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Essay 1: The purpose of the essay is get you to talk about your
own experience in your own words, so there is no need for
citing others' ideas and experiences. (expand to one more page
write about a personal experience related to the topic) hence
"am a student and am not American"
Essay 2: add more transition words, replace the (this, it, they
etc..) with the nouns.
Expand the essay to one more page.
Essay 3: (melting pot) add transitions, make sure to give
opinions about topics "personal opinions"
Expand the conclusion.
Essay4:(inequality for all) add more transitions , add
conclusion, expand one page
Fatma AlsadiAmerican Identities, 212C
February 19, 2020
Essay #5
The documentary by Reich elaboartes on the issues facing the
modern soicety today, not only in the U.S but alos in other
jurisdications within the larger global economy. Specifically, he
explores economic inequality, how its affecting us and what
could be done to mitigate against its effects. As porpounded by
Prof. Reich, economic inequaity is an issue affecting a
significnant proportion of the population. It can be said that
those of a differeing opinion are probably those belonging to
the top 1%. The extent of economic inequaity is manifest in
civil movements such as The Occupy Wall-Street movement, the
Green Party as well as the various industrial strikes regulalry
organized by workers all around the globe (Milanovic, 2016).
As explained by Prof. Reich, most of the world’s wealth are
held by only 1% of the poplation. These are the wealthy
individuals in the society who own sifingicant factors of
production and hence control and influence economic and
political systems, both in their countries and the world. The
problem is that this 1% do not utlize a significant proportion of
their wealth in real-economic activities. These are the activities
that have the greates potential in generating jobs for the
massess as well as real goods and services (Milanovic, 2016).
That is, they essentially hoard their wealth and choose to invest
it in speculative markets so as to generate even more money for
themselves. Th downside to these avenues of investments is that
theu do not, atleast directly, enhance employment levels or
goods and services. Besides, Reich argues that the top 1% tend
to engage in selfish activities that end huriting the economy.
That is, if the economy is not doing good, the top 1% may
withdraw their resources resulting in lay-offs as well as scaling
down of production activities. Unfortunately, their selfish
considerations only end up huring the economy even further
(Milanovic, 2016).
From Reich’s documentary, it can be constures that economic
inequality is multi-faceted. This implies that economic
inequality encompassess the distribution of income as well as
the distributiion of wealth. The former makes reference to how
much money people make while the latter makes reference to
the amount of resources owned. With this in mind, both income
and wealth are disporportionately distributed within the larger
society in the sense that more resources are in the hand of only
a few people, whereas the majority of the population remains
bombarded with daily economic struggles (Piketty, 2015).
There is literature to suppport the fact that the extent of wealth
inequality in the U.S is greatly underreported in the media.
Over the recent years, this inequality has become more severe
than what many people may think. In fact, the top 1% in the U.S
are said to hold more wealth than the entire middle-class.
However, this is not to say that belonging to the 1% is a bad
thing. Besides those who inheritied their fortunes, there are
wealthy individuals who have made fortunes for themselves by
making major innovations that have generally enhanced our
living standards today, especially in the periods following the
advent of the internet (Milanovic, 2016).
Still, there are some welathy individuals in our current society
that engage in cronysim. This refers to cartels of wealthty
people who have influence over the economy and politics and
hence are able to seek taxation and regulatory advantages. Such
selfishness and greed ensures the contniued proseprity of the
top 1% and is in contravention of the ideals of shared prosperity
(Piketty, 2015).
Milanovic, B. (2016). Global Inequaltiy: A New Approach for
the Age of Globalizaztion. Harvard University Press.
Piketty, T. (2015). The Economics of Inequality. Harvard
University Press.
Fatema Alsadi
Melting Pot and Multiculturalism
The melting pot is a model that refers to a dissimilar society
which is transformed into a more identical with the diverse
essentials fusing together to create a symphonic unit sharing a
conjoint culture (Crossman, 2020). In the U.S, the phrase
melting pot is often used to refer to the assimilation of the
immigrants into the U.S; however, this phrase can be employed
in any situation where a new ethos blends with another to co-
exist. For instance, in the current past, immigrants from
different parts of the world have fashioned melting pots in the
United States and Europe. However, this narrative has been
challenged by scholars arguing that diverse cultures from
different parts of the world should be preserved because they
are useful for the identity of a people. Mosaic or a salad bowl
is, therefore, a more preferred term meaning different cultures
mix although they still retain their distinct cultures.
The U.S.A was founded on the idea of creating a chance for
every immigrant; hence this right is protected by the highest
courts in the U.S.A. The melting pot terms were initially used in
1788 to define the many different cultures of the Europeans,
Asians and Africans that were fusing together to form a
formidable new American culture. The melting pot concept
lasted in the 19th and 20th century and gave birth to the famous
play of 1908, 'The Melting Pot" which intensified the American
ideal of a harmonious culture made up of many beliefs.
Although, as the world went through world war I and II,
Africans started to form the anti-globalist strategy to American
morals (Crossman, 2020). Therefore, a big chunk of citizens
began calling for the ban of settlers from some countries
considering their cultures and religious attributes.
Multiculturalism on the other end can be defined as different
cultures within a society having equal opportunities and rights
and not one culture is ignored or considered superior (Westfall,
2019). From the provisions of social evolution, it is evident that
neither "the melting pot" nor multiculturalism has no flaws or
devoid of value.
Considering these two models, the melting pot offers a
boundary of individuals from different origins although sharing
the same culture, for instance, American culture while
multiculturalism is a people sharing the same boundary but
uphold their beliefs and customs. The melting pot can have a
positive impact when the shared blueprint acts to unify and the
people focus their energies for the sake of the challenges
affecting the society. Although the melting pot has a challenge
in that it does not embrace diversity, it focuses on sameness.
Whereas, a society that embraces diversity and utilizing the
different strengths from many cultures is likely to strengthen
American society (Westfall, 2019). Each and every culture has a
contribution to society and a story to tell. In as much as
respecting different cultures is crucial, multiculturalism is not a
nostrum as not all cultural practices have the same value.
In reality, there are some cultures that should be assimilated
when they set foot in America. For instance, there are some
cultures that believe women should not have the same rights as
men, some belief in female genital mutilation; other cultures
offer women younger than 15 years for the marriage to older
men. Ideally, all these cultures are not right and melting pot
plays a significant role in doing away with such beliefs through
following the practices of the dominant culture.
In conclusion, there is no perfect continuum to follow between
the two ideals; therefore it is important to consider a blend of
the two to form a more solid society that protects the interests
of the American people as well as considerable respect to
different cultures as they are supreme to the adherents.
Crossman, Ashley. (2020). What Is the "American Melting
Pot?". Retrieved from
Westfall T. (2019). Melting pot vs multiculturalism. Sterling
Journal-Advocate. January 24, 2019, at 9:21 pm
Fatema alsadi
Declaration of Independence
To begin with, the declaration of independence is with no doubt
the most significant as well as influential document in American
history. This important document originated from Thomas
Jefferson in the year 1776 and has shaped various aspects of
U.S politics for over 240 years now. In the declaration of
independence, Thomas Jefferson captures four major values as
well as ideals; Equality, Consent of the Governed, the
unalienable Rights of Life, Liberty as well as the Pursuit of
Happiness. These ideals are the cornerstone of the democracy
enjoyed by U.S citizens (Tsesis, 2012). They are explained in
the subsequent paragraphs especially how they relate with the
American society today.
1. Equality
The essence of equality is most profound in the U.S more than
any other nation in the world. The level of equality in the U.S is
much advanced as compared to other countries such as Iraq as
well as Pakistan. It is reflected in the advanced democratic
elections process that guarantees all Americans of all races,
genders, ethnic backgrounds as well as social status, have the
same opportunity to elect the leaders they want (Tsesis, 2012).
This is a marked improvement from the status of elections in the
past years. Before the Declaration of Independence, white
superiority was rife such that only Americans of white-origins
had the right to vote. Furthermore, only men who had property
had the power to make political decisions. Over the passage of
time, developments such as the 15th Amendment empowered
African-Americans to participate in the election process. Also,
the 19th Amendment empowered women to be voters as well.
All these developments are a testament of how much the ideal
of equality amongst all American has been incorporated in the
political processes (Armitage, 2009).
2. Consent of the Governed
This ideal means for a government to be governed well, then
this government should first be constituted by seeking consent
from the people. The essence of this consent is that the people
get to influence what their government does as well as those
who form the government. It is important for the people to
decide how their government is constituted as eventually; the
same government influence their fate. It is this consent that
justifies government activities such as taxation (Armitage,
3. Certain Unalienable Rights
This ideal is an amalgamation of various unquestionable rights.
These rights have their backing in the dictates of natural and
common law. They include, the right to life and the right to
liberty. The Declaration of Independence also captures the
pursuit of happiness as another form of unalienable rights. This
means that no human being or any authority in the world has the
power to deny any person the right to life, or the right to
liberty. It is this ideal that liberated ethnic minorities such as
African-Americans from slavery and white-supremacy
ideologies (Armitage, 2009).
4. The right to alter or abolish the government
It can be argued that the most important ideal protected in the
declaration of independence is the power to alter or dissolve the
government. This ideal should be exercised at any point in time
when the people feel that their government is becoming
destructive to the general happiness and welfare of the society.
Hence, what Jefferson envisioned is the electorate having the
power to reform their government through for instance recalling
their elected representatives in the various levels of government
(Armitage, 2009).
Armitage, D. (2009). The Declaration of Independence: A
Global History. Harvard University Press.
Tsesis, A. (2012). For Livery and Equality: The Life and Times
of the Declaration of Independence. Oxford University Press.
American Identities
Fatma Alsadi
Americans are regarded as idealist natives since they place very
high values and stick strongly to ideals that they consider are
factual, vital, and pleasant. However, through my experience
being in America, these natives do not constantly observe these
ideals of these core values (Azzam, 2008). They rather adhere
to them as a deposit of basic attitudes that form the basis of the
foundation of the American nation and that function to date.
The five core values and ideals include liberty, self-governance,
equality, individuality and diversity. The value of liberty
allows citizens the freedom of thinking, speaking and acting as
long as they do not violate the rights and freedom of other
natives. Self-governance declares contribute views on how the
state is run, they have authority in the state governance and that
the government existence should be geared to their welfare
(Julianna, 2008). Equality as a value affirms that all natives are
entitled to fairness and with self-respect and be in a position to
embrace chances of economic prosperity, education, political
involvement together with a satisfying existence. Individualism
as value is geared towards sovereignty, self-satisfaction, and
private initiative alongside with individual economic expansion.
Besides, diversity holds the different cultural norms and values
where majority of the American natives pride themselves in
their heritage and cultural history (Julianna, 2019)
I conceptualize that definition of race has undergone numerous
changes being in America. The past antiquated beliefs have
been eradicated. Race has been socially constructed and its
popular acceptance of personal identity and joint awareness.
Race as an aspect in the United States has been fluid and a
focus of numerous determinations. Nevertheless, the concept of
race in America has been violated in the areas of social science
research, the public policy ideas, the representation of culture,
and political dialogue. Additionally, the idea of race has been a
problem issue in all areas encompassing federal principles for
racial and ethnic classes. The connection between race and
racism among Americana has been the key transformation in the
scenario of raced governance. I consider the division of
governance and how it is structured, its ideologies, and
activities at different levels of institutions and individuals is
increasingly based on race and is greatly emphasized on the
urgency of interrogating specific notions of racism (Azzam,
Consequently, numerous demographic shifts this include;
heterogeneity. Over the first decade's numerous diversities
among the Americans social segment numerous of the minority
groups face racism despite identify their national identity and
ethnicity they are continuously facing racism. I regard the
increasing mixture of racism in America has marked a
prolonged liberal nightmare since multi racism has resulted in a
racially stratified society.
Gender has been violated in the American society. His has been
a remarkable public health difficulty and has greatly decreased
civil, social, political and economic involvement. Being in
America biasness of gender has undermined the safety of
dignity, general health conditions, and human rights of
numerous American ethnic groups. Consequently, these gender-
based discrimination has encompassed race, customs, divisions,
and international borders (Karen, 2008).
The era of industrial revolution in America has resulted in a
significant change in the sexual standards of the United States. I
appreciate the newly introduced techniques of birth control that
have significantly transformed sexual behavior among
Americans. I also respect American Social movements of sexual
revolution that have resulted in the rise of feminism and the
progression of bisexual, across gender, and queer (LGBTQ)
rights that have introduced massive transformations in social
idea of sexuality (Karen, 2008).
Basic Americans are recognized with the basics of Christianity
and the bible and have few concepts of Islamic. I find most
Americans adults conceptualizing about few concepts related to
Buddhism, Hinduism, and Judaism and most do not
conceptualize the religion concepts of the United States
constitution. Additionally, I find majority of Americans are
uncertain about the distribution of the United States Public that
constitutes the Muslim and Jewish.
The class conflict issue has taken a rising share of national
perception. Most of the American public believes that there
exist very strong conflicts among the rich and the poor.
Additionally, my American experience finds the disputes
between class disputes are more intensive. This has resulted in a
public assessment of divisions existing in the American culture.
These conflicts have been ranked as one of the potential sources
of assembly tensions (Julianna, 2019).
To develop an inclusive narrative of my experience, America
needs to find, develop, and support a varied network of its
network and work jointly towards ending educational inequality.
In order to pursue equality, they should work to transform
practices, hierarchies and policies that achieve equality among
young Americans. They should enhance active examination of
practices geared towards completing inequitable schemes.
Moreover, there is need for courage as they act on their beliefs
and values with acknowledging the limits of Americans’
perspectives. Nevertheless, they should demonstrate resilience
in their core value challenges and have a continuous learning in
order to embrace new ideas for constant enhancement and
Conclusively, although the United States has embraced the
ideals of liberty, equity, a democratic state, individualism,
togetherness, and variance, it has not yet fulfilled them. This
has been encapsulated by slavery discrimination of Native
Americans, and the state’s failure of women leverage that
denies most American women the right to vote. Additionally,
some minority groups such as Hispanics and black Indians have
received numerous racism which draw back the realization of
these core values.
Julianna, M. (2019). Race in America, Social and Demographic
Trends, Vol 4, Issue 2, p 67-87
Karen, C. (2008). Social Relations, Core Values, and the
Polyphony of the American Experience, Sociological Forum,
Vol 23, Issue 2, pp 351-362
Azzam, A. (2008). Neglecting higher achievers, Educational
Leadership in U.S, Vol 66, pp 90-92

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FeedbackEssay 1 The purpose of the essay is get you to talk .docx

  • 1. Feedback Essay 1: The purpose of the essay is get you to talk about your own experience in your own words, so there is no need for citing others' ideas and experiences. (expand to one more page write about a personal experience related to the topic) hence "am a student and am not American" Essay 2: add more transition words, replace the (this, it, they etc..) with the nouns. Expand the essay to one more page. Essay 3: (melting pot) add transitions, make sure to give opinions about topics "personal opinions" Expand the conclusion. Essay4:(inequality for all) add more transitions , add conclusion, expand one page Fatma AlsadiAmerican Identities, 212C February 19, 2020 Essay #5 The documentary by Reich elaboartes on the issues facing the modern soicety today, not only in the U.S but alos in other jurisdications within the larger global economy. Specifically, he explores economic inequality, how its affecting us and what could be done to mitigate against its effects. As porpounded by Prof. Reich, economic inequaity is an issue affecting a significnant proportion of the population. It can be said that those of a differeing opinion are probably those belonging to the top 1%. The extent of economic inequaity is manifest in civil movements such as The Occupy Wall-Street movement, the
  • 2. Green Party as well as the various industrial strikes regulalry organized by workers all around the globe (Milanovic, 2016). As explained by Prof. Reich, most of the world’s wealth are held by only 1% of the poplation. These are the wealthy individuals in the society who own sifingicant factors of production and hence control and influence economic and political systems, both in their countries and the world. The problem is that this 1% do not utlize a significant proportion of their wealth in real-economic activities. These are the activities that have the greates potential in generating jobs for the massess as well as real goods and services (Milanovic, 2016). That is, they essentially hoard their wealth and choose to invest it in speculative markets so as to generate even more money for themselves. Th downside to these avenues of investments is that theu do not, atleast directly, enhance employment levels or goods and services. Besides, Reich argues that the top 1% tend to engage in selfish activities that end huriting the economy. That is, if the economy is not doing good, the top 1% may withdraw their resources resulting in lay-offs as well as scaling down of production activities. Unfortunately, their selfish considerations only end up huring the economy even further (Milanovic, 2016). From Reich’s documentary, it can be constures that economic inequality is multi-faceted. This implies that economic inequality encompassess the distribution of income as well as the distributiion of wealth. The former makes reference to how much money people make while the latter makes reference to the amount of resources owned. With this in mind, both income and wealth are disporportionately distributed within the larger society in the sense that more resources are in the hand of only a few people, whereas the majority of the population remains bombarded with daily economic struggles (Piketty, 2015). There is literature to suppport the fact that the extent of wealth inequality in the U.S is greatly underreported in the media. Over the recent years, this inequality has become more severe than what many people may think. In fact, the top 1% in the U.S
  • 3. are said to hold more wealth than the entire middle-class. However, this is not to say that belonging to the 1% is a bad thing. Besides those who inheritied their fortunes, there are wealthy individuals who have made fortunes for themselves by making major innovations that have generally enhanced our living standards today, especially in the periods following the advent of the internet (Milanovic, 2016). Still, there are some welathy individuals in our current society that engage in cronysim. This refers to cartels of wealthty people who have influence over the economy and politics and hence are able to seek taxation and regulatory advantages. Such selfishness and greed ensures the contniued proseprity of the top 1% and is in contravention of the ideals of shared prosperity (Piketty, 2015). References Milanovic, B. (2016). Global Inequaltiy: A New Approach for the Age of Globalizaztion. Harvard University Press. Piketty, T. (2015). The Economics of Inequality. Harvard University Press. Running head: MELTING POT AND MULTICULTURALISM 1 MELTING POT AND MULTICULTURALISM 2 Fatema Alsadi 02-06-2020 Melting Pot and Multiculturalism The melting pot is a model that refers to a dissimilar society
  • 4. which is transformed into a more identical with the diverse essentials fusing together to create a symphonic unit sharing a conjoint culture (Crossman, 2020). In the U.S, the phrase melting pot is often used to refer to the assimilation of the immigrants into the U.S; however, this phrase can be employed in any situation where a new ethos blends with another to co- exist. For instance, in the current past, immigrants from different parts of the world have fashioned melting pots in the United States and Europe. However, this narrative has been challenged by scholars arguing that diverse cultures from different parts of the world should be preserved because they are useful for the identity of a people. Mosaic or a salad bowl is, therefore, a more preferred term meaning different cultures mix although they still retain their distinct cultures. The U.S.A was founded on the idea of creating a chance for every immigrant; hence this right is protected by the highest courts in the U.S.A. The melting pot terms were initially used in 1788 to define the many different cultures of the Europeans, Asians and Africans that were fusing together to form a formidable new American culture. The melting pot concept lasted in the 19th and 20th century and gave birth to the famous play of 1908, 'The Melting Pot" which intensified the American ideal of a harmonious culture made up of many beliefs. Although, as the world went through world war I and II, Africans started to form the anti-globalist strategy to American morals (Crossman, 2020). Therefore, a big chunk of citizens began calling for the ban of settlers from some countries considering their cultures and religious attributes. Multiculturalism on the other end can be defined as different cultures within a society having equal opportunities and rights and not one culture is ignored or considered superior (Westfall, 2019). From the provisions of social evolution, it is evident that neither "the melting pot" nor multiculturalism has no flaws or devoid of value.
  • 5. Considering these two models, the melting pot offers a boundary of individuals from different origins although sharing the same culture, for instance, American culture while multiculturalism is a people sharing the same boundary but uphold their beliefs and customs. The melting pot can have a positive impact when the shared blueprint acts to unify and the people focus their energies for the sake of the challenges affecting the society. Although the melting pot has a challenge in that it does not embrace diversity, it focuses on sameness. Whereas, a society that embraces diversity and utilizing the different strengths from many cultures is likely to strengthen American society (Westfall, 2019). Each and every culture has a contribution to society and a story to tell. In as much as respecting different cultures is crucial, multiculturalism is not a nostrum as not all cultural practices have the same value. In reality, there are some cultures that should be assimilated when they set foot in America. For instance, there are some cultures that believe women should not have the same rights as men, some belief in female genital mutilation; other cultures offer women younger than 15 years for the marriage to older men. Ideally, all these cultures are not right and melting pot plays a significant role in doing away with such beliefs through following the practices of the dominant culture. In conclusion, there is no perfect continuum to follow between the two ideals; therefore it is important to consider a blend of the two to form a more solid society that protects the interests of the American people as well as considerable respect to different cultures as they are supreme to the adherents. References Crossman, Ashley. (2020). What Is the "American Melting Pot?". Retrieved from definition-3026408
  • 6. Westfall T. (2019). Melting pot vs multiculturalism. Sterling Journal-Advocate. January 24, 2019, at 9:21 pm Fatema alsadi 28-01-2020 Essay#2 Declaration of Independence To begin with, the declaration of independence is with no doubt the most significant as well as influential document in American history. This important document originated from Thomas Jefferson in the year 1776 and has shaped various aspects of U.S politics for over 240 years now. In the declaration of independence, Thomas Jefferson captures four major values as well as ideals; Equality, Consent of the Governed, the unalienable Rights of Life, Liberty as well as the Pursuit of Happiness. These ideals are the cornerstone of the democracy enjoyed by U.S citizens (Tsesis, 2012). They are explained in the subsequent paragraphs especially how they relate with the American society today. 1. Equality The essence of equality is most profound in the U.S more than any other nation in the world. The level of equality in the U.S is much advanced as compared to other countries such as Iraq as well as Pakistan. It is reflected in the advanced democratic elections process that guarantees all Americans of all races, genders, ethnic backgrounds as well as social status, have the same opportunity to elect the leaders they want (Tsesis, 2012). This is a marked improvement from the status of elections in the past years. Before the Declaration of Independence, white superiority was rife such that only Americans of white-origins had the right to vote. Furthermore, only men who had property had the power to make political decisions. Over the passage of time, developments such as the 15th Amendment empowered African-Americans to participate in the election process. Also,
  • 7. the 19th Amendment empowered women to be voters as well. All these developments are a testament of how much the ideal of equality amongst all American has been incorporated in the political processes (Armitage, 2009). 2. Consent of the Governed This ideal means for a government to be governed well, then this government should first be constituted by seeking consent from the people. The essence of this consent is that the people get to influence what their government does as well as those who form the government. It is important for the people to decide how their government is constituted as eventually; the same government influence their fate. It is this consent that justifies government activities such as taxation (Armitage, 2009). 3. Certain Unalienable Rights This ideal is an amalgamation of various unquestionable rights. These rights have their backing in the dictates of natural and common law. They include, the right to life and the right to liberty. The Declaration of Independence also captures the pursuit of happiness as another form of unalienable rights. This means that no human being or any authority in the world has the power to deny any person the right to life, or the right to liberty. It is this ideal that liberated ethnic minorities such as African-Americans from slavery and white-supremacy ideologies (Armitage, 2009). 4. The right to alter or abolish the government It can be argued that the most important ideal protected in the declaration of independence is the power to alter or dissolve the government. This ideal should be exercised at any point in time when the people feel that their government is becoming destructive to the general happiness and welfare of the society. Hence, what Jefferson envisioned is the electorate having the power to reform their government through for instance recalling their elected representatives in the various levels of government (Armitage, 2009).
  • 8. References Armitage, D. (2009). The Declaration of Independence: A Global History. Harvard University Press. Tsesis, A. (2012). For Livery and Equality: The Life and Times of the Declaration of Independence. Oxford University Press. AMERICAN EXPERIENCE 1 AMERICAN EXERIENCE 2 American Identities Fatma Alsadi 01-23-2020 Americans are regarded as idealist natives since they place very
  • 9. high values and stick strongly to ideals that they consider are factual, vital, and pleasant. However, through my experience being in America, these natives do not constantly observe these ideals of these core values (Azzam, 2008). They rather adhere to them as a deposit of basic attitudes that form the basis of the foundation of the American nation and that function to date. The five core values and ideals include liberty, self-governance, equality, individuality and diversity. The value of liberty allows citizens the freedom of thinking, speaking and acting as long as they do not violate the rights and freedom of other natives. Self-governance declares contribute views on how the state is run, they have authority in the state governance and that the government existence should be geared to their welfare (Julianna, 2008). Equality as a value affirms that all natives are entitled to fairness and with self-respect and be in a position to embrace chances of economic prosperity, education, political involvement together with a satisfying existence. Individualism as value is geared towards sovereignty, self-satisfaction, and private initiative alongside with individual economic expansion. Besides, diversity holds the different cultural norms and values where majority of the American natives pride themselves in their heritage and cultural history (Julianna, 2019) I conceptualize that definition of race has undergone numerous changes being in America. The past antiquated beliefs have been eradicated. Race has been socially constructed and its popular acceptance of personal identity and joint awareness. Race as an aspect in the United States has been fluid and a focus of numerous determinations. Nevertheless, the concept of race in America has been violated in the areas of social science research, the public policy ideas, the representation of culture, and political dialogue. Additionally, the idea of race has been a problem issue in all areas encompassing federal principles for racial and ethnic classes. The connection between race and racism among Americana has been the key transformation in the scenario of raced governance. I consider the division of governance and how it is structured, its ideologies, and
  • 10. activities at different levels of institutions and individuals is increasingly based on race and is greatly emphasized on the urgency of interrogating specific notions of racism (Azzam, 2008). Consequently, numerous demographic shifts this include; heterogeneity. Over the first decade's numerous diversities among the Americans social segment numerous of the minority groups face racism despite identify their national identity and ethnicity they are continuously facing racism. I regard the increasing mixture of racism in America has marked a prolonged liberal nightmare since multi racism has resulted in a racially stratified society. Gender has been violated in the American society. His has been a remarkable public health difficulty and has greatly decreased civil, social, political and economic involvement. Being in America biasness of gender has undermined the safety of dignity, general health conditions, and human rights of numerous American ethnic groups. Consequently, these gender- based discrimination has encompassed race, customs, divisions, and international borders (Karen, 2008). The era of industrial revolution in America has resulted in a significant change in the sexual standards of the United States. I appreciate the newly introduced techniques of birth control that have significantly transformed sexual behavior among Americans. I also respect American Social movements of sexual revolution that have resulted in the rise of feminism and the progression of bisexual, across gender, and queer (LGBTQ) rights that have introduced massive transformations in social idea of sexuality (Karen, 2008). Basic Americans are recognized with the basics of Christianity and the bible and have few concepts of Islamic. I find most Americans adults conceptualizing about few concepts related to Buddhism, Hinduism, and Judaism and most do not conceptualize the religion concepts of the United States constitution. Additionally, I find majority of Americans are uncertain about the distribution of the United States Public that
  • 11. constitutes the Muslim and Jewish. The class conflict issue has taken a rising share of national perception. Most of the American public believes that there exist very strong conflicts among the rich and the poor. Additionally, my American experience finds the disputes between class disputes are more intensive. This has resulted in a public assessment of divisions existing in the American culture. These conflicts have been ranked as one of the potential sources of assembly tensions (Julianna, 2019). To develop an inclusive narrative of my experience, America needs to find, develop, and support a varied network of its network and work jointly towards ending educational inequality. In order to pursue equality, they should work to transform practices, hierarchies and policies that achieve equality among young Americans. They should enhance active examination of practices geared towards completing inequitable schemes. Moreover, there is need for courage as they act on their beliefs and values with acknowledging the limits of Americans’ perspectives. Nevertheless, they should demonstrate resilience in their core value challenges and have a continuous learning in order to embrace new ideas for constant enhancement and innovation. Conclusively, although the United States has embraced the ideals of liberty, equity, a democratic state, individualism, togetherness, and variance, it has not yet fulfilled them. This has been encapsulated by slavery discrimination of Native Americans, and the state’s failure of women leverage that denies most American women the right to vote. Additionally, some minority groups such as Hispanics and black Indians have received numerous racism which draw back the realization of these core values.
  • 12. References Julianna, M. (2019). Race in America, Social and Demographic Trends, Vol 4, Issue 2, p 67-87 Karen, C. (2008). Social Relations, Core Values, and the Polyphony of the American Experience, Sociological Forum, Vol 23, Issue 2, pp 351-362 Azzam, A. (2008). Neglecting higher achievers, Educational Leadership in U.S, Vol 66, pp 90-92