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First published in paperback in Great Britain in 2019
Copyright © Barbara Everett
All rights reserved
ISBN 978-1-9993068–1-6
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Special prices for schools, and rescue centres
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A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the
British Library.
Illustrations by Melanie McIntyre
Available on: -
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Thank You
A big thank you to Melanie for the great illustrations; Sunny
Claire for his technological support; my friends and family for
their valid suggestions and input, and, of course, to Cooper,
our family dog who has given me the inspiration to write the
second part of his story.
I am on a mission to help protect dogs by helping people to
realise that there are many things that need to be
considered, before they make the important decision to
welcome a puppy or dog into their homes.
I hope that you the reader will be entertained as well as
educated and I would like to thank you for purchasing this
book. Would you please help to spread the important
messages by sharing this book with your friends and family?
When you are all snuggled up nice and warm – give a
thought to all of the puppy dogs who haven’t got a forever
home. All they ask for is a secure warm place to live, with a
loving family, who plays with them, takes them for walks and
provides a meal each day.
Cooper and his family did a car boot to raise money to help
their local Rescue Centre, and you could do the same, or
maybe have a stall at a local church or school fair.
Help - the Rescue Centres are always looking for volunteers
to help with walking, feeding and being a companion to the
dogs that they are looking after. You could offer your help.
All animals are precious and have feelings and emotions just
like you and me and they need our love and protection!
1. We all need a good friend 1
2. Tuesdays, one of my favourite days 3
3. Footprints in the snow 7
4. Scrambled egg 11
5. Portion size 14
6. Sweet dreams 16
7. Fast forward to spring 18
8. My heart misses a beat 20
9. Looking for brothers 22
12. Car boot sale 41
13. Auction sale day 48
15. The best news ever 51
1. We all need a good friend
Hello everyone,
Welcome to the second book of Puppy Dogs and Poo
We’re going to have a good time, but first I want to
tell you how I felt when I was taken away from my
family on Christmas Eve when I was ten weeks old. I
was used to playing with my four mischievous
brothers all day long and snuggling up with them all
night, but things were different when I moved in with
my new family.
I slept in the lounge, and at bedtime the family would
kiss me and stroke my head, and say ‘goodnight
Cooper’ and then, close the door. I was left in the dark
all on my own. I felt upset and lonely and my eyes
would fill with tears.
After three nights of me crying and keeping the family
awake, Dad came and slept on the settee next to me.
We all need a good friend sometimes, don’t we?
After playing and gently tickling me behind my ears
he would say, ‘right Cooper, time to go to sleep now’.
He would quickly be in ‘the land of Nod’ and start
snoring. I thought to myself, I can go to sleep now
Dad is next to me - I don’t feel lonely anymore.
Do you know, it took nearly two weeks for me to settle
in. I am now very happy and loved by my new super-
duper family, and, Dad has gone back to his own bed.
2. Tuesdays, one of my favourite days
My mum and dad both work. My brother and sister,
Harry and Kate, go to school. Mum works from home;
I like to be as close as possible to her so I lie curled up
at her feet while she is working on the computer.
Sometimes I sit on her knee, that is if she lets me?!
She is getting me into a good routine; every 2-3 hours
she says nicely ‘come on Cooper, time to go out in the
garden for a poo or a wee’.
Today, I notice her routine is different; I watch every
move she makes. I think to myself, is it Tuesday today,
one of my favourite days, when I go to Grandma’s?
Mum puts my harness on, gives me a cuddle, looks
into my eyes, and says, “YES COOPER – IT’S
I start leaping up in the air and get really excited.
Mum then dresses me in a red waterproof jacket. Why
do I need this on as well as my harness? I thought.
Well, when she opened the front door everywhere was
covered with a white blanket. It was very quiet and
By the way, I’ve had a new purple harness, YIPPEE!
I like it better than the collar and lead which were
hurting my neck if I pulled.
I do still wear my collar which has a tag attached to it
with my dad’s telephone number on. I am also micro-
chipped so I can be traced easily if I get lost.
“What’s all this white stuff Mum?”
“It’s snow Cooper. YOU WILL LOVE… IT!”
I get the feeling that this is going to be a really
exciting day. YIPPEE……!!!
I can’t wait to get to Grandma’s. I jump into the car.
Mum says, “is your tail safely tucked in Cooper; you
don’t want to get it trapped in the car door, do you?”
That sounds a bit painful I thought. I had better check
every time that my tail is tucked inside the car. I don’t
want to end up at the Vets with half a tail, do I?
I am getting to know the way to Grandma’s. My eyes
are busy looking at everything on the way. We pass
the corner shop and then turn into her road.
My nose is pressed against the car window, and there
she is, sitting on the stone wall outside her house,
waiting for me, and waving.
I’m squealing with delight. I can’t wait to get out of
the car.
“PLEASE WAIT COOPER!! while I put you on the
lead. I don’t want you jumping out of the car onto the
road or chasing any cats, and getting run over,” said
Mum anxiously. Oh No! I don’t fancy getting
squashed by a car. I thought
“You look nice and warm Grandma, in your brown and
orange outfit.”
“Yes, you look nice too, with your purple harness and
your new red jacket; they blend nicely with your black
curly coat. You’ll need your waterproof coat on today
Cooper, it will keep you warm and dry in the snow.”
“Right, have I got the poo bags, phone and whistle?”
she asks herself aloud.
When she has to use the whistle (usually when I go too
far away), I race back to her; all part of my training; I
get a treat for being a good boy! I love treats!
3. Footprints in the snow
We are on our way to the park. YIPPPEE…!!
“Come on Cooper, walk nicely and don’t pull; keep on
the inside of me, away from the road and traffic.”
“Ok, Grandma, I’ll try not to pull, but can we walk
faster please? I want to get to the park - quickly!”
I am fascinated at my tiny paw prints in the soft snow,
compared to Grandma’s big footprints. Oh! What big
feet you have Grandma! I thought. I was also
fascinated when I had a wee, as it turned the snow
It was very quiet in the park, no birds singing or
squirrels running around.
I think they were all tucked up in the trees, snuggling
up together, keeping warm and dry, do you?
I ran through the woods and up and down the park. Not
many dogs out today. They must all be at home
keeping warm. I hope I meet someone to play with
soon. I thought.
I scampered happily along the path near the café,
passing lots of snowdrops; their dainty little white
heads peeping through the snow.
Someone had been up early (an early bird) and built a
big snowman. He stood glistening in the sun looking
rather dashing, wearing a green top hat with matching
scarf and buttons, and a carrot for his nose.
“Look at his lovely big smile made from stone
pebbles,” said Grandma.
I spotted movement at last. HOORAY…!! It was
Donald; he is a miniature poodle and is very small,
with sandy coloured, curly fur. He was wearing a dark
green jumper to keep him warm. I have played with
him before - I like him.
I started teasing him, zig zagging and running around
in circles, until I got him to chase me! We were
skidding and sliding all over and rolled down the bank.
Then we both jumped up and started all over again!
We were squealing with delight and having such a
great time, until, Grandma called me.
Oooh!! What does she want? I thought. I am really
enjoying myself with Donald.
… “Time to go home Cooper, for breakfast.”
… I prick my ears up – did she say breakfast?
… I hope it’s scrambled eggs, my favourite! I thought.
“I’m sorry Donald, but I have to go home now.”
“Oh! Cooper, do you have to go, spoiling all the fun?”
“Yes, but hopefully I will see you tomorrow Donald,
same time, same place.”
“Ok, let’s hope it keeps snowing and it’s nice and
deep, all the better for skidding and sliding around in!
We can have a snowball fight too!”
The snowflakes were still gently twirling down as
Grandma and I re-traced our footprints back home.
4. Scrambled egg
Before we go inside the house, she dries me with an
old towel. I don’t like this and start wriggling to try
and get away. “Please stand still Cooper!” she says in
a bossy voice.
She then gently lifts each paw; dries my legs and
tummy; wipes my face; then checks that my eyes and
ears are clean and dry.
While she is kneeling down, I lick her face and give
her a few kisses, because I love her.
Please hurry up Grandma I am hungry and want my
breakfast. I thought.
Grandma then takes off her boots, hat, scarf, gloves
and raincoat. “I’ll just wash my hands and then I will
be ready to make breakfast!”
YIPPEE!! about time too! I thought, waiting patiently.
She then places on the table the wholemeal bread, the
eggs, milk, butter, salt, tomatoes and tinned pineapple.
I know all the movements! Scrambled eggs here we
come! She whisks two eggs with a little water and a
pinch of salt. Then toasts two slices of wholemeal
bread (one for her and one for me). She melts a small
amount of butter in a saucepan and adds the eggs;
cooks them slowly on a low heat and folds in the edges
with a wooden spoon.
It only takes a few minutes. She waits for the
scrambled eggs to cool down and then puts half in my
bowl; butters the crunchy toast; cuts my slice up into
small squares and adds it to my scrambled egg.
I have a few pieces of tinned pineapple with mine - I
love it! Grandma says pineapple is good for my
digestion and one of my 5-a-day. She has tomatoes
with hers, one of her 5-a-day. Then we share some of
her plain live yogurt and I have a drink of water.
“I’m so pleased that you enjoy eating your pineapple
Cooper. Fruit and vegetables contain lots of very, very
important vitamins and minerals which help to make
your body work properly,” she explained.
Wow! I’d better eat my fruit and vegetables every
single day, because I want my body to work properly
don’t I?!
Dogs have to be careful not to eat grapes, dried fruit
and onions, so just to be sure, Grandma always checks
‘online’ for the best fruit and vegetable for dogs.
She is careful not to give me food with sugar in it,
especially cake and chocolate! She says too much
sugar is really bad for all of us!! I didn’t know that,
did you?
“How was your breakfast Cooper? I notice you have
licked your plate clean and drank your water!”
“It was DELICIOUS! Grandma, THANK YOU!”
“Oh, you do have lovely manners Cooper, and they
are soooooooooo… important!!!!”
5. Portion size
I wonder if she will give me any more food, I thought.
I will put on my ‘sad look’ and see if it works.
She gives me a stern look back. “I know you love your
food Cooper, but you have had your portion size, so
stop trying to make me feel sorry for you.”
“Oh, Grandma, you and your portion size - I just like
eating so give me a little bit more, PLEASE,
“You say you want to have lots of energy to run
around; if you eat more than your portion size every
day you could put weight on; then you won’t be able
to run, leap and jump in the air so easily, will you?”
“What do you mean by portion size Grandma?”
“Portion size is the amount of food that you need for
the size of your body. So, we all have to be careful not
to eat more food than our body needs, or it will store
the extra food as fat, and you could get bigger and
Crikey, I don’t want to get bigger and bigger, I
thought. I had better watch my portion size! Are you
going to watch yours, too?
“There are lots of overweight dogs around because
their dinners are too big for them; they’re given too
many treats, and don’t get enough exercise?
Poor dogs, it’s not fair to them, is it?” Grandma said.
I think Grandma feels sorry for them!
I have decided that she is being kind when she speaks
to me with a firm voice, and says, ‘NO MORE
COOPER’, so, I will do as I am told. What do you
After all, it is the person’s job who feeds you, to watch
your portion size, isn’t it……?
Grandma says, ‘the more you listen the more you
learn’ and that sounds about right to me.
6. Sweet dreams
After breakfast, she washes the dishes. I stand on my
hind legs with a tug toy in my mouth and keep
prodding her with my paws. “Oh, you want to play
‘tug’ now, do you Cooper?” “Yes, please Grandma!”
She teases and gently swings me around. I grunt and
growl and wag my tail like mad! I love it!
“Come on Cooper, let’s have some ‘quiet time’ now.
I will put some nice relaxing music on; we will have a
rest and you might drop off to sleep.”
She spreads a large towel on the settee. I snuggle up
to her to get as close as possible. I wriggle to get
comfy, take a deep sigh, close my eyes and I am fast
asleep in no time, dreaming about my first day out in
the snow and my favourite breakfast. And, my
Grandma, as she makes me feel soooooooooo special!
I wake up and she tickles my chest and says, “you’ve
been in a deep sleep, your body has been twitching
away and you’ve been making soft whimpering noises;
that sleep will have done you good!”
I have a good stretch, and she throws a small carrot in
the air and says, “catch Cooper - carrots are good for
your teeth and help you to see in the dark.”
Hmph, that’s a good tip, I’ll remember that as I want
to look after my eyes and teeth.
7. Fast forward to spring
You ought to see the park everyone!! It’s covered in
bright yellow daffodils swaying in the March breeze.
Did you know that daffodils are a sign that ‘spring is
in the air’?
Now the days are getting warmer, there are lots of
squirrels scampering around looking for nuts and
berries. They hide them in the woods and remember
where they’ve hidden them! How clever is that?
I zoom in and out of the trees, darting all over, chasing
them. I’m superfast! I spotted two squirrels together,
and thought, I must catch one of them!
While I was deciding which one to go for, they both
shot up the tree like greased lightning. And there I
stood, staring up, feeling puzzled. MISSED AGAIN!
I am now growing fast. I enjoy going to my training
classes where I meet lots of other puppies and dogs;
some playful and some grumpy. I steer clear of the
grumpy ones as I don’t want to get into any trouble, do
I? Maybe they’re tired or don’t feel very well?
I have learnt a few commands – COME, SIT, STAY,
DROP and DOWN. All of my family use the same
commands so I don’t get confused. I get a tiny treat to
reward me when I get things right. Yummy! I like that.
8. My heart misses a beat
I like it when Grandma and I call at the café on the
park for a drink. The tempting smell of sizzling bacon
drifts through the air – ‘that smells tasty’ I think.
The usual crowd were sitting outside in the morning
sun; chatting and enjoying a bit of gossip; their dogs
snoozing under the tables. That is, until I arrive, and
cause mayhem. Not on purpose though. I promise.
“Good morning everyone,” says Grandma happily.
“Good morning Grandma and Cooper,” they all reply.
We were just about to sit down when, OOPS! A table
came flying towards us with a sausage dog attached to
the table leg, by her lead.
The food and drink went everywhere. I was not in the
‘good books’, but it wasn’t my fault that the sausage
dog decided to bark and chase me away, plus the
owner had tied her to the table leg.
Anyway, we all settled down and were enjoying a chat
in the warm spring sunshine, when I overheard some
disturbing news!
“Have you heard about two of Coopers brothers who
have been taken to the Rescue Centre?” whispered Jill
who owns the café.
My heart missed a beat!
I pricked my ears up to try and find out more detail and
started to worry. Which brothers and where are they?
Oh dear, I do hope they are ok. I must find them and
visit them. I thought.
9. Looking for brothers
Grandma found out that it was Scott and Mason. She
made an appointment for us to go to see them. We
drove down pretty country lanes with white blossom
flowering in the hedgerows and eventually arrived at
the Rescue Centre. We got out of the car; I was pulling
on the harness as I couldn’t wait to get inside.
“We have an appointment to visit the black
cockapoos,” said Grandma.
“Yes, follow me. Mason is waiting for you in the
exercise area,” said the receptionist. What about
Scott? I thought, feeling worried.
My heart was racing and my eyes were looking all over
the place, and then, I spotted Mason!
I couldn’t help but notice how sad he looked. He was
lying down curled up; his eyes were dull and lifeless.
“Mason!” I squealed, “Mason! Mason!”
He slowly stood up and looked at me with a quizzical
expression. I could sense that he was unhappy and
tried to make him feel better. I stayed close to him. I
licked his face and rubbed my body against him.
Mason’s tail did start to wag slightly, and a little smile
came on his face. His eyes started to shine, his ears
pricked up, his tail started to wag, and then, he jumped
with joy!
“Oh, Cooper, it really is you, isn’t it?” He yelped with
sheer excitement.
“Have you come to save me?”
“I have come to try and help you Mason, but firstly
tell me why you have been brought here?”
“Well, to start with my new family were so nice; they
took me out for long walks and to training classes.
But after a while, I think the novelty of having a new
puppy must have worn off; you see, all of the family
had these gadgets which seemed to take over their
lives; they would have their heads down, swiping left,
right, up and down, on these bright screens.
It got so that they ignored me. I felt sad, unwanted
and bored, so, I started chewing everything. I ate the
kids’ socks and toys which got stuck in my tummy
and I had to be taken to the Vet. They received a big
bill from the Vet. Dad was worried as he wasn’t
expecting this.
They did feed me nice food and let me out in the
garden for a poo, and then, they would argue about
who was going to be the ‘pooper scooper’.
After a while they realised that they just couldn’t cope
with having an extra member in the family, and hadn’t
really got enough time for me. I heard Dad say, ‘it isn’t
fair to keep him, the family isn’t working together as
a team; we should have put a lot more thought into
what is involved when having a puppy’.”
“Oh! poor Mason, I’m sure the Rescue Centre will find
you a family who will play with you, take you for nice
walkies, and share all of the responsibilities.”
“But it is difficult Cooper, as everyone is so busy!”
“There are lots of kind people who come to the Rescue
Centre Mason who understand that a puppy is another
member of the family and needs lots of play and
walkies every day, maybe, for up to 15 years.”
“15 years!! WOW!! That’s a long time Cooper.”
“Yes Mason, and just think of the love and friendship
a dog can bring for such a long time. They are your
bestest friend.”
“Thank you for coming to see me Cooper, I feel so
much happier now.”
“Yes, I can tell.”
“How can you tell Cooper?”
“A happy dog has bright clear eyes, sticky up ears and
a waggy tail, and that is exactly what you have now!”
Mason then rolled onto his back, with his feet waving
in the air. He kept looking at Grandma.
“I know what he wants,” said Grandma with a big grin
on her face. “He wants his tummy tickling.”
So, she gently tickled him with her finger tips. He
loved it!!
“Rolling over on his back is a good sign that he is
feeling very happy and secure!” she said with a
contented smile.
10. Where is Scott?
“Now, what about Scott, where is he?”
“Only yesterday he was re-homed with a family who
have a son with special needs. They were looking for
a quiet and friendly puppy to be a friend and
companion for him. The rescue staff thought Scott
would be ideal because he is quiet and a little shy.
They are hoping that Scott will help their son to gain
more confidence, by going out for walks and to
training classes. This will help both of them in many
ways, especially socialising. Plus, they will give each
other lots of love and affection.
The family were as ‘pleased as Punch’ when they
signed the adoption papers. You should have seen the
big smiles on their faces! It was a picture of sheer
“So why was Scott brought here in the first place?”
“Well Cooper, he was with a loving family who had
three noisy kids.
They were very nice kids, but too boisterous for Scott
who would hide anywhere to get away from them.”
“Oh, poor little Scott.”
“Anyway, you should have seen him yesterday
Cooper, when he left here with his new family; he
snuggled up to me and licked my face before he trotted
away with his tail in the air. He looked back with a
twinkle in his eye as if to say, good-bye Mason, now I
am going to be a happy boy for the rest of my life!
I was so pleased for him that I jumped for joy and I
thought, goodbye, my amazing brother Scott, and a big
thank you to the Rescue Centre for finding him, his
‘forever family’.”
11. Stories from the rescue dogs
“What about all of the other dogs, why are they here?”
“The main reason is because their owners just didn’t
realise how much time and hard work is involved when
having a puppy. You see it’s like having another baby
or child in the family to care for and look after every
single day.
Let’s have a chat with a few of them and find out why.”
“Hello Cooper my name is Thomas.
My new family spent lots of time playing with me and
we were all very happy. The house was spotlessly
One day the family took me in the park when it had
been ‘chucking it down’ with rain. The kids were
climbing trees; I was running around really fast, and
skidding all over the place, rolling in the mud; we all
had a great time and got wet through and absolutely
When we arrived home, the kids opened the front
door and let me into the house. I trod my muddy
footprints everywhere, and then, I had a good shake.
You should have seen the mud splattered all over the
floors and walls!! Mum went ballistic!!
‘Oh, my lovely clean home, I can’t stand the mess
anymore, what with the POO, DOG HAIRS,
CHEWING AND NOW MUD,’ she screamed.
They cried when they left me here at the Rescue
I was confused and thought to myself - why are they
leaving me here when we were all so happy together?”
“Oh, poor Thomas. It is so difficult to keep the house
spotlessly clean all of the time, especially when it is
wet and muddy outside. So, there’s lots to discuss and
think about before deciding to have a boisterous
bundle of fun join the family.”
“My name is Rodney and I am here because I grew too
In the mornings when the family were getting ready
for school and work, they would shout ‘GET OUT OF
One of the reasons why they chose me was because
greyhounds don’t need much exercise; but they didn’t
like it when I lay stretched out on the settee, chilling
‘Where are WE going to sit?’ they would groan.
And, do you know what? after eating they didn’t clear
the table, so when they weren’t looking, I would stand
on my back legs and help myself to all of the food
that was left. It was yummy!!
Then they forgot to give me my worming and flea
treatment and I caught fleas. I couldn’t stop
“I feel sad for you Rodney. They should have cleared
the table of food and put more thought into what breed
and size of dog would have suited their family better!”
Cairn Terrier
“Hello, my name is Cody and I just couldn’t stop
chasing and barking at Kitty, the cat.
The poor cat had lived peacefully with the family for
10 years, until I arrived. Kitty started staying out to
avoid me, and she only came in at meal times.
The family were worried about her being out in the
cold all day. I heard them talking and wondering what
they could do? They did love me, but said it wasn’t
fair to Kitty if I stayed. So, unfortunately, they
decided to bring me here to the Rescue Centre.”
“Hello, my name is Poppy and my family went on and
on about ‘doggie smells’. They sprayed the rooms
with air freshener. They even had air freshener in the
car!! They also had those plugins!
Most of these products have chemicals in them which
I am allergic to, and they caused me to itch and cough.
My skin is getting better now as the Rescue Centre use
aloe vera veterinary spray and aloe vera gel on me,
which is natural and very soothing for skin.”
“What about your bedding Poppy? Do you think that
contains chemicals?”
“Yes Cooper, it was suggested that I change to wool,
cotton or silk bedding – silk sounds a bit posh doesn’t
And do you know Cooper, not one visitor has taken
any interest in me, whatsoever!”
“Oh, poor Poppy, your cough and skin should soon get
better, and a special person will come along, fall in
love with you, and, sweep you of your paws. You are
full of mischief and so cute!”
Scotty dog
“My name is Queenie. My family were always giving
me chocolate biscuits and cake (did you know that you
shouldn’t feed these to animals?) plus a large doggy
dinner, and I got bigger and bigger.
Carrying all of this extra weight makes me feel very
tired, and all the sugar in the cakes and biscuits has
contributed to me becoming poorly.
They didn’t take me out much so I wasn’t used to
socialising. I was shy and I growled at other dogs.
They thought I was being aggressive, but I am not
really, it was my way of protecting myself. They had
never had a dog before and didn’t understand me.”
“We all need to mix with different people and dogs
Queenie, and be taken out daily so we can have a ‘good
run’ in the fresh air, and burn off the calories.”
“Cooper, I never thought that I would be one of the
four out of ten dogs that ends up at the Rescue Centre!!
I am really looking forward to finding a new family
who will play with me, take me out for nice walkies to
socialise, and hopefully won’t overfeed me!!”
Staffordshire Bull Terrier - (nearly finished)
“My name is Nelson and I was left on my own a lot. I
didn’t like this and would cry and bark.
One day I was left in the car when it was hot and
sunny and could have died!! I was dribbling and
panting heavily, my eyes glazed over and I fainted.
Fortunately, Dad came back to the car in time; he took
off his ’T shirt’ and soaked it in cool water (not cold)
and draped it over me before rushing me to the vets.
So please, NEVER leave an animal or person in a car
in hot weather (NOT EVEN FOR A MINUTE) even if
the windows are open!!
Dogs don’t have many sweat glands, so they can’t
sweat easily?
My Dad had a very busy lifestyle. He did worry about
leaving me on my own so much and thought that I
would be happier with someone who had more time
for me; so that’s why I was brought here.”
Labrador - (last one)
“My name is Charlie and I was with a family who had
two very young children.
The little boy kept pulling my tail, so eventually, I
turned around and nipped him. This was my way of
telling him to ‘clear off’ and leave me alone.
His sister pinched me and pulled my ears, and this
made me yelp!
Dad would call out, ‘what’s happening?’
Neither child would own up to taunting me. Dad
would shout and this made me tremble all over; I
would curl up into a ball, and hide under the table.”
“I do feel sorry for you Charlie, even the nicest of dogs
would get grumpy if you pulled and pinched them.
The family might have been better to wait until the
children were older before having a puppy.”
Time to leave the Rescue Centre
Cooper and Grandma’s thoughts
It was sad to hear why all of these dogs had been
brought to the Rescue Centre.
BUT it was also nice to know that most of the dogs do
find good homes and are happy for the rest of their
It is important to be sympathetic and understanding
with the people who, for different reasons, have to take
their dogs to the Rescue Centre.
We will have to come back next week to check on
12. Car boot sale
Mum, Dad, Grandma, Kate and Harry were all sitting
around the table scoffing jam and cream scones, when,
Grandma piped up, “I’ve been thinking very hard.”
“What about Grandma?”
“Well, I noticed that the people who work at the
Rescue Centre are very kind and patient, and I was
wondering if there was anything, we could do to help
them. Any ideas?”
“What about raising some money for them by having
a car boot sale?” said Mum eagerly. “They’re
“Yes! That sounds like a good idea, but where do you
start?” asked Dad.
“To start with we will need some little helpers,” said
Grandma, glancing over at the kids.
“A car boot sounds fab to me, I’m in. Kate and I just
love animals, and we’ll do anything to help them!”
said Harry enthusiastically.
“We also need lots of people to donate items. I could
put post cards in the local shops and on notice boards
asking for donations,” said Grandma eagerly.
“We could advertise our fund raising on Facebook and
ask Radio Derby presenter, Sally, to mention it on her
programme,” said an excited Kate.
Well the phone didn’t stop ringing and Mum ended up
with a garage overflowing with goodies to sell!
“YIPPEE!! We’re going to have a great car boot!”
Kate screamed with delight.
One of the neighbours had a good clear out of her loft
and Grandma recognised lots of interesting items.
There were old train sets, dinky toys in their original
boxes, old books, dolls and teddies, limited edition
Star Wars figures, mobile phones, watches and gold
“WOWEE!! We will put these collectible items in
Bamfords - the big auction house in town. I know
James Lewis, the owner; he loves animals and is a
Patron for the Born Free Foundation,” said Grandma.
“Do we need anything else?” Harry asked.
“Yes, we need a shoulder bag to keep the money safe;
a float of small change; a collection tin for the
donation money; and water for Cooper. And… a drink
and a snack in case we get peckish.”
The night before we all helped to sort and price
everything and carefully loaded Grandma’s car,
remembering to put the fold-up table and the big
waterproof sheet in last, as we needed these out first.
We all went to bed early and had a good night’s sleep.
We arrived at the car boot at 7 o’clock. It was a bit
chilly and cloudy. “Good job we put our warm jackets
on,” said Kate, shivering a little.
While we were setting up lots of people were coming
up to us and asking, ‘have you got any records, silver,
gold, toys, mobile phones, football memorabilia, etc.?’
Grandma took her 1960’s records to sell. She had
some Beatles’ LP’s. They made her feel like dancing!
She stood behind our stall swaying and singing the
lyrics of ‘LOVE ME DO’ by the Beatles.
“Listen to the words Cooper, they are for you!”
♪ ♫ Love, love me do, you know I love you, I’ll
always be true, so ple-e-e-ease love me do. Whoa-oh-
oh, love me do. ♫ ♪
“You can sit in the middle of the table and be the star
attraction. Most people will stop and say how ‘cute’
you are, and then, we might be able to encourage them
to buy something, or put money in the collection tin!”
“Good thinking Grandma.”
At 8 o’clock the sun peeked happily from behind the
clouds; lots of families appeared with their dogs.
Harry was a superstar shouting with a sing song
Kate was in charge of the charity donation tin.
“If you can’t see anything you need guys, a little
money in the collection tin would be nice. Every
penny counts to support the Dog Rescue Centre.”
Our car boot items were selling like ‘hot cakes’.
At about 10 o’clock, a family strolled over to our stall;
they were very friendly and spoke with gentle voices.
The Dad of the family looked at me with his kind, blue
eyes, and said, “have you got a brother by any
“Grandma, did you hear that?”
“Well,” said Grandma, “as it happens, one of Cooper’s
brothers, Mason, who looks exactly like him, is at the
Rescue Centre right now, waiting to be adopted!”
The family’s eyes lit up.... “WOW! What is the
address please? Could we go there today? We are
looking for a dog similar to him, and he’s just the
right size, too!”
... That sounds promising, thought Grandma. I’ve got
a good feeling that Mason could be happy with this
nice family!
It was soon 11 o’clock and Grandma said, “we’ve
nearly sold out kids; shall we start to pack up? We’ve
all been as ‘busy as bees’ and ‘working like beavers’
and I would like to say, WELL DONE and a BIG
THANK YOU to my car boot team! Not forgetting
little Cooper – our star attraction!”
“Shall we have a quick count up and see how much
money we’ve taken?” said Grandma eagerly.
“YYEESS!! I love counting money!” said Harry.
“OH, WOW! We’ve taken £150 plus another £52
from the collection tin!! The Rescue Centre will be
over the moon. FANTASTIC… !!!” said Grandma
feeling excited.
“Don’t forget the money we will be getting from the
auction as well!!” said Kate.
We were so pleased - we all did a hi-five!!
Grandma drove us safely home. Mum had prepared
our favourite dinner. Ohhhh... the smell of ‘roast beef
and Yorkshire pudding’. My mouth was droooooling!
We were starving after being
out in the fresh air all morning;
it didn’t take long for us to eat
our dinner, which included
carrots, cabbage and
cauliflower – plenty of our
5-a-day!! I am going to be a
big, strong, healthy boy!!
13. Auction sale day
Grandma took me with her to the auction. We sat right
at the front!
Every time James auctioned our items, he gave us a
‘wink’ and emphasised to the buyers that, all of the
proceeds were for the local Dog Rescue Centre.
“I love it here, can we come again Grandma?”
“Yes Cooper, Bamfords have a big auction nearly
every week, either in Derby or Bakewell.”
A cheque arrived in the post from Bamfords.
We received £1,000 from the auction sale!!
WOW!! Now that’s a lot of money!!
“We will have to put this notice around the village,”
said Grandma with a big smile on her face.
Cooper and Grandma would like to say
A BIG THANK YOU to all of the kind
people who donated items for the
car boot and auction.
The Dog Rescue Centre will spend the
money (£1,202) wisely, providing medical
care, food, shelter and clean warm beds for
the dogs, while they are waiting to be
From Grandma and Cooper WOOF! WOOF!
14. Handing the donation money over
We couldn’t wait to take the money to the Rescue
Centre! The Manager, staff and volunteers were
amazed with the amount we had raised – everyone’s
face was lit up with beaming smiles. The total was –
are you ready for it? – a whopping £1,202!!
Our little team had worked hard and achieved a great
result. We couldn’t help but feel very proud
of ourselves!!
15. The best news ever
We have just heard that the family who came to the car
boot have adopted Mason! They said that he would be
loved and cherished for the rest of his life! We are
soooooooo… happy for him!!
The end
I hope you have enjoyed the story and learnt a lot.
Would you please help to share the important
messages in this book with your friends and family?
The more people who read this, the more puppies and
dogs we can try and help. A great book for schools too!
Gentle reminders from Cooper
• Please make puppies feel secure –we like you to be
‘the boss’. Talk to us nicely and stroke us gently.
• Be kind and firm and ask for help if you need it.
• We like lots of play, walkies, nice food and sleep.
• Portion size meals including ‘5-a-day’ are
important for people and puppy dogs too.
• Please check online for ‘the best fruit and
vegetables for dogs’.
• A puppy is not just for Christmas, we are for life!!
This book is fun, educational & suitable for the whole family!
In this second book, Cooper the cockapoo puppy takes you on his next
adventures and experiences with Grandma, from sliding around in the
snow, to being reunited with his brother Mason at the Rescue Centre.
He chases squirrels and plays with his friends in the park. He enjoys
scrambled egg and pineapple (5-a-day) for breakfast with Grandma.
He is a vehicle to encourage everyone to eat their 5-a-day and watch
their portion size. He meets other dogs at the Rescue Centre who tell
him their stories as to why they are there. He learns some valuable
lessons and he hopes you do too! Join in the excitement of the car
boot sale and Cooper’s day out at Bamfords auction, where lots of
money is raised to donate to the local Dog
Rescue Centre.

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Final!! cooper and grandma book 2 000001 (2)

  • 1.
  • 2.
  • 3. First published in paperback in Great Britain in 2019 Copyright © Barbara Everett All rights reserved ISBN 978-1-9993068–1-6 Email for orders and enquiries: Special prices for schools, and rescue centres Conditions of Sale This book is sold subject to the condition that it shall not, by way of trade or otherwise, be lent, resold, hired out, or otherwise circulated without the publisher’s prior consent in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published and without similar condition, including this condition, being imposed upon the subsequent purchaser. A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library. Illustrations by Melanie McIntyre Available on: - Amazon Paperback Amazon Kindle
  • 4. Thank You A big thank you to Melanie for the great illustrations; Sunny Claire for his technological support; my friends and family for their valid suggestions and input, and, of course, to Cooper, our family dog who has given me the inspiration to write the second part of his story. I am on a mission to help protect dogs by helping people to realise that there are many things that need to be considered, before they make the important decision to welcome a puppy or dog into their homes. I hope that you the reader will be entertained as well as educated and I would like to thank you for purchasing this book. Would you please help to spread the important messages by sharing this book with your friends and family? When you are all snuggled up nice and warm – give a thought to all of the puppy dogs who haven’t got a forever home. All they ask for is a secure warm place to live, with a loving family, who plays with them, takes them for walks and provides a meal each day. Cooper and his family did a car boot to raise money to help their local Rescue Centre, and you could do the same, or maybe have a stall at a local church or school fair. Help - the Rescue Centres are always looking for volunteers to help with walking, feeding and being a companion to the dogs that they are looking after. You could offer your help. All animals are precious and have feelings and emotions just like you and me and they need our love and protection!
  • 5. Contents 1. We all need a good friend 1 2. Tuesdays, one of my favourite days 3 3. Footprints in the snow 7 4. Scrambled egg 11 5. Portion size 14 6. Sweet dreams 16 7. Fast forward to spring 18 8. My heart misses a beat 20 9. Looking for brothers 22 12. Car boot sale 41 13. Auction sale day 48 15. The best news ever 51
  • 6. 1 1. We all need a good friend Hello everyone, Welcome to the second book of Puppy Dogs and Poo Bags. We’re going to have a good time, but first I want to tell you how I felt when I was taken away from my family on Christmas Eve when I was ten weeks old. I was used to playing with my four mischievous brothers all day long and snuggling up with them all night, but things were different when I moved in with my new family. I slept in the lounge, and at bedtime the family would kiss me and stroke my head, and say ‘goodnight Cooper’ and then, close the door. I was left in the dark all on my own. I felt upset and lonely and my eyes would fill with tears. After three nights of me crying and keeping the family awake, Dad came and slept on the settee next to me. We all need a good friend sometimes, don’t we?
  • 7. 2 After playing and gently tickling me behind my ears he would say, ‘right Cooper, time to go to sleep now’. He would quickly be in ‘the land of Nod’ and start snoring. I thought to myself, I can go to sleep now Dad is next to me - I don’t feel lonely anymore. Do you know, it took nearly two weeks for me to settle in. I am now very happy and loved by my new super- duper family, and, Dad has gone back to his own bed.
  • 8. 3 2. Tuesdays, one of my favourite days My mum and dad both work. My brother and sister, Harry and Kate, go to school. Mum works from home; I like to be as close as possible to her so I lie curled up at her feet while she is working on the computer. Sometimes I sit on her knee, that is if she lets me?! She is getting me into a good routine; every 2-3 hours she says nicely ‘come on Cooper, time to go out in the garden for a poo or a wee’. Today, I notice her routine is different; I watch every move she makes. I think to myself, is it Tuesday today, one of my favourite days, when I go to Grandma’s? Mum puts my harness on, gives me a cuddle, looks into my eyes, and says, “YES COOPER – IT’S TUESDAY! YOU ARE GOING TO GRANDMA’S!” I start leaping up in the air and get really excited. “WOOF! WOOF!” Mum then dresses me in a red waterproof jacket. Why do I need this on as well as my harness? I thought. Well, when she opened the front door everywhere was covered with a white blanket. It was very quiet and still.
  • 9. 4 WOW!! IT’S COLD OUTSIDE, I thought. By the way, I’ve had a new purple harness, YIPPEE! I like it better than the collar and lead which were hurting my neck if I pulled. I do still wear my collar which has a tag attached to it with my dad’s telephone number on. I am also micro- chipped so I can be traced easily if I get lost. “What’s all this white stuff Mum?” “It’s snow Cooper. YOU WILL LOVE… IT!”
  • 10. 5 I get the feeling that this is going to be a really exciting day. YIPPEE……!!! I can’t wait to get to Grandma’s. I jump into the car. Mum says, “is your tail safely tucked in Cooper; you don’t want to get it trapped in the car door, do you?” That sounds a bit painful I thought. I had better check every time that my tail is tucked inside the car. I don’t want to end up at the Vets with half a tail, do I? I am getting to know the way to Grandma’s. My eyes are busy looking at everything on the way. We pass the corner shop and then turn into her road. YEEEESSSSSSS…!! WE’RE NEARLY THERE…!! My nose is pressed against the car window, and there she is, sitting on the stone wall outside her house, waiting for me, and waving. I’m squealing with delight. I can’t wait to get out of the car. “PLEASE WAIT COOPER!! while I put you on the lead. I don’t want you jumping out of the car onto the road or chasing any cats, and getting run over,” said Mum anxiously. Oh No! I don’t fancy getting squashed by a car. I thought
  • 11. 6 . “You look nice and warm Grandma, in your brown and orange outfit.” “Yes, you look nice too, with your purple harness and your new red jacket; they blend nicely with your black curly coat. You’ll need your waterproof coat on today Cooper, it will keep you warm and dry in the snow.” “Right, have I got the poo bags, phone and whistle?” she asks herself aloud. When she has to use the whistle (usually when I go too far away), I race back to her; all part of my training; I get a treat for being a good boy! I love treats!
  • 12. 7 3. Footprints in the snow We are on our way to the park. YIPPPEE…!! “Come on Cooper, walk nicely and don’t pull; keep on the inside of me, away from the road and traffic.” “Ok, Grandma, I’ll try not to pull, but can we walk faster please? I want to get to the park - quickly!” I am fascinated at my tiny paw prints in the soft snow, compared to Grandma’s big footprints. Oh! What big feet you have Grandma! I thought. I was also fascinated when I had a wee, as it turned the snow yellow!! It was very quiet in the park, no birds singing or squirrels running around.
  • 13. 8 I think they were all tucked up in the trees, snuggling up together, keeping warm and dry, do you? I ran through the woods and up and down the park. Not many dogs out today. They must all be at home keeping warm. I hope I meet someone to play with soon. I thought. I scampered happily along the path near the café, passing lots of snowdrops; their dainty little white heads peeping through the snow. Someone had been up early (an early bird) and built a big snowman. He stood glistening in the sun looking rather dashing, wearing a green top hat with matching scarf and buttons, and a carrot for his nose.
  • 14. 9 “Look at his lovely big smile made from stone pebbles,” said Grandma. I spotted movement at last. HOORAY…!! It was Donald; he is a miniature poodle and is very small, with sandy coloured, curly fur. He was wearing a dark green jumper to keep him warm. I have played with him before - I like him. I started teasing him, zig zagging and running around in circles, until I got him to chase me! We were skidding and sliding all over and rolled down the bank. Then we both jumped up and started all over again! We were squealing with delight and having such a great time, until, Grandma called me. Oooh!! What does she want? I thought. I am really enjoying myself with Donald. … “Time to go home Cooper, for breakfast.” … I prick my ears up – did she say breakfast? … I hope it’s scrambled eggs, my favourite! I thought.
  • 15. 10 “I’m sorry Donald, but I have to go home now.” “Oh! Cooper, do you have to go, spoiling all the fun?” “Yes, but hopefully I will see you tomorrow Donald, same time, same place.” “Ok, let’s hope it keeps snowing and it’s nice and deep, all the better for skidding and sliding around in! We can have a snowball fight too!” The snowflakes were still gently twirling down as Grandma and I re-traced our footprints back home.
  • 16. 11 4. Scrambled egg Before we go inside the house, she dries me with an old towel. I don’t like this and start wriggling to try and get away. “Please stand still Cooper!” she says in a bossy voice. She then gently lifts each paw; dries my legs and tummy; wipes my face; then checks that my eyes and ears are clean and dry. While she is kneeling down, I lick her face and give her a few kisses, because I love her. Please hurry up Grandma I am hungry and want my breakfast. I thought. Grandma then takes off her boots, hat, scarf, gloves and raincoat. “I’ll just wash my hands and then I will be ready to make breakfast!” YIPPEE!! about time too! I thought, waiting patiently. She then places on the table the wholemeal bread, the eggs, milk, butter, salt, tomatoes and tinned pineapple.
  • 17. 12 I know all the movements! Scrambled eggs here we come! She whisks two eggs with a little water and a pinch of salt. Then toasts two slices of wholemeal bread (one for her and one for me). She melts a small amount of butter in a saucepan and adds the eggs; cooks them slowly on a low heat and folds in the edges with a wooden spoon. It only takes a few minutes. She waits for the scrambled eggs to cool down and then puts half in my bowl; butters the crunchy toast; cuts my slice up into small squares and adds it to my scrambled egg. I have a few pieces of tinned pineapple with mine - I love it! Grandma says pineapple is good for my digestion and one of my 5-a-day. She has tomatoes with hers, one of her 5-a-day. Then we share some of her plain live yogurt and I have a drink of water.
  • 18. 13 “I’m so pleased that you enjoy eating your pineapple Cooper. Fruit and vegetables contain lots of very, very important vitamins and minerals which help to make your body work properly,” she explained. Wow! I’d better eat my fruit and vegetables every single day, because I want my body to work properly don’t I?! Dogs have to be careful not to eat grapes, dried fruit and onions, so just to be sure, Grandma always checks ‘online’ for the best fruit and vegetable for dogs. She is careful not to give me food with sugar in it, especially cake and chocolate! She says too much sugar is really bad for all of us!! I didn’t know that, did you? “How was your breakfast Cooper? I notice you have licked your plate clean and drank your water!” “It was DELICIOUS! Grandma, THANK YOU!” “Oh, you do have lovely manners Cooper, and they are soooooooooo… important!!!!”
  • 19. 14 5. Portion size I wonder if she will give me any more food, I thought. I will put on my ‘sad look’ and see if it works. She gives me a stern look back. “I know you love your food Cooper, but you have had your portion size, so stop trying to make me feel sorry for you.” “Oh, Grandma, you and your portion size - I just like eating so give me a little bit more, PLEASE, PLEASE!!” “You say you want to have lots of energy to run around; if you eat more than your portion size every day you could put weight on; then you won’t be able to run, leap and jump in the air so easily, will you?” “What do you mean by portion size Grandma?” “Portion size is the amount of food that you need for the size of your body. So, we all have to be careful not to eat more food than our body needs, or it will store the extra food as fat, and you could get bigger and bigger.”
  • 20. 15 Crikey, I don’t want to get bigger and bigger, I thought. I had better watch my portion size! Are you going to watch yours, too? “There are lots of overweight dogs around because their dinners are too big for them; they’re given too many treats, and don’t get enough exercise? Poor dogs, it’s not fair to them, is it?” Grandma said. I think Grandma feels sorry for them! I have decided that she is being kind when she speaks to me with a firm voice, and says, ‘NO MORE COOPER’, so, I will do as I am told. What do you think? After all, it is the person’s job who feeds you, to watch your portion size, isn’t it……? Grandma says, ‘the more you listen the more you learn’ and that sounds about right to me.
  • 21. 16 6. Sweet dreams After breakfast, she washes the dishes. I stand on my hind legs with a tug toy in my mouth and keep prodding her with my paws. “Oh, you want to play ‘tug’ now, do you Cooper?” “Yes, please Grandma!” She teases and gently swings me around. I grunt and growl and wag my tail like mad! I love it! “Come on Cooper, let’s have some ‘quiet time’ now. I will put some nice relaxing music on; we will have a rest and you might drop off to sleep.” She spreads a large towel on the settee. I snuggle up to her to get as close as possible. I wriggle to get
  • 22. 17 comfy, take a deep sigh, close my eyes and I am fast asleep in no time, dreaming about my first day out in the snow and my favourite breakfast. And, my Grandma, as she makes me feel soooooooooo special! I wake up and she tickles my chest and says, “you’ve been in a deep sleep, your body has been twitching away and you’ve been making soft whimpering noises; that sleep will have done you good!” I have a good stretch, and she throws a small carrot in the air and says, “catch Cooper - carrots are good for your teeth and help you to see in the dark.” Hmph, that’s a good tip, I’ll remember that as I want to look after my eyes and teeth.
  • 23. 18 7. Fast forward to spring You ought to see the park everyone!! It’s covered in bright yellow daffodils swaying in the March breeze. Did you know that daffodils are a sign that ‘spring is in the air’? Now the days are getting warmer, there are lots of squirrels scampering around looking for nuts and berries. They hide them in the woods and remember where they’ve hidden them! How clever is that? I zoom in and out of the trees, darting all over, chasing them. I’m superfast! I spotted two squirrels together, and thought, I must catch one of them! While I was deciding which one to go for, they both shot up the tree like greased lightning. And there I stood, staring up, feeling puzzled. MISSED AGAIN!
  • 24. 19 I am now growing fast. I enjoy going to my training classes where I meet lots of other puppies and dogs; some playful and some grumpy. I steer clear of the grumpy ones as I don’t want to get into any trouble, do I? Maybe they’re tired or don’t feel very well? I have learnt a few commands – COME, SIT, STAY, DROP and DOWN. All of my family use the same commands so I don’t get confused. I get a tiny treat to reward me when I get things right. Yummy! I like that.
  • 25. 20 8. My heart misses a beat I like it when Grandma and I call at the café on the park for a drink. The tempting smell of sizzling bacon drifts through the air – ‘that smells tasty’ I think. The usual crowd were sitting outside in the morning sun; chatting and enjoying a bit of gossip; their dogs snoozing under the tables. That is, until I arrive, and cause mayhem. Not on purpose though. I promise. “Good morning everyone,” says Grandma happily. “Good morning Grandma and Cooper,” they all reply. We were just about to sit down when, OOPS! A table came flying towards us with a sausage dog attached to the table leg, by her lead. The food and drink went everywhere. I was not in the ‘good books’, but it wasn’t my fault that the sausage dog decided to bark and chase me away, plus the owner had tied her to the table leg. Anyway, we all settled down and were enjoying a chat in the warm spring sunshine, when I overheard some disturbing news!
  • 26. 21 “Have you heard about two of Coopers brothers who have been taken to the Rescue Centre?” whispered Jill who owns the café. My heart missed a beat! I pricked my ears up to try and find out more detail and started to worry. Which brothers and where are they? Oh dear, I do hope they are ok. I must find them and visit them. I thought.
  • 27. 22 9. Looking for brothers Grandma found out that it was Scott and Mason. She made an appointment for us to go to see them. We drove down pretty country lanes with white blossom flowering in the hedgerows and eventually arrived at the Rescue Centre. We got out of the car; I was pulling on the harness as I couldn’t wait to get inside. “We have an appointment to visit the black cockapoos,” said Grandma. “Yes, follow me. Mason is waiting for you in the exercise area,” said the receptionist. What about Scott? I thought, feeling worried. My heart was racing and my eyes were looking all over the place, and then, I spotted Mason! I couldn’t help but notice how sad he looked. He was lying down curled up; his eyes were dull and lifeless. “Mason!” I squealed, “Mason! Mason!”
  • 28. 23 He slowly stood up and looked at me with a quizzical expression. I could sense that he was unhappy and tried to make him feel better. I stayed close to him. I licked his face and rubbed my body against him. Mason’s tail did start to wag slightly, and a little smile came on his face. His eyes started to shine, his ears pricked up, his tail started to wag, and then, he jumped with joy! “Oh, Cooper, it really is you, isn’t it?” He yelped with sheer excitement. “Have you come to save me?”
  • 29. 24 “I have come to try and help you Mason, but firstly tell me why you have been brought here?” “Well, to start with my new family were so nice; they took me out for long walks and to training classes. But after a while, I think the novelty of having a new puppy must have worn off; you see, all of the family had these gadgets which seemed to take over their lives; they would have their heads down, swiping left, right, up and down, on these bright screens. It got so that they ignored me. I felt sad, unwanted and bored, so, I started chewing everything. I ate the kids’ socks and toys which got stuck in my tummy and I had to be taken to the Vet. They received a big
  • 30. 25 bill from the Vet. Dad was worried as he wasn’t expecting this. They did feed me nice food and let me out in the garden for a poo, and then, they would argue about who was going to be the ‘pooper scooper’. After a while they realised that they just couldn’t cope with having an extra member in the family, and hadn’t really got enough time for me. I heard Dad say, ‘it isn’t fair to keep him, the family isn’t working together as a team; we should have put a lot more thought into what is involved when having a puppy’.” “Oh! poor Mason, I’m sure the Rescue Centre will find you a family who will play with you, take you for nice walkies, and share all of the responsibilities.” “But it is difficult Cooper, as everyone is so busy!” “There are lots of kind people who come to the Rescue Centre Mason who understand that a puppy is another member of the family and needs lots of play and walkies every day, maybe, for up to 15 years.” “15 years!! WOW!! That’s a long time Cooper.”
  • 31. 26 “Yes Mason, and just think of the love and friendship a dog can bring for such a long time. They are your bestest friend.” “Thank you for coming to see me Cooper, I feel so much happier now.” “Yes, I can tell.” “How can you tell Cooper?” “A happy dog has bright clear eyes, sticky up ears and a waggy tail, and that is exactly what you have now!” Mason then rolled onto his back, with his feet waving in the air. He kept looking at Grandma. “I know what he wants,” said Grandma with a big grin on her face. “He wants his tummy tickling.” So, she gently tickled him with her finger tips. He loved it!! “Rolling over on his back is a good sign that he is feeling very happy and secure!” she said with a contented smile.
  • 32. 27 10. Where is Scott? “Now, what about Scott, where is he?” “Only yesterday he was re-homed with a family who have a son with special needs. They were looking for a quiet and friendly puppy to be a friend and companion for him. The rescue staff thought Scott would be ideal because he is quiet and a little shy. They are hoping that Scott will help their son to gain more confidence, by going out for walks and to training classes. This will help both of them in many ways, especially socialising. Plus, they will give each other lots of love and affection. The family were as ‘pleased as Punch’ when they signed the adoption papers. You should have seen the big smiles on their faces! It was a picture of sheer joy.” “So why was Scott brought here in the first place?” “Well Cooper, he was with a loving family who had three noisy kids.
  • 33. 28 They were very nice kids, but too boisterous for Scott who would hide anywhere to get away from them.” “Oh, poor little Scott.” “Anyway, you should have seen him yesterday Cooper, when he left here with his new family; he snuggled up to me and licked my face before he trotted away with his tail in the air. He looked back with a twinkle in his eye as if to say, good-bye Mason, now I am going to be a happy boy for the rest of my life! I was so pleased for him that I jumped for joy and I thought, goodbye, my amazing brother Scott, and a big thank you to the Rescue Centre for finding him, his ‘forever family’.”
  • 34. 29 11. Stories from the rescue dogs “What about all of the other dogs, why are they here?” “The main reason is because their owners just didn’t realise how much time and hard work is involved when having a puppy. You see it’s like having another baby or child in the family to care for and look after every single day. Let’s have a chat with a few of them and find out why.” Spaniel “Hello Cooper my name is Thomas. My new family spent lots of time playing with me and we were all very happy. The house was spotlessly clean. One day the family took me in the park when it had been ‘chucking it down’ with rain. The kids were climbing trees; I was running around really fast, and skidding all over the place, rolling in the mud; we all had a great time and got wet through and absolutely filthy!
  • 35. 30 When we arrived home, the kids opened the front door and let me into the house. I trod my muddy footprints everywhere, and then, I had a good shake. You should have seen the mud splattered all over the floors and walls!! Mum went ballistic!! ‘Oh, my lovely clean home, I can’t stand the mess anymore, what with the POO, DOG HAIRS, CHEWING AND NOW MUD,’ she screamed. They cried when they left me here at the Rescue Centre.
  • 36. 31 I was confused and thought to myself - why are they leaving me here when we were all so happy together?” “Oh, poor Thomas. It is so difficult to keep the house spotlessly clean all of the time, especially when it is wet and muddy outside. So, there’s lots to discuss and think about before deciding to have a boisterous bundle of fun join the family.” Greyhound “My name is Rodney and I am here because I grew too big. In the mornings when the family were getting ready for school and work, they would shout ‘GET OUT OF THE WAY RODNEY’!! One of the reasons why they chose me was because greyhounds don’t need much exercise; but they didn’t like it when I lay stretched out on the settee, chilling out. ‘Where are WE going to sit?’ they would groan. And, do you know what? after eating they didn’t clear the table, so when they weren’t looking, I would stand
  • 37. 32 on my back legs and help myself to all of the food that was left. It was yummy!! Then they forgot to give me my worming and flea treatment and I caught fleas. I couldn’t stop scratching.” “I feel sad for you Rodney. They should have cleared the table of food and put more thought into what breed and size of dog would have suited their family better!”
  • 38. 33 Cairn Terrier “Hello, my name is Cody and I just couldn’t stop chasing and barking at Kitty, the cat. The poor cat had lived peacefully with the family for 10 years, until I arrived. Kitty started staying out to avoid me, and she only came in at meal times. The family were worried about her being out in the cold all day. I heard them talking and wondering what they could do? They did love me, but said it wasn’t
  • 39. 34 fair to Kitty if I stayed. So, unfortunately, they decided to bring me here to the Rescue Centre.” Poodle “Hello, my name is Poppy and my family went on and on about ‘doggie smells’. They sprayed the rooms with air freshener. They even had air freshener in the car!! They also had those plugins! Most of these products have chemicals in them which I am allergic to, and they caused me to itch and cough. My skin is getting better now as the Rescue Centre use aloe vera veterinary spray and aloe vera gel on me, which is natural and very soothing for skin.” “What about your bedding Poppy? Do you think that contains chemicals?” “Yes Cooper, it was suggested that I change to wool, cotton or silk bedding – silk sounds a bit posh doesn’t it?
  • 40. 35 And do you know Cooper, not one visitor has taken any interest in me, whatsoever!” “Oh, poor Poppy, your cough and skin should soon get better, and a special person will come along, fall in love with you, and, sweep you of your paws. You are full of mischief and so cute!” Scotty dog “My name is Queenie. My family were always giving me chocolate biscuits and cake (did you know that you shouldn’t feed these to animals?) plus a large doggy dinner, and I got bigger and bigger.
  • 41. 36 Carrying all of this extra weight makes me feel very tired, and all the sugar in the cakes and biscuits has contributed to me becoming poorly. They didn’t take me out much so I wasn’t used to socialising. I was shy and I growled at other dogs. They thought I was being aggressive, but I am not really, it was my way of protecting myself. They had never had a dog before and didn’t understand me.” “We all need to mix with different people and dogs Queenie, and be taken out daily so we can have a ‘good run’ in the fresh air, and burn off the calories.”
  • 42. 37 “Cooper, I never thought that I would be one of the four out of ten dogs that ends up at the Rescue Centre!! I am really looking forward to finding a new family who will play with me, take me out for nice walkies to socialise, and hopefully won’t overfeed me!!” Staffordshire Bull Terrier - (nearly finished) “My name is Nelson and I was left on my own a lot. I didn’t like this and would cry and bark. One day I was left in the car when it was hot and sunny and could have died!! I was dribbling and panting heavily, my eyes glazed over and I fainted. Fortunately, Dad came back to the car in time; he took off his ’T shirt’ and soaked it in cool water (not cold) and draped it over me before rushing me to the vets.
  • 43. 38 So please, NEVER leave an animal or person in a car in hot weather (NOT EVEN FOR A MINUTE) even if the windows are open!! Dogs don’t have many sweat glands, so they can’t sweat easily? My Dad had a very busy lifestyle. He did worry about leaving me on my own so much and thought that I would be happier with someone who had more time for me; so that’s why I was brought here.”
  • 44. 39 Labrador - (last one) “My name is Charlie and I was with a family who had two very young children. The little boy kept pulling my tail, so eventually, I turned around and nipped him. This was my way of telling him to ‘clear off’ and leave me alone. His sister pinched me and pulled my ears, and this made me yelp! Dad would call out, ‘what’s happening?’
  • 45. 40 Neither child would own up to taunting me. Dad would shout and this made me tremble all over; I would curl up into a ball, and hide under the table.” “I do feel sorry for you Charlie, even the nicest of dogs would get grumpy if you pulled and pinched them. The family might have been better to wait until the children were older before having a puppy.” Time to leave the Rescue Centre Cooper and Grandma’s thoughts It was sad to hear why all of these dogs had been brought to the Rescue Centre. BUT it was also nice to know that most of the dogs do find good homes and are happy for the rest of their lives!! It is important to be sympathetic and understanding with the people who, for different reasons, have to take their dogs to the Rescue Centre. We will have to come back next week to check on Mason.
  • 46. 41 12. Car boot sale Mum, Dad, Grandma, Kate and Harry were all sitting around the table scoffing jam and cream scones, when, Grandma piped up, “I’ve been thinking very hard.” “What about Grandma?” “Well, I noticed that the people who work at the Rescue Centre are very kind and patient, and I was wondering if there was anything, we could do to help them. Any ideas?” “What about raising some money for them by having a car boot sale?” said Mum eagerly. “They’re popular.” “Yes! That sounds like a good idea, but where do you start?” asked Dad. “To start with we will need some little helpers,” said Grandma, glancing over at the kids. “A car boot sounds fab to me, I’m in. Kate and I just love animals, and we’ll do anything to help them!” said Harry enthusiastically. “We also need lots of people to donate items. I could put post cards in the local shops and on notice boards
  • 47. 42 asking for donations,” said Grandma eagerly. “We could advertise our fund raising on Facebook and ask Radio Derby presenter, Sally, to mention it on her programme,” said an excited Kate. Well the phone didn’t stop ringing and Mum ended up with a garage overflowing with goodies to sell! “YIPPEE!! We’re going to have a great car boot!” Kate screamed with delight. One of the neighbours had a good clear out of her loft and Grandma recognised lots of interesting items. There were old train sets, dinky toys in their original boxes, old books, dolls and teddies, limited edition Star Wars figures, mobile phones, watches and gold jewellery. “WOWEE!! We will put these collectible items in Bamfords - the big auction house in town. I know James Lewis, the owner; he loves animals and is a Patron for the Born Free Foundation,” said Grandma. “Do we need anything else?” Harry asked.
  • 48. 43 “Yes, we need a shoulder bag to keep the money safe; a float of small change; a collection tin for the donation money; and water for Cooper. And… a drink and a snack in case we get peckish.” The night before we all helped to sort and price everything and carefully loaded Grandma’s car, remembering to put the fold-up table and the big waterproof sheet in last, as we needed these out first. We all went to bed early and had a good night’s sleep. We arrived at the car boot at 7 o’clock. It was a bit chilly and cloudy. “Good job we put our warm jackets on,” said Kate, shivering a little. While we were setting up lots of people were coming up to us and asking, ‘have you got any records, silver, gold, toys, mobile phones, football memorabilia, etc.?’ Grandma took her 1960’s records to sell. She had some Beatles’ LP’s. They made her feel like dancing! She stood behind our stall swaying and singing the lyrics of ‘LOVE ME DO’ by the Beatles. “Listen to the words Cooper, they are for you!”
  • 49. 44 ♪ ♫ Love, love me do, you know I love you, I’ll always be true, so ple-e-e-ease love me do. Whoa-oh- oh, love me do. ♫ ♪ “You can sit in the middle of the table and be the star attraction. Most people will stop and say how ‘cute’ you are, and then, we might be able to encourage them to buy something, or put money in the collection tin!” “Good thinking Grandma.” At 8 o’clock the sun peeked happily from behind the clouds; lots of families appeared with their dogs.
  • 50. 45 Harry was a superstar shouting with a sing song voice, “COME ON EVERYBODY - ROLL UP!! ROLL UP!! BARGAINS GALORE!! BARGAINS GALORE!! EVERY PENNY IS FOR THE LOCAL DOG RESCUE CENTRE. PLEASE SUPPORT US.” Kate was in charge of the charity donation tin. “If you can’t see anything you need guys, a little money in the collection tin would be nice. Every penny counts to support the Dog Rescue Centre.” Our car boot items were selling like ‘hot cakes’. At about 10 o’clock, a family strolled over to our stall; they were very friendly and spoke with gentle voices. The Dad of the family looked at me with his kind, blue eyes, and said, “have you got a brother by any chance?” “Grandma, did you hear that?” “Yes!” “Well,” said Grandma, “as it happens, one of Cooper’s brothers, Mason, who looks exactly like him, is at the Rescue Centre right now, waiting to be adopted!” The family’s eyes lit up.... “WOW! What is the address please? Could we go there today? We are
  • 51. 46 looking for a dog similar to him, and he’s just the right size, too!” ... That sounds promising, thought Grandma. I’ve got a good feeling that Mason could be happy with this nice family! It was soon 11 o’clock and Grandma said, “we’ve nearly sold out kids; shall we start to pack up? We’ve all been as ‘busy as bees’ and ‘working like beavers’ and I would like to say, WELL DONE and a BIG THANK YOU to my car boot team! Not forgetting little Cooper – our star attraction!” “WOOF!! WOOF!!” “Shall we have a quick count up and see how much money we’ve taken?” said Grandma eagerly. “YYEESS!! I love counting money!” said Harry. “OH, WOW! We’ve taken £150 plus another £52 from the collection tin!! The Rescue Centre will be over the moon. FANTASTIC… !!!” said Grandma feeling excited. “Don’t forget the money we will be getting from the auction as well!!” said Kate.
  • 52. 47 We were so pleased - we all did a hi-five!! Grandma drove us safely home. Mum had prepared our favourite dinner. Ohhhh... the smell of ‘roast beef and Yorkshire pudding’. My mouth was droooooling! We were starving after being out in the fresh air all morning; it didn’t take long for us to eat our dinner, which included carrots, cabbage and cauliflower – plenty of our 5-a-day!! I am going to be a big, strong, healthy boy!!
  • 53. 48 13. Auction sale day Grandma took me with her to the auction. We sat right at the front! Every time James auctioned our items, he gave us a ‘wink’ and emphasised to the buyers that, all of the proceeds were for the local Dog Rescue Centre.
  • 54. 49 “I love it here, can we come again Grandma?” “Yes Cooper, Bamfords have a big auction nearly every week, either in Derby or Bakewell.” A cheque arrived in the post from Bamfords. We received £1,000 from the auction sale!! WOW!! Now that’s a lot of money!! “We will have to put this notice around the village,” said Grandma with a big smile on her face. Cooper and Grandma would like to say A BIG THANK YOU to all of the kind people who donated items for the car boot and auction. The Dog Rescue Centre will spend the money (£1,202) wisely, providing medical care, food, shelter and clean warm beds for the dogs, while they are waiting to be re-homed. From Grandma and Cooper WOOF! WOOF!
  • 55. 50 14. Handing the donation money over We couldn’t wait to take the money to the Rescue Centre! The Manager, staff and volunteers were amazed with the amount we had raised – everyone’s face was lit up with beaming smiles. The total was – are you ready for it? – a whopping £1,202!! Our little team had worked hard and achieved a great result. We couldn’t help but feel very proud of ourselves!!
  • 56. 51 15. The best news ever We have just heard that the family who came to the car boot have adopted Mason! They said that he would be loved and cherished for the rest of his life! We are soooooooo… happy for him!! The end I hope you have enjoyed the story and learnt a lot. Would you please help to share the important messages in this book with your friends and family? The more people who read this, the more puppies and dogs we can try and help. A great book for schools too! Gentle reminders from Cooper • Please make puppies feel secure –we like you to be ‘the boss’. Talk to us nicely and stroke us gently. • Be kind and firm and ask for help if you need it. • We like lots of play, walkies, nice food and sleep. • Portion size meals including ‘5-a-day’ are important for people and puppy dogs too. • Please check online for ‘the best fruit and vegetables for dogs’. • A puppy is not just for Christmas, we are for life!!
  • 57. 52 This book is fun, educational & suitable for the whole family! In this second book, Cooper the cockapoo puppy takes you on his next adventures and experiences with Grandma, from sliding around in the snow, to being reunited with his brother Mason at the Rescue Centre. He chases squirrels and plays with his friends in the park. He enjoys scrambled egg and pineapple (5-a-day) for breakfast with Grandma. He is a vehicle to encourage everyone to eat their 5-a-day and watch their portion size. He meets other dogs at the Rescue Centre who tell him their stories as to why they are there. He learns some valuable lessons and he hopes you do too! Join in the excitement of the car boot sale and Cooper’s day out at Bamfords auction, where lots of money is raised to donate to the local Dog Rescue Centre.