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 Go back 5,000 years ago and you may have found a
  women in charge.
 There are a lot of texts and cave findings that support
  women where once in charge. Since then a patriarchy
  has reigned supreme.
Abigail Adams

 She was very educated and strongly advised her
  husband to focus on Women’s rights.
 He did not listen, but many of her other ideas helped
  shape our nation.
 Arguably, America’s first feminist.
 In the 1800’s women began to feel the need for
 The industrialization was going on, so we began to
  destitute women working in factories.
 Upper-middle class women and the wealthy were not
  seen in factories. They had to stay home and take
  care of domestic matters and caring for children.
- Cultural limits. No public activities, public speaking,
  and law. Women were frowned upon for any of these
- - No right to vote.
- Dependent on men to some degree, regardless of
- Essentially property of men. Had to turn money they
  earned over to men.
 Catherine Beecher lost her fiancée in 1822 .
 She had then decided that American Women should
  stay home and educate their children to have morals.
 She began to train women to be teachers. This was
  acceptable because it was an extension of
 Beecher during this time period wrote some
  awesome books about lobbying for women’s
 They began to hint at women strengthening America.
 Once women had all of this education, they began to
    question why they were being treated like cattle.
   Religious reforms showed them their potential
    Began a monopoly on all reform. Particularly
   Economic Boycotts, March’s, speeches, and public
   Networking of smart women who were tired of being
 Hot issue of 1840’s before primary.
 Women who were fighting second class position,
  drew parallels between themselves and the slaves.
 Gave first concrete political platform.
 Some women even attended World Anti-Slavery
  convention in London, England.
 Women were prohibited once there, and got ANGRY.
Rad Women of the time

 Sojourner Truth and the Grimke sisters began to
  attend meeting, write petitions, give public talks, and
  compose pamphlets and novels.
 Lydia Child served on the committee of American
 Harriet Beecher Stowe wrote Uncle Tom’s Cabin
  which opened the eyes many northerners in 1852.
 Truth wrote her narrative which gave a first hand
  account of her life.

 Lucretia Mott began teaching kids at 15. Became
  Quaker minister in 1821. Shelter fugitive slaves with
  her husband.
 Elizabeth Cady Stanton was the daughter of US
  congress man. She began to study law and became
  aware of legal limitiation of women.
 In 1840 they both attended anti-slavery convention.
 1848= First Women’s convention.
 Declaration of Sentiments given
 12 resolutions passed. 68 women signed as well as,32
 Most important was 9th setiment. This wanted
  suffrage for women.
Women’s Suffrage facts

 1. The women who went to jail for protesting would
  be force fed during hunger strikes.
 2. Alice Paul leader of Women’s party was placed in
  solitary confinement to break her moral.
 3. 19th amendment which lead to women having the
  right to vote passed by one vote.
 4. New Zealand in 1893 was the first country to give
  women suffrage.

 No women in college in 1820, thousands graduating
  in 1890.( No the boy’s didn’t go to Jupiter)
 Elizabeth Blackwell became first female practicing
  doctor in 1843. Founded nursing school.
 Not a single POC attended Seneca Falls Convention.
 Truth had to frequently remind her fellow
  abolitionists to remember POC.
 Often she had to get permission to speak.
 Extremely educated, and rad.
 Lesson: Sojourner Truth is awesome.
 Sexuality
 Family
 The work-place
 De facto inequalities
 Reproductive rights and Inequalities
 Simone De Beauvoir’s ideology
What was established

 - Rape Crisis centers
 Battered women centers
 Marital Rape laws
 Equal Pay act of 1963
 Birth Control pill -1961
 Women’s affirmative act
 Roe vs. wade= abortion
 Pregnancy discrimination act of 1978
 Women’s educational equality bill
 Integrating traditional Boy’s clubs
Largely Successful

 Only having one major defeat with ERA’s in the
  eighties the second wave feminist movement began
  to die down.
 -We can thank these women for revitalizing
  feminism and reshaping culture.
 Much of their feminism was based on adopting
  masculine practices and denying traditionally
  feminine gender roles.

Raise your hand if any of these apply to you:
1. You believe everyone should be treated equally?
2. Do you think people should be allowed to make their
     own choice?
3. Someone’s value is greater than their genitals?
 If you answered yes to any of the questions I have to tell you
Third Wave Feminist Guidelines

 Reclaiming derogatory terms. i.e. Queer
 Eco-feminism
 Trans*-rights
 Riot Grrrrls- started in the 1990’s
 Individualist feminism
 Gay rights
 Gender violence
 Rape culture
Some Vocab I Might Use

 Privilege. – How you are not oppressed. Things that skew
  you’re outlook because you cannot fully relate to a
  minority group. Not a bad thing, but should always be
 Hetero-normative- Assuming that the norm. is to be
  heterosexual. Being heterosexual is common NOT what
  is “normal”.
 Patriarchy- What we live in. A society where power is
  predominantly in the hands of those who identify as
 Misogyny-All around us. The hatred of women.
  Oppressing them. An age old practice.
Things You Are Hundred Percent Wrong About
  Feminist’s don’t shave their legs!!” – You must know something I
  don’t, because I shave daily. I shave because I want to, not because
  society dictated how I would define beauty. It’s my right, like it is
  everyone else’s to control their body.
 -”I’m a man, I can’t be a feminist!!!” – WRONG. Do you believe in
  equality? Congratulations, you’re a real breathing feminist.
 - “Well feminist’s hate men!”- I have guy friend’s, I am not sexist.
  Neither are feminists. Rad feminist’s are a small group of people
  who may be misandrist, but real feminists, do not like them or
  their ideology. We’re fighting sexism, get with the program.
 -” I’m girly, this isn’t for me.” – No, dear. It doesn’t matter what
  your gender or gender expression is. If you have morals you’re with
  us. Someone with short hair, or someone with curly cues are
  equally feminists. Do you see a recurring them here?
What’s a women?

 1. What makes you a women?
 A. What’s in your pants?
 B. Where you shop?
 C. How you dress?
 D. Your bodies natural curves?
 E. How you identify
So, um, what is this Feminism again?

 Feminism is the radical notation that women are
 - We’re fighting for equality! We aren’t called
  “equalists”, because we recognize the war on women. If
  we were equalists we would be run by white forty year old
  men, and we have enough patriarchy for a life time!
 -We are inclusive. If doesn’t matter if you are intersex,
  Gay gender queer, African American, over weight, under
  weight. We are going to fight for YOUR RIGHTS!
  Why?! Because we are decent human beings.

 - We deny beauty standards. YOU CONTROL YOUR
  BODY. This means you can make yourself: fat,
  pierced, unhealthy, ink’d, modified, natural! You can
  do whatever you want to your body, it’s your
  business, and no one else’s!
 - No one can tell you what to do with your body. No
  matter how you look your value as a human being is

 - A hot topic in the 2012 was Roe vs. Wade, the supreme
    court ruling that made abortion legal in our country.
    Now, without even bring it religion or science. No one
    has the right to use some body else’s body.
   This is saying the government has the right to use
    regulate a bodily function.
   You do not have the right to shame someone on their
   Women can control their own bodies.
   Most people who are anti-choice are against welfare and
    child care money!

 I want you to repeat this;” If it’s not yes, it is no.”
 “I’m not sure” = no
 Silence= no
 Drunk or under any substance= No
 Being in a relationship does not = consent.
 “ A nice guy” does not= consent
 Consent is non-negotiable
Birth- Control Access

 Women deserve the right to be safe. We all deserve
    the right to not be vulnerable.
    If you want teen pregnancy rates to go down, or
    abortion rights, we can easily prevent this.
   More children, equals more resources being used.
    Think about this the, what is safer, unloading the
    gun or getting shot with a bullet proof vest?
   Support Planet Parenthood
Slut- Shaming Quiz

 What do you call a girl who “sleeps around”?
 What causes rape?
 How many people does a girl have to be slept with to
 be considered a “slut”?
The answer is

 1. Her name
 2. Rapists
 3. There is no answer to this question. This is an
  unacceptable word that contributes to rape culture.
 What we learned: Don’t call someone a slut. It’s a
  word used to demean or take value away from girl’s
  right to control their own body. This is not ever
  attributed to men.
Legitimate Rape

 If she say’s no. It is legitimate rape. Republican,
  Todd Akin tried to deny any rape that has happened
  that resulted in pregnancy.
 Science, which unlike his mental state can actually
  cannot be disputed, is that sperm + egg = fetus.
 A potential VPOTUS- Paul Ryan approved of Akin’s
 THIS WAS 2012.

 If you expose your face does it deserve to be
 Of course not, now please apply this to every part of
  the anatomy.

 Okay, ladies. Please raise your hand if you have ever
    walked down the street and had someone yell out the
    window a crude comment.
   Now boys.
    Now girl’s please raise your hand if a man has ever
    made a comment about your physical appearance
    that has sexualized you and made you
   Boys vice versa
   This is cat-calling. This contributes to rape culture
    and this is not okay.
Wait, didn’t we just learn about what past
     feminist’s accomplishments? Why do we still
                        need this

   The cold hard facts:
   1. Women are fetishized and overly sexualized by media.
   2. The word for female genitalia is not allowed to be said in congress.
   3. Sexism and oppression are still rampant in our culture.
   4.For every dollar a man makes a women makes 77 cents.
   5. In 2013, “ Kitchen” and “ Rape” jokes are still being made.
    6. 1 in 3 women will be sexually assaulted in their lifetime.
   7. Out of every one hundred rapes, only six rapists will ever spend a day behind bars.
   8.7 million American women have eating disorders.
   9. The beauty industry make 160 billion dollars a year off demeaning women.
   10. 1 percent of fortune five hundred companies ceo’s are women
   11. People still teach raped, not do not rape.
Make some observations about these photos
Women vs. Men in video games

 Women are often given skimpy outfits so they can be
  sexualize for a type of fan service. I will not deny the
  power of a riot grrl, but when I’m going into battle a
  mini skirt wouldn’t help me as much as a shield.
 Even worse perhaps is the stigma given to female
  gamers. So many girls are taught that women can’t
  play video game. Girl’s that do play are often called
  “fake.” They have to work twice as hard to secure this
Gendering of Toys and How We are Raised

 Boy’s raise your hand if you’ve ever been insulted by
    being called a girl?
    The truth is the “traditional” female gender role is
    portrayed as weak.
    Boy’s name some toy’s you had as a child?
   Girl’s name some toy’s you had as child?
    Can we see the differences?
    If the traditional masculine gender role was so
    strong, why would a brush with feminity wipe it out
Commercials and media discrimination
How things are sold using gender.

 Women: You’re fat, ugly, and dumpy. Do you ever
  want your prince charming to come and own you?
  Better buy this product, or else you’ll always be
  worthless. By the way why do you not look like an
  underweight Caucasian blonde with implants who
  was photo shopped?
 Men: Be tough. BE cool. NINJAS. Action hero.
  Heterosexual. Babes.
The Violence Against Women Act

 This was first passed in 1994 and allocated 1.6 billion
  dollars to investigate domestic violence and sexual
  assault cases against women.
 What this meant in 2013, Rape would go down,
  women would be protected, crack down on
  stalking(which attacks 50 percent of women),holding
  rapists accountable.
 Signed Thursday by POTUS.
Wait… where are the women?
Racism and Handicaps

 If you say “ I do not see race.” Then you do not get a
  gold medal. Actually you get an eye roll.
  Understanding people have different cultures and
  recognizing them and excepting them is anti-racism.
  Abolish hate.
 Stigmatizing handicaps is wrong. A person in a
  wheel chair is a person in a wheel chair. This does
  not compromise their value. We celebrate their
Who are the leaders of our modern feminist
What we learned

   Keep your rosaries out of people rosaries.
   Consent= a must
    Slut-shaming= rape culture= Don’t do it.
   Gender roles= Bull crap.
   Women= unrepresented
    Feminism= Inclusive equality. One for all and all for one.
    Your body, your choice. Every body type is equal. Do not objectify
    them, do not fetishize them.
   People are not property.
   Jokes do not happen in a vacuum.
   Our society is a patriarchy.
   Not your anatomy, no decision. Can’t say the word can’t vote on it.
    We need a radical revolution. Who’s responsible for this, You.
How can I help the cause?

 Be a decent human being: respect people,
    acknowledge and respect differences, refuse to be
    ignorant to hot topics, stand up for the minority, and
    believe firmly in equality.
    Eliminate poisonous word from vocab
   Spread the word!
    Volunteer at programs like Planet Parenthood and
    Girls Inc
   Support the women in life. You came from one!

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  • 1.
  • 2. Prehistory  Go back 5,000 years ago and you may have found a women in charge.  There are a lot of texts and cave findings that support women where once in charge. Since then a patriarchy has reigned supreme.
  • 3. Abigail Adams  She was very educated and strongly advised her husband to focus on Women’s rights.  He did not listen, but many of her other ideas helped shape our nation.  Arguably, America’s first feminist.
  • 4.  In the 1800’s women began to feel the need for change  The industrialization was going on, so we began to destitute women working in factories.  Upper-middle class women and the wealthy were not seen in factories. They had to stay home and take care of domestic matters and caring for children.
  • 5. - Cultural limits. No public activities, public speaking, and law. Women were frowned upon for any of these actions. - - No right to vote. - Dependent on men to some degree, regardless of state. - Essentially property of men. Had to turn money they earned over to men.
  • 6.  Catherine Beecher lost her fiancée in 1822 .  She had then decided that American Women should stay home and educate their children to have morals.  She began to train women to be teachers. This was acceptable because it was an extension of motherhood.  Beecher during this time period wrote some awesome books about lobbying for women’s education.  They began to hint at women strengthening America.
  • 7.  Once women had all of this education, they began to question why they were being treated like cattle.  Religious reforms showed them their potential  Began a monopoly on all reform. Particularly abolition.  Economic Boycotts, March’s, speeches, and public assemblies.  Networking of smart women who were tired of being inferior.
  • 8.  Hot issue of 1840’s before primary.  Women who were fighting second class position, drew parallels between themselves and the slaves.  Gave first concrete political platform.  Some women even attended World Anti-Slavery convention in London, England.  Women were prohibited once there, and got ANGRY.
  • 9. Rad Women of the time  Sojourner Truth and the Grimke sisters began to attend meeting, write petitions, give public talks, and compose pamphlets and novels.  Lydia Child served on the committee of American Anti-slavery.  Harriet Beecher Stowe wrote Uncle Tom’s Cabin which opened the eyes many northerners in 1852.  Truth wrote her narrative which gave a first hand account of her life.
  • 10. Continued..  Lucretia Mott began teaching kids at 15. Became Quaker minister in 1821. Shelter fugitive slaves with her husband.  Elizabeth Cady Stanton was the daughter of US congress man. She began to study law and became aware of legal limitiation of women.  In 1840 they both attended anti-slavery convention.
  • 11.  1848= First Women’s convention.  Declaration of Sentiments given  12 resolutions passed. 68 women signed as well as,32 men.  Most important was 9th setiment. This wanted suffrage for women.  CRAZY IDEA.
  • 12.
  • 13. Women’s Suffrage facts  1. The women who went to jail for protesting would be force fed during hunger strikes.  2. Alice Paul leader of Women’s party was placed in solitary confinement to break her moral.  3. 19th amendment which lead to women having the right to vote passed by one vote.  4. New Zealand in 1893 was the first country to give women suffrage.
  • 14. SLOOOOW CHANGES  No women in college in 1820, thousands graduating in 1890.( No the boy’s didn’t go to Jupiter)  Elizabeth Blackwell became first female practicing doctor in 1843. Founded nursing school.
  • 15.  Not a single POC attended Seneca Falls Convention.  Truth had to frequently remind her fellow abolitionists to remember POC.  Often she had to get permission to speak.  Extremely educated, and rad.  Lesson: Sojourner Truth is awesome.
  • 16.
  • 17.  Sexuality  Family  The work-place  De facto inequalities  Reproductive rights and Inequalities  Simone De Beauvoir’s ideology
  • 18. What was established  - Rape Crisis centers  Battered women centers  Marital Rape laws  Equal Pay act of 1963  Birth Control pill -1961  Women’s affirmative act  Roe vs. wade= abortion  Pregnancy discrimination act of 1978  Women’s educational equality bill  Integrating traditional Boy’s clubs
  • 19.
  • 20. Largely Successful  Only having one major defeat with ERA’s in the eighties the second wave feminist movement began to die down.  -We can thank these women for revitalizing feminism and reshaping culture.  Much of their feminism was based on adopting masculine practices and denying traditionally feminine gender roles.
  • 21.
  • 22. QUIZ Raise your hand if any of these apply to you: 1. You believe everyone should be treated equally? 2. Do you think people should be allowed to make their own choice? 3. Someone’s value is greater than their genitals? If you answered yes to any of the questions I have to tell you something…….
  • 23.
  • 24. Third Wave Feminist Guidelines  Reclaiming derogatory terms. i.e. Queer  Eco-feminism  Trans*-rights  Riot Grrrrls- started in the 1990’s  Individualist feminism  Gay rights  Gender violence  Rape culture
  • 25. Some Vocab I Might Use  Privilege. – How you are not oppressed. Things that skew you’re outlook because you cannot fully relate to a minority group. Not a bad thing, but should always be acknowledge.  Hetero-normative- Assuming that the norm. is to be heterosexual. Being heterosexual is common NOT what is “normal”.  Patriarchy- What we live in. A society where power is predominantly in the hands of those who identify as male.  Misogyny-All around us. The hatred of women. Oppressing them. An age old practice.
  • 26. Things You Are Hundred Percent Wrong About  Feminist’s don’t shave their legs!!” – You must know something I “ don’t, because I shave daily. I shave because I want to, not because society dictated how I would define beauty. It’s my right, like it is everyone else’s to control their body.  -”I’m a man, I can’t be a feminist!!!” – WRONG. Do you believe in equality? Congratulations, you’re a real breathing feminist.  - “Well feminist’s hate men!”- I have guy friend’s, I am not sexist. Neither are feminists. Rad feminist’s are a small group of people who may be misandrist, but real feminists, do not like them or their ideology. We’re fighting sexism, get with the program.  -” I’m girly, this isn’t for me.” – No, dear. It doesn’t matter what your gender or gender expression is. If you have morals you’re with us. Someone with short hair, or someone with curly cues are equally feminists. Do you see a recurring them here?
  • 27. What’s a women?  1. What makes you a women?  A. What’s in your pants?  B. Where you shop?  C. How you dress?  D. Your bodies natural curves?  E. How you identify
  • 28. So, um, what is this Feminism again?  Feminism is the radical notation that women are people.  - We’re fighting for equality! We aren’t called “equalists”, because we recognize the war on women. If we were equalists we would be run by white forty year old men, and we have enough patriarchy for a life time!  -We are inclusive. If doesn’t matter if you are intersex, Gay gender queer, African American, over weight, under weight. We are going to fight for YOUR RIGHTS! Why?! Because we are decent human beings.
  • 29. BODY POSTIVE!  - We deny beauty standards. YOU CONTROL YOUR BODY. This means you can make yourself: fat, pierced, unhealthy, ink’d, modified, natural! You can do whatever you want to your body, it’s your business, and no one else’s!  YOUR VALUE IS NOT WHAT’S IN THE MIRROR. OR THE SCALE.  - No one can tell you what to do with your body. No matter how you look your value as a human being is unchanged.
  • 30. PRO-CHOICE!  - A hot topic in the 2012 was Roe vs. Wade, the supreme court ruling that made abortion legal in our country.  Now, without even bring it religion or science. No one has the right to use some body else’s body.  This is saying the government has the right to use regulate a bodily function.  You do not have the right to shame someone on their decisions.  Women can control their own bodies.  Most people who are anti-choice are against welfare and child care money!
  • 31. Consent.  I want you to repeat this;” If it’s not yes, it is no.”  “I’m not sure” = no  Silence= no  Drunk or under any substance= No  Being in a relationship does not = consent.  “ A nice guy” does not= consent  Consent is non-negotiable
  • 32. Birth- Control Access  Women deserve the right to be safe. We all deserve the right to not be vulnerable.  If you want teen pregnancy rates to go down, or abortion rights, we can easily prevent this.  More children, equals more resources being used.  Think about this the, what is safer, unloading the gun or getting shot with a bullet proof vest?  Support Planet Parenthood
  • 33. Slut- Shaming Quiz  What do you call a girl who “sleeps around”?  What causes rape?  How many people does a girl have to be slept with to be considered a “slut”?
  • 34. The answer is  1. Her name  2. Rapists  3. There is no answer to this question. This is an unacceptable word that contributes to rape culture.  What we learned: Don’t call someone a slut. It’s a word used to demean or take value away from girl’s right to control their own body. This is not ever attributed to men.
  • 35. Legitimate Rape  If she say’s no. It is legitimate rape. Republican, Todd Akin tried to deny any rape that has happened that resulted in pregnancy.  Science, which unlike his mental state can actually cannot be disputed, is that sperm + egg = fetus.  A potential VPOTUS- Paul Ryan approved of Akin’s findings.  THIS WAS 2012.
  • 36. PSA TIME   If you expose your face does it deserve to be punched?  Of course not, now please apply this to every part of the anatomy.
  • 37. CAT- CALLING  Okay, ladies. Please raise your hand if you have ever walked down the street and had someone yell out the window a crude comment.  Now boys.  Now girl’s please raise your hand if a man has ever made a comment about your physical appearance that has sexualized you and made you uncomfortable.  Boys vice versa  This is cat-calling. This contributes to rape culture and this is not okay.
  • 38.
  • 39. Wait, didn’t we just learn about what past feminist’s accomplishments? Why do we still need this  The cold hard facts:  1. Women are fetishized and overly sexualized by media.  2. The word for female genitalia is not allowed to be said in congress.  3. Sexism and oppression are still rampant in our culture.  4.For every dollar a man makes a women makes 77 cents.  5. In 2013, “ Kitchen” and “ Rape” jokes are still being made.  6. 1 in 3 women will be sexually assaulted in their lifetime.  7. Out of every one hundred rapes, only six rapists will ever spend a day behind bars.  8.7 million American women have eating disorders.  9. The beauty industry make 160 billion dollars a year off demeaning women.  10. 1 percent of fortune five hundred companies ceo’s are women  11. People still teach raped, not do not rape.  THESE ARE THE BASICS
  • 40. Make some observations about these photos
  • 41. Women vs. Men in video games  Women are often given skimpy outfits so they can be sexualize for a type of fan service. I will not deny the power of a riot grrl, but when I’m going into battle a mini skirt wouldn’t help me as much as a shield.  Even worse perhaps is the stigma given to female gamers. So many girls are taught that women can’t play video game. Girl’s that do play are often called “fake.” They have to work twice as hard to secure this position.
  • 42.
  • 43. Gendering of Toys and How We are Raised  Boy’s raise your hand if you’ve ever been insulted by being called a girl?  The truth is the “traditional” female gender role is portrayed as weak.  Boy’s name some toy’s you had as a child?  Girl’s name some toy’s you had as child?  Can we see the differences?  If the traditional masculine gender role was so strong, why would a brush with feminity wipe it out completely?
  • 44.
  • 45. Commercials and media discrimination
  • 46. How things are sold using gender.  Women: You’re fat, ugly, and dumpy. Do you ever want your prince charming to come and own you? Better buy this product, or else you’ll always be worthless. By the way why do you not look like an underweight Caucasian blonde with implants who was photo shopped?  Men: Be tough. BE cool. NINJAS. Action hero. Heterosexual. Babes.
  • 47. The Violence Against Women Act  This was first passed in 1994 and allocated 1.6 billion dollars to investigate domestic violence and sexual assault cases against women.  What this meant in 2013, Rape would go down, women would be protected, crack down on stalking(which attacks 50 percent of women),holding rapists accountable.  Signed Thursday by POTUS.
  • 48. Wait… where are the women?
  • 49. Racism and Handicaps  If you say “ I do not see race.” Then you do not get a gold medal. Actually you get an eye roll. Understanding people have different cultures and recognizing them and excepting them is anti-racism. Abolish hate.  Stigmatizing handicaps is wrong. A person in a wheel chair is a person in a wheel chair. This does not compromise their value. We celebrate their differences.
  • 50. Who are the leaders of our modern feminist movement?
  • 51. What we learned  Keep your rosaries out of people rosaries.  Consent= a must  Slut-shaming= rape culture= Don’t do it.  Gender roles= Bull crap.  Women= unrepresented  Feminism= Inclusive equality. One for all and all for one.  Your body, your choice. Every body type is equal. Do not objectify them, do not fetishize them.  People are not property.  Jokes do not happen in a vacuum.  Our society is a patriarchy.  Not your anatomy, no decision. Can’t say the word can’t vote on it.  We need a radical revolution. Who’s responsible for this, You.
  • 52. How can I help the cause?  Be a decent human being: respect people, acknowledge and respect differences, refuse to be ignorant to hot topics, stand up for the minority, and believe firmly in equality.  Eliminate poisonous word from vocab  Spread the word!  Volunteer at programs like Planet Parenthood and Girls Inc  Support the women in life. You came from one!