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                the 3rd
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              Adaptiv nnual
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              Trials co         l

Exploratory clinical Trials
Tuesday 8 and Wednesday 9 December 2009, Sheraton Brussels Airport hotel, Brussels, Belgium

Ensuring faster go/no-go decisions though efficient exploratory
development and studies to maximise cost and time savings
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 mAiN hiGhLiGhTS iNcLUDE:                              KEYNOTE SPEAKERS:
                                                       Dr. Thomas Senderovitz,         Dr. James Dow PhD,
 • 16 leading manufacturers                            Vice President Global           Director of Clinical
   represented on the programme                        Exploratory Development,        Pharmacology & DMPK,
   to deliver case study driven                        UcB NEW mEDiciNES               (OSi) PROSiDiON UK
   presentations                                                                       Edis Travancic, Director,
                                                                                       Pharmacokinietics &
 • Spot on presentation from the                       Dr. Stephan Formella,           Bioanalysis,
   MHRA about the new ICH M3                           Section head of human           BiOViTRUm SWEDEN
   guidelines coming into action                       clinical Pharmacology,
                                                                                       Bruno Boulanger,
   this December 2009                                  iNGELhEim GERmANY               Director Exploratory Studies,
                                                                                       UcB PhARmA BELGiUm
 • Benefit from the co-location with
   the 3rd annual Adaptive Clinical                    Prof. Johan Luthman,            Gaby Anthonijs,
                                                       Vice President,                 Associate Director
   Trials conference to double your                                                    Clinical Pharmacology,
                                                       Neuroscience R&D,
   networking opportunities                            mERcK USA                       Exploratory
                                                                                       Department, ASTELLAS
                                                       JW mcBlane PhD,                 PhARmA GLOBAL
                                                       Senior Pre-Clinical Assessor,   DEVELOPmENT EUROPE
  TOP cOmPANiES REPRESENTED iNcLUDE:                   mhRA UK                         NEThERLANDS
  •   UCB                   •   BOEHRINGER INGELHEIM
                                                                                       Erik mannaert, Director
  •   HOFFMANN LA ROCHE     •   NOVARTIS               Dr. håkan Wennbo,               Clinical Pharmacokinetics,
  •   BAYER                 •   FAMHP                  Global Project Director,        J & J PhARmAcEUTicAL
  •   MHRA                  •   ASTELLAS               Cardiovascular &                R&D (a Division of Janssen
                                                       Gastrointestinal,               Pharmaceutica N.V.)
                                                       ASTRAZENEcA SWEDEN              BELGiUm


Register online now at:
Programme Day One                                                                Tuesday 8 December 2009

08:30 Registration                                                                   ●   Linking therapeutic concepts to diseases successfully
                                                                                     ●   Uncovering a comprehensive evaluation of pharmacodynamic actions
09:00 Opening remarks from the chair                                                     to maximise study success
       Dr. Thomas Senderovitz, Vice President Global Exploratory                     ●   Identifying the best organisational solutions for integrated R&D
       Development, UcB NEW mEDiciNES BELGiUm                                            Prof. Johan Luthman, Vice President, Neuroscience R&D, mERcK USA

Looking into the crystal ball: forecasting the future                             12:10 case study:
of the pharmaceutical industry                                                          connecting the dots from the pre-clinical phase to
                                                                                        the probability of success: making it a reality through
09:10 Keynote:
                                                                                        the integration of Bayesian statistics
      changing the game: a look into the future of Research                          ●   Outlining how to turn information generated in pre-clinical phases
      and Development (R&D) in the pharmaceutical industry                               into direct value
   ●   How can pharma R&D change and become more productive?                         ●   Indicating how modelling is used to improve efficiency of exploratory
   ●   What will the future pharma-healthcare landscape look like?                       trials through the use of adaptive designs, optimal designs or
   ●   Why is this relevant for you – translational and exploratory                      Bayesian modelling
       medicine experts?                                                             ●   Introducing prediction-based decision-making and demonstrating the
       Dr. Thomas Senderovitz, Vice President Global Exploratory                         new added value for clinical trials: improving predictions
       Development, UcB NEW mEDiciNES BELGiUm                                        ●   Using assay performance knowledge to improve clinical trial performance
                                                                                         Giving a broad Bayesian modelling perspective on exploratory
maximising the efficiency of ADmE and PK properties
to improve the translatability into the clinic                                           Dr. Bruno Boulanger, Director Exploratory Statistics,
                                                                                         UcB PhARmA BELGiUm
09:40 Best practice strategies for the prediction of ADmE
      properties in humans from preclinical data                                  12:40 Effectively overcoming the challenges in Fih studies in
   ●   Using human in vitro data versus animal studies to ensure data accuracy          order to maximise study success
   ●   Outlining the role of transporters in human drug disposition to               ●   Choosing a safe starting dose to ensure compliance with
       maximise precision                                                                national regulations
   ●   Accurately assessing drug metabolism and the potential role of                ●   Outlining tools and techniques to maximise the success rate through
       metabolites in assessing efficacy and safety                                      the use of practical examples
   ●   Identifying the differences between small molecules and biologics             ●   Flexible, data driven protocol design to combine SAD and MAD in
       Edis Travancic, Director, Pharmacokinietics and Bioanalysis,                      FIH studies
       BiOViTRUm SWEDEN                                                              ●   Debating if patients in other therapeutic areas to oncology can be
                                                                                         included in FIH studies
10:10 Determining human ADmE/PK early in clinical drug
                                                                                     ●   Phase 0 microdosing studies – do we really need labelled compounds?
      development to forecast and ensure study success                                   Dr. James Dow PhD, Director of clinical Pharmacology and DmPK,
   ●   Running human Phase 0 microdosing studies – debating the                          (OSi) PROSiDiON UK
       pro’s and con’s
   ●   Meeting the US FDA ‘MIST’ guidance using innovative protocol               13:10 Lunch
       designs to ensure regulatory compliance
   ●   Determining absolute bioavailability and IV PK without extensive           14:10 Optimising the design of early Phase i studies to
       preclinical studies                                                              achieve Poc faster
   ●   Is there a new paradigm for determining human PK?                             ●   Selecting appropriate populations to conduct successful early
       Prof. colin Garner, molecular Epidemiology, Department of Biology,                Phase I studies
       UNiVERSiTY OF YORK UK                                                         ●   Outlining different model based approaches to achieve PoC faster
                                                                                     ●   Maximising efficiency of PoC and proof-of-mechanism (PoM) studies
10:40 Morning refreshments                                                               to improve translatability
                                                                                         Achieving better informed dose selections
Overcoming the challenges of personal medicine
                                                                                         michael Derks, metabolic Disease Area clinical Pharmacologist,
and patient selection by utilising selection and                                         hOFFmANN-LA ROchE SWiTZERLAND
diagnostic tools
                                                                                  highlighting the role of animal models in
11:10 case study:                                                                 translational medicine and how exploratory
      Using pre-clinical data to facilitate the development
      of patient selection tools
                                                                                  studies benefit
   ●   Maximising the identification of patient populations for personalised      14:40 case study:
       healthcare by utilising molecular diagnostics                                    The role of translational medicine in exploratory
   ●   Increasing the likelihood of robust identification of those patients             development and its impact on exploratory studies
       who would benefit from treatment by using pre-clinical data from              ●   Exploring the mechanisms of action and potential importance of new
       in-vitro systems and samples from undosed volunteers                              discoveries though effective experimental medicine
   ●   Debating reproducibility, robustness, evaluability, translation and           ●   Utilising biomarkers to detect drug effects in man and to demonstrate
       interpretability as key properties amongst others                                 pharmacological activity and the mechanism of action of novel drugs
   ●   The implications of these inputs for the design of the clinical               ●   Ensuring a better understanding of the disease mechanism by
       programme will be discussed                                                       increasing the investment in clinical target validation and by
       chris harbron, Technical Lead Statistician, Discovery Statistics,                 performing more exploratory studies
       ASTRAZENEcA UK                                                                ●   Improving the targeting of new drugs to increase the overall success
                                                                                         rates and the benefits of new drugs for patients
connecting the dots between pre-clinical and first                                       Dr. håkan Wennbo, Global Project Director, cardiovascular and
in human (Fih) studies to maximise the success of                                        Gastrointestinal, ASTRAZENEcA SWEDEN
exploratory studies                                                               15:10 Afternoon refreshments
11:40 Overcoming strategic and technical challenges in bridging
      the gap between animal and human pharmacology
   ●   Outlining the need for high translational value of data to support
       major transitions
Day One Tuesday 8 December 2009                                                   Day Two Wednesday 9 December 2009
Enhancing the identification and validation of                                    08:30 Registration
biomarkers as a means of reducing costs and                                       09:00 Opening remarks from the chair
maximising trial outcomes                                                               Dr. James Dow PhD, Director of clinical Pharmacology & DmPK,
                                                                                        (OSi) PROSiDiON UK
15:40 Accelerating early clinical development utilising
      predictive biomarkers                                                       09:10 Roundtable morning
   ●   Finding the right mechanism of action and Proof-of-Mechanism                     Delegates will be able to attend three one-hour roundtable discussion
       (PoM) of biomarkers to filter out compounds that fail to show                    groups from a selection of key topics. Each session will be chaired
       efficacy in humans                                                               by an industry expert who will facilitate an exchange of opinions,
   ●   Speeding the development of biomarkers to the status of                          essential experiences and learning related to a current aspect of
       true surrogates                                                                  exploratory clinical trials.
   ●   Identifying approved biomarkers as guidance for future approvals
   ●   Case study projects in metabolics                                          Roundtable 1
       Dr. Arne Ring, Team Leader Phase i – iia Statistics,
       BOEhRiNGER iNGELhEim GERmANY                                                     Overcoming the challenge of developing biomarkers
                                                                                        for personalised exploratory clinical trials to improve
16:10 case study:                                                                       study outcomes
      Biomarker development, validation and                                             Discussing critical issues in the development of biomarkers to ensure
      implementation from early development to                                          translatability in personalised clinical studies.
      clinical studies                                                                  chris harbron, Technical Lead Statistician, Discovery Statistics,
   ●   Applying PoM, Proof-of-Principle (PoP) and PcC biomarkers in early               ASTRAZENEcA UK
       development phases to define the correct dosage for healthy subjects,
       e.g. FIH and patients                                                      Roundtable 2
   ●   Debating biomarkers in early development – values and pitfalls to                Exploratory clinical studies as the link between
       improve future development                                                       pre-clinical and patient studies: how to design Fih,
   ●   The incidence of adverse events in early Phase I – can this be predicted
       through the use of biomarkers?
                                                                                        experimental medicine and exploratory studies to
   ●   Outlining the regulatory environment for identifying approval biomarkers         gain maximum knowledge
       Dr. michael-Friedrich Boettcher, Global clinical Pharmacological                 Understanding the pros and cons of using patients versus
       Project Leader, BAYER SchERiNG PhARmA AG GERmANY                                 healthy volunteers for Phase 0 studies – focusing on scientific,
                                                                                        operational and ethical issues.
Evaluating the potential of exploratory studies                                         Dr. heidemarie Kletzl, clinical Pharmacologist, PDEP clinical
                                                                                        Pharmacology, hOFFmANN-LA ROchE SWiTZERLAND
for biologics
16:40 Opportunities for biologics using exploratory                               Roundtable 3
      clinical trials                                                                   maximising the exploratory PK and PK/PD
   ●   Identifying optimal trial design for biological exploratory studies              investigation in early clinical oncology trials
       to achieve go/no-go decisions faster                                             Identifying efficient strategies to measure PK/PD in order to achieve
   ●   Understanding the pros and cons of using patients versus                         a go/no-go decision faster using oncology trials as an example.
       healthy volunteers for Phase 0 studies - scientific, operational                 Ludy can Beijsterveldt, Director, clinical Pharmacokinetics,
       and ethical issues                                                               clinical Pharmacology, J & J PhARmAcEUTicAL R&D (a Division
   ●   Optimising safety testing methodologies to assure legislative and                of Janssen Pharmaceutica N.V.) BELGiUm
       safety compliance
   ●   Debating the potential of using adaptive trial design in early phase       Roundtable 4
       studies to speed up clinical trials
       Dr. Jennifer Sims, Director head NBx Translational Sciences and                  Translational PK /PD for the design of dosing
       Services, NOVARTiS PhARmA AG SWiTZERLAND                                         strategies with monoclonal antibodies
                                                                                        Understanding the role of monoclonal antibodies and how the
17:10 closing remarks from the chair                                                    improve the translatability and dosage formulations.
                                                                                        Dr. Stephan Formella, Section head of human clinical Pharmacology,
17:15 close of Day One                                                                  BOEhRiNGER iNGELhEim GERmANY

                                                                                  Roundtable 5
                                                                                        Predicting human PK - a problem solved?
                                                                                        Debating if animal studies can accurately predict human metabolism
                                                                                        to obtain consensus on the way forward.
                                                                                        Prof. colin Garner, molecular Epidemiology, Department of Biology,
                                                                                        UNiVERSiTY OF YORK UK

                                                                                  Roundtable 6:
                                                                                        Understanding the regulatory environment to
                                                                                        overcome hurdles and challenges
                                                                                        Learning how to overcome regulatory hurdles while setting up
                                                                                        exploratory studies to ensure regulatory compliance
                                                                                        Walter Janssens, PhD, Senior Preclinical Assessor, Preauthorisation,
                                                                                        coordinator Early Phase Development, FEDERAL AGENcY FOR
                                                                                        mEDiciNES AND hEALTh PRODUcTS (FAmhP) BELGiUm

                                                                                  12:30 Lunch
Day Two Wednesday 9 December 2009                                                                                 cmed provides CRO services and unique
                                                                                                                  clinical data technology. Services
                                                                                                                  include: clinical project management and
Reviewing the ich m3 guidelines and their impact                                     monitoring, data management (eDC/paper) and statistical services.
on exploratory studies                                                               Cmed is rapidly gaining a reputation for leadership in the adaptive
13:30 Keynote: The mhRA’s approach to exploratory                                    trial design community through its unrivalled ability to conduct
      clinical trials and the ich m3 guidelines:                                     complicated adaptive design studies using patented intelligent data
      ensuring faster approvals                                                      acquisition/management (iDAM) technology. As Cmed combines
   ●   Defining an exploratory clinical trial and outlining the rising               both CRO services and technology within a single organisation it
       importance of exploratory studies                                             can execute these studies particularly efficiently without sponsors
   ●   The MHRA’s approach to assessing applications for exploratory                 to coordinate multiple service providers.
       clinical trials
   ●   ICH M3 and how to maximise your chance of receiving an approval               Exhibitors:
       for an exploratory clinical trial
   ●   Regulatory perspective of the impact of exploratory clinical trials
       on drug development
   ●   Recent experience and future trends for exploratory clinical trials
       JW mcBlane PhD, Senior Pre-clinical Assessor, mhRA UK
                                                                                     media partners
The regulatory environment – different angles
                                                                                                                Pharmaceutical Technology is
and approaches to ensure regulatory compliance                                                                  used daily as a means of creating
14:00 Reviewing the regulatory environment for exploratory                                                      partnerships and as a point of
      studies – FAmhP’s point of view                                                reference by professionals within the pharmaceutical industry.
   ●   Ensuring a balance between regulatory flexibility and stringent               This comprehensive resource supplies the latest news releases,
       regulations to ensure patient safety                                          detailed information on industry projects, white papers, event
   ●   Maintaining collaborations with the different parties to achieve              information and a thorough breakdown of products and services.
       global standardisation                                              
   ●   A statistical overview of exploratory study approvals in Belgium
   ●   Forecasting future trends of regulatory approval numbers
                                                                                                                 Drug Development Technology is a
       Walter Janssens, PhD, Senior Preclinical Assessor, Preauthorisation,
       coordinator Early Phase Development, FEDERAL AGENcY FOR                                                   procurement and reference resource
       mEDiciNES AND hEALTh PRODUcTS (FAmhP) BELGiUm                                                             providing a one-stop-shop for
                                                                                     professionals and decision makers within the drug development
Optimising exploratory studies with an adaptive                                      and medicines industry. We provide a comprehensive breakdown
trial design and operational excellence strategies                                   of drug development contractors and suppliers, up-to-date news
                                                                                     and press releases, white papers and detailed information on
14:30 Adaptive trials in early development                                           current industry projects and trends. Our recruitment area provides
   ●   Why early development is a good setting for adaptive clinical trials
                                                                                     career information and the latest job vacancies in the field.
   ●   Which early development trials are most suited for adaptive clinical trials
   ●   Finding the balance between statistical rigor and practical feasibility
   ●   What to worry about when considering a adaptive trial
   ●   Simulation as a indispensable tool to assess performance and                                               The Business Review websites are
       feasibility at the design stage                                                                            your number one stop for all the
       Filip De Ridder, Director, Biostatistics & Programming,                       latest news, comment and industry information. Each Business
       JOhNSON & JOhNSON PhARmAcEUTicA R&D                                           Review website offers content that is produced by a dedicated
                                                                                     team of journalists and global industry experts. In addition to the
15:00 Afternoon refreshments
                                                                                     free content made available on the sites an intelligence store will
15:30 Efficiency measures in the conduct of exploratory                              provide you with premium market analysis reports from the leading
      development studies to ensure operational                                      global suppliers of market research and industry analysis.
      excellence in exploratory studies
   ●   Focusing on operational excellence to maximise study efficiency                                                                                Pharmaceutical Business Review is the
   ●   Defining a clear roadmap to success through process                                                                                            world's leading pharma website, being
       improvement strategies                                                                                                                         used by over 100,000 visitors every
   ●   Measuring performance by metric strategies to identify weaknesses                                                                              month. For further information contact
   ●   Establishing and implementing cross departmental agreements for                                                                      
       exploratory development studies
       Gaby Anthonijs, Associate Director clinical Pharmacology, Exploratory
                                                                                                                   World Pharmaceutical Frontiers
       Development Department, ASTELLAS PhARmA GLOBAL DEVELOPmENT
                                                                                                                   The pharmaceutical industry is
                                                                                      World Pharmaceutical Frontiers

                                                                                                                   changing fast. There are more
maximising exploraory study success by utilising                                     regulations, technologies, faster product launches and shorter
                                                                                     product life cycles than ever before. World Pharmaceuticals
accurate simulation and forecasting tools
                                                                                     frontiers is, and will continue to be, at the forefront of these
16:00 case examples of physiological-based PK-modeling                               changes, so visit us at and stay
      (PBPK) in early clinical development                                           up to date with all latest developments
   ●   Outlining the value of PBPK modeling to reduce uncertainty
       Identifying PBPK-based methods as alternative for empirical allometric
       scaling for the prediction of human PK.                                       if you want to be a part of this
       Improving the prediction of DDI’s (Drug-Drug Interactions)
       Examining the prediction of dissolution-limited absorption in human
                                                                                     successful event, we have a number of
       Erik mannaert, Director clinical Pharmacokinetics, J & J                      sponsorship opportunities available.
       PhARmAcEUTicAL R&D (a Division of Janssen Pharmaceutica N.V.)
       BELGiUm                                                                       contact Nick mccudden to discuss your specific requirements
                                                                            or call
16:30 closing remarks and close of conference                                        +4420 7753 4259
       2nd Annual Clinical Trials in Oncology, Tuesday 8 and Wednesday 9 December 2009, Munich, Germany

Prices & Payment information                                                                                                                                  Four Easy Ways To Book:
 Yes, i would like to register for the event:                     BEFORE                    BEFORE                        AFTER                               ■ Register online at
 (please tick option)                                             22.9.2009                 20.10.2009                    20.10.2009
 Pharma and Biotech manufacturers
   I would like to attend the 2-day conference +                  €2590 (VAT where          €2730 (VAT where              €2940 (VAT where                    ■ Email us at
 the interactive CD-ROM (saving €70)                              applicable)               applicable)                   applicable)                   
                                                                  €1960 + 21%               €2100 + 21%                   €2310 + 21%
    I would like to attend the two day conference only
                                                                  VAT = €2371.60            VAT = €2541                   VAT = €2795.10
                                                                                                                                                              ■ Tel +44 (0)20 7753 4268
 Academic representatives                                                                                                                                     ■ Fax +44 (0)20 7915 9773
   I would like the VIP Attendee Package to                       €1680 (VAT where          €1,820 (VAT where             €2030 (VAT where
 include the 2 day conference and the interactive                 applicable)               applicable)                   applicable)
 CD-ROM (saving €70)
    I would like to attend the two day conference only            €1050 + VAT               €1,190 + VAT                  €1400 + VAT
                                                                  @ 21% = €1270.50          @ 21% = €1439.90              @ 21% = €1694
 Fees for all other attendees
                                                                  €3590                     €3730                         €3940                               Venue Details
    I would like the VIP Package attendees
                                                                  (VAT where                (VAT where                    (VAT where                          The two day conference will take place on Tuesday 8
 package to include the two day conference
                                                                  applicable)               applicable)                   applicable)                         and Wednesday 9 December 2009. The venue for all
 + interactive CD-ROM
                                                                                                                                                              two days will be at the Sheraton Brussels Airport Hotel,
    I would like to attend the two day conference                 €2960 + VAT               €3100 + VAT                   €3310 + VAT                         Brussels National Airport 1930, Belgium. For further
                                                                  @ 21% = €3581.60          @ 21% = €3751                 @ 21% = €4005.10                    information contact our Operations department on
                                                                                                                                                              +44 (o) 207 753 4201.
 All attendees
                                                                                                                                                              Are you registered?
    I cannot attend the conference but would like                 €700 + VAT                €700 + VAT                    €900 + VAT
                                                                                                                                                              You will always receive an acknowledgement of your booking.
 to receive the interactive CD-ROM                                                                                                                            If you do not receive anything, please call us on +44 (0) 20
                                                                                                                                                              7753 4268 to make sure we have received your booking.
All total fees are subject to a 2.5% service charge

                                                         Discount code if applicable _________________________________
                                                         Discounts are at the discretion of Arena International and are not cumulative

Arena International Conference Delegate terms and conditions               other applicable sales tax which shall be payable in addition.                     accordance with English law and each party irrevocably agrees that
1. Scope of Agreement: These are the conditions of the contract            • Following completion and return of the booking form, full payment                the courts of England will have the non-exclusive jurisdiction to deal
between you, the Client (“You” and “your”) and Arena International         including Service Charge is required within five days from the invoice              with any disputes arising out of or in connection with this agreement.
(“Arena International”, “we”, “us” and “our”) governing your               date or prior to the event if this is sooner. All registrants must provide a         • Arena International is subject to the UK Data Protection Act 1998
use of our services, including the conference registration as set          credit card number as a guarantee at the time of booking. We reserve               and is registered in the UK with the Information Commissioner to
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                                                                           5 General: You, your executive/s or your agents may not transfer or                to our external partners. If you do not want us to continue using this
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3 Payment Terms: The Total Fees specified on the booking form are           rights without our consent will entitle us to cancel the contract without            • The working language of the Event is English. Executives
subject to an additional service charge of 2.5% (“Service Charge”)         liability to you.                                                                  requiring an interpretation service must make their own
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Exploratory Clinical trials Conference

  • 1. co-loca the 3rd ted with ViBpharma a Adaptiv nnual e clinica Trials co l nferenc e Exploratory clinical Trials Tuesday 8 and Wednesday 9 December 2009, Sheraton Brussels Airport hotel, Brussels, Belgium Ensuring faster go/no-go decisions though efficient exploratory development and studies to maximise cost and time savings from ose on of Cho ecti l cs to a se ble topi est dta lat s roun uss the ur peer disc with yo es issu mAiN hiGhLiGhTS iNcLUDE: KEYNOTE SPEAKERS: Dr. Thomas Senderovitz, Dr. James Dow PhD, • 16 leading manufacturers Vice President Global Director of Clinical represented on the programme Exploratory Development, Pharmacology & DMPK, to deliver case study driven UcB NEW mEDiciNES (OSi) PROSiDiON UK BELGiUm presentations Edis Travancic, Director, Pharmacokinietics & • Spot on presentation from the Dr. Stephan Formella, Bioanalysis, MHRA about the new ICH M3 Section head of human BiOViTRUm SWEDEN guidelines coming into action clinical Pharmacology, Bruno Boulanger, BOEhRiNGER this December 2009 iNGELhEim GERmANY Director Exploratory Studies, UcB PhARmA BELGiUm • Benefit from the co-location with the 3rd annual Adaptive Clinical Prof. Johan Luthman, Gaby Anthonijs, Vice President, Associate Director Trials conference to double your Clinical Pharmacology, Neuroscience R&D, networking opportunities mERcK USA Exploratory Development Department, ASTELLAS JW mcBlane PhD, PhARmA GLOBAL Senior Pre-Clinical Assessor, DEVELOPmENT EUROPE TOP cOmPANiES REPRESENTED iNcLUDE: mhRA UK NEThERLANDS • UCB • BOEHRINGER INGELHEIM Erik mannaert, Director • HOFFMANN LA ROCHE • NOVARTIS Dr. håkan Wennbo, Clinical Pharmacokinetics, • BAYER • FAMHP Global Project Director, J & J PhARmAcEUTicAL • MHRA • ASTELLAS Cardiovascular & R&D (a Division of Janssen Gastrointestinal, Pharmaceutica N.V.) • ASTRAZENECA • JOHNSON & JOHNSON ASTRAZENEcA SWEDEN BELGiUm Sponsors: Register online now at:
  • 2. Programme Day One Tuesday 8 December 2009 08:30 Registration ● Linking therapeutic concepts to diseases successfully ● Uncovering a comprehensive evaluation of pharmacodynamic actions 09:00 Opening remarks from the chair to maximise study success Dr. Thomas Senderovitz, Vice President Global Exploratory ● Identifying the best organisational solutions for integrated R&D Development, UcB NEW mEDiciNES BELGiUm Prof. Johan Luthman, Vice President, Neuroscience R&D, mERcK USA Looking into the crystal ball: forecasting the future 12:10 case study: of the pharmaceutical industry connecting the dots from the pre-clinical phase to the probability of success: making it a reality through 09:10 Keynote: the integration of Bayesian statistics changing the game: a look into the future of Research ● Outlining how to turn information generated in pre-clinical phases and Development (R&D) in the pharmaceutical industry into direct value ● How can pharma R&D change and become more productive? ● Indicating how modelling is used to improve efficiency of exploratory ● What will the future pharma-healthcare landscape look like? trials through the use of adaptive designs, optimal designs or ● Why is this relevant for you – translational and exploratory Bayesian modelling medicine experts? ● Introducing prediction-based decision-making and demonstrating the Dr. Thomas Senderovitz, Vice President Global Exploratory new added value for clinical trials: improving predictions Development, UcB NEW mEDiciNES BELGiUm ● Using assay performance knowledge to improve clinical trial performance Giving a broad Bayesian modelling perspective on exploratory maximising the efficiency of ADmE and PK properties ● development to improve the translatability into the clinic Dr. Bruno Boulanger, Director Exploratory Statistics, UcB PhARmA BELGiUm 09:40 Best practice strategies for the prediction of ADmE properties in humans from preclinical data 12:40 Effectively overcoming the challenges in Fih studies in ● Using human in vitro data versus animal studies to ensure data accuracy order to maximise study success ● Outlining the role of transporters in human drug disposition to ● Choosing a safe starting dose to ensure compliance with maximise precision national regulations ● Accurately assessing drug metabolism and the potential role of ● Outlining tools and techniques to maximise the success rate through metabolites in assessing efficacy and safety the use of practical examples ● Identifying the differences between small molecules and biologics ● Flexible, data driven protocol design to combine SAD and MAD in Edis Travancic, Director, Pharmacokinietics and Bioanalysis, FIH studies BiOViTRUm SWEDEN ● Debating if patients in other therapeutic areas to oncology can be included in FIH studies 10:10 Determining human ADmE/PK early in clinical drug ● Phase 0 microdosing studies – do we really need labelled compounds? development to forecast and ensure study success Dr. James Dow PhD, Director of clinical Pharmacology and DmPK, ● Running human Phase 0 microdosing studies – debating the (OSi) PROSiDiON UK pro’s and con’s ● Meeting the US FDA ‘MIST’ guidance using innovative protocol 13:10 Lunch designs to ensure regulatory compliance ● Determining absolute bioavailability and IV PK without extensive 14:10 Optimising the design of early Phase i studies to preclinical studies achieve Poc faster ● Is there a new paradigm for determining human PK? ● Selecting appropriate populations to conduct successful early Prof. colin Garner, molecular Epidemiology, Department of Biology, Phase I studies UNiVERSiTY OF YORK UK ● Outlining different model based approaches to achieve PoC faster ● Maximising efficiency of PoC and proof-of-mechanism (PoM) studies 10:40 Morning refreshments to improve translatability Achieving better informed dose selections Overcoming the challenges of personal medicine ● michael Derks, metabolic Disease Area clinical Pharmacologist, and patient selection by utilising selection and hOFFmANN-LA ROchE SWiTZERLAND diagnostic tools highlighting the role of animal models in 11:10 case study: translational medicine and how exploratory Using pre-clinical data to facilitate the development of patient selection tools studies benefit ● Maximising the identification of patient populations for personalised 14:40 case study: healthcare by utilising molecular diagnostics The role of translational medicine in exploratory ● Increasing the likelihood of robust identification of those patients development and its impact on exploratory studies who would benefit from treatment by using pre-clinical data from ● Exploring the mechanisms of action and potential importance of new in-vitro systems and samples from undosed volunteers discoveries though effective experimental medicine ● Debating reproducibility, robustness, evaluability, translation and ● Utilising biomarkers to detect drug effects in man and to demonstrate interpretability as key properties amongst others pharmacological activity and the mechanism of action of novel drugs ● The implications of these inputs for the design of the clinical ● Ensuring a better understanding of the disease mechanism by programme will be discussed increasing the investment in clinical target validation and by chris harbron, Technical Lead Statistician, Discovery Statistics, performing more exploratory studies ASTRAZENEcA UK ● Improving the targeting of new drugs to increase the overall success rates and the benefits of new drugs for patients connecting the dots between pre-clinical and first Dr. håkan Wennbo, Global Project Director, cardiovascular and in human (Fih) studies to maximise the success of Gastrointestinal, ASTRAZENEcA SWEDEN exploratory studies 15:10 Afternoon refreshments 11:40 Overcoming strategic and technical challenges in bridging the gap between animal and human pharmacology ● Outlining the need for high translational value of data to support major transitions
  • 3. Day One Tuesday 8 December 2009 Day Two Wednesday 9 December 2009 Enhancing the identification and validation of 08:30 Registration biomarkers as a means of reducing costs and 09:00 Opening remarks from the chair maximising trial outcomes Dr. James Dow PhD, Director of clinical Pharmacology & DmPK, (OSi) PROSiDiON UK 15:40 Accelerating early clinical development utilising predictive biomarkers 09:10 Roundtable morning ● Finding the right mechanism of action and Proof-of-Mechanism Delegates will be able to attend three one-hour roundtable discussion (PoM) of biomarkers to filter out compounds that fail to show groups from a selection of key topics. Each session will be chaired efficacy in humans by an industry expert who will facilitate an exchange of opinions, ● Speeding the development of biomarkers to the status of essential experiences and learning related to a current aspect of true surrogates exploratory clinical trials. ● Identifying approved biomarkers as guidance for future approvals ● Case study projects in metabolics Roundtable 1 Dr. Arne Ring, Team Leader Phase i – iia Statistics, BOEhRiNGER iNGELhEim GERmANY Overcoming the challenge of developing biomarkers for personalised exploratory clinical trials to improve 16:10 case study: study outcomes Biomarker development, validation and Discussing critical issues in the development of biomarkers to ensure implementation from early development to translatability in personalised clinical studies. clinical studies chris harbron, Technical Lead Statistician, Discovery Statistics, ● Applying PoM, Proof-of-Principle (PoP) and PcC biomarkers in early ASTRAZENEcA UK development phases to define the correct dosage for healthy subjects, e.g. FIH and patients Roundtable 2 ● Debating biomarkers in early development – values and pitfalls to Exploratory clinical studies as the link between improve future development pre-clinical and patient studies: how to design Fih, ● The incidence of adverse events in early Phase I – can this be predicted through the use of biomarkers? experimental medicine and exploratory studies to ● Outlining the regulatory environment for identifying approval biomarkers gain maximum knowledge Dr. michael-Friedrich Boettcher, Global clinical Pharmacological Understanding the pros and cons of using patients versus Project Leader, BAYER SchERiNG PhARmA AG GERmANY healthy volunteers for Phase 0 studies – focusing on scientific, operational and ethical issues. Evaluating the potential of exploratory studies Dr. heidemarie Kletzl, clinical Pharmacologist, PDEP clinical Pharmacology, hOFFmANN-LA ROchE SWiTZERLAND for biologics 16:40 Opportunities for biologics using exploratory Roundtable 3 clinical trials maximising the exploratory PK and PK/PD ● Identifying optimal trial design for biological exploratory studies investigation in early clinical oncology trials to achieve go/no-go decisions faster Identifying efficient strategies to measure PK/PD in order to achieve ● Understanding the pros and cons of using patients versus a go/no-go decision faster using oncology trials as an example. healthy volunteers for Phase 0 studies - scientific, operational Ludy can Beijsterveldt, Director, clinical Pharmacokinetics, and ethical issues clinical Pharmacology, J & J PhARmAcEUTicAL R&D (a Division ● Optimising safety testing methodologies to assure legislative and of Janssen Pharmaceutica N.V.) BELGiUm safety compliance ● Debating the potential of using adaptive trial design in early phase Roundtable 4 studies to speed up clinical trials Dr. Jennifer Sims, Director head NBx Translational Sciences and Translational PK /PD for the design of dosing Services, NOVARTiS PhARmA AG SWiTZERLAND strategies with monoclonal antibodies Understanding the role of monoclonal antibodies and how the 17:10 closing remarks from the chair improve the translatability and dosage formulations. Dr. Stephan Formella, Section head of human clinical Pharmacology, 17:15 close of Day One BOEhRiNGER iNGELhEim GERmANY Roundtable 5 Predicting human PK - a problem solved? Debating if animal studies can accurately predict human metabolism to obtain consensus on the way forward. Prof. colin Garner, molecular Epidemiology, Department of Biology, UNiVERSiTY OF YORK UK Roundtable 6: Understanding the regulatory environment to overcome hurdles and challenges Learning how to overcome regulatory hurdles while setting up exploratory studies to ensure regulatory compliance Walter Janssens, PhD, Senior Preclinical Assessor, Preauthorisation, coordinator Early Phase Development, FEDERAL AGENcY FOR mEDiciNES AND hEALTh PRODUcTS (FAmhP) BELGiUm 12:30 Lunch REGISTER ONLINE NOW!
  • 4. Sponsors Day Two Wednesday 9 December 2009 cmed provides CRO services and unique clinical data technology. Services include: clinical project management and Reviewing the ich m3 guidelines and their impact monitoring, data management (eDC/paper) and statistical services. on exploratory studies Cmed is rapidly gaining a reputation for leadership in the adaptive 13:30 Keynote: The mhRA’s approach to exploratory trial design community through its unrivalled ability to conduct clinical trials and the ich m3 guidelines: complicated adaptive design studies using patented intelligent data ensuring faster approvals acquisition/management (iDAM) technology. As Cmed combines ● Defining an exploratory clinical trial and outlining the rising both CRO services and technology within a single organisation it importance of exploratory studies can execute these studies particularly efficiently without sponsors ● The MHRA’s approach to assessing applications for exploratory to coordinate multiple service providers. clinical trials ● ICH M3 and how to maximise your chance of receiving an approval Exhibitors: for an exploratory clinical trial ● Regulatory perspective of the impact of exploratory clinical trials on drug development ● Recent experience and future trends for exploratory clinical trials JW mcBlane PhD, Senior Pre-clinical Assessor, mhRA UK media partners The regulatory environment – different angles Pharmaceutical Technology is and approaches to ensure regulatory compliance used daily as a means of creating 14:00 Reviewing the regulatory environment for exploratory partnerships and as a point of studies – FAmhP’s point of view reference by professionals within the pharmaceutical industry. ● Ensuring a balance between regulatory flexibility and stringent This comprehensive resource supplies the latest news releases, regulations to ensure patient safety detailed information on industry projects, white papers, event ● Maintaining collaborations with the different parties to achieve information and a thorough breakdown of products and services. global standardisation ● A statistical overview of exploratory study approvals in Belgium ● Forecasting future trends of regulatory approval numbers Drug Development Technology is a Walter Janssens, PhD, Senior Preclinical Assessor, Preauthorisation, coordinator Early Phase Development, FEDERAL AGENcY FOR procurement and reference resource mEDiciNES AND hEALTh PRODUcTS (FAmhP) BELGiUm providing a one-stop-shop for professionals and decision makers within the drug development Optimising exploratory studies with an adaptive and medicines industry. We provide a comprehensive breakdown trial design and operational excellence strategies of drug development contractors and suppliers, up-to-date news and press releases, white papers and detailed information on 14:30 Adaptive trials in early development current industry projects and trends. Our recruitment area provides ● Why early development is a good setting for adaptive clinical trials career information and the latest job vacancies in the field. ● Which early development trials are most suited for adaptive clinical trials ● Finding the balance between statistical rigor and practical feasibility ● What to worry about when considering a adaptive trial ● Simulation as a indispensable tool to assess performance and The Business Review websites are feasibility at the design stage your number one stop for all the Filip De Ridder, Director, Biostatistics & Programming, latest news, comment and industry information. Each Business JOhNSON & JOhNSON PhARmAcEUTicA R&D Review website offers content that is produced by a dedicated team of journalists and global industry experts. In addition to the 15:00 Afternoon refreshments free content made available on the sites an intelligence store will 15:30 Efficiency measures in the conduct of exploratory provide you with premium market analysis reports from the leading development studies to ensure operational global suppliers of market research and industry analysis. excellence in exploratory studies ● Focusing on operational excellence to maximise study efficiency Pharmaceutical Business Review is the ● Defining a clear roadmap to success through process world's leading pharma website, being improvement strategies used by over 100,000 visitors every ● Measuring performance by metric strategies to identify weaknesses month. For further information contact ● Establishing and implementing cross departmental agreements for exploratory development studies Gaby Anthonijs, Associate Director clinical Pharmacology, Exploratory World Pharmaceutical Frontiers Development Department, ASTELLAS PhARmA GLOBAL DEVELOPmENT The pharmaceutical industry is World Pharmaceutical Frontiers EUROPE NEThERLANDS changing fast. There are more maximising exploraory study success by utilising regulations, technologies, faster product launches and shorter product life cycles than ever before. World Pharmaceuticals accurate simulation and forecasting tools frontiers is, and will continue to be, at the forefront of these 16:00 case examples of physiological-based PK-modeling changes, so visit us at and stay (PBPK) in early clinical development up to date with all latest developments ● Outlining the value of PBPK modeling to reduce uncertainty Identifying PBPK-based methods as alternative for empirical allometric ● scaling for the prediction of human PK. if you want to be a part of this ● ● Improving the prediction of DDI’s (Drug-Drug Interactions) Examining the prediction of dissolution-limited absorption in human successful event, we have a number of Erik mannaert, Director clinical Pharmacokinetics, J & J sponsorship opportunities available. PhARmAcEUTicAL R&D (a Division of Janssen Pharmaceutica N.V.) BELGiUm contact Nick mccudden to discuss your specific requirements or call 16:30 closing remarks and close of conference +4420 7753 4259
  • 5. BOOKiNG FORm 2nd Annual Clinical Trials in Oncology, Tuesday 8 and Wednesday 9 December 2009, Munich, Germany Prices & Payment information Four Easy Ways To Book: Yes, i would like to register for the event: BEFORE BEFORE AFTER ■ Register online at (please tick option) 22.9.2009 20.10.2009 20.10.2009 Pharma and Biotech manufacturers I would like to attend the 2-day conference + €2590 (VAT where €2730 (VAT where €2940 (VAT where ■ Email us at the interactive CD-ROM (saving €70) applicable) applicable) applicable) €1960 + 21% €2100 + 21% €2310 + 21% I would like to attend the two day conference only VAT = €2371.60 VAT = €2541 VAT = €2795.10 ■ Tel +44 (0)20 7753 4268 Academic representatives ■ Fax +44 (0)20 7915 9773 I would like the VIP Attendee Package to €1680 (VAT where €1,820 (VAT where €2030 (VAT where include the 2 day conference and the interactive applicable) applicable) applicable) CD-ROM (saving €70) I would like to attend the two day conference only €1050 + VAT €1,190 + VAT €1400 + VAT @ 21% = €1270.50 @ 21% = €1439.90 @ 21% = €1694 Fees for all other attendees €3590 €3730 €3940 Venue Details I would like the VIP Package attendees (VAT where (VAT where (VAT where The two day conference will take place on Tuesday 8 package to include the two day conference applicable) applicable) applicable) and Wednesday 9 December 2009. The venue for all + interactive CD-ROM two days will be at the Sheraton Brussels Airport Hotel, I would like to attend the two day conference €2960 + VAT €3100 + VAT €3310 + VAT Brussels National Airport 1930, Belgium. For further @ 21% = €3581.60 @ 21% = €3751 @ 21% = €4005.10 information contact our Operations department on +44 (o) 207 753 4201. All attendees Are you registered? I cannot attend the conference but would like €700 + VAT €700 + VAT €900 + VAT You will always receive an acknowledgement of your booking. to receive the interactive CD-ROM If you do not receive anything, please call us on +44 (0) 20 7753 4268 to make sure we have received your booking. 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