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@miquelduran Universitat de Girona ICHN-Olot 22/1/2016#darviq
Faria servir en Charles Darwin la Viquipèdia
per comunicar les seves descobertes? 5
raons per comunicar obertament la ciència
ICHN Garrotxa, Olot, 22/1/2016
Miquel Duran, Universitat de Girona
Presentation available at
@miquelduran Universitat de Girona ICHN-Olot 22/1/2016#darviq
Micro i mini CV
Sóc professor de química física de la Universitat de Girona i
investigador en química teòrica i computacional.
Des de petit em vaig interessar per l'ús d'Internet a la
comunicació científica i la docència, però va ser un curs
d'il.lusionisme el que em va obrir un món meravellós per
connectar màgia i ciència, i fins i tot per esdevenir mag
Entre d'altres coses que m'engresquen, organitzo la sèrie
d'esdeveniments TEDxUdG, promoc el coneixement obert,
em declaro científic amic dels MOOC, i vaig en BTT per
conèixer món.
Sembla mentida que la meva frase preferida sigui de "Le
Petit Prince": “Tu sais, quand on est tellement triste, on
aime les couchers de soleil”.
De fet, el que és realment estrany és que vagi diguent en
públic que "Jo sóc i jo i les meves circumstàncies digitals".
Deu ser que Màgia, Ciència i Internet estan ben trabades.
University professor.
Research in Quantum
Digital Science
Magic and Science,
TEDx events,
Open Knowledge
@miquelduran Universitat de Girona ICHN-Olot 22/1/2016#darviq
@miquelduran Universitat de Girona ICHN-Olot 22/1/2016#darviq
Strange coincidence on Sun 7 June 2015
@miquelduran Universitat de Girona ICHN-Olot 22/1/2016#darviq
How does society perceive scientists?
@miquelduran Universitat de Girona ICHN-Olot 22/1/2016#darviq
The general picture for a
scientist is someone:
- wearing a lab white coat
- with glasses (security or
- crazy hair
- sometimes big head
- normally performing
What about female
@miquelduran Universitat de Girona ICHN-Olot 22/1/2016#darviq
Does Science Communication require
digital skills?
Complexities of a 2.0 World!
@miquelduran Universitat de Girona ICHN-Olot 22/1/2016#darviq
Main tools to communicate digitally
Social networks: facebook, instagram, linkedin, g+, etc.
Microblogging: twitter (account/hashtag)
Blogs (personal/groupal/collective)
Personal/groupal portal
Like in the real world!!
Great blog: Xavier Lasauca’s
@miquelduran Universitat de Girona ICHN-Olot 22/1/2016#darviq
Should scientists be active in social networks?
Do you realize that in the last 3 years…
• Almost everyone has a smartphone
• Video production and consumption is more easy than
ever and sustainable
• Bandwith is large enough both at home, at the
university and at street level
• Brands: Google instead of Coca-Cola, Appe vs IBM
• These are to think about a change in assessing Science.
• This is me and my digital circumstances
@miquelduran Universitat de Girona ICHN-Olot 22/1/2016#darviq
But do scientists communicate
research or disseminate knowledge?
@miquelduran Universitat de Girona ICHN-Olot 22/1/2016#darviq
Perhaps blogs (short texts+images) are
currently losing appeal
@miquelduran Universitat de Girona ICHN-Olot 22/1/2016#darviq
Video: key element to share talks: TED
Talks, Pechakucha, etc.
@miquelduran Universitat de Girona ICHN-Olot 22/1/2016#darviq
Many keys and ways for digital
communication of science
@miquelduran Universitat de Girona ICHN-Olot 22/1/2016#darviq
NYT & MOOCs (20/4/13)
2012: The Year of the MOOC
Online learning: Campus 2.0
(Nature 13/3/2013)
Flipping Chemistry Classrooms
C&EN 25/3/2013
@miquelduran Universitat de Girona ICHN-Olot 22/1/2016#darviq
MOOC “Science Communication 2.0.1”
MiriadaX 2013 & 2015 (Spanish)
• Almost 15% completion rate, >6000 registered
• Awesome experience
• Started from a doctoral-level area-
independent course
• Specific target: graduate students, junior
• Reusing, sharing, creating, low-cost
production (good enough)
@miquelduran Universitat de Girona ICHN-Olot 22/1/2016#darviq
Cathedra for Science Culture and Digital
Communication (@C4DUdG):
Toward Science Citizenship
@miquelduran Universitat de Girona ICHN-Olot 22/1/2016#darviq
Project on Magic & Science
• Magic of the Periodic Table
• I Meeting on Science, Magic and
• Gamification, mobile apps
• The Mathemagics of Science
• MOOC on Magic, Science and
Confessable Secrets
@miquelduran Universitat de Girona ICHN-Olot 22/1/2016#darviq
Little Quantum Red Riding Hood
Is she taking the rational lane or the emotional one?
Is the wolf eating her grandma?
Answers: Both and both (quantum wolf too!)
@miquelduran Universitat de Girona ICHN-Olot 22/1/2016#darviq
So here are 5 reasons not to communicate
Science... especially in the Net
@miquelduran Universitat de Girona ICHN-Olot 22/1/2016#darviq
I don’t have any good idea
Why don’t you consider
Science dissemination as
an opportunity for
expanding your research
activity into teaching and
leaving your usual
expertise field, while
adventuring into new
@miquelduran Universitat de Girona ICHN-Olot 22/1/2016#darviq
I don’t have any money
Why don’t you consider
Science dissemination as
an opportunity to get
some funding through
calls, international
transdisciplinar work?
@miquelduran Universitat de Girona ICHN-Olot 22/1/2016#darviq
I don’t have time nor energy left
Why don’t you
consider Science
Communication as an
opportunity for task
cleanup and lean time
@miquelduran Universitat de Girona ICHN-Olot 22/1/2016#darviq
I don’t have enough digital skills
Why don’t you consider
Science Dissemination as
an opportunity to enter
the amazing world of the
Internet, online learning,
open knowledge, social
networking, …?
@miquelduran Universitat de Girona ICHN-Olot 22/1/2016#darviq
I get no recognition
Why don’t you consider
Science Disseminaton as an
opportunity to recharge
your personal batteries?
(personal note: the
number of cycles is limited
– like actual chemical
@miquelduran Universitat de Girona ICHN-Olot 22/1/2016#darviq
I don’t/I am not …
I’m alone
I’m shy
I don’t know how to start with video
I don’t have technical support
I’m not fluent in English
I hate computers and/or computers hate me
I’m underpaid/nonpermanent/part-time
I’m tired
I’m not young anymore
@miquelduran Universitat de Girona ICHN-Olot 22/1/2016#darviq
Now some commercials
What is a quantum chemist like me doing in a
the Science & Internet battlefield?
MOOC on Magic &
MetaMOOC “How to
build a MOOC on a
@miquelduran Universitat de Girona ICHN-Olot 22/1/2016#darviq
Science does not need digital skills
Scientists only communicate research or
disseminate plain knowledge
Science makes sense with no public
Really everyone must have scientifc
background and intellectual basis
Everyone must know what an atom is, and
what the Periodic Table of the Elements is
Further unlikely clues
@miquelduran Universitat de Girona ICHN-Olot 22/1/2016#darviq
Citizens must be aware of the
importance of Science views in all
political discussions. Science helps
with policies, yet it is not politics.
Scienticic citizenship brings about an
informed public, i.e., a more
democratic society
Further likely clues
@miquelduran Universitat de Girona ICHN-Olot 22/1/2016#darviq
But I have got a special question
• Do social networks hinder rational discussion
– and hence hinder Scientific Citizenship?
@miquelduran Universitat de Girona ICHN-Olot 22/1/2016#darviq
and I have got another clue
• Every day we wake up with a new digital
application of mobile app – or new
• Is this contributing to a sustainable science?
@miquelduran Universitat de Girona ICHN-Olot 22/1/2016#darviq
Charles Darwin would…
Twitter, facebook, instagram…
Wikipedia sister projects
But perhaps not wikipedia itself!
... Except on other subjects
@miquelduran Universitat de Girona ICHN-Olot 22/1/2016#darviq
Què és la ciència oberta?
Open science is the movement
to make scientific research, data
and dissemination accessible to
all levels of an inquiring society,
amateur or professional. It
encompasses practices such as
publishing open research,
campaigning for open access,
encouraging scientists to
practice open notebook science,
and generally making it easier to
publish and communicate
scientific knowledge
@miquelduran Universitat de Girona ICHN-Olot 22/1/2016#darviq
Ciència, científics i wikipedia: un tema
engrescador en un món complex
• Em fa mandra el multilingüisme.
A la universitat l’anglès és
la llengua franca. L’estimació per
la llengua pròpia (el català,
en aquest cas) té un límit.
• Fer entrades de caire científic a
la wikipedia costa. Per un cantó,
per redactar amb precisió i
sense equivocar-se (gens ni
mica, per això som científics) és
difícil. I per un altre, perquè la
tasca és ingent
@miquelduran Universitat de Girona ICHN-Olot 22/1/2016#darviq
Wikipedia i ciència oberta:
algunes notes
La democratització ha d’estar
present en els dos sentits: que
qualsevol persona pugui accedir al
coneixement disponible i, si vol,
també contribuir a crear-lo. L’ideal
doblement democràtic, o
bidireccional, pot semblar utòpic,
tanmateix el projecte demostra dia a
dia que és possible crear contingut
de qualitat de manera oberta i
col·lectiva. (Parreño i Benito, Valors)
We need more diverse institutional
forms so that researchers can find
(or found) the kinds of organizations
that best channel their passions into
contributions that enrich us all
@miquelduran Universitat de Girona ICHN-Olot 22/1/2016#darviq
Ciència i societat: la divulgació científica
• Public Awareness of
• Public Understanding of
• Science Education
• Scholarship
• Citizen Science
• Public Engagement with
@miquelduran Universitat de Girona ICHN-Olot 22/1/2016#darviq
Què podem fer per la Ciència a la Viquipèdia?
• Els científics:
– Fer servir llicències Creative Commons/coneixement obert
– Conèixer i fer servir projectes associats a Wikipedia
– Curar contingut, recerca de la integració
– Crear entrades de nivell menys elevat
• Els no científics:
– Llegir i criticar la dificultat de les entrades
– Crear contingut planer per a altres no científics
– Traduir
– Incrementar la cultura científica (+formació)
• I els viquipedistes?
– Ampliar la base d’editors, seguir conscienciant
– Contribuir al canvi a les universitats, a l’educació
@miquelduran Universitat de Girona ICHN-Olot 22/1/2016#darviq
Charles Darwin would…
Twitter, facebook, instagram…
Wikipedia sister projects
But perhaps not wikipedia itself!
... Except on other subjects
@miquelduran Universitat de Girona ICHN-Olot 22/1/2016#darviq
There are many reasons to communicate science in the Net, they are
Communicating Science means having the right attitude, rather than having the
suitable resources.
Start a blog, open a twitter account or set up instragram photostream
And edit Wikipeida
Tackle an idea, talk about an event, deal with a moment in history, criticize science in
newspapers and media, curate content
my blog post at
@miquelduran Universitat de Girona ICHN-Olot 22/1/2016#darviq
Your attitude is a choice!
Continued, strong and
stressful involvement in
Science Communication
may cause adiction.
Do Clicks & bricks
Do MOOCs, books & cooks
This presentation and others at
Text licensed CC-BY-SA
@miquelduran Universitat de Girona ICHN-Olot 22/1/2016#darviq
Key ideas to (tweet and to) take away
• The most exciting phrase to hear in science,
the one that heralds new discoveries, is not
'Eureka!' (I found it!) but 'That's funny ...‘
(Isaasc Asimov) (also “Oh My God!, as noted
by Nobel Prize S Glashow)
• Education is not a preparation for life.
Education is life itself
• Thank you!!!!!

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Faria servir en Charles Darwin la Viquipèdia?

  • 1. @miquelduran Universitat de Girona ICHN-Olot 22/1/2016#darviq Faria servir en Charles Darwin la Viquipèdia per comunicar les seves descobertes? 5 raons per comunicar obertament la ciència ICHN Garrotxa, Olot, 22/1/2016 Miquel Duran, Universitat de Girona @miquelduran Presentation available at
  • 2. @miquelduran Universitat de Girona ICHN-Olot 22/1/2016#darviq Micro i mini CV Sóc professor de química física de la Universitat de Girona i investigador en química teòrica i computacional. Des de petit em vaig interessar per l'ús d'Internet a la comunicació científica i la docència, però va ser un curs d'il.lusionisme el que em va obrir un món meravellós per connectar màgia i ciència, i fins i tot per esdevenir mag aficionat. Entre d'altres coses que m'engresquen, organitzo la sèrie d'esdeveniments TEDxUdG, promoc el coneixement obert, em declaro científic amic dels MOOC, i vaig en BTT per conèixer món. Sembla mentida que la meva frase preferida sigui de "Le Petit Prince": “Tu sais, quand on est tellement triste, on aime les couchers de soleil”. De fet, el que és realment estrany és que vagi diguent en públic que "Jo sóc i jo i les meves circumstàncies digitals". Deu ser que Màgia, Ciència i Internet estan ben trabades. University professor. Research in Quantum Chemistry. Digital Science Communication, Magic and Science, MOOCs, TEDx events, Open Knowledge @miquelduran Wikipedia usuari:quelet
  • 3. @miquelduran Universitat de Girona ICHN-Olot 22/1/2016#darviq
  • 4. @miquelduran Universitat de Girona ICHN-Olot 22/1/2016#darviq Strange coincidence on Sun 7 June 2015
  • 5. @miquelduran Universitat de Girona ICHN-Olot 22/1/2016#darviq How does society perceive scientists?
  • 6. @miquelduran Universitat de Girona ICHN-Olot 22/1/2016#darviq The general picture for a scientist is someone: - wearing a lab white coat - with glasses (security or normal) - crazy hair - sometimes big head - normally performing experiments! What about female scientists?
  • 7. @miquelduran Universitat de Girona ICHN-Olot 22/1/2016#darviq Does Science Communication require digital skills? Complexities of a 2.0 World!
  • 8. @miquelduran Universitat de Girona ICHN-Olot 22/1/2016#darviq Main tools to communicate digitally Social networks: facebook, instagram, linkedin, g+, etc. Microblogging: twitter (account/hashtag) Blogs (personal/groupal/collective) Personal/groupal portal Like in the real world!! Great blog: Xavier Lasauca’s
  • 9. @miquelduran Universitat de Girona ICHN-Olot 22/1/2016#darviq Should scientists be active in social networks? Do you realize that in the last 3 years… • Almost everyone has a smartphone • Video production and consumption is more easy than ever and sustainable • Bandwith is large enough both at home, at the university and at street level • Brands: Google instead of Coca-Cola, Appe vs IBM • These are to think about a change in assessing Science. • This is me and my digital circumstances
  • 10. @miquelduran Universitat de Girona ICHN-Olot 22/1/2016#darviq But do scientists communicate research or disseminate knowledge?
  • 11. @miquelduran Universitat de Girona ICHN-Olot 22/1/2016#darviq Perhaps blogs (short texts+images) are currently losing appeal
  • 12. @miquelduran Universitat de Girona ICHN-Olot 22/1/2016#darviq Video: key element to share talks: TED Talks, Pechakucha, etc.
  • 13. @miquelduran Universitat de Girona ICHN-Olot 22/1/2016#darviq Many keys and ways for digital communication of science
  • 14. @miquelduran Universitat de Girona ICHN-Olot 22/1/2016#darviq NYT & MOOCs (20/4/13) 2012: The Year of the MOOC Online learning: Campus 2.0 (Nature 13/3/2013) Flipping Chemistry Classrooms C&EN 25/3/2013
  • 15. @miquelduran Universitat de Girona ICHN-Olot 22/1/2016#darviq MOOC “Science Communication 2.0.1” MiriadaX 2013 & 2015 (Spanish) • Almost 15% completion rate, >6000 registered • Awesome experience • Started from a doctoral-level area- independent course • Specific target: graduate students, junior researchers • Reusing, sharing, creating, low-cost production (good enough)
  • 16. @miquelduran Universitat de Girona ICHN-Olot 22/1/2016#darviq Cathedra for Science Culture and Digital Communication (@C4DUdG): Toward Science Citizenship
  • 17. @miquelduran Universitat de Girona ICHN-Olot 22/1/2016#darviq Project on Magic & Science • Magic of the Periodic Table • I Meeting on Science, Magic and Education • Gamification, mobile apps • The Mathemagics of Science • MOOC on Magic, Science and Confessable Secrets •
  • 18. @miquelduran Universitat de Girona ICHN-Olot 22/1/2016#darviq Little Quantum Red Riding Hood Is she taking the rational lane or the emotional one? Is the wolf eating her grandma? Answers: Both and both (quantum wolf too!)
  • 19. @miquelduran Universitat de Girona ICHN-Olot 22/1/2016#darviq So here are 5 reasons not to communicate Science... especially in the Net
  • 20. @miquelduran Universitat de Girona ICHN-Olot 22/1/2016#darviq I don’t have any good idea Why don’t you consider Science dissemination as an opportunity for expanding your research activity into teaching and leaving your usual expertise field, while adventuring into new areas?
  • 21. @miquelduran Universitat de Girona ICHN-Olot 22/1/2016#darviq I don’t have any money Why don’t you consider Science dissemination as an opportunity to get some funding through calls, international collaboration, transdisciplinar work?
  • 22. @miquelduran Universitat de Girona ICHN-Olot 22/1/2016#darviq I don’t have time nor energy left Why don’t you consider Science Communication as an opportunity for task cleanup and lean time management?
  • 23. @miquelduran Universitat de Girona ICHN-Olot 22/1/2016#darviq I don’t have enough digital skills Why don’t you consider Science Dissemination as an opportunity to enter the amazing world of the Internet, online learning, open knowledge, social networking, …?
  • 24. @miquelduran Universitat de Girona ICHN-Olot 22/1/2016#darviq I get no recognition Why don’t you consider Science Disseminaton as an opportunity to recharge your personal batteries? (personal note: the number of cycles is limited – like actual chemical batteries)
  • 25. @miquelduran Universitat de Girona ICHN-Olot 22/1/2016#darviq I don’t/I am not … I’m alone I’m shy I don’t know how to start with video I don’t have technical support I’m not fluent in English I hate computers and/or computers hate me I’m underpaid/nonpermanent/part-time I’m tired I’m not young anymore
  • 26. @miquelduran Universitat de Girona ICHN-Olot 22/1/2016#darviq Now some commercials What is a quantum chemist like me doing in a the Science & Internet battlefield? MOOC on Magic & Science MetaMOOC “How to build a MOOC on a budget”
  • 27. @miquelduran Universitat de Girona ICHN-Olot 22/1/2016#darviq Science does not need digital skills Scientists only communicate research or disseminate plain knowledge Science makes sense with no public communication Really everyone must have scientifc background and intellectual basis Everyone must know what an atom is, and what the Periodic Table of the Elements is Further unlikely clues
  • 28. @miquelduran Universitat de Girona ICHN-Olot 22/1/2016#darviq Citizens must be aware of the importance of Science views in all political discussions. Science helps with policies, yet it is not politics. Scienticic citizenship brings about an informed public, i.e., a more democratic society Further likely clues
  • 29. @miquelduran Universitat de Girona ICHN-Olot 22/1/2016#darviq But I have got a special question • Do social networks hinder rational discussion – and hence hinder Scientific Citizenship?
  • 30. @miquelduran Universitat de Girona ICHN-Olot 22/1/2016#darviq and I have got another clue • Every day we wake up with a new digital application of mobile app – or new functionality • Is this contributing to a sustainable science?
  • 31. @miquelduran Universitat de Girona ICHN-Olot 22/1/2016#darviq Charles Darwin would… Blog Twitter, facebook, instagram… Wikipedia sister projects But perhaps not wikipedia itself! ... Except on other subjects
  • 32. @miquelduran Universitat de Girona ICHN-Olot 22/1/2016#darviq Què és la ciència oberta? Open science is the movement to make scientific research, data and dissemination accessible to all levels of an inquiring society, amateur or professional. It encompasses practices such as publishing open research, campaigning for open access, encouraging scientists to practice open notebook science, and generally making it easier to publish and communicate scientific knowledge
  • 33. @miquelduran Universitat de Girona ICHN-Olot 22/1/2016#darviq Ciència, científics i wikipedia: un tema engrescador en un món complex • Em fa mandra el multilingüisme. A la universitat l’anglès és la llengua franca. L’estimació per la llengua pròpia (el català, en aquest cas) té un límit. • Fer entrades de caire científic a la wikipedia costa. Per un cantó, per redactar amb precisió i sense equivocar-se (gens ni mica, per això som científics) és difícil. I per un altre, perquè la tasca és ingent
  • 34. @miquelduran Universitat de Girona ICHN-Olot 22/1/2016#darviq Wikipedia i ciència oberta: algunes notes La democratització ha d’estar present en els dos sentits: que qualsevol persona pugui accedir al coneixement disponible i, si vol, també contribuir a crear-lo. L’ideal doblement democràtic, o bidireccional, pot semblar utòpic, tanmateix el projecte demostra dia a dia que és possible crear contingut de qualitat de manera oberta i col·lectiva. (Parreño i Benito, Valors) We need more diverse institutional forms so that researchers can find (or found) the kinds of organizations that best channel their passions into contributions that enrich us all
  • 35. @miquelduran Universitat de Girona ICHN-Olot 22/1/2016#darviq Ciència i societat: la divulgació científica • Public Awareness of Science • Public Understanding of Science • Science Education • Scholarship • Citizen Science • Public Engagement with Science
  • 36. @miquelduran Universitat de Girona ICHN-Olot 22/1/2016#darviq Què podem fer per la Ciència a la Viquipèdia? • Els científics: – Fer servir llicències Creative Commons/coneixement obert – Conèixer i fer servir projectes associats a Wikipedia – Curar contingut, recerca de la integració – Crear entrades de nivell menys elevat • Els no científics: – Llegir i criticar la dificultat de les entrades – Crear contingut planer per a altres no científics – Traduir – Incrementar la cultura científica (+formació) • I els viquipedistes? – Ampliar la base d’editors, seguir conscienciant – Contribuir al canvi a les universitats, a l’educació
  • 37. @miquelduran Universitat de Girona ICHN-Olot 22/1/2016#darviq Charles Darwin would… Blog Twitter, facebook, instagram… Wikipedia sister projects But perhaps not wikipedia itself! ... Except on other subjects
  • 38. @miquelduran Universitat de Girona ICHN-Olot 22/1/2016#darviq SO There are many reasons to communicate science in the Net, they are APPEALING Communicating Science means having the right attitude, rather than having the suitable resources. WHY DON’T YOU Start a blog, open a twitter account or set up instragram photostream And edit Wikipeida AND Tackle an idea, talk about an event, deal with a moment in history, criticize science in newspapers and media, curate content AND PLEASE COMMENT my blog post at
  • 39. @miquelduran Universitat de Girona ICHN-Olot 22/1/2016#darviq Caution Your attitude is a choice! Continued, strong and stressful involvement in Science Communication may cause adiction. Do Clicks & bricks Do MOOCs, books & cooks This presentation and others at Text licensed CC-BY-SA
  • 40. @miquelduran Universitat de Girona ICHN-Olot 22/1/2016#darviq Key ideas to (tweet and to) take away • The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds new discoveries, is not 'Eureka!' (I found it!) but 'That's funny ...‘ (Isaasc Asimov) (also “Oh My God!, as noted by Nobel Prize S Glashow) • Education is not a preparation for life. Education is life itself • Thank you!!!!!