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Presented by: Dr. Chitransha
The face is the front aspect of
the head possessing eyes, nose
and mouth.
The forehead is common to both
the face and the scalp.
• up to
• chin and
base of the
• auricle
Layers of the face:
1- Skin: it is thick, has rich blood
supply (rapid healing)
2- Superficial fascia: contains muscles,
vessels and nerves of the face.
No deep fascia in most of the face (to
allow for facial expression)
Skin of the face is thick, elastic, and
very vascular.
It contains large number of sweat
and sebaceous glands.
The sweat glands- regulate the
body temperature
sebaceous glands - oily
Very vascular Blushing
Wounds bleed
profusely but heal
The skin of face is lax except on
the nose where it is firmly
attached to the underlying
cartilages and provides insertion
to the muscles of facial
Superficial Fascia
muscles of facial expression
vessels and nerves- Ms& skin
variable amount of fat
The fat is absent in the eyelids & well-
developed in cheeks forming buccal pad
of fat, which provides rounded contour
to cheeks.
The buccal pads of fat are very
prominent in infants in whom they help
in suckling the milk and are called
suctorial pad of fat.
Deep Fascia
Absent in face except over the
parotid gland and masseter muscle,
k/n as parotidomasseteric fascia.
The absence of deep fascia in the
face is essential for the facial
The muscles of facial expression
are embedded in the superficial
Characteristic Features of the
1. They lie in superficial fascia and
inserted into the skin.
2. Morphologically, they represent the
remnant of (panniculus carnosus), of
lower animals.
Skeletal muscle in superficial fascia
3. Embryologically, they develop
from mesoderm of 2nd
pharyngeal arch, hence supplied
by facial nerve.
4. Functionally, they perform all
important functions of non-verbal
communication in addition to
closing and opening the orifices in
the region of the face.
Location and Function
The facial muscles are arranged
in groups
 around the orifices of mouth
nose as sphincters and dilators
of these orifices.
As mentioned earlier, they produce
different types of facial expressions. To
perform fine movements of facial
expressions the facial muscles have small
motor units.
Orbicularis oculi, orbicularis oris, and
Muscles Around the Orifice
of the Eye
These include:
 Orbicularis oculi.
 Corrugator supercilii.
 Frontalis.
 Levator palpebrae superioris.
Orbicularis oculi
It consists of three parts—
orbital, palpebral, and lacrimal.
Orbital part
• medial palpebral ligament, frontal
process of maxilla and adjoining part
of the frontal bone.
• without interrupting returning to
their point of origin.
• closes the eye tightly to protect the
eye from bright light, injury. also used
in winking
Palpebral part
Arises from medial palpebral ligament
and sweeps laterally over the upper and
lower eyelids
inserted into the lateral palpebral
It closes the eyelids gently as in sleep
or in blinking.
Lacrimal part
It arises from posterior lacrimal crest
and lacrimal fascia that passes laterally
in front of tarsal plates of both eyelids to
be inserted into the lateral palpebral
It dilates the lacrimal sac by exerting
traction on the lacrimal fascia, thus
helping in the drainage of lacrimal
Action- Contraction of entire
muscle draws the skin of
forehead, temple & cheek
towards the medial angle of eye.
Corrugator supercilii
It arises from the medial end of the
superciliary arch of frontal bone, passes
laterally and upwards to be inserted into
the subcutaneous tissue of the eyebrow
above the middle of the supraorbital
It drags the eyebrow medially and
downwards & protect the eye from
bright light, produces vertical wrinkles
on the forehead as in frowning, an
Origin- medial end of
superciliary arch
Insertion- subcutaneous
tissue of eyebrow
Action- vertical wrinkles
on the forehead
Origin- Skin of forehead, subcutaneous
tissue of eyebrow & root of the nose.
Action- Alternate contraction move the
entire scalp backward and forward.
Acting from above frontal bellies raise
the eyebrows as in surprise, horror,
Acting from below produces transverse
wrinkle into forehead.
Levator palpebrae superioris
It is not a muscle of the face but
one of the orbital muscles.
It is an antagonist to the
sphincteric action of palpebral
part of orbicularis oculi.
It elevates the upper eyelid.
Facial muscles
Thin, flat muscles,
connected to the dermis
of the skin Innervated
by the facial nerve.
blend into each other.
Muscles Around the Nasal
1. Procerus.
2. Nasalis.
3. Depressor septi.
It arises from fascia covering
the nasal bone, passes upwards
to be inserted into the skin of the
It produces transverse wrinkles
across the bridge (root) of the
nose as in frowning.
It consists of two parts: transverse part
called compressor naris and alar part
called dilator naris.
1. Compressor naris arises form maxilla
close to the nasal notch, passes upwards
and medially to form an aponeurosis
across the bridge of nose where it
becomes continuous with its counterpart
on the opposite side.
It compresses the nasal aperture.
2. Dilator naris arises from from
the margin of the nasal notch of
maxilla, and inserted into the lateral
part of the ala of the nose.
It dilates the anterior nasal apertures
as in deep inspiration. It also
expresses the anger (sign of omega).
Depressor septi
It arises from the incisive fossa
of the maxilla and is inserted into
the lower mobile part of the
nasal septum.
It dilation of anterior nasal
aperture, also active in anger.
Nose muscles
- Nasalis - compresses/dilates
-Depressor Septi - depresses tip
-Procerus- produce transverse
wrinkles across the bridge of
Muscles Around the Mouth
The muscles around the mouth
are responsible for the movement
of lips and cheek. These include:
1. Orbicularis oris: Acts as
2. Nine muscles converging
around the mouth act as
Nine Muscles Converging Around
the Mouth
1. Levator labii superioris alaeque
2. Levator labii superioris.
3. Levator anguli oris.
4. Zygomaticus minor.
5. Zygomaticus major.
6. Depressor labii inferioris.
7. Depressor anguli oris.
8. Risorius.
9. Buccinator
Orbicularis Oris
This complex muscle surrounds the
oral orifice and forms the greater
part of the lips.
It has extrinsic and intrinsic parts.
Extrinsic part arrange in 3
1. Deepest
2. Intermediate
3. superficial
Deepest part: incisivus superior muscle
from insicive fossa of maxilla &
Intermediate part: buccinator muscle.
The fibres of buccinator converge
towards the modiolus.
 The uppermost and lowermost
fibres pass straight into their
respective lips, whereas the
middle fibres decussate, so that
the upper fibres pass into the
lower lip, and lower into the
upper lip.
Superficial: interlacing fibres of the
muscles which converge around the
mouth for their insertion into the lips,
viz. levator anguli oris, depressor
anguli oris.
Intrinsic part : skin to mucous
membrane of lips.
Closes the lip.
Deep fibres compresses the lips
against the teeth help in mastication.
Superficial fibres protrudes the lips.
Also helps in speech.
Nerve supply
Buccal branch of the facial nerve.
Buccinator (Bugler’s
muscle/trumpeter’s muscle)
muscle of the cheek, thin &
quadrilateral in shape.
Origin: arises from the following 4 sites:
Outer surface of the alveolar process
of maxilla & mandible opposite three
molar teeth.
Pterygomaxillary raphe.
Pterygomandibular raphe.
After reaching angle of mouth
arrange in 3 groups.
Upper- into upper lip
lower – lower lip
Intermediate- chiasmaticus
dicussation. Upper goes into
lower lip & lower fibres into
upper lip.
Nerve supply: Buccal branches of
facial nerve.
It flattens the cheek against the gum
and teeth, and thus prevents the
accumulation of food in the vestibule
of mouth during mastication.
It is responsible for blowing the
cheek and expelling the air
between the lips from inflated
vestibule as in blowing the
trumpet (hence the name
trumpeter’s muscle).
Presenting features Facial
Transverse wrinkles of
the forehead
Frowning •Vertical wrinkles of
the forehead
• Transverse wrinkle
across the root of
Anger Dilation of the anterior
nasal aperture
• Depression of lower
mobile part of the
nasal septum
Dilator naris
• Depressor
Nerve supply of the face
13 nerves: 1 motor & rest are
Nerve supply of the face
By facial N. which supplies all
muscles of the face except lev.
Palp. Sup. (by oculomotor)
sensory motor
By branches of trigeminal nerve
except the skin covering the angle
of mandible (supplied by great
auricular nerve)
Ophthalmic div. Maxillary div. Mandibular div.
3-palpebral br. of lacrimal
5-external nasal
Sensory Nerve Supply
The upper 1/3rd of face (develop from
frontonasal process) is supplied by
ophthalmic division, middle 3rd of face
(develop from maxillary processes) is
supplied by maxillary division and
lower 3rd of face (develop from
mandibular processes) is supplied by
mandibular division of the trigeminal
Motor Nerve Supply
Here divides into 5 terminal branches which emerge in the
face radiating through the anterior border of the parotid
gland and supply the muscles of facial expression.
enters the parotid gland.
the facial nerve wind around the lateral aspect
of styloid process
After coming out of cranial cavity through
stylomastoid foramen,
Nerve supply of the face
Facial nerve
Innervates muscles of facial
- Exits stylomastoid foramen
and crosses parotid gland,
where divides into five major
- Temporal
- Zygomatic
- Buccal
- Marginal Mandibular
- Cervical
- Posterior auricular branch
arises proximal to parotid
Nerve supply
- Frontalis – temporal
- Procerus – temporal,
zygomatic, buccal
- Corrugator supercilii –
temporal, zygomatic,
- Orbicularis oculi –
temporal, zygomatic
Nerve supply
- Nasalis – zygomatic,
- Depressor Septi Nasi
- Levator labii
superioris alaeque
nasi – BUCCAL
Arterial supply
The face is supplied by
branches of the external
carotid and the internal
carotid artery
- Two main branches of the
ECA: Facial artery and
superficial temporal artery
- Main branches of the
internal carotid that supplies
the medial upper face and
scalp is the ophthalmic
- Mainly by facial artery
- It is a tortuous artery
- It gives the following
branches in the face
1- inferior labial
2- superior labial
3- nasal
Facial artery
Arterial blood supply
The face is the highly vascular region
and is supplied by the
1. Facial artery- chief artery of the
2. Transverse facial artery.
3. Arteries that accompany the
cutaneous nerves.
Facial Artery
It arises from ECA in the neck at the
level of greater cornu of the hyoid
bone, and after a looped course in
the submandibular region, it enters
the face by winding around the lower
border of the mandible at the
anteroinferior angle of the masseter
by piercing the investing layer of
deep cervical fascia.
In the face, the artery passes
tortuously, first upwards and
forwards to a point 1.25 cm lateral
to the angle of the mouth and then
ascends along the side of the nose to
the medial angle of the eye where it
ends by anastomosing with the
dorsal nasal branch of ophthalmic
artery. The terminal part of facial
artery is called angular artery.
Branches of the Facial Artery in
the Face
In the face it gives three sets of named
branches, viz.
1.Inferior labial artery, to supply the
lower lip.
2.Superior labial artery, to supply the
upper lip.
3.Lateral nasal artery, to supply the
ala and dorsum of the nose.
All these branches arise
4.Muscular branches, are small,
unnamed and arise from the
posterior aspect of the artery
Venous drainage of scalp and face
Venous drainage of scalp and face
Supratrochlear V + Supraorbital V
Anterior facial V
Maxillary V Sup. Temporal V +
Retromandibular V
Common facial vein
Post. Auricular V
Subclavian V
* Occipital veins drain into suboccipital plexus of veins
The face is divided into three lymphatic
territories, viz.
Upper area—comprising greater part
of the forehead, lateral halves of the
eyelids including conjunctiva, parotid
area, and adjoining part of the cheek.
Lymph from upper territory is drained
into preauricular or superficial parotid
Middle area —comprising central
part of the forehead, medial halves
of the eyelids, external nose, upper
Lip, lateral part of lower lip, medial
part of cheek, and greater part of the
lower jaw.
 Lymph from middle territory is
drained into submandibular lymph
Lower territory—comprising
central part of the lower lip
and chin.
Lymph from lower territory is
drained into submental lymph
Dangerous area of the face
The facial vein and its communications are
devoid of valves in their lumens.
Since facial vein rests directly on the
muscles of facial expression, the movements
of these muscles may facilitate the spread of
septic emboli from infected area of the lower
part of the nose, upper lip, and adjoining
part of the cheek in retrograde direction
through deep facial vein, pterygoid venous
plexus, and emissary vein into the cavernous
sinus leading to meningitis and cavernous
facial vein
Pterygoid venous
Cavernous sinus
Emissary veins
Deep facial V. Sup.oph.V.
Bell’s palsy
It is lower motor neuron type
paralysis of facial muscles due to
compression of facial nerve in the
facial canal near stylomastoid
The exact etiology is not known
but it is probably due to viral
Characteristic Features
Facial asymmetry (affected side is drawn
to the healthy side)—due to unopposed
action of muscles of normal side.
Loss of horizontal wrinkles on
forehead—due to paralysis of
occipitofrontalis muscle.
Widening of palpebral fissure and
inability to close the eye—due to
paralysis of orbicularis oculi.
Tears flow down from the eye
(epiphora)—due to paralysis of the lower
part of the orbicularis oculi.
Sagging of the angle of the mouth
towards the affected side and inability of
the angle of the mouth to move upwards
and laterally during laughing—due to
paralysis of zygomaticus major.
Loss of nasolabial furrow—due to
paralysis of levator labii 7. Acsuperioris
alaeque nasi.
Acumulation of food into the vestibule of
the mouth—due to paralysis of buccinator
Dribbling of saliva from the angle of the
mouth—due to paralysis of orbicularis
Loss of resistance when one
presses cheek with inflated
vestibule and air leaks out from
between the lips—due to
paralysis of buccinator muscle.
Trigeminal neuralgia (tic
It is a clinical condition characterized
by sudden paroxysmal attacks of
lancinating pain lasting from few hours
to several days, confined to distribution
of one or more divisions of trigeminal
It commonly starts in the maxillary
territory and more frequently on the
right side.
Herpes zoster ophthalmicus
It is a viral infection involving the
ophthalmic nerve.
It presents as severe pain and edema
in the ophthalmic territory and is
characterized by the appearance of
vesicles along the course of cutaneous
branches of the ophthalmic nerve.

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  • 2. The face is the front aspect of the head possessing eyes, nose and mouth.
  • 3. The forehead is common to both the face and the scalp. SUPERIORLY • up to the hair line INFERIORLY • chin and base of the mandible LATERALY • auricle
  • 4.
  • 5. FACE Layers of the face: 1- Skin: it is thick, has rich blood supply (rapid healing) 2- Superficial fascia: contains muscles, vessels and nerves of the face. No deep fascia in most of the face (to allow for facial expression)
  • 6. Skin of the face is thick, elastic, and very vascular. It contains large number of sweat and sebaceous glands. The sweat glands- regulate the body temperature sebaceous glands - oily
  • 7. Skin Very vascular Blushing Wounds bleed profusely but heal rapidly
  • 8. The skin of face is lax except on the nose where it is firmly attached to the underlying cartilages and provides insertion to the muscles of facial expressions. BOILS
  • 9. Superficial Fascia muscles of facial expression vessels and nerves- Ms& skin variable amount of fat
  • 10. The fat is absent in the eyelids & well- developed in cheeks forming buccal pad of fat, which provides rounded contour to cheeks. The buccal pads of fat are very prominent in infants in whom they help in suckling the milk and are called suctorial pad of fat.
  • 11. Deep Fascia Absent in face except over the parotid gland and masseter muscle, k/n as parotidomasseteric fascia. The absence of deep fascia in the face is essential for the facial expression.
  • 12. MUSCLES OF FACIAL EXPRESSION The muscles of facial expression are embedded in the superficial fascia.
  • 13. Characteristic Features of the Muscles 1. They lie in superficial fascia and inserted into the skin. 2. Morphologically, they represent the remnant of (panniculus carnosus), of lower animals. Skeletal muscle in superficial fascia
  • 14. 3. Embryologically, they develop from mesoderm of 2nd pharyngeal arch, hence supplied by facial nerve. 4. Functionally, they perform all important functions of non-verbal communication in addition to closing and opening the orifices in the region of the face.
  • 15. Location and Function The facial muscles are arranged in groups Eye  around the orifices of mouth nose as sphincters and dilators of these orifices.
  • 16. As mentioned earlier, they produce different types of facial expressions. To perform fine movements of facial expressions the facial muscles have small motor units. Orbicularis oculi, orbicularis oris, and buccinator
  • 17.
  • 18.
  • 19.
  • 20. Muscles Around the Orifice of the Eye These include:  Orbicularis oculi.  Corrugator supercilii.  Frontalis.  Levator palpebrae superioris.
  • 21.
  • 22. “ ” Orbicularis oculi It consists of three parts— orbital, palpebral, and lacrimal.
  • 23. Orbital part Origin • medial palpebral ligament, frontal process of maxilla and adjoining part of the frontal bone. Insertion • without interrupting returning to their point of origin. Action • closes the eye tightly to protect the eye from bright light, injury. also used in winking
  • 24. Palpebral part Arises from medial palpebral ligament and sweeps laterally over the upper and lower eyelids inserted into the lateral palpebral ligament. It closes the eyelids gently as in sleep or in blinking.
  • 25.
  • 26. Lacrimal part It arises from posterior lacrimal crest and lacrimal fascia that passes laterally in front of tarsal plates of both eyelids to be inserted into the lateral palpebral raphe. It dilates the lacrimal sac by exerting traction on the lacrimal fascia, thus helping in the drainage of lacrimal fluid.
  • 27.
  • 28. Action- Contraction of entire muscle draws the skin of forehead, temple & cheek towards the medial angle of eye.
  • 29. Corrugator supercilii It arises from the medial end of the superciliary arch of frontal bone, passes laterally and upwards to be inserted into the subcutaneous tissue of the eyebrow above the middle of the supraorbital margin. It drags the eyebrow medially and downwards & protect the eye from bright light, produces vertical wrinkles on the forehead as in frowning, an
  • 30.
  • 31. act Origin- medial end of superciliary arch Insertion- subcutaneous tissue of eyebrow Action- vertical wrinkles on the forehead
  • 32. Frontalis Origin- Skin of forehead, subcutaneous tissue of eyebrow & root of the nose. Action- Alternate contraction move the entire scalp backward and forward. Acting from above frontal bellies raise the eyebrows as in surprise, horror, fright). Acting from below produces transverse wrinkle into forehead.
  • 33.
  • 34. Levator palpebrae superioris It is not a muscle of the face but one of the orbital muscles. It is an antagonist to the sphincteric action of palpebral part of orbicularis oculi. It elevates the upper eyelid.
  • 35.
  • 36. Facial muscles Thin, flat muscles, connected to the dermis of the skin Innervated by the facial nerve. blend into each other.
  • 37. Muscles Around the Nasal Cavity 1. Procerus. 2. Nasalis. 3. Depressor septi.
  • 38.
  • 39. Procerus It arises from fascia covering the nasal bone, passes upwards to be inserted into the skin of the eyebrows. It produces transverse wrinkles across the bridge (root) of the nose as in frowning.
  • 40. Nasalis It consists of two parts: transverse part called compressor naris and alar part called dilator naris. 1. Compressor naris arises form maxilla close to the nasal notch, passes upwards and medially to form an aponeurosis across the bridge of nose where it becomes continuous with its counterpart on the opposite side. It compresses the nasal aperture.
  • 41.
  • 42.
  • 43. 2. Dilator naris arises from from the margin of the nasal notch of maxilla, and inserted into the lateral part of the ala of the nose. It dilates the anterior nasal apertures as in deep inspiration. It also expresses the anger (sign of omega).
  • 44. Depressor septi It arises from the incisive fossa of the maxilla and is inserted into the lower mobile part of the nasal septum. It dilation of anterior nasal aperture, also active in anger.
  • 45. Nose muscles - Nasalis - compresses/dilates nose -Depressor Septi - depresses tip -Procerus- produce transverse wrinkles across the bridge of nose.
  • 46.
  • 47. Muscles Around the Mouth The muscles around the mouth are responsible for the movement of lips and cheek. These include: 1. Orbicularis oris: Acts as sphincter. 2. Nine muscles converging around the mouth act as dilator.
  • 48. Nine Muscles Converging Around the Mouth 1. Levator labii superioris alaeque nasi. 2. Levator labii superioris. 3. Levator anguli oris. 4. Zygomaticus minor. 5. Zygomaticus major. 6. Depressor labii inferioris.
  • 49. 7. Depressor anguli oris. 8. Risorius. 9. Buccinator
  • 50.
  • 51. Orbicularis Oris This complex muscle surrounds the oral orifice and forms the greater part of the lips. It has extrinsic and intrinsic parts. Extrinsic part arrange in 3 groups. 1. Deepest 2. Intermediate 3. superficial
  • 52.
  • 53. Deepest part: incisivus superior muscle from insicive fossa of maxilla & mandible. Intermediate part: buccinator muscle. The fibres of buccinator converge towards the modiolus.
  • 54.  The uppermost and lowermost fibres pass straight into their respective lips, whereas the middle fibres decussate, so that the upper fibres pass into the lower lip, and lower into the upper lip.
  • 55.
  • 56. Superficial: interlacing fibres of the muscles which converge around the mouth for their insertion into the lips, viz. levator anguli oris, depressor anguli oris. Intrinsic part : skin to mucous membrane of lips.
  • 57. ACTIONS Closes the lip. Deep fibres compresses the lips against the teeth help in mastication. Superficial fibres protrudes the lips. Also helps in speech.
  • 58. Nerve supply Buccal branch of the facial nerve.
  • 59.
  • 60. Buccinator (Bugler’s muscle/trumpeter’s muscle) muscle of the cheek, thin & quadrilateral in shape. Origin: arises from the following 4 sites: Outer surface of the alveolar process of maxilla & mandible opposite three molar teeth.
  • 62.
  • 63. INSERTION After reaching angle of mouth arrange in 3 groups. Upper- into upper lip lower – lower lip Intermediate- chiasmaticus dicussation. Upper goes into lower lip & lower fibres into upper lip.
  • 64. Nerve supply: Buccal branches of facial nerve. Actions: It flattens the cheek against the gum and teeth, and thus prevents the accumulation of food in the vestibule of mouth during mastication.
  • 65. It is responsible for blowing the cheek and expelling the air between the lips from inflated vestibule as in blowing the trumpet (hence the name trumpeter’s muscle).
  • 66. Emotional expression Presenting features Facial muscles Surprise/horro r/fright Transverse wrinkles of the forehead Frontalis Frowning •Vertical wrinkles of the forehead • Transverse wrinkle across the root of nose Corrugator supercilii Procerus Anger Dilation of the anterior nasal aperture • Depression of lower mobile part of the nasal septum Dilator naris • Depressor septi
  • 67. Nerve supply of the face 13 nerves: 1 motor & rest are sensory.
  • 68. Nerve supply of the face By facial N. which supplies all muscles of the face except lev. Palp. Sup. (by oculomotor) sensory motor By branches of trigeminal nerve except the skin covering the angle of mandible (supplied by great auricular nerve) Ophthalmic div. Maxillary div. Mandibular div. 1-supratrrochlear 2-supraorbital 3-palpebral br. of lacrimal 4-infratrochlear 5-external nasal 1-zygomaticofacial 2-zygomaticotemporal 3-infraorbital 1-mental 2-buccal 3-auriculotemporal
  • 69. Sensory Nerve Supply The upper 1/3rd of face (develop from frontonasal process) is supplied by ophthalmic division, middle 3rd of face (develop from maxillary processes) is supplied by maxillary division and lower 3rd of face (develop from mandibular processes) is supplied by mandibular division of the trigeminal nerve.
  • 70.
  • 71.
  • 72. Motor Nerve Supply Here divides into 5 terminal branches which emerge in the face radiating through the anterior border of the parotid gland and supply the muscles of facial expression. enters the parotid gland. the facial nerve wind around the lateral aspect of styloid process After coming out of cranial cavity through stylomastoid foramen,
  • 73.
  • 74.
  • 75. Nerve supply of the face
  • 76. Facial nerve Innervates muscles of facial expression - Exits stylomastoid foramen and crosses parotid gland, where divides into five major branches: - Temporal - Zygomatic - Buccal - Marginal Mandibular - Cervical - Posterior auricular branch arises proximal to parotid
  • 77. Nerve supply Forehead - Frontalis – temporal - Procerus – temporal, zygomatic, buccal - Corrugator supercilii – temporal, zygomatic, buccal - Orbicularis oculi – temporal, zygomatic
  • 78. Nerve supply Nose - Nasalis – zygomatic, BUCCAL - Depressor Septi Nasi – BUCCAL - Levator labii superioris alaeque nasi – BUCCAL
  • 79. Arterial supply The face is supplied by branches of the external carotid and the internal carotid artery - Two main branches of the ECA: Facial artery and superficial temporal artery - Main branches of the internal carotid that supplies the medial upper face and scalp is the ophthalmic artery
  • 80. - Mainly by facial artery - It is a tortuous artery - It gives the following branches in the face 1- inferior labial 2- superior labial 3- nasal Facial artery
  • 81. Arterial blood supply The face is the highly vascular region and is supplied by the 1. Facial artery- chief artery of the face. 2. Transverse facial artery. 3. Arteries that accompany the cutaneous nerves.
  • 82.
  • 83. Facial Artery It arises from ECA in the neck at the level of greater cornu of the hyoid bone, and after a looped course in the submandibular region, it enters the face by winding around the lower border of the mandible at the anteroinferior angle of the masseter by piercing the investing layer of deep cervical fascia.
  • 84. In the face, the artery passes tortuously, first upwards and forwards to a point 1.25 cm lateral to the angle of the mouth and then ascends along the side of the nose to the medial angle of the eye where it ends by anastomosing with the dorsal nasal branch of ophthalmic artery. The terminal part of facial artery is called angular artery.
  • 85. Branches of the Facial Artery in the Face In the face it gives three sets of named branches, viz. 1.Inferior labial artery, to supply the lower lip. 2.Superior labial artery, to supply the upper lip. 3.Lateral nasal artery, to supply the ala and dorsum of the nose.
  • 86. All these branches arise anteriorly. 4.Muscular branches, are small, unnamed and arise from the posterior aspect of the artery
  • 87. Venous drainage of scalp and face
  • 88. Venous drainage of scalp and face Supratrochlear V + Supraorbital V Anterior facial V Maxillary V Sup. Temporal V + Retromandibular V Anterior division Posterior division Common facial vein + Post. Auricular V EJV IJV Subclavian V * Occipital veins drain into suboccipital plexus of veins
  • 89. LYMPHATIC DRAINAGE The face is divided into three lymphatic territories, viz. Upper area—comprising greater part of the forehead, lateral halves of the eyelids including conjunctiva, parotid area, and adjoining part of the cheek. Lymph from upper territory is drained into preauricular or superficial parotid LN.
  • 90. Middle area —comprising central part of the forehead, medial halves of the eyelids, external nose, upper Lip, lateral part of lower lip, medial part of cheek, and greater part of the lower jaw.  Lymph from middle territory is drained into submandibular lymph nodes.
  • 91. Lower territory—comprising central part of the lower lip and chin. Lymph from lower territory is drained into submental lymph nodes.
  • 92.
  • 93.
  • 94. Dangerous area of the face The facial vein and its communications are devoid of valves in their lumens. Since facial vein rests directly on the muscles of facial expression, the movements of these muscles may facilitate the spread of septic emboli from infected area of the lower part of the nose, upper lip, and adjoining part of the cheek in retrograde direction through deep facial vein, pterygoid venous plexus, and emissary vein into the cavernous sinus leading to meningitis and cavernous
  • 95. facial vein Pterygoid venous plexus Cavernous sinus Emissary veins Deep facial V. Sup.oph.V.
  • 96.
  • 97. Bell’s palsy It is lower motor neuron type paralysis of facial muscles due to compression of facial nerve in the facial canal near stylomastoid foramen. The exact etiology is not known but it is probably due to viral infection.
  • 98. Characteristic Features Facial asymmetry (affected side is drawn to the healthy side)—due to unopposed action of muscles of normal side. Loss of horizontal wrinkles on forehead—due to paralysis of occipitofrontalis muscle. Widening of palpebral fissure and inability to close the eye—due to paralysis of orbicularis oculi.
  • 99. Tears flow down from the eye (epiphora)—due to paralysis of the lower part of the orbicularis oculi. Sagging of the angle of the mouth towards the affected side and inability of the angle of the mouth to move upwards and laterally during laughing—due to paralysis of zygomaticus major.
  • 100. Loss of nasolabial furrow—due to paralysis of levator labii 7. Acsuperioris alaeque nasi. Acumulation of food into the vestibule of the mouth—due to paralysis of buccinator muscle. Dribbling of saliva from the angle of the mouth—due to paralysis of orbicularis oris.
  • 101. Loss of resistance when one presses cheek with inflated vestibule and air leaks out from between the lips—due to paralysis of buccinator muscle.
  • 102.
  • 103. Trigeminal neuralgia (tic douloureux) It is a clinical condition characterized by sudden paroxysmal attacks of lancinating pain lasting from few hours to several days, confined to distribution of one or more divisions of trigeminal nerve. It commonly starts in the maxillary territory and more frequently on the right side.
  • 104. Herpes zoster ophthalmicus It is a viral infection involving the ophthalmic nerve. It presents as severe pain and edema in the ophthalmic territory and is characterized by the appearance of vesicles along the course of cutaneous branches of the ophthalmic nerve.