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Dr Nikhil V Suresh
First Year PG
Department of Public Health Dentistry
 Face is the most prominent part of the body
 Facial muscles also known as the ‘mimetic muscles’,
represent remnants of the ‘Panniculus Carnosus’
,continuous subcutaneous muscle sheet seen in
some animals.
 Facial Musculature are the only somatic muscles in
the body attached on one side to the bone and the
other side to the skin; thus specialized for expression
Boundaries of face:
•Superiorly -hair line
• Inferiorly - the chin
and the base of
• Laterally- on each
side of auricle.
Layers of the face
1. Skin
2. Subcutaneous
areolar tissue
3. Superficial fascia
4. Loose areolar tissue
5. Periosteum
 The superficial fascia has different designations in
different regions of the scalp, temple, face, and neck.
1. In the forehead-galea aponeurosis.
2. In the temple-temporoparietal fascia .
3. In the midface-superficial muscular aponeurotic
system (SMAS).
4. In the neck- as fascial sleeve for the platysma muscle
 Deep fascia is absent in face
Facial bones
 Facial
consists of :
 2 unpaired
bones and
 6 paired
Facial bones
 Facial
consists of :
 2 unpaired
bones and
 6 paired
Paired bones:
 Maxilla
 Palatine bone
 Zygomatic bone
 Lacrimal bone
 Nasal bone
 Inferior nasal conchae
Unpaired facial bones:
 Mandible
 Vomer
Unpaired facial bones:
 Mandible
 Vomer
Development of muscles of facial expression
 They develop
from mesoderm
of 2nd brachial
 So they are
supplied by
Cranial nerve VII
Muscles of
They are the regulator of 3 openings
Palpebral fissure Oral fissure Nostrils
Compressor naris
Orbicularis oris
Orbicularis oculi
1.Dilator naris
2.Depressor septi
3.Medial slip of
levator labii
superioris alaque
All muscles of
Muscles of
Muscles of
Muscles of
of auricle
1. Occipitofron
1. orbicularis
2. levator
3. corrugator
1. Procerus
2. Compressor
3. Dilator naris
4. Depressor septi
1. Orbicularis oris
2. Levator labi superioris aleque nasi
3. Levator labi superioris
4. Levator anguli oris
5. Zygomaticus major
6. Zygomaticus minor
7. Depressor labi inferioris
8. Depressor anguli oris
9. Risorius
10. Mentalis
11. Buccinators
1. Auricularis anterior
2. Auricularis posterior
3. Auricularis superior
of neck
1. platysma
Muscles of scalp/ Epicranial group
 The occipitofrontalis muscle
comprises of two main sections.
These sections include
1. Occipital belly -located
2. frontal belly - located anteriorly.
The frontal belly is the major
contributor to facial expression
 Occipital Belly:
 Origin-they are small and separate and origin from
lateral two-third of superior nuchal line
 Insertion- into epicranial aponeurosis
 Frontal belly:
 Origin- arises from skin of forehead
 Insertion- into epicranial aponeurosis
 Frontalis: temporal
branches of the facial
nerve (VII)
 Occipitalis: posterior
auricular branch of the
facial nerve (VII)
Arterial supply
 Frontalis: Supraorbital
and Supratrochlear
 Occipitalis: Occipital
 Elevates eyebrows and
horizontal wrinkles of
 Surprise and frightening
Muscles around Eye
 Consists of 3 muscles:
1. Orbicularis oculi
2. Corrugator supercili
3. Levator palpebrae
Orbicularis oculi:
 3 parts
1. Orbital part(outer
around orbit) –
Origin- from medial part of
medial palpebral
ligament and adjoining
bone. –
Insertion- form concentric
rings, return to point of
Action –closes the lids tightly,
Palpebral part(Inner in
 Origin-from lateral
part of medial
palpebral ligament –
 Insertion- into lateral
palpebral raphe
 Action-closes the lids
gently, blinking
Lacrimal part(Small,
posterior to lacrimal
 Origin- from lacrimal
fascia& lacrimal bone
 Insertion- into lateral
palperal raphae
 Action-dilate lacrimal
sac, support lower eye
Innervation Temporal
and zygomatic
branches of facial
Contraction of entire
muscle-crow feet
Corrugator supercillii
 Origin- superciliary
 Insertion: skin of the
 Innervation:- Temporal
branch of facial nerve
Action :
 produces vertical
wrinkles of the
 frowning
 as an expression
of annoyance
 Draws eyebrows
Levator palpabrae superioris
 Its a triangular muscle
 Origin: lesser wing of
sphenoid bone
 Insertion : upper eyelid
 Function : lid elevation
 Innervation:-
Occulomotor Nerve.
Action :
 Elevates upper eyelid
 Ptosis –damage to
muscle or nerve lesion
of CN III causes ptosis
Muscles of Nose
 Procerus
 Nasalis
Compressor naris
Dilator naris
 Depressor septi
 Pyramidal muscle
 Origin – nasal bone and
lateral nasal cartilage
 Insertion – glabellar skin
over lower part of
forehead between the
 Innervation:- Temporal &
Lower zygomatic branches
of facial nerve.
 Action :
 pulls down the medial
end of the eyebrow
 wrinkles the skin of the
nose transversely
in Frowning &
 Reduces the glare of
 Nasalis
Compressor naris
(transverse part)
Dilator naris
(Alar part)
Compressor Naris:- Arises
from the maxilla just lateral to the
nasal notch
Dilator Naris:- Arises from the
Maxilla; below & medial to the
transverse part.
 Insertion:-
 Compressor Naris:- The
muscle fibres pass upward &
medially to expand into a thin
aponeurosis. At the bridge of
the nose, the paired muscle
merges with each other as
well as the aponeurosis of the
 Dilator Naris:- Partly merges
with the compressor Naris & is
attached to the cartilagenous
Ala Nasi.
 Action:-
 Compressor
Compresses the nasal
 Dilator naris(alar):-
Widening the anterior
nasal aperture. Deep
 Innervation:- Buccal &
Zygomatic branch of the
Facial nerve
Depressor septi
 Origin – Maxilla above
the central incisor.
 Insertion – Mobile
part of the nasal
 Innervation:- Buccal
branch of facial nerve
 Pulls the nasal
columella, septum &
tip of nose downward
 With alar part of
nasalis – widens the
nasal aperture causing
nose to dip on smiling.
Muscles around mouth
Elevators, evertors & retractors of
upper lip
Depressors, evertors & retractors of
lower lip
Orbicularis oris
Elevators, evertors & retractors of upper lip
Levator Labii Superioris Alaque Nasi
Levator Labi Superioris
Levator Anguli Oris
Zygomaticus Major
Zygomaticus Minor
Levator Labii Superioris Alaque Nasi
 Origin:- Upper part of
the frontal process of
 Insertion:- ala of the
nose by one slip and To
skin of upper lip by
another slip
 Innervation:- Zygomatic
and buccal branches of
facial nerve.
 Action:
 Raises & everts the upper lip.
 Dilates the nostril
Levator Labii Superioris
 Origin:- Maxilla &
Zygomatic bone above
the infra orbital foramen.
 Insertion:- Muscular
substance of upper lip.
 Innervation:- Zygomatic
& buccal branches of
facial nerve
 Action :
 Raises upper lip
 Helps form nasolabial
furrow in sadness
Levator Anguli Oris(caninus)
 It is intermingle with
other muscles .Extends
further into skin of
lower lip up to midline
 Origin:- Canine fossa of
the maxilla.
 Insertion:- Into & below
the angle of the mouth.
 Innervation:- Zygomatic
& Buccal branches of
the facial nerve
 Actions:
 Raises the angle of
 Accentuates the
nasolabial furrow
 Expression of sadness
 Bilateral contraction of
this muscle causes a
typical “Dracula”
expression which
exposes canines of both
the sides
Zygomaticus Major
 Origin:- Zygomatic
bone behind
 Insertion:- Angle of the
 Innervation:-
Zygomatic & Buccal
branches of facial
 Action :-
 Draws the angle of the
mouth upwards &
laterally as in
 Spasm- risus
Zygomaticus minor
 Small muscle
 Its located between
levator labii superioris
and zygomaticus major
 Origin:- Lateral surface of
zygomatic bone infront of
the zygomaticomaxillary
 Insertion:- Muscular
substances of upper lip.
 Innervation:- Zygomatic
& Buccal branches of
facial nerve
 Action:-
 Elevates & curls
the upper lip as in
smugness or
 Origin:- Massetric
 Insertion:- Skin of
the angle of the
 Innervation:- The
buccal branch of the
facial nerve
 Action :
 Contraction of its fibres
pulls the corner of the
mouth laterally and
Depressors, evertors & retractors of lower lip
Depressor labi inferioris
Depressor anguli oris
Depressor labi inferioris
 Origin:- Oblique line of
the mandible between
the symphysis menti and
mental foramen.
 Insertion:- Into the skin &
mucosa of the lower lip.
 Innervation- marginal
mandibular branch of
facial nerve
 Action:-
 Draws the lower lip
downwards & laterally
 Assists in eversion of
lower lip.
Depressor anguli oris
 Origin:- Mental
tubercle of mandible
and its continuation,
the oblique line.
 Insertion:- Angle of the
 Innervation- marginal
mandibular branch of
facial nerve
 Action:- Draws the
angle of mouth
downwards and
laterally in opening
 Expresses Grief
 Its conical in shape
 Origin:- Incisive fossa of
the mandible.
 Insertion:- Skin of the
 Innervation:- Mandibular
branch of facial nerve
 Action:-
 Raises the lower lip
 wrinkling the skin of the
chin as in doubt
 Protrudes the lower lip in
Orbicularis oris
 Its the muscle that
surrounds the mouth
 There are 4 parts: 2 in
left(upper and lower) and 2
in right(upper and lower)
 Each of the 4 parts anchor to
the modiolus on that side
 At the midline the fibres
from each side interlaces
with each other thereby
attaching into each other
Origin: -
 Some fibres originate near the
midline from the maxilla
superiorly and mandible
 Other fibres from the buccinator
in the cheek and other muscles
acting on the lips
Insertion: -
 It inserts into the angle of mouth
and mucous membrane of the
 Action:-
 Varying kind of movements of
lips like pouting , pursing ,
 Contraction narrows the
mouth and closes the lips
 Its the muscle of cheek
 Known as the ‘Whistling
 Its a quadrilateral shaped
 Its pierced by: Parotid duct,
Buccal branch of
mandibular nerve
 Upper Fibers:- Outer surface of
alveolar process of upper molar
 Middle Fibers:- From
Pterygomandibular Raphe
 Lower Fibers:- Mandible , opposite
the molar teeth
 Upper Fibers;- Upper Lip
 Middle fibers:- Decussate Upper
part into lower lip and vice versa
 Lower Fibers:- Lower Lip
Buccal branch of Facial Nerve
 Lateral aspect-related to
the ramus of mandible,
muscle of mastication
(masseter and medial
pterygoid muscle), the
buccal fat pad, and the
buccopharyngeal fascia.
 Medial aspect- its
covering is the submucosa
and mucosa of the cheek.
 The buccinator muscle is
pierced by the parotid
duct (Stenson's duct)
Actions ;-
 Flattens the cheek against
the gingiva & teeth during
 prevents accumulation
food in the vestibule.
 Whistling
 Blowing
 Buccinator mechanism –balance
between the muscles is responsible
for integrity of dental arches and
relationship of teeth to each. Loss of
this balance causes malocclusion
 Inward forces - it balances the
outward forces of tongue
 Hyperactivity –results in narrow
arches and malocclusion
 Paralysis of the buccinator -lead to
difficult mastication as the non-
functioning of this muscle can cause
repeated laceration of the cheek
 Denture stabilization- it grips the
polished surface of the denture
Muscles of auricle
 anterior: galea aponeurotica
anterior to ear
 superior: galea aponeurotica
superior to ear
 posterior: mastoid process
 into epicranial aponeurosius
Innervation :-
 anterior & superior: temporal
branches of facial nerve (VII)
 posterior: posterior auricular
branch of facial nerve
Platysma-muscle of neck
Origin :-
 Subcutaneous fascia of
superior chest, the pectoral
and deltoid fascia. The fibres
run upward and medially
 Anterior fibres to base of
 Posterior fibres to skin of
lower face and lip
Cervical branch of facial nerve
 Action:-
 Draws up the skin of the superior
chest and neck, creating ridges
of skin of the neck
 Depresses and draws laterally
the lower lip
 depress mandible
 Pulls angle of mouth downwards
 Terror, fright, horror
Summary of muscles used for facial expression
Zygomaticus major-smiling and laughing
Levator Anguli Oris & Levator Labii Superioris -
Corrugator Supercilli & Procerus - Frowning
Frontalis - Surprise
Platysma - Horror, Terror, Fright
Buccinator & Orbicularis Oris - Whistling
Applied Anatomy
Facial Nerve
 The facial nerve, CN VII, is
the seventh paired cranial
 The main trunk of the
nerve, after existing the
skull, continues anteriorly
and inferiorly into the
parotid gland
Bell’s palsy
• Charles Bell in 1821 first described Bell’s
• Bell's palsy is a non-progressive
neurological disorder of one of the facial
nerves (7th cranial nerve).
• This disorder is characterized by the
sudden onset of facial paralysis that may
be preceded by a slight fever, pain behind
the ear on the affected side, a stiff neck,
and weakness and/or stiffness on one
side of the face.
 Lower Motor Neuron
 Various and unknown
 often associated with viral
infection like Herpes
simplex virus, Epstein barr
virus, Varicella zoster virus
 Bacterial infection like
Borellia burgdofere
Signs & Symptoms:
 Facial weakness.
 Absence of nasolabial fold
 Drooping of eyelid
 Drooping of mouth
 Dryness of effected eye or
 Hypersensitivity of loud noise
 Loss of taste sensation from
anterior 2/3rd of tongue
 Patient is unable to whistle ,
smile or grimace.
 Clinical Evaluation:
 Bells’ sign:- Whenever patient
attempts to close the eyelid, the
eyeball rolls upward so that the
pupil is covered and only the
white sclera is visible
 Face drawn to the normal side.
 Postive Hitselberger sign:-
Decreased sensation along the
external acoustic meatus.
The grading system developed by House and Brackmann categorizes Bell
palsy on a scale of I to VI as follows:
• Grade I: normal facial function
• Grade II: mild dysfunction
• Grade III: moderate dysfunction
• Grade IV: moderately severe dysfunction
• Grade V: severe dysfunction
• Grade VI: total paralysis
 Treatment :
 Symptomatic:- Lubricating eye drops Massage of the
affected muscles.
 Medication:-corticosterioids- Prednisolone 60-
 Acylovir; if a virus is responsible for it.
Infranuclear Lesion Supranuclear Lesion
•LMN lesion of facial nerve (Bell’s Palsy),
the whole of the face of the same side
gets paralyzed.
• The face becomes asymmetrical and is
drawn up to normal side.
•The affected side is motionless.
•Wrinkles disappear and eye cannot be
•Peripheral Palsy
•UMN lesions of Facial nerve is usually a
part of hemiplegia.
•Only the lower part of opposite side of
the face is paralyzed.
•The upper part of frontalis and
orbicularis oris escape due to its bilateral
representation in the cerebral cortex.
•Central Palsy
Complication of Inferior alveolar nerve block
 Undesirable nerve block:
 Due to proximity of IANB needle
position to the facial nerve and
the parotid
 facial nerve is anesthetised
results in Transient Hemifacial
 Muscles being supplied by the
side of the facial nerve is
affected and cannot contract,
leads to loss of muscle action of
the affected side of the face
Melkersson Rosenthal Syndrome
 Rare neurological disorder.
 Characterized by triad of :
1. Recurring facial
2. Recurrent orofacial non-
pitting oedema
3. Fissured tongue.
 Also known as orofacial
Moebius Syndrome
 Extremely rare congenital
neurological disorder.
 In most cases, the sixth and
seventh cranial nerves are
congenitally absent
 The absence of these nerves leads
to the characteristic facial
paralysis and other symptoms of
Moebius syndrome.
 Characterized by facial paralysis
and the inability to move the eyes
from side to side.
 Most people with Möbius
syndrome are born with
complete facial paralysis and
cannot close their eyes or form
facial expressions.
 Often the upper lip is retracted
due to muscle shrinkage.
 Children with Moebius
syndrome may have delayed
speech because of paralysis of
muscles that move the lips,
soft palate & tongue
1. Chaurasia BD. Human anatomy. CBS Publisher;
2. Gray H. Gray's anatomy. Arcturus Publishing; 2009
Jul 15.
3. Halim A. Human Anatomy: Volume III: Head, Neck
and Brain. IK International Pvt Ltd; 2008 Dec 30.

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  • 1. MUSCLES OF FACIAL EXPRESSION Dr Nikhil V Suresh First Year PG Department of Public Health Dentistry
  • 3.
  • 4. Introduction  Face is the most prominent part of the body  Facial muscles also known as the ‘mimetic muscles’, represent remnants of the ‘Panniculus Carnosus’ ,continuous subcutaneous muscle sheet seen in some animals.  Facial Musculature are the only somatic muscles in the body attached on one side to the bone and the other side to the skin; thus specialized for expression
  • 5. FACE Boundaries of face: •Superiorly -hair line • Inferiorly - the chin and the base of mandible • Laterally- on each side of auricle.
  • 6. Layers of the face 1. Skin 2. Subcutaneous tissue/superficial areolar tissue 3. Superficial fascia 4. Loose areolar tissue 5. Periosteum
  • 7.  The superficial fascia has different designations in different regions of the scalp, temple, face, and neck. 1. In the forehead-galea aponeurosis. 2. In the temple-temporoparietal fascia . 3. In the midface-superficial muscular aponeurotic system (SMAS). 4. In the neck- as fascial sleeve for the platysma muscle  Deep fascia is absent in face
  • 8. Facial bones  Facial skeleton consists of :  2 unpaired bones and  6 paired bones
  • 9. Facial bones  Facial skeleton consists of :  2 unpaired bones and  6 paired bones
  • 10. Paired bones:  Maxilla  Palatine bone  Zygomatic bone  Lacrimal bone  Nasal bone  Inferior nasal conchae
  • 11. Unpaired facial bones:  Mandible  Vomer
  • 12. Unpaired facial bones:  Mandible  Vomer
  • 13. Development of muscles of facial expression  They develop from mesoderm of 2nd brachial arch  So they are supplied by Cranial nerve VII
  • 16. Functionally They are the regulator of 3 openings opening sphincter Dilator Palpebral fissure Oral fissure Nostrils Compressor naris Orbicularis oris Orbicularis oculi 1.Dilator naris 2.Depressor septi 3.Medial slip of levator labii superioris alaque nasi 1.Levator palpebral superioris 2.Occipitofrontalis All muscles of mouth,except mentalis
  • 17. Topographically Muscles of scalp Muscles of eyelids Muscles of nose Muscles around mouth Muscles of auricle 1. Occipitofron talis 1. orbicularis oculi 2. levator palpebral surerioris 3. corrugator spercilii 1. Procerus 2. Compressor naris 3. Dilator naris 4. Depressor septi 1. Orbicularis oris 2. Levator labi superioris aleque nasi 3. Levator labi superioris 4. Levator anguli oris 5. Zygomaticus major 6. Zygomaticus minor 7. Depressor labi inferioris 8. Depressor anguli oris 9. Risorius 10. Mentalis 11. Buccinators 1. Auricularis anterior 2. Auricularis posterior 3. Auricularis superior Muscles of neck 1. platysma
  • 18. Muscles of scalp/ Epicranial group Occipitofrontalis  The occipitofrontalis muscle comprises of two main sections. These sections include 1. Occipital belly -located posteriorly 2. frontal belly - located anteriorly. The frontal belly is the major contributor to facial expression
  • 19.  Occipital Belly:  Origin-they are small and separate and origin from lateral two-third of superior nuchal line  Insertion- into epicranial aponeurosis  Frontal belly:  Origin- arises from skin of forehead  Insertion- into epicranial aponeurosis
  • 20. Innervations  Frontalis: temporal branches of the facial nerve (VII)  Occipitalis: posterior auricular branch of the facial nerve (VII) Arterial supply  Frontalis: Supraorbital and Supratrochlear artery  Occipitalis: Occipital artery.
  • 21. Actions:  Elevates eyebrows and horizontal wrinkles of forehead  Surprise and frightening
  • 22. Muscles around Eye  Consists of 3 muscles: 1. Orbicularis oculi 2. Corrugator supercili 3. Levator palpebrae superioris
  • 23. Orbicularis oculi:  3 parts 1. Orbital part(outer around orbit) – Origin- from medial part of medial palpebral ligament and adjoining bone. – Insertion- form concentric rings, return to point of origin Action –closes the lids tightly, wrinkling
  • 24. Palpebral part(Inner in eyelid)  Origin-from lateral part of medial palpebral ligament –  Insertion- into lateral palpebral raphe  Action-closes the lids gently, blinking
  • 25. Lacrimal part(Small, posterior to lacrimal sac)  Origin- from lacrimal fascia& lacrimal bone  Insertion- into lateral palperal raphae  Action-dilate lacrimal sac, support lower eye lid
  • 26. Innervation Temporal and zygomatic branches of facial nerve. Contraction of entire muscle-crow feet appearance
  • 27. Corrugator supercillii  Origin- superciliary arch  Insertion: skin of the eyebrow  Innervation:- Temporal branch of facial nerve
  • 28. Action :  produces vertical wrinkles of the forehead  frowning  as an expression of annoyance  Draws eyebrows medially
  • 29. Levator palpabrae superioris  Its a triangular muscle  Origin: lesser wing of sphenoid bone  Insertion : upper eyelid  Function : lid elevation  Innervation:- Occulomotor Nerve.
  • 30. Action :  Elevates upper eyelid  Ptosis –damage to muscle or nerve lesion of CN III causes ptosis
  • 31.
  • 32. Muscles of Nose  Procerus  Nasalis Compressor naris Dilator naris  Depressor septi
  • 33. Procerus  Pyramidal muscle  Origin – nasal bone and lateral nasal cartilage  Insertion – glabellar skin over lower part of forehead between the eyebrows  Innervation:- Temporal & Lower zygomatic branches of facial nerve.
  • 34.  Action :  pulls down the medial end of the eyebrow  wrinkles the skin of the nose transversely in Frowning & concentration  Reduces the glare of sunlight
  • 35. Nasalis  Nasalis Compressor naris (transverse part) Dilator naris (Alar part) Origin:- Compressor Naris:- Arises from the maxilla just lateral to the nasal notch Dilator Naris:- Arises from the Maxilla; below & medial to the transverse part.
  • 36.  Insertion:-  Compressor Naris:- The muscle fibres pass upward & medially to expand into a thin aponeurosis. At the bridge of the nose, the paired muscle merges with each other as well as the aponeurosis of the procerus.  Dilator Naris:- Partly merges with the compressor Naris & is attached to the cartilagenous Ala Nasi.
  • 37.  Action:-  Compressor naris(transverse):- Compresses the nasal aperture.  Dilator naris(alar):- Widening the anterior nasal aperture. Deep inspiration.  Innervation:- Buccal & Zygomatic branch of the Facial nerve
  • 38. Depressor septi  Origin – Maxilla above the central incisor.  Insertion – Mobile part of the nasal septum.  Innervation:- Buccal branch of facial nerve
  • 39. Action:-  Pulls the nasal columella, septum & tip of nose downward  With alar part of nasalis – widens the nasal aperture causing nose to dip on smiling.
  • 40.
  • 41. Muscles around mouth Elevators, evertors & retractors of upper lip Depressors, evertors & retractors of lower lip Orbicularis oris Buccinator
  • 42. Elevators, evertors & retractors of upper lip Levator Labii Superioris Alaque Nasi Levator Labi Superioris Levator Anguli Oris Zygomaticus Major Zygomaticus Minor Risorius
  • 43. Levator Labii Superioris Alaque Nasi  Origin:- Upper part of the frontal process of maxilla  Insertion:- ala of the nose by one slip and To skin of upper lip by another slip  Innervation:- Zygomatic and buccal branches of facial nerve.
  • 44.  Action:  Raises & everts the upper lip.  Dilates the nostril
  • 45. Levator Labii Superioris  Origin:- Maxilla & Zygomatic bone above the infra orbital foramen.  Insertion:- Muscular substance of upper lip.  Innervation:- Zygomatic & buccal branches of facial nerve
  • 46.  Action :  Raises upper lip  Helps form nasolabial furrow in sadness
  • 47. Levator Anguli Oris(caninus)  It is intermingle with other muscles .Extends further into skin of lower lip up to midline  Origin:- Canine fossa of the maxilla.  Insertion:- Into & below the angle of the mouth.  Innervation:- Zygomatic & Buccal branches of the facial nerve
  • 48.  Actions:  Raises the angle of mouth  Accentuates the nasolabial furrow  Expression of sadness  Bilateral contraction of this muscle causes a typical “Dracula” expression which exposes canines of both the sides
  • 49. Zygomaticus Major  Origin:- Zygomatic bone behind zygomatico-temporal suture.  Insertion:- Angle of the mouth.  Innervation:- Zygomatic & Buccal branches of facial nerve
  • 50.  Action :-  Draws the angle of the mouth upwards & laterally as in laughing/Smiling.  Spasm- risus sardonicus
  • 51. Zygomaticus minor  Small muscle  Its located between levator labii superioris and zygomaticus major muscle  Origin:- Lateral surface of zygomatic bone infront of the zygomaticomaxillary suture.  Insertion:- Muscular substances of upper lip.  Innervation:- Zygomatic & Buccal branches of facial nerve
  • 52.  Action:-  Elevates & curls the upper lip as in contempt, smugness or disdain.
  • 53. Risorius  Origin:- Massetric Fascia  Insertion:- Skin of the angle of the mouth  Innervation:- The buccal branch of the facial nerve
  • 54.  Action :  Contraction of its fibres pulls the corner of the mouth laterally and upwards
  • 55. Depressors, evertors & retractors of lower lip Depressor labi inferioris Depressor anguli oris Mentalis
  • 56. Depressor labi inferioris  Origin:- Oblique line of the mandible between the symphysis menti and mental foramen.  Insertion:- Into the skin & mucosa of the lower lip.  Innervation- marginal mandibular branch of facial nerve
  • 57.  Action:-  Draws the lower lip downwards & laterally  Assists in eversion of lower lip.
  • 58. Depressor anguli oris  Origin:- Mental tubercle of mandible and its continuation, the oblique line.  Insertion:- Angle of the mouth.  Innervation- marginal mandibular branch of facial nerve
  • 59.  Action:- Draws the angle of mouth downwards and laterally in opening mouth.  Expresses Grief
  • 60. Mentalis  Its conical in shape  Origin:- Incisive fossa of the mandible.  Insertion:- Skin of the chin  Innervation:- Mandibular branch of facial nerve
  • 61.  Action:-  Raises the lower lip  wrinkling the skin of the chin as in doubt  Protrudes the lower lip in drinking
  • 62. Orbicularis oris  Its the muscle that surrounds the mouth entirely  There are 4 parts: 2 in left(upper and lower) and 2 in right(upper and lower)  Each of the 4 parts anchor to the modiolus on that side  At the midline the fibres from each side interlaces with each other thereby attaching into each other
  • 63. Origin: -  Some fibres originate near the midline from the maxilla superiorly and mandible inferiorly  Other fibres from the buccinator in the cheek and other muscles acting on the lips Insertion: -  It inserts into the angle of mouth and mucous membrane of the lips.
  • 64.  Action:-  Varying kind of movements of lips like pouting , pursing , twisting.  Contraction narrows the mouth and closes the lips
  • 65. Buccinator  Its the muscle of cheek  Known as the ‘Whistling muscle  Its a quadrilateral shaped muscle  Its pierced by: Parotid duct, Buccal branch of mandibular nerve
  • 67. Origin:-  Upper Fibers:- Outer surface of alveolar process of upper molar teeth  Middle Fibers:- From Pterygomandibular Raphe  Lower Fibers:- Mandible , opposite the molar teeth Insertion:-  Upper Fibers;- Upper Lip  Middle fibers:- Decussate Upper part into lower lip and vice versa  Lower Fibers:- Lower Lip Innervation:- Buccal branch of Facial Nerve
  • 68. Relations:-  Lateral aspect-related to the ramus of mandible, muscle of mastication (masseter and medial pterygoid muscle), the buccal fat pad, and the buccopharyngeal fascia.  Medial aspect- its covering is the submucosa and mucosa of the cheek.  The buccinator muscle is pierced by the parotid duct (Stenson's duct)
  • 69. Actions ;-  Flattens the cheek against the gingiva & teeth during mastication  prevents accumulation food in the vestibule.  Whistling  Blowing
  • 70.  Buccinator mechanism –balance between the muscles is responsible for integrity of dental arches and relationship of teeth to each. Loss of this balance causes malocclusion  Inward forces - it balances the outward forces of tongue  Hyperactivity –results in narrow arches and malocclusion  Paralysis of the buccinator -lead to difficult mastication as the non- functioning of this muscle can cause repeated laceration of the cheek mucosa.  Denture stabilization- it grips the polished surface of the denture
  • 71.
  • 72. Muscles of auricle Origin:-  anterior: galea aponeurotica anterior to ear  superior: galea aponeurotica superior to ear  posterior: mastoid process Insertion:-  into epicranial aponeurosius Innervation :-  anterior & superior: temporal branches of facial nerve (VII)  posterior: posterior auricular branch of facial nerve
  • 73. Platysma-muscle of neck Origin :-  Subcutaneous fascia of superior chest, the pectoral and deltoid fascia. The fibres run upward and medially Insertion:-  Anterior fibres to base of mandible  Posterior fibres to skin of lower face and lip Innervation:- Cervical branch of facial nerve
  • 74.  Action:-  Draws up the skin of the superior chest and neck, creating ridges of skin of the neck  Depresses and draws laterally the lower lip  depress mandible  Pulls angle of mouth downwards  Terror, fright, horror
  • 75. Summary of muscles used for facial expression
  • 77. Levator Anguli Oris & Levator Labii Superioris - Sadness
  • 78. Corrugator Supercilli & Procerus - Frowning
  • 80. Platysma - Horror, Terror, Fright
  • 81. Buccinator & Orbicularis Oris - Whistling
  • 83. Facial Nerve  The facial nerve, CN VII, is the seventh paired cranial nerve  The main trunk of the nerve, after existing the skull, continues anteriorly and inferiorly into the parotid gland
  • 84.
  • 85. Bell’s palsy • Charles Bell in 1821 first described Bell’s Palsy. • Bell's palsy is a non-progressive neurological disorder of one of the facial nerves (7th cranial nerve). • This disorder is characterized by the sudden onset of facial paralysis that may be preceded by a slight fever, pain behind the ear on the affected side, a stiff neck, and weakness and/or stiffness on one side of the face.
  • 86.  Lower Motor Neuron Disorder.  Various and unknown etiology  often associated with viral infection like Herpes simplex virus, Epstein barr virus, Varicella zoster virus  Bacterial infection like Borellia burgdofere
  • 87. Signs & Symptoms:  Facial weakness.  Absence of nasolabial fold  Drooping of eyelid  Drooping of mouth  Dryness of effected eye or mouth  Hypersensitivity of loud noise  Loss of taste sensation from anterior 2/3rd of tongue  Patient is unable to whistle , smile or grimace.
  • 88.  Clinical Evaluation:  Bells’ sign:- Whenever patient attempts to close the eyelid, the eyeball rolls upward so that the pupil is covered and only the white sclera is visible  Face drawn to the normal side.  Postive Hitselberger sign:- Decreased sensation along the external acoustic meatus.
  • 89. Grading: The grading system developed by House and Brackmann categorizes Bell palsy on a scale of I to VI as follows: • Grade I: normal facial function • Grade II: mild dysfunction • Grade III: moderate dysfunction • Grade IV: moderately severe dysfunction • Grade V: severe dysfunction • Grade VI: total paralysis
  • 90.  Treatment :  Symptomatic:- Lubricating eye drops Massage of the affected muscles.  Medication:-corticosterioids- Prednisolone 60- 80mg/day  Acylovir; if a virus is responsible for it.
  • 91. Infranuclear Lesion Supranuclear Lesion •LMN lesion of facial nerve (Bell’s Palsy), the whole of the face of the same side gets paralyzed. • The face becomes asymmetrical and is drawn up to normal side. •The affected side is motionless. •Wrinkles disappear and eye cannot be closed. •Peripheral Palsy •UMN lesions of Facial nerve is usually a part of hemiplegia. •Only the lower part of opposite side of the face is paralyzed. •The upper part of frontalis and orbicularis oris escape due to its bilateral representation in the cerebral cortex. •Central Palsy
  • 92. Complication of Inferior alveolar nerve block  Undesirable nerve block:  Due to proximity of IANB needle position to the facial nerve and the parotid  facial nerve is anesthetised results in Transient Hemifacial Paralysis  Muscles being supplied by the side of the facial nerve is affected and cannot contract, leads to loss of muscle action of the affected side of the face
  • 93. Melkersson Rosenthal Syndrome  Rare neurological disorder.  Characterized by triad of : 1. Recurring facial paralysis 2. Recurrent orofacial non- pitting oedema 3. Fissured tongue.  Also known as orofacial granulomatosis
  • 94. Moebius Syndrome  Extremely rare congenital neurological disorder.  In most cases, the sixth and seventh cranial nerves are congenitally absent  The absence of these nerves leads to the characteristic facial paralysis and other symptoms of Moebius syndrome.  Characterized by facial paralysis and the inability to move the eyes from side to side.
  • 95.  Most people with Möbius syndrome are born with complete facial paralysis and cannot close their eyes or form facial expressions.  Often the upper lip is retracted due to muscle shrinkage.  Children with Moebius syndrome may have delayed speech because of paralysis of muscles that move the lips, soft palate & tongue
  • 97.
  • 98. Reference 1. Chaurasia BD. Human anatomy. CBS Publisher; 2004. 2. Gray H. Gray's anatomy. Arcturus Publishing; 2009 Jul 15. 3. Halim A. Human Anatomy: Volume III: Head, Neck and Brain. IK International Pvt Ltd; 2008 Dec 30.