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Republic of the Philippines
Laguna State Polytechnic University
Province of Laguna
ISO 9001:2015 Certified
Level I Institutionally Accredited
Prepared by: Ethelmay R. Romero, MBA, Ed Jesson G. Valiente, LPT, PhD
LSPU Self-Paced Learning Module (SLM)
Course Customer Analytics
Sem/AY First Semester/2021-2022
Module No. 3
Date November 1 – 12, 2021
of the
5.1 Mapping the Customer Journey
5.2 Definition of Customer Journey
5.3 Working with the traditional Marketing Funnel
6.1 Measuring Brand Awareness (Aided and Unaided awareness)
6.2 Measuring product or service knowledge
6.3 Measuring Brand Attitude
6.4 Measuring Usage and Intent
6.5 Understanding the Key Drivers of Attitude
Learning Outcomes
• familiarize the theories in segmenting and creating personas of customers
• determine the customer lifetime value
• identifying profitable customers
Republic of the Philippines
Laguna State Polytechnic University
Province of Laguna
ISO 9001:2015 Certified
Level I Institutionally Accredited
Prepared by: Ethelmay R. Romero, MBA, Ed Jesson G. Valiente, LPT, PhD
The students will be instructed to engage in a one-hour synchronous discussion and two hour
asynchronous activities such as scheduled quizzes, online submission of outputs, discussion
forums and online consultation.
Online Activities
• understand the ways of mapping the customer journey
• elaborate the traditional marketing funnel
• to be aware in product branding and attitude of the customers
Student Learning Strategies
Republic of the Philippines
Laguna State Polytechnic University
Province of Laguna
ISO 9001:2015 Certified
Level I Institutionally Accredited
Prepared by: Ethelmay R. Romero, MBA, Ed Jesson G. Valiente, LPT, PhD
The one-hour synchronous discussion will be ___(schedule of class)_____ from __(time)_ in
Google Meet. Please be reminded to prepare and be ready 30 minutes prior to the said
schedule to lessen connection issues. For those who cannot attend the session recordings will
be available after and will be posted with 24 hours. In case you may not be able to attend the
session, ensure to notify your instructor.
Please participate in the online discussion since this is an opportunity for you to clarify what
you have learned on your own not only with your moderator but also with other members of
the class. It is also a good way to learn from one another.
Offline Activities
The students will be directed to engage in the module package and/or e-learning package
provided. Learning materials are provided such as
• Course Guide: it is course road map to assess your progress for the course
• Self-Paced Learning Module (SLM): a learning material which provides course
content, activities and assessment for the said module
• Assignment Guide
• Activity Guide
Lecture Guide
Chapter 5:
A customer journey is a story about understanding your users, how they behave while
they visit your website, and what you can do to improve their trip, so they keep coming back.
Customer Journey Definition
A customer journey is an entire experience a customer has while communicating with a
brand. It considers the complete interaction roadmap from brand discovery to purchasing and
beyond. The focus isn’t on transactions, but rather how the customer feels after interactions with
the brand.
Excellent products, a praiseworthy website, and an on-call customer service team may
seem like the perfect mix to capture prospective clients. However, when customers feel
something is off in your communication, they’re more likely to seek competitors. Creating a
customer experience map provides you with your customers’ viewpoint of your business. The
map leads you through each touchpoint with customers to identify weak points in your
messaging. By improving the customer experience at each point in the journey, you focus your
business on your customers. This builds a loyal fan base and keeps customers coming back time
and again.
A customer journey map is a visual representation of a customer’s experience with your
brand. These visuals tell a story about how a customer moves through each phase of interaction
and experiences each phase. Your customer journey map should include touchpoints and
Republic of the Philippines
Laguna State Polytechnic University
Province of Laguna
ISO 9001:2015 Certified
Level I Institutionally Accredited
Prepared by: Ethelmay R. Romero, MBA, Ed Jesson G. Valiente, LPT, PhD
moments of truth, but also potential customer feelings, such as frustration or confusion, and any
actions you want the customer to take.
Customer journey maps are often based on a timeline of events, such as a customer’s first
visit on your website and the way they progress towards their first in-product experience, then
purchase, onboarding emails, cancellation, etc.
Your customer journey maps may need to be tailored to your business or product, but
the best way to identify and refine these phases is to actually talk to your customers. Research
your target audiences to understand how they make decisions, decide to purchase, etc. Without
an essential understanding of your customers and their needs, a customer map will not lead you
to success. But, a well-constructed and researched customer journey map can give you the
insights to drastically improve your business’s customer experience.
The Benefits of Customer Journey Mapping
Understanding a customer’s journey across your entire organization does so much more
than increase your revenue associated with marketing campaigns, reduce your service costs, and
shrink your sales cycle. It enables you to discover how to be consistent when it comes to
providing a positive customer experience and retaining customer loyalty.
When done correctly, customer journey mapping helps to:
• Increase customer engagement through channel optimization.
• Identify and optimize moments of truth in the CX.
• Eliminate ineffective touchpoints.
• Shift from a company to a customer-focused perspective.
• Break down silos between departments and close interdepartmental gaps.
• Target specific customer personas with marketing campaigns relevant to their identity.
• Understand the circumstances that may have produced irregularities in existing
quantitative data.
• Assign ownership of various customer touchpoints to increase employee accountability.
How to Create a Customer Journey Map
So now that you have the basics in mind, let’s start your visualization. Customer journey
maps can become complicated unless you keep them focused. Although you may target multiple
personas, choose just one persona and one customer scenario to research and visualize at a time.
1. Set Goals
Without a goal, it will be difficult to determine whether your customer journey map will
translate to tangible impact for your customers and your business. You will likely need to identify
existing—and future—buyers so you can set goals specifically for those audiences at each stage of
their experience.
Consider gathering the key stakeholders within your company—many of whom likely
touch different points of the customer experience. To set a logical and attainable goal, cross-
functional teamwork is essential. Gather unique perspectives and insights about each part of the
Republic of the Philippines
Laguna State Polytechnic University
Province of Laguna
ISO 9001:2015 Certified
Level I Institutionally Accredited
Prepared by: Ethelmay R. Romero, MBA, Ed Jesson G. Valiente, LPT, PhD
existing customer journey and where improvements are needed and how those improvements
will be measured.
2. Conduct Persona Research
Flesh out as much information as possible about the persona your customer journey map
is based on. Depending on the maturity of your business, you may only have a handful of records,
reports, or other pre-existing data about the target persona. You can compile your preliminary
findings to draft what you think the customer journey may look like.
However, the most insightful data you can collect is from real customers or prospective
customers—those who have actually interacted with your brand. Gather meaningful customer
data in any of the following ways:
• Conduct interviews.
• Talk to employees who regularly interact with customers.
• Email a survey to existing users.
• Scour customer support and complaint logs.
• Pull clips from recorded call center conversations.
• Monitor discussions about your company that occur on social media.
• Leverage web analytics.
• Gather Net Promoter Score (NPS) data.
Look for information that references:
• How customers initially found your brand
• When/if customers purchase or cancel
• How easy or difficult they found your website to use
• What problems your brand did or didn’t solve
Collecting both qualitative and quantitative information throughout your research process
ensures your business makes data-driven decisions based on the voice of real customers.
3. Define Customer Touchpoints
Customer touchpoints make up the majority of your customer journey map. They are
how and where customers interact with and experience your brand. As you conduct research and
plot your touchpoints, be sure to include information that addresses elements of action, emotion,
and potential challenges.
The number and type of touchpoints on your customer journey map will depend on the
type of business. For example, a customer’s journey with a SaaS company will be inherently
different than that of a coffee shop experience. Simply choose the touchpoints accurately reflect a
customer’s journey with your brand.
After you define your touchpoints, you can then start arranging them on your customer
journey map.
4. Map the Current State
Create what you believe is your as-is state of the customer journey, the current customer
Republic of the Philippines
Laguna State Polytechnic University
Province of Laguna
ISO 9001:2015 Certified
Level I Institutionally Accredited
Prepared by: Ethelmay R. Romero, MBA, Ed Jesson G. Valiente, LPT, PhD
experience. Prioritize the right content over aesthetics. Invite input from the stakeholders and
build your customer journey map collaboratively to ensure accuracy.
Again, there is no “correct” way to format your customer journey map, but for each phase
along the journey timeline, include the touchpoints, actions, channels, and assigned ownership of
a touchpoint (sales, customer service, marketing, etc.). Then, customize your diagram design with
images and color and shape variation to better visualize the different actions, emotions,
transitions, etc. at a glance.
Mapping your current state will also help you start to identify gaps or red flags in the
experience. Collaborators can comment directly on different parts of your diagram in Lucid Chart,
so it’s clear exactly where there’s room for improvement.
5. Map Future States
Now that you’ve visualized the current state of the customer journey, your map will
probably show some gaps in your CX, information overlap, poor transitions between stages, and
significant pain points or obstacles for customers.
The marketing funnel visualizes the path a potential customer takes from a company’s
point of view. It’s a tool that helps you track the stages a prospect goes through as he becomes
more and more familiar with your company or brand; starting with the introduction to your
company and hopefully ending with brand ambassadorship.
The Old Marketing Funnel
The traditional cone-shaped marketing funnel wants to fill the top of the funnel with as
many people as possible and simply hopes for the best. People go through the funnel without a
phased, detailed strategy. The main strategy consists of attracting a mass, because the more
people enter the funnel as a prospect, the more people can come out as a customer.
This traditional funnel follows 4 stages: Awareness > Interest > Desire > Action. It’s
the awareness stage that gets the most attention. In this stage, traditional marketing techniques
are used: tv, direct mailings. The main goal is to reach as many-anonymous-people as possible.
Republic of the Philippines
Laguna State Polytechnic University
Province of Laguna
ISO 9001:2015 Certified
Level I Institutionally Accredited
Prepared by: Ethelmay R. Romero, MBA, Ed Jesson G. Valiente, LPT, PhD
With the shift towards a digital society, the way consumers look for information has
changed. Mass marketing methods no longer do the trick. Consumers want a personal
solution from brands who truly understand their individual needs. Thus, a new marketing
funnel is needed.
The New Marketing Funnel
The new marketing funnel is no longer a linear, cone-shaped model. It has changed into
an omni-channel experience that’s unique for each customer. A buyer carries out online
research by himself, which means he can enter and leave the funnel at any time. The buyer can
enter through social media, organic search, via desktop or mobile devices.
The new marketing funnel doesn’t look for mass audiences anymore. Instead, it
attracts individuals who follow their own route and can be advised every step of the way. The
focus is on engagement in every stage of the funnel. This engagement leads to personal
relationships, which enable companies to get to know their consumers personally. It they do it
right, their consumers will share their positive experiences with other people, who, in turn, can
enter the funnel as well.
Additionally, the relationship with the customer doesn’t end after the Action stage. In this
new, customer-centric marketing age, the after-sales service becomes more and more
important. This means the funnel doesn’t stop at the purchase. Extra phases, like Adoption (of
the product), Loyalty (to the company) and Advocacy arise. Companies should invest
in customer retention, because studies show that the longer the relationship with the customer
lasts, the higher your profits soar. Happy customers generate even more happy customers.
According to Business 2 Community, 80% of buyers check out recommendations and
reviews before deciding on their purchase. Even more people value the opinion of their friends
and family over marketing communication. The importance of word of mouth, and thus the
investment of customer retention at the end of the funnel, is proven.
In a world where digital knowledge gathering is becoming increasingly important, the
old model of the marketing funnel is no longer viable. The awareness stage at the top of the funnel
has shifted from a mass model to an individual approach. If the buyer even enters the funnel
through the awareness phase at all. A customer can come and go whenever he pleases. And he
will be welcomed and personally guided through every stage, even after buying something.
Because not only the pre-sales process receives attention, customer retention gains importance
as well.
Republic of the Philippines
Laguna State Polytechnic University
Province of Laguna
ISO 9001:2015 Certified
Level I Institutionally Accredited
Prepared by: Ethelmay R. Romero, MBA, Ed Jesson G. Valiente, LPT, PhD
When marketers talk about brands, familiar companies and products come to mind —
think Coca-Cola, Nike, BMW, or Rolex. But think about the last time you purchased something in a
category about which you were unfamiliar with the brands — perhaps ceiling fans, windshield
wipers, or website hosts.
All things being equal, consumers prefer brands they know rather than brands they have
not heard of.
Customers generally progress through stages of the hierarchy of effects: They become
familiar with a brand, form an attitude about the brand through repeated usage, and finally,
become loyal to that brand.
The hierarchy of effects provides a framework for you to measure. Customers’ attitudes
toward brands and products are constantly changing. In this chapter, its shows how to measure
brand awareness, attitudes, and experiences.
You measure brand awareness using two approaches:
o Unaided awareness: Asking customers what their favorite brands are
o Aided awareness: Asking customers to rank brands from a list that you provide
You can ask aided and unaided brand questions in the same survey to current or
prospective customers. When you do, ask the unaided questions first to minimize the suggestion
bias and to discover which brands are top of mind. Then ask the aided branded questions by
listing relevant brands and include an “Other” option so participants can provide any brands you
might not have considered competition.
The best way to measure unaided brand awareness is to ask customers which brands
come to mind when thinking about a particular product or service. Here are some examples:
o List mobile phone manufacturers.
o List three makes and models of family sedans.
o Name four rental car companies.
Keep your unaided awareness questions open ended so customers provide written
responses. Categorize each response and then compute the frequency of each response. This
number can constitute a benchmark from which you measure future improvements.
Finding a benchmark is helpful before key events, such as an advertising campaign or
prior to a new product introduction. It also provides an idea about the competitive landscape by
providing a relative rank of where your product falls relative to the others that participants
For example, in a survey of brand awareness for computers, 120 prospective customers
were asked to list the brands they’d consider if they were to purchase a new laptop in the next six
months. In total, participants listed ten brands; 60% of respondents mentioned Apple and 20%
listed Sony. According to the results, although Apple clearly has more top-of-mind share than
Sony, this data suggests that sales can be increased by increasing prospective laptop buyers’
awareness of Sony’s laptop products. The lower and upper bounds of the Sony unaided
awareness are 14% and 28%, respectively. This means we can be 95% confident that at least
14% and no more than 28% of prospective customers have Sony in mind when considering
laptop purchases.
Republic of the Philippines
Laguna State Polytechnic University
Province of Laguna
ISO 9001:2015 Certified
Level I Institutionally Accredited
Prepared by: Ethelmay R. Romero, MBA, Ed Jesson G. Valiente, LPT, PhD
Figure 8-1: More consumers mention Apple over Sony
With aided awareness, you provide a list of brands to the customers and ask them to
identify which ones they are familiar with. Your aided awareness questions are multiple-select
questions, meaning customers can select as many companies or products that they recognize.
For example:
● Which of the following laptop manufacturers are you familiar with (select all that apply)?
● Samsung
● Acer
● Dell
● Gateway
● Apple
● Lenovo
● Toshiba
● Sony
● Prionsonic
● Zenith
Aided awareness questions are less of an indication of top-of-mind awareness and more
a measure of familiarity. Similar to a multiple-choice test, the mere suggestion of a brand may
lead customers to select brands they aren’t familiar with.
To get an idea about how suggesting brands may unintentionally prompt your customers,
include some “distractor” brands to see which percentage of customer select it. For example, in
the list of laptops from earlier, Prionsonic is fake and Zenith doesn’t make laptops. You can use
the percentage of customers who select these distractor brands as a way to gauge how reliable
your aided brand results are.
Having awareness with a brand is one level of familiarity. But most brands have a range
of products and services. For example, Apple has iTunes, iPad, and iCloud. Google has Gmail,
Drive, and Search. Customers may be more or less familiar with different products, and it’s often
helpful to dig deeper into both product familiarity and knowledge.
You can better understand how effective your advertising campaigns are, and which
channels (mobile, website, or TV, for example) are most effective when you follow up your
Republic of the Philippines
Laguna State Polytechnic University
Province of Laguna
ISO 9001:2015 Certified
Level I Institutionally Accredited
Prepared by: Ethelmay R. Romero, MBA, Ed Jesson G. Valiente, LPT, PhD
unaided and aided awareness questions with specific questions about how participants heard
about your specific brand. You can then attribute a higher or lower brand awareness to different
campaigns. For example, if participants report higher awareness through a Facebook ad, you
know how effective that ad was.
Always measure awareness separately for different customer segments. In the awareness
survey, have participants select which customer segment best describes them and then analyze
the awareness separately. You may find significant difference in awareness by geography, age, or
gender, for example.
As you progress through the hierarchy of effects, it’s important to measure the current
ideas, beliefs, and associations that customers have toward a brand and product. Brand attitude is
both what customers think and how strongly they feel. They may be completely familiar with
your product, but may have an unfavorable — or at best, neutral — attitude.
To measure brand attitude and its strength, have a representative set of prospective
customers rate how much they agree or disagree toward a number of statements that go from
general to specific concepts, as shown in Figure;
Figure 8-2: Customers can rate specific features of a brand.
A rating scale with 5, 7, or 11 points is common, but if your organization uses another
scale with a different set of points, use that.
In most branding studies, you should ask about brand favorability for the product and a set of
competitors. For example:
● On a scale from 1 to 7, how would you describe your overall attitude toward the
following airlines?
● American Airlines
● Delta
● United Airlines
● Southwest
After asking general questions about brand satisfaction, ask specific questions about
characteristics associated with the brand, product, or experience. These are typically called brand
pillars (think of pillars holding up a house). Brand pillars are the most important attributes and
principles you want to communicate through your brand. While these differ depending on the
industry and brand, they usually revolve around the following traits:
o Value: How much value customers feel for the amount of money they spend on the
o Quality: How well customers think a product is built, including the type of materials and
o Trust: Do customers feel like their data is safe, or that the company will deliver what it
After participants rate their satisfaction on brand attributes, have them also describe, in
Republic of the Philippines
Laguna State Polytechnic University
Province of Laguna
ISO 9001:2015 Certified
Level I Institutionally Accredited
Prepared by: Ethelmay R. Romero, MBA, Ed Jesson G. Valiente, LPT, PhD
their own words, how they arrived at their rating. This is an excellent opportunity to collect
insights both on the key drivers of satisfaction (see later in this chapter) and what you can do to
improve the product attributes and brand perception.
A brand affinity analysis identifies the words customers associate with your brand and
experience. These attributes can be manipulated or neglected. It’s usually the job of the marketing
team to work on getting the right positive associations with the brand.
Think of the toothpaste you use. What words come to mind? Maybe it’s something like;
Good Attributes Bad Attributes
Clean Expensive
Fresh Messy
White Tastes Terrible
Healthy Guilt
To measure what terms customers associate with your brand and product, use the same
framework I describe throughout this chapter:
1. Ask customers which words come to mind when they think of a product or brand. (Have
them list as many as they can)
2. Count the responses to see what terms are most common.
3. Provide a list of specific words you want or don’t want associated with a brand and have
customers pick from that list.
For example, customers were presented with 24 terms — 12 positive and 12 negative —
that represented the website experience for an automotive information brand. Figure shows that
59% selected “Informative,” and 35% selected “Valuable” and “Convenient.” Fortunately, only a
few participants selected negative words. However, approximately one out of every five
customers selected “Hard to Navigate” and “Complicated.” This suggests the website experience
could use some improvements to make it easier to use.
Figure 8-3: Words selected in a brand affinity exercise for an automotive information company’s
When choosing phrases to present to customers, use terms that reflect the brand pillars
to see how well these fundamental concepts resonate with customers.
Republic of the Philippines
Laguna State Polytechnic University
Province of Laguna
ISO 9001:2015 Certified
Level I Institutionally Accredited
Prepared by: Ethelmay R. Romero, MBA, Ed Jesson G. Valiente, LPT, PhD
The final stage of the hierarchy of effects is measuring usage — how much a customer has
used the product in the past and what the customer plans to do in the future (intent).
Finding out past usage
You need to understand how frequently and how often customers purchase your
products and your competitors’ products or services. This provides an overall view of how
customers interact with each brand and how strong or weak the relationship is for different
customer segments. For example, in a study of airline and travel website usage, customers who
recently booked flights online were asked the following questions:
● Which website have you used in the last year to book airfare?
● How frequently per year do you book tickets for business and pleasure?
● Do you belong to the airline loyalty program (for example, United MileagePlus or
Southwest Rapid Rewards)?
● Do you own a rewards credit card for the airline?
Understanding how frequently these customers and prospective customers interact with
your products allows you to understand how usage is affected by brand attitude, and to some
extent, brand awareness.
Measuring Future Intent
Measuring customer usage with a brand helps describe what’s happened in the past. But
of equal importance is what’s likely to happen in the future. Asking customers or prospective
customers their future intent helps provide information about awareness and attitude to predict
future sales.
Examples of future intent questions include the following:
● If you had to make a laptop purchase today, which brand would you choose?
● How likely are you to continue flying on American Airlines?
● How likely are you to recommend Dell laptops to a friend or colleague?
Intent questions can be more sophisticated and combine brand and product questions
with questions about pricing and features.
With all the data collected around awareness, attitude, and usage, you need to summarize
each question type to understand the strengths and weaknesses of your brand or product. If your
brand or product is not known, or only known by a small percentage of prospective consumers,
then campaigns to increase awareness will improve customer awareness. See Marketing For
Dummies, by Alexander Hiam (Wiley) for ideas on increasing awareness.
If your product and brand is known, you need to understand what’s driving high or low
satisfaction ratings. While any number of variables impact customers’ attitudes toward your
brand, usually only a few variables, called key drivers, have a disproportionate impact on
attitudes. It may be that customers find the product is too expensive for what they get (value), or
perhaps customers find the product difficult to use.
A more sophisticated way of examining key drivers is using a statistical technique called
multiple regression analysis (which I also discuss in the appendix). Customers’ attitudes toward
brand attributes are often correlated. That is, customers who are satisfied with the quality of a
product are often also satisfied with the value and overall brand. Multiple regression analysis
examines the correlation between the independent and dependent variables to determine which
attributes contribute most to consumers’ overall brand attitude. Seek the help of a statistician to
assist you with running a multiple regression analysis.
Republic of the Philippines
Laguna State Polytechnic University
Province of Laguna
ISO 9001:2015 Certified
Level I Institutionally Accredited
Prepared by: Ethelmay R. Romero, MBA, Ed Jesson G. Valiente, LPT, PhD
This chapter covers a lot of ways to measure consumers’ ideas and beliefs about brands.
Much of this data can be collected in the same survey, but be aware about how you arrange your
questions. For example, by asking unaided questions before aided questions or asking
participants to list adjectives before you have them pick from a selection. Also use a survey
program that has branching and logic techniques that enable you to direct participants to
different questions depending on their previous answer.
Here is one structure for a branding survey that works well.
● Screening questions: Ask qualifying questions (“Have you purchased a car in the last 6
months?”) and key demographic questions (gender, age) to both screen and segment
your responses. You only want qualified participants taking your survey.
● Unaided branding: Without prompting participants with any names, ask them to list
products or brands that come to mind.
● Aided branding: Ask participants to select which brands they are familiar with among a
list of alternatives. Consider adding some distractor brands.
● Brand satisfaction: For brands that participants select as being familiar with, ask them
to rate their satisfaction on a rating scale.
● Specific product knowledge: Dig deeper into the product category by asking
participants to list the features or attributes that distinguish your product from the
competition’s or from other categories. Start with an unaided question (open comments)
and then move to an aided question (listing features to select from).
● Brand affinity: For a specific brand, have participants provide the words or concepts
that come to mind when thinking about a brand or product. Start with an unaided
question (open comments) and then move to an aided question (selecting from a set of
positive and negative terms).
● Product satisfaction: Have participants rate how satisfied they are using the key
attributes about a product (for example, quality, value, or features).
● Future Intent: Ask participants which product or brand they intend to purchase.
Check your page and see if there are customers who are trying to reach out on you and have the
interest of purchasing your products. If there is, how was the group able to address the potential
buyers interactions in your page.
Republic of the Philippines
Laguna State Polytechnic University
Province of Laguna
ISO 9001:2015 Certified
Level I Institutionally Accredited
Prepared by: Ethelmay R. Romero, MBA, Ed Jesson G. Valiente, LPT, PhD
Performance Tasks
CHAPTER 5: Direction: Read and answer the following questions using ALL CAPS letter.
1. The science of analyzing customer behavior across touchpoints and over time to measure the impact of customer
behavior on business outcomes.
2. Can be defined as any way a consumer can interact with a business, whether it be person-to-person, through a
website, an app or any form of communication.
3. A story about understanding your users, how they behave while they visit your website, and what you can do to
improve their trip, so they keep coming back.
4. The most common type of map, the current state map allows you to visualize the actions, thoughts, behaviors, and
emotions your customers experience when interacting with your brand right now.
5. A visualization for understanding the process of turning leads into customers, as understood from a marketing
and sales perspective.
6. Businesses see their products and processes from a customer’s point of view. Plotting a customer journey map
gives business owners and marketing and design teams valuable insight into common points of friction so they
can improve customer experience and ultimately make more sales.
7. The process of creating a visual representation of customers’ processes, needs & perceptions throughout their
interaction and relationship with an organization.
8. Marketing funnel wants to fill the top of the funnel with as many people as possible and simply hopes for the best.
People go through the funnel without a phased, detailed strategy.
9. Is no longer a linear, cone-shaped model. It has changed into an omni-channel experience that’s unique for each
10. According to __________ for about as long as people have been selling products, they’ve been thinking about where
to find customers and how to reach them.
Republic of the Philippines
Laguna State Polytechnic University
Province of Laguna
ISO 9001:2015 Certified
Level I Institutionally Accredited
Prepared by: Ethelmay R. Romero, MBA, Ed Jesson G. Valiente, LPT, PhD
CHAPTER 6: Direction: Kindly answer the following questions in ALL CAPS.
1. Asking customers to rank brands from a list that you provided.
2. Asking customers what their favorite brand.
3. Is what customers think and how strongly they feel.
4. Are the most important attributes and principles you want to communicate through your brand.
5. Identifies the words customers associate with your brand and experience.
6. The final stage of the hierarchy of effects.
7. Without prompting participants with any names, ask them to list products or brands that come to mind.
8. Ask participants to select which brands they are familiar with among a list of alternatives. Consider adding some
distractor brands.
9. Have participants rate how satisfied they are using the key attributes about a product.
10. Ask participants which product or brand they intend to purchase.
Group Activity 3.
With your posted vlogs and blogs (PHOTOS AND VIDEOS) in your page, identify your customers and make new
TEASER VIDEO targeting your caught customer.
Do the same process in Activity 3 of module 1.
Republic of the Philippines
Laguna State Polytechnic University
Province of Laguna
ISO 9001:2015 Certified
Level I Institutionally Accredited
Prepared by: Ethelmay R. Romero, MBA, Ed Jesson G. Valiente, LPT, PhD
Understanding Directed Assess
CRITERIA Excellent Very
Good Needs
1. Completeness Does your response directly answer each
part of the assignment question(s)?
5 4-3 2 0-1
2.Knowledge Does your response clearly show you
have read and understand the lesson
content by correctly defining key terms,
key persons and summarizing concepts?
5 4-3 2 0-1
3.Analysis Have you clearly state analysis and give
examples to back them up? Does your
response provide analysis to the larger
concepts of the lesson?
5 4-3 2 0-1
4.Writing Skills Do you write clearly, in complete
sentences, with minimal errors in
grammar and spelling? Did you use the
APA Method of Citation where needed?
5 4-3 2 0-1
Republic of the Philippines
Laguna State Polytechnic University
Province of Laguna
ISO 9001:2015 Certified
Level I Institutionally Accredited
Prepared by: Ethelmay R. Romero, MBA, Ed Jesson G. Valiente, LPT, PhD
Hogan, S. (2021). What is the Customer Journey and Why Do You Need to Create One? Retrieved from The Daily
Lucid Content Team. (n.d.). How to create a customer journey map. Retrieved from Lucidchart:
QuestionPro. (2021). Customer Journey: Definition, Journey Mapping Framework and Examples. Retrieved from
RAAK. (2019, July). The marketing funnel: A shift from traditional to digital marketing. Retrieved from
O’Reilly Online Learning. (2015). Customer analytics for
Learning Resources
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  • 1. Republic of the Philippines Laguna State Polytechnic University Province of Laguna ISO 9001:2015 Certified Level I Institutionally Accredited LSPU SELF-PACED LEARNING MODULE: ELEC 6 CUSTOMER ANALYTICS Prepared by: Ethelmay R. Romero, MBA, Ed Jesson G. Valiente, LPT, PhD LSPU Self-Paced Learning Module (SLM) Course Customer Analytics Sem/AY First Semester/2021-2022 Module No. 3 Lesson Title ANALYTICS FOR THE CUSTOMER JOURNEY AND DETERMINATION BRAND AWARENESS AND ATTITUDES Week Duration 5-6 Date November 1 – 12, 2021 Description of the Lesson CHAPTER 5 ANALYTICS FOR THE CUSTOMER JOURNEY 5.1 Mapping the Customer Journey 5.2 Definition of Customer Journey 5.3 Working with the traditional Marketing Funnel CHAPTER 6 DETERMINATION BRAND AWARENESS AND ATTITUDES 6.1 Measuring Brand Awareness (Aided and Unaided awareness) 6.2 Measuring product or service knowledge 6.3 Measuring Brand Attitude 6.4 Measuring Usage and Intent 6.5 Understanding the Key Drivers of Attitude Learning Outcomes Intended Learning Outcomes • familiarize the theories in segmenting and creating personas of customers • determine the customer lifetime value • identifying profitable customers
  • 2. Republic of the Philippines Laguna State Polytechnic University Province of Laguna ISO 9001:2015 Certified Level I Institutionally Accredited LSPU SELF-PACED LEARNING MODULE: ELEC 6 CUSTOMER ANALYTICS Prepared by: Ethelmay R. Romero, MBA, Ed Jesson G. Valiente, LPT, PhD The students will be instructed to engage in a one-hour synchronous discussion and two hour asynchronous activities such as scheduled quizzes, online submission of outputs, discussion forums and online consultation. Online Activities (Synchronous/ Targets/ Objectives • understand the ways of mapping the customer journey • elaborate the traditional marketing funnel • to be aware in product branding and attitude of the customers Student Learning Strategies
  • 3. Republic of the Philippines Laguna State Polytechnic University Province of Laguna ISO 9001:2015 Certified Level I Institutionally Accredited LSPU SELF-PACED LEARNING MODULE: ELEC 6 CUSTOMER ANALYTICS Prepared by: Ethelmay R. Romero, MBA, Ed Jesson G. Valiente, LPT, PhD Asynchronous) The one-hour synchronous discussion will be ___(schedule of class)_____ from __(time)_ in Google Meet. Please be reminded to prepare and be ready 30 minutes prior to the said schedule to lessen connection issues. For those who cannot attend the session recordings will be available after and will be posted with 24 hours. In case you may not be able to attend the session, ensure to notify your instructor. Please participate in the online discussion since this is an opportunity for you to clarify what you have learned on your own not only with your moderator but also with other members of the class. It is also a good way to learn from one another. Offline Activities (e-Learning/Self- Paced) The students will be directed to engage in the module package and/or e-learning package provided. Learning materials are provided such as • Course Guide: it is course road map to assess your progress for the course • Self-Paced Learning Module (SLM): a learning material which provides course content, activities and assessment for the said module • Assignment Guide • Activity Guide Lecture Guide Chapter 5: ANALYTICS FOR THE CUSTOMER JOURNEY A customer journey is a story about understanding your users, how they behave while they visit your website, and what you can do to improve their trip, so they keep coming back. Customer Journey Definition A customer journey is an entire experience a customer has while communicating with a brand. It considers the complete interaction roadmap from brand discovery to purchasing and beyond. The focus isn’t on transactions, but rather how the customer feels after interactions with the brand. Excellent products, a praiseworthy website, and an on-call customer service team may seem like the perfect mix to capture prospective clients. However, when customers feel something is off in your communication, they’re more likely to seek competitors. Creating a customer experience map provides you with your customers’ viewpoint of your business. The map leads you through each touchpoint with customers to identify weak points in your messaging. By improving the customer experience at each point in the journey, you focus your business on your customers. This builds a loyal fan base and keeps customers coming back time and again. A customer journey map is a visual representation of a customer’s experience with your brand. These visuals tell a story about how a customer moves through each phase of interaction and experiences each phase. Your customer journey map should include touchpoints and 5.1 DEFINITION OF CUSTOMER JOURNEY 5. 2 WHAT IS A CUSTOMER JOURNEY MAP?
  • 4. Republic of the Philippines Laguna State Polytechnic University Province of Laguna ISO 9001:2015 Certified Level I Institutionally Accredited LSPU SELF-PACED LEARNING MODULE: ELEC 6 CUSTOMER ANALYTICS Prepared by: Ethelmay R. Romero, MBA, Ed Jesson G. Valiente, LPT, PhD moments of truth, but also potential customer feelings, such as frustration or confusion, and any actions you want the customer to take. Customer journey maps are often based on a timeline of events, such as a customer’s first visit on your website and the way they progress towards their first in-product experience, then purchase, onboarding emails, cancellation, etc. Your customer journey maps may need to be tailored to your business or product, but the best way to identify and refine these phases is to actually talk to your customers. Research your target audiences to understand how they make decisions, decide to purchase, etc. Without an essential understanding of your customers and their needs, a customer map will not lead you to success. But, a well-constructed and researched customer journey map can give you the insights to drastically improve your business’s customer experience. The Benefits of Customer Journey Mapping Understanding a customer’s journey across your entire organization does so much more than increase your revenue associated with marketing campaigns, reduce your service costs, and shrink your sales cycle. It enables you to discover how to be consistent when it comes to providing a positive customer experience and retaining customer loyalty. When done correctly, customer journey mapping helps to: • Increase customer engagement through channel optimization. • Identify and optimize moments of truth in the CX. • Eliminate ineffective touchpoints. • Shift from a company to a customer-focused perspective. • Break down silos between departments and close interdepartmental gaps. • Target specific customer personas with marketing campaigns relevant to their identity. • Understand the circumstances that may have produced irregularities in existing quantitative data. • Assign ownership of various customer touchpoints to increase employee accountability. How to Create a Customer Journey Map So now that you have the basics in mind, let’s start your visualization. Customer journey maps can become complicated unless you keep them focused. Although you may target multiple personas, choose just one persona and one customer scenario to research and visualize at a time. 1. Set Goals Without a goal, it will be difficult to determine whether your customer journey map will translate to tangible impact for your customers and your business. You will likely need to identify existing—and future—buyers so you can set goals specifically for those audiences at each stage of their experience. Consider gathering the key stakeholders within your company—many of whom likely touch different points of the customer experience. To set a logical and attainable goal, cross- functional teamwork is essential. Gather unique perspectives and insights about each part of the
  • 5. Republic of the Philippines Laguna State Polytechnic University Province of Laguna ISO 9001:2015 Certified Level I Institutionally Accredited LSPU SELF-PACED LEARNING MODULE: ELEC 6 CUSTOMER ANALYTICS Prepared by: Ethelmay R. Romero, MBA, Ed Jesson G. Valiente, LPT, PhD existing customer journey and where improvements are needed and how those improvements will be measured. 2. Conduct Persona Research Flesh out as much information as possible about the persona your customer journey map is based on. Depending on the maturity of your business, you may only have a handful of records, reports, or other pre-existing data about the target persona. You can compile your preliminary findings to draft what you think the customer journey may look like. However, the most insightful data you can collect is from real customers or prospective customers—those who have actually interacted with your brand. Gather meaningful customer data in any of the following ways: • Conduct interviews. • Talk to employees who regularly interact with customers. • Email a survey to existing users. • Scour customer support and complaint logs. • Pull clips from recorded call center conversations. • Monitor discussions about your company that occur on social media. • Leverage web analytics. • Gather Net Promoter Score (NPS) data. Look for information that references: • How customers initially found your brand • When/if customers purchase or cancel • How easy or difficult they found your website to use • What problems your brand did or didn’t solve Collecting both qualitative and quantitative information throughout your research process ensures your business makes data-driven decisions based on the voice of real customers. 3. Define Customer Touchpoints Customer touchpoints make up the majority of your customer journey map. They are how and where customers interact with and experience your brand. As you conduct research and plot your touchpoints, be sure to include information that addresses elements of action, emotion, and potential challenges. The number and type of touchpoints on your customer journey map will depend on the type of business. For example, a customer’s journey with a SaaS company will be inherently different than that of a coffee shop experience. Simply choose the touchpoints accurately reflect a customer’s journey with your brand. After you define your touchpoints, you can then start arranging them on your customer journey map. 4. Map the Current State Create what you believe is your as-is state of the customer journey, the current customer
  • 6. Republic of the Philippines Laguna State Polytechnic University Province of Laguna ISO 9001:2015 Certified Level I Institutionally Accredited LSPU SELF-PACED LEARNING MODULE: ELEC 6 CUSTOMER ANALYTICS Prepared by: Ethelmay R. Romero, MBA, Ed Jesson G. Valiente, LPT, PhD experience. Prioritize the right content over aesthetics. Invite input from the stakeholders and build your customer journey map collaboratively to ensure accuracy. Again, there is no “correct” way to format your customer journey map, but for each phase along the journey timeline, include the touchpoints, actions, channels, and assigned ownership of a touchpoint (sales, customer service, marketing, etc.). Then, customize your diagram design with images and color and shape variation to better visualize the different actions, emotions, transitions, etc. at a glance. Mapping your current state will also help you start to identify gaps or red flags in the experience. Collaborators can comment directly on different parts of your diagram in Lucid Chart, so it’s clear exactly where there’s room for improvement. 5. Map Future States Now that you’ve visualized the current state of the customer journey, your map will probably show some gaps in your CX, information overlap, poor transitions between stages, and significant pain points or obstacles for customers. The marketing funnel visualizes the path a potential customer takes from a company’s point of view. It’s a tool that helps you track the stages a prospect goes through as he becomes more and more familiar with your company or brand; starting with the introduction to your company and hopefully ending with brand ambassadorship. The Old Marketing Funnel The traditional cone-shaped marketing funnel wants to fill the top of the funnel with as many people as possible and simply hopes for the best. People go through the funnel without a phased, detailed strategy. The main strategy consists of attracting a mass, because the more people enter the funnel as a prospect, the more people can come out as a customer. This traditional funnel follows 4 stages: Awareness > Interest > Desire > Action. It’s the awareness stage that gets the most attention. In this stage, traditional marketing techniques are used: tv, direct mailings. The main goal is to reach as many-anonymous-people as possible. 5.3 THE MARKETING FUNNEL: A SHIFT FROM TRADITIONAL TO DIGITAL MARKETING
  • 7. Republic of the Philippines Laguna State Polytechnic University Province of Laguna ISO 9001:2015 Certified Level I Institutionally Accredited LSPU SELF-PACED LEARNING MODULE: ELEC 6 CUSTOMER ANALYTICS Prepared by: Ethelmay R. Romero, MBA, Ed Jesson G. Valiente, LPT, PhD With the shift towards a digital society, the way consumers look for information has changed. Mass marketing methods no longer do the trick. Consumers want a personal solution from brands who truly understand their individual needs. Thus, a new marketing funnel is needed. The New Marketing Funnel The new marketing funnel is no longer a linear, cone-shaped model. It has changed into an omni-channel experience that’s unique for each customer. A buyer carries out online research by himself, which means he can enter and leave the funnel at any time. The buyer can enter through social media, organic search, via desktop or mobile devices. The new marketing funnel doesn’t look for mass audiences anymore. Instead, it attracts individuals who follow their own route and can be advised every step of the way. The focus is on engagement in every stage of the funnel. This engagement leads to personal relationships, which enable companies to get to know their consumers personally. It they do it right, their consumers will share their positive experiences with other people, who, in turn, can enter the funnel as well. Additionally, the relationship with the customer doesn’t end after the Action stage. In this new, customer-centric marketing age, the after-sales service becomes more and more important. This means the funnel doesn’t stop at the purchase. Extra phases, like Adoption (of the product), Loyalty (to the company) and Advocacy arise. Companies should invest in customer retention, because studies show that the longer the relationship with the customer lasts, the higher your profits soar. Happy customers generate even more happy customers. According to Business 2 Community, 80% of buyers check out recommendations and reviews before deciding on their purchase. Even more people value the opinion of their friends and family over marketing communication. The importance of word of mouth, and thus the investment of customer retention at the end of the funnel, is proven. Conclusion In a world where digital knowledge gathering is becoming increasingly important, the old model of the marketing funnel is no longer viable. The awareness stage at the top of the funnel has shifted from a mass model to an individual approach. If the buyer even enters the funnel through the awareness phase at all. A customer can come and go whenever he pleases. And he will be welcomed and personally guided through every stage, even after buying something. Because not only the pre-sales process receives attention, customer retention gains importance as well.
  • 8. Republic of the Philippines Laguna State Polytechnic University Province of Laguna ISO 9001:2015 Certified Level I Institutionally Accredited LSPU SELF-PACED LEARNING MODULE: ELEC 6 CUSTOMER ANALYTICS Prepared by: Ethelmay R. Romero, MBA, Ed Jesson G. Valiente, LPT, PhD CHAPTER 6: DETERMINING BRAND AWARENESS AND ATTITUDES When marketers talk about brands, familiar companies and products come to mind — think Coca-Cola, Nike, BMW, or Rolex. But think about the last time you purchased something in a category about which you were unfamiliar with the brands — perhaps ceiling fans, windshield wipers, or website hosts. All things being equal, consumers prefer brands they know rather than brands they have not heard of. Customers generally progress through stages of the hierarchy of effects: They become familiar with a brand, form an attitude about the brand through repeated usage, and finally, become loyal to that brand. The hierarchy of effects provides a framework for you to measure. Customers’ attitudes toward brands and products are constantly changing. In this chapter, its shows how to measure brand awareness, attitudes, and experiences. ✔ 6.1 MEASURING BRAND AWARENESS (AIDED AND UNAIDED AWARENESS) You measure brand awareness using two approaches: o Unaided awareness: Asking customers what their favorite brands are o Aided awareness: Asking customers to rank brands from a list that you provide You can ask aided and unaided brand questions in the same survey to current or prospective customers. When you do, ask the unaided questions first to minimize the suggestion bias and to discover which brands are top of mind. Then ask the aided branded questions by listing relevant brands and include an “Other” option so participants can provide any brands you might not have considered competition. ❖ UNAIDED AWARENESS The best way to measure unaided brand awareness is to ask customers which brands come to mind when thinking about a particular product or service. Here are some examples: o List mobile phone manufacturers. o List three makes and models of family sedans. o Name four rental car companies. Keep your unaided awareness questions open ended so customers provide written responses. Categorize each response and then compute the frequency of each response. This number can constitute a benchmark from which you measure future improvements. Finding a benchmark is helpful before key events, such as an advertising campaign or prior to a new product introduction. It also provides an idea about the competitive landscape by providing a relative rank of where your product falls relative to the others that participants mention. For example, in a survey of brand awareness for computers, 120 prospective customers were asked to list the brands they’d consider if they were to purchase a new laptop in the next six months. In total, participants listed ten brands; 60% of respondents mentioned Apple and 20% listed Sony. According to the results, although Apple clearly has more top-of-mind share than Sony, this data suggests that sales can be increased by increasing prospective laptop buyers’ awareness of Sony’s laptop products. The lower and upper bounds of the Sony unaided awareness are 14% and 28%, respectively. This means we can be 95% confident that at least 14% and no more than 28% of prospective customers have Sony in mind when considering laptop purchases.
  • 9. Republic of the Philippines Laguna State Polytechnic University Province of Laguna ISO 9001:2015 Certified Level I Institutionally Accredited LSPU SELF-PACED LEARNING MODULE: ELEC 6 CUSTOMER ANALYTICS Prepared by: Ethelmay R. Romero, MBA, Ed Jesson G. Valiente, LPT, PhD ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Figure 8-1: More consumers mention Apple over Sony ❖ AIDED AWARENESS With aided awareness, you provide a list of brands to the customers and ask them to identify which ones they are familiar with. Your aided awareness questions are multiple-select questions, meaning customers can select as many companies or products that they recognize. For example: ● Which of the following laptop manufacturers are you familiar with (select all that apply)? ● Samsung ● Acer ● Dell ● Gateway ● Apple ● Lenovo ● Toshiba ● Sony ● Prionsonic ● Zenith Aided awareness questions are less of an indication of top-of-mind awareness and more a measure of familiarity. Similar to a multiple-choice test, the mere suggestion of a brand may lead customers to select brands they aren’t familiar with. To get an idea about how suggesting brands may unintentionally prompt your customers, include some “distractor” brands to see which percentage of customer select it. For example, in the list of laptops from earlier, Prionsonic is fake and Zenith doesn’t make laptops. You can use the percentage of customers who select these distractor brands as a way to gauge how reliable your aided brand results are. ✔ 6.2 MEASURING PRODUCT OR SERVICE KNOWLEDGE Having awareness with a brand is one level of familiarity. But most brands have a range of products and services. For example, Apple has iTunes, iPad, and iCloud. Google has Gmail, Drive, and Search. Customers may be more or less familiar with different products, and it’s often helpful to dig deeper into both product familiarity and knowledge. You can better understand how effective your advertising campaigns are, and which channels (mobile, website, or TV, for example) are most effective when you follow up your
  • 10. Republic of the Philippines Laguna State Polytechnic University Province of Laguna ISO 9001:2015 Certified Level I Institutionally Accredited LSPU SELF-PACED LEARNING MODULE: ELEC 6 CUSTOMER ANALYTICS Prepared by: Ethelmay R. Romero, MBA, Ed Jesson G. Valiente, LPT, PhD unaided and aided awareness questions with specific questions about how participants heard about your specific brand. You can then attribute a higher or lower brand awareness to different campaigns. For example, if participants report higher awareness through a Facebook ad, you know how effective that ad was. Always measure awareness separately for different customer segments. In the awareness survey, have participants select which customer segment best describes them and then analyze the awareness separately. You may find significant difference in awareness by geography, age, or gender, for example. ✔ 6.3 MEASURING BRAND ATTITUDE As you progress through the hierarchy of effects, it’s important to measure the current ideas, beliefs, and associations that customers have toward a brand and product. Brand attitude is both what customers think and how strongly they feel. They may be completely familiar with your product, but may have an unfavorable — or at best, neutral — attitude. To measure brand attitude and its strength, have a representative set of prospective customers rate how much they agree or disagree toward a number of statements that go from general to specific concepts, as shown in Figure; Figure 8-2: Customers can rate specific features of a brand. A rating scale with 5, 7, or 11 points is common, but if your organization uses another scale with a different set of points, use that. In most branding studies, you should ask about brand favorability for the product and a set of competitors. For example: ● On a scale from 1 to 7, how would you describe your overall attitude toward the following airlines? ● American Airlines ● Delta ● United Airlines ● Southwest ✔ IDENTIFYING BRAND PILLARS After asking general questions about brand satisfaction, ask specific questions about characteristics associated with the brand, product, or experience. These are typically called brand pillars (think of pillars holding up a house). Brand pillars are the most important attributes and principles you want to communicate through your brand. While these differ depending on the industry and brand, they usually revolve around the following traits: o Value: How much value customers feel for the amount of money they spend on the products. o Quality: How well customers think a product is built, including the type of materials and process. o Trust: Do customers feel like their data is safe, or that the company will deliver what it says? After participants rate their satisfaction on brand attributes, have them also describe, in
  • 11. Republic of the Philippines Laguna State Polytechnic University Province of Laguna ISO 9001:2015 Certified Level I Institutionally Accredited LSPU SELF-PACED LEARNING MODULE: ELEC 6 CUSTOMER ANALYTICS Prepared by: Ethelmay R. Romero, MBA, Ed Jesson G. Valiente, LPT, PhD their own words, how they arrived at their rating. This is an excellent opportunity to collect insights both on the key drivers of satisfaction (see later in this chapter) and what you can do to improve the product attributes and brand perception. ✔ CHECKING BRAND AFFINITY A brand affinity analysis identifies the words customers associate with your brand and experience. These attributes can be manipulated or neglected. It’s usually the job of the marketing team to work on getting the right positive associations with the brand. Think of the toothpaste you use. What words come to mind? Maybe it’s something like; Good Attributes Bad Attributes Clean Expensive Fresh Messy White Tastes Terrible Healthy Guilt To measure what terms customers associate with your brand and product, use the same framework I describe throughout this chapter: 1. Ask customers which words come to mind when they think of a product or brand. (Have them list as many as they can) 2. Count the responses to see what terms are most common. 3. Provide a list of specific words you want or don’t want associated with a brand and have customers pick from that list. For example, customers were presented with 24 terms — 12 positive and 12 negative — that represented the website experience for an automotive information brand. Figure shows that 59% selected “Informative,” and 35% selected “Valuable” and “Convenient.” Fortunately, only a few participants selected negative words. However, approximately one out of every five customers selected “Hard to Navigate” and “Complicated.” This suggests the website experience could use some improvements to make it easier to use. Figure 8-3: Words selected in a brand affinity exercise for an automotive information company’s website. When choosing phrases to present to customers, use terms that reflect the brand pillars to see how well these fundamental concepts resonate with customers.
  • 12. Republic of the Philippines Laguna State Polytechnic University Province of Laguna ISO 9001:2015 Certified Level I Institutionally Accredited LSPU SELF-PACED LEARNING MODULE: ELEC 6 CUSTOMER ANALYTICS Prepared by: Ethelmay R. Romero, MBA, Ed Jesson G. Valiente, LPT, PhD ✔ 6.4 MEASURING USAGE AND INTENT The final stage of the hierarchy of effects is measuring usage — how much a customer has used the product in the past and what the customer plans to do in the future (intent). Finding out past usage You need to understand how frequently and how often customers purchase your products and your competitors’ products or services. This provides an overall view of how customers interact with each brand and how strong or weak the relationship is for different customer segments. For example, in a study of airline and travel website usage, customers who recently booked flights online were asked the following questions: ● Which website have you used in the last year to book airfare? ● How frequently per year do you book tickets for business and pleasure? ● Do you belong to the airline loyalty program (for example, United MileagePlus or Southwest Rapid Rewards)? ● Do you own a rewards credit card for the airline? Understanding how frequently these customers and prospective customers interact with your products allows you to understand how usage is affected by brand attitude, and to some extent, brand awareness. Measuring Future Intent Measuring customer usage with a brand helps describe what’s happened in the past. But of equal importance is what’s likely to happen in the future. Asking customers or prospective customers their future intent helps provide information about awareness and attitude to predict future sales. Examples of future intent questions include the following: ● If you had to make a laptop purchase today, which brand would you choose? ● How likely are you to continue flying on American Airlines? ● How likely are you to recommend Dell laptops to a friend or colleague? Intent questions can be more sophisticated and combine brand and product questions with questions about pricing and features. ✔ 6.5 UNDERSTANDING THE KEY DRIVERS OF ATTITUDE With all the data collected around awareness, attitude, and usage, you need to summarize each question type to understand the strengths and weaknesses of your brand or product. If your brand or product is not known, or only known by a small percentage of prospective consumers, then campaigns to increase awareness will improve customer awareness. See Marketing For Dummies, by Alexander Hiam (Wiley) for ideas on increasing awareness. If your product and brand is known, you need to understand what’s driving high or low satisfaction ratings. While any number of variables impact customers’ attitudes toward your brand, usually only a few variables, called key drivers, have a disproportionate impact on attitudes. It may be that customers find the product is too expensive for what they get (value), or perhaps customers find the product difficult to use. A more sophisticated way of examining key drivers is using a statistical technique called multiple regression analysis (which I also discuss in the appendix). Customers’ attitudes toward brand attributes are often correlated. That is, customers who are satisfied with the quality of a product are often also satisfied with the value and overall brand. Multiple regression analysis examines the correlation between the independent and dependent variables to determine which attributes contribute most to consumers’ overall brand attitude. Seek the help of a statistician to assist you with running a multiple regression analysis.
  • 13. Republic of the Philippines Laguna State Polytechnic University Province of Laguna ISO 9001:2015 Certified Level I Institutionally Accredited LSPU SELF-PACED LEARNING MODULE: ELEC 6 CUSTOMER ANALYTICS Prepared by: Ethelmay R. Romero, MBA, Ed Jesson G. Valiente, LPT, PhD STRUCTURING A BRAND ASSESSMENT SURVEY This chapter covers a lot of ways to measure consumers’ ideas and beliefs about brands. Much of this data can be collected in the same survey, but be aware about how you arrange your questions. For example, by asking unaided questions before aided questions or asking participants to list adjectives before you have them pick from a selection. Also use a survey program that has branching and logic techniques that enable you to direct participants to different questions depending on their previous answer. Here is one structure for a branding survey that works well. ● Screening questions: Ask qualifying questions (“Have you purchased a car in the last 6 months?”) and key demographic questions (gender, age) to both screen and segment your responses. You only want qualified participants taking your survey. ● Unaided branding: Without prompting participants with any names, ask them to list products or brands that come to mind. ● Aided branding: Ask participants to select which brands they are familiar with among a list of alternatives. Consider adding some distractor brands. ● Brand satisfaction: For brands that participants select as being familiar with, ask them to rate their satisfaction on a rating scale. ● Specific product knowledge: Dig deeper into the product category by asking participants to list the features or attributes that distinguish your product from the competition’s or from other categories. Start with an unaided question (open comments) and then move to an aided question (listing features to select from). ● Brand affinity: For a specific brand, have participants provide the words or concepts that come to mind when thinking about a brand or product. Start with an unaided question (open comments) and then move to an aided question (selecting from a set of positive and negative terms). ● Product satisfaction: Have participants rate how satisfied they are using the key attributes about a product (for example, quality, value, or features). ● Future Intent: Ask participants which product or brand they intend to purchase. ENGAGEMENT ACTIVITY: Check your page and see if there are customers who are trying to reach out on you and have the interest of purchasing your products. If there is, how was the group able to address the potential buyers interactions in your page.
  • 14. Republic of the Philippines Laguna State Polytechnic University Province of Laguna ISO 9001:2015 Certified Level I Institutionally Accredited LSPU SELF-PACED LEARNING MODULE: ELEC 6 CUSTOMER ANALYTICS Prepared by: Ethelmay R. Romero, MBA, Ed Jesson G. Valiente, LPT, PhD Performance Tasks QUIZZES: CHAPTER 5: Direction: Read and answer the following questions using ALL CAPS letter. 1. The science of analyzing customer behavior across touchpoints and over time to measure the impact of customer behavior on business outcomes. 2. Can be defined as any way a consumer can interact with a business, whether it be person-to-person, through a website, an app or any form of communication. 3. A story about understanding your users, how they behave while they visit your website, and what you can do to improve their trip, so they keep coming back. 4. The most common type of map, the current state map allows you to visualize the actions, thoughts, behaviors, and emotions your customers experience when interacting with your brand right now. 5. A visualization for understanding the process of turning leads into customers, as understood from a marketing and sales perspective. 6. Businesses see their products and processes from a customer’s point of view. Plotting a customer journey map gives business owners and marketing and design teams valuable insight into common points of friction so they can improve customer experience and ultimately make more sales. 7. The process of creating a visual representation of customers’ processes, needs & perceptions throughout their interaction and relationship with an organization. 8. Marketing funnel wants to fill the top of the funnel with as many people as possible and simply hopes for the best. People go through the funnel without a phased, detailed strategy. 9. Is no longer a linear, cone-shaped model. It has changed into an omni-channel experience that’s unique for each customer. 10. According to __________ for about as long as people have been selling products, they’ve been thinking about where to find customers and how to reach them.
  • 15. Republic of the Philippines Laguna State Polytechnic University Province of Laguna ISO 9001:2015 Certified Level I Institutionally Accredited LSPU SELF-PACED LEARNING MODULE: ELEC 6 CUSTOMER ANALYTICS Prepared by: Ethelmay R. Romero, MBA, Ed Jesson G. Valiente, LPT, PhD QUIZZES: CHAPTER 6: Direction: Kindly answer the following questions in ALL CAPS. 1. Asking customers to rank brands from a list that you provided. 2. Asking customers what their favorite brand. 3. Is what customers think and how strongly they feel. 4. Are the most important attributes and principles you want to communicate through your brand. 5. Identifies the words customers associate with your brand and experience. 6. The final stage of the hierarchy of effects. 7. Without prompting participants with any names, ask them to list products or brands that come to mind. 8. Ask participants to select which brands they are familiar with among a list of alternatives. Consider adding some distractor brands. 9. Have participants rate how satisfied they are using the key attributes about a product. 10. Ask participants which product or brand they intend to purchase. Group Activity 3. With your posted vlogs and blogs (PHOTOS AND VIDEOS) in your page, identify your customers and make new TEASER VIDEO targeting your caught customer. Do the same process in Activity 3 of module 1.
  • 16. Republic of the Philippines Laguna State Polytechnic University Province of Laguna ISO 9001:2015 Certified Level I Institutionally Accredited LSPU SELF-PACED LEARNING MODULE: ELEC 6 CUSTOMER ANALYTICS Prepared by: Ethelmay R. Romero, MBA, Ed Jesson G. Valiente, LPT, PhD Understanding Directed Assess RUBRICS CRITERIA Excellent Very Good Good Needs Improvement 1. Completeness Does your response directly answer each part of the assignment question(s)? 5 4-3 2 0-1 2.Knowledge Does your response clearly show you have read and understand the lesson content by correctly defining key terms, key persons and summarizing concepts? 5 4-3 2 0-1 3.Analysis Have you clearly state analysis and give examples to back them up? Does your response provide analysis to the larger concepts of the lesson? 5 4-3 2 0-1 4.Writing Skills Do you write clearly, in complete sentences, with minimal errors in grammar and spelling? Did you use the APA Method of Citation where needed? 5 4-3 2 0-1
  • 17. Republic of the Philippines Laguna State Polytechnic University Province of Laguna ISO 9001:2015 Certified Level I Institutionally Accredited LSPU SELF-PACED LEARNING MODULE: ELEC 6 CUSTOMER ANALYTICS Prepared by: Ethelmay R. Romero, MBA, Ed Jesson G. Valiente, LPT, PhD Hogan, S. (2021). What is the Customer Journey and Why Do You Need to Create One? Retrieved from The Daily Egg: Lucid Content Team. (n.d.). How to create a customer journey map. Retrieved from Lucidchart: QuestionPro. (2021). Customer Journey: Definition, Journey Mapping Framework and Examples. Retrieved from RAAK. (2019, July). The marketing funnel: A shift from traditional to digital marketing. Retrieved from O’Reilly Online Learning. (2015). Customer analytics for dummies. for/9781118937624/xhtml/14_9781118937594-ch08.xhtml References: Learning Resources This module is for educational purpose only. Under section Sec. 185 of RA 8293, which states, “The fair use of a copyrighted work for criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching including multiple copies for classroom use, scholarship, research, and similar purposes is not an infringement of copyright. The unauthorized reproduction, use, and dissemination of this module without joint consent of the authors is strictly prohibited and shall be prosecuted to the full extent of the law, including appropriate administrative sanctions, civil, and criminal” Reminders: For online classes: 1. AVOID PLAGIARISM, include the source/reference of the performance task output. 2. SAVING FILES – Use the following format for saving the submitting the file Surname, Week No., Performance Task., eg. SAN JUAN,Week01-AssessmentTask_1. 3. Upload it on the submission link provided. For offline classes: 1. AVOID PLAGIARISM, include the source/ reference of the performance task output. 2. Since this activity has no worksheet please write your output on a short bond paper following the format provided indicating the following information. And for word doc submission please use the file naming convention provided example: SAN JUAN,Week01-AssessmentTask_1. save it per week on your folder.