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Part 2
the main players involved in this game  includes bush & dick
cheney  who come out of oil industry  as their careers have been…
shaped by  zionist oil lobby , the sponsors of “WOT a Great Game”
the coach is mossad  (israel’s intelligence agency), master mind  Proofs:
of 9/11 attacks. the coach vows to take US  U nprovoked  S pectators
in exact direction towards all-out fight  slogan ‘ islamout ’ under i want all  US  stupid  Christians   to support us for achieving our goals!
banner  WMD  ‘ W ar on  M osad’s  D ictation’ its pretty self-explanatory
when coach says that  ‘ Onward Christian Soldiers ’  israel's fight in middle
i want your  BLOOD  for OIL east, for israel's benefit but  US soldiers and US blood! then…
bush in response honors  his master and replies  ‘ i pledge allegiance to
each & every word of you, my master  slowly but surely we’ll prevail
to carry on losses and together the  world will be duped with our aims
coach & captain begin to rebuild the team  that includes fundamentlist  Proof by Kevin Ryan:   i want you  Christians  in our team
christians, fanatical ideologues , shady busi- nessmen and rightwing
extremists. in fact  all top 100 officials in bush administration  were
Oil & Defense Bigwigs  as majority of their personal investments
upto $144.6bn were into  O il and  D efense  sector. they include...
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bush can hold UBL & alqaeda responsible  for any foul play attempt !  Fellow Citizens!  Its my pleasure to introduce our new  Information Minister  Mr. UBL. Would you like to say a few words my old friend?
one of strengths needed to play “ WOT a Great Game ” on highest level
is cool planning , after all bush jr. was starting his career from home
yet he have to  prove his powers to his own US U nprovoked  S pectators
game starts with a live practice match  on 9/11  ‘ Bush Team vs.US ’
bush team sweeps the one sided match  while defeating US citizens !
imagine if Bush’s team have failed  to achieve victory on homeground  proofs:   Will i prevail in my massive murderous plot
don't you think this  would make impossible for Bush  to enter in a… sir, don’t look at the camera, grief expressions please!  We’ve to deceive the world .
next pool match of “WOT a Great Game”  against foreign teams !
playing first practice match live  means that you must prevent time
-outs, after all you are preparing to  build a multiplayer team  for
next matches against those teams  who don’t have WMDs ! those…
teams whom bush vows  Axis of Evil  i.e. “ access AAF i.will ”  my right to
enter  Army Air Force  (AAF)  in countries that have  no WMDs
the best way to start a new match  is to take a decent run up against
weak team after all it doesn't need to make  big media campaigns Proof :
it’s never easy to  attack strong team at debut ! we wont go in to the…
details of  why america attacked afghanistan ? but its evident that… Proof detail:
afghanistan’s value is  nothing more than an oil & gas pipeline route
to the untapped petroleum reserves  of Central Asia that have
15 bn. barrels proven oil reserves  confirmed in march 1999 by US  proof:
representatives of conservative think tank  Heritage Foundation ! Source: US State Department
in 1991 Cheney said that  ‘arc of countries in central asia where New York Times reported when Cheney was chief prosecutor of Operation Desert Storm I swear, I’ll kill every last one of you  for oil!
western oil companies work  gazes afghanistan  & in year 2000, Unocal  According to Rashid, the Taliban's
corporation with state department backing  negotiated with taliban
to build a pipeline via afghanistan  connecting turkmenistan with…
pakistan  but the negotiation failed . at time matthew j. sagers
of  cambridge energy research associates  offered the new york
times this gem: ‘ Once we bomb the hell out of afghanistan , we will
have to cough up some projects there,  and this pipeline is one of them ’ quote from a business story by The New York Times
attacking independent country  is not so easy and especially when it
comes to iraq or even afghanistan,  it requires solid justification to…
kickoff. it’s never possible  unless you make a Big Plan so,…
what good reason can anyone have other than to speak a  Big Lie  as…
hitler said that  people will more likely believe  a big lie than small one
however,  independent investigation revealed  this big lie when three
questions in particular struck everyone’s mind  as being obvious clues
first why was the  lack of defensive response  from most formidable
military world has ever known? secondly  why were US government…
officials unable to answer  any question concerning flight 77…
pentagon crash site? 3rdly  why buildings fell in a strange way ?  proof building collapse an inside job:
certainly professional hijackers  could not have done a better job The Real Hijackers
nevertheless, major blunders from the liars  reveals the entire game
plan.  lets uncover this forever  by asking some unanswered questions!  proof:
firstly why was  secret trading done  in united and american airline…
stock before & after 911 attacks ? why no action has been taken
on those insider stock trades that proved  they have exact knowledge
about 911?  no one can make anonymous stock trades,  the identities of
those who placed  put options is still unknown  why 7 weeks  prior to
controlled demolitions, of twin towers  bush’s cousin marvin bush… proof;
who was  security in charge on board  at the WTC, change hands in  proof:
first (rushed)  sale to silverstein  and the new owner introduced huge
terrorism insurance appendage  through which he still collects
500 million dollars  on ‘terrorist clause’! who stone-walled CIA and
FBI agents in their pre/ post 9/11  investigations into attacks? why were
credible eyewitness testimonies suppressed and  totally ignored by
9/11 commission ? why was total pres-blackout of  mossad’s presence…
within US before and after 9/11 ? why there wasn’t a single jew…
present in building on 9/11?  why there was alarming manipulation
of passenger manifests and takeoff times and why there’s  no proof…
of arab names on flight lists ? why when many names on FBI list of…
19 alleged hijackers are proven false ? there has no subsequent list
been released by FBI? why would the  alleged hijackers shout their
own names? why did the  US fake ‘confession video’ of Usama ? who watch the video:
captured  live footage  of so called hijacked first plane & why 9/11
planes were  shown different in the footage  than the normal planes ? Proof detail:
if these planes were  really passenger planes  and hijacked then how
can these professional hijackers  who were in air for nearly 2 hours
can change the flight routes  without being intercepted  by radar
at control centre? for sure radar must have  detected the planes but
where was  norad (military force)  trained for this purpose who
monitors all flights . they can intercept any flight at New York city Proof video;
in 7 minutes through the fighter jets  as PGA golfer payne stewart's
doomed flight was  int- ercepted 15 min.  after the FAA reported it  proof:
being in trouble so what is the  secret behind norad’s silence ?
definitely the task was given to them  but to strike missile that…
was  heard by many eyewitnesses  before the controlled demolition... Can you see something moving downwards?
of buildings which is now  100% proved  while unknown cameraman
who took  live footage of planes  deserves Oscar award and the known…  proof:
director of the plane crash computer animated movie  certainly deserves noble prize
a very big question is : what was in WTC-7? fake planes didn’t hit
WTC 7?  whose records what companies  and other equipments were
destroyed? we know that  New York EOC  E mergency  O perations
C enter  was on the 23rd floor . this 23rd story had a specially…
reinforced floor  and  ultra strong windows  (designed to withstand
160 mph winds)  and its own air supply . this was the safest place to
be when towers came down.  its clear proof that EOC  Emergency
Operations Center at 23 rd  floor was  the most Logical Location  for
directing and  diverting the 9/11 flights  towards WTC twin towers as
the quotes from flight instructors , already proved that pilots have
poor skills?  and there is no doubt left  that  a professional team of… Proof video:
demolition experts  could not have done a better job  than total…
destruction of  WTCs . how can all the three buildings, twin towers
& WTC 7 collapsed in same free fall pattern  showing absolutely no
resistance as they fell?  why the  Seismic Data  also  indicated huge… Proof:
bursts of energy just  prior to twin tower collapses  and why the
powdered concrete  was formed which can never be produced…  Proved : WTC  was demolished  by hydrogen bomb .
by just fire nevertheles,  perfectly measured 30 foot steel beams  just…
the right length to be hauled away  in the ‘ controlled demolition
inc. trucks simply proved that  explosives were rigged earlier…
shocking it may seem but  it’s now proved 100%  that towers were Proof:
infact been previously rigged  with explosives, it require experts to  proof video:
work with explosives. usually  it takes 4 days  to strategically set up  all Proof by Michael Berger:
the  explosives specially for a 47 story building , half the height of the
lofty WTC towers. A  Plan was Designed  to complete the job that
the " Hijacked "  planes  had begun. the firey wrecks of the so called Proof that planes were not hijacked:
Passenger Jets merely serve as a  Plausible Pretext  for subsequent
collapses. the total destruction of WTC is the  crowning touch on
‘ psyop ’ ( psychological  operation ) of unimagi- -nable proportions. a
massive murderous plot  specifically fashioned to be absolutely beyond…
belief and, of course, one that would  help to steer public opinion…
towards the support of  pre-existing corporate objectives  in central
asia & the middle east . and more spectacular the ‘psyop’ the better.
this time not Hitler but his son  bushitler said that people will more…
likely  believe   a Big Lie than a small one . how-ever what ever had…
happened, we should indeed thank Bush that  No One now trusts US
bush cabinet’s  disdain for international laws , treaties & agreements,
their  foisting of lies upon not only  to the world but also its…
own people to advance selfish and  ideological agendas only cemented
further that  which the  world thought when  US  bowed out of ICC,
refused to ratify land mine treaty , refused to even consider Kyoto…
and so on.   whether you think  iraq's oil was small factor  in…
the decision for bush  administration to go for 9/11 attacks  or the
main reason you  can not deny the potential  that some of the…
companies who were given  contracts to deal with oil  in post-saddam
iraq  may abuse their new privileges . after all, any company can
abuse any contract but  bush ensured that oil companies engage …
in all the abuse they want  with an executive order  that gives them
blanket immunity from lawsuits  this marks the end of any semblance..
of decency by the bush administration  they can do anything for oil
even the killings of  thousands of innocent americans on 9/11  in…
order  to   fulfill their evil desires ? the whole US government is a
terrorist unit operating under the guise  of its own counter terrorism
squads in fact history speaks the truth itself  when US massacred…
1000s of buddhist in nagasaki  & repeated genocide on another…
japanese city whereas  US genocidal support  for killing of budhists
in cambodia for US barbaric agenda is the  worst terror campaign
US support to christian terrorists  for genocide of 1000s of mozlems in
bosnia for 3 years is yet  another example of their evil desires . US...
continuous profitable business dealings  with saddam for killings of
1000s kurds and  US support for genocide of 1000s  of tutsis in…
rawanda is also well remembered by world. and  US total military
& financial backing to israeli jewish terrorists  for the genocide of…
1000s of mozlems in lebanon and  nonstop genocide of palestinians you should fear from our terror otherwise  our army will kill each one of you  through  phosphoric bombings !
is the worst ongoing examples of  heinous crimes carried out by Genocide of mozlem children  by Israeli terrorist army
zionist american terrorists  who have hijacked the whole…
US economy & White House . more than USD 15 million given by US
taxpayers to  israel each day  for carrying out their heinous crimes…
against innocent people look at photos if you have courage  to see the
genocide in gaza by israeli terrorists ! US support to indian hindu
terrorists for  genocide of 1000s of mozlems  in ahmadabad & kashmir Proof:
is also continued today while the  US backing for the killings of 1000s
of sikhs and Chinese  in the indian assam region  is still continue
while not to recall the advice of  US state dept. for using phosphoric…
bombs to genocide mozlems in  pakistan’s capital and tribal areas well done! you’ve done a better job than saddam by using  phosphoric bombs   for genocide of 1000’s in islamabad mosque, tribal areas, and baluchistan province!
while  US invasion to iraq  and afghanistan  slaughtering millions  of
inocent mozlem women and children  cannot be ignored who were torn
out into pieces  through US  phosphoric cluster  bombings while now  proof:
puppet govts. of  iraq afghanistan, pakistan, etc. are dictated by US See how many faithful pets do I have  for   my security
for the continuous barbaric terrorist  acts against its own people!
All the terrorists are sitting right  under US umbrella while those
who resists  these US terrorists  are declare ‘axis of Evil’
if terrorist enters your house  and kills your mother, father, wife…
daughter in front of your eyes  then what you’ll do? obviously…
your psyche will  change  & you’ll make  every attempt to kill…
those criminals by any means  even if you have to sacrifice  with
your own life!  am i  right ? absolutely so now  if people have roused…  Rise Against US-Israel Zionist terrorist force
against terrorist forces who  invaded their homeland in Palestine ,  I am Proud to be an american terrorist
iraq, kashmir, assam india, afghanistan  etc. then do you think that
you can stop their right for self-determination?  certainly nobody can…
stop them unless the  intruders retreat thier barbaric forces  from
their homeland. does this make  logic to end the terrorism  & bring
peace in this world ? of course yes ! so now if these evil agendas of…
genocidal killings by radical jews  didn’t stop then do you think that
this  useless   U nited  N ation can bring peace  where dictators have
full rights to ‘ veto ’ all  heinous crimes  against humanity! proof by Alex Jones:
now look at the qur’an which  briefs all this 9/11  14 centuries ago
as if you all know.  the WTC construction began in  1966 the  inauguration  ceremony was in  1973  the WTC built in  7 years the WTC contains  110 floors the  day  was  11 the  month  was  9 the  year  of tragedy was  2001  the  incident took place  exactly after  28 years  of ribbon cutting ceremony.  now,  remember  these figures  ( 7 - 9 - 11 - 110 - 1973 - 28 )  proof:
Open Qur’an  Part: 11  Chapter: 9  (Ultimatum) and go to Verse:  110 .
‘ the  building  which they built, will never cease to be a misgiving in their hearts  unless their hearts be torn to pieces . And Allah is All-Knowing, All-Wise.’
the verse clearly states about  the building that will be built (this word
‘ Built ’ in arabic script constitute  7 letters ) and the  verse Ends exactly
after  28 individual  unit of words now add these 28 units to  1973  that…
result 2001  now look at the explanation of this chapter’s verse…
‘ the building ( 110 floors twin towers ), which they ( unbelievers ) built ( in 7 years i.e. 1966-1973 ), will never cease to be a misgiving in their hearts ( will always remain doubtful about God ) unless ( but after 28 years i.e. 2001 ) their hearts be torn to pieces ( a tragedy will turn their attention  towards islam ).  Allah is All-Knowing, All-Wise.’ This is my personal explanation therefore it has no religious authenticity whatsoever. U ltimatum till  11 - 09 - 2001  for unbelievers
so the truth is proved as  we all know commonly heard prediction  after
9/11 that " this attack will change the course of world history ". and
this has really changed the history  as statistics indicates that mozlem
population in 1973 was 0.5 billion  reaching 1.3 billion in 2001 and now
this has reached 1.82 billion,  just in 7 years at fastest pace  since…  proof:
9/11 and  its growing 6.6% per year , as biased jew’s media proves on next slide!
CNN TV Reportage showing  converts to islam in USA 2009! so its clear that qur’an proof video:
mentioned all this 9/11  information beforehand  when, where and why
this will happen and now examine this  who was responsible for 9/11
as mentioned in qur’an, just  go to the chapter II verses: 9-11  to expose…
the terrorists behind the WTC  II-twin tower attacks on 9/11 !
‘ They (disbelievers ) try to deceive Allah and those who believe, but in truth  they deceive none save themselves; only they perceive it not.  In their hearts is a disease (of doubt and hypocrisy); Allah through the continuous manifestation of His Signs causes their disease to grow worse. For them there is a painful punishment because of their lying. And when it is said to them  ‘make no mischief on the earth’ they say, we are only peacemakers ’ Q ur’an says in chapter:  II : verses:  9-11
now its often been put forward to the alqaeda and  this message… Mr. UBL (Undercover Big Lie)
of quran " deceivers who deceive none save themselves " would… Proof :
probably describe how   alqaeda feels about US  as truth is now known Al Qaeda  ( A merican   L iar's   Q uest   A bout  E ndless  D eceptive  A ctions )
to everyone that bush administration  straight away declared 9/11  to
this tragedy providing another  clear symbolic reason for bush think
tank for choosing this date for the attacks  as this is going to have
long run psychological impact  on americans as this signifies the…
911 emergency service . let’s suppose alqaeda is absolutely perfect in
their targets then  why alqaeda failed  to carry out 1 more attack on
american soil  just on a small scale ? may be someday americans…
will gain the wisdom and guts  for exposing their criminals and…
bring them to justice  before it’s too late  after all truth always prevail
for falsehood is bound to perish. this is a  final wake up call for a …
sleeping world as yet  another qur’anic verse proved the truth  when
bush accepted defeat in iraq the ‘ deceivers who deceive only themselves
while saying that we are only peacemakers ’ the world should be ready
for another deception by new  administration which is already been
hijacked by the israeli terrorists  in the name of change nevertheless
these radical terrorist  including the  biased media  who committed
heinous crimes  may flee from the world but  for sure they cant escape
punishment of Allah in the life hereafter . Allah already preserved many
admonishing examples in the  qur’an for future generations  to  come !
Allah said in qur'an that  pharaoh body is preserved  as an… proof video:   ‘ And We bought the tribe of Israel across the sea, and Pharaoh and this troops pursued them out of tyranny and enmity. Then, when he was on the point of drowning, he ( pharaoh )  said :  I believe that there is no deity but Him in Whom the tribe of Israel believes .  I am one of the Muslims .’  Quran 10:90
admonishing example  for future generations to come   and  let there be another... Proof  detail:   ‘ what, now! When previously you rebelled and were one of corrupters?  So this day We shall preserve your (dead) body  that  you may be a sign to those who come after you!  And verily, many among mankind are heedless of Our Ayat (proofs, evidences, verses, signs, revelations etc.).’ Quran 10:91-92
reminder to  all the tyrants: the death of  sharon who massacred many palestinians!  Proof  detail:   ‘ And nothing stops Us from  sending the Ayat (proofs, evidences, signs) but that the earliest (people) denied them ; and  We gave to Samood the she-camel- -  a clear sign- -  but on her account they did injustice ,  and We do not send signs but to warn  and to make them afraid.’ Qur’an   17:59
besides this, the place where  prophet noah's ship rested  is also… ‘ and it was said: "O earth! swallow up your water, and O sky! Withhold (your rain)!" and the water was diminished (made to subside) and the Decree (of Allah) was fulfilled (i.e. the destruction of the people of Noah).  And it (the ship) rested on Mount Judi , and it was said: " Away with the people who are zalimuun (polytheists and wrong-doing )!’ Quran 11:44
discovered recently at exactly the  same place where the holy qur'an
have mentioned nearly  more than fourteen centuries ago ! proof video:   ‘… And it (the ship) rested on Mount Judi , and it was said: "Away with the people who are zalimuun (polytheists and wrong-doing)!’ Quran 11:44
are you  still wondering  how qur'an remained unchanged  & unaltered
during all these 1430 year  & it will remain so for Allah, has taken it
on Himself to protect it! so,  you need 100% solid proof   to  know  that…
qur'an is exactly same  as it was revealed more than 1400 years ago, so
you want to know how 114 chapters  of qur’an  remained unchanged for
centuries?  now examine  all the  following slides very carefully !
why  qur'an  is the only book which is  read the most ?
what is the  meaning of qur'an ?
how the name of  qur'an is unique ?
the word "qur'an" means " that which is recited ; or that which
is dictated in memory form  as such its not just a book, nor its…
something that reaches us only in written form  the documentation in
writing of qur'an are preserved  for many years  in  museums… Proof detail: The miracle of the Qur'an is that during 1400 years no successful attempt has been made to match the language of the Qur'an and bring one chapter like it, although many have tried.
throughout world, incl- udeing  topekapi palace  in istanbul , turkey …  ‘ We have, without doubt, sent down the ( Quran ); and We will  assuredly Guard it (from corruption) . ’  Qur’an:15:9
the museum in  tashkent , uzbekistan and also in  england .   Proof detail:   This Qur'an is stored in Tashkent and is from approx. 12 years after the Prophet Muhammed  death.
the qur'an has  only one version-arabic , & still exists the same…
although there are  different translations but none  of these would
be considered to hold the  authenticity of the original arabic …
recitation  since qur’an is the  record of exact Allah’s words  revealed
to the last prophet muhammad  through the angel gabriel. ‘ Say (O Muhammad): "What thing is the most great in witness?" Say: "Allah (the Most Great!) is Witness between me and you;  this Quran has been revealed to me that I may therewith warn you and whomsoever it may reach . Can you verily bear witness that besides Allah there are other gods?" Say "I bear no (such) witness!" Say: " But in truth He (Allah) is the only one God . And truly I am innocent of what you join in worship with Him.’ (Qur'an 6:19).
qur’an was memorized by muhammad  and then dictated to his… ‘ But Allah bears witness to that which He has sent down ( the Qur'an ) to you ( O Muhammad ); He has sent it down with His Knowledge; and the Angels (also) bear witness; and Allah suffices as Ever-Witnessing..’ (Qur'an 4:166).
companions therefore the  text of the qur’an was cross-checked …
during the life of the prophet muhammad  .   so its crystal clear  that
prophet muhammad  .   was the  first memorizer of qur'an to preserve  it.  ‘ And We have sent you (O Muhammad) not but as a mercy for  all creatures .’ Qur'an 21:107).
there were 22 huffaz  (memorizers of entire quran)  at the time of...
prophet’s  death, so  there’s  no chance of any  corruption  from men.
today the  entire  qur'an is memorized by  over  10 million mozlems .
is it not a  miracle ?
after all,  how many other literary works  have been memorized...
& passed down through  so many generations  in the original language,
without single change  in even one sentence!  do you know each…
mozlem has memorized a portion  of quran in arabic language as this
is an important  part of their daily prayers , it should be noted here
that there are  over 1.5   billion   mozlems  world wide and only about…
10% are arabs , all the rest are learning quran in arabic as a second…
language , yet you  won’t see a single word difference  between a… WORD JUST ONE
person who have memorized qur’an in  USA or KSA  or else
qur'an says we’ve indeed made the  qur'an easy to understand and remember…  quran 54:22
this only suggests the quran's inimitability that  even a 6 year old ..
child can memorize  the whole qur'an without a single mistake  and… must listen beautiful qur’an  recitation:
there are  many 6 year old children  who have  memorized entire quran
a 5 year boy  from a  non-mozlem family knows full qur'an!  proof video:
how many people you know  who memorized whole  bible  by heart?
these holy scriptures bible or torah were  never memorized …
therefore they are hidden  from world without notice and…
no one can rewrite another one  from memory but think if… no one can rewrite torah, gospel or other religious scriptures from memory!
this was to happen to the qur'an , how many thousands can rewrite
qur'an and how can anyone make changes  without being noticed ?
qur'an itself is only said to be easy  to memorize,  but archaic language…
itself is harder to interpret , so don't you think in the process of
defining meaning of qur'an , that  people make mistakes  after…
all  they are only humans  &  not Allah,  so its these mistakes
that you take to  granted and  ignorantly criticize your creator ?
qur'an mentions itself as  the qur'an  ( the recitation )  & mentions
that it’s for all mankind  & jinn  (another Allah’s creation) , similar to…
humans in that  they could make choices  as to whether or not they
would obey Allah's commands, and  they existed before humans  (watch the miracle video of jinn worshiping Allah)
qur'an challenges its readers  that if you are in doubt about it, then
bring a book like it , also bring 10 chapters like it & finally bring one…
single chapter like it! 1430 years,  no one has been able to …  [qur'an 11:13]       [qur'an 10:38]
duplicate its beauty, recitation,  miracles & ease of memorization !
another challenge  for unbelievers to consider “ if this qur'an was …
from other than Allah,  you would find within  it many contradictions
yet,  another challenge offered by Allah  in the qur'an is for the…
unbelievers to  look around for evidences.  Allah says in qur’an…
‘ He will show them His signs  within themselves & on farthest horizons ’  Proof video:   [qur'an 41:53]
prophet muhammad  .  name in arabic script  appears on planet mars Proof video:
can anyone imagine to draw a straight line on  earth between too far
cities i.e. approx.  815 km in 6th century ?  certainly  no ! so look at the miracle
google earth  proof - satellites testify the truth of muhammad’s  prophethood  Proof video:
so  are you still in doubt about Allah ? do you think all these mozlems
are foolish and they worship  any sort of man made or natural idols ? Detail clarification:
no no not at all ! qur’an proves that Allah is  not  a 'moon god’ or idol etc ‘ And from among His Signs are the night and the day, and the sun and the moon.  Do not  bow down ( prostrate ) to the  sun  nor to the  moon , but  only  bow down ( prostrate ) to " Allah " Who created them, if you (really) worship Him.’ Quran 41:37
mozlems don’t worship any idol or even kaaba but   Only One Allah !
kaaba is used only as a  focal point  for prayer  ( not worshiped )  and… ‘ And (remember) when We made the House (the Ka'bah at Makkah)  a focal point  for mankind  and a place of safety. thus, you shall consider this (place) of (Abraham) as a place of prayer, and We commanded  (Abraham) and (Ishmael) that they should purify My House (the Ka'bah at Makkah) for those who are circumambulating it, or staying (I'tikaf), or bowing or prostrating themselves (there, in prayer). (2:125)
it  simply signifies  a  direction, imposed by Allah   to maintain… "Wherever you go,  you shall turn your face  (during Salat)  towards  the  Sacred Mosque (Masjid Al-Haram) ; wherever you might be, you shall turn your faces (during Salat) towards it….“ Qur’an [2:150]
unity and uniformity among worshipers .  do you think, why do…
mozlems face this one direction , and not many directions?
imagine if there was  not a one direction  to face then everyone…
would have faced all directions  which may have caused dissent …
and disunity in the heart of mozlems . the direction of the kaaba
not only unifies the mozlems,  but it also maximizes the … Proof video:
glorification and the praising  of Allah almighty because in…
the 5-daily Prayers , it is not just only the individual who is…
praising Allah, but also the   millions  of the  mozlems worldwide …
( who are on the same time ) are doing it almost simultaneously
as if they were  one close community.  you must be w ondering?
why do mozlems face  particularly towards the kaaba ?
and why not any  other selected direction ! Proof Detail:
this only Allah knows the best ! Allah alone knows  toward which… ‘ Verily, the  first House (of worship) appointed for mankind  was that at  Bakkah (Makkah ), full of blessing, and a guidance for all the worlds.  qur’an 3: 96
direction His Noor descends !  yet we know from the history that …
kaaba was the  holly place for the first man  on earth i.e. adam … Proof video:   ‘ Verily, the  first House (of worship) appointed for mankind  was that at  Bakkah (Makkah ), full of blessing, and a guidance for all the worlds.  qur’an 3: 96
and abraham, and all other prophets  that came at different times ‘ And (remember) when  We showed Abraham the site of the (Sacred) House (the Ka'bah at Makkah)  (saying): "Associate not anything (in worship) with Me, and sanctify My House for those who circumambulate it, and those who stand up for prayer,  and those who bow), and make prostration (in prayer)’  Qur’an 22:26
how we know,  Noor  of Allah  descends toward kaaba’s direction ?
only mozlems who  visited holy mosque can tell  their  emotional
glimpse  onto the Kaaba!  yet look at the miracles , by the Will…
of Allah a tree in australia  shaped as a person in ruku (bow…  miracle videos proof: ‘ You shall observe the Prayers (Salat) and give the obligatory charity (Zakat), and  bow down  with those who bow down .  Qur’an 2:43  
down)  facing the direction of kaaba  and the stone shaped as…
person perform sijda  (prostrate)  towards the  direction of kaaba!  Miracle proof: ‘  So glorify the praises of your Lord and be of those  who prostrate themselves  (to Him). and worship your Lord until you attain certainty (i.e. death).’ Qur’an 15:98-99
these were  2 positions of mozlem prayers  out of 5 positions that have ‘ so when you accomplish the prayer, remember Allah  standing, sitting down, and lying down  on your sides, yet when you feel composed, then keep up the prayers. Verily, the prayer is enjoined on the believers at  stated times . Qur’an 4:103
a corresponding relationship  with our spiritual and mental
well being,  proved by the modern scientific  research. mozlem…
prayers (salah)  brings about many benefits  to the worshippers…
interestingly, for the millions of people  enrolled in yoga …
classes,  the islamic form of prayer  provide mozlems for 14…
centuries with some of yoga’s same  (and even superior) benefits . this
simple form of yoga  offers physical, mental benefits 5 times  a day
to a mozlem but the  most vital benefit is spiritual  that comes…
from reciting qur’an.  discover yourself the quran’s  healing power proof detail:
do you still think  that  mozlems have lost their  mind by putting nose
and  forehead pressed to the floor  as they kneel in prayers.
look at the miracle of qur'an  that revealed facts about the regions
that controls our brain see  how involvement in prayers benefits… Proof video:   ‘ No indeed! If  he does not stop.  We will  grab  him by the  forelock , a lying, sinful forelock’  Quran 96:15-16
frontal lobe region is responsible for controlling " executive functions ", such as working memory,  decision-making , planning and judgment.  the brain before meditation & prayer  the brain during prayer an individual through  increase in blood flow  at front lobe and…
decline at parietal lobe region  where humans sense their time  and… the brain before meditation & prayer  the brain during prayer
‘ and  seek (Allah's) help with  patient perseverance and prayer  and truly it is extremely heavy and hard except for the true believers in Allah - those who obey Allah with full submission, fear much from His Punishment, and believe in His Promise (Paradise).’ Qur’an 2:45 space limits. it was  concluded from these results  that during…
prayer ( contemplation & seeking Allah ), the limits of self conscious-
-ness  disappears and a feeling of peace  and freedom starts in the
person & one feel closer to Allah in a way that  no words can describe .
after all why not we praise  Allah the Lord of all creations ?
don’t believe on what i say?  you must see the video link  on next slide
this self-speaking video proves that  you should worship Allah alone .  miracle videos: can you see something moving in kaaba, a miraculous light
‘ and on earth are signs for those who have faith with certainty’  qur’an 5 1:20 Another Proof video:     Open your eyes! Watch the video carefully and decide yourself, is it not a miracle at the Holy Mosque in mecca?
now you cant deny that  the  Noor (light)  of Allah descends toward  Kaaba   ‘ All praises and thanks be to Allah, Who (Alone)  created the heavens and the earth, and  originated the darkness and the light ,  yet those who disbelieve hold others as equal with their Lord.’  Qur’an 6:1
when NASA astronauts   were taking photograph  of earth with the help  .
of powerful telescope  they found complete darkness  on earth… .
except the two places on the earth i.e  kaaba  and  madinah mosque Proof video:   .  
so do you still need proof  that mozlems don’t worship any idol .
of course  yes  so… .
can any one of you  ever imagine to stand above your God ?
oh definitely  no !
imagine mozlems can  offer  prayers above the kaaba structure …
because in actual fact, it is  One & Only Allah  that mozlems worship
in prayers & definitely not any sort of  object or likewise   therefore its
proved that mozlems don’t worship  any kind of manmade or natural Hindu god Chinese god Buddha god Christian god
idols or objects in fact  mozlems obey Allah’s command  as mentioned ‘ And why should I not worship Him  (Allah Alone)  Who has created me  and to Whom you shall be returned.’ Qur’an 36: 22
in the qur'an which  contains proven facts 14 centuries  ahead  of
their time. qur'an while  revealed scientific facts in 6th century  are only
now discovered in  20th and 21st century . the  news and scientific …
facts given in qur'an beforehand  about the number of important
events that occurred and will  take place in future,  the facts…
no one could have known  at that time, were announced in its..
verses.  it is impossible for this information  to have been known with
level of knowledge and technology  of the day.  it is apparent that  this
proves clear evidence that the  qur'an is not the word of men .
the qur’an is word of Allah , the existence of Almighty Allah is…
proved by the existence of  His many miracles or signs or
verses.  all messengers were blessed with the miracles  that related to ‘ For every prophecy  is a  limit of time , and soon shall you know it.’ Qur’an 6:67
their times & people but the  last messenger, prophet muhammad  .
was given a miracle of  miracles that is qur'an  which would last till…
end of this world because  islam is to stay here till the end  of time
and  its for all mankind  from the day one when  adam 1 st  man  was sent
by Allah on the earth, however  many people think that islam  is the
youngest religion, in fact  islam is the oldest religion . the  first … !
mozlem was Adam  & the second was Eve. they both were first… EVE & ADAM
originally in heaven but  when satan made them eat the fruit  from the…
prohibited tree, Allah threw both of them on  earth as a punishment
and then after they asked for forgiveness,  Allah forgave them  but
told them to  live a mortal life on earth  & then return to their…
rightful place that is paradise . islam is the only religion chosen…
by Allah and all the prophets from  adam   abraham ,  moses ,  jesus "Say:  we believe  in God and that which is revealed to us, and that which was revealed to  Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob  and The Tribes, and in ( the Books ) given to  Moses, Jesus  and   the Prophets , from their Lord: We make  no distinction  between one and another, among them, and to God do we bow our will (Islam).’ Qur'an 3:84
to muhammad have the same faith . the qur’an correct men’s distortion ‘ O  people of the Scripture  (Jews and Christians )! Now has come to you Our  Messenger (Muhammad) explaining to you much of that which you used to hide from the Scripture  and passing over (i.e. leaving out without explaining) much. Indeed, there has come to you from Allah a light and a plain Book (this Quran). Qur'an 5:15
to previous prophetic teachings  while not departing from the…
mankind’s aboriginal faith i.e.  submission  to  One Almighty Allah .
the idolatry worshiping  only began  at time when  prophet enoch and his
all devout followers died , this absence of highly devout people...
was felt immensely by the general  public and therefore the spirit of
worshiping the ONE Almighty Allah alone  began to diminish…
among them  so to overcome this lack of spirit  during prayers.
people made statues of those devout people  as a result satan deceived
later generations and people started keeping  those statues in front of
them  during the worshiping of almighty Allah . so this was the…
beginning of worst sin against  the Almighty Allah. nevertheless,…
islam is the religion of all the prophets  and the beliefs of all prophets ...
about God were same.  they all taught oneness of God , however their Arabic Script Saying:  "There is no God but  Allah."
actual practices may differ  to suit various times and places. there
is one more important thing  that a mozlem can’t be a mozlem…
unless he  believes on other prophets  sent by  Allah from adam moses
abraham, jesus to last prophet muhammad  .  even if a mozlem…
testifies this,  it is not enough for him to be a mozlem  unless he…
also believes on angels sent by Allah  and the earlier true revelations
from Allah to the earlier prophets  but mozlems cant follow it In the Qur’an, reference is made to the books of  Abraham, Moses, David and Jesus .
since these scriptures have been altered , lost, or translated to the…
completely different contexts  throughout the course of history . there ‘ Do you (faithful believers) then hope that they would believe in you, in spite of the fact that a party of them ( Jewish rabbis )  used to hear the Word of Allah (Torah),  then they used to change it knowingly after they understood it?  ’Quran 2:75
is no trace today of the scrolls  of abraham. history also teaches us ‘ Or do they jealous of mankind (Muhammad followers) for what Allah has given them of His Bounty? Then We had already given the family of  Abraham the Book and Al-Hikmah -  Divine Inspiration to those Prophets  not written in the form of a book), and conferred upon them a great kingdom.’ Qur’an 4:54
the story of the torah &  how it was destroyed by Pagans  several times. A ‘ And in no way have they (the Jews, Quraish pagans, idolaters, etc.) considered the power of Allah its true measure when they say: "Nothing did Allah send down to any human being (by inspiration)." Say (O Muhammad):  " Who then sent down the Book which Moses brought,   a light and a guidance to mankind which you (the Jews) have made into (separate) papersheets, disclosing (some of it) and concealing (much). And you (believers in Allah and His Messenger Muhammad , were taught  (through the Quran) that which neither you nor your fathers knew."  Say: "Allah (sent it down)." Then leave them to play in their vain discussions’ Qur’an 6:91
similar fate befell the  Psalms of david  & the last Allah’s revelation Zabur: Psalms of David, currently distorted and included as part of the old testament (21:105)
that is qur’an testifies the corruption  of these previous scriptures… ‘ O  people of the Scripture  (Jews and Christians )! Now has come to you Our  Messenger (Muhammad) explaining to you much of that which you used to hide from the Scripture  and passing over (i.e. leaving out without explaining) much.  Indeed, there has come to you from Allah a light and a plain Book (this Quran).  Qur'an 5:15
you should read qur'an and the translation  and   you should perhaps ask
someone to explain  the scientific accuracy of  qur'an .  listen ,  read  and
understand  translation in your own language  and  find truth yourself.   ‘ And indeed We have put forth  every kind of example in this Quran ,  for mankind.  But, man is ever more quarrelsome than anything.' Qur'an: 18:54
on may 14, 1999 a  delegation of christian  & mozlem leaders from
iraq visited  pope john paul II   in rome . a mozlem representative
brought qur’an and the pope kissed  it in front of all participants. proof  detail:
why did the pope john paul II  kiss the holy qur’an ?
because  pope knew that qur’an is the last  and final testament of God Qur'an:  The final Testament  and Law preached by the prophet Muhammad
if interested see the  medical miracles of the holy qur’an ! proof detail:
qur'an, since it was written by Allah , is the Best of all books…
hence such great book  can’t be produced by Allah's creation …
if all of Allah's creation was to  join their heads into the effort .
quran is 100% faultless  final revelation  from  Almighty Allah to…
humanity and  if you dismiss it then  you are dismissing the God!
holy qur’an is  the only authentic medium left  behind for all mankind
to acquire true sense of knowing God . the glory of the qur’an…
will convince you . insha’Allah! and remember… ‘… .This day, I have perfected your religion for you,  completed My Favor upon you , and have  chosen for you Islam as your religion .  But as for him who is forced by severe hunger,  with no inclination to sin , then surely, Allah is Ever-Forgiving, Most Merciful.’ Qur'an 5:3
the one, who tries to  seek God , finds God.  the one,  who finds…
God,  knows God . the one, who knows God ,  loves God .
the one, who  loves God , obeys all the  commands of God .
the commands that prevents any evil  so, if everyone study & obey
Allah’s commands in qur’an then  there’ll be no  injustice  on earth
so my friends  lets accept truth after this moment ! say it what… ‘ Let there be  no compulsion in Religion :  truth stands out clear from error : so  whoever rejects  Taghut (i.e. false gods, idols, devils and seducers) and  believes in Allah (One God)  has grasped the  most trustworthy handhold,  that never breaks. and Allah is Ever-Hearing, Ever-Knowing.’ Qur'an 2:256
germen trees testifies  in this image in arabic script that…
‘ there is no god but Allah &  muhammad  .   is messenger  of  Allah’
after the  clear presence of the signs of Allah , german government…
surrounded that part of the farm  to prevent people from witnessing
the truth, yet  germans are still turning  to islam on german TV! proof video:
listen to the german lawyer  who converts to islam! proof video:
listen to the  european scientist  who is just converted to islam! proof video:
german physician and his wife, the clinic assistant  turns to islam proof video:
listen to her words,  why the french lady converted  to islam ! proof video:
an atheist  tells his story of converting to islam! proof video:
prof. of mathematics ( ex-atheist ) converted to islam! proof video:
six australian ladies  converting to Islam... live ! proof video:
find out why women wants to embrace islam  read true life stories of 10 women proof video:
in france, 70000 non mozlems convert to islam every year! proof  video:
an american christian lady  converts to islam just after 911 ! proof video:
NBC news : 20,000 americans converts to islam each year! proof video:
USA mayor converted to islam  from the christianity! proof  detail:
US pilot  embraced islam! Proof video:
finnish lady, a science researcher  converted to islam! proof  video:
buddhist men are  converting to islam! proof  detail:
korean troops  converts to  islam ! proof video:
a japanese lady converting  to islam from buddhism! proof video:
katia -  russian lady  converts to islam! proof video:
1 in 5 Russians will be mozlem  by the year 2020 according to BBC Proof detail:
athiest chinese  men converting to islam! Proof detail:
new chinese converts  learns first chapter of Qur’an that is  al-Fatiha   proof video:
hear from the  british catholic priest  who is  now a mozlem proof video:
a jew joseph cohen  now aka yusuf khattab - converted to islam! proof video:
a radical and violent  jewish settler became a devout mozlem ! proof video:
another  jewish woman  converts to islam! proof video:
qu’ran convinced him , german/russian converts to islam! proof video:
chairman dept. of anatomy at  chiang mai university, thailand  converts to islam! proof video:
findout why thousands of people  in  denmark are turning to islam ! proof video:
an indian  hindu bhraman  dr. meena embraced islam! proof video:
15 Hindus embraced  islam live! proof video:
michael jackson  is also converted to islam took name "mikael” proof video:
findout why  preachers in christianity  are turning to islam! proof video:   before after
find out yourself  why people around the world  are turning  to islam ! proof video:
if you still don’t believe  then may be you are among those…
who have  incurred displeasure of  Allah  as Qur’an says… ‘ Surely (O Muhammad)  you do not guide whomever you like ,  but Allah guides whomever He decides ,  and He knows the best (who are) rightly-guided .’ Quran 28:56
a barrier before  is frontal lobe that controls "executive functions", such as working memory,  decision-making , planning and judgment.  ‘ And We have put  a barrier before them , and  a barrier behind them , and We have covered them up, so that  they see not . It is the same to them whether you warn them or you warn them not,  they will not believe. You can only warn him who follows the Reminder (the Quran),  and fears the Most Beneficent (Allah) unseen. Bear you to such one the glad tidings of forgiveness, and a generous reward (i.e. Paradise).  Qur'an 36:9-11   a barrier behind  is primarily devoted to  controlling vision.
just think of this deeply  for a moment!
don’t be blind by your own selfish  interests and ego. think and… ‘ Verily, those who disbelieve,  it is the same to them whether you (O Muhammad) warn them or do not warn them,  they will not believe .  Allah has set a seal on their  hearts  and on their  hearings ,  (i.e. they are closed from accepting Allah's Guidance), and on their  eyes   there is a covering. Theirs will be a great torment. Qur'an 2:6-7
think again !!!!!  save yourself  & others from false beliefs & torment ‘ Say: Verily  those who invent lie against Allah will never be successful .  A brief enjoyment in this world! -   and then unto Us will be their return, then We shall make them taste the severe torment because  they used to disbelieve (in Allah).  Qur'an 10:69-70
read above  & just think what will happen  if you die  at this moment? ‘ So I swear by the settings (mansions etc.) of the stars (they traverse). And verily, that is indeed a great oath, if you but knew.  that (this) is indeed an honorable recital (noble Qur’an). In a Book well-guarded (by Allah in the heaven).  Which none can touch but the purified (i.e. the angels).  A revelation from the Lord of World s .  Is it this Statement that you (disbelievers) deny?  And instead (of thanking Allah) for the provision (that) He gives you, on the contrary, you deny Him (by disbelief)!  Then why you  do not (intervene) when (the soul of a dying person) reaches the throat?  And you are at that moment looking on, and We are nearer to him than you, but you see not.  Why then do you not, if you are exempt from the reckoning and recompense (punishment etc.),   Bring back the soul (to its body), if you are truthful?   Qur'an 56:75-87
this presentation was made for  every one from any religion… ‘ Say (Muhammad), " O mankind! If you are in doubt about my religion , then (know that)  I do not worship those whom you worship besides Allah  but I do worship Allah Who takes your souls (at death),  and I am commanded to be of the believers.’ (Qur’an 10:104)
therefore, i didn’t use  terms of respectability  commonly used among
mozlems such as peace  be upon him.  may peace be upon all prophets…
listed in this slideshow.  i apologize deeply , if i have offended anyone
anything untruthful that  i may have written mistakenly  is
solely from me and all  Truth  is solely from  the Almighty Allah .
may Allah forgive my any mistake  in these slides and accepts my
effort, so my  great friends,  please  don't break this chain……...
kindly send this presentation  to some one you really love !
let everyone know the  Almighty God !
don't keep  this slideshow to  yourself,  convince your friends...
to see this slideshow till the end and  forward it to your loved ones !
so our friends and all people in this world will  know without any doubt ‘ Allah is my Lord and your Lord; you shall worship Him alone. this is  the right path .’  Quran: 3:51
GOD ‘ Say:"Those who forge a lie against Allah will never prosper." A little enjoyment in this world !- and then, to Us will be their return, then shall  We make them taste the severest chastisement for their disbelief .’ Quran10:69-70
may all human beings  discover the wisdom to know God . Amen!
thank you  for your time! [email_address]

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  • 2. the main players involved in this game includes bush & dick
  • 3. cheney who come out of oil industry as their careers have been…
  • 4. shaped by zionist oil lobby , the sponsors of “WOT a Great Game”
  • 5. the coach is mossad (israel’s intelligence agency), master mind Proofs:
  • 6. of 9/11 attacks. the coach vows to take US U nprovoked S pectators
  • 7. in exact direction towards all-out fight slogan ‘ islamout ’ under i want all US stupid Christians to support us for achieving our goals!
  • 8. banner WMD ‘ W ar on M osad’s D ictation’ its pretty self-explanatory
  • 9. when coach says that ‘ Onward Christian Soldiers ’ israel's fight in middle
  • 10. i want your BLOOD for OIL east, for israel's benefit but US soldiers and US blood! then…
  • 11. bush in response honors his master and replies ‘ i pledge allegiance to
  • 12. each & every word of you, my master slowly but surely we’ll prevail
  • 13. to carry on losses and together the world will be duped with our aims
  • 14. coach & captain begin to rebuild the team that includes fundamentlist Proof by Kevin Ryan: i want you Christians in our team
  • 15. christians, fanatical ideologues , shady busi- nessmen and rightwing
  • 16. extremists. in fact all top 100 officials in bush administration were
  • 17. Oil & Defense Bigwigs as majority of their personal investments
  • 18. upto $144.6bn were into O il and D efense sector. they include...
  • 19.
  • 20. bush can hold UBL & alqaeda responsible for any foul play attempt ! Fellow Citizens! Its my pleasure to introduce our new Information Minister Mr. UBL. Would you like to say a few words my old friend?
  • 21. one of strengths needed to play “ WOT a Great Game ” on highest level
  • 22. is cool planning , after all bush jr. was starting his career from home
  • 23. yet he have to prove his powers to his own US U nprovoked S pectators
  • 24. game starts with a live practice match on 9/11 ‘ Bush Team vs.US ’
  • 25. bush team sweeps the one sided match while defeating US citizens !
  • 26. imagine if Bush’s team have failed to achieve victory on homeground proofs: Will i prevail in my massive murderous plot
  • 27. don't you think this would make impossible for Bush to enter in a… sir, don’t look at the camera, grief expressions please! We’ve to deceive the world .
  • 28. next pool match of “WOT a Great Game” against foreign teams !
  • 29. playing first practice match live means that you must prevent time
  • 30. -outs, after all you are preparing to build a multiplayer team for
  • 31. next matches against those teams who don’t have WMDs ! those…
  • 32. teams whom bush vows Axis of Evil i.e. “ access AAF i.will ” my right to
  • 33. enter Army Air Force (AAF) in countries that have no WMDs
  • 34. the best way to start a new match is to take a decent run up against
  • 35. weak team after all it doesn't need to make big media campaigns Proof :
  • 36. it’s never easy to attack strong team at debut ! we wont go in to the…
  • 37. details of why america attacked afghanistan ? but its evident that… Proof detail:
  • 38. afghanistan’s value is nothing more than an oil & gas pipeline route
  • 39. to the untapped petroleum reserves of Central Asia that have
  • 40. 15 bn. barrels proven oil reserves confirmed in march 1999 by US proof:
  • 41. representatives of conservative think tank Heritage Foundation ! Source: US State Department
  • 42. in 1991 Cheney said that ‘arc of countries in central asia where New York Times reported when Cheney was chief prosecutor of Operation Desert Storm I swear, I’ll kill every last one of you for oil!
  • 43. western oil companies work gazes afghanistan & in year 2000, Unocal According to Rashid, the Taliban's
  • 44. corporation with state department backing negotiated with taliban
  • 45. to build a pipeline via afghanistan connecting turkmenistan with…
  • 46. pakistan but the negotiation failed . at time matthew j. sagers
  • 47. of cambridge energy research associates offered the new york
  • 48. times this gem: ‘ Once we bomb the hell out of afghanistan , we will
  • 49. have to cough up some projects there, and this pipeline is one of them ’ quote from a business story by The New York Times
  • 50. attacking independent country is not so easy and especially when it
  • 51. comes to iraq or even afghanistan, it requires solid justification to…
  • 52. kickoff. it’s never possible unless you make a Big Plan so,…
  • 53. what good reason can anyone have other than to speak a Big Lie as…
  • 54. hitler said that people will more likely believe a big lie than small one
  • 55. however, independent investigation revealed this big lie when three
  • 56. questions in particular struck everyone’s mind as being obvious clues
  • 57. first why was the lack of defensive response from most formidable
  • 58. military world has ever known? secondly why were US government…
  • 59. officials unable to answer any question concerning flight 77…
  • 60. pentagon crash site? 3rdly why buildings fell in a strange way ? proof building collapse an inside job:
  • 61. certainly professional hijackers could not have done a better job The Real Hijackers
  • 62. nevertheless, major blunders from the liars reveals the entire game
  • 63. plan. lets uncover this forever by asking some unanswered questions! proof:
  • 64. firstly why was secret trading done in united and american airline…
  • 65. stock before & after 911 attacks ? why no action has been taken
  • 66. on those insider stock trades that proved they have exact knowledge
  • 67. about 911? no one can make anonymous stock trades, the identities of
  • 68. those who placed put options is still unknown why 7 weeks prior to
  • 69. controlled demolitions, of twin towers bush’s cousin marvin bush… proof;
  • 70. who was security in charge on board at the WTC, change hands in proof:
  • 71. first (rushed) sale to silverstein and the new owner introduced huge
  • 72. terrorism insurance appendage through which he still collects
  • 73. 500 million dollars on ‘terrorist clause’! who stone-walled CIA and
  • 74. FBI agents in their pre/ post 9/11 investigations into attacks? why were
  • 75. credible eyewitness testimonies suppressed and totally ignored by
  • 76. 9/11 commission ? why was total pres-blackout of mossad’s presence…
  • 77. within US before and after 9/11 ? why there wasn’t a single jew…
  • 78. present in building on 9/11? why there was alarming manipulation
  • 79. of passenger manifests and takeoff times and why there’s no proof…
  • 80. of arab names on flight lists ? why when many names on FBI list of…
  • 81. 19 alleged hijackers are proven false ? there has no subsequent list
  • 82. been released by FBI? why would the alleged hijackers shout their
  • 83. own names? why did the US fake ‘confession video’ of Usama ? who watch the video:
  • 84. captured live footage of so called hijacked first plane & why 9/11
  • 85. planes were shown different in the footage than the normal planes ? Proof detail:
  • 86. if these planes were really passenger planes and hijacked then how
  • 87. can these professional hijackers who were in air for nearly 2 hours
  • 88. can change the flight routes without being intercepted by radar
  • 89. at control centre? for sure radar must have detected the planes but
  • 90. where was norad (military force) trained for this purpose who
  • 91. monitors all flights . they can intercept any flight at New York city Proof video;
  • 92. in 7 minutes through the fighter jets as PGA golfer payne stewart's
  • 93. doomed flight was int- ercepted 15 min. after the FAA reported it proof:
  • 94. being in trouble so what is the secret behind norad’s silence ?
  • 95. definitely the task was given to them but to strike missile that…
  • 96. was heard by many eyewitnesses before the controlled demolition... Can you see something moving downwards?
  • 97. of buildings which is now 100% proved while unknown cameraman
  • 98. who took live footage of planes deserves Oscar award and the known… proof:
  • 99. director of the plane crash computer animated movie certainly deserves noble prize
  • 100. a very big question is : what was in WTC-7? fake planes didn’t hit
  • 101. WTC 7? whose records what companies and other equipments were
  • 102. destroyed? we know that New York EOC E mergency O perations
  • 103. C enter was on the 23rd floor . this 23rd story had a specially…
  • 104. reinforced floor and ultra strong windows (designed to withstand
  • 105. 160 mph winds) and its own air supply . this was the safest place to
  • 106. be when towers came down. its clear proof that EOC Emergency
  • 107. Operations Center at 23 rd floor was the most Logical Location for
  • 108. directing and diverting the 9/11 flights towards WTC twin towers as
  • 109. the quotes from flight instructors , already proved that pilots have
  • 110. poor skills? and there is no doubt left that a professional team of… Proof video:
  • 111. demolition experts could not have done a better job than total…
  • 112. destruction of WTCs . how can all the three buildings, twin towers
  • 113. & WTC 7 collapsed in same free fall pattern showing absolutely no
  • 114. resistance as they fell? why the Seismic Data also indicated huge… Proof:
  • 115. bursts of energy just prior to twin tower collapses and why the
  • 116. powdered concrete was formed which can never be produced… Proved : WTC was demolished by hydrogen bomb .
  • 117. by just fire nevertheles, perfectly measured 30 foot steel beams just…
  • 118. the right length to be hauled away in the ‘ controlled demolition
  • 119. inc. trucks simply proved that explosives were rigged earlier…
  • 120. shocking it may seem but it’s now proved 100% that towers were Proof:
  • 121. infact been previously rigged with explosives, it require experts to proof video:
  • 122. work with explosives. usually it takes 4 days to strategically set up all Proof by Michael Berger:
  • 123. the explosives specially for a 47 story building , half the height of the
  • 124. lofty WTC towers. A Plan was Designed to complete the job that
  • 125. the " Hijacked " planes had begun. the firey wrecks of the so called Proof that planes were not hijacked:
  • 126. Passenger Jets merely serve as a Plausible Pretext for subsequent
  • 127. collapses. the total destruction of WTC is the crowning touch on
  • 128. ‘ psyop ’ ( psychological operation ) of unimagi- -nable proportions. a
  • 129. massive murderous plot specifically fashioned to be absolutely beyond…
  • 130. belief and, of course, one that would help to steer public opinion…
  • 131. towards the support of pre-existing corporate objectives in central
  • 132. asia & the middle east . and more spectacular the ‘psyop’ the better.
  • 133. this time not Hitler but his son bushitler said that people will more…
  • 134. likely believe a Big Lie than a small one . how-ever what ever had…
  • 135. happened, we should indeed thank Bush that No One now trusts US
  • 136. bush cabinet’s disdain for international laws , treaties & agreements,
  • 137. their foisting of lies upon not only to the world but also its…
  • 138. own people to advance selfish and ideological agendas only cemented
  • 139. further that which the world thought when US bowed out of ICC,
  • 140. refused to ratify land mine treaty , refused to even consider Kyoto…
  • 141. and so on. whether you think iraq's oil was small factor in…
  • 142. the decision for bush administration to go for 9/11 attacks or the
  • 143. main reason you can not deny the potential that some of the…
  • 144. companies who were given contracts to deal with oil in post-saddam
  • 145. iraq may abuse their new privileges . after all, any company can
  • 146. abuse any contract but bush ensured that oil companies engage …
  • 147. in all the abuse they want with an executive order that gives them
  • 148. blanket immunity from lawsuits this marks the end of any semblance..
  • 149. of decency by the bush administration they can do anything for oil
  • 150. even the killings of thousands of innocent americans on 9/11 in…
  • 151. order to fulfill their evil desires ? the whole US government is a
  • 152. terrorist unit operating under the guise of its own counter terrorism
  • 153. squads in fact history speaks the truth itself when US massacred…
  • 154. 1000s of buddhist in nagasaki & repeated genocide on another…
  • 155. japanese city whereas US genocidal support for killing of budhists
  • 156. in cambodia for US barbaric agenda is the worst terror campaign
  • 157. US support to christian terrorists for genocide of 1000s of mozlems in
  • 158. bosnia for 3 years is yet another example of their evil desires . US...
  • 159. continuous profitable business dealings with saddam for killings of
  • 160. 1000s kurds and US support for genocide of 1000s of tutsis in…
  • 161. rawanda is also well remembered by world. and US total military
  • 162. & financial backing to israeli jewish terrorists for the genocide of…
  • 163. 1000s of mozlems in lebanon and nonstop genocide of palestinians you should fear from our terror otherwise our army will kill each one of you through phosphoric bombings !
  • 164. is the worst ongoing examples of heinous crimes carried out by Genocide of mozlem children by Israeli terrorist army
  • 165. zionist american terrorists who have hijacked the whole…
  • 166. US economy & White House . more than USD 15 million given by US
  • 167. taxpayers to israel each day for carrying out their heinous crimes…
  • 168. against innocent people look at photos if you have courage to see the
  • 169. genocide in gaza by israeli terrorists ! US support to indian hindu
  • 170. terrorists for genocide of 1000s of mozlems in ahmadabad & kashmir Proof:
  • 171. is also continued today while the US backing for the killings of 1000s
  • 172. of sikhs and Chinese in the indian assam region is still continue
  • 173. while not to recall the advice of US state dept. for using phosphoric…
  • 174. bombs to genocide mozlems in pakistan’s capital and tribal areas well done! you’ve done a better job than saddam by using phosphoric bombs for genocide of 1000’s in islamabad mosque, tribal areas, and baluchistan province!
  • 175. while US invasion to iraq and afghanistan slaughtering millions of
  • 176. inocent mozlem women and children cannot be ignored who were torn
  • 177. out into pieces through US phosphoric cluster bombings while now proof:
  • 178. puppet govts. of iraq afghanistan, pakistan, etc. are dictated by US See how many faithful pets do I have for my security
  • 179. for the continuous barbaric terrorist acts against its own people!
  • 180. All the terrorists are sitting right under US umbrella while those
  • 181. who resists these US terrorists are declare ‘axis of Evil’
  • 182. if terrorist enters your house and kills your mother, father, wife…
  • 183. daughter in front of your eyes then what you’ll do? obviously…
  • 184. your psyche will change & you’ll make every attempt to kill…
  • 185. those criminals by any means even if you have to sacrifice with
  • 186. your own life! am i right ? absolutely so now if people have roused… Rise Against US-Israel Zionist terrorist force
  • 187. against terrorist forces who invaded their homeland in Palestine , I am Proud to be an american terrorist
  • 188. iraq, kashmir, assam india, afghanistan etc. then do you think that
  • 189. you can stop their right for self-determination? certainly nobody can…
  • 190. stop them unless the intruders retreat thier barbaric forces from
  • 191. their homeland. does this make logic to end the terrorism & bring
  • 192. peace in this world ? of course yes ! so now if these evil agendas of…
  • 193. genocidal killings by radical jews didn’t stop then do you think that
  • 194. this useless U nited N ation can bring peace where dictators have
  • 195. full rights to ‘ veto ’ all heinous crimes against humanity! proof by Alex Jones:
  • 196. now look at the qur’an which briefs all this 9/11 14 centuries ago
  • 197. as if you all know. the WTC construction began in 1966 the inauguration ceremony was in 1973 the WTC built in 7 years the WTC contains 110 floors the day was 11 the month was 9 the year of tragedy was 2001 the incident took place exactly after 28 years of ribbon cutting ceremony. now, remember these figures ( 7 - 9 - 11 - 110 - 1973 - 28 ) proof:
  • 198. Open Qur’an Part: 11 Chapter: 9 (Ultimatum) and go to Verse: 110 .
  • 199. ‘ the building which they built, will never cease to be a misgiving in their hearts unless their hearts be torn to pieces . And Allah is All-Knowing, All-Wise.’
  • 200. the verse clearly states about the building that will be built (this word
  • 201. ‘ Built ’ in arabic script constitute 7 letters ) and the verse Ends exactly
  • 202. after 28 individual unit of words now add these 28 units to 1973 that…
  • 203. result 2001 now look at the explanation of this chapter’s verse…
  • 204. ‘ the building ( 110 floors twin towers ), which they ( unbelievers ) built ( in 7 years i.e. 1966-1973 ), will never cease to be a misgiving in their hearts ( will always remain doubtful about God ) unless ( but after 28 years i.e. 2001 ) their hearts be torn to pieces ( a tragedy will turn their attention towards islam ). Allah is All-Knowing, All-Wise.’ This is my personal explanation therefore it has no religious authenticity whatsoever. U ltimatum till 11 - 09 - 2001 for unbelievers
  • 205. so the truth is proved as we all know commonly heard prediction after
  • 206. 9/11 that " this attack will change the course of world history ". and
  • 207. this has really changed the history as statistics indicates that mozlem
  • 208. population in 1973 was 0.5 billion reaching 1.3 billion in 2001 and now
  • 209. this has reached 1.82 billion, just in 7 years at fastest pace since… proof:
  • 210. 9/11 and its growing 6.6% per year , as biased jew’s media proves on next slide!
  • 211. CNN TV Reportage showing converts to islam in USA 2009! so its clear that qur’an proof video:
  • 212. mentioned all this 9/11 information beforehand when, where and why
  • 213. this will happen and now examine this who was responsible for 9/11
  • 214. as mentioned in qur’an, just go to the chapter II verses: 9-11 to expose…
  • 215. the terrorists behind the WTC II-twin tower attacks on 9/11 !
  • 216. ‘ They (disbelievers ) try to deceive Allah and those who believe, but in truth they deceive none save themselves; only they perceive it not. In their hearts is a disease (of doubt and hypocrisy); Allah through the continuous manifestation of His Signs causes their disease to grow worse. For them there is a painful punishment because of their lying. And when it is said to them ‘make no mischief on the earth’ they say, we are only peacemakers ’ Q ur’an says in chapter: II : verses: 9-11
  • 217. now its often been put forward to the alqaeda and this message… Mr. UBL (Undercover Big Lie)
  • 218. of quran " deceivers who deceive none save themselves " would… Proof :
  • 219. probably describe how alqaeda feels about US as truth is now known Al Qaeda ( A merican L iar's Q uest A bout E ndless D eceptive A ctions )
  • 220. to everyone that bush administration straight away declared 9/11 to
  • 221. this tragedy providing another clear symbolic reason for bush think
  • 222. tank for choosing this date for the attacks as this is going to have
  • 223. long run psychological impact on americans as this signifies the…
  • 224. 911 emergency service . let’s suppose alqaeda is absolutely perfect in
  • 225. their targets then why alqaeda failed to carry out 1 more attack on
  • 226. american soil just on a small scale ? may be someday americans…
  • 227. will gain the wisdom and guts for exposing their criminals and…
  • 228. bring them to justice before it’s too late after all truth always prevail
  • 229. for falsehood is bound to perish. this is a final wake up call for a …
  • 230. sleeping world as yet another qur’anic verse proved the truth when
  • 231. bush accepted defeat in iraq the ‘ deceivers who deceive only themselves
  • 232. while saying that we are only peacemakers ’ the world should be ready
  • 233. for another deception by new administration which is already been
  • 234. hijacked by the israeli terrorists in the name of change nevertheless
  • 235. these radical terrorist including the biased media who committed
  • 236. heinous crimes may flee from the world but for sure they cant escape
  • 237. punishment of Allah in the life hereafter . Allah already preserved many
  • 238. admonishing examples in the qur’an for future generations to come !
  • 239. Allah said in qur'an that pharaoh body is preserved as an… proof video: ‘ And We bought the tribe of Israel across the sea, and Pharaoh and this troops pursued them out of tyranny and enmity. Then, when he was on the point of drowning, he ( pharaoh ) said : I believe that there is no deity but Him in Whom the tribe of Israel believes . I am one of the Muslims .’ Quran 10:90
  • 240. admonishing example for future generations to come and let there be another... Proof detail: ‘ what, now! When previously you rebelled and were one of corrupters? So this day We shall preserve your (dead) body that you may be a sign to those who come after you! And verily, many among mankind are heedless of Our Ayat (proofs, evidences, verses, signs, revelations etc.).’ Quran 10:91-92
  • 241. reminder to all the tyrants: the death of sharon who massacred many palestinians! Proof detail: ‘ And nothing stops Us from sending the Ayat (proofs, evidences, signs) but that the earliest (people) denied them ; and We gave to Samood the she-camel- - a clear sign- - but on her account they did injustice , and We do not send signs but to warn and to make them afraid.’ Qur’an 17:59
  • 242. besides this, the place where prophet noah's ship rested is also… ‘ and it was said: "O earth! swallow up your water, and O sky! Withhold (your rain)!" and the water was diminished (made to subside) and the Decree (of Allah) was fulfilled (i.e. the destruction of the people of Noah). And it (the ship) rested on Mount Judi , and it was said: " Away with the people who are zalimuun (polytheists and wrong-doing )!’ Quran 11:44
  • 243. discovered recently at exactly the same place where the holy qur'an
  • 244. have mentioned nearly more than fourteen centuries ago ! proof video: ‘… And it (the ship) rested on Mount Judi , and it was said: "Away with the people who are zalimuun (polytheists and wrong-doing)!’ Quran 11:44
  • 245. are you still wondering how qur'an remained unchanged & unaltered
  • 246. during all these 1430 year & it will remain so for Allah, has taken it
  • 247. on Himself to protect it! so, you need 100% solid proof to know that…
  • 248. qur'an is exactly same as it was revealed more than 1400 years ago, so
  • 249. you want to know how 114 chapters of qur’an remained unchanged for
  • 250. centuries? now examine all the following slides very carefully !
  • 251. why qur'an  is the only book which is read the most ?
  • 252. what is the meaning of qur'an ?
  • 253. how the name of qur'an is unique ?
  • 254. the word "qur'an" means " that which is recited ; or that which
  • 255. is dictated in memory form as such its not just a book, nor its…
  • 256. something that reaches us only in written form the documentation in
  • 257. writing of qur'an are preserved for many years in museums… Proof detail: The miracle of the Qur'an is that during 1400 years no successful attempt has been made to match the language of the Qur'an and bring one chapter like it, although many have tried.
  • 258. throughout world, incl- udeing topekapi palace in istanbul , turkey … ‘ We have, without doubt, sent down the ( Quran ); and We will assuredly Guard it (from corruption) . ’ Qur’an:15:9
  • 259. the museum in tashkent , uzbekistan and also in england . Proof detail: This Qur'an is stored in Tashkent and is from approx. 12 years after the Prophet Muhammed death.
  • 260. the qur'an has only one version-arabic , & still exists the same…
  • 261. although there are different translations but none of these would
  • 262. be considered to hold the authenticity of the original arabic …
  • 263. recitation since qur’an is the record of exact Allah’s words revealed
  • 264. to the last prophet muhammad through the angel gabriel. ‘ Say (O Muhammad): "What thing is the most great in witness?" Say: "Allah (the Most Great!) is Witness between me and you; this Quran has been revealed to me that I may therewith warn you and whomsoever it may reach . Can you verily bear witness that besides Allah there are other gods?" Say "I bear no (such) witness!" Say: " But in truth He (Allah) is the only one God . And truly I am innocent of what you join in worship with Him.’ (Qur'an 6:19).
  • 265. qur’an was memorized by muhammad and then dictated to his… ‘ But Allah bears witness to that which He has sent down ( the Qur'an ) to you ( O Muhammad ); He has sent it down with His Knowledge; and the Angels (also) bear witness; and Allah suffices as Ever-Witnessing..’ (Qur'an 4:166).
  • 266. companions therefore the text of the qur’an was cross-checked …
  • 267. during the life of the prophet muhammad . so its crystal clear that
  • 268. prophet muhammad . was the first memorizer of qur'an to preserve it. ‘ And We have sent you (O Muhammad) not but as a mercy for all creatures .’ Qur'an 21:107).
  • 269. there were 22 huffaz (memorizers of entire quran) at the time of...
  • 270. prophet’s death, so there’s no chance of any corruption from men.
  • 271. today the entire qur'an is memorized by over 10 million mozlems .
  • 272. is it not a miracle ?
  • 273. after all, how many other literary works have been memorized...
  • 274. & passed down through so many generations in the original language,
  • 275. without single change in even one sentence! do you know each…
  • 276. mozlem has memorized a portion of quran in arabic language as this
  • 277. is an important part of their daily prayers , it should be noted here
  • 278. that there are over 1.5 billion mozlems world wide and only about…
  • 279. 10% are arabs , all the rest are learning quran in arabic as a second…
  • 280. language , yet you won’t see a single word difference between a… WORD JUST ONE
  • 281. person who have memorized qur’an in USA or KSA or else
  • 282. qur'an says we’ve indeed made the qur'an easy to understand and remember… quran 54:22
  • 283. this only suggests the quran's inimitability that even a 6 year old ..
  • 284. child can memorize the whole qur'an without a single mistake and… must listen beautiful qur’an recitation:
  • 285. there are many 6 year old children who have memorized entire quran
  • 286. a 5 year boy from a non-mozlem family knows full qur'an! proof video:
  • 287. how many people you know who memorized whole bible by heart?
  • 288. these holy scriptures bible or torah were never memorized …
  • 289. therefore they are hidden from world without notice and…
  • 290. no one can rewrite another one from memory but think if… no one can rewrite torah, gospel or other religious scriptures from memory!
  • 291. this was to happen to the qur'an , how many thousands can rewrite
  • 292. qur'an and how can anyone make changes without being noticed ?
  • 293. qur'an itself is only said to be easy to memorize, but archaic language…
  • 294. itself is harder to interpret , so don't you think in the process of
  • 295. defining meaning of qur'an , that people make mistakes after…
  • 296. all they are only humans & not Allah, so its these mistakes
  • 297. that you take to granted and ignorantly criticize your creator ?
  • 298. qur'an mentions itself as the qur'an ( the recitation ) & mentions
  • 299. that it’s for all mankind & jinn (another Allah’s creation) , similar to…
  • 300. humans in that they could make choices as to whether or not they
  • 301. would obey Allah's commands, and they existed before humans (watch the miracle video of jinn worshiping Allah)
  • 302. qur'an challenges its readers that if you are in doubt about it, then
  • 303. bring a book like it , also bring 10 chapters like it & finally bring one…
  • 304. single chapter like it! 1430 years, no one has been able to … [qur'an 11:13]    [qur'an 10:38]
  • 305. duplicate its beauty, recitation, miracles & ease of memorization !
  • 306. another challenge for unbelievers to consider “ if this qur'an was …
  • 307. from other than Allah, you would find within it many contradictions
  • 308. yet, another challenge offered by Allah in the qur'an is for the…
  • 309. unbelievers to look around for evidences. Allah says in qur’an…
  • 310. ‘ He will show them His signs within themselves & on farthest horizons ’ Proof video: [qur'an 41:53]
  • 311. prophet muhammad . name in arabic script appears on planet mars Proof video:
  • 312. can anyone imagine to draw a straight line on earth between too far
  • 313. cities i.e. approx. 815 km in 6th century ? certainly no ! so look at the miracle
  • 314. google earth proof - satellites testify the truth of muhammad’s prophethood Proof video:
  • 315. so are you still in doubt about Allah ? do you think all these mozlems
  • 316. are foolish and they worship any sort of man made or natural idols ? Detail clarification:
  • 317. no no not at all ! qur’an proves that Allah is not a 'moon god’ or idol etc ‘ And from among His Signs are the night and the day, and the sun and the moon. Do not bow down ( prostrate ) to the sun nor to the moon , but only bow down ( prostrate ) to " Allah " Who created them, if you (really) worship Him.’ Quran 41:37
  • 318. mozlems don’t worship any idol or even kaaba but Only One Allah !
  • 319. kaaba is used only as a focal point for prayer ( not worshiped ) and… ‘ And (remember) when We made the House (the Ka'bah at Makkah) a focal point for mankind and a place of safety. thus, you shall consider this (place) of (Abraham) as a place of prayer, and We commanded (Abraham) and (Ishmael) that they should purify My House (the Ka'bah at Makkah) for those who are circumambulating it, or staying (I'tikaf), or bowing or prostrating themselves (there, in prayer). (2:125)
  • 320. it simply signifies a direction, imposed by Allah to maintain… "Wherever you go, you shall turn your face (during Salat) towards the Sacred Mosque (Masjid Al-Haram) ; wherever you might be, you shall turn your faces (during Salat) towards it….“ Qur’an [2:150]
  • 321. unity and uniformity among worshipers . do you think, why do…
  • 322. mozlems face this one direction , and not many directions?
  • 323. imagine if there was not a one direction to face then everyone…
  • 324. would have faced all directions which may have caused dissent …
  • 325. and disunity in the heart of mozlems . the direction of the kaaba
  • 326. not only unifies the mozlems, but it also maximizes the … Proof video:
  • 327. glorification and the praising of Allah almighty because in…
  • 328. the 5-daily Prayers , it is not just only the individual who is…
  • 329. praising Allah, but also the millions of the mozlems worldwide …
  • 330. ( who are on the same time ) are doing it almost simultaneously
  • 331. as if they were one close community. you must be w ondering?
  • 332. why do mozlems face particularly towards the kaaba ?
  • 333. and why not any other selected direction ! Proof Detail:
  • 334. this only Allah knows the best ! Allah alone knows toward which… ‘ Verily, the first House (of worship) appointed for mankind was that at Bakkah (Makkah ), full of blessing, and a guidance for all the worlds. qur’an 3: 96
  • 335. direction His Noor descends ! yet we know from the history that …
  • 336. kaaba was the holly place for the first man on earth i.e. adam … Proof video: ‘ Verily, the first House (of worship) appointed for mankind was that at Bakkah (Makkah ), full of blessing, and a guidance for all the worlds. qur’an 3: 96
  • 337. and abraham, and all other prophets that came at different times ‘ And (remember) when We showed Abraham the site of the (Sacred) House (the Ka'bah at Makkah) (saying): "Associate not anything (in worship) with Me, and sanctify My House for those who circumambulate it, and those who stand up for prayer, and those who bow), and make prostration (in prayer)’ Qur’an 22:26
  • 338. how we know, Noor of Allah descends toward kaaba’s direction ?
  • 339. only mozlems who visited holy mosque can tell their emotional
  • 340. glimpse onto the Kaaba! yet look at the miracles , by the Will…
  • 341. of Allah a tree in australia shaped as a person in ruku (bow… miracle videos proof: ‘ You shall observe the Prayers (Salat) and give the obligatory charity (Zakat), and bow down with those who bow down . Qur’an 2:43  
  • 342. down) facing the direction of kaaba and the stone shaped as…
  • 343. person perform sijda (prostrate) towards the direction of kaaba! Miracle proof: ‘ So glorify the praises of your Lord and be of those who prostrate themselves (to Him). and worship your Lord until you attain certainty (i.e. death).’ Qur’an 15:98-99
  • 344. these were 2 positions of mozlem prayers out of 5 positions that have ‘ so when you accomplish the prayer, remember Allah standing, sitting down, and lying down on your sides, yet when you feel composed, then keep up the prayers. Verily, the prayer is enjoined on the believers at stated times . Qur’an 4:103
  • 345. a corresponding relationship with our spiritual and mental
  • 346. well being, proved by the modern scientific research. mozlem…
  • 347. prayers (salah) brings about many benefits to the worshippers…
  • 348. interestingly, for the millions of people enrolled in yoga …
  • 349. classes, the islamic form of prayer provide mozlems for 14…
  • 350. centuries with some of yoga’s same (and even superior) benefits . this
  • 351. simple form of yoga offers physical, mental benefits 5 times a day
  • 352. to a mozlem but the most vital benefit is spiritual that comes…
  • 353. from reciting qur’an. discover yourself the quran’s healing power proof detail:
  • 354. do you still think that mozlems have lost their mind by putting nose
  • 355. and forehead pressed to the floor as they kneel in prayers.
  • 356. look at the miracle of qur'an that revealed facts about the regions
  • 357. that controls our brain see how involvement in prayers benefits… Proof video: ‘ No indeed! If he does not stop. We will grab him by the forelock , a lying, sinful forelock’ Quran 96:15-16
  • 358. frontal lobe region is responsible for controlling " executive functions ", such as working memory, decision-making , planning and judgment. the brain before meditation & prayer the brain during prayer an individual through increase in blood flow at front lobe and…
  • 359. decline at parietal lobe region where humans sense their time and… the brain before meditation & prayer the brain during prayer
  • 360. ‘ and seek (Allah's) help with patient perseverance and prayer and truly it is extremely heavy and hard except for the true believers in Allah - those who obey Allah with full submission, fear much from His Punishment, and believe in His Promise (Paradise).’ Qur’an 2:45 space limits. it was concluded from these results that during…
  • 361. prayer ( contemplation & seeking Allah ), the limits of self conscious-
  • 362. -ness disappears and a feeling of peace and freedom starts in the
  • 363. person & one feel closer to Allah in a way that no words can describe .
  • 364. after all why not we praise Allah the Lord of all creations ?
  • 365. don’t believe on what i say? you must see the video link on next slide
  • 366. this self-speaking video proves that you should worship Allah alone . miracle videos: can you see something moving in kaaba, a miraculous light
  • 367. ‘ and on earth are signs for those who have faith with certainty’ qur’an 5 1:20 Another Proof video:   Open your eyes! Watch the video carefully and decide yourself, is it not a miracle at the Holy Mosque in mecca?
  • 368. now you cant deny that the Noor (light) of Allah descends toward Kaaba ‘ All praises and thanks be to Allah, Who (Alone) created the heavens and the earth, and originated the darkness and the light , yet those who disbelieve hold others as equal with their Lord.’ Qur’an 6:1
  • 369. when NASA astronauts were taking photograph of earth with the help .
  • 370. of powerful telescope they found complete darkness on earth… .
  • 371. except the two places on the earth i.e kaaba and madinah mosque Proof video: .  
  • 372. so do you still need proof that mozlems don’t worship any idol .
  • 373. of course yes so… .
  • 374. can any one of you ever imagine to stand above your God ?
  • 375. oh definitely no !
  • 376. imagine mozlems can offer prayers above the kaaba structure …
  • 377. because in actual fact, it is One & Only Allah that mozlems worship
  • 378. in prayers & definitely not any sort of object or likewise therefore its
  • 379. proved that mozlems don’t worship any kind of manmade or natural Hindu god Chinese god Buddha god Christian god
  • 380. idols or objects in fact mozlems obey Allah’s command as mentioned ‘ And why should I not worship Him (Allah Alone) Who has created me and to Whom you shall be returned.’ Qur’an 36: 22
  • 381. in the qur'an which contains proven facts 14 centuries ahead of
  • 382. their time. qur'an while revealed scientific facts in 6th century are only
  • 383. now discovered in 20th and 21st century . the news and scientific …
  • 384. facts given in qur'an beforehand about the number of important
  • 385. events that occurred and will take place in future, the facts…
  • 386. no one could have known at that time, were announced in its..
  • 387. verses. it is impossible for this information to have been known with
  • 388. level of knowledge and technology of the day. it is apparent that this
  • 389. proves clear evidence that the qur'an is not the word of men .
  • 390. the qur’an is word of Allah , the existence of Almighty Allah is…
  • 391. proved by the existence of His many miracles or signs or
  • 392. verses. all messengers were blessed with the miracles that related to ‘ For every prophecy is a limit of time , and soon shall you know it.’ Qur’an 6:67
  • 393. their times & people but the last messenger, prophet muhammad .
  • 394. was given a miracle of miracles that is qur'an which would last till…
  • 395. end of this world because islam is to stay here till the end of time
  • 396. and its for all mankind from the day one when adam 1 st man was sent
  • 397. by Allah on the earth, however many people think that islam is the
  • 398. youngest religion, in fact islam is the oldest religion . the first … !
  • 399. mozlem was Adam & the second was Eve. they both were first… EVE & ADAM
  • 400. originally in heaven but when satan made them eat the fruit from the…
  • 401. prohibited tree, Allah threw both of them on earth as a punishment
  • 402. and then after they asked for forgiveness, Allah forgave them but
  • 403. told them to live a mortal life on earth & then return to their…
  • 404. rightful place that is paradise . islam is the only religion chosen…
  • 405. by Allah and all the prophets from adam abraham , moses , jesus "Say: we believe in God and that which is revealed to us, and that which was revealed to Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob and The Tribes, and in ( the Books ) given to Moses, Jesus and the Prophets , from their Lord: We make no distinction between one and another, among them, and to God do we bow our will (Islam).’ Qur'an 3:84
  • 406. to muhammad have the same faith . the qur’an correct men’s distortion ‘ O people of the Scripture (Jews and Christians )! Now has come to you Our Messenger (Muhammad) explaining to you much of that which you used to hide from the Scripture and passing over (i.e. leaving out without explaining) much. Indeed, there has come to you from Allah a light and a plain Book (this Quran). Qur'an 5:15
  • 407. to previous prophetic teachings while not departing from the…
  • 408. mankind’s aboriginal faith i.e. submission to One Almighty Allah .
  • 409. the idolatry worshiping only began at time when prophet enoch and his
  • 410. all devout followers died , this absence of highly devout people...
  • 411. was felt immensely by the general public and therefore the spirit of
  • 412. worshiping the ONE Almighty Allah alone began to diminish…
  • 413. among them so to overcome this lack of spirit during prayers.
  • 414. people made statues of those devout people as a result satan deceived
  • 415. later generations and people started keeping those statues in front of
  • 416. them during the worshiping of almighty Allah . so this was the…
  • 417. beginning of worst sin against the Almighty Allah. nevertheless,…
  • 418. islam is the religion of all the prophets and the beliefs of all prophets ...
  • 419. about God were same. they all taught oneness of God , however their Arabic Script Saying:  "There is no God but Allah."
  • 420. actual practices may differ to suit various times and places. there
  • 421. is one more important thing that a mozlem can’t be a mozlem…
  • 422. unless he believes on other prophets sent by Allah from adam moses
  • 423. abraham, jesus to last prophet muhammad . even if a mozlem…
  • 424. testifies this, it is not enough for him to be a mozlem unless he…
  • 425. also believes on angels sent by Allah and the earlier true revelations
  • 426. from Allah to the earlier prophets but mozlems cant follow it In the Qur’an, reference is made to the books of Abraham, Moses, David and Jesus .
  • 427. since these scriptures have been altered , lost, or translated to the…
  • 428. completely different contexts throughout the course of history . there ‘ Do you (faithful believers) then hope that they would believe in you, in spite of the fact that a party of them ( Jewish rabbis ) used to hear the Word of Allah (Torah), then they used to change it knowingly after they understood it? ’Quran 2:75
  • 429. is no trace today of the scrolls of abraham. history also teaches us ‘ Or do they jealous of mankind (Muhammad followers) for what Allah has given them of His Bounty? Then We had already given the family of Abraham the Book and Al-Hikmah - Divine Inspiration to those Prophets not written in the form of a book), and conferred upon them a great kingdom.’ Qur’an 4:54
  • 430. the story of the torah & how it was destroyed by Pagans several times. A ‘ And in no way have they (the Jews, Quraish pagans, idolaters, etc.) considered the power of Allah its true measure when they say: "Nothing did Allah send down to any human being (by inspiration)." Say (O Muhammad): " Who then sent down the Book which Moses brought, a light and a guidance to mankind which you (the Jews) have made into (separate) papersheets, disclosing (some of it) and concealing (much). And you (believers in Allah and His Messenger Muhammad , were taught (through the Quran) that which neither you nor your fathers knew." Say: "Allah (sent it down)." Then leave them to play in their vain discussions’ Qur’an 6:91
  • 431. similar fate befell the Psalms of david & the last Allah’s revelation Zabur: Psalms of David, currently distorted and included as part of the old testament (21:105)
  • 432. that is qur’an testifies the corruption of these previous scriptures… ‘ O people of the Scripture (Jews and Christians )! Now has come to you Our Messenger (Muhammad) explaining to you much of that which you used to hide from the Scripture and passing over (i.e. leaving out without explaining) much. Indeed, there has come to you from Allah a light and a plain Book (this Quran). Qur'an 5:15
  • 433. you should read qur'an and the translation and you should perhaps ask
  • 434. someone to explain the scientific accuracy of qur'an . listen , read and
  • 435. understand translation in your own language and find truth yourself. ‘ And indeed We have put forth every kind of example in this Quran , for mankind. But, man is ever more quarrelsome than anything.' Qur'an: 18:54
  • 436. on may 14, 1999 a delegation of christian & mozlem leaders from
  • 437. iraq visited pope john paul II in rome . a mozlem representative
  • 438. brought qur’an and the pope kissed it in front of all participants. proof detail:
  • 439. why did the pope john paul II kiss the holy qur’an ?
  • 440. because pope knew that qur’an is the last and final testament of God Qur'an: The final Testament and Law preached by the prophet Muhammad
  • 441. if interested see the medical miracles of the holy qur’an ! proof detail:
  • 442. qur'an, since it was written by Allah , is the Best of all books…
  • 443. hence such great book can’t be produced by Allah's creation …
  • 444. if all of Allah's creation was to join their heads into the effort .
  • 445. quran is 100% faultless final revelation from Almighty Allah to…
  • 446. humanity and if you dismiss it then you are dismissing the God!
  • 447. holy qur’an is the only authentic medium left behind for all mankind
  • 448. to acquire true sense of knowing God . the glory of the qur’an…
  • 449. will convince you . insha’Allah! and remember… ‘… .This day, I have perfected your religion for you, completed My Favor upon you , and have chosen for you Islam as your religion . But as for him who is forced by severe hunger, with no inclination to sin , then surely, Allah is Ever-Forgiving, Most Merciful.’ Qur'an 5:3
  • 450. the one, who tries to seek God , finds God. the one, who finds…
  • 451. God, knows God . the one, who knows God , loves God .
  • 452. the one, who loves God , obeys all the commands of God .
  • 453. the commands that prevents any evil so, if everyone study & obey
  • 454. Allah’s commands in qur’an then there’ll be no injustice on earth
  • 455. so my friends lets accept truth after this moment ! say it what… ‘ Let there be no compulsion in Religion : truth stands out clear from error : so whoever rejects Taghut (i.e. false gods, idols, devils and seducers) and believes in Allah (One God) has grasped the most trustworthy handhold, that never breaks. and Allah is Ever-Hearing, Ever-Knowing.’ Qur'an 2:256
  • 456. germen trees testifies in this image in arabic script that…
  • 457. ‘ there is no god but Allah & muhammad . is messenger of Allah’
  • 458. after the clear presence of the signs of Allah , german government…
  • 459. surrounded that part of the farm to prevent people from witnessing
  • 460. the truth, yet germans are still turning to islam on german TV! proof video:
  • 461. listen to the german lawyer who converts to islam! proof video:
  • 462. listen to the european scientist who is just converted to islam! proof video:
  • 463. german physician and his wife, the clinic assistant turns to islam proof video:
  • 464. listen to her words, why the french lady converted to islam ! proof video:
  • 465. an atheist tells his story of converting to islam! proof video:
  • 466. prof. of mathematics ( ex-atheist ) converted to islam! proof video:
  • 467. six australian ladies converting to Islam... live ! proof video:
  • 468. find out why women wants to embrace islam read true life stories of 10 women proof video:
  • 469. in france, 70000 non mozlems convert to islam every year! proof video:
  • 470. an american christian lady converts to islam just after 911 ! proof video:
  • 471. NBC news : 20,000 americans converts to islam each year! proof video:
  • 472. USA mayor converted to islam from the christianity! proof detail:
  • 473. US pilot embraced islam! Proof video:
  • 474. finnish lady, a science researcher converted to islam! proof video:
  • 475. buddhist men are converting to islam! proof detail:
  • 476. korean troops converts to islam ! proof video:
  • 477. a japanese lady converting to islam from buddhism! proof video:
  • 478. katia - russian lady converts to islam! proof video:
  • 479. 1 in 5 Russians will be mozlem by the year 2020 according to BBC Proof detail:
  • 480. athiest chinese men converting to islam! Proof detail:
  • 481. new chinese converts learns first chapter of Qur’an that is al-Fatiha proof video:
  • 482. hear from the british catholic priest who is now a mozlem proof video:
  • 483. a jew joseph cohen now aka yusuf khattab - converted to islam! proof video:
  • 484. a radical and violent jewish settler became a devout mozlem ! proof video:
  • 485. another jewish woman converts to islam! proof video:
  • 486. qu’ran convinced him , german/russian converts to islam! proof video:
  • 487. chairman dept. of anatomy at chiang mai university, thailand converts to islam! proof video:
  • 488. findout why thousands of people in denmark are turning to islam ! proof video:
  • 489. an indian hindu bhraman dr. meena embraced islam! proof video:
  • 490. 15 Hindus embraced islam live! proof video:
  • 491. michael jackson is also converted to islam took name "mikael” proof video:
  • 492. findout why preachers in christianity are turning to islam! proof video: before after
  • 493. find out yourself why people around the world are turning to islam ! proof video:
  • 494. if you still don’t believe then may be you are among those…
  • 495. who have incurred displeasure of Allah as Qur’an says… ‘ Surely (O Muhammad) you do not guide whomever you like , but Allah guides whomever He decides , and He knows the best (who are) rightly-guided .’ Quran 28:56
  • 496. a barrier before is frontal lobe that controls "executive functions", such as working memory, decision-making , planning and judgment. ‘ And We have put a barrier before them , and a barrier behind them , and We have covered them up, so that they see not . It is the same to them whether you warn them or you warn them not, they will not believe. You can only warn him who follows the Reminder (the Quran), and fears the Most Beneficent (Allah) unseen. Bear you to such one the glad tidings of forgiveness, and a generous reward (i.e. Paradise). Qur'an 36:9-11 a barrier behind is primarily devoted to controlling vision.
  • 497. just think of this deeply for a moment!
  • 498. don’t be blind by your own selfish interests and ego. think and… ‘ Verily, those who disbelieve, it is the same to them whether you (O Muhammad) warn them or do not warn them, they will not believe . Allah has set a seal on their hearts and on their hearings , (i.e. they are closed from accepting Allah's Guidance), and on their eyes there is a covering. Theirs will be a great torment. Qur'an 2:6-7
  • 499. think again !!!!! save yourself & others from false beliefs & torment ‘ Say: Verily those who invent lie against Allah will never be successful . A brief enjoyment in this world! - and then unto Us will be their return, then We shall make them taste the severe torment because they used to disbelieve (in Allah). Qur'an 10:69-70
  • 500. read above & just think what will happen if you die at this moment? ‘ So I swear by the settings (mansions etc.) of the stars (they traverse). And verily, that is indeed a great oath, if you but knew. that (this) is indeed an honorable recital (noble Qur’an). In a Book well-guarded (by Allah in the heaven). Which none can touch but the purified (i.e. the angels). A revelation from the Lord of World s . Is it this Statement that you (disbelievers) deny? And instead (of thanking Allah) for the provision (that) He gives you, on the contrary, you deny Him (by disbelief)! Then why you do not (intervene) when (the soul of a dying person) reaches the throat? And you are at that moment looking on, and We are nearer to him than you, but you see not. Why then do you not, if you are exempt from the reckoning and recompense (punishment etc.), Bring back the soul (to its body), if you are truthful? Qur'an 56:75-87
  • 501. this presentation was made for every one from any religion… ‘ Say (Muhammad), " O mankind! If you are in doubt about my religion , then (know that) I do not worship those whom you worship besides Allah but I do worship Allah Who takes your souls (at death), and I am commanded to be of the believers.’ (Qur’an 10:104)
  • 502. therefore, i didn’t use terms of respectability commonly used among
  • 503. mozlems such as peace be upon him. may peace be upon all prophets…
  • 504. listed in this slideshow. i apologize deeply , if i have offended anyone
  • 505. anything untruthful that i may have written mistakenly is
  • 506. solely from me and all Truth is solely from the Almighty Allah .
  • 507. may Allah forgive my any mistake in these slides and accepts my
  • 508. effort, so my great friends, please don't break this chain……...
  • 509. kindly send this presentation to some one you really love !
  • 510. let everyone know the Almighty God !
  • 511. don't keep this slideshow to yourself, convince your friends...
  • 512. to see this slideshow till the end and forward it to your loved ones !
  • 513. so our friends and all people in this world will know without any doubt ‘ Allah is my Lord and your Lord; you shall worship Him alone. this is the right path .’ Quran: 3:51
  • 514. GOD ‘ Say:"Those who forge a lie against Allah will never prosper." A little enjoyment in this world !- and then, to Us will be their return, then shall We make them taste the severest chastisement for their disbelief .’ Quran10:69-70
  • 515. may all human beings discover the wisdom to know God . Amen!
  • 516. thank you for your time! [email_address]