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Persuasive Essay On Fast Food
The dominating fast–food industry is the most prominent in America where there seems to be a
restaurant on every block. The industry preys on Americans with their easily available and cheap
food that leads to the prevalence of obesity and other health issues. People choose to give the
industry their money in an effort to save money compared to buying healthier choices that cost
more than the fast food. Society has moved to the mentally where we forgive and are more
accepting of unhealthy eating and its consequences. Only when society, including the
government, tackles uncaring attitude of the consequences of unhealthy eating can we progress
to a society who makes more health conscious. The food industry and government can finds ways
to make the healthier options more affordable to people who are on budgets and change the way
people discuss and approach the issue of unhealthy eating and the health consequences. People
who are obese and/or have Type 2 diabetes is rising, in David Zinczenko's "Don't Blame the
Eater," he states that "before 1994, diabetes in children was generally caused by a genetic
disorder" and around 5 percent were due to obesity (392). Since then the numbers have increased at
an alarming rate. There are people who argue that the fast food industry is to blame for these
numbers, however, people are not as naГЇve to not know what repercussions consistent unhealthy
eating has on their health. In America, we have seen the efforts of society trying to tackle
unhealthy eating with the food pyramid, the food plate and portions, former First Lady Michelle
Obama's campaign for healthy eating and even the lobbying for taxation on sugary drinks.
However, America still faces the health issue of obesity and its consequences on the body. Yet, who
should be held accountable to this health issue America faces: the fast food industry and their
affordable food, people who refuse or are ignorant to face the facts of unhealthy eating, or the food
industry who produces the alternatives (healthy food) but are more costly than fast food itself. In
Wil Haygood's "Kentucky Town of Manchester Illustrates National Obesity Crisis," he introduces the
town of Manchester with a population of 2,100 with an estimated
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Persuasive Essay On Fast Food
People always say you are what you eat. If you live in America, for some, that is not a good look.
Food is an essential part of everyone's lives and culture. It shows the diversity and unique aspects of
different cultural beliefs. Areas are lack healthy grocers and fresh food, meanwhile there are plenty
fast food restaurants. These places are called "food deserts". The question is how do we fix that?
With programs,educations and local farms. The fast food industry has completely ruined our nation.
This is causing them to eat out at fast food restaurants more than they should. Making fast food more
popular and healthier food harder to get, fast food restaurants are placed into high class
neighborhoods with more money. These more content...
This is due to the financial and emotional pressures of food insecurity and low–wage work, lack of
access to healthcare (Levine,2011). The foods we choose to put into our bodies are chosen for many
reasons. They are chosen from our influences of our social class, cultural differences, social context
and settings, meal patterns, psychological factors, the focus on cost and too much more. Also
contributing to this is time. Working multiple jobs, night work and not having down time or time to
yourself is associated with choosing and preparing healthy foods. This leads to rushing and
consuming quick foods (fast food) (Monsivais,2014).
The main problem and reason that people of lower income have trouble with eating healthy is lack of
education and knowledge. Without an education people are
unable to allocate their resources properly . It reduces their ability to recognize the costs involved
with making an unhealthy food choice.The higher the education level in a household, the healthier
the foods it's members buy. Your level of education can influence your dietary behaviour, especially
throughout adulthood. This allows people to eat healthier and feed their families properly. With an
education you know how to prepare foods, eat the right amount of calories, consuming the right
amount of sugar and more. Nutrition education leads to healthier food choices in low–income
communities and families. Some education programs includes The
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Persuasive Essay On Fast Food
As kids, we loved to go out and have a dinner from a fast food restraint. We would love to go to Mc
Donald's or some other fast food restaurant. Being youthful, we did not comprehend what we were
eating. We did not see every one of the things they put into our food. As we got more established,
we began to comprehend what is in those meals. We began to see that individuals that eat a great
deal of fast food tend to have childhood obesity. Taking a gander at some fast food restaurants
children's menu, there are not a considerable measure of solid decisions on there. Fast food
restaurants should make kids meals out of fruits and vegetables and take the burgers and fries out of
on their menu for children, so children can avoid having to deal with childhood obesity. In this essay,
I will touch on why the healthy options is a must.
Having a healthy menu for kids could decrease childhood obesity. "Fast foods affect children and
youth often worse than adults. The reason is that most of the fast foods are targeted towards
children and there is a sustained pattern of eating fast foods and eating out" (Mandal, MD Dr
Ananya). On the chance that fast food restaurants had menus that offered meals that were produced
using products of the soil's', the young children could stay away from childhood obesity. Fast food
restaurants can avoid this by having a menu for young children that exclusive had solid alternatives.
On the off chance that this was the situation, a child would not need to manage obesity at an
energetic age. In the statement as the creator clarifies, childhood obesity is harder to manage than
adulthood obesity. Because of the way that grown–ups are understanding in what they eat so
whenever they have an inclination that they are putting on weight, they can discover approaches
to lose the weight. Concerning a child, they have no clue what is going into their body.
"According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, childhood obesity has more than
doubled in the past three decades. In 2010, nearly 18 percent of children between the ages of 6 and
19 were considered obese" (Paula, Elle). The quantities of childhood obesity cases are generally
high. Envision if those 18 percent of children had a menu had
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Persuasive Fast Food
Imagine driving home late after a long day at work, too exhausted to cook. But McDonald's is open
24 hours, so you get a late night bite in. But is it healthy? The city council don't think so and has
voted to ban fast food in Aberdeen, Washington. That means instead of being lazy and getting a meal
that's unhealthy you can take your time and make a meal that is healthier at home. One reason
Aberdeen should not allow fast food restaurants is that everyone should not be eating just unhealthy
foods. For example, in "Fast Food: Is It the Enemy?" i agree with the fact that fast food is nothing
but "fat, calories, and sodium" because "These food are highly processed." the sad thing is that you
can "Easily take in 1,500 calories from just one
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Persuasive Essay On Fast Food
Drop that Twinkie There are many reasons why we crave and desire many different foods, but fast
food is fast and easy why would there be a need for change. There are many reasons why people's
way of eating needs to change. Overall, there are situations in our health industries, that even the
environment that oneself lives in can be a problem to their health as well. It is up to the teenagers to
help stop this situation because they are the future of our state. Overall, obesity has been a big
problem since the 70's. However, more than before has this situation escalated and obesity has
affected our continent causing the healthcare to spend billions. Even though people know they
should eat healthier it is hard to more content...
Lunch and dinner, for me, was a daily choice between Mcdonald's, Taco Bell, Kentucky Fried
Chicken, etc...." (paragraph 3) written by David Zinczenko. This stipulates that the author himself
had to go through this life like these children with obesity are going through. Also, this verifies that it
is the mother's fault that the author had to go through this and proves that it was the parent's
fault.Even though the author explains that an environment can be the cause that is not the only
reason why children have become obese because healthy food is rather expensive, and it is hard to
change eating habits once accustomed to them.
Furthermore, in "The New War on Obesity" explains how many people choose to eat unhealthy
because healthy foods are highly priced. However, this author believes that they can curb the
obesity problem by making unhealthy foods more expensive, however doing this may become
controversial and result problematic for people who have a habit of eating unhealthy. Research
shows how the US holds the unenviable title of being the most overweight nation. One of the main
topics of this author is soda, he/she concludes that people increase the weight of 300 calories over
time, however, he/she claims that if anyone simply takes away the soda they drink which is 150
calories it's already halfway in making a simple difference. This author explains in the text how
simply making a
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Persuasive Essay On Fast Food
With fast food chains constantly arising and filling our surroundings, Americans are prone to be
immoderate and consume more unhealthy foods. Many people like to eat fast food because of its
easy access and their appetizing taste. However, although fast food can be enjoyed by people of all
ages, their effects can potentially be harmful to our health. Throughout the years, unhealthy eating
habits have tremendously increased in Americans and have even spread to the youth. It has come to
the point that American people are expanding the rate of obesity and diabetes. Therefore, change
must be implemented within the American society, as well as through the education system. By
educating kids about the food they consume, they will be able to learn the possible dangers of
unhealthy foods. The environment that children are in impact their unhealthy eating habits.
However, by changing school lunches and providing them with background information about the
foods they eat, they are able to prevent diseases from spreading and change their way of eating.
According to the article "No Lunch Left Behind" by Alice Waters and Katrina Heron, schools are
not able to provide students with the best food because of the limited amount of money they receive.
The National School Lunch Program has been seen as a poor investment and should be changed to
give children better eating habits. It states, "Every public school child in America deserves a
healthful and delicious lunch that is prepared with fresh ingredients. Cash–strapped parents should
be able to rely on the government to contribute to their children's physical well–being, not to the
continued spread of youth obesity" (Waters and Heron par 10). By convincing students and school
districts that nutritional food is important, they are able to have a chance of changing their unhealthy
eating routines. Waters and Heron argue that parents should not have to worry about their children's
health and instead, should be "able to rely on the government to contribute to their children's
physical well–being." With knowledge of the negative effects of fast foods, more students are likely
to turn away from unhealthy foods and eat fresh meals instead. Aside from changing school lunches,
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Persuasive Essay On Fast Food
Picture this: it was a long day in the office. Everyone at home is starving and asking what's for
dinner, that dreaded question that makes you cringe every time you hear it. You could either cook
a meal for your family, despite how tired you are, or the easy option. You could always run by
Chick Fil A and save half the time and all the effort, making everyone happy. It's definitely the easier
option, however fast food is actually quite bad for a person's health. Fast food is food that can be
prepared quickly and is sold in food establishments as a "take out meal". However, at what cost is
this fast food prepared? Most fast is a greasy mess that is just convenient because people are busy
and don't have the time to prepare a home cooked meal. The benefits of fast food is merely
convenience and nothing more. There isn't a "healthy" fast food because healthier food options take
time to prepare but humans apparently can't wait for that. Therefore, fast food does not benefit
society because it jeopardizes your health.
Fast food is addictive. "The total weekly frequency of fast food consumption was derived from a
questionnaire asking for the number of times per week individuals eat at or take food from a fast
food restaurant" Before telling you what they concluded, how many times do you have fast food
per week? Two? Three? Everyday maybe? A young woman named Alyssa confessed that she goes
nearly daily and after adding up the price it costs to eat fast food daily, she realized she
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Fast Food Persuasive Essay
The United States of America has the highest present of obese or overweight people in the whole
nation a booming 60%. 1 out of 4 people in America visit a fast food restaurant. We as a nation
spent over $110 billion dollars on just on fast food. Whose fault is it that were the fattest nation in
the whole world; the fast food company or our own? The fast food chains fault for giving such
unhealthy foods or the peoples for knowing it's bad for you but still eating it. Personally it's all on
you, you know how bad this stuff is but you still eat it. In a 2012 court case two teenagers are suing
the McDonald's Corporation they frequented for damages related to their obesity. After this court
case a third party male named Spurlock decided document
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Persuasive Essay On Fast Food
"I am lovin' it", McDonald's, a worldwide fast food chain's slogan should be a concerning thought to
many; is society actually "lovin' it"? The results that come out of eating this convenient food can
produce long–lasting effects on the human body, some beneficial and detrimental. Alongside the
health problems that can come about from consuming fast food, these quick–service restaurants
impact the agricultural world too. On the other hand, the cost and the changes made with preparing
it are just some of the leading benefits, as well as making nutrition values available. Fast food has
been continuously slammed for being synonymous with unhealthy food, but in recent years, our
grease filled foods have shown to produce some benefits and disadvantages. So what is fast food?
It is considered simply as food that is made briskly and effortlessly. Burger King, Wendy's, Taco
Bell, and McDonald's are just a few common ones that can be represented as examples. Today,
people seem to favor the idea of having fast food over home cooked meals (Mandal). Studies have
shown that about once a week, 44% of people report of eating at one of those places. (North Ohio
Heart | Ohio Medical Group) McDonald's, being America's most popular place, comes out strong
with serving about 68 million people per day (Lubin). With that many people choosing a way of
feasting that wasn't as favorable a decade ago, it began to show some bad results.
The biggest issue that has been brought about is that fast
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Persuasive Essay On Fast Food
As modern America grows and grows, so does the waistline of it's citizens. Since the middle of the
20th century there has been a rapid increase in the obesity rate of American men women and
children. Many have chosen to throw the blame upon the fast food industry for so fervently
promoting their highly non–nutritional products on the consumer. The fault, however, truly falls on
American citizens lack of personal responsibility for their own diets. Citizens of the United States
are growing obese due to the fact that a vast majority lack the self control to not rely on the fast,
cheap, easy option when it comes to their daily diet. In order to fix this issue the individual
American must alter their dietary priorities from an emphasis on fast and cheap food, to an
understanding of the value of wholesome ingredients. Currently the fast food industry dominates
America's cuisine. Drive down any major highway in the U.S. and you will be able to count 20
major fast food businesses within 5 minutes. They have overtaken the consumer's mindset and
tailored a menu that is too affordable to neglect, causing obesity rates to increase at a dangerous
pace. Currently half of U.S. adults are informally considered obese, and a quarter are clinically
obese. Child obesity has doubled since 1980 (Moss). Undoubtedly, the prevalence of fast foods as
the most convenient option for dinner has caused the spike. Other factors have enabled the sick
industry to spread it's diabetic germs across the
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Persuasive Fast Food
Do you know all of the consequences of eating fast food daily? Schools should not serve fast food
for many reasons. As a young child, everyone loves fast food. As kids start to grow up, some kids
drift away from fast food, but not all. Fast food is a danger to any kid who eats it on a daily basis.
Schools should not sell fast food because it isn't what kids should eat everyday for lunch. The first
reason schools shouldn't serve fast food in school is that it will make kids heavier. Another
reason fast food shouldn't be served at school is that it creates bad habits. Finally, fats food can
give kids bad diseases if they eat it regularly. First, schools shouldn't serve fast food because it will
make the kids heavier. "Fast food seemed to contribute an additional 57 calories a day to the
average child's daily diet, she reports. At that rate, the child would gain 6 pounds each year –– if
they didn't get enough exercise to burn it off," according to the article called "Fast Food Creates
Fat Kids". That quote shows that every year a child will gain 6 extra pounds from fast food when
consuming 57 calories a day. In total throughout elementary school you would have gained about
36 extra pounds just from school lunch. According to Jeanie Davis's article called "Fast Food
Creates Fat kids," "The fats, sugar, and salt in fast food draw kids like a magnet". There are many
things that can lead to child obesity, but the sugar is the one that make kids heavier.
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Persuasive Speech On Fast Food
Fast food is becoming part of our lives in the modern society. Due to convenience and rushing for
time, many of us are now depending on fast food for our meal. Also, fast food is at almost
anywhere, shopping center, highway, even an airport, to make it so easily accessible that We all
find it very convenient. Added to their delivery services and fast services, it is not only
convenient but also fast to save time when We are in the rush. We all eat fast food because it is
convenient and tasty, and we are also attracted to lots of promotion and free gifts, but we do not
know that every bite we take, we are risking our lives. Many of us know that fast food is not good
for our health, but we do not know how bad it is. Today I would like to persuade my audience to
stop eating fast food as the harmful ingredient in fast food.Fast food is known as junk food due to
its lack of nutrition and too much chemical, flavor that are harmful to our health. Most of the fast
food is pre–prepared and then go through a simple process to speed up their services. The prepare
part is definitely added to preservatives to make it last and it is very harmful to our health. Without
preservatives, the pre–prepare food will be easily spoiled and never last. Preservative is a toxin that
can and caused cancer and is acidic to harm our health. During the process, flavor is also added to
make fast food tastier. Unlike freshly cooked food, where we maintain its original taste.
Pre–prepared fast food has lost
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Persuasive Essay On Fast Food
People with their busy schedules, go to fast food restaurants every day without thinking whether or
not it's a good idea to consume these foods. Although, it can be cheaper and faster than other
restaurants it's not good for anyone's health. Despite its convenience, fast food is much dangerous to
us in the long run, which is why it should be aware of the risks and effects that it can give us so
Americans can live a healthy lifestyle. With the increasing number of restaurants and its delivery
methods, it increases the number of people eating fast food because most people like when their
food comes to them instead of the harder, traditional way of sitting and eating a healthy home
cooked meal. In most people's mind fast food is cheap, yummy, and filling. Living near a fast food
restaurant does not help because people will want it more and it will be the first place to go when
our stomach growls. This affects millions of people's health. Fast food restaurants also use cheap
ingredients containing high amounts of sodium, cholesterol, fat, and calories, which leads to obesity,
high blood pressure, and other heart diseases. This is why Americans should eliminate the
consumption of fast food because a fast food diet can lead to public health issues, environmental
issues, and economic issues. With the growing number of fast food restaurants and their
advertisements found everywhere; on the road, on taxis and buses, on billboards, on buildings and
other places. People don't have
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Persuasive Speech: Do Not Eat Fast Food Essay
Specific Purpose Statement: To persuade the audience not to eat fast food. Relevance: You all have
probably experienced fast food sometime throughout your life. Credibility: The first thing that
comes to mind when mentioning fast food is greasy, oily, unhealthy garb, yet most of us consume
junk food on a daily basis anyway. There are over 300,000 different fast food restaurants in the US.
People frequent them because of convenience (quick and usually cheap). In such a fast–paced
society, people are eating more fast food than ever before (Stefanov, Sebastien). Preview: I am now
going to inform you about what fast food is, what a typical meal contains, why fast food is
unhealthy. Body I. A. What is fast food? 1. Fast more content...
b. The new KFC Double Down sandwich, which debuted in April, features two fried chicken
filets in place of bread, two pieces of bacon, two melted slices of Monterey Jack and pepper jack
cheese and Colonel's Sauce. The Double Down contains 540 calories and 32 grams of fat. It also
has 1,380 milligrams of sodium (1,430 milligrams grilled). That's approaching the American
Heart Association's recommended daily limit for adults of 1,500 milligrams of sodium (Ali,
Sam). 2. Facts about fast food a. Did you know that most Americans eat three burgers a week and
that 81% of Americans consume junk food while driving? It comes as no surprise, since people
spend more time on the road nowadays (Stefanov, Sebastien). b. Each day, 1 in 4 Americans visits a
fast food restaurant (Fast food facts). c. McDonald's feeds more than 46 million people a day – more
than the entire population of Spain (Fast food facts). Transition Sentence: Fast food is very
dangerous towards your health and can lead to many harmful effects. III. A. Why fast food is
unhealthy 1. However, while these products might look appealing and tasty, they contain a wealth of
hidden heath hazards which are not only dangerous if eaten in large quantities but are a major cause
of obesity, especially in children (White, Janice). a. You are doing the following things to your body
by consuming fast food (White,
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Fast Food Persuasive Essay
People have been paying money every time they've gone through a drive–through because of how
much gas you waste. This has become a serious waste in the U.S. because so many citizens have
been wasting their fuel in a long and slow line for five minutes; every time they go to a
drive–through. Drive–Throughs have accounted for nearly seventy percent of fast food sales because
of how convenient they are. For these reasons being drive–throughs should be banned from
restaurants, so that people may not have to waste their time and money in a line. Even though
thirty–two million gallons of gas are being wasted per year, we shouldn't get rid of them because
fast–food places would go out of business.
It all started in the 1930s, when the Grand National Bank in St. Louis, Missouri placed a teller in a
window next to a traffic lane to more content...
This makes the Ozone layer above the Earth deplete and causes to get thinner. If this keeps
happening, then the ozone layer will be completely destroyed and it couldn't stop the UV rays from
hurting everyone. It states from the site Sfgate, Vehicle emissions can affect the environment in
several ways. Cars emit greenhouse gasses, such as carbon dioxide, which contribute to global
warming. This means when anyone goes to a drive through and doesn't turn off the car, help destroy
the ozone layer even more.
If we get rid of drive–throughs in restaurants they would go out of business. That would mean that
fifty thousand families would go out of business. Also, if this happens then a lot of people would
lose their jobs and wouldn't be able to provide for themselves or their families. With this
happening, parents won't be able to afford to have their child go to a school to better themselves in
life. Then the economy starts to go down because aren't smart enough to do these complex jobs.
That's why we should keep drive–throughs instead of destroying
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Persuasive Essay On Fast Food
In America's modern culture, fast food has become the most accustomed everyday meal choice
for many families. Fast food is infamous for its cheap, budget friendly prices and wide range of
meals with a surplus of choices for each. It's allowed americans more alternative ways of
consuming food without having the worry of cooking at home. This increasing dependency that
spans across the nation has made americans extremely adapted to the high sugar and fat content in
their food, which may be dangerously affecting the nation's overall health. The average meal
from a fast food goes unrecognized of the significantly high amount of calories it contains. The
national calorie content an adult is supposed to consume is roughly around 2,000 calories.
Unfortunately, A study shown through BMJ's research found that the meals ordered by adults
contained an average 836 calories. With one meal alone being roughly 800 calories, it doesn't
leave much room for the rest of the day without the calorie intake going surplus. "In total,
Americans now consume 31 percent more calories today than they did 40 years ago,including 56
percent more fats and oils and 14 percent more sugars and sweeteners"(Let's move).The meals
may be high in calories,but those can be defined as empty calories. Items from fast food are
usually highly processed and contains barely if any quality of food. The low quality of their food
are accountable to high in sodium, cholesterol, and fat which can all lead to unhealthy chronic
diseases. According to the website, the ingredients in fast food are what is
to blame for making a mass amount of it so addictive. The high amount of sugar, salt, and fat in
unison can trigger the brain to both crave more, and not notice the effects it is having on your body
at first. Due to the low–quality of food, fast food companies will often add in Monosodium
Glutamate( a flavoring agent, that is used to cover up the taste). Even though MSG is, "generally
recognized as safe," by the Food and Drug Administration, there has been numerous reports of skin
rashes, itching, hives, vomiting, asthma, heart irregularities, depression, seizures, headaches,
migraines, chest pain, nausea, and weakness(Cardiff). It's
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Persuasive Essay On Fast Food
Why We Choose Ever walked into any cafeteria and seen fried chicken, french fries, burgers and
all sorts of fast foods? Where you ever tempted to buy these type of foods? This temptation happens
to anyone, even children. Did you think what these types of foods can do to the health of a person,
especially younger children. We already have fast foods being served in schools. There are things we
can do to change that. The government should make stricter laws regulating the food that is served in
schools because most schools serve unhealthy foods. It will help decrease child obesity. They can
start at a young age and get a better understanding of what they are eating. In the movie Fed Up, the
schools cafeterias barely more content...
Of course children are going to go for the food that is unhealthy because it taste better. Eating
healthy at a young age will prevent obesity. According to the movie Fed Up " over 95% of all
americans will be overweight or obese in two decades". The cause of obesity is from the food
products that are in the stores today. The movie Fed Up also states " there are 6,000 food
products in america, 80% of them contain sugar". If the government do not control what the
industries are putting in the food the industries will keep doing what they are doing. Unhealthy
foods are being sold in schools and it seems to me that the schools don't seem to care what they
eat. If schools keep serving unhealthy food, the children will keep choosing food that is
unhealthy because it tastes better and it is right in front of them. If they keep it up they will start
to gain weight and it will be hard for them to lose it. The movie Fed Up shows how most children
go for unhealthy food, and they can't help it. So later on they end up having trouble losing weight
even after being active. Most of industries are targeting children at a young age so they can keep it
up in adulthood. Eric Schlosser writer of "Why the Fries Taste Good" in Holly Bauer's book Food
Matters states "childhood memories of Happy Meal can translate into frequent adult visits to
McDonald's" (23). The industries want to create a happy environment for the kids to have them eat
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Persuasive Essay On Fast Food
The motivations for including superfoods in your diet are manifestations of the realization you
need to eat food for the health of your body not for convenience nor from the habits you have
developed over a lifetime. The first step needs to be a desire to understand how the food you
normally eat affects your health. A health crisis is often the motivation to examine the dietary
choices you make every day.
The media has stories everyday regarding the obesity epidemic in this country. Development of
diabetes, heart disease and cancer will shock most people into rethinking what they are eating
everyday. Obviously the diets of many people in this country are not based on sound nutrition, are
not balanced, are not nutrient rich, are chosen to promote health. The most advertised food choices
are based on convenience; taste and promoting highly processed factory foods full of fat and sugar.
The endless television ads promoting fast food, ready to eat meals, salty snacks, processed foods,
high sugar cereals, processed meat products, high carbohydrate foods and sugar based beverages
influence millions of people to eat an unhealthy diet. Ads promote foods based on convenience.
Beautiful enhanced images of delicious appearing low nutrient high calorie food sell people on a
high calorie low nutrient diet.
I am often amazed at what I see in people's carts at the supermarket. Boxes of frozen pizzas,
processed meats, prepared meals, sugar soda, salty snacks, and sugar cereals fill the
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Persuasive Essay On Fast Food
Often considered the pinnacle of American cuisine, fast–food's cheap, convenient, tasty, and easy
access has been a staple of the American culture and diet for decades. From the giant golden arches
of McDonald's, to the "Eat More Chikin" endorsing cows of Chick–Fil–A, the fast–food industry in
America has exponentially and financially grown to be a massive, business empire. According to
Spector's "Freedom from Fries", McDonald's alone is responsible for feeding more than a million
Americans a day and making fifty billion hamburgers a year. Like precious, precious oxygen, most
Americans depend on fast–food to live and, in extreme cases, have become obsessed and addicted to
it. In fact, the fast–food industry is frequently blamed and periodically sued for contributing to the
obesity epidemic in America. Settlements and court cases such as Pelmann v. McDonald's, in which
the restaurant was sued for misleading nutritional information, highlight the medical problems of
many outside eaters and has resulted in several fast–food empires to drastically change their menus
by adding healthier alternatives (Mattis). Apple–like slices and milk product cartons have substituted
french fries and sodas on occasion, but has not replaced them. Despite the threats and curses for
contributing to the obesity outbreak, the fast–food industry continues to thrive and be financially
successful. As a business, it has utilized and taken advantage of both the non–health conscious and
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Persuasive Essay On Fast Food
Big bright signs can catch anyone's attention. The M, for McDonalds, is everywhere just like all
the other fast food restaurant's signs. Almost everyone eats fast food for different reasons. Of
course, we all know that the food that they sell is nowhere near being the healthiest things we can
eat, and still everyone chooses to keep buying it. The proof is out there, the media will once in a
while remind us about the harm that fast food can do to us, but what makes us go back? Do people
truly understand the harm that it could do to them and their families? It is too common that we
hear from family members and friends that someone is sick because they have been unhealthy.
People can get from heart disease and strokes to breast cancer from eating fast foods. Diabetes is
very common these days. Statistics state that "Diabetes is the 6th highest cause of death in
America". Things shouldn't be like this. People shouldn't have to die simply because they were
unhealthy. We can't have people's lives cut short at a young age. I think the worst part is that
there a more cases now where little kids and babies are born and develop these sicknesses at a
very young age. There are two types of diabetes. Type 1 diabetes is the one that is found in children
and teenagers. Type 1 diabetes is when the body doesn't function the way it should because it doesn't
produce insulin. Insulin is known to be a hormone that everyone needs to turn sugar, starches, and
food into
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Fast Food Persuasive Essay

  • 1. Persuasive Essay On Fast Food The dominating fast–food industry is the most prominent in America where there seems to be a restaurant on every block. The industry preys on Americans with their easily available and cheap food that leads to the prevalence of obesity and other health issues. People choose to give the industry their money in an effort to save money compared to buying healthier choices that cost more than the fast food. Society has moved to the mentally where we forgive and are more accepting of unhealthy eating and its consequences. Only when society, including the government, tackles uncaring attitude of the consequences of unhealthy eating can we progress to a society who makes more health conscious. The food industry and government can finds ways to make the healthier options more affordable to people who are on budgets and change the way people discuss and approach the issue of unhealthy eating and the health consequences. People who are obese and/or have Type 2 diabetes is rising, in David Zinczenko's "Don't Blame the Eater," he states that "before 1994, diabetes in children was generally caused by a genetic disorder" and around 5 percent were due to obesity (392). Since then the numbers have increased at an alarming rate. There are people who argue that the fast food industry is to blame for these numbers, however, people are not as naГЇve to not know what repercussions consistent unhealthy eating has on their health. In America, we have seen the efforts of society trying to tackle unhealthy eating with the food pyramid, the food plate and portions, former First Lady Michelle Obama's campaign for healthy eating and even the lobbying for taxation on sugary drinks. However, America still faces the health issue of obesity and its consequences on the body. Yet, who should be held accountable to this health issue America faces: the fast food industry and their affordable food, people who refuse or are ignorant to face the facts of unhealthy eating, or the food industry who produces the alternatives (healthy food) but are more costly than fast food itself. In Wil Haygood's "Kentucky Town of Manchester Illustrates National Obesity Crisis," he introduces the town of Manchester with a population of 2,100 with an estimated Get more content on
  • 2. Persuasive Essay On Fast Food People always say you are what you eat. If you live in America, for some, that is not a good look. Food is an essential part of everyone's lives and culture. It shows the diversity and unique aspects of different cultural beliefs. Areas are lack healthy grocers and fresh food, meanwhile there are plenty fast food restaurants. These places are called "food deserts". The question is how do we fix that? With programs,educations and local farms. The fast food industry has completely ruined our nation. This is causing them to eat out at fast food restaurants more than they should. Making fast food more popular and healthier food harder to get, fast food restaurants are placed into high class neighborhoods with more money. These more content... This is due to the financial and emotional pressures of food insecurity and low–wage work, lack of access to healthcare (Levine,2011). The foods we choose to put into our bodies are chosen for many reasons. They are chosen from our influences of our social class, cultural differences, social context and settings, meal patterns, psychological factors, the focus on cost and too much more. Also contributing to this is time. Working multiple jobs, night work and not having down time or time to yourself is associated with choosing and preparing healthy foods. This leads to rushing and consuming quick foods (fast food) (Monsivais,2014). The main problem and reason that people of lower income have trouble with eating healthy is lack of education and knowledge. Without an education people are unable to allocate their resources properly . It reduces their ability to recognize the costs involved with making an unhealthy food choice.The higher the education level in a household, the healthier the foods it's members buy. Your level of education can influence your dietary behaviour, especially throughout adulthood. This allows people to eat healthier and feed their families properly. With an education you know how to prepare foods, eat the right amount of calories, consuming the right amount of sugar and more. Nutrition education leads to healthier food choices in low–income communities and families. Some education programs includes The Get more content on
  • 3. Persuasive Essay On Fast Food As kids, we loved to go out and have a dinner from a fast food restraint. We would love to go to Mc Donald's or some other fast food restaurant. Being youthful, we did not comprehend what we were eating. We did not see every one of the things they put into our food. As we got more established, we began to comprehend what is in those meals. We began to see that individuals that eat a great deal of fast food tend to have childhood obesity. Taking a gander at some fast food restaurants children's menu, there are not a considerable measure of solid decisions on there. Fast food restaurants should make kids meals out of fruits and vegetables and take the burgers and fries out of on their menu for children, so children can avoid having to deal with childhood obesity. In this essay, I will touch on why the healthy options is a must. Having a healthy menu for kids could decrease childhood obesity. "Fast foods affect children and youth often worse than adults. The reason is that most of the fast foods are targeted towards children and there is a sustained pattern of eating fast foods and eating out" (Mandal, MD Dr Ananya). On the chance that fast food restaurants had menus that offered meals that were produced using products of the soil's', the young children could stay away from childhood obesity. Fast food restaurants can avoid this by having a menu for young children that exclusive had solid alternatives. On the off chance that this was the situation, a child would not need to manage obesity at an energetic age. In the statement as the creator clarifies, childhood obesity is harder to manage than adulthood obesity. Because of the way that grown–ups are understanding in what they eat so whenever they have an inclination that they are putting on weight, they can discover approaches to lose the weight. Concerning a child, they have no clue what is going into their body. "According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, childhood obesity has more than doubled in the past three decades. In 2010, nearly 18 percent of children between the ages of 6 and 19 were considered obese" (Paula, Elle). The quantities of childhood obesity cases are generally high. Envision if those 18 percent of children had a menu had Get more content on
  • 4. Persuasive Fast Food Imagine driving home late after a long day at work, too exhausted to cook. But McDonald's is open 24 hours, so you get a late night bite in. But is it healthy? The city council don't think so and has voted to ban fast food in Aberdeen, Washington. That means instead of being lazy and getting a meal that's unhealthy you can take your time and make a meal that is healthier at home. One reason Aberdeen should not allow fast food restaurants is that everyone should not be eating just unhealthy foods. For example, in "Fast Food: Is It the Enemy?" i agree with the fact that fast food is nothing but "fat, calories, and sodium" because "These food are highly processed." the sad thing is that you can "Easily take in 1,500 calories from just one Get more content on
  • 5. Persuasive Essay On Fast Food Drop that Twinkie There are many reasons why we crave and desire many different foods, but fast food is fast and easy why would there be a need for change. There are many reasons why people's way of eating needs to change. Overall, there are situations in our health industries, that even the environment that oneself lives in can be a problem to their health as well. It is up to the teenagers to help stop this situation because they are the future of our state. Overall, obesity has been a big problem since the 70's. However, more than before has this situation escalated and obesity has affected our continent causing the healthcare to spend billions. Even though people know they should eat healthier it is hard to more content... Lunch and dinner, for me, was a daily choice between Mcdonald's, Taco Bell, Kentucky Fried Chicken, etc...." (paragraph 3) written by David Zinczenko. This stipulates that the author himself had to go through this life like these children with obesity are going through. Also, this verifies that it is the mother's fault that the author had to go through this and proves that it was the parent's fault.Even though the author explains that an environment can be the cause that is not the only reason why children have become obese because healthy food is rather expensive, and it is hard to change eating habits once accustomed to them. Furthermore, in "The New War on Obesity" explains how many people choose to eat unhealthy because healthy foods are highly priced. However, this author believes that they can curb the obesity problem by making unhealthy foods more expensive, however doing this may become controversial and result problematic for people who have a habit of eating unhealthy. Research shows how the US holds the unenviable title of being the most overweight nation. One of the main topics of this author is soda, he/she concludes that people increase the weight of 300 calories over time, however, he/she claims that if anyone simply takes away the soda they drink which is 150 calories it's already halfway in making a simple difference. This author explains in the text how simply making a Get more content on
  • 6. Persuasive Essay On Fast Food With fast food chains constantly arising and filling our surroundings, Americans are prone to be immoderate and consume more unhealthy foods. Many people like to eat fast food because of its easy access and their appetizing taste. However, although fast food can be enjoyed by people of all ages, their effects can potentially be harmful to our health. Throughout the years, unhealthy eating habits have tremendously increased in Americans and have even spread to the youth. It has come to the point that American people are expanding the rate of obesity and diabetes. Therefore, change must be implemented within the American society, as well as through the education system. By educating kids about the food they consume, they will be able to learn the possible dangers of unhealthy foods. The environment that children are in impact their unhealthy eating habits. However, by changing school lunches and providing them with background information about the foods they eat, they are able to prevent diseases from spreading and change their way of eating. According to the article "No Lunch Left Behind" by Alice Waters and Katrina Heron, schools are not able to provide students with the best food because of the limited amount of money they receive. The National School Lunch Program has been seen as a poor investment and should be changed to give children better eating habits. It states, "Every public school child in America deserves a healthful and delicious lunch that is prepared with fresh ingredients. Cash–strapped parents should be able to rely on the government to contribute to their children's physical well–being, not to the continued spread of youth obesity" (Waters and Heron par 10). By convincing students and school districts that nutritional food is important, they are able to have a chance of changing their unhealthy eating routines. Waters and Heron argue that parents should not have to worry about their children's health and instead, should be "able to rely on the government to contribute to their children's physical well–being." With knowledge of the negative effects of fast foods, more students are likely to turn away from unhealthy foods and eat fresh meals instead. Aside from changing school lunches, our Get more content on
  • 7. Persuasive Essay On Fast Food Picture this: it was a long day in the office. Everyone at home is starving and asking what's for dinner, that dreaded question that makes you cringe every time you hear it. You could either cook a meal for your family, despite how tired you are, or the easy option. You could always run by Chick Fil A and save half the time and all the effort, making everyone happy. It's definitely the easier option, however fast food is actually quite bad for a person's health. Fast food is food that can be prepared quickly and is sold in food establishments as a "take out meal". However, at what cost is this fast food prepared? Most fast is a greasy mess that is just convenient because people are busy and don't have the time to prepare a home cooked meal. The benefits of fast food is merely convenience and nothing more. There isn't a "healthy" fast food because healthier food options take time to prepare but humans apparently can't wait for that. Therefore, fast food does not benefit society because it jeopardizes your health. Fast food is addictive. "The total weekly frequency of fast food consumption was derived from a questionnaire asking for the number of times per week individuals eat at or take food from a fast food restaurant" Before telling you what they concluded, how many times do you have fast food per week? Two? Three? Everyday maybe? A young woman named Alyssa confessed that she goes nearly daily and after adding up the price it costs to eat fast food daily, she realized she Get more content on
  • 8. Fast Food Persuasive Essay The United States of America has the highest present of obese or overweight people in the whole nation a booming 60%. 1 out of 4 people in America visit a fast food restaurant. We as a nation spent over $110 billion dollars on just on fast food. Whose fault is it that were the fattest nation in the whole world; the fast food company or our own? The fast food chains fault for giving such unhealthy foods or the peoples for knowing it's bad for you but still eating it. Personally it's all on you, you know how bad this stuff is but you still eat it. In a 2012 court case two teenagers are suing the McDonald's Corporation they frequented for damages related to their obesity. After this court case a third party male named Spurlock decided document Get more content on
  • 9. Persuasive Essay On Fast Food "I am lovin' it", McDonald's, a worldwide fast food chain's slogan should be a concerning thought to many; is society actually "lovin' it"? The results that come out of eating this convenient food can produce long–lasting effects on the human body, some beneficial and detrimental. Alongside the health problems that can come about from consuming fast food, these quick–service restaurants impact the agricultural world too. On the other hand, the cost and the changes made with preparing it are just some of the leading benefits, as well as making nutrition values available. Fast food has been continuously slammed for being synonymous with unhealthy food, but in recent years, our grease filled foods have shown to produce some benefits and disadvantages. So what is fast food? It is considered simply as food that is made briskly and effortlessly. Burger King, Wendy's, Taco Bell, and McDonald's are just a few common ones that can be represented as examples. Today, people seem to favor the idea of having fast food over home cooked meals (Mandal). Studies have shown that about once a week, 44% of people report of eating at one of those places. (North Ohio Heart | Ohio Medical Group) McDonald's, being America's most popular place, comes out strong with serving about 68 million people per day (Lubin). With that many people choosing a way of feasting that wasn't as favorable a decade ago, it began to show some bad results. The biggest issue that has been brought about is that fast Get more content on
  • 10. Persuasive Essay On Fast Food As modern America grows and grows, so does the waistline of it's citizens. Since the middle of the 20th century there has been a rapid increase in the obesity rate of American men women and children. Many have chosen to throw the blame upon the fast food industry for so fervently promoting their highly non–nutritional products on the consumer. The fault, however, truly falls on American citizens lack of personal responsibility for their own diets. Citizens of the United States are growing obese due to the fact that a vast majority lack the self control to not rely on the fast, cheap, easy option when it comes to their daily diet. In order to fix this issue the individual American must alter their dietary priorities from an emphasis on fast and cheap food, to an understanding of the value of wholesome ingredients. Currently the fast food industry dominates America's cuisine. Drive down any major highway in the U.S. and you will be able to count 20 major fast food businesses within 5 minutes. They have overtaken the consumer's mindset and tailored a menu that is too affordable to neglect, causing obesity rates to increase at a dangerous pace. Currently half of U.S. adults are informally considered obese, and a quarter are clinically obese. Child obesity has doubled since 1980 (Moss). Undoubtedly, the prevalence of fast foods as the most convenient option for dinner has caused the spike. Other factors have enabled the sick industry to spread it's diabetic germs across the Get more content on
  • 11. Persuasive Fast Food Do you know all of the consequences of eating fast food daily? Schools should not serve fast food for many reasons. As a young child, everyone loves fast food. As kids start to grow up, some kids drift away from fast food, but not all. Fast food is a danger to any kid who eats it on a daily basis. Schools should not sell fast food because it isn't what kids should eat everyday for lunch. The first reason schools shouldn't serve fast food in school is that it will make kids heavier. Another reason fast food shouldn't be served at school is that it creates bad habits. Finally, fats food can give kids bad diseases if they eat it regularly. First, schools shouldn't serve fast food because it will make the kids heavier. "Fast food seemed to contribute an additional 57 calories a day to the average child's daily diet, she reports. At that rate, the child would gain 6 pounds each year –– if they didn't get enough exercise to burn it off," according to the article called "Fast Food Creates Fat Kids". That quote shows that every year a child will gain 6 extra pounds from fast food when consuming 57 calories a day. In total throughout elementary school you would have gained about 36 extra pounds just from school lunch. According to Jeanie Davis's article called "Fast Food Creates Fat kids," "The fats, sugar, and salt in fast food draw kids like a magnet". There are many things that can lead to child obesity, but the sugar is the one that make kids heavier. Get more content on
  • 12. Persuasive Speech On Fast Food Fast food is becoming part of our lives in the modern society. Due to convenience and rushing for time, many of us are now depending on fast food for our meal. Also, fast food is at almost anywhere, shopping center, highway, even an airport, to make it so easily accessible that We all find it very convenient. Added to their delivery services and fast services, it is not only convenient but also fast to save time when We are in the rush. We all eat fast food because it is convenient and tasty, and we are also attracted to lots of promotion and free gifts, but we do not know that every bite we take, we are risking our lives. Many of us know that fast food is not good for our health, but we do not know how bad it is. Today I would like to persuade my audience to stop eating fast food as the harmful ingredient in fast food.Fast food is known as junk food due to its lack of nutrition and too much chemical, flavor that are harmful to our health. Most of the fast food is pre–prepared and then go through a simple process to speed up their services. The prepare part is definitely added to preservatives to make it last and it is very harmful to our health. Without preservatives, the pre–prepare food will be easily spoiled and never last. Preservative is a toxin that can and caused cancer and is acidic to harm our health. During the process, flavor is also added to make fast food tastier. Unlike freshly cooked food, where we maintain its original taste. Pre–prepared fast food has lost Get more content on
  • 13. Persuasive Essay On Fast Food People with their busy schedules, go to fast food restaurants every day without thinking whether or not it's a good idea to consume these foods. Although, it can be cheaper and faster than other restaurants it's not good for anyone's health. Despite its convenience, fast food is much dangerous to us in the long run, which is why it should be aware of the risks and effects that it can give us so Americans can live a healthy lifestyle. With the increasing number of restaurants and its delivery methods, it increases the number of people eating fast food because most people like when their food comes to them instead of the harder, traditional way of sitting and eating a healthy home cooked meal. In most people's mind fast food is cheap, yummy, and filling. Living near a fast food restaurant does not help because people will want it more and it will be the first place to go when our stomach growls. This affects millions of people's health. Fast food restaurants also use cheap ingredients containing high amounts of sodium, cholesterol, fat, and calories, which leads to obesity, high blood pressure, and other heart diseases. This is why Americans should eliminate the consumption of fast food because a fast food diet can lead to public health issues, environmental issues, and economic issues. With the growing number of fast food restaurants and their advertisements found everywhere; on the road, on taxis and buses, on billboards, on buildings and other places. People don't have Get more content on
  • 14. Persuasive Speech: Do Not Eat Fast Food Essay Specific Purpose Statement: To persuade the audience not to eat fast food. Relevance: You all have probably experienced fast food sometime throughout your life. Credibility: The first thing that comes to mind when mentioning fast food is greasy, oily, unhealthy garb, yet most of us consume junk food on a daily basis anyway. There are over 300,000 different fast food restaurants in the US. People frequent them because of convenience (quick and usually cheap). In such a fast–paced society, people are eating more fast food than ever before (Stefanov, Sebastien). Preview: I am now going to inform you about what fast food is, what a typical meal contains, why fast food is unhealthy. Body I. A. What is fast food? 1. Fast more content... b. The new KFC Double Down sandwich, which debuted in April, features two fried chicken filets in place of bread, two pieces of bacon, two melted slices of Monterey Jack and pepper jack cheese and Colonel's Sauce. The Double Down contains 540 calories and 32 grams of fat. It also has 1,380 milligrams of sodium (1,430 milligrams grilled). That's approaching the American Heart Association's recommended daily limit for adults of 1,500 milligrams of sodium (Ali, Sam). 2. Facts about fast food a. Did you know that most Americans eat three burgers a week and that 81% of Americans consume junk food while driving? It comes as no surprise, since people spend more time on the road nowadays (Stefanov, Sebastien). b. Each day, 1 in 4 Americans visits a fast food restaurant (Fast food facts). c. McDonald's feeds more than 46 million people a day – more than the entire population of Spain (Fast food facts). Transition Sentence: Fast food is very dangerous towards your health and can lead to many harmful effects. III. A. Why fast food is unhealthy 1. However, while these products might look appealing and tasty, they contain a wealth of hidden heath hazards which are not only dangerous if eaten in large quantities but are a major cause of obesity, especially in children (White, Janice). a. You are doing the following things to your body by consuming fast food (White, Get more content on
  • 15. Fast Food Persuasive Essay People have been paying money every time they've gone through a drive–through because of how much gas you waste. This has become a serious waste in the U.S. because so many citizens have been wasting their fuel in a long and slow line for five minutes; every time they go to a drive–through. Drive–Throughs have accounted for nearly seventy percent of fast food sales because of how convenient they are. For these reasons being drive–throughs should be banned from restaurants, so that people may not have to waste their time and money in a line. Even though thirty–two million gallons of gas are being wasted per year, we shouldn't get rid of them because fast–food places would go out of business. It all started in the 1930s, when the Grand National Bank in St. Louis, Missouri placed a teller in a window next to a traffic lane to more content... This makes the Ozone layer above the Earth deplete and causes to get thinner. If this keeps happening, then the ozone layer will be completely destroyed and it couldn't stop the UV rays from hurting everyone. It states from the site Sfgate, Vehicle emissions can affect the environment in several ways. Cars emit greenhouse gasses, such as carbon dioxide, which contribute to global warming. This means when anyone goes to a drive through and doesn't turn off the car, help destroy the ozone layer even more. If we get rid of drive–throughs in restaurants they would go out of business. That would mean that fifty thousand families would go out of business. Also, if this happens then a lot of people would lose their jobs and wouldn't be able to provide for themselves or their families. With this happening, parents won't be able to afford to have their child go to a school to better themselves in life. Then the economy starts to go down because aren't smart enough to do these complex jobs. That's why we should keep drive–throughs instead of destroying Get more content on
  • 16. Persuasive Essay On Fast Food In America's modern culture, fast food has become the most accustomed everyday meal choice for many families. Fast food is infamous for its cheap, budget friendly prices and wide range of meals with a surplus of choices for each. It's allowed americans more alternative ways of consuming food without having the worry of cooking at home. This increasing dependency that spans across the nation has made americans extremely adapted to the high sugar and fat content in their food, which may be dangerously affecting the nation's overall health. The average meal from a fast food goes unrecognized of the significantly high amount of calories it contains. The national calorie content an adult is supposed to consume is roughly around 2,000 calories. Unfortunately, A study shown through BMJ's research found that the meals ordered by adults contained an average 836 calories. With one meal alone being roughly 800 calories, it doesn't leave much room for the rest of the day without the calorie intake going surplus. "In total, Americans now consume 31 percent more calories today than they did 40 years ago,including 56 percent more fats and oils and 14 percent more sugars and sweeteners"(Let's move).The meals may be high in calories,but those can be defined as empty calories. Items from fast food are usually highly processed and contains barely if any quality of food. The low quality of their food are accountable to high in sodium, cholesterol, and fat which can all lead to unhealthy chronic diseases. According to the website, the ingredients in fast food are what is to blame for making a mass amount of it so addictive. The high amount of sugar, salt, and fat in unison can trigger the brain to both crave more, and not notice the effects it is having on your body at first. Due to the low–quality of food, fast food companies will often add in Monosodium Glutamate( a flavoring agent, that is used to cover up the taste). Even though MSG is, "generally recognized as safe," by the Food and Drug Administration, there has been numerous reports of skin rashes, itching, hives, vomiting, asthma, heart irregularities, depression, seizures, headaches, migraines, chest pain, nausea, and weakness(Cardiff). It's Get more content on
  • 17. Persuasive Essay On Fast Food Why We Choose Ever walked into any cafeteria and seen fried chicken, french fries, burgers and all sorts of fast foods? Where you ever tempted to buy these type of foods? This temptation happens to anyone, even children. Did you think what these types of foods can do to the health of a person, especially younger children. We already have fast foods being served in schools. There are things we can do to change that. The government should make stricter laws regulating the food that is served in schools because most schools serve unhealthy foods. It will help decrease child obesity. They can start at a young age and get a better understanding of what they are eating. In the movie Fed Up, the schools cafeterias barely more content... Of course children are going to go for the food that is unhealthy because it taste better. Eating healthy at a young age will prevent obesity. According to the movie Fed Up " over 95% of all americans will be overweight or obese in two decades". The cause of obesity is from the food products that are in the stores today. The movie Fed Up also states " there are 6,000 food products in america, 80% of them contain sugar". If the government do not control what the industries are putting in the food the industries will keep doing what they are doing. Unhealthy foods are being sold in schools and it seems to me that the schools don't seem to care what they eat. If schools keep serving unhealthy food, the children will keep choosing food that is unhealthy because it tastes better and it is right in front of them. If they keep it up they will start to gain weight and it will be hard for them to lose it. The movie Fed Up shows how most children go for unhealthy food, and they can't help it. So later on they end up having trouble losing weight even after being active. Most of industries are targeting children at a young age so they can keep it up in adulthood. Eric Schlosser writer of "Why the Fries Taste Good" in Holly Bauer's book Food Matters states "childhood memories of Happy Meal can translate into frequent adult visits to McDonald's" (23). The industries want to create a happy environment for the kids to have them eat Get more content on
  • 18. Persuasive Essay On Fast Food The motivations for including superfoods in your diet are manifestations of the realization you need to eat food for the health of your body not for convenience nor from the habits you have developed over a lifetime. The first step needs to be a desire to understand how the food you normally eat affects your health. A health crisis is often the motivation to examine the dietary choices you make every day. The media has stories everyday regarding the obesity epidemic in this country. Development of diabetes, heart disease and cancer will shock most people into rethinking what they are eating everyday. Obviously the diets of many people in this country are not based on sound nutrition, are not balanced, are not nutrient rich, are chosen to promote health. The most advertised food choices are based on convenience; taste and promoting highly processed factory foods full of fat and sugar. The endless television ads promoting fast food, ready to eat meals, salty snacks, processed foods, high sugar cereals, processed meat products, high carbohydrate foods and sugar based beverages influence millions of people to eat an unhealthy diet. Ads promote foods based on convenience. Beautiful enhanced images of delicious appearing low nutrient high calorie food sell people on a high calorie low nutrient diet. I am often amazed at what I see in people's carts at the supermarket. Boxes of frozen pizzas, processed meats, prepared meals, sugar soda, salty snacks, and sugar cereals fill the Get more content on
  • 19. Persuasive Essay On Fast Food Often considered the pinnacle of American cuisine, fast–food's cheap, convenient, tasty, and easy access has been a staple of the American culture and diet for decades. From the giant golden arches of McDonald's, to the "Eat More Chikin" endorsing cows of Chick–Fil–A, the fast–food industry in America has exponentially and financially grown to be a massive, business empire. According to Spector's "Freedom from Fries", McDonald's alone is responsible for feeding more than a million Americans a day and making fifty billion hamburgers a year. Like precious, precious oxygen, most Americans depend on fast–food to live and, in extreme cases, have become obsessed and addicted to it. In fact, the fast–food industry is frequently blamed and periodically sued for contributing to the obesity epidemic in America. Settlements and court cases such as Pelmann v. McDonald's, in which the restaurant was sued for misleading nutritional information, highlight the medical problems of many outside eaters and has resulted in several fast–food empires to drastically change their menus by adding healthier alternatives (Mattis). Apple–like slices and milk product cartons have substituted french fries and sodas on occasion, but has not replaced them. Despite the threats and curses for contributing to the obesity outbreak, the fast–food industry continues to thrive and be financially successful. As a business, it has utilized and taken advantage of both the non–health conscious and health–conscious Get more content on
  • 20. Persuasive Essay On Fast Food Big bright signs can catch anyone's attention. The M, for McDonalds, is everywhere just like all the other fast food restaurant's signs. Almost everyone eats fast food for different reasons. Of course, we all know that the food that they sell is nowhere near being the healthiest things we can eat, and still everyone chooses to keep buying it. The proof is out there, the media will once in a while remind us about the harm that fast food can do to us, but what makes us go back? Do people truly understand the harm that it could do to them and their families? It is too common that we hear from family members and friends that someone is sick because they have been unhealthy. People can get from heart disease and strokes to breast cancer from eating fast foods. Diabetes is very common these days. Statistics state that "Diabetes is the 6th highest cause of death in America". Things shouldn't be like this. People shouldn't have to die simply because they were unhealthy. We can't have people's lives cut short at a young age. I think the worst part is that there a more cases now where little kids and babies are born and develop these sicknesses at a very young age. There are two types of diabetes. Type 1 diabetes is the one that is found in children and teenagers. Type 1 diabetes is when the body doesn't function the way it should because it doesn't produce insulin. Insulin is known to be a hormone that everyone needs to turn sugar, starches, and food into Get more content on