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Entire Contents © 2013 Hansa|GCR; Confidential and Proprietary.
Experience Mapping:
How Do Your Customers Relate to Your Processes?
(Can you get there from here?)
February 2013
Kathryn Stevens, Director, Client Services
• An experienced qualitative and quantitative researcher with more than two
decades of brand and customer experience background.
• Significant domestic and international research experience identifying and
understanding customer segments and customizing unique approaches to
customer types.
Meeting Agenda
• Why experience mapping?
• It’s their world …
• Two lenses: Process understanding and process
• It’s complex: Rational and emotional customer
• Where do I begin? Unlocking what the customer
knows about your processes.
• Case example of how this method has revealed
strengths and vulnerabilities, enablers and
• What Do I Get?: Case study outcomes.
• Discussion and time for Q&A at the end of the
Our History
• We help our clients build deeper, more profitable
customer relationships by better understanding
their customers and creating a compelling,
differentiated customer experience.
• Founded in 1979, we are part of a global group
with 1,100+ professionals offering a variety of
services including Creative Communication, Data
Analytics, Brand Consulting and Interactive.
• We bring research and thought leadership in four
key areas:
• Customer Relationship Equity
• Brand Equity
• Product and Service Innovation
• Market and Customer Segmentation
Our Philosophy
The brand is the essence of the customer relationship. The brand is a head and
heart promise executed through the customer experience.
The brand is the experience.
The experience is the brand.
Why Experience Mapping
Why Experience Mapping?
Gateway to the customer mindset. Your processes for
interacting with customers make sense to you—or they
should. (If not, that’s a different topic entirely.) But how do
you know these processes make sense to the customer?
• What works—where and when?
You have a process that works fairly well, most of the
time for most of your customers. How do you find the
trouble spots and improve?
• How do you take a read on how your processes
represent your business?
You have a process in place. You know customers use it,
but you’re not sure how well it’s received. How do you
take a broad based read on how you’re presenting
yourself to the customer base?
• How do you implement a new process?
You need to know what customers expect or would like
to expect when they contact you. How do they interact
now—and how do they like the status quo? How would
they react to a new approach?
It’s Their World
It’s Their World: Through the Looking Glass
Your world ... The customer’s world ...
Two Lenses
Two Lenses
Important overarching questions. Do customers understand your processes? How do
customers prefer to interact with you?
Do your customers understand your
processes well enough to navigate?
Consider a process the customer has to
follow every time they execute a certain
transaction with you.
Ask yourself:
Can they access you successfully by
phone or email to place an order,
make an appointment?
Has the process ever failed them—
how, when and why?
How do you find out whether
customers know all the steps?
Potential problem: the customer lacks
What do customers prefer to encounter
when they engage with you?
Just because a customer uses your
process successfully, does not
necessarily mean they like it.
Ask yourself:
Does the initial screen or prompt
insist on giving information they don’t
need or want?
Does it take too long to get to the
Do you offer options your customers
Potential problem: the customer
dislikes the process or parts of the
How Does It Help?
Why does experience mapping make a difference? You may have heard from customers
that your processes aren’t user friendly or consistent or 100% reliable. Or maybe you
haven’t heard anything at all but you suspect problems because usage has dropped.
Possibly it’s been awhile since you’ve taken a pulse of how well your processes are
keeping up with industry standards or customer needs.
Experience mapping will help you:
Diagnose specific pain points or
Better understand the customer’s
Observe where customers give up
on the process and disappear.
Learn what the customer doesn’t
know about your processes.
Discover where, when and how
processes break down altogether.
Rational and Emotional Sides of
Customer Experience
What Do You Need to Know?
The Deepest Customer Relationships Are Head and Heart Relationships
• Cognitive
• Calculative
• Intellectual
• Functional
• Cost
• Performance
• Technical
• Behavioral
• Emotional
• Ego
• Self image
• Social / peer
• Trust
• Identification
• Fear
• Aesthetics
(e.g., look and feel)
For example:
• Bargain
• Deal
• Value
• Quality
• Quantity
For example:
• Reduced
• At ease
• Coolness
Sensory Experience:
Taste, touch, smell, hearing, sight, temperature
Customers Evaluate with Both Reason and Emotion
Two things to know about every customer interaction.
Following on the two lenses of understanding and
preference is a deeper understanding of how customers
perceive and process their interactions with you.
• Rational. Understanding the Head aspect of the way
customers react to a process involves intellectual issues.
– Is the process efficient—does it save time, or at least not
waste time?
– Does the process save me money?
– Does the process lead to a quality outcome?
• Emotional. Uncovering the emotional factors reveals
what the customer’s Heart dictates about navigating
your process.
– Does working through the process make me feel good
about myself and the process?
– Do I dread having to do this?
– Do I trust I’ve achieved what I need at the end of the
What do I know or
need to know?
How does it make
me feel?
The Customer Experience Is Rational and Emotional
You provide an 800 number. Your system answers the call. And then, “All our customer
service representatives are busy, but your call is very important to us. Please stay on the
line.” Every 30 seconds, customers hear how important they are.
Your customer places a take out lunch order online and receives a pick up time. When he
arrives to retrieve the order, it’s not ready. Five minutes later, he receives his order and
learns, “this one is on the house because you had to wait.”
Your customer goes to the express checkout lane with two items. The person ahead has
six items, a coupon for each item and a debit card that refuses to work.
= ?
Where Do I Begin?
Where Do I Begin?
The infrastructure.
Focus groups with customers who have shared a
customer experience.
Focus group advantages.
Enables access to customers who have had a
variety of experiences—those who have
completed a process and those who have
disengaged along the way.
A qualitative approach allows customers to
think deeply and independently.
The focus group setting fosters sharing and
collaboration, highlights differing points of
view through full group and smaller group
Group discussions offer drill down
opportunities for select topics.
Stakeholders observe customers navigate the
Where Do I Begin?
The process in five steps:
1. Warm up discussion about expectations of
customer service.
2. Working individually, customers recall
everything that happened.
3. Small group team exercise sharing and
organizing the individual experiences.
Each team produces a step by step experience
4. Individuals review the experience maps.
Indicate how each customer touchpoint on the
experience maps made them feel.
5. Full group discussion of the successes
and pain points of the process with
recommendations for process
Where Do I Begin?
Review the experience: start with the
granular and layer on detail and nuance.
An example …
Write down everything
you remember on a
series of Post It notes.
Indicate how each
step made you feel.
Group the notes
into shared
Working with a
team, place the
notes on a wall in
any order.
Place the grouped
notes in order.
Give each category
of notes a name.
Case Study
Case Study: Service Interruption
Industry: Technology Services
Business challenge: Service interruptions happen—caused
by unforeseen natural occurrences and occasionally by the
service provider itself when a planned interruption is
essential to service maintenance. What can the service
provider do to make the interruption as palatable as
possible for customers?
Assumption from the outset: almost no one is going to be
delighted at the way a service interruption is handled—
they’re too tied to the base of needing that service. The
question, then, is how does the service provider help
customers make the best of a perceived bad situation
without making enemies in the bargain?
Approach: Focus groups with individuals who have
experienced an interruption in service. Combination of
individual, full group and small group exercises to develop
experience maps that show the steps in the experience, how
customers perceive each step both emotionally and
rationally, and the potential for improvement.
The universe:
Residential and
commercial customers.
The shared situation:
Experienced a service
interruption in the past
six months.
1. Expectations of customer service. A general question or two about perceptions
of customer service help focus exercises that follow.
2. Individual exercise recalls everything that happened. Each customer has a pad of
Post It notes. Working one step per note, they write what happened. The rule:
limit the steps to direct interactions with the provider.
• First I …
• Then the provider…
• Then I …
• Then the provider…
Case Study Steps 1 and 2
Setting the Stage, Individual Recall
Write down
everything you
remember on a
series of Post It
Case Study Step 2
Recalling the Experience
Stimulated by the challenge of recalling
the service interruption, customer
reactions vary.
• Most recognize service interruptions
will happen.
• Some see a few major events: the
service stopped, I was (or was not)
inconvenienced, the service resumed,
life as usual.
• Some see a chain of disappointments
or accelerated anxiety waiting for
information. The need to know what
next? is very strong.
Write down everything you remember on
a series of Post It notes.
Case Study Step 3 Overview
Small Group Interactions
• Small group team exercise to share and organize the
individual experiences.
Break into teams.
– Start with customers spreading their notes on an empty wall.
– Step back and read each other’s notes.
– Find the commonalities; group them.
• Each team produces a step by step experience map to
share with the full group.
– Agree as a group on the order in which the steps take place.
– Order the smaller steps within each major category.
– Agree on a name for each category.
Result: Each team has a draft of an experience map.
TIP: Use handheld digital
recorders to capture the
conversation in each group,
tapping into candid insights.
3b. Group the
notes into
3a. Working
with a team,
place the notes
on a wall in any
3c. Place the
grouped notes in
3d. Give each
category of
notes a name.
Case Study Step 3a
As customers place their notes on the wall, they
observe differences across the level of detail, but
also commonalities in the experience.
While not everyone who has had the experience
will have made the same interactions with the
service provider in the same order, most share
some common elements of the experience.
Groups share experiences interacting with the
provider, offering valuable insight about customer
“Why did you call three times?”
“How did you know you should call?”
“When did you get angry?”
“How did you know to find updates on the
interruption on the provider’s web site?”
3a. Working with a team, place
the notes on a wall in any order.
Photo of randomly placed
TIP: Have a camera available to
capture a record of each step in
the process.
Case Study Step 3b
A volunteer from the group becomes the leader
to facilitate ordering the steps.
Customers discuss different approaches to
handling each of the steps and explore why each
step was necessary—or not.
“I stopped calling after I realized they say
service will be restored within the hour no
matter how long the interruption has been.”
Customers mention steps they might not have
been aware of (valuable information for the
“So, it’s really important to call the provider to
let them know about the interruption is?”
The number of interactions with the company
and the different ways to interact become
“After the first call, I just stay on top of things
by checking the provider’s web site.”
Photo of grouped notes.
3b, 3c. Group the notes
into shared experiences.
Case Study Step 3c, 3d
The number of steps varies, but some steps are universal,
and the order in which they occur is remarkably consistent.
As customers work through this phase, they identify the
decision points—when to call customer service again, when
to look for help from family and friends.
“By the time we’d waited four hours for the service to
resume, we realized we’d have to change our routine for
the evening.”
3c. Place the grouped
in order.
3d. Give each
category of notes a
“We had to cancel the plans soon
enough to let everyone know the
new agenda.”
Category names can identify
customer pain points.
Waiting Around for Help
Kids Upset by Change in Routine
TIP: Use different colored notes
to show category names.
Case Study: Steps 4 and 5 Overview
Getting the Big Picture
• Reassemble into the full group.
Customers review the experience maps and indicate
how they feel about each customer touchpoint on the
experience maps.
Customers individually review maps from all groups.
– Customers use stickers to indicate their emotional reaction
to each step where they interfaced with the company.
• Full group discussion of the successes and pain points
with recommendations for process improvement.
– Wrap up the discussion with overall recommendations for
the top three changes that would improve the process in
the future.
Indicate how each
step made you feel.
Case Study: Step 4
Identifying Emotions
Emotional reactions have been part of the
conversation all along, but this is the place
for customers to focus on emotional
reactions to each step of the service
Customers work individually through this
phase without discussing what they’re
In many cases, the same interaction
generates both negative and positive
“I had to wait ten minutes to get to a
human. I was pretty upset.”
“I waited ten minutes, which was
reasonable to me since the interruption
seemed widespread.”
Indicate how each step made you
feel—happy or unhappy.
Case Study Step 5
See what the customer sees.
Gain understanding from a new perspective.
Identify specific pain points and delighters.
Recognize opportunities at each customer touchpoint.
Understand the interplay of rational and emotional factors.
Anticipate what customers will tolerate and what will
make them unhappy.
Recognize the turning points
Learn where phases change from acceptance to a need for
action to unpleasantness—and how to ease the pain when
it comes.
What Do I Get?
Case Study Outcomes
Key decision points in
the process: A critical
juncture for
information from
Provider to determine
next steps.
The Total Experience
Main Pillars in the Service Interruption Experience
Service Out
Holding Pattern
< 2 hr.
Coping But Concerned
2 3 hours
Service back
Next Steps
At this time, people
realize it’s going to be
longer than a “make
do” period and begin
a plan for their own
next steps.
People call friends or
look for alternative
Customer investigates
what is involved in the
Talk to friends and
neighbors and/or
contact Provider to get
a sense of what is
involved in the
Some call Provider to
make sure Provider is
aware, look online for
interruption coverage,
but many others just
wait patiently.
Assess the
After two or three
hours, many
customers begin
information to make
decisions about
what they need to
do next.
They check supplies
and consider the
alternatives. This is a
key time to contact
Provider for
Waiting &
At first, customers
hunker down and
endure interruption.
Many tap into
alternate sources and
prepare to ride out a
couple of hours. Not
unsurprising, two
hours is often the
wait time given
by Provider.
Up and
Service is back on and
people resume
normal routines and
shut down alternative
While service is still
out, a big shift occurs
for many customer
which forces them to
reassess their
immediate plan– and
consider adopting an
emergency plan.
This varies by
customer, such as
family needs or
planning for the next
day or several days.
Decision making
Dependent upon a situation change
Provider and Customer Interractions
Service Out During an Interruption Service On
Current Process
Info About
Make New
Up and
& Coping
Next Steps
34Key decision making point Indicates a key difference in customer process
Receive Provider
Auto updates
Rational and Emotional Overtones
Service Out During an Interruption Service On
Current Process
Info About
Make New
& Coping
Next Steps
0 14
13 25 0 16 9 1 7 18
Key decision making point Indicates a key difference in customer process
Receive Provider
Auto updates
What Do I Get?
After customers have…
Recalled their experience
Shared the experience with a peer group
Organized the experience into phases and named the phases
Considered how each phase made them feel …
… the exercises generate not one but a series of experience maps that highlight …
Main pillars of the experience, compiled from the maps created in the focus groups.
Benefit: You have an overview of the total experience in the eyes of the customer.
Interactions between service provider and customers both proactive and reactive.
Benefit: You know when and where you can make a difference.
Interactions between service provider and customers enhanced with emotional
reactions at each touch point.
Benefit: You learn about the interplay of emotional and rational reactions.
Entire Contents © 2013 Hansa|GCR; Confidential and Proprietary.
Kathryn Stevens
Director, Client Services
+1 503.241.9136
Thank You!
Copies of today’s presentation are available.
To receive a copy please email me or Mary
Valenta at Hansa Marketing Services:

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Experience Mapping: How Your Customers Relate to Your Processes

  • 1. Entire Contents © 2013 Hansa|GCR; Confidential and Proprietary. Experience Mapping: How Do Your Customers Relate to Your Processes? (Can you get there from here?) February 2013 Kathryn Stevens, Director, Client Services • An experienced qualitative and quantitative researcher with more than two decades of brand and customer experience background. • Significant domestic and international research experience identifying and understanding customer segments and customizing unique approaches to customer types.
  • 2. Meeting Agenda • Why experience mapping? • It’s their world … • Two lenses: Process understanding and process preference. • It’s complex: Rational and emotional customer experience. • Where do I begin? Unlocking what the customer knows about your processes. • Case example of how this method has revealed strengths and vulnerabilities, enablers and barriers. • What Do I Get?: Case study outcomes. • Discussion and time for Q&A at the end of the session. 3
  • 3. 4 Our History • We help our clients build deeper, more profitable customer relationships by better understanding their customers and creating a compelling, differentiated customer experience. • Founded in 1979, we are part of a global group with 1,100+ professionals offering a variety of services including Creative Communication, Data Analytics, Brand Consulting and Interactive. • We bring research and thought leadership in four key areas: • Customer Relationship Equity • Brand Equity • Product and Service Innovation • Market and Customer Segmentation
  • 4. Our Philosophy 5 The brand is the essence of the customer relationship. The brand is a head and heart promise executed through the customer experience. The brand is the experience. The experience is the brand.
  • 6. Why Experience Mapping? Gateway to the customer mindset. Your processes for interacting with customers make sense to you—or they should. (If not, that’s a different topic entirely.) But how do you know these processes make sense to the customer? • What works—where and when? You have a process that works fairly well, most of the time for most of your customers. How do you find the trouble spots and improve? • How do you take a read on how your processes represent your business? You have a process in place. You know customers use it, but you’re not sure how well it’s received. How do you take a broad based read on how you’re presenting yourself to the customer base? • How do you implement a new process? You need to know what customers expect or would like to expect when they contact you. How do they interact now—and how do they like the status quo? How would they react to a new approach? 7
  • 8. It’s Their World: Through the Looking Glass 9 Your world ... The customer’s world ...
  • 10. Two Lenses Important overarching questions. Do customers understand your processes? How do customers prefer to interact with you? 11 Do your customers understand your processes well enough to navigate? Consider a process the customer has to follow every time they execute a certain transaction with you. Ask yourself: Can they access you successfully by phone or email to place an order, make an appointment? Has the process ever failed them— how, when and why? How do you find out whether customers know all the steps? Potential problem: the customer lacks awareness. What do customers prefer to encounter when they engage with you? Just because a customer uses your process successfully, does not necessarily mean they like it. Ask yourself: Does the initial screen or prompt insist on giving information they don’t need or want? Does it take too long to get to the point? Do you offer options your customers want? Potential problem: the customer dislikes the process or parts of the process.
  • 11. How Does It Help? Why does experience mapping make a difference? You may have heard from customers that your processes aren’t user friendly or consistent or 100% reliable. Or maybe you haven’t heard anything at all but you suspect problems because usage has dropped. Possibly it’s been awhile since you’ve taken a pulse of how well your processes are keeping up with industry standards or customer needs. 12 Experience mapping will help you: Diagnose specific pain points or frustrations. Better understand the customer’s world. Observe where customers give up on the process and disappear. Learn what the customer doesn’t know about your processes. Discover where, when and how processes break down altogether.
  • 12. 13 Rational and Emotional Sides of Customer Experience
  • 13. What Do You Need to Know? The Deepest Customer Relationships Are Head and Heart Relationships 14 • Cognitive • Calculative • Intellectual • Functional • Cost • ROI • Performance • Technical • Behavioral design • Emotional • Ego • Self image • Social / peer approval • Trust • Identification • Fear • Aesthetics (e.g., look and feel) For example: • Bargain • Deal • Value • Quality • Quantity For example: • Reduced hassle • At ease • Coolness Sensory Experience: Taste, touch, smell, hearing, sight, temperature
  • 14. Customers Evaluate with Both Reason and Emotion Two things to know about every customer interaction. Following on the two lenses of understanding and preference is a deeper understanding of how customers perceive and process their interactions with you. • Rational. Understanding the Head aspect of the way customers react to a process involves intellectual issues. – Is the process efficient—does it save time, or at least not waste time? – Does the process save me money? – Does the process lead to a quality outcome? • Emotional. Uncovering the emotional factors reveals what the customer’s Heart dictates about navigating your process. – Does working through the process make me feel good about myself and the process? – Do I dread having to do this? – Do I trust I’ve achieved what I need at the end of the process? 15 What do I know or need to know? How does it make me feel?
  • 15. The Customer Experience Is Rational and Emotional You provide an 800 number. Your system answers the call. And then, “All our customer service representatives are busy, but your call is very important to us. Please stay on the line.” Every 30 seconds, customers hear how important they are. Your customer places a take out lunch order online and receives a pick up time. When he arrives to retrieve the order, it’s not ready. Five minutes later, he receives his order and learns, “this one is on the house because you had to wait.” Your customer goes to the express checkout lane with two items. The person ahead has six items, a coupon for each item and a debit card that refuses to work. 16 = ?
  • 16. 17 Where Do I Begin?
  • 17. Where Do I Begin? The infrastructure. Focus groups with customers who have shared a customer experience. Focus group advantages. Enables access to customers who have had a variety of experiences—those who have completed a process and those who have disengaged along the way. A qualitative approach allows customers to think deeply and independently. The focus group setting fosters sharing and collaboration, highlights differing points of view through full group and smaller group exercises. Group discussions offer drill down opportunities for select topics. Stakeholders observe customers navigate the process.
  • 18. Where Do I Begin? The process in five steps: 1. Warm up discussion about expectations of customer service. 2. Working individually, customers recall everything that happened. 3. Small group team exercise sharing and organizing the individual experiences. Each team produces a step by step experience map. 4. Individuals review the experience maps. Indicate how each customer touchpoint on the experience maps made them feel. 5. Full group discussion of the successes and pain points of the process with recommendations for process improvement.
  • 19. Where Do I Begin? Review the experience: start with the granular and layer on detail and nuance. An example … 20 Write down everything you remember on a series of Post It notes. Indicate how each step made you feel. Group the notes into shared experiences. Working with a team, place the notes on a wall in any order. Place the grouped notes in order. Give each category of notes a name.
  • 21. Case Study: Service Interruption Industry: Technology Services Business challenge: Service interruptions happen—caused by unforeseen natural occurrences and occasionally by the service provider itself when a planned interruption is essential to service maintenance. What can the service provider do to make the interruption as palatable as possible for customers? Assumption from the outset: almost no one is going to be delighted at the way a service interruption is handled— they’re too tied to the base of needing that service. The question, then, is how does the service provider help customers make the best of a perceived bad situation without making enemies in the bargain? Approach: Focus groups with individuals who have experienced an interruption in service. Combination of individual, full group and small group exercises to develop experience maps that show the steps in the experience, how customers perceive each step both emotionally and rationally, and the potential for improvement. 22 The universe: Residential and commercial customers. The shared situation: Experienced a service interruption in the past six months.
  • 22. 1. Expectations of customer service. A general question or two about perceptions of customer service help focus exercises that follow. 2. Individual exercise recalls everything that happened. Each customer has a pad of Post It notes. Working one step per note, they write what happened. The rule: limit the steps to direct interactions with the provider. • First I … • Then the provider… • Then I … • Then the provider… Case Study Steps 1 and 2 Setting the Stage, Individual Recall 23 Write down everything you remember on a series of Post It notes.
  • 23. Case Study Step 2 Recalling the Experience Stimulated by the challenge of recalling the service interruption, customer reactions vary. • Most recognize service interruptions will happen. • Some see a few major events: the service stopped, I was (or was not) inconvenienced, the service resumed, life as usual. • Some see a chain of disappointments or accelerated anxiety waiting for information. The need to know what next? is very strong. 24 Write down everything you remember on a series of Post It notes.
  • 24. Case Study Step 3 Overview Small Group Interactions • Small group team exercise to share and organize the individual experiences. Break into teams. – Start with customers spreading their notes on an empty wall. – Step back and read each other’s notes. – Find the commonalities; group them. • Each team produces a step by step experience map to share with the full group. – Agree as a group on the order in which the steps take place. – Order the smaller steps within each major category. – Agree on a name for each category. Result: Each team has a draft of an experience map. 25 TIP: Use handheld digital recorders to capture the conversation in each group, tapping into candid insights. 3b. Group the notes into shared experiences. 3a. Working with a team, place the notes on a wall in any order. 3c. Place the grouped notes in order. 3d. Give each category of notes a name.
  • 25. Case Study Step 3a Collaboration As customers place their notes on the wall, they observe differences across the level of detail, but also commonalities in the experience. While not everyone who has had the experience will have made the same interactions with the service provider in the same order, most share some common elements of the experience. Groups share experiences interacting with the provider, offering valuable insight about customer mindset. “Why did you call three times?” “How did you know you should call?” “When did you get angry?” “How did you know to find updates on the interruption on the provider’s web site?” 26 3a. Working with a team, place the notes on a wall in any order. Photo of randomly placed notes TIP: Have a camera available to capture a record of each step in the process.
  • 26. Case Study Step 3b Organizing A volunteer from the group becomes the leader to facilitate ordering the steps. Customers discuss different approaches to handling each of the steps and explore why each step was necessary—or not. “I stopped calling after I realized they say service will be restored within the hour no matter how long the interruption has been.” Customers mention steps they might not have been aware of (valuable information for the provider). “So, it’s really important to call the provider to let them know about the interruption is?” The number of interactions with the company and the different ways to interact become important. “After the first call, I just stay on top of things by checking the provider’s web site.” 27 Photo of grouped notes. 3b, 3c. Group the notes into shared experiences.
  • 27. Case Study Step 3c, 3d Categorizing The number of steps varies, but some steps are universal, and the order in which they occur is remarkably consistent. As customers work through this phase, they identify the decision points—when to call customer service again, when to look for help from family and friends. “By the time we’d waited four hours for the service to resume, we realized we’d have to change our routine for the evening.” 28 3c. Place the grouped notes in order. 3d. Give each category of notes a name. “We had to cancel the plans soon enough to let everyone know the new agenda.” Category names can identify customer pain points. Waiting Around for Help Kids Upset by Change in Routine TIP: Use different colored notes to show category names.
  • 28. Case Study: Steps 4 and 5 Overview Getting the Big Picture • Reassemble into the full group. Customers review the experience maps and indicate how they feel about each customer touchpoint on the experience maps. Customers individually review maps from all groups. – Customers use stickers to indicate their emotional reaction to each step where they interfaced with the company. • Full group discussion of the successes and pain points with recommendations for process improvement. – Wrap up the discussion with overall recommendations for the top three changes that would improve the process in the future. 29 Indicate how each step made you feel. Outcomes.
  • 29. Case Study: Step 4 Identifying Emotions Emotional reactions have been part of the conversation all along, but this is the place for customers to focus on emotional reactions to each step of the service interruption. Customers work individually through this phase without discussing what they’re doing. In many cases, the same interaction generates both negative and positive reactions. “I had to wait ten minutes to get to a human. I was pretty upset.” “I waited ten minutes, which was reasonable to me since the interruption seemed widespread.” 30 Indicate how each step made you feel—happy or unhappy.
  • 30. Case Study Step 5 Outcomes 31 See what the customer sees. Gain understanding from a new perspective. Identify specific pain points and delighters. Recognize opportunities at each customer touchpoint. Understand the interplay of rational and emotional factors. Anticipate what customers will tolerate and what will make them unhappy. Recognize the turning points Learn where phases change from acceptance to a need for action to unpleasantness—and how to ease the pain when it comes.
  • 31. 32 What Do I Get? Case Study Outcomes
  • 32. Key decision points in the process: A critical juncture for information from Provider to determine next steps. The Total Experience Main Pillars in the Service Interruption Experience 33 Service Out Holding Pattern < 2 hr. During Coping But Concerned 2 3 hours Service back Take Immediate Next Steps At this time, people realize it’s going to be longer than a “make do” period and begin a plan for their own immediate next steps. People call friends or look for alternative resources Customer investigates what is involved in the interruption. Talk to friends and neighbors and/or contact Provider to get a sense of what is involved in the interruption. Some call Provider to make sure Provider is aware, look online for interruption coverage, but many others just wait patiently. Assess the Situation After two or three hours, many customers begin gathering information to make decisions about what they need to do next. They check supplies and consider the alternatives. This is a key time to contact Provider for information. Reassess the Situation Waiting & Coping At first, customers hunker down and endure interruption. Many tap into alternate sources and prepare to ride out a couple of hours. Not unsurprising, two hours is often the wait time given by Provider. Up and Running Service is back on and people resume normal routines and shut down alternative resources. While service is still out, a big shift occurs for many customer which forces them to reassess their immediate plan– and consider adopting an emergency plan. This varies by customer, such as family needs or planning for the next day or several days. Reassess the Situation Decision making Dependent upon a situation change Life Resumes
  • 33. Provider and Customer Interractions Service Out During an Interruption Service On Current Process Fallout Make Longer Term Plan Provide Info About Collecting Damages Make New Info Available Collect Outage Info Provide Initial Info Process Auto update Provide Auto updates Reassess Situation Up and Running Assess Damage Waiting & Coping Reassess Situation Take Immediate Next Steps Assess Situation 34Key decision making point Indicates a key difference in customer process Contact Provider Contact Provider For Damages Receive Info Contact Provider for Updates Receive Initial Info Request Auto updates Receive Provider Auto updates CustomerExperienceInteractionsProviderActions
  • 34. 35 Rational and Emotional Overtones Service Out During an Interruption Service On Current Process Fallout Make Longer Term Plan Provide Info About Collecting Damages Make New Info Available Collect Outage Info Provide Initial Info Process Auto update Provide Auto updates Reassess Situation Get Home Running Assess Damage Waiting & Coping Reassess Situation Take Immediate Next Steps Assess Situation 35 0 14 13 25 0 16 9 1 7 18 Key decision making point Indicates a key difference in customer process Contact Provider Contact Provider For Damages Receive Info Contact Provider for Updates Receive Initial Info Request Auto updates Receive Provider Auto updates CustomerExperienceInteractionsProviderActions
  • 35. What Do I Get? After customers have… Recalled their experience Shared the experience with a peer group Organized the experience into phases and named the phases Considered how each phase made them feel … … the exercises generate not one but a series of experience maps that highlight … Main pillars of the experience, compiled from the maps created in the focus groups. Benefit: You have an overview of the total experience in the eyes of the customer. Interactions between service provider and customers both proactive and reactive. Benefit: You know when and where you can make a difference. Interactions between service provider and customers enhanced with emotional reactions at each touch point. Benefit: You learn about the interplay of emotional and rational reactions. 36
  • 36. Entire Contents © 2013 Hansa|GCR; Confidential and Proprietary. Kathryn Stevens Director, Client Services Hansa|GCR +1 503.241.9136 Thank You! Copies of today’s presentation are available. To receive a copy please email me or Mary Valenta at Hansa Marketing Services: mary.valenta@hansa