all of its members and employees.
For intranet facility, all can communicate with each other and can share information among themselves.
Mail service
IDLC provides its clients with mail service that eases the transaction activities through mailing. The
members and clients can transact and operate their activities through mailing easily. In this process, real
time communication is not mandatory. They can get information whenever they check the mail in a day.
Security system
IDLC has the door lock system to protect the unexpected intrusion. The permitted persons are provided
with entry card which is automated with the lock system. Persons put the entry card in front of the lock
and the door automatically be opened.
IDLC has Close circuit camera in its every floor and in sensitive places of the office.
IDLC has fire extinguisher in its every floor to take protection for the fire incidence and it has censor to
awake and give signals to its employees in time of danger.
Blue chip software of IDLC
Blue chip means the regular transactional and operational activities of the stock market members for
their back office management. IDLC maintains blue chip software to operate and transact with their
members. . It is a set of scalable, robust and functionally rich Broker Back Office Management Software
deployed on industry standard, centralized & web-enabled server technologies. IDLC designed to
support the broker and dealer to maintain all the new business requirements. There is no limit to the
number of people using blue chip in the organization. IDLC is continually developing their blue chip
system based on input from its users and they will carry on improving it until all agree.
As of now 47 Broker Houses have been conducting their businesses by using BlueChip, and the number
is growing.
Blue chip is focused on the IDLC’s back office business drivers for their operation in assisting the Broker
Houses to:
 improving operational efficiency and effectiveness
 reducing operational expenditures
 improving productivity and profitability
 improving customer service
 enhancing the availability of management information
IDLC has a team of skilled and motivated software development and support engineers, who are
carefully hand-picked and meticulously groomed using their rich knowledge sharing system and
engineering process.
The offered services of BlueChip will help IDLC meet the challenges of dealing with increasing business
complexity while keeping up with the pressure of business growth and ensuring reliability and
predictability of post-production system behavior. With this need in mind, leveraging their considerable
depth of Capital Market domain expertise, their track record of successful development project
deployments in this domain. On the top of it, they also bring to bear other’s experience in working
within regulatory frameworks, especially in Capital Market, where operational risk is subject to
regulatory review and control.
Boosting IDLC’s Productivity and Profitability
Blue chip automates back office processes and provides IDLC with the smart reporting to manage the
growth of the brokerage efficiently and effectively. BlueChip eliminates manual interventions to increase
productivity in back office operations, minimizing costly process exceptions, and reducing undesired
exposure of financial risks. By these processes, bluechip increases profitability of IDLC.
SANs Simplify Some Management Tasks
A Storage Area Network, or SAN, is a high-speed network of storage devices that also connects those
storage devices with servers. It provides block-level storage that can be accessed by the applications
running on any networked servers. SAN storage devices can include tape libraries, and, more commonly,
disk-based devices, like RAID hardware.
IDLC maintains SANs which are particularly helpful in backup and disaster discovery settings. Within a
SAN, IDLC can transfer data from one storage device to another without interacting with a server. This
speeds up the backup process of IDLC and eliminates the need to use IDLC’s server CPU cycles for
backup. Also, SANs utilize IDLC with fibre channel technology or other networking protocols that allow
the networks of IDLC to span longer distances geographically that makes it more feasible for IDLC to
keep their backup data in remote locations.
Utilizing a SAN, IDLC can also simplify some management tasks, potentially allowing organizations to hire
fewer IT workers or to free up some IT workers for other tasks. It's also possible to boot servers from a
SAN, which can reduce the time and hassles involved in replacing a server of IDLC.
SAN Implementation
To set up a simple SAN, IDLC needed only three major components: a SAN switch, a storage device and a
server. IDLC also required cables to connect the various elements together and SAN management
software. In most real-world settings, a SAN includes many different switches, storage devices and
servers, and it will likely also include routers, bridges and gateways to extend the SAN over large areas
and to connect to other parts of the data center network. The SAN's topology will depend on its size and
the needs of the organization.
The process of deploying a SAN requires several steps. First, IDLC needs to design their SAN, taking into
account their current needs and future scalability requirements. Second, IDLC'll need to select a vendor
or vendors to provide the hardware and software it'll need, as well as any related services. Next, IDLC'll
install the necessary hardware and then install and configure the software for managing their SAN.
Deploying a SAN is a complicated process that often requires specialized knowledge and a great deal of
planning, particularly if their SAN is very large. IDLC has a strong expert panel to update, install and
maintain existing and new softwares.
Understanding the benefits of a SAN by IDLC
The benefits of using a SAN by IDLC are many because a SAN usually has a very high return on
investment, makes the total cost of ownership of computing less, and has a pay-back period based in
months instead of years.
Following is a list of just some of the ways IDLC can expect a SAN to be beneficial.
 Removes the distance limits of SCSI-connected disks: The maximum length of a SCSI bus is around
25 meters. Fibre Channel SANs allow to connect IDLC’s disks to IDLC’s servers over much greater
 Greater performance: Fibre Channel SANs allow connection to disks at up to 200 megabytes per
second today, with speeds of up to 1 gigabyte per second in the near future.
 Increased disk utilization: SAN enables more than one server to access the same physical disk,
which lets IDLC allocate the free space on those disks more effectively.
 Higher availability to storage by use of multiple access paths: A SAN allows IDLC for multiple
physical connections to disks from a single or multiple servers.
 Deferred disk procurement: Because IDLC can use disk space more effectively, no space goes to
waste, thus IDLC doesn't need to buy disks as often as IDLC used to.
 Reduced data center rack/floor space: Because IDLC doesn't need to buy big servers with room for
lots of disks, IDLC can buy fewer, smaller servers, which takes up less room.
 New disaster recovery capabilities: This is a major benefit. SAN devices have the ability to mirror
the data on the disks to another location. This can make IDLC’s data safe if a disaster occurs.
 Online recovery: By using online mirrors of IDLC’s data in a SAN device, IDLC can instantly recover
IDLC’s data if it becomes corrupt.
 Better staff utilization: SANs enable IDLC to manage much more data.

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  • 1. HR software 1) Employee attendance: By HR software IDLC maintains their employee attendance. It provides the advantage to their employee to log in electronically. At first after entering into the office they don’t need to register their name in their register book rather they just log in to their personal desk and after log in it automatically replace the information of employee attendance. 2) Leave Status: Like employee attendance the software works also to upload the information of leave. That’s when the employee leaves their office they need to log out their personal computer and it automatically replace their leave status to the server. 3) Pay Slip: HR software also provides monthly payment receipt by which the employee can withdraw their salary. 4) Tax cerficate: This software signals about the tax eligibility of the employee and how much taxes are curtailed from their salary and also with specific tax captions. 5) Trainning method: IDLC regularly provides to their employees. It’s not a formal trainning. In HR software there is option named ‘HR Trainning’. Employee who personally feel any lackage to their work he/she replace his/her needs into the trainning software. Or if HR head/ any trainning officeer feels that any trainning which will enhance the efficiency, they arrange it by announcement with the software programme. It definitely reduces the bureaucratic problem of the HR department. 6) HR perfomance evaluation: Every peeformance done by the employee is evaluated by the HR departmnt. There is no need to arrange a programme for the performance evaluation by using this software. Flexiqube core banking software With globalization sweeping through the financial services industry at an unprecedented rate, intense competition, reduced margins and increased customer expectations are key challenges facing financial institutions today. As the industry continues to grow, the traditional boundaries between various application types such as Operational (Transactional), Tactical and Strategic (Decision Support) are blurring. In this environment, critical success factors that give financial institutions a competitive edge in making decisions are:  providing a single, common view of organizational information to all users  providing users access to all relevant information within the organization  Enabling end-users themselves to carry out various kinds of analyzes flexibly, without having to write code  providing such access in a timely and meaningful manner The recognized technical concept for meeting this challenge is known as Data Warehousing. A Data warehouse is a separate application environment with a dedicated database drawing on diverse data
  • 2. sources and designed to support query and analysis. To achieve this task and support their core activities IDLC uses Flexicube software. The ways that IDLC is benefited from Flexicube are discussed belowe: Customer Relationship Management Given that Customer Relationship Management encompasses one of the key attributes of any business i.e. Customers, it is vitally important that CRM features into the overall strategic vision of all businesses. In fact, CRM assumes more importance in the financial industry today because of the many competitors to whom a customer can defect almost at will. Hence, a successful CRM strategy is built on the active involvement of all operating units of IDLC (corporate, treasury, retail and marketing divisions), at all levels (branch, regional, and departmental levels). To implement an effective CRM strategy however, a thorough analysis of the customer base is required because no two customers are alike. A corporate customer is vastly different from a retail customer. And even within the retail customer base, there are dissimilarities, however minute, amongst the customers. IDLC is, therefore, discovering that developing and sustaining a successful CRM strategy is a never-ending process. FLEXCUBE Information Center (FIC), a unique data warehousing system, recognizes IDLCs' need for an increasingly better understanding of the customer base and facilitates a deeper analyzes of the customer base by answering a wide scope of questions including, but not limited to: Customer acquisition - acquiring new customers of a selective profile Customer cross sell - selling other products to existing customers Customer up sell - enabling an existing customer to increase the usage of his existing product, as also moving the customer up the value chain of products, from a lower profitable product to a higher profitable product. Customer attrition - discovering trends which predict customer attrition accurately Customer retention - maintaining a satisfied, loyal, and profitable customer base Ensuring all the above activities result in a profitable customer relationship Customer Profitability Reporting Customer profitability calculation is not an end in itself. By definition, Customer profitability is a very dynamic concept. Customers’ relationships with the IDLC comprise different elements, all of which have an impact on Customer profitability. The manager is expected to be focused on any changes to profitability. Once he has made a segmentation of the Customers based on their profitability, his Customer-interaction strategies revolve around where in the profitability continuum, the Customers fit in. FLEXICUBE software helps this segmentation. FLEXICUBE has an analytical domain which helps to analyze a customer
  • 3. 1)Customer Profitability – Financial Analysis Profitability depends on the difference between the Revenue earned by way of interest, fees & charges and commissions and the Costs incurred as in interest paid and direct & indirect costs associated with the Product. This Financial Analysis Analytical Domain will consist of the different Profitability Measures: Net Revenue from Funds (NRFF) will provide the amount of revenue generated by way of spread between the Interest rates. The Total Income by way of Fees & Charges and Commissions, which is another major component of Revenue, will also be available in this Analytical Domain. The Customer Net Revenue, which is essentially the difference between the Income (NRFF and Fee Based Income) and the Expenses incurred, is a measure by which one can arrive at the Net profitability of a Customer. Profitability is computed at the Account level for each Customer. The computation of profits will be specific to an Account. The profitability at the Account level shall be rolled up to the Customer level to obtain the profits earned through a Customer across all his Product holdings. It should be noted that a Customer could have Primary as well as Secondary holdings. The profitability of an Account is computed only at the Primary holding level. Thus, the figures appearing in the AD will consist of the profits of a Customer for his Primary holdings only, so that there is no duplication / double counting with a Secondary Customer of the Account. 2)Customer Profitability – Marketing Analysis This AD will identify the Number of Customers falling within certain Profitability Buckets. Here the Profit will be at the total level of all holdings of the Customer, inclusive of Secondary holdings. This analysis is done in order to identify Customer profiles that have contributed to profits and should be catered to by way of selling more products or retaining them by rewards and benefits of various kinds. The Number of Primary Customers will also be made available, as a measure, in this AD in order to distinguish between Primary and Secondary Customers. 3)Customer Profitability - Trend Analysis This Analytical Domain will analyze the profitability of Customers across Time. The importance of this AD lies in the two Dimensions, Age on Book and Vintage. It will indicate the period (e.g. No. of Months) after which a Customer usually becomes profitable / starts generating revenue. It will help to understand how profitability changes for different product holdings over time for different Customer profiles. But, the biggest advantage of having these two Dimensions lies in the fact those Customers with different Vintages can be analyzed at the same Age on Book.
  • 4. Credit Risk Absorbing and managing of credit risk is one of the primary functions of a financial institution in our modern economies. Management of credit risk has two dimensions to it. 1)Concentration Analysis - Corporate One of the primary means of analyzing credit risk is to measure the degree of diversification across various dimensions. This analytical domain aims at providing a comprehensive list of ways of computing concentrations and provides the basis of fixing and monitoring transgressions of limits set by the management of IDLC 2)Risk Migration and Pricing Analysis One of the primary identifiers of risk quality in any financial institution is the internal credit score assigned to each loan facility. Traditionally institutions treated rating as a static score, but of late there has been a move to look at the dynamic multi period behavior of rating scores to better understand multi period loans. While it is tempting to use overall rating migrations as the only deciding variable, it needs to be combined with other economically rational dimensions like customer profile and age of the facility to analyze and ferret out the deciding variable in rating behavior. Multi period averages also allow for a quantitative method to determine the reliability of the rating process on the average and by management levels. This acts as an effective evaluation of the rating process. The output of this Analytical Domain can be easily integrated with more advanced credit pricing models based on rating migration for loan valuation 3)Default Analysis The default analysis allows for an alternative method to rating migration analysis for the analysis and pricing credit risk. It provides the basic statistics required to implement default mode credit pricing models based on the average default probability and the dispersion of the number around the averages. The AD also provides for a static look at the performance of loan accounts by number and by exposure in each of the categories. The analysis can then be done at the responsibility center level for both performance evaluation and for effective comparison of loan assets performance
  • 5. Enterprise Financial Reporting In the past few years there has been a change in the quality of information required by the investing community from publicly listed companies as much as there is a growing need from diligent managers for better and more timely information to make intelligent decisions. Financial data aggregated from general ledgers is no longer sufficient in a fast changing world, it needs to be broken down into knowledge one can use to specify areas which are doing exceptionally well and the ones where there are problems. This financial and management reporting also needs to be geographical consolidated across legal entities and in single reporting currency for meaningful enterprise wide management. Balance Sheet Analysis This Analytical Domain provides a snapshot of the asset and liability position of the bank consolidated across various dimensions like responsibility center, time, scenario, and product. The GL Balances provided by the user are mapped to reporting lines configured by the user. Earnings Analysis This Analytical Domain captures the income expense statement of the bank consolidated across dimensions. The GL balances provided by the user are mapped to income expense reporting lines configured by the user. The overheads are allocated across products in the manner parameterized by the user. This AD seeks to analyze product profitability across dimensions like product, responsibility center & time and is aimed at product managers who have to take decisions on which product to support & promote and which to drop from their portfolios. Budgeting and Planning Most budgeting and planning applications tend to look backwards. While this helps is assessing performance and in rewarding achievement, it is not very useful when it comes to re-looking at plans or budgets. This Analytical Domain is forward looking when it comes to budgeting planning. It helps measure target achievement. It also looks at the balance target for the planning period. It also helps assess whether the balance target is achievable by considering the numbers achieved over the same time periods in previous years, the maximum, minimum and average numbers achieved over a similar time period in the previous year or twelve months. Hence this AD not only measures target achievement for performance monitoring, reporting and appraisal, it also is proactive in providing early warning signals to managers, and also provides inputs for future planning efforts. Key Indicators
  • 6. This AD monitors certain key indicators as defined by the user. These could include profitability, liquidity, and risk asset indicators. Microsoft LyncTM ushers in a new connected experience transforming every communication into an interaction that is more collaborative, engaging and accessible from nearly anywhere with an Internet connection. A single interface unites voice, IM, audio‐, video‐, and web‐conferencing into a richer, more contextual offering and a single identity makes it easier and more efficient for users to find contacts, check their availability and connect with them. Lync works consistently with Microsoft Office, enriching the experience of familiar applications like Microsoft Outlook, Microsoft Word, Microsoft SharePoint, and more. Advantages of Microsoft LyncTM Different types of advantages are provided through this software which ensures higher capability for the IDLC. The advantages are given as follows: A) Get More Done in Less Time The powerful collaboration tools in Microsoft Lync help IDLC get more done in less time, so IDLC can be present where and when IDLC need to be most. 1) Contacts Microsoft Lync makes it easy to keep all your contacts in one place, so you can communicate more easily. Contacts can be sorted by groups, presence status, and relationship. 2) Presence Microsoft Lync helps employee stay connected, but it also gives employee the flexibility to choose when and how employee can be contacted. 3) Understanding Presence Lync provides an immediate, visual representation of a contact’s availability, or presence. By simply looking at the contact list, one can find everything one’s need at a glance. For example, a green icon means a contact is available, red means a contact is busy, and yellow indicates that a contact is Away from the computer. Wherever a contact's name appears—in an e‐mail message or on a team site status and contact information also is displayed. Presence information can be set by the contact manually, or selected based on available calendar information. 4) Changing employees Presence Status Changing your presence status helps co-workers know when you are and aren’t available. Presence is enhanced in Lync with pictures, location information, and additional states such as “Off Work” to provide more granular information about availability and communication preferences. 5) Instant Messaging Starting an instant messaging (IM) session is as simple as double‐clicking a contact name from your Contact List. This opens the Conversation window where one enter his IM and view responses from others. 6) Use Etiquette in Instant Messaging
  • 7. Instant Messaging (IM) is less intrusive than a phone call and often quicker than email. Its very nature is conversational and similar to face‐to‐face discussions. There are a few general etiquette rules you should keep in mind when communicating via IM.  Before sending an IM, check the person’s presence status. This will help you decide if and when it’s appropriate to connect:  Available: go ahead and initiate a conversation as you your contact is willing and available.  Busy: refrain from sending a message unless it’s urgent.  In a Call: your contact may be slow to respond or may not respond at all. This will vary by person and by the nature of the call.  Do Not Disturb: messages cannot be sent and are blocked by the system.  When initiating an IM, it’s a good practice to ask if the other person if they have time to chat with you.  Sometimes a person may or may not respond immediately. Avoid sending multiple messages and wait for a response to your initial IM unless it is urgent.  If one receives a terse response (e.g., "in a meeting ‐ talk later"), don’t be offended. They’re just letting you know they're unavailable at the time.  According to the policy of IDLC IM conversations may be monitored or saved. B) Be at the Center of IDLC Network Microsoft Lync helps connect with IDLC network of friends, colleagues and partners so one can stay in touch. It enables employee to communicate with contacts from federated networks, including Windows Live, AOL, and Yahoo!. 1) Use Etiquette in Managing Contacts  IDLC don’t need permission to add someone to ones Contact List; however, by default, the person you add to your Contact List receives an alert that you have added them.  If someone adds you to their Contact List, you are not obligated to add them to your contact list. You can gently decline by checking the button and clicking OK. 2) Use Status Message Status messages give employee an opportunity to quickly share more information with other employee. 3) Use Emoticons in social messages Using emoticons— graphical representations of facial expressions —in your messages can help provide context around the meaning behind the written words.  To add an emoticon to an IM: in the Conversation window of the message area, place the cursor where you want to insert the emoticon. Click the Emoticon button, and then select an emoticon C) Work from anywhere*, virtually With Microsoft Lync, one can be connected to the office from the road, home, one’s favorite coffee shop, or nearly anywhere with an Internet connection. 1) Setting Your Location Microsoft Lync makes it easy to let others know where you are and how to reach you. Microsoft Lync can automatically determine employees. 2) Conferencing Options
  • 8. Microsoft Lync offers robust conferencing options, including IM, audio‐, video‐, and web‐conferences giving you many collaboration tools to be more successful. Lync is all you need for all types of meetings, both scheduled and spontaneous. And simple “water‐cooler” IM conversations can be escalated to an audio conference with desktop sharing among members instantly, easily, and without interrupting the conversation flow. 3) Meet Conferences: Employee can start conferences using IM, audio, video, or desktop sharing capabilities. 4) Unscheduled audio conference calls: an ad‐hoc conference call can be started by adding additional users to an existing call or by starting a call by selecting multiple contacts in the contact list.  From the contact list select multiple contacts, hold the CTRL key, and then select the contacts that you want to call. Right‐click the last contact and then select Start a Conference Call. 5) Video conferencing: with Lync employee can integrate video into conferences by using a webcam.  To start a video conference, with multiple contacts: In the Contact List, hold the CTRL key, and then select the contacts that you want to invite. Right‐click the last contact, and then click Start a Video Call 6) Application & Document Sharing Application and document sharing allows to broadcast any visuals, applications, Web pages, documents, software, or part of your desktop to remote participants in real time, right from Lync. D) Unify the Communications Microsoft Lync brings together all of the communications needs into one place, simplifying communication. 1) Managing voice calls In IDLC, employee can use Lync to make one‐click phone calls to contacts in other employee using the Calling Options arrow to the right of the call button gives you additional ways to communicate with a contact. 2) Video Calls One can easily make video calls to contacts with other colleague through this software. In this case, you see the caller’s video stream, but no video is transmitted from you. 3) Managing Devices Lync lets one switch, forward or transfer calls to other devices while on the call without disruption to the conversation. 4) Forwarding Calls Lync offers several options for automatically forwarding incoming calls. For example, you can forward calls to your Voice Mail, one of your other phone numbers, or another person. 5) Presence in Office applications
  • 9. Presence is integrated throughout Office 2010, including Outlook, SharePoint, Word, PowerPoint, Excel®, and Outlook. Hovering over presence icon displays the contact card with photo, presence information, and one‐click connect options. Word SmartTags also have presence capability. 6) Co‐authoring In Word and PowerPoint, users can see presence information and click to communicate from within the document to initiate a co‐authoring session. Other users can be brought into the session just as easily. IT infrastructure of IDLC Intranet Every branch of IDLC has an intranet which facilitates with cluster of all of its members and employees. For intranet facility, all can communicate with each other and can share information among themselves. Mail service IDLC provides its clients with mail service that eases the transaction activities through mailing. The members and clients can transact and operate their activities through mailing easily. In this process, real time communication is not mandatory. They can get information whenever they check the mail in a day. Security system IDLC has the door lock system to protect the unexpected intrusion. The permitted persons are provided with entry card which is automated with the lock system. Persons put the entry card in front of the lock and the door automatically be opened. IDLC has Close circuit camera in its every floor and in sensitive places of the office. IDLC has fire extinguisher in its every floor to take protection for the fire incidence and it has censor to awake and give signals to its employees in time of danger. Blue chip software of IDLC Blue chip means the regular transactional and operational activities of the stock market members for their back office management. IDLC maintains blue chip software to operate and transact with their members. . It is a set of scalable, robust and functionally rich Broker Back Office Management Software deployed on industry standard, centralized & web-enabled server technologies. IDLC designed to support the broker and dealer to maintain all the new business requirements. There is no limit to the number of people using blue chip in the organization. IDLC is continually developing their blue chip system based on input from its users and they will carry on improving it until all agree. As of now 47 Broker Houses have been conducting their businesses by using BlueChip, and the number is growing.
  • 10. Blue chip is focused on the IDLC’s back office business drivers for their operation in assisting the Broker Houses to:  improving operational efficiency and effectiveness  reducing operational expenditures  improving productivity and profitability  improving customer service  enhancing the availability of management information IDLC has a team of skilled and motivated software development and support engineers, who are carefully hand-picked and meticulously groomed using their rich knowledge sharing system and engineering process. The offered services of BlueChip will help IDLC meet the challenges of dealing with increasing business complexity while keeping up with the pressure of business growth and ensuring reliability and predictability of post-production system behavior. With this need in mind, leveraging their considerable depth of Capital Market domain expertise, their track record of successful development project deployments in this domain. On the top of it, they also bring to bear other’s experience in working within regulatory frameworks, especially in Capital Market, where operational risk is subject to regulatory review and control. Boosting IDLC’s Productivity and Profitability Blue chip automates back office processes and provides IDLC with the smart reporting to manage the growth of the brokerage efficiently and effectively. BlueChip eliminates manual interventions to increase productivity in back office operations, minimizing costly process exceptions, and reducing undesired exposure of financial risks. By these processes, bluechip increases profitability of IDLC. SANs Simplify Some Management Tasks A Storage Area Network, or SAN, is a high-speed network of storage devices that also connects those storage devices with servers. It provides block-level storage that can be accessed by the applications running on any networked servers. SAN storage devices can include tape libraries, and, more commonly, disk-based devices, like RAID hardware. IDLC maintains SANs which are particularly helpful in backup and disaster discovery settings. Within a SAN, IDLC can transfer data from one storage device to another without interacting with a server. This speeds up the backup process of IDLC and eliminates the need to use IDLC’s server CPU cycles for backup. Also, SANs utilize IDLC with fibre channel technology or other networking protocols that allow the networks of IDLC to span longer distances geographically that makes it more feasible for IDLC to keep their backup data in remote locations.
  • 11. Utilizing a SAN, IDLC can also simplify some management tasks, potentially allowing organizations to hire fewer IT workers or to free up some IT workers for other tasks. It's also possible to boot servers from a SAN, which can reduce the time and hassles involved in replacing a server of IDLC. SAN Implementation To set up a simple SAN, IDLC needed only three major components: a SAN switch, a storage device and a server. IDLC also required cables to connect the various elements together and SAN management software. In most real-world settings, a SAN includes many different switches, storage devices and servers, and it will likely also include routers, bridges and gateways to extend the SAN over large areas and to connect to other parts of the data center network. The SAN's topology will depend on its size and the needs of the organization. The process of deploying a SAN requires several steps. First, IDLC needs to design their SAN, taking into account their current needs and future scalability requirements. Second, IDLC'll need to select a vendor or vendors to provide the hardware and software it'll need, as well as any related services. Next, IDLC'll install the necessary hardware and then install and configure the software for managing their SAN. Deploying a SAN is a complicated process that often requires specialized knowledge and a great deal of planning, particularly if their SAN is very large. IDLC has a strong expert panel to update, install and maintain existing and new softwares. Understanding the benefits of a SAN by IDLC The benefits of using a SAN by IDLC are many because a SAN usually has a very high return on investment, makes the total cost of ownership of computing less, and has a pay-back period based in months instead of years. Following is a list of just some of the ways IDLC can expect a SAN to be beneficial.  Removes the distance limits of SCSI-connected disks: The maximum length of a SCSI bus is around 25 meters. Fibre Channel SANs allow to connect IDLC’s disks to IDLC’s servers over much greater distances.  Greater performance: Fibre Channel SANs allow connection to disks at up to 200 megabytes per second today, with speeds of up to 1 gigabyte per second in the near future.  Increased disk utilization: SAN enables more than one server to access the same physical disk, which lets IDLC allocate the free space on those disks more effectively.  Higher availability to storage by use of multiple access paths: A SAN allows IDLC for multiple physical connections to disks from a single or multiple servers.
  • 12.  Deferred disk procurement: Because IDLC can use disk space more effectively, no space goes to waste, thus IDLC doesn't need to buy disks as often as IDLC used to.  Reduced data center rack/floor space: Because IDLC doesn't need to buy big servers with room for lots of disks, IDLC can buy fewer, smaller servers, which takes up less room.  New disaster recovery capabilities: This is a major benefit. SAN devices have the ability to mirror the data on the disks to another location. This can make IDLC’s data safe if a disaster occurs.  Online recovery: By using online mirrors of IDLC’s data in a SAN device, IDLC can instantly recover IDLC’s data if it becomes corrupt.  Better staff utilization: SANs enable IDLC to manage much more data.