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And Hold on to this Kite… Chapter 4.0 of The Omega Alphabetacy
Welcome back to another (hopefully) fun-filled chapter of the Omega Alphabetacy. I decided I’d try an interestinglayoutthis chapter – just to test all the fun things that power-point has to offer! The writing will mainly be narrative for this chapter  But enough about that and on to the actual legacy. At the end of last chapter, Clover moved back home as heiress. I’d advise reading previous chapters to catch up properly. Enjoy! Ally x (aka ARubberDucky15)
“I am so grateful for coffee in the morning!” Benjamin gasped as he took a large swig from his steaming mug. Felicity glanced at him, and then continued to stir the gooey mixture in the bowl she was holding. “Honey,” She replied, smiling in a slightly bemused fashion, “it’s not the morning. It’s 3 o’clock in the afternoon.” “Better late than never. Where has Clover got to?” Felicity frowned at him. “She’s in her room. She’s spending all her time in there, reading and moping about. She’s still upset about this whole…Mitchell business. Caspian said we need to keep trying to get through to her – Mitchell never meant to hurt her but she just won’t listen.” “She’s stubborn though Fliss, and you know that.”
An hour later, Felicity retrieved her cherry pie from the oven. She gave it the ‘once over’, smiled to herself and then walked into the dining room. As she did so, she called upstairs. “Clover! I made cherry pie, come and get some while it’s still hot.” Felicity heard the faint reply of “Coming mum!”, and she smiled to herself again, and pottered about, putting out slices of pie on the table.
Clover was in the bathroom when her mum called her, washing her face to try and hide the fact that she’d been crying. She carefully ran her fingers through her hair, teasing out the knots, and then looking her reflection in the eyes. She’d lost track of time since leaving university – she’d been home for a month now, but she never kept up with what day or date it was. Why did it matter anymore? Mitchell had seemed to stop trying to contact her – she had blocked his e-mails, and she never answered the phone – just in case it was him calling her. She was trying to convince her parents – and herself – that she was well and truly over him. Now, that hot cherry pie is waiting for me…
“Hello darling,” Benji smiled at his daughter as she sat down at the dining table with them. She smiled at her parents before digging in to her slice of pie. “This is so good!” She exclaimed, her mouth crammed full of cherries and pastry. Felicity glanced at Benji, and he nodded at her. “We’ve got an idea Clover, to cheer you up.” “I don’t need cheering up.” She replied, looking down at her plate. Ignoring this comment, Felicity continued: “We were thinking that we could go on holiday, to get away for a while.”
“I wouldn’t want to get in the way. You and dad should go, and have a nice romantic holiday together. Someone…someone would need to stay and look after the cats and the house and water the garden…” “Stop making excuses. You know that you’d enjoy yourself. You can’t keep dwelling in the past all the time, and you know that.” Clover was stumped – her parents could read her like a book, even though she’d been trying so hard to pretend she was fine, pretending she didn’t need looking after…
Clover saw disappointment in her parents eyes, so she gave in. “Fine. I’ll think about it, okay? But I’m not promising anything.” “Sure, that’s fine sweetheart.” Clover got up and kissed her mum on the cheek. “I’m going to go and read in my room, I’ll see you later.” She walked off into the hall.
“The sunshine would do her good, wouldn’t it?” Benjamin said, glancing down at his slice of pie which was cooling rapidly. Felicity looked at him and smiled. “That’s not the only reason we’re going.” She said it quietly, so that only Benji would be able to hear. “This isn’t just our plan.” Benjamin nodded before shoving a forkful of cherries into his mouth. “I know…” “And hopefully we’ll have our smiling, happy daughter back soon. Let’s just hope his plan works…”
Unaware of her parents talking about her downstairs, Clover sat on her bed with Toulouse by her side. “And then she kissed the prince, and they rode off on his horse into the sunset. And they lived Happily Ever After.” She read out loud and then paused, before glancing at Toulouse. “Yet another happy ending…”  “Clover!” Her dad was shouting from the hall. “Caspian is on the phone for you!” Clover rolled her eyes before putting her book down on the bed. “What does he want now?” She asked herself, walking over to the phone and taking it off the hook.
“Hello?” “Hey Clo, how are you?” “I’m okay thanks Caspian. What’s the reason for you calling this time?” She laughed slightly. “I was planning on coming over this afternoon. Are you free?” “Mmhhmm..” “Great! I’ll see you later then little sis, I’ve got something very exciting to tell you.” With very little enthusiasm, Clover responded with “Great, I can’t wait”, before putting the phone back on the receiver.
••• “And how is my beautiful little sister today?” Caspian said as Clover ran out of the house, wrapping her arms around him. “I’m okay…” She smiled a little. “I’ve missed my amazing big brother. What have you been up to?” “Well…” He said, pulling out of her embrace and then glancing over Clover’s shoulder, and gesturing for her to look.
“Alicia?” Clover exclaimed, taking hold her hand and shaking it. She glanced at her bulging stomach and saw a sparkling ring on her finger. She looked to Caspian for some sort of explanation but he was already heading towards the house. “I’m going to go and raid the fridge.” He grinned before going in the front door.
“So, when did this happen?” Clover asked. Alicia just smiled, and put a hand on her expanding stomach.  “I found out just after I’d graduated, and then… I moved in with Caspian and he proposed to me. Nothing fancy, we were just at our house but it was nice…romantic you could say…” She had a dreamy look in her eyes and she grinned. Clover was smiling on the outside but not on the inside. She was busy thinking about what could have been with Mitchell.
“Maybe you could be a bridesmaid at our wedding!” Alicia proposed. “That sounds good.” Clover replied, smiling sheepishly, just wanting to be alone in her room again, reading a book aloud to her uninterested cat. “How do you feel about wearing red? Or green? How about purple?” She laughed. “There are too many choices. We probably won’t get married until after the baby is born. I’m so excited. You’re going to be an auntie! How cool is that?” Clover nodded, before ushering Alicia inside, towards the cherry pie.
After Caspian and Alicia had been made a fuss of my Felicity and Benjamin, Caspian managed to grab hold of Clover. “So, really Clo, how are you?” “I’m fantastic, I have not been better. Did you try the cherry pie? How good was it?” “Clover…” She sighed. “Okay, fine. I’ve been a whole lot better. I’m finding it really hard without him.”
“Mum said she told you about the holiday that her and dad want to go on with you…” “Caspian, don’t you start as well!” “I really think you should go, it’d do you good, and it’s winter here – it’d be summer in Twiikii. You could get a tan!” Clover scowled at him, and Caspian put on his best grin.
“But…I don’t know. I told mum that I’d think about it.” “She wants to go soon – and I’m sure there’s a lot that she needs to plan and put in place before hand…” “What’s that supposed to mean?” Caspian bit his lip. “Hmm…nothing, nothing. I just want you to have a brilliant time, and… cheer up. I hate seeing you like this Clover. Anything you want to talk about?” She sighed deeply and looked into his eyes. “I miss him Caspian. I really do miss him. Maybe you’re right…”
“Okay, you know what Caspian, maybe I will go on holiday. I’d love to see the world and this is my chance, isn’t it? Before…before I find someone to marry and get bogged down with children.” She laughed lightly, and her heart felt broken and heavy in her chest. “That’s the spirit.” Caspian laughed, and Clover ran off to tell their mum of her decision. Caspian watched as she ran off, and then muttered: “I really hope his plan works…”
It was the night before they were due to leave for their holiday, and Felicity was finishing off packing. “Do we really need that many clothes?” Clover asked, flopping down onto the bed and stretching out her legs. Felicity glanced over her shoulder at her, and then opened the chest of drawers. “You never know what we’ll need!” She smiled, shoving swimsuits and tee-shirts and skirts and dresses into 3 large suitcases, one for each of them. “I’m looking forward to some sunshine…” Clover wiggled her toes inside her shoes and smiled at her mum. “I quite like the beach…” Her voice trailed off as she remembered her time spent with Mitchell at the beach. She tried to distract herself: “Have you packed sun screen mum?”
Felicity was about to go downstairs to the kitchen, in order to clean and tidy before they left. “Mum, wait…” Clover ran out of the room after her and pulled her into a hug. “What is it darling?” She asked, running her fingers through Clover’s wavy hair. “Thank you.” “For what?” “For looking after me and loving me, and for taking me on holiday.” Felicity smiled at her only daughter. “It’s no problem, sweetie, it’s no problem.”
That night, Clover slept with Toulouse at her side, and she dreamt of Mitchell, and sandcastles with turrets, the warm sea water lapping over her toes and the coolness of it as she’d swam in it. She sometimes wished she was as lucky in life now, as she was in her dreams.
“Honey, I need to ask some quick questions from my check list before I go…” “Fliss, it’s 6am. I need my coffee before I’m awake…” “No, I cleaned the coffee maker last night. You will have to buy one from the airport, because I do not have time to clean it again now! The taxi will be here soon, and I have lots of things to check before we go.” “Aren’t you making a bit of a big deal about this..?” “It needs to be done honey, now…first thing…”
“Have you left the food out for the cats, so Cody knows where it is when he’s house-sitting?” “Yes, I have and is this really nece-…” “And have you switched off the lights upstairs? And made the beds? And cleaned up the breakfast plates and…” “Yes, I have done all of those, now come here and stop worrying – everything will be fine. Cody is competent and he will be perfectly fine looking after our house. Come here…”
Their lips met and Felicity smiled. “Now stop worrying Fliss and let’s just have a good holiday, okay?” She nodded, “Okay, fine.”  They heard the taxi pull up outside, and beep its horn. “Clover!” Felicity shouted as she went into the hall, “the taxi is here, time to go!” And her and Benji put on their coats, picked up their suitcases and headed out of the front door.
Clover had quickly said bye to Cody, who was trying not to be scratched by Toulouse and Misty, before heading out to the taxi, carrying her rather heavy suitcase with her. As the taxi drove off, Benji remarked, “You don’t think Cody will set fire to the microwave again, do you?”, making a worried Felicity phone Cody, just to make sure.
Several hours, a flight and 3 cups of coffee later, the Omegas arrived at Twiikii island. “Wow, it’s boiling here.” Clover said, unzipping her coat and fanning herself with her hand. “Why did we have to bring coats?” “Just in case.” Benjamin said, smiling at his daughter. “At least, that’s what your mother said! Come on, let’s check in and then we can go and change.”
After lunch, they’d unpacked Felicity’s huge supplies of clothes, Felicity said that her and Clover were going to go to the boardwalk to look at the beach and some shops. At the mention of shops, Benjamin offered to stay at the hotel and make sure they had unpacked everything. At the boardwalk, Clover left her mum chatting with some other holiday makers, and she wandered down onto the soft sand. She stopped in her tracks when she saw a man ‘fire-dancing’. “Want a go pretty lady?” He asked, grinning at her and holding out an unlit baton. She hesitantly nodded.
“Am I doing it right?” She asked, twirling the baton and throwing it up into the air before catching it again. He nodded enthusiastically and she grinned, the first time she really had in weeks. “Thanks…” She said, handing it back to him. “You are very good at this.” He replied, looking intently at her. “Will you come and visit me on the beach again sometime?” He was smiling at her. “Sure… okay that might be fun.” “Great!” And with that, he picked up his things and walked off towards the boardwalk. Clover stood there alone for a minute, her head crammed full of thoughts.
On the boardwalk, Felicity had bought some clothes for herself, her husband and her daughter, and was now having an in depth discussion with another holiday maker. “I tell you,” Andrea said to her, “the beach grills are amazing – you should come to one!” “Sounds like great fun!” Felicity said enthusiastically. “So how many times have you been here before?” Andrea laughed. “We come here nearly every year – me and my husband always bring our kids. We have since they were little – they absolutely love it here! I think we’ll bring the grandkids here when there are some as well!” “That sounds like such a fantastic idea!”
When it started to get dark, Felicity and Clover headed back to the hotel. “We’re going to get some dinner soon.” Felicity said, walking back to the room she was sharing with Benjamin. Clover nodded before heading down to the hotel’s private beach. She sat, alone, with the only sound being the crashing waves for quite some time. How am I going to manage without him… She thought to herself, blinking back tears. I really thought we were going to be together, and now…now I have no one. A huge wave washed up the beach and her legs got damp. She got up to go and have dinner, but looked back out at the sea again. I still love him…
After dinner, Benji and Fliss went and watched TV on their bed together. “How was Clover when you took her out?” Benji asked, clicking a button on the remote and changing channels. “She learnt how to fire dance.” Felicity smiled at him. “But she’s not completely herself, no.” “Do you think his plan will work?” Felicity nodded. “I hope so, they belong together.”
“Just like we do.” Felicity added, grinning at Benji. “Aw. Come here love…” He took her into his arms and kissed her. “This is going to be a good holiday, isn’t it?” “Of course it is!” “Then let’s start it off with a bang…” And he kissed her again.
The family woke up early the next morning, and Benji and Fliss went into Clover’s room, to find her ready for the day. She was smiling, and she hugged her mum. “What are you wearing?” She asked, glancing at her dad. Benji tugged at the bottom of his Hawaiian shirt and raised his eyebrow. “Your mother’s idea.” Felicity threw him a look. “Oh Benjamin!” She scorned, “we’re on holiday and we’ve got to enjoy ourselves, and I thought fun holiday clothes would be a good idea!” Benjamin rolled his eyes, making Clover giggle. “Come on then, we’re off to the south beach this morning. Apparently there’s an old pirate ship there now…”
When they arrived there, a young local came over to Clover and smiled. “Hi Miss, how are you today?” Clover was a little taken back by this openly talking to holiday makers, but she smiled. “I’m good thank you, how about yourself?” “Fine thank you Miss. Is there anything I can help you with?” “Oh…erm…the pirate ship over there,” She pointed, “In the brochure, it says it’s haunted. Is that true?”
He laughed heartily; “That is a tale of legend Miss. Lots of people say they have seen these things, but there is no actual proof. Maybe you should go and have a look. Maybe you will be surprised Miss.” Clover nodded, “Thanks, maybe I will.” She glanced over her shoulder to look at the pirate ship. “It is no problem Miss. I’m glad I could help such a pretty tourist such as yourself.” She blushed, before smiling at him and running off towards the pirate ship.
Benjamin let out a low whistle as he watched his wife make herself comfortable on a beach towel. “If we weren’t in public…” “Benjamin!” She exclaimed, glancing around to make sure no one was listening to her husband’s comments. “Stop saying things like that…” He grinned at her. “Fine, I’ll just go and play on this pirate ship then. Enjoy tanning.” “Enjoy the ship.” Felicity closed her eyes. “And be careful…” She muttered as he bounded up the wooden stairs.
Benjamin headed straight for the Crow’s nest when he got onto the deck of the ship. He was careful like Felicity had told him to be, and once he got to the top, he could see all of Twikii island there surrounding him. It was simply breathtaking. Benjamin let out a small sigh, and felt content – truly content – with what he had in life. “Dad, dad! Look at this!” He heard his daughter calling from the deck, and he looked out across the island one more time, before descending.
“On guard!” Clover yelled, wielding a plastic cutlass at a wooden pirate figure. Benjamin laughed – he loved his daughter’s childish nature. “Ah…Mr Pegleg, we meet again…” He heard her say to the figure, before lunging at it with the plastic sword, laughing as she did so. “Take that, and that!” Benjamin stood back and just watched his daughter – this holiday was the right thing to do, and the sunshine seemed to be doing her the world of good.
“I am triumphant!” She squealed, then bowing towards the wooden pirate. “It was nice to dual with you Mr Pegleg, until we meet again.” She threw the plastic sword to the floor and grinned at her dad. He shook his head at her, smiling. “I’m hungry.” She stated, walking towards the steps back down to the beach. “I’m going to go and find some food. See you later!” Benjamin smiled again. That daughter of his had a mind of her own.
Clover met another local when she headed back to the decking at the top of the beach. “Hi,” She said, smiling at the woman who was wearing something similar to what her mother was wearing too. “I was wondering if you could recommend a good place to eat.” The woman thought for a moment, before pointing towards the little hut that was next to them. “Why here of course!” She laughed. “Giuseppe – this girl wants something to eat!” “My speciality, coming right up!” He called back. “Enjoy your meal,” the local girl said, before walking off towards other holiday makers.
“There we are my dear,” Giuseppe said as he placed a plate of steaming and delicious smelling food in front of her. “Wow, thank you.” She said, grinning at him. “It looks great!” “Ah…that is why you always come to Giuseppe’s. I serve the best food on the whole island.” She smiled, and thanked him again before tucking into her meal. She was so hungry – she had forgotten to eat breakfast that morning. After finishing the meal, Clover headed back to the hotel with her parents.
Bored of the TV that evening, Clover told her parents she was going to go out for a bit, and have a look at things on the island. She walked for a while, just going wherever her feet were taking her, and she ended up at an outdoor market. “Giuseppe?” She said, sitting herself down at the food booth that was that. The man turned round and smiled at her. “Is is not Giuseppe.” “Oh sorry…” She muttered, blushing and looking around to hide her embarrassment. “I is his brother!” He grinned. “My name is Salvador. What can I get you pretty lady to eat?”
Clover started to tuck in to the plate of Pineapple Surprise that he placed in front of her, kissing his fingers and saying “Bon Appetite.” She’d grinned at him, surprised at how friendly everyone was on TwiikiiIsland, and determined to come back and visit here with her own children. If she ever had children… No, she thought to herself, forking pineapple into her mouth, you’ve got to have children in order to carry on this legacy and bring in the next generation… But who will I marry?... Why did all of this have to happen? Oh Mitchell… I wish I could tell him, tell him that… Her thoughts were interrupted by Salvador, “Want any more pretty lady?” She shook her head. “No thank you Salvador, I best be heading some place else now.” She placed a few coins on the table and wandered off down the street.
Down the road, she found some natural hot springs, and after quickly getting changed into her swim wear, she slipped into the warm water. She closed her eyes and smiled, feeling the water swirling around her and soothing her sun-kissed skin. She lightly rubbed the back of her head with her fingers, teasing out the knots in her wavy hair. She could quite happily stay here all the time, not having to think, not having to do – just enjoying herself. She opened her eyes and watched the steam rising off the water. This is wonderful…
••• The next morning, Felicity joined her mum on the balcony for breakfast, even before the sun had come up. “Morning darling.” Felicity said, looking up from her bowl of cereal and grinning at her daughter. The wind skimming over the sea and blowing up onto the balcony was cooling, and it rustled their hair. Felicity sighed softly, enjoying it, before another hot day spent outside. “Did you sleep well?” She asked Clover, chewing the cornflakes. “Uhhu.” Clover placed her bowl on the table before sitting down. “I did actually. I felt relaxed after my evening out.”
“Where did you end up? Discover anything nice on the island?” Clover nodded. “There’s some natural hot springs. It was really nice…” They sat in silence for a while, the sound of the wave crashing onto the beach below and a few odd seagulls calling for each other was the only noise that morning. “Me and your dad thought that we could go to the beach again today. But a different one, obviously. We’d quite like to see everything whilst we’re here. It’s called Southwater beach – it’s very nice apparently.” “Sure, sounds good mum.” “Never know what we’ll find there…”
Clover stopped eating and looked at her mum. “What’s what meant to mean? What have you been planning?” Felicity bit her lip slightly. “Nothing, nothing darling. But come on, eat your breakfast and then we can go and get ready to go, can’t we?” She smiled at her daughter. Clover opened her mouth to say something back, but thought better of it.  Her cornflakes had started to go soggy.
“How are my two favourite girls this morning?” Benjamin walked out onto the balcony, leaning forward to kiss Fliss a kiss and then picking up a bowl of cereal. He started back into the bedroom.  “Where are you going?” Felicity asked. He turned back around and grinned at her, a knowing smile. “I’ve got things to do, and you know…people to talk to…” “Oh…” She replied, nodding in understanding before tucking back into her cereal. Benjamin walked off and went into the main hotel dining area and out onto another balcony. Felicity was glad – Clover seemed oblivious.
Benjamin looked around for a moment, before seeing who he was looking for. He placed his bowl down on the table, it making a pleasing sound as he did so, and he sat down on the chair opposite. He smiled briefly, before picking up his spoon and starting to eat. “So…” The man said, expectantly, eyes fixed on Benji’s face. Benji smiled warmly at this person. “Are you worried? Panicking at all?” Benjamin raised his eyebrow. They spoke like old friends. The man gave a short laugh – it sounded fake – before smiling back at him. “Kind of, I guess. Wouldn’t you be?” Benjamin nodded, thoughtfully staring at his cereal.
“I don’t know if I’ve planned this as well as I can Benjamin…” When the man spoke, he shook slightly, even though he was doing his best to cover up his nerves. “Do you think she’ll go for it?” Benjamin looked up. “Do I think she’ll go for it? I really think she will. If I know anything, I know my daughter.” The man laughed again, this time it was less forced and he seemed to relax. “Good. And I think everything is put in place. I hope this works, I really do. I hope you’re right Benjamin…” “Of course I am. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to go and get ready. We’ll be at SouthWater Beach in an hour.” “Very good… This plan is working out nicely already…”
••• As soon as they arrived at the beach, Clover headed straight towards the fire-dancer, before Felicity or Benjamin could say anything to her. “You are that pretty girl I taught to fire dance the other day…” The man said to her, as he twirled the lit baton in the air. “That’s right, that’s me.” Clover grinned. She was enjoying being here very much.
“How much longer is pretty lady on the island?” The dancer asked, glancing at her before putting his attention back to the flaming baton in his hand. “Only another two after this one…and then it’s back home.” She sighed slightly, her eyes focusing on the fire. “I really like it here. It’s a shame I can’t live here…” The man nodded.  “Well Miss, I hope you enjoy the rest of your time here.” “Thanks…I will.” Clover got up, smiled to the man, and then walked off towards the soft sand.
“Are you okay Clover?” Her mother asked as she approached her. “Yeah I’m perfectly fine. It’s a beautiful day… I’m just enjoying being here, I really am. I’m so glad you and dad dragged me along…” Clover laughed softly at this. “That’s wonderful darling.” Felicity looked a little apprehensive, like she was waiting for something to happen. “Is everything okay mum?” “Fantastic. This is my friend, Andrea.” She gestured to the lady on her left. “Her and her family might come and stay with us at some point. They say they’ve always wanted to go to Plenderleith…”
“Wow – that’s great mum.” Clover laughed again. “Why don’t you go and relax darling, soak up the sun and enjoy yourself…” “Sure mum, sure.” Clover went and stood a little way from her parents, and stood looking at the waves. Someone cleared their throat behind her and she turned round, expecting a holiday maker asking for directions.
“Hi…” Clover stopped, and just stared at him. This had to be some sort of a joke. “This is some sort of a surreal dream…” Clover said, not wanting to believe that in front of her, stood Mitchell, the love of her life who’d broken her heart. “You are not really here. I’ll just pinch myself and I’ll wake up…” She reached up, pinching her arm as she did so and she closed her eyes tight. Nothing happened. When she opened her eyes, she was still in Twiikii island. She was still standing on the warm sand. Mitchell was still stood in front of her.
“Hi Clover. How’ve you been?” She blinked at him. “How have I been? Oh… I don’t know, broken hearted? What the hell are you doing here Mitchell?” Her heart was beating fast, even though she breathed slow and softly. “I wanted to see you.” “To see me! After you broke my heart!” “Will you let me explain Clover? Please.” She frowned at him, not wanting to give in, but there was a longing in his eyes that she couldn’t resist. “Fine. But make it quick… I don’t want my holiday ruined…”
They sat down opposite each other, far enough apart - or so Clover wanted - so that he couldn’t touch her or try and convince her anything by holding her hand. “Clover, I want to explain what happened that evening. I want to explain why I’m here. Please Clo…” She flinched at his nickname for her. “I don’t know how any explanation is going to help, but fine. Go ahead.” Mitchell closed his eyes for a moment, and breathed heavily through his nose. She smiled softly, her eyes tracing his features. She shook her head. No. This is not the time Clover… She told herself. When he opened his eyes, she was frowning at him again.
“You must be thinking that I’m a huge criminal right now…” “Something like that.” Clover quickly shot back, narrowing her eyes. “Go on then…” “I asked you out that evening because… Clover, I was going to ask you to marry me.” Her eyes quickly grew wide, and her pupils dilated. Her heart was pounding, and felt like at any moment it was going to burst straight through her chest, and onto the soft sand surrounding her. “Why didn’t you try and tell me?” Her voice was small, and she couldn’t bring herself to look at him. He stared at her, dumb-founded. “What the hell do you think I’ve been trying to do for these past few months? I had to speak to Caspian who spoke to your parents and…”
“And now the red lights are flashing.” Clover looked up at him. “I’ve been so stupid, haven’t I? This is why I’m on this holiday…this is why Caspian has been acting weird… I…I thought you didn’t love me anymore Mitchell. I thought that’s why you didn’t turn up.” “No! I’d accidently left the ring box back in the dorms, so I went back to get it. By the time I got to the restaurant, you’d gone…” They sat there, for quite some time, in complete silence, apart from a few occasional waves crashing onto the rocks.
“So, how about it?” Mitchell suddenly asked, his voice cutting into the silence. She blinked at him, and bit her lip until it drew blood. She licked her lip absent-mindedly, and looked at him again. “Mitchell, too much has been broken. How could it…we…even work again.” He stared at her, eyes open wide in both shock and amazement. “Don’t you see Clover? Nothing was broken. Neither of us did anything wrong, surely you can see that. It was just a misunderstanding…” He smiled softly. “And Clo, my beautiful Clo,” He stressed the word ‘my’ as he spoke, “I’m still madly in love with you. I…I love you.”
She bent her knee and rested her arm on it. He had a point, but she was trying to be logical. Logic had to rule. But then she heard a voice deep inside her. Forget logic Clover, follow your heart… Follow it wherever it leads you, because it’ll be right…  She didn’t even realise at this point that she was crying – tears of relief, tears of joy… She nodded quickly, and through her blubbering, she managed to say – and it was clear to Mitchell – “I love you Mitchell. I love you! I love you!”
He pulled her to her feet, took her into his arms and kissed her. His lips felt so warm and welcome against hers, and his hands gently moved over her body, until they came to rest on her upper back, and he squeezed her gently. She squeezed him, held him too – her hot breath was short and sharp and steamed up his glasses. As they pulled away from each other, Mitchell wiped his glasses with the back of his hand, and the two of them fell about laughing. Clover grinned at him – this was the happiest she had felt in months, and she didn’t want to lose this moment. It was just like before, and Clover was never going to let this go. “I want to ask you something…” She grinned, giggling in mild-hysteria.
“Clover…aren’t I meant to be doing that?” Mitchell laughed, as Clover went down onto one knee in the wet sand, the tide brushing against her leg. “Shush.” She smiled at him, and poked him softly on the leg. “You’re ruining this perfect Kodak moment Mitch.” He made a point of firmly pressing his lips together, and nodding for her to go on. “Mitchell, I… I don’t know what to say, apart from, quite simply, I love you. I’m always going to love you, for the rest of my life. So Mitchell…”
“Will you be my ever-loving husband?” She pulled the ring box out and thrust it in front of him, causing him to take a step back in shock. “Clover, Clover…” Was all he seemed to be able to say, his hand over his mouth. He’d been expecting it when she’d gone down onto one knee, but actually being proposed to was…truly wonderful. He nodded over and over again. “I will marry you Clover Omega.”
Mitchell took her into his arms again, and Clover let out a whimper, as she began to cry. At first, the tears only rolled down her cheeks, but after a few moments, she was crying her heart out, warm, salty tears. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you…” Clover wailed into his shoulder. “Don’t worry…” Mitchell whispered into her ear. “This top needs washing anyway. Stop crying love, it’s going to be happiness from now on, I promise you that.” Clover nodded, wiped her eyes and smiled at him. “We’re getting married!”
When they arrived back to the hotel, after many hugs and kisses from Clover’s parents, Mitchell and Clover snuck off and found a corner to themselves. As Mitchell sat down on the sofa, Clover wrapped her arms around him and pulled him closer. Today’s events had finally started to sink in, and neither of them could stop smiling. “I can’t believe you Mitch.” Clover exclaimed, snuffling her nose into his neck, and smelling deeply. He smelt of shower gel and washing powder. It was a calming smell. She had him back. “What have I done now?” He rolled his eyes jokingly, and rested him head on top of hers. She looked at him, grinning.
She shook her head in disbelief. “I can’t believe you planned all of this. You had my brother and my parents in on this… You went to so much trouble for me. I feel bad now.” “Don’t feel bad Clo! Look, I was desperate to get you back. But you wouldn’t answer my calls or my emails. I had to try another way, and I know how close you and Caspian are…so that’s how I did it. I explained to him straight away, and he understood and knew you’d see sense…but only if you would see me.” He teasingly tapped her on the nose, and her green skin flushed pink. “Sorry about that…”
“Don’t start again.” Mitch looked at her and smiled. “We’ve got our future together to think about now. And our wedding. How would you feel about getting married here?” “On Twiikiiisland?” Clover sounded surprised and she raised her eyebrow. “Have we even got time to plan that?” Mitchell winked. “Leave it all to me my love, leave it all to me.”
The next day, Mitchell insisted that he stayed apart from Clover, telling her that he was a great believer in tradition when it came to weddings – the bride couldn’t see the groom on the day of her wedding.  “Be ready to leave at 7pm,” He’d told her the previous day, before kissing her and telling her he’d see her tomorrow. After an afternoon nap, Clover awoke, feeling refreshed and happy. She jumped out of bed, her heart light in her chest. She flicked her hair out of her face, and the soft curls fell back to rest on her shoulder. She let her eyes adjust to the light as she turned on the switch and made her way to the dresser. Her mum had told her that she’d brought along a dress for her…just in case…
The dress was beautiful, and hung delicately on her thin frame. Each hand-sewn on sequin glittered in the light as she stepped out the doors onto the balcony. The cool breeze hit her and lifted her hair. She closed her eyes briefly. This is it…She thought to herself, smiling as she opened her eyes again and looked out to sea. The day I’ve been waiting for. Now I’m never going to let him go… Her heart beat rhythmically in her chest and she tapped out her heartbeat on the wooden fence surrounding her. She turned and glanced at the clock hung just inside the door. She had time. She walked down onto the beach, and stooped down in the soft sand.
“What are you doing out here?” Felicity was standing over her daughter, dressed in a figure-hugging maroon dress. The rubbed her shoulder absent-mindedly as she felt the chill outside. Clover looked up in surprise, then smiled. “I just thought I’d take some time to myself, before I’m married and won’t have time to do that.” Both her and her mother laughed. Clover paused for a moment, before saying: “Mum, are you proud of me?” “Honey, what makes you say that? Of course I’m proud of my little girl.” “Even though I made a mistake by ignoring Mitchell…”
“Oh, my little girl.” Felicity pulled her to her feet and took her into her arms. “I am so proud of you. Just learn from mistakes, don’t regret them my darling. You’re marrying him now, and you’ll live happily ever after.” Clover giggled softly in her mum’s ear. “Like a princess?” “Exactly! Now come on, you don’t want to miss your own wedding, do you?” And hand-in-hand, Felicity and Clover walked to the car, taking them to where Clover would be married.
••• “Keep your eyes closed…” Felicity whispered as her and her daughter climbed out of the car. Clover did as she was told, biting her lip slightly. “Now…open them.” The sight that met Clover’s eyes surprised her. It was beautiful. She was standing on a rosy-red carpet, which was set on sand. There were marble white columns, under which were roses and candles, lighting the way down this aisle. Clover’s breath was taken away by this sight. She could hear waves crashing on the beach. “What do you think?” Felicity asked, a step behind her daughter.
Felicity kissed her daughter on the cheek, and smiled at her. A tear silently rolled down her cheek. “Good luck darling, I’m going to go and take my seat.” Felicity walked off, looking back briefly to smile at Clover again. Clover stood there, in the quiet for a moment, alone and still. She breathed in through her nose, the glorious smells of the beach filling her nostrils.  Perfection. Pure, utter perfection… There was soft music playing nearer the water, so she followed the carpet, and followed the melody.
Once she got on to the decking, she could see it. There was a beautifully decorated arch, covered in dozens of red, pink and white roses. They were entwined with each other, and with the trellis that ran up either side of the arch. Clover smiled at this scene. This was more than she could ever imagine. When Mitchell said he would plan the wedding, she had imagined a little, quaint church, not a stunning romantic wedding on the beach. She was very pleasantly surprised. She made her way down to the arch, and could hear both of her parent’s “aw’s” and sniffles as they attempted to find tissues to wipe their eyes.
Mitchell was stood there, grinning at his wife-to-be.  “You are so beautiful.” He said it as simple as that, and Clover felt herself blushing. “This…This is…” She felt lost for words, and could feel tears coming to her own eyes. “This is so perfect. It’s more than I could ever have imagined Mitch.” She whispered this to him, smiling at him, so full of emotion. He nodded, for that’s all that was needed.
Both of them had written their own vows, knowing that they wanted to say so much to each other. “With this ring, I want to show you that this is forever.” Clover smiled as rose petals started to fall down on them, and she smiled as she placed the ring on Mitchell’s left hand. “Never again will I run away from you, because, Mitchell, I love you more than anything. I’m not scared when I have you by my side. I am never alone as long as I have you and your love. Mitchell, in my eyes, you are perfection. You are mine to have and to hold, forever and a day.” Clover grinned at him, and he smiled back, his eyes lighting up. Her vows to him were beautiful, just like her.
“And my dearest Clover Omega. I will always love you, even when we disagree, even when we have our differences. I will stand by you when you are in need, I will be by your side no matter the weather.” Clover giggled softly at this. “I, Mitchell Jameson, will never ever stop loving you. I promise that we will grow old together, and share our lives together – so much so, that they are one. Clover Omega, I love you. It’s as simple as that.” He place the ring on her ring finger and let out a small sigh of relief. He took both of her hands in his own, and gave them a gentle squeeze.
You may now kiss the bride…
As they pulled away, Clover let out an excited yelp, and exclaimed: “We’re married!” causing those who heard it to laugh softly, before rising and applauding the newly-wed couple. “To have and to hold…” Mitchell whispered to Clover. “For better for worse… Always.” She smiled. “I love you Mitch.” “I love you too Clo.” The music that had been playing throughout the wedding got louder, and Mitchell took Clover by the hand and lef her to an emptier part of the beach.
“Care to dance, my pretty wife?” “Wife… I like the sound of that.” Clover laughed, causing Mitchell to start laughing too. They looked at each other, tears in their eyes and their stomachs aching from laughter. “This is going to be a good life, isn’t it?” Clover questioned, dancing to the soft music. The waves were moving up the beach, and washed over Mitchell’s shoes and onto the bottom of Clover’s dress. “Without a doubt…” He pulled her closer to him, holding her close. He could feel her heart beating against his chest, so hard that after a while, the two mingled and appeared as one, beating together.
••• It wasn’t until the early hours of the following morning that they all returned to the hotel. Benji and Felicity offered their congratulations to the happy couple once more, before heading to their suite. Clover and Mitchell went upstairs, to the suite they were now sharing, locked the door behind them and collapsed onto the double bed. Mitchell took Clover into his arms, and kissed the top of her head. “I’m sleepy…” Clover yawned, closing her eyes. “I didn’t think the fun stopped quite yet…” Mitchell winked at her.
“What do you mean…? Oh!” Clover quickly realised when Mitchell gave her a knowing look, and winked at her again. He leant in and kissed her. Soft lips against soft lips… He rubbed her back with his fingers, teasing the kinks out of her hair. “I love you Clover.” “I love you too.” And they slipped under the covers.
“Didn’t I tell you that it would work out in the end?” Benjamin said to his wife, as they ate hamburgers on the terrace. Fliss raised her eyebrow at him, a bemused smile on her face. “When did you ever say that my love?” “You know I did.” He grinned at her, picking up his hamburger and taking a bite out of it. “I’m just glad it did. I really am.” Felicity looked out to sea, and then up at the stars. “She gets her happy ending. Everything works out in the end…”
The End So that’s the end of chapter 4.0. I hope it was enjoyable – I think that next chapter may be back to my normal talking to sims and various banter like that. But we’ll see. I hope you enjoyed it. Next time there will be: Babies, Jobs, More babies, Another wedding and much more legacy goodness! Thanks for reading, don’t forget to comment on boolprop or my LiveJournal Ally (aka ARubberDucky15)

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The Omega Legacy Chapter 4 - Hold on to this kite

  • 1. And Hold on to this Kite… Chapter 4.0 of The Omega Alphabetacy
  • 2. Welcome back to another (hopefully) fun-filled chapter of the Omega Alphabetacy. I decided I’d try an interestinglayoutthis chapter – just to test all the fun things that power-point has to offer! The writing will mainly be narrative for this chapter  But enough about that and on to the actual legacy. At the end of last chapter, Clover moved back home as heiress. I’d advise reading previous chapters to catch up properly. Enjoy! Ally x (aka ARubberDucky15)
  • 3. “I am so grateful for coffee in the morning!” Benjamin gasped as he took a large swig from his steaming mug. Felicity glanced at him, and then continued to stir the gooey mixture in the bowl she was holding. “Honey,” She replied, smiling in a slightly bemused fashion, “it’s not the morning. It’s 3 o’clock in the afternoon.” “Better late than never. Where has Clover got to?” Felicity frowned at him. “She’s in her room. She’s spending all her time in there, reading and moping about. She’s still upset about this whole…Mitchell business. Caspian said we need to keep trying to get through to her – Mitchell never meant to hurt her but she just won’t listen.” “She’s stubborn though Fliss, and you know that.”
  • 4. An hour later, Felicity retrieved her cherry pie from the oven. She gave it the ‘once over’, smiled to herself and then walked into the dining room. As she did so, she called upstairs. “Clover! I made cherry pie, come and get some while it’s still hot.” Felicity heard the faint reply of “Coming mum!”, and she smiled to herself again, and pottered about, putting out slices of pie on the table.
  • 5. Clover was in the bathroom when her mum called her, washing her face to try and hide the fact that she’d been crying. She carefully ran her fingers through her hair, teasing out the knots, and then looking her reflection in the eyes. She’d lost track of time since leaving university – she’d been home for a month now, but she never kept up with what day or date it was. Why did it matter anymore? Mitchell had seemed to stop trying to contact her – she had blocked his e-mails, and she never answered the phone – just in case it was him calling her. She was trying to convince her parents – and herself – that she was well and truly over him. Now, that hot cherry pie is waiting for me…
  • 6. “Hello darling,” Benji smiled at his daughter as she sat down at the dining table with them. She smiled at her parents before digging in to her slice of pie. “This is so good!” She exclaimed, her mouth crammed full of cherries and pastry. Felicity glanced at Benji, and he nodded at her. “We’ve got an idea Clover, to cheer you up.” “I don’t need cheering up.” She replied, looking down at her plate. Ignoring this comment, Felicity continued: “We were thinking that we could go on holiday, to get away for a while.”
  • 7. “I wouldn’t want to get in the way. You and dad should go, and have a nice romantic holiday together. Someone…someone would need to stay and look after the cats and the house and water the garden…” “Stop making excuses. You know that you’d enjoy yourself. You can’t keep dwelling in the past all the time, and you know that.” Clover was stumped – her parents could read her like a book, even though she’d been trying so hard to pretend she was fine, pretending she didn’t need looking after…
  • 8. Clover saw disappointment in her parents eyes, so she gave in. “Fine. I’ll think about it, okay? But I’m not promising anything.” “Sure, that’s fine sweetheart.” Clover got up and kissed her mum on the cheek. “I’m going to go and read in my room, I’ll see you later.” She walked off into the hall.
  • 9. “The sunshine would do her good, wouldn’t it?” Benjamin said, glancing down at his slice of pie which was cooling rapidly. Felicity looked at him and smiled. “That’s not the only reason we’re going.” She said it quietly, so that only Benji would be able to hear. “This isn’t just our plan.” Benjamin nodded before shoving a forkful of cherries into his mouth. “I know…” “And hopefully we’ll have our smiling, happy daughter back soon. Let’s just hope his plan works…”
  • 10. Unaware of her parents talking about her downstairs, Clover sat on her bed with Toulouse by her side. “And then she kissed the prince, and they rode off on his horse into the sunset. And they lived Happily Ever After.” She read out loud and then paused, before glancing at Toulouse. “Yet another happy ending…” “Clover!” Her dad was shouting from the hall. “Caspian is on the phone for you!” Clover rolled her eyes before putting her book down on the bed. “What does he want now?” She asked herself, walking over to the phone and taking it off the hook.
  • 11. “Hello?” “Hey Clo, how are you?” “I’m okay thanks Caspian. What’s the reason for you calling this time?” She laughed slightly. “I was planning on coming over this afternoon. Are you free?” “Mmhhmm..” “Great! I’ll see you later then little sis, I’ve got something very exciting to tell you.” With very little enthusiasm, Clover responded with “Great, I can’t wait”, before putting the phone back on the receiver.
  • 12. ••• “And how is my beautiful little sister today?” Caspian said as Clover ran out of the house, wrapping her arms around him. “I’m okay…” She smiled a little. “I’ve missed my amazing big brother. What have you been up to?” “Well…” He said, pulling out of her embrace and then glancing over Clover’s shoulder, and gesturing for her to look.
  • 13. “Alicia?” Clover exclaimed, taking hold her hand and shaking it. She glanced at her bulging stomach and saw a sparkling ring on her finger. She looked to Caspian for some sort of explanation but he was already heading towards the house. “I’m going to go and raid the fridge.” He grinned before going in the front door.
  • 14. “So, when did this happen?” Clover asked. Alicia just smiled, and put a hand on her expanding stomach. “I found out just after I’d graduated, and then… I moved in with Caspian and he proposed to me. Nothing fancy, we were just at our house but it was nice…romantic you could say…” She had a dreamy look in her eyes and she grinned. Clover was smiling on the outside but not on the inside. She was busy thinking about what could have been with Mitchell.
  • 15. “Maybe you could be a bridesmaid at our wedding!” Alicia proposed. “That sounds good.” Clover replied, smiling sheepishly, just wanting to be alone in her room again, reading a book aloud to her uninterested cat. “How do you feel about wearing red? Or green? How about purple?” She laughed. “There are too many choices. We probably won’t get married until after the baby is born. I’m so excited. You’re going to be an auntie! How cool is that?” Clover nodded, before ushering Alicia inside, towards the cherry pie.
  • 16. After Caspian and Alicia had been made a fuss of my Felicity and Benjamin, Caspian managed to grab hold of Clover. “So, really Clo, how are you?” “I’m fantastic, I have not been better. Did you try the cherry pie? How good was it?” “Clover…” She sighed. “Okay, fine. I’ve been a whole lot better. I’m finding it really hard without him.”
  • 17. “Mum said she told you about the holiday that her and dad want to go on with you…” “Caspian, don’t you start as well!” “I really think you should go, it’d do you good, and it’s winter here – it’d be summer in Twiikii. You could get a tan!” Clover scowled at him, and Caspian put on his best grin.
  • 18. “But…I don’t know. I told mum that I’d think about it.” “She wants to go soon – and I’m sure there’s a lot that she needs to plan and put in place before hand…” “What’s that supposed to mean?” Caspian bit his lip. “Hmm…nothing, nothing. I just want you to have a brilliant time, and… cheer up. I hate seeing you like this Clover. Anything you want to talk about?” She sighed deeply and looked into his eyes. “I miss him Caspian. I really do miss him. Maybe you’re right…”
  • 19. “Okay, you know what Caspian, maybe I will go on holiday. I’d love to see the world and this is my chance, isn’t it? Before…before I find someone to marry and get bogged down with children.” She laughed lightly, and her heart felt broken and heavy in her chest. “That’s the spirit.” Caspian laughed, and Clover ran off to tell their mum of her decision. Caspian watched as she ran off, and then muttered: “I really hope his plan works…”
  • 20. It was the night before they were due to leave for their holiday, and Felicity was finishing off packing. “Do we really need that many clothes?” Clover asked, flopping down onto the bed and stretching out her legs. Felicity glanced over her shoulder at her, and then opened the chest of drawers. “You never know what we’ll need!” She smiled, shoving swimsuits and tee-shirts and skirts and dresses into 3 large suitcases, one for each of them. “I’m looking forward to some sunshine…” Clover wiggled her toes inside her shoes and smiled at her mum. “I quite like the beach…” Her voice trailed off as she remembered her time spent with Mitchell at the beach. She tried to distract herself: “Have you packed sun screen mum?”
  • 21. Felicity was about to go downstairs to the kitchen, in order to clean and tidy before they left. “Mum, wait…” Clover ran out of the room after her and pulled her into a hug. “What is it darling?” She asked, running her fingers through Clover’s wavy hair. “Thank you.” “For what?” “For looking after me and loving me, and for taking me on holiday.” Felicity smiled at her only daughter. “It’s no problem, sweetie, it’s no problem.”
  • 22. That night, Clover slept with Toulouse at her side, and she dreamt of Mitchell, and sandcastles with turrets, the warm sea water lapping over her toes and the coolness of it as she’d swam in it. She sometimes wished she was as lucky in life now, as she was in her dreams.
  • 23. “Honey, I need to ask some quick questions from my check list before I go…” “Fliss, it’s 6am. I need my coffee before I’m awake…” “No, I cleaned the coffee maker last night. You will have to buy one from the airport, because I do not have time to clean it again now! The taxi will be here soon, and I have lots of things to check before we go.” “Aren’t you making a bit of a big deal about this..?” “It needs to be done honey, now…first thing…”
  • 24. “Have you left the food out for the cats, so Cody knows where it is when he’s house-sitting?” “Yes, I have and is this really nece-…” “And have you switched off the lights upstairs? And made the beds? And cleaned up the breakfast plates and…” “Yes, I have done all of those, now come here and stop worrying – everything will be fine. Cody is competent and he will be perfectly fine looking after our house. Come here…”
  • 25. Their lips met and Felicity smiled. “Now stop worrying Fliss and let’s just have a good holiday, okay?” She nodded, “Okay, fine.” They heard the taxi pull up outside, and beep its horn. “Clover!” Felicity shouted as she went into the hall, “the taxi is here, time to go!” And her and Benji put on their coats, picked up their suitcases and headed out of the front door.
  • 26. Clover had quickly said bye to Cody, who was trying not to be scratched by Toulouse and Misty, before heading out to the taxi, carrying her rather heavy suitcase with her. As the taxi drove off, Benji remarked, “You don’t think Cody will set fire to the microwave again, do you?”, making a worried Felicity phone Cody, just to make sure.
  • 27. Several hours, a flight and 3 cups of coffee later, the Omegas arrived at Twiikii island. “Wow, it’s boiling here.” Clover said, unzipping her coat and fanning herself with her hand. “Why did we have to bring coats?” “Just in case.” Benjamin said, smiling at his daughter. “At least, that’s what your mother said! Come on, let’s check in and then we can go and change.”
  • 28. After lunch, they’d unpacked Felicity’s huge supplies of clothes, Felicity said that her and Clover were going to go to the boardwalk to look at the beach and some shops. At the mention of shops, Benjamin offered to stay at the hotel and make sure they had unpacked everything. At the boardwalk, Clover left her mum chatting with some other holiday makers, and she wandered down onto the soft sand. She stopped in her tracks when she saw a man ‘fire-dancing’. “Want a go pretty lady?” He asked, grinning at her and holding out an unlit baton. She hesitantly nodded.
  • 29. “Am I doing it right?” She asked, twirling the baton and throwing it up into the air before catching it again. He nodded enthusiastically and she grinned, the first time she really had in weeks. “Thanks…” She said, handing it back to him. “You are very good at this.” He replied, looking intently at her. “Will you come and visit me on the beach again sometime?” He was smiling at her. “Sure… okay that might be fun.” “Great!” And with that, he picked up his things and walked off towards the boardwalk. Clover stood there alone for a minute, her head crammed full of thoughts.
  • 30. On the boardwalk, Felicity had bought some clothes for herself, her husband and her daughter, and was now having an in depth discussion with another holiday maker. “I tell you,” Andrea said to her, “the beach grills are amazing – you should come to one!” “Sounds like great fun!” Felicity said enthusiastically. “So how many times have you been here before?” Andrea laughed. “We come here nearly every year – me and my husband always bring our kids. We have since they were little – they absolutely love it here! I think we’ll bring the grandkids here when there are some as well!” “That sounds like such a fantastic idea!”
  • 31. When it started to get dark, Felicity and Clover headed back to the hotel. “We’re going to get some dinner soon.” Felicity said, walking back to the room she was sharing with Benjamin. Clover nodded before heading down to the hotel’s private beach. She sat, alone, with the only sound being the crashing waves for quite some time. How am I going to manage without him… She thought to herself, blinking back tears. I really thought we were going to be together, and now…now I have no one. A huge wave washed up the beach and her legs got damp. She got up to go and have dinner, but looked back out at the sea again. I still love him…
  • 32. After dinner, Benji and Fliss went and watched TV on their bed together. “How was Clover when you took her out?” Benji asked, clicking a button on the remote and changing channels. “She learnt how to fire dance.” Felicity smiled at him. “But she’s not completely herself, no.” “Do you think his plan will work?” Felicity nodded. “I hope so, they belong together.”
  • 33. “Just like we do.” Felicity added, grinning at Benji. “Aw. Come here love…” He took her into his arms and kissed her. “This is going to be a good holiday, isn’t it?” “Of course it is!” “Then let’s start it off with a bang…” And he kissed her again.
  • 34. The family woke up early the next morning, and Benji and Fliss went into Clover’s room, to find her ready for the day. She was smiling, and she hugged her mum. “What are you wearing?” She asked, glancing at her dad. Benji tugged at the bottom of his Hawaiian shirt and raised his eyebrow. “Your mother’s idea.” Felicity threw him a look. “Oh Benjamin!” She scorned, “we’re on holiday and we’ve got to enjoy ourselves, and I thought fun holiday clothes would be a good idea!” Benjamin rolled his eyes, making Clover giggle. “Come on then, we’re off to the south beach this morning. Apparently there’s an old pirate ship there now…”
  • 35. When they arrived there, a young local came over to Clover and smiled. “Hi Miss, how are you today?” Clover was a little taken back by this openly talking to holiday makers, but she smiled. “I’m good thank you, how about yourself?” “Fine thank you Miss. Is there anything I can help you with?” “Oh…erm…the pirate ship over there,” She pointed, “In the brochure, it says it’s haunted. Is that true?”
  • 36. He laughed heartily; “That is a tale of legend Miss. Lots of people say they have seen these things, but there is no actual proof. Maybe you should go and have a look. Maybe you will be surprised Miss.” Clover nodded, “Thanks, maybe I will.” She glanced over her shoulder to look at the pirate ship. “It is no problem Miss. I’m glad I could help such a pretty tourist such as yourself.” She blushed, before smiling at him and running off towards the pirate ship.
  • 37. Benjamin let out a low whistle as he watched his wife make herself comfortable on a beach towel. “If we weren’t in public…” “Benjamin!” She exclaimed, glancing around to make sure no one was listening to her husband’s comments. “Stop saying things like that…” He grinned at her. “Fine, I’ll just go and play on this pirate ship then. Enjoy tanning.” “Enjoy the ship.” Felicity closed her eyes. “And be careful…” She muttered as he bounded up the wooden stairs.
  • 38. Benjamin headed straight for the Crow’s nest when he got onto the deck of the ship. He was careful like Felicity had told him to be, and once he got to the top, he could see all of Twikii island there surrounding him. It was simply breathtaking. Benjamin let out a small sigh, and felt content – truly content – with what he had in life. “Dad, dad! Look at this!” He heard his daughter calling from the deck, and he looked out across the island one more time, before descending.
  • 39. “On guard!” Clover yelled, wielding a plastic cutlass at a wooden pirate figure. Benjamin laughed – he loved his daughter’s childish nature. “Ah…Mr Pegleg, we meet again…” He heard her say to the figure, before lunging at it with the plastic sword, laughing as she did so. “Take that, and that!” Benjamin stood back and just watched his daughter – this holiday was the right thing to do, and the sunshine seemed to be doing her the world of good.
  • 40. “I am triumphant!” She squealed, then bowing towards the wooden pirate. “It was nice to dual with you Mr Pegleg, until we meet again.” She threw the plastic sword to the floor and grinned at her dad. He shook his head at her, smiling. “I’m hungry.” She stated, walking towards the steps back down to the beach. “I’m going to go and find some food. See you later!” Benjamin smiled again. That daughter of his had a mind of her own.
  • 41. Clover met another local when she headed back to the decking at the top of the beach. “Hi,” She said, smiling at the woman who was wearing something similar to what her mother was wearing too. “I was wondering if you could recommend a good place to eat.” The woman thought for a moment, before pointing towards the little hut that was next to them. “Why here of course!” She laughed. “Giuseppe – this girl wants something to eat!” “My speciality, coming right up!” He called back. “Enjoy your meal,” the local girl said, before walking off towards other holiday makers.
  • 42. “There we are my dear,” Giuseppe said as he placed a plate of steaming and delicious smelling food in front of her. “Wow, thank you.” She said, grinning at him. “It looks great!” “Ah…that is why you always come to Giuseppe’s. I serve the best food on the whole island.” She smiled, and thanked him again before tucking into her meal. She was so hungry – she had forgotten to eat breakfast that morning. After finishing the meal, Clover headed back to the hotel with her parents.
  • 43. Bored of the TV that evening, Clover told her parents she was going to go out for a bit, and have a look at things on the island. She walked for a while, just going wherever her feet were taking her, and she ended up at an outdoor market. “Giuseppe?” She said, sitting herself down at the food booth that was that. The man turned round and smiled at her. “Is is not Giuseppe.” “Oh sorry…” She muttered, blushing and looking around to hide her embarrassment. “I is his brother!” He grinned. “My name is Salvador. What can I get you pretty lady to eat?”
  • 44. Clover started to tuck in to the plate of Pineapple Surprise that he placed in front of her, kissing his fingers and saying “Bon Appetite.” She’d grinned at him, surprised at how friendly everyone was on TwiikiiIsland, and determined to come back and visit here with her own children. If she ever had children… No, she thought to herself, forking pineapple into her mouth, you’ve got to have children in order to carry on this legacy and bring in the next generation… But who will I marry?... Why did all of this have to happen? Oh Mitchell… I wish I could tell him, tell him that… Her thoughts were interrupted by Salvador, “Want any more pretty lady?” She shook her head. “No thank you Salvador, I best be heading some place else now.” She placed a few coins on the table and wandered off down the street.
  • 45. Down the road, she found some natural hot springs, and after quickly getting changed into her swim wear, she slipped into the warm water. She closed her eyes and smiled, feeling the water swirling around her and soothing her sun-kissed skin. She lightly rubbed the back of her head with her fingers, teasing out the knots in her wavy hair. She could quite happily stay here all the time, not having to think, not having to do – just enjoying herself. She opened her eyes and watched the steam rising off the water. This is wonderful…
  • 46. ••• The next morning, Felicity joined her mum on the balcony for breakfast, even before the sun had come up. “Morning darling.” Felicity said, looking up from her bowl of cereal and grinning at her daughter. The wind skimming over the sea and blowing up onto the balcony was cooling, and it rustled their hair. Felicity sighed softly, enjoying it, before another hot day spent outside. “Did you sleep well?” She asked Clover, chewing the cornflakes. “Uhhu.” Clover placed her bowl on the table before sitting down. “I did actually. I felt relaxed after my evening out.”
  • 47. “Where did you end up? Discover anything nice on the island?” Clover nodded. “There’s some natural hot springs. It was really nice…” They sat in silence for a while, the sound of the wave crashing onto the beach below and a few odd seagulls calling for each other was the only noise that morning. “Me and your dad thought that we could go to the beach again today. But a different one, obviously. We’d quite like to see everything whilst we’re here. It’s called Southwater beach – it’s very nice apparently.” “Sure, sounds good mum.” “Never know what we’ll find there…”
  • 48. Clover stopped eating and looked at her mum. “What’s what meant to mean? What have you been planning?” Felicity bit her lip slightly. “Nothing, nothing darling. But come on, eat your breakfast and then we can go and get ready to go, can’t we?” She smiled at her daughter. Clover opened her mouth to say something back, but thought better of it. Her cornflakes had started to go soggy.
  • 49. “How are my two favourite girls this morning?” Benjamin walked out onto the balcony, leaning forward to kiss Fliss a kiss and then picking up a bowl of cereal. He started back into the bedroom. “Where are you going?” Felicity asked. He turned back around and grinned at her, a knowing smile. “I’ve got things to do, and you know…people to talk to…” “Oh…” She replied, nodding in understanding before tucking back into her cereal. Benjamin walked off and went into the main hotel dining area and out onto another balcony. Felicity was glad – Clover seemed oblivious.
  • 50. Benjamin looked around for a moment, before seeing who he was looking for. He placed his bowl down on the table, it making a pleasing sound as he did so, and he sat down on the chair opposite. He smiled briefly, before picking up his spoon and starting to eat. “So…” The man said, expectantly, eyes fixed on Benji’s face. Benji smiled warmly at this person. “Are you worried? Panicking at all?” Benjamin raised his eyebrow. They spoke like old friends. The man gave a short laugh – it sounded fake – before smiling back at him. “Kind of, I guess. Wouldn’t you be?” Benjamin nodded, thoughtfully staring at his cereal.
  • 51. “I don’t know if I’ve planned this as well as I can Benjamin…” When the man spoke, he shook slightly, even though he was doing his best to cover up his nerves. “Do you think she’ll go for it?” Benjamin looked up. “Do I think she’ll go for it? I really think she will. If I know anything, I know my daughter.” The man laughed again, this time it was less forced and he seemed to relax. “Good. And I think everything is put in place. I hope this works, I really do. I hope you’re right Benjamin…” “Of course I am. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to go and get ready. We’ll be at SouthWater Beach in an hour.” “Very good… This plan is working out nicely already…”
  • 52. ••• As soon as they arrived at the beach, Clover headed straight towards the fire-dancer, before Felicity or Benjamin could say anything to her. “You are that pretty girl I taught to fire dance the other day…” The man said to her, as he twirled the lit baton in the air. “That’s right, that’s me.” Clover grinned. She was enjoying being here very much.
  • 53. “How much longer is pretty lady on the island?” The dancer asked, glancing at her before putting his attention back to the flaming baton in his hand. “Only another two after this one…and then it’s back home.” She sighed slightly, her eyes focusing on the fire. “I really like it here. It’s a shame I can’t live here…” The man nodded. “Well Miss, I hope you enjoy the rest of your time here.” “Thanks…I will.” Clover got up, smiled to the man, and then walked off towards the soft sand.
  • 54. “Are you okay Clover?” Her mother asked as she approached her. “Yeah I’m perfectly fine. It’s a beautiful day… I’m just enjoying being here, I really am. I’m so glad you and dad dragged me along…” Clover laughed softly at this. “That’s wonderful darling.” Felicity looked a little apprehensive, like she was waiting for something to happen. “Is everything okay mum?” “Fantastic. This is my friend, Andrea.” She gestured to the lady on her left. “Her and her family might come and stay with us at some point. They say they’ve always wanted to go to Plenderleith…”
  • 55. “Wow – that’s great mum.” Clover laughed again. “Why don’t you go and relax darling, soak up the sun and enjoy yourself…” “Sure mum, sure.” Clover went and stood a little way from her parents, and stood looking at the waves. Someone cleared their throat behind her and she turned round, expecting a holiday maker asking for directions.
  • 56. “Hi…” Clover stopped, and just stared at him. This had to be some sort of a joke. “This is some sort of a surreal dream…” Clover said, not wanting to believe that in front of her, stood Mitchell, the love of her life who’d broken her heart. “You are not really here. I’ll just pinch myself and I’ll wake up…” She reached up, pinching her arm as she did so and she closed her eyes tight. Nothing happened. When she opened her eyes, she was still in Twiikii island. She was still standing on the warm sand. Mitchell was still stood in front of her.
  • 57. “Hi Clover. How’ve you been?” She blinked at him. “How have I been? Oh… I don’t know, broken hearted? What the hell are you doing here Mitchell?” Her heart was beating fast, even though she breathed slow and softly. “I wanted to see you.” “To see me! After you broke my heart!” “Will you let me explain Clover? Please.” She frowned at him, not wanting to give in, but there was a longing in his eyes that she couldn’t resist. “Fine. But make it quick… I don’t want my holiday ruined…”
  • 58. They sat down opposite each other, far enough apart - or so Clover wanted - so that he couldn’t touch her or try and convince her anything by holding her hand. “Clover, I want to explain what happened that evening. I want to explain why I’m here. Please Clo…” She flinched at his nickname for her. “I don’t know how any explanation is going to help, but fine. Go ahead.” Mitchell closed his eyes for a moment, and breathed heavily through his nose. She smiled softly, her eyes tracing his features. She shook her head. No. This is not the time Clover… She told herself. When he opened his eyes, she was frowning at him again.
  • 59. “You must be thinking that I’m a huge criminal right now…” “Something like that.” Clover quickly shot back, narrowing her eyes. “Go on then…” “I asked you out that evening because… Clover, I was going to ask you to marry me.” Her eyes quickly grew wide, and her pupils dilated. Her heart was pounding, and felt like at any moment it was going to burst straight through her chest, and onto the soft sand surrounding her. “Why didn’t you try and tell me?” Her voice was small, and she couldn’t bring herself to look at him. He stared at her, dumb-founded. “What the hell do you think I’ve been trying to do for these past few months? I had to speak to Caspian who spoke to your parents and…”
  • 60. “And now the red lights are flashing.” Clover looked up at him. “I’ve been so stupid, haven’t I? This is why I’m on this holiday…this is why Caspian has been acting weird… I…I thought you didn’t love me anymore Mitchell. I thought that’s why you didn’t turn up.” “No! I’d accidently left the ring box back in the dorms, so I went back to get it. By the time I got to the restaurant, you’d gone…” They sat there, for quite some time, in complete silence, apart from a few occasional waves crashing onto the rocks.
  • 61. “So, how about it?” Mitchell suddenly asked, his voice cutting into the silence. She blinked at him, and bit her lip until it drew blood. She licked her lip absent-mindedly, and looked at him again. “Mitchell, too much has been broken. How could it…we…even work again.” He stared at her, eyes open wide in both shock and amazement. “Don’t you see Clover? Nothing was broken. Neither of us did anything wrong, surely you can see that. It was just a misunderstanding…” He smiled softly. “And Clo, my beautiful Clo,” He stressed the word ‘my’ as he spoke, “I’m still madly in love with you. I…I love you.”
  • 62. She bent her knee and rested her arm on it. He had a point, but she was trying to be logical. Logic had to rule. But then she heard a voice deep inside her. Forget logic Clover, follow your heart… Follow it wherever it leads you, because it’ll be right… She didn’t even realise at this point that she was crying – tears of relief, tears of joy… She nodded quickly, and through her blubbering, she managed to say – and it was clear to Mitchell – “I love you Mitchell. I love you! I love you!”
  • 63. He pulled her to her feet, took her into his arms and kissed her. His lips felt so warm and welcome against hers, and his hands gently moved over her body, until they came to rest on her upper back, and he squeezed her gently. She squeezed him, held him too – her hot breath was short and sharp and steamed up his glasses. As they pulled away from each other, Mitchell wiped his glasses with the back of his hand, and the two of them fell about laughing. Clover grinned at him – this was the happiest she had felt in months, and she didn’t want to lose this moment. It was just like before, and Clover was never going to let this go. “I want to ask you something…” She grinned, giggling in mild-hysteria.
  • 64. “Clover…aren’t I meant to be doing that?” Mitchell laughed, as Clover went down onto one knee in the wet sand, the tide brushing against her leg. “Shush.” She smiled at him, and poked him softly on the leg. “You’re ruining this perfect Kodak moment Mitch.” He made a point of firmly pressing his lips together, and nodding for her to go on. “Mitchell, I… I don’t know what to say, apart from, quite simply, I love you. I’m always going to love you, for the rest of my life. So Mitchell…”
  • 65. “Will you be my ever-loving husband?” She pulled the ring box out and thrust it in front of him, causing him to take a step back in shock. “Clover, Clover…” Was all he seemed to be able to say, his hand over his mouth. He’d been expecting it when she’d gone down onto one knee, but actually being proposed to was…truly wonderful. He nodded over and over again. “I will marry you Clover Omega.”
  • 66. Mitchell took her into his arms again, and Clover let out a whimper, as she began to cry. At first, the tears only rolled down her cheeks, but after a few moments, she was crying her heart out, warm, salty tears. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you…” Clover wailed into his shoulder. “Don’t worry…” Mitchell whispered into her ear. “This top needs washing anyway. Stop crying love, it’s going to be happiness from now on, I promise you that.” Clover nodded, wiped her eyes and smiled at him. “We’re getting married!”
  • 67. When they arrived back to the hotel, after many hugs and kisses from Clover’s parents, Mitchell and Clover snuck off and found a corner to themselves. As Mitchell sat down on the sofa, Clover wrapped her arms around him and pulled him closer. Today’s events had finally started to sink in, and neither of them could stop smiling. “I can’t believe you Mitch.” Clover exclaimed, snuffling her nose into his neck, and smelling deeply. He smelt of shower gel and washing powder. It was a calming smell. She had him back. “What have I done now?” He rolled his eyes jokingly, and rested him head on top of hers. She looked at him, grinning.
  • 68. She shook her head in disbelief. “I can’t believe you planned all of this. You had my brother and my parents in on this… You went to so much trouble for me. I feel bad now.” “Don’t feel bad Clo! Look, I was desperate to get you back. But you wouldn’t answer my calls or my emails. I had to try another way, and I know how close you and Caspian are…so that’s how I did it. I explained to him straight away, and he understood and knew you’d see sense…but only if you would see me.” He teasingly tapped her on the nose, and her green skin flushed pink. “Sorry about that…”
  • 69. “Don’t start again.” Mitch looked at her and smiled. “We’ve got our future together to think about now. And our wedding. How would you feel about getting married here?” “On Twiikiiisland?” Clover sounded surprised and she raised her eyebrow. “Have we even got time to plan that?” Mitchell winked. “Leave it all to me my love, leave it all to me.”
  • 70. The next day, Mitchell insisted that he stayed apart from Clover, telling her that he was a great believer in tradition when it came to weddings – the bride couldn’t see the groom on the day of her wedding. “Be ready to leave at 7pm,” He’d told her the previous day, before kissing her and telling her he’d see her tomorrow. After an afternoon nap, Clover awoke, feeling refreshed and happy. She jumped out of bed, her heart light in her chest. She flicked her hair out of her face, and the soft curls fell back to rest on her shoulder. She let her eyes adjust to the light as she turned on the switch and made her way to the dresser. Her mum had told her that she’d brought along a dress for her…just in case…
  • 71. The dress was beautiful, and hung delicately on her thin frame. Each hand-sewn on sequin glittered in the light as she stepped out the doors onto the balcony. The cool breeze hit her and lifted her hair. She closed her eyes briefly. This is it…She thought to herself, smiling as she opened her eyes again and looked out to sea. The day I’ve been waiting for. Now I’m never going to let him go… Her heart beat rhythmically in her chest and she tapped out her heartbeat on the wooden fence surrounding her. She turned and glanced at the clock hung just inside the door. She had time. She walked down onto the beach, and stooped down in the soft sand.
  • 72. “What are you doing out here?” Felicity was standing over her daughter, dressed in a figure-hugging maroon dress. The rubbed her shoulder absent-mindedly as she felt the chill outside. Clover looked up in surprise, then smiled. “I just thought I’d take some time to myself, before I’m married and won’t have time to do that.” Both her and her mother laughed. Clover paused for a moment, before saying: “Mum, are you proud of me?” “Honey, what makes you say that? Of course I’m proud of my little girl.” “Even though I made a mistake by ignoring Mitchell…”
  • 73. “Oh, my little girl.” Felicity pulled her to her feet and took her into her arms. “I am so proud of you. Just learn from mistakes, don’t regret them my darling. You’re marrying him now, and you’ll live happily ever after.” Clover giggled softly in her mum’s ear. “Like a princess?” “Exactly! Now come on, you don’t want to miss your own wedding, do you?” And hand-in-hand, Felicity and Clover walked to the car, taking them to where Clover would be married.
  • 74. ••• “Keep your eyes closed…” Felicity whispered as her and her daughter climbed out of the car. Clover did as she was told, biting her lip slightly. “Now…open them.” The sight that met Clover’s eyes surprised her. It was beautiful. She was standing on a rosy-red carpet, which was set on sand. There were marble white columns, under which were roses and candles, lighting the way down this aisle. Clover’s breath was taken away by this sight. She could hear waves crashing on the beach. “What do you think?” Felicity asked, a step behind her daughter.
  • 75. Felicity kissed her daughter on the cheek, and smiled at her. A tear silently rolled down her cheek. “Good luck darling, I’m going to go and take my seat.” Felicity walked off, looking back briefly to smile at Clover again. Clover stood there, in the quiet for a moment, alone and still. She breathed in through her nose, the glorious smells of the beach filling her nostrils. Perfection. Pure, utter perfection… There was soft music playing nearer the water, so she followed the carpet, and followed the melody.
  • 76. Once she got on to the decking, she could see it. There was a beautifully decorated arch, covered in dozens of red, pink and white roses. They were entwined with each other, and with the trellis that ran up either side of the arch. Clover smiled at this scene. This was more than she could ever imagine. When Mitchell said he would plan the wedding, she had imagined a little, quaint church, not a stunning romantic wedding on the beach. She was very pleasantly surprised. She made her way down to the arch, and could hear both of her parent’s “aw’s” and sniffles as they attempted to find tissues to wipe their eyes.
  • 77. Mitchell was stood there, grinning at his wife-to-be. “You are so beautiful.” He said it as simple as that, and Clover felt herself blushing. “This…This is…” She felt lost for words, and could feel tears coming to her own eyes. “This is so perfect. It’s more than I could ever have imagined Mitch.” She whispered this to him, smiling at him, so full of emotion. He nodded, for that’s all that was needed.
  • 78.
  • 79. Both of them had written their own vows, knowing that they wanted to say so much to each other. “With this ring, I want to show you that this is forever.” Clover smiled as rose petals started to fall down on them, and she smiled as she placed the ring on Mitchell’s left hand. “Never again will I run away from you, because, Mitchell, I love you more than anything. I’m not scared when I have you by my side. I am never alone as long as I have you and your love. Mitchell, in my eyes, you are perfection. You are mine to have and to hold, forever and a day.” Clover grinned at him, and he smiled back, his eyes lighting up. Her vows to him were beautiful, just like her.
  • 80. “And my dearest Clover Omega. I will always love you, even when we disagree, even when we have our differences. I will stand by you when you are in need, I will be by your side no matter the weather.” Clover giggled softly at this. “I, Mitchell Jameson, will never ever stop loving you. I promise that we will grow old together, and share our lives together – so much so, that they are one. Clover Omega, I love you. It’s as simple as that.” He place the ring on her ring finger and let out a small sigh of relief. He took both of her hands in his own, and gave them a gentle squeeze.
  • 81.
  • 82. You may now kiss the bride…
  • 83.
  • 84.
  • 85. As they pulled away, Clover let out an excited yelp, and exclaimed: “We’re married!” causing those who heard it to laugh softly, before rising and applauding the newly-wed couple. “To have and to hold…” Mitchell whispered to Clover. “For better for worse… Always.” She smiled. “I love you Mitch.” “I love you too Clo.” The music that had been playing throughout the wedding got louder, and Mitchell took Clover by the hand and lef her to an emptier part of the beach.
  • 86. “Care to dance, my pretty wife?” “Wife… I like the sound of that.” Clover laughed, causing Mitchell to start laughing too. They looked at each other, tears in their eyes and their stomachs aching from laughter. “This is going to be a good life, isn’t it?” Clover questioned, dancing to the soft music. The waves were moving up the beach, and washed over Mitchell’s shoes and onto the bottom of Clover’s dress. “Without a doubt…” He pulled her closer to him, holding her close. He could feel her heart beating against his chest, so hard that after a while, the two mingled and appeared as one, beating together.
  • 87.
  • 88. ••• It wasn’t until the early hours of the following morning that they all returned to the hotel. Benji and Felicity offered their congratulations to the happy couple once more, before heading to their suite. Clover and Mitchell went upstairs, to the suite they were now sharing, locked the door behind them and collapsed onto the double bed. Mitchell took Clover into his arms, and kissed the top of her head. “I’m sleepy…” Clover yawned, closing her eyes. “I didn’t think the fun stopped quite yet…” Mitchell winked at her.
  • 89. “What do you mean…? Oh!” Clover quickly realised when Mitchell gave her a knowing look, and winked at her again. He leant in and kissed her. Soft lips against soft lips… He rubbed her back with his fingers, teasing the kinks out of her hair. “I love you Clover.” “I love you too.” And they slipped under the covers.
  • 90. “Didn’t I tell you that it would work out in the end?” Benjamin said to his wife, as they ate hamburgers on the terrace. Fliss raised her eyebrow at him, a bemused smile on her face. “When did you ever say that my love?” “You know I did.” He grinned at her, picking up his hamburger and taking a bite out of it. “I’m just glad it did. I really am.” Felicity looked out to sea, and then up at the stars. “She gets her happy ending. Everything works out in the end…”
  • 91. The End So that’s the end of chapter 4.0. I hope it was enjoyable – I think that next chapter may be back to my normal talking to sims and various banter like that. But we’ll see. I hope you enjoyed it. Next time there will be: Babies, Jobs, More babies, Another wedding and much more legacy goodness! Thanks for reading, don’t forget to comment on boolprop or my LiveJournal Ally (aka ARubberDucky15)