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© 2004 Edusoft Ltd.
Workbook Answer Key
LISTENING - Engagement
a. 5, 1, 6, 3, 4, 2, 8, 7
b. 1. move out 5. start looking
2. think about 6. nervous about
3. used to 7. have
4. thought about 8. crazy
c. 1. for a short time (“my first day on the job”)
2. Tom surprised her.(He gave her an engagement ring and she got palpitations)
his sister told him (“Emily called and told me that she recognized you at the
knew (Emily told him about her engagement – “she thought it would be a great
idea if she and I both got engaged… on the same day”)
5. agreed (I guess that means “Yes”.)
READING - A New Acquaintance
a. 1. Judy 5. Judy
2. Meg 6. Judy
3. Judy 7. Meg
4. Meg
b. 1. True 4. True
2. False 5. True
3. True 6. False
c. 1. spend 5. affectionate
2. easygoing 6. upset
3. humor 7. trust
4. cheek 8. mistake
© 2004 Edusoft Ltd.
SPEAKING - Divorced
a. Telling about a decision:
Tony and I are getting divorced.
We’ve both decided that we don’t love each other anymore.
Expressing regret about a decision:
I’m very sorry to hear that.
Telling about
a decision: 4, 6, 9
regret: 5, 7
an Opinion: 1, 2, 3, 8
Dialogue 1
Alison: Hi Tony. I’m so sorry to hear about the divorce.
Tony: Don’t be sorry. It’s what we both want./ We don’t love each other any more.
Alison: But maybe you decided too quickly. / Perhaps you should think about the kids.
Tony: We decided divorce was the right thing for all the family.
Dialogue 2
Sam: Hi, Tony. Keep smiling. You made the right decision.
Tony: Thank you. But it wasn’t easy./ It was a joint decision.
Sam: Yes, but it’s obviously the best thing. I think you should come out with the guys
tonight. Now you can be a free man with no cares!
Tony: Yes, I think so too.
GRAMMAR - Modals: In The Past Form
a. Student’s own choice
b. 1. b 4. e
2. c 5. d
3. a
© 2004 Edusoft Ltd.
a. 1. “School Sports”
2. Tina Laurence.
3. to speak about her gymnastics team / to talk about why her team lost the competition
4. optimistic
b. 1. c 3. a
2. b
c. 1. False- She has made a name for herself with her champion gymnastics team.
2. False- Tina Laurence was on her way to becoming an Olympic athlete.
3. True- The North Stars were expected to win. /The team would have make it
to the finals . / How did the girls take not making it to the finals?
4. False- …, but they weren’t willing to give in
5. False- The girls who had been competing for a long time knew how to handle
such an upset
6. True- the team will have to regain their confidence
d. 1. expected 5. handle
2. exhausted 6. build up
3. concentrate 7. strength
4. blow 8. finals
e. 1. c 5. f
2. e 6. d / h
3. a 7. d / h
4. b 8. g
1. When did you have your tragic accident?
2. What happened?
3. How did you feel?
4. How did you manage to overcome being so upset?
5. How do you feel about coaching a gymnastics team?
READING - Health And Fitness Today
a. 1. eat nutritious meals and exercise daily.
2. they open very early in the morning/they do not close until late at night.
3. a large and well-equipped gymnastics facility with weight lifting equipment.
4. check with a doctor before any fitness program.
5. choose a program that matches your physical abilities and needs
© 2004 Edusoft Ltd.
club slogan- “Do it Now”; name- Eat Right and
Stay Fit Health Club; We offer: a large well equipped
gym/weight lifting equipment/ tennis / flexible hours;
suggestion - call us at 212 -568 7393
c. 1. a - developed my muscles 5. c - give up lunch
2. d - harmful 6. b - flexible hours
3. g - your own pace 7. e - nutritious meals
4. f - variety of activities
Things you should do
You should: eat nutritious meals, exercise daily, go at your own pace, get into shape, do an exercise
program which best suits you.
Things you shouldn’t do
You shouldn’t: do exercise that’s wrong for you, over-exercise, start a fitness program before seeing
a doctor
SPEAKING - Ten Miles
a. You shouldn’t have run so far.
By yourself?
You shouldn’t lift weights without a partner nearby. It’s dangerous.
b. giving advice 1, 3, 5, 6
reprimanding2, 4, 7
GRAMMAR - Past Conditionals
a. 1. c 3. a
2. b
c. 1. c 4. d
2. e 5. b
3. a
d. 1. If he had had enough money to join a health club, he would have become fit
2. If the health club hadn’t closed early last night, Susan would /could have
3. If Tom had taken his tennis racket to work, he could have played tennis during
his lunch break.
4. If Dr. Kane had given his patients enough information about exercising, they
wouldn’t have injured themselves.
© 2004 Edusoft Ltd.
a. 1. f 5. t
2. f 6. f
3. t 7. f
4. f 8. t
b. 1. management 4. management
2. workers 5. workers
3. workers
c. 1. h - walk out of
2. e - increase in wages
3. c - close down
4. b - call for a strike
5. f - t throughout the world
6. a - accept incentives
7. d - continue with negotiations
READING - Fifty Days and Counting
a. 1. a cut in wages
2. foreign competition
3. the management
4. both workers and management
5. the strike started fifty days ago and no one knows when it will end.
b. 1. strike 4. employees
2. decrease in wages 5. close down the plant.
3. close down
1. If the management had been aware of the strength of the competition, we would
be in the plant now.
2. If it weren’t for the plant, many people wouldn’t be able to make a living.
3. If it weren’t for the loyalty of the workers, the plant would not have survived as
long as it has.
d. 1. d - make a living 6. c - loyalty
2. a - cut in wages 7. e - plant
3. b - financial difficulties 8. h - solution
4. g - quit 9. j - unproductive
5. f - predicted 10. i - under the circumstances
© 2004 Edusoft Ltd.
SPEAKING - Quitting
a. 1. c 3. d
2. a 4. b
GRAMMAR - Relative Clauses
a. 1. Flemming Steel, which is located in Hamilton, …
2. David Warren, who is chief warehouse clerk at the plant, …
3. The workers, who are still striking, …
4. Foreign competition, which was the cause of the company’s financial difficulties, …
5. Wikowski, who represents the employees, …
b. 1. Mrs. Smith, who is one of the worker’s wives, went on strike with her husband.
2. Solid Steel, which is going to close down tomorrow, is the largest plant in our region.
3. Hank Wiskowski, who represents the employees, disagrees with the management.
4. The workers, who went on strike fifty days ago, are still striking.
1. Incentives, which were offered by the management, were rejected by the workers.
© 2004 Edusoft Ltd.
a. 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
1. c 4. d
2. e 5. b
3. a
READING - Does Homeless Mean Helpless?
a. 1. fact 4. opinion
2. opinion 5. fact
3. opinion
b. 1. Mr. Burns 4. Kevin
2. Kevin 5. Mr. Burns
3. Mrs. Jacks
c. 1. Kevin 3. Mr. Burns
2. Mrs. Jacks
d. take steps make a difference
provide housing offer an alternative life
give a point of view
SPEAKING - Do You Need Help?
a. 1. offering help: Ma’am, do you need help…? / Let me help you …
2. accepting help: Well OK, … / You can lift those heavy bags for me.
3. refusing help: No. I’m fine. / No thanks. I can really manage by myself.
b. offering help: 1, 3, 5, 6, 10
refusing help: 2, 4, 7
accepting help: 8, 9
Dialogue 1
Social Worker: Do you need help finding a place to stay?
Homeless Person: Yes, that’s very kind of you.
Social Worker: Can I help you with your shopping?
Homeless Person: Yes, that’s very kind of you
Social Worker: Is there anything else I can do for you?
Homeless Person: Oh, all right. You can drive me to the doctor’s.
© 2004 Edusoft Ltd.
Dialogue 2
Social Worker: Do you need help finding a place to stay?
Homeless Person: I prefer to depend on myself, thanks.
Social Worker: Would you like me to help you find a job
Homeless Person: I don’t want your help. I can manage by myself
Social Worker: Can I at least offer you a hot meal and a cup of coffee?
Homeless Person: I’ve told you before - I like doing things my way
GRAMMAR - Relative Clauses: Review
a. 1. -d (1) which (2) wherever/whoever (3) whatever (4) what
2. -c (1) where (2) wherever (3) whatever
3. -b (1) whose (2) who (3) Whatever
4. -a (1) who (2) who (3) Whatever
b. 1. who 3. whoever
2. whatever 4. where
© 2004 Edusoft Ltd.
LISTENING - Soap Opera
a. 1. T 4. T
2. F 5. T
3. F
b. 1. making fun 3. joking
2. flirting 4. teasing
Lully: Why did you come to the party?
Chad: How’s your health? / How are you feeling?
Mom: Hello
Chad: Would you like to come with me to meet some of my friends?
Mom: No thanks, I don’t want to leave Lully alone at the party.
Lully: Go with him, Mom.
Mom: Oh, all right.
READING - After a Heart Attack
a. 1, 2, 4, 6, 9
Correct information:
You shouldn’t smoke.
Don’t drink too much alcohol.
You should eat small amounts of fish and chicken.
Don’t drink whisky.
You should eat fresh fruit and vegetables.
You should weigh yourself weekly.
You should exercise at least three times a week.
Incorrect information:
You may smoke two cigarettes a day…
You may not drink wine any alcohol at all, including wine.
You may eat as much grilled fish and chicken as you wish.
Don’t worry about your weight.
Don’t weigh yourself more than once a month.
It’s a good idea to exercise once in a while.
Exercising too much can weaken your heart.
d. 1. Greg - because he has more vegetables and fruit
© 2004 Edusoft Ltd.
SPEAKING - Can I help?
a. 1. in the gym
2. to help the woman with the weights
3. she put the wrong weights on the bar
4. put the extra weights on the bar
5. yes
b. Offer help: Can I give you some help? Do you want me to …
Accept help: Sure, if it’s no trouble. Yes please, if you wouldn’t mind.
c. 1. offering help 5. offering help
2. accepting help 6. accepting help
3. offering help 7. offering help
4. accepting help
GRAMMAR - Past Form of Modals
a. 1. b 4. a / b / c
2. d 5. e
3. a 6. f
b. 1. must have had 4. must have gone
2. must have decided 5. must have been
3. must not have not finished
© 2004 Edusoft Ltd.
a. 1. musical events 4. don’t agree
2. two 5. check out the events themselves
3. recommends 6. once a week
b. 1. Allegra 4. Ray
2. Ray 5. Allegra
3. Allegra
c. 1. top of the list 6. outstanding
2. hilarious 7. talented
3. cheered 8. on tour
4. musical comedy 9. recommend
5. lots of money 10. worthwhile
d. Musical Disturbance
Kind of event: musical comedy
Audience reaction: cheering
Success: sure to be a classic
Ray’s recommendation: recommends it
Allegra’s recommendation: doesn’t recommend it
The Astonished Genius
Kind of event: dramatic opera
Audience reaction: loved it
Success: probable hit
Ray’s recommendation: never heard of it
Allegra’s recommendation: strongly recommends it
e. 1. a dramatic opera 4. Musical Disturbance
2. hits 5. The Astonished Genius
3. enjoyed the show
1. The music is intolerably loud and the singers are untalented.
2. The director, Noel Hill, is usually successful. / It is directed by the same person who directed the
successful “The Astonished Genius”.
3. The main performers were ill.
4. It is long running and popular.
5. She knew “The Astonished Genius” would be successful.
© 2004 Edusoft Ltd.
READING - Get Ready For A Hot Date
1. take 5. put on
2. polish 6. wait
3. choose 7. leave
4. iron
1. hot date 5. plug in
2. shower 6. put on makeup
3. polish 7. give up hope
4. express my personality
a. Expressions of satisfaction: Wow, that lunch was delicious.
Leave taking: Well, I’ve got to get back to work.
b. 1. satisfaction 6. satisfaction
2. leave taking 7. leave taking
3. satisfaction 8. leave taking
4. satisfaction 9. leave taking
5. leave taking
GRAMMAR - Conjunctions
a. 1. So do I. 4. I didn’t either.
2. I did too. 5. My daughter does too.
3. Neither did I.
b. 1. You can have either grilled fish or chicken.
2. The audience not only cheered but they also stood up and applauded.
Not only did the audience cheer but they also stood up and applauded. /
3. I enjoyed neither “Never on Monday” nor “Musical Box.” /
I didn’t enjoy either “Never on Monday” or “Musical Box.”
4. We can either go out for dinner or go to the movies.
5. Not only didn’t my iron work, but there was also a power cut.
c. 1. I guess so. 6. I think so.
2. I’m afraid not. 7. not only
3. Either 8. or
4. I hope so. 9. I guess not.
5. neither
© 2004 Edusoft Ltd.
a. 1. T 5. T
2. T 6. F
3. F 7. F
4. F 8. T
b. 1. fabulous 6. skip
2. dishes 7. favorite
3. started off 8. restaurant
4. instead of 9. used to be
5. appetite
c. wonton soup, egg rolls, chicken wings, noodles, rice, sweet and sour chicken,
sesame chicken, fried bananas
READING - A Seafood And Steak Surprise
a. 1. h 6. b
2. d 7. i
3. a 8. f
4. g 9. c
5. e
b. 1. cannot afford expensive restaurants
2. they don’t like smoking
3. weren’t happy with the food
4. they had gone out for pizza
5. sorry
6. the terrible experience at the restaurant
c. 1. the roast beef 4. restaurant
2. shrimp 5. restaurant
3. shrimp 6. tablecloth and silverware
d. 1. We had to wait nearly two hours.
2. there wasn’t even a tablecloth on our table.
3. the waiter ...brought the wrong food.
4. My girlfriend’s steak was burned.
5. We had to cancel our trip abroad.
© 2004 Edusoft Ltd.
e. 1. We had to wait almost an hour
2. The tablecloth didn’t look clean.
3. The waiter brought the food after a long wait.
4. My girlfriend’s roast beef was rare.
SPEAKING - Recommendations
a. Asking for an opinion: Is the food good here?
Giving an opinion: I believe so.
I’m certain the food is horrible.
Their recommendations are always terrible.
Agreeing with an opinion: I suppose you’re right.
Making a suggestion: We’d better go somewhere else.
Asking for an explanation: What do you mean?
1. giving an opinion
2. asking for an explanation or clarification
3. giving an opinion
4. asking for an opinion
5. asking for an explanation or clarification
6. giving an opinion
7. giving an opinion
8. asking for an explanation
GRAMMAR- More Conditionals: Mixed Time Conditionals
a. 1. b 4. f
2. c 5. d
3. a 6. e
b. 1. didn’t order pizza.
2. …didn’t have to sit on the floor.
3. …she was so hungry.
4. …didn’t give it a good review.
5. …didn’t enjoy the buffet…
1. I wouldn’t be washing
2. if we hadn’t had an argument.
3. if we had made a reservation.
4. I wouldn’t be standing here.
© 2004 Edusoft Ltd.
LISTENING - Soap Opera
a. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 1, 2, 3, 9, 10
b. 1. regret 3. hope
2. regret
c. 1. Do I shake her hand 5. separated
2. affectionately 6. in common
3. episode 7. personalities
4. coming back to me 8. soap opera
READING - The Day I Met Mick
a. Good things:
The policeman was really cute.
The policeman only gave her a warning.
She wasn’t hurt.
The driver of the sports car was the musician, Mick Starlight.
Bad things:
The alarm clock didn’t ring.
There was no hot water for the shower.
A policeman signaled her to stop.
A sports car crashed into her car.
c. 1. signaled 6. warning
2. nervous 7. mess
3. ironed 8. intersection
4. wet 9. right into
5. embarrassed
SPEAKING - Nice Meeting You
a. 1, 2, 4, 5, 7
b. 1. c 4. e
2. a 5. d
3. b
© 2004 Edusoft Ltd.
GRAMMAR - Past Form of Modals
a. Michelle’s list - Things I should have done:
I should have remembered my boss’s name.
I should have taken my lap- top from the car.
I should have remembered to take my credit card.
I should have borrowed money from someone.
I should have spoken to the girls at work.
I should have moved away from the computer and got some exercise.
I should have remembered the car keys. Should have left them on the table.
I should have drunk something.
Michelle’s list - Things I shouldn’ have done:
I shouldn’t have forgotten my boss’s name.
I shouldn’t have forgotten my lap-top in the car.
I shouldn’t have forgotten my credit card.
I shouldn’t have been so nervous with the other girls at work.
I shouldn’t have sat stuck to the computer all day.
2. He must have left.
3. He must have got stuck in traffic.
4. They must have gone to the mall.
5. They must have forgotten us!

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2024.06.01 Introducing a competency framework for languag learning materials ...


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  • 3. © 2004 Edusoft Ltd. INTERMEDIATE 3 Workbook Answer Key UNIT 1 - COUPLES LISTENING - Engagement a. 5, 1, 6, 3, 4, 2, 8, 7 b. 1. move out 5. start looking 2. think about 6. nervous about 3. used to 7. have 4. thought about 8. crazy c. 1. for a short time (“my first day on the job”) 2. Tom surprised her.(He gave her an engagement ring and she got palpitations) 3. his sister told him (“Emily called and told me that she recognized you at the restaurant”) 4. knew (Emily told him about her engagement – “she thought it would be a great idea if she and I both got engaged… on the same day”) 5. agreed (I guess that means “Yes”.) READING - A New Acquaintance a. 1. Judy 5. Judy 2. Meg 6. Judy 3. Judy 7. Meg 4. Meg b. 1. True 4. True 2. False 5. True 3. True 6. False c. 1. spend 5. affectionate 2. easygoing 6. upset 3. humor 7. trust 4. cheek 8. mistake
  • 4. © 2004 Edusoft Ltd. SPEAKING - Divorced a. Telling about a decision: Tony and I are getting divorced. We’ve both decided that we don’t love each other anymore. Expressing regret about a decision: I’m very sorry to hear that. b. Telling about a decision: 4, 6, 9 Expressing regret: 5, 7 Expressing an Opinion: 1, 2, 3, 8 c. SAMPLE: Dialogue 1 Alison: Hi Tony. I’m so sorry to hear about the divorce. Tony: Don’t be sorry. It’s what we both want./ We don’t love each other any more. Alison: But maybe you decided too quickly. / Perhaps you should think about the kids. Tony: We decided divorce was the right thing for all the family. Dialogue 2 Sam: Hi, Tony. Keep smiling. You made the right decision. Tony: Thank you. But it wasn’t easy./ It was a joint decision. Sam: Yes, but it’s obviously the best thing. I think you should come out with the guys tonight. Now you can be a free man with no cares! Tony: Yes, I think so too. GRAMMAR - Modals: In The Past Form a. Student’s own choice b. 1. b 4. e 2. c 5. d 3. a
  • 5. © 2004 Edusoft Ltd. UNIT 2: SPORTS AND FITNESS LISTENING - Sports a. 1. “School Sports” 2. Tina Laurence. 3. to speak about her gymnastics team / to talk about why her team lost the competition 4. optimistic b. 1. c 3. a 2. b c. 1. False- She has made a name for herself with her champion gymnastics team. 2. False- Tina Laurence was on her way to becoming an Olympic athlete. 3. True- The North Stars were expected to win. /The team would have make it to the finals . / How did the girls take not making it to the finals? 4. False- …, but they weren’t willing to give in 5. False- The girls who had been competing for a long time knew how to handle such an upset 6. True- the team will have to regain their confidence d. 1. expected 5. handle 2. exhausted 6. build up 3. concentrate 7. strength 4. blow 8. finals e. 1. c 5. f 2. e 6. d / h 3. a 7. d / h 4. b 8. g f. SAMPLE: 1. When did you have your tragic accident? 2. What happened? 3. How did you feel? 4. How did you manage to overcome being so upset? 5. How do you feel about coaching a gymnastics team? READING - Health And Fitness Today a. 1. eat nutritious meals and exercise daily. 2. they open very early in the morning/they do not close until late at night. 3. a large and well-equipped gymnastics facility with weight lifting equipment. 4. check with a doctor before any fitness program. 5. choose a program that matches your physical abilities and needs
  • 6. © 2004 Edusoft Ltd. b. SAMPLE: club slogan- “Do it Now”; name- Eat Right and Stay Fit Health Club; We offer: a large well equipped gym/weight lifting equipment/ tennis / flexible hours; suggestion - call us at 212 -568 7393 c. 1. a - developed my muscles 5. c - give up lunch 2. d - harmful 6. b - flexible hours 3. g - your own pace 7. e - nutritious meals 4. f - variety of activities d. SAMPLE: Things you should do You should: eat nutritious meals, exercise daily, go at your own pace, get into shape, do an exercise program which best suits you. Things you shouldn’t do You shouldn’t: do exercise that’s wrong for you, over-exercise, start a fitness program before seeing a doctor SPEAKING - Ten Miles a. You shouldn’t have run so far. By yourself? You shouldn’t lift weights without a partner nearby. It’s dangerous. b. giving advice 1, 3, 5, 6 reprimanding2, 4, 7 GRAMMAR - Past Conditionals a. 1. c 3. a 2. b c. 1. c 4. d 2. e 5. b 3. a d. 1. If he had had enough money to join a health club, he would have become fit 2. If the health club hadn’t closed early last night, Susan would /could have exercised. 3. If Tom had taken his tennis racket to work, he could have played tennis during his lunch break. 4. If Dr. Kane had given his patients enough information about exercising, they wouldn’t have injured themselves.
  • 7. © 2004 Edusoft Ltd. UNIT 3: PROBLEMS AT WORK LISTENING - News a. 1. f 5. t 2. f 6. f 3. t 7. f 4. f 8. t b. 1. management 4. management 2. workers 5. workers 3. workers c. 1. h - walk out of 2. e - increase in wages 3. c - close down 4. b - call for a strike 5. f - t throughout the world 6. a - accept incentives 7. d - continue with negotiations READING - Fifty Days and Counting a. 1. a cut in wages 2. foreign competition 3. the management 4. both workers and management 5. the strike started fifty days ago and no one knows when it will end. b. 1. strike 4. employees 2. decrease in wages 5. close down the plant. 3. close down c. 1. If the management had been aware of the strength of the competition, we would be in the plant now. 2. If it weren’t for the plant, many people wouldn’t be able to make a living. 3. If it weren’t for the loyalty of the workers, the plant would not have survived as long as it has. d. 1. d - make a living 6. c - loyalty 2. a - cut in wages 7. e - plant 3. b - financial difficulties 8. h - solution 4. g - quit 9. j - unproductive 5. f - predicted 10. i - under the circumstances
  • 8. © 2004 Edusoft Ltd. SPEAKING - Quitting a. 1. c 3. d 2. a 4. b GRAMMAR - Relative Clauses a. 1. Flemming Steel, which is located in Hamilton, … 2. David Warren, who is chief warehouse clerk at the plant, … 3. The workers, who are still striking, … 4. Foreign competition, which was the cause of the company’s financial difficulties, … 5. Wikowski, who represents the employees, … b. 1. Mrs. Smith, who is one of the worker’s wives, went on strike with her husband. 2. Solid Steel, which is going to close down tomorrow, is the largest plant in our region. 3. Hank Wiskowski, who represents the employees, disagrees with the management. 4. The workers, who went on strike fifty days ago, are still striking. 1. Incentives, which were offered by the management, were rejected by the workers.
  • 9. © 2004 Edusoft Ltd. UNIT 4: A HELPING HAND LISTENING - Call-In a. 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 1. c 4. d 2. e 5. b 3. a READING - Does Homeless Mean Helpless? a. 1. fact 4. opinion 2. opinion 5. fact 3. opinion b. 1. Mr. Burns 4. Kevin 2. Kevin 5. Mr. Burns 3. Mrs. Jacks c. 1. Kevin 3. Mr. Burns 2. Mrs. Jacks d. take steps make a difference provide housing offer an alternative life give a point of view SPEAKING - Do You Need Help? a. 1. offering help: Ma’am, do you need help…? / Let me help you … 2. accepting help: Well OK, … / You can lift those heavy bags for me. 3. refusing help: No. I’m fine. / No thanks. I can really manage by myself. b. offering help: 1, 3, 5, 6, 10 refusing help: 2, 4, 7 accepting help: 8, 9 c. SAMPLE: Dialogue 1 Social Worker: Do you need help finding a place to stay? Homeless Person: Yes, that’s very kind of you. Social Worker: Can I help you with your shopping? Homeless Person: Yes, that’s very kind of you Social Worker: Is there anything else I can do for you? Homeless Person: Oh, all right. You can drive me to the doctor’s.
  • 10. © 2004 Edusoft Ltd. Dialogue 2 Social Worker: Do you need help finding a place to stay? Homeless Person: I prefer to depend on myself, thanks. Social Worker: Would you like me to help you find a job Homeless Person: I don’t want your help. I can manage by myself Social Worker: Can I at least offer you a hot meal and a cup of coffee? Homeless Person: I’ve told you before - I like doing things my way GRAMMAR - Relative Clauses: Review a. 1. -d (1) which (2) wherever/whoever (3) whatever (4) what 2. -c (1) where (2) wherever (3) whatever 3. -b (1) whose (2) who (3) Whatever 4. -a (1) who (2) who (3) Whatever b. 1. who 3. whoever 2. whatever 4. where
  • 11. © 2004 Edusoft Ltd. UNIT 5: HEALTH AND HAPPINESS LISTENING - Soap Opera a. 1. T 4. T 2. F 5. T 3. F b. 1. making fun 3. joking 2. flirting 4. teasing c. Lully: Why did you come to the party? Chad: How’s your health? / How are you feeling? Mom: Hello Chad: Would you like to come with me to meet some of my friends? Mom: No thanks, I don’t want to leave Lully alone at the party. Lully: Go with him, Mom. Mom: Oh, all right. READING - After a Heart Attack a. 1, 2, 4, 6, 9 b. SAMPLE: Correct information: You shouldn’t smoke. Don’t drink too much alcohol. You should eat small amounts of fish and chicken. Don’t drink whisky. You should eat fresh fruit and vegetables. You should weigh yourself weekly. You should exercise at least three times a week. Incorrect information: You may smoke two cigarettes a day… You may not drink wine any alcohol at all, including wine. You may eat as much grilled fish and chicken as you wish. Don’t worry about your weight. Don’t weigh yourself more than once a month. It’s a good idea to exercise once in a while. Exercising too much can weaken your heart. d. 1. Greg - because he has more vegetables and fruit
  • 12. © 2004 Edusoft Ltd. SPEAKING - Can I help? a. 1. in the gym 2. to help the woman with the weights 3. she put the wrong weights on the bar 4. put the extra weights on the bar 5. yes b. Offer help: Can I give you some help? Do you want me to … Accept help: Sure, if it’s no trouble. Yes please, if you wouldn’t mind. c. 1. offering help 5. offering help 2. accepting help 6. accepting help 3. offering help 7. offering help 4. accepting help GRAMMAR - Past Form of Modals a. 1. b 4. a / b / c 2. d 5. e 3. a 6. f b. 1. must have had 4. must have gone 2. must have decided 5. must have been 3. must not have not finished
  • 13. © 2004 Edusoft Ltd. UNIT 6: GOING OUT LISTENING - Music a. 1. musical events 4. don’t agree 2. two 5. check out the events themselves 3. recommends 6. once a week b. 1. Allegra 4. Ray 2. Ray 5. Allegra 3. Allegra c. 1. top of the list 6. outstanding 2. hilarious 7. talented 3. cheered 8. on tour 4. musical comedy 9. recommend 5. lots of money 10. worthwhile d. Musical Disturbance Kind of event: musical comedy Audience reaction: cheering Success: sure to be a classic Ray’s recommendation: recommends it Allegra’s recommendation: doesn’t recommend it The Astonished Genius Kind of event: dramatic opera Audience reaction: loved it Success: probable hit Ray’s recommendation: never heard of it Allegra’s recommendation: strongly recommends it e. 1. a dramatic opera 4. Musical Disturbance 2. hits 5. The Astonished Genius 3. enjoyed the show f. SAMPLE 1. The music is intolerably loud and the singers are untalented. 2. The director, Noel Hill, is usually successful. / It is directed by the same person who directed the successful “The Astonished Genius”. 3. The main performers were ill. 4. It is long running and popular. 5. She knew “The Astonished Genius” would be successful.
  • 14. © 2004 Edusoft Ltd. READING - Get Ready For A Hot Date 1. take 5. put on 2. polish 6. wait 3. choose 7. leave 4. iron 1. hot date 5. plug in 2. shower 6. put on makeup 3. polish 7. give up hope 4. express my personality SPEAKING - Lunch a. Expressions of satisfaction: Wow, that lunch was delicious. Leave taking: Well, I’ve got to get back to work. b. 1. satisfaction 6. satisfaction 2. leave taking 7. leave taking 3. satisfaction 8. leave taking 4. satisfaction 9. leave taking 5. leave taking GRAMMAR - Conjunctions a. 1. So do I. 4. I didn’t either. 2. I did too. 5. My daughter does too. 3. Neither did I. b. 1. You can have either grilled fish or chicken. 2. The audience not only cheered but they also stood up and applauded. Not only did the audience cheer but they also stood up and applauded. / 3. I enjoyed neither “Never on Monday” nor “Musical Box.” / I didn’t enjoy either “Never on Monday” or “Musical Box.” 4. We can either go out for dinner or go to the movies. 5. Not only didn’t my iron work, but there was also a power cut. c. 1. I guess so. 6. I think so. 2. I’m afraid not. 7. not only 3. Either 8. or 4. I hope so. 9. I guess not. 5. neither
  • 15. © 2004 Edusoft Ltd. UNIT 7: RESTAURANT REVIEWS LISTENING - Family a. 1. T 5. T 2. T 6. F 3. F 7. F 4. F 8. T b. 1. fabulous 6. skip 2. dishes 7. favorite 3. started off 8. restaurant 4. instead of 9. used to be 5. appetite c. wonton soup, egg rolls, chicken wings, noodles, rice, sweet and sour chicken, sesame chicken, fried bananas READING - A Seafood And Steak Surprise a. 1. h 6. b 2. d 7. i 3. a 8. f 4. g 9. c 5. e b. 1. cannot afford expensive restaurants 2. they don’t like smoking 3. weren’t happy with the food 4. they had gone out for pizza 5. sorry 6. the terrible experience at the restaurant c. 1. the roast beef 4. restaurant 2. shrimp 5. restaurant 3. shrimp 6. tablecloth and silverware d. 1. We had to wait nearly two hours. 2. there wasn’t even a tablecloth on our table. 3. the waiter ...brought the wrong food. 4. My girlfriend’s steak was burned. 5. We had to cancel our trip abroad.
  • 16. © 2004 Edusoft Ltd. e. 1. We had to wait almost an hour 2. The tablecloth didn’t look clean. 3. The waiter brought the food after a long wait. 4. My girlfriend’s roast beef was rare. SPEAKING - Recommendations a. Asking for an opinion: Is the food good here? Giving an opinion: I believe so. I’m certain the food is horrible. Their recommendations are always terrible. Agreeing with an opinion: I suppose you’re right. Making a suggestion: We’d better go somewhere else. Asking for an explanation: What do you mean? 1. giving an opinion 2. asking for an explanation or clarification 3. giving an opinion 4. asking for an opinion 5. asking for an explanation or clarification 6. giving an opinion 7. giving an opinion 8. asking for an explanation GRAMMAR- More Conditionals: Mixed Time Conditionals a. 1. b 4. f 2. c 5. d 3. a 6. e b. 1. didn’t order pizza. 2. …didn’t have to sit on the floor. 3. …she was so hungry. 4. …didn’t give it a good review. 5. …didn’t enjoy the buffet… 1. I wouldn’t be washing 2. if we hadn’t had an argument. 3. if we had made a reservation. 4. I wouldn’t be standing here.
  • 17. © 2004 Edusoft Ltd. UNIT 8: MEETING PEOPLE LISTENING - Soap Opera a. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 1, 2, 3, 9, 10 b. 1. regret 3. hope 2. regret c. 1. Do I shake her hand 5. separated 2. affectionately 6. in common 3. episode 7. personalities 4. coming back to me 8. soap opera READING - The Day I Met Mick a. Good things: The policeman was really cute. The policeman only gave her a warning. She wasn’t hurt. The driver of the sports car was the musician, Mick Starlight. Bad things: The alarm clock didn’t ring. There was no hot water for the shower. A policeman signaled her to stop. A sports car crashed into her car. c. 1. signaled 6. warning 2. nervous 7. mess 3. ironed 8. intersection 4. wet 9. right into 5. embarrassed SPEAKING - Nice Meeting You a. 1, 2, 4, 5, 7 b. 1. c 4. e 2. a 5. d 3. b
  • 18. © 2004 Edusoft Ltd. GRAMMAR - Past Form of Modals a. Michelle’s list - Things I should have done: I should have remembered my boss’s name. I should have taken my lap- top from the car. I should have remembered to take my credit card. I should have borrowed money from someone. I should have spoken to the girls at work. I should have moved away from the computer and got some exercise. I should have remembered the car keys. Should have left them on the table. I should have drunk something. Michelle’s list - Things I shouldn’ have done: I shouldn’t have forgotten my boss’s name. I shouldn’t have forgotten my lap-top in the car. I shouldn’t have forgotten my credit card. I shouldn’t have been so nervous with the other girls at work. I shouldn’t have sat stuck to the computer all day. b. SAMPLE 2. He must have left. 3. He must have got stuck in traffic. 4. They must have gone to the mall. 5. They must have forgotten us!